Anaesthetic Drug Tables
Anaesthetic Drug Tables
Anaesthetic Drug Tables
Examples Mechanism/s of General Species specific and comments
Action Pharmacokinetics
Target Effects Unwanted Effects
Examples Mechanism/s of General Species specific and comments
Action Pharmacokinetics
Target Effects Unwanted Effects
Sedation/Muscle Relaxation Alpha-2 Agonist Drugs Provide sedation and analgesia, Different species vary in their
● Xylazine resulting in a dose reduction response. Cattle require 1/10th the
● Medetomidine requirement for anaesthetic drugs dose that a horse requires. Dogs
● Detomidine Reversible with antagonists like and cats require less than horses
● Dexmedetomidine atipamezole also. Rabbits are more like horses
● Romifidine Newer drugs have better a2:a1 than dogs and cats
profile, resulting in less significant These drugs can significantly slow
cardiovascular side effects down recovery and circulation.
These drugs can be titrated (you do They produce diuresis and
not need to give a full dose) hyperglycaemia
Analgesia Local anaesthetics Local anaesthetics can significantly LIDOCAINE is the ONLY local
decrease the amount of anaesthetic anaesthetic that should be given
drugs you need to maintain intravenously. Double check your
anaesthesia. Lidocaine can be dilutions, doses and infusion rates
administered by infusion before administering to patients.
intravenously, but you need to be
very careful of the dose rate that you
are giving it.
Anti-inflammatories (NSAIDS) Provide analgesia through Because they can interfere with
suppression of production of pro- renal blood flow, probably best to
inflammatory chemicals delay administration of NSAIDs until
the patient has recovered completely
from anaesthesia and is normally
Opiate Medications A wide range of opiates available Species vary in their response to
globally. Vary in potency as and side effects from opiates.
analgesics and sedative, duration of
effect and range of side effects. Very
effective analgesics and dose
Consideration Options Comments Cautions
Airway support If at all possible, providing a secure airway with an endotracheal tube and
connection of the patient to a form of oxygen supplementation and carbon
dioxide scavenging can significantly increase patient safety and recovery
Monitoring Many things can be monitored to help assess the normality of physiologic
responses. As a base line, monitor
1. Heart and Pulse Rate
2. Respiratory Rate, Rhythm and Depth
3. Temperature
If you have the capacity you should also monitor
1. Blood pressure
2. Blood oxygenation
3. Adequacy of ventilation (ETCO2)