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Author’s Accepted Manuscript

Machined Surface Temperature in Hard Turning

Lei Chen, Bruce L. Tai, Rahul G. Chaudhari,

Xiaozhong Song, Albert J. Shih


PII: S0890-6955(16)30481-3
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmachtools.2017.03.003
Reference: MTM3238
To appear in: International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture
Received date: 2 November 2016
Accepted date: 15 March 2017
Cite this article as: Lei Chen, Bruce L. Tai, Rahul G. Chaudhari, Xiaozhong
Song and Albert J. Shih, Machined Surface Temperature in Hard Turning,
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture,
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Machined Surface Temperature in Hard Turning

Lei Chena,*, Bruce L. Taib, Rahul G. Chaudharic, Xiaozhong Songc, Albert J. Shiha

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, USA
The Timken Company, 4500 Mount Pleasant St. NW, North Canton, OH 44720, USA

*Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 734 763 7687.

Machined surface temperature is critical in turning of hardened steels because high surface
temperature can lead to the formation of the white layer, which may have negative impacts on
the steel fatigue life. This paper presents two experimental methods to measure machined
surface temperatures in hard turning. The first method, based on a tool-foil thermocouple,
estimates the machined surface temperature using a metal foil embedded in the workpiece to
measure the tool tip temperature. The second method uses a thermocouple embedded in the tool
with its tip continuously sliding on the machined surface behind the cutting edge during hard
turning. A three-dimensional thermal model is developed and the inverse heat transfer method
is applied to find the machined surface temperature near the cutting edge. For validation, hard
turning tests were conducted and the cutting forces, tool-foil voltages and embedded
thermocouple voltages were measured simultaneously at three levels of feed rates. The peak
machined surface temperature occurred along the intersection of cutting edge and the machined
surface. Its magnitude was mainly determined by the shear plane heat source and further
increased due to flank face frictional heat source. Measurement results showed comparable
predictions between the two developed methods with an average deviation of 30°C over the
500°C to 800°C range. These two methods, although based on very different approaches, have
both proven feasible for the measurement of hard turning machined surface temperatures.

Hard turning, machined surface temperature, experimental method, thermal modeling.

Ls groove / grinded slot width (mm)
LG width of gap between embedded foil and insulation layers (mm)
m number of simulation time step
t cumulative cutting time (s)
tf thickness of the embedded foil (mm)
ti thickness of the embedded insulation layer (mm)
T temperature measured by thermocouple in calibration test (°C)
Tf workpiece temperature rise contributed by the flank face heat flux (°C)
To initial temperature of the workpiece (°C)
Ts workpiece temperature rise contributed by the shear plane heat flux (°C)
Tw peak machined surface temperature near the cutting edge (°C)
U tool-foil thermocouple voltage output (mV)
VC’D’ tool flank wear along arc C’D’ (mm)
VD’F’ tool flank wear along arc D’F’ (mm)

1. Introduction
Hard turning, the single-point turning of hardened parts with over 45 Rockwell C hardness,
is common in the production of precision mechanical power transmission components such as
bearings [1]. One major problem in the hard turning of hardened AISI 52100 bearing steel is the
formation of the white layer [1-5], a hard and brittle layer of un-tempered martensite with
refined grains. After polishing and etching, the white layer appears featureless and white when
viewed under an optical microscope. Severe plastic deformation and high machined surface
temperatures lead to the formation of white layers in hard turning. A mechanically induced
white layer can be beneficial, as it generates compressive residual stress and increases the
fatigue life of machined surfaces [1,2]. However, a thermally induced white layer may be
harmful. The high machined surface temperature results in tensile residual stress, which can
reduce fatigue life [1,2]. For worn cutting tools, the thermal effect becomes dominant in hard
turning white layer formation [3,4]. Once the workpiece temperature exceeds the austenitization
temperature, martensitic phase transformation takes place and leads to thermally induced white
layers [5]. Accurate experimental measurement of the machined surface temperature, the topic
of this study, is important for a better understanding of the hard turning process in production.
There have existed several experimental methods in literatures to measure tool and

workpiece temperatures in single-point turning, including the radiation thermometry [6-8], tool-
workpiece thermocouple [9-12], and embedded thermocouple [13-15].
Radiation thermometry is a non-contact temperature measurement method and it is feasible
for tool and chip temperature measurement. Ueda et al. [6] measured the temperature at tool
flank using a pyrometer with an optical fiber coupler through a pre-drilled hole in the
workpiece. Ng et al. [7] used an infrared pyrometer to measure the chip surface temperature in
hard turning. Al Huda et al. [8] investigated the tool-chip interface temperature with a
pyrometer through an optical fiber embedded inside the cutting tool. As for workpiece
temperature measurement, if the workpiece is stationary, an embedded pyrometer may be
effective for measuring the machined surface temperature. However, the workpiece rotates
during hard turning, and with radiation thermometry it is difficult to reach the newly exposed
machined surfaces. The emissivity of the machined surface is another challenge for accurate
radiation thermometry measurement [16].
The tool-workpiece thermocouple measures the average temperature at the interface
between the tool and workpiece [9-12]. This tool-workpiece interface temperature may provide
a reasonable estimate of the machined surface temperature during hard turning [11]. Inspired by
the drill-foil thermocouple method for drilling temperature measurement [12], a thermocouple
between the cutting tool and a foil embedded in the workpiece is investigated during hard
turning to ascertain the temperature at the tool tip and machined surface interface. This is a
conservative approach to estimate the machined surface temperature under the assumption that
a steady state temperature at the tool-workpiece interface is reached during the hard turning
Embedded thermocouple method is also widely used in temperature studies of hard turning.
El-Wardany et al. [13] embedded a thermocouple in a grinded recess on the tool rake face to
measure the tool temperature during hard turning. Ren et al. [14] clamped a thermocouple
between the tool and shim to remotely evaluate tool-chip temperature. Battaglia et al. [15]
placed embedded thermocouples inside the rotating workpiece and conducted temperature
measurement millimeters away from the machined surface. The embedded thermocouple
method has the response time, size, and wire connection constraints for direct measurement of
machined surface temperature. For example, one of the smallest commercially available
thermocouples has a 0.1 mm diameter tip and a 0.1-second (s) response time. However, if the

thermocouple is placed in the workpiece underneath the machined surface, at the common hard
turning cutting speed of 100 to 180 m/min it takes only 0.002 to 0.004 s for the tool to cut
through the 0.1 mm thermocouple tip length. The contact time is thus much shorter than the
thermocouple response time. It is also technically challenging to precisely embed the miniature
thermocouple tip beneath the machined surface. Additionally, if the thermocouple is implanted
in the tool near the cutting edge, the tool life may be affected. To overcome these obstacles, in
this study, a method of sliding miniature thermocouple tip behind the cutting edge on the newly
generated machined surface is studied. This method requires the development of inverse heat
transfer method and numerical thermal model for hard turning to predict the peak machined
surface temperature.
There are few experimental methods for accurately measuring the machined surface
temperature in hard turning. In this study, two methods, denoted as the “tool-foil thermocouple
method” and the “embedded thermocouple method”, are developed to measure machined
surface temperatures in the hard turning of hardened AISI 52100 bearing steel.
The hard turning experimental setup and process parameters used in this study are first
shown in Sec. 2. The tool-foil thermocouple method is then presented in Sec. 3. The embedded
thermocouple method together with the corresponding Finite Element Method (FEM) thermal
models and inverse heat transfer method are introduced in Sec. 4. The results of the hard
turning experiment and temperature predictions by the two methods are shown in Sec. 5,
followed by the discussions.

2. Hard Turning Experimental Setup and Process Parameters

The hard turning of large bearing rings is typically conducted on a vertical lathe, as shown
in Fig. 1(a). The workpiece is clamped on the machine by a magnetic chuck. The workpiece
rotates during turning, while the cutting tool moves in the radial and axial directions. An XYZ
coordinate is defined at the tool-workpiece contact region with X in the radial direction, Y in
the tangential direction and Z along the axial direction of the cylindrical workpiece. Cutting
tool holder configuration and Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride (PCBN) cutting insert
geometry determine the oblique cutting lead, rake and relief angles, as shown in Fig. 1(b).
In this study, the workpiece had a 432 mm outer diameter and 356 mm inner diameter, with
a height of 102 mm. The work material was AISI 52100 bearing steel through-hardened with

properties characterized as 7810 kg/m3 density, 475 J/kg·°C specific heat, 46.6 W/m·°C thermal
conductivity and 58–62 Rockwell C hardness. The PCBN cutting tool used was Sumitomo
DNGA432. The tool holder was Kennametal MDJNL164D. The cutting tool and tool holder
together had a –5° side rake angle, 3° side lead angle, 32° end lead angle and 5° side relief


Fig. 1. Setup for the hard turning of bearing ring on a vertical lathe: (a) an overview and (b)
angles of oblique cutting.

For all hard turning tests, the radial depth of cut was 0.1 mm and cutting speed was 100
m/min. Three levels of feed at 0.05, 0.1 and 0.15 mm/rev were studied. For each hard turning
test, a new tool was used to cut 12 times, with each cut lasting for 2 min (200 m length of cut).
The tool-foil thermocouple and embedded thermocouple methods were used to measure the
machined surface temperature for all 36 tests. Specific designs and experimental setups to
implement these two machined surface temperature measurement methods are presented in the

following sections.

3. Method I: the Tool-foil Thermocouple Method

3.1. Experimental Setup

Figure 2(a) shows the exploded view of the key components in the tool-foil thermocouple
method. The workpiece consists of two bearing rings, denoted as the top bearing ring and
bottom bearing ring. These two rings were positioned using two dowel pins and fixed using four
clamping bolts. Four shallow slots were grinded into the contact surfaces of the top and bottom
bearing rings. After clamping the top and bottom rings, these slots formed a groove. Inside this
groove was a metal foil compressed between the top and bottom insulation layers, which
electrically insulated the metal foil from the workpiece. During hard turning, when the cutting
tool contacted and cut the metal foil, a thermocouple junction was created between the cutting
tool and metal foil. An electric brush was used to obtain the voltage signal from the rotating foil
to form the tool-foil circuit, as shown in Fig. 2(b). This voltage signal could be converted to the
interface temperature between the cutting tool tip and metal foil using a calibration curve (to be
discussed in Sec. 3.2). Figure 2(c) shows the close-up cross-sectional view of the tool-foil
contact region (the dashed section in Fig. 2(b)) in the XZ plane. The cutting tool moved along
the feed (Z) direction during turning. The tool tip came in contact with the copper foil
intermittently and generated voltage pulses in the tool-foil circuit (Fig. 2(b)). The cutting forces
simultaneously recorded during hard turning tests were used to confirm the contact. While
cutting the foil and insulation material, a reduction could be identified in the measured cutting
force. This drop in cutting force was used to confirm the contact of tool and foil and
corresponding tool-foil voltage signal during hard turning.


(b) (c)
Fig. 2. The tool-foil thermocouple method: (a) exploded view, (b) overview of the setup for
tool-foil voltage measurement, and (c) close-up cross-section view of the cutting tool with
metal foil and insulation layers during hard turning.

Figure 3 shows the experimental setup of the tool-foil thermocouple method on a vertical
CNC lathe (VN-50 by Fuji Machine Manufacturing, Chiryu, Japan). The insulation layers were
made of polyester shim stocks with 0.25 mm thickness (ti), as shown in the close-up side view
(YZ plane) of the groove in Fig. 4(a). Copper C110 was selected as the foil material due to its
high electrical conductivity. The copper foil thickness (tf) was 0.05 mm. The depth of the

groove (0.5 mm) was slightly smaller than the total thickness of the two insulation layers and foil
(0.55 mm), in order to create sufficient compression to secure the foil during hard turning. As
shown in Fig. 4(b), the groove width LS was 127 mm, which was also the width of the insulation
layers. The width of the copper foil, as shown in Fig. 4(a), was narrower than the width of the
groove by 2LG to ensure proper insulation during hard turning. In this study, LG = 2 mm. The
groove and foil widths were experimentally tested to ensure proper voltage signal acquisition. A
wider foil enabled a longer contact time between the embedded foil and the cutting tool to
capture a large temperature gradient on the machined surface. It overcame the response time
limitation of a regular thermocouple. However, a wide embedded foil could also disturb the
steady-state cutting condition reached between the PCBN cutting tool and the bearing steel
workpiece. As a result, an excessively wide foil would be measuring the cutting temperature of
PCBN and copper instead. To reach a compromise, the arc length of the copper foil in contact
with the tool was set to be 124 mm. At the 100 m/min cutting speed, the contact time between
the tool and foil was 0.074 s, which was adequate for the tool-foil thermocouple junction to
respond. Shorter groove widths were studied, but did not generate adequate voltage signals for
the tool-foil thermocouple voltage measurement.

Fig. 3. Experimental setup for hard turning tests on a vertical lathe.


Fig. 4. The groove with metal foil sandwiched between two insulation layers: (a) close-up side
view and (b) top view of the slot grinded in the bearing ring.

To maintain the contact with the foil, an electric brush was built by preloading a bare
copper wire strand using an L-shaped metal rod, as shown in Fig. 3. Since the brush and foil
were of the same material, the friction heat generated between the brush and foil did not generate
extra voltage signals. During temperature measurement, cutting-produced chips were shielded
from the foil by two methods to avoid extraneous voltage signal noise. The first method applied
0.55 MPa compressed air through an air nozzle at the cutting tip, preventing chip accumulation
at the tool-workpiece interface and thus the contact between chip and foil. Chip-foil contact
could also occur at the center of the workpiece where the embedded foil was exposed for the
brush contact. So the second method was to place a custom-built cap made of polymethyl
methacrylate on the top of the workpiece, as shown in Fig. 3, to prevent chip contact.

3.2. Calibration

The output from the tool-foil thermocouple method was a voltage measurement of the tool-
foil circuit. A calibration curve was needed to convert such voltage to machined surface
temperature. The experimental setup for the temperature-versus-voltage calibration curve of the
tool-foil thermocouple method is shown in Fig. 5. The copper foil and PCBN cutting tool in

contact were heated by a butane torch, which can raise the temperature to over 900°C. A K-type
thermocouple was placed at the tool-foil interface. While heating, voltages generated by this K-
type thermocouple and the tool-foil thermocouple were recorded simultaneously, enabling
generation of a tool-foil voltage-versus-temperature calibration curve. Results of the calibration
curve for the tool-foil thermocouple method will be presented in Sec. 5.1.

Fig. 5. Calibration setup for tool-foil thermocouple

4. Method II: Embedded Thermocouple Method

4.1. Experimental Setup

Figure 6(a) shows how the thermocouple was embedded via a micro-slot on the side of the
cutting tool (Fig. 6(b)). Figure 6(c) shows the embedded thermocouple, which extends through
the slot to the relief surface behind the cutting edge. With such a setup, the micro-tip of the
embedded thermocouple could slide on the rotating workpiece while the cutting tool was
moving in the axial direction. Detailed views of this thermocouple tip in contact with the
grooved machined surface are shown in Fig. 6(d). The grooved machined surface is along the
cutting tool path right behind the cutting edge. The temperature measured at this point is the
input for the inverse heat transfer method (to be discussed in Sec. 4.2) to predict the peak
machined surface temperature close to the cutting edge.

(a) (b)


Fig. 6. Embedded thermocouple method: (a) overall setup, (b) cutting tool with a slot grinded
for thermocouple to reach the machined surface, (c) the micro-thermocouple tip in the cutting
tool, and (d) the contact between the micro-thermocouple tip and grooved machined surface.

In the hard turning test described in Sec. 2, a 1 mm wide and 1 mm deep slot was grinded
in the carbide substrate of the PCBN cutting tool, as shown in Fig. 7(a). A K-type thermocouple
with a 0.5 mm diameter tip was fixed inside the slot and protected by welded aluminum, as
shown in Fig. 7(b). The thermocouple tip was placed 1.5 to 1.7 mm from the cutting tip based
on the optical microscope measurement. Two orthogonal views (from the A and B planes
marked in Fig. 6(a)) of the close-up view of the 0.5 mm diameter thermocouple tip are shown in
Figs. 7(c) and (d).

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 7. Cutting tool with embedded thermocouple: (a) slot grinded for thermocouple insertion,
(b) cutting tool with thermocouple and aluminum protection, (c) interface between the
embedded thermocouple tip and the machined surface, and (d) the contact between the micro-
thermocouple tip and grooved machined surface.

During hard turning, the tool holder was mounted on a three-axis dynamometer (Model

9121 by Kistler) for cutting force measurement. In each cutting test, the voltage outputs from
the tool-foil thermocouple, thermoelectric voltage from the embedded thermocouple in the cutting
tool, and dynamometer outputs for the three cutting force components were recorded
simultaneously by a multi-channel digital oscilloscope (Model DL750 by Yokogawa) with a
sampling rate of 1000 Hz.

4.2. FEM Thermal Model

Experimental output from Method II was the temperature measurement at 1.5 to 1.7 mm
behind the cutting edge by the embedded thermocouple in the cutting tool. To convert this
measurement to the machined surface temperature near the cutting edge, a thermal model and
associated inverse heat transfer method were needed.

4.2.1. Advection Thermal Model Concept

As shown in Fig. 8, there are three main heat sources in hard turning: shear plane heat
source, flank face frictional heat source and rake face frictional heat source. The first two
sources are dominant for workpiece temperature rise. The heat source on rake face mainly
determines the tool-chip interface temperature and its impact on the workpiece temperature,
though limited, can be through heat conduction on the flank face. Since this study is focused on
workpiece temperature in hard turning and tool-chip temperature is not of particular interest, the
first two heat sources are primarily considered in the FEM thermal model, namely the shear
plane heat source and the flank face frictional heat source. These two heat sources are assumed
to be independent, so the total temperature rise in the workpiece is the superimposition of
temperature effect from the two heat sources. The shear plane heat source is assumed to be
constant during 12 repetitions under each cutting condition, while the flank face frictional heat
source increases along with cumulative cutting time. Under this assumption, the shear plane
heat source determines the workpiece temperature alone with a sharp tool; the flank face
frictional heat source adds the temperature difference between a worn tool and a sharp tool.

Fig. 8. Major heat sources in hard turning.

To study the energy dissipation of the two aforementioned heat sources, in the FEM
thermal model, the advection thermal model concept [17] is applied to simulate the material
removal and heat transfer process, as illustrated by Step m to Step m+1 in Fig. 9. For the shear
plane heat source, based on Dawson and Malkin’s inclined moving heat source model [18], a
constant surface heat flux is applied on the shear plane in each step, and the shear plane
material is removed at the end of the step to simulate chip removal (and also heat partitioning).
The flank face frictional heat source is simulated by a surface heat flux on the flank wear area
that is moved along the cutting tool path by discrete time steps together with chip removal.

Step m Step m+1



Fig. 9. Advection thermal model for hard turning to simulate two heat sources.

As shown in Fig. 7(d), embedded thermocouple in the cutting tool measures temperature at
the grooved machined surface behind the cutting tip. Geometry of the grooved machined
surface is neglected in a two-dimensional (2D) plane strain model setup, which influences the
accuracy of the inverse heat transfer problem. Also, flank wear length is not identical along the

cutting edge. Analyzing the flank wear effect in a 2D model oversimplifies the problem. Thus,
in this study, a three-dimensional (3D) thermal model is developed.

4.2.2. 3D Model Setup

The geometry of a sector of the bearing ring workpiece is utilized to develop the 3D FEM
thermal model. Advection thermal model concept is applied on the geometry for material
removal along the cutting tool path by discrete time steps, as shown in Fig. 10(a). After material
removal of 3 mm length along the cutting direction, steady-state workpiece temperature is
obtained in the workpiece geometry as shown in Fig. 10(b).
An overview of the FEM mesh of the workpiece before material removal is shown in Fig.
11(a). A total of 300 layers of elements with 0.01 mm layer depth along the cutting tool path, as
marked in Fig. 11(a), will be removed in 300 discrete time steps in the simulations to reach a
steady-state result. Step time is calculated using the element length along the cutting direction
(0.01 mm) divided by the cutting speed (100 m/min), which is 6×10-6 s in this study. After 300
steps of material removal, the final mesh with the grooved machined surface, surface to be
removed, and shear plane (marked by four points C, D, E, and F) between these two surfaces is
shown in Fig. 11(b). Temperature rise due to two heat sources is simulated independently based
on such model setup. The software used in this study is ABAQUS v6.11-1.

The shear plane heat source is simulated as a constant surface heat flux applied on the
moving shear plane in each discrete time step. The shear plane is moving along the cutting
direction during material removal and always connecting the grooved machined surface and the
surface to be removed. In each time step, the moving shear plane (red surface in Fig. 11(c)
marked by four points C’, D’, E’, and F’) is the surfaces of elements to be removed at the end
of the step. It consists a layer of five elements for the 0.05 mm/rev feed and 10 elements (two
layers of five elements in each) for the 0.1 mm/rev feed, as shown in the close-up view in Fig.
11(c). For the 0.15 mm feed, the shear plane has 15 elements, which consists of three layers of
0.05 mm high elements. Layers to be removed as chips are inclined to simulate the shear angle,
also shown in Fig. 11(c), which is calculated based on the chip thicknesses collected from the
experiments, the undeformed chip thickness and the rake angle.



Fig. 10. 3D geometry for advection thermal model of hard turning: (a) geometry of a sector of
the bearing ring workpiece and (b) geometry of the sector after material removal.



Fig. 11. Workpiece FEM thermal model mesh to predict machined surface temperature in hard
turning for the embedded thermocouple method: (a) overview of the workpiece before material
removal, (b) the workpiece after material removal, and (c) close-up view of the shear plane.

The flank face frictional heat source is simulated as a surface heat flux applied on the
moving flank wear area during material removal. The XZ cross-section view from the machined
surface in the Y direction for the 0.1 mm/rev feed is shown in Fig. 12(a). The tool tip radius is
the radius of the grooved machined surface and the surface to be removed (Fig. 2(c)). In the
same cross-sectional view, the depth of cut and feed—two key hard turning process
parameters—are marked in the FEM mesh. Figure 12(b) shows a sample optical microscope
picture of the tool flank wear surface. The three points C’’, D’’, and F’’ are in constant contact
with points C’, D’, and F’ (Fig. 11) on the moving shear plane during hard turning. The wear
between arc C’D’, marked as VC’D’, is larger than that of arc D’F’, marked as VD’F’. This tool
wear pattern has been observed consistently in turning [19]. Arc C’D’F’ is the moving cutting
edge during discrete time steps. The grooved machined surface behind the arc is the flank face
during cutting. The area of flank face heat flux depends on the steadily increasing tool flank
wear length (VC’D’ and VD’F’) during hard turning, as marked by arrows in Fig. 12(c).

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 12 Flank face frictional heat source in the FEM thermal model: (a) close-up view from the
tangential direction of grooved surfaces, (b) a sample optical microscope picture of the tool
wear showing two levels of flank wear, and (c) close-up view of the flank face heat flux.

At the start of hard turning, the tool is sharp and VC’D’ = VD’F’ = 0. A preliminary study is
carried out following cutting test plans described in Sec. 2 (36 tests in total) to determine the
changing value of VC’D’ and VD’F’ according to cumulative cutting time. Fig. 13 shows VC’D’ and
VD’F’ measured every two minutes for the 0.05, 0.1, and 0.15 mm feeds in three hard turning
tests. It is assumed that the values of VC’D’ and VD’F’ stay constant during each two-minute


Fig. 13. Tool flank wear vs. cumulative cutting time: (a) VC’D’ and (b) VD’F’.

4.2.3. 3D Model Input

Based on the 3D thermal model setup, simulations were conducted to study steady-state
temperature rise caused by the shear plane heat source and flank face frictional heat source,
respectively. The surface heat flux strengths in the simulations were determined through the

inverse heat transfer method.
The inverse heat transfer method utilizes the measured thermocouple temperature to
estimate the peak machined surface temperature near the cutting edge, denoted as Tw. Tw(t) = To
+ Ts + Tf(t), where To is the initial (room) temperature of the workpiece; Ts is the workpiece
temperature rise contributed by the shear plane heat flux, which is a constant over time; and Tf is
the workpiece temperature rise contributed by the flank face heat flux. Tf increases with time t due
to the increasing flank wear and frictional heat.
To find Ts, the shear plane heat flux was applied to the shear plane area. This heat flux was
determined by minimizing the objective function composed of the discrepancy between (1) the
thermocouple measured temperature in the first cut (2 min) using a sharp tool without flank
wear, and (2) the average temperature for five to seven nodes around the thermocouple tip
location predicted by the FEM thermal model with a given shear plane heat flux. This is a
single variable optimization problem to find the shear plane heat flux and Ts using the
developed FEM thermal model. Based on the hard turning tests, the shear plane heat flux values
were 2260, 2130 and 2090 MW/m2 for the 0.05, 0.1 and 0.15 mm/rev feeds, respectively. Fig.
14(a) shows an example of the workpiece temperature distribution for hard turning with a 0.05
mm feed and only the shear plane heat flux as input.
To solve Tf, since both Ts and To are known, the flank face heat flux uniformly distributed in
the flank wear area (VC’D’ and VD’F’ in Fig. 12) can be determined using the inverse heat transfer
method. The objective function is the discrepancy between the embedded thermocouple
measured temperature and the FEM thermal model predicted temperatures using a given flank
face heat flux and length of flank wear zone (Fig. 13). Minimizing this objective function
yields the flank face heat flux results. The flank face heat flux values were 132 to 734, 400 to
628, and 152 to 489 MW/m2 for the 0.05, 0.1 and 0.15 mm/rev feeds, respectively. Fig. 14(b)
shows an example of the workpiece temperature distribution for hard turning with a 0.05 mm
feed and only the friction heat flux as input.
Both the shear plane heat flux and flank face heat flux are inputs to predict the steady-state
peak machined surface temperature, which is found to occur along the intersection of cutting
edge and the machined surface and is evaluated by the average of the temperatures at nodes
between points C and D.


Fig. 14. FEM thermal model predicted workpiece temperatures with: (a) shear plane heat flux
only and (b) friction heat flux only.

5. Results and Discussions

5.1. The Tool-foil Thermocouple Calibration

Figure 15 shows the temperature-versus-voltage calibration curve in three tests based on

the setup described in Sec. 3.2 for the tool-foil thermocouple method. The three calibration tests
showed repeatable results. This calibration equation, as described in Fig. 15, was used to convert
the measured tool-foil thermocouple voltage to temperature.

Fig. 15. Calibration curve of the tool-foil thermocouple voltage output (U) and temperature (T).

5.2. Machined Surface Temperature

Figure 16(a) shows a set of sample results for the tangential force, embedded thermocouple
temperature and tool-foil thermocouple voltage for hard turning at a 0.05 mm/rev feed rate,
from 16 to 18 min, using a sharp tool from the start. There was no significant increase in the
embedded thermocouple temperature or tool-foil thermocouple voltage during the 2 min (120 s)
cutting time, supporting the steady-state assumption for the tool-foil thermocouple method. For
the tool-foil voltage signal, notches of the tangential cutting force matched with the measured
tool-foil thermocouple output voltage, as shown in Fig. 16(b). The peaks of tool-foil
thermocouple voltage correspond to the low points (valleys) of the cutting force. The average
value of these tool-foil thermocouple voltages was converted to temperature using the
calibration curve in Sec. 5.1.
Figure 17 shows peak machined surface temperature measurement results for 12 tests (0 to
24 min cumulative cutting time) using the tool-foil thermocouple and embedded thermocouple
methods for 0.05, 0.1 and 0.15 mm/rev feeds. The error bars show the maximum and minimum
peak machined surface temperature predictions based on possible thermocouple tip locations.
Both methods yield similar results using two very different approaches with an average deviation
of 30°C over the 500°C to 800°C range. These results indirectly validate the accuracy of the
measurement results. The general trend of higher machined surface temperatures with larger
feed and longer cutting time (higher flank wear) can also be observed. The peak machined

surface temperature is mainly determined by the shear plane heat source while the flank face
frictional heat source further increases the value by 50°C to 150°C with longer cutting time.


Fig. 16. Sample hard turning test measurements at a 0.05 mm feed: (a) the measured tangential
force, embedded thermocouple temperature and tool-foil thermocouple voltage and (b) the
tangential cutting force and tool-foil thermocouple voltage over a 20 s duration.

Fig. 17. Peak machined surface temperatures measured by the tool-foil thermocouple and
embedded thermocouple methods.

5.3. Discussions

Both methods have advantages and disadvantages. The tool-foil thermocouple method
requires the preparation of the workpiece with foil and insulation layers. The measurement is
based on an assumption of continuity in the temperature at the tool-workpiece interface and on
the machined surface. This continuity has been observed in previous turning studies [20-22] but
may not be valid under high cutting speeds and severe cutting conditions. The embedded
thermocouple method’s experimental setup is easier, since it requires only the modification of
the PCBN cutting tool. However, this method requires FEM thermal modeling and inverse heat
transfer analysis to convert the experimental measurements to the machined surface
temperature. Also, it is difficult to identify the exact location of the embedded thermocouple tip
and its contact with the machined surface, resulting in uncertainty regarding the machined
surface temperature predictions.

6. Conclusions

The peak temperature on machined surface in hard turning occurred along the intersection
of cutting edge and the machined surface based on the prediction from the embedded
thermocouple method. This temperature matched with measurement from the tool-foil

thermocouple method and validated both measurement methods for the peak temperature on
machined surface in hard turning. The shear plane heat source was demonstrated to be more
significant than the flank face frictional heat source on peak machined surface temperature.
Ongoing research is being conducted to correlate the peak machined surface temperature to the
white layer formation to determine the tool life in hard turning.

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 Two methods are developed to measure machined surface temperature in hard turning.
 Method 1 measures the temperature at tool tip with an embedded metal foil.
 Method 2 measures the temperature behind tool tip with an embedded thermocouple.
 Peak temperature occurs along intersection of cutting edge and machined surface.
 Predictions of two methods show good correlation under multiple turning parameters.


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