Role of Pharmacist in Reducing Healthcare Costs
Role of Pharmacist in Reducing Healthcare Costs
Role of Pharmacist in Reducing Healthcare Costs
Role of the pharmacist in reducing healthcare costs
The role of the pharmacist has evolved substantially in recent decades. The traditional
activities of the profession primarily focused on the dispensing and supply of
medications, while interaction with other healthcare professionals was somewhat
limited. Nowadays, pharmacists also ensure the rational and cost-effective use of
medicines, promote healthy living, and improve clinical outcomes by actively engaging
in direct patient care and collaborating with many healthcare disciplines. With this
expanding scope of practice, pharmacists are being recognized as key components in
providing individualized patient care as part of interprofessional healthcare teams.
Medication adherence may be defined as “the extent to which patients take medications
as prescribed by their healthcare providers”. Even though good medication adherence
correlates with positive health outcomes, it is estimated that between 20% and 50% of
patients in developed countries may be nonadherent with their medications. No
adherence is associated with potential disease progression, pharmacotherapeutic
failure, and hospitalization. A study from the US found that 33%–69% of medication-
related hospital admissions may be due to poor medication adherence.
Hospital pharmacists
Hospital pharmacists have had a major influence on the advancement of pharmacy
practice in recent decades. In many countries, hospital pharmacists have expanded
their roles beyond the dispensary, and now routinely provide clinical pharmacy services
at ward level, which includes reviewing patients’ medications and advising other
healthcare professionals with regard to pharmacotherapy. However, in several regions
worldwide, the evolution of hospital-pharmacy practice is not happening quickly
enough. In these areas, particularly in some parts of Africa and Asia, hospital
pharmacists have been predominantly limited to dispensary-based roles, meaning that
their expertise in medicine management is being underutilized.
Hospital pharmacists’ clinical activities often include medicines reconciliation at
transition points of care, medication management reviews for inpatients, provision of
medicines information to other healthcare professionals, selection of drug therapy,
monitoring patients for an appropriate therapeutic response to medicines, identifying
and reporting ADRs, patient counseling, as well as other duties to ensure the safe and
effective use of medicines in this setting. Pharmacist interventions are a key component
to a hospital pharmacist’s role in preventing medication-related problems (MRPs) and
have been defined as “any action by a clinical pharmacist that directly results in a
change in patient management or therapy”. Evidence from the literature is quite mixed
with regard to the cost-effectiveness of pharmacists’ interventions and related
measures, such as health outcomes and quality of life. However, many studies have
proven that pharmacist interventions have a positive impact on hospital budgets, but it
is difficult to elucidate which interventions were the most cost-effective
Ward rounds
Traditionally, hospital pharmacists have provided their clinical services to wards by
carrying out daily ward visits, where they address any MRPs identified with appropriate
interventions. The pharmacist’s role in prescribing is usually retrospective, where there
may be long delays between the time of prescription and the pharmacist’s intervention,
increasing the risk for costly ADEs. Therefore, it may be more advantageous for a
pharmacist to be present at the time of prescribing, providing their specialized
knowledge when it may be needed most
Chemotherapy services
The rise in cancer incidence worldwide has resulted in an increased number of
prescriptions for antineoplastic agents. Chemotherapy regimens may be highly complex
and are more susceptible to error, as they necessitate frequent dosage adjustments.
Medication errors involving these regimens may be catastrophic due to the drugs’
narrow therapeutic index, and thus pharmacist involvement is crucial. One study
showed that even though the overall pharmacist intervention rate was low (1.59%),
just over 50% of these interventions were considered to be higher than clinically
“significant”, including 11% of cases being “very significant” or “extremely significant”,
producing an annual net cost benefit of $116,493. This highlights that the presence of a
pharmacist in a chemotherapy preparation unit can prevent ADEs in a high-risk
environment and result in a noteworthy positive effect on hospital budgets..
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Hughes DA. An agenda for UK clinical pharmacology: pharmacoeconomics. Br J Clin
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Papadopoulos J, Rebuck J, Lober C, et al. The critical care pharmacist: an essential intensive
care practitioner. Pharmacotherapy. 2002;22(11):1484–1488.