Cidco 2016
Cidco 2016
Cidco 2016
For Navi Mumbai, 1975
(as amended upto October 2016)
June, 2017
City And Industrial Development Corporation Of Maharashtra Limited
Visit us at:
Price: Rs. 525/- (Including GST) Regd Office : Nirmal, 2nd Floor, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021. Phone : 022-6650 0900
Head Office : CIDCO Bhavan, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai - 400 614. Phone : 022-6791 8100
General Development Control Regulations
General Development Control Regulations
Form-1: Application for permission of development 102
Form-2: Form for Supervision - Architect 104
Form-3: Commencement Certificate 105
Form-4: Form of Completion Certificate 106
Form-5: Form of Occupancy Certificate 107
Form-6: Form for Appointment of Structural Engineer 108
Form-7: Form for Acceptance by Structural Engineer 109
Form-8: Form of Supervision-Structural Engineer 110
Form-9: Certificate of stability of structure 111
Form-10: Application form for registration of architect/structural engineers/plumbers 112
(As amended up-to 1st October, 2016)
1. These regulations were first approved under G.R. No.RPB-1175/635/UD-5 dated 16.9.1976 and were
published in M.G.G. on 21st September 1978 at page 931, part 4(c).
2. The Regulations were amended under G.R.No.RPB-1178/209/UD-5 dated 31.3.1978 and published in
M.G.G. on 21st September 1978 at page 931, part 4 (c). (New rules/amended rules-4.3 (d), 14.3.8(a),
14.3.8(b), 14.4.1, 14.4.2, 16.3.1(d), 23).
3. The Regulations were further amended under G.R.No.TPB-4384/1079/282/UD-5 dated 10.10.1986 and
published in M.G.G. on 21.10.1986 at page 124. (New rules/amended rules-5.1, 14.5, 14.6, 16.1, 16.2,
16.3.1(a), 16.3.5, 17.2, 17.6, 24.2, 25).
5. The Regulations were further amended under G.R.No. TPB 4384/1079/Part II/UD-11 dated 24th September
1991. [New rules / amended rules-16.3 (1a) B, 16.3. (1a) BB].
6. The Regulations were further amended under G.R.No. TPB-4391/1007/UD-11 dated 24th September
1991 and published in M.G.G. on 24th October 1991 at page 911. [New rules/amended rules 16.3.5(a),
16.3.5(b), 16.3.5 (c), 16.3.5 (d), 16.3.10 (b), 3.11 (d), 3.11(e), 3.11 (f)]
7. The Regulations were further amended under G.R. No. TPB 4391/3294/UD-11 dated 7th August 1992.
(New rules/amended rules-30, 30.1, 30.2, 30.2(1a), 30.2(1b), 30.2(2), 30.2(3), 30.2(4),30.2(5)(a),
30.2(5)(b), 30.3, 30.3(1), 30.3(2), 30.3(3), 30.3(4), 30.3(5), 30.3(6)).
8. The Regulations were further amended under G.R.No. TPB 4384/1079/Part II/UD-11 dated 19th April
1994. (New rules/amended rules-16.3 (1a) BB).
9. The Regulations were further amended under G.R.No. TPB 4394/364/CR-61/94/UD-11 dated 21st
September 1994. (New rules/amended rules-3.11 (g), 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 12.2(b), 16.1(1), 16.1(2),16.1(3),
10. The Regulations were further amended under G.R.No. TPS/1295/1083/CR-183/95/UD-12, dated 3rd
September 1996 Regulation 17.6 - 16.3(1a) F.
11. The Regulations were further amended under G. R. No. TPB 4399/1625/CR34/ 2000/UD-11dated 19th
April 2000. (New rules/amended rules-3.11 (h), 3.27, 14.3.10, 14.4. (1), 14.4. (2), 14.4. (3), 14.4. (4),
14.4.(5), 14.4. (7), 16.3 (1a), H 16.3 (3c))
12. The Regulations were further amended under G. R. No. TPB/432000/995/CR-112/2000/UD-11 dated
19th May 2001. Amended regulations 16.3 (1a) C.
13. The Regulations were further amended under G. R. No: TPB/432000/585/CR-55/2000/UD-11dated 30th
September 2002. (New regulations/amended regulations. Reg. 3.26, Reg. 16.3(3a) (ii).
General Development Control Regulations
14. The Regulations were further amended under G.R. No: TPB-4399/50/CR-6/99/UD-11/ dated 30th
November 2002 (New regulations/amended regulations Reg. 16.3(la) BBB,18).
15. The Regulations were further amended under G.R. No: TPB 4302/1380/CR-240/02/UD-11 dated 2nd
January 2003 (New regulations/amended regulations Reg. 16.3(1a) BB).
16. The Regulations were further amended under G.R. No: TPB-4399/151/CR-113/2000/UD-11 6th January
2003 (New regulations/amended regulations - Reg. 31).
17. The Regulations were further amended under G.R. No: TPB-432001/1912/CR-261/02/UD-11 dated 29th
March 2003 (New regulations/amended regulations - 18.2 & 18.5)
18. The Regulations were further amended under G.R. No: TPB-4399/24/CR-7/99/UD-11 dated 22nd March
2004. Amended regulations 16.3 (1a) B and regulation 16.3 (1a) BB.
19. The Regulations were further amended under G.R. No: TPB-432001/1185/CR-107/2004/UD-11 dated
27th May 2004 (New regulations/amended regulations – 14.1, 14.1.4, 14.4.4, 14.4.5, 14.4.8, 14.4.9,
14.4.10, 14.4.11).
20. The Regulations were further amended under G.R. No: TPB-4302/1975/CR-9/03/UD-11 dated 13th July
2004. (New regulations/amended regulations - Reg. 14.1 and 14.4).
21. The Regulations were further amended under G.R. No: TPB-4303/802/CR-270/UD-11 dated 27th January
2005. (New regulations/amended regulations – Addition of new appendix-V, addition of new definition of
Biotechnology Unit, modification to clause 14.4.3, 16.3(1a) D).
22. The Regulations were further amended under G. R. No. TPB / 4304/855/CR-278/2004/UD-11 dated 30th
May 2005. (New regulations/amended regulations14.4.7.)
23. The Regulations were further amended under G.R. No: TPB-4305/1289/CR-216/05/UD-11
dated 13th September 2005. (New regulations/amended regulations – 3.29, 3.11(j), 16.3.11).
24. The Regulations were further amended under G.R. No: TPB-432000/1045/CR-289/05/UD-11
dated 20th October 2005 (New regulations/amended regulations – 3.11(i)).
25. The Regulations were further amended under G.R. No: TPB-432000/64/CR-265/05/UD-11
dated 27th October 2005 (New regulations/amended regulations – 25.4.1).
26. The Regulations were further amended under G.R. No: TPB-4303/103/CR-277/04/UD-11
dated 31st March 2006. (New regulations/amended regulations – (16.3 3(a) iii, 17.3 a&b, 16.3 8(a), 17.3
(c),16.3 6(e)).
27. The Regulations were further amended under G.R. No: TPB-4305/1290/CR-287/05/UD-11
dated 29th February 2008. (New regulations/amended regulations – 16.3 (1a) E,16.3 (1a)EE, 16.3 (1a)G).
28. The Regulations were further amended under G.R. No: TPB-4307/1728/CR-342/07/UD-11
dated 31st August 2009. (New regulations/amended regulations – 16.3 (1a) I).
29. The Regulations were further amended under G.R. No: TPB-4309/3099/CR-160/2010/UD-11
dated 12th November 2010. (New regulations/amended regulations – 16.3 (1a) C).
30. The Regulations were further amended under G.R. No. TPS-1711/2495/CR-202/11/UD-12 dated 21st
March 2012. (New regulations/amended regulations – 14.1.14, 14.3.12, 14.4.12, 14.4.14, 16.3 (1a) HH
& 17.7)
31. The Regulations were further amended under G.R. No. CMS/TPB 4312/227/CR-33/2013/UD-11
dated 16th September, 2013. (New regulations/amended regulations – 14.3.3)
32. The Regulations were further amended under G.R. No. TPS-1715/109/CR-2/15/UD-12 dated 13th August,
2015. (New regulations/amended regulations – 36 & 37 with appendix IX & X respectively)
33. The Regulations were further amended under G.R. No. TPB 4312/643/CR-9/2/2014/UD-11
dated 1st October, 2016. (New regulations/amended regulations – 34 with appendix VII)
This document is a reprinted version of the original and sanctioned provisions of the GDCRs. In case
of any discrepancy and / or clarification please contact the following officers.
General Development Control Regulations
In exercise of powers conferred by Section 159 of Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act 1966
(Maharashtra XXXVII of 1966) and all other powers enabling it in this behalf, the City and Industrial
Development Corporation of Maharashtra Limited, being the New Town Development Authority under
Sub-section (3A) of section 113 of the said Act, for the area designated as site for Navi Mumbai under
sub-section (1) of Section 113 of the said Act, hereby makes the following regulations the same having
been previously approved by the State Government.
2.1 The regulations may be called the General Development Control Regulations for Navi Mumbai,
2.2 These regulations shall come into force immediately after the publication in the Maharashtra
Government Gazette.
2.3 Subject to the provisions of the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act 1966, these
Regulations shall apply to all the developments in the area designated as site for Navi Mumbai
under Sub-section (1) of section 113 of the Act vide Government Notification No.RPB-1171-1-W
dated 20th March 1971 and No.RPB-I-RPC-1173 dated 16th August 1973 or any modifications or
amendment thereof except area covered by any Gaothan in Navi Mumbai and the Action Areas.
2.4 Repeal and Saving: The Navi Mumbai Building Control Regulations 1972 (Development
Permission), the Navi Mumbai Building Control Regulations 1973 (Vashi Residential Area) are
hereby repealed. The effect of this repeal shall be the same as provided by Section 6 of Bombay
General Clauses Act.
3.1 In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, “ACT” means the Maharashtra Regional
and Town Planning Act 1966 (Maharashtra Act No. XXXVII of 1966).
3.2 “ACTION AREA” means area for which the Corporation intends to prepare a detailed layout with
Special Development Control Regulations.
3.3 “ACTION AREA PLAN” means the approved plan and report indicating the detailed layout of
proposed development in the Action Area, which may stipulate the land use permitted on each
plot, and the extent to which the building operations may be undertaken on each plot.
General Development Control Regulations
3.5 “BALCONY” means a horizontal projection, including a handrail, or balustrade to serve as passage
or sitting out place.
3.6 “BASEMENT OR CELLAR” means the lower storey of a building below or partly below ground
3.7 “CARPET AREA” means the net floor area of a room excluding the area occupied by walls
3.8 “CHOWK, INNER AND OUTER” Inner chowk means an open space enclosed on all sides by a
building. Outer chowk means an open unoccupied space similar to an inner chowk but where one
of its sides is not enclosed by a building.
3.9 “CORPORATION” means Managing Director or any Officer of the City and Industrial Development
Corporation of Maharashtra Limited duly authorized by him.
3.10 “COVERED AREA” means the area immediately above the plinth level covered by the building,
or used for installing machinery, plant and equipment, but does not include :
a. Garden, rockery, well and well structures, nursery, waterpool, fountain, benches, platforms
round a tree and the like;
b. Drainage culvert, conduit, catch-pit, gully pit, inspection chamber, gutter and the like; and
c. Compound wall, gate, unstoreyed porch and portico, watchmen’s booth and the like.
3.11 “FLOOR SPACE INDEX” of a plot is the ratio of the gross floor area of all the storeys including the
area of walls, mezzanine floors, staircase and lift, of a building on a plot to the total area of the
plot. The gross floor space area of a building shall be calculated as above, excepting that the
following shall not be counted towards computation of floor space index.
a. A basement or cellar and area under a building, constructed on stilts used as a parking
space or recreation space provided where there are no side walls on three or more sides of
such a space.
c. Staircase room and/or lift rooms above the top most storey, architectural features, chimneys
and elevated tanks of dimensions as permissible under these regulations.1
f. Lifts.1
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 24/09/1991.
g. Association / Society office cum letter box room in Residential & Shopping cum
Residential as per the following norms : 1
Note: The built-up areas mentioned above are inclusive of Toilet facility.
h. Any covered antenna / dish antenna / communication tower used for telecom or ITE
i. Any semi-permanent structure upto 20 sqm of built up area for installation of telephone
connectors in case of applicants who would provide suitable proof of being authorised by
the Department of Telecommunications, Govt. of India, for setting up of cellular mobile
telecommunication system. 3
3.12 “GAOTHAN OR VILLAGE SITE” means Gaothan or Village site within the meaning of Maharashtra
Land Revenue Code 1966.
3.13 “GROUND COVERAGE RATIO (GCR)” means the ratio of covered area to the total plot area.
3.14 “HEIGHT OF BUILDING” means the vertical distances measured from the average level of the
ground around and contiguous to the building up to the top of the finished level of the topmost
floor slab, in case of flat roofs and up to the midpoint of the height of the sloping roof. The height
of the sloping roof shall be measured from the point at which the external surface of the outer wall
intersects with the finished surface of the sloping roof.
Architectural features serving no other purpose except that of decoration shall be excluded for
the purpose of calculation of the height of building.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 21/09/1994.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 19/04/2000.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 20/10/2005.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 13/09/2005.
General Development Control Regulations
3.15 “HEIGHT OF ROOM” means the vertical distance measured from the finished floor surface to the
finished ceiling surface. Where a finished ceiling is not provided the soffit of the beams, joists or
the tie beams shall determine the upper point for measurement.
3.16 “HOARDING” means any surface or structure erected on ground or any portion of roof of a
building or on or above the parapet, with characters, letters or illustrations applied there to and
displayed in any manner whatsoever out of doors for purpose of advertising or to give information
regarding or to attract the public to any place, person, public performance, article of merchandise
3.17 “LAND USE” means the principal use of land for which a plot of land or building thereon is used
or intended to be used; for the purpose of classification of a plot of land according to the land
uses, a land use shall be deemed to include subsidiary land uses which are contingent upon it.
3.18 “LICENSED ARCHITECT” includes a Licensed Surveyor and means an Architect to whom a
license has been granted by the Corporation under these regulations.
3.19 “LOFT” means a shelf like projection supported in any manner whatsoever, except by means of
vertical supports within a room itself. The width of a loft shall not be more than 1 M. provided that
if clear height between the top of the loft and the ceiling directly above it is not more than 1.5 m
lofts wider than 1 M may be permitted.
3.21 “OPEN SPACE” means an area forming an integral part of the plot, left permanently open to sky.
Front open space means an open space adjacent to the street from which an access to the plot
has been permitted by the Corporation. Side and Rear open spaces shall have corresponding
meaning with reference to the front open space.
3.23 “ROW HOUSE” means group of houses on adjacent plot with common walls and having only the
front and the rear open spaces.
3.24 “SEMI-DETACHED BUILDING” means buildings on two adjacent plots with a common wall and
having front, rear and one side open space for each building.
3.25 “VOLUME OF BUILDING” means total volume of building. The volume of building with flat roofs
shall be computed by multiplying the covered area of the building by the height of the building.
Where the height of the building varies, the building shall be divided into blocks of uniform heights
and the volume of the building will be the sum of volume of such blocks. In case of buildings with
basement the depth of the basement below the average surrounding ground level shall be added
to the height of buildings for the computation of volume. The volume of the building with sloping
roofs shall be computed similarly, but for the building with sloping roofs the height of building for
the purpose of computation of volume only, shall be measured from the average level of ground
around and contiguous to the building up to the point at which the external surface of the outer
wall intersects with the finished surface of the sloping roof. The volume of building under the
sloping roof contained above the height of the building as defined above shall not be included in
the total volume of the building. Provided that, such volume shall not exceed the product of length
of the roof, the span of the roof and 1/8 of the span of the roof. If such volume exceeds the
product of the length of the roof, the span of thereof and 1/8 of the span of the roof, such additional
volume under the sloping roof shall be included in the total volume of the building.
3.26 “VOLUME TO PLOT AREA RATIO (VPR)” means the ratio of volume of building measured in
cubic meters to the area of plot measured in square meters and therefore shall be expressed in
3.28 THE BIOTECHNOLOGY Unit shall mean and include Biotechnology units which are certified
by the Development Commissioner (Industries) or any other officer authorized by him in this
3.29 FITNESS CENTRE in a building means and includes the built up premise provided in the
building including gymnasium for the benefit of its inmates and for the purpose of fitness, physical
exercise, yoga and such other activities as may be permitted by the Corporation from time
to time.4
All other terms shall carry the same meaning as assigned to them in the Act.
4.1 Subject to the provision of Section 43 of the Act, no person shall institute or change the use of
land or carry out any development of land without the permission in writing of the Corporation.
4.2 Subject to the provision of Section 44 of the Act, any person intending to carry out any development
on any land shall make an application in writing to the Corporation in prescribed From No.1
enclosed in the appendix.
4.3 The following particulars and documents shall be submitted along with the application viz.:
a. A site plan (in quadruplicate) of the area proposed to be developed to a scale of 1:500
showing the following details wherever applicable:
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 30/09/2002.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 19/04/2000.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 27/01/2005.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 13/09/2005.
General Development Control Regulations
iv. All the existing buildings and other development standing on over or under the site.
v. The position of building and of all other buildings which the applicant intends to erect.
vi. The mean of access from the street to the building or the site and all other buildings
which the applicant intends to erect.
vii. Open space to be left around the buildings to secure free circulation of air, admission of
light and access for scavenging purposes.
viii. The width of the street (if any) in front and of the street at the side or rear of the
ix. The direction of north point relative to the plan of the buildings.
b. A detailed Plan (in quadruplicate) showing the plans, sections and elevations of the proposed
development work to a scale 1:100 showing the following details wherever applicable:
i. Floor plans of all the floors together with the covered area, clearly indicating the size
and spacing of all framing members and sizes of rooms and the position of staircases
ramps and lift wells.
iii. Sizes of footings, thickness of basement walls, wall construction, floor slabs and roof
slabs with their materials. The sections shall indicate the height of building and height
of rooms and also the height of the parapet and the drainage and slope of thereof. At
least one section should be taken through the staircase.
vi. Terrace plan indicating the drainage and slope of the roof.
c. In the case of layout of land or plot
i. A site plan (in quadruplicate) drawn to a scale of 1:1500 showing the surrounding land
and existing access to the land included in the layout.
x. Sub-divisions of the land or plot with dimensions and area of each of the proposed
subdivisions and its use according to prescribed regulations.
z. Dimensions and areas of open spaces provided in the layout for the purpose of
garden or recreation or like purposes.
d. A landscape plan (in quadruplicate) to a scale of 1:250 showing various landscape features
such as trees, hedges, paved areas etc. The plan shall show, in particular, the type and
number of existing trees, the trees to be felled, the trees to be transplanted and the proposal
for planting of new trees.1
e. An extract of the record of rights or property register card or any other document showing
the ownership of the land proposed for development.
f. Specifications: Specifications, both general and detail, giving type and grade of materials to
be used.
g. Certificate of Supervision: Certificate in the prescribed form (Form 2 in the appendix) by the
Licensed Architect undertaking the supervision.
4.4 a. The plans referred to in 4.3 above shall be on drawing sheets of any of the sizes mentioned in
table below.
Sr. No. Designation Trimmed Sized (mm)
1 A0 840 X1190
2 A1 895 X 840
3 A2 420 X 590
4 A3 300 X 420
5 A4 210 X 300
6 A5 140 X 210
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 31/03/1978.
General Development Control Regulations
b. The following notations shall be used for plans reffered to in 4.3 above
Sr. No. Description Site Plan Building Plan
1 Plot Line Thick Black Thick Black
2 Existing Street Green -
3 Future Street, if any Green dotted -
4 Permissible building Lines Thick dotted -
5 Open spaces No color No color
6 Existing Work Blue Blue
7 Work proposed to be demolished Yellow hatched Yellow hatched
8 Proposed work Red Red
9 Drainage & Sewerage work Red dotted Red dotted
10 Water Supply work Black dotted thin Black dotted thin
c. Wherever applicable schedules of rooms, apertures and floor areas shall be submitted along
with the drawing in accordance with the forms enclosed in Appendix-1.
5.1 The plans and specifications referred to in 4.3 above shall be prepared and duly signed by the
Licensed Architect. However, if the development is proposed in the scheme for allotment of plots
of land to the project affected land holders in the defined area contiguous to the villages and if the
development proposed is only ground floor structure without the structural use of RCC, the
prescribed application form, the declaration and the plan may not be signed by the registered
architect. In such cases, the applicant shall submit under his signature the prescribed application
form, the declaration, plans of the proposed development, building completion certificate and any
other documents required for receiving necessary development permission from CIDCO as
Planning and Development Authority.1
5.2 The plans showing structural details shall be prepared and duly signed by the Registered Structural
5.2.1 The plans showing structural details shall be prepared & duly certified under the hand of Structural
Engineer possessing requisite qualification as per Regulation No.12.2 (b).2
5.2.2 In respect of structural stability of each development work, each owner shall notify the name &
address of the registered Structural Engineer in the form enclosed form-6, the Structural Engineer
shall convey his acceptance as per form No.7 enclosed. The structural engineer shall submit
form of supervision as per form No.8 enclosed, and on completion of the development, the structural
engineer shall issue a certificate of stability of the structure, as per form No.9 enclosed.2
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 10/10/1986.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 21/09/1994.
5.3 The plans showing plumbing arrangements shall be prepared and duly signed by the Registered
5.4 The procedure for Registration of Architects, Structural Engineers and Plumbers shall be as
laid down in Regulation 12.
6.1 On receipt of the application for development permission, the Corporation shall communicate its
decision whether to grant or refuse permission to the applicant as per the provisions of section 45
of the Act.
6.2 The Commencement Certificate, granting the permission with or without conditions shall be in
Form 3 enclosed in the Appendix.
If during the carrying out of development, any departure of a substantial nature from the approved plan
is intended to be made, the revised plan showing the deviations shall be submitted and the procedure
laid down for the original proposal shall apply mutatis mutandis.
As per the provision of Section 58 of the Act the Officer-In-Charge of any Government Department or
Office or Authority shall inform in writing to the Corporation of the intention to carry out development of
any land for its purpose along with the following documents and plans:
a. A site plan (in quadruplicate) of the area proposed to be developed to a scale of 1:500.
b. Detailed Plan (in quadruplicate) showing the plans, sections and elevations of the proposed
development work to a scale of 1:100.
i. A site plan (in quadruplicate) drawn to a scale of 1:1500 showing the surrounding land and
existing access to the land included in the layout.
x. Sub-divisions of the land or plot with dimensions and area of each of the proposed
subdivisions and its use according to prescribed regulations.
z. Dimensions and areas of open spaces provided in the layout for the purpose of garden
or recreation or like purposes.
General Development Control Regulations
9.1 Neither the grant of Commencement Certificate nor the approval of the drawing and specifications
nor inspections made by the Corporation during the carrying out of development shall in any way
relieve the applicant of his responsibility for carrying out the development in accordance with the
requirements of these regulations.
a. Permit authorized officers of the Corporation to enter the plot for which the Commencement
Certificate has been granted for carrying out development, at any reasonable time for the
purpose of enforcing these regulations.
b. Obtain, where applicable, from the Corporation permission relating to building, zoning, grades,
sewers, water mains, plumbing, signs, blasting, street occupancy, electricity, highways and
all other permits required in connection with the carrying out the development.
c. Give at least 7 days’ notice to the Corporation of the intention to commence the carrying out
of development.
d. In case of building operations, give notice to the Corporation on completion up to plinth level
and 7 days before the commencement of further work.
e. Give written notice to the Corporation regarding completion of the development in Form
No.4 enclosed in the Appendix, duly signed by the Licensed Architect.
f. Obtain occupancy certificate from the Corporation prior to any occupancy or use of the
development so completed. (Form No.5).
g. Keep available for inspection, during the carrying out of development and for such a period
thereafter as required by the Corporation the records of the tests which are made of any
materials to ensure conformity with the requirements of these regulations.
h. Keep pasted in a conspicuous place on the property in respect of which the permission to
develop is granted, a copy of the Commencement Certificate.
i. Keep during carrying out of development a copy of the approved plans on the premises
where the development is permitted to be carried out.
10.1 Generally all development work for which a permission is required shall be subject to inspection
by the Corporation, and certain types of development involving unusual hazards or requiring
constant inspection shall have continuous inspection by special inspectors appointed by the
10.2 Inspection where required shall be made within 7 days following the receipt of notice, after which
period the applicant shall be free to continue the development according to the approved plans.
In case of building operations, the Corporation shall, at the first inspection, determine to the best
of its ability that the building has been located in accordance with the approved plans. The final
inspection of the completion of the work shall be made within 21 days from the date of receipt of
the Completion Certificate.
The Corporation shall within 30 days from the receipt of the Completion Certificate required under
regulation 9.2(e) communicate its decision after the necessary inspection about grant of Occupancy
Certificate indicated in regulation 9.2.f.
12.1 The Corporation shall license Architects, Structural Engineers and Plumbers. Application for
registration as Licensed Architect, Licensed Structural Engineer and Licensed Plumbers shall be
in form enclosed in the appendix.
Following qualification shall be necessary for obtaining the license from the Corporation for
practicing in Navi Mumbai
a. The minimum qualifications for registration as Licensed Architect shall be those prescribed
under the Practicing Architects Act, 1972.
c. The minimum qualification for registration as Licensed Plumber shall be a Graduate in Civil
Engineering or equivalent or Diploma in Civil Engineering or a certificate from the Bombay
Municipal Corporation enabling the person to practice as a licentiate plumber in the Bombay
Municipal Corporation Area, or any other certificate in Sanitary Engineering and Plumbing
from any recognized institute.
12.3 The annual license fee for registration as Licensed Architects / Structural Engineers / Plumbers
shall be Rs.250/- per calendar year or part thereof. The fee shall be payable in advance and shall
be non-refundable.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 21/09/1994.
General Development Control Regulations
13.1 All unsafe buildings shall be considered to constitute danger to public safety and shall be restored
by repairs or demolished or dealt with as otherwise directed by the Corporation.
13.2 Examination of Unsafe Buildings: The Corporation shall examine or cause to be examined every
building reported to be unsafe or damaged, and shall make a written record of such examination.
13.3 Notice to Owners / Occupier: Whenever the Corporation finds any building Corporation there of
to be unsafe, it shall, in accordance with established procedure for Legal notice, give to the owner
and occupier of such building written notices stating the defects thereof. This notice shall require
the owner or the occupier within a stated time either to complete specified repairs or improvements
or to demolish and remove the building or portion thereof.
13.4 The Corporation may direct in writing that the building which in its opinion is dangerous, or has no
provision for exit if the building catches fire, shall be vacated immediately or within the period
specified for the purpose, provided that the Corporation shall keep a record of the reasons for
such action.
13.5 Disregard of Notice: In case the owner or occupier fails, neglect or refuses to comply with the
notice to repair or to demolish the said building or portion thereof, the Corporation shall
cause the danger to be removed either by demolition or repair of the building or portion thereof or
13.6 Cause of Emergency: In case of emergency, which in the opinion of the Corporation involves
imminent danger to human life or health, the Corporation shall forthwith or with such notice as
may be possible promptly cause such building or portion thereof to be rendered safe or removed.
For this purpose, the Corporation may at once enter such structure or land on which it stands, or
abutting land or structure with such assistance and at such cost as may be deemed necessary.
The Corporation may also get the adjacent structure vacated and protect the public by an
appropriate fence or such other means as may be necessary. The decision of the Corporation
shall be final.
13.7 Costs: Costs incurred under 13.5 and 13.6 shall be charged to the owner of the premises involved.
Such costs shall be charged on the premises in respect of which or for the benefit of which the
same have been incurred and shall be recoverable as arrears of Land Revenue.
14.1 The Development Plan of Navi Mumbai, has divided Navi Mumbai into following zones:
1. Predominantly Residential
2. Predominantly Commercial
3. Industrial
4. Wholesale Market & Warehousing 1
5. Regional Park
6. 2
7. No Development Zone 3
8. Institutional 4
9. Woodland Corridor 4
12. *
13. Special Economic Zone 5
14.2 For the purpose of these regulations the land uses have been classified into following groups:
1. Mining and quarrying.
2. Residential
3. Educational
4. Institutional
5. Assembly
6. Business
7. Mercantile
8. Industrial
9. Storage
10. Information Technology land use
11. *
1. “Mining and Quarrying” means extraction of stone earth, murum or any other mineral
including operating brick kilns.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 27/05/2004.
Industrial Park zone - deleted
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 30/05/2005.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 27/05/2004.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 13/07/2004.
*Recreation Land use - Awaiting government sanction.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 21/03/2012.
General Development Control Regulations
2. “Residential Land Use” includes any land on which sleeping accommodation is provided
for normal residential purposes, with or without cooking or dining or both facilities, except
any activity classified under Group 4.
3. “Educational Land Use” includes any land use for School, College or day-care purposes
for more than 8 hours per week, involving assembly for instruction, education or recreation
and which is not covered by Group 5. It shall also include quarters for essential staff which
is required to reside in the premises of the Educational Institution and buildings used as
Student’s Hostel, captive to an Educational Institution, whether situated in its compus or
not. But the said secondary use of Student’s Hostel and residential staff quarters shall
range between 15% to 25% of the basic permissible FSI”.
4. “Institutional Land Use” includes any land, which is used for purposes such as medical or
other treatment or care or persons suffering from physical or mental illness, disease or
infirmity; care of infants, convalescents or aged persons and for penal or correctional
detention in which the liberty of the inmates is restricted. Institutional buildings ordinarily
provide sleeping accommodation for the occupants.
5. “Assembly Land Use” includes any land, where groups of people congregate or gather for
amusement, recreation, Social, religious, patriotic, civil, travel and similar purpose, for
example, theatres, motion picture houses, assembly halls, auditoria, exhibition halls,
museums, skating rinks, gymnasia, restaurants, places of worship, dance halls, club rooms,
passenger stations and terminal of air, surface and marine public transportation services,
recreation piers and stadia.
6. “Business Land Use” includes any land, which is used for the transaction of business
(other than that covered in Group 7), for the keeping of accounts and records and similar
purpose, doctors’ and dentists’ consulting rooms (unless these are covered by the provisions
of Group 4); service facilities such as news stands, lunch counters serving less than 100
persons, barber shops and beauty parlors. City halls, town halls, Courthouses and Libraries
shall be classified in this group in so far as the principal function of these is transaction of
public business and the keeping of books and records. Minor offices, incidental to operations
in another type of land use shall be considered as part of the main land use and shall be
classified under the relevant group for the main land use.
The insertion was amended and sanctioned on 16/09/2013
7. “Mercantile Land Use” includes any land, which is used for shops, stores, markets, for
display and sale of merchandise, either wholesale or retail. Office, storage and service
facilities incidental to the sale of merchandise and located on the same plot shall be included
under this group. Minor merchandising operations on land primarily used for other land use
shall be covered by the group under which the predominant land use is classified.
8. “Industrial Land Use” includes any land on which products or materials of all kinds and
properties are fabricated, assembled or processed, for example, assembly plants,
laboratories, dry-cleaning plants, power plants, pumping stations, smoke houses, laundries,
gas plants, refineries, dairies and saw mills.
8a Service Industry Class-A means any industry which is engaged in producing, servicing
or repairing goods or articles for consumption by persons residing in the neighborhood
and which fulfills the following three conditions: 1
ii. the maximum power requirement of such establishment does not exceed 10
HP; and
iii. the floor area occupied by such establishment does not exceed 50 Sqm. and
shall include particularly any industry mentioned in Schedule-1.
8b Service Industry Class-B means any industry which is engaged in producing, servicing
or repairing goods or articles for consumption in the neighborhood and which fulfills
the following three conditions:1
i. the number of persons employed in any establishment does not exceed 20;
ii. the maximum power requirement of such establishment does not exceed 20
HP, and
iii. the floor area occupied by such establishment does not exceed 250 Sq. and
shall include particularly and industry mentioned in Schedule-1.
9. “Storage Land Use” includes any land uses primarily for the storage or sheltering (including
servicing, processing or repairs incidental to storage) of goods, wares, or merchandise,
vehicles, for example warehouses, cold storages, freight depots, transit sheds, store houses,
truck and marine terminals, garages, hangers (other than aircraft repair hangers), grain
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 31/03/1978.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 19/04/2000.
General Development Control Regulations
10. Information Technology land use: Information Technology land use includes any land use
primarily for the development of computer software and hardware and equipment relating
to earth station, V-SAT, routes, transponders, covered and dish antenna, transmission towers
and other similar I.T. related uses.2
12. Airport & Allied Activities / Services, Airport & Allied Activities / Services include all
Aeronautical & Allied Activities such as Taxiways, Hangers, Airport Terminal Building etc.
which are required for the efficient operation of the Airport. The Corporation, for the purpose
of Development of the Airport may permit various land uses and provision of services
within this zone, which are compatible and requirement for the Airport, with due regard to
the provision/regulations stipulated by the Ministry of Civil Aviation, Govt. of India or the
Authority authorized by MoCA.1
The decisions of the Corporation about the land use group of any function shall be final and
14.4 The land uses that shall generally be permitted with due considerations to amenity in the zones
are as follows:
3. Educational
4. Institutional
5. Assembly
6. Business
7. Mercantile
In case of Action areas located in predominantly residential zone, essential service industries
and warehouses which do not create any nuisance on account of smoke, smell, dust, noise, glare
or any other factor may be permitted in addition to the land uses stipulated above. In particular,
the following shall be permitted:
8a Service Industry, Class ‘A’ including office and storage space required for service industry
as secondary land use on the land designated primarily for ‘Mercantile’ and ‘Business”
land uses and earmarked for such secondary use.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 21/03/2012.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 31/03/1978.
*Awaiting government sanction.
Note: For the purposes of Regulations 16, 17 and 18 the secondary use shall be deemed
as relevant primary use and all provisions of Regulations 16, 17 and 18 shall apply to
secondary use as they apply to primary use.
9. Storage, with volume not exceeding 1000 cubic m. per establishment and with residences
for essential staff, and such other allied land uses as are incidental to or complementary to
Service Industry Class ‘B’ and storage land use, namely restaurants, bars, lunch counters,
news-stands, offices, paan and tobacco shops, fruit shops, and land use commonly known
as public utility and services, namely police station or chowky, telephone exchange, fire
station, sewage treatment plant or pumping station, electricity sub-station, water-works or
pumping stations or service reservoirs.
Note: The above land uses namely 8b and 9 shall be permitted only in the exclusive area
earmarked as ‘Service Industry’.
10. Information Technology land use, pertaining to only software development, and only on the
plots fronting 11.0 m., more wide roads.1
14.4.2 2
3. Educational
4. Institutional
5. Assembly
6. Business
7. Mercantile
8a Service Industry, Class ‘A’ including office and storage space required for service
industry as secondary land use on the land designated primarily for ‘Mercantile’ and
‘Business” land uses and earmarked for such secondary use.
Note: For the purposes of Regulations 16, 17 and 18 the secondary use shall be
deemed as relevant primary use and all provisions of Regulations 16, 17 and 18
shall apply to secondary use as they apply to primary use.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 19/04/2000.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 31/03/1978.
General Development Control Regulations
9. Storage, with volume not exceeding 1000 cubic m. per establishment and with
residences for essential staff, and such other allied land uses as are incidental to or
complementary to Service Industry Class ‘B’ and storage land use, namely
restaurants, bars, lunch counters, news-stands, offices, paan and tobacco shops,
fruit shops, and land use commonly known as public utility and services, namely
police station or chowky, telephone exchange, fire station, sewage treatment plant
or pumping station, electricity sub-station, water-works or pumping stations or service
Note: The above land uses namely 8b and 9 shall be permitted only in the exclusive
area earmarked as ‘Service Industry’.
10. Information Technology land use, pertaining to only software development, and only
on the plots fronting 11.0 m., more wide roads. 1
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 19/04/2000.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 27/01/2005.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 27/05/2004.
14.4.5 Regional Parks 1. Mining and Quarrying
14.4.8 Institutional 2
3. Educational
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 30/05/2005.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 27/05/2004.
General Development Control Regulations
14.4.10 Fishing & Allied Activities 1 Fishing, fish farming, temporary shed for tacking dried fish bags,
boat repairing, activities, construction of drying platforms at
places designated by the Corporation and other such related
activities as may be approved by the Government in Fisheries
14.4.11 Marshalling Yard1 9. Storage land use, Railway sidings for goods trains loading
and unloading platforms, transit storage sheds, wagon
repairing activities etc.
14.5 Whenever land intended to be developed has been granted or agreed to be granted on lease by
the Corporation then not withstanding anything contained herein, the permissible land-use for such land
shall be the land-use specified in the foregoing clause and corresponding closely to the land-use specified
in the Lease or as the case may be, the Agreement to Lease made with the Corporation 4.
14.6 If the development is proposed in the scheme for allotment of plots of land to the Project Affected Land
Holders in the defined area contiguous to the villages, then only residential use shall be permitted on
the plots allotted.4
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 27/05/2004.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 13/07/2004.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 21/03/2012.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 10/10/1986.
*Awaiting government sanction
Without prejudice to the meaning assigned to "development" in the Act, "development" shall be
classified as:
a. Building Operations
b. Layout and sub-division
c. Erection of Hoarding
d. Mining and Quarrying Operations
e. Any other type of development
Development of buildings for the various land uses classified in 14.2 shall be governed by the following
A person applying for permission for carrying out building operations on any land shall with his
application pay to the Corporation Scrutiny Fee at the following rates:
b. For additional land/or alteration to the Rs.40 per 10 sqm or part there of with a
existing building where additional area minimum of Rs.200.
is proposed
c. For alterations where no additional area Rs. 200 per proposal upto built up area of
is involved 50 sqm.
d. In case of amended plans for sanctioned With every amended proposal a fee of
proposal Rs 400 where in no extra floor area is
proposed, otherwise as per the additional
area proposed Rs 40 per 10 sqm. of part
thereof with a minimum of Rs 200
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 21/09/1994.
General Development Control Regulations
1. Fees will be charged for compound wall, storage tank and uncovered structures at the rate of Rs. 200/
- per proposal, if proposal received separately.
2. For the purpose of working out the proposed built up Area, sanctioned built up area for the proposal will
be taken as the basis for charging fees.
3. The above scale of fees shall be considered as basic scale and will be applicable for dwelling houses
4. In case of the proposal for Medical, Educational, Religious purpose run by charitable institutions which
are duly registered, fees shall be charged at 1/2 of the basic scale subject to a minimum of Rs. 200/-.
5. In case of proposal for Industrial, business and Commercial buildings, Cinema Theatres and entertainment
halls, hotels, and lodging houses fees shall be charged at double the basic scale subject a minimum of
6. For the purpose of this clause, a residential building with even a single shop will be treated as a commercial
building, similarly watchman's Quarter's in industrial premises shall be considered as an Industrial Building.
c. Where application for revalidation is 800/- + late fee at 200/- 2000/- + late fee at
submitted after expiry of 3 months of per month or part there 400/- per month or
valid date of C.C. but in any case of to the period beyond part thereof to the
not later than 2 years from the 3 months of valid date. period beyond 3
date of approval months of valid date.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 21/09/1994.
For the layout proposal Rs 1000 for area upto 2508 sqm (3000 sq.yards) & Rs. 200/-
per additional 1000 sqm or part there of
For subdivision or amalgamation Minimum Rs 2000 for 2508 sqm (3000 sq.yards), area of
proposals holding and Rs.200/- per additional 1000 sqm or part there of
Note: In case of proposal from Medical, Educational, Religious purpose, run by charitable Institution
which are duly registered, fees shall be charged at 50% of the basic scale, subject to a minimum
of Rs 250 for sub-division / amalgamation proposal.
16.1(4) Rs.25/- per proposal and amendment thereof, if the intended development is with in the scheme for
allotment of plots of land to the project affected landholders in the defined area contiguous to the
16.2 Security Deposit
The applicant shall deposit and keep deposited an amount as a Security for the due performance of
the conditions attached to the permission granted under the Commencement Certificate. The amount
shall be deposited along with the application, and shall be calculated at the following rates:
16.2(1) Rs.10/- per Sq.M. of the total floor area proposed to be constructed for all the land uses
except in case of development for hospital, dispensary, school or college.
16.2(2) Rs.5/- per Sq.M. of the total floor area of the development for hospital, dispensary, school or
college or for any other purpose which the Corporation may specify by general or special
order. The total amount to be deposited in such cases shall not exceed Rs.1000/-.
16.2(3) Rs.250/- for every 100 Sq.M. of plot area or part thereof if the intended development is
within the scheme for allotment of plots of land to the project affected landholders in the
defined area contiguous to the villages.
16.2(4) These rates are liable to be revised after every 5 years from the date on which these rules
come into force.
16.2(5) The deposit shall carry a simple interest of 6 percent per annum accruing from month to
month, the period of less than a month, being disregarded. The Security Deposit shall be
refunded with accrued interest after the grant of the Occupancy Certificate.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 21/09/1994.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 10/10/1986.
General Development Control Regulations
16.2(6) The Security Deposit shall be forfeited either in whole or in part at the absolute discretion of
the Corporation for breach of any of the provisions of these regulations and conditions attached
to the permission conveyed by the Commencement Certificate. Such forfeiture shall be
without prejudice to any other remedy or right of the Corporation.
16.3(1) GCR (Ground Coverage Ratio), FSI (Floor Space Index), VPR (Volume to Plot Area Ratio).
16.3(1a)1 The floor Space Index shall be in relation to the land use as defined by Regulation 3.17 and
shall not exceed the following that is to say:
A Residential 1.00
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 10/10/1986.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 22/03/2004.
BBB1 Starred category Residential Hotels in any zone other than RPZ 1.50
"With the previous approval of Government and subject to payment
of such premium as may be fixed by Government (out of 50%
payable to Corporation) and subject to such other conditions as it
may specify, the FSI to maximum of 2.00 may be permitted
independent plots and under one establishment as approved by
the department of tourism".
C2 Educational, Medical, religious and social including land-use for the 1.00
benefit of the community.3
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 30/11/2002.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 19/05/2001.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 12/11/2010.
General Development Control Regulations
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 27/01/2005.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 29/02/2008.
Note: The maximum height of buildings in Regional Park Zone shall be
ground and three upper floors. However, increase of the same will be
considered by corporation, particularly in case of Holiday Resorts and
such other uses on a case by case basis.
F1 If the intended development is within the scheme for allotment to land 1.50
to the project affected land holders in the defined area contiguous to the
villages or within the scheme of allotment of 12.5% land to the project
affected land holders 15% of such land may be utilized for commercial
area and FSI permissible shall be 1.5
Note: The maximum height of buildings in Regional Park Zone shall be ground
and three upper floors. However, increase of the same will be considered
by corporation, particularly in case of Holiday Resorts and such other
uses on a case by case basis.
H3 Information Technology Land use is permitted in any land use zone other than Regional
Park Zone and the maximum permissible FSI in the respective zone will be applicable.
Provided that, the Corporation may permit an addl. FSI, in the entire Navi Mumbai area,
to the extent of 100% over and above the FSI values prevailing as on 1.4.2000 to the
plots sold exclusively for software development, at designated I.T. Parks only, at an
additional lease premium as may be decided by the Corporation, with due consideration
to the other provisions laid down under GDCRs, including parking standards.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 03/09/1996.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 29/02/2008.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 19/04/2000.
General Development Control Regulations
HH 1
Airport & Allied Activities / Services - Maximum permissible FSI = 1.00
I2 Change of use:
Corporation may allow Change of Use on plots allotted exclusively for Residential use,
Residential cum commercial use or commercial use on the following conditions:-
c. To allow such change uses only for plots having a minimum area of 1000 sq.m.
and deriving access from road of 15.00 m width or more. Further, the Corporation
may levy additional lease premium for allowing such change of use and / or grant
of additional FSI with due consideration of other provisions laid down under GDCR.
d. After grant of change of use, the allottee shall comply with all provisions of GDCR
including the parking standards without seeking relaxation of any kind in GDCR
e. Business / Mercantile user other than residential user allotted shall not be more
than 30% subject to further condition that the principle land use should be
segregated by separate entrance.
16.3(1b) The GCR of the following land uses shall not exceed 0.5; unless otherwise specified in
Special Development Control Regulations.
8. Industrial
9. Storage
16.3(1c) The VPR for the following land use shall not exceed 4 M unless otherwise specified in
Special Development Control Regulations.
9. Storage
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 21/03/2012.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 31/08/2009.
16.3(1d)1 The VPR for the following land use shall not exceed 2 M:
9. Storage land use within the area exclusively earmarked for Service Industry and
allied land uses as stated in sub regulation 14.4, under. 2
16.3(1e) If the area of plot under development for Residential Land use is 1000 Sqm. or above, the
tenement densities shall be as follows :
(i) For dwelling units with built-up area of more than 30 sqm the minimum and maximum
densities on the net plot area shall be 100 tenements per hectare and 300 tenements
per hectare respectively.
(ii) For dwelling units with built-up area upto 30 sqm, the maximum density shall be 550
tenements per hectare of the net plot area.
(iii) If the area of plot under development is within the scheme for allotment of land to the
project affected land holders in the defined area contiguous to the villages or within
the scheme of allotment of 12.5% land to the project affected land holders, the maximum
density shall be 550 tenements per hectare of the net plot area, irrespective of the size
of dwelling unit.3
16.3(1f) The volume of plinth shall not be considered in the calculation of volume of building provided
further that in case of building permitted for land use of storage, the height of the plinth shall
not be less than lorry loading height. 4
16.3(2.1) For the Residential Land Use the sizes of rooms shall not be less than those stipulated
i) The carpet area of a one room dwelling unit shall not be less than 9.5sqm. A nahani
admeasuring 0.9 m x 0.9 m. may be provided in addition to the minimum carpet area.
ii) If the one room dwelling unit includes a WC or bathroom their sizes shall be as per
regulation 16.3 (2.3).
iii) If WCs and bathrooms are to be provided in common, they shall be governed by the
following provisions.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 31/03/1978.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 30/05/2005.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 03/09/1996.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 30/09/2002.
General Development Control Regulations
One WC and Bathroom shall be provided for every four dwelling units or part thereof.
One general washing place of area not less than 2.25 Sqm. shall be provided for every
four dwelling units, or part thereof.
All these facilities shall be available on the same floor on which the dwelling units are located.
i) The total carpet area of a two room dwelling unit shall not be less than 20 sqm.
ii) The total carpet area shall be apportioned as living room and kitchen in such a way
that the carpet area of the living room shall not be less than 10.5 sqm and the carpet
area of the kitchen shall not be less than 4.5 sqm.
iii) The dimension of the living room shall not be less than 2.4 M and that of the kitchen
shall not be less than 1.7 M.
iv) The carpet area of any other room, provided in addition to the living room and kitchen
shall not be less than 7.5 sqm and the dimensions of such room shall not be less than
2.4 M.
16.3(2.2) The carpet area of room in buildings for all the other land uses shall not be less than 7.5 sqm
and the dimensions of such room shall not be less than 2.4.M.
16.3(2.3) The minimum sizes of bathrooms and the WCs shall be as follows, for buildings of all and
b. Water Closet (WC): The internal dimensions of WC shall not be less than
0.90 M x 1.20 M.
c. Combined Toilet: The internal dimensions of a combined bathroom and WC shall not
be less than 1.2 M x 2.1 M.
16.3(3a) 1
i) The height of a room in any building shall not be less than 2.6m
ii) Wherever the height of a room in any building shall be 4.27 M or more, the FSI of
such a room shall be calculated at twice its area.2
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 21/09/1994.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 30/09/2002.
Provided that, nothing contained herein shall apply to a room intended to be applied
to assembly land use, industrial land use and storage land use as defined in clauses
5, 8 and 9 respectively of Sub-Regulation 3 of Regulation 14.
iii) In case of plots earmarked for residential Bungalow, semi-detached or Row Houses,
depending upon the size of the plot and with a prior written permission of the Managing
Director or the Chief Architect and Planner, CIDCO, floor area upto 30% of the plot
area, may be allowed to have clear internal height of more than 4.27 m., without
counting the same twice for computation of FSI.1
iv) In case of Assembly Halls, Residential Hotels of 3 star category and above,
Institutional, Educational, Industrial, Hazardous or storage occupancies, departmental
stores including entrance halls and lobbies of all the aforesaid categories minimum
and maximum height shall be 3.6 m and 4.2 m respectively. Subject to the written
permission of the Managing Director, CIDCO, greater height may be permitted.
16.3(3b) The height of bathrooms, WCs and Store Rooms in buildings of all land uses shall not be less
than 2.2M.
Any telemetric equipment storage erection facility can have a height as required for effective
functioning of that structure.
The following regulations shall apply to buildings of all the Land uses:
a) A loft shall be permitted only on one of the walls of the room. The minimum height
below the loft shall be 2.0 M.
b) A mezzanine floor shall be permitted within a room provided that the carpet area of
such room is not less than 27 sqm and the area of the mezzanine floor does not
exceed 30% of the carpet area of the room in which it is located. The height above and
below the mezzanine floor shall not be less than 2.4 M and 2.6 M respectively.
16.3(5) Balconies3 :
a. The minimum clear width of balconies in buildings (of all the land uses) shall be one
meter, provided that the aforesaid width need not be insisted upon through the length,
in case of semicircular or any non-rectangular shaped balconies. 4
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 31/03/2006.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 19/04/2000.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 10/10/1986.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 24/09/1991.
General Development Control Regulations
b. The floor area of balconies to the extent of 15 percent built up area of the respective
floor will be permitted free of FSI (in all the land uses excepting industrial and service
industrial user). Any additional area beyond 15 percent shall be included in the floor
area for computation of FSI.1
The following regulations shall apply to all rooms in buildings of all land uses:
a. All rooms shall be provided with one or more apertures such as windows, fan lights,
skylights, louvered doors and the like, opening directly on to the external air or on to a
covered unenclosed balcony not more than 2M in width.
b. The total area of such apertures inclusive of frames shall not be less than 1/6th of the
carpet area of the room. The glazed portions of the apertures may be partly fixed. The
area of such partly fixed portions shall not exceed 33% of the total area of apertures. No
portion of a room shall be considered to be lighted, if it is more than 7.5M away from the
aperture directly lighting it.
c. In case of building in which any portion of a room is more than 7.5M away from the
aperture or where artificial ventilation is resorted to through air conditioning system, the
illumination levels due to artificial lighting shall be as prescribed in the National Building
Code Part VIII Clauses 4.1.2 and or any modifications thereof. In all such cases
a detailed plan showing proposed illumination arrangement shall be submitted for approval.
d. For air conditioned premises the provisions as prescribed in part VIII Section 3 of National
Building Code or any modifications thereof shall apply.
e.2 The end-walls abutting plot boundary, especially, row houses, semi-detached houses,
bungalows etc., may be allowed to derive light and ventilation from the adjoining public
spaces, roads, gardens etc., subject to the following:
I. Such openings may be allowed subject to the condition that at least 3.0 m side
margin be maintained on that end, in case the openings are on ground floor. No
door openings shall be allowed on the end walls abutting the plot boundary.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 24/09/1991.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 31/03/2006.
II. Such openings shall not generally exceed 15% of the total area of the end wall.
These openings nevertheless, shall not be considered as main source of light and
III. Such an opening shall not vest any easement right on the part of the user. The
Corporation or the concerned public body as the case may be, has freedom to carry
out the activities as if no openings exist on the end-walls. The user shall keep the
openings solely at his own risk.
IV. The construction shall be carried out such a way that the projection does not go
beyond the plot boundary on the ground floor.
V. The local authority or the concerned public body, as the case may be, shall have the
right to take suitable remedial measures and remove projections in the public spaces,
without prejudice to the provisions laid under the Indian Easement Act.
a. The refuse shall be collected in an enclosed chamber located at the bottom of the
b. The chamber shall be provided with sufficiently large refuse receptacle. The bottom
opening of the refuse chutes shall be provided with lid which can be closed when the
receptacle is being removed from the chamber. The bottom chamber shall be provided
with necessary draining arrangements so that water does not accumulate inside the
c. The internal surface of the refuse chutes and the bottom chamber shall be non-
absorbent and cleanable.
d. No intake opening on a refuse chutes shall be greater in area than 60% of the cross
sectional area of the chute and all such opening shall be fixed with approved fire
resistant metal closures designed to close automatically on release.
e. Every interior chute shall extend not less than 1 M above the roof and shall be
covered with a sky light or shutter not less than one half of the area of the chute.
f. Every refuse chute shall be equipped at the top with spray equipment for washing
down purpose and with an automatic sprinkler for fire protection.
General Development Control Regulations
The following regulations shall apply to buildings of all the land uses:
a. Inner chowks shall be allowed only in buildings, constructed on stilts. The chowk
shall be kept accessible at the ground level. However, Inner Chowks shall be permitted
in row houses, semidetached houses and bungalows, built on the ground but which
are used only for residential land use.1
b. No dimension of an inner chowk on which doors and windows abut shall be less
than 3 M.
c. Inner chowk on which doors and windows abut shall have area at all levels of the
chowk, of not less than the square of 1/5th height of the highest wall abutting the
chowk. No room excluding a staircase, bathroom and WC shall be exclusively
dependent for its light and ventilation on an inner chowk. If any room abutting an
inner or outer chowk is exclusively dependent upon such chowk for its light and
ventilation the dimensions of the Chowk shall be in accordance with Regulation 17.
Provided that when only bath rooms and Water Closets abut the chowk, chowks
shall have a minimum dimension of 2.5 M and any area for any height.
d. No length (as distinguished from its depth) of an outer chowk shall be less than
2.00 M.
16.3(9) Staircases:
The following regulations shall apply to all the staircases in buildings of all land uses without
prejudice to the provisions of Regulation 24.
b. The width of tread without noising shall not be less than 25 Cms.
c. The height of riser shall not exceed 19.5 Cms and they shall be limited to 12 per
16.3(10) Lifts:
The following regulations shall apply to lifts in buildings of all land uses without prejudice to
the provision of Regulation 24.
a. If the height of building exceeds 16 M. at least one lift shall be provided in the building.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 31/03/2006.
b. Where, the height of a building exceeds 24 meters, at least two lifts shall be provided
in the said building.1
In every residential building, constructed or proposed to be constructed, for the use of Co-
Operative Housing Society or an Apartment Owner's Association, a fitness centre will be
permitted subject to following conditions:
i. The area of such centre shall be equivalent to 2 (two) percent of the total area of the
building, however it shall not be less than 20 and more than 200
ii. The centre shall not be used for any purpose other than for fitness centre activities.
iii. The fitness centre activities shall be confined to the members of the concerned
housing society only.
iv. The benefits of this provision shall be applicable prospectively and it shall not be
extended for the purpose of regularization of already built up structures constructed
without permission.
v. The ownership of the structure for Fitness Centre shall vest with the concerned
society or association.
17.1 The following regulations shall apply to buildings of all land uses except Industrial Land Use.
a. The front, side and rear open spaces shall not be less than 3 M. in width where the
height of building does not exceed 10 M.
b. For height of building above 10 M and upto 25 M in addition to the minimum width of
the open spaces required for the height of 10 M there shall be an increase in the
width of the minimum open spaces at the rate of 1 M per every 3 M or fraction
thereof, for height above 10 M.
c. For heights of buildings above 25 M and upto 30 M the minimum width of the open
space shall be 10 M.
d. For heights of buildings above 30 M in addition to the minimum width of the open
space required for heights upto 30 M. There shall be an increase in the width of
the open space at the rate of 1 M per every 5 M or fraction thereof. For heights
above 30 M., the width of the open space need not exceed 16 M.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 24/09/1991.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 13/09/2005.
General Development Control Regulations
17.2 1
a. If any interior or exterior open space is intended to be used for the purpose of light
and ventilation by more than one building belonging to the same owner, then the
width of such open space shall be the one required for the tallest building as specified
in clause 17.1 of GDCR's.
However, this distance shall be the clear distance without any projections like balcony
b. The open space specified under (a) above may not be required to be provided if the
end walls of buildings are to be left permanently blank without any openings. However,
the minimum distance between any blank wall of a building and the plot boundary
shall be 3 M if the building is upto 16 M in height, 4.5 M if the building is more than 16
M but not more than 24 M in height and 6 M if the building is more than 24 M in height.
17.3 For buildings of residential land use following special provisions shall apply.
a. For semi-detached buildings having not more than two storey, the width of the front,
rear and one side open space shall not be less than 3 M.
b. For row-houses having not more than two storeys the width of the front and rear
open spaces shall not be less than 3 M.
17.4 Following regulations shall govern the opens spaces around buildings of industrial land use:
a. For plots of area less than 800 Sqm minimum width of the front open space shall be
5 M and the minimum width of side and rear open spaces shall be 3m.
b. For plots of area between 800 Sqm and 1200 Sqm the minimum width of front
open space shall be 5 M and the minimum width of side and rear open spaces shall
be 4 m.
c. For plots having an area of more than 1200 Sqm the minimum width of the front
open space shall be 6.5m and the minimum width of side and rear open spaces shall
be 5 m.
Balconies, Chajjas, Weather Sheds and such other features shall be permitted to project in
the open space to the extent of 1.5 M. But the clear width of the open space shall in no case
be less than 3 M.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 10/10/1986.
17.61 If the intended development is within the scheme for allotment of plots of land to the project
affected land holders in the defined area contiguous to the villages, or with the scheme of
allotment of 12.5% land to the project affected land holders, the clear marginal open spaces
within the plot required to be provided for the purposes of deriving light and ventilation shall
be as follows
Note: If parking space under stilt is provided additional height of the building to the extent of the height of the
stilt may be permitted.
17.72 The restrictions on development & height of buildings in the vicinity of Airport & also in the area
under landing & take of zones, as defined by the Corporation shall be regulated in consultation
with Airport Authority of India (AAI), Govt. of India.
18.1 One parking area for different modes and number of car spaces to be provided for various land
uses shall be governed by the following table.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 10/10/1986, 10/01/1990 & 03/09/1996.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 21/03/2012.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 30/11/2002.
General Development Control Regulations
1 Residential a. One space for every one tenement of built-up area more than 60 sqm
b. One space for every two tenements of built-up area more than 45sq.m
upto 60 sqm
c. One space for every four tenements of built-up area upto 45 sqm
2 I. Star Hotels I. One space for every 60 sqm of total floor area
II. Hotels II. One space for every 75 sqm of floor area
III. Lodging III. One space for every 100 sqm of floor area
IV. Restaurants IV. One space for every 50 sqm of floor area
3 Educational One space for 100 sqm of floor area or part thereof
4 Institutional One space for every 250 sqm of floor area or part thereof
5 Office (Govt.& Pvt.) One space for every 70 sqm of floor area upto 1500 sqm and one space for
every 150 sqm or part thereof for areas exceeding 1500 sqm
6 Assembly One space for every 60 sqm of floor area or part there of
7 Business One space for every 100 sqm of floor area or part thereof
8 Mercantile One space for every 80 sqm of floor area upto 800 sqm or one for 160 sqm and
9 Industrial One space for every 200 sqm of floor or part thereof subject to minimum of
two spaces.
10 Storage One space for every 200 sqm of floor area or part thereof subject to minimum
of two spaces
11 Hospitals One space for every 150 sqm of total floor area
13 Shopping One space for 80 sqm of total floor area or part thereof
14 Stadia One space for every 150 seats plus additional as per the rules for restaurants etc.,
18.2(a). In addition to the above 10% of total parking spaces shall be provided for visitors parking and
10% for two wheelers parking. Further incase of plots exceeding 1000 sq. m. in area for all
land uses except industrial and storage land use, suitably-by (as shown in appendix No. IIA,
IIB&IIC) shall be carved out of visitors parking in the front area within the plot by means of
compound wall.1
18.2(b). On the ground floor minimum 3 m margin shall be kept from the rear edge of the lay- by
subjective provision of Regulation 17.1 of the GDCRs. The building by from the 1st floor onwards
may start from the rear edge of the lay-by subjective provision of Regulation No. 17.1 of the
18.3 Car parking spaces shall be clearly shown on the site plan along with the maneuvering space
to the satisfaction of the Corporation.
18.4 The above standards for parking and loading, unloading may be modified in special development
Control Regulation for Action area with due consideration of the common parking facilities
provided in the layout of the action area.
18.5 In case of residential land use 25% of the open space around the building may be used for
parking. In case of other land uses 50% of the open space around the building may be used for
parking and loading, unloading provided that a minimum distance of 3.0 m around the building
shall be kept free from any parking and loading, unloading spaces.
Notwithstanding the above, entire marginal open space around the building in case of residential
plot upto 500 sqm may be utilised for parking with adequate maneuvering spaces. 1
18.6 In addition to the above table, loading and unloading spaces shall be provided for mercantile,
industrial and storage land uses as one space for every 100 sqm of floor area or part there of
upto 500 sqm and one for every 500 sqm or part thereof thereafter. The loading space shall be
3.75 m x 10.0 m.
18.7 Whenever the existing FSI is enhanced, building permission shall be given only after the provision
of additional parking spaces corresponding to the revised total built-up area.
18.8 Guide lines for circulation space around parking spaces shall be followed as given in the Appendix-II.
For residential land use, the width of the approach from the street to building shall not be less than:
a. 1M provided its length is not more than 3 M and / or the floor area of the building served
does not exceed 150 sqm.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 29/03/2003.
General Development Control Regulations
b. 2M if its length is more than 3 M but does not exceed 9M and/or the floor area of the
building served is more than 150 sqm but does not exceed 800 sqm.
c. 3.5M if its length is more than 9M and/or the area of the building served exceeds 800 sqm.
The streets in a layout of sub-division scheme or the streets that serve more than one building
in a plot of land shall be governed by following regulations:
19.2.1 For residential land use the width of the internal street shall not be less than 6M the minimum
paved width being 3M, provided that the length of the street does not exceed 85M and/or the
area of the plot served is not more than 3000 sqm.
19.2.2 For land uses other than residential the width of the street shall not be less than 11 m.
19.3 The Corporation shall have the right to specify the location of the access either for the approaches
to the building or for the internal streets from a public road.
19.4 The approaches to buildings and internal streets shall be paved drained and lighted to the
satisfaction of the Corporation.
19.5 The approaches to buildings shall be free from any obstruction. No portion of any building or
structure shall project over the approach below a height of 2.25 m from the approach.
20.1 Detailed drawings of gates and boundary walls shall be submitted along with the application
for development permission.
20.2 The height of boundary wall measured from the surrounding ground level or the adjoining kerb
level shall not exceed 1.75M.
20.3 In case of plots at the junction of streets, no fence or boundary wall together with the grill facing
the streets shall be raised to a height more than 0.8M from the kerb for a length of 9M from the
junction of the streets.
20.4 In case of development for public utilities and public purposes, a solid boundary wall maybe
permitted to a height of 2.5M above the surrounding ground level or the adjoining kerb level,
with prior approval of the Corporation.
No Development whether by filling or otherwise shall be carried out within 15M on either side of the
bank of a water course. Provided that where a water course passes through a low lying land without any
well defined banks the applicant may be permitted by the Corporation to restrict or direct the water
courses to an alignment and cross section determined by the Corporation.
22.1 No industrial effluent shall be disposed or exposed so as to cause nuisance and endanger
public health.
22.2 Without prejudice to the generality of the above provision the Corporation may after the scrutiny
of the information furnished in Form No.1 and any other information, stipulate certain measures
to control the air borne emissions and liquid effluents from the factories. These measures shall
be stipulated as conditions of the Commencement Certificate.
23.1 The development in any plot of land shall be such as to preserve, as far as practicable existing
trees, where trees are required to be felled, 2 trees shall be planted for every tree to be felled.
23.2 Every plot of land shall have at least 1 tree for every 100 sqm or part thereof, of the plot area.
Where the number of existing trees in the plot is less than the above prescribed standard,
additional number of new trees shall be planted.
23.3 Where the tree authority having jurisdiction in the area under development has prescribed
standards or regulations in respect of preservation of trees under Maharashtra (Urban Area)
Preservation of Trees Act, 1975, the same shall supersede the sub-regulation 23.2 above.
24.1 The following aspects of development shall be governed by the provisions of the National
Building Code of India 1970 - Indian Standard Institution or any modifications thereof.
1. Fire protection.
2. Building Materials.
3. Structural Designs.
4. Constructional Practice and Safety.
5. Building services.
a. Electrical Services
b. Air Conditioning and Heating
c. Installation of lifts and escalators
6. Plumbing Services
a. Water Supply
b. Drainage and Sanitation
7. Lightning Protection.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 31/03/1978.
General Development Control Regulations
24.2 Notwithstanding anything contained in the preceding clauses the CIDCO Fire Protection (Control
in Navi Mumbai) Regulations, 1984 contained in appendix III shall apply to any development of
land as specified therein.1
Development of land in the form of sub-division or layout shall be governed by the following regulations:
25.1 Whenever land is proposed for sub-division a layout of the entire area showing proposed
sub-division with access road, open spaces, etc. shall be prepared and submitted for approval.
25.2 The provision of the access roads in any layout plan of land shall be as per the provisions of
Regulation 19.
25.3 The parking, loading and unloading spaces wherever required under these regulations
shall be indicated on the layout plan and other plans submitted along with the application for
25.4 The open recreational spaces required to be provided in the lands allotted outside the Action
Area for predominantly residential purpose shall be as per the relevant clause of the Agreement
to Lease or 15% of the total plot area, whichever is more. The open recreational space provided
shall be accessible and be at one place as far as possible.
25.5 For purpose of computation of the FSI the total area of the plot shall be considered.
26.1 Every Hoarding shall be designed so as to withstand the wind, dead, seismic and other loads
as per the provisions of regulation 24. No variation in the height of hoarding shall be permitted
however, variation in length shall be allowed in multiples of 2.5M.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 10/10/1986.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 27/10/2005.
* Awaiting Government Sanction
26.2 Size of Hoardings: sizes of Hoarding along with various roads shall be governed by the following
table :
26.3 Maximum height of hoardings on ground: No hoarding shall be erected to a height exceeding 9 M
above the ground. The light reflectors may however extend beyond the top of the hoarding. The
lower base or the bottom of the hoarding shall be at a height of not less than 2.25 M from surface
of ground below.
26.4 Distance from Road: A minimum distance of 3 M shall be maintained between the edge of the existing
or proposed street, as stipulated by the Corporation.
Distance from the junction of a road: The Hoarding along roads shall not be permitted within a
distance of 100 M from the junction of the intersection of a road. This distance being measured
between hoarding and the centre line of a junction.
26.5 Any hoarding which in the opinion of the Corporation is likely to be confused with an authorized
traffic sign or signal shall not be permitted.
26.6 Any hoarding containing the word 'stop', 'look' 'danger' or other similar word that might mislead or
confuse the traveler shall not be permitted.
26.7(1). The size of hoarding on roof shall be 1 m. X 2.5 m or in exact multiples there of subject to
maximum of 3 m x 10 m.
26.7(2). No hoarding of roof shall project beyond the existing building line of the building on which
it is erected shall extend beyond the roof in any direction.
26.8(1). The fees for erection and maintenance of the hoarding be charged as given below:
General Development Control Regulations
26.8(2). The fees for hoarding shall be paid by the applicant in advance, for a calendar year, or part
The following regulations shall govern the mining and quarrying operations:
27.1.a. The applicant shall deposit and keep deposited an amount as a Security Deposit for the due
performance of the conditions attached to the permission granted under Commencement
Certificate. The amount shall be deposited along with the application, and shall be calculated
at the following rates. Rs.50/- per 100 sqm of plot area or part thereof to be used for mining,
quarrying or operating brick kiln.
27.1.b. The deposit shall be refunded without interest after the expiry of the period mentioned in 27.4
27.1.c. The Security Deposit shall be forfeited either in whole or in part at the absolute discretion of the
Corporation for breach of any of the provisions of these Regulations and conditions attached
to the permission covered by the Commencement Certificate. Such forfeiture shall be without
prejudice to any other remedy or right of the Corporation.
27.2 No mining and quarrying operations where no blasting is involved shall be permitted within a
distance of 50M from any public road, railway, canal or any other building. No mining and
quarrying operations which involve blasting shall be permitted within a distance of 200M from
any public road, railway, canal or any other building.
27.3 No building operation shall be permitted on the plot on which mining and quarrying has been
permitted without the prior approval of the Corporation.
27.4 The mining and quarrying operations shall be permitted for a stipulated period not exceeding
three years from the date of Commencement Certificate at a time and shall be so prescribed in
the Commencement Certificate.
27.5 The following shall govern the mining and quarrying operations and shall form conditions of the
Commencement Certificate.
27.5(1) The mining and quarrying operations shall not cause any nuisance to the people in the vicinity.
27.5(2) The mining and quarrying operations shall not cause depression, below the average ground
level, if the operations are for the extraction of stone, earth or murum.
28.1 In case of land notified for acquisition under the Land Acquisition Act 1894 and where the land
has not been acquired, the Corporation may in its absolute discretion grant permission for
temporary development.
Provided that the period of such temporary development shall not exceed 1 year and provided
further that the applicant shall undertake to remove the development so executed on or before
the date specified by the Corporation.
28.2 All the foregoing provisions shall apply mutatis mutandis to such development.
28.3 The permission may be renewed from time to time at the discretion of the Corporation.
a. The applicant shall deposit and keep deposited an amount as Security Deposit at the rate
of Rs.10/- per sqm of the floor area of the proposed development for the due performance
of the conditions of the permission granted under the Commencement Certificate.
b. The amount shall be refunded, without interest; after the removal of the development with
due compliance with the conditions of the Commencement Certificate.
c. The Security Deposit shall be forfeited either in whole or in part at the discretion of the
Corporation, for breach of any of the provisions of these regulations and conditions attached
to the permission covered under the Commencement Certificate.
28.5 The development permission may be granted at the discretion of the Corporation with following
conditions of the Commencement Certificate.
a. The applicant shall remove all the development on land when directed by the Corporation.
b. The applicant shall neither be entitled for any compensation for the removal of the
development nor for any alternative land.
c. The applicant if he desires may apply in writing for renewal of the permission.
In specific cases where a clearly demonstrable hardship is caused, the Corporation may modify any of
the provisions of these regulations at its absolute discretion. Provided that, the Managing Director, shall
before exercising such power consult a Committee constituted of Chief Architect, Chief Engineer and
the Town Planning Officer.
30.1 In respect of the land developed or intended to be developed for the Group Housing Scheme or
Plotted Development Scheme for the benefit of the economically weaker sections of the society
by the Corporation or the Bombay Housing and Area Development Board as defined in the
Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority, Act, 1976 or any other authority constituted
by or under any law and approved by the Corporation, the Corporation may permit the development
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 07/08/1992.
General Development Control Regulations
or redevelopment of such land or any part thereof, after varying or modifying the standard,
specification, or dimension contained in the foregoing Regulations but subject to the extent of
variation or modification shown herein below:
Explanation - II: "Plotted Development Scheme" means a scheme of constructing dwelling units
with one or more floors and having party walls or otherwise but having common service facilities.
Provided that the lands underlying such dwelling units are held in leasehold by more than one person.
30.2(1a) In respect of the plotted Development Scheme the FSI shall be calculated with reference to
the area of the plot held in one ownership.
30.2(1b) In respect of the Group Housing Scheme the FSI shall be calculated with reference to the plot
area as deducted by the area of layout roads required under Clause 30.3(3) of this Regulation
and by the recreational open space required under Regulation 30.3(5) and special Facilities
and Public Utilities required under Regulation 30.3(6).
30.2(2) Sizes of bathroom and water closet (WC) - The internal dimensions of bathroom, WC, and
combined toilet shall be as follow :-
(a) The height of a room in any building shall not be less than 2.2 M at eaves incase of a
sloping roof provided that the arithmetic average of the maximum height and the minimum
height of the room under the same roof shall not be less than 2.6 M.
(b) The height of bath rooms and WCs shall not be less than 2.2 M
30.2(4) Staircases - The following Regulations shall apply to the internal individual staircase only.
(b) Riser - 20 Cms. (Max.) Maximum number of winders shall be 2 in a quarter landing.
(c) Tread -
(i) For 2 storied building (G+1) - Minimum 22.5 cms
This could be reduced to 20 cms as the clear tread between per pends, with possibility of open
riser as well as nosing and inclined riser to have an effective going of 22.5 cms.
30.2(5)(b) TABLE-1
Front Rear
Type of Vehicular Path Way Side Atta Deta Max.
Development 6m & Atta ched ched Height
above ched Permi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Ground floor Development
a. Plotted
(25m2 to 40m2) 1.5 M 1.0 M Nil Nil 1.5 M 4.0 M
b. Group Housing 1.5 M Distance between two bldgs Nil Nil Nil 4.0 M
shall be min 3.0 m and
distance between bldg and
plot boundary shall be1.5m.
2 Gr.+ 1 Floor Development
a. Plotted (25m2 1.5 M 1.0 M Nil Nil 1.5 M 7.0 M
to 40m2)
b. Group Housing 1.5 M Distance between two bldgs Nil Nil Nil 7.0 M
shall be min 3.0 M and distance
between bldg and plot boundary
shall be 1.5 M.
3 Gr.+ 2 Floors Development
a. Plotted Not permitted
b. Group Housing 3.0 M Distance between two bldgs 10 M
shall be min 4.5 M and distance
between bldg and plot boundary
shall be 3.0 M.
Note: The above provision shall also be applicable to plots up to 60 Sqm in area if the depth of
plot is less than 12.0 M.
30.3 Requirement of Layout: The development of land in the form of a layout shall be governed by
the following regulations:
General Development Control Regulations
30.3(2) Peripheral Roads - Peripheral network of the roads for the scheme area shall be retained as
per Development Plan / Nodal Plan or as may be directed by the Corporation.
(a) For lengths more than 70 M and up to 85 M with dead end, vehicular road of at least 6
M (right of way) with 4.5 M paved width shall be provided.
(b) A loop road with maximum 170 M total length shall be permitted with 6 M right of way
and 4.5 M paved width.
(c) For roads more than 85 M dead end / 170 M loop road, the right of way shall be minimum
9 M and carriage width shall be 6 M up to maximum 250 M length.
(d) For roads more than 250 M in length the minimum right of way shall be 11m. with
carriage width of 7 M.
30.3(4) Pathways
20 1.5 M. 3 M.
30 2.0 M. 3 M.
40 2.5 M. 3 M.
50 3.0 M. 3 M.
70 3.5 M 3 M.
Note: Dead end roads and pathways exceeding 30 M in length will not be accepted. Along
open courts only paved pathways may be provided.
30.3(5) Recreational Open Space: (a) The proportion of recreational open spaces to the net residential
area in the layout shall be 10 percent.
PROVIDED that the proportion of such open spaces together with areas under school and
playgrounds, where provided, shall be 8.5 percent of the total gross area of the project.
However, the percentage shall not be less than 9.5 percent exclusive of the areas of roads
(11m and above) and other facilities such as schools, hospitals, markets, etc.
Social facilities and public utilities shall be provided as per planning brief totally approved by
the Corporation. These shall include schools, community centers, plots for social and religious
purpose, plot for shopping and markets, plots for ESR/GSR, plot for electric sub-station, plot
for sewage pump and any other purpose as approved by the Corporation.
31.1 These by-laws are applicable to all buildings and facilities used by the public.
31.2 In case any Public authority or Local Authority constructs the tenements for the disposal to the
general public, some flats on the ground floor shall be reserved for the paraplegic/physically
handicapped persons.
31.2.2 Semi-ambulatory Disabilities: Impairments that cause individuals to walk with difficulty
or insecurity. Individuals using braces or crutches, amputees, aribritics, spastics, and
those with pulmonary and cardiac ills may be semi-ambulatory.
31.2.3 Hearing Disabilities: Deafness or hearing handicaps that might make an individual
insecure in public areas because he is unable to communicate or hear warning signals.
31.2.4 Sight Disabilities: Total blindness or impairments affecting sight to the extent that the
individual, functioning in public areas, is the insecure or exposed to danger.
31.2.5 Wheel Chair: Chair used by Disabled people for mobility. The standard size at wheel
chair shall be taken as 1050 mm. X 750 mm.
31.3 Certain flats on the ground floor of the residential buildings constructed for the staff by any
Private / Public company or corporation shall be reserved for the disabled persons.
31.4 Also, the scope of the set of bylaws shall extend to such reserved flats to promote Non
handicapping built environment.
31.5.a Access path/walk way: Access path from plot entry and surface parking to building entrance
shall be of minimum of 1800 mm while having even surface without any slope. Slope if any
shall not have gradient greater than 5%. Selection of floor material shall be made suitably to
attract or to guide visually impaired persons (Annexure attached). Finishes shall have a non
slip surface with a texture traversable by a wheel chair. Curbs wherever provided shall blend
to a common level.
31.5.b Parking: For parking of vehicles of handicapped people the following provisions shall be made:
i) Surface parking for two Car Spaces shall be provided near entrance for the physically
handicapped persons with maximum travel distance of 30 M. from building entrance.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 06/01/2003.
General Development Control Regulations
iii) The information stating that the space is reserved for wheel chair users shall be
conspicuously displayed.
iv) Guiding floor materials or on audible signal devise or other devices which serves the
same purpose shall be provided to guide visually impaired persons.
The specified facilities for the buildings for physically handicapped persons shall be as follows:
a) APPROACH TO PLINTH LEVEL: Every building should have at least one entrance
accessible to the handicapped and shall be indicated by proper signage. This entrance
shall be approached through a ramp together with the stepped entry.
b) RAMPED APPROACH: Ramp shall be finished with non slip material to enter the
building. Minimum width of ramp shall be 1800 mm. With maximum gradient 1:12.Length
of ramp shall not exceed 9.0 M. having 800 mm high hand rail on both sides extending
300 mm. beyond top and bottom of the ramp. Minimum gap from the adjacent wall to
the hand rail shall be 50 mm.
31.6.2 STEPPED APPROACH: For stepped approach size of tread shall not be less than 300 mm
and maximum riser shall be 150 mm. Provision of 800-mm high hand rail on both sides of the
stepped approach similar to the ramped approach.
31.6.3 EXIT/ENTRANCE DOOR: Minimum clear opening of the entrance door shall be 900 mm and
it shall not be provided with a step that obstructed the passage of a wheel chair user. Threshold
shall not be raised more than 12 mm.
31.6.4 ENTRANCE LANDING: Entrance landing shall be provided adjacent to ramp with the minimum
dimension 1800 x 2000 mm. The entrance landing that adjoin the top end of a slope shall be
provided with floor materials to attract the attention of visually impaired persons (here in after
referred to as "the said guiding floor material"). Finishes shall have a non-slip surface with a
texture traversable by a wheel chair. Curbs wherever provided should blend to a common
The corridor connecting the outdoors to a place where information concerning the overall use
of the specified building can be provided to visually impaired persons either by a person or by
signs, shall be provided as follows:
a) "Guiding floor materials" shall be provided or devices that emit sound to guide visually
impaired persons.
c) In case there is a difference of level slope ways shall be provided with a slope of 1:12.
31.8 STAIR WAYS: One of the stair-ways near the entrance/exit for the handicapped shall have the
following provisions:
b) Height of the riser shall not be more than 150 mm and width of the tread 300 mm.
The steps shall not have abrupt (square) nosing.
d) Hand rails shall be provided on both sides and shall extend 300 mm. on both sides and
shall extend 300 mm on the top and bottom of each flight of steps.
31.9 LIFTS: Wherever lift is required as per bye-laws, provision of at least one lift shall be made for
the wheel chair user with the following cage dimensions.
a) A hand rail not less than 600 mm long at 1000 mm. above floor level shall be fixed
adjacent to the control panel. Also, switch control shall be at an operating height equal
to that of hand rails.
c) The time of an automatically closing door should be minimum 5 second and the closing
speed should not exceed 0.25 M/sec.
d) The interior of the case shall be provided with a device that audibly indicates the floor
the cage has reached and indicates that the door of the cage for entrance/exist is either
open or closed.
e) The lift meant for paraplegics/handicapped shall be available on each floor with proper
f) Also, this lift in case of power failure or any such emergent situations shall reach to the
nearest floor
31.10 TOILETS: One special WC in a set of toilet shall be provided for the use of handicapped with
essential provision of wash basin near the entrance for the handicapped.
b) Minimum clear opening of the door shall be 900 mm and the door shall swing out.
General Development Control Regulations
31.11 One of the wash basins in the toilet block on each floor shall be fixed at height of 75 cm above the
finished floor level, with a tap. A similar arrangement has to be made for the drinking water facility
a) previously constructed by CIDCO (not being a building wholly occupied by warehousing/ Industrial
user and also not being an individually owned structure) which has ceased to exist for the reasons
mentioned above
b) a building constructed by CIDCO which has been declared dilapidated by the Managing Director
of CIDCO, shall be permissible in accordance with the provisions contained in Appendix-VII of
this Regulation.
(Appendix IX)
(Appendix X)
(Explanatory Notes for Regulation No. 31)
The floor material to guide or to warn the visually impaired persons with a change of colour or material with
conspicuously different texture and easily distinguishable from the rest of the surrounding floor materials is
called guiding or warning floor material. The material with different texture gives audible signals with sensory
warning when a person moves on this surface with walking stick. The guiding/warning floor material is meant
to give the directional effect or warn a person at critical places. This floor material shall be provided in the
following areas :
b) The landing lobby towards the information board, reception, lifts, stair-cases and toilets.
Appropriate identification of specific facilities within a building for the handicapped persons should be done
with proper signals. Visually impaired persons make use of other senses such as hearing and touch to
compensate for the lack of vision. Whereas visual signals benefit those with hearing disabilities.
Signs should be designed and located so that they are easily legible by suing suitable letter size (not less than
20mm. High) for visually impaired persons, information board in braille should be possible to approach them
closely. To ensure safe walking there should not be any protruding sign which creates obstruction in walking.
Public Address System may also be provided in busy public areas.
The symbols / information's should be in contrasting colour and properly illuminated because people with
limited vision may be able to differentiate amongst primary colours. International symbol mark for wheel chair
as shown below be installed at the lift, toilet, staircase, parking areas etc., that have been provided for the
General Development Control Regulations
Following Schedules should be indicated on the drawings or shall be separately submitted alongwith the
Application in form No.1
Schedules of doors, windows and other apertures should be in the form shown below :
2. Schedule of Rooms
The rooms on each floor should be distinctly numbered and a schedule of room sizes and apertures
should be divided in the form shown below :
With reference to Regulation No. 18, the parking arrangement shown in the following diagrams shall be
considered satisfactory.
General Development Control Regulations
APPENDIX-II (Continued)
General Development Control Regulations
General Development Control Regulations
(See Rule 24.2)
1.1 These regulations may be called CIDCO Fire Protection (Control in Navi Mumbai) Regulations
1.2 They shall apply to development on any land in the site of Navi Mumbai as designated by the
State Government under the Provisions of sub-section (1) of Section 113 of the Maharashtra
Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 (Maharashtra Act No. XXXVII of 1966). In particular, they
shall apply to buildings which are more than 24 M in height and to special buildings like educational,
assembly, institutional, industrial, storage and hazardous and mixed occupancies with any of the
aforesaid occupancies having area more than 150 sq.m.
2.1 Words and expressions not defined in these Regulations shall have the same meaning or sense
as is assigned in the MR&TP Act 1966 and GDCR for Navi Mumbai 1975.
2.2 Combustible Materials: A material, if it burns or adds heat to a fire when tested for combustibility
in accordance with IS: 3808 - 1966 Method of test for Combustibility of Building Materials.
2.3 Enclosed Staircase: A staircase separated by fire resistance walls and doors from the rest of the
2.4 Exit: A passage, channel or means of access from any building storeys or floor area to a street or
other open space of safety.
2.5 Fire Lift: One of the lifts specially designed for use by fire service personnel in the event of fire.
2.6 Fire Proof Door: A door or shutter fitted to a wall / opening and constructed and erected with the
requirement to check the transmission of heat and fire for a specified period.
2.7 Fire Resistance: The time during which it fulfils its function of contributing to the fire safety of a
building when subjected to prescribed conditions of heat and load or restraint. The fire resistance
test of structures shall be done in accordance with IS: 3809 - 1966 Fire Resistance Test of
2.8 Lift Well: Unobstructed space within an enclosure provided for the vertical movement of the lift
car(s) and any counter weight(s), including the lift pit and the space for top clearance.
2.9 Non-combustible: A material which does not burn not add heat to a fire when tested for combustibility
in accordance with good practice.
2.10 Travel Distance: The distance from the remotest point on a floor of a building to a place of safety
be it a vertical exit, horizontal exit or an outside exit measured along the line of travel.
2.11 Escape Route: Shall mean any corridor, staircase or other circulation space, or any combination
of the same, by means of which a safe place in the open air at ground level can eventually be
2.12 Hazardous Material: Being defined as the material which is highly combustible or explosive or
products which are liable to burn with extreme rapidity and/or which may produce poisonous
fumes or explosions and the storage, handling, processing or manufacturing of which may involve
highly corrosive, toxic or alkalies, acids or other liquids or chemicals producing flames, fumes
and explosive, poisonous, laminate or corrosive gases or may produce explosive moistures of
dust or fine particles subject to spontaneous ignition.
3.2 For every building, having height between 16 M to 25 M there shall be minimum clear open space
of 4.5 M on the sides fronting roads having width not less than 20 M.
4.1.1 Load bearing elements of construction and elements of construction for which the required
fire resistance is one hour or more shall be of non-combustible material. Interior finish
materials (wall panelings, floors, coverings etc) may be permitted of materials having their
rating for flame spread and smoke developed not exceeding a very low flame spread limit
in accordance with IS 1642 - 1960 (Class-1). Ceiling linings shall be of non-combustible or
of plaster - board.
4.1.3 Structural members such as supports and bearing walls shall have fire resistance rating of
3 hours, transoms and ceilings 2 hours to 4 hours.
4.1.4 Internal walls and partitions (Fire Sections) walls separating corridors areas of floor that
are used for any purpose other than circulation shall have a fire resistance of not less than
two hours. There shall be no openings in such walls other than for doors or delivery batches
with fire resistance not less than half an hour to one hour.
4.1.5 Facades shall consist of non-combustible building materials. A fire must bridge a distance
of at least 0.9 meters between storeys.
5.1 One lift and one staircase shall be considered as 2 exits required as fire exits as per these rules,
for buildings having height of between 16 M and 22 M.
5.2 The internal enclosing walls of staircase shall be brick or RCC construction having fire resistance
of not less than two hours. All enclosed staircases shall have access through self closing doors of
at least half an hour fire resistance. These shall be single swing doors opening in the direction of
the escape. The door shall be fitted with check action doors closure.
5.3 The staircase enclosure on external walls of the building shall be ventilated to atmosphere at
each landing.
General Development Control Regulations
5.4 Permanent vent at the top equal to 5% of the cross sectional area of the enclosure and openable
sashes at each landing level with area not less than 0.5 sq.m. on the external walls shall be
provided. The roof of the shaft shall be at least 1 M above the surrounding roof. There shall be no
glazing or glass bricks in any internal enclosing wall of a staircase. If the staircase is in the core of
the building and cannot be ventilated at each landing, a positive pressure of 5 mm w.g. by an
electrically operated blower / blowers shall be maintained.
5.5 The mechanism for pressurising the staircase shaft shall be so installed that the same shall operate
automatically and also with manual operation facilities, when the automatic fire alarm operates.
5.6 (a) The maximum travel distance that shall be permitted from the farthest exit on a floor to the
staircase shall be as follows:
(b) Main staircases in buildings of following occupancies shall have a minimum width as specified
below :
i. Residential building. 110 cms.
ii. Hotels etc. 150 cms.
iii. Business & Mercantile bldgs. 150 cms.
iv. Educational & Public assembly Buildings. 200 cms.
v. Institutional building. 200 cms.
6.1 The walls enclosing lift shafts shall have a fire resistance of not less than two hours. Shafts shall
have permanent vents at the top not less than 1800 sq.m. in clear area. Lift motor rooms shall
preferably be sited at the top of the shaft and shall be separated from lift shafts by the enclosing
wall of the shaft or by the floor of the motor rooms.
6.2 Landing doors in lift enclosures shall open in the ventilated or pressurised corridor / lobby and
shall have fire resistance of not less than one hour.
6.3 The number of lifts in one lift bank shall not exceed four. Shafts for fire lift in a lift bank shall be
separated from each other by a brick masonry or RCC wall of fire resistance of not less than two
hours. Lift car doors shall have fire resistance of not less than one hour.
6.4 If the lift shaft and lift lobby are in the core of the building, a positive pressure of not less than 2.5
mm and not more than 3 mm w.g. by an electrically operated blower / blowers shall be maintained
in the lift lobby and positive pressure of not less than 5 mm w.g. shall be maintained in the lift
shaft. The mechanism for pressurising the lift shaft and lift lobby shall be so installed that they
shall operate automatically when the automatic fire alarm operate. The mechanism shall have
facilities to operate manually (for building more than 24 m in height).
6.5 Exit from the lift lobby if located in the core of the building shall be through a self-closing smoke
stop door of half an hour fire resistance.
6.6 Lifts shall not normally communicate with basement. However, one of the lifts may be permitted
to reach the basement levels provided the lift lobby at each basement level is separated from the
rest of the basement areas, by fusible link operated fire resistance door of two hours fire resistance.
6.7 Exit from lift lobby shall be through a self-closing smoke stop door.
6.8 Grounding switch / switches at ground floor level to enable the fire service to ground the lift / car
/ cars in an emergency shall be provided (for building more than 24 m in height).
In case of centrally air-conditioned buildings area of the openable external windows on a floor shall be
not less than 2.5% of the floor area. The locks for these windows shall be fitted with budget lock of the
carriage key type (which can be opened with the point of a fireman's axe).
8.1 Provisions for a fire lift shall be made as per the following details in buildings more than 24 M only.
a) To enable Fire Services personnel to reach to the upper floors with the minimum delay, one
of the lifts shall be so designed so as to be available for the exclusive use of the Fireman in
emergency and be directly accessible to every dwelling / lettable floor space on each floor.
b) The lift shall have loading capacity of not less than 545 kgs (8 persons lift). The lift shall
have a floor area of not less than 1.4
c) The electric supply shall be on a separate service from electric supply mains in a building
and the cables run in a route safe from fire, that is, within the lift shafts. In case of failure of
normal electric supply, it shall be capable of changing over to alternate supply manually
through a change over switch.
d) The operation of a fire lift is by simple toggle or two button switch situated in a glass fronted
box adjacent to the lift at the entrance level. When the switch is on, landing call points will
control only. When the switch is off, the lift will return to normal working. This lift can be
used by the occupants in normal times.
e) The words "FIRE LIFT" shall be conspicuously displayed in fluorescent paint on the lift
landing doors at each floor level.
f) For buildings above 24 M in height, collapsible gates shall not be permitted for lifts and
shall be solid doors with fire resistance of one hour.
h) The speed of the fire lift shall be such that it can reach the top floor from ground level within
one minute or 91.5 meters per minute whichever is less.
8.2 For residential buildings the above provisions may not be applicable except the provision at 8.1
(d) and 8.1 (g).
9.1 Each basement shall be separately ventilated. Vents with cross sectional area (aggregate) not
less than 2.5% of the floor area spread evenly round the perimeter of the basement shall be
provided in the form of grills or breakable stallboards lights or pavement lights or by way of shafts.
Alternatively, a system of air inlets shall be provided at basement floor level and smoke outlets at
basements ceiling levels. Inlets and extracts may be terminated at ground level with stallboards
General Development Control Regulations
or pavement lights as before but ducts to convey fresh air to the basement floor level have to be
laid. Stallboards and pavement lights should be in positions easily accessible to the Fire Bridge
and clearly marked 'SMOKE OUTLETS' or 'AIR INLET" with an indication of area served at or
near the opening.
9.2 The staircase of basement shall be of enclosed type having fire resistance of not less
than two hours and shall be situated at the periphery of the basement to be entered at ground
level only from the open air and in such positions that smoke from any fire in the basement
shall not obstruct any exit serving the ground and upper storeys of the building and shall
communicate with basement through a lobby provided with fire resisting self closing doors of one
hour fire resistance. If the travel distance exceeds 18.50 m additional staircases at proper places
shall be provided.
9.3 In multi - storey basements, intake ducts may serve all basement levels but each basement and
basement compartment shall have separate smoke outlet duct or ducts.
9.4 Mechanical extractors for smoke venting system from lower basements levels shall also be
provided. The system shall be of such design as to operate on actuation of heat sensitive detectors
or sprinklers if installed and shall have a considerably higher performance than the standard
units. It should also have an arrangement to start it manually and shall be designed to function at
a temperature not less than 550 degree C.
9.5 Kitchens working on gas fuel, departmental stores and shops shall not be permitted in basement
/ sub-basement.
10.1 Service ducts for electrical conduits, cables etc. shall be enclosed by walls having a fire resistance
of not less than two hours. Doors for inspection or access shall also have fire resistance of not
less than two hours.
10.2 If the cross sectional area exceeds 1 sq.m. it shall be sealed where it passes a floor by carrying
the duct through the floor. The floor within the duct shall be pierced for any service pipe or ventilation
trunk and shall fit as closely as possible around any such pipe or trunk.
10.3 A permanent vent shall be provided at the top of the service shaft of cross sectional area not less
than 460 or 6.25 for each 900 of the area of the shaft whichever is more.
11.1 Hoppers to refuse chutes shall be situated in well ventilated positions and the chutes shall be
continued upwards with an outlet above roof level and with an enclosure wall of non-combustible
material with fire resistance not less than two hours. The hoppers shall not be located within the
staircase enclosure.
11.2 Inspection panel and hopper (charging station) opening shall be fitted with tight fitting metal doors,
covers having a fire resistance of not less than one hour.
11.3 Refuse chutes shall not be provided in staircase walls, air-conditioning shafts etc.
11.4 Refuse-chambers shall have walls and floors or roofs constructed of non-combustible and
impervious material and shall have a fire resistance of not less than two hours. They shall be
located at a safe distance from exit routes.
a) The electric distribution cables / wiring shall be laid in separate duct. The duct shall be
sealed at every alternative floor with non-combustible materials having the same fire
resistance as that of the duct.
b) Water mains, telephone lines, intercom lines, gas pipes or any other service line shall not
be laid in the duct for electric cables.
c) Separate circuits for water pumps, lifts, staircases and corridor lighting shall be provided
directly from the main switch gear panel and these circuits shall be laid in separate conduit
pipes so that fire in one circuit will not affect the others.
d) The inspection panel doors and any other opening in the shaft shall be provided with air
tight fire doors having the fire resistance of not less than two hours.
e) Medium and Low-Voltage wiring running in shafts and within false ceiling shall run in metal conduit.
f) An independent and well ventilated service room shall be provided on the ground floor with
direct access from outside or from the corridor for the purpose of termination of electric
supply cable. The doors provided for the service room shall have fire resistance of not less
than two hours.
g) If the licensees agree to provide meters on upper floors, the licensees cables shall be
segregated from consumers cable by providing a partition in the duct.
Where gas pipes are run in the building, the same shall be run in separate shafts exclusively for
this purpose and these shall be on external walls, away from the staircases. There shall be no
inter connection of this shaft with the rest of floors.
(a) The staircase and corridor lighting shall be on separate service and shall be independently
connected so as it could be operated by one switch installation on the ground floor easily
accessible to fire fighting staff at any time irrespective of the position of the individual
control of the light points, if any.
(b) The staircase and corridor lighting shall also be connected to alternate supply as defined in
Byelaw No. 12.4 for building exceeding 24 m in height. For assembly, institutional buildings
General Development Control Regulations
of height less than 24 m. the alternate source of supply may be provided by battery
continuously trickle charged from the electric mains.
(c) Suitable arrangements shall be made by installation double throw switches to ensure that
the lighting installed in the staircase and the corridor do not get connected to two sources
of supply simultaneously. Double throw switch shall be installed in the service room for
terminating the stand-by supply.
(d) Emergency lights shall be provided in the staircases / corridor for assembly and institutional
buildings above 16 m in height.
12.4 (1) Alternate source of Electric Supply: A stand-by electric generator shall be installed to
supply power to staircase and corridor lighting circuits, fire lifts, the stand-by fire pump,
smoke extraction and damper systems in case of failure of normal electric supply. The
generator shall be capable of taking starting current of all the machines and circuits stated
above simultaneously. If the stand-by pump is driven by diesel engine, the generator supply
need not be connected to the stand-by pump.
Where parallel HV/LV supply from a separate sub-station is provided with appropriate
transformer for emergency, the provision of generator may be waived in consultation
with competent fire authority as approved by the Fire Adviser to the Govt. of
(2) The provision of generator set as above shall not be applicable to residential buildings.
12.5 Transformers :
a) If transformers are housed in the building between the ground level it shall be necessarily
in the first basement in separate fire resisting room of 4 hours rating. The room shall
necessarily be at the periphery of the basement. The entrance to the room shall be provided
with a steel door of 2 hours fire rating. A curb (sill) of a suitable height shall be provided at
the entrance in order to prevent the flow of oil from ruptured transformer into other part of
the basement. The direct access to the transformer room shall be provided preferably from
outside. The switch gears shall be housed in a separate room separated from the transformer
bays by a fire resisting wall with fire resistance not less than four hours.
c) In case the transformers housed in the basements totally segregated from other areas of
the basements by 4 hours fire resisting wall / walls with an access directly from outside it
may be protected by carbondioxide or B.C.F. fixed installation system
d) When housed at ground floor level it / they shall be cut off from the other portion of premises
by fire resisting walls of 4 hours fire resistance.
12.6 Air Conditioning :
a) Escape routes like staircases, common corridors, lift lobbies etc. shall not be used as
return air passage.
b) The ducting shall be constructed of substantial gauge metal in accordance with IS 655 -
1963 (Revised) and any revision thereof.
c) Wherever the ducts pass through firewalls or floors the opening around the ducts shall
be sealed with fire resisting materials such as asbestos rope, vermiculite concrete,
glasswool etc.
d) As far as possible, metallic ducts shall be used even for the return air instead of space
above the false ceiling.
e) The materials used for insulating the duct system (inside or outside) shall be of
noncombustible material such as glasswool etc.
f) Area more than 750 sq.m. on individual floor shall be segregated by a fire wall and automatic
Fire Dampers for isolation shall be provided where the ducts pass through fire walls. The
fire dampers shall be capable of operating manually
g) Air ducts serving main floor areas, corridors etc. shall not pass through the stair wall.
h) The air handling units shall as far as possible be separate for each floor and air ducts for
every floor shall be separate and in no way inter-connected with the ducting of any
other floor.
i) If the air handling unit serves more than one floor, the recommendations given above shall
be complied with in addition to the conditions given from J to O.
j) Proper arrangements by way of automatic fire dampers working on smoke detectors for
isolating all ducting at every floor from the main riser shall be made.
k) When the automatic fire alarm operates the respective air handling units of the air
conditioning system shall automatically be switched off.
l) Automatic fire dampers shall be provided at the inlet of the fresh air duct and the return air
duct of each compartment / shop on every floor.
m) Automatic fire dampers shall be so arranged so as to close by gravity in the direction of the
air movement and to remain tightly closed upon operating of a smoke detectors.
o) The air handling unit room shall not be used for storage of any combustible materials.
13.1 Provisions of Boiler and Boiler Rooms shall conform to Indian Boiler Act. Further, the following
additional aspects may be taken into account in the location of Boiler / Boiler Room.
a) The boilers shall not be allowed in sub-basement but may be allowed in the basements
away from the escape routes.
General Development Control Regulations
b) The boilers shall be installed in a fire resisting room of 4 hours fire resistance rating and
this room shall be situated on the periphery of the basement. Catch-pits shall be provided
at the low level.
c) Entry to this room shall be provided with a composite door of 2 hours fire resistance.
d) The boiler room shall be provided with fresh air inlets and smoke exhausts directly to the
e) The furnace oil tank for the Boiler if located in the adjoining room shall be separated by fire
resisting wall of 4 hours rating. The entrance to this room shall be provided with double
composite doors. A curb of suitable height shall be provided at the entrance in order to
prevent the flow of oil into the Boiler room in case of tank rupture.
f) Foam inlets shall be provided on the external walls of the building near the ground level to
enable the fire service to use foam in case of fire.
14.1 No hazardous materials shall be allowed to be stored or kept in any part of high rise building
either as storage or for handling, processing or manufacturing etc.
14.2 Use of inflammable solvents for cleaning carpets etc. shall not be allowed inside the building.
14.3 No refuse dumps or storage places shall be permitted in the staircase walls.
14.5 Auto repairs and spray painting shall not be allowed in basement.
14.6 Where gas pipes are run in the building, the same shall be run in separate shafts exclusively for
this purpose and these shall be on external walls, away from the staircase. There shall be no
interconnection of this shaft with the rest of the floors.
14.7 Wooden or any other combustible materials shall not be used in staircases, lift lobby and such
other places, which connect one floor to other.
15.1 The first air fire fighting equipments shall be provided on all floors including basements, occupied
terraces, lift rooms in accordance with IS 2217 - 1963 or revision thereof. Recommendations for
providing First-aid-Fire Fighting Arrangements in Public Buildings in consultation with the
Competent fire authority as designated or authorised by the Corporation.
15.2 The fire fighting appliances shall be distributed over the building in accordance with prevailing
IS: Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance of portable first-aid fire
16.1 Building above 16 m in height depending upon the occupancy use shall be protected by wet riser
cum down comer automatic sprinkler installation, high pressure water spray or foam generating
system etc. as per the details given 16.2 to 16.7
16.2 Fire Fighting Installations / Raquirements:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Residential Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
building upto
16 M in height
2. Residential Wet-riser cum- Nil 10000 Nil 100 Litres per
buildings down commer ltrs minutes giving a
a) above16 with provision pressure not less
Mbut not of fire service than 1.5 kg/cm2
exceeding inlet only near at the top
ground level. most hydrant
b) (I)exceeding Wet riser-cum- 15,000 20,000 Nil 450 ltr.Per minutes
24M but not down cornrner ltrs. ltr. giving a pressure
exceeding 25.5m. not less than
2.15kg/cm2 at the
top most hydrant.
c) above 24M & -do- -do- -do- 1400 ltrs/ 900 ltrs/minute
nor exceeding minutes minutes giving
35m with giving a a Pressure not
shopping area pressure less than
upto 250 sq.m. not less 2. 1kg/cm2
and restricting than 3.2 at the
the shopping kg/cm2 top most
areas to the at the hydrant
ground floor only top most
General Development Control Regulations
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3. Non-Residential Wet riser- cum- 50,000 10,000 1350 Ltrs/ 450 ltrs. Per
Buildings: down commer ltrs. ltrs. minutes minutes giving
a) above 16M giving a a pressure not
in height but pressure not less than 2.1
not exceeding less than kg/cm2 at the
24M excepting 3.2 kg/cm2 top most
educational at the the hydrant.
buildings top most
except for
business &
c) above -do- 75,000 20,000 2400 ltrs per 450 ltrs. per
24M but not ltrs ltrs minutes giving minute giving a
exceeding a 450 ltrs. Per pressure not less
minute giving a than 2.1 kg/cm2
pressure 35M at the top most
pressure not hydrant
less than 3.2
kg/cm2. The
pump provided
will be of
type with
suction and
delivery size
Sr. Type of the Type of Water Supply Pump Capacity Near
No. bldg/occupancy installations Underground/ the underground at
Terrace Static terrace level Static tank
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
not less than
6” dia with
low level
riser upto 10
storeys and
high level riser
delivery for
upper floors
d) above Wet riser 100,000 Nil -do- Nil
35M but not (fully charged
exceeding with adequate
60 M pressure at all
times and
automatic in
e) above 60M -do- 150, 000 Nil i) 2400 ltrs per Nil
but not ltrs minute giving
exceeding a pressure
92M not less than
3.2 kg/cm2.
The pump
provided will
be of multistage
type with
suction and
delivery sizes
not less than
6" dia with low
level riser up
to 16 storeys
and high level
riser delivery
for upper floors.
ii) A stand by
pump of equal
capacity shall
be provided
on alternate
source of supply
f) above 92M -do- 200,000 Nil -do- Nil
Note 1: Any of the above categories may incorporate an automatic sprinkle / drencher system. If the risk is
such that requires installation of such protective methods.
General Development Control Regulations
Note 2: Minimum of two hydrants shall be provided within the courtyard, the location of which shall be decided
in consultation with the competent fire authority as approved by the Fire Adviser to the Govt. of
Note 3: Wet riser cum down comer is an arrangement for fire fighting within the building by means of vertical
pipes not less than 10.00 cm dia with hydrant outlets on each floor / landing connected to an overhead
water storage tank for fire fighting purpose through a booster pump, gate and non-return valves over
the underground static tank. A fire service inlet at ground level fitted with a non-return valve, shall
also be provided to the rising main for charging it through fire service pumps in case of failure of
static fire pump over the underground station tank.
Note 5: In case of group housing of apartment building 16 M and above in height but below 24 M a centrally
located tank having a capacity of 200000 liters shall be provided.
Note 6: The above quantities of water shall be exclusively for fire fighting and shall not be utilized for domestic
or other use.
a) Residential buildings :
i. upto 45 m - 10 cm with single hydrant outlet and hose reel on each floor.
ii. above 45m - 15 cm with twin hydrant outlets and hose reel on each floor.
b) Non-Residential buildings.
i. upto 24 m - 10 cm with single hydrant outlet and hose reel on each floor.
ii. Above 24m - 15 cm with twin hydrant outlets and hose reel on each floor.
16.3 The Wet Riser installations shall conform to IS 3844-1966 Code of Practice for installation of internal fire
hydrants in multistoreyed buildings.
In addition, Wet Riser shall be designed for zonal distribution ensuring that unduly high pressure are not
developed in risers and hose pipes. In addition to Wet Risers / Wet Riser cum Down corner, first aid
hose reels shall be installed on all the floors of the buildings above 24 m and shall conform to IS 884 -
1969. Specification for first aid hose reel for fire fighting (fixed installation). The first aid hose reel shall
be connected to one of the female couplings of twin couplings of landing valves of the Wet Riser
installations by means of adopter.
16.3 (1) Static Water Storage Tank : A satisfactory supply of water for the purpose of fire fighting shall
always be available in the form of underground static storages tank with capacity specific for each
building with arrangements of replenishment by main or alternative source of supply @ 1000
litres per minute. The static storage water supply required for the above mentioned purpose
should entirely be accessible to the fire engines of the local Fire Services. Provision of suitable
number of manholes shall be made available for inspection, repairs and inspection of suction
holes etc. The covering slab shall be able to withstand the vehicular load of 18 tons.
The domestic suction tank connected to the static water storage tank shall have an overflow
capable for discharging 2250 litres per minute to a visible drain point from which by a separate
conduits, the overflow shall be conveyed to a storm water drain.
16.3 (2) To prevent stagnation of water in the static water storage tank, the suction tank of the
domestic water supply shall be fed only through an overflow arrangement to maintain the
level therein at the minimum specified capacity.
16.3 (3) The static water storage tank shall be provided with a fire brigade collecting breaching with
4 nos. 63 mm dia (2 nos. 63mm dia for pump with capacity 1400 litres / minute) instantaneous
male inlets arranged in a valve box at a suitable point at street level and connected to the
static tank by a suitable fixed pipe not less than 15 cm dia to discharge water into the tank
when required at a rate of 2250 litres per minute.
b) In multi-storied basements used as car parks and for housing essential services ancillary
to a particular occupancy.
e) All non-domestic floors of mixed occupancy considered to constitute a hazard and not
provided with staircases independent of the remainder of a building.
g) On all floors of the buildings other than residential buildings, if the height of the building
exceed 60m.
This system shall be provided for protection of indoor transformers of a substation in a basement
This system shall be provided for protection of boiler rooms with its ancillary storage of furnace
oils in basement.
Fixed CO2 fire extinguishing installation shall be provided as per IS 6382 - 1971 Code of Practice
for design and installation of fixed CO2 fire extinguishing system on premises where water or
foam cannot be used for fire extinguishment because of the special nature of the contents of the
buildings areas to be protected. Where possible BDF (Bromochlorodifluremethane) installation
may be provided instead of CO2 installation.
17.1 All buildings with heights mentioned against each shall be equipped with fire alarm system as
given in Byelaws No. 17.11 to 17.13.
17.1 (1) Residential Building (Dwelling Houses and Hostels) above 35 m and Educational Buildings,
Institutional buildings above 24 m in height.
General Development Control Regulations
a) Such buildings shall be equipped with manually operated electrical alarm system
with one or more call boxes located at each floor. The location of the call boxes shall
be decided after taking into consideration the floor plan with a view to ensure that
one or the other call box shall be readily accessible to all occupants of the floor
without having to travel more than 22.5 m.
b) The call boxes shall be of the 'break-glass' type without any moving parts, where the
call is transmitted automatically to the control room without any other action on the
part of the person operating the call box.
c) All call boxes shall be wired in a closed circuit to a control panel in the control room,
located as per Bylaw No. 17.0 so that the floor number where the call box is actuated
is clearly indicated on the control panel. The circuit shall also include one or more
batteries with a capacity of 48 hours normal working at full load. The battery shall be
arranged to be continuously trickle - charged from the electric mains.
The circuit may be connected to alternate source of electric supply as defined in
By-law No. 12.4.
d) The call boxes shall be arranged to sound one or more sounders so as to ensure
that all the occupants of the building shall be warned whenever any call box is
e) The call boxes shall be so installed that they do not obstruct the exit-ways and yet
their location can easily be noticed from either direction. The base of the call box
shall be at a height of 1 m from the floor level.
17.1 (2) Business and Industrial Building above 24 m but not exceeding 30 m.
a) Such buildings shall be equipped with manually operated electrical fire alarm system
with one or more call boxes located at each floor. The location of the call boxes shall
be decided after taking into consideration the floor plan with a view to ensure that
one or the other call box shall be readily accessible to all occupants of the floor
without having to travel more than 22.5m.
b) The call boxes shall be of the 'break-glass' type without any moving parts, where the
call is transmitted automatically to the control room without any other action on the
part of the person operating the call box.
c) All call boxes shall be wired in a close circuit to a control panel in the control room
located as per By-law No. 17.0 so that the floor number from where the call box is
actuated is clearly indicated on the control panel. The circuit shall also include one
or more batteries with a capacity of 48 hours normal working at full load. The battery
shall be arranged to be continuously trickle charged from the electric mains. The
circuit may be connected to alternate source of electric supply as defined in
By-law No. 12.4.
d) The call boxes shall be arranged to sound one or more sounders so as to ensure
that all occupants of the building shall be warned whenever any call box is actuated.
e) The call boxes shall be so installed that they do not obstruct the exit ways and yet
their location can easily be noticed from either direction. The base of the call box
shall be at a height of 1 m from the floor level.
17.1 (3) All other buildings exceeding 24 m height excluding those mentioned in By-law No. 17.1
and 17.1.2.
The building shall, in addition to the manually operated electrical fire alarm system, be
equipped with an automatic fire alarm system. The later shall be in addition to the alarm
which may be sounded by the actuation of any automatic fire extinguishing system which
may be installed in any particular occupancy in accordance with these bylaws. The detectors
for the automatic fire alarm shall conform to relevant IS specification Head / Smoke sensitive
type Fire Detector and the system shall be installed in accordance with IS 2139 - 1976
Code of practice of Automatic Fire Alarm System or any other relevant Indian Standard
prescribed from time to time.
Note-1: Several types of fire detectors are available in the market but the application of each type is
limited and has to be carefully considered in relation to the type of risk and the structural
feature of the building where they are to be installed.
Note-2: No automatic detectors shall be required in any room or portion of building which is equipped
with an approved installation of automatic sprinklers.
18.1 The lightning protection for buildings shall be provided based on the provisions of Part-III of the
National Building Code of India 1970.
19.1 For all buildings mentioned in Byelaws No. 17.1.1, 17.1.2 and 17.1.3 except residential buildings
not exceeding 60 m there shall be a control room on the entrance floor of the building with
communication system (suitable public address system) to all floors and facilities for receiving
the message from different floors. Details of all floor plans along with the details of the fire fighting
equipment and installations shall be maintained in the Control Room. The Control Room shall
also have facilities to detect the fire on any floor through Indicator Boards connecting fire detecting
and alarm system on all floors. The staff in charge of control room shall be responsible for the
maintenance of the various services and fire fighting equipment and installations.
20.1 A qualified Fire Officer with experience of not less than 3 years shall be appointed as a care taker
who will be available on the premises at all time.
i) Maintain the fire fighting equipment in good working condition at all times.
iii) Impart training to the occupants of the buildings in the use of fire fighting equipments
provided on the premises and keep them informed about the fire emergency evacuation
General Development Control Regulations
21.1 To eliminate fire hazards a good house keeping inside the building and outside the buildings shall
be strictly maintained by the occupants and / or the owner of the building.
22.1 Fire notices / orders shall be prepared to fulfill the requirements of the fire fighting and evacuation
from the buildings in the event of fire and other emergency. The occupants shall be made thoroughly
conversant with their action in the event of the emergency, by displaying fire notices at vantage
points. Such as notices should be displayed prominently in bold lettering.
For buildings which are more than 24 M in height the applicant / owner shall deposit and keep deposited
an amount of Rs 20,000/- as security deposit, at the time of application to the Fire Officer of CIDCO for
approval under these regulations, for the due performance of the requirements of these regulations.
The security deposit shall be refunded without interest, after the grant of Occupancy Certificate.
No. In exercise of the powers conferred by paragraph (I) of Section 159 of the Maharashtra Regional and
Town Planning Act, 1966 (Mah. XXXVII of 1966), the City & Industrial Development Corporation of Maharashtra
Limited, Bombay, being the New Town Development Authority for the area comprised in the site of New
Bombay under sub-section 3(A) of Section 113 of the said Act, hereby makes the following building regulations
with the previous approval of the State Government for controlling the development of land in village gaothans
in New Bombay, namely:
(a) These regulations may be called the New Bombay Building Control Regulations 1973 (village
gaothans) for the control of the development in village gaothans in New Bombay.
(b) They shall come into force immediately on the publication in the Maharashtra Govt. Gazette.
(c) Subject to the provisions of the Maharashtra Regional & Town Planning Act, 1966, the following
Regulations shall apply to the village gaothans in New Bombay.
2. Permission may be granted for the construction of buildings for the following purpose only.
(c) Shops selling provisions of day-to-day requirements like vegetables, toilet areas etc., and not
more than 15 Sq.m. in area.
(d) Small Scale Service Industries, which do not create nuisance on account of smoke, smell, dust,
noise, glare or any other factor and having power, floor area and employment requirement of not
more than 5 HP., 25 Sq.m. and 5 persons respectively, may be permitted in gaothan, subject to a
No Objection Certificate from concerned village Panchayat in the form of Resolution. †
3. The built-up area shall not exceed 50% of the plot area.
4. The number of storeys shall not exceed two (including ground floor) .
5. The total floor area of both of floors shall not be more than 3/4 of the plot area (FSI 0.75).
7. The minimum carpet area of a dwelling unit shall be 11 Sq.m.. Nahani may be permitted within the
allowable carpet area of 11 Sq.mtrs. provided the remaining is at least 9.5 Sq.m.. This was added in
December '78.
(i) A marginal open space of 1.5 m. shall be left permanently open on all sides of the building.
General Development Control Regulations
(ii) The plots with less than 9 mtr. width or depth the marginal open space may be allowed to be
reduced to 1m. but in such plots only ground floor structure shall be permitted.
(iii) For two storeyed structures a marginal open space of 2.25 m. shall be left permanently open on
all sides of the building.
(a) Windows space for light and ventilation equal to at least 1/8th of the floor area of the room.
(b) Soak pits for drainage, water where there are no.........................
(c) Soak pits and privies shall be at least 7.5 mtrs. away from private wells and 15 mtrs. area from the
public wells.
10. No plot shall be sub-divided without the permission of the Planning Authority.
11. The Vice Chairman & Managing Director, CIDCO may relax the any of these regulations in deserving
Commercial use of lands in the possession of the Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in these Regulations or the Development Plan / Planning
proposals, land in the possession of the Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation shall be allowed to be
developed for commercial use to the extent of 50% of the admissible floor space index, subject, however, to
the general restrictions otherwise applicable to such development and also in accordance with the Government
of Maharashtra, Home department, Resolution No. STC 3400/CR-148/TRA-1 dated 1st February 2001 as
may be modified from time to time.
2.5 FSI for EWS, LIG, MIG
[Regulation No. 34]
1. For redevelopment of building or buildings in the housing schemes of CIDCO, containing houses or
tenements for (i) EWS/LIG and/or (ii) MIG and/or (iii) HIG, the total permissible FSI shall be permissible
in accordance with the provisions contained in Appendix VII of this Regulation as specified in Table-A
below and shall be based on gross plot area:
Table A
Identification of dangerous / dilapidated buildings shall be done by a Committee Under the Chairmanship
of the Joint Managing Director, CIDCO, comprising Superintendent Engineer, Public Works Department,
Thane, Joint Director, Town Planning, Konkan Division; City Engineer, NMMC; Chief Engineer, CIDCO,
Chief Planner, CIDCO and such other members as may be appointed by the Joint Managing Director,
CIDCO having regard to their academic qualifications, technical competence and previous experience
in the field of Structural Engineering.
General Development Control Regulations
(a) a basic entitlement equivalent to the carpet area of the existing tenements plus 35% thereof,
subject to a minimum carpet area of 300 sq.ft. and
(b) an additional entitlement, governed by the size of the plot under redevelopment, in
accordance with the Table-B below:
Table B
Provided that the maximum entitlement of rehabilitation area shall in no case exceed the maximum limit
of carpet area prescribed for MIG category by the Govt. as applicable on the date of approval of the
redevelopment project.
Provided further that the entitlement of rehabilitation area, as admissible under this regulation, shall be
exclusive of the area of balcony.
B) Incentive FSI:
Incentive FSI admissible against the FSI required for rehabilitation, as calculated above, shall be based
on the ratio (hereinafter referred to as Basic Ratio) of Land Rate (LR) in Rs./Sq.m. of the plot under
redevelopment as per the Annual Schedule of Rates (ASR) and Rate of Construction (RC)* in Rs/Sqm
applicable to the area as per the ASR and shall be as given in the Table - C below:
Table C
Explanation:- * RC is the rate of construction in respect of R.C.C. Construction, as published by the
Chief Controlling Revenue Authority & Inspector General of Registration, Maharashtra State in the
Annual Schedule of Rates.
Provided that the above incentive will be subject to the availability of the FSI on the Plot under the
redevelopment and its distribution by CIDCO.
Provided further that in case there are more than one land rate applicable to different parts of the plot
under redevelopment, a weighted average of all the applicable rates shall be taken for calculating the
Average Land Rate and the Basic Ratio.
Provided further that the Land Rate (LR) and the Rate of Construction (RC) for calculation of the Basic
Ratio shall be taken for the year in which the redevelopment project is approved by the authority.
The FSI remaining in balance after providing for the rehabilitation and the incentive components, calculated
as per (A) and (B) above respectively, shall be shared between the existing or proposed Co-operative
Housing Society/ Apartment Ownership Association and CIDCO, in the form of built-up area, as given in
Table D below and the share of CIDCO shall be handed over to CIDCO free of cost.
Table D
The Rehabilitation Area Entitlement shall be increased by 15% of the existing carpet area,
over and above the Rehabilitation Area Entitlement calculated in (A) of clause 2 above,
subject to the maximum of the size of MIG, prescribed by the Government in the Housing
B) Incentive FSI:
There shall be so sharing of the balance FSI, which shall be entirely available to CIDCO for
implementing Affordable Housing Project.
* Awaiting government sanction
General Development Control Regulations
3. Other requirement/Criteria:
i. For the purpose of calculating the FSI, the entire area of the layout including widening of existing
roads and internal roads but excluding the land earmarked for public amenities shall be considered.
Sub-division as well as amalgamation of plots shall be permissible. Amalgamation of more than
one Apartment Owners' Association / Co. op. Hsg. Society amalgamation, the amalgamated plot
should be in the name of the applicant CHS with legal ownership title, without considering the
provision made in the Regulation of this DCR. However, consent of at least 70% leaseholders /
occupants who intend to amalgamate such condominium shall be necessary.
ii. In a condominium/plot area, widening of existing roads as per the regular line of street prsescribed
by CIDCO or widening of road providing vehicular access to the condominium plot to bring it to
the minimum right of way as prescribed in Table "A", shall be permissible for reconstruction /
redevelopment, after handing over required stretch of land under road to CIDCO, free of cost,
duly developed with storm water drains and footpath, if any, to the satisfaction of the Managing
Director, CIDCO.
iii. In case where there are a number of dangerous / dilapidated building on a plot, in such cases,
equivalent Land component of such buildings shall be worked out and incentive F.S.I. shall be
based on such land component.
iv. The normal permissible tenement density per net hectare may be allowed to be exceeded in
multiple of F.S.I. permissible.
v. The existing residential premises (other than R+C premises) shall be permitted to the redeveloped
for residential user only. No change of Use from Residential to Residential cum Commercial shall
be permitted. However, in such premises, if area of such plot is more than 1000 sqm and the
same is fronting on a road having width of 20 mtr and above then it shall be permissible to
construct convenience shopping to the extent of 5% of the plot area and if the plot area is more
than 1000 sq. mtr. and the plot is fronting on a road having width of 30 mtrs and above then this
limit for convenience shopping will be upto 10%.
vi. In a condominium/plot area, it shall be mandatory to keep minimum 10% or 15% as the case may
be compulsory recreational open space on ground clearly open to sky over and above podium
garden, in the proposed redevelopment project in respect of land area between 2500 sq.mtrs. to
4000 sq.mtrs. or more than 4000 sq.mtrs. respectively.
vii. 5% of the Plot area under reconstruction/redevelopment project shall be surrendered to the CIDCO,
free of cost, towards essential amenity area, in case the plot area is more than 2500 The
FSI of such amenity area shall be permissible on the balance plot area and the entire area of
such amenity space will be considered for computation of FSI, without deducting this area from
the gross plot area. However, 1.0 FSI out of amenity space FSI will be deducted from the total
permissible FSI. Alternatively carpet area equivalent to 5% of the area of the plot under
redevelopment can be constructed within the scheme, providing separate access, and handed
over to CIDCO free of cost as Social amenity.
viii. The Layout of entire condominium / residential / Residential cum commercial premises, duly
signed by the Apartment owners' Association/CHS shall be submitted at the time of Commencement
Certificate to ascertain the feasibility of the entire condominium for redevelopment, so that in
future, proper redevelopment of other buildings in the condominium/residential premises is smoothly
feasible. However, such redevelopment can be undertaken in a phased manner in respect of one
or two buildings likewise as per the approved layout of the entire condominium/residential premises.
In case of such partial redevelopment, the infrastructure charges shall also be deposited in
proportion to the area under such partial redevelopment.
ix. For the purpose of deciding the authenticity in of the age of the structure, if the approved plans of
such existing structure are not available, the Managing Director, CIDCO shall consider other
evidence such as Assessment Record or city survey record or sanad.
x. In any Redevelopment project where the existing or proposed Corporative Housing Society/
Apartment Owners Association/Developer appointed by the concerned Society/Associations has
obtained No Objection Certificate from the CIDCO, thereby securing additional balance FSI with
the consent of 70% of its members and where such NOC holder has made provision for alterative
accommodation in the proposed building (including transit accommodation), then it shall be
obligatory for all the occupiers/members to participate in the Redevelopment Scheme and vacate
the existing tenements for the purpose of redevelopment. However, in case of Apartment owners
associations, the consent as per the concerned Act will be required.
xi. For redevelopment of any dangerous/dilapidated buildings in any Housing Scheme of CIDCO
under clause 2.1 herein above, by CIDCO, the consent of the Corporative Housing Society in the
form of a valid Resolution as per the Co-operative Societies Act, 1960 will be sufficient. Similarly,
in case of Apartment Owners Association, the consent as per the concerned Act will be required.
xii. For providing the requisite infrastructure for the increased population, an infrastructure charge at
the rate of 10% of the Land Rate as per the ASR of the year of approval of the redevelopment
project shall be levied and charged by the CIDCO for the extra FSI granted for the redevelopment
project, over and above the Basic Zonal FSI.
xiii. A corpus fund, as may be decided by the Managing Director, CIDCO shall be created by the
Developer which shall remain with the concerned Co-operative Housing Society/Apartment Owner
Association for the maintenance of the new buildings under the Rehabilitation Component.
xiv. For the purpose of this Regulation, the carpet areas of EWS, LIG or MIG tenements shall be
determined by the Government in the Housing Department from time to time.
xv. Any redevelopment proposal where CIDCO has already issued Commencement Certificate (CC)
prior to the date of coming into force of this Modification (hereinafter referred to as "the appointed
date") and which is valid as on the appointed date, shall be allowed to convert to redevelopment
project under this Regulation, provided it satisfies all the requirements specified in this Regulation.
General Development Control Regulations
(A) Regulations for Land Compensation Scheme and Rehabilitation Pocket in Navi Mumbai
2. Floor Space Index admissible on lands allotted under the scheme shall be as follows:
a) Component - I: Floor Space Index for the development of lands allotted under Component - I
shall be 2.5.
b) Component - II: Floor Space Index for the development of land allotted under Component - II
shall be 1.5.
c) Floor Space Index for the development of total land allotted under Component - I and
Component - II that is 22.5% shall be 2.0.
d) Component - III: Floor Space Index for the development of land allotted under Component - III
shall be 1.5.
e) Kept in abeyance
f) The base FSI of the lands within Pushpak Node as described by CIDCO shall be 2.0 irrespective
of the land use and the maximum permissible FSI shall be 2.5. Provided that with the previous
approval of VC & MD, CIDCO, this additional 0.5 FSI may be granted for utilization on these plots
subject to payment of additional premium as may be decided by the Corporation.
Alternatively, with the previous approval of VC & MD, CIDCO, additional FSI 0.5 in the form of DRC
shall be allowed on lands within the Pushpak Node only over and above the base FSI of 2.0.
However, while granting such additional 0.5 FSI VC & MDm CIDCO shall give priority to grant of such
additional FSI in the form of DRC.
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 13/08/2015
Provided that
i) A maximum FSI 2.0 shall be admissible for plots having an area equal to or in as excess of 1000
sq. mtr., however in case, the available FSI can not be used at site due to hardship of height
restriction and for any other reasons recorded in writing in Pushpak Node, floating of TDR shall
be allowed and such TDR shall be used within Pushpak Node only with the approval of VC&MD.
ii) FSI 1.5 shall be admissible for plot having area less than 1000 sq. mtr. And the balance 0.5 or 1.0
FSI, as may be applicable, shall be admissible for utilization in the form of Development Right
Certificate (DRC) as a Transferable Development Right (TDR), the utilization of which shall be
within Pushpak Node only as per regulation 37.
DRC in the form of TDR shall be eligible for utilization in the following locations.
a) Pushpak Node as shown on the plan.
b) Kept in abeyance
c) The proposed provision is refused to accord sanction.
The utilization of DRC within Pushpak node only shall be permitted is as follows:
7. Powers of Interpretation :
If any dispute regarding the interpretation of these Regulations arises, the decision made by the State
Government shall be final.
General Development Control Regulations
Appendix - X : Regulation 37 1
(B) Regulation for Utilization of Transferable Development Right in Navi Mumbai
(TDR is as specified in the Appendix – X)
1. Transferable Development Right means the unused potential of the plot allotted under the Land
Compensation Scheme which in FSI terms is equivalent to the balance eligible area of development of
such allotted plot, and which is made available to the allottee in the form of Development Right Certificate,
which allottee may utilize himself or transfer to any other person.
2. Allottee under the Land Compensation Scheme who is entitled to receive developed lands under
Component - I and Component - II and is unable to utilize the full potential of development of such land
in situ as per the provisions of Regulation 36, shall be eligible for the grant of Development Right
3. The Development Right Certificate (DRC) shall be issued by the Managing Director/Jt. Managing Director
4. If the holder of the DRC intends to transfer it to any other person, he shall submit the DRC to the
Managing Director, CIDCO with their appropriate application for endorsement of the new holder's name.
5. A holder of DRC who desires to use the FSI credit on a particular plot land shall attach to his application
for development permission, valid DRC to the extent required.
6. The DRC shall be valid for use on receiving plots in area of Pushpak Node described in detail in the
schedule, the pockets as may be notified by CIDCO as the Intensive Development Pockets and all the
plots of residential, business or mercantile in combination with residential use in all Southern Node
(Raigad District) under the jurisdiction of CIDCO having one side or the plot fronting on equal to or
above 20.0 mtr. Wide road.
7. The minimum size of the receiving plot on which TDR may be permitted to be utilized shall be 2000 sq.
mtr. in the area of Pushpak Node, described in detail in the schedule and development of such plot shall
be as per Regulations no. 36.
8. Plots in the range of 1000 m2 to 2000 m2 shall not be permitted to float TDR unless the full potential of
the plot with FSI 2.0 is consumed, however in case of exceptional hardship more specifically due to
height restrictions, in Pushpak node, floating of TDR shall be allowed and such TDR shall be used
within Pushpak node only with the approval of VC&MD.
9. Except Intensive Development Pockets, in other plots the utilization of TDR shall depend on the size of
the plot and its development potential as per GDCR.
10. Amount of TDR shall be equal to the unutilised FSI in sq. mtr. The utilisation of TDR on receiving plot
shall be as per formula given below:
The Regulations were amended and sanctioned on 13/08/2015
A = (Rg/Rr) x B
A = utilisation of DR in sq. mtr. on receiving plot
Rg = Rate in rupees per sq. mtr. as per ASR* of generating plots in generating plots in generating year
Rr = Rate in rupees per as per ASR* of receiving plots in generating year
B = TDR debited from DRC in
*ASR means Annual Schedule of Rates published by the registration department for each year.
Wherever ASR rate is not available the rates decided by CIDCO shall be applicable for computation.
11. DRC in combination shall be allowed for utilization on receiving plots on exclusive residential use plots
and business or mercantile plots use in combination residential use in the designated areas.
12. The DRC may be used in one or more plot of land in multiple of 10 sq. mtr.
13. The principal DRC shall be valid for a period of 5 years from the date of issue, thereafter, it shall have to
get revalidated from CIDCO every five year.
14. The transferees DRC shall be valid only for two years or up to the date of principal DRC - whichever is
earlier. Thereafter the transferee's DRC shall be got revalidated every two years,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
General Development Control Regulations
I Food Products
1. Preservation of - Not - - 20 20 250 -
meat canning included
preserving and
processing of
fish, crustacea
and similar foods.
2. Manufacture of 5 9 50 - 20 20 250 -
dairy products
such as butter,
ghee etc.
3. Canning and - Not included - - 20 20 250 -
preservation of
fruits and
production of jam,
jelly. sauce ete.
4. a) Grain mill for 10 9 50 i) shall not be 20 20 100 -
production of flour. permitted under
or adjoining a
dwelling unit
b) Supari and 10 9 50 ii) Operation 20 20 100 -
masala grinding shall be
permiited only
800 hrs and
2000 hrs.
Service Industry, Class A Service Industry, Class B
Criteria for classification and special conditions Criteria for classification and special conditions
Sr. Category of Maximum Maximum Maximum Special Maximum Maximum Maximum Special
No. Industry permissible permissible permissible conditions, permissible permissible permissible conditions,
power Employment floor area if any power employment floor area if any
requirement (persons) ( requirement (persons) (sq.m.)
(HP) (HP)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
5. Manufacture of 10 9 50 i) -do- 20 20 250 -
bakery products
iii) Fuel used
shall be
electricity, gas
or smokeless
6. Manufacturing of - Not included - - 20 20 250 -
coco, chocolate.
sugar confectionery.
7. Coffee curing, 2 9 50 - 10 20 100 -
roasting and
8. Cashewnut - Not included - - 10 20 250 -
processing like,
drying, shelling.
roasting, salting etc
9. Manufacture of Ice - Not included - - 30 20 250 -
10. Sugar-cane and 2 9 25 - 2 9 25 -
fruit juice curshers.
II Beverages and
11. Manufacture of - Not included - - 20 20 250 -
soft drink and
carbonated water:
Service Industry, Class A Service Industry, Class B
Criteria for classification and special conditions Criteria for classification and special conditions
Sr. Category of Maximum Maximum Maximum Special Maximum Maximum Maximum Other
No. Industry permissible permissible permissible conditions, permissible permissible permissible special
power Employment floor area if any power emply-ment floor area conditions,
requirement (persons) ( requirement (persons) (sq.m.) if any
(HP) (HP)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
12. Manufacture of bidi. - Not included - - 20 20 250 If no power is
used the
General Development Control Regulations
shall be 40
persons with
permission of
the Corporation.
13. Printing, dyeing and - Not included - - 20 20 250 -
bleaching of cotton
woolen and
silk textiles.
14. Embroidery and 5 9 50 - 20 20 250 -
making of crape
laces and fringes.
15. Manufacture of all - Not included - - 20 20 250 -
type of textiles
garments including
wearing apparel.
16. Manufacture of made - Not included - - 20 20 250 -
up textile goods such
as certains.
mattress bedding
material, pillow cases,
textile bags etc.
Service Industry, Class A Service Industry, Class B
Criteria for classification and special conditions Criteria for classification and special conditions
Sr. Category of Maximum Maximum Maximum Special Maximum Maximum Maximum Special
No. Industry permissible permissible permissible conditions, permissible permissible permissible conditions,
power Employment floor area if any power employment floor area if any
requirement (persons) ( requirement (persons) (sq.m.)
(HP) (HP)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Service Industry, Class A Service Industry, Class B
Criteria for classification and special conditions Criteria for classification and special conditions
Sr. Category of Maximum Maximum Maximum Special Maximum Maximum Maximum Special
No. Industry permissible permissible permissible conditions, permissible permissible permissible conditions,
power Employment floor area if any power employment floor area if any
requirement (persons) ( requirement (persons) (sq.m.)
(HP) (HP)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
General Development Control Regulations
22. Manufacture of - Not included - - 20 20 250 -
containers and boxes
of paper, paper board,
paper pulp.
23. Printing & publishing - Not included - i) shall not be 20 20 250 No restriction of
of newspaper. permitted under power, number
or adjoining a of employees or
dwelling unit. area shall apply
and if special
permission of
the corporation
is obtained
24. Printing & Publishing 5 9 50 ii) operation - - - -
of periodicals, books, shall be
journals, atlases, permitted only
maps printing. between 800hrs.
picture post card and 2000hrs.
embossing iii) No restriction
of power number
of employee,
area of hours of
operation shall
apply if located
in a building in
separate plot not
less than 500
sq.m & if special
permission of the
Corporation is
Service Industry, Class A Service Industry, Class B
Criteria for classification and special conditions Criteria for classification and special conditions
Sr. Category of Maximum Maximum Maximum Special Maximum Maximum Maximum Special
No. Industry permissible permissible permissible conditions, permissible permissible permissible conditions,
power Employment floor area if any power employment floor area if any
requirement (persons) ( requirement (persons) (sq.m.)
(HP) (HP)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
25. Engraving, etching 5 9 50 Operation shall 20 20 250 -
block making etc be permitted only
between 800 hrs.
and 2000 hrs.
Service Industry, Class A Service Industry, Class B
Criteria for classification and special conditions Criteria for classification and special conditions
Sr. Category of Maximum Maximum Maximum Special Maximum Maximum Maximum Special
No. Industry permissible permissible permissible conditions, permissible permissible permissible conditions,
power Employment floor area if any power employment floor area if any
requirement (persons) ( requirement (persons) (sq.m.)
(HP) (HP)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
30. Repair of footwear and No power to 9 50 - 20 20 250 If no power is
General Development Control Regulations
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
35. Manufacture of cement - Not included - - 20 20 500 -
concrete building
components. Concrete
jallis, septic tank,
plaster of paris work,
lime mortar etc.
36. Manufacture of - Not included - - 30 20 250 -
furniture and fixture
primarily of metal
37. Plating and polishing - Not included - - 30 20 250 -
of metal products
38. Manufacture of metal - Not included - - 30 20 250 -
building component
such as grills, gates,
doors and window
frames water tanks
wire nets etc.
39. Manufacture & repair - Not included - - 30 20 250 -
of sundry ferrous engg.
Products done by
jobbing concerns such
as mechanical work
shops with lathes,
drills,grinders, welding
equipment etc.
40. Tools sharpening and No power to 6 25 Operation shall 20 20 250 -
razor sharpening works. be used. be permitted only
between 800
hours & 2000 hrs.
Service Industry, Class A Service Industry, Class B
Criteria for classification and special conditions Criteria for classification and special conditions
Sr. Category of Maximum Maximum Maximum Special Maximum Maximum Maximum Special
No. Industry permissible permissible permissible conditions, permissible permissible permissible conditions,
power Employment floor area if any power employment floor area if any
requirement (persons) ( requirement (persons) (sq.m.)
(HP) (HP)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
General Development Control Regulations
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
44. Repair of bicycles and 5 6 50 Operation shall 10 20 250 -
cycle rickshaws. be permitted only
between 800 hrs.
and 2000 hrs.
Service Industry, Class A Service Industry, Class B
Criteria for classification and special conditions Criteria for classification and special conditions
Sr. Category of Maximum Maximum Maximum Special Maximum Maximum Maximum Special
No. Industry permissible permissible permissible conditions, permissible permissible permissible conditions,
power Employment floor area if any power employment floor area if any
requirement (persons) ( requirement (persons) (sq.m.)
(HP) (HP)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
General Development Control Regulations
1. Manufacture of dairy
products, butter, ghee etc,
and allied products. 5 25 5
2. Rice Mill 10 50 5
3. Sugarcane &
Fruit juice crushers. 2 25 5
4. Manufacture of supari
and Masale Grinding etc.
(in separate building ) 5 25 5
5. Grain mill for
production of flour 10 25 5
6. Manufacture of 5 25 5
bakery products.
(The height of chimney
shall be at least 10M
above the ground level or
3M above the top most
structure in the vicinity,
whichever is more).
7. Manufacture of chocolate 5 25 5
II Food Products
8. Manufacture of wooden
furniture fixtures and
toy making etc. 5 25 25
9. Manufacture of
bomboo furniture Nil 25 5
III Repairing and Servicing
10. Repairs of household Nil 25 5
electrical appliances
such as radio, T.V. sets.
heaters geyser etc.
General Development Control Regulations
IV Miscellaneous
20 Musical Instruments
(Manufacturing & repairs) 5 25 5
Sr. Category of Industry Max.permissible Max.permissible Max permissible
power requirement floor Area in No. employment
(H.P) square Metres persons
1. Corporation may, from time to time add, alter or amend the above list
2. For service industries at serial Nos. 2 & 5 maximum permissible power stipulated is 10 H.P.
3. Approved by the State Government on Aug. 1973
APPLICATION FOR PERMISSION FOR DEVELOPMENT i) Width of the proposed streets, and
ii) Dimension or area of open spaces provided in the layout for the
To purpose of garden or recreation or any like purpose.
The city and industrial Development Corporation of Maharashtra Limited, c) An extract of record of rights/property register card (any other
Administrative Building, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai - 400 614. document showing ownership of land.)
d) Information in prescribed forms duly filled in as required by the
Sir, corporation.
I intended to carry out the undermentioned development in survey No./Plot No. Street 3. I request that the proposed development may be approved and that
Sector Township/Village in accordance with permission may be accorded to carry out the development.
the provisions of section 44 of the Maharashtra regional and Town planning Act, 1966.
(state particular of proposed developed) Signature of the licensed Architect Signature of the owner of the land
Date: Date:
2. I forward herewith: Note:
0. Please read the instruction before filling the forms.
a) A site plan ( in quadruplicate showing the plan, section and elevations of the proposed development work; or 1. Information in areas bounded by bold lines is to be filled in by CIDCO.
(in the case of layout a plan (in quadruplicate) showing: i) sub-divisions of the land or plot with dimensions and 2. Use only shaded areas for filling in the information.
area of each of the proposed subdivisions and its use according to prescribed regulations: 3. All areas are to be in Square metres.
General Development Control Regulations
Name of the applicant Name of the Applicant (for correspondence) Name of the Architect
No. Date of Date of Date of Architect’s No. of Ownership Plot No. Stree Sector Township Date of a) Put I for Commencement 2 for Refusal
Application Commen- Completion Regn. No. Develop Commen- b) Put I for mining & quarrying 2 for
dt. mo yr cement Certificate cement building 3 for sub-division/layout 4 for
refusal refusal Hoarding 5 for Engineering operations
dt. mo yr dt. mo yr dt. mo yr 9 for other development
c) Put I for owned 2 for owned but notified
for acquisition 3 for lease of the corpn.
IF the nature of Development “Mining & Quarrying”
Register Mtrl Total area Area required Area required Area reqd Date of d) Put I for Earth
No. Extrd of Plot for for for expiry of 2 for stone
(sq. M) quarrying Crusher incidental use permission 9 for any other mineral
L Use
L Use
open space roads
L Use
L Use
L Use
We hereby declare that the structural work of proposal on Plot No. Sector
Township (Node) shall be executed in accordance with the Structural design,
drawings and details to be prepared by a qualified Structural Engineer and under his supervision to enable due
and proper safety and stability of the intended work under the aforesaid proposal. We hereby further declare
that no approval or permission granted to the aforesaid proposal shall be construed to impose upon your
Corporation any liability of responsibility in law for any damage or loss arising from any act of omission in
executing the intended work for which we ourselves liable or responsible wholly and exclusively.
Date: Date:
General Development Control Regulations
Form No.2
Registration Number
Form No.3
Permission is hereby granted, under Section 45 of the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966
(Maharashtra XXXVII of 1966):
subject to the following conditions, viz
This certificate shall remain valid for period of one year commencing on the date of issue
* Name of person
General Development Control Regulations
Form No.4
Registration No.
Form No.5
Date :
Place :
General Development Control Regulations
Form No.6
See Rule No. 5.2.2
Name & Address of the Owner applicant
The Addl. Town Planning Officer (N)/(S)
Navi Mumbai - 400 614.
Dear Sir,
Sub :
Ref :
Reg. No.
I am enclosing herewith the letter of consent along with the Supervision Memo from the consulting structural
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully
( )
Signature of the Owner
Name: : 1. Architect
2 Consulting Structural Engineer.
Form No.7
See Rule No. 5.2.2
Registration No.
The Addl. Town Planning Officer (N)/(S)
Navi Mumbai 400 614.
Dear Sir,
Sub :
Ref :
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully, 1. Architect
2. Owner
General Development Control Regulations
Form No. 8
See Rule No. 5.2.2
on Plot No.
(Name of owner/applicant)
Registration No.
Form No. 9
See Rule No. 5.2.2
1. Proposal
2. Ref. No.
I hereby certify that the structural work of the above proposal has been carried out as per my structural design
and details and that the said structure is safe and stable for the purpose for which it is intended.
Place :
Date :
General Development Control Regulations
The Managing Director
City And Industrial Development
Corporation of Maharashtra Limited
"Nirmal", 2nd Floor, Nariman Point,
MUMBAI - 400 021.
Particulars of my educational qualification and experience are given in the enclosed form.
Yours faithfully,
(Signature of the applicant)
1. Name of the applicant (in block letters) Form - 10
For office
use only
2. Address (permanent)
3. Wishes to register as :
1. Licensed Architect
2. Structural Engineer
3. Plumber
4. Educational Qualification :
Examination Year of passing
1. 2. 3.
General Development Control Regulations
6. Experience :
Yes No.
General Development Control Regulations
For Navi Mumbai, 1975
(as amended upto October 2016)
June, 2017
City And Industrial Development Corporation Of Maharashtra Limited
Visit us at:
Price: Rs. 525/- (Including GST) Regd Office : Nirmal, 2nd Floor, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021. Phone : 022-6650 0900
Head Office : CIDCO Bhavan, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai - 400 614. Phone : 022-6791 8100