Community Service Log
Community Service Log
Community Service Log
Imagine the difference in the Las Vegas community, when you become a part of
Teachers make our community requirement within your EDU 201, 202, or
better... outside the classroom 203 course.
How it works... On the next page, you will
Whether seeking employment with a local read about approved ways to satisfy the Service
Learning component of your EDU 280 class.
education agency, applying for an education These suggestions can be used alone, or in
scholarship, or writing a proposal for grant combination, to arrive at the minimum 10 hour
funding, it is important that an applicant Service Learning requirement. This assignment
show a genuine commitment to their is worth 10% of the total grade of our EDU 280
community. course
The Service Learning component of your Use the Service Learning Pre-approval form
CSN EDU 280 class gives you the (page 3) and submit to your EDU 280 instructor
opportunity to build upon your existing to get pre-approval for your project before you
begin. Use the Service Learning Log (page 4)
community service commitment, or set the to document your hours of service, along with
foundation for many years of community any supporting material required by your
involvement and service to others. As a instructor. A letter on agency letterhead from an
matter of fact, statistics show that most organization administrator is the typical
teachers began thinking about education as documentation needed to validate your hours.
a career after volunteering in some capacity Your instructor will provide you with more
with local schools, religious groups, or information about how they will want these
community organizations. documents submitted, and their specific due
dates during the semester.
Your Service Learning is not the same as This documentation should also be archived for
your 10 hour CSN Field Observation use in your EDU 299 course.
Service Learning Component (10 Hours)
EDU 280 - Valuing Cultural Diversity
DIRECTIONS: Complete the following 3 sections and submit to your instructor so they are aware of your
service learning requirement plan.
NEED/PURPOSE: - Why is this service needed? How will it help the community?
This organization provides help for people with intellectual disabilities, such as down syndrome
and autism, and assists them with independent living which allows them to lead more fulfilling
lives where they are provided a sense of power by overseeing their own decisions.
ACTION: - What specifically will you be doing during the 10 hours at this agency?
I will be assisting in outings they will be going on for the next few weeks. This includes mostly
being a friend to people that typically only get to interact with people that also have IDD. I will also
be assisting in general maintenance on the houses that the participants live in, such as painting
their rooms and changing lightbulbs and any other tasks that are needed.
NEED/PURPOSE: - OUTCOMES: - What positive impact will this service have on the
community? What do I personally hope to gain from the experience? What evidence will I
be able to collect from the agency/contact person to verify my participation?
Having someone that is neuro-typical show them genuine interest make them feel a stronger
sense of belonging and higher self-esteem.
SIGNATURES: I have reviewed this service proposal and request to proceed. Any future changes
to this proposal must be submitted to your instructor.
Date(s) ___10-21-18__________________________
Date(s) __10-23-18___________________________
Date(s) __10-27-18___________________________
Agency/Type of Service:
Supervisor e-mail
Agency/Type of Service:
Date(s) _____________________________________
Date(s) _____________________________________
Date(s) _____________________________________
Agency/Type of Service:
The CSN student providing you with this letter has agreed to follow the policies of
the department and must conduct themselves appropriately while volunteering
with your agency. The Service Learning packet includes a Pre-Approval form
that was preapproved by their CSN instructor, and also a Verification Sheet.
That section is provided to the agency so the student can earn credit for their
service. The verification sheet includes agency information and spaces to log
contact hours before ultimately obtaining an agency administrator’s signature for
verification. A company letterhead correspondence is also encouraged, because
it can be included in the student’s professional portfolio.
We are confident that our students will perform well with your agency. They
understand that they are interfacing with a very busy operation, and we expect
them to represent our department and our college appropriately.
We know that from time to time issues may arise. We want you to know that you
are free to contact the CSN Instructor at any time to assure things are being
correctly managed. The following contact information is available if you find
yourself in need of assistance from CSN.