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Tugas 5 Weld Metal Solidification & Microstructure

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NPM : 1506775216
DOSEN PENGAMPU : Prof. Dr. Ir. Winarto, M.Sc.



1. From the Al–Mg phase diagram, the equilibrium freezing range of 5052 aluminum (essentially
Al–2.5Mg) is about 40°C. Suppose the welding speed is 4 mm/s and the diffusion coefficient
DL is 3 x 10-5 cm2/s. Calculate the minimum temperature gradient required for planar
solidification at the weld centerline. What is the corresponding cooling rate? Can this level
of cooling rate be achieved in arc welding?
The following data are known based on the above case:
 5052 aluminum (essentially Al–2.5Mg)
 Equilibrium freezing range ( T ) : 40⁰C
 Welding Speed (v) : 4 mm/s = 0.4 cm/s
 Diffusion Coeff. (D𝐿 ) : 3x10-5 cm2/s
 The growth rate R has to be less than or equal to 3 x 10-4cm/sec in order to have planar

G T
 
3.10 4 cm / s.40C
3.10 5 cm 2 / s
G  400C / cm

 Cooling rate = G.v = 400 ⁰C/cm x 0.4 cm/s = 160 ⁰C/s

2. Let CE and CSM be respectively 35%and 15% Mg, and both the solidus and liquidus lines are
essentially straight in the Al–Mg system. The melting point of pure Al is 660°C, and the
eutectic temperature is 451°C. What is the approximate volume fraction of the aluminum-
rich dendrites in the fusion zone of autogenous 5052 aluminum weld?

Figure 1. Al-Mg Phase Diagram (taken from www.doitpoms.ac.uk )


Volume fraction of the aluminum-rich dendrites in the fusion zone :
fS  1 fL
fL  1 fS
1 /(1 k )
 T  TL 
f L   m  , k=0
 Tm  T 

 T T  C
f L   m L   0 , where C0 = 0.15 and CL = 0
 Tm  T  CL
 0.15 
Thus, f L    = 0.428, and f S  1 0.428 = 0.572
 0.35 

3. It has been observed that aluminum alloys welded with the electron beam welding process
show much finer secondary dendrite arm spacing in the weld metal than those welded with
GMAW. Explain why!
 The dendrite arm spacing is a function of the cooling rate or solidification time. Base on
the following formula, d  a.t nf  b( )  n , where d is the secondary dendrite arm
spacing, t f is the local solidification time,  is the cooling rate, and a and b are
proportional constants. The slower the cooling rate during solidification, the longer the
time available for coarsening and the larger the dendrite arm spacing.
 Electron beam welding process show much finer secondary dendrite arm spacing in the
weld metal than those welded with GMAW, because EBW has much higher power
density rather than in GMAW. As the power density of the heat source higher, the heat
input to the workpiece that is required for welding will be lower. Furthermore, lower
heat input will result in the faster cooling rate during solidification and there is limited
time available for coarsening, then much finer the dendrite arm spacing.

Figure 2. Variation of heat input to the workpiece with power density of the heat

Figure 3. Effect of cooling rate or solidification time on dendrite arm spacing for Al–4.5Cu
(taken form Kou, S, 2002)

4. Which alloy has a greater tendency for planar solidification to break down, Al-0.01Cu or Al-
6.3Cu and why?
Al-6.3Cu has a greater tendency for planar solidification to break down due to has larger
concentration of solute. Addition of solute reduces the driving force for solidification for a
given undercooling. Addition of solutes into Al alloys not only possesses a higher initial
nucleation rate resulted from the larger thermodynamic driving force for solidification, but
also promotes nucleation within the constitutionally supercooled zone during growth. As
subsequent nucleation can occur at smaller constitutional supercoolings, a smaller grain size
is thus produced.

Figure 4. Effect of solute concentration in planar solidification break down

5. How would preheating of the work-piece affect the secondary dendrite arm spacing in welds
of aluminum alloys and why?
Preheating to weld metal is conducted for the purpose of:
 Slow down the cooling rate at work piece
 Reduce shrinkage stress, weld distortion, promote fusion
 Eliminate water and moisture
The slower the cooling rate during solidification, the longer the time available for coarsening
and the larger the dendrite arm spacing. For example, effect of cooling rate or solidification
time on dendrite arm spacing for Al–4.5Cu are shown in Figure 3.

6. In aluminum alloys such as 6061 and 5052, which often contain small amounts of Ti (say
about 0.02 wt %), the Ti-rich particles in the work-piece can be dissolved with a gas–tungsten
arc by multi-pass melting. If the pre-weld is a multi-pass weld intended to dissolve such
particles and the grain structure is shown in Figure 1, what is the grain refining mechanism
in the test weld and why?

The mechanism of grain refining in 6061 and 5052 aluminum alloy (0.02 wt% Ti) with a
multipass melting preweld that aims to dissolve Ti-rich particles as shown in Figure 5. The
refining mechanism shown in test weld is heterogeneous nucleation.

Figure 5. Grain refining mechanism with heterogeneous nucleation

The multipass welding from pre-welding can cause high heat input, this will also cause
equiaxed grain that grows due to the present of Ti as inoculant. In the liquid metal contained
inoculant, it contains a large amount of solid particles of the atoms that can be easily
arranged in the form crystals in supercooled conditions, and the atoms in the molten metal
is no longer required to form a nucleus on the condition of heterogeneous nucleation.
Uniform freezing will have a positive impact of reducing the likelihood of failure due to the
porosity, as well as produce a smaller grain size /smooth and dense in every part of the weld.

7. Equiaxed grains can often be found in the crater of a weld that exhibits an essentially purely
columnar grain structure, as shown in Figure 2. Explain why!

This phenomena can happen because of weld pool convection, which in principle can cause
fragmentation of dendrite tips in the mushy zone. These dendrite fragments are carried into
the bulk weld pool and act as nuclei for new grains to form if they survive the weld pool

Weld pool convection can also cause partially melted grains to detach themselves from the
solid–liquid mixture surrounding the weld pool, as shown in Figure 6. Like dendrite
fragments, these partially melted grains, if they survive in the weld pool, can act as nuclei for
the formation of new grains in the weld metal.

Figure 6. Dendrite fragmentation mechanism due to weld pool convection

8. Gutierrez and Lippold (23) made a pre weld in aluminum alloy 2195 and then a test weld
perpendicular to it, as shown in Figure 3. (a) Do you expect to see a non-dendritic equiaxed
zone near the fusion boundary of the test weld in the overlap region and why or why not?
(b) Same as (a) but with the work piece and the pre weld solution heat treated before making
the test weld.

(a) It is expected that along the fusion boundary of the test weld in the overlapped region
did not exhibit a non-dendritic equiaxed zone (EQZ). In this region, initial solidification of
the test weld occurred epitaxially at the partially melted grains of the preweld. As evident
in Figure 7, the fusion zone microstructure near the fusion boundary consists of fine
cellular and cellular dendritic grains. The solidification subgrains can be clearly
distinguished by a network of interdendritic eutectic constituents. The PMZ (contained
within the preweld) exhibits a coarser grain size with some liquation along the
solidification grain boundaries.

Figure 7. The absence of an EQZ between the PMZ and fusion zone (taken from
Gutierrez and Lippold, 1998)

(b) For the work piece which were subjected to a Solution Heat Treatment (SHT) following
the preweld, exhibited a fine equiaxed zone (EQZ) along the fusion boundary of the test
weld in the overlapped region. As shown in Figure. 8, a small band of equiaxed grains can
be observed along the lower half of the test weld profile. The nominal diameter and
width of these equiaxed grains is smaller compared to the fusion boundary EQZ of GTA

Figure 8. the reemergence of the EQZ (taken from Gutierrez and Lippold, 1998)

9. Part of a pure Ni ingot with large columnar grains is welded perpendicular to the grains, as
shown in Figure 4. Sketch the grain structure in the weld.

(a) For welding with low welding speed, the weld pool will be shaped elliptical weld pool.
(b) For welding with high welding speed, the weld pool will be shaped teardrop weld pool.
The grain structure sketch of pure Ni ingot:

Figure 9. The grain structure sketch of pure Ni ingot

10. A pulsed arc weld is shown in Figure 5. Sketch the grain structure in the area produced by
the last pulse!

Figure 10. Grain structure in the area produced by the last pulse in PAW

11. It has been suggested that the secondary dendrite arm spacing d along the weld centerline
can be related quantitatively to the heat input per unit length of weld, Q/V. Based on the
data of the dendrite arm spacing d as a function of cooling rate e, similar to those shown in
Figure 6.17a, it can be shown that “d = aε-1/b”, where a and b are constant with b being in
the range of 2–3.

(a) Express the dendrite arm spacing in terms of Q/V for bead-on-plate welds in thick-section
aluminum alloys.
(b) How do the preheat temperature and thermal conductivity affect the dendrite arm
(c) Do you expect the relationship obtained to be very accurate?

(a) The dendrite arm spacing is a function of the cooling rate or solidification time, which
can be expressed with equation, d  a.t nf  b( )  n , where d is the secondary dendrite
arm spacing, t f is the local solidification time,  is the cooling rate, and a and b are
proportional constants.
(b) Preheating to weld metal is conducted for the purpose of slow down the cooling rate at
work piece. The DAS increases as the cooling rate decreases because there is less time
available for diffusion of the solute. According to thermal conductivity, the DAS also
increases as the thermal conductivity decreases as shown in below picture.

Figure 11. Thermal conductivity vs DAS in Al cast A319 (taken from Vazquez-Lopez, C.

(c) Yes, I do. The relationship obtained to be very accurate as it shown in many experimental

10 | P a g e
12. The size of the mushy zone is often an interesting piece of information for studying weld
metal solidification. Let d   ( ) 1 / b where d is the dendrite arm spacing and e the cooling
rate. Consider how measurements of the dendrite arm spacing across the weld metal can
help determine the size of the mushy zone. Express the width of the mushy zone in the
welding direction Δx, as shown in Figure 6, in terms of the dendrite arm spacing d, the
welding speed V, and the freezing temperature range ΔT (= TL - TE).

The dendrite arm spacing as a function of the cooling rate or solidification time
d  a.t nf  b( ) n  b(GR)  n
Where d is the secondary dendrite arm spacing, tf is the local solidification time, G is
temperature gradient, R is welding speed,  is the cooling rate, and a and b are proportional

Assuming that G is constant in the mushy zone and taking x = 0 at the liquidus temperature
of the alloy TL, which can be used to find the temperature T at any distance x.
TL  T

13. It has been observed that the greater the heat input per unit length of weld (Q/V), the longer
it takes to homogenize the micro-segregation in the weld metal of aluminum alloys for
improving its mechanical properties. Let d   ( ) 1 / b , where d is the dendrite arm spacing
and e the cooling rate. Express the time required for homogenization (t) in terms of Q/V!
 From Sindo Kou equation 6.20 d  a.t nf  b( )  n ; where a, b is constant and n=1/b
a.e 
1 / b
 c.(t )1 / b
1 1
log( a)  . log( e)  log( c)  log( t )
b b

log( t )  (log( a)  log( c)  . log( e)) b
  a 
log( t )   log  1/ b
 

  c.(e) 

  a 
log( t )   log  1/ 0
 

  c.(e) 

11 | P a g e
a 1
t   .
c e
a 1
e  .
c t

 Substitute to equation 2.17 (Sindo Kou)

 2kV (T  T0 ) 2

Q  2k (T  T0 ) 2

V e

Q  2k (T  T0 ) 2
 b
V a 1
  .
c t

Q  2kt(T  T0 ) 2 b
 .c
V ab

14. An Al–1%Cu alloy is welded autogenously by GTAW, and an Al–5% Cu alloy is welded under
identical condition. Which alloy is expected to develop more constitutional super-cooling and
why? Which alloy is likely to have more equiaxed dendrites in the weld metal and why?
Al-5%Cu has expected to develop more constitutional super-cooling due to have larger
concentration of solute. Addition of solute reduces the driving force for solidification for a
given undercooling. Addition of solutes into Al alloys not only possesses a higher initial
nucleation rate resulted from the larger thermodynamic driving force for solidification, but
also promotes nucleation within the constitutionally supercooled zone during growth. As
subsequent nucleation can occur at smaller constitutional supercoolings, a smaller grain size
is thus produced.
With the more constitutional super-cooling, Al-5%Cu is likely to have more equiaxed
dendrites in the weld metal. As shown in Figure 12 below, that increasing constitutional
supercooling will result in more equiaxed dendrites to be produced.

12 | P a g e
Figure 12. Effect of Constitutional Super-cooling on solidification mode (taken from Kou, S.,

15. An Al–5%Cu alloy is welded autogenously by GTAW and by EBW under the same welding
speed but different heat inputs (much less in the case of EBW).Which weld is expected to
experience more constitutional super cooling and why? Which weld is likely to have more
equiaxed dendrites and why?
Al–5%Cu alloy that welded using electron beam welding process is expected to experience
more constitutional super cooling, because EBW has much higher power density rather than
in GTAW. As the power density of the heat source higher, the heat input to the workpiece
that is required for welding will be lower.
According to below equation, the cooling rate increases with decreasing heat input–welding
speed ratio Q/V. This ratio also represents the amount of heat per unit length of the weld
(J/cm or cal/cm). Therefore, the dendrite arm spacing or cell spacing can be expected to
increase with increasing Q/V or amount of heat per unit length of the weld

Furthermore, lower heat input will result in the faster cooling rate during solidification and
there is limited time available for coarsening, then much finer the dendrite arm spacing will
be observed as a result of constitutional supercooling.

13 | P a g e
Figure 13. Autogenous welds of 6061 Aluminium (a) coarser solidification structure of
GTAW (b) finer solidification structure in EBW (taken from Kou, S., 2002)

16. In autogenous GTAW of aluminum alloys, how do you expect the amount of equiaxed grains
in the weld metal to be affected by preheating and why?
It is clear that the cooling rate is reduced significantly by preheating. The slower the cooling
rate during solidification, the longer the time available for coarsening and will forms more
equiaxed grains.
This is because the presence of preheating will reduce the temperature gradient (G) as well
as the ratio G / R, thus increasing constitutional supercooling and lead the nucleation of
equiaxed grain more easily formed heterogeneously.

17. In autogenous GTAW of aluminum alloys, how do you expect the dendrite arm spacing of the
weld metal to be affected by preheating and why?
In autogenous GTAW of aluminum alloys, preheating to weld metal is conducted to slow
down the cooling rate at work piece. The slower the cooling rate during solidification, the
longer the time available for coarsening and the larger the dendrite arm spacing.

18. Figure 7 is a micrograph near the fusion line of an autogenous gas–tungsten arc weld in a Fe–
49% Ni alloy sheet. Explain the solidification microstructure, which is to the right of the fusion
line (dark vertical line)!

14 | P a g e
At near of the fusion line, temperature gradient (G) is still very high and there is no grain
growth (R = 0), thus planar structure is formed. Further from the fusion line, the temperature
gradient decreases and constitutional supercooling increases resulting core particle diffuses
to form the new cells and cellular growth with direction follows the direction of crystal grains
of the base metal as a result of the epitaxial growth in autogeneous welding. Also there will
be a certain angle growth direction with the base metal grain due to competitive growth
where the grains tend to grow in the direction perpendicular to the pool boundary.

15 | P a g e
Reference :

1. Kou, S., (2003), Welding Metallurgy, 2nd Ed, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2. Vazquez-Lopez, C. (1999), Influence of dendrite arm spacing on the thermal conductivity of an
aluminum-silicon casting alloy. Journal of Materials Research.
3. A. GUTIERREZ AND J. C. LIPPOLD, (1998), A Proposed Mechanism for Equiaxed Grain Formation
along the Fusion Boundary in Aluminum-Copper-Lithium Alloys, WELDING RESEARCH

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