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Annex 3: Key Milestones of The Project

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Key Milestones of Year one Per Quarter Key Milestones of Year Two Per Quarter
Objectives 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter
OBJECTIVE1: Rural Coffee Farmers started Cooperatives Consistent Farmers and
To support institutions processing selling their ensured high relationships cooperatives buy
smallholder [cooperatives, machines produce at the bargaining power between shares from the
farmers in farmers’ [wet, dry cooperatives for price cooperatives, Agro-industry
coffee value Operational organizations] hulling and premises negotiation Farmers and [investment
addition agreement with Launching and established solar dryers] Walif-Agro appetite created]
government familiarization and provided with Industry formed
signed of the project operational appropriate
New staff
MoU between members hired
OBJECTIVE2: Implementing Recruitment Apiculture Training on Conduct honey Provide coffee farms
To promote partners Provide and group beehives and inter-cropping market promotion seeds\seedlings rejuvenated their
livelihood seeds\seedling formation of related apiary and other good and linkage events of shade trees, farms
diversification s of shade coffee farmers toolkits agriculture with honey legumes,
among trees, for apiculture provided practices and farmers, banana, and
smallholder legumes, Training for best bet collectors, mushrooms for
coffee farmers banana, and cooperative coffee farms sustainable land processors, and coffee farmers
mushrooms for members rejuvenated management government actors
coffee farmers their farms [SLM] practices,
Action and coffee
oriented orchard
training on management

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