A Semi
A Semi
A Semi
I. Objectives:
Routine Activities:
1. Greetings
2. Opening Prayer
3. Checking of Attendance
B. Presentation:
Class, today we are going to discuss about what are the expressive
elements of music.
C. Discussion:
In this lesson, the expressive musical elements like dynamics, tempo and
articulation will be tackled.
a. What is the meaning of dynamics?
b. What are the two levels of dynamics?
Loud/ Intensified sounds
Soft sounds
c. What are the different dynamic signs/symbols represented in Italian
ppp, pp, p, mp
mf, f, ff, fff
>, <
a. Can someone define the term tempo?
b. What are the two ways to specify the tempo of a composition?
Tempo markings
a. What do we mean by articulation?
b. What are the different ways of observing articulation?
Legato, Tenuto, Staccato, Slur
D. Generalization:
So class, what did you learn today?
Can you enumerate the different Italian terms used as dynamic symbols?
How about the different ways of observing articulation?
Class, don’t forget all of the components of expressive elements of music.
E. Application:
This time I would like everyone to participate. I will let you sing a song and
apply the different dynamic symbols. There is a corresponding point you will
receive after your performance.
IV. Evaluation:
Keep away all your notes and be ready for a simple quiz bee. I will group you in
three groups with five members each.
Perform in class, choose a song and sing it applying at least five dynamic levels.
A Detailed Lesson Plan
In Integrated Music Theory
(Major and Minor Scales)
Submitted by:
John Dominic D. Porto
Submitted to:
Prof. Annabell Ruth S. Piedad
A Semi-detailed Lesson Plan
In Integrated Music Theory
(Expressive Elements of Music)
Submitted by:
John Dominic D. Porto
Submitted to:
Prof. Annabell Ruth S. Piedad
A Semi-detailed Lesson Plan
In Western Music
(Music of the Baroque Period)
Submitted by:
John Dominic D. Porto
Submitted to:
Prof. Annabell Ruth S. Piedad