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Impact of Hajj On Muslims With Special Reference To Pakistan

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Al-Idah 30 ( June, 2015) Impact of Hajj on Muslims with special reference… 93

Impact of Hajj on Muslims with special reference to Pakistan

 Dr. Nasreen Tahir Malik
 Mohammad Tahir Malik

Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam and is obligatory, once in
life time, on adult Muslims having physical and financial
capacity. Historically, ‘Hajj’ has been a rigorous undertaking.
Although technological advancement has made it easier
in many ways, yet there are hardships owing to ever increasing
number of pilgrims visiting Makkah Mukkaramah i.e. a city
with finite resources including all available resources. The
Government of Pakistan, being a facilitator, endeavors to
make the Hajj experience as comfortable as is possible within
the resources available and standards affordable by Pakistani
Hujjaj by making extensive arrangements, through
a transparent process, so that the pilgrims could perform their
manasik-e-Hajj as enshrined in Quran and Sunnah. The Pilgrim
accounts stress that the Hajj leads to a feeling of unity with
fellow Muslims. It increases belief in equality and harmony
among ethnic groups and Islamic sects and leads to more
favorable attitudes toward all the people of Pakistan including
women with greater acceptance of female education and
employment. Hajjis show increased belief in peace, and in
equality and harmony among adherents of different religions.
The evidence suggests that these changes are more a result of
exposure to and interaction with Hajjis from around the world,
rather than religious instruction or a changed social role of
pilgrims upon their return to Pakistan.1

The word “ Hajj” means “to set out for a place” and our utmost
special ‘Ibadah’ in Islam and we as Pakistani feel elevation to perform it. It
contains an element of other important ‘Ibadah’ in Islam, like Jihad and fasting.
In Jihad, one is contributing with one’s physical capabilities and money to fight

Assistant Professor, Arabic, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad.
Research Scholar, Management Sciences, National University of Modern Languages,
Al-Idah 30 ( June, 2015) Impact of Hajj on Muslims with special reference… 94

against evil in the way of Allah. It involves a travel away from home and
sacrifice of one’s wealth and even life. In Hajj too, one travels away from family
to meet Allah and exhibit one’s determination to surrender before Allah.2
From the social point of view, thousands of people go to perform Hajj
from all over the the country (Pakistan) as well as world having different races,
color, belonging to different countries and speaking different languages as
Pakistan has more than 42 regional language whereas world has in thousands of
different languages in the Muslim communities . They all come to perform Hajj
and follow the procedurals activities of Hajj in the same manner to exhibit that
there is no difference in Islam between human beings on the basis of wealth,
race, creed, language and region. All the people, despite their diverse
demographic attributes, wear the same unstitched clothes, come together at one
place, and follow the same rituals and exhibit unity and discipline. From the
cultural viewpoint, Hajj brings the people together and Gemeincshaft and
Gesellschaft cultures together. It brings increased understanding about different
cultures and unites people by ensuring mutual respect and harmony. It expands
people’s vision and makes them accommodate and leave their biases first at the
Holy Places and then this mutual harmony is perpetuated after one experiences
life away from worldly affairs, wearing unstitched clothes, using no means of
adornment and beautification and embracing one’s true identity as submission of
one’s will under the will of Allah.

Figure 1. Site of the Mina for Performing Hajj. (Image Credited by SPA)
The Religious Significance of the Hajj
Al-Idah 30 ( June, 2015) Impact of Hajj on Muslims with special reference… 95

The Hajj takes place each year during the month of Dhu al-Hijja, the last
month of the Muslim calendar. It is virtually impossible to describe the deep
emotions generated during the Hajj, even by watching it on Saudi television
which annually records it. Each ritual practice has a special significance. The
principal rites are Ihram, Tawaf, Sa`ey, Wuquf, Arafah, Rajm, and the `Id al-
Ihram is a declaration of intent to perform the Hajj, performed before entering
Makkah. Afterwards, pilgrim has done special Irham white cloth representing the
equality of all believers before God, regardless of race, gender, age or social
standing. Men wear two coverings for the upper and lower body, and women
wear white robes.
Tawaf, performed on arrival in the great Haram Mosque in Makkah, is
completed by circling seven times around the Ka`bah, located in a great open
area in the Haram Mosque. The Ka`bah is considered the spiritual and
geographical center of Islam, toward which Muslims direct their faces in prayer.
The Ka`bah, is a house of Allah that was originally built by the Prophet Ibrahim
(Abraham) and his son Ismail (Ishmael) as a place of worship of the one true
Allah and it symbolizes monotheism which is at the heart of Islam. Each year
just before the Hajj, the Ka`bah is covered with a new black velvet and gold
drape called the Kiswah. Following the Arrival Tawaf, pilgrims say prayers at
the Maqam Ibraham, a station near the Ka`bah, and also drink water from the
holy well of Zamzam
Sa`y consists of seven laps on foot between two elevations formerly
adjacent to the mosque but now a part of the mosque complex.
Wuquf is performed in a ceremony of “Standing” on the Plain of Arafat, about
20 kilometers east of Makkah beginning at noon on the ninth day of Dhu al-
Hijjah, called Yawm al-Wuquf, “Standing Day.” The favored spot to stand is
Jabal al-Rahma, the Mount of Mercy, a rocky hill rising about 150 feet above the
plain and crowned by a tall white stone obelisk. According to Islamic tradition,
the Wuquf is the Hajj – the supreme hours. Everyone must literally be present at
`Arafat at maghrib (sunset) or the Hajj is forfeited.
Nafrah, the word literally means “the Rush” in Arabic. As the sun finally
disappears over the horizon, Hajjis surge forth from `Arafat to Mina, some 17
kilometers away. They travel by bus, car, truck, and for many as an act of piety,
by foot. The first stop is Muzdalifa about seven kilometers west, where Sunset
and Evening prayers (Salat al-Maghrib and al-`Isha) are traditionally said, and a
special prayer can be said at a roofless mosque called al-Mash`ar al-Haram (the
Sacred Grove). After midnight and saying Early Morning prayer (Salat al-Fajr),
the Hajjis travel on to Mina, a small town about ten kilometers farther west,
where they will stay for three days.
Rajm, in Mina, Hajjis perform Rajm over the next three days, the ritual
throwing of seven stones at three pillars, called Jamras which represent
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Shayateen (devils). The tenth through the twelfth of Dhu al-Hijja is also the `Id
al-Adha (the Feast of the Sacrifice) which includes the sacramental sacrifice of a
blemishless animal, usually a sheep. The `Id is celebrated not only at the Hajj but
also throughout the Muslim world where it is a joyous time to visit family and
friends. On the thirteenth, Hajjis return to Makkah for a Farewell Tawaf and are
free from all Ihram restrictions. At that point, the Hajj is technically over, and
Hajjis are free to travel home or on to visit al-Madinah. There the pace is more
relaxed and people can take more time to see the sights, principally the Prophet’s
The Impact of the Hajj on Pak Public Administration:
Due to tremendous advances in transportation and communication
technology, the Hajj has changed Pakistan public administration at national level
since1975 than previous history of Pakistan. However, KSA has also changed its
administrations since 1927, an estimated 300 to 350 thousand attended with only
about 150,000 from outside the Kingdom. In 1972, there was a total of 1,042,007
Hajjis, including 353,460 Saudis, 209,208 non-Saudi residents, and 479,339
from abroad. Whereas, today, more than 2.5 million performed the Hajj during
Hajj period 2014. The increase in the numbers of pilgrims has greatly increased
the complexity of Hajj administration in KSA5
Providing Zamzam water for so many Hajjis is a major task.
Traditionally, the Zamzam is roamed the Haram Mosque providing water to all
who asked as Pakistani management to do coordinate with Saudi government to
provide the same to Pakistani Hujjaj. To meet these administrative needs, the
Pakistani government has established a combination of public services and
government regulated privately administered Hajj services as well.6
The Hajj impact on the Pak Services of Private Tour Operator:
The Hajj impacted a lot on the Pakistani Private Tour Operators to
facilitate Hujjaj of the countries as number of our Pilgrims are increasing year by
year and government is also providing subsidies to Hujjaj for basic amenities at
KSA besides service of Saudi companies as these are regulated in private sector
enterprises. Inland bus services are provided by a combination of foreign and
Saudi public and private tour operators. Currently, Pakistani private companies
have made tremendous efforts for the Pilgrims in the Hajj of 2014.
Hajj Infrastructure in KSA:
The Saudi government has expanded billions of dollars on Hajj
infrastructures. It has included major expansions of the two Holy Mosques in
Makkah and Al-Madinah. The Haram Mosque is now comfortably
accommodative for a million worshipers during the Hajj. There are also two new
levels to increase capacity for performing componential item of Hajj . The
Masjid-Nabvi has also been extended irrespective to the crowds are smaller
Al-Idah 30 ( June, 2015) Impact of Hajj on Muslims with special reference… 97

during the Hajj. The space for throwing stones at the Satin the three Jamras has
also been expanded into three tiers in Mina.7
To accommodate hujjaj, the government of KSA has built hundreds of
miles for all weather, four lane highways, particularly between Arafat ( ‫)عرفات‬
and Mina )‫ (منا‬with fully automatic computerized traffic control system. To
provide housing facilities portable tent cities are set up at Arafat ( ‫ )عرفات‬and
Mina )‫(منااااا‬, meal, water, health and sanitation, transportation,
telecommunications, public safety, banking facilities, markets and all basic
amenities for more than two million people as it has been witnessed this year
2014 where more than 2.5 million have availed this opportunity. Each and every
Saudi government agency and ministry has participated in making the Hajj an
administrative success.8
The Political impact and Significance of the Hajj:
The Hajj impacts a lot on the political values of Pakistan as we see every
Muslim of the county either politician or not see KSA as a very very sacred way
and takes political vision from KSA. The government of KSA has upholded a
firm policy banning political activity under the pretext of attending the Hajj,
welcoming Muslims regardless of their political influence, the ministry of Hajj
Pakistan acts the same as per instructions of political authorities of KSA.
However, over the years a lot of political insights of KSA have groomed
Pakistani Hajj organizations and Pakistani tour operators so the Hajj has
remained a peaceful and joyous occasion as it has been noticed during Hajj
periods of 2014. 9
The Economic Impact of the Hajj on Numbers of Hujjaj (Pilgrims): 10
Visiting two Holy Places in KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), it
generates a lot of gross income by the Hajj that is estimated to in the billions of
dollars, which include annual government expenditures of KSA. As for as
Pakistan is concerned, no of Hujjaj are decreased due to inflation and economic
recession in the world. Because economic policies of the country varies time to
time and same effect on the economy of Pakistan. It impacts not only by the Hajj
but also by Umrah round the year, fasting month of Holy Ramadhan the busy
season of religious activities and Lailat al-qadir, hundreds of Pakistani people go
to KSA to perform tarawih prayers in the Haram Mosque.
The Social Impact of the Hajj:
Hajj is the greatest ritual celebration in Islam. As one of the Five Pillars
of Islam, it is an obligation for one-fifth of world’s population. During the month
of Dhu al-Hijjah, virtually the entire population of the Muslim world as well as
Saudi Arabia is intimately touched by the Hajj, whether directly in its
administration, its service industry, as a purveyor of personal goods and services
as revealed in Pakistan. The Al-Adha, examined at the end of the Hajj, is
commemorated throughout the Muslim world as a time of worship with family
Al-Idah 30 ( June, 2015) Impact of Hajj on Muslims with special reference… 98

and friends. The sites of Hajj locations are the physical and geographical
manifestation of the birth of Islam. This blending highly sacred and the familiar
commonplace has permeated Saudi society to such an extraordinary degree that
it can be felt in virtually every heart of the Muslim.11

The Social Impact of the Hajj in the Eye of Holy Quran:

Dispersion of Powers:

‫لِّيَش َه ُدوا َمنافِّ َْع ََلُْم‬. ْ‫ي ِّمنْ ُك ِّْل فَجْ َع ِّميق‬
َْ ِّ‫ض ِّامرْ أيت‬
َ ‫وك ِّر َجا ْلا َو َعلى ُك ِّْل‬ ِّْ ‫َوأ َِّذنْ يف الن‬
َْ ُ‫َّاس ابحلَجِّْ أيت‬
.12 ‫للاِّ يف أّيمْ معلومات‬ ْ ‫ويَذ ُكُروا اس َْم‬
Unity of thoughts and acts this assembly so much power that it can
remove everything logically and bring about a life full of happiness, dignity, and
supremacy by performing heavenly injunctions and consolidating the pillars of
social justice. The most important factor of understanding is the equitable
teachings of Islam that bridges the gaps, brings hearts together, creates a link
between east and west, and makes the black and white, Arabs and non- Arabs
that feel sympathy for one another. As in the Farewell Hajj the Holy Prophet of
Islam (saw) said:
ْ ‫وآد ُْم ِّممنْتُمرا ْ( إِّ َّْن أَك َمرَم ُكمْ ِّعن َْمد‬ ِّ ِّ ‫إن ربَّ ُكم و‬
َ ‫ ُكلُّ ُكمم‬،‫وإن أاب ُكم واحد‬
َ ‫آلد َْم‬ َّْ ْ‫احد‬ َ َّْ ،‫اس‬ُ ‫أيُّها الن‬
.13‫ج ِّميْْفَضلْ إل ابلتقوى‬ ِّ ْ ‫أَتقا ُكمْ )ولَي‬
َ ‫س ل َعَربْ َعلى أَع‬ َ

The Hajj is the symbol of Unity of Power:

The Holy Qur’an advised Prophet Ibrahim (as) to call people to Hajj, to
come and see the Islamic unity in the House to worship of God ALLAH, and to
notice the assembly of dispersed powers in a single forum so as to realize the
amazing advantages of Hajj, including self-purification, regulation of a sound
politico-economic affairs, and consolidation of the pillars of supremacy across
the world as a result of the assembly, unity, and circumambulation of the Sacred
Hajj a Lesson of Spirituality and Guidance :
Spiritual journey and affinity with God are some of the advantages of
Hajj. The light of Allah’s guidance illuminates susceptible hearts, making them
detached from the earth and attached to God. By putting on Ihram and saying
Labbayk Allah Humma Labbayk, circumambulating the House, offering
sacrifice, and doing other acts of worship, man’s heart goes through a spiritual
state. As the Holy Qur’an supports this claim by saying:
Al-Idah 30 ( June, 2015) Impact of Hajj on Muslims with special reference… 99

‫وهدى للعاملي‬
ْ‫ا‬ ‫باركْا‬ َّ ِّ َّ ِّْ ‫إِّ َّْن أ ََّوَْل بميتْ و ِّض ْع لِّلن‬
َ ‫َّاس لَلذي ببَك ْةَ ُم‬ َ ُ َ
Proclivity of the People’s towards the Kaaba:
By thinking about what the Holy Qur’an and ‘Ali (R.A) have said, we
will realize the fact that inclination/ proclivity towards the Kaaba (for those who
are sound instinctively) is not ordinary inclination, rather there is a divine
attraction in it. There is the same attraction towards the household of the Holy
Prophet (saw) being the result of Prophet Ibrahim’s supplication and God’s
answering him:
ِّْ ‫ْفَاج َعلْ أفئِّ َدْةا ِّم َْن الن‬
‫اس ََتوي إلَي ِّهم‬
When, carrying out God’s order, Prophet Ibrahim (as) brought his wife
HaJar and the infant Ismaeel (Prophet Ishmael) to al-Hijaz desert and had to
leave them alone there, raising his hands towards the sky, supplicated as revealed
in Holy Quran:

ْ‫ت بِّوادْ َغ ِّْي ذي َزرعْ ِّعن َْد بمَيتِّم َْ امل َح َّمرِّْم َربنما لِّيُقيمموا الصمالَْة فَاج َعملْ أفئِّ َمداْة ِّم َمن‬
ْ ِّ ‫ت ِّمنْ ذُري‬
ُْ ‫َربنا إين أَس َكن‬
ُ 16
. ‫ن‬ ِّْ ‫اس ََتوي إلَي ِّهمْ َوارُزقم ُهمْ ِّم َْن الثمر‬
َْ ‫ات لَ َعلَّ ُهمْ يَش ُكرو‬ ِّْ ‫الن‬

Hajj, a Gigantic Advantage for the Muslims:

Man’s attraction to the House of God and forum of His Oneness, on the
one hand, and the great assembly of the ummah in a single place for performing
a series of common religious acts, extremely inspiring in creating understanding
and unity of thoughts, on the other, is a great heavenly asset bestowed on
Muslims by God. Moral virtues, the power to a spiritual way of living both in the
world and the Hereafter, are some of the advantages of Hajj.
The Kaaba, a security for the survival of human society:
The Kaaba, which has been described as the sacred house and
Maintenance for the people, and the month during which Muslims assemble in
Mecca as the sacred month, and also the sacrificial animals with garlands
indicate respect for the house. As revealed in the Holy Quran:

‫للاَ يمَعلَ ُْم َما‬

ْ ‫َن‬َّْ ‫ ذلِّ َْ لِّتَمعلَ ُموا أ‬،‫ي وال َقالئِّ َد‬ ِّْ ‫ت احلَر َْام قِّيامْا لِّلن‬
َْ ‫َّاس َوالشَّهَْر احلَر َْام واَلَد‬ َْ ‫للاُ ال َكعبَْةَ البي‬
ْ ‫َج َع َْل‬
ْ‫للاَ ب ُك ِّْل َشيءْ َعليم‬ْ ‫َن‬ َّْ ‫ض َوأ‬ِّْ ‫ات واألَر‬ِّْ ‫الس َم َاو‬
َّ ‫يف‬
Hajj -The true benefactor is God and offering thanks is obligatory:
God Who is the true Benefactor is the One Who has favored human
being infinitely. In this relation, the Holy Qur’an says:
Al-Idah 30 ( June, 2015) Impact of Hajj on Muslims with special reference… 100

‫وها‬ ِّْ َ‫وإِّنْ تَمع ُّدوا نِّعمْة‬

َ‫ص‬ ُ ُ‫للا ل حت‬ ُ َ
Showing God’s favor to man, the Holy Qur’an also says:

.19‫واب ِّطنَْةا‬ ِّ ِّ ِّْ ‫ماو‬

ِّْ ‫ات َوَما يف األَر‬ َّْ ‫أَمل تَمَروا أ‬
َ ‫ن َع َمْهُ ظَاهرْةا‬
َ ْ‫ض َوأَسبَ َْغ َعلَي ُكم‬ َ ‫الس‬
َّ ‫للاَ َس َّخَْر لَ ُكمْ َما يف‬
ْ ‫َن‬
Hajj makes a man Generous in Every Little Deed:
For all benefactions, God only expects His servants to visit His House
and to offer a sacrifice, that too, to the extent of each one’s financial capability.
Hajj - Thankfulness Benefits Man, Not God
Visitation of the Sacred House does not benefit God, for He is above
what we think of Him. Rather it is a grace from the Almighty God. By Hajj, God
has made man distinct from animals. As the Holy Qur’an says:
ْ‫َض ُّل؛ اُولَئِّ َْ ُه ُْم الغَافِّلُو َن‬
َ ‫األنع ِّْام بَلْ ُهمْ أ‬
َ ‫اُولَئ َْ َك‬
Hajj - Worship is Man’s Dignity:
It is from God to man to make a man duty-bound to pray, to make
pilgrimage to Mecca, and to do other religious acts that are somehow
expressions of thanks by which man’s dignity is safeguarded
Hajj Removes Poverty and Social Disobedience:
The words ‘poverty’ and ‘sins’ indicate that Hajj brings about absolute
independence and purification for Ummah in a way that they feel no need for
alien nations’ help and feel independent in cultural, economic, military, and
administrative affairs.
Hajj warned about our futures:
As Abdullah ibn Abbas is said as saying: I was with the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w) in the Farewell Hajj. He moved forward to the Kaaba with addressing to
people said:

ْ‫ندها ي ُكو ُْن أَقوام‬ َ ِّ‫ فع‬،‫مع ِّة‬

َ ‫الس‬
ُّ ‫ّيء و‬ ِّْ ‫وحي ُّْج فُم َقر ُاؤُهم لِّلر‬
ِّ ِّ‫وحي ُّْج أَوساطُها لِّلتجارْة‬
َ َ
ِّ ‫ياء أُمت لِّلنَّزهِّْة‬
ِّ ِّ
ُْ ‫حي ُّْج أغن‬
ْ ‫غي‬ ِّْ ِّ‫ ويكو ُْن أَقوامْ يَتفقَّهو َْن ل‬،‫ونهُ َمز ِّام َي‬ ْ ‫غي للاِّْويمَت ِّخ ُذ‬
ِّْ ِّ‫يمَتَعل ُمو َْن ال ُقرآ َْن ل‬
“The rich will go to Mecca for amusement, the middle-class for
business, and the poor for showing off and fame. At that time, people will learn
the Holy Qur’an for purposes other than Allah, recite it as song, and engage in
learning (Islamic) jurisprudence for worldly benefits.”
Al-Idah 30 ( June, 2015) Impact of Hajj on Muslims with special reference… 101

Conclusion :
The Hajj affects collective and individual beliefs and practices that
spread of universal Islamic values affects. After all, Pakistan is not enjoying best
effects and impact of Hajj as peace and tolerance but also contributing a lot in
Hajj management and improved mechanism of Hajj through the help of Govt and
Public aid by its Hajj ministry. Finally, Pakistani Hajjis come from a country that
is overwhelmingly Muslim and with Muslims all over the world KSA and
practice true Islam here in Pakistan. Hajj has an enormous impact on our life
from all respects particularly if social and religious sentiments come with us side
by side. So the spread of “True Islam” is absolute reality of Hajj and its impact
of Ummah.

Note and References :

1 G. Caledonian, “Hajj as Mass Gathering: History and Implictions,”, Islamic

Education Center, Huston, 2010
2 M. Sajid, “pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to Allah,” KSA , pp. 1–7, 2010
3 A. Islam and I. R. Observance, “Hajj in Islam,”Vol 22 no1.May 2014.IRTI, KSA.
4 P.J. A. complied by: Late Muhammad Moinuddin Ahmad, “HANDBOOK OF
HAJJ.”Gov’t of Pakistan Ministry of religious Affairs, 1993.
5 D. Clingingsmith and M. Kremer, “The Impact of the Hajj: Was Malcolm X
Right? *,” 2007
6 Guiso, Luigi, Sapienza, Paola, and Luigi Zingales, People's Opium? Religion
and Economic Attitudes. Journal of Monetary Economics, 50(1) p. 225-282.
7 Scupin, Raymond. The Social Significance of the Hajj for Thai Muslims, Muslim
World 72(1) p. 25-33.
8 Boisjoly, J., G. Duncan, M. Kremer, D. Levy, and J. Eccles. 2006. Empathy or
Antipathy? The Consequences of Racially and Socially Diverse Peers on
Attitudes and Behaviors. American Economic Review 96(5) p.1890-1906.
9 Low, Michael, Empire of the Hajj: Pilgrims, Plagues, and Pan-Islam under
British Surveillance.Unpublished M.A. thesis.
10 Low, Michael, Empire of the Hajj: Pilgrims, Plagues, and Pan-Islam under
British Surveillance.Unpublished M.A. thesis.
C. by A.-I. Organization, “Social Effects of Hajj Hajj.”
. Al-Hajj, Ayah 27, 28
Bukhari, Kitab ul Manaqib, Hadith No. 607, Dar ul Sadir, Berut, Lebanon
Al-e-Imran Ayah 96.
Ibrahim, Ayah 37
Al-Idah 30 ( June, 2015) Impact of Hajj on Muslims with special reference… 102

Ibrahim, Ayah 37.
Al-Maidah, Ayah 97
Ibrahim, Ayah 34.
Ar-Raad, Ayah 20.
Al-Aaraaf, Ayah 179.

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