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Nidaqmx Python

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NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation

Release 0.5.0

National Instruments

May 01, 2017

API Reference:

1 About 3

2 Features 5

3 Installation 7

4 Usage 9

5 Support / Feedback 11

6 Bugs / Feature Requests 13

6.1 Information to Include When Asking for Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

7 Additional Documentation 15

8 License 17
8.1 nidaqmx.constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
8.2 nidaqmx.errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
8.3 nidaqmx.scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
8.4 nidaqmx.stream_readers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
8.5 nidaqmx.stream_writers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
8.6 nidaqmx.system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
8.6.1 nidaqmx.system.collections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
8.6.2 nidaqmx.system.device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
8.6.3 nidaqmx.system.physical_channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
8.6.4 nidaqmx.system.storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
8.6.5 nidaqmx.system.watchdog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
8.7 nidaqmx.task . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
8.7.1 nidaqmx.task.channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
8.7.2 nidaqmx.task.channel_collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
8.7.3 nidaqmx.task.export_signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
8.7.4 nidaqmx.task.in_stream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
8.7.5 nidaqmx.task.out_stream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
8.7.6 nidaqmx.task.timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
8.7.7 nidaqmx.task.triggers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
8.8 nidaqmx.types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
8.9 nidaqmx.utils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249

9 Indices and Tables 251

Python Module Index 253

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

Info Contains a Python API for interacting with NI-DAQmx. See GitHub for the latest source.
Author National Instruments

API Reference: 1
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

2 API Reference:


The nidaqmx package contains an API (Application Programming Interface) for interacting with the NI-DAQmx
driver. The package is implemented in Python. This package was created and is supported by NI. The package is
implemented as a complex, highly object-oriented wrapper around the NI-DAQmx C API using the ctypes Python
nidaqmx 0.5 supports all versions of the NI-DAQmx driver that ships with the C API. The C API is included in any
version of the driver that supports it. The nidaqmx package does not require installation of the C header files.
Some functions in the nidaqmx package may be unavailable with earlier versions of the NI-DAQmx driver. Visit the
ni.com/downloads to upgrade your version of NI-DAQmx.
nidaqmx supports only the Windows operating system.
nidaqmx supports CPython 2.7, 3.4+, PyPy2, and PyPy3.

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

4 Chapter 1. About


The following represents a non-exhaustive list of supported features for nidaqmx:

• Fully-object oriented
• Fully-featured Task class
• Fully-featured Scale class
• Fully-featured System sub-package with System, Device, PhysicalChannel, WatchdogTask, etc. classes
• NI-DAQmx Events
• NI-DAQmx Streams
• Enums support in both Python 2 and 3
• Exceptions support
• Warnings support
• Collections that emulate Python container types
• Single, dynamic read and write methods (see Usage)
• Performant, NumPy-based reader and writer classes
• Optional parameters
• Implicitly verified properties
• Context managers
The following features are not yet supported by the nidaqmx package:
• Calibration methods
• Real-time methods

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

6 Chapter 2. Features


Running nidaqmx requires NI-DAQmx or NI-DAQmx Runtime. Visit the ni.com/downloads to download the latest
version of NI-DAQmx.
nidaqmx can be installed with pip:

$ python -m pip install nidaqmx

Or easy_install from setuptools:

$ python -m easy_install nidaqmx

You also can download the project source and run:

$ python setup.py install

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

8 Chapter 3. Installation


The following is a basic example of using an nidaqmx.task.Task object. This example illustrates how the single,
dynamic nidaqmx.task.Task.read() method returns the appropriate data type.
>>> import nidaqmx
>>> with nidaqmx.Task() as task:
... task.ai_channels.add_ai_voltage_chan("Dev1/ai0")
... task.read()
>>> with nidaqmx.Task() as task:
... task.ai_channels.add_ai_voltage_chan("Dev1/ai0")
... task.read(number_of_samples_per_channel=2)
[0.26001373311970705, 0.37796597238117036]
>>> from nidaqmx.constants import LineGrouping
>>> with nidaqmx.Task() as task:
... task.di_channels.add_di_chan(
... "cDAQ2Mod4/port0/line0:1", line_grouping=LineGrouping.CHAN_PER_LINE)
... task.read(number_of_samples_per_channel=2)
[[False, True], [True, True]]

A single, dynamic nidaqmx.task.Task.write() method also exists.

>>> import nidaqmx
>>> from nidaqmx.types import CtrTime
>>> with nidaqmx.Task() as task:
... task.co_channels.add_co_pulse_chan_time("Dev1/ctr0")
... sample = CtrTime(high_time=0.001, low_time=0.001)
... task.write(sample)
>>> with nidaqmx.Task() as task:
... task.ao_channels.add_ao_voltage_chan("Dev1/ao0")
... task.write([1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5], auto_start=True)

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0


Consider using the nidaqmx.stream_readers and nidaqmx.stream_writers classes to increase the per-
formance of your application, which accept pre-allocated NumPy arrays.
Following is an example of using an nidaqmx.system.System object.

>>> import nidaqmx.system

>>> system = nidaqmx.system.System.local()
>>> system.driver_version
DriverVersion(major_version=16L, minor_version=0L, update_version=0L)
>>> for device in system.devices:
... print(device)
>>> import collections
>>> isinstance(system.devices, collections.Sequence)
>>> device = system.devices['Dev1']
>>> device == nidaqmx.system.Device('Dev1')
>>> isinstance(device.ai_physical_chans, collections.Sequence)
>>> phys_chan = device.ai_physical_chans['ai0']
>>> phys_chan
>>> phys_chan == nidaqmx.system.PhysicalChannel('Dev1/ai0')
>>> phys_chan.ai_term_cfgs
[<TerminalConfiguration.RSE: 10083>, <TerminalConfiguration.NRSE: 10078>,
˓→<TerminalConfiguration.DIFFERENTIAL: 10106>]

>>> from enum import Enum

>>> isinstance(phys_chan.ai_term_cfgs[0], Enum)

10 Chapter 4. Usage

Support / Feedback

The nidaqmx package is supported by NI. For support for nidaqmx, open a request through the NI support portal at

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

12 Chapter 5. Support / Feedback


Bugs / Feature Requests

To report a bug or submit a feature request, please use the GitHub issues page.

Information to Include When Asking for Help

Please include all of the following information when opening an issue:

• Detailed steps on how to reproduce the problem and full traceback, if applicable.
• The python version used:

$ python -c "import sys; print(sys.version)"

• The versions of the nidaqmx, numpy, six and enum34 packages used:

$ python -m pip list

• The version of the NI-DAQmx driver used. Follow this KB article to determine the version of NI-DAQmx you
have installed.
• The operating system and version, for example Windows 7, CentOS 7.2, ...

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

14 Chapter 6. Bugs / Feature Requests


Additional Documentation

Refer to the NI-DAQmx Help for API-agnostic information about NI-DAQmx or measurement concepts.
NI-DAQmx Help installs only with the full version of NI-DAQmx.

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

16 Chapter 7. Additional Documentation



nidaqmx is licensed under an MIT-style license (see LICENSE). Other incorporated projects may be licensed under
different licenses. All licenses allow for non-commercial and commercial use.


class nidaqmx.constants.ACExcitWireMode
Bases: enum.Enum
class nidaqmx.constants.ADCTimingMode
Bases: enum.Enum
Uses the most appropriate supported timing mode based on the Sample Clock Rate.
Improves 50 Hz noise rejection while decreasing noise rejection at other frequencies.
Improves 60 Hz noise rejection while decreasing noise rejection at other frequencies.
CUSTOM = 10137
Use ai_adc_custom_timing_mode to specify a custom value controlling the tradeoff between speed and
Increases resolution and noise rejection while decreasing conversion rate.

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

HIGH_SPEED = 14712
Increases conversion rate while decreasing resolution.
class nidaqmx.constants.AOIdleOutputBehavior
Bases: enum.Enum
Set the channel to high-impedance, effectively disconnecting the analog output circuitry from the I/O
Continue generating the current value.
ZERO_VOLTS = 12526
Generate 0 V.
class nidaqmx.constants.AOPowerUpOutputBehavior
Bases: enum.Enum
CURRENT = 10134
Current output.
High-impedance state.
VOLTAGE = 10322
Voltage output.
class nidaqmx.constants.AccelChargeSensitivityUnits
Bases: enum.Enum
PicoCoulombs per g.
PicoCoulombs per in/s^2.
PicoCoulombs per m/s^2.
class nidaqmx.constants.AccelSensitivityUnits
Bases: enum.Enum
M_VOLTS_PER_G = 12509
VOLTS_PER_G = 12510
class nidaqmx.constants.AccelUnits
Bases: enum.Enum
Units a custom scale specifies. If you select this value, you must specify a custom scale name.
G = 10186
1 g is approximately equal to 9.81 m/s/s.
Inches per second per second.
Meters per second per second.

18 Chapter 8. License
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

class nidaqmx.constants.AcquisitionType
Bases: enum.Enum
Acquire or generate samples until you stop the task.
FINITE = 10178
Acquire or generate a finite number of samples.
Acquire or generate samples continuously using hardware timing without a buffer. Hardware timed single
point sample mode is supported only for the sample clock and change detection timing types.
class nidaqmx.constants.Action
Bases: enum.Enum
class nidaqmx.constants.ActiveLevel
Bases: enum.Enum
ABOVE = 10093
Pause the measurement or generation while the signal is above the threshold.
BELOW = 10107
Pause the measurement or generation while the signal is below the threshold.
class nidaqmx.constants.ActiveOrInactiveEdgeSelection
Bases: enum.Enum
ACTIVE = 14617
Active edges.
INACTIVE = 14618
Inactive edges.
class nidaqmx.constants.AngleUnits
Bases: enum.Enum
DEGREES = 10146
Units a custom scale specifies. If you select this value, you must specify a custom scale name.
RADIANS = 10273
TICKS = 10304
class nidaqmx.constants.AngularVelocityUnits
Bases: enum.Enum
Degrees per second.
Units a custom scale specifies. If you select this value, you must specify a custom scale name.

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Radians per second.
RPM = 16080
Revolutions per minute.
class nidaqmx.constants.AutoZeroType
Bases: enum.Enum
Perform an auto zero at every sample of the acquisition.
NONE = 10230
Do not perform an autozero.
ONCE = 10244
Perform an auto zero at the beginning of the acquisition. This auto zero task might not run if you have
used DAQmx Control Task previously in your task.
class nidaqmx.constants.BreakMode
Bases: enum.Enum
When advancing to the next entry in the scan list, disconnect all previous connections before making any
new connections.
NO_ACTION = 10227
When advancing to the next entry in the scan list, leave all previous connections intact.
class nidaqmx.constants.BridgeConfiguration
Bases: enum.Enum
Sensor is a full bridge. If you set ai_excit_use_for_scaling to True, NI-DAQmx divides the measurement
by the excitation value. Many sensors scale data to native units using scaling of volts per excitation.
Sensor is a half bridge. If you set ai_excit_use_for_scaling to True, NI-DAQmx divides the measurement
by the excitation value. Many sensors scale data to native units using scaling of volts per excitation.
NO_BRIDGE = 10228
Sensor is not a Wheatstone bridge.
Sensor is a quarter bridge. If you set ai_excit_use_for_scaling to True, NI-DAQmx divides the measure-
ment by the excitation value. Many sensors scale data to native units using scaling of volts per excitation.
class nidaqmx.constants.BridgeElectricalUnits
Bases: enum.Enum
Millivolts per volt.
Volts per volt.
class nidaqmx.constants.BridgePhysicalUnits
Bases: enum.Enum
BAR = 15880

20 Chapter 8. License
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

NEWTONS = 15875
Newton metres.
PASCALS = 10081
POUNDS = 15876
Pounds per square inch.
class nidaqmx.constants.BridgeShuntCalSource
Bases: enum.Enum
BUILT_IN = 10200
Use the internal shunt.
Use an external shunt.
class nidaqmx.constants.BridgeUnits
Bases: enum.Enum
Units a custom scale specifies. If you select this value, you must specify a custom scale name.
FROM_TEDS = 12516
Units defined by TEDS information associated with the channel.
Millivolts per volt.
Volts per volt.
class nidaqmx.constants.BusType
Bases: enum.Enum
PCI = 12582
PCIE = 13612
PCI Express.

8.1. nidaqmx.constants 21
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PC_CARD = 12585
PXI = 12583
PXIE = 14706
PXI Express.
SCC = 14707
SCXI = 12584
TCPIP = 14828
UNKNOWN = 12588
Unknown bus type.
USB = 12586
class nidaqmx.constants.CJCSource
Bases: enum.Enum
BUILT_IN = 10200
Use a cold-junction compensation channel built into the terminal block.
You must specify the cold-junction temperature.
Use a channel for cold-junction compensation.
class nidaqmx.constants.CalibrationMode2
Bases: enum.Enum
CHARGE = 16105
VOLTAGE = 10322
class nidaqmx.constants.CalibrationTerminalConfig
Bases: enum.Enum
DIFF = 10106
class nidaqmx.constants.ChannelType
Bases: enum.Enum
Analog input channel.

22 Chapter 8. License
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

Analog output channel.
Counter input channel.
Counter output channel.
Digital input channel.
Digital output channel.
class nidaqmx.constants.ChargeUnits
Bases: enum.Enum
COULOMBS = 16102
Units a custom scale specifies. If you select this value, you must specify a custom scale name.
class nidaqmx.constants.ConstrainedGenMode
Bases: enum.Enum
Pulse duty cycle must be 50 percent. The frequency can change while the task runs.
Pulse frequency must be above 7.63 Hz and cannot change while the task runs. In this mode, the duty
cycle has 8 bits of resolution.
Pulse frequency must be below 366.21 Hz and cannot change while the task runs. In this mode, the duty
cycle has 16 bits of resolution.
Counter has no restrictions on pulse generation.
class nidaqmx.constants.CountDirection
Bases: enum.Enum
COUNT_DOWN = 10124
Decrement counter.
COUNT_UP = 10128
Increment counter.
The state of a digital line controls the count direction. Each counter has a default count direction terminal.
class nidaqmx.constants.CounterFrequencyMethod
Bases: enum.Enum
Uses one counter and automatically configures the counter settings based on the range of frequencies to be
measured. During the acquisition, the counter dynamically adjusts the number of periods that are averaged
to balance measurement accuracy and latency.

8.1. nidaqmx.constants 23
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Use two counters, one of which counts pulses of the signal to measure during the specified measurement
Use one counter to divide the frequency of the input signal to create a lower-frequency signal that the
second counter can more easily measure.
Use one counter that uses a constant timebase to measure the input signal.
class nidaqmx.constants.Coupling
Bases: enum.Enum
AC = 10045
Remove the DC offset from the signal.
DC = 10050
Allow NI-DAQmx to measure all of the signal.
GND = 10066
Remove the signal from the measurement and measure only ground.
class nidaqmx.constants.CurrentShuntResistorLocation
Bases: enum.Enum
EXTERNAL = 10167
Use a shunt resistor external to the device. You must specify the value of the shunt resistor by using
INTERNAL = 10200
Use the built-in shunt resistor of the device.
class nidaqmx.constants.CurrentUnits
Bases: enum.Enum
AMPS = 10342
Units a custom scale specifies. If you select this value, you must specify a custom scale name.
FROM_TEDS = 12516
Units defined by TEDS information associated with the channel.
class nidaqmx.constants.DataJustification
Bases: enum.Enum
LEFT = 10209
Samples occupy the higher bits of the integer.
RIGHT = 10279
Samples occupy the lower bits of the integer.
class nidaqmx.constants.DataTransferActiveTransferMode
Bases: enum.Enum
DMA = 10054
Direct Memory Access. Data transfers take place independently from the application.

24 Chapter 8. License
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

Data transfers take place independently from the application. Using interrupts increases CPU usage be-
cause the CPU must service interrupt requests. Typically, you should use interrupts if the device is out of
DMA channels.
POLLED = 10264
Data transfers take place when you call DAQmx Read or DAQmx Write.
USB_BULK = 12590
Data transfers take place independently from the application using a USB bulk pipe.
class nidaqmx.constants.DeassertCondition
Bases: enum.Enum
Deassert the signal when the amount of space available in the onboard memory is below the value specified
with rdy_for_xfer_event_deassert_cond_custom_threshold.
Deassert the signal when the onboard memory fills.
Deassert the signal when more than half of the onboard memory of the device fills.
class nidaqmx.constants.DigitalDriveType
Bases: enum.Enum
Drive the output pin to approximately 0 V for logic low and +3.3 V or +5 V, depending on the device, for
logic high.
Drive the output pin to 0 V for logic low. For logic high, the output driver assumes a high-impedance state
and does not drive a voltage.
class nidaqmx.constants.DigitalPatternCondition
Bases: enum.Enum
Trigger when the physical channels do not match the specified pattern.
Trigger when the physical channels match the specified pattern.
class nidaqmx.constants.DigitalWidthUnits
Bases: enum.Enum
Complete periods of the Sample Clock.
SECONDS = 10364
TICKS = 10304
Timebase ticks.
class nidaqmx.constants.EddyCurrentProxProbeSensitivityUnits
Bases: enum.Enum
IL = 14837

8.1. nidaqmx.constants 25
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MICRON = 14840
MIL = 14836
class nidaqmx.constants.Edge
Bases: enum.Enum
FALLING = 10171
Falling edge(s).
RISING = 10280
Rising edge(s).
class nidaqmx.constants.EncoderType
Bases: enum.Enum
Two pulse counting.
X_1 = 10090
If signal A leads signal B, count the rising edges of signal A. If signal B leads signal A, count the falling
edges of signal A.
X_2 = 10091
Count the rising and falling edges of signal A.
X_4 = 10092
Count the rising and falling edges of signal A and signal B.
class nidaqmx.constants.EncoderZIndexPhase
Bases: enum.Enum
Reset the measurement when signal A and signal B are high.
AHIGH_BLOW = 10041
Reset the measurement when signal A is high and signal B is low.
ALOW_BHIGH = 10042
Reset the measurement when signal A is low and signal B high.
ALOW_BLOW = 10043
Reset the measurement when signal A and signal B are low.
class nidaqmx.constants.EveryNSamplesEventType
Bases: enum.Enum
Acquired Into Buffer
Transferred From Buffer
class nidaqmx.constants.ExcitationDCorAC
Bases: enum.Enum

26 Chapter 8. License
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

USE_AC = 10045
AC excitation.
USE_DC = 10050
DC excitation.
class nidaqmx.constants.ExcitationIdleOutputBehavior
Bases: enum.Enum
Continue generating the current value.
Drive excitation output to zero.
class nidaqmx.constants.ExcitationSource
Bases: enum.Enum
EXTERNAL = 10167
Use an excitation source other than the built-in excitation source of the device. If you select this value, you
must specify the amount of excitation.
INTERNAL = 10200
Use the built-in excitation source of the device. If you select this value, you must specify the amount of
NONE = 10230
Supply no excitation to the channel.
class nidaqmx.constants.ExcitationVoltageOrCurrent
Bases: enum.Enum
Current excitation.
Voltage excitation.
class nidaqmx.constants.ExportAction
Bases: enum.Enum
Handshake Event deasserts after the Handshake Trigger asserts, plus the amount of time specified with
LEVEL = 10210
The exported Sample Clock goes high at the beginning of the sample and goes low when the last AI
Convert begins.
PULSE = 10265
Send a pulse to the terminal.
TOGGLE = 10307
Toggle the state of the terminal from low to high or from high to low.
class nidaqmx.constants.FillMode
Bases: enum.Enum
Group by Channel
Group by Scan Number

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class nidaqmx.constants.FilterResponse
Bases: enum.Enum
Butterworth filter response.
Constant group delay filter response.
Elliptical filter response.
Use the hardware-defined filter response.
class nidaqmx.constants.FilterType
Bases: enum.Enum
BANDPASS = 16073
Bandpass filter.
CUSTOM = 10137
Custom filter.
HIGHPASS = 16072
Highpass filter.
LOWPASS = 16071
Lowpass filter.
NOTCH = 16074
Notch filter.
class nidaqmx.constants.ForceIEPESensorSensitivityUnits
Bases: enum.Enum
Millivolts per newton.
Millivolts per pound.
class nidaqmx.constants.ForceUnits
Bases: enum.Enum
Units a custom scale specifies. If you select this value, you must specify a custom scale name.
NEWTONS = 15875
POUNDS = 15876
class nidaqmx.constants.FrequencyUnits
Bases: enum.Enum
Units a custom scale specifies. If you select this value, you must specify a custom scale name.

28 Chapter 8. License
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

HZ = 10373
TICKS = 10304
Timebase ticks.
class nidaqmx.constants.FuncGenType
Bases: enum.Enum
SAWTOOTH = 14754
Sawtooth wave.
SINE = 14751
Sine wave.
SQUARE = 14753
Square wave.
TRIANGLE = 14752
Triangle wave.
class nidaqmx.constants.GpsSignalType
Bases: enum.Enum
IRIGB = 10070
Use the IRIG-B synchronization method. The GPS receiver sends one synchronization pulse per second, as
well as information about the number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds that elapsed since the beginning
of the current year.
NONE = 10230
Do not synchronize the counter to a GPS receiver. The timestamp measurement returns the number of
seconds that elapsed since the device powered up unless you set ci_timestamp_initial_seconds.
PPS = 10080
Use the PPS synchronization method. The GPS receiver sends one synchronization pulse per second, but
does not send any timing information. The timestamp measurement returns the number of seconds that
elapsed since the device powered up unless you set ci_timestamp_initial_seconds.
class nidaqmx.constants.HandshakeStartCondition
Bases: enum.Enum
Device is waiting for space in the FIFO (for acquisition) or waiting for samples (for generation).
Device is waiting for the Handshake Trigger to assert.
Device is waiting for the Handshake Trigger to deassert.
class nidaqmx.constants.Impedance1
Bases: enum.Enum
50 Ohms.
ONE_M_OHM = 1000000
1 M Ohm.
75 Ohms.

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TEN_G_OHMS = 10000000000
10 G Ohm.
class nidaqmx.constants.InputCalSource
Bases: enum.Enum
Loopback 0 degree shift
LOOPBACK_180 = 1
Loopback 180 degree shift
class nidaqmx.constants.InputDataTransferCondition
Bases: enum.Enum
Transfer data from the device when the number of samples specified with
ai_data_xfer_custom_threshold are in the device FIFO.
Transfer data from the device when more than half of the onboard memory of the device fills.
Transfer data from the device when there is data in the onboard memory.
Transfer data when the acquisition is complete.
class nidaqmx.constants.LVDTSensitivityUnits
Bases: enum.Enum
mVolts/Volt/0.001 Inch.
class nidaqmx.constants.Language
Bases: enum.Enum
CHS = 5
DEU = 2
ENG = 0
FRA = 1
JPN = 3
KOR = 4
RAW = -1
class nidaqmx.constants.LengthUnits
Bases: enum.Enum
Units a custom scale specifies. If you select this value, you must specify a custom scale name.
INCHES = 10379

30 Chapter 8. License
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METERS = 10219
TICKS = 10304
class nidaqmx.constants.Level
Bases: enum.Enum
HIGH = 10192
Logic high.
LOW = 10214
Logic low.
NO_CHANGE = 10160
Do not change the state of the lines. On some devices, you can select this value only for entire ports.
TRISTATE = 10310
High-impedance state. You can select this state only on devices with bidirectional lines. You cannot select
this state for dedicated digital output lines. On some devices, you can select this value only for entire ports.
class nidaqmx.constants.LineGrouping
Bases: enum.Enum
One Channel For All Lines
One Channel For Each Line
class nidaqmx.constants.LoggingMode
Bases: enum.Enum
LOG = 15844
Enable logging for the task. You cannot read data using DAQmx Read when using this mode. If you
require access to the data, read from the TDMS file.
LOG_AND_READ = 15842
Enable both logging and reading data for the task. You must use DAQmx Read to read samples for NI-
DAQmx to stream them to disk.
OFF = 10231
Disable logging for the task.
class nidaqmx.constants.LoggingOperation
Bases: enum.Enum
CREATE = 15848
Create a new TDMS file. If the file already exists, NI-DAQmx returns an error.
Create a new TDMS file, or replace an existing TDMS file.
OPEN = 10437
Open an existing TDMS file, and append data to that file. If the file does not exist, NI-DAQmx returns an
Open an existing TDMS file, and append data to that file. If the file does not exist, NI-DAQmx creates a
new TDMS file.

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class nidaqmx.constants.LogicFamily
Bases: enum.Enum
FIVE_V = 14619
Compatible with TTL and 5 V CMOS signals.
Compatible with LVTTL signals.
Compatible with 2.5 V CMOS signals.
class nidaqmx.constants.LogicLvlBehavior
Bases: enum.Enum
NONE = 10230
Supply no excitation to the channel.
PULL_UP = 16064
High logic.
class nidaqmx.constants.MIOAIConvertTimebaseSource
Bases: enum.Enum
Use the onboard 80 MHz timebase.
Use the onboard 8 MHz timebase.
Use the same source as the Master Timebase.
Use the onboard 100 MHz timebase.
Use the same source as Sample Clock timebase.
Use the onboard 20 MHz timebase.
class nidaqmx.constants.ModulationType
Bases: enum.Enum
AM = 14756
Amplitude modulation.
FM = 14757
Frequency modulation.
NONE = 10230
No modulation.
class nidaqmx.constants.OutputDataTransferCondition
Bases: enum.Enum
Transfer data to the device only when there is no data in the onboard memory of the device.
Transfer data to the device any time the onboard memory is less than half full.

32 Chapter 8. License
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Transfer data to the device any time the onboard memory of the device is not full.
class nidaqmx.constants.OverflowBehavior
Bases: enum.Enum
NI-DAQmx ignores Sample Clock overruns, and the task continues to run.
Stop task and return an error.
class nidaqmx.constants.OverwriteMode
Bases: enum.Enum
The acquisition stops when it encounters a sample in the buffer that you have not read.
When an acquisition encounters unread data in the buffer, the acquisition continues and overwrites the
unread samples with new ones. You can read the new samples by setting relative_to to ReadRela-
tiveTo.MOST_RECENT_SAMPLE and setting offset to the appropriate number of samples.
class nidaqmx.constants.PathCapability
Bases: enum.Enum
class nidaqmx.constants.Polarity
Bases: enum.Enum
High state is the active state.
ACTIVE_LOW = 10096
Low state is the active state.
class nidaqmx.constants.PowerUpChannelType
Bases: enum.Enum
Current Channel
High-Impedance Channel
Voltage Channel
class nidaqmx.constants.PowerUpStates
Bases: enum.Enum
HIGH = 10192
Logic high.

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LOW = 10214
Logic low.
TRISTATE = 10310
High-impedance state. You can select this state only on devices with bidirectional lines. You cannot select
this state for dedicated digital output lines. On some devices, you can select this value only for entire ports.
class nidaqmx.constants.PressureUnits
Bases: enum.Enum
BAR = 15880
Units a custom scale specifies. If you select this value, you must specify a custom scale name.
PASCALS = 10081
Pounds per square inch.
class nidaqmx.constants.ProductCategory
Bases: enum.Enum
AO_SERIES = 14647
AO Series.
B_SERIES_DAQ = 14662
B Series DAQ.
CompactDAQ chassis.
C Series I/O module.
DIGITAL_IO = 14648
Digital I/O.
DSA = 14649
Dynamic Signal Acquisition.
E_SERIES_DAQ = 14642
E Series DAQ.
M_SERIES_DAQ = 14643
M Series DAQ.
Network DAQ.
NIELVIS = 14755
SCC Connector Block.
SCC_MODULE = 14705
SCC Module.
SCXI module.

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SC_EXPRESS = 15886
SC Express.
SC Series DAQ.
SWITCHES = 14650
S_SERIES_DAQ = 14644
S Series DAQ.
TIO_SERIES = 14661
TIO Series.
UNKNOWN = 12588
Unknown category.
USBDAQ = 14646
X_SERIES_DAQ = 15858
X Series DAQ.
class nidaqmx.constants.RTDType
Bases: enum.Enum
CUSTOM = 10137
You must use ai_rtd_a, ai_rtd_b, and ai_rtd_c to supply the coefficients for the Callendar-Van Dusen
PT_3750 = 12481
PT_3851 = 10071
PT_3911 = 12482
PT_3916 = 10069
PT_3920 = 10053
PT_3928 = 12483
class nidaqmx.constants.RVDTSensitivityUnits
Bases: enum.Enum
class nidaqmx.constants.RawDataCompressionType
Bases: enum.Enum
Remove unused bits from samples. No resolution is lost.

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Remove unused bits from samples. Then, if necessary, remove bits from samples until the samples are the
size specified with ai_lossy_lsb_removal_compressed_samp_size. This compression type limits resolu-
tion to the specified sample size.
NONE = 10230
Do not compress samples.
class nidaqmx.constants.ReadRelativeTo
Bases: enum.Enum
Start reading samples relative to the last sample returned by the previous read. For the first read operation,
this position is the first sample acquired or the first pretrigger sample if you configured a reference trigger
for the task.
Start reading samples relative to the first pretrigger sample. You specify the number of pretrigger samples
to acquire when you configure a reference trigger.
Start reading samples relative to the first sample acquired.
Start reading samples relative to the next sample acquired. For example, use this value and set offset to -1
to read the last sample acquired.
Start reading samples relative to the first sample after the reference trigger occurred.
class nidaqmx.constants.RegenerationMode
Bases: enum.Enum
Allow NI-DAQmx to regenerate samples that the device previously generated. When you choose this value,
the write marker returns to the beginning of the buffer after the device generates all samples currently in
the buffer.
Do not allow NI-DAQmx to regenerate samples the device previously generated. When you choose this
value, NI-DAQmx waits for you to write more samples to the buffer or until the timeout expires.
class nidaqmx.constants.RelayPosition
Bases: enum.Enum
CLOSED = 10438
OPEN = 10437
class nidaqmx.constants.ResistanceConfiguration
Bases: enum.Enum
4-wire mode.
3-wire mode.
2-wire mode.
class nidaqmx.constants.ResistanceUnits
Bases: enum.Enum

36 Chapter 8. License
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Units a custom scale specifies. If you select this value, you must specify a custom scale name.
FROM_TEDS = 12516
Units defined by TEDS information associated with the channel.
OHMS = 10384
class nidaqmx.constants.ResistorState
Bases: enum.Enum
PULL_DOWN = 15951
pull down state for pull up pull down resistors
PULL_UP = 15950
pull up state for pull up/pull down resistors
class nidaqmx.constants.ResolutionType
Bases: enum.Enum
BITS = 10109
class nidaqmx.constants.SCXI1124Range
Bases: enum.Enum
NEG_10_TO_10_V = 14634
NEG_1_TO_1_V = 14632
NEG_5_TO_5_V = 14633
ZERO_TO_FIVE_V = 14630
ZERO_TO_ONE_V = 14629
ZERO_TO_TEN_V = 14631
class nidaqmx.constants.SampClkOverrunBehavior
Bases: enum.Enum
Repeat the last sample.
Return the sentinel value.
class nidaqmx.constants.SampleInputDataWhen
Bases: enum.Enum
Latch data when the Handshake Trigger asserts.
Latch data when the Handshake Trigger deasserts.
class nidaqmx.constants.SampleTimingType
Bases: enum.Enum
Determine sample timing using burst handshaking between the device and a peripheral device.

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Acquire samples when a change occurs in the state of one or more digital input lines. The lines must be
contained within a digital input channel.
Determine sample timing by using digital handshaking between the device and a peripheral device.
IMPLICIT = 10451
Configure only the duration of the task.
ON_DEMAND = 10390
Acquire or generate a sample on each read or write operation. This timing type is also referred to as static
or software-timed.
Device acquires or generates samples on each sample clock edge, but does not respond to certain triggers
until a few sample clock edges later. Pipelining allows higher data transfer rates at the cost of increased
trigger response latency. Refer to the device documentation for information about which triggers pipelining
affects. This timing type allows handshaking with some devices using the Pause trigger, the Ready for
Transfer event, or the Data Active event. Refer to the device documentation for more information.
Acquire or generate samples on the specified edge of the sample clock.
class nidaqmx.constants.ScaleType
Bases: enum.Enum
LINEAR = 10447
Scale values by using the equation y=mx+b, where x is a prescaled value and y is a scaled value.
MAP_RANGES = 10448
Scale values proportionally from a range of pre-scaled values to a range of scaled values.
NONE = 10230
Do not scale electrical values to physical units.
Scale values by using an Nth order polynomial equation.
TABLE = 10450
Map a list of pre-scaled values to a list of corresponding scaled values, with all other values scaled propor-
You provide two pairs of electrical values and their corresponding physical values. NI-DAQmx uses those
values to calculate the slope and y-intercept of a linear equation and uses that equation to scale electrical
values to physical values.
class nidaqmx.constants.ScanRepeatMode
Bases: enum.Enum
The task returns to the beginning of the scan list when it reaches the end of the scan list.
FINITE = 10172
The task advances through the scan list one time only. NI-DAQmx ignores any Advance Triggers after
completing the scan list.
class nidaqmx.constants.Sense
Bases: enum.Enum

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LOCAL = 16095
REMOTE = 16096
class nidaqmx.constants.ShuntCalSelect
Bases: enum.Enum
A = 12513
Switch A.
AAND_B = 12515
Switches A and B.
B = 12514
Switch B.
class nidaqmx.constants.ShuntElementLocation
Bases: enum.Enum
NONE = 10230
R_1 = 12465
R_2 = 12466
R_3 = 12467
R_4 = 14813
class nidaqmx.constants.ShuntResistorSelect
Bases: enum.Enum
A = 12513
B = 12514
class nidaqmx.constants.Signal
Bases: enum.Enum
Timed Loop executes each time the Change Detection Event occurs.
Timed Loop executes each time the Counter Output Event occurs.
Timed Loop executes on each active edge of the Sample Clock.
Timed Loop executes each time the Sample Complete Event occurs.

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class nidaqmx.constants.SignalModifiers
Bases: enum.Enum
Do not invert polarity
Invert polarity
class nidaqmx.constants.Slope
Bases: enum.Enum
FALLING = 10171
Trigger on the falling slope of the signal.
RISING = 10280
Trigger on the rising slope of the signal.
class nidaqmx.constants.SoftwareTrigger
Bases: enum.Enum
Place holder enum to make editting internal enum easier.
class nidaqmx.constants.SoundPressureUnits
Bases: enum.Enum
Units a custom scale specifies. If you select this value, you must specify a custom scale name.
PA = 10081
class nidaqmx.constants.SourceSelection
Bases: enum.Enum
EXTERNAL = 10167
External to the device.
INTERNAL = 10200
Internal to the device.
class nidaqmx.constants.StrainGageBridgeType
Bases: enum.Enum
Four active gages with two pairs subjected to equal and opposite strains.
Four active gages with two aligned with maximum principal strain and two Poisson gages in adjacent arms.
Four active gages with two aligned with maximum principal strain and two Poisson gages in opposite arms.
Two active gages with one aligned with maximum principal strain and one Poisson gage.
Two active gages with equal and opposite strains.

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Single active gage.
Single active gage and one dummy gage.
class nidaqmx.constants.StrainGageRosetteMeasurementType
Bases: enum.Enum
The tensile strain coplanar to the surface of the material under stress in the XY coordinate direction.
The tensile strain coplanar to the surface of the material under stress in the X coordinate direction.
The tensile strain coplanar to the surface of the material under stress in the Y coordinate direction.
The maximum strain coplanar to the cross section of the material under stress.
The angle at which the maximum shear strain of the rosette occurs.
The maximum tensile strain coplanar to the surface of the material under stress.
The minimum tensile strain coplanar to the surface of the material under stress.
The angle at which the principal strains of the rosette occur.
class nidaqmx.constants.StrainGageRosetteType
Bases: enum.Enum
DELTA = 15969
A delta rosette consists of three strain gages, each separated by a 60 degree angle.
A rectangular rosette consists of three strain gages, each separated by a 45 degree angle.
TEE = 15970
A tee rosette consists of two gages oriented at 90 degrees with respect to each other.
class nidaqmx.constants.StrainUnits
Bases: enum.Enum
Units a custom scale specifies. If you select this value, you must specify a custom scale name.
STRAIN = 10299
class nidaqmx.constants.SwitchChannelUsage
Bases: enum.Enum
You can use the channel only as the output for a signal passing through the switch.
You can use the channel only to complete routes within a switch.

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You can use the channel only as an input for a signal.
class nidaqmx.constants.SyncType
Bases: enum.Enum
MASTER = 15888
Device is the source for shared clocks and triggers.
NONE = 10230
Disables trigger skew correction.
SLAVE = 15889
Device uses clocks and triggers from the master device.
class nidaqmx.constants.TEDSUnits
Bases: enum.Enum
Units a custom scale specifies. If you select this value, you must specify a custom scale name.
FROM_TEDS = 12516
Units defined by TEDS information associated with the channel.
class nidaqmx.constants.TaskMode
Bases: enum.Enum
class nidaqmx.constants.TaskStringFormat
Bases: enum.Enum
INI = 0
JSON = 2
class nidaqmx.constants.TemperatureUnits
Bases: enum.Enum
DEG_C = 10143
Degrees Celsius.
DEG_F = 10144
Degrees Fahrenheit.

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DEG_R = 10145
Degrees Rankine.
Units a custom scale specifies. If you select this value, you must specify a custom scale name.
K = 10325
class nidaqmx.constants.TerminalConfiguration
Bases: enum.Enum
NRSE = 10078
Non-Referenced Single-Ended.
RSE = 10083
Referenced Single-Ended.
class nidaqmx.constants.ThermocoupleType
Bases: enum.Enum
B = 10047
B-type thermocouple.
E = 10055
E-type thermocouple.
J = 10072
J-type thermocouple.
K = 10073
K-type thermocouple.
N = 10077
N-type thermocouple.
R = 10082
R-type thermocouple.
S = 10085
S-type thermocouple.
T = 10086
T-type thermocouple.
class nidaqmx.constants.TimeUnits
Bases: enum.Enum
Units a custom scale specifies. If you select this value, you must specify a custom scale name.
SECONDS = 10364

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TICKS = 10304
Timebase ticks.
class nidaqmx.constants.TorqueUnits
Bases: enum.Enum
Units a custom scale specifies. If you select this value, you must specify a custom scale name.
Newton meters.
class nidaqmx.constants.TriggerType
Bases: enum.Enum
Trigger when an analog signal crosses a threshold.
Pause the measurement or generation while an analog signal is above or below a level.
Trigger when an analog signal enters or leaves a range of values.
Trigger on a rising or falling edge of a digital pulse.
Pause the measurement or generation while a digital signal is at either a high or low state.
Pause the measurement or generation while digital physical channels either match or do not match a digital
Use the Handshake Trigger as a control signal for asynchronous handshaking, such as 8255 handshaking.
NONE = 10230
Disable reference triggering for the task.
SOFTWARE = 10292
Advance to the next entry in a scan list when you call DAQmx Send Software Trigger.
class nidaqmx.constants.TriggerUsage
Bases: enum.Enum
ADVANCE = 12488
Advance trigger.
ARM_START = 14641
Arm Start trigger.
Handshake trigger.

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PAUSE = 12489
Pause trigger.
Reference trigger.
START = 12491
Start trigger.
class nidaqmx.constants.UnderflowBehavior
Bases: enum.Enum
Pause the task until samples are available in the FIFO.
Stop generating samples and return an error.
class nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled
Bases: enum.Enum
AMPS = 10342
BAR = 15880
COULOMBS = 16102
DEGREES = 10146
Degrees per second.
DEG_C = 10143
Degrees Celsius.
DEG_F = 10144
Degrees Fahrenheit.
DEG_R = 10145
Degrees Rankine.
FROM_TEDS = 12516
Units defined by TEDS information associated with the channel.
G = 10186
1 g is approximately equal to 9.81 m/s/s.
HERTZ = 10373
INCHES = 10379
Inches per second.

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Inches per second per second.
K = 10325
METERS = 10219
Meters per second.
Meters per second per second.
Millivolts per volt.
NEWTONS = 15875
Newton meters.
OHMS = 10384
PA = 10081
POUNDS = 15876
Pounds per square inch.
RADIANS = 10273
Radians per second.
RPM = 16080
Revolutions per minute.
SECONDS = 10364
STRAIN = 10299

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TICKS = 10304
VOLTS = 10348
Volts per volt.
class nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI
Bases: enum.Enum
Acceleration measurement using a 4 wire DC voltage based sensor.
Acceleration measurement using an accelerometer.
Acceleration measurement using a charge-based sensor.
BRIDGE = 15908
Measure voltage ratios from a Wheatstone bridge.
CHARGE = 16105
Charge measurement.
CURRENT = 10134
Current measurement.
Current RMS measurement.
Force measurement using a bridge-based sensor.
Force measurement using an IEPE Sensor.
Frequency measurement using a frequency to voltage converter.
Position measurement using an RVDT.
Position measurement using an eddy current proximity probe.
Position measurement using an LVDT.
Pressure measurement using a bridge-based sensor.
Resistance measurement.
Strain measurement using a rosette strain gage.
Sound pressure measurement using a microphone.

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Strain measurement.
TEDS = 12531
Measurement type defined by TEDS.
Temperature measurement using a built-in sensor on a terminal block or device. On SCXI modules, for
example, this could be the CJC sensor.
Temperature measurement using an RTD.
Temperature measurement using a thermistor.
Temperature measurement using a thermocouple.
Torque measurement using a bridge-based sensor.
Velocity measurement using an IEPE Sensor.
VOLTAGE = 10322
Voltage measurement.
Voltage RMS measurement.
Voltage measurement with an excitation source. You can use this measurement type for custom sensors
that require excitation, but you must use a custom scale to scale the measured voltage.
class nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAO
Bases: enum.Enum
CURRENT = 10134
Current generation.
Function generation.
VOLTAGE = 10322
Voltage generation.
class nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeCI
Bases: enum.Enum
Count edges of a digital signal.
DUTY_CYCLE = 16070
Measure the duty cycle of a digital signal.
Measure the frequency of a digital signal.
PERIOD = 10256
Measure the period of a digital signal.
Angular position measurement using an angular encoder.

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Linear position measurement using a linear encoder.
PULSE_FREQ = 15864
Pulse measurement, returning the result as frequency and duty cycle.
Pulse measurement, returning the result as high ticks and low ticks.
PULSE_TIME = 15865
Pulse measurement, returning the result as high time and low time.
Measure the width of a pulse of a digital signal.
Measure the time between state transitions of a digital signal.
Measure time between edges of two digital signals.
TIME_GPS = 10362
Timestamp measurement, synchronizing the counter to a GPS receiver.
Angular velocity measurement using an angular encoder.
Linear velocity measurement using a linear encoder.
class nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeCO
Bases: enum.Enum
Generate digital pulses defined by frequency and duty cycle.
Generate digital pulses defined by the number of timebase ticks that the pulse is at a low state and the
number of timebase ticks that the pulse is at a high state.
PULSE_TIME = 10269
Generate pulses defined by the time the pulse is at a low state and the time the pulse is at a high state.
class nidaqmx.constants.VelocityIEPESensorSensitivityUnits
Bases: enum.Enum
Millivolts per inch per second.
Millivolts per millimeter per second.
class nidaqmx.constants.VelocityUnits
Bases: enum.Enum
Units a custom scale specifies. If you select this value, you must specify a custom scale name.
Inches per second.
Meters per second.

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class nidaqmx.constants.VoltageUnits
Bases: enum.Enum
Units a custom scale specifies. If you select this value, you must specify a custom scale name.
FROM_TEDS = 12516
Units defined by TEDS information associated with the channel.
VOLTS = 10348
class nidaqmx.constants.WDTTaskAction
Bases: enum.Enum
Clear Expiration
Reset Timer
class nidaqmx.constants.WaitMode
Bases: enum.Enum
POLL = 12524
Repeatedly check for available samples as fast as possible. This mode allows for the highest sampling
rates at the expense of CPU efficiency.
SLEEP = 12547
Check for available samples once per the amount of time specified in sleep_time.
Check for available samples when the system receives an interrupt service request. This mode is the most
CPU efficient, but results in lower possible sampling rates.
YIELD = 12525
Repeatedly check for available samples, but yield control to other threads after each check. This mode
offers a balance between sampling rate and CPU efficiency.
class nidaqmx.constants.WatchdogAOExpirState
Bases: enum.Enum
CURRENT = 10134
Current output.
NO_CHANGE = 10160
Expiration does not affect the port. Do not change the state of any lines in the port, and do not lock the
VOLTAGE = 10322
Voltage output.
class nidaqmx.constants.WatchdogCOExpirState
Bases: enum.Enum
HIGH = 10192
High logic.
LOW = 10214
Low logic.

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NO_CHANGE = 10160
Expiration does not affect the state of the counter output. The channels retain their states at the time of the
watchdog timer expiration, and no further counter generation runs.
class nidaqmx.constants.WaveformAttributes
Bases: enum.Enum
Return the samples and timing information.
Return only samples.
Return the samples, timing information, and other attributes, such as the name of the channel.
class nidaqmx.constants.WindowTriggerCondition1
Bases: enum.Enum
Trigger when the signal enters the window.
Trigger when the signal leaves the window.
class nidaqmx.constants.WindowTriggerCondition2
Bases: enum.Enum
Pause the measurement or generation while the trigger is inside the window.
Pause the measurement or generation while the signal is outside the window.
class nidaqmx.constants.WriteBasicTEDSOptions
Bases: enum.Enum
DO_NOT_WRITE = 12540
class nidaqmx.constants.WriteRelativeTo
Bases: enum.Enum
Write samples relative to the current position in the buffer.
Write samples relative to the first sample.


exception nidaqmx.errors.DaqError(message, error_code, task_name=u’‘)

Bases: nidaqmx.errors.Error
Error raised by any DAQmx method.

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int – Specifies the NI-DAQmx error code.
nidaqmx.error_codes.DAQmxErrors – Specifies the NI-DAQmx error type.
exception nidaqmx.errors.DaqWarning(message, error_code)
Bases: exceptions.Warning
Warning raised by any NI-DAQmx method.
int – Specifies the NI-DAQmx error code.
nidaqmx.error_codes.DAQmxWarnings – Specifies the NI-DAQmx error type.
alias of _ResourceWarning


class nidaqmx.scale.Scale(name)
Bases: object
Represents a DAQmx scale.
Parameters name (str) – Specifies the name of the scale to create.
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
static calculate_reverse_poly_coeff(forward_coeffs, min_val_x=-5.0, max_val_x=5.0,
num_points_to_compute=1000, reverse_poly_order=-
Computes a set of coefficients for a polynomial that approximates the inverse of the polynomial with the
coefficients you specify with the “forward_coeffs” input. This function generates a table of x versus y
values over the range of x. This function then finds a polynomial fit, using the least squares method to
compute a polynomial that computes x when given a value for y.
• forward_coeffs (List[float]) – Is the list of coefficients for the polynomial that
computes y given a value of x. Each element of the list corresponds to a term of the
• min_val_x (Optional[float]) – Is the minimum value of x for which you use the
polynomial. This is the smallest value of x for which the function generates a y value in
the table.
• max_val_x (Optional[float]) – Is the maximum value of x for which you use the
polynomial. This is the largest value of x for which the function generates a y value in the
• num_points_to_compute (Optional[int]) – Is the number of points in the table
of x versus y values. The function spaces the values evenly between “min_val_x” and

52 Chapter 8. License
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• reverse_poly_order (Optional[int]) – Is the order of the reverse polynomial

to compute. For example, an input of 3 indicates a 3rd order polynomial. A value of -1
indicates a reverse polynomial of the same order as the forward polynomial.
Returns Specifies the list of coefficients for the reverse polynomial. Each element of the list
corresponds to a term of the equation. For example, if index three of the list is 9, the fourth
term of the equation is 9y^3.
Return type List[float]
static create_lin_scale(scale_name, slope, y_intercept=0.0, pre_scaled_units=<UnitsPreScaled.VOLTS:
10348>, scaled_units=None)
Creates a custom scale that uses the equation y=mx+b, where x is a pre-scaled value, and y is a scaled
value. The equation is identical for input and output. If the equation is in the form x=my+b, you must first
solve for y in terms of x.
• scale_name (str) – Specifies the name of the scale to create.
• slope (float) – Is the slope, m, in the equation.
• y_intercept (Optional[float]) – Is the y-intercept, b, in the equation.
• pre_scaled_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled])
– Is the units of the values to scale.
• scaled_units (Optional[str]) – Is the units to use for the scaled value. You can
use an arbitrary string. NI-DAQmx uses the units to label a graph or chart.
Returns Indicates an object that represents the created custom scale.
Return type nidaqmx.scale.Scale
static create_map_scale(scale_name, prescaled_min, prescaled_max, scaled_min,
scaled_max, pre_scaled_units=<UnitsPreScaled.VOLTS: 10348>,
Creates a custom scale that scales values proportionally from a range of pre-scaled values to a range of
scaled values.
• scale_name (str) – Specifies the name of the scale to create.
• prescaled_min (float) – Is the smallest value in the range of pre-scaled values.
NI-DAQmx maps this value to “scaled_min”.
• prescaled_max (float) – Is the largest value in the range of pre-scaled values. NI-
DAQmx maps this value to “scaled_max”.
• scaled_min (float) – Is the smallest value in the range of scaled values. NI-DAQmx
maps this value to “prescaled_min”. Read operations clip samples that are smaller than
this value. Write operations generate errors for samples that are smaller than this value.
• scaled_max (float) – Is the largest value in the range of scaled values. NI-DAQmx
maps this value to “prescaled_max”. Read operations clip samples that are larger than this
value. Write operations generate errors for samples that are larger than this value.
• pre_scaled_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled])
– Is the units of the values to scale.
• scaled_units (Optional[str]) – Is the units to use for the scaled value. You can
use an arbitrary string. NI-DAQmx uses the units to label a graph or chart.
Returns Indicates an object that represents the created custom scale.

8.3. nidaqmx.scale 53
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

Return type nidaqmx.scale.Scale

static create_polynomial_scale(scale_name, forward_coeffs, reverse_coeffs,
pre_scaled_units=<UnitsPreScaled.VOLTS: 10348>,
Creates a custom scale that uses an nth order polynomial equation. NI-DAQmx requires both a polynomial
to convert pre- scaled values to scaled values (forward) and a polynomial to convert scaled values to
pre-scaled values (reverse). If you only know one set of coefficients, use the DAQmx Compute Reverse
Polynomial Coefficients function to generate the other set.
• scale_name (str) – Specifies the name of the scale to create.
• forward_coeffs (List[float]) – Is an list of coefficients for the polynomial that
converts pre-scaled values to scaled values. Each element of the list corresponds to a term
of the equation.
• reverse_coeffs (List[float]) – Is an list of coefficients for the polynomial that
converts scaled values to pre-scaled values. Each element of the list corresponds to a term
of the equation.
• pre_scaled_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled])
– Is the units of the values to scale.
• scaled_units (Optional[str]) – Is the units to use for the scaled value. You can
use an arbitrary string. NI-DAQmx uses the units to label a graph or chart.
Returns Indicates an object that represents the created custom scale.
Return type nidaqmx.scale.Scale
static create_table_scale(scale_name, prescaled_vals, scaled_vals,
pre_scaled_units=<UnitsPreScaled.VOLTS: 10348>,
Creates a custom scale that maps an list of pre-scaled values to an list of corresponding scaled values.
NI-DAQmx applies linear interpolation to values that fall between the values in the table. Read operations
clip scaled samples that are outside the maximum and minimum scaled values found in the table. Write
operations generate errors for samples that are outside the minimum and maximum scaled values found in
the table.
• scale_name (str) – Specifies the name of the scale to create.
• prescaled_vals (List[float]) – Is the list of pre-scaled values that map to the
values in “scaled_vals”.
• scaled_vals (List[float]) – Is the list of scaled values that map to the values in
• pre_scaled_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled])
– Is the units of the values to scale.
• scaled_units (Optional[str]) – Is the units to use for the scaled value. You can
use an arbitrary string. NI-DAQmx uses the units to label a graph or chart.
Returns Indicates an object that represents the created custom scale.
Return type nidaqmx.scale.Scale
str – Specifies a description for the scale.

54 Chapter 8. License
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

float – Specifies the slope, m, in the equation y=mx+b.
float – Specifies the y-intercept, b, in the equation y=mx+b.
float – Specifies the largest value in the range of pre-scaled values. NI-DAQmx maps this value to
float – Specifies the smallest value in the range of pre-scaled values. NI-DAQmx maps this value to
float – Specifies the largest value in the range of scaled values. NI-DAQmx maps this value to
map_pre_scaled_max. Reads coerce samples that are larger than this value to match this value. Writes
generate errors for samples that are larger than this value.
float – Specifies the smallest value in the range of scaled values. NI-DAQmx maps this value to
map_pre_scaled_min. Reads coerce samples that are smaller than this value to match this value. Writes
generate errors for samples that are smaller than this value.
str – Specifies the name of this scale.
List[float] – Specifies a list of coefficients for the polynomial that converts pre-scaled values to scaled
values. Each element of the list corresponds to a term of the equation. For example, if index three of the
list is 9, the fourth term of the equation is 9x^3.
List[float] – Specifies a list of coefficients for the polynomial that converts scaled values to pre-scaled
values. Each element of the list corresponds to a term of the equation. For example, if index three of the
list is 9, the fourth term of the equation is 9y^3.
nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled – Specifies the units of the values that you want to scale.
save(save_as=u’‘, author=u’‘, overwrite_existing_scale=False, allow_interactive_editing=True, al-
Saves this custom scale to MAX.
• save_as (Optional[str]) – Is the name to save the task, global channel, or custom
scale as. If you do not specify a value for this input, NI-DAQmx uses the name currently
assigned to the task, global channel, or custom scale.
• author (Optional[str]) – Is a name to store with the task, global channel, or custom
• options (Optional[int]) – Specifies whether to allow the task, global channel, or
custom scale to be deleted through MAX.
• overwrite_existing_scale (Optional[bool]) – Specifies whether to over-
write a custom scale of the same name if one is already saved in MAX. If this input is
False and a custom scale of the same name is already saved in MAX, this function returns
an error.

8.3. nidaqmx.scale 55
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• allow_interactive_editing (Optional[bool]) – Specifies whether to al-

low the task, global channel, or custom scale to be edited in the DAQ Assistant. If al-
low_interactive_editing is True, the DAQ Assistant must support all task or global channel
• allow_interactive_deletion (Optional[bool]) – Specifies whether to al-
low the task, global channel, or custom scale to be deleted through MAX.
nidaqmx.constants.ScaleType – Indicates the method or equation form that the custom scale
str – Specifies the units to use for scaled values. You can use an arbitrary string.
List[float] – Specifies a list of pre-scaled values. These values map directly to the values in ta-
List[float] – Specifies a list of scaled values. These values map directly to the values in ta-


class nidaqmx.stream_readers.AnalogSingleChannelReader(task_in_stream)
Bases: nidaqmx.stream_readers.ChannelReaderBase
Reads samples from an analog input channel in an NI-DAQmx task.
read_many_sample(data, number_of_samples_per_channel=-1, timeout=10.0)
Reads one or more floating-point samples from a single analog input channel in a task.
This read method accepts a preallocated NumPy array to hold the samples requested, which can be advan-
tageous for performance and interoperability with NumPy and SciPy.
Passing in a preallocated array is valuable in continuous acquisition scenarios, where the same array can
be used repeatedly in each call to the method.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Specifies a preallocated 1D NumPy array of floating-point
values to hold the samples requested.
Each element in the array corresponds to a sample from the channel. The size of the array
must be large enough to hold all requested samples from the channel in the task; otherwise,
an error is thrown.
• number_of_samples_per_channel (Optional[int]) – Specifies the number
of samples to read.
If you set this input to nidaqmx.constants. READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, NI-DAQmx de-
termines how many samples to read based on if the task acquires samples continuously or
acquires a finite number of samples.
If the task acquires samples continuously and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, this method reads all the samples
currently available in the buffer.

56 Chapter 8. License
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

If the task acquires a finite number of samples and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, the method waits for the task to acquire
all requested samples, then reads those samples. If you set the “read_all_avail_samp”
property to True, the method reads the samples currently available in the buffer and does
not wait for the task to acquire all requested samples.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and any
samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you
set timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error
if it is unable to.
Returns Indicates the number of samples acquired by each channel. NI-DAQmx returns a single
value because this value is the same for all channels.
Return type int
Reads a single floating-point sample from a single analog input channel in a task.
Parameters timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to
wait for samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and
any samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you set
timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error if it is
unable to.
Returns Indicates a single floating-point sample from the task.
Return type float
bool – Indicates whether the size and shape of the user-defined NumPy arrays passed to read methods are
verified. Defaults to True when this object is instantiated.
Setting this property to True may marginally adversely impact the performance of read methods.
class nidaqmx.stream_readers.AnalogMultiChannelReader(task_in_stream)
Bases: nidaqmx.stream_readers.ChannelReaderBase
Reads samples from one or more analog input channels in an NI-DAQmx task.
read_many_sample(data, number_of_samples_per_channel=-1, timeout=10.0)
Reads one or more floating-point samples from one or more analog input channels in a task.
This read method accepts a preallocated NumPy array to hold the samples requested, which can be advan-
tageous for performance and interoperability with NumPy and SciPy.
Passing in a preallocated array is valuable in continuous acquisition scenarios, where the same array can
be used repeatedly in each call to the method.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Specifies a preallocated 2D NumPy array of floating-point
values to hold the samples requested. The size of the array must be large enough to hold
all requested samples from all channels in the task; otherwise, an error is thrown.
Each row corresponds to a channel in the task. Each column corresponds to a sample
from each channel. The order of the channels in the array corresponds to the order in
which you add the channels to the task or to the order of the channels you specify with the
“channels_to_read” property.

8.4. nidaqmx.stream_readers 57
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

If the size of the array is too large or the array is shaped incorrectly, the previous state-
ment may not hold true as the samples read may not be separated into rows and columns
properly. Set the “verify_array_shape” property on this channel reader object to True to
validate that the NumPy array object is shaped properly. Setting this property to True may
marginally adversely impact the performance of the method.
• number_of_samples_per_channel (Optional[int]) – Specifies the number
of samples to read.
If you set this input to nidaqmx.constants. READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, NI-DAQmx de-
termines how many samples to read based on if the task acquires samples continuously or
acquires a finite number of samples.
If the task acquires samples continuously and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, this method reads all the samples
currently available in the buffer.
If the task acquires a finite number of samples and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, the method waits for the task to acquire
all requested samples, then reads those samples. If you set the “read_all_avail_samp”
property to True, the method reads the samples currently available in the buffer and does
not wait for the task to acquire all requested samples.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and any
samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you
set timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error
if it is unable to.
Returns Indicates the number of samples acquired by each channel. NI-DAQmx returns a single
value because this value is the same for all channels.
Return type int
read_one_sample(data, timeout=10)
Reads a single floating-point sample from one or more analog input channels in a task.
This read method accepts a preallocated NumPy array to hold the samples requested, which can be advan-
tageous for performance and interoperability with NumPy and SciPy.
Passing in a preallocated array is valuable in continuous acquisition scenarios, where the same array can
be used repeatedly in each call to the method.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Specifies a preallocated 1D NumPy array of floating-point
values to hold the samples requested.
Each element in the array corresponds to a sample from each channel. The size of the
array must be large enough to hold all requested samples from the channel in the task;
otherwise, an error is thrown.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and any
samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you
set timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error
if it is unable to.

58 Chapter 8. License
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

bool – Indicates whether the size and shape of the user-defined NumPy arrays passed to read methods are
verified. Defaults to True when this object is instantiated.
Setting this property to True may marginally adversely impact the performance of read methods.
class nidaqmx.stream_readers.AnalogUnscaledReader(task_in_stream)
Bases: nidaqmx.stream_readers.ChannelReaderBase
Reads unscaled samples from one or more analog input channels in an NI-DAQmx task.
read_int16(data, number_of_samples_per_channel=-1, timeout=10.0)
Reads one or more unscaled 16-bit integer samples from one or more analog input channels in a task.
This read method accepts a preallocated NumPy array to hold the samples requested, which can be advan-
tageous for performance and interoperability with NumPy and SciPy.
Passing in a preallocated array is valuable in continuous acquisition scenarios, where the same array can
be used repeatedly in each call to the method.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Specifies a preallocated 2D NumPy array of unscaled 16-bit
integer values to hold the samples requested. The size of the array must be large enough
to hold all requested samples from all channels in the task; otherwise, an error is thrown.
Each row corresponds to a channel in the task. Each column corresponds to a sample
from each channel. The order of the channels in the array corresponds to the order in
which you add the channels to the task or to the order of the channels you specify with the
“channels_to_read” property.
If the size of the array is too large or the array is shaped incorrectly, the previous statement
may not hold true as the samples read may not be separated into rows and columns prop-
erly. Set the “verify_array_shape” property on this channel reader object to True to vali-
date that the NumPy array object is shaped properly. Setting this property may marginally
adversely impact the performance of the method.
• number_of_samples_per_channel (Optional[int]) – Specifies the number
of samples to read.
If you set this input to nidaqmx.constants. READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, NI-DAQmx de-
termines how many samples to read based on if the task acquires samples continuously or
acquires a finite number of samples.
If the task acquires samples continuously and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, this method reads all the samples
currently available in the buffer.
If the task acquires a finite number of samples and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, the method waits for the task to acquire
all requested samples, then reads those samples. If you set the “read_all_avail_samp”
property to True, the method reads the samples currently available in the buffer and does
not wait for the task to acquire all requested samples.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and any
samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you
set timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error
if it is unable to.

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NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

Returns Indicates the number of samples acquired by each channel. NI-DAQmx returns a single
value because this value is the same for all channels.
Return type int
read_int32(data, number_of_samples_per_channel=-1, timeout=10.0)
Reads one or more unscaled 32-bit integer samples from one or more analog input channels in a task.
This read method accepts a preallocated NumPy array to hold the samples requested, which can be advan-
tageous for performance and interoperability with NumPy and SciPy.
Passing in a preallocated array is valuable in continuous acquisition scenarios, where the same array can
be used repeatedly in each call to the method.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Specifies a preallocated 2D NumPy array of unscaled 32-bit
integer values to hold the samples requested. The size of the array must be large enough
to hold all requested samples from all channels in the task; otherwise, an error is thrown.
Each row corresponds to a channel in the task. Each column corresponds to a sample
from each channel. The order of the channels in the array corresponds to the order in
which you add the channels to the task or to the order of the channels you specify with the
“channels_to_read” property.
If the size of the array is too large or the array is shaped incorrectly, the previous statement
may not hold true as the samples read may not be separated into rows and columns prop-
erly. Set the “verify_array_shape” property on this channel reader object to True to vali-
date that the NumPy array object is shaped properly. Setting this property may marginally
adversely impact the performance of the method.
• number_of_samples_per_channel (Optional[int]) – Specifies the number
of samples to read.
If you set this input to nidaqmx.constants. READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, NI-DAQmx de-
termines how many samples to read based on if the task acquires samples continuously or
acquires a finite number of samples.
If the task acquires samples continuously and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, this method reads all the samples
currently available in the buffer.
If the task acquires a finite number of samples and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, the method waits for the task to acquire
all requested samples, then reads those samples. If you set the “read_all_avail_samp”
property to True, the method reads the samples currently available in the buffer and does
not wait for the task to acquire all requested samples.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and any
samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you
set timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error
if it is unable to.
Returns Indicates the number of samples acquired by each channel. NI-DAQmx returns a single
value because this value is the same for all channels.
Return type int

60 Chapter 8. License
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

read_uint16(data, number_of_samples_per_channel=-1, timeout=10.0)

Reads one or more unscaled 16-bit unsigned integer samples from one or more analog input channels in a
This read method accepts a preallocated NumPy array to hold the samples requested, which can be advan-
tageous for performance and interoperability with NumPy and SciPy.
Passing in a preallocated array is valuable in continuous acquisition scenarios, where the same array can
be used repeatedly in each call to the method.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Specifies a preallocated 2D NumPy array of unscaled 16-bit
unsigned integer values to hold the samples requested. The size of the array must be large
enough to hold all requested samples from all channels in the task; otherwise, an error is
Each row corresponds to a channel in the task. Each column corresponds to a sample
from each channel. The order of the channels in the array corresponds to the order in
which you add the channels to the task or to the order of the channels you specify with the
“channels_to_read” property.
If the size of the array is too large or the array is shaped incorrectly, the previous statement
may not hold true as the samples read may not be separated into rows and columns prop-
erly. Set the “verify_array_shape” property on this channel reader object to True to vali-
date that the NumPy array object is shaped properly. Setting this property may marginally
adversely impact the performance of the method.
• number_of_samples_per_channel (Optional[int]) – Specifies the number
of samples to read.
If you set this input to nidaqmx.constants. READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, NI-DAQmx de-
termines how many samples to read based on if the task acquires samples continuously or
acquires a finite number of samples.
If the task acquires samples continuously and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, this method reads all the samples
currently available in the buffer.
If the task acquires a finite number of samples and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, the method waits for the task to acquire
all requested samples, then reads those samples. If you set the “read_all_avail_samp”
property to True, the method reads the samples currently available in the buffer and does
not wait for the task to acquire all requested samples.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and any
samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you
set timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error
if it is unable to.
Returns Indicates the number of samples acquired by each channel. NI-DAQmx returns a single
value because this value is the same for all channels.
Return type int
read_uint32(data, number_of_samples_per_channel=-1, timeout=10.0)
Reads one or more unscaled unsigned 32-bit integer samples from one or more analog input channels in a

8.4. nidaqmx.stream_readers 61
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

This read method accepts a preallocated NumPy array to hold the samples requested, which can be advan-
tageous for performance and interoperability with NumPy and SciPy.
Passing in a preallocated array is valuable in continuous acquisition scenarios, where the same array can
be used repeatedly in each call to the method.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Specifies a preallocated 2D NumPy array of unscaled 32-bit
unsigned integer values to hold the samples requested. The size of the array must be large
enough to hold all requested samples from all channels in the task; otherwise, an error is
Each row corresponds to a channel in the task. Each column corresponds to a sample
from each channel. The order of the channels in the array corresponds to the order in
which you add the channels to the task or to the order of the channels you specify with the
“channels_to_read” property.
If the size of the array is too large or the array is shaped incorrectly, the previous statement
may not hold true as the samples read may not be separated into rows and columns prop-
erly. Set the “verify_array_shape” property on this channel reader object to True to vali-
date that the NumPy array object is shaped properly. Setting this property may marginally
adversely impact the performance of the method.
• number_of_samples_per_channel (Optional[int]) – Specifies the number
of samples to read.
If you set this input to nidaqmx.constants. READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, NI-DAQmx de-
termines how many samples to read based on if the task acquires samples continuously or
acquires a finite number of samples.
If the task acquires samples continuously and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, this method reads all the samples
currently available in the buffer.
If the task acquires a finite number of samples and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, the method waits for the task to acquire
all requested samples, then reads those samples. If you set the “read_all_avail_samp”
property to True, the method reads the samples currently available in the buffer and does
not wait for the task to acquire all requested samples.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and any
samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you
set timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error
if it is unable to.
Returns Indicates the number of samples acquired by each channel. NI-DAQmx returns a single
value because this value is the same for all channels.
Return type int
bool – Indicates whether the size and shape of the user-defined NumPy arrays passed to read methods are
verified. Defaults to True when this object is instantiated.
Setting this property to True may marginally adversely impact the performance of read methods.
class nidaqmx.stream_readers.CounterReader(task_in_stream)
Bases: nidaqmx.stream_readers.ChannelReaderBase

62 Chapter 8. License
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

Reads samples from a counter input channel in an NI-DAQmx task.

read_many_sample_double(data, number_of_samples_per_channel=-1, timeout=10.0)
Reads one or more floating-point samples from a single counter input channel in a task.
This read method accepts a preallocated NumPy array to hold the samples requested, which can be advan-
tageous for performance and interoperability with NumPy and SciPy.
Passing in a preallocated array is valuable in continuous acquisition scenarios, where the same array can
be used repeatedly in each call to the method.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Specifies a preallocated 1D NumPy array of floating-point
values to hold the samples requested.
Each element in the array corresponds to a sample from the channel. The size of the array
must be large enough to hold all requested samples from the channel in the task; otherwise,
an error is thrown.
• number_of_samples_per_channel (Optional[int]) – Specifies the number
of samples to read.
If you set this input to nidaqmx.constants. READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, NI-DAQmx de-
termines how many samples to read based on if the task acquires samples continuously or
acquires a finite number of samples.
If the task acquires samples continuously and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, this method reads all the samples
currently available in the buffer.
If the task acquires a finite number of samples and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, the method waits for the task to acquire
all requested samples, then reads those samples. If you set the “read_all_avail_samp”
property to True, the method reads the samples currently available in the buffer and does
not wait for the task to acquire all requested samples.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and any
samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you
set timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error
if it is unable to.
Returns Indicates the number of samples acquired by each channel. NI-DAQmx returns a single
value because this value is the same for all channels.
Return type int
read_many_sample_pulse_frequency(frequencies, duty_cycles,
number_of_samples_per_channel=-1, timeout=10.0)
Reads one or more pulse samples in terms of frequency from a single counter input channel in a task.
This read method accepts preallocated NumPy arrays to hold the samples requested, which can be advan-
tageous for performance and interoperability with NumPy and SciPy.
Passing in preallocated arrays is valuable in continuous acquisition scenarios, where the same array can be
used repeatedly in each call to the method.
• frequencies (numpy.ndarray) – Specifies a preallocated 1D NumPy array of
floating-point values to hold the frequency portion of the pulse samples requested.

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Each element in the array corresponds to a sample from the channel. The size of the array
must be large enough to hold all requested samples from the channel in the task; otherwise,
an error is thrown.
• duty_cycles (numpy.ndarray) – Specifies a preallocated 1D NumPy array of
floating-point values to hold the duty cycle portion of the pulse samples requested.
Each element in the array corresponds to a sample from the channel. The size of the array
must be large enough to hold all requested samples from the channel in the task; otherwise,
an error is thrown.
• number_of_samples_per_channel (Optional[int]) – Specifies the number
of samples to read.
If you set this input to nidaqmx.constants. READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, NI-DAQmx de-
termines how many samples to read based on if the task acquires samples continuously or
acquires a finite number of samples.
If the task acquires samples continuously and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, this method reads all the samples
currently available in the buffer.
If the task acquires a finite number of samples and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, the method waits for the task to acquire
all requested samples, then reads those samples. If you set the “read_all_avail_samp”
property to True, the method reads the samples currently available in the buffer and does
not wait for the task to acquire all requested samples.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and any
samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you
set timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error
if it is unable to.
Returns Indicates the number of samples acquired by each channel. NI-DAQmx returns a single
value because this value is the same for all channels.
Return type int
read_many_sample_pulse_ticks(high_ticks, low_ticks, number_of_samples_per_channel=-1,
Reads one or more pulse samples in terms of ticks from a single counter input channel in a task.
This read method accepts preallocated NumPy arrays to hold the samples requested, which can be advan-
tageous for performance and interoperability with NumPy and SciPy.
Passing in preallocated arrays is valuable in continuous acquisition scenarios, where the same array can be
used repeatedly in each call to the method.
• high_ticks (numpy.ndarray) – Specifies a preallocated 1D NumPy array of 32-bit
unsigned integer values to hold the high ticks portion of the pulse samples requested.
Each element in the array corresponds to a sample from the channel. The size of the array
must be large enough to hold all requested samples from the channel in the task; otherwise,
an error is thrown.
• low_ticks (numpy.ndarray) – Specifies a preallocated 1D NumPy array of 32-bit
unsigned integer values to hold the low ticks portion of the pulse samples requested.

64 Chapter 8. License
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

Each element in the array corresponds to a sample from the channel. The size of the array
must be large enough to hold all requested samples from the channel in the task; otherwise,
an error is thrown.
• number_of_samples_per_channel (Optional[int]) – Specifies the number
of samples to read.
If you set this input to nidaqmx.constants. READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, NI-DAQmx de-
termines how many samples to read based on if the task acquires samples continuously or
acquires a finite number of samples.
If the task acquires samples continuously and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, this method reads all the samples
currently available in the buffer.
If the task acquires a finite number of samples and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, the method waits for the task to acquire
all requested samples, then reads those samples. If you set the “read_all_avail_samp”
property to True, the method reads the samples currently available in the buffer and does
not wait for the task to acquire all requested samples.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and any
samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you
set timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error
if it is unable to.
Returns Indicates the number of samples acquired by each channel. NI-DAQmx returns a single
value because this value is the same for all channels.
Return type int
read_many_sample_pulse_time(high_times, low_times, number_of_samples_per_channel=-1,
Reads one or more pulse samples in terms of time from a single counter input channel in a task.
This read method accepts preallocated NumPy arrays to hold the samples requested, which can be advan-
tageous for performance and interoperability with NumPy and SciPy.
Passing in preallocated arrays is valuable in continuous acquisition scenarios, where the same array can be
used repeatedly in each call to the method.
• high_times (numpy.ndarray) – Specifies a preallocated 1D NumPy array of
floating-point values to hold the high time portion of the pulse samples requested.
Each element in the array corresponds to a sample from the channel. The size of the array
must be large enough to hold all requested samples from the channel in the task; otherwise,
an error is thrown.
• low_times (numpy.ndarray) – Specifies a preallocated 1D NumPy array of
floating-point values to hold the low time portion of the pulse samples requested.
Each element in the array corresponds to a sample from the channel. The size of the array
must be large enough to hold all requested samples from the channel in the task; otherwise,
an error is thrown.
• number_of_samples_per_channel (Optional[int]) – Specifies the number
of samples to read.

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If you set this input to nidaqmx.constants. READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, NI-DAQmx de-

termines how many samples to read based on if the task acquires samples continuously or
acquires a finite number of samples.
If the task acquires samples continuously and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, this method reads all the samples
currently available in the buffer.
If the task acquires a finite number of samples and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, the method waits for the task to acquire
all requested samples, then reads those samples. If you set the “read_all_avail_samp”
property to True, the method reads the samples currently available in the buffer and does
not wait for the task to acquire all requested samples.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and any
samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you
set timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error
if it is unable to.
Returns Indicates the number of samples acquired by each channel. NI-DAQmx returns a single
value because this value is the same for all channels.
Return type int
read_many_sample_uint32(data, number_of_samples_per_channel=-1, timeout=10.0)
Reads one or more 32-bit unsigned integer samples from a single counter input channel in a task.
This read method accepts a preallocated NumPy array to hold the samples requested, which can be advan-
tageous for performance and interoperability with NumPy and SciPy.
Passing in a preallocated array is valuable in continuous acquisition scenarios, where the same array can
be used repeatedly in each call to the method.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Specifies a preallocated 1D NumPy array of 32-bit unsigned
integer values to hold the samples requested.
Each element in the array corresponds to a sample from the channel. The size of the array
must be large enough to hold all requested samples from the channel in the task; otherwise,
an error is thrown.
• number_of_samples_per_channel (Optional[int]) – Specifies the number
of samples to read.
If you set this input to nidaqmx.constants. READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, NI-DAQmx de-
termines how many samples to read based on if the task acquires samples continuously or
acquires a finite number of samples.
If the task acquires samples continuously and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, this method reads all the samples
currently available in the buffer.
If the task acquires a finite number of samples and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, the method waits for the task to acquire
all requested samples, then reads those samples. If you set the “read_all_avail_samp”
property to True, the method reads the samples currently available in the buffer and does
not wait for the task to acquire all requested samples.

66 Chapter 8. License
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for

samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and any
samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you
set timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error
if it is unable to.
Returns Indicates the number of samples acquired by each channel. NI-DAQmx returns a single
value because this value is the same for all channels.
Return type int
Reads a single floating-point sample from a single counter input channel in a task.
Parameters timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to
wait for samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and
any samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you set
timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error if it is
unable to.
Indicates a single floating-point sample from the task.
Return type float
Reads a pulse sample in terms of frequency from a single counter input channel in a task.
Parameters timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to
wait for samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and
any samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you set
timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error if it is
unable to.
Returns Indicates a pulse sample in terms of frequency from the task.
Return type nidaqmx.types.CtrFreq
Reads a pulse sample in terms of ticks from a single counter input channel in a task.
Parameters timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to
wait for samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and
any samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you set
timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error if it is
unable to.
Returns Indicates a pulse sample in terms of ticks from the task.
Return type nidaqmx.types.CtrTick
Reads a pulse sample in terms of time from a single counter input channel in a task.
Parameters timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to
wait for samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and
any samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set

8.4. nidaqmx.stream_readers 67
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you set

timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error if it is
unable to.
Returns Indicates a pulse sample in terms of time from the task.
Return type nidaqmx.types.CtrTime
Reads a single 32-bit unsigned integer sample from a single counter input channel in a task.
Parameters timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to
wait for samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and
any samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you set
timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error if it is
unable to.
Returns Indicates a single 32-bit unsigned integer sample from the task.
Return type int
bool – Indicates whether the size and shape of the user-defined NumPy arrays passed to read methods are
verified. Defaults to True when this object is instantiated.
Setting this property to True may marginally adversely impact the performance of read methods.
class nidaqmx.stream_readers.DigitalSingleChannelReader(task_in_stream)
Bases: nidaqmx.stream_readers.ChannelReaderBase
Reads samples from a digital input channel in an NI-DAQmx task.
read_many_sample_port_byte(data, number_of_samples_per_channel=-1, timeout=10.0)
Reads one or more 8-bit unsigned integer samples from a single digital input channel in a task.
Use this method for devices with up to 8 lines per port.
This read method accepts a preallocated NumPy array to hold the samples requested, which can be advan-
tageous for performance and interoperability with NumPy and SciPy.
Passing in a preallocated array is valuable in continuous acquisition scenarios, where the same array can
be used repeatedly in each call to the method.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Specifies a preallocated 1D NumPy array of 8-bit unsigned
integer values to hold the samples requested.
Each element in the array corresponds to a sample from the channel. The size of the array
must be large enough to hold all requested samples from the channel in the task; otherwise,
an error is thrown.
• number_of_samples_per_channel (Optional[int]) – Specifies the number
of samples to read.
If you set this input to nidaqmx.constants. READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, NI-DAQmx de-
termines how many samples to read based on if the task acquires samples continuously or
acquires a finite number of samples.
If the task acquires samples continuously and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, this method reads all the samples
currently available in the buffer.

68 Chapter 8. License
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

If the task acquires a finite number of samples and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, the method waits for the task to acquire
all requested samples, then reads those samples. If you set the “read_all_avail_samp”
property to True, the method reads the samples currently available in the buffer and does
not wait for the task to acquire all requested samples.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and any
samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you
set timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error
if it is unable to.
Returns Indicates the number of samples acquired by each channel. NI-DAQmx returns a single
value because this value is the same for all channels.
Return type int
read_many_sample_port_uint16(data, number_of_samples_per_channel=-1, timeout=10.0)
Reads one or more 16-bit unsigned integer samples from a single digital input channel in a task.
Use this method for devices with up to 16 lines per port.
This read method accepts a preallocated NumPy array to hold the samples requested, which can be advan-
tageous for performance and interoperability with NumPy and SciPy.
Passing in a preallocated array is valuable in continuous acquisition scenarios, where the same array can
be used repeatedly in each call to the method.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Specifies a preallocated 1D NumPy array of 16-bit unsigned
integer values to hold the samples requested.
Each element in the array corresponds to a sample from the channel. The size of the array
must be large enough to hold all requested samples from the channel in the task; otherwise,
an error is thrown.
• number_of_samples_per_channel (Optional[int]) – Specifies the number
of samples to read.
If you set this input to nidaqmx.constants. READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, NI-DAQmx de-
termines how many samples to read based on if the task acquires samples continuously or
acquires a finite number of samples.
If the task acquires samples continuously and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, this method reads all the samples
currently available in the buffer.
If the task acquires a finite number of samples and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, the method waits for the task to acquire
all requested samples, then reads those samples. If you set the “read_all_avail_samp”
property to True, the method reads the samples currently available in the buffer and does
not wait for the task to acquire all requested samples.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and any
samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you
set timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error
if it is unable to.

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Returns Indicates the number of samples acquired by each channel. NI-DAQmx returns a single
value because this value is the same for all channels.
Return type int
read_many_sample_port_uint32(data, number_of_samples_per_channel=-1, timeout=10.0)
Reads one or more 32-bit unsigned integer samples from a single digital input channel in a task.
Use this method for devices with up to 32 lines per port.
This read method accepts a preallocated NumPy array to hold the samples requested, which can be advan-
tageous for performance and interoperability with NumPy and SciPy.
Passing in a preallocated array is valuable in continuous acquisition scenarios, where the same array can
be used repeatedly in each call to the method.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Specifies a preallocated 1D NumPy array of 32-bit unsigned
integer values to hold the samples requested.
Each element in the array corresponds to a sample from the channel. The size of the array
must be large enough to hold all requested samples from the channel in the task; otherwise,
an error is thrown.
• number_of_samples_per_channel (Optional[int]) – Specifies the number
of samples to read.
If you set this input to nidaqmx.constants. READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, NI-DAQmx de-
termines how many samples to read based on if the task acquires samples continuously or
acquires a finite number of samples.
If the task acquires samples continuously and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, this method reads all the samples
currently available in the buffer.
If the task acquires a finite number of samples and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, the method waits for the task to acquire
all requested samples, then reads those samples. If you set the “read_all_avail_samp”
property to True, the method reads the samples currently available in the buffer and does
not wait for the task to acquire all requested samples.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and any
samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you
set timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error
if it is unable to.
Returns Indicates the number of samples acquired by each channel. NI-DAQmx returns a single
value because this value is the same for all channels.
Return type int
read_one_sample_multi_line(data, timeout=10)
Reads a single boolean sample from a single digital input channel in a task. The channel can contain
multiple digital lines.
This read method accepts a preallocated NumPy array to hold the samples requested, which can be advan-
tageous for performance and interoperability with NumPy and SciPy.
Passing in a preallocated array is valuable in continuous acquisition scenarios, where the same array can
be used repeatedly in each call to the method.

70 Chapter 8. License
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• data (numpy.ndarray) – Specifies a preallocated 1D NumPy array of boolean values
to hold the samples requested.
Each element in the array corresponds to a sample from a line in the channel. The size of
the array must be large enough to hold all requested samples from the channel in the task;
otherwise, an error is thrown.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and any
samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you
set timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error
if it is unable to.
Reads a single boolean sample from a single digital input channel in a task. The channel can contain only
one digital line.
Parameters timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to
wait for samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and
any samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you set
timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error if it is
unable to.
Returns Indicates a single boolean sample from the task.
Return type bool
Reads a single 8-bit unsigned integer sample from a single digital input channel in a task.
Use this method for devices with up to 8 lines per port.
Parameters timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to
wait for samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and
any samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you set
timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error if it is
unable to.
Returns Indicates a single 8-bit unsigned integer sample from the task.
Return type int
Reads a single 16-bit unsigned integer sample from a single digital input channel in a task.
Use this method for devices with up to 16 lines per port.
Parameters timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to
wait for samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and
any samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you set
timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error if it is
unable to.
Returns Indicates a single 16-bit unsigned integer sample from the task.
Return type int

8.4. nidaqmx.stream_readers 71
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

Reads a single 32-bit unsigned integer sample from a single digital input channel in a task.
Use this method for devices with up to 32 lines per port.
Parameters timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to
wait for samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and
any samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you set
timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error if it is
unable to.
Returns Indicates a single 32-bit unsigned integer sample from the task.
Return type int
bool – Indicates whether the size and shape of the user-defined NumPy arrays passed to read methods are
verified. Defaults to True when this object is instantiated.
Setting this property to True may marginally adversely impact the performance of read methods.
class nidaqmx.stream_readers.DigitalMultiChannelReader(task_in_stream)
Bases: nidaqmx.stream_readers.ChannelReaderBase
Reads samples from one or more digital input channels in an NI-DAQmx task.
read_many_sample_port_byte(data, number_of_samples_per_channel=-1, timeout=10.0)
Reads one or more 8-bit unsigned integer samples from one or more digital input channel in a task.
Use this method for devices with up to 8 lines per port.
This read method accepts a preallocated NumPy array to hold the samples requested, which can be advan-
tageous for performance and interoperability with NumPy and SciPy.
Passing in a preallocated array is valuable in continuous acquisition scenarios, where the same array can
be used repeatedly in each call to the method.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Specifies a preallocated 2D NumPy array of 8-bit unsigned
integer values to hold the samples requested. The size of the array must be large enough
to hold all requested samples from all channels in the task; otherwise, an error is thrown.
Each row corresponds to a channel in the task. Each column corresponds to a sample
from each channel. The order of the channels in the array corresponds to the order in
which you add the channels to the task or to the order of the channels you specify with the
“channels_to_read” property.
If the size of the array is too large or the array is shaped incorrectly, the previous statement
may not hold true as the samples read may not be separated into rows and columns prop-
erly. Set the “verify_array_shape” property on this channel reader object to True to vali-
date that the NumPy array object is shaped properly. Setting this property may marginally
adversely impact the performance of the method.
• number_of_samples_per_channel (Optional[int]) – Specifies the number
of samples to read.
If you set this input to nidaqmx.constants. READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, NI-DAQmx de-
termines how many samples to read based on if the task acquires samples continuously or
acquires a finite number of samples.

72 Chapter 8. License
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

If the task acquires samples continuously and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, this method reads all the samples
currently available in the buffer.
If the task acquires a finite number of samples and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, the method waits for the task to acquire
all requested samples, then reads those samples. If you set the “read_all_avail_samp”
property to True, the method reads the samples currently available in the buffer and does
not wait for the task to acquire all requested samples.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and any
samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you
set timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error
if it is unable to.
Returns Indicates the number of samples acquired by each channel. NI-DAQmx returns a single
value because this value is the same for all channels.
Return type int
read_many_sample_port_uint16(data, number_of_samples_per_channel=-1, timeout=10.0)
Reads one or more 16-bit unsigned integer samples from one or more digital input channels in a task.
Use this method for devices with up to 16 lines per port.
This read method accepts a preallocated NumPy array to hold the samples requested, which can be advan-
tageous for performance and interoperability with NumPy and SciPy.
Passing in a preallocated array is valuable in continuous acquisition scenarios, where the same array can
be used repeatedly in each call to the method.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Specifies a preallocated 2D NumPy array of 16-bit unsigned
integer values to hold the samples requested. The size of the array must be large enough
to hold all requested samples from all channels in the task; otherwise, an error is thrown.
Each row corresponds to a channel in the task. Each column corresponds to a sample
from each channel. The order of the channels in the array corresponds to the order in
which you add the channels to the task or to the order of the channels you specify with the
“channels_to_read” property.
If the size of the array is too large or the array is shaped incorrectly, the previous statement
may not hold true as the samples read may not be separated into rows and columns prop-
erly. Set the “verify_array_shape” property on this channel reader object to True to vali-
date that the NumPy array object is shaped properly. Setting this property may marginally
adversely impact the performance of the method.
• number_of_samples_per_channel (Optional[int]) – Specifies the number
of samples to read.
If you set this input to nidaqmx.constants. READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, NI-DAQmx de-
termines how many samples to read based on if the task acquires samples continuously or
acquires a finite number of samples.
If the task acquires samples continuously and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, this method reads all the samples
currently available in the buffer.

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NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

If the task acquires a finite number of samples and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, the method waits for the task to acquire
all requested samples, then reads those samples. If you set the “read_all_avail_samp”
property to True, the method reads the samples currently available in the buffer and does
not wait for the task to acquire all requested samples.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and any
samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you
set timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error
if it is unable to.
Returns Indicates the number of samples acquired by each channel. NI-DAQmx returns a single
value because this value is the same for all channels.
Return type int
read_many_sample_port_uint32(data, number_of_samples_per_channel=-1, timeout=10.0)
Reads one or more 32-bit unsigned integer samples from one or more digital input channels in a task.
Use this method for devices with up to 32 lines per port.
This read method accepts a preallocated NumPy array to hold the samples requested, which can be advan-
tageous for performance and interoperability with NumPy and SciPy.
Passing in a preallocated array is valuable in continuous acquisition scenarios, where the same array can
be used repeatedly in each call to the method.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Specifies a preallocated 2D NumPy array of 32-bit unsigned
integer values to hold the samples requested. The size of the array must be large enough
to hold all requested samples from all channels in the task; otherwise, an error is thrown.
Each row corresponds to a channel in the task. Each column corresponds to a sample
from each channel. The order of the channels in the array corresponds to the order in
which you add the channels to the task or to the order of the channels you specify with the
“channels_to_read” property.
If the size of the array is too large or the array is shaped incorrectly, the previous statement
may not hold true as the samples read may not be separated into rows and columns prop-
erly. Set the “verify_array_shape” property on this channel reader object to True to vali-
date that the NumPy array object is shaped properly. Setting this property may marginally
adversely impact the performance of the method.
• number_of_samples_per_channel (Optional[int]) – Specifies the number
of samples to read.
If you set this input to nidaqmx.constants. READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, NI-DAQmx de-
termines how many samples to read based on if the task acquires samples continuously or
acquires a finite number of samples.
If the task acquires samples continuously and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, this method reads all the samples
currently available in the buffer.
If the task acquires a finite number of samples and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, the method waits for the task to acquire
all requested samples, then reads those samples. If you set the “read_all_avail_samp”

74 Chapter 8. License
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

property to True, the method reads the samples currently available in the buffer and does
not wait for the task to acquire all requested samples.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and any
samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you
set timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error
if it is unable to.
Returns Indicates the number of samples acquired by each channel. NI-DAQmx returns a single
value because this value is the same for all channels.
Return type int
read_one_sample_multi_line(data, timeout=10)
Reads a single boolean sample from one or more digital input channels in a task. The channels can contain
multiple digital lines.
This read method accepts a preallocated NumPy array to hold the samples requested, which can be advan-
tageous for performance and interoperability with NumPy and SciPy.
Passing in a preallocated array is valuable in continuous acquisition scenarios, where the same array can
be used repeatedly in each call to the method.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Specifies a preallocated 2D NumPy array of boolean values
to hold the samples requested. The size of the array must be large enough to hold all
requested samples from all channels in the task; otherwise, an error is thrown.
Each row corresponds to a channel in the task. Each column corresponds to a line from
each channel. The order of the channels in the array corresponds to the order in which
you add the channels to the task or to the order of the channels you specify with the
“channels_to_read” property.
If the size of the array is too large or the array is shaped incorrectly, the previous statement
may not hold true as the samples read may not be separated into rows and columns prop-
erly. Set the “verify_array_shape” property on this channel reader object to True to vali-
date that the NumPy array object is shaped properly. Setting this property may marginally
adversely impact the performance of the method.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and any
samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you
set timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error
if it is unable to.
read_one_sample_one_line(data, timeout=10)
Reads a single boolean sample from one or more digital input channels in a task. The channel can contain
only one digital line.
This read method accepts a preallocated NumPy array to hold the samples requested, which can be advan-
tageous for performance and interoperability with NumPy and SciPy.
Passing in a preallocated array is valuable in continuous acquisition scenarios, where the same array can
be used repeatedly in each call to the method.

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• data (numpy.ndarray) – Specifies a preallocated 1D NumPy array of boolean values

to hold the samples requested.
Each element in the array corresponds to a sample from each channel. The size of the
array must be large enough to hold all requested samples from the channel in the task;
otherwise, an error is thrown.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and any
samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you
set timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error
if it is unable to.
read_one_sample_port_byte(data, timeout=10)
Reads a single 8-bit unsigned integer sample from one or more digital input channels in a task.
Use this method for devices with up to 8 lines per port.
This read method accepts a preallocated NumPy array to hold the samples requested, which can be advan-
tageous for performance and interoperability with NumPy and SciPy.
Passing in a preallocated array is valuable in continuous acquisition scenarios, where the same array can
be used repeatedly in each call to the method.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Specifies a preallocated 1D NumPy array of 8-bit unsigned
integer values to hold the samples requested.
Each element in the array corresponds to a sample from each channel. The size of the
array must be large enough to hold all requested samples from the channel in the task;
otherwise, an error is thrown.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and any
samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you
set timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error
if it is unable to.
read_one_sample_port_uint16(data, timeout=10)
Reads a single 16-bit unsigned integer sample from one or more digital input channels in a task.
Use this method for devices with up to 16 lines per port.
This read method accepts a preallocated NumPy array to hold the samples requested, which can be advan-
tageous for performance and interoperability with NumPy and SciPy.
Passing in a preallocated array is valuable in continuous acquisition scenarios, where the same array can
be used repeatedly in each call to the method.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Specifies a preallocated 1D NumPy array of 16-bit unsigned
integer values to hold the samples requested.
Each element in the array corresponds to a sample from each channel. The size of the
array must be large enough to hold all requested samples from the channel in the task;
otherwise, an error is thrown.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and any

76 Chapter 8. License
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you
set timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error
if it is unable to.
read_one_sample_port_uint32(data, timeout=10)
Reads a single 32-bit unsigned integer sample from one or more digital input channels in a task.
Use this method for devices with up to 32 lines per port.
This read method accepts a preallocated NumPy array to hold the samples requested, which can be advan-
tageous for performance and interoperability with NumPy and SciPy.
Passing in a preallocated array is valuable in continuous acquisition scenarios, where the same array can
be used repeatedly in each call to the method.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Specifies a preallocated 1D NumPy array of 32-bit unsigned
integer values to hold the samples requested.
Each element in the array corresponds to a sample from each channel. The size of the
array must be large enough to hold all requested samples from the channel in the task;
otherwise, an error is thrown.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and any
samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you
set timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error
if it is unable to.
bool – Indicates whether the size and shape of the user-defined NumPy arrays passed to read methods are
verified. Defaults to True when this object is instantiated.
Setting this property to True may marginally adversely impact the performance of read methods.


class nidaqmx.stream_writers.AnalogSingleChannelWriter(task_out_stream,
Bases: nidaqmx.stream_writers.ChannelWriterBase
Writes samples to an analog output channel in an NI-DAQmx task.
bool – Specifies if the write method automatically starts the task if you did not explicitly start it with the
DAQmx Start Task method.
If you do not specify a value for this parameter, NI-DAQmx determines its value based on the type of write
method used. If you use a one sample write method, its value is True; conversely, if you use a many sample
write method, its value is False.
bool – Indicates whether the size and shape of the user-defined NumPy arrays passed to read methods are
verified. Defaults to True when this object is instantiated.
Setting this property to True may marginally adversely impact the performance of read methods.

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write_many_sample(data, timeout=10.0)
Writes one or more floating-point samples to a single analog output channel in a task.
If the task uses on-demand timing, this method returns only after the device generates all samples. On-
demand is the default timing type if you do not use the timing property on the task to configure a sample
timing type. If the task uses any timing type other than on-demand, this method returns immediately and
does not wait for the device to generate all samples. Your application must determine if the task is done to
ensure that the device generated all samples.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Contains a 1D NumPy array of floating-point samples to
write to the task. Each element of the array corresponds to a sample to write.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
the method to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method
must wait before it writes data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The de-
fault timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY,
the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to write the
submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.
Returns Specifies the actual number of samples this method successfully wrote.
Return type int
write_one_sample(data, timeout=10)
Writes a single floating-point sample to a single analog output channel in a task.
• data (float) – Specifies the floating-point sample to write to the task.
• auto_start (Optional[bool]) – Specifies if this method automatically starts the
task if you did not explicitly start it with the DAQmx Start Task method.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
the method to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method
must wait before it writes data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The de-
fault timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY,
the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to write the
submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.
class nidaqmx.stream_writers.AnalogMultiChannelWriter(task_out_stream,
Bases: nidaqmx.stream_writers.ChannelWriterBase
Writes samples to one or more analog output channels in an NI-DAQmx task.
bool – Specifies if the write method automatically starts the task if you did not explicitly start it with the
DAQmx Start Task method.
If you do not specify a value for this parameter, NI-DAQmx determines its value based on the type of write
method used. If you use a one sample write method, its value is True; conversely, if you use a many sample
write method, its value is False.
bool – Indicates whether the size and shape of the user-defined NumPy arrays passed to read methods are
verified. Defaults to True when this object is instantiated.

78 Chapter 8. License
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

Setting this property to True may marginally adversely impact the performance of read methods.
write_many_sample(data, timeout=10.0)
Writes one or more floating-point samples to one or more analog output channels in a task.
If the task uses on-demand timing, this method returns only after the device generates all samples. On-
demand is the default timing type if you do not use the timing property on the task to configure a sample
timing type. If the task uses any timing type other than on-demand, this method returns immediately and
does not wait for the device to generate all samples. Your application must determine if the task is done to
ensure that the device generated all samples.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Contains a 2D NumPy array of floating-point samples to
write to the task.
Each row corresponds to a channel in the task. Each column corresponds to a sample to
write to each channel. The order of the channels in the array corresponds to the order in
which you add the channels to the task.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
the method to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method
must wait before it writes data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The de-
fault timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY,
the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to write the
submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.
Returns Specifies the actual number of samples this method successfully wrote to each channel
in the task.
Return type int
write_one_sample(data, timeout=10)
Writes a single floating-point sample to one or more analog output channels in a task.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Contains a 1D NumPy array of floating-point samples to
write to the task.
Each element of the array corresponds to a channel in the task. The order of the channels
in the array corresponds to the order in which you add the channels to the task.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
the method to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method
must wait before it writes data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The de-
fault timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY,
the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to write the
submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.
class nidaqmx.stream_writers.AnalogUnscaledWriter(task_out_stream,
Bases: nidaqmx.stream_writers.ChannelWriterBase
Writes unscaled samples to one or more analog output channels in an NI-DAQmx task.
bool – Specifies if the write method automatically starts the task if you did not explicitly start it with the
DAQmx Start Task method.

8.5. nidaqmx.stream_writers 79
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If you do not specify a value for this parameter, NI-DAQmx determines its value based on the type of write
method used. If you use a one sample write method, its value is True; conversely, if you use a many sample
write method, its value is False.
bool – Indicates whether the size and shape of the user-defined NumPy arrays passed to read methods are
verified. Defaults to True when this object is instantiated.
Setting this property to True may marginally adversely impact the performance of read methods.
write_int16(data, timeout=10.0)
Writes one or more unscaled 16-bit integer samples to one or more analog output channels in a task.
If the task uses on-demand timing, this method returns only after the device generates all samples. On-
demand is the default timing type if you do not use the timing property on the task to configure a sample
timing type. If the task uses any timing type other than on-demand, this method returns immediately and
does not wait for the device to generate all samples. Your application must determine if the task is done to
ensure that the device generated all samples.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Contains a 2D NumPy array of unscaled 16-bit integer sam-
ples to write to the task.
Each row corresponds to a channel in the task. Each column corresponds to a sample to
write to each channel.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
the method to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method
must wait before it writes data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The de-
fault timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY,
the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to write the
submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.
Returns Specifies the actual number of samples this method successfully wrote to each channel
in the task.
Return type int
write_int32(data, timeout=10.0)
Writes one or more unscaled 32-bit integer samples to one or more analog output channels in a task.
If the task uses on-demand timing, this method returns only after the device generates all samples. On-
demand is the default timing type if you do not use the timing property on the task to configure a sample
timing type. If the task uses any timing type other than on-demand, this method returns immediately and
does not wait for the device to generate all samples. Your application must determine if the task is done to
ensure that the device generated all samples.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Contains a 2D NumPy array of unscaled 32-bit integer sam-
ples to write to the task.
Each row corresponds to a channel in the task. Each column corresponds to a sample to
write to each channel.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
the method to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method
must wait before it writes data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The de-
fault timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY,
the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to write the

80 Chapter 8. License
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.
Returns Specifies the actual number of samples this method successfully wrote to each channel
in the task.
Return type int
write_uint16(data, timeout=10.0)
Writes one or more unscaled 16-bit unsigned integer samples to one or more analog output channels in a
If the task uses on-demand timing, this method returns only after the device generates all samples. On-
demand is the default timing type if you do not use the timing property on the task to configure a sample
timing type. If the task uses any timing type other than on-demand, this method returns immediately and
does not wait for the device to generate all samples. Your application must determine if the task is done to
ensure that the device generated all samples.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Contains a 2D NumPy array of unscaled 16-bit unsigned
integer samples to write to the task.
Each row corresponds to a channel in the task. Each column corresponds to a sample to
write to each channel.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
the method to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method
must wait before it writes data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The de-
fault timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY,
the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to write the
submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.
Returns Specifies the actual number of samples this method successfully wrote to each channel
in the task.
Return type int
write_uint32(data, timeout=10.0)
Writes one or more unscaled 32-bit unsigned integer samples to one or more analog output channels in a
If the task uses on-demand timing, this method returns only after the device generates all samples. On-
demand is the default timing type if you do not use the timing property on the task to configure a sample
timing type. If the task uses any timing type other than on-demand, this method returns immediately and
does not wait for the device to generate all samples. Your application must determine if the task is done to
ensure that the device generated all samples.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Contains a 2D NumPy array of unscaled 32-bit unsigned
integer samples to write to the task.
Each row corresponds to a channel in the task. Each column corresponds to a sample to
write to each channel.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
the method to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method
must wait before it writes data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The de-
fault timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY,
the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to write the

8.5. nidaqmx.stream_writers 81
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submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.
Returns Specifies the actual number of samples this method successfully wrote to each channel
in the task.
Return type int
class nidaqmx.stream_writers.CounterWriter(task_out_stream, auto_start=<nidaqmx.stream_writers.UnsetAutoStartSen
Bases: nidaqmx.stream_writers.ChannelWriterBase
Writes samples to a counter output channel in an NI-DAQmx task.
bool – Specifies if the write method automatically starts the task if you did not explicitly start it with the
DAQmx Start Task method.
If you do not specify a value for this parameter, NI-DAQmx determines its value based on the type of write
method used. If you use a one sample write method, its value is True; conversely, if you use a many sample
write method, its value is False.
bool – Indicates whether the size and shape of the user-defined NumPy arrays passed to read methods are
verified. Defaults to True when this object is instantiated.
Setting this property to True may marginally adversely impact the performance of read methods.
write_many_sample_pulse_frequency(frequencies, duty_cycles, timeout=10.0)
Writes one or more pulse samples in terms of frequency to a single counter output channel in a task.
If the task uses on-demand timing, this method returns only after the device generates all samples. On-
demand is the default timing type if you do not use the timing property on the task to configure a sample
timing type. If the task uses any timing type other than on-demand, this method returns immediately and
does not wait for the device to generate all samples. Your application must determine if the task is done to
ensure that the device generated all samples.
• frequencies (numpy.ndarray) – Contains a 1D NumPy array of floating-point
values that holds the frequency portion of the pulse samples to write to the task. Each
element of the array corresponds to a sample to write.
• duty_cycles (numpy.ndarray) – Contains a 1D NumPy array of floating-point
values that holds the duty cycle portion of the pulse samples to write to the task. Each
element of the array corresponds to a sample to write.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
the method to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method
must wait before it writes data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The de-
fault timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY,
the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to write the
submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.
Returns Specifies the actual number of samples this method successfully wrote.
Return type int
write_many_sample_pulse_ticks(high_ticks, low_ticks, timeout=10.0)
Writes one or more pulse samples in terms of ticks to a single counter output channel in a task.

82 Chapter 8. License
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

If the task uses on-demand timing, this method returns only after the device generates all samples. On-
demand is the default timing type if you do not use the timing property on the task to configure a sample
timing type. If the task uses any timing type other than on-demand, this method returns immediately and
does not wait for the device to generate all samples. Your application must determine if the task is done to
ensure that the device generated all samples.
• high_ticks (numpy.ndarray) – Contains a 1D NumPy array of 32-bit unsigned
integer values that holds the high ticks portion of the pulse samples to write to the task.
Each element of the array corresponds to a sample to write.
• low_ticks (numpy.ndarray) – Contains a 1D NumPy array of 32-bit unsigned in-
teger values that holds the low ticks portion of the pulse samples to write to the task. Each
element of the array corresponds to a sample to write.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
the method to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method
must wait before it writes data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The de-
fault timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY,
the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to write the
submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.
Returns Specifies the actual number of samples this method successfully wrote.
Return type int
write_many_sample_pulse_time(high_times, low_times, timeout=10.0)
Writes one or more pulse samples in terms of time to a single counter output channel in a task.
If the task uses on-demand timing, this method returns only after the device generates all samples. On-
demand is the default timing type if you do not use the timing property on the task to configure a sample
timing type. If the task uses any timing type other than on-demand, this method returns immediately and
does not wait for the device to generate all samples. Your application must determine if the task is done to
ensure that the device generated all samples.
• high_times (numpy.ndarray) – Contains a 1D NumPy array of floating-point val-
ues that holds the high time portion of the pulse samples to write to the task. Each element
of the array corresponds to a sample to write.
• low_times (numpy.ndarray) – Contains a 1D NumPy array of floating-point values
that holds the low time portion of the pulse samples to write to the task. Each element of
the array corresponds to a sample to write.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
the method to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method
must wait before it writes data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The de-
fault timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY,
the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to write the
submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.
Returns Specifies the actual number of samples this method successfully wrote.
Return type int
write_one_sample_pulse_frequency(frequency, duty_cycle, timeout=10)
Writes a new pulse frequency and duty cycle to a single counter output channel in a task.

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• frequency (float) – Specifies at what frequency to generate pulses.
• duty_cycle (float) – Specifies the width of the pulse divided by the pulse period.
NI-DAQmx uses this ratio combined with frequency to determine pulse width and the
interval between pulses.
• auto_start (Optional[bool]) – Specifies if this method automatically starts the
task if you did not explicitly start it with the DAQmx Start Task method.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
the method to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method
must wait before it writes data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The de-
fault timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY,
the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to write the
submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.
write_one_sample_pulse_ticks(high_ticks, low_ticks, timeout=10)
Writes a new pulse high tick count and low tick count to a single counter output channel in a task.
• high_ticks (float) – Specifies the number of ticks the pulse is high.
• low_ticks (float) – Specifies the number of ticks the pulse is low.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
the method to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method
must wait before it writes data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The de-
fault timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY,
the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to write the
submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.
write_one_sample_pulse_time(high_time, low_time, timeout=10)
Writes a new pulse high time and low time to a single counter output channel in a task.
• high_time (float) – Specifies the amount of time the pulse is high.
• low_time (float) – Specifies the amount of time the pulse is low.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
the method to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method
must wait before it writes data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The de-
fault timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY,
the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to write the
submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.
class nidaqmx.stream_writers.DigitalSingleChannelWriter(task_out_stream,
Bases: nidaqmx.stream_writers.ChannelWriterBase
Writes samples to a single digital output channel in an NI-DAQmx task.
bool – Specifies if the write method automatically starts the task if you did not explicitly start it with the
DAQmx Start Task method.

84 Chapter 8. License
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

If you do not specify a value for this parameter, NI-DAQmx determines its value based on the type of write
method used. If you use a one sample write method, its value is True; conversely, if you use a many sample
write method, its value is False.
bool – Indicates whether the size and shape of the user-defined NumPy arrays passed to read methods are
verified. Defaults to True when this object is instantiated.
Setting this property to True may marginally adversely impact the performance of read methods.
write_many_sample_port_byte(data, timeout=10.0)
Writes one or more 8-bit unsigned integer samples to a single digital output channel in a task.
Use this method for devices with up to 8 lines per port.
If the task uses on-demand timing, this method returns only after the device generates all samples. On-
demand is the default timing type if you do not use the timing property on the task to configure a sample
timing type. If the task uses any timing type other than on-demand, this method returns immediately and
does not wait for the device to generate all samples. Your application must determine if the task is done to
ensure that the device generated all samples.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Contains a 1D NumPy array of 8-bit unsigned integer sam-
ples to write to the task. Each element of the array corresponds to a sample to write.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
the method to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method
must wait before it writes data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The de-
fault timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY,
the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to write the
submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.
Returns Specifies the actual number of samples this method successfully wrote.
Return type int
write_many_sample_port_uint16(data, timeout=10.0)
Writes one or more 16-bit unsigned integer samples to a single digital output channel in a task.
Use this method for devices with up to 16 lines per port.
If the task uses on-demand timing, this method returns only after the device generates all samples. On-
demand is the default timing type if you do not use the timing property on the task to configure a sample
timing type. If the task uses any timing type other than on-demand, this method returns immediately and
does not wait for the device to generate all samples. Your application must determine if the task is done to
ensure that the device generated all samples.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Contains a 1D NumPy array of 16-bit unsigned integer sam-
ples to write to the task. Each element of the array corresponds to a sample to write.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
the method to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method
must wait before it writes data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The de-
fault timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY,
the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to write the
submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.

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Returns Specifies the actual number of samples this method successfully wrote.
Return type int
write_many_sample_port_uint32(data, timeout=10.0)
Writes one or more 32-bit unsigned integer samples to a single digital output channel in a task.
Use this method for devices with up to 32 lines per port.
If the task uses on-demand timing, this method returns only after the device generates all samples. On-
demand is the default timing type if you do not use the timing property on the task to configure a sample
timing type. If the task uses any timing type other than on-demand, this method returns immediately and
does not wait for the device to generate all samples. Your application must determine if the task is done to
ensure that the device generated all samples.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Contains a 1D NumPy array of 32-bit unsigned integer sam-
ples to write to the task. Each element of the array corresponds to a sample to write.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
the method to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method
must wait before it writes data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The de-
fault timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY,
the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to write the
submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.
Returns Specifies the actual number of samples this method successfully wrote.
Return type int
write_one_sample_multi_line(data, timeout=10)
Writes a single boolean sample to a single digital output channel in a task. The channel can contain
multiple digital lines.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Contains a 1D NumPy array of boolean samples to write to
the task. Each element of the array corresponds to a line in the channel.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
the method to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method
must wait before it writes data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The de-
fault timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY,
the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to write the
submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.
write_one_sample_one_line(data, timeout=10)
Writes a single boolean sample to a single digital output channel in a task. The channel can contain only
one digital line.
• data (int) – Specifies the boolean sample to write to the task.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
the method to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method
must wait before it writes data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The de-
fault timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY,
the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to write the

86 Chapter 8. License
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.
write_one_sample_port_byte(data, timeout=10)
Writes a single 8-bit unsigned integer sample to a single digital output channel in a task.
Use this method for devices with up to 8 lines per port.
• data (int) – Specifies the 8-bit unsigned integer sample to write to the task.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
the method to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method
must wait before it writes data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The de-
fault timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY,
the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to write the
submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.
write_one_sample_port_uint16(data, timeout=10)
Writes a single 16-bit unsigned integer sample to a single digital output channel in a task.
Use this method for devices with up to 16 lines per port.
• data (int) – Specifies the 16-bit unsigned integer sample to write to the task.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
the method to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method
must wait before it writes data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The de-
fault timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY,
the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to write the
submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.
write_one_sample_port_uint32(data, timeout=10)
Writes a single 32-bit unsigned integer sample to a single digital output channel in a task.
Use this method for devices with up to 32 lines per port.
• data (int) – Specifies the 32-bit unsigned integer sample to write to the task.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
the method to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method
must wait before it writes data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The de-
fault timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY,
the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to write the
submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.
class nidaqmx.stream_writers.DigitalMultiChannelWriter(task_out_stream,
Bases: nidaqmx.stream_writers.ChannelWriterBase
Writes samples to one or more digital output channels in an NI-DAQmx task.

8.5. nidaqmx.stream_writers 87
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bool – Specifies if the write method automatically starts the task if you did not explicitly start it with the
DAQmx Start Task method.
If you do not specify a value for this parameter, NI-DAQmx determines its value based on the type of write
method used. If you use a one sample write method, its value is True; conversely, if you use a many sample
write method, its value is False.
bool – Indicates whether the size and shape of the user-defined NumPy arrays passed to read methods are
verified. Defaults to True when this object is instantiated.
Setting this property to True may marginally adversely impact the performance of read methods.
write_many_sample_port_byte(data, timeout=10.0)
Writes one or more 8-bit unsigned integer samples to one or more digital output channels in a task.
Use this method for devices with up to 8 lines per port.
If the task uses on-demand timing, this method returns only after the device generates all samples. On-
demand is the default timing type if you do not use the timing property on the task to configure a sample
timing type. If the task uses any timing type other than on-demand, this method returns immediately and
does not wait for the device to generate all samples. Your application must determine if the task is done to
ensure that the device generated all samples.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Contains a 2D NumPy array of 8-bit unsigned integer sam-
ples to write to the task.
Each row corresponds to a channel in the task. Each column corresponds to a sample to
write to each channel. The order of the channels in the array corresponds to the order in
which you add the channels to the task.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
the method to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method
must wait before it writes data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The de-
fault timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY,
the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to write the
submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.
Returns Specifies the actual number of samples this method successfully wrote to each channel
in the task.
Return type int
write_many_sample_port_uint16(data, timeout=10.0)
Writes one or more 16-bit unsigned integer samples to one or more digital output channels in a task.
Use this method for devices with up to 16 lines per port.
If the task uses on-demand timing, this method returns only after the device generates all samples. On-
demand is the default timing type if you do not use the timing property on the task to configure a sample
timing type. If the task uses any timing type other than on-demand, this method returns immediately and
does not wait for the device to generate all samples. Your application must determine if the task is done to
ensure that the device generated all samples.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Contains a 2D NumPy array of 16-bit unsigned integer sam-
ples to write to the task.

88 Chapter 8. License
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

Each row corresponds to a channel in the task. Each column corresponds to a sample to
write to each channel. The order of the channels in the array corresponds to the order in
which you add the channels to the task.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
the method to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method
must wait before it writes data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The de-
fault timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY,
the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to write the
submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.
Returns Specifies the actual number of samples this method successfully wrote to each channel
in the task.
Return type int
write_many_sample_port_uint32(data, timeout=10.0)
Writes one or more 32-bit unsigned integer samples to one or more digital output channels in a task.
Use this method for devices with up to 32 lines per port.
If the task uses on-demand timing, this method returns only after the device generates all samples. On-
demand is the default timing type if you do not use the timing property on the task to configure a sample
timing type. If the task uses any timing type other than on-demand, this method returns immediately and
does not wait for the device to generate all samples. Your application must determine if the task is done to
ensure that the device generated all samples.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Contains a 2D NumPy array of 32-bit unsigned integer sam-
ples to write to the task.
Each row corresponds to a channel in the task. Each column corresponds to a sample to
write to each channel. The order of the channels in the array corresponds to the order in
which you add the channels to the task.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
the method to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method
must wait before it writes data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The de-
fault timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY,
the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to write the
submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.
Returns Specifies the actual number of samples this method successfully wrote to each channel
in the task.
Return type int
write_one_sample_multi_line(data, timeout=10)
Writes a single boolean sample to one or more digital output channels in a task. The channel can contain
multiple digital lines.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Contains a 2D NumPy array of boolean samples to write to
the task.
Each row corresponds to a channel in the task. Each column corresponds to a line from
each channel. The order of the channels in the array corresponds to the order in which you
add the channels to the task.

8.5. nidaqmx.stream_writers 89
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for

the method to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method
must wait before it writes data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The de-
fault timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY,
the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to write the
submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.
write_one_sample_one_line(data, timeout=10)
Writes a single boolean sample to one or more digital output channels in a task. The channel can contain
only one digital line.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Contains a 1D NumPy array of boolean samples to write to
the task.
Each element in the array corresponds to a channel in the task. The order of the channels
in the array corresponds to the order in which you add the channels to the task.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
the method to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method
must wait before it writes data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The de-
fault timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY,
the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to write the
submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.
write_one_sample_port_byte(data, timeout=10)
Writes a single 8-bit unsigned integer sample to one or more digital output channels in a task.
Use this method for devices with up to 8 lines per port.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Contains a 1D NumPy array of 8-bit unsigned integer sam-
ples to write to the task.
Each element in the array corresponds to a channel in the task. The order of the channels
in the array corresponds to the order in which you add the channels to the task.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
the method to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method
must wait before it writes data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The de-
fault timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY,
the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to write the
submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.
write_one_sample_port_uint16(data, timeout=10)
Writes a single 16-bit unsigned integer sample to one or more digital output channels in a task.
Use this method for devices with up to 16 lines per port.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Contains a 1D NumPy array of 16-bit unsigned integer sam-
ples to write to the task.
Each element in the array corresponds to a channel in the task. The order of the channels
in the array corresponds to the order in which you add the channels to the task.

90 Chapter 8. License
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for

the method to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method
must wait before it writes data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The de-
fault timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY,
the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to write the
submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.
write_one_sample_port_uint32(data, timeout=10)
Writes a single 32-bit unsigned integer sample to one or more digital output channels in a task.
Use this method for devices with up to 32 lines per port.
• data (numpy.ndarray) – Contains a 1D NumPy array of 32-bit unsigned integer sam-
ples to write to the task.
Each element in the array corresponds to a channel in the task. The order of the channels
in the array corresponds to the order in which you add the channels to the task.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
the method to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method
must wait before it writes data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The de-
fault timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY,
the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to write the
submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.


class nidaqmx.system.system.System
Bases: object
Represents a DAQmx system.
Contains static properties that access tasks, scales, and global channels stored in Measurement Automation
Explorer (MAX), performs immediate operations on DAQ hardware, and creates classes from which you can
get information about the hardware.
Adds a cDAQ Sync connection between devices. The connection is not verified.
Parameters ports_to_connect (nidaqmx.types.CDAQSyncConnection) – Spec-
ifies the cDAQ Sync ports to connect.
are_configured_cdaq_sync_ports_disconnected(chassis_devices_ports=u’‘, timeout=-
Verifies configured cDAQ Sync connections between devices. Failures generally indicate a wiring issue or
that a device has been powered off or removed. Stop all NI-DAQmx tasks running on the devices prior to
running this function because any running tasks cause the verification process to fail.
• chassis_devices_ports (Optional[str]) – Specifies the names of the Com-
pactDAQ chassis, C Series modules, or cDAQ Sync ports in comma separated form to
search. If no names are specified, all cDAQ Sync ports on connected, non-simulated de-
vices are scanned.

8.6. nidaqmx.system 91
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the time in seconds to wait for the device
to respond before timing out.
Returns Returns the port-to-port connections that failed verification.
Return type List[nidaqmx.types.CDAQSyncConnection]
auto_configure_cdaq_sync_connections(chassis_devices_ports=u’‘, timeout=-1.0)
Detects and configures cDAQ Sync connections between devices. Stop all NI-DAQmx tasks running on
the devices prior to running this function because any running tasks cause auto-configuration to fail.
• chassis_devices_ports (Optional[str]) – Specifies the names of the Com-
pactDAQ chassis, C Series modules, or cDAQ Sync ports in comma separated form to
search. If no names are specified, all cDAQ Sync ports on connected, non-simulated de-
vices are scanned.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the time in seconds to wait for the device
to respond before timing out. If a timeout occurs, no configuration is changed.
Returns Returns the configured port-to-port connections.
Return type List[nidaqmx.types.CDAQSyncConnection]
connect_terms(source_terminal, destination_terminal, signal_modifiers=<SignalModifiers.DO_NOT_INVERT_POLARITY:
Creates a route between a source and destination terminal. The route can carry a variety of digital signals,
such as triggers, clocks, and hardware events.
• source_terminal (str) – Specifies the originating terminal of the route. A DAQmx
terminal constant lists all terminals available on devices installed in the system. You also
can specify a source terminal by specifying a string that contains a terminal name.
• destination_terminal (str) – Specifies the receiving terminal of the route. A
DAQmx terminal constant provides a list of all terminals available on devices installed in
the system. You also can specify a destination terminal by specifying a string that contains
a terminal name.
• signal_modifiers (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
SignalModifiers]) – Specifies whether to invert the signal this function routes from
the source terminal to the destination terminal.
nidaqmx.system._collections.DeviceCollection – Indicates the collection of devices for this DAQmx sys-
disconnect_terms(source_terminal, destination_terminal)
Removes signal routes you created by using the DAQmx Connect Terminals function. The DAQmx Dis-
connect Terminals function cannot remove task-based routes, such as those you create through timing and
triggering configuration.
• source_terminal (str) – Specifies the originating terminal of the route. A DAQmx
terminal constant lists all terminals available on devices installed in the system. You also
can specify a source terminal by specifying a string that contains a terminal name.
• destination_terminal (str) – Specifies the receiving terminal of the route. A
DAQmx terminal constant provides a list of all terminals available on devices installed in

92 Chapter 8. License
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

the system. You also can specify a destination terminal by specifying a string that contains
a terminal name.
collections.namedtuple – Indicates the major, minor and update portions of the installed version of NI-
•major_version (int): Indicates the major portion of the installed version of NI-DAQmx, such as 7 for
version 7.0.
•minor_version (int): Indicates the minor portion of the installed version of NI-DAQmx, such as 0 for
version 7.0.
•update_version (int): Indicates the update portion of the installed version of NI-DAQmx, such as 1
for version 9.0.1.
Gets the power up states for analog physical channels.
Parameters device_name (str) – Specifies the name as configured in MAX of the device
to which this operation applies.
Contains the physical channels and power up states set. Each element of the list contains a
physical channel and the power up state set for that physical channel.
• physical_channel (str): Specifies the physical channel that was modified.
• power_up_state (float): Specifies the power up state set for the physical channel specified
with the physical_channel input.
• channel_type (nidaqmx.constants.AOPowerUpOutputBehavior): Specifies
the output type for the physical channel specified with the physical_channel input.
Return type power_up_states (List[nidaqmx.types.AOPowerUpState])
Gets the power up states for analog physical channels.
Parameters physical_channels (List[str]) – Indicates the physical channels that
were modified.
Contains the physical channels and power up states set. Each element of the list contains a
physical channel and the power up state set for that physical channel.
• physical_channel (str): Specifies the physical channel that was modified.
• power_up_state (float): Specifies the power up state set for the physical channel specified
with the physical_channel input.
• channel_type (nidaqmx.constants.AOPowerUpOutputBehavior): Specifies
the output type for the physical channel specified with the physical_channel input.
Return type power_up_states (List[nidaqmx.types.AOPowerUpState])
Gets the digital logic family for a device.
Parameters device_name (str) – Specifies the name as configured in MAX of the device
to which this operation applies.

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Returns Specifies the logic family to set the device to when it powers up. A logic family cor-
responds to voltage thresholds that are compatible with a group of voltage standards. Refer
to device documentation for information on the logic high and logic low voltages for these
logic families.
Return type nidaqmx.constants.LogicFamily
Gets the power up states for digital physical lines.
Parameters device_name (str) – Specifies the name as configured in MAX of the device
to which this operation applies.
Contains the physical channels and power up states set. Each element of the list contains a
physical channel and the power up state set for that physical channel.
• physical_channel (str): Indicates the physical channel that was modified.
• power_up_state (nidaqmx.constants.PowerUpStates): Indicates the power up
state set for the physical channel specified with the physical_channel output.
Return type List[nidaqmx.types.DOPowerUpState]
Gets the resistor level for lines when they are in tristate logic.
Parameters device_name (str) – Specifies the name as configured in MAX of the device
to which this operation applies.
Contains the physical channels and power up states set. Each element of the list contains a
physical channel and the power up state set for that physical channel.
• physical_channel (str): Indicates the physical channel that was modified.
• power_up_state (nidaqmx.constants.ResistorState): Indicates the power up
state set for the physical channel specified with the physical_channel output.
Return type List[nidaqmx.types.DOResistorPowerUpState]
nidaqmx.system._collections.PersistedChannelCollection – Indicates the collection of global channels for
this DAQmx system.
static local()
nidaqmx.system.system.System: Represents the local DAQmx system.
Removes a cDAQ Sync connection between devices. The connection is not verified.
Parameters ports_to_disconnect (nidaqmx.types.CDAQSyncConnection) –
Specifies the cDAQ Sync ports to disconnect.
nidaqmx.system._collections.PersistedScaleCollection – Indicates the collection of custom scales for this
DAQmx system.
set_analog_power_up_states(device_name, power_up_states)
Updates power up states for analog physical channels.

94 Chapter 8. License
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• device_name (str) – Specifies the name as configured in MAX of the device to which
this operation applies.
• power_up_states (List[nidaqmx.types.AOPowerUpState]) – Contains
the physical channels and power up states to set. Each element of the list contains a
physical channel and the power up state to set for that physical channel.
– physical_channel (str): Specifies the physical channel to modify.
– power_up_state (float): Specifies the power up state to set for the physical channel
specified with the physical_channel input.
– channel_type (nidaqmx.constants.AOPowerUpOutputBehavior): Speci-
fies the output type for the physical channel specified with the physical_channel input.
Updates power up states for analog physical channels.
Parameters power_up_states (List[nidaqmx.types.AOPowerUpState]) –
Contains the physical channels and power up states to set. Each element of the list contains
a physical channel and the power up state to set for that physical channel.
• physical_channel (str): Specifies the physical channel to modify.
• power_up_state (float): Specifies the power up state to set for the physical channel speci-
fied with the physical_channel input.
• channel_type (nidaqmx.constants.AOPowerUpOutputBehavior): Specifies
the output type for the physical channel specified with the physical_channel input.
set_digital_logic_family_power_up_state(device_name, logic_family)
Sets the digital logic family to use when the device powers up.
• device_name (str) – Specifies the name as configured in MAX of the device to which
this operation applies.
• logic_family (nidaqmx.constants.LogicFamily) – Specifies the logic fam-
ily set to the device to when it powers up. A logic family corresponds to voltage thresholds
that are compatible with a group of voltage standards. Refer to device documentation for
information on the logic high and logic low voltages for these logic families.
set_digital_power_up_states(device_name, power_up_states)
Updates power up states for digital physical channels.
• device_name (str) – Specifies the name as configured in MAX of the device to which
this operation applies.
• power_up_states (List[nidaqmx.types.DOPowerUpState]) – Contains
the physical channels and power up states to set. Each element of the list contains a
physical channel and the power up state to set for that physical channel.
– physical_channel (str): Specifies the digital line or port to modify. You cannot modify
dedicated digital input lines.
– power_up_state (nidaqmx.constants.PowerUpStates): Specifies the power
up state to set for the physical channel specified with the physical_channel input.
set_digital_pull_up_pull_down_states(device_name, power_up_states)
Sets the resistor level to pull up or pull down for lines when they are in tristate logic.

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• device_name (str) – Specifies the name as configured in MAX of the device to which
this operation applies.
• power_up_states (List[nidaqmx.types.DOResistorPowerUpState]) –
Contains the physical channels and power up states to set. Each element of the list contains
a physical channel and the power up state to set for that physical channel.
– physical_channel (str): Specifies the digital line or port to modify. You cannot modify
dedicated digital input lines.
– power_up_state (nidaqmx.constants.ResistorState): Specifies the power
up state to set for the physical channel specified with the physical_channel input.
nidaqmx.system._collections.PersistedTaskCollection – Indicates the collection of saved tasks for this
DAQmx system.
Sets a terminal to high-impedance state. If you connect an external signal to a terminal on the I/O connec-
tor, the terminal must be in high-impedance state. Otherwise, the device could double-drive the terminal
and damage the hardware. If you use this function on a terminal in an active route, the function fails and
returns an error.
Parameters output_terminal (str) – Specifies the terminal on the I/O connector to set to
high-impedance state. A DAQmx terminal constant lists all available terminals on installed
devices. You also can specify an output terminal by using a string that contains a terminal



class nidaqmx.system._collections.device_collection.DeviceCollection
Bases: _abcoll.Sequence
Contains the collection of devices for a DAQmx system.
This class defines methods that implements a container object.
List[str] – Indicates the names of all devices on this device collection.


class nidaqmx.system._collections.persisted_channel_collection.PersistedChannelCollection
Bases: _abcoll.Sequence
Contains the collection of global channels for a DAQmx system.
This class defines methods that implements a container object.
List[str] – The names of all the global channels on this collection.

96 Chapter 8. License
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0


class nidaqmx.system._collections.persisted_scale_collection.PersistedScaleCollection
Bases: _abcoll.Sequence
Contains the collection of custom scales on a DAQmx system.
This class defines methods that implements a container object.
List[str] – Indicates the names of all the custom scales on this collection.


class nidaqmx.system._collections.persisted_task_collection.PersistedTaskCollection
Bases: _abcoll.Sequence
Contains the collection of task saved on a DAQmx system.
This class defines methods that implements a container object.
List[str] – Indicates the names of all the tasks on this collection.


class nidaqmx.system._collections.physical_channel_collection.AIPhysicalChannelCollection(devi
Bases: nidaqmx.system._collections.physical_channel_collection.
Contains the collection of analog input physical channels for a DAQmx device.
This class defines methods that implements a container object.
class nidaqmx.system._collections.physical_channel_collection.AOPhysicalChannelCollection(devi
Bases: nidaqmx.system._collections.physical_channel_collection.
Contains the collection of analog output physical channels for a DAQmx device.
This class defines methods that implements a container object.
class nidaqmx.system._collections.physical_channel_collection.CIPhysicalChannelCollection(devi
Bases: nidaqmx.system._collections.physical_channel_collection.
Contains the collection of counter input physical channels for a DAQmx device.
This class defines methods that implements a container object.
class nidaqmx.system._collections.physical_channel_collection.COPhysicalChannelCollection(devi
Bases: nidaqmx.system._collections.physical_channel_collection.
Contains the collection of counter output physical channels for a DAQmx device.
This class defines methods that implements a container object.
class nidaqmx.system._collections.physical_channel_collection.DILinesCollection(device_name)
Bases: nidaqmx.system._collections.physical_channel_collection.

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Contains the collection of digital input lines for a DAQmx device.

This class defines methods that implements a container object.
class nidaqmx.system._collections.physical_channel_collection.DIPortsCollection(device_name)
Bases: nidaqmx.system._collections.physical_channel_collection.
Contains the collection of digital input ports for a DAQmx device.
This class defines methods that implements a container object.
class nidaqmx.system._collections.physical_channel_collection.DOLinesCollection(device_name)
Bases: nidaqmx.system._collections.physical_channel_collection.
Contains the collection of digital output lines for a DAQmx device.
This class defines methods that implements a container object.
class nidaqmx.system._collections.physical_channel_collection.DOPortsCollection(device_name)
Bases: nidaqmx.system._collections.physical_channel_collection.
Contains the collection of digital output ports for a DAQmx device.
This class defines methods that implements a container object.
class nidaqmx.system._collections.physical_channel_collection.PhysicalChannelCollection(device_
Bases: _abcoll.Sequence
Contains the collection of physical channels for a DAQmx device.
This class defines methods that implements a container object.
nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel – Specifies a physical channel object that represents
the entire list of physical channels on this channel collection.
List[str] – Specifies the entire list of physical channels on this collection.


class nidaqmx.system.device.Device(name)
Bases: object
Represents a DAQmx device.
Parameters name (str) – Specifies the name of the device.
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
List[int] – Indicates the unique hardware identification number for accessories connected to the device.
Each list element corresponds to a connector. For example, index 0 corresponds to connector 0. The list
contains 0 for each connector with no accessory connected.
List[str] – Indicates the model names of accessories connected to the device. Each list element corresponds

98 Chapter 8. License
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

to a connector. For example, index 0 corresponds to connector 0. The list contains an empty string for
each connector with no accessory connected.
List[int] – Indicates the serial number for accessories connected to the device. Each list element corre-
sponds to a connector. For example, index 0 corresponds to connector 0. The list contains 0 for each
connector with no accessory connected.
static add_network_device(ip_address, device_name=u’‘, attempt_reservation=False, time-
Adds a Network cDAQ device to the system and, if specified, attempts to reserve it.
• ip_address (str) – Specifies the string containing the IP address (in dotted decimal
notation) or hostname of the device to add to the system.
• device_name (Optional[str]) – Indicates the name to assign to the device. If
unspecified, NI-DAQmx chooses the device name.
• attempt_reservation (Optional[bool]) – Indicates if a reservation should be
attempted after the device is successfully added. By default, this parameter is set to False.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the time in seconds to wait for the device
to respond before timing out.
Returns Specifies the object that represents the device this operation applied to.
Return type nidaqmx.system.device.Device
List[float] – Indicates pairs of input voltage ratio ranges, in volts per volt, supported by devices that acquire
using ratiometric measurements. Each pair consists of the low value followed by the high value.
List[float] – Indicates in coulombs pairs of input charge ranges for the device. Each pair consists of the
low value followed by the high value.
List[nidaqmx.constants.Coupling] – Indicates the coupling types supported by this device.
List[float] – Indicates the set of discrete internal current excitation values supported by this device.
List[float] – Indicates the pairs of current input ranges supported by this device. Each pair consists of the
low value, followed by the high value.
List[float] – Indicates the set of discrete lowpass cutoff frequencies supported by this device. If the device
supports ranges of lowpass cutoff frequencies, use AI.DigFltr.Lowpass.CutoffFreq.RangeVals to determine
supported frequencies.
List[float] – Indicates pairs of lowpass cutoff frequency ranges supported by this device. Each pair consists
of the low value, followed by the high value. If the device supports a set of discrete lowpass cutoff
frequencies, use AI.DigFltr.Lowpass.CutoffFreq.DiscreteVals to determine the supported frequencies.
List[nidaqmx.constants.FilterType] – Indicates the AI digital filter types supported by the de-

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List[float] – Indicates the pairs of frequency input ranges supported by this device. Each pair consists of
the low value, followed by the high value.
List[float] – Indicates the input gain settings supported by this device.
List[float] – Indicates the set of discrete lowpass cutoff frequencies supported by this device. If the de-
vice supports ranges of lowpass cutoff frequencies, use ai_lowpass_cutoff_freq_range_vals to determine
supported frequencies.
List[float] – Indicates pairs of lowpass cutoff frequency ranges supported by this device. Each pair consists
of the low value, followed by the high value. If the device supports a set of discrete lowpass cutoff
frequencies, use ai_lowpass_cutoff_freq_discrete_vals to determine the supported frequencies.
float – Indicates the maximum sampling rate for an analog input task from this device. To find the maxi-
mum rate for the task, take the minimum of ai_max_single_chan_rate or the indicated sampling rate of
this device divided by the number of channels to acquire data from (including cold-junction compensation
and autozero channels).
float – Indicates the maximum rate for an analog input task if the task contains only a single channel from
this device.
List[nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI] – Indicates the measurement types supported by the
physical channels of the device. Refer to ai_meas_types for information on specific channels.
float – Indicates the minimum rate for an analog input task on this device. NI-DAQmx returns a warning
or error if you attempt to sample at a slower rate.
List[nidaqmx.system._collections.PhysicalChannelCollection] – Indicates a collection that contains all the
analog input physical channels available on the device.
List[float] – Indicates pairs of input resistance ranges, in ohms, supported by devices that have the neces-
sary signal conditioning to measure resistances. Each pair consists of the low value followed by the high
List[nidaqmx.constants.AcquisitionType] – Indicates sample modes supported by devices
that support sample clocked analog input.
bool – Indicates if the device supports simultaneous sampling.
List[nidaqmx.constants.TriggerUsage] – Indicates the triggers supported by this device for an
analog input task.
List[float] – Indicates the set of discrete internal voltage excitation values supported by this device. If the
device supports ranges of internal excitation values, use ai_voltage_int_excit_range_vals to determine
supported excitation values.

100 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

List[float] – Indicates pairs of internal voltage excitation ranges supported by this device. Each pair con-
sists of the low value, followed by the high value. If the device supports a set of discrete internal excitation
values, use ai_voltage_int_excit_discrete_vals to determine the supported excitation values.
List[float] – Indicates pairs of input voltage ranges supported by this device. Each pair consists of the low
value, followed by the high value.
bool – Indicates if the device supports analog triggering.
List[float] – Indicates pairs of output current ranges supported by this device. Each pair consists of the low
value, followed by the high value.
List[float] – Indicates the output gain settings supported by this device.
float – Indicates the maximum analog output rate of the device.
float – Indicates the minimum analog output rate of the device.
List[nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAO] – Indicates the generation types supported by the physi-
cal channels of the device. Refer to ao_output_types for information on specific channels.
List[nidaqmx.system._collections.PhysicalChannelCollection] – Indicates a collection that contains all the
analog output physical channels available on the device.
bool – Indicates if the device supports the sample clock timing type for analog output tasks.
List[nidaqmx.constants.AcquisitionType] – Indicates sample modes supported by devices
that support sample clocked analog output.
List[nidaqmx.constants.TriggerUsage] – Indicates the triggers supported by this device for
analog output tasks.
List[float] – Indicates pairs of output voltage ranges supported by this device. Each pair consists of the
low value, followed by the high value.
nidaqmx.constants.BusType – Indicates the bus type of the device.
int – Indicates the serial number of the device carrier. This value is zero if the carrier does not have a serial
List[nidaqmx.system.device.Device] – Indicates a list containing the names of the modules in
the chassis.
int – Indicates in bits the size of the counters on the device.

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float – Indicates in hertz the maximum counter timebase frequency.
List[nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeCI] – Indicates the measurement types supported by the
physical channels of the device. Refer to ci_meas_types for information on specific channels.
List[nidaqmx.system._collections.PhysicalChannelCollection] – Indicates a collection that contains all the
counter input physical channels available on the device.
bool – Indicates if the device supports the sample clock timing type for counter input tasks.
List[nidaqmx.constants.AcquisitionType] – Indicates sample modes supported by devices
that support sample clocked counter input.
List[nidaqmx.constants.TriggerUsage] – Indicates the triggers supported by this device for
counter input tasks.
int – Indicates in bits the size of the counters on the device.
float – Indicates in hertz the maximum counter timebase frequency.
List[nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeCO] – Indicates the generation types supported by the physi-
cal channels of the device. Refer to co_output_types for information on specific channels.
List[nidaqmx.system._collections.PhysicalChannelCollection] – Indicates a collection that contains all the
counter output physical channels available on the device.
bool – Indicates if the device supports Sample Clock timing for counter output tasks.
List[nidaqmx.constants.AcquisitionType] – Indicates sample modes supported by devices
that support sample clocked counter output.
List[nidaqmx.constants.TriggerUsage] – Indicates the triggers supported by this device for
counter output tasks.
nidaqmx.system.device.Device – Indicates the name of the CompactDAQ chassis that contains
this module.
int – Indicates the slot number in which this module is located in the CompactDAQ chassis.
Deletes a Network DAQ device previously added to the host. If the device is reserved, it is unreserved
before it is removed.
bool – Indicates if the device is a simulated device.

102 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

int – Indicates the serial number of the device. This value is zero if the device does not have a serial
List[nidaqmx.system._collections.PhysicalChannelCollection] – Indicates a collection that contains all the
digital input lines available on the device.
float – Indicates the maximum digital input rate of the device.
List[nidaqmx.system._collections.PhysicalChannelCollection] – Indicates a collection that contains all the
digital input ports available on the device.
List[nidaqmx.constants.TriggerUsage] – Indicates the triggers supported by this device for
digital input tasks.
bool – Indicates if the device supports digital triggering.
List[nidaqmx.system._collections.PhysicalChannelCollection] – Indicates a collection that contains all the
digital output lines available on the device.
float – Indicates the maximum digital output rate of the device.
List[nidaqmx.system._collections.PhysicalChannelCollection] – Indicates a collection that contains all the
digital output ports available on the device.
List[nidaqmx.constants.TriggerUsage] – Indicates the triggers supported by this device for
digital output tasks.
str – Specifies the name of this device.
int – Indicates the number of DMA channels on the device.
int – Indicates the PCI bus number of the device.
int – Indicates the PCI slot number of the device.
nidaqmx.constants.ProductCategory – Indicates the product category of the device. This
category corresponds to the category displayed in MAX when creating NI-DAQmx simulated devices.
int – Indicates the unique hardware identification number for the device.
str – Indicates the product name of the device.
int – Indicates the PXI chassis number of the device, as identified in MAX.

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int – Indicates the PXI slot number of the device.
Reserves the Network DAQ device for the current host. Reservation is required to run NI-DAQmx tasks,
and the device must be added in MAX before it can be reserved.
Parameters override_reservation (Optional[bool]) – Indicates if an existing
reservation on the device should be overridden by this reservation. By default, this parameter
is set to false.
Immediately aborts all active tasks associated with a device, disconnects any routes, and returns the device
to an initialized state. Aborting a task immediately terminates the currently active operation, such as a read
or a write. Aborting a task puts the task into an unstable but recoverable state. To recover the task, use
DAQmx Start to restart the task or use DAQmx Stop to reset the task without starting it.
Performs a brief test of device resources. If a failure occurs, refer to your device documentation for more
str – Indicates the IPv4 address of the Ethernet interface in dotted decimal format. This property returns if the Ethernet interface cannot acquire an address.
str – Indicates the IPv4 hostname of the device.
str – Indicates the IPv4 address of the 802.11 wireless interface in dotted decimal format. This property
returns if the wireless interface cannot acquire an address.
bool – Indicates whether the device supports hardware TEDS.
List[str] – Indicates a list of all terminals on the device.
Unreserves or releases a Network DAQ device previously reserved by the host.


class nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel(name)
Bases: object
Represents a DAQmx physical channel.
Parameters name (str) – Specifies the name of the physical channel.
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
List[str] – Indicates the list of input sources supported by the channel. Channels may support using the
signal from the I/O connector or one of several calibration signals.

104 Chapter 8. License

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List[nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI] – Indicates the measurement types supported by the
List[nidaqmx.constants.TerminalConfiguration] – Indicates the list of terminal configura-
tions supported by the channel.
float – Indicates the current value of the front panel amplitude control for the physical channel in volts.
bool – Specifies if you can control the physical channel externally via a manual control located on the
device. You cannot simultaneously control a channel manually and with NI-DAQmx.
float – Indicates the current value of the front panel frequency control for the physical channel in hertz.
bool – Indicates whether the physical channel is currently disabled due to a short detected on the channel.
List[nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAO] – Indicates the output types supported by the channel.
bool – Specifies whether to enable or disable a channel for amplification. This property can also be used
to check if a channel is enabled.
float – Indicates the calibrated gain of the channel.
float – Indicates the calibrated offset of the channel in volts.
bool – Indicates if the channel detected an overcurrent condition.
List[float] – Indicates the coefficients of a polynomial equation used to scale from pre-amplified values.
List[nidaqmx.constants.AOPowerUpOutputBehavior] – Indicates the power up output types
supported by the channel.
List[nidaqmx.constants.TerminalConfiguration] – Indicates the list of terminal configura-
tions supported by the channel.
List[nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeCI] – Indicates the measurement types supported by the
Removes TEDS information from the physical channel you specify. This function temporarily overrides
any TEDS configuration for the physical channel that you performed in MAX.
List[nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeCO] – Indicates the output types supported by the channel.
Associates TEDS information with the physical channel you specify. If you do not specify the filename of
a data sheet in the file_path input, this function attempts to find a TEDS sensor connected to the physical

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channel. This function temporarily overrides any TEDS configuration for the physical channel that you
performed in MAX.
Parameters file_path (Optional[str]) – Is the path to a Virtual TEDS data sheet that
you want to associate with the physical channel. If you do not specify anything for this input,
this function attempts to find a TEDS sensor connected to the physical channel.
bool – Indicates if the change detection timing type is supported for the digital input physical channel.
int – Indicates in bits the width of digital input port.
bool – Indicates if the sample clock timing type is supported for the digital input physical channel.
List[nidaqmx.constants.AcquisitionType] – Indicates the sample modes supported by devices
that support sample clocked digital input.
int – Indicates in bits the width of digital output port.
bool – Indicates if the sample clock timing type is supported for the digital output physical channel.
List[nidaqmx.constants.AcquisitionType] – Indicates the sample modes supported by devices
that support sample clocked digital output.
str – Specifies the name of this physical channel.
List[int] – Indicates the TEDS binary bitstream without checksums.
int – Indicates the manufacturer ID of the sensor.
int – Indicates the model number of the sensor.
int – Indicates the serial number of the sensor.
List[int] – Indicates the IDs of the templates in the bitstream in teds_bit_stream.
str – Indicates the version letter of the sensor.
int – Indicates the version number of the sensor.
write_to_teds_from_array(bit_stream=None, basic_teds_options=<WriteBasicTEDSOptions.DO_NOT_WRITE:
Writes data from a 1D list of 8-bit unsigned integers to the TEDS sensor.
• bit_stream (Optional[List[int]]) – Is the TEDS bitstream to write to the sen-
sor. This bitstream must be constructed according to the IEEE 1451.4 specification.

106 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• basic_teds_options (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
WriteBasicTEDSOptions]) – Specifies how to handle basic TEDS data in the
write_to_teds_from_file(file_path=u’‘, basic_teds_options=<WriteBasicTEDSOptions.DO_NOT_WRITE:
Writes data from a virtual TEDS file to the TEDS sensor.
• file_path (Optional[str]) – Specifies the filename of a virtual TEDS file that
contains the bitstream to write.
• basic_teds_options (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
WriteBasicTEDSOptions]) – Specifies how to handle basic TEDS data in the



class nidaqmx.system.storage.persisted_channel.PersistedChannel(name)
Bases: object
Represents a saved DAQmx global channel.
Use the DAQmx Persisted Channel properties to query information about programmatically saved global chan-
Parameters name – Specifies the name of the global channel.
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
bool – Indicates whether the global channel can be deleted through MAX.
bool – Indicates whether the global channel can be edited in the DAQ Assistant.
str – Indicates the author of the global channel.
Deletes this global channel from MAX.
This function does not remove the global channel from tasks that use it.


class nidaqmx.system.storage.persisted_scale.PersistedScale(name)
Bases: object
Represents a saved DAQmx custom scale.
Use the DAQmx Persisted Scale properties to query information about programmatically saved custom scales.

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Parameters name – Specifies the name of the saved scale.

list of weak references to the object (if defined)
bool – Indicates whether the custom scale can be deleted through MAX.
bool – Indicates whether the custom scale can be edited in the DAQ Assistant.
str – Indicates the author of the custom scale.
Deletes this custom scale from MAX.
This function does not remove the custom scale from virtual channels that use it.
Loads this custom scale.
Returns Indicates the loaded Scale object.
Return type nidaqmx.scale.Scale


class nidaqmx.system.storage.persisted_task.PersistedTask(name)
Bases: object
Represents a saved DAQmx task.
Use the DAQmx Persisted Task properties to query information about programmatically saved tasks.
Parameters name – Specifies the name of the saved task.
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
bool – Indicates whether the task can be deleted through MAX.
bool – Indicates whether the task can be edited in the DAQ Assistant.
str – Indicates the author of the task.
Deletes this task from MAX.
This function does not clear the copy of the task stored in memory. Use the DAQmx Clear Task function
to clear that copy of the task.
Loads this saved task.
If you use this function to load a task, you must use DAQmx Clear Task to destroy it.
Returns Indicates the loaded Task object.
Return type nidaqmx.task.Task

108 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0


class nidaqmx.system.watchdog.WatchdogTask(device_name, task_name=u’‘, timeout=10)

Bases: object
Represents the watchdog configurations for a DAQmx task.
__init__(device_name, task_name=u’‘, timeout=10)
Creates and configures a task that controls the watchdog timer of a device. The timer activates when you
start the task.
Use the DAQmx Configure Watchdog Expiration States functions to configure channel expiration states.
This class does not program the watchdog timer on a real-time controller.
• device_name (str) – Specifies is the name as configured in MAX of the device to
which this operation applies.
• task_name (str) – Specifies the name to assign to the task. If you use this constructor
in a loop and specify a name for the task, you must use the DAQmx Clear Task method
within the loop after you are finished with the task. Otherwise, NI-DAQmx attempts to
create multiple tasks with the same name, which results in an error.
• timeout (float) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds until the watchdog timer
expires. A value of -1 means the internal timer never expires. Set this input to -1 if you
use an Expiration Trigger to expire the watchdog task. If this time elapses, the device sets
the physical channels to the states you specify with the digital physical channel expiration
states input.
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Configures the expiration states for an analog watchdog timer task.
Parameters expiration_states – (List[nidaqmx.system.watchdog.AOExpirationState]):
Contains the states to which to set analog physical channels when the watchdog timer ex-
pires. Each element of the list contains an analog physical channel name, the corresponding
expiration state, and the output type for that analog physical channel. The units of “expira-
tion state” must be specified in volts for an analog output voltage expiration state, or amps
for an analog output current expiration state.
physical_channel (str): Specifies the analog output channel to modify. You cannot mod-
ify dedicated analog input lines.
expiration_state (float): Specifies the value to set the channel to upon expiration.
output_type (nidaqmx.constants.WatchdogAOExpirState): Specifies the output type of
the physical channel.
Returns Indicates the list of objects representing the configured expiration states.
Return type List[nidaqmx.system._watchdog_modules.expiration_state.ExpirationState]
Configures the expiration states for a counter watchdog timer task.
Parameters expiration_states – (List[nidaqmx.system.watchdog.COExpirationState]):
Contains the states to which to set counter physical channels when the watchdog timer ex-
pires. Each element of the list contains a counter physical channel name and the correspond-
ing state for that counter physical channel.

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physical_channel (str): Specifies the counter output channel to modify. You cannot
modify dedicated counter input lines.
expiration_state (nidaqmx.constants.WatchdogCOExpirState): Specifies the value to
set the channel to upon expiration.
Returns Indicates the list of objects representing the configured expiration states.
Return type List[nidaqmx.system._watchdog_modules.expiration_state.ExpirationState]
Configures the expiration states for a digital watchdog timer task.
Parameters expiration_states – (List[nidaqmx.system.watchdog.DOExpirationState]):
Contains the states to which to set digital physical channels when the watchdog timer expires.
Each element of the list contains a digital physical channel name and the corresponding state
for that digital physical channel.
physical_channel (str): Specifies the digital output channel to modify. You cannot mod-
ify dedicated digital input lines.
expiration_state (nidaqmx.constants.Level): Specifies the value to set the channel to
upon expiration.
Returns Indicates the list of objects representing the configured expiration states.
Return type List[nidaqmx.system._watchdog_modules.expiration_state.ExpirationState]
Unlock a device whose watchdog timer expired.
This function does not program the watchdog timer on a real-time controller. Use the Real-Time Watchdog
VIs to program the watchdog timer on a real-time controller.
Clears the task.
Before clearing, this method aborts the task, if necessary, and releases any resources the task reserved. You
cannot use a task after you clear it unless you recreate the task.
If you create a DAQmx Task object within a loop, use this method within the loop after you are finished
with the task to avoid allocating unnecessary memory.
Alters the state of a task according to the action you specify.
Parameters action (nidaqmx.constants.TaskMode) – Specifies how to alter the task
nidaqmx.constants.Edge – Specifies on which edge of a digital signal to expire the watchdog task.
str – Specifies the name of a terminal where a digital signal exists to use as the source of the Expiration
bool – Specifies the watchdog timer behavior when the network connection is lost between the host and the
chassis. If set to true, the watchdog timer expires when the chassis detects the loss of network connection.
nidaqmx.constants.TriggerType – Specifies the type of trigger to use to expire a watchdog task.

110 Chapter 8. License

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nidaqmx.system._watchdog_modules.expiration_states_collection. ExpirationStatesCollection:
Gets the collection of expiration states for this watchdog task.
bool – Indicates if the watchdog timer expired. You can read this property only while the task is running.
str – Indicates the name of the task.
Reset the internal timer. You must continually reset the internal timer to prevent it from timing out and
locking the device.
This function does not program the watchdog timer on a real-time controller. Use the Real-Time Watchdog
VIs to program the watchdog timer on a real-time controller.
Transitions the task to the running state to begin the measurement or generation. Using this method is
required for some applications and is optional for others.
Stops the task and returns it to the state the task was in before the DAQmx Start Task method ran.
float – Specifies in seconds the amount of time until the watchdog timer expires. A value of -1 means the
internal timer never expires. Set this input to -1 if you use an Expiration Trigger to expire the watchdog


class nidaqmx.system._watchdog_modules.expiration_state.ExpirationState(task_handle,
Bases: object
Represents a DAQmx Watchdog expiration state.
float – Specifies the state to set the analog output physical channels when the watchdog task expires.
nidaqmx.constants.WatchdogAOExpirState – Specifies the output type of the analog output
physical channels when the watchdog task expires.
nidaqmx.constants.WatchdogCOExpirState – Specifies the state to set the counter output
channel terminal when the watchdog task expires.
nidaqmx.constants.Level – Specifies the state to which to set the digital physical channels when
the watchdog task expires. You cannot modify the expiration state of dedicated digital input physical


class nidaqmx.system._watchdog_modules.expiration_states_collection.ExpirationStatesCollectio
Bases: object
Contains the collection of expiration states for a DAQmx Watchdog Task.

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This class defines methods that implements a container object.


class nidaqmx.task.Task(new_task_name=u’‘)
Bases: object
Represents a DAQmx Task.
Creates a DAQmx task.
Parameters new_task_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name to assign to the task.
If you use this method in a loop and specify a name for the task, you must use the DAQmx
Clear Task method within the loop after you are finished with the task. Otherwise, NI-
DAQmx attempts to create multiple tasks with the same name, which results in an error.
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Adds global virtual channels from MAX to the given task.
Parameters global_channels (List[nidaqmx.system.storage.
persisted_channel.PersistedChannel]) – Specifies the channels to add
to the task.
These channels must be valid channels available from MAX. If you pass an invalid channel,
NI-DAQmx returns an error. This value is ignored if it is empty.
nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIChannelCollection – Gets the
collection of analog input channels for this task.
nidaqmx._task_modules.ao_channel_collection.AOChannelCollection – Gets the
collection of analog output channels for this task.
List[str] – Indicates the names of all virtual channels in the task.
nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.channel.Channel – Specifies a channel object that rep-
resents the entire list of virtual channels in this task.
nidaqmx._task_modules.ci_channel_collection.CIChannelCollection – Gets the
collection of counter input channels for this task.
Clears the task.
Before clearing, this method aborts the task, if necessary, and releases any resources the task reserved. You
cannot use a task after you clear it unless you recreate the task.
If you create a DAQmx Task object within a loop, use this method within the loop after you are finished
with the task to avoid allocating unnecessary memory.

112 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

nidaqmx._task_modules.co_channel_collection.COChannelCollection – Gets the
collection of counter output channels for this task.
Alters the state of a task according to the action you specify.
Parameters action (nidaqmx.constants.TaskMode) – Specifies how to alter the task
List[nidaqmx.system.device.Device] – Indicates a list of Device objects representing all the
devices in the task.
nidaqmx._task_modules.di_channel_collection.DIChannelCollection – Gets the
collection of digital input channels for this task.
nidaqmx._task_modules.do_channel_collection.DOChannelCollection – Gets the
collection of digital output channels for this task.
nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals – Gets the exported signal
configurations for the task.
nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream – Gets the read configurations for the task.
Queries the status of the task and indicates if it completed execution. Use this function to ensure that the
specified operation is complete before you stop the task.
Returns Indicates if the measurement or generation completed.
Return type bool
str – Indicates the name of the task.
int – Indicates the number of virtual channels in the task.
int – Indicates the number of devices in the task.
nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream.OutStream – Gets the write configurations for the
read(number_of_samples_per_channel=<nidaqmx.task.UnsetNumSamplesSentinel object>, time-
Reads samples from the task or virtual channels you specify.
This read method is dynamic, and is capable of inferring an appropriate return type based on these factors:
- The channel type of the task. - The number of channels to read. - The number of samples per channel.
The data type of the samples returned is independently determined by the channel type of the task.
For digital input measurements, the data type of the samples returned is determined by the line grouping
format of the digital lines. If the line grouping format is set to “one channel for all lines”, the data type of
the samples returned is int. If the line grouping format is set to “one channel per line”, the data type of the
samples returned is boolean.

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If you do not set the number of samples per channel, this method assumes one sample was requested. This
method then returns either a scalar (1 channel to read) or a list (N channels to read).
If you set the number of samples per channel to ANY value (even 1), this method assumes multiple samples
were requested. This method then returns either a list (1 channel to read) or a list of lists (N channels to
• number_of_samples_per_channel (Optional[int]) – Specifies the number
of samples to read. If this input is not set, assumes samples to read is 1. Conversely, if this
input is set, assumes there are multiple samples to read.
If you set this input to nidaqmx.constants. READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, NI-DAQmx de-
termines how many samples to read based on if the task acquires samples continuously or
acquires a finite number of samples.
If the task acquires samples continuously and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, this method reads all the samples
currently available in the buffer.
If the task acquires a finite number of samples and you set this input to
nidaqmx.constants.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, the method waits for the task to acquire
all requested samples, then reads those samples. If you set the “read_all_avail_samp”
property to True, the method reads the samples currently available in the buffer and does
not wait for the task to acquire all requested samples.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
samples to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and any
samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set
timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you
set timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error
if it is unable to.
The samples requested in the form of a scalar, a list, or a list of lists. See method docstring
for more info.
NI-DAQmx scales the data to the units of the measurement, including any custom scaling
you apply to the channels. Use a DAQmx Create Channel method to specify these units.
Return type dynamic


>>> task = Task()

>>> task.ai_channels.add_voltage_channel('Dev1/ai0:3')
>>> data = task.read()
>>> type(data)
<type 'list'>
>>> type(data[0])
<type 'float'>

Registers a callback function to receive an event when a task stops due to an error or when a finite ac-
quisition task or finite generation task completes execution. A Done event does not occur when a task is
stopped explicitly, such as by calling DAQmx Stop Task.

114 Chapter 8. License

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Parameters callback_method (function) – Specifies the function that you want

DAQmx to call when the event occurs. The function you pass in this parameter must have
the following prototype:

>>> def callback(task_handle, status, callback_data):

>>> return 0

Upon entry to the callback, the task_handle parameter contains the handle to the task on
which the event occurred. The status parameter contains the status of the task when the event
occurred. If the status value is negative, it indicates an error. If the status value is zero, it
indicates no error. If the status value is positive, it indicates a warning. The callbackData
parameter contains the value you passed in the callbackData parameter of this function.
Passing None for this parameter unregisters the event callback function.
register_every_n_samples_acquired_into_buffer_event(sample_interval, call-
Registers a callback function to receive an event when the specified number of samples is written from the
device to the buffer. This function only works with devices that support buffered tasks.
When you stop a task explicitly any pending events are discarded. For example, if you call DAQmx Stop
Task then you do not receive any pending events.
• sample_interval (int) – Specifies the number of samples after which each event
should occur.
• callback_method (function) – Specifies the function that you want DAQmx to call
when the event occurs. The function you pass in this parameter must have the following

>>> def callback(task_handle, every_n_samples_event_type,

>>> number_of_samples, callback_data):
>>> return 0

Upon entry to the callback, the task_handle parameter contains the handle to the task on
which the event occurred. The every_n_samples_event_type parameter contains the Ev-
eryNSamplesEventType.ACQUIRED_INTO_BUFFER value. The number_of_samples
parameter contains the value you passed in the sample_interval parameter of this function.
The callback_data parameter contains the value you passed in the callback_data parameter
of this function.
Passing None for this parameter unregisters the event callback function.
register_every_n_samples_transferred_from_buffer_event(sample_interval, call-
Registers a callback function to receive an event when the specified number of samples is written from the
buffer to the device. This function only works with devices that support buffered tasks.
When you stop a task explicitly any pending events are discarded. For example, if you call DAQmx Stop
Task then you do not receive any pending events.
• sample_interval (int) – Specifies the number of samples after which each event
should occur.
• callback_method (function) – Specifies the function that you want DAQmx to call
when the event occurs. The function you pass in this parameter must have the following

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>>> def callback(task_handle, every_n_samples_event_type,

>>> number_of_samples, callback_data):
>>> return 0

Upon entry to the callback, the task_handle parameter contains the handle to the task
on which the event occurred. The every_n_samples_event_type parameter contains
the EveryNSamplesEventType.TRANSFERRED_FROM_BUFFER value. The num-
ber_of_samples parameter contains the value you passed in the sample_interval param-
eter of this function. The callback_data parameter contains the value you passed in the
callback_data parameter of this function.
Passing None for this parameter unregisters the event callback function.
register_signal_event(signal_type, callback_method)
Registers a callback function to receive an event when the specified hardware event occurs.
When you stop a task explicitly any pending events are discarded. For example, if you call DAQmx Stop
Task then you do not receive any pending events.
• signal_type (nidaqmx.constants.Signal) – Specifies the type of signal for
which you want to receive results.
• callback_method (function) – Specifies the function that you want DAQmx to call
when the event occurs. The function you pass in this parameter must have the following

>>> def callback(task_handle, signal_type, callback_data):

>>> return 0

Upon entry to the callback, the task_handle parameter contains the handle to the task on
which the event occurred. The signal_type parameter contains the integer value you passed
in the signal_type parameter of this function. The callback_data parameter contains the
value you passed in the callback_data parameter of this function.
Passing None for this parameter unregisters the event callback function.
save(save_as=u’‘, author=u’‘, overwrite_existing_task=False, allow_interactive_editing=True, al-
Saves this task and any local channels it contains to MAX.
This function does not save global channels. Use the DAQmx Save Global Channel function to save global
• save_as (Optional[str]) – Is the name to save the task, global channel, or custom
scale as. If you do not specify a value for this input, NI-DAQmx uses the name currently
assigned to the task, global channel, or custom scale.
• author (Optional[str]) – Is a name to store with the task, global channel, or custom
• overwrite_existing_task (Optional[bool]) – Specifies whether to over-
write a task of the same name if one is already saved in MAX. If this input is False and a
task of the same name is already saved in MAX, this function returns an error.
• allow_interactive_editing (Optional[bool]) – Specifies whether to al-
low the task, global channel, or custom scale to be edited in the DAQ Assistant. If al-

116 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

low_interactive_editing is True, the DAQ Assistant must support all task or global channel
• allow_interactive_deletion (Optional[bool]) – Specifies whether to al-
low the task, global channel, or custom scale to be deleted through MAX.
Transitions the task to the running state to begin the measurement or generation. Using this method is
required for some applications and is optional for others.
If you do not use this method, a measurement task starts automatically when the DAQmx Read method
runs. The autostart input of the DAQmx Write method determines if a generation task starts automatically
when the DAQmx Write method runs.
If you do not use the DAQmx Start Task method and the DAQmx Stop Task method when you use the
DAQmx Read method or the DAQmx Write method multiple times, such as in a loop, the task starts and
stops repeatedly. Starting and stopping a task repeatedly reduces the performance of the application.
Stops the task and returns it to the state the task was in before the DAQmx Start Task method ran or the
DAQmx Write method ran with the autostart input set to TRUE.
If you do not use the DAQmx Start Task method and the DAQmx Stop Task method when you use the
DAQmx Read method or the DAQmx Write method multiple times, such as in a loop, the task starts and
stops repeatedly. Starting and stopping a task repeatedly reduces the performance of the application.
nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing – Gets the timing configurations for the task.
nidaqmx._task_modules.triggers.Triggers – Gets the trigger configurations for the task.
Waits for the measurement or generation to complete.
Use this method to ensure that the specified operation is complete before you stop the task.
Parameters timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the maximum amount of time
in seconds to wait for the measurement or generation to complete. This method re-
turns an error if the time elapses. The default is 10. If you set timeout (sec) to
nidaqmx.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout (sec) to 0,
the method checks once and returns an error if the measurement or generation is not done.
write(data, auto_start=<nidaqmx.task.UnsetAutoStartSentinel object>, timeout=10.0)
Writes samples to the task or virtual channels you specify.
This write method is dynamic, and is capable of accepting the samples to write in the various forms for
most operations:
•Scalar: Single sample for 1 channel.
•List/1D numpy.ndarray: Multiple samples for 1 channel or 1 sample for multiple channels.
•List of lists/2D numpy.ndarray: Multiple samples for multiple channels.
The data type of the samples passed in must be appropriate for the channel type of the task.
For counter output pulse operations, this write method only accepts samples in these forms:
•Scalar CtrFreq, CtrTime, CtrTick (from nidaqmx.types): Single sample for 1 channel.
•List of CtrFreq, CtrTime, CtrTick (from nidaqmx.types): Multiple samples for 1 channel or 1 sample
for multiple channels.

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If the task uses on-demand timing, this method returns only after the device generates all samples. On-
demand is the default timing type if you do not use the timing property on the task to configure a sample
timing type. If the task uses any timing type other than on-demand, this method returns immediately and
does not wait for the device to generate all samples. Your application must determine if the task is done to
ensure that the device generated all samples.
• data (dynamic) – Contains the samples to write to the task.
The data you write must be in the units of the generation, including any custom scales.
Use the DAQmx Create Channel methods to specify these units.
• auto_start (Optional[bool]) – Specifies if this method automatically starts the
task if you did not explicitly start it with the DAQmx Start Task method.
The default value of this parameter depends on whether you specify one sample or many
samples to write to each channel. If one sample per channel was specified, the default
value is True. If multiple samples per channel were specified, the default value is False.
• timeout (Optional[float]) – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for
the method to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method
must wait before it writes data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The de-
fault timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.constants.WAIT_INFINITELY,
the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to write the
submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.
Returns Specifies the actual number of samples this method successfully wrote.
Return type int


class nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.channel.Channel(task_handle, vir-

Bases: object
Represents virtual channel or a list of virtual channels.
nidaqmx.constants.ChannelType – Indicates the type of the virtual channel.
List[str] – Specifies the unflattened list of the virtual channels.
str – Specifies a user-defined description for the channel.
bool – Indicates whether the channel is a global channel.
str – Specifies the name of the virtual channel this object represents.
nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel – Specifies the name of the physi-
cal channel upon which this virtual channel is based.
save(save_as=u’‘, author=u’‘, overwrite_existing_channel=False, allow_interactive_editing=True, al-
Saves this local or global channel to MAX as a global channel.

118 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• save_as (Optional[str]) – Is the name to save the task, global channel, or custom
scale as. If you do not specify a value for this input, NI-DAQmx uses the name currently
assigned to the task, global channel, or custom scale.
• author (Optional[str]) – Is a name to store with the task, global channel, or custom
• overwrite_existing_channel (Optional[bool]) – Specifies whether to
overwrite a global channel of the same name if one is already saved in MAX. If this input
is False and a global channel of the same name is already saved in MAX, this function
returns an error.
• allow_interactive_editing (Optional[bool]) – Specifies whether to al-
low the task, global channel, or custom scale to be edited in the DAQ Assistant. If al-
low_interactive_editing is True, the DAQ Assistant must support all task or global channel
• allow_interactive_deletion (Optional[bool]) – Specifies whether to al-
low the task, global channel, or custom scale to be deleted through MAX.


class nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel(task_handle, vir-

Bases: nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.channel.Channel
Represents one or more analog input virtual channels and their properties.
float – Specifies the AC excitation frequency in Hertz.
bool – Specifies whether to synchronize the AC excitation source of the channel to that of another channel.
Synchronize the excitation sources of multiple channels to use multichannel sensors. Set this property to
False for the master channel and to True for the slave channels.
nidaqmx.constants.ACExcitWireMode – Specifies the number of leads on the LVDT or RVDT.
Some sensors require you to tie leads together to create a four- or five- wire sensor. Refer to the sensor
documentation for more information.
float – Specifies the sensitivity of the 4 wire DC voltage acceleration sensor connected to the channel.
This value is the units you specify with AI.Accel.4WireDCVoltage.SensitivityUnits. Refer to the sensor
documentation to determine this value.
nidaqmx.constants.AccelSensitivityUnits – Specifies the units of
float – Specifies the sensitivity of the charge acceleration sensor connected to the channel. This value is the
units you specify with AI.Accel.Charge.SensitivityUnits. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine
this value.
nidaqmx.constants.AccelChargeSensitivityUnits – Specifies the units of

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float – Specifies the sensitivity of the accelerometer. This value is in the units you specify with
ai_accel_sensitivity_units. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine this value.
nidaqmx.constants.AccelSensitivityUnits – Specifies the units of ai_accel_sensitivity.
nidaqmx.constants.AccelUnits – Specifies the units to use to return acceleration measurements
from the channel.
float – Specifies the decibel reference level in the units of the channel. When you read samples as a
waveform, the decibel reference level is included in the waveform attributes.
int – Specifies the timing mode of the ADC when ai_adc_timing_mode is ADCTimingMode.CUSTOM.
nidaqmx.constants.ADCTimingMode – Specifies the ADC timing mode, controlling the tradeoff
between speed and effective resolution. Some ADC timing modes provide increased powerline noise
rejection. On devices that have an AI Convert clock, this setting affects both the maximum and default
values for ai_conv_rate. You must use the same ADC timing mode for all channels on a device, but you
can use different ADC timing modes for different devices in the same task.
float – Specifies the amount of attenuation to use.
nidaqmx.constants.AutoZeroType – Specifies how often to measure ground. NI-DAQmx sub-
tracts the measured ground voltage from every sample.
int – Specifies the number of samples to average while acquiring data. Increasing the number of samples
to average reduces noise in your measurement.
int – Specifies by how much to compensate for offset in the signal. This value can be between 0 and 127.
int – Specifies by how much to compensate for offset in the signal. This value can be between 0 and 4095.
nidaqmx.constants.BridgeConfiguration – Specifies the type of Wheatstone bridge con-
nected to the channel.
nidaqmx.constants.BridgeElectricalUnits – Specifies from which electrical unit to scale
data. Select the same unit that the sensor data sheet or calibration certificate uses for electrical values.
float – Specifies in volts per volt the ratio of output voltage from the bridge to excitation voltage sup-
plied to the bridge while not under load. NI-DAQmx subtracts this value from any measurements before
applying scaling equations. If you set ai_bridge_initial_voltage, NI-DAQmx coerces this property to
ai_bridge_initial_voltage divided by ai_excit_actual_val. If you set this property, NI-DAQmx coerces
ai_bridge_initial_voltage to the value of this property times ai_excit_actual_val. If you set both this
property and ai_bridge_initial_voltage, and their values conflict, NI-DAQmx returns an error. To avoid
this error, reset one property to its default value before setting the other.
float – Specifies in volts the output voltage of the bridge while not under load. NI-DAQmx subtracts

120 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

this value from any measurements before applying scaling equations. If you set ai_bridge_initial_ratio,
NI-DAQmx coerces this property to ai_bridge_initial_ratio times ai_excit_actual_val. This property is
set by DAQmx Perform Bridge Offset Nulling Calibration. If you set this property, NI-DAQmx coerces
ai_bridge_initial_ratio to the value of this property divided by ai_excit_actual_val. If you set both this
property and ai_bridge_initial_ratio, and their values conflict, NI- DAQmx returns an error. To avoid this
error, reset one property to its default value before setting the other.
float – Specifies in ohms the resistance of the bridge while not under load.
nidaqmx.constants.BridgePhysicalUnits – Specifies to which physical unit to scale electri-
cal data. Select the same unit that the sensor data sheet or calibration certificate uses for physical values.
List[float] – Specifies an list of coefficients for the polynomial that converts electrical values to physical
values. Each element of the list corresponds to a term of the equation. For example, if index three of the
list is 9, the fourth term of the equation is 9x^3.
List[float] – Specifies an list of coefficients for the polynomial that converts physical values to electrical
values. Each element of the list corresponds to a term of the equation. For example, if index three of the
list is 9, the fourth term of the equation is 9x^3.
nidaqmx.constants.ScaleType – Specifies the scaling type to use when scaling electrical values
from the sensor to physical units.
bool – Specifies whether to enable a shunt calibration switch. Use ai_bridge_shunt_cal_select to select
the switch(es) to enable.
float – Specifies the result of a shunt calibration. This property is set by DAQmx Perform Shunt Calibra-
tion. NI-DAQmx multiplies data read from the channel by the value of this property. This value should be
close to 1.0.
nidaqmx.constants.ShuntCalSelect – Specifies which shunt calibration switch(es) to enable.
Use ai_bridge_shunt_cal_enable to enable the switch(es) you specify with this property.
float – Specifies in ohms the actual value of the internal shunt calibration A resistor.
float – Specifies in ohms the desired value of the internal shunt calibration A resistor.
nidaqmx.constants.BridgeShuntCalSource – Specifies whether to use internal or external
shunt when Shunt Cal A is selected.
float – Specifies in ohms the actual value of the internal shunt calibration B resistor.
float – Specifies in ohms the desired value of the internal shunt calibration B resistor.
List[float] – Specifies the list of electrical values that map to the values in ai_bridge_table_physical_vals.
Specify this value in the unit indicated by ai_bridge_electrical_units.

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List[float] – Specifies the list of physical values that map to the values in ai_bridge_table_electrical_vals.
Specify this value in the unit indicated by ai_bridge_physical_units.
float – Specifies the first electrical value, corresponding to ai_bridge_two_point_lin_first_physical_val.
Specify this value in the unit indicated by ai_bridge_electrical_units.
float – Specifies the first physical value, corresponding to ai_bridge_two_point_lin_first_electrical_val.
Specify this value in the unit indicated by ai_bridge_physical_units.
float – Specifies the second electrical value, corresponding to
ai_bridge_two_point_lin_second_physical_val. Specify this value in the unit indicated by
float – Specifies the second physical value, corresponding to
ai_bridge_two_point_lin_second_electrical_val. Specify this value in the unit indicated by
nidaqmx.constants.BridgeUnits – Specifies in which unit to return voltage ratios from the chan-
nidaqmx.constants.ChargeUnits – Specifies the units to use to return charge measurements
from the channel.
nidaqmx.constants.Coupling – Specifies the coupling for the channel.
nidaqmx.constants.CurrentUnits – Specifies the units to use to return current RMS measure-
ments from the channel.
nidaqmx.constants.CurrentShuntResistorLocation – Specifies the shunt resistor loca-
tion for current measurements.
float – Specifies in ohms the external shunt resistance for current measurements.
nidaqmx.constants.CurrentUnits – Specifies the units to use to return current measurements
from the channel.
nidaqmx.system.scale.Scale – Specifies the name of a custom scale for the channel.
int – Specifies the number of samples that must be in the FIFO to trans-
fer data from the device if ai_data_xfer_req_cond is InputDataTransferCondi-
nidaqmx.constants.DataTransferActiveTransferMode – Specifies the data transfer mode
for the device.

122 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

nidaqmx.constants.InputDataTransferCondition – Specifies under what condition to
transfer data from the onboard memory of the device to the buffer.
float – Specifies the DC value to add to the input range of the device. Use ai_rng_high and ai_rng_low to
specify the input range. This offset is in the native units of the device .
List[float] – Indicates the coefficients of a polynomial equation that NI-DAQmx uses to scale values from
the native format of the device to volts. Each element of the list corresponds to a term of the equation. For
example, if index two of the list is 4, the third term of the equation is 4x^2. Scaling coefficients do not
account for any custom scales or sensors contained by the channel.
float – Specifies the center frequency of the passband for the digital filter.
float – Specifies the width of the passband centered around the center frequency for the digital filter.
List[float] – Specifies the digital filter coefficients.
bool – Specifies whether the digital filter is enabled or disabled.
float – Specifies the highpass cutoff frequency of the digital filter.
float – Specifies the lowpass cutoff frequency of the digital filter.
float – Specifies the center frequency of the stopband for the digital filter.
float – Specifies the width of the stopband centered around the center frequency for the digital filter.
int – Specifies the order of the digital filter.
nidaqmx.constants.FilterResponse – Specifies the digital filter response.
nidaqmx.constants.FilterType – Specifies the digital filter type.
bool – Specifies whether to enable dithering. Dithering adds Gaussian noise to the input signal. You can
use dithering to achieve higher resolution measurements by over sampling the input signal and averaging
the results.
float – Specifies the sensitivity of the eddy current proximity probe . This value is in the units you specify
with ai_eddy_current_prox_sensitivity_units. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine this value.
nidaqmx.constants.EddyCurrentProxProbeSensitivityUnits – Specifies the units of

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nidaqmx.constants.LengthUnits – Specifies the units to use to return proximity measurements
from the channel.
bool – Specifies whether to enable enhanced alias rejection. Leave this property set to the default value for
most applications.
float – Specifies the actual amount of excitation supplied by an internal excitation source. If you read an
internal excitation source more precisely with an external device, set this property to the value you read.
NI-DAQmx ignores this value for external excitation. When performing shunt calibration, some devices
set this property automatically.
nidaqmx.constants.ExcitationDCorAC – Specifies if the excitation supply is DC or AC.
nidaqmx.constants.ExcitationIdleOutputBehavior – Specifies whether this channel will
disable excitation after the task is uncommitted. Setting this to Zero Volts or Amps disables excitation
after task uncommit. Setting this attribute to Maintain Existing Value leaves the excitation on after task
nidaqmx.constants.Sense – Specifies whether to use local or remote sense to sense excitation.
nidaqmx.constants.ExcitationSource – Specifies the source of excitation.
bool – Specifies if NI-DAQmx divides the measurement by the excitation. You should typically set this
property to True for ratiometric transducers. If you set this property to True, set ai_max and ai_min to
reflect the scaling.
bool – Specifies if the SCXI-1122 multiplexes the excitation to the upper half of the channels as it advances
through the scan list.
float – Specifies the amount of excitation that the sensor requires. If ai_excit_voltage_or_current is
ExcitationVoltageOrCurrent.USE_VOLTAGE, this value is in volts. If ai_excit_voltage_or_current
is ExcitationVoltageOrCurrent.USE_CURRENT, this value is in amperes.
nidaqmx.constants.ExcitationVoltageOrCurrent – Specifies if the channel uses current
or voltage excitation.
float – Indicates the amount of time between when the ADC samples data and when the sample is read
by the host device. This value is in the units you specify with ai_filter_delay_units. You can adjust this
amount of time using ai_filter_delay_adjustment.
float – Specifies the amount of filter delay that gets removed if ai_remove_filter_delay is enabled. This
delay adjustment is in addition to the value indicated by ai_filter_delay. This delay adjustment is in the
units you specify with ai_filter_delay_units.
nidaqmx.constants.DigitalWidthUnits – Specifies the units of ai_filter_delay and

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float – Specifies the sensitivity of the IEPE force sensor connected to the channel. Specify this value in the
unit indicated by ai_force_iepe_sensor_sensitivity_units.
nidaqmx.constants.ForceIEPESensorSensitivityUnits – Specifies the units for
bool – Specifies whether to read from the channel if it is a cold-junction compensation channel. By default,
DAQmx Read does not return data from cold-junction compensation channels. Setting this property to True
forces read operations to return the cold-junction compensation channel data with the other channels in the
nidaqmx.constants.ForceUnits – Specifies in which unit to return force or load measurements
from the channel.
float – Specifies in volts a window below ai_freq_thresh_voltage. The input voltage must pass be-
low ai_freq_thresh_voltage minus this value before NI- DAQmx recognizes a waveform repetition at
ai_freq_thresh_voltage. Hysteresis can improve the measurement accuracy when the signal contains
noise or jitter.
float – Specifies the voltage level at which to recognize waveform repetitions. You should select a voltage
level that occurs only once within the entire period of a waveform. You also can select a voltage that occurs
only once while the voltage rises or falls.
nidaqmx.constants.FrequencyUnits – Specifies the units to use to return frequency measure-
ments from the channel.
float – Specifies a gain factor to apply to the channel.
nidaqmx.constants.Impedance1 – Specifies the input impedance of the channel.
str – Specifies the source of the channel. You can use the signal from the I/O connector or one of several
calibration signals. Certain devices have a single calibration signal bus. For these devices, you must
specify the same calibration signal for all channels you connect to a calibration signal.
float – Specifies in ohms the resistance of the wires that lead to the sensor.
int – Specifies the number of bits to return in a raw sample when ai_raw_data_compression_type is set
to RawDataCompressionType.LOSSY_LSB_REMOVAL.
float – Specifies the frequency in Hertz that corresponds to the -3dB cutoff of the filter.
bool – Specifies whether to enable the lowpass filter of the channel.
nidaqmx.constants.SourceSelection – Specifies the source of the filter clock. If you need a
higher resolution for the filter, you can supply an external clock to increase the resolution. Refer to the
SCXI-1141/1142/1143 User Manual for more information.

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int – Specifies the divisor for the external clock when you set ai_lowpass_switch_cap_clk_src to Source-
Selection.EXTERNAL. On the SCXI-1141, SCXI-1142, and SCXI-1143, NI-DAQmx determines the
filter cutoff by using the equation f/(100*n), where f is the external frequency, and n is the external clock
divisor. Refer to the SCXI-1141/1142/1143 User Manual for more information.
float – Specifies the frequency of the external clock when you set ai_lowpass_switch_cap_clk_src to
SourceSelection.EXTERNAL. NI-DAQmx uses this frequency to set the pre- and post- filters on the
SCXI-1141, SCXI-1142, and SCXI-1143. On those devices, NI-DAQmx determines the filter cutoff by
using the equation f/(100*n), where f is the external frequency, and n is the external clock divisor. Refer
to the SCXI-1141/1142/1143 User Manual for more information.
int – Specifies the divisor for the output clock. NI-DAQmx uses the cutoff frequency to determine the
output clock frequency. Refer to the SCXI-1141/1142/1143 User Manual for more information.
float – Specifies the sensitivity of the LVDT. This value is in the units you specify with
ai_lvdt_sensitivity_units. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine this value.
nidaqmx.constants.LVDTSensitivityUnits – Specifies the units of ai_lvdt_sensitivity.
nidaqmx.constants.LengthUnits – Specifies the units to use to return linear position measure-
ments from the channel.
float – Specifies the maximum value you expect to measure. This value is in the units you specify with a
units property. When you query this property, it returns the coerced maximum value that the device can
measure with the current settings.
nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI – Indicates the measurement to take with the analog input
channel and in some cases, such as for temperature measurements, the sensor to use.
bool – Specifies for NI-DAQmx to map hardware registers to the memory space of the application, if pos-
sible. Normally, NI- DAQmx maps hardware registers to memory accessible only to the kernel. Mapping
the registers to the memory space of the application increases performance. However, if the application
accesses the memory space mapped to the registers, it can adversely affect the operation of the device and
possibly result in a system crash.
float – Specifies the sensitivity of the microphone. This value is in mV/Pa. Refer to the sensor documen-
tation to determine this value.
float – Specifies the minimum value you expect to measure. This value is in the units you specify with a
units property. When you query this property, it returns the coerced minimum value that the device can
measure with the current settings.
bool – Specifies whether to enable open channel detection.
bool – Specifies whether to apply the open thermocouple detection bias voltage to the channel. Changing
the value of this property on a channel may require settling time before the data returned is valid. To
compensate for this settling time, discard unsettled data or add a delay between committing and starting

126 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

the task. Refer to your device specifications for the required settling time. When open thermocouple
detection is enabled, use open_thrmcpl_chans_exist to determine if any channels were open.
nidaqmx.constants.PressureUnits – Specifies in which unit to return pressure measurements
from the channel.
float – Specifies the amount of attenuation provided by the probe connected to the channel. Specify this
attenuation as a ratio.
nidaqmx.constants.RawDataCompressionType – Specifies the type of compression to apply
to raw samples returned from the device.
nidaqmx.constants.DataJustification – Indicates the justification of a raw sample from the
int – Indicates in bits the size of a raw sample from the device.
bool – Specifies if filter delay removal is enabled on the device.
nidaqmx.constants.ResistanceConfiguration – Specifies the resistance configuration for
the channel. NI-DAQmx uses this value for any resistance-based measurements, including temperature
measurement using a thermistor or RTD.
nidaqmx.constants.ResistanceUnits – Specifies the units to use to return resistance measure-
float – Indicates the resolution of the analog-to-digital converter of the channel. This value is in the units
you specify with ai_resolution_units.
nidaqmx.constants.ResolutionType – Indicates the units of ai_resolution.
float – Specifies the upper limit of the input range of the device. This value is in the native units of the
device. On E Series devices, for example, the native units is volts.
float – Specifies the lower limit of the input range of the device. This value is in the native units of the
device. On E Series devices, for example, the native units is volts.
float – Specifies gage orientation in degrees with respect to the X axis.
nidaqmx.constants.StrainGageRosetteMeasurementType – Specifies the type of rosette
nidaqmx.constants.StrainGageRosetteType – Indicates the type of rosette gage.
List[str] – Indicates the raw strain channels that comprise the strain rosette.

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float – Specifies the ‘A’ constant of the Callendar-Van Dusen equation. NI-DAQmx requires this value
when you use a custom RTD.
float – Specifies the ‘B’ constant of the Callendar-Van Dusen equation. NI-DAQmx requires this value
when you use a custom RTD.
float – Specifies the ‘C’ constant of the Callendar-Van Dusen equation. NI-DAQmx requires this value
when you use a custom RTD.
float – Specifies in ohms the sensor resistance at 0 deg C. The Callendar-Van Dusen equation requires this
value. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine this value.
nidaqmx.constants.RTDType – Specifies the type of RTD connected to the channel.
float – Specifies the sensitivity of the RVDT. This value is in the units you specify with
ai_rvdt_sensitivity_units. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine this value.
nidaqmx.constants.RVDTSensitivityUnits – Specifies the units of ai_rvdt_sensitivity.
nidaqmx.constants.AngleUnits – Specifies the units to use to return angular position measure-
ments from the channel.
bool – Specifies whether to enable the sample and hold circuitry of the device. When you disable sample
and hold circuitry, a small voltage offset might be introduced into the signal. You can eliminate this offset
by using ai_auto_zero_mode to perform an auto zero on the channel.
float – Specifies the maximum instantaneous sound pressure level you expect to measure. This value is in
decibels, referenced to 20 micropascals. NI-DAQmx uses the maximum sound pressure level to calculate
values in pascals for ai_max and ai_min for the channel.
nidaqmx.constants.SoundPressureUnits – Specifies the units to use to return sound pressure
measurements from the channel.
float – Specifies the decibel reference level in the units of the channel. When you read samples as a
waveform, the decibel reference level is included in the waveform attributes. NI- DAQmx also uses the
decibel reference level when converting ai_sound_pressure_max_sound_pressure_lvl to a voltage level.
bool – Specifies whether the data is returned by DAQmx Read when set on a raw strain channel that is part
of a rosette configuration.
nidaqmx.constants.StrainGageBridgeType – Specifies the bridge configuration of the strain
float – Specifies the sensitivity of the strain gage. Gage factor relates the change in electrical resistance to
the change in strain. Refer to the sensor documentation for this value.

128 Chapter 8. License

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float – Specifies the ratio of lateral strain to axial strain in the material you are measuring.
nidaqmx.constants.StrainUnits – Specifies the units to use to return strain measurements from
the channel.
bool – Indicates if the virtual channel was initialized using a TEDS bitstream from the corresponding
physical channel.
str – Indicates the units defined by TEDS information associated with the channel.
nidaqmx.constants.TemperatureUnits – Specifies the units to use to return temperature mea-
surements from the channel.
nidaqmx.constants.TerminalConfiguration – Specifies the terminal configuration for the
nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.channel.Channel – Indicates the channel that acquires
the temperature of the cold junction if ai_thrmcpl_cjc_src is CJCSource1.SCANNABLE_CHANNEL.
If the channel is a temperature channel, NI-DAQmx acquires the temperature in the correct units. Other
channel types, such as a resistance channel with a custom sensor, must use a custom scale to scale values
to degrees Celsius.
nidaqmx.constants.CJCSource – Indicates the source of cold-junction compensation.
float – Specifies the temperature of the cold junction if ai_thrmcpl_cjc_src is CJC-
Source1.CONSTANT_USER_VALUE. Specify this value in the units of the measurement.
float – Specifies the lead offset nulling voltage to subtract from measurements on a device. This property
is ignored if open thermocouple detection is disabled.
nidaqmx.constants.ScaleType – Specifies the method or equation form that the thermocouple
scale uses.
nidaqmx.constants.ThermocoupleType – Specifies the type of thermocouple connected to the
channel. Thermocouple types differ in composition and measurement range.
float – Specifies the ‘A’ constant of the Steinhart-Hart thermistor equation.
float – Specifies the ‘B’ constant of the Steinhart-Hart thermistor equation.
float – Specifies the ‘C’ constant of the Steinhart-Hart thermistor equation.
float – Specifies in ohms the value of the reference resistor for the thermistor if you use voltage excitation.
NI-DAQmx ignores this value for current excitation.

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nidaqmx.constants.TorqueUnits – Specifies in which unit to return torque measurements from
the channel.
int – Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous USB transfers used to stream data. Modify this value
to affect performance under different combinations of operating system and device.
int – Specifies the maximum size of a USB transfer request in bytes. Modify this value to affect perfor-
mance under different combinations of operating system and device.
float – Specifies the sensitivity of the IEPE velocity sensor connected to the channel. Specify this value in
the unit indicated by ai_velocity_iepe_sensor_sensitivity_units.
nidaqmx.constants.VelocityIEPESensorSensitivityUnits – Specifies the units for
float – Specifies the decibel reference level in the units of the channel. When you read samples as a
waveform, the decibel reference level is included in the waveform attributes.
nidaqmx.constants.VelocityUnits – Specifies in which unit to return velocity measurements
from the channel.
nidaqmx.constants.VoltageUnits – Specifies the units to use to return voltage RMS measure-
ments from the channel.
nidaqmx.constants.VoltageUnits – Specifies the units to use to return voltage measurements
from the channel.
float – Specifies the decibel reference level in the units of the channel. When you read samples as a
waveform, the decibel reference level is included in the waveform attributes.
nidaqmx.constants.ChannelType – Indicates the type of the virtual channel.
List[str] – Specifies the unflattened list of the virtual channels.
str – Specifies a user-defined description for the channel.
bool – Indicates whether the channel is a global channel.
str – Specifies the name of the virtual channel this object represents.
nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel – Specifies the name of the physi-
cal channel upon which this virtual channel is based.
save(save_as=u’‘, author=u’‘, overwrite_existing_channel=False, allow_interactive_editing=True, al-
Saves this local or global channel to MAX as a global channel.

130 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• save_as (Optional[str]) – Is the name to save the task, global channel, or custom
scale as. If you do not specify a value for this input, NI-DAQmx uses the name currently
assigned to the task, global channel, or custom scale.
• author (Optional[str]) – Is a name to store with the task, global channel, or custom
• overwrite_existing_channel (Optional[bool]) – Specifies whether to
overwrite a global channel of the same name if one is already saved in MAX. If this input
is False and a global channel of the same name is already saved in MAX, this function
returns an error.
• allow_interactive_editing (Optional[bool]) – Specifies whether to al-
low the task, global channel, or custom scale to be edited in the DAQ Assistant. If al-
low_interactive_editing is True, the DAQ Assistant must support all task or global channel
• allow_interactive_deletion (Optional[bool]) – Specifies whether to al-
low the task, global channel, or custom scale to be deleted through MAX.


class nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel(task_handle, vir-

Bases: nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.channel.Channel
Represents one or more analog output virtual channels and their properties.
nidaqmx.constants.CurrentUnits – Specifies in what units to generate current on the channel.
Write data to the channel in the units you select.
nidaqmx.system.scale.Scale – Specifies the name of a custom scale for the channel.
str – Specifies the source of the DAC offset voltage if ao_dac_offset_src is SourceSelec-
tion.EXTERNAL. The valid sources for this signal vary by device.
nidaqmx.constants.SourceSelection – Specifies the source of the DAC offset voltage. The
value of this voltage source determines the full-scale value of the DAC.
float – Specifies in volts the value of the DAC offset voltage. To achieve best accuracy, the DAC offset
value should be hand calibrated.
bool – Specifies whether to allow grounding the internal DAC reference at run time. You must
set this property to True and set ao_dac_ref_src to SourceSelection.INTERNAL before you can set
ao_dac_ref_conn_to_gnd to True.
bool – Specifies whether to ground the internal DAC reference. Grounding the internal DAC refer-
ence has the effect of grounding all analog output channels and stopping waveform generation across
all analog output channels regardless of whether the channels belong to the current task. You can
ground the internal DAC reference only when ao_dac_ref_src is SourceSelection.INTERNAL and
ao_dac_ref_allow_conn_to_gnd is True.

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str – Specifies the source of the DAC reference voltage if ao_dac_ref_src is SourceSelec-
tion.EXTERNAL. The valid sources for this signal vary by device.
nidaqmx.constants.SourceSelection – Specifies the source of the DAC reference voltage.
The value of this voltage source determines the full-scale value of the DAC.
float – Specifies in volts the value of the DAC reference voltage. This voltage determines the full-scale
range of the DAC. Smaller reference voltages result in smaller ranges, but increased resolution.
float – Specifies the upper limit of the output range of the device. This value is in the native units of the
device. On E Series devices, for example, the native units is volts.
float – Specifies the lower limit of the output range of the device. This value is in the native units of the
device. On E Series devices, for example, the native units is volts.
nidaqmx.constants.DataTransferActiveTransferMode – Specifies the data transfer mode
for the device.
nidaqmx.constants.OutputDataTransferCondition – Specifies under what condition to
transfer data from the buffer to the onboard memory of the device.
List[float] – Indicates the coefficients of a linear equation that NI-DAQmx uses to scale values from a
voltage to the native format of the device. Each element of the list corresponds to a term of the equation.
The first element of the list corresponds to the y-intercept, and the second element corresponds to the slope.
Scaling coefficients do not account for any custom scales that may be applied to the channel.
bool – Specifies whether to enable the DAC interpolation filter. Disable the interpolation filter to improve
DAC signal-to- noise ratio at the expense of degraded image rejection.
float – Specifies the amount of time between when the sample is written by the host device and when the
sample is output by the DAC. This value is in the units you specify with ao_filter_delay_units.
float – Specifies an additional amount of time to wait between when the sample is written by the host device
and when the sample is output by the DAC. This delay adjustment is in addition to the value indicated by
ao_filter_delay. This delay adjustment is in the units you specify with ao_filter_delay_units.
nidaqmx.constants.DigitalWidthUnits – Specifies the units of ao_filter_delay and
float – Specifies the zero-to-peak amplitude of the waveform to generate in volts. Zero and negative values
are valid.
float – Specifies the FM deviation in hertz per volt when ao_func_gen_modulation_type is Modulation-
float – Specifies the frequency of the waveform to generate in hertz.

132 Chapter 8. License

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nidaqmx.constants.ModulationType – Specifies if the device generates a modulated version of
the waveform using the original waveform as a carrier and input from an external terminal as the signal.
float – Specifies the voltage offset of the waveform to generate.
float – Specifies the square wave duty cycle of the waveform to generate.
nidaqmx.constants.FuncGenType – Specifies the kind of the waveform to generate.
float – Specifies in decibels the gain factor to apply to the channel.
nidaqmx.constants.AOIdleOutputBehavior – Specifies the state of the channel when no gen-
eration is in progress.
float – Specifies in ohms the load impedance connected to the analog output channel.
float – Specifies the maximum value you expect to generate. The value is in the units you specify with
a units property. If you try to write a value larger than the maximum value, NI- DAQmx generates an
error. NI-DAQmx might coerce this value to a smaller value if other task settings restrict the device from
generating the desired maximum.
bool – Specifies for NI-DAQmx to map hardware registers to the memory space of the application, if pos-
sible. Normally, NI- DAQmx maps hardware registers to memory accessible only to the kernel. Mapping
the registers to the memory space of the application increases performance. However, if the application
accesses the memory space mapped to the registers, it can adversely affect the operation of the device and
possibly result in a system crash.
float – Specifies the minimum value you expect to generate. The value is in the units you specify with
a units property. If you try to write a value smaller than the minimum value, NI- DAQmx generates an
error. NI-DAQmx might coerce this value to a larger value if other task settings restrict the device from
generating the desired minimum.
float – Specifies in ohms the impedance of the analog output stage of the device.
nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAO – Indicates whether the channel generates voltage, current, or
a waveform.
bool – Specifies whether to enable reglitching. The output of a DAC normally glitches whenever the DAC
is updated with a new value. The amount of glitching differs from code to code and is generally largest at
major code transitions. Reglitching generates uniform glitch energy at each code transition and provides
for more uniform glitches. Uniform glitch energy makes it easier to filter out the noise introduced from
glitching during spectrum analysis.
float – Indicates the resolution of the digital-to-analog converter of the channel. This value is in the units
you specify with ao_resolution_units.

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nidaqmx.constants.ResolutionType – Specifies the units of ao_resolution.
nidaqmx.constants.TerminalConfiguration – Specifies the terminal configuration of the
int – Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous USB transfers used to stream data. Modify this value
to affect performance under different combinations of operating system and device.
int – Specifies the maximum size of a USB transfer request in bytes. Modify this value to affect perfor-
mance under different combinations of operating system and device.
bool – Specifies whether to write samples directly to the onboard memory of the device, bypassing the
memory buffer. Generally, you cannot update onboard memory directly after you start the task. Onboard
memory includes data FIFOs.
float – Specifies the current limit, in amperes, for the voltage channel.
nidaqmx.constants.VoltageUnits – Specifies in what units to generate voltage on the channel.
Write data to the channel in the units you select.
nidaqmx.constants.ChannelType – Indicates the type of the virtual channel.
List[str] – Specifies the unflattened list of the virtual channels.
str – Specifies a user-defined description for the channel.
bool – Indicates whether the channel is a global channel.
str – Specifies the name of the virtual channel this object represents.
nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel – Specifies the name of the physi-
cal channel upon which this virtual channel is based.
save(save_as=u’‘, author=u’‘, overwrite_existing_channel=False, allow_interactive_editing=True, al-
Saves this local or global channel to MAX as a global channel.
• save_as (Optional[str]) – Is the name to save the task, global channel, or custom
scale as. If you do not specify a value for this input, NI-DAQmx uses the name currently
assigned to the task, global channel, or custom scale.
• author (Optional[str]) – Is a name to store with the task, global channel, or custom
• overwrite_existing_channel (Optional[bool]) – Specifies whether to
overwrite a global channel of the same name if one is already saved in MAX. If this input
is False and a global channel of the same name is already saved in MAX, this function
returns an error.

134 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• allow_interactive_editing (Optional[bool]) – Specifies whether to al-

low the task, global channel, or custom scale to be edited in the DAQ Assistant. If al-
low_interactive_editing is True, the DAQ Assistant must support all task or global channel
• allow_interactive_deletion (Optional[bool]) – Specifies whether to al-
low the task, global channel, or custom scale to be deleted through MAX.


class nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel(task_handle, vir-

Bases: nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.channel.Channel
Represents one or more counter input virtual channels and their properties.
nidaqmx.constants.ChannelType – Indicates the type of the virtual channel.
List[str] – Specifies the unflattened list of the virtual channels.
float – Specifies the starting angle of the encoder. This value is in the units you specify with
int – Specifies the number of pulses the encoder generates per revolution. This value is the number of
pulses on either signal A or signal B, not the total number of pulses on both signal A and signal B.
nidaqmx.constants.AngleUnits – Specifies the units to use to return angular position measure-
ments from the channel.
int – Indicates the current value of the count register.
nidaqmx.constants.Edge – Specifies on which edges to increment or decrement the counter.
bool – Specifies whether to apply the pulse width filter to the signal.
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the pulse width filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the input terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the pulse width filter.
bool – Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of
the device.
nidaqmx.constants.LogicLvlBehavior – Specifies the logic level behavior on the count reset

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nidaqmx.constants.TerminalConfiguration – Specifies the input terminal configuration.
nidaqmx.constants.Edge – Specifies on which edge of the signal to reset the count.
bool – Specifies whether to apply the pulse width filter to the signal.
float – Specifies the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the pulse width filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the input of the signal to use as the timebase of the pulse width filter.
bool – Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of
the device.
bool – Specifies whether to reset the count on the active edge specified with
nidaqmx.constants.LogicLvlBehavior – Specifies the logic level behavior on the count reset
int – Specifies the value to reset the count to.
str – Specifies the input terminal of the signal to reset the count.
nidaqmx.constants.TerminalConfiguration – Specifies the input terminal configuration.
bool – Specifies whether to apply the pulse width filter to the signal.
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the pulse width filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the input terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the pulse width filter.
bool – Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of
the device.
nidaqmx.constants.CountDirection – Specifies whether to increment or decrement the counter
on each edge.

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str – Specifies the source terminal of the digital signal that controls the count direction if
ci_count_edges_dir is CountDirection1.EXTERNAL_SOURCE.
bool – Specifies whether to apply the pulse width filter to the gate input signal.
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the digital filter recognizes.
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the pulse width filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the input terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the pulse width filter.
bool – Specifies whether to enable the functionality to gate the counter input signal for a count edges
nidaqmx.constants.LogicLvlBehavior – Specifies the logic level behavior on the gate input
str – Specifies the gate terminal.
nidaqmx.constants.TerminalConfiguration – Specifies the gate terminal configuration.
nidaqmx.constants.Level – Specifies whether the counter gates input pulses while the signal is
high or low.
int – Specifies the starting value from which to count.
nidaqmx.constants.LogicLvlBehavior – Specifies the logic level behavior on the input line.
str – Specifies the input terminal of the signal to measure.
nidaqmx.constants.TerminalConfiguration – Specifies the input terminal configuration.
nidaqmx.constants.Edge – Specifies whether a timebase cycle is from rising edge to rising edge
or from falling edge to falling edge.
bool – Specifies whether to apply the pulse width filter to the signal.
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the pulse width filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the input terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the pulse width filter.

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bool – Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of
the device.
int – Specifies the divisor for an external counter timebase. You can divide the counter timebase in order
to measure slower signals without causing the count register to roll over.
float – Specifies in Hertz the frequency of the counter timebase. Specifying the rate of a counter timebase
allows you to take measurements in terms of time or frequency rather than in ticks of the timebase. If you
use an external timebase and do not specify the rate, you can take measurements only in terms of ticks of
the timebase.
str – Specifies the terminal of the timebase to use for the counter.
nidaqmx.system.scale.Scale – Specifies the name of a custom scale for the channel.
nidaqmx.constants.DataTransferActiveTransferMode – Specifies the data transfer mode
for the channel.
nidaqmx.constants.InputDataTransferCondition – Specifies under what condition to
transfer data from the onboard memory of the device to the buffer.
bool – Specifies whether to enable duplicate count prevention for the channel. Duplicate count prevention
is enabled by default. Setting ci_prescaler disables duplicate count prevention unless you explicitly enable
bool – Specifies whether to apply the pulse width filter to the signal.
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the digital filter recognizes.
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the pulse width filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the input terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the pulse width filter.
nidaqmx.constants.LogicLvlBehavior – Specifies the logic level behavior on the input line.
nidaqmx.constants.Edge – Specifies which edge of the input signal to begin the duty cycle mea-
str – Specifies the input terminal of the signal to measure.
nidaqmx.constants.TerminalConfiguration – Specifies the input terminal configuration.
bool – Specifies whether to apply the pulse width filter to the signal.

138 Chapter 8. License

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float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the pulse width filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the input terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the pulse width filter.
bool – Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of
the device.
nidaqmx.constants.LogicLvlBehavior – Specifies the logic level behavior on the input line.
str – Specifies the terminal to which signal A is connected.
nidaqmx.constants.TerminalConfiguration – Specifies the input terminal configuration.
bool – Specifies whether to apply the pulse width filter to the signal.
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the pulse width filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the input terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the pulse width filter.
bool – Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of
the device.
nidaqmx.constants.LogicLvlBehavior – Specifies the logic level behavior on the input line.
str – Specifies the terminal to which signal B is connected.
nidaqmx.constants.TerminalConfiguration – Specifies the input terminal configuration.
nidaqmx.constants.EncoderType – Specifies how to count and interpret the pulses the encoder
generates on signal A and signal B. EncoderType2.X_1, EncoderType2.X_2, and EncoderType2.X_4
are valid for quadrature encoders only. EncoderType2.TWO_PULSE_COUNTING is valid for two-
pulse encoders only.
bool – Specifies whether to use Z indexing for the channel.
nidaqmx.constants.EncoderZIndexPhase – Specifies the states at which signal A and signal
B must be while signal Z is high for NI-DAQmx to reset the measurement. If signal Z is never high

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while signal A and signal B are high, for example, you must choose a phase other than EncoderZIndex-
float – Specifies the value to which to reset the measurement when signal Z is high and signal A and signal
B are at the states you specify with ci_encoder_z_index_phase. Specify this value in the units of the
bool – Specifies whether to apply the pulse width filter to the signal.
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the pulse width filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the input terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the pulse width filter.
bool – Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of
the device.
nidaqmx.constants.LogicLvlBehavior – Specifies the logic level behavior on the input line.
str – Specifies the terminal to which signal Z is connected.
nidaqmx.constants.TerminalConfiguration – Specifies the input terminal configuration.
bool – Specifies whether to apply the pulse width filter to the signal.
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the pulse width filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the input terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the pulse width filter.
bool – Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of
the device.
int – Specifies the value by which to divide the input signal if ci_freq_meas_meth is CounterFrequen-
cyMethod.LARGE_RANGE_2_COUNTERS. The larger the divisor, the more accurate the measure-
ment. However, too large a value could cause the count register to roll over, which results in an incorrect
bool – Specifies whether to enable averaging mode for Sample Clock-timed frequency measurements.
nidaqmx.constants.LogicLvlBehavior – Specifies the logic level behavior on the input line.

140 Chapter 8. License

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nidaqmx.constants.CounterFrequencyMethod – Specifies the method to use to measure the
frequency of the signal.
float – Specifies in seconds the length of time to measure the frequency of the signal if
ci_freq_meas_meth is CounterFrequencyMethod.HIGH_FREQUENCY_2_COUNTERS. Measure-
ment accuracy increases with increased measurement time and with increased signal frequency. If you
measure a high-frequency signal for too long, however, the count register could roll over, which results in
an incorrect measurement.
nidaqmx.constants.Edge – Specifies between which edges to measure the frequency of the signal.
str – Specifies the input terminal of the signal to measure.
nidaqmx.constants.TerminalConfiguration – Specifies the input terminal configuration.
nidaqmx.constants.FrequencyUnits – Specifies the units to use to return frequency measure-
nidaqmx.constants.GpsSignalType – Specifies the method to use to synchronize the counter to
a GPS receiver.
str – Specifies the terminal to which the GPS synchronization signal is connected.
float – Specifies the distance to measure for each pulse the encoder generates on signal A or signal B. This
value is in the units you specify with ci_lin_encoder_units.
float – Specifies the position of the encoder when the measurement begins. This value is in the units you
specify with ci_lin_encoder_units.
nidaqmx.constants.LengthUnits – Specifies the units to use to return linear encoder measure-
ments from the channel.
float – Specifies the maximum value you expect to measure. This value is in the units you specify with a
units property. When you query this property, it returns the coerced maximum value that the hardware can
measure with the current settings.
float – Specifies the maximum period (in seconds) in which the device will recognize signals. For fre-
quency measurements, a signal with a higher period than the one set in this property will return 0 Hz. For
duty cycle, the device will return 0 or 1 depending on the state of the line during the max defined period
of time. Period measurements will return NaN. Pulse width measurement will return zero.
nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeCI – Indicates the measurement to take with the channel.
bool – Specifies for NI-DAQmx to map hardware registers to the memory space of the application, if pos-
sible. Normally, NI- DAQmx maps hardware registers to memory accessible only to the kernel. Mapping
the registers to the memory space of the application increases performance. However, if the application

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accesses the memory space mapped to the registers, it can adversely affect the operation of the device and
possibly result in a system crash.
float – Specifies the minimum value you expect to measure. This value is in the units you specify with a
units property. When you query this property, it returns the coerced minimum value that the hardware can
measure with the current settings.
int – Indicates the number of samples that the device might have overwritten before it could transfer them
to the buffer.
nidaqmx.constants.Level – Indicates the current state of the out terminal of the counter.
bool – Specifies whether to apply the pulse width filter to the signal.
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the pulse width filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the input terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the pulse width filter.
bool – Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of
the device.
int – Specifies the value by which to divide the input signal if ci_period_meas_meth is CounterFre-
quencyMethod.LARGE_RANGE_2_COUNTERS. The larger the divisor, the more accurate the mea-
surement. However, too large a value could cause the count register to roll over, which results in an
incorrect measurement.
bool – Specifies whether to enable averaging mode for Sample Clock-timed period measurements.
nidaqmx.constants.LogicLvlBehavior – Specifies the logic level behavior on the input line.
nidaqmx.constants.CounterFrequencyMethod – Specifies the method to use to measure the
period of the signal.
float – Specifies in seconds the length of time to measure the period of the signal if ci_period_meas_meth
is CounterFrequencyMethod.HIGH_FREQUENCY_2_COUNTERS. Measurement accuracy in-
creases with increased measurement time and with increased signal frequency. If you measure a high-
frequency signal for too long, however, the count register could roll over, which results in an incorrect
nidaqmx.constants.Edge – Specifies between which edges to measure the period of the signal.
str – Specifies the input terminal of the signal to measure.

142 Chapter 8. License

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nidaqmx.constants.TerminalConfiguration – Specifies the input terminal configuration.
nidaqmx.constants.TimeUnits – Specifies the unit to use to return period measurements.
int – Specifies the divisor to apply to the signal you connect to the counter source terminal. Scaled
data that you read takes this setting into account. You should use a prescaler only when you connect
an external signal to the counter source terminal and when that signal has a higher frequency than the
fastest onboard timebase. Setting this value disables duplicate count prevention unless you explicitly set
ci_dup_count_prevention to True.
bool – Specifies whether to apply a digital filter to the signal to measure.
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the digital filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the digital filter.
bool – Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of
the device.
nidaqmx.constants.LogicLvlBehavior – Specifies the logic level behavior on the count reset
nidaqmx.constants.Edge – Specifies on which edge of the input signal to begin pulse measure-
str – Specifies the input terminal of the signal to measure.
nidaqmx.constants.TerminalConfiguration – Specifies the input terminal configuration.
nidaqmx.constants.FrequencyUnits – Specifies the units to use to return pulse specifications
in terms of frequency.
bool – Specifies whether to apply a digital filter to the signal to measure.
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the digital filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the digital filter.

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bool – Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of
the device.
nidaqmx.constants.LogicLvlBehavior – Specifies the logic level behavior on the count reset
nidaqmx.constants.Edge – Specifies on which edge of the input signal to begin pulse measure-
str – Specifies the input terminal of the signal to measure.
nidaqmx.constants.TerminalConfiguration – Specifies the input terminal configuration.
bool – Specifies whether to apply a digital filter to the signal to measure.
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the digital filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the digital filter.
bool – Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of
the device.
nidaqmx.constants.LogicLvlBehavior – Specifies the logic level behavior on the count reset
nidaqmx.constants.Edge – Specifies on which edge of the input signal to begin pulse measure-
str – Specifies the input terminal of the signal to measure.
nidaqmx.constants.TerminalConfiguration – Specifies the input terminal configuration.
nidaqmx.constants.TimeUnits – Specifies the units to use to return pulse specifications in terms
of high time and low time.
bool – Specifies whether to apply the pulse width filter to the signal.
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the pulse width filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.

144 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

str – Specifies the input terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the pulse width filter.
bool – Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of
the device.
nidaqmx.constants.LogicLvlBehavior – Specifies the logic level behavior on the input line.
nidaqmx.constants.Edge – Specifies on which edge of the input signal to begin each pulse width
str – Specifies the input terminal of the signal to measure.
nidaqmx.constants.TerminalConfiguration – Specifies the input terminal configuration.
nidaqmx.constants.TimeUnits – Specifies the units to use to return pulse width measurements.
nidaqmx.constants.SampClkOverrunBehavior – Specifies the counter behavior when data is
read but a new value was not detected during a sample clock.
int – Specifies the sentinel value returned when the No New Sample Behavior is set to Sentinel Value.
bool – Specifies whether to apply the pulse width filter to the signal.
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the pulse width filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the input terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the pulse width filter.
bool – Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of
the device.
nidaqmx.constants.LogicLvlBehavior – Specifies the logic level behavior on the count reset
nidaqmx.constants.Edge – Specifies on which edge of the input signal to begin semi-period mea-
surement. Semi-period measurements alternate between high time and low time, starting on this edge.
str – Specifies the input terminal of the signal to measure.
nidaqmx.constants.TerminalConfiguration – Specifies the input terminal configuration.
nidaqmx.constants.TimeUnits – Specifies the units to use to return semi-period measurements.

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bool – Indicates whether the counter rolled over. When you query this property, NI-DAQmx resets it to
float – Specifies the digital threshold value in Volts for high and low input transitions. Some devices do
not support this for differential channels.
int – Specifies the number of seconds that elapsed since the beginning of the current year. This value is
ignored if ci_gps_sync_method is GpsSignalType1.IRIGB.
nidaqmx.constants.TimeUnits – Specifies the units to use to return timestamp measurements.
bool – Specifies whether to apply the pulse width filter to the signal.
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the pulse width filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the input terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the pulse width filter.
bool – Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of
the device.
nidaqmx.constants.Edge – Specifies on which edge of the first signal to start each measurement.
nidaqmx.constants.LogicLvlBehavior – Specifies the logic level behavior on the input line.
str – Specifies the source terminal of the digital signal that starts each measurement.
nidaqmx.constants.TerminalConfiguration – Specifies the input terminal configuration.
bool – Specifies whether to apply the pulse width filter to the signal.
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the pulse width filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the input terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the pulse width filter.
bool – Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of
the device.
nidaqmx.constants.Edge – Specifies on which edge of the second signal to stop each measurement.

146 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

nidaqmx.constants.LogicLvlBehavior – Specifies the logic level behavior on the count reset
str – Specifies the source terminal of the digital signal that stops each measurement.
nidaqmx.constants.TerminalConfiguration – Specifies the input terminal configuration.
nidaqmx.constants.TimeUnits – Specifies the units to use to return two-edge separation mea-
surements from the channel.
int – Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous USB transfers used to stream data. Modify this value
to affect performance under different combinations of operating system and device.
int – Specifies the maximum size of a USB transfer request in bytes. Modify this value to affect perfor-
mance under different combinations of operating system and device.
bool – Specifies whether to apply the pulse width filter to the signal.
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the digital filter recognizes.
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the pulse width filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the input terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the pulse width filter.
nidaqmx.constants.LogicLvlBehavior – Specifies the logic level behavior of the input termi-
str – Specifies the terminal to which signal A is connected.
nidaqmx.constants.TerminalConfiguration – Specifies the input terminal configuration.
int – Specifies the number of pulses the encoder generates per revolution. This value is the number of
pulses on either signal A or signal B, not the total number of pulses on both signal A and signal B.
nidaqmx.constants.AngularVelocityUnits – Specifies the units to use to return angular ve-
locity counter measurements.
bool – Specifies whether to apply the pulse width filter to the signal.
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the digital filter recognizes.
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the pulse width filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.

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NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

str – Specifies the input terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the pulse width filter.
nidaqmx.constants.LogicLvlBehavior – Specifies the logic level behavior of the input termi-
str – Specifies the terminal to which signal B is connected.
nidaqmx.constants.TerminalConfiguration – Specifies the input terminal configuration.
int – Specifies the value by which to divide the input signal.
nidaqmx.constants.EncoderType – Specifies how to count and interpret the pulses the encoder
generates on signal A and signal B. X1, X2, and X4 are valid for quadrature encoders only. Two Pulse
Counting is valid for two-pulse encoders only.
float – Specifies the distance to measure for each pulse the encoder generates on signal A or signal B. This
value is in the units you specify in CI.Velocity.LinEncoder.DistUnits.
nidaqmx.constants.VelocityUnits – Specifies the units to use to return linear encoder velocity
measurements from the channel.
float – Specifies in seconds the length of time to measure the velocity of the signal.
str – Specifies a user-defined description for the channel.
bool – Indicates whether the channel is a global channel.
str – Specifies the name of the virtual channel this object represents.
nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel – Specifies the name of the physi-
cal channel upon which this virtual channel is based.
save(save_as=u’‘, author=u’‘, overwrite_existing_channel=False, allow_interactive_editing=True, al-
Saves this local or global channel to MAX as a global channel.
• save_as (Optional[str]) – Is the name to save the task, global channel, or custom
scale as. If you do not specify a value for this input, NI-DAQmx uses the name currently
assigned to the task, global channel, or custom scale.
• author (Optional[str]) – Is a name to store with the task, global channel, or custom
• overwrite_existing_channel (Optional[bool]) – Specifies whether to
overwrite a global channel of the same name if one is already saved in MAX. If this input
is False and a global channel of the same name is already saved in MAX, this function
returns an error.

148 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• allow_interactive_editing (Optional[bool]) – Specifies whether to al-

low the task, global channel, or custom scale to be edited in the DAQ Assistant. If al-
low_interactive_editing is True, the DAQ Assistant must support all task or global channel
• allow_interactive_deletion (Optional[bool]) – Specifies whether to al-
low the task, global channel, or custom scale to be deleted through MAX.


class nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChannel(task_handle, vir-

Bases: nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.channel.Channel
Represents one or more counter output virtual channels and their properties.
nidaqmx.constants.ChannelType – Indicates the type of the virtual channel.
List[str] – Specifies the unflattened list of the virtual channels.
int – Specifies a number of timebase ticks by which to increase the time spent in the idle state for each
successive pulse.
nidaqmx.constants.ConstrainedGenMode – Specifies constraints to apply when the counter
generates pulses. Constraining the counter reduces the device resources required for counter operation.
Constraining the counter can also allow additional analog or counter tasks on the device to run concur-
rently. For continuous counter tasks, NI-DAQmx consumes no device resources when the counter is con-
strained. For finite counter tasks, resource use increases with the frequency regardless of the constraint
mode. However, fixed frequency constraints significantly reduce resource usage, and fixed duty cycle
constraint marginally reduces it.
int – Indicates the current value of the count register.
nidaqmx.constants.Edge – Specifies whether a timebase cycle is from rising edge to rising edge
or from falling edge to falling edge.
bool – Specifies whether to apply the pulse width filter to the signal.
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the pulse width filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the input terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the pulse width filter.
bool – Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of
the device.

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NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

int – Specifies the divisor for an external counter timebase. You can divide the counter timebase in order
to generate slower signals without causing the count register to roll over.
float – Specifies in Hertz the frequency of the counter timebase. Specifying the rate of a counter timebase
allows you to define output pulses in seconds rather than in ticks of the timebase. If you use an external
timebase and do not specify the rate, you can define output pulses only in ticks of the timebase.
str – Specifies the terminal of the timebase to use for the counter. Typically, NI-DAQmx uses one of the
internal counter timebases when generating pulses. Use this property to specify an external timebase and
produce custom pulse widths that are not possible using the internal timebases.
nidaqmx.constants.DataTransferActiveTransferMode – Specifies the data transfer mode
for the device. For buffered operations, use DMA or USB Bulk. For non-buffered operations, use Polled.
nidaqmx.constants.OutputDataTransferCondition – Specifies under what condition to
transfer data from the buffer to the onboard memory of the device.
bool – Specifies whether to apply the initial delay to retriggered pulse trains.
bool – Specifies for NI-DAQmx to map hardware registers to the memory space of the application, if pos-
sible. Normally, NI- DAQmx maps hardware registers to memory accessible only to the kernel. Mapping
the registers to the memory space of the application increases performance. However, if the application
accesses the memory space mapped to the registers, it can adversely affect the operation of the device and
possibly result in a system crash.
nidaqmx.constants.Level – Indicates the current state of the output terminal of the counter.
nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeCO – Indicates how to define pulses generated on the channel.
int – Specifies the divisor to apply to the signal you connect to the counter source terminal. Pulse genera-
tions defined by frequency or time take this setting into account, but pulse generations defined by ticks do
not. You should use a prescaler only when you connect an external signal to the counter source terminal
and when that signal has a higher frequency than the fastest onboard timebase.
bool – Indicates if the task completed pulse generation. Use this value for retriggerable pulse generation
when you need to determine if the device generated the current pulse. For retriggerable tasks, when you
query this property, NI-DAQmx resets it to False.
float – Specifies the duty cycle of the pulses. The duty cycle of a signal is the width of the pulse divided
by period. NI- DAQmx uses this ratio and the pulse frequency to determine the width of the pulses and the
delay between pulses.
float – Specifies the frequency of the pulses to generate. This value is in the units you specify with
co_pulse_freq_units or when you create the channel.
float – Specifies in seconds the amount of time to wait before generating the first pulse.

150 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

nidaqmx.constants.FrequencyUnits – Specifies the units in which to define pulse frequency.
int – Specifies the number of ticks the pulse is high.
float – Specifies the amount of time that the pulse is at a high voltage. This value is in the units you specify
with co_pulse_time_units or when you create the channel.
nidaqmx.constants.Level – Specifies the resting state of the output terminal.
int – Specifies the number of ticks the pulse is low.
float – Specifies the amount of time that the pulse is at a low voltage. This value is in the units you specify
with co_pulse_time_units or when you create the channel.
str – Specifies on which terminal to generate pulses.
int – Specifies the number of ticks to wait before generating the first pulse.
float – Specifies in seconds the amount of time to wait before generating the first pulse.
nidaqmx.constants.TimeUnits – Specifies the units in which to define high and low pulse time.
bool – Indicates whether the counter is ready for new continuous pulse train values.
int – Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous USB transfers used to stream data. Modify this value
to affect performance under different combinations of operating system and device.
int – Specifies the maximum size of a USB transfer request in bytes. Modify this value to affect perfor-
mance under different combinations of operating system and device.
bool – Specifies whether to write samples directly to the onboard memory of the device, bypassing the
memory buffer. Generally, you cannot update onboard memory directly after you start the task. Onboard
memory includes data FIFOs.
str – Specifies a user-defined description for the channel.
bool – Indicates whether the channel is a global channel.
str – Specifies the name of the virtual channel this object represents.
nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel – Specifies the name of the physi-
cal channel upon which this virtual channel is based.

8.7. nidaqmx.task 151

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

save(save_as=u’‘, author=u’‘, overwrite_existing_channel=False, allow_interactive_editing=True, al-

Saves this local or global channel to MAX as a global channel.
• save_as (Optional[str]) – Is the name to save the task, global channel, or custom
scale as. If you do not specify a value for this input, NI-DAQmx uses the name currently
assigned to the task, global channel, or custom scale.
• author (Optional[str]) – Is a name to store with the task, global channel, or custom
• overwrite_existing_channel (Optional[bool]) – Specifies whether to
overwrite a global channel of the same name if one is already saved in MAX. If this input
is False and a global channel of the same name is already saved in MAX, this function
returns an error.
• allow_interactive_editing (Optional[bool]) – Specifies whether to al-
low the task, global channel, or custom scale to be edited in the DAQ Assistant. If al-
low_interactive_editing is True, the DAQ Assistant must support all task or global channel
• allow_interactive_deletion (Optional[bool]) – Specifies whether to al-
low the task, global channel, or custom scale to be deleted through MAX.


class nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.di_channel.DIChannel(task_handle, vir-

Bases: nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.channel.Channel
Represents one or more digital input virtual channels and their properties.
nidaqmx.constants.ChannelType – Indicates the type of the virtual channel.
List[str] – Specifies the unflattened list of the virtual channels.
str – Specifies a user-defined description for the channel.
nidaqmx.constants.ActiveOrInactiveEdgeSelection – Specifies on which edge of the
sample clock to acquire samples.
nidaqmx.constants.DataTransferActiveTransferMode – Specifies the data transfer mode
for the device.
nidaqmx.constants.InputDataTransferCondition – Specifies under what condition to
transfer data from the onboard memory of the device to the buffer.
bool – Specifies whether to enable the digital filter for the line(s) or port(s). You can enable the filter on a
line-by- line basis. You do not have to enable the filter for all lines in a channel.

152 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

bool – Specifies whether to enable bus mode for digital filtering. If you set this property to True, NI-
DAQmx treats all lines that use common filtering settings as a bus. If any line in the bus has jitter, all lines
in the bus hold state until the entire bus stabilizes, or until 2 times the minimum pulse width elapses. If you
set this property to False, NI-DAQmx filters all lines individually. Jitter in one line does not affect other
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes as a valid high or low state
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the digital filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the digital filter.
bool – Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of
the device.
bool – Specifies whether to invert the lines in the channel. If you set this property to True, the lines are at
high logic when off and at low logic when on.
nidaqmx.constants.LogicFamily – Specifies the logic family to use for acquisition. A logic
family corresponds to voltage thresholds that are compatible with a group of voltage standards. Refer to
the device documentation for information on the logic high and logic low voltages for these logic families.
bool – Specifies for NI-DAQmx to map hardware registers to the memory space of the application, if pos-
sible. Normally, NI- DAQmx maps hardware registers to memory accessible only to the kernel. Mapping
the registers to the memory space of the application increases performance. However, if the application
accesses the memory space mapped to the registers, it can adversely affect the operation of the device and
possibly result in a system crash.
int – Indicates the number of digital lines in the channel.
bool – Specifies whether to tristate the lines in the channel. If you set this property to True, NI-DAQmx
tristates the lines in the channel. If you set this property to False, NI-DAQmx does not modify the con-
figuration of the lines even if the lines were previously tristated. Set this property to False to read lines in
other tasks or to read output-only lines.
int – Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous USB transfers used to stream data. Modify this value
to affect performance under different combinations of operating system and device.
int – Specifies the maximum size of a USB transfer request in bytes. Modify this value to affect perfor-
mance under different combinations of operating system and device.
bool – Indicates whether the channel is a global channel.
str – Specifies the name of the virtual channel this object represents.

8.7. nidaqmx.task 153

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel – Specifies the name of the physi-
cal channel upon which this virtual channel is based.
save(save_as=u’‘, author=u’‘, overwrite_existing_channel=False, allow_interactive_editing=True, al-
Saves this local or global channel to MAX as a global channel.
• save_as (Optional[str]) – Is the name to save the task, global channel, or custom
scale as. If you do not specify a value for this input, NI-DAQmx uses the name currently
assigned to the task, global channel, or custom scale.
• author (Optional[str]) – Is a name to store with the task, global channel, or custom
• overwrite_existing_channel (Optional[bool]) – Specifies whether to
overwrite a global channel of the same name if one is already saved in MAX. If this input
is False and a global channel of the same name is already saved in MAX, this function
returns an error.
• allow_interactive_editing (Optional[bool]) – Specifies whether to al-
low the task, global channel, or custom scale to be edited in the DAQ Assistant. If al-
low_interactive_editing is True, the DAQ Assistant must support all task or global channel
• allow_interactive_deletion (Optional[bool]) – Specifies whether to al-
low the task, global channel, or custom scale to be deleted through MAX.


class nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.do_channel.DOChannel(task_handle, vir-

Bases: nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.channel.Channel
Represents one or more digital output virtual channels and their properties.
nidaqmx.constants.ChannelType – Indicates the type of the virtual channel.
List[str] – Specifies the unflattened list of the virtual channels.
str – Specifies a user-defined description for the channel.
nidaqmx.constants.DataTransferActiveTransferMode – Specifies the data transfer mode
for the device.
nidaqmx.constants.OutputDataTransferCondition – Specifies under what condition to
transfer data from the buffer to the onboard memory of the device.
nidaqmx.constants.ActiveOrInactiveEdgeSelection – Specifies on which edge of the
sample clock to generate samples.

154 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

bool – Specifies whether to invert the lines in the channel. If you set this property to True, the lines are at
high logic when off and at low logic when on.
nidaqmx.constants.Level – Specifies the state of the lines in a digital output task when the task
completes execution.
nidaqmx.constants.Level – Specifies the state of the lines in a digital output task when the task
nidaqmx.constants.Level – Specifies the state of the lines in a digital output task when the task
nidaqmx.constants.LogicFamily – Specifies the logic family to use for generation. A logic
family corresponds to voltage thresholds that are compatible with a group of voltage standards. Refer to
the device documentation for information on the logic high and logic low voltages for these logic families.
bool – Specifies for NI-DAQmx to map hardware registers to the memory space of the application, if pos-
sible. Normally, NI- DAQmx maps hardware registers to memory accessible only to the kernel. Mapping
the registers to the memory space of the application increases performance. However, if the application
accesses the memory space mapped to the registers, it can adversely affect the operation of the device and
possibly result in a system crash.
int – Indicates the number of digital lines in the channel.
nidaqmx.constants.DigitalDriveType – Specifies the drive type for digital output channels.
bool – Specifies whether to automatically reenable channels after they no longer exceed the current limit
specified by do_overcurrent_limit.
float – Specifies the current threshold in Amperes for the channel. A value of 0 means the channel observes
no limit. Devices can monitor only a finite number of current thresholds simultaneously. If you attempt to
monitor additional thresholds, NI-DAQmx returns an error.
float – Specifies the delay in seconds between the time a channel no longer exceeds the current limit and
the reactivation of that channel, if do_overcurrent_auto_reenable is True.
bool – Specifies whether to stop driving the channel and set it to a high-impedance state. You must commit
the task for this setting to take effect.
int – Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous USB transfers used to stream data. Modify this value
to affect performance under different combinations of operating system and device.
int – Specifies the maximum size of a USB transfer request in bytes. Modify this value to affect perfor-
mance under different combinations of operating system and device.
bool – Specifies whether to write samples directly to the onboard memory of the device, bypassing the

8.7. nidaqmx.task 155

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

memory buffer. Generally, you cannot update onboard memory after you start the task. Onboard memory
includes data FIFOs.
bool – Indicates whether the channel is a global channel.
str – Specifies the name of the virtual channel this object represents.
nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel – Specifies the name of the physi-
cal channel upon which this virtual channel is based.
save(save_as=u’‘, author=u’‘, overwrite_existing_channel=False, allow_interactive_editing=True, al-
Saves this local or global channel to MAX as a global channel.
• save_as (Optional[str]) – Is the name to save the task, global channel, or custom
scale as. If you do not specify a value for this input, NI-DAQmx uses the name currently
assigned to the task, global channel, or custom scale.
• author (Optional[str]) – Is a name to store with the task, global channel, or custom
• overwrite_existing_channel (Optional[bool]) – Specifies whether to
overwrite a global channel of the same name if one is already saved in MAX. If this input
is False and a global channel of the same name is already saved in MAX, this function
returns an error.
• allow_interactive_editing (Optional[bool]) – Specifies whether to al-
low the task, global channel, or custom scale to be edited in the DAQ Assistant. If al-
low_interactive_editing is True, the DAQ Assistant must support all task or global channel
• allow_interactive_deletion (Optional[bool]) – Specifies whether to al-
low the task, global channel, or custom scale to be deleted through MAX.


class nidaqmx._task_modules.channel_collection.ChannelCollection(task_handle)
Bases: _abcoll.Sequence
Contains the collection of channels for a DAQmx Task.
This class defines methods that implements a container object.
nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.channel.Channel – Specifies a channel object that rep-
resents the entire list of virtual channels on this channel collection.
List[str] – Specifies the entire list of virtual channels on this channel collection.


class nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIChannelCollection(task_handle)
Bases: nidaqmx._task_modules.channel_collection.ChannelCollection

156 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

Contains the collection of analog input channels for a DAQmx Task.

add_ai_accel_4_wire_dc_voltage_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘,
-1>, min_val=-5.0, max_val=5.0,
units=<AccelUnits.G: 10186>,
sensitivity=1000.0, sensitiv-
12509>, voltage_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.INTERNAL:
10200>, voltage_excit_val=0.0,
use_excit_for_scaling=False, cus-
Creates channel(s) to measure acceleration. Use this instance for custom sensors that require excitation.
You can use the excitation to scale the measurement.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• terminal_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
TerminalConfiguration]) – Specifies the input terminal configuration for
the channel.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.AccelUnits]) – Specifies the units to
use to return acceleration measurements from the channel.
• sensitivity (Optional[float]) – Is the sensitivity of the sensor. This value is in
the units you specify with the sensitivity_units input. Refer to the sensor documentation
to determine this value.
• sensitivity_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
AccelSensitivityUnits]) – Specifies the units of the sensitivity input.
• voltage_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies the source of excitation.
• voltage_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in volts the amount of exci-
tation supplied to the sensor. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine appropriate
excitation values.
• use_excit_for_scaling (Optional[bool]) – Specifies if NI- DAQmx divides
the measurement by the excitation. You should typically set use_excit_for_scaling to
True for ratiometric transducers. If you set use_excit_for_scaling to True, set max_val
and min_val to reflect the scaling.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.

8.7. nidaqmx.task 157

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel

add_ai_accel_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, termi-
nal_config=<TerminalConfiguration.DEFAULT: -1>, min_val=-5.0,
max_val=5.0, units=<AccelUnits.G: 10186>, sensitivity=1000.0, sen-
sitivity_units=<AccelSensitivityUnits.M_VOLTS_PER_G: 12509>,
current_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.INTERNAL: 10200>, cur-
rent_excit_val=0.004, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates channel(s) that use an accelerometer to measure acceleration.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• terminal_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
TerminalConfiguration]) – Specifies the input terminal configuration for
the channel.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.AccelUnits]) – Specifies the units to
use to return acceleration measurements from the channel.
• sensitivity (Optional[float]) – Is the sensitivity of the sensor. This value is in
the units you specify with the sensitivity_units input. Refer to the sensor documentation
to determine this value.
• sensitivity_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
AccelSensitivityUnits]) – Specifies the units of the sensitivity input.
• current_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies the source of excitation.
• current_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in amperes the amount of
excitation to supply to the sensor. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine this
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_ai_accel_charge_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, ter-
minal_config=<TerminalConfiguration.DEFAULT: -1>,
min_val=-5.0, max_val=5.0, units=<AccelUnits.G:
10186>, sensitivity=100.0, sensitiv-
16099>, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates channel(s) that use a charge-based sensor to measure acceleration.

158 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• terminal_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
TerminalConfiguration]) – Specifies the input terminal configuration for
the channel.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.AccelUnits]) – Specifies the units to
use to return acceleration measurements from the channel.
• sensitivity (Optional[float]) – Is the sensitivity of the sensor. This value is in
the units you specify with the sensitivity_units input. Refer to the sensor documentation
to determine this value.
• sensitivity_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
AccelChargeSensitivityUnits]) – Specifies the units of the sensitivity
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_ai_bridge_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, min_val=-
0.002, max_val=0.002, units=<BridgeUnits.VOLTS_PER_VOLTS:
15896>, bridge_config=<BridgeConfiguration.FULL_BRIDGE:
10182>, voltage_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.INTERNAL: 10200>,
voltage_excit_val=2.5, nominal_bridge_resistance=350.0, cus-
Creates channel(s) that measure voltage ratios from a Wheatstone bridge. Use this instance with bridge-
based sensors that measure phenomena other than strain, force, pressure, or torque, or that scale data to
physical units NI-DAQmx does not support.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to

8.7. nidaqmx.task 159

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to

• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.BridgeUnits]) – Specifies in which
unit to return voltage ratios from the channel.
• bridge_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
BridgeConfiguration]) – Specifies information about the bridge configuration and
• voltage_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies information about the bridge configuration
and measurement.
• voltage_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies information about the
bridge configuration and measurement.
• nominal_bridge_resistance (Optional[float]) – Specifies information
about the bridge configuration and measurement.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_ai_charge_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, termi-
nal_config=<TerminalConfiguration.DEFAULT: -1>, min_val=-1e-09,
max_val=1e-09, units=<ChargeUnits.COULOMBS: 16102>, cus-
Creates channel(s) that use a sensor with charge output.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• terminal_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
TerminalConfiguration]) – Specifies the input terminal configuration for
the channel.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.ChargeUnits]) – Specifies the units
to use to return charge measurements from the channel.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel

160 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

add_ai_current_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, termi-

nal_config=<TerminalConfiguration.DEFAULT: -1>, min_val=-
0.01, max_val=0.01, units=<CurrentUnits.AMPS: 10342>,
-1>, ext_shunt_resistor_val=249.0, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates channel(s) to measure current.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• terminal_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
TerminalConfiguration]) – Specifies the input terminal configuration for
the channel.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.CurrentUnits]) – Specifies the
units to use to return current measurements.
• shunt_resistor_loc (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
CurrentShuntResistorLocation]) – Specifies the location of the shunt
resistor. For devices with built-in shunt resistors, specify the location as INTERNAL.
For devices that do not have built-in shunt resistors, you must attach an external one, set
this input to EXTERNAL and use the ext_shunt_resistor_val input to specify the value
of the resistor.
• ext_shunt_resistor_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in ohms the resis-
tance of an external shunt resistor.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_ai_current_rms_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, termi-
nal_config=<TerminalConfiguration.DEFAULT: -1>, min_val=-
0.01, max_val=0.01, units=<CurrentUnits.AMPS: 10342>,
-1>, ext_shunt_resistor_val=249.0, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates a channel to measure current RMS, the average (mean) power of the acquired current.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.

8.7. nidaqmx.task 161

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign

to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• terminal_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
TerminalConfiguration]) – Specifies the input terminal configuration for
the channel.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.CurrentUnits]) – Specifies the
units to use to return current measurements.
• shunt_resistor_loc (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
CurrentShuntResistorLocation]) – Specifies the location of the shunt
resistor. For devices with built-in shunt resistors, specify the location as INTERNAL.
For devices that do not have built-in shunt resistors, you must attach an external one, set
this input to EXTERNAL and use the ext_shunt_resistor_val input to specify the value
of the resistor.
• ext_shunt_resistor_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in ohms the resis-
tance of an external shunt resistor.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_ai_force_bridge_polynomial_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘,
min_val=-100.0, max_val=100.0,
units=<ForceUnits.POUNDS: 15876>,
10182>, voltage_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.INTERNAL:
10200>, voltage_excit_val=2.5, nom-
inal_bridge_resistance=350.0, for-
ward_coeffs=None, reverse_coeffs=None, electri-
15897>, physical_units=<BridgePhysicalUnits.POUNDS:
15876>, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates channel(s) that use a Wheatstone bridge to measure force or load. Use this instance with sensors
whose specifications provide a polynomial to convert electrical values to physical values. When you
use this scaling type, NI-DAQmx requires coefficients for a polynomial that converts electrical values to
physical values (forward), as well as coefficients for a polynomial that converts physical values to electrical
values (reverse). If you only know one set of coefficients, use the DAQmx Compute Reverse Polynomial
Coefficients function to generate the other set.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,

162 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.ForceUnits]) – Specifies in which
unit to return force measurements from the channel.
• bridge_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
BridgeConfiguration]) – Specifies information about the bridge configuration and
• voltage_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies information about the bridge configuration
and measurement.
• voltage_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies information about the
bridge configuration and measurement.
• nominal_bridge_resistance (Optional[float]) – Specifies information
about the bridge configuration and measurement.
• forward_coeffs (Optional[List[float]]) – Specifies how to scale electrical
values from the sensor to physical units.
• reverse_coeffs (Optional[List[float]]) – Specifies how to scale electrical
values from the sensor to physical units.
• electrical_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
BridgeElectricalUnits]) – Specifies how to scale electrical values from
the sensor to physical units.
• physical_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
BridgePhysicalUnits]) – Specifies how to scale electrical values from the
sensor to physical units.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_ai_force_bridge_table_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘,
min_val=-100.0, max_val=100.0,
units=<ForceUnits.POUNDS: 15876>,
10182>, voltage_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.INTERNAL:
10200>, voltage_excit_val=2.5,
electrical_vals=None, electri-
15897>, physical_vals=None, physi-
cal_units=<BridgePhysicalUnits.POUNDS: 15876>,
Creates channel(s) that use a Wheatstone bridge to measure force or load. Use this instance with sensors
whose specifications provide a table of electrical values and the corresponding physical values. When
you use this scaling type, NI-DAQmx performs linear scaling between each pair of electrical and physical

8.7. nidaqmx.task 163

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

values. The input limits specified with min_val and max_val must fall within the smallest and largest
physical values. For any data outside those endpoints, NI-DAQmx coerces that data to the endpoints.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.ForceUnits]) – Specifies in which
unit to return force measurements from the channel.
• bridge_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
BridgeConfiguration]) – Specifies information about the bridge configuration and
• voltage_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies information about the bridge configuration
and measurement.
• voltage_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies information about the
bridge configuration and measurement.
• nominal_bridge_resistance (Optional[float]) – Specifies information
about the bridge configuration and measurement.
• electrical_vals (Optional[List[float]]) – Specifies how to scale electri-
cal values from the sensor to physical units.
• electrical_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
BridgeElectricalUnits]) – Specifies how to scale electrical values from
the sensor to physical units.
• physical_vals (Optional[List[float]]) – Specifies how to scale electrical
values from the sensor to physical units.
• physical_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
BridgePhysicalUnits]) – Specifies how to scale electrical values from the
sensor to physical units.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel

164 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

min_val=-100.0, max_val=100.0,
units=<ForceUnits.POUNDS: 15876>,
10182>, volt-
10200>, voltage_excit_val=2.5,
first_electrical_val=0.0, sec-
ond_electrical_val=2.0, electri-
15897>, first_physical_val=0.0, sec-
ond_physical_val=100.0, physi-
15876>, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates channel(s) that use a Wheatstone bridge to measure force or load. Use this instance with sensors
whose specifications do not provide a polynomial for scaling or a table of electrical and physical values.
When you use this scaling type, NI-DAQmx uses two points of electrical and physical values to calculate
the slope and y-intercept of a linear equation and uses that equation to scale electrical values to physical
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.ForceUnits]) – Specifies in which
unit to return force measurements from the channel.
• bridge_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
BridgeConfiguration]) – Specifies information about the bridge configuration and
• voltage_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies information about the bridge configuration
and measurement.
• voltage_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies information about the
bridge configuration and measurement.
• nominal_bridge_resistance (Optional[float]) – Specifies information
about the bridge configuration and measurement.
• first_electrical_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies how to scale electrical
values from the sensor to physical units.
• second_electrical_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies how to scale electri-
cal values from the sensor to physical units.

8.7. nidaqmx.task 165

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• electrical_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
BridgeElectricalUnits]) – Specifies how to scale electrical values from
the sensor to physical units.
• first_physical_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies how to scale electrical val-
ues from the sensor to physical units.
• second_physical_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies how to scale electrical
values from the sensor to physical units.
• physical_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
BridgePhysicalUnits]) – Specifies how to scale electrical values from the
sensor to physical units.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_ai_force_iepe_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘,
-1>, min_val=-2000.0, max_val=2000.0,
units=<ForceUnits.NEWTONS: 15875>, sensitivity=2.25, sensitiv-
15891>, current_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.INTERNAL:
10200>, current_excit_val=0.004, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates channel(s) that use an IEPE force sensor to measure force or load.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• terminal_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
TerminalConfiguration]) – Specifies the input terminal configuration for
the channel.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.ForceUnits]) – Specifies in which
unit to return force measurements from the channel.
• sensitivity (Optional[float]) – Is the sensitivity of the sensor. This value is in
the units you specify with the sensitivity_units input. Refer to the sensor documentation
to determine this value.
• sensitivity_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ForceIEPESensorSensitivityUnits]) – Specifies the units of the sensitivity

166 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• current_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies the source of excitation.
• current_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in amperes the amount of
excitation to supply to the sensor. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine this
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_ai_freq_voltage_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, min_val=1,
max_val=100, units=<FrequencyUnits.HZ: 10373>, thresh-
old_level=0.0, hysteresis=0.0, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates channel(s) that use a frequency-to-voltage converter to measure frequency.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.FrequencyUnits]) – Specifies the
units to use to return frequency measurements.
• threshold_level (Optional[float]) – Specifies in volts the level at which to
recognize waveform repetitions. You should select a voltage level that occurs only once
within the entire period of a waveform. You also can select a voltage that occurs only once
while the voltage rises or falls.
• hysteresis (Optional[float]) – Specifies in volts a window below level. The
input voltage must pass below threshold_level minus hysteresis before NI-DAQmx rec-
ognizes a waveform repetition. Hysteresis can improve measurement accuracy when the
signal contains noise or jitter.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_ai_microphone_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘,
-1>, units=<SoundPressureUnits.PA: 10081>,
mic_sensitivity=10.0, max_snd_press_level=100.0, cur-
rent_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.INTERNAL: 10200>, cur-
rent_excit_val=0.004, custom_scale_name=u’‘)

8.7. nidaqmx.task 167

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

Creates channel(s) that use a microphone to measure sound pressure.

• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• terminal_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
TerminalConfiguration]) – Specifies the input terminal configuration for
the channel.
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.SoundPressureUnits]) – Speci-
fies the units to use to return sound pressure measurements.
• mic_sensitivity (Optional[float]) – Is the sensitivity of the microphone.
Specify this value in mV/Pa.
• max_snd_press_level (Optional[float]) – Is the maximum instantaneous
sound pressure level you expect to measure. This value is in decibels, referenced to 20
• current_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies the source of excitation.
• current_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in amperes the amount of
excitation to supply to the sensor. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine this
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
min_val=0.0, max_val=0.00254,
10219>, sensitivity=200.0, sensitiv-
14836>, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates channel(s) that use an eddy current proximity probe to measure position.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to

168 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to

• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.LengthUnits]) – Specifies the units
to use to return position measurements from the channel.
• sensitivity (Optional[float]) – Is the sensitivity of the sensor. This value is in
the units you specify with the sensitivity_units input. Refer to the sensor documentation
to determine this value.
• sensitivity_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
EddyCurrentProxProbeSensitivityUnits]) – Specifies the units of the
sensitivity input.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_ai_pos_lvdt_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, min_val=-0.1,
max_val=0.1, units=<LengthUnits.METERS: 10219>, sensitivity=50.0,
12506>, voltage_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.INTERNAL:
10200>, voltage_excit_val=1.0, voltage_excit_freq=2500.0,
ac_excit_wire_mode=<ACExcitWireMode.FOUR_WIRE: 4>, cus-
Creates channel(s) that use an LVDT to measure linear position.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.LengthUnits]) – Specifies the units
to use to return linear position measurements from the channel.
• sensitivity (Optional[float]) – Is the sensitivity of the sensor. This value is in
the units you specify with the sensitivity_units input. Refer to the sensor documentation
to determine this value.
• sensitivity_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
LVDTSensitivityUnits]) – Specifies the units of the sensitivity input.
• voltage_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies the source of excitation.
• voltage_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in volts the amount of exci-
tation supplied to the sensor. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine appropriate
excitation values.

8.7. nidaqmx.task 169

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• voltage_excit_freq (Optional[float]) – Specifies in hertz the excitation fre-

quency that the sensor requires. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine this value.
• ac_excit_wire_mode (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ACExcitWireMode]) – Is the number of leads on the sensor. Some sensors
require you to tie leads together to create a four- or five- wire sensor. Refer to the sensor
documentation for more information.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_ai_pos_rvdt_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, min_val=-70.0,
max_val=70.0, units=<AngleUnits.DEGREES: 10146>, sensitivity=50.0,
12507>, voltage_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.INTERNAL:
10200>, voltage_excit_val=1.0, voltage_excit_freq=2500.0,
ac_excit_wire_mode=<ACExcitWireMode.FOUR_WIRE: 4>, cus-
Creates channel(s) that use an RVDT to measure angular position.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.AngleUnits]) – Specifies the units to
use to return angular position measurements from the channel.
• sensitivity (Optional[float]) – Is the sensitivity of the sensor. This value is in
the units you specify with the sensitivity_units input. Refer to the sensor documentation
to determine this value.
• sensitivity_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
RVDTSensitivityUnits]) – Specifies the units of the sensitivity input.
• voltage_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies the source of excitation.
• voltage_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in volts the amount of exci-
tation supplied to the sensor. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine appropriate
excitation values.
• voltage_excit_freq (Optional[float]) – Specifies in hertz the excitation fre-
quency that the sensor requires. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine this value.
• ac_excit_wire_mode (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ACExcitWireMode]) – Is the number of leads on the sensor. Some sensors

170 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

require you to tie leads together to create a four- or five- wire sensor. Refer to the sensor
documentation for more information.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
min_val=-100.0, max_val=100.0,
15879>, bridge_config=<BridgeConfiguration.FULL_BRIDGE:
10182>, volt-
10200>, voltage_excit_val=2.5,
forward_coeffs=None, re-
verse_coeffs=None, electri-
15897>, physi-
15879>, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates channel(s) that use a Wheatstone bridge to measure pressure. Use this instance with sensors
whose specifications provide a polynomial to convert electrical values to physical values. When you
use this scaling type, NI-DAQmx requires coefficients for a polynomial that converts electrical values to
physical values (forward), as well as coefficients for a polynomial that converts physical values to electrical
values (reverse). If you only know one set of coefficients, use the DAQmx Compute Reverse Polynomial
Coefficients function to generate the other set.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.PressureUnits]) – Specifies in
which unit to return pressure measurements from the channel.
• bridge_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
BridgeConfiguration]) – Specifies information about the bridge configuration and
• voltage_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies information about the bridge configuration
and measurement.

8.7. nidaqmx.task 171

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• voltage_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies information about the

bridge configuration and measurement.
• nominal_bridge_resistance (Optional[float]) – Specifies information
about the bridge configuration and measurement.
• forward_coeffs (Optional[List[float]]) – Specifies how to scale electrical
values from the sensor to physical units.
• reverse_coeffs (Optional[List[float]]) – Specifies how to scale electrical
values from the sensor to physical units.
• electrical_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
BridgeElectricalUnits]) – Specifies how to scale electrical values from
the sensor to physical units.
• physical_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
BridgePhysicalUnits]) – Specifies how to scale electrical values from the
sensor to physical units.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_ai_pressure_bridge_table_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘,
min_val=-100.0, max_val=100.0,
15879>, bridge_config=<BridgeConfiguration.FULL_BRIDGE:
10182>, voltage_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.INTERNAL:
10200>, voltage_excit_val=2.5,
electrical_vals=None, electri-
15897>, physical_vals=None, physi-
15879>, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates channel(s) that use a Wheatstone bridge to measure pressure. Use this instance with sensors whose
specifications provide a table of electrical values and the corresponding physical values. When you use
this scaling type, NI-DAQmx performs linear scaling between each pair of electrical and physical values.
The input limits specified with min_val and max_val must fall within the smallest and largest physical
values. For any data outside those endpoints, NI-DAQmx coerces that data to the endpoints.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to

172 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.PressureUnits]) – Specifies in

which unit to return pressure measurements from the channel.
• bridge_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
BridgeConfiguration]) – Specifies information about the bridge configuration and
• voltage_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies information about the bridge configuration
and measurement.
• voltage_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies information about the
bridge configuration and measurement.
• nominal_bridge_resistance (Optional[float]) – Specifies information
about the bridge configuration and measurement.
• electrical_vals (Optional[List[float]]) – Specifies how to scale electri-
cal values from the sensor to physical units.
• electrical_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
BridgeElectricalUnits]) – Specifies how to scale electrical values from
the sensor to physical units.
• physical_vals (Optional[List[float]]) – Specifies how to scale electrical
values from the sensor to physical units.
• physical_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
BridgePhysicalUnits]) – Specifies how to scale electrical values from the
sensor to physical units.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
min_val=-100.0, max_val=100.0,
15879>, bridge_config=<BridgeConfiguration.FULL_BRIDGE:
10182>, volt-
10200>, voltage_excit_val=2.5,
first_electrical_val=0.0, sec-
ond_electrical_val=2.0, electri-
15897>, first_physical_val=0.0,
second_physical_val=100.0, physi-
15879>, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates channel(s) that use a Wheatstone bridge to measure pressure. Use this instance with sensors whose
specifications do not provide a polynomial for scaling or a table of electrical and physical values. When
you use this scaling type, NI-DAQmx uses two points of electrical and physical values to calculate the slope
and y-intercept of a linear equation and uses that equation to scale electrical values to physical values.

8.7. nidaqmx.task 173

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to

create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.PressureUnits]) – Specifies in
which unit to return pressure measurements from the channel.
• bridge_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
BridgeConfiguration]) – Specifies information about the bridge configuration and
• voltage_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies information about the bridge configuration
and measurement.
• voltage_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies information about the
bridge configuration and measurement.
• nominal_bridge_resistance (Optional[float]) – Specifies information
about the bridge configuration and measurement.
• first_electrical_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies how to scale electrical
values from the sensor to physical units.
• second_electrical_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies how to scale electri-
cal values from the sensor to physical units.
• electrical_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
BridgeElectricalUnits]) – Specifies how to scale electrical values from
the sensor to physical units.
• first_physical_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies how to scale electrical val-
ues from the sensor to physical units.
• second_physical_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies how to scale electrical
values from the sensor to physical units.
• physical_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
BridgePhysicalUnits]) – Specifies how to scale electrical values from the
sensor to physical units.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel

174 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

add_ai_resistance_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, min_val=100.0,

max_val=1000.0, units=<ResistanceUnits.OHMS: 10384>, re-
sistance_config=<ResistanceConfiguration.TWO_WIRE: 2>, cur-
rent_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.EXTERNAL: 10167>, cur-
rent_excit_val=0.001, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates channel(s) to measure resistance.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.ResistanceUnits]) – Specifies the
units to use to return resistance measurements.
• resistance_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ResistanceConfiguration]) – Specifies the number of wires to use for
resistive measurements.
• current_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies the source of excitation.
• current_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in amperes the amount of
excitation to supply to the sensor. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine this
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_ai_rosette_strain_gage_chan(physical_channel, rosette_type, gage_orientation,
rosette_meas_types, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘,
min_val=-0.001, max_val=0.001,
10271>, voltage_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.INTERNAL:
10200>, voltage_excit_val=2.5, gage_factor=2.0,
nominal_gage_resistance=350.0, poisson_ratio=0.3,
Creates channels to measure two-dimensional strain using a rosette strain gage.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create the strain gage virtual channels necessary to calculate the rosette measurements

8.7. nidaqmx.task 175

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• rosette_type (nidaqmx.constants.StrainGageRosetteType) – Speci-

fies information about the rosette configuration and measurements.
• gage_orientation (float) – Specifies information about the rosette configuration
and measurements.
• rosette_meas_types (List[int]) – Specifies information about the rosette con-
figuration and measurements.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx creates a default channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies the minimum strain you expect to measure.
This value applies to each strain gage in the rosette.
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies the maximum strain you expect to measure.
This value applies to each strain gage in the rosette.
• strain_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
StrainGageBridgeType]) – Specifies information about the bridge configuration
and measurement.
• voltage_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies information about the bridge configuration
and measurement.
• voltage_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies information about the
bridge configuration and measurement.
• gage_factor (Optional[float]) – Contains information about the strain gage and
• nominal_gage_resistance (Optional[float]) – Contains information about
the strain gage and measurement.
• poisson_ratio (Optional[float]) – Contains information about the strain gage
and measurement.
• lead_wire_resistance (Optional[float]) – Specifies information about the
bridge configuration and measurement.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_ai_rtd_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, min_val=0.0,
max_val=100.0, units=<TemperatureUnits.DEG_C:
10143>, rtd_type=<RTDType.PT_3750: 12481>, resis-
tance_config=<ResistanceConfiguration.TWO_WIRE: 2>, cur-
rent_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.EXTERNAL: 10167>, cur-
rent_excit_val=0.0025, r_0=100.0)
Creates channel(s) that use an RTD to measure temperature.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.

176 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to

• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.TemperatureUnits]) – Specifies
the units to use to return temperature measurements.
• rtd_type (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.RTDType]) – Specifies the type of
RTD connected to the channel.
• resistance_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ResistanceConfiguration]) – Specifies the number of wires to use for
resistive measurements.
• current_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies the source of excitation.
• current_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in amperes the amount of
excitation to supply to the sensor. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine this
• r_0 (Optional[float]) – Is the sensor resistance in ohms at 0 degrees Celsius. The
Callendar-Van Dusen equation requires this value. Refer to the sensor documentation to
determine this value.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_ai_strain_gage_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, min_val=-
0.001, max_val=0.001, units=<StrainUnits.STRAIN: 10299>,
10183>, voltage_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.INTERNAL:
10200>, voltage_excit_val=2.5, gage_factor=2.0, ini-
tial_bridge_voltage=0.0, nominal_gage_resistance=350.0, pois-
son_ratio=0.3, lead_wire_resistance=0.0, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates channel(s) to measure strain.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.StrainUnits]) – Specifies the units
to use to return strain measurements.
• strain_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
StrainGageBridgeType]) – Specifies information about the bridge configuration
and measurement.

8.7. nidaqmx.task 177

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• voltage_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies information about the bridge configuration
and measurement.
• voltage_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies information about the
bridge configuration and measurement.
• gage_factor (Optional[float]) – Contains information about the strain gage and
• initial_bridge_voltage (Optional[float]) – Specifies information about
the bridge configuration and measurement.
• nominal_gage_resistance (Optional[float]) – Contains information about
the strain gage and measurement.
• poisson_ratio (Optional[float]) – Contains information about the strain gage
and measurement.
• lead_wire_resistance (Optional[float]) – Specifies information about the
bridge configuration and measurement.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_ai_temp_built_in_sensor_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘,
units=<TemperatureUnits.DEG_C: 10143>)
Creates channel(s) that use the built-in sensor of a terminal block or device to measure temperature. On
SCXI modules, for example, the built-in sensor could be the CJC sensor.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.TemperatureUnits]) – Specifies
the units to use to return temperature measurements.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_ai_thrmcpl_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, min_val=0.0,
max_val=100.0, units=<TemperatureUnits.DEG_C: 10143>,
thermocouple_type=<ThermocoupleType.J: 10072>,
cjc_source=<CJCSource.CONSTANT_USER_VALUE: 10116>,
cjc_val=25.0, cjc_channel=u’‘)
Creates channel(s) that use a thermocouple to measure temperature.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.

178 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign

to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.TemperatureUnits]) – Specifies
the units to use to return temperature measurements.
• thermocouple_type (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ThermocoupleType]) – Specifies the type of thermocouple connected to the
channel. Thermocouple types differ in composition and measurement range.
• cjc_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.CJCSource]) – Specifies the
source of cold-junction compensation.
• cjc_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the temperature of the cold junc-
tion if you set cjc_source to CONSTANT_VALUE.
• cjc_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies the channel that acquires the tempera-
ture of the thermocouple cold- junction if you set cjc_source to CHANNEL.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_ai_thrmstr_chan_iex(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, min_val=0.0,
max_val=100.0, units=<TemperatureUnits.DEG_C: 10143>, re-
sistance_config=<ResistanceConfiguration.FOUR_WIRE: 4>,
current_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.EXTERNAL: 10167>,
current_excit_val=0.00015, a=0.001295361, b=0.0002343159,
Creates channel(s) that use a thermistor to measure temperature. Use this instance when the thermistor
requires current excitation.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.TemperatureUnits]) – Specifies
the units to use to return temperature measurements.
• resistance_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ResistanceConfiguration]) – Specifies the number of wires to use for
resistive measurements.

8.7. nidaqmx.task 179

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• current_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies the source of excitation.
• current_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in amperes the amount of
excitation to supply to the sensor. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine this
• a (Optional[float]) – Contains the constants for the Steinhart-Hart thermistor equa-
tion. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine values for these constants.
• b (Optional[float]) – Contains the constants for the Steinhart-Hart thermistor equa-
tion. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine values for these constants.
• c (Optional[float]) – Contains the constants for the Steinhart-Hart thermistor equa-
tion. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine values for these constants.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_ai_thrmstr_chan_vex(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, min_val=0.0,
max_val=100.0, units=<TemperatureUnits.DEG_C: 10143>, re-
sistance_config=<ResistanceConfiguration.FOUR_WIRE: 4>,
voltage_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.EXTERNAL: 10167>, volt-
age_excit_val=2.5, a=0.001295361, b=0.0002343159, c=1.018703e-
07, r_1=5000.0)
Creates channel(s) that use a thermistor to measure temperature. Use this instance when the thermistor
requires voltage excitation.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.TemperatureUnits]) – Specifies
the units to use to return temperature measurements.
• resistance_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ResistanceConfiguration]) – Specifies the number of wires to use for
resistive measurements.
• voltage_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies the source of excitation.
• voltage_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in volts the amount of exci-
tation supplied to the sensor. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine appropriate
excitation values.
• a (Optional[float]) – Contains the constants for the Steinhart-Hart thermistor equa-
tion. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine values for these constants.

180 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• b (Optional[float]) – Contains the constants for the Steinhart-Hart thermistor equa-

tion. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine values for these constants.
• c (Optional[float]) – Contains the constants for the Steinhart-Hart thermistor equa-
tion. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine values for these constants.
• r_1 (Optional[float]) – Specifies in ohms the value of the reference resistor.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
min_val=-100.0, max_val=100.0,
units=<TorqueUnits.INCH_POUNDS: 15883>,
10182>, voltage_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.INTERNAL:
10200>, voltage_excit_val=2.5, nom-
inal_bridge_resistance=350.0, for-
ward_coeffs=None, reverse_coeffs=None, electri-
15897>, physical_units=<BridgePhysicalUnits.INCH_POUNDS:
15883>, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates channel(s) that use a Wheatstone bridge to measure torque. Use this instance with sensors whose
specifications provide a polynomial to convert electrical values to physical values. When you use this
scaling type, NI-DAQmx requires coefficients for a polynomial that converts electrical values to physical
values (forward), as well as coefficients for a polynomial that converts physical values to electrical val-
ues (reverse). If you only know one set of coefficients, use the DAQmx Compute Reverse Polynomial
Coefficients function to generate the other set.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.TorqueUnits]) – Specifies in which
unit to return torque measurements from the channel.
• bridge_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
BridgeConfiguration]) – Specifies information about the bridge configuration and
• voltage_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies information about the bridge configuration
and measurement.
• voltage_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies information about the
bridge configuration and measurement.

8.7. nidaqmx.task 181

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• nominal_bridge_resistance (Optional[float]) – Specifies information

about the bridge configuration and measurement.
• forward_coeffs (Optional[List[float]]) – Specifies how to scale electrical
values from the sensor to physical units.
• reverse_coeffs (Optional[List[float]]) – Specifies how to scale electrical
values from the sensor to physical units.
• electrical_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
BridgeElectricalUnits]) – Specifies how to scale electrical values from
the sensor to physical units.
• physical_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
BridgePhysicalUnits]) – Specifies how to scale electrical values from the
sensor to physical units.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_ai_torque_bridge_table_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘,
min_val=-100.0, max_val=100.0,
units=<TorqueUnits.INCH_POUNDS: 15883>,
10182>, voltage_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.INTERNAL:
10200>, voltage_excit_val=2.5,
electrical_vals=None, electri-
15897>, physical_vals=None, physi-
15883>, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates channel(s) that use a Wheatstone bridge to measure torque. Use this instance with sensors whose
specifications provide a table of electrical values and the corresponding physical values. When you use
this scaling type, NI-DAQmx performs linear scaling between each pair of electrical and physical values.
The input limits specified with min_val and max_val must fall within the smallest and largest physical
values. For any data outside those endpoints, NI-DAQmx coerces that data to the endpoints.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.TorqueUnits]) – Specifies in which
unit to return torque measurements from the channel.

182 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• bridge_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
BridgeConfiguration]) – Specifies information about the bridge configuration and
• voltage_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies information about the bridge configuration
and measurement.
• voltage_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies information about the
bridge configuration and measurement.
• nominal_bridge_resistance (Optional[float]) – Specifies information
about the bridge configuration and measurement.
• electrical_vals (Optional[List[float]]) – Specifies how to scale electri-
cal values from the sensor to physical units.
• electrical_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
BridgeElectricalUnits]) – Specifies how to scale electrical values from
the sensor to physical units.
• physical_vals (Optional[List[float]]) – Specifies how to scale electrical
values from the sensor to physical units.
• physical_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
BridgePhysicalUnits]) – Specifies how to scale electrical values from the
sensor to physical units.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
min_val=-100.0, max_val=100.0,
15883>, bridge_config=<BridgeConfiguration.FULL_BRIDGE:
10182>, volt-
10200>, voltage_excit_val=2.5,
first_electrical_val=0.0, sec-
ond_electrical_val=2.0, electri-
15897>, first_physical_val=0.0, sec-
ond_physical_val=100.0, physi-
15883>, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates channel(s) that use a Wheatstone bridge to measure torque. Use this instance with sensors whose
specifications do not provide a polynomial for scaling or a table of electrical and physical values. When
you use this scaling type, NI-DAQmx uses two points of electrical and physical values to calculate the slope
and y-intercept of a linear equation and uses that equation to scale electrical values to physical values.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels

8.7. nidaqmx.task 183

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

on devices and modules installed in the system.

• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.TorqueUnits]) – Specifies in which
unit to return torque measurements from the channel.
• bridge_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
BridgeConfiguration]) – Specifies information about the bridge configuration and
• voltage_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies information about the bridge configuration
and measurement.
• voltage_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies information about the
bridge configuration and measurement.
• nominal_bridge_resistance (Optional[float]) – Specifies information
about the bridge configuration and measurement.
• first_electrical_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies how to scale electrical
values from the sensor to physical units.
• second_electrical_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies how to scale electri-
cal values from the sensor to physical units.
• electrical_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
BridgeElectricalUnits]) – Specifies how to scale electrical values from
the sensor to physical units.
• first_physical_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies how to scale electrical val-
ues from the sensor to physical units.
• second_physical_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies how to scale electrical
values from the sensor to physical units.
• physical_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
BridgePhysicalUnits]) – Specifies how to scale electrical values from the
sensor to physical units.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel

184 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

add_ai_velocity_iepe_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘,
-1>, min_val=-50.0, max_val=50.0,
15960>, sensitivity=100.0, sensitiv-
15964>, current_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.INTERNAL:
10200>, current_excit_val=0.002, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates channel(s) that use an IEPE velocity sensor to measure velocity.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• terminal_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
TerminalConfiguration]) – Specifies the input terminal configuration for
the channel.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.VelocityUnits]) – Specifies in
which unit to return velocity measurements from the channel.
• sensitivity (Optional[float]) – Is the sensitivity of the sensor. This value is in
the units you specify with the sensitivity_units input. Refer to the sensor documentation
to determine this value.
• sensitivity_units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
VelocityIEPESensorSensitivityUnits]) – Specifies the units of the
sensitivity input.
• current_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies the source of excitation.
• current_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in amperes the amount of
excitation to supply to the sensor. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine this
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_ai_voltage_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, termi-
nal_config=<TerminalConfiguration.DEFAULT: -1>, min_val=-
5.0, max_val=5.0, units=<VoltageUnits.VOLTS: 10348>, cus-
Creates channel(s) to measure voltage. If the measurement requires the use of internal excitation or you
need excitation to scale the voltage, use the AI Custom Voltage with Excitation instance of this function.

8.7. nidaqmx.task 185

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• terminal_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
TerminalConfiguration]) – Specifies the input terminal configuration for
the channel.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.VoltageUnits]) – Specifies the
units to use to return voltage measurements.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_ai_voltage_chan_with_excit(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘,
-1>, min_val=-10.0, max_val=10.0,
units=<VoltageUnits.VOLTS: 10348>,
10228>, voltage_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.INTERNAL:
10200>, voltage_excit_val=0.0,
use_excit_for_scaling=False, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates channel(s) to measure voltage. Use this instance for custom sensors that require excitation. You
can use the excitation to scale the measurement.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• terminal_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
TerminalConfiguration]) – Specifies the input terminal configuration for
the channel.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to

186 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.VoltageUnits]) – Specifies the

units to use to return voltage measurements.
• bridge_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
BridgeConfiguration]) – Specifies what type of Wheatstone bridge the sensor
• voltage_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies the source of excitation.
• voltage_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in volts the amount of exci-
tation supplied to the sensor. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine appropriate
excitation values.
• use_excit_for_scaling (Optional[bool]) – Specifies if NI- DAQmx divides
the measurement by the excitation. You should typically set use_excit_for_scaling to
True for ratiometric transducers. If you set use_excit_for_scaling to True, set max_val
and min_val to reflect the scaling.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_ai_voltage_rms_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, termi-
nal_config=<TerminalConfiguration.DEFAULT: -1>, min_val=-
5.0, max_val=5.0, units=<VoltageUnits.VOLTS: 10348>, cus-
Creates channel(s) to measure voltage RMS, the average (mean) power of the acquired voltage.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• terminal_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
TerminalConfiguration]) – Specifies the input terminal configuration for
the channel.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.VoltageUnits]) – Specifies the
units to use to return voltage measurements.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel

8.7. nidaqmx.task 187

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

add_teds_ai_accel_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, termi-

nal_config=<TerminalConfiguration.DEFAULT: -1>, min_val=-
5.0, max_val=5.0, units=<AccelUnits.G: 10186>, cur-
rent_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.INTERNAL: 10200>, cur-
rent_excit_val=0.004, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates channel(s) that use an accelerometer to measure acceleration. You must configure the physical
channel(s) with TEDS information to use this function.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• terminal_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
TerminalConfiguration]) – Specifies the input terminal configuration for
the channel.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.AccelUnits]) – Specifies the units to
use to return acceleration measurements from the channel.
• current_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies the source of excitation.
• current_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in amperes the amount of
excitation to supply to the sensor. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine this
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_teds_ai_bridge_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, min_val=-
0.002, max_val=0.002, units=<TEDSUnits.FROM_TEDS: 12516>,
voltage_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.INTERNAL: 10200>,
voltage_excit_val=2.5, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates channel(s) that measure a Wheatstone bridge. You must configure the physical channel(s) with
TEDS information to use this function. Use this instance with bridge-based sensors that measure phenom-
ena other than strain, force, pressure, or torque, or that scale data to physical units NI-DAQmx does not
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.

188 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign

to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.TEDSUnits]) – Specifies in which
unit to return measurements from the channel.
• voltage_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies the source of excitation.
• voltage_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in volts the amount of exci-
tation supplied to the sensor. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine appropriate
excitation values.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_teds_ai_current_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, termi-
nal_config=<TerminalConfiguration.DEFAULT: -1>, min_val=-
0.01, max_val=0.01, units=<TEDSUnits.FROM_TEDS: 12516>,
-1>, ext_shunt_resistor_val=249.0, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates channel(s) to measure current. You must configure the physical channel(s) with TEDS information
to use this function.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• terminal_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
TerminalConfiguration]) – Specifies the input terminal configuration for
the channel.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.TEDSUnits]) – Specifies the units to
use to return measurements.
• shunt_resistor_loc (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
CurrentShuntResistorLocation]) – Specifies the location of the shunt
resistor. For devices with built-in shunt resistors, specify the location as INTERNAL.
For devices that do not have built-in shunt resistors, you must attach an external one, set

8.7. nidaqmx.task 189

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

this input to EXTERNAL and use the ext_shunt_resistor_val input to specify the value
of the resistor.
• ext_shunt_resistor_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in ohms the resis-
tance of an external shunt resistor.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_teds_ai_force_bridge_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘,
min_val=-100.0, max_val=100.0,
units=<ForceUnits.POUNDS: 15876>, volt-
age_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.INTERNAL: 10200>,
voltage_excit_val=2.5, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates channel(s) that use a Wheatstone bridge to measure force or load. You must configure the physical
channel(s) with TEDS information to use this function. NI-DAQmx scales electrical values to physical
values according to that TEDS information.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.ForceUnits]) – Specifies in which
unit to return force measurements from the channel.
• voltage_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies the source of excitation.
• voltage_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in volts the amount of exci-
tation supplied to the sensor. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine appropriate
excitation values.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_teds_ai_force_iepe_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘,
-1>, min_val=-2000.0, max_val=2000.0,
units=<ForceUnits.NEWTONS: 15875>, cur-
rent_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.INTERNAL: 10200>,
current_excit_val=0.001, custom_scale_name=u’‘)

190 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

Creates channel(s) that use an IEPE force sensor to measure force or load. You must configure the physical
channel(s) with TEDS information to use this function.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• terminal_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
TerminalConfiguration]) – Specifies the input terminal configuration for
the channel.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.ForceUnits]) – Specifies in which
unit to return force measurements from the channel.
• current_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies the source of excitation.
• current_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in amperes the amount of
excitation to supply to the sensor. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine this
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_teds_ai_microphone_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘,
-1>, units=<SoundPressureUnits.PA:
10081>, max_snd_press_level=100.0, cur-
rent_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.INTERNAL: 10200>,
current_excit_val=0.004, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates channel(s) that use a microphone to measure sound pressure. You must configure the physical
channel(s) with TEDS information to use this function.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. You must use physical channels that you configured with TEDS
information. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels on devices
and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.

8.7. nidaqmx.task 191

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• terminal_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
TerminalConfiguration]) – Specifies the input terminal configuration for
the channel.
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.SoundPressureUnits]) – Speci-
fies the units to use to return sound pressure measurements.
• max_snd_press_level (Optional[float]) – Is the maximum instantaneous
sound pressure level you expect to measure. This value is in decibels, referenced to 20
• current_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies the source of excitation.
• current_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in amperes the amount of
excitation to supply to the sensor. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine this
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_teds_ai_pos_lvdt_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, min_val=-
0.1, max_val=0.1, units=<LengthUnits.METERS: 10219>,
10200>, voltage_excit_val=1.0, voltage_excit_freq=2500.0,
ac_excit_wire_mode=<ACExcitWireMode.FOUR_WIRE: 4>,
Creates channel(s) that use an LVDT to measure linear position. You must configure the physical chan-
nel(s) with TEDS information to use this function.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.LengthUnits]) – Specifies the units
to use to return linear position measurements from the channel.
• voltage_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies the source of excitation.
• voltage_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in volts the amount of exci-
tation supplied to the sensor. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine appropriate
excitation values.
• voltage_excit_freq (Optional[float]) – Specifies in hertz the excitation fre-
quency that the sensor requires. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine this value.

192 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• ac_excit_wire_mode (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ACExcitWireMode]) – Is the number of leads on the sensor. Some sensors
require you to tie leads together to create a four- or five- wire sensor. Refer to the sensor
documentation for more information.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_teds_ai_pos_rvdt_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, min_val=-
70.0, max_val=70.0, units=<AngleUnits.DEGREES:
10146>, voltage_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.INTERNAL:
10200>, voltage_excit_val=1.0, voltage_excit_freq=2500.0,
ac_excit_wire_mode=<ACExcitWireMode.FOUR_WIRE: 4>,
Creates channel(s) that use an RVDT to measure angular position. You must configure the physical chan-
nel(s) with TEDS information to use this function.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.AngleUnits]) – Specifies the units to
use to return angular position measurements from the channel.
• voltage_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies the source of excitation.
• voltage_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in volts the amount of exci-
tation supplied to the sensor. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine appropriate
excitation values.
• voltage_excit_freq (Optional[float]) – Specifies in hertz the excitation fre-
quency that the sensor requires. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine this value.
• ac_excit_wire_mode (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ACExcitWireMode]) – Is the number of leads on the sensor. Some sensors
require you to tie leads together to create a four- or five- wire sensor. Refer to the sensor
documentation for more information.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel

8.7. nidaqmx.task 193

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

add_teds_ai_pressure_bridge_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘,
min_val=-100.0, max_val=100.0,
15879>, voltage_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.INTERNAL:
10200>, voltage_excit_val=2.5, cus-
Creates channel(s) that use a Wheatstone bridge to measure pressure. You must configure the physical
channel(s) with TEDS information to use this function. NI-DAQmx scales electrical values to physical
values according to that TEDS information.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.PressureUnits]) – Specifies in
which unit to return pressure measurements from the channel.
• voltage_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies the source of excitation.
• voltage_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in volts the amount of exci-
tation supplied to the sensor. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine appropriate
excitation values.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_teds_ai_resistance_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘,
min_val=100.0, max_val=1000.0,
units=<TEDSUnits.FROM_TEDS: 12516>, resis-
tance_config=<ResistanceConfiguration.TWO_WIRE: 2>, cur-
rent_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.EXTERNAL: 10167>,
current_excit_val=0.001, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates channel(s) to measure resistance. You must configure the physical channel(s) with TEDS infor-
mation to use this function.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.

194 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to

• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.TEDSUnits]) – Specifies the units to
use to return measurements.
• resistance_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ResistanceConfiguration]) – Specifies the number of wires to use for
resistive measurements.
• current_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies the source of excitation.
• current_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in amperes the amount of
excitation to supply to the sensor. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine this
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_teds_ai_rtd_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, min_val=0.0,
max_val=100.0, units=<TemperatureUnits.DEG_C: 10143>, re-
sistance_config=<ResistanceConfiguration.TWO_WIRE: 2>, cur-
rent_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.EXTERNAL: 10167>, cur-
Creates channel(s) that use an RTD to measure temperature. You must configure the physical channel(s)
with TEDS information to use this function.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.TemperatureUnits]) – Specifies
the units to use to return temperature measurements.
• resistance_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ResistanceConfiguration]) – Specifies the number of wires to use for
resistive measurements.
• current_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies the source of excitation.

8.7. nidaqmx.task 195

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• current_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in amperes the amount of

excitation to supply to the sensor. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine this
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_teds_ai_strain_gage_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘,
min_val=-0.001, max_val=0.001,
units=<StrainUnits.STRAIN: 10299>, volt-
age_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.INTERNAL: 10200>,
voltage_excit_val=2.5, initial_bridge_voltage=0.0,
lead_wire_resistance=0.0, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates channel(s) to measure strain. You must configure the physical channel(s) with TEDS information
to use this function.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.StrainUnits]) – Specifies the units
to use to return strain measurements.
• voltage_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies information about the bridge configuration
and measurement.
• voltage_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies information about the
bridge configuration and measurement.
• initial_bridge_voltage (Optional[float]) – Specifies information about
the bridge configuration and measurement.
• lead_wire_resistance (Optional[float]) – Specifies information about the
bridge configuration and measurement.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_teds_ai_thrmcpl_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, min_val=0.0,
max_val=100.0, units=<TemperatureUnits.DEG_C: 10143>,
cjc_source=<CJCSource.CONSTANT_USER_VALUE: 10116>,
cjc_val=25.0, cjc_channel=u’‘)
Creates channel(s) that use a thermocouple to measure temperature. You must configure the physical
channel(s) with TEDS information to use this function.

196 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.TemperatureUnits]) – Specifies
the units to use to return temperature measurements.
• cjc_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.CJCSource]) – Specifies the
source of cold-junction compensation.
• cjc_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the temperature of the cold junc-
tion if you set cjc_source to CONSTANT_VALUE.
• cjc_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies the channel that acquires the tempera-
ture of the thermocouple cold- junction if you set cjc_source to CHANNEL.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_teds_ai_thrmstr_chan_iex(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘,
min_val=0.0, max_val=100.0,
units=<TemperatureUnits.DEG_C: 10143>, resis-
4>, current_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.EXTERNAL:
10167>, current_excit_val=0.00015)
Creates channel(s) that use a thermistor to measure temperature. Use this instance when the thermistor
requires current excitation. You must configure the physical channel(s) with TEDS information to use this
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.TemperatureUnits]) – Specifies
the units to use to return temperature measurements.

8.7. nidaqmx.task 197

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• resistance_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ResistanceConfiguration]) – Specifies the number of wires to use for
resistive measurements.
• current_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies the source of excitation.
• current_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in amperes the amount of
excitation to supply to the sensor. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine this
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_teds_ai_thrmstr_chan_vex(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘,
min_val=0.0, max_val=100.0,
units=<TemperatureUnits.DEG_C: 10143>, resis-
4>, voltage_excit_source=<ExcitationSource.EXTERNAL:
10167>, voltage_excit_val=2.5, r_1=5000.0)
Creates channel(s) that use a thermistor to measure temperature. Use this instance when the thermistor
requires voltage excitation. You must configure the physical channel(s) with TEDS information to use this
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.TemperatureUnits]) – Specifies
the units to use to return temperature measurements.
• resistance_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ResistanceConfiguration]) – Specifies the number of wires to use for
resistive measurements.
• voltage_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies the source of excitation.
• voltage_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in volts the amount of exci-
tation supplied to the sensor. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine appropriate
excitation values.
• r_1 (Optional[float]) – Specifies in ohms the value of the reference resistor.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel

198 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

add_teds_ai_torque_bridge_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘,
min_val=-100.0, max_val=100.0,
units=<TorqueUnits.INCH_POUNDS: 15883>, volt-
10200>, voltage_excit_val=2.5, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates channel(s) that use a Wheatstone bridge to measure torque. You must configure the physical
channel(s) with TEDS information to use this function. NI-DAQmx scales electrical values to physical
values according to that TEDS information.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.TorqueUnits]) – Specifies in which
unit to return torque measurements from the channel.
• voltage_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies the source of excitation.
• voltage_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in volts the amount of exci-
tation supplied to the sensor. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine appropriate
excitation values.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_teds_ai_voltage_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, termi-
nal_config=<TerminalConfiguration.DEFAULT: -1>, min_val=-
5.0, max_val=5.0, units=<TEDSUnits.FROM_TEDS: 12516>,
Creates channel(s) to measure voltage. You must configure the physical channel(s) with TEDS information
to use this function. If the measurement requires the use of internal excitation or you need excitation to
scale the voltage, use the TEDS AI Custom Voltage with Excitation instance of this function.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.

8.7. nidaqmx.task 199

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• terminal_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
TerminalConfiguration]) – Specifies the input terminal configuration for
the channel.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.TEDSUnits]) – Specifies the units to
use to return measurements.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
add_teds_ai_voltage_chan_with_excit(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘,
-1>, min_val=-10.0, max_val=10.0,
units=<TEDSUnits.FROM_TEDS: 12516>, volt-
10200>, voltage_excit_val=0.0, cus-
Creates channel(s) to measure voltage. Use this instance for custom sensors that require excitation. You
can use the excitation to scale the measurement. You must configure the physical channel(s) with TEDS
information to use this function.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• terminal_config (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
TerminalConfiguration]) – Specifies the input terminal configuration for
the channel.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.TEDSUnits]) – Specifies the units to
use to return measurements.
• voltage_excit_source (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
ExcitationSource]) – Specifies the source of excitation.
• voltage_excit_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in volts the amount of exci-
tation supplied to the sensor. Refer to the sensor documentation to determine appropriate
excitation values.

200 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for

the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.channel.Channel – Specifies a channel object that rep-
resents the entire list of virtual channels on this channel collection.
List[str] – Specifies the entire list of virtual channels on this channel collection.
count(value) → integer – return number of occurrences of value
index(value) → integer – return first index of value.
Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


class nidaqmx._task_modules.ao_channel_collection.AOChannelCollection(task_handle)
Bases: nidaqmx._task_modules.channel_collection.ChannelCollection
Contains the collection of analog output channels for a DAQmx Task.
add_ao_current_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, min_val=0.0,
max_val=0.02, units=<CurrentUnits.AMPS: 10342>, cus-
Creates channel(s) to generate current.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.CurrentUnits]) – Specifies the
units to use to generate current.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel
add_ao_func_gen_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘,
type=<FuncGenType.SINE: 14751>, freq=1000.0, amplitude=5.0,
Creates a channel for continually generating a waveform on the selected physical channel.

8.7. nidaqmx.task 201

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• type (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.FuncGenType]) – Specifies the kind of
waveform to generate.
• freq (Optional[float]) – Is the frequency of the waveform to generate in hertz.
• amplitude (Optional[float]) – Is the zero-to-peak amplitude of the waveform to
generate in volts. Zero and negative values are valid.
• offset (Optional[float]) – Is the voltage offset of the waveform to generate.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel
add_ao_voltage_chan(physical_channel, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, min_val=-
10.0, max_val=10.0, units=<VoltageUnits.VOLTS: 10348>, cus-
Creates channel(s) to generate voltage.
• physical_channel (str) – Specifies the names of the physical channels to use to
create virtual channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels
on devices and modules installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.VoltageUnits]) – Specifies the
units to use to generate voltage.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel
nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.channel.Channel – Specifies a channel object that rep-
resents the entire list of virtual channels on this channel collection.
List[str] – Specifies the entire list of virtual channels on this channel collection.
count(value) → integer – return number of occurrences of value

202 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

index(value) → integer – return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


class nidaqmx._task_modules.ci_channel_collection.CIChannelCollection(task_handle)
Bases: nidaqmx._task_modules.channel_collection.ChannelCollection
Contains the collection of counter input channels for a DAQmx Task.
add_ci_ang_encoder_chan(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, decod-
ing_type=<EncoderType.X_4: 10092>, zidx_enable=False,
zidx_val=0, zidx_phase=<EncoderZIndexPhase.AHIGH_BHIGH:
10040>, units=<AngleUnits.DEGREES: 10146>,
pulses_per_rev=24, initial_angle=0.0, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates a channel that uses an angular encoder to measure angular position. With the exception of devices
that support multi-counter tasks, you can create only one counter input channel at a time with this function
because a task can contain only one counter input channel. To read from multiple counters simultaneously,
use a separate task for each counter. Connect the input signals to the default input terminals of the counter
unless you select different input terminals.
• counter (str) – Specifies the name of the counter to use to create the virtual channel.
The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels, including counters, for
devices installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• decoding_type (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.EncoderType]) – Speci-
fies how to count and interpret the pulses the encoder generates on signal A and signal B.
X_1, X_2, and X_4 are valid for quadrature encoders only. TWO_PULSE_COUNTING
is valid only for two-pulse encoders.
• zidx_enable (Optional[bool]) – Specifies whether to use Z indexing for the
• zidx_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the value to which to reset the
measurement when signal Z is high and signal A and signal B are at the states you specify
with zidx_phase.
• zidx_phase (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.EncoderZIndexPhase]) –
Specifies the states at which signal A and signal B must be while signal Z is high for
NI-DAQmx to reset the measurement. If signal Z is never high while signal A and signal
B are high, for example, you must choose a phase other than A_HIGH_B_HIGH.
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.AngleUnits]) – Specifies the units to
use to return angular position measurements from the channel.
• pulses_per_rev (Optional[int]) – Is the number of pulses the encoder generates
per revolution. This value is the number of pulses on either signal A or signal B, not the
total number of pulses on both signal A and signal B.
• initial_angle (Optional[float]) – Is the starting angle of the encoder. This
value is in the units you specify with the units input.

8.7. nidaqmx.task 203

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for

the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
add_ci_ang_velocity_chan(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, min_val=0.0,
max_val=1.0, decoding_type=<EncoderType.X_4: 10092>,
units=<AngularVelocityUnits.RPM: 16080>, pulses_per_rev=24,
Creates a channel to measure the angular velocity of a digital signal. With the exception of devices that
support multi-counter tasks, you can create only one counter input channel at a time with this function
because a task can contain only one counter input channel. To read from multiple counters simultaneously,
use a separate task for each counter. Connect the input signal to the default input terminal of the counter
unless you select a different input terminal.
• counter (str) – Specifies the name of the counter to use to create the virtual channel.
The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels, including counters, for
devices installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• decoding_type (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.EncoderType]) – Speci-
fies how to count and interpret the pulses the encoder generates on signal A and signal B.
X_1, X_2, and X_4 are valid for quadrature encoders only. TWO_PULSE_COUNTING
is valid only for two-pulse encoders.
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.AngularVelocityUnits]) – Spec-
ifies in which unit to return velocity measurements from the channel.
• pulses_per_rev (Optional[int]) – Is the number of pulses the encoder generates
per revolution. This value is the number of pulses on either signal A or signal B, not the
total number of pulses on both signal A and signal B.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
add_ci_count_edges_chan(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘,
edge=<Edge.RISING: 10280>, initial_count=0,
count_direction=<CountDirection.COUNT_UP: 10128>)
Creates a channel to count the number of rising or falling edges of a digital signal. With the exception
of devices that support multi-counter tasks, you can create only one counter input channel at a time with
this function because a task can contain only one counter input channel. To read from multiple counters
simultaneously, use a separate task for each counter. Connect the input signal to the default input terminal
of the counter unless you select a different input terminal.

204 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• counter (str) – Specifies the name of the counter to use to create the virtual channel.
The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels, including counters, for
devices installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• edge (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.Edge]) – Specifies on which edges of the
input signal to increment or decrement the count.
• initial_count (Optional[int]) – Is the value from which to start counting.
• count_direction (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.CountDirection]) –
Specifies whether to increment or decrement the counter on each edge.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
add_ci_duty_cycle_chan(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, min_freq=2.0,
max_freq=10000.0, edge=<Edge.RISING: 10280>, cus-
Creates channel(s) to duty cycle of a digital pulse. Connect the input signal to the default input terminal of
the counter unless you select a different input terminal. With the exception of devices that support multi-
counter tasks, you can create only one counter input channel at a time with this function because a task
can contain only one counter input channel. To read from multiple counters simultaneously, use a separate
task for each counter.
• counter (str) – Specifies the name of the counter to use to create the virtual channel.
The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels, including counters, for
devices installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_freq (Optional[float]) – Specifies the minimum frequency you expect to
• max_freq (Optional[float]) – Specifies the maximum frequency you expect to
• edge (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.Edge]) – Specifies between which edges
to measure the frequency or period of the signal.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
add_ci_freq_chan(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, min_val=2.0, max_val=100.0,
units=<FrequencyUnits.HZ: 10373>, edge=<Edge.RISING: 10280>,
10105>, meas_time=0.001, divisor=4, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates a channel to measure the frequency of a digital signal. With the exception of devices that support

8.7. nidaqmx.task 205

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

multi-counter tasks, you can create only one counter input channel at a time with this function because
a task can contain only one counter input channel. To read from multiple counters simultaneously, use a
separate task for each counter. Connect the input signal to the default input terminal of the counter unless
you select a different input terminal.
• counter (str) – Specifies the name of the counter to use to create the virtual channel.
The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels, including counters, for
devices installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.FrequencyUnits]) – Specifies the
units to use to return frequency measurements.
• edge (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.Edge]) – Specifies between which edges
to measure the frequency or period of the signal.
• meas_method (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
CounterFrequencyMethod]) – Specifies the method to use to calculate the
period or frequency of the signal.
• meas_time (Optional[float]) – Is the length of time in seconds
to measure the frequency or period of the signal if meas_method is
HIGH_FREQUENCYWITH_2_COUNTERS. Leave this input unspecified if
• divisor (Optional[int]) – Is the value by which to divide the input signal when
meas_method is LARGE_RANGEWITH_2_COUNTERS. Leave this input unspeci-
fied if meas_method is not LARGE_RANGEWITH_2_COUNTERS.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
add_ci_gps_timestamp_chan(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘,
units=<TimeUnits.SECONDS: 10364>,
sync_method=<GpsSignalType.IRIGB: 10070>, cus-
Creates a channel that uses a special purpose counter to take a timestamp and synchronizes that counter
to a GPS receiver. With the exception of devices that support multi-counter tasks, you can create only
one counter input channel at a time with this function because a task can contain only one counter input
channel. To read from multiple counters simultaneously, use a separate task for each counter. Connect the
input signals to the default input terminals of the counter unless you select different input terminals.

206 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• counter (str) – Specifies the name of the counter to use to create the virtual channel.
The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels, including counters, for
devices installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.TimeUnits]) – Specifies the units to
use to return the timestamp.
• sync_method (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.GpsSignalType]) – Speci-
fies the method to use to synchronize the counter to a GPS receiver.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
add_ci_lin_encoder_chan(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, decod-
ing_type=<EncoderType.X_4: 10092>, zidx_enable=False,
zidx_val=0, zidx_phase=<EncoderZIndexPhase.AHIGH_BHIGH:
10040>, units=<LengthUnits.METERS: 10219>,
dist_per_pulse=0.001, initial_pos=0.0, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates a channel that uses a linear encoder to measure linear position. With the exception of devices that
support multi- counter tasks, you can create only one counter input channel at a time with this function
because a task can contain only one counter input channel. To read from multiple counters simultaneously,
use a separate task for each counter. Connect the input signals to the default input terminals of the counter
unless you select different input terminals.
• counter (str) – Specifies the name of the counter to use to create the virtual channel.
The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels, including counters, for
devices installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• decoding_type (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.EncoderType]) – Speci-
fies how to count and interpret the pulses the encoder generates on signal A and signal B.
X_1, X_2, and X_4 are valid for quadrature encoders only. TWO_PULSE_COUNTING
is valid only for two-pulse encoders.
• zidx_enable (Optional[bool]) – Specifies whether to use Z indexing for the
• zidx_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the value to which to reset the
measurement when signal Z is high and signal A and signal B are at the states you specify
with zidx_phase.
• zidx_phase (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.EncoderZIndexPhase]) –
Specifies the states at which signal A and signal B must be while signal Z is high for
NI-DAQmx to reset the measurement. If signal Z is never high while signal A and signal
B are high, for example, you must choose a phase other than A_HIGH_B_HIGH.
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.LengthUnits]) – Specifies the units
to use to return linear position measurements from the channel.

8.7. nidaqmx.task 207

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• dist_per_pulse (Optional[float]) – Is the distance to measure for each pulse

the encoder generates on signal A or signal B. This value is in the units you specify with
the units input.
• initial_pos (Optional[float]) – Is the position of the encoder when you begin
the measurement. This value is in the units you specify with the units input.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
add_ci_lin_velocity_chan(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, min_val=0.0,
max_val=1.0, decoding_type=<EncoderType.X_4: 10092>,
units=<VelocityUnits.METERS_PER_SECOND: 15959>,
dist_per_pulse=0.001, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates a channel that uses a linear encoder to measure linear velocity. With the exception of devices that
support multi- counter tasks, you can create only one counter input channel at a time with this function
because a task can contain only one counter input channel. To read from multiple counters simultaneously,
use a separate task for each counter. Connect the input signal to the default input terminal of the counter
unless you select a different input terminal.
• counter (str) – Specifies the name of the counter to use to create the virtual channel.
The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels, including counters, for
devices installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• decoding_type (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.EncoderType]) – Speci-
fies how to count and interpret the pulses the encoder generates on signal A and signal B.
X_1, X_2, and X_4 are valid for quadrature encoders only. TWO_PULSE_COUNTING
is valid only for two-pulse encoders.
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.VelocityUnits]) – Specifies in
which unit to return velocity measurements from the channel.
• dist_per_pulse (Optional[float]) – Is the distance to measure for each pulse
the encoder generates on signal A or signal B. This value is in the units you specify with
the units input.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel

208 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

add_ci_period_chan(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, min_val=1e-06, max_val=0.1,

units=<TimeUnits.SECONDS: 10364>, edge=<Edge.RISING: 10280>,
10105>, meas_time=0.001, divisor=4, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates a channel to measure the period of a digital signal. With the exception of devices that support
multi-counter tasks, you can create only one counter input channel at a time with this function because
a task can contain only one counter input channel. To read from multiple counters simultaneously, use a
separate task for each counter. Connect the input signal to the default input terminal of the counter unless
you select a different input terminal.
• counter (str) – Specifies the name of the counter to use to create the virtual channel.
The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels, including counters, for
devices installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.TimeUnits]) – Specifies the units to
use to return time or period measurements.
• edge (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.Edge]) – Specifies between which edges
to measure the frequency or period of the signal.
• meas_method (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
CounterFrequencyMethod]) – Specifies the method to use to calculate the
period or frequency of the signal.
• meas_time (Optional[float]) – Is the length of time in seconds
to measure the frequency or period of the signal if meas_method is
HIGH_FREQUENCYWITH_2_COUNTERS. Leave this input unspecified if
• divisor (Optional[int]) – Is the value by which to divide the input signal when
meas_method is LARGE_RANGEWITH_2_COUNTERS. Leave this input unspeci-
fied if meas_method is not LARGE_RANGEWITH_2_COUNTERS.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
add_ci_pulse_chan_freq(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, min_val=1000,
max_val=1000000, units=<FrequencyUnits.HZ: 10373>)
Creates a channel to measure pulse specifications, returning the measurements as pairs of frequency and
duty cycle. With the exception of devices that support multi-counter tasks, you can create only one counter
input channel at a time with this function because a task can contain only one counter input channel. To
read from multiple counters simultaneously, use a separate task for each counter. Connect the input signal
to the default input terminal of the counter unless you select a different input terminal.

8.7. nidaqmx.task 209

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• counter (str) – Specifies the name of the counter to use to create the virtual channel.
The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels, including counters, for
devices installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.FrequencyUnits]) – Specifies the
units to use to return pulse specifications in terms of frequency.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
add_ci_pulse_chan_ticks(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘,
source_terminal=u’OnboardClock’, min_val=1000,
Creates a channel to measure pulse specifications, returning the measurements as pairs of high ticks and
low ticks. With the exception of devices that support multi-counter tasks, you can create only one counter
input channel at a time with this function because a task can contain only one counter input channel. To
read from multiple counters simultaneously, use a separate task for each counter. Connect the input signal
to the default input terminal of the counter unless you select a different input terminal.
• counter (str) – Specifies the name of the counter to use to create the virtual channel.
The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels, including counters, for
devices installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• source_terminal (Optional[str]) – Is the terminal to which you connect a sig-
nal to use as the source of ticks. A DAQmx terminal constant lists all terminals available
on devices installed in the system. You also can specify a source terminal by specifying a
string that contains a terminal name. If you specify OnboardClock, or do not specify any
terminal, NI-DAQmx selects the fastest onboard timebase available on the device.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
add_ci_pulse_chan_time(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, min_val=1e-06,
max_val=0.001, units=<TimeUnits.SECONDS: 10364>)
Creates a channel to measure pulse specifications, returning the measurements as pairs of high time and
low time. With the exception of devices that support multi-counter tasks, you can create only one counter
input channel at a time with this function because a task can contain only one counter input channel. To

210 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

read from multiple counters simultaneously, use a separate task for each counter. Connect the input signal
to the default input terminal of the counter unless you select a different input terminal.
• counter (str) – Specifies the name of the counter to use to create the virtual channel.
The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels, including counters, for
devices installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.TimeUnits]) – Specifies the units to
use to return pulse specifications in terms of high time and low time.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
add_ci_pulse_width_chan(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, min_val=1e-06,
max_val=0.1, units=<TimeUnits.SECONDS: 10364>, start-
ing_edge=<Edge.RISING: 10280>, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates a channel to measure the width of a digital pulse. starting_edge determines whether to measure a
high pulse or low pulse. With the exception of devices that support multi- counter tasks, you can create only
one counter input channel at a time with this function because a task can contain only one counter input
channel. To read from multiple counters simultaneously, use a separate task for each counter. Connect the
input signal to the default input terminal of the counter unless you select a different input terminal.
• counter (str) – Specifies the name of the counter to use to create the virtual channel.
The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels, including counters, for
devices installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.TimeUnits]) – Specifies the units to
use to return time or period measurements.
• starting_edge (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.Edge]) – Specifies on
which edge to begin measuring pulse width.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel

8.7. nidaqmx.task 211

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

add_ci_semi_period_chan(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, min_val=1e-06,

max_val=0.1, units=<TimeUnits.SECONDS: 10364>, cus-
Creates a channel to measure the time between state transitions of a digital signal. With the exception
of devices that support multi-counter tasks, you can create only one counter input channel at a time with
this function because a task can contain only one counter input channel. To read from multiple counters
simultaneously, use a separate task for each counter. Connect the input signal to the default input terminal
of the counter unless you select a different input terminal.
• counter (str) – Specifies the name of the counter to use to create the virtual channel.
The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels, including counters, for
devices installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.TimeUnits]) – Specifies the units to
use to return time or period measurements.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
add_ci_two_edge_sep_chan(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘, min_val=1e-
06, max_val=1.0, units=<TimeUnits.SECONDS:
10364>, first_edge=<Edge.RISING: 10280>, sec-
ond_edge=<Edge.FALLING: 10171>, custom_scale_name=u’‘)
Creates a channel that measures the amount of time between the rising or falling edge of one digital signal
and the rising or falling edge of another digital signal. With the exception of devices that support multi-
counter tasks, you can create only one counter input channel at a time with this function because a task
can contain only one counter input channel. To read from multiple counters simultaneously, use a separate
task for each counter. Connect the input signals to the default input terminals of the counter unless you
select different input terminals.
• counter (str) – Specifies the name of the counter to use to create the virtual channel.
The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels, including counters, for
devices installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• min_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the minimum value you expect to
• max_val (Optional[float]) – Specifies in units the maximum value you expect to

212 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.TimeUnits]) – Specifies the units to

use to return time or period measurements.
• first_edge (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.Edge]) – Specifies on which
edge of the first signal to start each measurement.
• second_edge (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.Edge]) – Specifies on which
edge of the second signal to stop each measurement.
• custom_scale_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of a custom scale for
the channel. If you want the channel to use a custom scale, specify the name of the custom
scale to this input and set units to FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.channel.Channel – Specifies a channel object that rep-
resents the entire list of virtual channels on this channel collection.
List[str] – Specifies the entire list of virtual channels on this channel collection.
count(value) → integer – return number of occurrences of value
index(value) → integer – return first index of value.
Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


class nidaqmx._task_modules.co_channel_collection.COChannelCollection(task_handle)
Bases: nidaqmx._task_modules.channel_collection.ChannelCollection
Contains the collection of counter output channels for a DAQmx Task.
add_co_pulse_chan_freq(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘,
units=<FrequencyUnits.HZ: 10373>, idle_state=<Level.LOW:
10214>, initial_delay=0.0, freq=1.0, duty_cycle=0.5)
Creates channel(s) to generate digital pulses that freq and duty_cycle define. The pulses appear on the
default output terminal of the counter unless you select a different output terminal.
• counter (str) – Specifies the names of the counters to use to create the virtual channels.
The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels, including counters, for
devices installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.FrequencyUnits]) – Specifies the
units in which to define pulse frequency.
• idle_state (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.Level]) – Specifies the resting
state of the output terminal.
• initial_delay (Optional[float]) – Is the amount of time in seconds to wait
before generating the first pulse.
• freq (Optional[float]) – Specifies at what frequency to generate pulses.

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• duty_cycle (Optional[float]) – Is the width of the pulse divided by the pulse

period. NI-DAQmx uses this ratio combined with frequency to determine pulse width and
the interval between pulses.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChannel
add_co_pulse_chan_ticks(counter, source_terminal, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘,
idle_state=<Level.LOW: 10214>, initial_delay=0, low_ticks=100,
Creates channel(s) to generate digital pulses defined by the number of timebase ticks that the pulse is at a
high state and the number of timebase ticks that the pulse is at a low state. The pulses appear on the default
output terminal of the counter unless you select a different output terminal.
• counter (str) – Specifies the names of the counters to use to create the virtual channels.
The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels, including counters, for
devices installed in the system.
• source_terminal (str) – Is the terminal to which you connect an external timebase.
A DAQmx terminal constant lists all terminals available on devices installed in the system.
You also can specify a source terminal by specifying a string that contains a terminal name.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• idle_state (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.Level]) – Specifies the resting
state of the output terminal.
• initial_delay (Optional[int]) – Is the number of timebase ticks to wait before
generating the first pulse.
• low_ticks (Optional[int]) – Is the number of ticks the pulse is low.
• high_ticks (Optional[int]) – Is the number of ticks the pulse is high.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChannel
add_co_pulse_chan_time(counter, name_to_assign_to_channel=u’‘,
units=<TimeUnits.SECONDS: 10364>, idle_state=<Level.LOW:
10214>, initial_delay=0.0, low_time=0.01, high_time=0.01)
Creates channel(s) to generate digital pulses defined by the amount of time the pulse is at a high state and
the amount of time the pulse is at a low state. The pulses appear on the default output terminal of the
counter unless you select a different output terminal.
• counter (str) – Specifies the names of the counters to use to create the virtual channels.
The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all physical channels, including counters, for
devices installed in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_channel (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign
to the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input,
NI-DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• units (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.TimeUnits]) – Specifies the units in
which to define pulse high and low time.

214 Chapter 8. License

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• idle_state (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.Level]) – Specifies the resting

state of the output terminal.
• initial_delay (Optional[float]) – Is the amount of time in seconds to wait
before generating the first pulse.
• low_time (Optional[float]) – Is the amount of time the pulse is low.
• high_time (Optional[float]) – Is the amount of time the pulse is high.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChannel
nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.channel.Channel – Specifies a channel object that rep-
resents the entire list of virtual channels on this channel collection.
List[str] – Specifies the entire list of virtual channels on this channel collection.
count(value) → integer – return number of occurrences of value
index(value) → integer – return first index of value.
Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


class nidaqmx._task_modules.di_channel_collection.DIChannelCollection(task_handle)
Bases: nidaqmx._task_modules.channel_collection.ChannelCollection
Contains the collection of digital input channels for a DAQmx Task.
add_di_chan(lines, name_to_assign_to_lines=u’‘, line_grouping=<LineGrouping.CHAN_FOR_ALL_LINES:
Creates channel(s) to measure digital signals. You can group digital lines into one digital channel or
separate them into multiple digital channels. If you specify one or more entire ports in the lines input by
using port physical channel names, you cannot separate the ports into multiple channels. To separate ports
into multiple channels, use this function multiple times with a different port each time.
• lines (str) – Specifies the names of the digital lines or ports to use to create virtual
channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all lines and ports for devices in-
stalled in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_lines (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign to
the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input, NI-
DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• line_grouping (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.LineGrouping]) – Spec-
ifies how to group digital lines into one or more virtual channels. If you specify one or
more entire ports with the lines input, you must set this input to one channel for all lines.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.di_channel.DIChannel
nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.channel.Channel – Specifies a channel object that rep-
resents the entire list of virtual channels on this channel collection.

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List[str] – Specifies the entire list of virtual channels on this channel collection.
count(value) → integer – return number of occurrences of value
index(value) → integer – return first index of value.
Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


class nidaqmx._task_modules.do_channel_collection.DOChannelCollection(task_handle)
Bases: nidaqmx._task_modules.channel_collection.ChannelCollection
Contains the collection of digital output channels for a DAQmx Task.
add_do_chan(lines, name_to_assign_to_lines=u’‘, line_grouping=<LineGrouping.CHAN_FOR_ALL_LINES:
Creates channel(s) to generate digital signals. You can group digital lines into one digital channel or
separate them into multiple digital channels. If you specify one or more entire ports in lines input by using
port physical channel names, you cannot separate the ports into multiple channels. To separate ports into
multiple channels, use this function multiple times with a different port each time.
• lines (str) – Specifies the names of the digital lines or ports to use to create virtual
channels. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all lines and ports for devices in-
stalled in the system.
• name_to_assign_to_lines (Optional[str]) – Specifies a name to assign to
the virtual channel this function creates. If you do not specify a value for this input, NI-
DAQmx uses the physical channel name as the virtual channel name.
• line_grouping (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.LineGrouping]) – Spec-
ifies how to group digital lines into one or more virtual channels. If you specify one or
more entire ports with the lines input, you must set this input to one channel for all lines.
Returns Indicates the newly created channel object.
Return type nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.do_channel.DOChannel
nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.channel.Channel – Specifies a channel object that rep-
resents the entire list of virtual channels on this channel collection.
List[str] – Specifies the entire list of virtual channels on this channel collection.
count(value) → integer – return number of occurrences of value
index(value) → integer – return first index of value.
Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


class nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals(task_handle)
Bases: object
Represents the exported signal configurations for a DAQmx task.
float – Specifies the output signal delay in periods of the sample clock.

216 Chapter 8. License

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str – Specifies the terminal to which to route the Advance Complete Event.
nidaqmx.constants.Polarity – Specifies the polarity of the exported Advance Complete Event.
float – Specifies the width of the exported Advance Complete Event pulse.
str – Specifies the terminal to which to route the Advance Trigger.
nidaqmx.constants.Polarity – Indicates the polarity of the exported Advance Trigger.
float – Specifies the width of an exported Advance Trigger pulse. Specify this value in the units you specify
with adv_trig_pulse_width_units.
nidaqmx.constants.DigitalWidthUnits – Specifies the units of adv_trig_pulse_width.
str – Specifies the terminal to which to route the AI Convert Clock.
nidaqmx.constants.Polarity – Indicates the polarity of the exported AI Convert Clock. The
polarity is fixed and independent of the active edge of the source of the AI Convert Clock.
str – Specifies the terminal to which to route the AI Hold Complete Event.
nidaqmx.constants.Polarity – Specifies the polarity of an exported AI Hold Complete Event
str – Specifies the terminal to which to route the Change Detection Event.
nidaqmx.constants.Polarity – Specifies the polarity of an exported Change Detection Event
nidaqmx.constants.ExportAction – Specifies whether the exported Counter Output Event
pulses or changes from one state to the other when the counter reaches terminal count.
str – Specifies the terminal to which to route the Counter Output Event.
nidaqmx.constants.Polarity – Specifies the polarity of the pulses at the output terminal of
the counter when ctr_out_event_output_behavior is ExportActions2.PULSE. NI-DAQmx ignores this
property if ctr_out_event_output_behavior is ExportActions2.TOGGLE.
nidaqmx.constants.Level – Specifies the initial state of the output terminal of the counter when
ctr_out_event_output_behavior is ExportActions2.TOGGLE. The terminal enters this state when NI-
DAQmx commits the task.
nidaqmx.constants.Polarity – Specifies the polarity of the exported Data Active Event.

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str – Specifies the terminal to which to export the Data Active Event.
str – Specifies the terminal to which to route the Divided Sample Clock Timebase.
export_signal(signal_id, output_terminal)
Routes a control signal to the terminal you specify. The output terminal can reside on the device that
generates the control signal or on a different device. You can use this function to share clocks and triggers
among multiple tasks and devices. The routes this function creates are task-based routes.
• signal_id (nidaqmx.constants.Signal) – Is the name of the trigger, clock, or
event to export.
• output_terminal (str) – Is the destination of the exported signal. A DAQmx termi-
nal constant lists all terminals on installed devices. You can also specify a string containing
a comma-delimited list of terminal names.
str – Specifies the terminal to which to route the 10MHz Clock.
str – Specifies the terminal to which to route the 20MHz Timebase.
float – Specifies the number of seconds to delay after the Handshake Trigger deasserts before asserting the
Handshake Event.
bool – Specifies to assert the Handshake Event when the task starts if hshk_event_output_behavior is
nidaqmx.constants.Level – Specifies the asserted level of the exported Handshake Event if
hshk_event_output_behavior is ExportActions5.INTERLOCKED.
float – Specifies in seconds the amount of time to wait after the Handshake Trigger asserts before deassert-
ing the Handshake Event if hshk_event_output_behavior is ExportActions5.INTERLOCKED.
nidaqmx.constants.ExportAction – Specifies the output behavior of the Handshake Event.
str – Specifies the terminal to which to route the Handshake Event.
nidaqmx.constants.Polarity – Specifies the polarity of the exported Handshake Event if
hshk_event_output_behavior is ExportActions5.PULSE.
float – Specifies in seconds the pulse width of the exported Handshake Event if
hshk_event_output_behavior is ExportActions5.PULSE.
nidaqmx.constants.Polarity – Specifies the active level of the exported Pause Trigger.
str – Specifies the terminal to which to route the Pause Trigger.

218 Chapter 8. License

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nidaqmx.constants.Polarity – Specifies the polarity of the exported Ready for Start Event.
str – Specifies the terminal to which to route the Ready for Start Event.
nidaqmx.constants.DeassertCondition – Specifies when the ready for transfer event de-
int – Specifies in samples the threshold below which the Ready for Transfer Event deasserts. This threshold
is an amount of space available in the onboard memory of the device. rdy_for_xfer_event_deassert_cond
must be DeassertCondition.ONBOARD_MEMORY_CUSTOM_THRESHOLD to use a custom
nidaqmx.constants.Polarity – Specifies the active level of the exported Ready for Transfer
str – Specifies the terminal to which to route the Ready for Transfer Event.
str – Specifies the terminal to which to route the Reference Trigger.
nidaqmx.constants.Polarity – Specifies the polarity of the exported Reference Trigger.
float – Specifies in seconds the amount of time to offset the exported Sample clock. Refer to timing
diagrams for generation applications in the device documentation for more information about this value.
nidaqmx.constants.ExportAction – Specifies whether the exported Sample Clock issues a pulse
at the beginning of a sample or changes to a high state for the duration of the sample.
str – Specifies the terminal to which to route the Sample Clock.
nidaqmx.constants.Polarity – Specifies the polarity of the exported Sample Clock if
samp_clk_output_behavior is ExportActions3.PULSE.
str – Specifies the terminal to which to route the Sample Clock Timebase.
str – Specifies the terminal to which to route the Start Trigger.
nidaqmx.constants.Polarity – Specifies the polarity of the exported Start Trigger.
str – Specifies the terminal to which to route the Synchronization Pulse Event.
str – Specifies the terminal to which to route the Watchdog Timer Expired Event.

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class nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream(task)
Bases: object
Exposes an input data stream on a DAQmx task.
The input data stream be used to control reading behavior and can be used in conjunction with reader classes to
read samples from an NI-DAQmx task.
bool – Indicates if any device(s) in the task detected the insertion or removal of an accessory since the task
started. Reading this property clears the accessory change status for all channels in the task. You must read
this property before you read devs_with_inserted_or_removed_accessories. Otherwise, you will receive
an error.
bool – Specifies if DAQmx Read automatically starts the task if you did not start the task explicitly by
using DAQmx Start. The default value is True. When DAQmx Read starts a finite acquisition task, it also
stops the task after reading the last sample.
int – Indicates the number of samples available to read per channel. This value is the same for all channels
in the task.
bool – Indicates if samples were missed because change detection events occurred faster than the device
could handle them. Some devices detect overflows differently than others.
nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.channel.Channel – Specifies a subset of channels in
the task from which to read.
List[str] – Indicates a list of names of any virtual channels in the task for which the device(s) detected
a common mode range violation. You must read common_mode_range_error_chans_exist before you
read this property. Otherwise, you will receive an error.
bool – Indicates if the device(s) detected a common mode range violation for any virtual channel in the task.
Common mode range violation occurs when the voltage of either the positive terminal or negative terminal
to ground are out of range. Reading this property clears the common mode range violation status for all
channels in the task. You must read this property before you read common_mode_range_error_chans.
Otherwise, you will receive an error.
configure_logging(file_path, logging_mode=<LoggingMode.LOG_AND_READ: 15842>,
group_name=u’‘, operation=<LoggingOperation.OPEN_OR_CREATE:
Configures TDMS file logging for the task.
• file_path (str) – Specifies the path to the TDMS file to which you want to log data.
• logging_mode (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.LoggingMode]) – Speci-
fies whether to enable logging and whether to allow reading data while logging. “log”
mode allows for the best performance. However, you cannot read data while logging if you
specify this mode. If you want to read data while logging, specify “LOG_AND_READ”

220 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• group_name (Optional[str]) – Specifies the name of the group to create within

the TDMS file for data from this task. If you append data to an existing file and the
specified group already exists, NI-DAQmx appends a number symbol and a number to
the group name, incrementing that number until finding a group name that does not exist.
For example, if you specify a group name of Voltage Task, and that group already exists,
NI-DAQmx assigns the group name Voltage Task #1, then Voltage Task #2. If you do not
specify a group name, NI-DAQmx uses the name of the task.
• operation (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.LoggingOperation]) – Spec-
ifies how to open the TDMS file.
float – Indicates in samples per channel the current position in the buffer.
List[str] – Indicates the names of any devices that detected the insertion or removal of an accessory since
the task started. You must read accessory_insertion_or_removal_detected before you read this property.
Otherwise, you will receive an error.
int – Indicates the number of booleans per channel that NI-DAQmx returns in a sample for line-based
reads. If a channel has fewer lines than this number, the extra booleans are False.
List[str] – Indicates a list of names of any virtual channels in the task for which the device(s) detected an
excitation fault condition. You must read excit_fault_chans_exist before you read this property. Other-
wise, you will receive an error.
bool – Indicates if the device(s) detected an excitation fault condition for any virtual channel in the task.
Reading this property clears the excitation fault status for all channels in the task. You must read this
property before you read excit_fault_chans. Otherwise, you will receive an error.
int – Specifies the number of samples the input buffer can hold for each channel in the task. Zero indicates
to allocate no buffer. Use a buffer size of 0 to perform a hardware-timed operation without using a buffer.
Setting this property overrides the automatic input buffer allocation that NI- DAQmx performs.
int – Indicates in samples per channel the size of the onboard input buffer of the device.
str – Specifies the path to the TDMS file to which you want to log data. If the file path is changed while
the task is running, this takes effect on the next sample interval (if Logging.SampsPerFile has been set) or
when DAQmx Start New File is called. New file paths can be specified by ending with “” or “/”. Files
created after specifying a new file path retain the same name and numbering sequence.
long – Specifies a size in samples to be used to pre-allocate space on disk. Pre-allocation can improve file
I/O performance, especially in situations where multiple files are being written to disk. For finite tasks,
the default behavior is to pre-allocate the file based on the number of samples you configure the task to
int – Specifies the size, in samples, in which data will be written to disk. The size must be evenly divisible
by the volume sector size, in bytes.
nidaqmx.constants.LoggingMode – Specifies whether to enable logging and whether to allow
reading data while logging. Log mode allows for the best performance. However, you cannot read data

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while logging if you specify this mode. If you want to read data while logging, specify Log and Read
bool – Specifies whether logging is paused while a task is executing. If logging_mode is set to Log and
Read mode, this value is taken into consideration on the next call to DAQmx Read, where data is written
to disk. If logging_mode is set to Log Only mode, this value is taken into consideration the next time that
data is written to disk. A new TDMS group is written when logging is resumed from a paused state.
long – Specifies how many samples to write to each file. When the file reaches the number of samples
specified, a new file is created with the naming convention of <filename>_####.tdms, where #### starts
at 0001 and increments automatically with each new file. For example, if the file specified is C:data.tdms,
the next file name used is C:data_0001.tdms. To disable file spanning behavior, set this attribute to 0.
If logging_file_path is changed while this attribute is set, the new file path takes effect on the next file
str – Specifies the name of the group to create within the TDMS file for data from this task. If you append
data to an existing file and the specified group already exists, NI- DAQmx appends a number symbol and
a number to the group name, incrementing that number until finding a group name that does not exist. For
example, if you specify a group name of Voltage Task, and that group already exists, NI- DAQmx assigns
the group name Voltage Task #1, then Voltage Task #2.
nidaqmx.constants.LoggingOperation – Specifies how to open the TDMS file.
int – Indicates the number of channels that DAQmx Read reads from the task. This value is the number of
channels in the task or the number of channels you specify with channels_to_read.
int – Specifies an offset in samples per channel at which to begin a read operation. This offset is relative
to the location you specify with relative_to.
List[str] – Indicates a list of names of any open virtual channels. You must read open_chans_exist before
you read this property. Otherwise you will receive an error.
List[str] – Indicates a list of details of any open virtual channels. You must read open_chans_exist before
you read this property. Otherwise you will receive an error.
bool – Indicates if the device or devices detected an open channel condition in any virtual channel in the
task. Reading this property clears the open channel status for all channels in this task. You must read this
property before you read open_chans. Otherwise, you will receive an error.
List[str] – Indicates a list of names of any virtual channels in the task for which the device(s) detected
an open current loop. You must read open_current_loop_chans_exist before you read this property.
Otherwise, you will receive an error.
bool – Indicates if the device(s) detected an open current loop for any virtual channel in the task. Reading
this property clears the open current loop status for all channels in the task. You must read this property
before you read open_current_loop_chans. Otherwise, you will receive an error.
List[str] – Indicates a list of names of any virtual channels in the task for which the device(s) detected an

222 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

open thermcouple. You must read open_thrmcpl_chans_exist before you read this property. Otherwise,
you will receive an error.
bool – Indicates if the device(s) detected an open thermocouple connected to any virtual channel in the
task. Reading this property clears the open thermocouple status for all channels in the task. You must read
this property before you read open_thrmcpl_chans. Otherwise, you will receive an error.
nidaqmx.constants.OverwriteMode – Specifies whether to overwrite samples in the buffer that
you have not yet read.
List[str] – Indicates a list of names of any virtual channels in the task for which the device(s) detected an
overcurrent condition. You must read overcurrent_chans_exist before you read this property. Otherwise,
you will receive an error. On some devices, you must restart the task for all overcurrent channels to recover.
bool – Indicates if the device(s) detected an overcurrent condition for any virtual channel in the task.
Reading this property clears the overcurrent status for all channels in the task. You must read this property
before you read overcurrent_chans. Otherwise, you will receive an error.
List[str] – Indicates a list of names of any overloaded virtual channels in the task. You must read over-
loaded_chans_exist before you read this property. Otherwise, you will receive an error.
bool – Indicates if the device(s) detected an overload in any virtual channel in the task. Reading this
property clears the overload status for all channels in the task. You must read this property before you read
overloaded_chans. Otherwise, you will receive an error.
List[str] – Indicates a list of names of any overtemperature virtual channels. You must read overtemper-
ature_chans_exist before you read this property. Otherwise, you will receive an error.
bool – Indicates if the device(s) detected an overtemperature condition in any virtual channel in the task.
Reading this property clears the overtemperature status for all channels in the task. You must read this
property before you read overtemperature_chans. Otherwise, you will receive an error.
int – Indicates in bytes the size of a raw sample from the task.
Reads raw samples from the task or virtual channels you specify.
Raw samples constitute the internal representation of samples in a device, read directly from the device
or buffer without scaling or reordering. The native format of a device can be an 8-, 16-, or 32-bit integer,
signed or unsigned.
NI-DAQmx does not separate raw data into channels. It returns data in an interleaved or non-interleaved
1D array, depending on the raw ordering of the device. Refer to your device documentation for more
This method determines a NumPy array of appropriate size and data type to create and return based on
your device specifications.
Use the “timeout” property on the stream to specify the amount of time in seconds to wait for samples
to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and any samples read before the
timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.WAIT_INFINITELY,

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the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples
and returns an error if it is unable to.
Parameters number_of_samples_per_channel (int) – Specifies the number of sam-
ples to read.
If you set this input to nidaqmx.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, NI-DAQmx determines how
many samples to read based on if the task acquires samples continuously or acquires a finite
number of samples.
If the task acquires samples continuously and you set this input to
nidaqmx.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, this method reads all the samples currently available
in the buffer.
If the task acquires a finite number of samples and you set this input to
nidaqmx.READ_ALL_AVAILABLE, the method waits for the task to acquire all requested
samples, then reads those samples. If you set the “read_all_avail_samp” property to TRUE,
the method reads the samples currently available in the buffer and does not wait for the task
to acquire all requested samples.
Returns The samples requested in the form of a 1D NumPy array. This method determines a
NumPy array of appropriate size and data type to create and return based on your device
Return type numpy.ndarray
bool – Specifies whether subsequent read operations read all samples currently available in the buffer or
wait for the buffer to become full before reading. NI-DAQmx uses this setting for finite acquisitions and
only when the number of samples to read is -1. For continuous acquisitions when the number of samples
to read is -1, a read operation always reads all samples currently available in the buffer.
Reads all available raw samples from the task or virtual channels you specify.
NI-DAQmx determines how many samples to read based on if the task acquires samples continuously or
acquires a finite number of samples.
If the task acquires samples continuously, this method reads all the samples currently available in the
If the task acquires a finite number of samples, the method waits for the task to acquire all requested
samples, then reads those samples. If you set the “read_all_avail_samp” property to TRUE, the method
reads the samples currently available in the buffer and does not wait for the task to acquire all requested
Raw samples constitute the internal representation of samples in a device, read directly from the device
or buffer without scaling or reordering. The native format of a device can be an 8-, 16-, or 32-bit integer,
signed or unsigned.
NI-DAQmx does not separate raw data into channels. It returns data in an interleaved or non-interleaved
1D array, depending on the raw ordering of the device. Refer to your device documentation for more
This method determines a NumPy array of appropriate size and data type to create and return based on
your device specifications.
Use the “timeout” property on the stream to specify the amount of time in seconds to wait for samples
to become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and any samples read before the
timeout elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.WAIT_INFINITELY,

224 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples
and returns an error if it is unable to.
Returns The samples requested in the form of a 1D NumPy array. This method determines a
NumPy array of appropriate size and data type to create and return based on your device
Return type numpy.ndarray
Reads raw samples from the task or virtual channels you specify into numpy_array.
The object numpy_array should be a pre-allocated, writable 1D numpy array.
The number of samples per channel to read is determined using the following equation:
number_of_samples_per_channel = math.floor(
numpy_array_size_in_bytes / ( number_of_channels_to_read * raw_sample_size_in_bytes))
Raw samples constitute the internal representation of samples in a device, read directly from the device
or buffer without scaling or reordering. The native format of a device can be an 8-, 16-, or 32-bit integer,
signed or unsigned.
If you use a different integer size than the native format of the device, one integer can contain multiple
samples or one sample can stretch across multiple integers. For example, if you use 32-bit integers, but the
device uses 8-bit samples, one integer contains up to four samples. If you use 8-bit integers, but the device
uses 16-bit samples, a sample might require two integers. This behavior varies from device to device.
Refer to your device documentation for more information.
NI-DAQmx does not separate raw data into channels. It returns data in an interleaved or non-interleaved
1D array, depending on the raw ordering of the device. Refer to your device documentation for more
Use the “timeout” property on the stream to specify the amount of time in seconds to wait for samples to
become available. If the time elapses, the method returns an error and any samples read before the timeout
elapsed. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout to -1, the method waits indefinitely. If you
set timeout to 0, the method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error if it is unable to.
Parameters numpy_array – Specifies the 1D NumPy array object into which the samples
requested are read.
Returns Indicates the total number of samples read.
Return type int
nidaqmx.constants.ReadRelativeTo – Specifies the point in the buffer at which to be-
gin a read operation. If you also specify an offset with offset, the read operation begins at
that offset relative to the point you select with this property. The default value is ReadRela-
tiveTo.CURRENT_READ_POSITION unless you configure a Reference Trigger for the task. If you
configure a Reference Trigger, the default value is ReadRelativeTo.FIRST_PRETRIGGER_SAMPLE.
float – Specifies in seconds the amount of time to sleep after checking for available samples if wait_mode
is WaitMode.SLEEP.
Starts a new TDMS file the next time data is written to disk.
Parameters file_path (str) – Specifies the path to the TDMS file to which you want to log

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NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

float – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for samples to become available. If the time elapses,
the read method returns an error and any samples read before the timeout elapsed. The default timeout is
10 seconds. If you set timeout to nidaqmx.WAIT_INFINITELY, the read method waits indefinitely. If you
set timeout to 0, the read method tries once to read the requested samples and returns an error if it is unable
float – Indicates the total number of samples acquired by each channel. NI-DAQmx returns a single value
because this value is the same for all channels. For retriggered acquisitions, this value is the cumulative
number of samples across all retriggered acquisitions.
nidaqmx.constants.WaitMode – Specifies how DAQmx Read waits for samples to become avail-


class nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream.OutStream(task)
Bases: object
Exposes an output data stream on a DAQmx task.
The output data stream be used to control writing behavior and can be used in conjunction with writer classes to
write samples to an NI-DAQmx task.
bool – Indicates if any devices in the task detected the insertion or removal of an accessory since the task
started. Reading this property clears the accessory change status for all channels in the task. You must read
this property before you read devs_with_inserted_or_removed_accessories. Otherwise, you will receive
an error.
bool – Specifies if the “write” method automatically starts the stream’s owning task if you did not explicitly
start it with the DAQmx Start Task method.
float – Indicates the position in the buffer of the next sample to generate. This value is identical for all
channels in the task.
List[str] – Indicates the names of any devices that detected the insertion or removal of an accessory since
the task started. You must read accessory_insertion_or_removal_detected before you read this property.
Otherwise, you will receive an error.
int – Indicates the number of Boolean values expected per channel in a sample for line-based writes. This
property is determined by the channel in the task with the most digital lines. If a channel has fewer lines
than this number, NI- DAQmx ignores the extra Boolean values.
List[str] – Indicates a list of names of any virtual channels in the task for which an External Overvoltage
condition has been detected. You must read External OvervoltageChansExist before you read this property.
Otherwise, you will receive an error.
bool – Indicates if the device(s) detected an External Overvoltage condition for any channel in the task.
Reading this property clears the External Overvoltage status for all channels in the task. You must read
this property before you read External OvervoltageChans. Otherwise, you will receive an error.

226 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

int – Indicates the number of channels that DAQmx Write writes to the task. This value is the number of
channels in the task.
int – Specifies in samples per channel an offset at which a write operation begins. This offset is relative to
the location you specify with relative_to.
List[str] – Indicates a list of names of any virtual channels in the task for which the device(s) detected
an open current loop. You must read open_current_loop_chans_exist before you read this property.
Otherwise, you will receive an error.
bool – Indicates if the device(s) detected an open current loop for any channel in the task. Reading this
property clears the open current loop status for all channels in the task. You must read this property before
you read open_current_loop_chans. Otherwise, you will receive an error.
int – Specifies the number of samples the output buffer can hold for each channel in the task. Zero indicates
to allocate no buffer. Use a buffer size of 0 to perform a hardware-timed operation without using a buffer.
Setting this property overrides the automatic output buffer allocation that NI- DAQmx performs.
int – Specifies in samples per channel the size of the onboard output buffer of the device.
List[str] – Indicates a list of names of any virtual channels in the task for which an overcurrent condition
has been detected. You must read overcurrent_chans_exist before you read this property. Otherwise, you
will receive an error.
bool – Indicates if the device(s) detected an overcurrent condition for any channel in the task. Reading this
property clears the overcurrent status for all channels in the task. You must read this property before you
read overcurrent_chans. Otherwise, you will receive an error.
List[str] – Indicates a list of names of any overloaded virtual channels in the task. You must read over-
loaded_chans_exist before you read this property. Otherwise, you will receive an error.
bool – Indicates if the device(s) detected an overload in any virtual channel in the task. Reading this
property clears the overload status for all channels in the task. You must read this property before you read
overloaded_chans. Otherwise, you will receive an error.
List[str] – Indicates a list of names of any overtemperature virtual channels. You must read overtemper-
ature_chans_exist before you read this property. Otherwise, you will receive an error. The list of names
may be empty if the device cannot determine the source of the overtemperature.
bool – Indicates if the device(s) detected an overtemperature condition in any virtual channel in the task.
Reading this property clears the overtemperature status for all channels in the task. You must read this
property before you read overtemperature_chans. Otherwise, you will receive an error.
List[str] – Indicates a list of names of any virtual channels in the task that have a power supply fault. You
must read power_supply_fault_chans_exist before you read this property. Otherwise, you will receive
an error.

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NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

bool – Indicates if the device(s) detected a power supply fault for any channel in the task. Reading this
property clears the power supply fault status for all channels in the task. You must read this property before
you read power_supply_fault_chans. Otherwise, you will receive an error.
int – Indicates in bytes the required size of a raw sample to write to the task.
nidaqmx.constants.RegenerationMode – Specifies whether to allow NI-DAQmx to generate
the same data multiple times.
nidaqmx.constants.WriteRelativeTo – Specifies the point in the buffer at which to write data.
If you also specify an offset with offset, the write operation begins at that offset relative to this point you
select with this property.
float – Specifies in seconds the amount of time to sleep after checking for available buffer space if
wait_mode is WaitMode2.SLEEP.
int – Indicates in samples per channel the amount of available space in the buffer.
float – Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for the write method to write all samples. NI-
DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the write method must wait before it writes data. The write
method returns an error if the time elapses. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set “timeout”
to nidaqmx.WAIT_INFINITELY, the write method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the write
method tries once to write the submitted samples. If the write method could not write all the submitted
samples, it returns an error and the number of samples successfully written in the number of samples
written per channel output.
float – Indicates the total number of samples generated by each channel in the task. This value is identical
for all channels in the task.
nidaqmx.constants.WaitMode – Specifies how DAQmx Write waits for space to become available
in the buffer.
Writes raw samples to the task or virtual channels you specify.
The number of samples per channel to write is determined using the following equation:
number_of_samples_per_channel = math.floor(
numpy_array_size_in_bytes / ( number_of_channels_to_write * raw_sample_size_in_bytes))
Raw samples constitute the internal representation of samples in a device, read directly from the device
or buffer without scaling or reordering. The native format of a device can be an 8-, 16-, or 32-bit integer,
signed or unsigned.
If you use a different integer size than the native format of the device, one integer can contain multiple
samples or one sample can stretch across multiple integers. For example, if you use 32-bit integers, but the
device uses 8-bit samples, one integer contains up to four samples. If you use 8-bit integers, but the device
uses 16-bit samples, a sample might require two integers. This behavior varies from device to device.
Refer to your device documentation for more information.

228 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

NI-DAQmx does not separate raw data into channels. It accepts data in an interleaved or non-interleaved
1D array, depending on the raw ordering of the device. Refer to your device documentation for more
If the task uses on-demand timing, this method returns only after the device generates all samples. On-
demand is the default timing type if you do not use the timing property on the task to configure a sample
timing type. If the task uses any timing type other than on-demand, this method returns immediately and
does not wait for the device to generate all samples. Your application must determine if the task is done to
ensure that the device generated all samples.
Use the “auto_start” property on the stream to specify if this method automatically starts the stream’s
owning task if you did not explicitly start it with the DAQmx Start Task method.
Use the “timeout” property on the stream to specify the amount of time in seconds to wait for the method
to write all samples. NI-DAQmx performs a timeout check only if the method must wait before it writes
data. This method returns an error if the time elapses. The default timeout is 10 seconds. If you set timeout
to nidaqmx.WAIT_INFINITELY, the method waits indefinitely. If you set timeout to 0, the method tries
once to write the submitted samples. If the method could not write all the submitted samples, it returns an
error and the number of samples successfully written.
Parameters numpy_array (numpy.ndarray) – Specifies a 1D NumPy array that contains
the raw samples to write to the task.
Returns Specifies the actual number of samples per channel successfully written to the buffer.
Return type int


class nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing(task_handle)
Bases: object
Represents the timing configurations for a DAQmx task.
nidaqmx.constants.Edge – Specifies on which edge of the clock pulse an analog-to-digital conver-
sion takes place.
bool – Specifies whether to apply a digital filter to the AI Convert Clock.
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the digital filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the digital filter.
bool – Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of
the device.
float – Indicates the maximum convert rate supported by the task, given the current devices and channel

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NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

float – Specifies in Hertz the rate at which to clock the analog- to-digital converter. This clock is specific
to the analog input section of multiplexed devices.
str – Specifies the terminal of the signal to use as the AI Convert Clock.
int – Specifies the number of AI Convert Clock Timebase pulses needed to produce a single AI Convert
Clock pulse.
nidaqmx.constants.MIOAIConvertTimebaseSource – Specifies the terminal of the signal to
use as the AI Convert Clock Timebase.
cfg_burst_handshaking_timing_export_clock(sample_clk_rate, sample_clk_outp_term,
10178>, samps_per_chan=1000, sam-
10095>, pause_when=<Level.HIGH:
10192>, ready_event_active_level=<Polarity.ACTIVE_HIGH:
Configures when the DAQ device transfers data to a peripheral device, using the onboard Sample Clock
of the DAQ device to control burst handshake timing and exporting that clock for use by the peripheral
• sample_clk_rate (float) – Specifies in hertz the rate of the Sample Clock.
• sample_clk_outp_term (str) – Specifies the terminal to which to export the Sam-
ple Clock.
• sample_mode (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.AcquisitionType]) –
Specifies if the task acquires or generates samples continuously or if it acquires or
generates a finite number of samples.
• samps_per_chan (Optional[long]) – Specifies the number of samples to acquire
or generate for each channel in the task if sample_mode is FINITE_SAMPLES. If sam-
ple_mode is CONTINUOUS_SAMPLES, NI-DAQmx uses this value to determine the
buffer size. This function returns an error if the specified value is negative.
• sample_clk_pulse_polarity (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
Polarity]) – Specifies the polarity of the exported Sample Clock.
• pause_when (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.Level]) – Specifies whether
the task pauses while the trigger signal is high or low.
• ready_event_active_level (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
Polarity]) – Specifies the polarity of the Ready for Transfer Event.
cfg_burst_handshaking_timing_import_clock(sample_clk_rate, sample_clk_src, sam-
10178>, samps_per_chan=1000, sam-
10280>, pause_when=<Level.HIGH:
10192>, ready_event_active_level=<Polarity.ACTIVE_HIGH:
Configures when the DAQ device transfers data to a peripheral device, using an imported sample clock to
control burst handshake timing.

230 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• sample_clk_rate (float) – Specifies in hertz the rate of the Sample Clock.
• sample_clk_src (str) – Specifies the source terminal of the Sample Clock. Leave
this input unspecified to use the default onboard clock of the device.
• sample_mode (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.AcquisitionType]) –
Specifies if the task acquires or generates samples continuously or if it acquires or
generates a finite number of samples.
• samps_per_chan (Optional[long]) – Specifies the number of samples to acquire
or generate for each channel in the task if sample_mode is FINITE_SAMPLES. If sam-
ple_mode is CONTINUOUS_SAMPLES, NI-DAQmx uses this value to determine the
buffer size. This function returns an error if the specified value is negative.
• sample_clk_active_edge (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.Edge]) –
Specifies on which edges of Sample Clock pulses to acquire or generate samples.
• pause_when (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.Level]) – Specifies whether
the task pauses while the trigger signal is high or low.
• ready_event_active_level (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
Polarity]) – Specifies the polarity of the Ready for Transfer Event.
cfg_change_detection_timing(rising_edge_chan=u’‘, falling_edge_chan=u’‘, sam-
ple_mode=<AcquisitionType.FINITE: 10178>,
Configures the task to acquire samples on the rising and/or falling edges of the lines or ports you specify.
To detect both rising and falling edges on a line or port, specify the name of that line or port to both
rising_edge_chan and falling_edge_chan.
• rising_edge_chan (Optional[str]) – Specifies the names of the digital lines or
ports on which to detect rising edges. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all lines
and ports for devices installed in your system.
• falling_edge_chan (Optional[str]) – Specifies the names of the digital lines
or ports on which to detect falling edges. The DAQmx physical channel constant lists all
lines and ports for devices installed in your system.
• sample_mode (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.AcquisitionType]) –
Specifies if the task acquires samples continuously or if it acquires a finite number of
• samps_per_chan (Optional[long]) – Specifies the number of samples to acquire
from each channel in the task if sample_mode is FINITE_SAMPLES. This function
returns an error if the specified value is negative.
cfg_handshaking_timing(sample_mode=<AcquisitionType.FINITE: 10178>,
Determines the number of digital samples to acquire or generate using digital handshaking between the
device and a peripheral device.
• sample_mode (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.AcquisitionType]) –
Specifies if the task acquires or generates samples continuously or if it acquires or
generates a finite number of samples.

8.7. nidaqmx.task 231

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• samps_per_chan (Optional[long]) – Specifies the number of samples to acquire

or generate for each channel in the task if sample_mode is FINITE_SAMPLES. If sam-
ple_mode is CONTINUOUS_SAMPLES, NI-DAQmx uses this value to determine the
buffer size. This function returns an error if the specified value is negative.
cfg_implicit_timing(sample_mode=<AcquisitionType.FINITE: 10178>,
Sets only the number of samples to acquire or generate without specifying timing. Typically, you should
use this instance when the task does not require sample timing, such as tasks that use counters for buffered
frequency measurement, buffered period measurement, or pulse train generation. For finite counter output
tasks, samps_per_chan is the number of pulses to generate.
• sample_mode (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.AcquisitionType]) –
Specifies if the task acquires or generates samples continuously or if it acquires or
generates a finite number of samples.
• samps_per_chan (Optional[long]) – Specifies the number of samples to acquire
or generate for each channel in the task if sample_mode is FINITE_SAMPLES. If sam-
ple_mode is CONTINUOUS_SAMPLES, NI-DAQmx uses this value to determine the
buffer size. This function returns an error if the specified value is negative.
cfg_pipelined_samp_clk_timing(rate, source=u’‘, active_edge=<Edge.RISING: 10280>,
sample_mode=<AcquisitionType.FINITE: 10178>,
“Sets the source of the Sample Clock, the rate of the Sample Clock, and the number of samples
to acquire or generate. The device acquires or generates samples on each Sample Clock edge,
but it does not respond to certain triggers until a few Sample Clock edges later. Pipelining allows
higher data transfer rates at the cost of increased trigger response latency. Refer to the device
documentation for information about which triggers pipelining affects.

This timing type allows handshaking using the Pause trigger and either the Ready for Transfer event or
the Data Active event. Refer to the device documentation for more information.
This timing type is supported only by the NI 6536 and NI 6537.”
rate (float): Specifies the sampling rate in samples per channel per second. If you use an ex-
ternal source for the Sample Clock, set this input to the maximum expected rate of that clock.
source (Optional[str]): Specifies the source terminal of the Sample Clock. Leave this input
unspecified to use the default onboard clock of the device.
active_edge (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.Edge]): Specifies on which edges of Sample Clock
pulses to acquire or generate samples.
sample_mode (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.AcquisitionType]): Specifies if the task acquires
or generates samples continuously or if it acquires or generates a finite number of samples.
samps_per_chan (Optional[long]): Specifies the number of samples to acquire or generate
for each channel in the task if sample_mode is FINITE_SAMPLES. If sample_mode is
CONTINUOUS_SAMPLES, NI-DAQmx uses this value to determine the buffer size. This
function returns an error if the specified value is negative.

cfg_samp_clk_timing(rate, source=u’‘, active_edge=<Edge.RISING: 10280>, sam-

ple_mode=<AcquisitionType.FINITE: 10178>, samps_per_chan=1000)
Sets the source of the Sample Clock, the rate of the Sample Clock, and the number of samples to acquire
or generate.

232 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• rate (float) – Specifies the sampling rate in samples per channel per second. If you
use an external source for the Sample Clock, set this input to the maximum expected rate
of that clock.
• source (Optional[str]) – Specifies the source terminal of the Sample Clock. Leave
this input unspecified to use the default onboard clock of the device.
• active_edge (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.Edge]) – Specifies on which
edges of Sample Clock pulses to acquire or generate samples.
• sample_mode (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.AcquisitionType]) –
Specifies if the task acquires or generates samples continuously or if it acquires or
generates a finite number of samples.
• samps_per_chan (Optional[long]) – Specifies the number of samples to acquire
or generate for each channel in the task if sample_mode is FINITE_SAMPLES. If sam-
ple_mode is CONTINUOUS_SAMPLES, NI-DAQmx uses this value to determine the
buffer size. This function returns an error if the specified value is negative.
nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel – Specifies the names of the digital
lines or ports on which to detect falling edges. The lines or ports must be used by virtual channels in the
task. You also can specify a string that contains a list or range of digital lines or ports.
nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel – Specifies the names of the digital
lines or ports on which to detect rising edges. The lines or ports must be used by virtual channels in the
task. You also can specify a string that contains a list or range of digital lines or ports.
bool – Specifies whether to tristate lines specified with change_detect_di_rising_edge_physical_chans
and change_detect_di_falling_edge_physical_chans that are not in a virtual channel in the task. If you
set this property to True, NI-DAQmx tristates rising/falling edge lines that are not in a virtual channel in
the task. If you set this property to False, NI-DAQmx does not modify the configuration of rising/falling
edge lines that are not in a virtual channel in the task, even if the lines were previously tristated. Set this
property to False to detect changes on lines in other tasks or to detect changes on output-only lines.
float – Specifies the amount of time to wait after receiving a Sample Clock edge before beginning to
acquire the sample. This value is in the units you specify with delay_from_samp_clk_delay_units.
nidaqmx.constants.DigitalWidthUnits – Specifies the units of de-
float – Specifies the number of seconds to wait after a handshake cycle before starting a new handshake
nidaqmx.constants.SampleInputDataWhen – Specifies on which edge of the Handshake Trig-
ger an input task latches the data from the peripheral device.
nidaqmx.constants.HandshakeStartCondition – Specifies the point in the handshake cycle
that the device is in when the task starts.

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NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

nidaqmx.constants.UnderflowBehavior – Specifies the action to take when the onboard mem-

ory of the device becomes empty.
float – Specifies the rate of the Master Timebase.
str – Specifies the terminal of the signal to use as the Master Timebase. On an E Series device, you can
choose only between the onboard 20MHz Timebase or the RTSI7 terminal.
float – Specifies the frequency of the Reference Clock.
str – Specifies the terminal of the signal to use as the Reference Clock.
nidaqmx.constants.Edge – Specifies on which edge of a clock pulse sampling takes place. This
property is useful primarily when the signal you use as the Sample Clock is not a periodic clock.
bool – Specifies whether to apply the pulse width filter to the signal.
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the pulse width filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the input terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the pulse width filter.
bool – Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of
the device.
float – Indicates the maximum Sample Clock rate supported by the task, based on other timing settings.
For output tasks, the maximum Sample Clock rate is the maximum rate of the DAC. For input tasks,
NI-DAQmx calculates the maximum sampling rate differently for multiplexed devices than simultaneous
sampling devices.
nidaqmx.constants.OverflowBehavior – Specifies the action to take if Sample Clock edges
occur faster than the device can handle them.
float – Specifies the sampling rate in samples per channel per second. If you use an external source for the
Sample Clock, set this input to the maximum expected rate of that clock.
str – Specifies the terminal of the signal to use as the Sample Clock.
str – Indicates the name of the internal Sample Clock terminal for the task. This property does not return
the name of the Sample Clock source terminal specified with samp_clk_src.
nidaqmx.constants.Edge – Specifies on which edge to recognize a Sample Clock Timebase pulse.
This property is useful primarily when the signal you use as the Sample Clock Timebase is not a periodic

234 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

int – Specifies the number of Sample Clock Timebase pulses needed to produce a single Sample Clock
int – Specifies the number of pulses of the Master Timebase needed to produce a single pulse of the Sample
Clock Timebase.
float – Specifies the rate of the Sample Clock Timebase. Some applications require that you specify a rate
when you use any signal other than the onboard Sample Clock Timebase. NI- DAQmx requires this rate
to calculate other timing parameters.
str – Specifies the terminal of the signal to use as the Sample Clock Timebase.
str – Indicates the name of the internal Sample Clock Timebase terminal for the task. This
property does not return the name of the Sample Clock Timebase source terminal specified with
nidaqmx.constants.UnderflowBehavior – Specifies the action to take when the onboard mem-
ory of the device becomes empty. In either case, the sample clock does not stop.
bool – Specifies that the value of samp_clk_rate will be determined by the dt component of the initial
DAQmx Write waveform input for Output tasks.
nidaqmx.constants.AcquisitionType – Specifies if a task acquires or generates a finite number
of samples or if it continuously acquires or generates samples.
float – Specifies the number of samples to acquire or generate for each channel if
samp_quant_samp_mode is AcquisitionType.FINITE. If samp_quant_samp_mode is Acquisi-
tionType.CONTINUOUS, NI-DAQmx uses this value to determine the buffer size.
int – Specifies which timing engine to use for the task.
nidaqmx.constants.SampleTimingType – Specifies the type of sample timing to use for the
bool – Specifies whether to update all channels in the task simultaneously, rather than updating channels
independently when you write a sample to that channel.
int – Specifies the interval, in Sample Clock periods, between each internal Synchronization Clock pulse.
NI-DAQmx uses this pulse for synchronization of triggers between multiple devices at different rates.
Refer to device documentation for information about how to calculate this value.
float – Specifies in seconds the amount of time that elapses after the master device issues the synchroniza-
tion pulse before the task starts.
float – Specifies in seconds the amount of time to wait after the Synchronization Pulse before resetting the
ADCs or DACs on the device. When synchronizing devices, query sync_pulse_reset_time on all devices

8.7. nidaqmx.task 235

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

and note the largest reset time. Then, for each device, subtract the reset time from the largest reset time
and set this property to the resulting value.
float – Indicates in seconds the amount of time required for the ADCs or DACs on the device to reset.
When synchronizing devices, query this property on all devices and note the largest reset time. Then, for
each device, subtract the value of this property from the largest reset time and set sync_pulse_reset_delay
to the resulting value.
str – Specifies the terminal of the signal to use as the synchronization pulse. The synchronization pulse
resets the clock dividers and the ADCs/DACs on the device.
float – Indicates in seconds the delay required to reset the ADCs/DACs after the device receives the syn-
chronization pulse.
str – Indicates the name of the internal Synchronization Pulse terminal for the task. This property does not
return the name of the source terminal.


class nidaqmx._task_modules.triggers.Triggers(task_handle)
Bases: object
Represents the trigger configurations for a DAQmx task.
nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.arm_start_trigger.ArmStartTrigger –
Gets the arm start trigger configurations for the task.
nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.handshake_trigger.HandshakeTrigger –
Gets the handshake trigger configurations for the task.
nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.pause_trigger.PauseTrigger – Gets the pause
trigger configurations for the task.
nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.ReferenceTrigger –
Gets the reference trigger configurations for the task.
nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTrigger – Gets the start
trigger configurations for the task.
nidaqmx.constants.SyncType – Specifies the role of the device in a synchronized system. Setting
this value to SyncType.MASTER or SyncType.SLAVE enables trigger skew correction. If you enable
trigger skew correction, set this property to SyncType.MASTER on only one device, and set this property
to SyncType.SLAVE on the other devices.


class nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.arm_start_trigger.ArmStartTrigger(task_handle)
Bases: object

236 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

Represents the arm start trigger configurations for a DAQmx task.

bool – Specifies whether to apply the pulse width filter to the signal.
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the pulse width filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the input terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the pulse width filter.
bool – Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of
the device.
nidaqmx.constants.Edge – Specifies on which edge of a digital signal to arm the task for a Start
str – Specifies the name of a terminal where there is a digital signal to use as the source of the Arm Start
str – Indicates the name of the internal Arm Start Trigger terminal for the task. This property does not
return the name of the trigger source terminal.
nidaqmx.constants.TriggerType – Specifies the type of trigger to use to arm the task for a Start
Trigger. If you configure an Arm Start Trigger, the task does not respond to a Start Trigger until the device
receives the Arm Start Trigger.


class nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.handshake_trigger.HandshakeTrigger(task_handle)
Bases: object
Represents the handshake trigger configurations for a DAQmx task.
nidaqmx.constants.Level – Specifies the asserted level of the Handshake Trigger.
str – Specifies the source terminal of the Handshake Trigger.
nidaqmx.constants.TriggerType – Specifies the type of Handshake Trigger to use.


class nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.pause_trigger.PauseTrigger(task_handle)
Bases: object
Represents the pause trigger configurations for a DAQmx task.

8.7. nidaqmx.task 237

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

nidaqmx.constants.Coupling – Specifies the coupling for the source signal of the trigger if the
source is a terminal rather than a virtual channel.
bool – Specifies whether to apply a digital filter to the digital output of the analog triggering circuitry (the
Analog Comparison Event). When enabled, the analog signal must stay above or below the trigger level
for the minimum pulse width before being recognized. Use filtering for noisy trigger signals that transition
in and out of the hysteresis window rapidly.
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the digital filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the digital filter.
bool – Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of
the device.
float – Specifies a hysteresis level in the units of the measurement or generation. If anlg_lvl_when is
ActiveLevel.ABOVE, the trigger does not deassert until the source signal passes below anlg_lvl_lvl minus
the hysteresis. If anlg_lvl_when is ActiveLevel.BELOW, the trigger does not deassert until the source
signal passes above anlg_lvl_lvl plus the hysteresis. Hysteresis is always enabled. Set this property to a
non-zero value to use hysteresis.
float – Specifies the threshold at which to pause the task. Specify this value in the units of the measurement
or generation. Use anlg_lvl_when to specify whether the task pauses above or below this threshold.
str – Specifies the name of a virtual channel or terminal where there is an analog signal to use as the source
of the trigger.
nidaqmx.constants.ActiveLevel – Specifies whether the task pauses above or below the thresh-
old you specify with anlg_lvl_lvl.
float – Specifies the lower limit of the window. Specify this value in the units of the measurement or
nidaqmx.constants.Coupling – Specifies the coupling for the source signal of the terminal if the
source is a terminal rather than a virtual channel.
bool – Specifies whether to apply a digital filter to the digital output of the analog triggering circuitry (the
Analog Comparison Event). When enabled, the analog signal must stay within the trigger window for the
minimum pulse width before being recognized. Use filtering for noisy trigger signals that transition in and
out of the window rapidly.
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.

238 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the digital filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the digital filter.
bool – Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of
the device.
str – Specifies the name of a virtual channel or terminal where there is an analog signal to use as the source
of the trigger.
float – Specifies the upper limit of the window. Specify this value in the units of the measurement or
nidaqmx.constants.WindowTriggerCondition2 – Specifies whether the task pauses while
the trigger signal is inside or outside the window you specify with anlg_win_btm and anlg_win_top.
bool – Specifies whether to apply a digital filter to the trigger signal.
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the pulse width filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the input terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the pulse width filter.
bool – Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of
the device.
str – Specifies the name of a terminal where there is a digital signal to use as the source of the Pause
nidaqmx.constants.Level – Specifies whether the task pauses while the signal is high or low.
str – Specifies the digital pattern that must be met for the Pause Trigger to occur.
nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel – Specifies the physical channels
to use for pattern matching. The order of the physical channels determines the order of the pattern. If a
port is included, the lines within the port are in ascending order.
nidaqmx.constants.DigitalPatternCondition – Specifies if the Pause Trigger occurs when
the physical channels specified with dig_pattern_src match or differ from the digital pattern specified with

8.7. nidaqmx.task 239

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

str – Indicates the name of the internal Pause Trigger terminal for the task. This property does not return
the name of the trigger source terminal.
nidaqmx.constants.TriggerType – Specifies the type of trigger to use to pause a task.


class nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.ReferenceTrigger(task_handle)
Bases: object
Represents the reference trigger configurations for a DAQmx task.
nidaqmx.constants.Coupling – Specifies the coupling for the source signal of the trigger if the
source is a terminal rather than a virtual channel.
bool – Specifies whether to apply a digital filter to the digital output of the analog triggering circuitry (the
Analog Comparison Event). When enabled, the analog signal must stay above or below the trigger level
for the minimum pulse width before being recognized. Use filtering for noisy trigger signals that transition
in and out of the hysteresis window rapidly.
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width thefilter recognizes.
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the digital filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the digital filter.
bool – Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of
the device.
float – Specifies a hysteresis level in the units of the measurement. If anlg_edge_slope is Slope1.RISING,
the trigger does not deassert until the source signal passes below anlg_edge_lvl minus the hysteresis. If
anlg_edge_slope is Slope1.FALLING, the trigger does not deassert until the source signal passes above
anlg_edge_lvl plus the hysteresis. Hysteresis is always enabled. Set this property to a non-zero value to
use hysteresis.
float – Specifies in the units of the measurement the threshold at which the Reference Trigger occurs. Use
anlg_edge_slope to specify on which slope to trigger at this threshold.
nidaqmx.constants.Slope – Specifies on which slope of the source signal the Reference Trigger
str – Specifies the name of a virtual channel or terminal where there is an analog signal to use as the source
of the Reference Trigger.
float – Specifies the lower limit of the window. Specify this value in the units of the measurement.

240 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

nidaqmx.constants.Coupling – Specifies the coupling for the source signal of the trigger if the
source is a terminal rather than a virtual channel.
bool – Specifies whether to apply a digital filter to the digital output of the analog triggering circuitry (the
Analog Comparison Event). When enabled, the analog signal must stay within the trigger window for the
minimum pulse width before being recognized. Use filtering for noisy trigger signals that transition in and
out of the window rapidly.
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the digital filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the digital filter.
bool – Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of
the device.
str – Specifies the name of a virtual channel or terminal where there is an analog signal to use as the source
of the Reference Trigger.
float – Specifies the upper limit of the window. Specify this value in the units of the measurement.
nidaqmx.constants.WindowTriggerCondition1 – Specifies whether the Reference Trigger
occurs when the source signal enters the window or when it leaves the window. Use anlg_win_btm and
anlg_win_top to specify the window.
bool – Specifies whether to send a software trigger to the device when a hardware trigger is no longer
active in order to prevent a timeout.
bool – Indicates whether a completed acquisition was triggered by the auto trigger. If an acquisition has
not completed after the task starts, this property returns False. This property is only applicable when
auto_trig_enable is True.
cfg_anlg_edge_ref_trig(trigger_source, pretrigger_samples, trigger_slope=<Slope.RISING:
10280>, trigger_level=0.0)
Configures the task to stop the acquisition when the device acquires all pretrigger samples; an analog signal
reaches the level you specify; and the device acquires all post-trigger samples. When you use a Reference
Trigger, the default for the read RelativeTo property is first_pretrigger_sample with a read Offset of 0.
• trigger_source (str) – Is the name of a virtual channel or terminal where there is
an analog signal to use as the source of the trigger.
• pretrigger_samples (int) – Specifies the minimum number of samples to acquire
per channel before recognizing the Reference Trigger. The number of post-trigger samples
per channel is equal to number of samples per channel in the DAQmx Timing function
minus pretrigger_samples.

8.7. nidaqmx.task 241

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• trigger_slope (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.Slope]) – Specifies on

which slope of the signal the Reference Trigger occurs.
• trigger_level (Optional[float]) – Specifies at what threshold to trigger. Spec-
ify this value in the units of the measurement or generation. Use trigger_slope to specify
on which slope to trigger at this threshold.
cfg_anlg_window_ref_trig(trigger_source, window_top, win-
dow_bottom, pretrigger_samples, trig-
Configures the task to stop the acquisition when the device acquires all pretrigger samples; an analog
signal enters or leaves a range you specify; and the device acquires all post- trigger samples. When you
use a Reference Trigger, the default for the read RelativeTo property is first_pretrigger_sample with a
read Offset of 0.
• trigger_source (str) – Is the name of a virtual channel or terminal where there is
an analog signal to use as the source of the trigger.
• window_top (float) – Is the upper limit of the window. Specify this value in the units
of the measurement or generation.
• window_bottom (float) – Is the lower limit of the window. Specify this value in the
units of the measurement or generation.
• pretrigger_samples (int) – Specifies the minimum number of samples to acquire
per channel before recognizing the Reference Trigger. The number of post-trigger samples
per channel is equal to number of samples per channel in the DAQmx Timing function
minus pretrigger_samples.
• trigger_when (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
WindowTriggerCondition1]) – Specifies whether the Reference Trigger occurs
when the signal enters the window or when it leaves the window. Use window_bottom
and window_top to specify the limits of the window.
cfg_dig_edge_ref_trig(trigger_source, pretrigger_samples, trigger_edge=<Edge.RISING:
Configures the task to stop the acquisition when the device acquires all pretrigger samples, detects a rising
or falling edge of a digital signal, and acquires all posttrigger samples. When you use a Reference Trigger,
the default for the read RelativeTo property is first_pretrigger_sample with a read Offset of 0.
• trigger_source (str) – Specifies the name of a terminal where there is a digital
signal to use as the source of the trigger.
• pretrigger_samples (int) – Specifies the minimum number of samples to acquire
per channel before recognizing the Reference Trigger. The number of post-trigger samples
per channel is equal to number of samples per channel in the DAQmx Timing function
minus pretrigger_samples.
• trigger_edge (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.Edge]) – Specifies on which
edge of the digital signal the Reference Trigger occurs.
cfg_dig_pattern_ref_trig(trigger_source, trigger_pattern, pretrigger_samples, trig-
Configures the task to stop the acquisition when the device acquires all pretrigger samples, matches a
digital pattern, and acquires all posttrigger samples. When you use a Reference Trigger, the default for the
read RelativeTo property is First PretriggerSample with a read Offset of zero.

242 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

• trigger_source (str) – Specifies the physical channels to use for pattern matching.
The order of the physical channels determines the order of the pattern. If a port is included,
the order of the physical channels within the port is in ascending order.
• trigger_pattern (str) – Specifies the digital pattern that must be met for the trigger
to occur.
• pretrigger_samples (int) – Specifies the minimum number of samples to acquire
per channel before recognizing the Reference Trigger. The number of post-trigger samples
per channel is equal to number of samples per channel in the DAQmx Timing function
minus pretrigger_samples.
• trigger_when (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
DigitalPatternCondition]) – Specifies the condition under which the trigger
float – Specifies in seconds the time to wait after the device receives the Reference Trigger before switching
from pretrigger to posttrigger samples.
bool – Specifies whether to apply a digital filter to the trigger signal.
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the digital filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the digital filter.
bool – Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of
the device.
nidaqmx.constants.Edge – Specifies on what edge of a digital pulse the Reference Trigger occurs.
str – Specifies the name of a terminal where there is a digital signal to use as the source of the Reference
str – Specifies the digital pattern that must be met for the Reference Trigger to occur.
nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel – Specifies the physical channels
to use for pattern matching. The order of the physical channels determines the order of the pattern. If a
port is included, the order of the physical channels within the port is in ascending order.
nidaqmx.constants.DigitalPatternCondition – Specifies whether the Reference Trigger
occurs when the physical channels specified with dig_pattern_src match or differ from the digital pattern
specified with dig_pattern_pattern.
Disables reference triggering for the measurement.

8.7. nidaqmx.task 243

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

int – Specifies the minimum number of pretrigger samples to acquire from each channel before recognizing
the reference trigger. Post-trigger samples per channel are equal to samp_quant_samp_per_chan minus
the number of pretrigger samples per channel.
str – Indicates the name of the internal Reference Trigger terminal for the task. This property does not
return the name of the trigger source terminal.
nidaqmx.constants.TriggerType – Specifies the type of trigger to use to mark a reference point
for the measurement.


class nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTrigger(task_handle)
Bases: object
Represents the start trigger configurations for a DAQmx task.
nidaqmx.constants.Coupling – Specifies the coupling for the source signal of the trigger if the
source is a terminal rather than a virtual channel.
bool – Specifies whether to apply a digital filter to the digital output of the analog triggering circuitry (the
Analog Comparison Event). When enabled, the analog signal must stay above or below the trigger level
for the minimum pulse width before being recognized. Use filtering for noisy trigger signals that transition
in and out of the hysteresis window rapidly.
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the digital filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the digital filter.
bool – Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of
the device.
float – Specifies a hysteresis level in the units of the measurement or generation. If anlg_edge_slope is
Slope1.RISING, the trigger does not deassert until the source signal passes below anlg_edge_lvl minus
the hysteresis. If anlg_edge_slope is Slope1.FALLING, the trigger does not deassert until the source
signal passes above anlg_edge_lvl plus the hysteresis. Hysteresis is always enabled. Set this property to a
non-zero value to use hysteresis.
float – Specifies at what threshold in the units of the measurement or generation to start acquiring or
generating samples. Use anlg_edge_slope to specify on which slope to trigger on this threshold.
nidaqmx.constants.Slope – Specifies on which slope of the trigger signal to start acquiring or
generating samples.

244 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

str – Specifies the name of a virtual channel or terminal where there is an analog signal to use as the source
of the Start Trigger.
float – Specifies the lower limit of the window. Specify this value in the units of the measurement or
nidaqmx.constants.Coupling – Specifies the coupling for the source signal of the trigger if the
source is a terminal rather than a virtual channel.
bool – Specifies whether to apply a digital filter to the digital output of the analog triggering circuitry (the
Analog Comparison Event). When enabled, the analog signal must stay within the trigger window for the
minimum pulse width before being recognized. Use filtering for noisy trigger signals that transition in and
out of the window rapidly.
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.
float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the digital filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the digital filter.
bool – Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of
the device.
str – Specifies the name of a virtual channel or terminal where there is an analog signal to use as the source
of the Start Trigger.
float – Specifies the upper limit of the window. Specify this value in the units of the measurement or
nidaqmx.constants.WindowTriggerCondition1 – Specifies whether the task starts acquiring
or generating samples when the signal enters or leaves the window you specify with anlg_win_btm and
cfg_anlg_edge_start_trig(trigger_source=u’‘, trigger_slope=<Slope.RISING: 10280>, trig-
Configures the task to start acquiring or generating samples when an analog signal crosses the level you
• trigger_source (Optional[str]) – Is the name of a virtual channel or terminal
where there is an analog signal to use as the source of the trigger.
• trigger_slope (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.Slope]) – Specifies on
which slope of the signal to start acquiring or generating samples when the signal crosses
• trigger_level (Optional[float]) – Specifies at what threshold to start acquir-
ing or generating samples. Specify this value in the units of the measurement or genera-
tion. Use trigger_slope to specify on which slope to trigger at this threshold.

8.7. nidaqmx.task 245

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

cfg_anlg_window_start_trig(window_top, window_bottom, trigger_source=u’‘, trig-

Configures the task to start acquiring or generating samples when an analog signal enters or leaves a range
you specify.
• window_top (float) – Is the upper limit of the window. Specify this value in the units
of the measurement or generation.
• window_bottom (float) – Is the lower limit of the window. Specify this value in the
units of the measurement or generation.
• trigger_source (Optional[str]) – Is the name of a virtual channel or terminal
where there is an analog signal to use as the source of the trigger.
• trigger_when (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
WindowTriggerCondition1]) – Specifies whether the task starts measuring
or generating samples when the signal enters the window or when it leaves the window.
Use window_bottom and window_top to specify the limits of the window.
cfg_dig_edge_start_trig(trigger_source, trigger_edge=<Edge.RISING: 10280>)
Configures the task to start acquiring or generating samples on a rising or falling edge of a digital signal.
• trigger_source (str) – Specifies the name of a terminal where there is a digital
signal to use as the source of the trigger.
• trigger_edge (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.Edge]) – Specifies on which
edge of the digital signal to start acquiring or generating samples.
cfg_dig_pattern_start_trig(trigger_source, trigger_pattern, trig-
Configures a task to start acquiring or generating samples when a digital pattern is matched.
• trigger_source (str) – Specifies the physical channels to use for pattern matching.
The order of the physical channels determines the order of the pattern. If a port is included,
the order of the physical channels within the port is in ascending order.
• trigger_pattern (str) – Specifies the digital pattern that must be met for the trigger
to occur.
• trigger_when (Optional[nidaqmx.constants.
DigitalPatternCondition]) – Specifies the condition under which the trigger
float – Specifies an amount of time to wait after the Start Trigger is received before acquiring or generating
the first sample. This value is in the units you specify with delay_units.
nidaqmx.constants.DigitalWidthUnits – Specifies the units of delay.
bool – Specifies whether to apply a digital filter to the trigger signal.
float – Specifies in seconds the minimum pulse width the filter recognizes.

246 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

float – Specifies in hertz the rate of the pulse width filter timebase. NI-DAQmx uses this value to compute
settings for the filter.
str – Specifies the input terminal of the signal to use as the timebase of the pulse width filter.
bool – Specifies whether to synchronize recognition of transitions in the signal to the internal timebase of
the device. If you set this property to True, the device does not recognize and act upon the trigger until the
next pulse of the internal timebase.
nidaqmx.constants.Edge – Specifies on which edge of a digital pulse to start acquiring or generat-
ing samples.
str – Specifies the name of a terminal where there is a digital signal to use as the source of the Start Trigger.
str – Specifies the digital pattern that must be met for the Start Trigger to occur.
nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel – Specifies the physical channels
to use for pattern matching. The order of the physical channels determines the order of the pattern. If a
port is included, the order of the physical channels within the port is in ascending order.
nidaqmx.constants.DigitalPatternCondition – Specifies whether the Start Trigger occurs
when the physical channels specified with dig_pattern_src match or differ from the digital pattern speci-
fied with dig_pattern_pattern.
Configures the task to start acquiring or generating samples immediately upon starting the task.
bool – Specifies whether a finite task resets and waits for another Start Trigger after the task completes.
When you set this property to True, the device performs a finite acquisition or generation each time the
Start Trigger occurs until the task stops. The device ignores a trigger if it is in the process of acquiring or
generating signals.
str – Indicates the name of the internal Start Trigger terminal for the task. This property does not return
the name of the trigger source terminal.
nidaqmx.constants.TriggerType – Specifies the type of trigger to use to start a task.


class nidaqmx.types.AOExpirationState(physical_channel, expiration_state, output_type)

Bases: tuple
Alias for field number 1
Alias for field number 2

8.8. nidaqmx.types 247

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

Alias for field number 0
class nidaqmx.types.AOPowerUpState(physical_channel, power_up_state, channel_type)
Bases: tuple
Alias for field number 2
Alias for field number 0
Alias for field number 1
class nidaqmx.types.CDAQSyncConnection(output_port, input_port)
Bases: tuple
Alias for field number 1
Alias for field number 0
class nidaqmx.types.COExpirationState(physical_channel, expiration_state)
Bases: tuple
Alias for field number 1
Alias for field number 0
class nidaqmx.types.CtrFreq(freq, duty_cycle)
Bases: tuple
Alias for field number 1
Alias for field number 0
class nidaqmx.types.CtrTick(high_tick, low_tick)
Bases: tuple
Alias for field number 0
Alias for field number 1
class nidaqmx.types.CtrTime(high_time, low_time)
Bases: tuple
Alias for field number 0
Alias for field number 1
class nidaqmx.types.DOExpirationState(physical_channel, expiration_state)
Bases: tuple

248 Chapter 8. License

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

Alias for field number 1
Alias for field number 0
class nidaqmx.types.DOPowerUpState(physical_channel, power_up_state)
Bases: tuple
Alias for field number 0
Alias for field number 1
class nidaqmx.types.DOResistorPowerUpState(physical_channel, power_up_state)
Bases: tuple
Alias for field number 0
Alias for field number 1


Converts a list of channel names to a comma-delimited list of names.
You can use this method to convert a list of physical or virtual channel names to a single string prior to using
the DAQmx Create Channel methods or instantiating a DAQmx Task object.
Parameters channel_names (List[str]) – The list of physical or virtual channel names.
Returns The resulting comma-delimited list of physical or virtual channel names.
Return type str
Converts a comma-delimited list of channel names to a list of names.
You can use this method to convert a comma-delimited list or range of physical or virtual channels into a list of
physical or virtual channel names.
Parameters channel_names (str) – The list or range of physical or virtual channels.
Returns The list of physical or virtual channel names. Each element of the list contains a single
Return type List[str]

8.9. nidaqmx.utils 249

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

250 Chapter 8. License


Indices and Tables

• genindex
• modindex

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

252 Chapter 9. Indices and Tables

Python Module Index

n 237
156 240
201 244
nidaqmx._task_modules.channel_collection,nidaqmx._task_modules.triggers, 236
156 nidaqmx.constants, 17
nidaqmx.errors, 51
119 nidaqmx.scale, 52
nidaqmx.stream_readers, 56
131 nidaqmx.stream_writers, 77
nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.channel, nidaqmx.system._collections.device_collection,
118 96
135 96
149 97
152 97
154 97
203 111
213 111
nidaqmx._task_modules.di_channel_collection, 98
215 nidaqmx.system.physical_channel, 104
216 107
nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals, nidaqmx.system.storage.persisted_scale,
216 107
nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream, 220 nidaqmx.system.storage.persisted_task,
nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream, 226 108
nidaqmx._task_modules.timing, 229 nidaqmx.system.system, 91
nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.arm_start_trigger, 109
236 nidaqmx.task, 112
nidaqmx.types, 247
237 nidaqmx.utils, 249

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

254 Python Module Index


Symbols (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI attribute), 47

__init__() (nidaqmx.scale.Scale method), 52 ACCELERATION_ACCELEROMETER_CURRENT_INPUT
__init__() (nidaqmx.system.device.Device method), 98 (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI attribute), 47
__init__() (nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannelACCELERATION_CHARGE
method), 104 (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI attribute), 47
__init__() (nidaqmx.system.storage.persisted_channel.PersistedChannel (class in nidaqmx.constants), 18
method), 107 AccelUnits (class in nidaqmx.constants), 18
__init__() (nidaqmx.system.storage.persisted_scale.PersistedScale
method), 107 (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream
__init__() (nidaqmx.system.storage.persisted_task.PersistedTask attribute), 220
method), 108 accessory_insertion_or_removal_detected
__init__() (nidaqmx.system.watchdog.WatchdogTask (nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream.OutStream
method), 109 attribute), 226
__init__() (nidaqmx.task.Task method), 112 accessory_product_nums
__weakref__ (nidaqmx.scale.Scale attribute), 52 (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute),
__weakref__ (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute), 98
98 accessory_product_types
__weakref__ (nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute),
attribute), 104 98
accessory_serial_nums (nidaqmx.system.device.Device
__weakref__ (nidaqmx.system.storage.persisted_channel.PersistedChannel
attribute), 107 attribute), 99
__weakref__ (nidaqmx.system.storage.persisted_scale.PersistedScale (class in nidaqmx.constants), 17
attribute), 108 ACQUIRED_INTO_BUFFER
__weakref__ (nidaqmx.system.storage.persisted_task.PersistedTask (nidaqmx.constants.EveryNSamplesEventType
attribute), 108 attribute), 26
__weakref__ (nidaqmx.system.watchdog.WatchdogTask AcquisitionType (class in nidaqmx.constants), 18
attribute), 109 Action (class in nidaqmx.constants), 19
__weakref__ (nidaqmx.task.Task attribute), 112 ACTIVE (nidaqmx.constants.ActiveOrInactiveEdgeSelection
attribute), 19
A ACTIVE_DRIVE (nidaqmx.constants.DigitalDriveType
attribute), 25
A (nidaqmx.constants.ShuntCalSelect attribute), 39
ACTIVE_HIGH (nidaqmx.constants.Polarity attribute),
A (nidaqmx.constants.ShuntResistorSelect attribute), 39
AAND_B (nidaqmx.constants.ShuntCalSelect attribute),
ACTIVE_LOW (nidaqmx.constants.Polarity attribute),
ABOVE (nidaqmx.constants.ActiveLevel attribute), 19
ActiveLevel (class in nidaqmx.constants), 19
AC (nidaqmx.constants.Coupling attribute), 24
ActiveOrInactiveEdgeSelection (class in
AccelChargeSensitivityUnits (class in
nidaqmx.constants), 19
nidaqmx.constants), 18
ADCTimingMode (class in nidaqmx.constants), 17

NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

method), 157 method), 175
add_ai_accel_chan() (nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIChannelCollection
add_ai_rtd_chan() (nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIChann
method), 158 method), 176
add_ai_accel_charge_chan() add_ai_strain_gage_chan()
method), 158 method), 177
add_ai_bridge_chan() (nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIChannelCollection
method), 159 (nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIChannelCollec
add_ai_charge_chan() (nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIChannelCollection
method), 178
method), 160 add_ai_thrmcpl_chan() (nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIC
add_ai_current_chan() (nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIChannelCollection
method), 178
method), 161 add_ai_thrmstr_chan_iex()
add_ai_current_rms_chan() (nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIChannelCollec
method), 179
method), 161 add_ai_thrmstr_chan_vex()
add_ai_force_bridge_polynomial_chan() (nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIChannelCollec
method), 180
method), 162 add_ai_torque_bridge_polynomial_chan()
add_ai_force_bridge_table_chan() (nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIChannelCollec
method), 181
method), 163 add_ai_torque_bridge_table_chan()
add_ai_force_bridge_two_point_lin_chan() (nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIChannelCollec
method), 182
method), 164 add_ai_torque_bridge_two_point_lin_chan()
add_ai_force_iepe_chan() (nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIChannelCollec
method), 183
method), 166 add_ai_velocity_iepe_chan()
add_ai_freq_voltage_chan() (nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIChannelCollec
method), 184
method), 167 add_ai_voltage_chan() (nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIC
add_ai_microphone_chan() method), 185
method), 167 (nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIChannelCollec
add_ai_pos_eddy_curr_prox_probe_chan() method), 186
method), 168 (nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIChannelCollec
add_ai_pos_lvdt_chan() (nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIChannelCollection
method), 187
method), 169 add_ao_current_chan() (nidaqmx._task_modules.ao_channel_collection.AO
add_ai_pos_rvdt_chan() (nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIChannelCollection
method), 201
method), 170 add_ao_func_gen_chan()
add_ai_pressure_bridge_polynomial_chan() (nidaqmx._task_modules.ao_channel_collection.AOChannelColle
method), 201
method), 171 add_ao_voltage_chan() (nidaqmx._task_modules.ao_channel_collection.AO
add_ai_pressure_bridge_table_chan() method), 202
method), 172 (nidaqmx.system.system.System method),
add_ai_pressure_bridge_two_point_lin_chan() 91
method), 173 (nidaqmx._task_modules.ci_channel_collection.CIChannelCollec
add_ai_resistance_chan() method), 203
method), 174 (nidaqmx._task_modules.ci_channel_collection.CIChannelCollec
add_ai_rosette_strain_gage_chan() method), 204

256 Index
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

add_ci_count_edges_chan() (nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIChannelCollec
method), 187
method), 204 add_teds_ai_bridge_chan()
add_ci_duty_cycle_chan() (nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIChannelCollec
method), 188
method), 205 add_teds_ai_current_chan()
add_ci_freq_chan() (nidaqmx._task_modules.ci_channel_collection.CIChannelCollection
method), 205 method), 189
add_ci_gps_timestamp_chan() add_teds_ai_force_bridge_chan()
method), 206 method), 190
add_ci_lin_encoder_chan() add_teds_ai_force_iepe_chan()
method), 207 method), 190
add_ci_lin_velocity_chan() add_teds_ai_microphone_chan()
method), 208 method), 191
add_ci_period_chan() (nidaqmx._task_modules.ci_channel_collection.CIChannelCollection
method), 208 (nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIChannelCollec
add_ci_pulse_chan_freq() method), 192
method), 209 (nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIChannelCollec
add_ci_pulse_chan_ticks() method), 193
method), 210 (nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIChannelCollec
add_ci_pulse_chan_time() method), 194
method), 210 (nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIChannelCollec
add_ci_pulse_width_chan() method), 194
add_teds_ai_rtd_chan() (nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIC
method), 211 method), 195
add_ci_semi_period_chan() add_teds_ai_strain_gage_chan()
method), 212 method), 196
add_ci_two_edge_sep_chan() add_teds_ai_thrmcpl_chan()
method), 212 method), 196
add_co_pulse_chan_freq() add_teds_ai_thrmstr_chan_iex()
method), 213 method), 197
add_co_pulse_chan_ticks() add_teds_ai_thrmstr_chan_vex()
method), 214 method), 198
add_co_pulse_chan_time() add_teds_ai_torque_bridge_chan()
method), 214 method), 198
add_di_chan() (nidaqmx._task_modules.di_channel_collection.DIChannelCollection
method), 215 (nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIChannelCollec
add_do_chan() (nidaqmx._task_modules.do_channel_collection.DOChannelCollection
method), 199
method), 216 add_teds_ai_voltage_chan_with_excit()
add_global_channels() (nidaqmx.task.Task method), 112 (nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIChannelCollec
add_network_device() (nidaqmx.system.device.Device method), 200
static method), 99 ADV_CMPLT_EVENT (nidaqmx.constants.Signal at-
add_teds_ai_accel_chan() tribute), 39

Index 257
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

adv_cmplt_event_delay (nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals
ai_accel_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 216 attribute), 120
adv_cmplt_event_output_term ai_acceld_b_ref (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals attribute), 120
attribute), 217 ai_adc_custom_timing_mode
adv_cmplt_event_pulse_polarity (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals attribute), 120
attribute), 217 ai_adc_timing_mode (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChan
adv_cmplt_event_pulse_width attribute), 120
ai_atten (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 217 attribute), 120
adv_trig_output_term (nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals
ai_auto_zero_mode (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChann
attribute), 217 attribute), 120
adv_trig_pulse_polarity (nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals
ai_averaging_win_size (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AICh
attribute), 217 attribute), 120
adv_trig_pulse_width (nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals
attribute), 217 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
adv_trig_pulse_width_units attribute), 120
attribute), 217 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ADVANCE (nidaqmx.constants.TriggerUsage attribute), attribute), 120
44 ai_bridge_cfg (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ADVANCE_TRIGGER (nidaqmx.constants.Signal at- attribute), 120
tribute), 39 ai_bridge_electrical_units
ADVANCE_TRIGGER (nidaqmx.constants.SoftwareTrigger (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 40 attribute), 120
AHIGH_BHIGH (nidaqmx.constants.EncoderZIndexPhase ai_bridge_initial_ratio (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AICha
attribute), 26 attribute), 120
AHIGH_BLOW (nidaqmx.constants.EncoderZIndexPhase ai_bridge_initial_voltage
attribute), 26 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_ac_excit_freq (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 120
attribute), 119 ai_bridge_nom_resistance
ai_ac_excit_sync_enable (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel attribute), 121
attribute), 119 ai_bridge_physical_units
ai_ac_excit_wire_mode (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 119 attribute), 121
ai_accel_4_wire_dc_voltage_sensitivity ai_bridge_poly_forward_coeff
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 119 attribute), 121
ai_accel_4_wire_dc_voltage_sensitivity_units ai_bridge_poly_reverse_coeff
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 119 attribute), 121
ai_accel_charge_sensitivity ai_bridge_rngs (nidaqmx.system.device.Device at-
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel tribute), 99
attribute), 119 ai_bridge_scale_type (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChan
ai_accel_charge_sensitivity_units attribute), 121
attribute), 119 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_accel_sensitivity (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 121
attribute), 119 ai_bridge_shunt_cal_gain_adjust
ai_accel_sensitivity_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel attribute), 121
attribute), 120 ai_bridge_shunt_cal_select

258 Index
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel attribute), 229

attribute), 121 ai_conv_dig_fltr_timebase_rate
ai_bridge_shunt_cal_shunt_cal_a_actual_resistance (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel attribute), 229
attribute), 121 ai_conv_dig_fltr_timebase_src
ai_bridge_shunt_cal_shunt_cal_a_resistance (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel attribute), 229
attribute), 121 ai_conv_dig_sync_enable
ai_bridge_shunt_cal_shunt_cal_a_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel attribute), 229
attribute), 121 ai_conv_max_rate (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
ai_bridge_shunt_cal_shunt_cal_b_actual_resistance attribute), 229
ai_conv_rate (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing at-
attribute), 121 tribute), 229
ai_bridge_shunt_cal_shunt_cal_b_resistance ai_conv_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing at-
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel tribute), 230
attribute), 121 ai_conv_timebase_div (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
ai_bridge_table_electrical_vals attribute), 230
ai_conv_timebase_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
attribute), 121 attribute), 230
ai_bridge_table_physical_vals AI_CONVERT_CLOCK (nidaqmx.constants.Signal at-
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel tribute), 39
attribute), 121 ai_coupling (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_bridge_two_point_lin_first_electrical_val attribute), 122
ai_couplings (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute),
attribute), 122 99
ai_bridge_two_point_lin_first_physical_val ai_current_acrms_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AICh
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel attribute), 122
attribute), 122 ai_current_int_excit_discrete_vals
ai_bridge_two_point_lin_second_electrical_val (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute),
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel 99
attribute), 122 ai_current_rngs (nidaqmx.system.device.Device at-
ai_bridge_two_point_lin_second_physical_val tribute), 99
ai_current_shunt_loc (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChan
attribute), 122 attribute), 122
ai_bridge_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 122 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_channels (nidaqmx.task.Task attribute), 112 attribute), 122
ai_charge_rngs (nidaqmx.system.device.Device at- ai_current_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
tribute), 99 attribute), 122
ai_charge_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_custom_scale (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 122 attribute), 122
ai_conv_active_edge (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timingai_data_xfer_custom_threshold
attribute), 229 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_conv_clk_output_term attribute), 122
ai_data_xfer_mech (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChanne
attribute), 217 attribute), 122
ai_conv_clk_pulse_polarity ai_data_xfer_req_cond (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AICh
(nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals attribute), 122
attribute), 217 ai_dc_offset (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_conv_dig_fltr_enable (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing attribute), 123
attribute), 229 ai_dev_scaling_coeff (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChan
ai_conv_dig_fltr_min_pulse_width attribute), 123
(nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing ai_dig_fltr_bandpass_center_freq

Index 259
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel attribute), 124

attribute), 123 ai_excit_sense (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_dig_fltr_bandpass_width attribute), 124
ai_excit_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 123 attribute), 124
ai_dig_fltr_coeff (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 123 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_dig_fltr_enable (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 124
attribute), 123 ai_excit_use_multiplexed
ai_dig_fltr_highpass_cutoff_freq (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel attribute), 124
attribute), 123 ai_excit_val (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_dig_fltr_lowpass_cutoff_freq attribute), 124
attribute), 123 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_dig_fltr_lowpass_cutoff_freq_discrete_vals attribute), 124
(nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute), ai_filter_delay (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
99 attribute), 124
ai_dig_fltr_lowpass_cutoff_freq_range_vals ai_filter_delay_adjustment
(nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute), (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
99 attribute), 124
ai_dig_fltr_notch_center_freq ai_filter_delay_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChan
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel attribute), 124
attribute), 123 ai_force_iepe_sensor_sensitivity
ai_dig_fltr_notch_width (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 123 attribute), 124
ai_dig_fltr_order (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 123 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_dig_fltr_response (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 125
attribute), 123 ai_force_read_from_chan
ai_dig_fltr_type (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 123 attribute), 125
ai_dig_fltr_types (nidaqmx.system.device.Device at- ai_force_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
tribute), 99 attribute), 125
ai_dither_enable (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_freq_hyst (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 123 attribute), 125
ai_eddy_current_prox_sensitivity ai_freq_rngs (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute),
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel 99
attribute), 123 ai_freq_thresh_voltage (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AICh
ai_eddy_current_prox_sensitivity_units attribute), 125
ai_freq_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 123 attribute), 125
ai_eddy_current_prox_units ai_gain (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel attribute), 125
attribute), 123 ai_gains (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute), 100
ai_enhanced_alias_rejection_enable AI_HOLD_CMPLT_EVENT (nidaqmx.constants.Signal
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel attribute), 39
attribute), 124 ai_hold_cmplt_event_output_term
ai_excit_actual_val (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 124 attribute), 217
ai_excit_d_cor_ac (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 124 (nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals
ai_excit_idle_output_behavior attribute), 217
ai_impedance (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel

260 Index
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

attribute), 125 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel

ai_input_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannelattribute), 126
attribute), 125 ai_min (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_input_srcs (nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel attribute), 126
attribute), 104 ai_min_rate (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute),
ai_lead_wire_resistance (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 125 ai_open_chan_detect_enable
ai_lossy_lsb_removal_compressed_samp_size (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel attribute), 126
attribute), 125 ai_open_thrmcpl_detect_enable
ai_lowpass_cutoff_freq (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 125 attribute), 126
ai_lowpass_cutoff_freq_discrete_vals ai_physical_chans (nidaqmx.system.device.Device
(nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute), attribute), 100
100 ai_pressure_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_lowpass_cutoff_freq_range_vals attribute), 127
(nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute), ai_probe_atten (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
100 attribute), 127
ai_lowpass_enable (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 125 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_lowpass_switch_cap_clk_src attribute), 127
attribute), 125 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_lowpass_switch_cap_ext_clk_div attribute), 127
ai_raw_samp_size (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChanne
attribute), 125 attribute), 127
ai_lowpass_switch_cap_ext_clk_freq ai_remove_filter_delay (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AICh
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel attribute), 127
attribute), 126 ai_resistance_cfg (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_lowpass_switch_cap_out_clk_div attribute), 127
ai_resistance_rngs (nidaqmx.system.device.Device at-
attribute), 126 tribute), 100
ai_lvdt_sensitivity (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_resistance_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChanne
attribute), 126 attribute), 127
ai_lvdt_sensitivity_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_resolution (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 126 attribute), 127
ai_lvdt_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_resolution_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChanne
attribute), 126 attribute), 127
ai_max (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_rng_high (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 126 attribute), 127
ai_max_multi_chan_rate (nidaqmx.system.device.Device ai_rng_low (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 100 attribute), 127
ai_max_single_chan_rate ai_rosette_strain_gage_gage_orientation
(nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute), (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
100 attribute), 127
ai_meas_type (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 126 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_meas_types (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute), attribute), 127
100 ai_rosette_strain_gage_rosette_type
ai_meas_types (nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 104 attribute), 127
ai_mem_map_enable (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 126 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_microphone_sensitivity attribute), 127

Index 261
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

ai_rtd_a (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel attribute), 105

attribute), 127 ai_thrmcpl_cjc_chan (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChan
ai_rtd_b (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel attribute), 129
attribute), 128 ai_thrmcpl_cjc_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChanne
ai_rtd_c (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel attribute), 129
attribute), 128 ai_thrmcpl_cjc_val (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChann
ai_rtd_r_0 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel attribute), 129
attribute), 128 ai_thrmcpl_lead_offset_voltage
ai_rtd_type (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 128 attribute), 129
ai_rvdt_sensitivity (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_thrmcpl_scale_type (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AICha
attribute), 128 attribute), 129
ai_rvdt_sensitivity_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_thrmcpl_type (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 128 attribute), 129
ai_rvdt_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_thrmstr_a (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 128 attribute), 129
ai_samp_and_hold_enable ai_thrmstr_b (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel attribute), 129
attribute), 128 ai_thrmstr_c (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_samp_modes (nidaqmx.system.device.Device at- attribute), 129
tribute), 100 ai_thrmstr_r_1 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_simultaneous_sampling_supported attribute), 129
(nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute), ai_torque_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
100 attribute), 129
ai_sound_pressure_max_sound_pressure_lvl ai_trig_usage (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute),
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel 100
attribute), 128 ai_usb_xfer_req_count (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AICh
ai_sound_pressure_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 130
attribute), 128 ai_usb_xfer_req_size (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChan
ai_sound_pressured_b_ref attribute), 130
attribute), 128 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_strain_force_read_from_chan attribute), 130
attribute), 128 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_strain_gage_cfg (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 130
attribute), 128 ai_velocity_iepe_sensord_b_ref
ai_strain_gage_gage_factor (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel attribute), 130
attribute), 128 ai_velocity_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_strain_gage_poisson_ratio attribute), 130
ai_voltage_acrms_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AICh
attribute), 128 attribute), 130
ai_strain_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 129 (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute),
ai_teds_is_teds (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 129 ai_voltage_int_excit_range_vals
ai_teds_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute),
attribute), 129 100
ai_temp_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_voltage_rngs (nidaqmx.system.device.Device at-
attribute), 129 tribute), 101
ai_term_cfg (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
ai_voltage_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 129 attribute), 130
ai_term_cfgs (nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel
ai_voltaged_b_ref (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChanne

262 Index
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

attribute), 130 tribute), 44

AIChannel (class in nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel),
ANALOG_INPUT (nidaqmx.constants.ChannelType at-
119 tribute), 22
AIChannelCollection (class in ANALOG_LEVEL (nidaqmx.constants.TriggerType at-
nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection), tribute), 44
156 ANALOG_OUTPUT (nidaqmx.constants.ChannelType
AIPhysicalChannelCollection (class in attribute), 22
ANALOG_WINDOW (nidaqmx.constants.TriggerType
97 attribute), 44
all (nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIChannelCollection
AnalogMultiChannelReader (class in
attribute), 201 nidaqmx.stream_readers), 57
all (nidaqmx._task_modules.ao_channel_collection.AOChannelCollection
AnalogMultiChannelWriter (class in
attribute), 202 nidaqmx.stream_writers), 78
all (nidaqmx._task_modules.channel_collection.ChannelCollection
AnalogSingleChannelReader (class in
attribute), 156 nidaqmx.stream_readers), 56
all (nidaqmx._task_modules.ci_channel_collection.CIChannelCollection
AnalogSingleChannelWriter (class in
attribute), 213 nidaqmx.stream_writers), 77
all (nidaqmx._task_modules.co_channel_collection.COChannelCollection
AnalogUnscaledReader (class in
attribute), 215 nidaqmx.stream_readers), 59
all (nidaqmx._task_modules.di_channel_collection.DIChannelCollection
AnalogUnscaledWriter (class in
attribute), 215 nidaqmx.stream_writers), 79
all (nidaqmx._task_modules.do_channel_collection.DOChannelCollection
AngleUnits (class in nidaqmx.constants), 19
attribute), 216 AngularVelocityUnits (class in nidaqmx.constants), 19
all (nidaqmx.system._collections.physical_channel_collection.PhysicalChannelCollection
anlg_edge_coupling (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.R
attribute), 98 attribute), 240
allow_interactive_deletion anlg_edge_coupling (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartT
(nidaqmx.system.storage.persisted_channel.PersistedChannelattribute), 244
attribute), 107 anlg_edge_dig_fltr_enable
allow_interactive_deletion (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.ReferenceT
(nidaqmx.system.storage.persisted_scale.PersistedScale attribute), 240
attribute), 108 anlg_edge_dig_fltr_enable
allow_interactive_deletion (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTrigger
(nidaqmx.system.storage.persisted_task.PersistedTask attribute), 244
attribute), 108 anlg_edge_dig_fltr_min_pulse_width
allow_interactive_editing (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.ReferenceT
(nidaqmx.system.storage.persisted_channel.PersistedChannelattribute), 240
attribute), 107 anlg_edge_dig_fltr_min_pulse_width
allow_interactive_editing (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTrigger
(nidaqmx.system.storage.persisted_scale.PersistedScale attribute), 244
attribute), 108 anlg_edge_dig_fltr_timebase_rate
allow_interactive_editing (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.ReferenceT
(nidaqmx.system.storage.persisted_task.PersistedTask attribute), 240
attribute), 108 anlg_edge_dig_fltr_timebase_rate
ALLOW_REGENERATION (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTrigger
(nidaqmx.constants.RegenerationMode at- attribute), 244
tribute), 36 anlg_edge_dig_fltr_timebase_src
ALOW_BHIGH (nidaqmx.constants.EncoderZIndexPhase (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.ReferenceT
attribute), 26 attribute), 240
ALOW_BLOW (nidaqmx.constants.EncoderZIndexPhase anlg_edge_dig_fltr_timebase_src
attribute), 26 (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTrigger
AM (nidaqmx.constants.ModulationType attribute), 32 attribute), 244
AMPS (nidaqmx.constants.CurrentUnits attribute), 24 anlg_edge_dig_sync_enable
AMPS (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled attribute), 45 (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.ReferenceT
ANALOG_EDGE (nidaqmx.constants.TriggerType at- attribute), 240

Index 263
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

anlg_edge_dig_sync_enable attribute), 240

anlg_win_coupling (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTr
attribute), 244 attribute), 245
anlg_edge_hyst (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.ReferenceTrigger
attribute), 240 (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.pause_trigger.PauseTrigger
anlg_edge_hyst (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTrigger
attribute), 238
attribute), 244 anlg_win_dig_fltr_enable
anlg_edge_lvl (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.ReferenceTrigger
attribute), 240 attribute), 241
anlg_edge_lvl (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTrigger
attribute), 244 (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTrigger
anlg_edge_slope (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.ReferenceTrigger
attribute), 245
attribute), 240 anlg_win_dig_fltr_min_pulse_width
anlg_edge_slope (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTrigger
attribute), 244 attribute), 238
anlg_edge_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.ReferenceTrigger
attribute), 240 (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.ReferenceT
anlg_edge_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTrigger
attribute), 241
attribute), 244 anlg_win_dig_fltr_min_pulse_width
anlg_lvl_coupling (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.pause_trigger.PauseTrigger
attribute), 237 attribute), 245
anlg_lvl_dig_fltr_enable (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.pause_trigger.PauseTrigger
attribute), 238 (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.pause_trigger.PauseTrigger
anlg_lvl_dig_fltr_min_pulse_width attribute), 238
attribute), 238 (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.ReferenceT
anlg_lvl_dig_fltr_timebase_rate attribute), 241
attribute), 238 (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTrigger
anlg_lvl_dig_fltr_timebase_src attribute), 245
attribute), 238 (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.pause_trigger.PauseTrigger
anlg_lvl_dig_sync_enable attribute), 239
attribute), 238 (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.ReferenceT
anlg_lvl_hyst (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.pause_trigger.PauseTrigger
attribute), 241
attribute), 238 anlg_win_dig_fltr_timebase_src
anlg_lvl_lvl (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.pause_trigger.PauseTrigger
attribute), 238 attribute), 245
anlg_lvl_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.pause_trigger.PauseTrigger
attribute), 238 (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.pause_trigger.PauseTrigger
anlg_lvl_when (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.pause_trigger.PauseTrigger
attribute), 239
attribute), 238 anlg_win_dig_sync_enable
anlg_trig_supported (nidaqmx.system.device.Device at- (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.ReferenceT
tribute), 101 attribute), 241
anlg_win_btm (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.pause_trigger.PauseTrigger
attribute), 238 (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTrigger
anlg_win_btm (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.ReferenceTrigger
attribute), 245
attribute), 240 anlg_win_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.pause_trigger.PauseTrigg
anlg_win_btm (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTrigger
attribute), 239
attribute), 245 anlg_win_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.Referen
anlg_win_coupling (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.pause_trigger.PauseTrigger
attribute), 241
attribute), 238 anlg_win_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTrigger
anlg_win_coupling (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.ReferenceTrigger
attribute), 245

264 Index
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

anlg_win_top (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.pause_trigger.PauseTrigger
attribute), 132
attribute), 239 ao_filter_delay_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOCha
anlg_win_top (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.ReferenceTrigger
attribute), 132
attribute), 241 ao_func_gen_amplitude (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOC
anlg_win_top (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTrigger
attribute), 132
attribute), 245 ao_func_gen_fm_deviation
anlg_win_trig_when (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.ReferenceTrigger
attribute), 241 attribute), 132
anlg_win_trig_when (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTrigger
ao_func_gen_freq (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChann
attribute), 245 attribute), 132
anlg_win_when (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.pause_trigger.PauseTrigger
attribute), 239 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel
ao_channels (nidaqmx.task.Task attribute), 112 attribute), 132
ao_current_rngs (nidaqmx.system.device.Device at- ao_func_gen_offset (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChan
tribute), 101 attribute), 133
ao_current_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel
attribute), 131 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel
ao_custom_scale (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannelattribute), 133
attribute), 131 ao_func_gen_type (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChann
ao_dac_offset_ext_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel
attribute), 133
attribute), 131 ao_gain (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel
ao_dac_offset_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel
attribute), 133
attribute), 131 ao_gains (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute), 101
ao_dac_offset_val (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel
attribute), 131 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel
ao_dac_ref_allow_conn_to_gnd attribute), 133
ao_load_impedance (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChan
attribute), 131 attribute), 133
ao_dac_ref_conn_to_gnd ao_manual_control_amplitude
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel (nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel
attribute), 131 attribute), 105
ao_dac_ref_ext_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel
attribute), 131 (nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel
ao_dac_ref_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel attribute), 105
attribute), 132 ao_manual_control_freq (nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChann
ao_dac_ref_val (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel attribute), 105
attribute), 132 ao_manual_control_short_detected
ao_dac_rng_high (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel(nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel
attribute), 132 attribute), 105
ao_dac_rng_low (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel
ao_max (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel
attribute), 132 attribute), 133
ao_data_xfer_mech (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel
ao_max_rate (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute),
attribute), 132 101
ao_data_xfer_req_cond (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel
ao_mem_map_enable (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOCh
attribute), 132 attribute), 133
ao_dev_scaling_coeff (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel
ao_min (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel
attribute), 132 attribute), 133
ao_enhanced_image_rejection_enable ao_min_rate (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute),
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel 101
attribute), 132 ao_output_impedance (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOCh
ao_filter_delay (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannelattribute), 133
attribute), 132 ao_output_type (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel
ao_filter_delay_adjustment attribute), 133
ao_output_types (nidaqmx.system.device.Device at-

Index 265
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

tribute), 101 131

ao_output_types (nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel
AOChannelCollection (class in
attribute), 105 nidaqmx._task_modules.ao_channel_collection),
ao_physical_chans (nidaqmx.system.device.Device at- 201
tribute), 101 AOExpirationState (class in nidaqmx.types), 247
ao_power_amp_channel_enable AOIdleOutputBehavior (class in nidaqmx.constants), 18
AOPhysicalChannelCollection (class in
attribute), 105 nidaqmx.system._collections.physical_channel_collection),
ao_power_amp_gain (nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel 97
attribute), 105 AOPowerUpOutputBehavior (class in
ao_power_amp_offset (nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannelnidaqmx.constants), 18
attribute), 105 AOPowerUpState (class in nidaqmx.types), 248
ao_power_amp_overcurrent are_configured_cdaq_sync_ports_disconnected()
(nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel (nidaqmx.system.system.System method),
attribute), 105 91
ao_power_amp_scaling_coeff ARM_START (nidaqmx.constants.TriggerUsage at-
(nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel tribute), 44
attribute), 105 arm_start_trigger (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggers.Triggers
ao_power_up_output_types attribute), 236
ArmStartTrigger (class in
attribute), 105 nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.arm_start_trigger),
ao_reglitch_enable (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel
ao_resolution (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel (nidaqmx.constants.UnderflowBehavior at-
attribute), 133 tribute), 45
ao_resolution_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel
author (nidaqmx.system.storage.persisted_channel.PersistedChannel
attribute), 133 attribute), 107
ao_samp_clk_supported (nidaqmx.system.device.Device author (nidaqmx.system.storage.persisted_scale.PersistedScale
attribute), 101 attribute), 108
ao_samp_modes (nidaqmx.system.device.Device at- author (nidaqmx.system.storage.persisted_task.PersistedTask
tribute), 101 attribute), 108
AO_SERIES (nidaqmx.constants.ProductCategory auto_configure_cdaq_sync_connections()
attribute), 34 (nidaqmx.system.system.System method),
ao_term_cfg (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel 92
attribute), 134 auto_start (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream
ao_term_cfgs (nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel attribute), 220
attribute), 105 auto_start (nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream.OutStream
ao_trig_usage (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute), attribute), 226
101 auto_start (nidaqmx.stream_writers.AnalogMultiChannelWriter
ao_usb_xfer_req_count (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel
attribute), 78
attribute), 134 auto_start (nidaqmx.stream_writers.AnalogSingleChannelWriter
ao_usb_xfer_req_size (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel
attribute), 77
attribute), 134 auto_start (nidaqmx.stream_writers.AnalogUnscaledWriter
ao_use_only_on_brd_mem attribute), 79
auto_start (nidaqmx.stream_writers.CounterWriter
attribute), 134 attribute), 82
ao_voltage_current_limit auto_start (nidaqmx.stream_writers.DigitalMultiChannelWriter
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel attribute), 87
attribute), 134 auto_start (nidaqmx.stream_writers.DigitalSingleChannelWriter
ao_voltage_rngs (nidaqmx.system.device.Device at- attribute), 84
tribute), 101 auto_trig_enable (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.Refe
ao_voltage_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel
attribute), 241
attribute), 134 auto_triggered (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.Refere
AOChannel (class in nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel), attribute), 241

266 Index
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

AUTOMATIC (nidaqmx.constants.ADCTimingMode at- carrier_serial_num (nidaqmx.system.device.Device at-

tribute), 17 tribute), 101
AutoZeroType (class in nidaqmx.constants), 20 CARTESIAN_SHEAR_STRAIN_XY
avail_samp_per_chan (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream (nidaqmx.constants.StrainGageRosetteMeasurementType
attribute), 220 attribute), 41
B (nidaqmx.constants.StrainGageRosetteMeasurementType
B (nidaqmx.constants.ShuntCalSelect attribute), 39 attribute), 41
B (nidaqmx.constants.ShuntResistorSelect attribute), 39 CARTESIAN_STRAIN_Y
B (nidaqmx.constants.ThermocoupleType attribute), 43 (nidaqmx.constants.StrainGageRosetteMeasurementType
B_SERIES_DAQ (nidaqmx.constants.ProductCategory attribute), 41
attribute), 34 CDAQSyncConnection (class in nidaqmx.types), 248
BANDPASS (nidaqmx.constants.FilterType attribute), 28 cfg_anlg_edge_ref_trig()
BAR (nidaqmx.constants.BridgePhysicalUnits attribute), (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.ReferenceT
20 method), 241
BAR (nidaqmx.constants.PressureUnits attribute), 34 cfg_anlg_edge_start_trig()
BAR (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled attribute), 45 (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTrigger
BELOW (nidaqmx.constants.ActiveLevel attribute), 19 method), 245
BEST_50_HZ_REJECTION cfg_anlg_window_ref_trig()
(nidaqmx.constants.ADCTimingMode at- (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.ReferenceT
tribute), 17 method), 242
BEST_60_HZ_REJECTION cfg_anlg_window_start_trig()
(nidaqmx.constants.ADCTimingMode at- (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTrigger
tribute), 17 method), 246
BITS (nidaqmx.constants.ResolutionType attribute), 37 cfg_burst_handshaking_timing_export_clock()
BREAK_BEFORE_MAKE (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
(nidaqmx.constants.BreakMode attribute), method), 230
20 cfg_burst_handshaking_timing_import_clock()
BreakMode (class in nidaqmx.constants), 20 (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
BRIDGE (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI attribute), 47 method), 230
BridgeConfiguration (class in nidaqmx.constants), 20 cfg_change_detection_timing()
BridgeElectricalUnits (class in nidaqmx.constants), 20 (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
BridgePhysicalUnits (class in nidaqmx.constants), 20 method), 231
BridgeShuntCalSource (class in nidaqmx.constants), 21 cfg_dig_edge_ref_trig() (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigg
BridgeUnits (class in nidaqmx.constants), 21 method), 242
BUILT_IN (nidaqmx.constants.BridgeShuntCalSource cfg_dig_edge_start_trig()
attribute), 21 (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTrigger
BUILT_IN (nidaqmx.constants.CJCSource attribute), 22 method), 246
BURST_HANDSHAKE (nidaqmx.constants.SampleTimingType cfg_dig_pattern_ref_trig()
attribute), 37 (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.ReferenceT
bus_type (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute), 101 method), 242
BusType (class in nidaqmx.constants), 21 cfg_dig_pattern_start_trig()
BUTTERWORTH (nidaqmx.constants.FilterResponse at- (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTrigger
tribute), 28 method), 246
C (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
C_SERIES_MODULE (nidaqmx.constants.ProductCategory method), 231
attribute), 34 cfg_implicit_timing() (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
calculate_reverse_poly_coeff() (nidaqmx.scale.Scale method), 232
static method), 52 cfg_pipelined_samp_clk_timing()
CalibrationMode2 (class in nidaqmx.constants), 22 (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
CalibrationTerminalConfig (class in nidaqmx.constants), method), 232
22 cfg_samp_clk_timing() (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
CANCEL (nidaqmx.constants.Action attribute), 19 method), 232

Index 267
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

cfg_watchdog_ao_expir_states() attribute), 33
(nidaqmx.system.watchdog.WatchdogTask CHANNEL_HIGH_IMPEDANCE
method), 109 (nidaqmx.constants.PowerUpChannelType
cfg_watchdog_co_expir_states() attribute), 33
(nidaqmx.system.watchdog.WatchdogTask CHANNEL_IN_USE (nidaqmx.constants.PathCapability
method), 109 attribute), 33
cfg_watchdog_do_expir_states() channel_names (nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIChannelC
(nidaqmx.system.watchdog.WatchdogTask attribute), 201
method), 110 channel_names (nidaqmx._task_modules.ao_channel_collection.AOChanne
CHAN_FOR_ALL_LINES attribute), 202
(nidaqmx.constants.LineGrouping attribute), channel_names (nidaqmx._task_modules.channel_collection.ChannelCollec
31 attribute), 156
CHAN_PER_LINE (nidaqmx.constants.LineGrouping channel_names (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 31 attribute), 130
chan_type (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
channel_names (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel
attribute), 130 attribute), 134
chan_type (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel
channel_names (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.channel.Channel
attribute), 134 attribute), 118
chan_type (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.channel.Channelchannel_names (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 118 attribute), 135
chan_type (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
channel_names (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChannel
attribute), 135 attribute), 149
chan_type (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChannel
channel_names (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.di_channel.DIChannel
attribute), 149 attribute), 152
chan_type (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.di_channel.DIChannel
channel_names (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.do_channel.DOChannel
attribute), 152 attribute), 154
chan_type (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.do_channel.DOChannel
channel_names (nidaqmx._task_modules.ci_channel_collection.CIChannelC
attribute), 154 attribute), 213
change_detect_di_falling_edge_physical_chans channel_names (nidaqmx._task_modules.co_channel_collection.COChanne
(nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing attribute), 215
attribute), 233 channel_names (nidaqmx._task_modules.di_channel_collection.DIChannelC
change_detect_di_rising_edge_physical_chans attribute), 215
(nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing channel_names (nidaqmx._task_modules.do_channel_collection.DOChanne
attribute), 233 attribute), 216
change_detect_di_tristate channel_names (nidaqmx.system._collections.physical_channel_collection.P
(nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing attribute), 98
attribute), 233 channel_names (nidaqmx.task.Task attribute), 112
change_detect_event_output_term CHANNEL_RESERVED_FOR_ROUTING
(nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals (nidaqmx.constants.PathCapability attribute),
attribute), 217 33
change_detect_event_pulse_polarity CHANNEL_SOURCE_CONFLICT
(nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals (nidaqmx.constants.PathCapability attribute),
attribute), 217 33
change_detect_overflowed channel_type (nidaqmx.types.AOPowerUpState at-
(nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream tribute), 248
attribute), 220 CHANNEL_VOLTAGE (nidaqmx.constants.PowerUpChannelType
CHANGE_DETECTION attribute), 33
(nidaqmx.constants.SampleTimingType at- ChannelCollection (class in
tribute), 37 nidaqmx._task_modules.channel_collection),
(nidaqmx.constants.Signal attribute), 39 channels (nidaqmx.task.Task attribute), 112
Channel (class in nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.channel),channels_to_read (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream
118 attribute), 220
CHANNEL_CURRENT (nidaqmx.constants.PowerUpChannelType ChannelType (class in nidaqmx.constants), 22

268 Index
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

CHARGE (nidaqmx.constants.CalibrationMode2 at- attribute), 136

tribute), 22 ci_count_edges_count_reset_dig_fltr_timebase_src
CHARGE (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI attribute), (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
47 attribute), 136
ChargeUnits (class in nidaqmx.constants), 23 ci_count_edges_count_reset_dig_sync_enable
chassis_module_devices (nidaqmx.system.device.Device (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 101 attribute), 136
CHS (nidaqmx.constants.Language attribute), 30 ci_count_edges_count_reset_enable
ci_ang_encoder_initial_angle (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 136
attribute), 135 ci_count_edges_count_reset_logic_lvl_behavior
ci_ang_encoder_pulses_per_rev (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 136
attribute), 135 ci_count_edges_count_reset_reset_cnt
ci_ang_encoder_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 135 attribute), 136
ci_channels (nidaqmx.task.Task attribute), 112 ci_count_edges_count_reset_term
ci_count (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 135 attribute), 136
ci_count_edges_active_edge ci_count_edges_count_reset_term_cfg
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 135 attribute), 136
ci_count_edges_count_dir_dig_fltr_enable ci_count_edges_dig_fltr_enable
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 135 attribute), 136
ci_count_edges_count_dir_dig_fltr_min_pulse_width ci_count_edges_dig_fltr_min_pulse_width
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 135 attribute), 136
ci_count_edges_count_dir_dig_fltr_timebase_rate ci_count_edges_dig_fltr_timebase_rate
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 135 attribute), 136
ci_count_edges_count_dir_dig_fltr_timebase_src ci_count_edges_dig_fltr_timebase_src
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 135 attribute), 136
ci_count_edges_count_dir_dig_sync_enable ci_count_edges_dig_sync_enable
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 135 attribute), 136
ci_count_edges_count_dir_logic_lvl_behavior ci_count_edges_dir (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChann
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 136
attribute), 135 ci_count_edges_dir_term
ci_count_edges_count_dir_term_cfg (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 136
attribute), 135 ci_count_edges_gate_dig_fltr_enable
ci_count_edges_count_reset_active_edge (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 137
attribute), 136 ci_count_edges_gate_dig_fltr_min_pulse_width
ci_count_edges_count_reset_dig_fltr_enable (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 137
attribute), 136 ci_count_edges_gate_dig_fltr_timebase_rate
ci_count_edges_count_reset_dig_fltr_min_pulse_width (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 137
attribute), 136 ci_count_edges_gate_dig_fltr_timebase_src
ci_count_edges_count_reset_dig_fltr_timebase_rate (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 137

Index 269
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

ci_count_edges_gate_enable attribute), 138

ci_data_xfer_req_cond (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CICh
attribute), 137 attribute), 138
ci_count_edges_gate_logic_lvl_behavior ci_dup_count_prevention
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 137 attribute), 138
ci_count_edges_gate_term ci_duty_cycle_dig_fltr_enable
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 137 attribute), 138
ci_count_edges_gate_term_cfg ci_duty_cycle_dig_fltr_min_pulse_width
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 137 attribute), 138
ci_count_edges_gate_when ci_duty_cycle_dig_fltr_timebase_rate
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 137 attribute), 138
ci_count_edges_initial_cnt ci_duty_cycle_dig_fltr_timebase_src
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 137 attribute), 138
ci_count_edges_logic_lvl_behavior ci_duty_cycle_logic_lvl_behavior
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 137 attribute), 138
ci_count_edges_term (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 137 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
ci_count_edges_term_cfg attribute), 138
ci_duty_cycle_term (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChann
attribute), 137 attribute), 138
ci_ctr_timebase_active_edge ci_duty_cycle_term_cfg (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIC
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 138
attribute), 137 ci_encoder_a_input_dig_fltr_enable
ci_ctr_timebase_dig_fltr_enable (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 138
attribute), 137 ci_encoder_a_input_dig_fltr_min_pulse_width
ci_ctr_timebase_dig_fltr_min_pulse_width (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 138
attribute), 137 ci_encoder_a_input_dig_fltr_timebase_rate
ci_ctr_timebase_dig_fltr_timebase_rate (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 139
attribute), 137 ci_encoder_a_input_dig_fltr_timebase_src
ci_ctr_timebase_dig_fltr_timebase_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 139
attribute), 137 ci_encoder_a_input_dig_sync_enable
ci_ctr_timebase_dig_sync_enable (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 139
attribute), 137 ci_encoder_a_input_logic_lvl_behavior
ci_ctr_timebase_master_timebase_div (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 139
attribute), 138 ci_encoder_a_input_term
ci_ctr_timebase_rate (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 138 attribute), 139
ci_ctr_timebase_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 138 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
ci_custom_scale (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 139
attribute), 138 ci_encoder_b_input_dig_fltr_enable
ci_data_xfer_mech (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel

270 Index
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

attribute), 139 ci_encoder_z_input_term_cfg

ci_encoder_b_input_dig_fltr_min_pulse_width (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 140
attribute), 139 ci_freq_dig_fltr_enable (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CICh
ci_encoder_b_input_dig_fltr_timebase_rate attribute), 140
attribute), 139 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
ci_encoder_b_input_dig_fltr_timebase_src attribute), 140
attribute), 139 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
ci_encoder_b_input_dig_sync_enable attribute), 140
attribute), 139 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
ci_encoder_b_input_logic_lvl_behavior attribute), 140
attribute), 139 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
ci_encoder_b_input_term attribute), 140
ci_freq_div (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 139 attribute), 140
ci_encoder_b_input_term_cfg ci_freq_enable_averaging
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 139 attribute), 140
ci_encoder_decoding_type ci_freq_logic_lvl_behavior
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 139 attribute), 140
ci_encoder_z_index_enable ci_freq_meas_meth (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChann
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 140
attribute), 139 ci_freq_meas_time (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChanne
ci_encoder_z_index_phase attribute), 141
ci_freq_starting_edge (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChan
attribute), 139 attribute), 141
ci_encoder_z_index_val (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
ci_freq_term (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 140 attribute), 141
ci_encoder_z_input_dig_fltr_enable ci_freq_term_cfg (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 141
attribute), 140 ci_freq_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
ci_encoder_z_input_dig_fltr_min_pulse_width attribute), 141
ci_gps_sync_method (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChan
attribute), 140 attribute), 141
ci_encoder_z_input_dig_fltr_timebase_rate ci_gps_sync_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 141
attribute), 140 ci_lin_encoder_dist_per_pulse
ci_encoder_z_input_dig_fltr_timebase_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 141
attribute), 140 ci_lin_encoder_initial_pos
ci_encoder_z_input_dig_sync_enable (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 141
attribute), 140 ci_lin_encoder_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChan
ci_encoder_z_input_logic_lvl_behavior attribute), 141
ci_max (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 140 attribute), 141
ci_encoder_z_input_term ci_max_meas_period (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChan
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 141
attribute), 140 ci_max_size (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute),

Index 271
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

101 attribute), 102

ci_max_timebase (nidaqmx.system.device.Device at- ci_prescaler (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
tribute), 101 attribute), 143
ci_meas_type (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 141 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
ci_meas_types (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute), attribute), 143
102 ci_pulse_freq_dig_fltr_min_pulse_width
ci_meas_types (nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 105 attribute), 143
ci_mem_map_enable (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 141 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
ci_min (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 143
attribute), 142 ci_pulse_freq_dig_fltr_timebase_src
ci_num_possibly_invalid_samps (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 143
attribute), 142 ci_pulse_freq_dig_sync_enable
ci_output_state (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 142 attribute), 143
ci_period_dig_fltr_enable ci_pulse_freq_logic_lvl_behavior
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 142 attribute), 143
ci_period_dig_fltr_min_pulse_width ci_pulse_freq_starting_edge
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 142 attribute), 143
ci_period_dig_fltr_timebase_rate ci_pulse_freq_term (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChann
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 143
attribute), 142 ci_pulse_freq_term_cfg (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CICh
ci_period_dig_fltr_timebase_src attribute), 143
ci_pulse_freq_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChann
attribute), 142 attribute), 143
ci_period_dig_sync_enable ci_pulse_ticks_dig_fltr_enable
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 142 attribute), 143
ci_period_div (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 142 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
ci_period_enable_averaging attribute), 143
attribute), 142 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
ci_period_logic_lvl_behavior attribute), 143
attribute), 142 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
ci_period_meas_meth (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 143
attribute), 142 ci_pulse_ticks_dig_sync_enable
ci_period_meas_time (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 142 attribute), 143
ci_period_starting_edge (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 142 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
ci_period_term (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 144
attribute), 142 ci_pulse_ticks_starting_edge
ci_period_term_cfg (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 142 attribute), 144
ci_period_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
ci_pulse_ticks_term (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChann
attribute), 143 attribute), 144
ci_physical_chans (nidaqmx.system.device.Device ci_pulse_ticks_term_cfg (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIC

272 Index
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

attribute), 144 ci_pulse_width_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChan

ci_pulse_time_dig_fltr_enable attribute), 145
attribute), 144 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
ci_pulse_time_dig_fltr_min_pulse_width attribute), 145
attribute), 144 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
ci_pulse_time_dig_fltr_timebase_rate attribute), 145
ci_samp_clk_supported (nidaqmx.system.device.Device
attribute), 144 attribute), 102
ci_pulse_time_dig_fltr_timebase_src ci_samp_modes (nidaqmx.system.device.Device at-
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel tribute), 102
attribute), 144 ci_semi_period_dig_fltr_enable
ci_pulse_time_dig_sync_enable (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 145
attribute), 144 ci_semi_period_dig_fltr_min_pulse_width
ci_pulse_time_logic_lvl_behavior (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 145
attribute), 144 ci_semi_period_dig_fltr_timebase_rate
ci_pulse_time_starting_edge (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 145
attribute), 144 ci_semi_period_dig_fltr_timebase_src
ci_pulse_time_term (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 144 attribute), 145
ci_pulse_time_term_cfg (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 144 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
ci_pulse_time_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 145
attribute), 144 ci_semi_period_logic_lvl_behavior
ci_pulse_width_dig_fltr_enable (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 145
attribute), 144 ci_semi_period_starting_edge
ci_pulse_width_dig_fltr_min_pulse_width (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 145
attribute), 144 ci_semi_period_term (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChan
ci_pulse_width_dig_fltr_timebase_rate attribute), 145
attribute), 144 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
ci_pulse_width_dig_fltr_timebase_src attribute), 145
ci_semi_period_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChan
attribute), 144 attribute), 145
ci_pulse_width_dig_sync_enable ci_tc_reached (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 145
attribute), 145 ci_thresh_voltage (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
ci_pulse_width_logic_lvl_behavior attribute), 146
attribute), 145 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
ci_pulse_width_starting_edge attribute), 146
ci_timestamp_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChann
attribute), 145 attribute), 146
ci_pulse_width_term (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
ci_trig_usage (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute),
attribute), 145 102
ci_pulse_width_term_cfg ci_two_edge_sep_first_dig_fltr_enable
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 145 attribute), 146

Index 273
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

ci_two_edge_sep_first_dig_fltr_min_pulse_width attribute), 147

ci_usb_xfer_req_size (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChan
attribute), 146 attribute), 147
ci_two_edge_sep_first_dig_fltr_timebase_rate ci_velocity_a_input_dig_fltr_enable
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 146 attribute), 147
ci_two_edge_sep_first_dig_fltr_timebase_src ci_velocity_a_input_dig_fltr_min_pulse_width
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 146 attribute), 147
ci_two_edge_sep_first_dig_sync_enable ci_velocity_a_input_dig_fltr_timebase_rate
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 146 attribute), 147
ci_two_edge_sep_first_edge ci_velocity_a_input_dig_fltr_timebase_src
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 146 attribute), 147
ci_two_edge_sep_first_logic_lvl_behavior ci_velocity_a_input_logic_lvl_behavior
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 146 attribute), 147
ci_two_edge_sep_first_term ci_velocity_a_input_term
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 146 attribute), 147
ci_two_edge_sep_first_term_cfg ci_velocity_a_input_term_cfg
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 146 attribute), 147
ci_two_edge_sep_second_dig_fltr_enable ci_velocity_ang_encoder_pulses_per_rev
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 146 attribute), 147
ci_two_edge_sep_second_dig_fltr_min_pulse_width ci_velocity_ang_encoder_units
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 146 attribute), 147
ci_two_edge_sep_second_dig_fltr_timebase_rate ci_velocity_b_input_dig_fltr_enable
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 146 attribute), 147
ci_two_edge_sep_second_dig_fltr_timebase_src ci_velocity_b_input_dig_fltr_min_pulse_width
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 146 attribute), 147
ci_two_edge_sep_second_dig_sync_enable ci_velocity_b_input_dig_fltr_timebase_rate
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 146 attribute), 147
ci_two_edge_sep_second_edge ci_velocity_b_input_dig_fltr_timebase_src
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 146 attribute), 147
ci_two_edge_sep_second_logic_lvl_behavior ci_velocity_b_input_logic_lvl_behavior
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 146 attribute), 148
ci_two_edge_sep_second_term ci_velocity_b_input_term
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 147 attribute), 148
ci_two_edge_sep_second_term_cfg ci_velocity_b_input_term_cfg
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 147 attribute), 148
ci_two_edge_sep_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
ci_velocity_div (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 147 attribute), 148
ci_usb_xfer_req_count (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel

274 Index
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChannel
attribute), 148 attribute), 149
ci_velocity_lin_encoder_dist_per_pulse co_ctr_timebase_master_timebase_div
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChannel
attribute), 148 attribute), 149
ci_velocity_lin_encoder_units co_ctr_timebase_rate (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COCha
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 150
attribute), 148 co_ctr_timebase_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COCha
ci_velocity_meas_time (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 150
attribute), 148 co_data_xfer_mech (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChan
CIChannel (class in nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel), attribute), 150
135 co_data_xfer_req_cond (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COC
CIChannelCollection (class in attribute), 150
nidaqmx._task_modules.ci_channel_collection), co_enable_initial_delay_on_retrigger
203 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChannel
CIPhysicalChannelCollection (class in attribute), 150
co_max_size (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute),
97 102
CJCSource (class in nidaqmx.constants), 22 co_max_timebase (nidaqmx.system.device.Device
CLEAR_EXPIRATION (nidaqmx.constants.WDTTaskAction attribute), 102
attribute), 50 co_mem_map_enable (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COCh
clear_expiration() (nidaqmx.system.watchdog.WatchdogTask attribute), 150
method), 110 co_output_state (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChannel
clear_teds() (nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel attribute), 150
method), 105 co_output_type (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChannel
close() (nidaqmx.system.watchdog.WatchdogTask attribute), 150
method), 110 co_output_types (nidaqmx.system.device.Device at-
close() (nidaqmx.task.Task method), 112 tribute), 102
CLOSED (nidaqmx.constants.RelayPosition attribute), co_output_types (nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel
36 attribute), 105
co_auto_incr_cnt (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChannel
co_physical_chans (nidaqmx.system.device.Device at-
attribute), 149 tribute), 102
co_channels (nidaqmx.task.Task attribute), 112 co_prescaler (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChannel
co_constrained_gen_mode attribute), 150
co_pulse_done (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChannel
attribute), 149 attribute), 150
co_count (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChannel
co_pulse_duty_cyc (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChan
attribute), 149 attribute), 150
co_ctr_timebase_active_edge co_pulse_freq (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChannel attribute), 150
attribute), 149 co_pulse_freq_initial_delay
co_ctr_timebase_dig_fltr_enable (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChannel attribute), 150
attribute), 149 co_pulse_freq_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChan
co_ctr_timebase_dig_fltr_min_pulse_width attribute), 150
co_pulse_high_ticks (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COCha
attribute), 149 attribute), 151
co_ctr_timebase_dig_fltr_timebase_rate co_pulse_high_time (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChan
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChannel attribute), 151
attribute), 149 co_pulse_idle_state (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChan
co_ctr_timebase_dig_fltr_timebase_src attribute), 151
co_pulse_low_ticks (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChan
attribute), 149 attribute), 151
co_ctr_timebase_dig_sync_enable co_pulse_low_time (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChan

Index 275
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

attribute), 151 method), 92

co_pulse_term (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChannel
attribute), 151 (nidaqmx.constants.FilterResponse attribute),
co_pulse_ticks_initial_delay 28
attribute), 151 (nidaqmx.constants.CJCSource attribute),
co_pulse_time_initial_delay 22
ConstrainedGenMode (class in nidaqmx.constants), 23
attribute), 151 CONTINUOUS (nidaqmx.constants.AcquisitionType at-
co_pulse_time_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChannel
tribute), 19
attribute), 151 CONTINUOUS (nidaqmx.constants.ScanRepeatMode
co_rdy_for_new_val (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChannel
attribute), 38
attribute), 151 control() (nidaqmx.system.watchdog.WatchdogTask
co_samp_clk_supported (nidaqmx.system.device.Device method), 110
attribute), 102 control() (nidaqmx.task.Task method), 113
co_samp_modes (nidaqmx.system.device.Device at- COPhysicalChannelCollection (class in
tribute), 102 nidaqmx.system._collections.physical_channel_collection),
co_trig_usage (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute), 97
102 COULOMBS (nidaqmx.constants.ChargeUnits attribute),
co_usb_xfer_req_count (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChannel
attribute), 151 COULOMBS (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled at-
co_usb_xfer_req_size (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChannel
tribute), 45
attribute), 151 count() (nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIChannelCollectio
co_use_only_on_brd_mem method), 201
count() (nidaqmx._task_modules.ao_channel_collection.AOChannelCollect
attribute), 151 method), 202
COChannel (class in nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel),
count() (nidaqmx._task_modules.ci_channel_collection.CIChannelCollectio
149 method), 213
COChannelCollection (class in count() (nidaqmx._task_modules.co_channel_collection.COChannelCollect
nidaqmx._task_modules.co_channel_collection), method), 215
213 count() (nidaqmx._task_modules.di_channel_collection.DIChannelCollectio
COExpirationState (class in nidaqmx.types), 248 method), 216
COMMIT (nidaqmx.constants.Action attribute), 19 count() (nidaqmx._task_modules.do_channel_collection.DOChannelCollect
common_mode_range_error_chans method), 216
(nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream COUNT_DOWN (nidaqmx.constants.CountDirection at-
attribute), 220 tribute), 23
common_mode_range_error_chans_exist COUNT_EDGES (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeCI at-
(nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream tribute), 48
attribute), 220 COUNT_UP (nidaqmx.constants.CountDirection at-
COMPACT_DAQ (nidaqmx.constants.BusType at- tribute), 23
tribute), 21 CountDirection (class in nidaqmx.constants), 23
COMPACT_DAQ_CHASSIS COUNTER_INPUT (nidaqmx.constants.ChannelType at-
(nidaqmx.constants.ProductCategory attribute), tribute), 23
34 COUNTER_OUTPUT (nidaqmx.constants.ChannelType
compact_daq_chassis_device attribute), 23
(nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute), COUNTER_OUTPUT_EVENT
102 (nidaqmx.constants.Signal attribute), 39
compact_daq_slot_num (nidaqmx.system.device.Device CounterFrequencyMethod (class in nidaqmx.constants),
attribute), 102 23
configure_logging() (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream
CounterReader (class in nidaqmx.stream_readers), 62
method), 220 CounterWriter (class in nidaqmx.stream_writers), 82
configure_teds() (nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel
Coupling (class in nidaqmx.constants), 24
method), 105 CREATE (nidaqmx.constants.LoggingOperation at-
connect_terms() (nidaqmx.system.system.System tribute), 31

276 Index
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

create_lin_scale() (nidaqmx.scale.Scale static method), D

53 DaqError, 51
create_map_scale() (nidaqmx.scale.Scale static method), DaqResourceWarning (in module nidaqmx.errors), 52
53 DaqWarning, 52
CREATE_OR_REPLACE data_active_event_lvl_active_lvl
(nidaqmx.constants.LoggingOperation at- (nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals
tribute), 31 attribute), 217
create_polynomial_scale() (nidaqmx.scale.Scale static data_active_event_output_term
method), 54 (nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals
create_table_scale() (nidaqmx.scale.Scale static method), attribute), 217
54 DataJustification (class in nidaqmx.constants), 24
ctr_out_event_output_behavior DataTransferActiveTransferMode (class in
(nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals nidaqmx.constants), 24
attribute), 217 DC (nidaqmx.constants.Coupling attribute), 24
ctr_out_event_output_term DeassertCondition (class in nidaqmx.constants), 25
DEFAULT (nidaqmx.constants.TerminalConfiguration at-
attribute), 217 tribute), 43
ctr_out_event_pulse_polarity DEG_C (nidaqmx.constants.TemperatureUnits attribute),
(nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals 42
attribute), 217 DEG_C (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled attribute), 45
ctr_out_event_toggle_idle_state DEG_F (nidaqmx.constants.TemperatureUnits attribute),
(nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals 42
attribute), 217 DEG_F (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled attribute), 45
CtrFreq (class in nidaqmx.types), 248 DEG_R (nidaqmx.constants.TemperatureUnits attribute),
CtrTick (class in nidaqmx.types), 248 42
CtrTime (class in nidaqmx.types), 248 DEG_R (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled attribute), 45
curr_read_pos (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStreamDEGREES (nidaqmx.constants.AngleUnits attribute), 19
attribute), 221 DEGREES (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled at-
curr_write_pos (nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream.OutStream tribute), 45
attribute), 226 DEGREES_PER_SECOND
CURRENT (nidaqmx.constants.AOPowerUpOutputBehavior (nidaqmx.constants.AngularVelocityUnits
attribute), 18 attribute), 19
CURRENT (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI attribute), DEGREES_PER_SECOND
47 (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled attribute),
CURRENT (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAO attribute), 45
48 delay (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.ReferenceTrigge
CURRENT (nidaqmx.constants.WatchdogAOExpirState attribute), 243
attribute), 50 delay (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTrigger
CURRENT_ACRMS (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI attribute), 246
attribute), 47 delay_from_samp_clk_delay
CURRENT_READ_POSITION (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
(nidaqmx.constants.ReadRelativeTo attribute), attribute), 233
36 delay_from_samp_clk_delay_units
CURRENT_WRITE_POSITION (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
(nidaqmx.constants.WriteRelativeTo attribute), attribute), 233
51 delay_units (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTrigger
CurrentShuntResistorLocation (class in attribute), 246
nidaqmx.constants), 24 delete() (nidaqmx.system.storage.persisted_channel.PersistedChannel
CurrentUnits (class in nidaqmx.constants), 24 method), 107
CUSTOM (nidaqmx.constants.ADCTimingMode at- delete() (nidaqmx.system.storage.persisted_scale.PersistedScale
tribute), 17 method), 108
CUSTOM (nidaqmx.constants.FilterType attribute), 28 delete() (nidaqmx.system.storage.persisted_task.PersistedTask
CUSTOM (nidaqmx.constants.RTDType attribute), 35 method), 108
delete_network_device() (nidaqmx.system.device.Device

Index 277
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

method), 102 attribute), 153

DELTA (nidaqmx.constants.StrainGageRosetteType at- di_dig_fltr_timebase_rate
tribute), 41 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.di_channel.DIChannel
description (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel attribute), 153
attribute), 130 di_dig_fltr_timebase_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.di_channel.DIC
description (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannelattribute), 153
attribute), 134 di_dig_sync_enable (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.di_channel.DIChann
description (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.channel.Channel attribute), 153
attribute), 118 di_invert_lines (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.di_channel.DIChannel
description (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel attribute), 153
attribute), 148 di_lines (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute), 103
description (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChannel
di_logic_family (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.di_channel.DIChannel
attribute), 151 attribute), 153
description (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.di_channel.DIChannel
di_max_rate (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute),
attribute), 152 103
description (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.do_channel.DOChannel
di_mem_map_enable (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.di_channel.DIChan
attribute), 154 attribute), 153
description (nidaqmx.scale.Scale attribute), 54 di_num_booleans_per_chan
DEU (nidaqmx.constants.Language attribute), 30 (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream
dev_is_simulated (nidaqmx.system.device.Device at- attribute), 221
tribute), 102 di_num_lines (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.di_channel.DIChannel
dev_serial_num (nidaqmx.system.device.Device at- attribute), 153
tribute), 102 di_port_width (nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel
Device (class in nidaqmx.system.device), 98 attribute), 106
device_names (nidaqmx.system._collections.device_collection.DeviceCollection
di_ports (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute), 103
attribute), 96 di_samp_clk_supported (nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChanne
DeviceCollection (class in attribute), 106
nidaqmx.system._collections.device_collection), di_samp_modes (nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel
96 attribute), 106
devices (nidaqmx.system.system.System attribute), 92 di_trig_usage (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute),
devices (nidaqmx.task.Task attribute), 113 103
devs_with_inserted_or_removed_accessories di_tristate (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.di_channel.DIChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream attribute), 153
attribute), 221 di_usb_xfer_req_count (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.di_channel.DICh
devs_with_inserted_or_removed_accessories attribute), 153
(nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream.OutStream di_usb_xfer_req_size (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.di_channel.DIChan
attribute), 226 attribute), 153
di_acquire_on (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.di_channel.DIChannel
DIChannel (class in nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.di_channel),
attribute), 152 152
di_change_detect_supported DIChannelCollection (class in
(nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel nidaqmx._task_modules.di_channel_collection),
attribute), 106 215
di_channels (nidaqmx.task.Task attribute), 113 DIFF (nidaqmx.constants.CalibrationTerminalConfig at-
di_data_xfer_mech (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.di_channel.DIChannel
tribute), 22
attribute), 152 DIFFERENTIAL (nidaqmx.constants.TerminalConfiguration
di_data_xfer_req_cond (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.di_channel.DIChannel
attribute), 43
attribute), 152 dig_edge_dig_fltr_enable
di_dig_fltr_enable (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.di_channel.DIChannel
attribute), 152 attribute), 237
di_dig_fltr_enable_bus_mode dig_edge_dig_fltr_enable
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.di_channel.DIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.ReferenceT
attribute), 152 attribute), 243
di_dig_fltr_min_pulse_width dig_edge_dig_fltr_enable
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.di_channel.DIChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTrigger

278 Index
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

attribute), 246 dig_lvl_dig_fltr_timebase_rate

dig_edge_dig_fltr_min_pulse_width (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.pause_trigger.PauseTrigger
attribute), 239
attribute), 237 dig_lvl_dig_fltr_timebase_src
dig_edge_dig_fltr_min_pulse_width (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.pause_trigger.PauseTrigger
attribute), 239
attribute), 243 dig_lvl_dig_sync_enable
dig_edge_dig_fltr_min_pulse_width (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.pause_trigger.PauseTrigger
(nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTriggerattribute), 239
attribute), 246 dig_lvl_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.pause_trigger.PauseTrigger
dig_edge_dig_fltr_timebase_rate attribute), 239
dig_lvl_when (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.pause_trigger.PauseTrigg
attribute), 237 attribute), 239
dig_edge_dig_fltr_timebase_rate dig_pattern_pattern (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.pause_trigger.Pause
attribute), 239
attribute), 243 dig_pattern_pattern (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.R
dig_edge_dig_fltr_timebase_rate attribute), 243
dig_pattern_pattern (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTr
attribute), 246 attribute), 247
dig_edge_dig_fltr_timebase_src dig_pattern_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.pause_trigger.PauseTrig
attribute), 239
attribute), 237 dig_pattern_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.Refer
dig_edge_dig_fltr_timebase_src attribute), 243
dig_pattern_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTrigge
attribute), 243 attribute), 247
dig_edge_dig_fltr_timebase_src dig_pattern_trig_when (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigge
(nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTriggerattribute), 243
attribute), 247 dig_pattern_trig_when (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.Star
dig_edge_dig_sync_enable attribute), 247
dig_pattern_when (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.pause_trigger.PauseT
attribute), 237 attribute), 239
dig_edge_dig_sync_enable dig_trig_supported (nidaqmx.system.device.Device at-
tribute), 103
attribute), 243 DIGITAL_EDGE (nidaqmx.constants.TriggerType
dig_edge_dig_sync_enable attribute), 44
DIGITAL_INPUT (nidaqmx.constants.ChannelType at-
attribute), 247 tribute), 23
dig_edge_edge (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.arm_start_trigger.ArmStartTrigger
DIGITAL_IO (nidaqmx.constants.ProductCategory at-
attribute), 237 tribute), 34
dig_edge_edge (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.ReferenceTrigger
DIGITAL_LEVEL (nidaqmx.constants.TriggerType at-
attribute), 243 tribute), 44
dig_edge_edge (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTrigger
DIGITAL_OUTPUT (nidaqmx.constants.ChannelType
attribute), 247 attribute), 23
dig_edge_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.arm_start_trigger.ArmStartTrigger
DIGITAL_PATTERN (nidaqmx.constants.TriggerType
attribute), 237 attribute), 44
dig_edge_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.ReferenceTrigger
DigitalDriveType (class in nidaqmx.constants), 25
attribute), 243 DigitalMultiChannelReader (class in
dig_edge_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTrigger
nidaqmx.stream_readers), 72
attribute), 247 DigitalMultiChannelWriter (class in
dig_lvl_dig_fltr_enable (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.pause_trigger.PauseTrigger
nidaqmx.stream_writers), 87
attribute), 239 DigitalPatternCondition (class in nidaqmx.constants), 25
dig_lvl_dig_fltr_min_pulse_width DigitalSingleChannelReader (class in
nidaqmx.stream_readers), 68
attribute), 239 DigitalSingleChannelWriter (class in

Index 279
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

nidaqmx.stream_writers), 84 attribute), 226

DigitalWidthUnits (class in nidaqmx.constants), 25 do_num_lines (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.do_channel.DOChannel
DILinesCollection (class in attribute), 155
do_output_drive_type (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.do_channel.DOCh
97 attribute), 155
DIPortsCollection (class in do_overcurrent_auto_reenable
nidaqmx.system._collections.physical_channel_collection), (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.do_channel.DOChannel
98 attribute), 155
disable_ref_trig() (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.ReferenceTrigger
do_overcurrent_limit (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.do_channel.DOCha
method), 243 attribute), 155
disable_start_trig() (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTrigger
method), 247 (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.do_channel.DOChannel
disconnect_terms() (nidaqmx.system.system.System attribute), 155
method), 92 do_port_width (nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel
divided_samp_clk_timebase_output_term attribute), 106
do_ports (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute), 103
attribute), 218 do_samp_clk_supported (nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChann
DMA (nidaqmx.constants.DataTransferActiveTransferMode attribute), 106
attribute), 24 do_samp_modes (nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel
do_channels (nidaqmx.task.Task attribute), 113 attribute), 106
do_data_xfer_mech (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.do_channel.DOChannel
do_trig_usage (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute),
attribute), 154 103
do_data_xfer_req_cond (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.do_channel.DOChannel
do_tristate (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.do_channel.DOChannel
attribute), 154 attribute), 155
do_generate_on (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.do_channel.DOChannel
do_usb_xfer_req_count (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.do_channel.DOC
attribute), 154 attribute), 155
do_invert_lines (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.do_channel.DOChannel
do_usb_xfer_req_size (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.do_channel.DOCh
attribute), 154 attribute), 155
do_line_states_done_state do_use_only_on_brd_mem
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.do_channel.DOChannel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.do_channel.DOChannel
attribute), 155 attribute), 155
do_line_states_paused_state DOChannel (class in nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.do_channel),
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.do_channel.DOChannel 154
attribute), 155 DOChannelCollection (class in
do_line_states_start_state nidaqmx._task_modules.do_channel_collection),
(nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.do_channel.DOChannel 216
attribute), 155 DOExpirationState (class in nidaqmx.types), 248
do_lines (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute), 103 DOLinesCollection (class in
do_logic_family (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.do_channel.DOChannel nidaqmx.system._collections.physical_channel_collection),
attribute), 155 98
do_max_rate (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute), DONT_ALLOW_REGENERATION
103 (nidaqmx.constants.RegenerationMode at-
do_mem_map_enable (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.do_channel.DOChannel tribute), 36
attribute), 155 DOPortsCollection (class in
DO_NOT_INVERT_POLARITY nidaqmx.system._collections.physical_channel_collection),
(nidaqmx.constants.SignalModifiers attribute), 98
40 DOPowerUpState (class in nidaqmx.types), 249
DO_NOT_OVERWRITE_UNREAD_SAMPLES DOResistorPowerUpState (class in nidaqmx.types), 249
(nidaqmx.constants.OverwriteMode attribute), driver_version (nidaqmx.system.system.System at-
33 tribute), 93
DO_NOT_WRITE (nidaqmx.constants.WriteBasicTEDSOptions DSA (nidaqmx.constants.ProductCategory attribute), 34
attribute), 51 DUTY_CYCLE (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeCI
do_num_booleans_per_chan attribute), 48
(nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream.OutStream duty_cycle (nidaqmx.types.CtrFreq attribute), 248

280 Index
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

DYNAMIC_AVERAGING expir_trig_dig_edge_src (nidaqmx.system.watchdog.WatchdogTask

(nidaqmx.constants.CounterFrequencyMethod attribute), 110
attribute), 23 expir_trig_trig_on_network_conn_loss
E attribute), 110
E (nidaqmx.constants.ThermocoupleType attribute), 43 expir_trig_trig_type (nidaqmx.system.watchdog.WatchdogTask
E_SERIES_DAQ (nidaqmx.constants.ProductCategory attribute), 110
attribute), 34 expiration_state (nidaqmx.types.AOExpirationState at-
EddyCurrentProxProbeSensitivityUnits (class in tribute), 247
nidaqmx.constants), 25 expiration_state (nidaqmx.types.COExpirationState at-
Edge (class in nidaqmx.constants), 26 tribute), 248
EIGHT_M_HZ_TIMEBASE expiration_state (nidaqmx.types.DOExpirationState at-
(nidaqmx.constants.MIOAIConvertTimebaseSource tribute), 248
attribute), 32 expiration_states (nidaqmx.system.watchdog.WatchdogTask
EIGHTY_M_HZ_TIMEBASE attribute), 110
(nidaqmx.constants.MIOAIConvertTimebaseSource ExpirationState (class in
attribute), 32 nidaqmx.system._watchdog_modules.expiration_state),
ELLIPTICAL (nidaqmx.constants.FilterResponse at- 111
tribute), 28 ExpirationStatesCollection (class in
EncoderType (class in nidaqmx.constants), 26 nidaqmx.system._watchdog_modules.expiration_states_collection
EncoderZIndexPhase (class in nidaqmx.constants), 26 111
ENG (nidaqmx.constants.Language attribute), 30 expired (nidaqmx.system.watchdog.WatchdogTask
ENTERING_WINDOW (nidaqmx.constants.WindowTriggerCondition1 attribute), 111
attribute), 51 export_signal() (nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals
error_code (nidaqmx.errors.DaqError attribute), 51 method), 218
error_code (nidaqmx.errors.DaqWarning attribute), 52 export_signals (nidaqmx.task.Task attribute), 113
error_type (nidaqmx.errors.DaqError attribute), 52 ExportAction (class in nidaqmx.constants), 27
error_type (nidaqmx.errors.DaqWarning attribute), 52 exported_10_m_hz_ref_clk_output_term
EVERY_SAMPLE (nidaqmx.constants.AutoZeroType (nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals
attribute), 20 attribute), 218
EveryNSamplesEventType (class in nidaqmx.constants), exported_20_m_hz_timebase_output_term
26 (nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals
excit_fault_chans (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream attribute), 218
attribute), 221 ExportSignals (class in
excit_fault_chans_exist (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals),
attribute), 221 216
ExcitationDCorAC (class in nidaqmx.constants), 26 EXTERNAL (nidaqmx.constants.CurrentShuntResistorLocation
ExcitationIdleOutputBehavior (class in attribute), 24
nidaqmx.constants), 27 EXTERNAL (nidaqmx.constants.ExcitationSource at-
ExcitationSource (class in nidaqmx.constants), 27 tribute), 27
ExcitationVoltageOrCurrent (class in nidaqmx.constants), EXTERNAL (nidaqmx.constants.SourceSelection at-
27 tribute), 40
expir_states_ao_state (nidaqmx.system._watchdog_modules.expiration_state.ExpirationState
attribute), 111 (nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream.OutStream
attribute), 226
expir_states_ao_type (nidaqmx.system._watchdog_modules.expiration_state.ExpirationState
attribute), 111 external_overvoltage_chans_exist
expir_states_co_state (nidaqmx.system._watchdog_modules.expiration_state.ExpirationState
attribute), 111 attribute), 226
EXTERNAL_SOURCE (nidaqmx.constants.CountDirection
expir_states_do_state (nidaqmx.system._watchdog_modules.expiration_state.ExpirationState
attribute), 111 attribute), 23
(nidaqmx.system.watchdog.WatchdogTask F
attribute), 110 FALLING (nidaqmx.constants.Edge attribute), 26
FALLING (nidaqmx.constants.Slope attribute), 40

Index 281
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

FIFTY_OHMS (nidaqmx.constants.Impedance1 at- 18

tribute), 29 FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE
FillMode (class in nidaqmx.constants), 27 (nidaqmx.constants.AngleUnits attribute),
FilterResponse (class in nidaqmx.constants), 27 19
FilterType (class in nidaqmx.constants), 28 FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE
FINITE (nidaqmx.constants.AcquisitionType attribute), (nidaqmx.constants.AngularVelocityUnits
19 attribute), 19
FINITE (nidaqmx.constants.ScanRepeatMode attribute), FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE
38 (nidaqmx.constants.BridgeUnits attribute),
(nidaqmx.constants.ReadRelativeTo attribute), FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE
36 (nidaqmx.constants.ChargeUnits attribute),
FIRST_SAMPLE (nidaqmx.constants.ReadRelativeTo 23
attribute), 36 FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE
FIRST_SAMPLE (nidaqmx.constants.WriteRelativeTo (nidaqmx.constants.CurrentUnits attribute), 24
attribute), 51 FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE
FIVE_V (nidaqmx.constants.LogicFamily attribute), 32 (nidaqmx.constants.ForceUnits attribute),
FIVE_WIRE (nidaqmx.constants.ACExcitWireMode at- 28
tribute), 17 FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE
FIXED_50_PERCENT_DUTY_CYCLE (nidaqmx.constants.FrequencyUnits attribute),
(nidaqmx.constants.ConstrainedGenMode 28
attribute), 23 FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE
FIXED_HIGH_FREQ (nidaqmx.constants.ConstrainedGenMode (nidaqmx.constants.LengthUnits attribute),
attribute), 23 30
FIXED_LOW_FREQ (nidaqmx.constants.ConstrainedGenMode FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE
attribute), 23 (nidaqmx.constants.PressureUnits attribute), 34
flatten_channel_string() (in module nidaqmx.utils), 249 FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE
FM (nidaqmx.constants.ModulationType attribute), 32 (nidaqmx.constants.ResistanceUnits attribute),
FOOT_POUNDS (nidaqmx.constants.BridgePhysicalUnits 36
attribute), 20 FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE
FOOT_POUNDS (nidaqmx.constants.TorqueUnits (nidaqmx.constants.SoundPressureUnits
attribute), 44 attribute), 40
FOOT_POUNDS (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled at- FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE
tribute), 45 (nidaqmx.constants.StrainUnits attribute),
FORCE_BRIDGE (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI at- 41
tribute), 47 FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE
FORCE_IEPE_SENSOR (nidaqmx.constants.TEDSUnits attribute),
(nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI attribute), 47 42
ForceIEPESensorSensitivityUnits (class in FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE
nidaqmx.constants), 28 (nidaqmx.constants.TemperatureUnits at-
ForceUnits (class in nidaqmx.constants), 28 tribute), 43
FOUR_WIRE (nidaqmx.constants.ACExcitWireMode at- FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE
tribute), 17 (nidaqmx.constants.TimeUnits attribute),
FOUR_WIRE (nidaqmx.constants.ResistanceConfiguration 43
attribute), 36 FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE
FRA (nidaqmx.constants.Language attribute), 30 (nidaqmx.constants.TorqueUnits attribute),
freq (nidaqmx.types.CtrFreq attribute), 248 44
FREQUENCY (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeCI at- FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE
tribute), 48 (nidaqmx.constants.VelocityUnits attribute), 49
(nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI attribute), 47 (nidaqmx.constants.VoltageUnits attribute),
FrequencyUnits (class in nidaqmx.constants), 28 50
FROM_CUSTOM_SCALE FROM_TEDS (nidaqmx.constants.BridgeUnits at-
(nidaqmx.constants.AccelUnits attribute), tribute), 21

282 Index
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

FROM_TEDS (nidaqmx.constants.CurrentUnits at- GROUP_BY_SCAN_NUMBER

tribute), 24 (nidaqmx.constants.FillMode attribute), 27
FROM_TEDS (nidaqmx.constants.ResistanceUnits at-
tribute), 37 H
FROM_TEDS (nidaqmx.constants.TEDSUnits attribute), HALF_BRIDGE (nidaqmx.constants.BridgeConfiguration
42 attribute), 20
FROM_TEDS (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled HALF_BRIDGE_I (nidaqmx.constants.StrainGageBridgeType
attribute), 45 attribute), 40
FROM_TEDS (nidaqmx.constants.VoltageUnits at- HALF_BRIDGE_II (nidaqmx.constants.StrainGageBridgeType
tribute), 50 attribute), 40
FULL_BRIDGE (nidaqmx.constants.BridgeConfiguration HALT_OUTPUT_AND_ERROR
attribute), 20 (nidaqmx.constants.UnderflowBehavior at-
FULL_BRIDGE_I (nidaqmx.constants.StrainGageBridgeType tribute), 45
attribute), 40 HANDSHAKE (nidaqmx.constants.SampleTimingType
FULL_BRIDGE_II (nidaqmx.constants.StrainGageBridgeType attribute), 38
attribute), 40 HANDSHAKE (nidaqmx.constants.TriggerUsage at-
FULL_BRIDGE_III (nidaqmx.constants.StrainGageBridgeType tribute), 44
attribute), 40 handshake_trigger (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggers.Triggers
FuncGenType (class in nidaqmx.constants), 29 attribute), 236
(nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAO attribute), (nidaqmx.constants.SampleInputDataWhen
48 attribute), 37
G (nidaqmx.constants.SampleInputDataWhen
G (nidaqmx.constants.AccelUnits attribute), 18 attribute), 37
G (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled attribute), 45 HandshakeStartCondition (class in nidaqmx.constants),
get_analog_power_up_states() 29
(nidaqmx.system.system.System method), HandshakeTrigger (class in
93 nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.handshake_trigger),
get_analog_power_up_states_with_output_type() 237
(nidaqmx.system.system.System method), HARDWARE_DEFINED
93 (nidaqmx.constants.FilterResponse attribute),
get_digital_logic_family_power_up_state() 28
(nidaqmx.system.system.System method), HERTZ (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled attribute), 45
93 HIGH (nidaqmx.constants.Level attribute), 31
get_digital_power_up_states() HIGH (nidaqmx.constants.PowerUpStates attribute), 33
(nidaqmx.system.system.System method), HIGH (nidaqmx.constants.WatchdogCOExpirState at-
94 tribute), 50
get_digital_pull_up_pull_down_states() HIGH_FREQUENCY_2_COUNTERS
(nidaqmx.system.system.System method), (nidaqmx.constants.CounterFrequencyMethod
94 attribute), 23
global_channel_names (nidaqmx.system._collections.persisted_channel_collection.PersistedChannelCollection
HIGH_IMPEDANCE (nidaqmx.constants.AOIdleOutputBehavior
attribute), 96 attribute), 18
global_channels (nidaqmx.system.system.System at- HIGH_IMPEDANCE (nidaqmx.constants.AOPowerUpOutputBehavior
tribute), 94 attribute), 18
GND (nidaqmx.constants.Coupling attribute), 24 HIGH_RESOLUTION (nidaqmx.constants.ADCTimingMode
GNORE_OVERRUNS (nidaqmx.constants.OverflowBehavior attribute), 17
attribute), 33 HIGH_SPEED (nidaqmx.constants.ADCTimingMode at-
GpsSignalType (class in nidaqmx.constants), 29 tribute), 17
GROUND (nidaqmx.constants.InputCalSource attribute), high_tick (nidaqmx.types.CtrTick attribute), 248
30 high_time (nidaqmx.types.CtrTime attribute), 248
GROUP_BY_CHANNEL (nidaqmx.constants.FillMode HIGHPASS (nidaqmx.constants.FilterType attribute), 28
attribute), 27 hshk_delay_after_xfer (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
attribute), 233

Index 283
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

hshk_event_delay (nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals
INCH_POUNDS (nidaqmx.constants.BridgePhysicalUnits
attribute), 218 attribute), 21
hshk_event_interlocked_assert_on_start INCH_POUNDS (nidaqmx.constants.TorqueUnits
(nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals attribute), 44
attribute), 218 INCH_POUNDS (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled at-
hshk_event_interlocked_asserted_lvl tribute), 46
INCHES (nidaqmx.constants.LengthUnits attribute), 30
attribute), 218 INCHES (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled attribute),
hshk_event_interlocked_deassert_delay 45
attribute), 218 (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled attribute),
hshk_event_output_behavior 45
attribute), 218 (nidaqmx.constants.VelocityUnits attribute), 49
hshk_event_output_term (nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals
attribute), 218 (nidaqmx.constants.AccelUnits attribute),
hshk_event_pulse_polarity 18
attribute), 218 (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled attribute),
hshk_event_pulse_width (nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals
attribute), 218 index() (nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection.AIChannelCollectio
hshk_sample_input_data_when method), 201
(nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing index() (nidaqmx._task_modules.ao_channel_collection.AOChannelCollect
attribute), 233 method), 202
hshk_start_cond (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing index() (nidaqmx._task_modules.ci_channel_collection.CIChannelCollectio
attribute), 233 method), 213
HW_TIMED_SINGLE_POINT index() (nidaqmx._task_modules.co_channel_collection.COChannelCollect
(nidaqmx.constants.AcquisitionType attribute), method), 215
19 index() (nidaqmx._task_modules.di_channel_collection.DIChannelCollectio
HZ (nidaqmx.constants.FrequencyUnits attribute), 28 method), 216
index() (nidaqmx._task_modules.do_channel_collection.DOChannelCollect
I method), 216
INI (nidaqmx.constants.TaskStringFormat attribute), 42
IL (nidaqmx.constants.EddyCurrentProxProbeSensitivityUnits
attribute), 25 input_buf_size (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream
ILLIMETER (nidaqmx.constants.EddyCurrentProxProbeSensitivityUnits attribute), 221
attribute), 25 input_onbrd_buf_size (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream
IMMEDIATE (nidaqmx.constants.HandshakeStartCondition attribute), 221
attribute), 29 input_port (nidaqmx.types.CDAQSyncConnection
Impedance1 (class in nidaqmx.constants), 29 attribute), 248
IMPLICIT (nidaqmx.constants.SampleTimingType at- InputCalSource (class in nidaqmx.constants), 30
tribute), 38 InputDataTransferCondition (class in
implicit_underflow_behavior nidaqmx.constants), 30
(nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing INSIDE_WINDOW (nidaqmx.constants.WindowTriggerCondition2
attribute), 233 attribute), 51
in_stream (nidaqmx.task.Task attribute), 113 InStream (class in nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream),
INACTIVE (nidaqmx.constants.ActiveOrInactiveEdgeSelection 220
attribute), 19 INTERLOCKED (nidaqmx.constants.ExportAction at-
INCH_OUNCES (nidaqmx.constants.BridgePhysicalUnits tribute), 27
attribute), 21 INTERLOCKED (nidaqmx.constants.TriggerType
INCH_OUNCES (nidaqmx.constants.TorqueUnits attribute), 44
attribute), 44 interlocked_asserted_lvl (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.handshake_trig
INCH_OUNCES (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled at- attribute), 237
tribute), 46 interlocked_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.handshake_trigger.Hand
attribute), 237

284 Index
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

INTERNAL (nidaqmx.constants.CurrentShuntResistorLocation LET_DRIVER_CHOOSE

attribute), 24 (nidaqmx.constants.CurrentShuntResistorLocation
INTERNAL (nidaqmx.constants.ExcitationSource attribute), 24
attribute), 27 Level (class in nidaqmx.constants), 31
INTERNAL (nidaqmx.constants.SourceSelection at- LEVEL (nidaqmx.constants.ExportAction attribute), 27
tribute), 40 lin_slope (nidaqmx.scale.Scale attribute), 54
INTERRUPT (nidaqmx.constants.DataTransferActiveTransferMode
lin_y_intercept (nidaqmx.scale.Scale attribute), 55
attribute), 24 LINEAR (nidaqmx.constants.ScaleType attribute), 38
INVERT_POLARITY (nidaqmx.constants.SignalModifiers LineGrouping (class in nidaqmx.constants), 31
attribute), 40 load() (nidaqmx.system.storage.persisted_scale.PersistedScale
IRIGB (nidaqmx.constants.GpsSignalType attribute), 29 method), 108
is_global (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
load() (nidaqmx.system.storage.persisted_task.PersistedTask
attribute), 130 method), 108
is_global (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel
LOAD_CHANNEL (nidaqmx.constants.SwitchChannelUsage
attribute), 134 attribute), 41
is_global (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.channel.Channel LOCAL (nidaqmx.constants.Sense attribute), 38
attribute), 118 local() (nidaqmx.system.system.System static method),
is_global (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel 94
attribute), 148 LOG (nidaqmx.constants.LoggingMode attribute), 31
is_global (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChannel
LOG_AND_READ (nidaqmx.constants.LoggingMode
attribute), 151 attribute), 31
is_global (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.di_channel.DIChannel
logging_file_path (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream
attribute), 153 attribute), 221
is_global (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.do_channel.DOChannel
attribute), 156 (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream
is_task_done() (nidaqmx.task.Task method), 113 attribute), 221
logging_file_write_size (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream
J attribute), 221
J (nidaqmx.constants.ThermocoupleType attribute), 43 logging_mode (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream
JPN (nidaqmx.constants.Language attribute), 30 attribute), 221
JSON (nidaqmx.constants.TaskStringFormat attribute), logging_pause (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream
42 attribute), 222
logging_samps_per_file (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream
K attribute), 222
K (nidaqmx.constants.TemperatureUnits attribute), 43 logging_tdms_group_name
K (nidaqmx.constants.ThermocoupleType attribute), 43 (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream
K (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled attribute), 46 attribute), 222
KILOGRAM_FORCE (nidaqmx.constants.BridgePhysicalUnits logging_tdms_operation (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream
attribute), 21 attribute), 222
KILOGRAM_FORCE (nidaqmx.constants.ForceUnits LoggingMode (class in nidaqmx.constants), 31
attribute), 28 LoggingOperation (class in nidaqmx.constants), 31
KILOGRAM_FORCE (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled LogicFamily (class in nidaqmx.constants), 31
attribute), 46 LogicLvlBehavior (class in nidaqmx.constants), 32
KOR (nidaqmx.constants.Language attribute), 30 LOOPBACK_0 (nidaqmx.constants.InputCalSource at-
tribute), 30
L LOOPBACK_180 (nidaqmx.constants.InputCalSource
Language (class in nidaqmx.constants), 30 attribute), 30
LARGE_RANGE_2_COUNTERS LOSSLESS_PACKING (nidaqmx.constants.RawDataCompressionType
(nidaqmx.constants.CounterFrequencyMethod attribute), 35
attribute), 24 LOSSY_LSB_REMOVAL
LEAVING_WINDOW (nidaqmx.constants.WindowTriggerCondition1(nidaqmx.constants.RawDataCompressionType
attribute), 51 attribute), 35
LEFT (nidaqmx.constants.DataJustification attribute), 24 LOW (nidaqmx.constants.Level attribute), 31
LengthUnits (class in nidaqmx.constants), 30 LOW (nidaqmx.constants.PowerUpStates attribute), 33

Index 285
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

LOW (nidaqmx.constants.WatchdogCOExpirState MAP_RANGES (nidaqmx.constants.ScaleType at-

attribute), 50 tribute), 38
LOW_FREQUENCY_1_COUNTER map_scaled_max (nidaqmx.scale.Scale attribute), 55
(nidaqmx.constants.CounterFrequencyMethod map_scaled_min (nidaqmx.scale.Scale attribute), 55
attribute), 24 MASTER (nidaqmx.constants.SyncType attribute), 42
low_tick (nidaqmx.types.CtrTick attribute), 248 MASTER_TIMEBASE (nidaqmx.constants.MIOAIConvertTimebaseSource
low_time (nidaqmx.types.CtrTime attribute), 248 attribute), 32
LOWPASS (nidaqmx.constants.FilterType attribute), 28 master_timebase_rate (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
LVDTSensitivityUnits (class in nidaqmx.constants), 30 attribute), 234
master_timebase_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
M attribute), 234
M_SERIES_DAQ (nidaqmx.constants.ProductCategory MAX_SHEAR_STRAIN
attribute), 34 (nidaqmx.constants.StrainGageRosetteMeasurementType
M_VOLTS_PER_G (nidaqmx.constants.AccelSensitivityUnits attribute), 41
M_VOLTS_PER_INCH_PER_SECOND (nidaqmx.constants.StrainGageRosetteMeasurementType
(nidaqmx.constants.VelocityIEPESensorSensitivityUnits attribute), 41
attribute), 49 METERS (nidaqmx.constants.LengthUnits attribute), 30
M_VOLTS_PER_MILLIMETER_PER_SECOND METERS (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled attribute),
(nidaqmx.constants.VelocityIEPESensorSensitivityUnits 46
attribute), 49 METERS_PER_SECOND
M_VOLTS_PER_NEWTON (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled attribute),
(nidaqmx.constants.ForceIEPESensorSensitivityUnits 46
attribute), 28 METERS_PER_SECOND
M_VOLTS_PER_POUND (nidaqmx.constants.VelocityUnits attribute), 49
attribute), 28 (nidaqmx.constants.AccelUnits attribute),
M_VOLTS_PER_VOLT (nidaqmx.constants.BridgeElectricalUnits 18
M_VOLTS_PER_VOLT (nidaqmx.constants.BridgeUnits (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled attribute),
attribute), 21 46
M_VOLTS_PER_VOLT (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaledMICRON (nidaqmx.constants.EddyCurrentProxProbeSensitivityUnits
attribute), 46 attribute), 26
M_VOLTS_PER_VOLT_PER_MILLI_INCH MIL (nidaqmx.constants.EddyCurrentProxProbeSensitivityUnits
(nidaqmx.constants.LVDTSensitivityUnits attribute), 26
attribute), 30 MILLIMETER (nidaqmx.constants.EddyCurrentProxProbeSensitivityUnits
(nidaqmx.constants.LVDTSensitivityUnits MIOAIConvertTimebaseSource (class in
attribute), 30 nidaqmx.constants), 32
M_VPER_VPER_DEGREE ModulationType (class in nidaqmx.constants), 32
(nidaqmx.constants.RVDTSensitivityUnits MOST_RECENT_SAMPLE
attribute), 35 (nidaqmx.constants.ReadRelativeTo attribute),
attribute), 35 N
MAINTAIN_EXISTING_VALUE N (nidaqmx.constants.ThermocoupleType attribute), 43
(nidaqmx.constants.AOIdleOutputBehavior name (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 18 attribute), 130
MAINTAIN_EXISTING_VALUE name (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel
(nidaqmx.constants.ExcitationIdleOutputBehavior attribute), 134
attribute), 27 name (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.channel.Channel
map_pre_scaled_max (nidaqmx.scale.Scale attribute), 55 attribute), 118
map_pre_scaled_min (nidaqmx.scale.Scale attribute), 55 name (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 148

286 Index
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

name (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChannel ule), 213

attribute), 151 nidaqmx._task_modules.di_channel_collection (module),
name (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.di_channel.DIChannel 215
attribute), 153 nidaqmx._task_modules.do_channel_collection (mod-
name (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.do_channel.DOChannel ule), 216
attribute), 156 nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals (module), 216
name (nidaqmx.scale.Scale attribute), 55 nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream (module), 220
name (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute), 103 nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream (module), 226
name (nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel nidaqmx._task_modules.timing (module), 229
attribute), 106 nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.arm_start_trigger
name (nidaqmx.system.watchdog.WatchdogTask at- (module), 236
tribute), 111 nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.handshake_trigger
name (nidaqmx.task.Task attribute), 113 (module), 237
NEG_10_TO_10_V (nidaqmx.constants.SCXI1124Range nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.pause_trigger (mod-
attribute), 37 ule), 237
NEG_1_TO_1_V (nidaqmx.constants.SCXI1124Range nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger
attribute), 37 (module), 240
NEG_5_TO_5_V (nidaqmx.constants.SCXI1124Range nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger (mod-
attribute), 37 ule), 244
NETWORK_DAQ (nidaqmx.constants.ProductCategory nidaqmx._task_modules.triggers (module), 236
attribute), 34 nidaqmx.constants (module), 17
NEWTON_METERS (nidaqmx.constants.BridgePhysicalUnits nidaqmx.errors (module), 51
attribute), 21 nidaqmx.scale (module), 52
NEWTON_METERS (nidaqmx.constants.TorqueUnits nidaqmx.stream_readers (module), 56
attribute), 44 nidaqmx.stream_writers (module), 77
NEWTON_METERS (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled nidaqmx.system._collections.device_collection (mod-
attribute), 46 ule), 96
NEWTONS (nidaqmx.constants.BridgePhysicalUnits at- nidaqmx.system._collections.persisted_channel_collection
tribute), 21 (module), 96
NEWTONS (nidaqmx.constants.ForceUnits attribute), 28 nidaqmx.system._collections.persisted_scale_collection
NEWTONS (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled at- (module), 97
tribute), 46 nidaqmx.system._collections.persisted_task_collection
nidaqmx._task_modules.ai_channel_collection (module), (module), 97
156 nidaqmx.system._collections.physical_channel_collection
nidaqmx._task_modules.ao_channel_collection (mod- (module), 97
ule), 201 nidaqmx.system._watchdog_modules.expiration_state
nidaqmx._task_modules.channel_collection (module), (module), 111
156 nidaqmx.system._watchdog_modules.expiration_states_collection
nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel (module), (module), 111
119 nidaqmx.system.device (module), 98
nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel (module), nidaqmx.system.physical_channel (module), 104
131 nidaqmx.system.storage.persisted_channel (module), 107
nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.channel (module), 118 nidaqmx.system.storage.persisted_scale (module), 107
nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel (module), nidaqmx.system.storage.persisted_task (module), 108
135 nidaqmx.system.system (module), 91
nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel (module), nidaqmx.system.watchdog (module), 109
149 nidaqmx.task (module), 112
nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.di_channel (module), nidaqmx.types (module), 247
152 nidaqmx.utils (module), 249
nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.do_channel (module), NIELVIS (nidaqmx.constants.ProductCategory attribute),
154 34
nidaqmx._task_modules.ci_channel_collection (module), NO_ACTION (nidaqmx.constants.BreakMode attribute),
203 20
nidaqmx._task_modules.co_channel_collection (mod- NO_BRIDGE (nidaqmx.constants.BridgeConfiguration

Index 287
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

attribute), 20 (nidaqmx.constants.DeassertCondition at-

NO_CHANGE (nidaqmx.constants.Level attribute), 31 tribute), 25
NO_CHANGE (nidaqmx.constants.WatchdogAOExpirStateON_BOARD_MEMORY_MORE_THAN_HALF_FULL
attribute), 50 (nidaqmx.constants.InputDataTransferCondition
NO_CHANGE (nidaqmx.constants.WatchdogCOExpirState attribute), 30
NONE (nidaqmx.constants.AutoZeroType attribute), 20 (nidaqmx.constants.InputDataTransferCondition
NONE (nidaqmx.constants.ExcitationSource attribute), attribute), 30
27 ON_DEMAND (nidaqmx.constants.SampleTimingType
NONE (nidaqmx.constants.GpsSignalType attribute), 29 attribute), 38
NONE (nidaqmx.constants.LogicLvlBehavior attribute), ONBOARD_MEMORY_CUSTOM_THRESHOLD
32 (nidaqmx.constants.DeassertCondition at-
NONE (nidaqmx.constants.ModulationType attribute), 32 tribute), 25
NONE (nidaqmx.constants.RawDataCompressionType ONBOARD_MEMORY_CUSTOM_THRESHOLD
attribute), 36 (nidaqmx.constants.InputDataTransferCondition
NONE (nidaqmx.constants.ScaleType attribute), 38 attribute), 30
NONE (nidaqmx.constants.ShuntElementLocation ONCE (nidaqmx.constants.AutoZeroType attribute), 20
NONE (nidaqmx.constants.SyncType attribute), 42 (nidaqmx.constants.MIOAIConvertTimebaseSource
NONE (nidaqmx.constants.TriggerType attribute), 44 attribute), 32
NOTCH (nidaqmx.constants.FilterType attribute), 28 ONE_M_OHM (nidaqmx.constants.Impedance1 at-
NRSE (nidaqmx.constants.TerminalConfiguration at- tribute), 29
tribute), 43 OPEN (nidaqmx.constants.LoggingOperation attribute),
num_chans (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream 31
attribute), 222 OPEN (nidaqmx.constants.RelayPosition attribute), 36
num_chans (nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream.OutStreamopen_chans (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream
attribute), 227 attribute), 222
num_dma_chans (nidaqmx.system.device.Device at- open_chans_details (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream
tribute), 103 attribute), 222
number_of_channels (nidaqmx.task.Task attribute), 113 open_chans_exist (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream
number_of_devices (nidaqmx.task.Task attribute), 113 attribute), 222
OPEN_COLLECTOR (nidaqmx.constants.DigitalDriveType
O attribute), 25
OFF (nidaqmx.constants.LoggingMode attribute), 31 open_current_loop_chans
offset (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream at- (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream
tribute), 222 attribute), 222
offset (nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream.OutStream open_current_loop_chans
attribute), 227 (nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream.OutStream
OHMS (nidaqmx.constants.ResistanceUnits attribute), 37 attribute), 227
OHMS (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled attribute), 46 open_current_loop_chans_exist
ON_BOARD_MEMORY_EMPTY (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream
(nidaqmx.constants.OutputDataTransferCondition attribute), 222
attribute), 32 open_current_loop_chans_exist
ON_BOARD_MEMORY_FULL (nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream.OutStream
(nidaqmx.constants.DeassertCondition at- attribute), 227
tribute), 25 OPEN_OR_CREATE (nidaqmx.constants.LoggingOperation
(nidaqmx.constants.OutputDataTransferConditionopen_thrmcpl_chans (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream
attribute), 32 attribute), 222
ON_BOARD_MEMORY_LESS_THAN_FULL open_thrmcpl_chans_exist
(nidaqmx.constants.OutputDataTransferCondition (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream
attribute), 32 attribute), 223
ON_BOARD_MEMORY_MORE_THAN_HALF_FULL out_stream (nidaqmx.task.Task attribute), 113
output_buf_size (nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream.OutStream

288 Index
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

attribute), 227 PATH_ALREADY_EXISTS

output_onbrd_buf_size (nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream.OutStream (nidaqmx.constants.PathCapability attribute),
attribute), 227 33
output_port (nidaqmx.types.CDAQSyncConnection at- PATH_AVAILABLE (nidaqmx.constants.PathCapability
tribute), 248 attribute), 33
output_type (nidaqmx.types.AOExpirationState at- PATH_UNSUPPORTED
tribute), 247 (nidaqmx.constants.PathCapability attribute),
OutputDataTransferCondition (class in 33
nidaqmx.constants), 32 PathCapability (class in nidaqmx.constants), 33
OUTSIDE_WINDOW (nidaqmx.constants.WindowTriggerCondition2PATTERN_DOES_NOT_MATCH
attribute), 51 (nidaqmx.constants.DigitalPatternCondition
OutStream (class in nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream), attribute), 25
226 PATTERN_MATCHES (nidaqmx.constants.DigitalPatternCondition
over_write (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream attribute), 25
attribute), 223 PAUSE (nidaqmx.constants.TriggerUsage attribute), 44
overcurrent_chans (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream
attribute), 223 (nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals
overcurrent_chans (nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream.OutStream attribute), 218
attribute), 227 pause_trig_output_term (nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSign
overcurrent_chans_exist (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStreamattribute), 218
attribute), 223 pause_trigger (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggers.Triggers
overcurrent_chans_exist (nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream.OutStreamattribute), 236
attribute), 227 PauseTrigger (class in
OverflowBehavior (class in nidaqmx.constants), 33 nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.pause_trigger),
overloaded_chans (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream 237
attribute), 223 PC_CARD (nidaqmx.constants.BusType attribute), 21
overloaded_chans (nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream.OutStream
PCI (nidaqmx.constants.BusType attribute), 21
attribute), 227 pci_bus_num (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute),
overloaded_chans_exist (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream 103
attribute), 223 pci_dev_num (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute),
overloaded_chans_exist (nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream.OutStream 103
attribute), 227 PCIE (nidaqmx.constants.BusType attribute), 21
overtemperature_chans (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream
PERIOD (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeCI attribute), 48
attribute), 223 PersistedChannel (class in
overtemperature_chans (nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream.OutStream nidaqmx.system.storage.persisted_channel),
attribute), 227 107
overtemperature_chans_exist PersistedChannelCollection (class in
(nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream nidaqmx.system._collections.persisted_channel_collection),
attribute), 223 96
overtemperature_chans_exist PersistedScale (class in
(nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream.OutStream nidaqmx.system.storage.persisted_scale),
attribute), 227 107
OVERWRITE_UNREAD_SAMPLES PersistedScaleCollection (class in
(nidaqmx.constants.OverwriteMode attribute), nidaqmx.system._collections.persisted_scale_collection),
33 97
OverwriteMode (class in nidaqmx.constants), 33 PersistedTask (class in
P 108
PA (nidaqmx.constants.SoundPressureUnits attribute), 40 PersistedTaskCollection (class in
PA (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled attribute), 46 nidaqmx.system._collections.persisted_task_collection),
PASCALS (nidaqmx.constants.BridgePhysicalUnits at- 97
tribute), 21 physical_channel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
PASCALS (nidaqmx.constants.PressureUnits attribute), attribute), 130
34 physical_channel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChanne

Index 289
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0


physical_channel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.channel.Channel (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI attribute), 47
physical_channel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel(nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI attribute), 47
physical_channel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChannel(nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeCI attribute), 48
attribute), 151 POSITION_LINEAR_LVDT
physical_channel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.di_channel.DIChannel(nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI attribute), 47
attribute), 153 POUNDS (nidaqmx.constants.BridgePhysicalUnits at-
physical_channel (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.do_channel.DOChanneltribute), 21
attribute), 156 POUNDS (nidaqmx.constants.ForceUnits attribute), 28
physical_channel (nidaqmx.types.AOExpirationState at- POUNDS (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled attribute),
tribute), 247 46
physical_channel (nidaqmx.types.AOPowerUpState at- POUNDS_PER_SQ_INCH
tribute), 248 (nidaqmx.constants.BridgePhysicalUnits
physical_channel (nidaqmx.types.COExpirationState at- attribute), 21
tribute), 248 POUNDS_PER_SQ_INCH
physical_channel (nidaqmx.types.DOExpirationState at- (nidaqmx.constants.PressureUnits attribute), 34
tribute), 249 POUNDS_PER_SQ_INCH
physical_channel (nidaqmx.types.DOPowerUpState at- (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled attribute),
tribute), 249 46
physical_channel (nidaqmx.types.DOResistorPowerUpStatepower_supply_fault_chans
attribute), 249 (nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream.OutStream
PhysicalChannel (class in attribute), 227
nidaqmx.system.physical_channel), 104 power_supply_fault_chans_exist
PhysicalChannelCollection (class in (nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream.OutStream
nidaqmx.system._collections.physical_channel_collection), attribute), 227
98 power_up_state (nidaqmx.types.AOPowerUpState
PICO_COULOMBS (nidaqmx.constants.ChargeUnits at- attribute), 248
tribute), 23 power_up_state (nidaqmx.types.DOPowerUpState
PICO_COULOMBS (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled attribute), 249
attribute), 46 power_up_state (nidaqmx.types.DOResistorPowerUpState
PICO_COULOMBS_PER_G attribute), 249
(nidaqmx.constants.AccelChargeSensitivityUnits PowerUpChannelType (class in nidaqmx.constants), 33
attribute), 18 PowerUpStates (class in nidaqmx.constants), 33
PICO_COULOMBS_PER_INCHES_PER_SECOND_SQUARED PPS (nidaqmx.constants.GpsSignalType attribute), 29
(nidaqmx.constants.AccelChargeSensitivityUnits pre_scaled_units (nidaqmx.scale.Scale attribute), 55
attribute), 18 PRESSURE_BRIDGE (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI
(nidaqmx.constants.AccelChargeSensitivityUnits PressureUnits (class in nidaqmx.constants), 34
attribute), 18 pretrig_samples (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.Refer
(nidaqmx.constants.SampleTimingType at- PRINCIPAL_STRAIN_1
tribute), 38 (nidaqmx.constants.StrainGageRosetteMeasurementType
Polarity (class in nidaqmx.constants), 33 attribute), 41
POLL (nidaqmx.constants.WaitMode attribute), 50 PRINCIPAL_STRAIN_2
POLLED (nidaqmx.constants.DataTransferActiveTransferMode (nidaqmx.constants.StrainGageRosetteMeasurementType
attribute), 25 attribute), 41
poly_forward_coeff (nidaqmx.scale.Scale attribute), 55 PRINCIPAL_STRAIN_ANGLE
poly_reverse_coeff (nidaqmx.scale.Scale attribute), 55 (nidaqmx.constants.StrainGageRosetteMeasurementType
POLYNOMIAL (nidaqmx.constants.ScaleType attribute), attribute), 41
38 product_category (nidaqmx.system.device.Device at-
(nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeCI attribute), 48 product_num (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute),

290 Index
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

103 attribute), 41
product_type (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute),
103 R
ProductCategory (class in nidaqmx.constants), 34 R (nidaqmx.constants.ThermocoupleType attribute), 43
PSEUDO_DIFF (nidaqmx.constants.CalibrationTerminalConfigR_1 (nidaqmx.constants.ShuntElementLocation at-
attribute), 22 tribute), 39
PSEUDODIFFERENTIAL R_2 (nidaqmx.constants.ShuntElementLocation at-
(nidaqmx.constants.TerminalConfiguration tribute), 39
attribute), 43 R_3 (nidaqmx.constants.ShuntElementLocation at-
PT_3750 (nidaqmx.constants.RTDType attribute), 35 tribute), 39
PT_3851 (nidaqmx.constants.RTDType attribute), 35 R_4 (nidaqmx.constants.ShuntElementLocation at-
PT_3911 (nidaqmx.constants.RTDType attribute), 35 tribute), 39
PT_3916 (nidaqmx.constants.RTDType attribute), 35 RADIANS (nidaqmx.constants.AngleUnits attribute), 19
PT_3920 (nidaqmx.constants.RTDType attribute), 35 RADIANS (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled attribute),
PT_3928 (nidaqmx.constants.RTDType attribute), 35 46
PULL_DOWN (nidaqmx.constants.ResistorState at- RADIANS_PER_SECOND
tribute), 37 (nidaqmx.constants.AngularVelocityUnits
PULL_UP (nidaqmx.constants.LogicLvlBehavior at- attribute), 19
PULL_UP (nidaqmx.constants.ResistorState attribute), (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled attribute),
37 46
PULSE (nidaqmx.constants.ExportAction attribute), 27 RAW (nidaqmx.constants.Language attribute), 30
PULSE_FREQ (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeCI at- raw_data_width (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream
tribute), 49 attribute), 223
PULSE_FREQUENCY (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeCO raw_data_width (nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream.OutStream
attribute), 49 attribute), 228
PULSE_TICKS (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeCI RawDataCompressionType (class in nidaqmx.constants),
attribute), 49 35
PULSE_TICKS (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeCO at- rdy_for_start_event_lvl_active_lvl
tribute), 49 (nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals
PULSE_TIME (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeCI at- attribute), 218
tribute), 49 rdy_for_start_event_output_term
PULSE_TIME (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeCO (nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals
attribute), 49 attribute), 219
PULSE_WIDTH_DIGITAL rdy_for_xfer_event_deassert_cond
(nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeCI attribute), 49 (nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals
(nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeCI attribute), 49 rdy_for_xfer_event_deassert_cond_custom_threshold
PULSE_WIDTH_DIGITAL_TWO_EDGE_SEPARATION (nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals
(nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeCI attribute), 49 attribute), 219
PXI (nidaqmx.constants.BusType attribute), 22 rdy_for_xfer_event_lvl_active_lvl
pxi_chassis_num (nidaqmx.system.device.Device at- (nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals
tribute), 103 attribute), 219
pxi_slot_num (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute), rdy_for_xfer_event_output_term
103 (nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals
PXIE (nidaqmx.constants.BusType attribute), 22 attribute), 219
read() (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream
Q method), 223
QUARTER_BRIDGE (nidaqmx.constants.BridgeConfiguration read() (nidaqmx.task.Task method), 113
attribute), 20 read_all_avail_samp (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream
QUARTER_BRIDGE_I (nidaqmx.constants.StrainGageBridgeType attribute), 224
attribute), 40 read_int16() (nidaqmx.stream_readers.AnalogUnscaledReader

Index 291
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

read_int32() (nidaqmx.stream_readers.AnalogUnscaledReader method), 75

method), 60 read_one_sample_one_line()
read_many_sample() (nidaqmx.stream_readers.AnalogMultiChannelReader
method), 57 method), 71
read_many_sample() (nidaqmx.stream_readers.AnalogSingleChannelReader
method), 56 (nidaqmx.stream_readers.DigitalMultiChannelReader
read_many_sample_double() method), 76
(nidaqmx.stream_readers.CounterReader read_one_sample_port_byte()
method), 63 (nidaqmx.stream_readers.DigitalSingleChannelReader
read_many_sample_port_byte() method), 71
method), 72 (nidaqmx.stream_readers.DigitalMultiChannelReader
read_many_sample_port_byte() method), 76
method), 68 (nidaqmx.stream_readers.DigitalSingleChannelReader
read_many_sample_port_uint16() method), 71
method), 73 (nidaqmx.stream_readers.DigitalMultiChannelReader
read_many_sample_port_uint16() method), 77
method), 69 (nidaqmx.stream_readers.DigitalSingleChannelReader
read_many_sample_port_uint32() method), 71
method), 74 (nidaqmx.stream_readers.CounterReader
read_many_sample_port_uint32() method), 67
method), 70 (nidaqmx.stream_readers.CounterReader
read_many_sample_pulse_frequency() method), 67
(nidaqmx.stream_readers.CounterReader read_one_sample_pulse_time()
method), 63 (nidaqmx.stream_readers.CounterReader
read_many_sample_pulse_ticks() method), 67
(nidaqmx.stream_readers.CounterReader read_one_sample_uint32()
method), 64 (nidaqmx.stream_readers.CounterReader
read_many_sample_pulse_time() method), 68
(nidaqmx.stream_readers.CounterReader read_uint16() (nidaqmx.stream_readers.AnalogUnscaledReader
method), 65 method), 60
read_many_sample_uint32() read_uint32() (nidaqmx.stream_readers.AnalogUnscaledReader
(nidaqmx.stream_readers.CounterReader method), 61
method), 66 readall() (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream
read_one_sample() (nidaqmx.stream_readers.AnalogMultiChannelReader
method), 224
method), 58 readinto() (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream
read_one_sample() (nidaqmx.stream_readers.AnalogSingleChannelReader
method), 225
method), 57 ReadRelativeTo (class in nidaqmx.constants), 36
read_one_sample_double() RECTANGULAR (nidaqmx.constants.StrainGageRosetteType
(nidaqmx.stream_readers.CounterReader attribute), 41
method), 67 ref_clk_rate (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing at-
read_one_sample_multi_line() tribute), 234
ref_clk_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing at-
method), 75 tribute), 234
read_one_sample_multi_line() ref_trig_output_term (nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignal
(nidaqmx.stream_readers.DigitalSingleChannelReader attribute), 219
method), 70 ref_trig_pulse_polarity (nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSign
read_one_sample_one_line() attribute), 219
REFERENCE (nidaqmx.constants.TriggerUsage at-

292 Index
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

tribute), 45 attribute), 37
reference_trigger (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggers.TriggersRIGHT (nidaqmx.constants.DataJustification attribute),
attribute), 236 24
REFERENCE_TRIGGER RISING (nidaqmx.constants.Edge attribute), 26
(nidaqmx.constants.ReadRelativeTo attribute), RISING (nidaqmx.constants.Slope attribute), 40
REFERENCE_TRIGGER (nidaqmx.constants.Signal at- (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI attribute), 47
tribute), 39 RPM (nidaqmx.constants.AngularVelocityUnits at-
ReferenceTrigger (class in tribute), 20
RPM (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled attribute), 46
240 RSE (nidaqmx.constants.TerminalConfiguration at-
regen_mode (nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream.OutStream tribute), 43
attribute), 228 RTDType (class in nidaqmx.constants), 35
RegenerationMode (class in nidaqmx.constants), 36 RVDTSensitivityUnits (class in nidaqmx.constants), 35
register_done_event() (nidaqmx.task.Task method), 114
register_every_n_samples_acquired_into_buffer_event() S
(nidaqmx.task.Task method), 115 S (nidaqmx.constants.ThermocoupleType attribute), 43
register_every_n_samples_transferred_from_buffer_event() S_SERIES_DAQ (nidaqmx.constants.ProductCategory
(nidaqmx.task.Task method), 115 attribute), 35
register_signal_event() (nidaqmx.task.Task method), 116 samp_clk_active_edge (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
relative_to (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream attribute), 234
attribute), 225 samp_clk_delay_offset (nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSign
relative_to (nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream.OutStream attribute), 219
attribute), 228 samp_clk_dig_fltr_enable
RelayPosition (class in nidaqmx.constants), 36 (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
REMOTE (nidaqmx.constants.Sense attribute), 39 attribute), 234
remove_cdaq_sync_connection() samp_clk_dig_fltr_min_pulse_width
(nidaqmx.system.system.System method), (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
94 attribute), 234
REPEAT_LAST_SAMPLE samp_clk_dig_fltr_timebase_rate
(nidaqmx.constants.SampClkOverrunBehavior (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
attribute), 37 attribute), 234
reserve_network_device() samp_clk_dig_fltr_timebase_src
(nidaqmx.system.device.Device method), (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
104 attribute), 234
RESERVED_FOR_ROUTING_CHANNEL samp_clk_dig_sync_enable
(nidaqmx.constants.SwitchChannelUsage (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
attribute), 41 attribute), 234
reset_device() (nidaqmx.system.device.Device method), samp_clk_max_rate (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
104 attribute), 234
RESET_TIMER (nidaqmx.constants.WDTTaskAction samp_clk_output_behavior
attribute), 50 (nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals
reset_timer() (nidaqmx.system.watchdog.WatchdogTask attribute), 219
method), 111 samp_clk_output_term (nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSign
RESISTANCE (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI at- attribute), 219
tribute), 47 samp_clk_overrun_behavior
ResistanceConfiguration (class in nidaqmx.constants), 36 (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
ResistanceUnits (class in nidaqmx.constants), 36 attribute), 234
ResistorState (class in nidaqmx.constants), 37 samp_clk_pulse_polarity
ResolutionType (class in nidaqmx.constants), 37 (nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals
retriggerable (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTrigger
attribute), 219
attribute), 247 samp_clk_rate (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing

Index 293
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

samp_clk_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing attribute), 51

attribute), 234 SAMPLES_ONLY (nidaqmx.constants.WaveformAttributes
samp_clk_term (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing attribute), 51
samp_clk_timebase_active_edge (nidaqmx.constants.WaveformAttributes
(nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing attribute), 51
attribute), 234 SampleTimingType (class in nidaqmx.constants), 37
samp_clk_timebase_div (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
save() (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ai_channel.AIChannel
attribute), 234 method), 130
samp_clk_timebase_master_timebase_div save() (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ao_channel.AOChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing method), 134
attribute), 235 save() (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.channel.Channel
samp_clk_timebase_output_term method), 118
save() (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.ci_channel.CIChannel
attribute), 219 method), 148
samp_clk_timebase_rate (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
save() (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.co_channel.COChannel
attribute), 235 method), 151
samp_clk_timebase_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
save() (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.di_channel.DIChannel
attribute), 235 method), 154
samp_clk_timebase_term save() (nidaqmx._task_modules.channels.do_channel.DOChannel
(nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing method), 156
attribute), 235 save() (nidaqmx.scale.Scale method), 55
samp_clk_underflow_behavior save() (nidaqmx.task.Task method), 116
(nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing SAWTOOTH (nidaqmx.constants.FuncGenType at-
attribute), 235 tribute), 29
samp_clk_write_wfm_use_initial_wfm_dt SC_EXPRESS (nidaqmx.constants.ProductCategory at-
(nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing tribute), 34
attribute), 235 SC_SERIES_DAQ (nidaqmx.constants.ProductCategory
samp_quant_samp_mode attribute), 35
(nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing Scale (class in nidaqmx.scale), 52
attribute), 235 scale_names (nidaqmx.system._collections.persisted_scale_collection.Persis
samp_quant_samp_per_chan attribute), 97
(nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing scale_type (nidaqmx.scale.Scale attribute), 56
attribute), 235 scaled_units (nidaqmx.scale.Scale attribute), 56
samp_timing_engine (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timingscales (nidaqmx.system.system.System attribute), 94
attribute), 235 ScaleType (class in nidaqmx.constants), 38
samp_timing_type (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing SCANNABLE_CHANNEL
attribute), 235 (nidaqmx.constants.CJCSource attribute),
SampClkOverrunBehavior (class in nidaqmx.constants), 22
37 ScanRepeatMode (class in nidaqmx.constants), 38
SAMPLE_CLOCK (nidaqmx.constants.SampleTimingTypeSCC (nidaqmx.constants.BusType attribute), 22
attribute), 38 SCC_CONNECTOR_BLOCK
SAMPLE_CLOCK (nidaqmx.constants.Signal attribute), (nidaqmx.constants.ProductCategory attribute),
39 34
SAMPLE_CLOCK_PERIODS SCC_MODULE (nidaqmx.constants.ProductCategory at-
(nidaqmx.constants.DigitalWidthUnits at- tribute), 34
tribute), 25 SCXI (nidaqmx.constants.BusType attribute), 22
SAMPLE_COMPLETE (nidaqmx.constants.Signal at- SCXI1124Range (class in nidaqmx.constants), 37
tribute), 39 SCXI_MODULE (nidaqmx.constants.ProductCategory
SAMPLE_TIMEBASE (nidaqmx.constants.MIOAIConvertTimebaseSource attribute), 34
attribute), 32 SECONDS (nidaqmx.constants.DigitalWidthUnits
SampleInputDataWhen (class in nidaqmx.constants), 37 attribute), 25
SAMPLES_AND_TIMING SECONDS (nidaqmx.constants.TimeUnits attribute), 43
(nidaqmx.constants.WaveformAttributes SECONDS (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled at-

294 Index
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

tribute), 46 method), 111

self_test_device() (nidaqmx.system.device.Device start() (nidaqmx.task.Task method), 117
method), 104 start_new_file() (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream
Sense (class in nidaqmx.constants), 38 method), 225
set_analog_power_up_states() start_trig_output_term (nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSigna
(nidaqmx.system.system.System method), attribute), 219
94 start_trig_pulse_polarity (nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSig
set_analog_power_up_states_with_output_type() attribute), 219
(nidaqmx.system.system.System method), start_trigger (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggers.Triggers
95 attribute), 236
set_digital_logic_family_power_up_state() START_TRIGGER (nidaqmx.constants.Signal attribute),
(nidaqmx.system.system.System method), 39
95 StartTrigger (class in nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger),
set_digital_power_up_states() 244
(nidaqmx.system.system.System method), stop() (nidaqmx.system.watchdog.WatchdogTask
95 method), 111
set_digital_pull_up_pull_down_states() stop() (nidaqmx.task.Task method), 117
(nidaqmx.system.system.System method), STRAIN (nidaqmx.constants.StrainUnits attribute), 41
95 STRAIN (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled attribute),
(nidaqmx.constants.Impedance1 attribute), STRAIN_STRAIN_GAGE
29 (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI attribute), 47
ShuntCalSelect (class in nidaqmx.constants), 39 StrainGageBridgeType (class in nidaqmx.constants), 40
ShuntElementLocation (class in nidaqmx.constants), 39 StrainGageRosetteMeasurementType (class in
ShuntResistorSelect (class in nidaqmx.constants), 39 nidaqmx.constants), 41
Signal (class in nidaqmx.constants), 39 StrainGageRosetteType (class in nidaqmx.constants), 41
SignalModifiers (class in nidaqmx.constants), 40 StrainUnits (class in nidaqmx.constants), 41
simultaneous_ao_enable (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.TimingSWITCH_BLOCK (nidaqmx.constants.BusType at-
attribute), 235 tribute), 22
SINE (nidaqmx.constants.FuncGenType attribute), 29 SwitchChannelUsage (class in nidaqmx.constants), 41
SIX_WIRE (nidaqmx.constants.ACExcitWireMode at- SWITCHES (nidaqmx.constants.ProductCategory
tribute), 17 attribute), 35
SLAVE (nidaqmx.constants.SyncType attribute), 42 sync_clk_interval (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
SLEEP (nidaqmx.constants.WaitMode attribute), 50 attribute), 235
sleep_time (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream sync_pulse_event_output_term
attribute), 225 (nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals
sleep_time (nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream.OutStream attribute), 219
attribute), 228 sync_pulse_min_delay_to_start
Slope (class in nidaqmx.constants), 40 (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
SOFTWARE (nidaqmx.constants.TriggerType attribute), attribute), 235
44 sync_pulse_reset_delay (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
SoftwareTrigger (class in nidaqmx.constants), 40 attribute), 235
SOUND_PRESSURE_MICROPHONE sync_pulse_reset_time (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
(nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI attribute), 47 attribute), 236
SoundPressureUnits (class in nidaqmx.constants), 40 sync_pulse_src (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
SOURCE_CHANNEL (nidaqmx.constants.SwitchChannelUsage attribute), 236
attribute), 41 sync_pulse_sync_time (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
SourceSelection (class in nidaqmx.constants), 40 attribute), 236
space_avail (nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream.OutStreamsync_pulse_term (nidaqmx._task_modules.timing.Timing
attribute), 228 attribute), 236
SQUARE (nidaqmx.constants.FuncGenType attribute), sync_type (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggers.Triggers at-
29 tribute), 236
START (nidaqmx.constants.TriggerUsage attribute), 45 SyncType (class in nidaqmx.constants), 42
start() (nidaqmx.system.watchdog.WatchdogTask System (class in nidaqmx.system.system), 91

Index 295
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

T (nidaqmx.constants.ThermocoupleType attribute), 43 (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI attribute), 48
TAB_DELIMITED (nidaqmx.constants.TaskStringFormat TEMPERATURE_RTD (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI
attribute), 42 attribute), 48
TABLE (nidaqmx.constants.ScaleType attribute), 38 TEMPERATURE_THERMISTOR
table_pre_scaled_vals (nidaqmx.scale.Scale attribute), 56 (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI attribute), 48
table_scaled_vals (nidaqmx.scale.Scale attribute), 56 TEMPERATURE_THERMOCOUPLE
Task (class in nidaqmx.task), 112 (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI attribute), 48
TASK_ABORT (nidaqmx.constants.TaskMode attribute), TemperatureUnits (class in nidaqmx.constants), 42
42 TEN_G_OHMS (nidaqmx.constants.Impedance1 at-
TASK_COMMIT (nidaqmx.constants.TaskMode at- tribute), 29
tribute), 42 TEN_M_HZ_REF_CLOCK (nidaqmx.constants.Signal
attribute), 39
task_names (nidaqmx.system._collections.persisted_task_collection.PersistedTaskCollection
attribute), 97 term (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.arm_start_trigger.ArmStartTrigger
TASK_RESERVE (nidaqmx.constants.TaskMode at- attribute), 237
tribute), 42 term (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.pause_trigger.PauseTrigger
TASK_START (nidaqmx.constants.TaskMode attribute), attribute), 239
42 term (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.ReferenceTrigge
TASK_STOP (nidaqmx.constants.TaskMode attribute), attribute), 244
42 term (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTrigger
TASK_UNRESERVE (nidaqmx.constants.TaskMode at- attribute), 247
tribute), 42 TerminalConfiguration (class in nidaqmx.constants), 43
TASK_VERIFY (nidaqmx.constants.TaskMode at- terminals (nidaqmx.system.device.Device attribute), 104
tribute), 42 ThermocoupleType (class in nidaqmx.constants), 43
TaskMode (class in nidaqmx.constants), 42 THREE_POINT_THREE_V
tasks (nidaqmx.system.system.System attribute), 96 (nidaqmx.constants.LogicFamily attribute),
TaskStringFormat (class in nidaqmx.constants), 42 32
TCPIP (nidaqmx.constants.BusType attribute), 22 THREE_WIRE (nidaqmx.constants.ResistanceConfiguration
tcpip_ethernet_ip (nidaqmx.system.device.Device at- attribute), 36
tribute), 104 TICKS (nidaqmx.constants.AngleUnits attribute), 19
tcpip_hostname (nidaqmx.system.device.Device at- TICKS (nidaqmx.constants.DigitalWidthUnits attribute),
tribute), 104 25
tcpip_wireless_ip (nidaqmx.system.device.Device at- TICKS (nidaqmx.constants.FrequencyUnits attribute), 29
tribute), 104 TICKS (nidaqmx.constants.LengthUnits attribute), 31
TEDS (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI attribute), 48 TICKS (nidaqmx.constants.TimeUnits attribute), 43
TICKS (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled attribute), 46
teds_bit_stream (nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel
attribute), 106 TIME_GPS (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeCI attribute),
teds_mfg_id (nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel 49
attribute), 106 timeout (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream at-
teds_model_num (nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChanneltribute), 225
attribute), 106 timeout (nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream.OutStream
teds_serial_num (nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel attribute), 228
attribute), 106 timeout (nidaqmx.system.watchdog.WatchdogTask at-
teds_template_ids (nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChanneltribute), 111
attribute), 106 TimeUnits (class in nidaqmx.constants), 43
Timing (class in nidaqmx._task_modules.timing), 229
teds_version_letter (nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel
attribute), 106 timing (nidaqmx.task.Task attribute), 117
TIO_SERIES (nidaqmx.constants.ProductCategory at-
teds_version_num (nidaqmx.system.physical_channel.PhysicalChannel
attribute), 106 tribute), 35
tedshwteds_supported (nidaqmx.system.device.Device TOGGLE (nidaqmx.constants.ExportAction attribute), 27
attribute), 104 TOP_TASK_AND_ERROR
TEDSUnits (class in nidaqmx.constants), 42 (nidaqmx.constants.OverflowBehavior at-
TEE (nidaqmx.constants.StrainGageRosetteType at- tribute), 33
tribute), 41 TORQUE_BRIDGE (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI

296 Index
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

attribute), 48 UNKNOWN (nidaqmx.constants.ProductCategory

TorqueUnits (class in nidaqmx.constants), 44 attribute), 35
total_samp_per_chan_acquired unreserve_network_device()
(nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream (nidaqmx.system.device.Device method),
attribute), 226 104
total_samp_per_chan_generated UsageTypeAI (class in nidaqmx.constants), 47
(nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream.OutStream UsageTypeAO (class in nidaqmx.constants), 48
attribute), 228 UsageTypeCI (class in nidaqmx.constants), 48
TRANSFERRED_FROM_BUFFER UsageTypeCO (class in nidaqmx.constants), 49
(nidaqmx.constants.EveryNSamplesEventType USB (nidaqmx.constants.BusType attribute), 22
attribute), 26 USB_BULK (nidaqmx.constants.DataTransferActiveTransferMode
TRIANGLE (nidaqmx.constants.FuncGenType attribute), attribute), 25
29 USBDAQ (nidaqmx.constants.ProductCategory at-
trig_type (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.arm_start_trigger.ArmStartTrigger
tribute), 35
attribute), 237 USE_AC (nidaqmx.constants.ExcitationDCorAC at-
trig_type (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.handshake_trigger.HandshakeTrigger
tribute), 26
attribute), 237 USE_CURRENT (nidaqmx.constants.ExcitationVoltageOrCurrent
trig_type (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.pause_trigger.PauseTriggerattribute), 27
attribute), 240 USE_DC (nidaqmx.constants.ExcitationDCorAC at-
trig_type (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.reference_trigger.ReferenceTrigger
tribute), 27
attribute), 244 USE_VOLTAGE (nidaqmx.constants.ExcitationVoltageOrCurrent
trig_type (nidaqmx._task_modules.triggering.start_trigger.StartTriggerattribute), 27
attribute), 247 USER_PROVIDED (nidaqmx.constants.BridgeShuntCalSource
Triggers (class in nidaqmx._task_modules.triggers), 236 attribute), 21
triggers (nidaqmx.task.Task attribute), 117
TriggerType (class in nidaqmx.constants), 44 V
TriggerUsage (class in nidaqmx.constants), 44 VELOCITY_ANGULAR_ENCODER
TRISTATE (nidaqmx.constants.Level attribute), 31 (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeCI attribute), 49
TRISTATE (nidaqmx.constants.PowerUpStates at- VELOCITY_IEPE_SENSOR
tribute), 34 (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI attribute), 48
tristate_output_term() (nidaqmx.system.system.System VELOCITY_LINEAR_ENCODER
method), 96 (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeCI attribute), 49
TWENTY_M_HZ_TIMEBASE VelocityIEPESensorSensitivityUnits (class in
(nidaqmx.constants.MIOAIConvertTimebaseSource nidaqmx.constants), 49
attribute), 32 VelocityUnits (class in nidaqmx.constants), 49
TWENTY_M_HZ_TIMEBASE_CLOCK verify_array_shape (nidaqmx.stream_readers.AnalogMultiChannelReader
(nidaqmx.constants.Signal attribute), 40 attribute), 58
TWO_POINT_FIVE_V (nidaqmx.constants.LogicFamily verify_array_shape (nidaqmx.stream_readers.AnalogSingleChannelReader
attribute), 32 attribute), 57
TWO_POINT_LINEAR (nidaqmx.constants.ScaleType verify_array_shape (nidaqmx.stream_readers.AnalogUnscaledReader
attribute), 38 attribute), 62
TWO_PULSE_COUNTING verify_array_shape (nidaqmx.stream_readers.CounterReader
(nidaqmx.constants.EncoderType attribute), 26 attribute), 68
TWO_WIRE (nidaqmx.constants.ResistanceConfiguration verify_array_shape (nidaqmx.stream_readers.DigitalMultiChannelReader
attribute), 36 attribute), 77
verify_array_shape (nidaqmx.stream_readers.DigitalSingleChannelReader
U attribute), 72
UNCONSTRAINED (nidaqmx.constants.ConstrainedGenMode verify_array_shape (nidaqmx.stream_writers.AnalogMultiChannelWriter
attribute), 23 attribute), 78
UnderflowBehavior (class in nidaqmx.constants), 45 verify_array_shape (nidaqmx.stream_writers.AnalogSingleChannelWriter
unflatten_channel_string() (in module nidaqmx.utils), attribute), 77
249 verify_array_shape (nidaqmx.stream_writers.AnalogUnscaledWriter
UnitsPreScaled (class in nidaqmx.constants), 45 attribute), 80
UNKNOWN (nidaqmx.constants.BusType attribute), 22

Index 297
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

verify_array_shape (nidaqmx.stream_writers.CounterWriterWatchdogCOExpirState (class in nidaqmx.constants), 50

attribute), 82 WatchdogTask (class in nidaqmx.system.watchdog), 109
verify_array_shape (nidaqmx.stream_writers.DigitalMultiChannelWriter
WaveformAttributes (class in nidaqmx.constants), 51
attribute), 88 WDTTaskAction (class in nidaqmx.constants), 50
verify_array_shape (nidaqmx.stream_writers.DigitalSingleChannelWriter
attribute), 85 (nidaqmx.constants.InputDataTransferCondition
VOLTAGE (nidaqmx.constants.AOPowerUpOutputBehavior attribute), 30
attribute), 18 WindowTriggerCondition1 (class in nidaqmx.constants),
VOLTAGE (nidaqmx.constants.CalibrationMode2 51
attribute), 22 WindowTriggerCondition2 (class in nidaqmx.constants),
VOLTAGE (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI attribute), 51
48 write() (nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream.OutStream
VOLTAGE (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAO attribute), method), 228
48 write() (nidaqmx.task.Task method), 117
VOLTAGE (nidaqmx.constants.WatchdogAOExpirState write_int16() (nidaqmx.stream_writers.AnalogUnscaledWriter
attribute), 50 method), 80
VOLTAGE_ACRMS (nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI write_int32() (nidaqmx.stream_writers.AnalogUnscaledWriter
attribute), 48 method), 80
VOLTAGE_CUSTOM_WITH_EXCITATION write_many_sample() (nidaqmx.stream_writers.AnalogMultiChannelWriter
(nidaqmx.constants.UsageTypeAI attribute), 48 method), 79
VoltageUnits (class in nidaqmx.constants), 49 write_many_sample() (nidaqmx.stream_writers.AnalogSingleChannelWrite
VOLTS (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled attribute), 47 method), 77
VOLTS (nidaqmx.constants.VoltageUnits attribute), 50 write_many_sample_port_byte()
VOLTS_PER_G (nidaqmx.constants.AccelSensitivityUnits (nidaqmx.stream_writers.DigitalMultiChannelWriter
attribute), 18 method), 88
VOLTS_PER_VOLT (nidaqmx.constants.BridgeElectricalUnits write_many_sample_port_byte()
attribute), 20 (nidaqmx.stream_writers.DigitalSingleChannelWriter
VOLTS_PER_VOLT (nidaqmx.constants.UnitsPreScaled method), 85
attribute), 47 write_many_sample_port_uint16()
VOLTS_PER_VOLTS (nidaqmx.constants.BridgeUnits (nidaqmx.stream_writers.DigitalMultiChannelWriter
attribute), 21 method), 88
W (nidaqmx.stream_writers.DigitalSingleChannelWriter
(nidaqmx.constants.HandshakeStartCondition write_many_sample_port_uint32()
attribute), 29 (nidaqmx.stream_writers.DigitalMultiChannelWriter
(nidaqmx.constants.HandshakeStartCondition write_many_sample_port_uint32()
attribute), 29 (nidaqmx.stream_writers.DigitalSingleChannelWriter
(nidaqmx.constants.WaitMode attribute), write_many_sample_pulse_frequency()
50 (nidaqmx.stream_writers.CounterWriter
wait_mode (nidaqmx._task_modules.in_stream.InStream method), 82
attribute), 226 write_many_sample_pulse_ticks()
wait_mode (nidaqmx._task_modules.out_stream.OutStream (nidaqmx.stream_writers.CounterWriter
attribute), 228 method), 82
wait_until_done() (nidaqmx.task.Task method), 117 write_many_sample_pulse_time()
WaitMode (class in nidaqmx.constants), 50 (nidaqmx.stream_writers.CounterWriter
watchdog_expired_event_output_term method), 83
(nidaqmx._task_modules.export_signals.ExportSignals (nidaqmx.stream_writers.AnalogMultiChannelWriter
attribute), 219 method), 79
WATCHDOG_TIMER_EXPIRED_EVENT write_one_sample() (nidaqmx.stream_writers.AnalogSingleChannelWriter
(nidaqmx.constants.Signal attribute), 40 method), 78
WatchdogAOExpirState (class in nidaqmx.constants), 50 write_one_sample_multi_line()

298 Index
NI-DAQmx Python API Documentation, Release 0.5.0

WriteRelativeTo (class in nidaqmx.constants), 51
method), 89
write_one_sample_multi_line() X
X_1 (nidaqmx.constants.EncoderType attribute), 26
method), 86 X_2 (nidaqmx.constants.EncoderType attribute), 26
write_one_sample_one_line() X_4 (nidaqmx.constants.EncoderType attribute), 26
X_SERIES_DAQ (nidaqmx.constants.ProductCategory
method), 90 attribute), 35
method), 86 YIELD (nidaqmx.constants.WaitMode attribute), 50
method), 90
ZERO_TO_FIVE_V (nidaqmx.constants.SCXI1124Range
attribute), 37
ZERO_TO_ONE_V (nidaqmx.constants.SCXI1124Range
method), 87
attribute), 37
ZERO_TO_TEN_V (nidaqmx.constants.SCXI1124Range
attribute), 37
method), 90
(nidaqmx.constants.SCXI1124Range attribute),
method), 87
ZERO_VOLTS (nidaqmx.constants.AOIdleOutputBehavior
attribute), 18
method), 91
attribute), 27
method), 87
method), 83
method), 84
method), 84
WRITE_TO_EEPROM (nidaqmx.constants.WriteBasicTEDSOptions
attribute), 51
WRITE_TO_PROM (nidaqmx.constants.WriteBasicTEDSOptions
attribute), 51
method), 106
method), 107
write_uint16() (nidaqmx.stream_writers.AnalogUnscaledWriter
method), 81
write_uint32() (nidaqmx.stream_writers.AnalogUnscaledWriter
method), 81
WriteBasicTEDSOptions (class in nidaqmx.constants),

Index 299

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