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Excel Automation

Excel Automation:
Generation of drawing inserting
macros from Excel file

User documentation

Applicable from Version 2016 SP3

Excel Automation

1. PURPOSE........................................................................................ 3

2. FEATURES ...................................................................................... 3
2.1 CREATE NEW EXCEL FILE FOR AUTOMATION. ............................................................. 3
2.2 CREATE NEW EXCEL FILE FOR AUTOMATION. ............................................................. 4

3. MACROS EDITION. ......................................................................... 5

3.1 MACRO MANAGER / PALETTE. .............................................................................. 5
3.2 MACRO TYPES. ............................................................................................... 5
3.3 MACRO VARIABLES. ......................................................................................... 5

4. STRUCTURE OF EXCEL FILE ............................................................ 8

4.1 KEY ROW FOR COLUMN IDENTIFIER. ....................................................................... 8
4.2 FIELD NAMES ................................................................................................. 9
4.3 MACRO DEFINITION FIELDS................................................................................. 9
4.4 SPECIAL FIELDS .............................................................................................. 9
4.5 DATABASE FIELDS ........................................................................................... 9
4.6 VARIABLES FIELDS......................................................................................... 12
4.7 PROCESSING FILE, ERRORS AND WARNINGS. .......................................................... 13

5. USER RIGHT / SPECIAL EDITION. ................................................ 16

Excel Automation

1. Purpose
The purpose of this Excel Automation is to automatically generate drawings, inserting
macros in the drawing, following the instructions from an Excel file.

These instructions are:

 Name and position of the macro that you want to insert.
 Name and description of the file where you want to include the macros.
 Name and description of the book for this file.
 Name and description of the location associated with the book, the file and where
all the objects will be inserted.
 Name and value of variables used to define data in macros to insert
The specifications for each macro include some variables that will be changed by their
values during the insertion process.

2. Features
Practically, to be able to generate custom drawing from Excel, the user needs to:
 Save macros corresponding to the part of drawing
 Edit macros to set variables for macro values to be replaced at inserted
 Define an Excel template with the format he wants to use and the necessary
information to define macro to insert.

Once this preparation work is done, user can create new Excel file from template, fill the
content to define which macros to insert and generate drawings.

From ribbon menu, in Import / Export tab, two features are available for Excel automation.
 Creation of a new Excel file from a predefined template.
 Generation of drawings from an Excel file.

2.1 Create new Excel file for automation

This feature will look for Excel template and propose to create one new file, copying the
selected template.

Once a template is selected, the user is asked for destination of new file, then it is open
to let user fill the file for generating drawings.

Excel Automation

2.1.1 Templates location

The templates listed are the Excel files existing in the folder “XlsAutomation\Template”
from application data folder. The user is free to copy and modify the existing templates to
create one with the formatting and the details he wants.

Supported file extension are

 .xlsx – Excel workbook
 .xlsb – binary Excel workbook
 .xls – Excel 97 -2003 workbook
 .xlsm – Excel workbook with vba macros.

2.2 Create new Excel file for automation

When he clicks on button Excel automation, the user is asked to select an Excel file
describing macros to be inserted. Once validated, process is started and generation of
drawings begins. In the end, a report is displayed to inform about possible errors or

Excel Automation

3. Macros edition
Note: here when talking about “macro” it means macro from electrical project, not to be
confused with VBA macro that is the script you can use in Excel to reproduce a sequence
of actions.

In Excel file, the user will specify:

 Macro to insert.
 Where to insert macro: book, file, and coordinates in file.
 Set general information about book, file, location, function.
 Set values for macro variables.

To be able to do that, the macros must be edited, especially to define variables.

3.1 Macro manager / palette

New class “Drawing automation” is available in macro manager to help user to organize
the macros he wants to use for Excel automation.

3.2 Macro types

When saving a macro for Excel automation, the user must have to ensure the type of
macro will be compatible with the type of drawing he wants to use (mixed scheme by
default), otherwise error and warnings could be raised.
Excel automation support only the following types:
 Scheme macro
 Line diagram macro
 Mixed scheme macro
Undefined macros (done before version 2016) are not supported.

3.3 Macro variables

When the user saves a macro, he is able to edit it and defines some “variables” in order
to modify the characteristics of the macro before insertion from Excel file.
Variables are surrounded by % character with no specific limit on the name. It is
recommended to avoid whitespace like %My variable% and use explicit variable names
%CableMark% better than %Variable1%.
When editing the macro, the user will modify object property to set the variable to be able
to replace by the value according to information described in Excel file.

One variable can be used several times in a macro, but should be used for the same

Excel Automation

3.3.1 Variable for objects mark

Variable can be used for all the marks of objects with mark: locations, functions,
components, cables, equipotential, wires, etc...

When editing the macros, select object properties,

set mark mode as manual, to be able to replace
the existing mark by the variable.

3.3.2 Variable for manufacturer reference

For manufacturer parts, the user needs to define at least one or two variables:
 For reference only, if want to keep existing manufacturer
 For reference and manufacturer, to be able to choose any part.
Having a variable only for manufacturer not for reference could work but not really make
sense. Using edit on part properties, variables have to be set for Reference and / or
When editing macro to set variable on a manufacturer part, it would be useful to ensure
the attributes for manufacturer parts are visible to show the variable names.

3.3.3 Variable on wire style name

Variable can be used also to change the wire style of a macro.
Can be used for single or multiple wire style.

Excel Automation

3.3.4 Variable on translatable data and user data

Variable can be used also for any object that
has a mark for:
* Description
* Translatable data
* User data
You can see that the description has a variable
in both languages of the project.
Any translatable data for any language can
contain variables.

3.3.5 Formulas
The user could also enter a “formula” in any of the places that the automation look for a
variable in macro. The automation will recognize a formula if the text in this places is
between the characters “{“and “}”. The content between those two characters will be a
formula that can be like any formula we have in the application. Variables in the formula
could be formatted with the character %, in the same way as the one in the Excel file:
%VARIABLE% or without the character %.

Only the variables on the excel file will be available for the parser of the formula.

If the parser gives any error evaluating the formula, the automation process will show this
error on the final dialog of the results:
“Error while parsing a formula during insertion of the macro Test_Formula_Error: Some
parse error."

Example of formula
{%Root% + “_” + %Order%}
In Excel, if you set %Root% = “ABC” and %Order% = “10”, data in macro will be
replaced by “ABC_10”.

Excel Automation

4. Structure of Excel file

The provided templates are just example, they can be fully customized to user needs, for
 to add / remove columns
 change formatting
 define validation
 show list boxes to fill the data easily
 add buttons, toolbar to run VBA script (vba macros)
 Contain VBA script to define wizard to fill easily the file

Only the first visible sheet of the file will be processed, others will be ignored, so other
pages can be used to define additional data, like list of macro user can insert…
There is no restriction on the sheet name.

4.1 Key row for column identifier

To identify the purpose of each column, there must be a row containing key information.
This row is the first one starting with # character in first column.
Changing text in this row can prevent generation to work properly, so it is recommended
to hide the row once required modification are done, and keep visible only the user friendly

All the rows before the key row are not processed. They can be used to indicate the content
expected, in users language, can be merged, or apply any formatting.
All the rows after the key row will be processed for inserting macro.
A row without macro name will produce a warning, nothing will be inserted and process
will continue.
Each cell of the key row must:
 Start with a #, like #mac_name, to indicate a special information or a database
 Or be surrounded by %, for variable, like %VAR1%.

Position of columns does not matter, only the title given in key row is important.

Column with nothing in Key row will be ignored, and produce no warning. Can be used to
comment the file or make it easier to read.

Excel Automation

4.2 Field names

Columns from the Excel sheet can be associated to three types of information:
 Macro definition fields.
 Special fields.
 Database fields.
 User data / translatable data
 Macro variables.
All columns are identified by text starting by # or surrounded by % for variables.
Columns without such identifier are not processed.

4.3 Macro definition fields

The fields for macro definition will give instructions about the macro to insert:
 Macro name
 Coordinate of macro insertion, in drawing units.
There is no corresponding fields in project database, so those data will not be added to
project database, just used to generate the drawings.
If those fields are not empty for a row, warning will be raised and row will not be processed
If those fields are missing from the Excel sheet, the whole processed in cancel and error
is raised.
#mac_name Name of the macro. Yes
#mac_posx X and Y position where the macro will be inserted Yes
#mac_posy in drawing coordinates. Yes
#mac_insert If the columns is present, no hidden and contains No
a 0 or is empty, the macro will not be processed.

4.4 Special fields

There is one special field name, #title_lang that is only like a comment. If you add a
column with this header will not be processed. It’s like a comment.
It is reserved for a future use to be able to define column title in several languages a
switch from a language to another.

4.5 Database fields

Database fields are optional fields corresponding to data from project database. They are
usually named as the field in the database table. Only the fields from the following tables
are supported:
Object Table Field prefix Required field
File tew_file fil #fil_title (always required)
Book tew_book bun #bun_tag (required if object used)
Location tew_location loc #loc_text (required if object used)
Function tew_function fun #fun_text (required if object used)

The only field that is required is #fil_title that is the name of the file where the macro
will be inserted. For the other tables, the tag (mark) of the corresponding table is required,
if you use any fields from this table. For instance, if you insert any location fields, then the
field #loc_text is required.
Detailed and up to date list of available field is defined in document about project database
structure, so as the content of some fields.

Excel Automation

4.5.1 Excluded database fields

By default, any field corresponding to an information visible in user interface could be
used. Are excluded the internal data user cannot edit manually such as
 Database object ID.
 Read only information.
 Related to automatic mark of object.

Are listed below the only supported field, others are excluded.
Object Table Field Description
Book tew_bundle bun_manual Manual or automatic tag
Book tew_bundle bun_tag Tag of the book
File tew_file fil_filename Name of the file on the disk
File tew_file fil_filetype File type
File tew_file fil_manual Manual or Automatic Tag
File tew_file fil_title Title displayed in treeview (tag)
File tew_file fil_titleblock Title block file name
Function tew_function fun_tagmanual Lock for tag
Function tew_function fun_tagpath Mark path (full mark)
Function tew_function fun_tagroot Root for tag
Function tew_function fun_text Tag
Location tew_location loc_tagmanual Lock for tag
Location tew_location loc_tagpath Mark path (full mark)
Location tew_location loc_tagroot Root for tag
Location tew_location loc_text Tag

4.5.2 User data / translatable data

User data and translatable data can be also added as a field, but as they are not directly
in object table, the field definition is a bit different.
It is formatted the following way for translatable data:
 ttt is to replace by the table prefix (fil, bun, loc, fun).
 tra is for translatable data (do not modify).
 nn is to replace by index of data you need (0 for description).
Up to 14 for translatable data.
 .xx is to replace by the language code, usually .l1 (L1) for main project language
Supported language code are:
From project languages (L + 1 to 3): “l1”, “l2”, “l3”
- Standard language code: en, es, fr, it, ru, ko, ja, pt…, zh, zh-tw

Example, for the description of the file in the main language of the project:

For user data, the syntax is similar, but without specified for language.
 ttt is to replace by the table prefix (fil, bun, loc, fun).
 use_data is for user data (do not modify).

Excel Automation

 nn is to replace by index of data you need, from 0 to 19 for user data.

Example, for file user data:

If the project is configured only with one language and you add any column with language
code .l2 or .l3 then the process will give you a warning like this:
“The language specified on column 6, l2, is not valid. The project has not this language.”

4.5.3 Most common database fields.

The fields probably most commonly used for file are listed below, but any field not excluded
can be used.
#fil_title The mark of the file. Always
#fil_filetype The type of the file (scheme line diagram) No
#fil.tra_0.xx The description of the file, where xx is language No
#fil.use_data0 User data of file. No

Supported values for file type are:

Schematic 0 Scheme mixed (default) 12
Line diagram 1
Cover page 5
2D cabinet layout 9

If you insert a file type of “Cover page”, then the name of the macro should be empty.
This is provided only to let the user to enter a cover page, for presentation purpose, in the
process of automation. If you set the macro name in a row with this type of file, the
automation will give you a warning at the end of the process.

For other objects, the columns probably most common used are for mark (tag) and
description in current language (using l1 for language code).
#bun_tag Book Mark If any book used
#bun.tra_0.l1 Book Description in current project No
#loc_text Location Mark If any book used
#loc.tra_0.l1 Location Description in current project No
#fun_text Function Mark If any book used
#fun.tra_0.l1 Function Description in current project No

4.5.4 Set automatic mark on objects.

By default, all the created objects, files, books, location and functions will be created with
manual mark. To have automatic mark, then you should insert the field xxx_tagmanual or
xxx_manual and set it to 0. In this case, the file mark will be generated by the product
according to the formula defined in project settings.

If you set the tagmanual to 1, then the column tag has no effect, the name will be
automatic and the user only will be able to insert one macro in this file, because the next
line will be a different file.

Excel Automation

4.6 Variables fields

Once the way to insert macro and database field are defined (file, book, location and
function), it is possible to specify the variables to replace by their values when inserting
macros. There is 2 possible ways to define variable and corresponding value. Both can be
used in the same Excel file:
 Generic column for any variable
 Column specific to a variable

For both methods, the name of variable is not case sensitive. We can have variable
%MyVariable% in macro, and %myvariable% in Excel and it will match.

4.6.1 Generic column for any variable

With this method, we will have two consecutive columns, named (in this order):
 #mac_var_name
 #mac_var_value
They respectively indicate the name of the variable as defined in macro and the value you
want to use instead. Several couples of columns #mac_var_name / #mac_var_value
can be used in the same file.

Example, in this case where we insert the macro Test0, the variable %motor1% will be
changed by M5 and the variable %motor2% will be changed by M6.
#mac_name #mac_var_name #mac_var_value #mac_var_name #mac_var_value
Test0 %motor1% M5 %motor2% M6

This method is more flexible and requires 2x the number of variables you can find in a
macro. But it requires to write the name of variables every time it is used.

4.6.2 Column specific to a variable

With the second method, the column name is assigned to a specific variable, for instance
%VAR1%, and on the different rows, the value that this variable has for this inserted

Example, in this case, the first line will

 insert the macro Test0
 change the variable %var1% by M5
 change the variable %var2% by M6
With the second line:
 insert the macro Test1
 change the variable %var1% by V3
 change the variable %var2% by V4

#mac_name %var1% %var2%

Test0 M5 M6
Test1 V3 V4

For this method, only one column is required by variable. But you need one column for
each existing variable name. This method is convenient when a variable in many macros,
but will require lot of columns to manage all the variables.

Excel Automation

4.7 Processing file, errors and warnings

4.7.1 General test before processing the Excel file.
Some general tests are done even before starting to process the Excel file for generation.
Here is the list of possible errors:
Case Type Output Message
Must have project open Error Message “A project must be opened to
box: use this command.”
Active project must be project Error Message “You can only execute this
type not macro type box: command on a project.”
The project is used by other users Error Summary "You cannot start this process
log because this project is opened
by other user."
Try to lock project before Error Summary “You cannot start this process
generation log because this project is
Other user try to open project Error Summary
during generation log
The user has specified a file that Error Summary “The file "testfile.xls" does not
does not exist log exist.”
The file is not an excel file Error Summary “Error opening the Excel file
log Test.xls: “readHeader: file is
corrupt …”
Look for key row (header) in excel Error Summary "The Excel file has an invalid
file log structure. It has not header."
The column name should start by Warning Summary The header of the column %d,
# or by % log ""%s" is not valid. The first
character is not '#' or '%'."
The project destination has only Warning Summary "The language specified on
one language and you have log column %d: %s, is not
specified some field with l2 or l3. valid.\nThe project does not
contain text using this
The column name does not Warning Summary "The header of the column
correspond to any table on log %d, ""%s"" is not valid. Table
database incorrect."
The column name does not Warning Summary "The header of the column
correspond to any valid field on log %d, ""%s"" is not valid. Field
database does not exist."

Excel Automation

Then, the rows of the Excel file are processed to generate drawings, and at the end the
project is unlocked. If any error happens during process, a summary dialog is displayed to
list them.

Case Type Output Message

Look for macro name on a row Error Summary "There is no column with the
log name of the macro: %s."
Look for macro position X on a Error Summary "There is no column with the
row log position in X of the macro:
Look for macro position Y on a Error Summary "There is no column with the
row log position in Y of the macro:
Look for tag of the file on a row Error Summary "There is no column with mark
log of the file: %s."
Look for book tag field because Error Summary "There are some columns for
there are some book fields log books, but there is no column
with the mark: %s."
Look for location tag field because Error Summary "There are some columns for
there are some location fields log locations, but there is no
column with the mark: %s."
Look for function tag field Error Summary "There are some columns for
because there are some function log functions, but there is no
fields column with the mark: %s."
Check all macros listed exists Error Summary "Error: the macro %s does not
log exist on row %d."
Check for variable existence Warning Summary "The variable ""%s"" found in
log macro, %s not found in Excel
A row with a file type of cover has Warning Summary "The file type of row %d is
a macro name. log %s. The macro ""%s"" will not
be inserted."
Check compatibility between Error Summary "The type of the macro %s,
macro type and file type log %s, is not compatible with the
type of file %s."
The process has been cancelled Warning Summary "The process has been
log canceled by the user."
Process finish correctly Information Summary The process has finished
log correctly.

Excel Automation

4.7.2 Processing main columns

Once the minimum checks are done, for each row describing a macro to insert, the value
are processed the following way:

Column for mark of book, location and function

 If there is a mark defined, if object does not exist, it is created.
 If there is no mark defined (column missing or empty), get the default object of
the project

Column for file mark / type

 If the file does not exist, create the file, associate it to book, location and function
if defined the previous location and function.
 If the file exists, file is not changed, not deleted or cleared (associated book,
location and function are not affected).
 If there is the column #fil_filetype, then the file will be created of this type.
Otherwise will be created of type mixed scheme.

Columns for macro

 Macro name. If the macro does not exist, gives a warning, skip the current row,
but continue with the process.
 Check the type of macro is compatible with type of drawing. Otherwise warning is
raised and current row is skipped, but continue with the process. Project macros
are not allowed in any case, as the can have multiple pages.
 Insert the macro in the current file, in the position indicated by the X, Y or the row
and column mark.
 In the insertion process, change all the variables by their corresponding values.
The process should look for variables on the next objects:

4.7.3 Processing variables

 If the object has a tag that is a variable that exist in the Excel file, then the variable
will be replaced by his value. Besides that, it will look if the tag already exist on the
destination project and, in this case, it will associate it with this object. For instance,
if a component of the macro has the tag name “%VAR1%” and his value is M5,
then the final name of this component will be M5. If the component M5 already
exist on the project, this component will be associated with it.
 If the object is a component that has a manufacturer part, and the name of the
manufacturer is a variable and/or the reference is a variable, the command has to
change the variables by their respective values and assign the component to the
correct manufacturer part.
 If the object is a component, assigned to a location that has a tag that is a variable,
the command has to change the variable by his value and do the appropriate action
(create if doesn’t exist, associate with the location on destiny if exist).

Excel Automation

5. User right / special edition

If user rights is enabled this feature cannot be started by any user.
This feature is not either available for any edition of the application.
Refer to feature grid to see where applicable.


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