Power For Deliverance - The Song - Bill Banks PDF
Power For Deliverance - The Song - Bill Banks PDF
Power For Deliverance - The Song - Bill Banks PDF
All passages are from the King James Bible unless otherwise noted.
Foreword Even though I have
never met the author in
person, I am, first of all,
amazed at how similar our
thinking is on the subject of
deliverance. The Spirit would
seem to be leading us to the
same conclusions.
Problems may enter early in life
CASE 1 - Deliverance Defeats Suicide
CASE 2 - Deliverance for Sally from "IT"
CASE 3 - The Spirit of the Fear of Starvation
CASE 3b - My Own Spirit of Colic
Demons are no Joking Matter
CASE 4 - A Cocky Preacher Silenced
CASE 5 - Violence in a State Park
CASE 6 - Deliverance from a Homosexual Spirit
The Invisible Aspects of Deliverance
CASE 7 - Invisible Deliverance from Smoking
CASE 8 - Deliverance from the Spirit of Marijuana
Forgiveness Unlocks the Doors of
CASE 9 - Crippling Overcome by Forgiveness
CASE 10 - Power of Forgiveness Defeats Ulcers
CASE 11 - A Frozen Shoulder Freed
Faith-Building Truths about the
Sovereignty of God
CASE 12 - Joe in Trouble
CASE 13 - Kathy in Prison
CASE 14 - "Killer" in Supernatural Strength
CASE 15 - Dominique in Hawaii
CASE 16 - Adelaide in New Zealand
CASE 17 - Charlie in the Hospital
Personal Ministry Section
Appendix A -
The Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Appendix B -
Removing Obstacles to the Baptism
Index of Evil Spirits Encountered in this
“ And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will
pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh.”
“ And it shall come to pass, whosoever shall call upon the name
of the Lord shall be delivered.”
The exact same “whosoever” is used in this passage as is
used in the New Testament when it says, “Whosoever shall
call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” It’s going to be
just as easy to get delivered as it is to be saved! Deliverance is
just as much a part of God’s plan and program as is Salvation,
and it is a vital part of His message for this hour — that
Salvation and deliverance are available to whosoever is willing
to receive.
In the Sixties and early Seventies, God brought forth a
new phase of his work with man, which has been variously
referred to as the Charismatic, Neo-Pentecostal, or the Renewal
Movement. It has been a movement characterized by the
restoration to the church the long absent “Gifts of the Spirit”
(healings, miracles, tongues, interpretations of tongues, and
the other gifts of 1 Corinthians 12:7). These gifts had, through
the centuries, been lost to man because of corruption, disuse,
misuse, and unbelief. The movement, although admittedly not
without certain man-made flaws and excesses, has been
perceived by most to be one fruited with joy and love and
spiritual growth.
However, since the latter part of the 1980’s through today,
a new phase of this move of God has begun. This phase has an
added dimension of the emphasis upon the ministering of
deliverance from all forms of bondage. The Lord has also
placed in many hearts a cry that is echoed in Joel’s words,
“Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be
The ministry of deliverance is an aspect of spiritual
warfare — and it is not new. It has been going on throughout
the Church era. But there is a heightened awareness of this
form of ministry and a new depth of interest in it occurring
throughout the world.
An Introduction to Deliverance Ministry
Let me start off by stating a truth that may shock you. I
find no scriptural basis for a deliverance ministry. Permit me to
clarify: Scripture is certainly clear that Jesus, our perfect
pattern, spent much of His time ministering in the area of
deliverance. However, Jesus’ ministry included preaching,
teaching, healing, and casting out spirits. Jesus was the master
of utilizing all these types of ministry.
He also clearly indicated the importance of deliverance in
His own ministry. He did this in at least four ways: first at the
beginning of His own ministry by quoting from Isaiah 61,
stating that He had come to
Luke 4:18
“ But if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the
kingdom of God is come upon you.”
Luke 11:20
He also proved the importance of deliverance by utilizing
it so often. Most scholars acknowledge that at least one fourth
of Jesus' ministry involved deliverance. He definitely spent
more than one-fourth of His time dealing with demons, casting
out demons, or involved with what would today loosely be
called "the deliverance ministry.”
Finally, the extreme importance of deliverance to Jesus,
and His intentions for it to be part of His continuing ministry
through His body, is indicated by His stating that the very first
sign to follow them that believe would be “in my name they
shall cast out devils...” (Mk. 16:17)
Nevertheless, deliverance should be only a part of a full-
fledged ministry which seeks to follow Jesus’ pattern. It must
be kept in balance along with healing, teaching, salvation,
baptism, and evangelism: all working to create a perfectly
whole person.
Holy Anger!
I never wanted to be in the “deliverance” ministry. But
almost from the very beginning of my deeper walk with the
Lord, I found that I became furious with the devil when I saw
God’s people in bondage to him, being tormented and cowering
in fear. It made me angry to see the perverse effect he was able
to have upon God’s people.
One of the first times that I experienced this anger was
early in my new walk with the Lord. In the latter half of 1971, I
was asked to be in charge of ministering to the needs for
healing that came to the prayer room of a large weekly prayer
meeting attended by about 300 people.
In one of the first sessions in the prayer room, a man with
more zeal than experience began trying to minister to a very
meek, quiet young man who was more than six feet tall. The
young man had obviously come to the meeting under the
influence of drugs: his pupils were dilated, almost eclipsing the
irises of his eyes, and his speech was slurred. Although he had
visited the meetings previously, this was his first entry into the
prayer room. The zealous individual may have been seeking to
impress the two big-name ministers who were visiting the
prayer room. One was a man who ministered internationally and
was celebrated for his “gift ministry” and had been our main
speaker that evening, the other was a local evangelist who also
ministered nationwide.
The zealous man, who felt that he had been “called” to the
deliverance ministry, attempted to cast out a certain sexual
spirit by name, an act which seemed to me totally inappropriate,
as there had been no indication of such a problem. However,
the man ministering had been attempting to cast that same
spirit out of several people in the preceding week. After a few
minutes the demons in the boy apparently assessed the
confusion in the situation and he began raging, cursing, and
moving menacingly toward the zealot who rapidly retreated.
I looked to the two guest ministers expecting to see these
leaders take charge. However, I was instead surprised and
shocked by what I saw. The local well-known minister was
asking the visiting minister, whom I happened to know didn’t
believe in demons, “What do you make of all this?”
The visiting minister’s eyes were wide in fear, and all the
color had drained out of his face. He could only mumble, “I
don't know.”
I felt real anger stirring at Satan for his audacity in daring
to flaunt his puny power in the presence of God’s people in a
prayer room. I was even angrier at the powerless church, which
could talk a good story, and profess great spiritual insight and
discernment, but which, when confronted by one teenager with
a few demons, cowered in fear. It was a disgusting situation,
and I was angry!
Finally, I could take it no longer, and so I stepped into the
deliverance arena. I placed myself squarely in front of the
demonized boy and said, “I rebuke you, Satan, and every
demon manifesting in this boy. I bind these drug spirits and
command them to come out of him in Jesus’ name!”
The boy was tall. I’m six feet. Fully erect, I could look the
boy squarely in the mouth. The boy, who’d been a high school
football star, hauled back his right arm, and launched his
clenched fist directly for my face. I stood my ground, figuring
that it was better to be bloodied if necessary in the Lord’s
service than to be ruled by fear as the rest were. His fist
stopped about four inches from my face as if it had hit an
invisible shield.
I was both relieved and blessed, because this confirmed
for me that I was on the right track and that heaven was on my
side. The demons and the boy apparently came to the same
conclusion and he began to back away from me. (I noticed at
this point out of the corner of my eye, that the visiting
ministers were taking this as their opportunity to flee.)
I continued the spiritual attack, commanding the drug
spirits to come out. The shoe was on the other foot now.
Finally the retreating boy reached the wall of the prayer room,
and began trying to climb it. Looking back over his shoulder at
me, fear evident in his face, he whined, “I believe in demons,
now! I believe in demons!”
The boy received a small measure of help that night, but
his problems were severe. We later learned that he had been an
“A” student, graduating with honors and scholarships. His
version of the story was that while in college at a party
someone had slipped something into the punch (probably LSD
or PCP) and it had “blown his mind.”
He has received numerous miraculous touches from the
Lord over the years, when he has been willing to seek help.
Once he came to our meeting seeking prayer for his sight,
unable to see well enough to read. After the Lord touched him,
he was able to read the fine print on the back of a credit card at
arm’s length; a feat most of the people present couldn’t equal
with their glasses on. Today he has a job, although he needs
further help.
1 Truth need not be relevant to be truth: truth can be valid without being relevant
to a particular individual. For example, Jesus can forgive a murderer his sins; this
is truth. Fortunately, however, it isn’t relevant truth for most of us. Thus
relevancy doesn’t affect truth, merely its usefulness to us.
Psalm 32 : 7
Deliverance Defeats Suicide
One night about 10:00 p.m. after a particularly tiring day,
my wife and I were just preparing to turn out the lights when
the phone rang. It was a good friend, a young Spirit-baptized
woman of about 26 whom we hadn’t seen for nearly a year
since she and her husband had moved to an outlying
Her voice was trembling and I could tell that she’d been
crying, as she said, “I have to see you right away! I know that I
need deliverance! I’m desperate!”
Having in the past received similar nighttime calls from
distraught people, I started probing to determine whether the
situation was really as desperate as she thought. “What makes
you think that you have a demon?” I asked.
She blurted out tearfully, “I hate to bother you so late at
night, but I know that I have a spirit of suicide - because I
decided to kill myself this evening on the way home from choir
practice by driving off the Second Street bridge; but God
prevented me from killing myself.”
She paused for a breath and I asked dubiously, “How did
God prevent you from killing yourself?”
Matter-of-factly she replied, “He had a nine-year-old boy
ask me to give him a ride home, and I just couldn’t let him be
hurt. No one had ever before asked me for a ride in ten years in
the choir. I really need help!”
I invited her to come. I felt in my spirit that God had
definitely arranged for her to be able to get ministry, not only
because He’d spared her life, but also because our evening
was free. Even though we were already exhausted, I knew we
had to help her if we could. His grace and strength had
recharged us by the time she arrived.
As we began to minister to Charity 2 I mentally reviewed
all the details I could recall of her situation… she and her
husband were active members of a large Methodist church,
both sang in its choir; although she had received the baptism
in the Holy Spirit about two years previously and had entered
into a deeper walk with the Lord, she had since been out of
fellowship with like-minded believers following their move; I
was also aware that her husband had been having an affair
with another woman, and had been hinting at the possibility of
a divorce for quite a while. One of their major problems had
been their inability to have children. Although the picture was
rather grim, none of these conditions was recent nor likely to
have triggered the sudden urge for suicide.
Charity interrupted my reflections, “I have no idea what
set me off tonight, nor why I should suddenly become suicidal;
but I definitely wanted to end it all, and would have, if Jimmie
hadn’t asked for the ride. My marriage situation is
deteriorating, but he still doesn’t seem to be in any hurry to do
anything. It’s all just so empty.”
After we had begun to pray with Charity, and had asked
the Lord to guide us to reveal the source of her problem, she
suddenly exclaimed, “I just saw something that I don’t
understand at all. I saw in my mind’s eye a house that I lived in
before I was age five.” She went on embarrassedly, “I don’t
know how to talk about this because it’s embarrassing and it
involves my parents.”
I reminded her that her life was more important than her
pride, or her parents’ reputation. Her life was literally at stake.
Seemingly reassured, she continued, “My parents always
had pornography lying around in that house, but after we
moved into our new home, just before I turned five, I never saw
it again. I guess they thought then I was too old to be allowed
to see it.” She explained.
Since the Lord had apparently brought this to her mind, I
decided to pursue it and commanded the spirit of pornography
to manifest itself and to come out of her. I was also led to do
something I don’t ever recall doing prior to that occasion, I
also commanded every spirit related to pornography to come
out as well. (I must admit that at that point in time, I wasn’t
even sure that there was such a thing as a spirit of
pornography, although it seemed logical that there could be.)
Eight spirits then named themselves and we commanded
each out in turn: the first was pornography, the next
foolishness3 and then harlotry. This dear, sweet girl was clean
cut, soft spoken, gentle, and refined. However, one thing had
always seemed out of place — her clothing. She always
appeared to be dressed suggestively, in sweaters that were too
small, or blouses cut too low, and skirts or slacks that were too
I suddenly realized the obvious in light of what we were
discovering in the spiritual realm. She had been dressing like a
pin-up model, something similar to the pornographic pictures
she’d seen in her childhood (and which she probably thought
her parents, or at least her father, admired). In previous ministry
I had counseled with Charity concerning her “suggestive”
clothing as being inappropriate for certain functions, and as
being out of character with both her character and her witness.
She had explained it away as being “the way her husband
wanted her to dress,” citing examples where he had even gone
shopping with her and picked out some of her clothing
(probably indicative of problems on his part).
Each spirit was commanded to leave as soon as its
presence (name) was revealed. I was dumbfounded when I
addressed the seventh spirit, “you next spirit name yourself
and come out of her,” and heard it respond with a whine “I am
the spirit of sterility.” I was shocked because I had never
dreamed that sterility could be a demonic spirit, having always
considered it a purely physical condition. The shock was also a
pleasant one, in the sense that it could so logically explain why
they had been incapable of having children.
Although at first I was somewhat concerned that some
other spirit might be lying to us, I sternly commanded sterility
to leave and it did. Then suicide named itself and was cast out.
She began to laugh, and she was finally free!
I told her as she left, that for me, the proof of deliverance
was not whether the person coughed, gagged, belched,
yawned, or manifested some other symptom: the proof of
deliverance is whether the person can walk in freedom. “The
real proof of the validity of your deliverance from sterility will
be when you have your first child. Please send me a picture
when you have that first baby.”
I wish the story could end with a happy ending right at
this point, but it didn’t. Charity went home rejoicing, eager to
tell her husband about her deliverance, her new-found freedom,
and the possibility that their childlessness had been potentially
cured. However, when she arrived home, her husband told her
he didn’t want to hear anything she had to say, that he
definitely wanted the divorce, and he walked out. Several
months later, in spite of her efforts to prevent it, the divorce
went through.
The fruit of deliverance is freedom from bondage.
The twentieth chapter of Genesis contains a Scriptural
principle that has bearing upon this case.
“ So Abraham prayed unto God: and God healed Abimelech, and
his wife, and his maidservants; and they bare children. For the
Lord had fast closed up all the wombs of the house of Abimelech,
because of Sarah Abraham’s wife.”
Gen. 20:17-18
On numerous occasions around the country while
teaching or ministering in the area of healing, couples have
come seeking prayer for the problem of childlessness. In those
situations, when I’ve been led to share Charity’s story with
them, most have responded that they identified with her
situation, had themselves either been victims of, or had
themselves sinned with pornography, and requested prayer to
break all ties with the related sin. Most were willing to have the
curse broken and the spirit cast out.4
Incidentally, we were never able to learn what triggered
the spirit of suicide in Charity at church that evening.
Something caused the spirit to surface. My theory is that she
probably saw something that reminded her of the pornography.
It wasn’t a conscious recollection, but stirred the spirit within
her. Perhaps something as unlikely as another lady in the choir
sitting in a particular position or looking similar to someone
whom she had seen in one of the pictures from her childhood.
In any event “…we know that all things work together for good
to them that love God, to them who are the called according to
His purpose,” (Rom. 8:28) and God wanted Charity free!
Less than a year later, the Lord used the next case of Sally
and “IT’’ to confirm some of these issues and to reveal still
more truth which He had in store for us.
2 The names and identifying facts throughout this book have been changed to
protect the privacy of the individuals. The cases are otherwise factual.
3 I later found a Scriptural confirmation that could account for such a spirit,
“ Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child,” (Pr. 22:15)
There is a valid place for the ministry of deliverance in the
body of Christ today. It has been truthfully stated, “You cannot
deliver the flesh,” and by the same token, one cannot “crucify
a demon!” The flesh must be crucified and demons must be
cast out!
Deliverance is, of course, the casting out of evil spirits or
demons, a subject which seems very foreign to us in our
modern, sophisticated world. Yet it was an area of ministry in
which Jesus engaged over and over again. At least one fourth
of his earthly ministry was devoted to dealing with demonic
problems and the casting out of demons. Jesus cast out spirits
of infirmity (Lk 13:11), of blindness (Mt 12:22), spirits causing
speech problems (Lk 11:14), causing torment (Mt 15:22),
causing aberrational behavior (Lk 8:27), and causing suicidal
behavior (Mk 9:22), to mention but a few. The deliverance
ministry wasn’t limited to Jesus alone; rather it was a ministry
He commissioned those who followed Him to also make
available (Mk 16:17, Mt 10:8).
We do, indeed, find the followers of Jesus engaging in the
ministry of deliverance. The ministry of the “pattern
evangelist” Philip bears testimony to this. We can observe his
ministry in Samaria (Acts 8:7) where “unclean spirits crying
with loud voice, came out of many that were possessed with
them.” Paul also ministered deliverance from an occult spirit of
divination to a young girl who was following him and Silas
(Acts 16:18).
Deliverance is largely a matter of noting the effect and
seeking the cause. Therefore, it is often logical and methodical
detective work. The ministry of deliverance is largely a matter
of discernment — finding the source, the cause, or the root of a
problem and then casting it out.
We look for a splinter under the surface of the skin when
one experiences pricking pain. In the same way, one looks for
the thing(s) that has caused the manifestation of discomfort,
harassment, torment, or fear beneath the surface. There are two
options when dealing with splinters, to take the analogy a step
further. One could put a bandage over the entry hole, and the
skin would heal over the splinter. However, this is an
unsatisfactory solution, because every time the spot is
touched, it still hurts. The source of the pain is still there.
The second, and preferable, alternative is to undergo the
momentary discomfort and perhaps even pain of facing the
splinter and digging it out, so that the healing can be complete.
The same principle holds true in deliverance. It is
preferable to undergo the momentary discomfort,
embarrassment, or even pain to be able to be free from the
source of the torment.
Illustration 1:
Jesus’ Many Roles
A crippled person might come into a meeting today, meet
Jesus as Healer and be totally healed. However, his having
validly met Jesus as Healer doesn’t mean that he has met Him
as Savior. Similarly, to have met Jesus as Saviour doesn’t
automatically assure that he has also met Him as the One who
“baptizes with the Holy Ghost,” or as the Deliverer. In His
various ministries to us, Jesus fulfills a number of different
roles, but it is incumbent upon us to seek Him for the blessing
Illustration 2:
A Cold
When you have a cold, the cold doesn’t have you; you
have the cold. Your logical goal is to get rid of it. In the same
sense, when you are battling a demonic spirit, the spirit does
not have you, or possess you. You cannot be possessed by a
spirit because you are owned by Christ. However, as with a
cold, the goal is the same - get rid of it!
Illustration 3:
Under the Influence of Alcohol
We, as Christians, have free will: we can still choose to
sin. We may, for example, go to the local pub and take a drink. If
we continue to drink, our being Christians will not protect us
from becoming drunk. Frequently we hear or read accounts of
moral, upright people having too much to drink and doing
things they would never have even considered doing while
Thus, it is clear that our being saved or even “Spirit-filled”
does not prevent our coming under the influence of alcohol.
Demons do not own us, but they can “influence us,” by
adversely affecting our attitudes, our behavior, our thought
lives, our spiritual growth, our vocabulary, our morals, our
mannerisms, or our appetites. When present, they can
condemn, harass, torment, or vex us, causing obsessions,
addictions, compulsions, fears, and, in extreme cases, self-
destructive or even suicidal behavior.
Many Christians have spent far too much time and effort
attempting to pinpoint theologically the location of demons.
“Are they within, or without?” “Do they “possess” (obviously
no!), obsess, oppress?” All these issues are largely irrelevant
to the one being influenced or tormented by a demon.
Illustration 4:
A Knife Blade
If I have a knife blade sticking into my stomach, it really
matters little to me whether the handle of the knife is on the
inside or the outside: what I desire is to have the blade
removed from my flesh!
To summarize, there is no such thing in Scripture as
“demon possession.” The goal of any Christian who feels that
he is being compelled, coerced, harassed, or otherwise
tormented by an evil spirit should be to immediately seek
8 I don’t wish to in any way minimize the importance of the truths in Scripture
that A.B. Simpson so aptly described as the “ Gospel of Healing.” As one alive
today only because of meeting Jesus as Healer, I firmly believe in healing. (The
account of this miraculous healing is recounted in Alive Again!) It is definitely an
important message which Jesus has entrusted to us. But it only has a temporary
bearing upon one’s life, while the Salvation issue is greater and is of eternal
A Cocky Preacher Silenced
“I wasn’t able to speak at all for three days, and even now,
I can’t pray, can’t read the Bible, and I can’t say the name of
Jesus!” Fear and torment were evident in the eyes of the
normally very cocky and brash young minister as he now
spoke very humbly.
“How did this start?” I asked.
“I asked some people to pray deliverance over me, one
night in my home, just in case I needed it. As they were
starting I noticed the clock on the wall and laughingly said,
‘It’s 12:00 - the witching hour.’ I was struck dumb!” He sobbed,
“And I feel completely cut off from God.”
He was led in a prayer renouncing any opening given to
the enemy through his joking statement, and then both the
dumb spirit, and the spirit causing him to be unable to pray —
that spirit which had caused the wedge he felt between him and
God — were cast out. He sobbed and sobbed profusely and
then it was gone.
We can observe from this account that demons and
deliverance are not something to be taken lightly nor to be
played with. Satan and his minions take this warfare very
seriously even if unsuspecting Christians and the world at
large do not. The cocky minister’s false bravado and joking
reference to witchcraft might not have been so dangerous in a
different setting, but when one is engaging the enemy in a
battle for deliverance, Satan enters the arena prepared for
battle. He is deadly serious. Somewhat like a matador in the
bullring turning his back upon the bull to show his disdain for
his opponent, the young minister through his lighthearted
approach to the serious business at hand had somehow
lowered his defenses.
This account was unusual in that it was one of only a few
cases that we’ve encountered, in 30 years of involvement with
the ministry of deliverance, in which the person invited a spirit
by mocking the enemy. Yet it illustrates a basic, important truth
— the enemy is not to be taken lightly, nor underestimated. As
alluded to, this was not the only case we would encounter.
Honesty requires that we acknowledge that not all
individuals seeking deliverance have received. The Lord has
granted understanding as to why deliverance did not succeed
in most of those cases. The reasons are often obvious: some
who have sought help have not really been serious; some have
been so mentally ill or disturbed when they came that they
couldn’t comprehend what we were saying to them and were
unable to make decisions, for example, to forgive. Many have
come desiring to have a “magic wand” waved over them to
make their problems disappear without any repentance,
change, or effort upon their own part, and still others have
come under the influence of drugs, again unable to
comprehend or obey instructions.
Let me point out that I cannot recall a single case of a
candidate who sincerely wanted deliverance, who was willing
to go through the steps, and who humbled himself and faced
his problems, that did not receive what he desired! God never
has, nor will He ever, abandon an obedient child — one
sincerely seeking Him.
The truth is that just because one hears of someone not
getting delivered, doesn’t mean that God has lost either His
power or His desire to set His people free. Rather, this indicates
a failure of some kind on the human side of the issue. One
thing I have learned is that when I am not experiencing
something that I see promised in Scripture as being available
for believers, that the problem lies with me — there is
something that I have failed to learn, something I haven’t yet
been taught, or some area where I am not in obedience to the
Lord. The problem somehow lies on this side — for there has
not been a power failure in Heaven!
You and I cannot see hearts and we don’t know what
really has gone on in the deliverance candidate, or if he even
really wants to be free. Once a woman brought her fiance who
supposedly had expressed a “sincere” desire for salvation and
deliverance. When they arrived I soon grasped that he was
high. I confronted him and asked if he had really quit taking
drugs. He responded, “Sure, about two weeks ago.”
I said, “I think you’re high right now. When did you last
do drugs?”
He admitted, “About two this morning. But I think I’m
ready to quit, that’s why I’m here. Besides, I think getting
saved will help our relationship. We’ve been having some
problems lately.”
I then confronted the girl who brought him. She was a
divorcée who had herself received a mighty deliverance from
suicide and other powerful spirits and been baptized in the
Holy Spirit years before. “Judy, you know better than this,
John is really not ready for deliverance.” She nodded silently in
I felt the old anger at Satan’s work arising. “He mentioned
‘your relationship’ — is it righteous?”
“I don’t know what you mean,” she evaded.
“Yes you do. I can’t talk to John about this because he
isn’t expected to operate according to the same standards that
you and I as believers are.”
“You are right, I do know what you mean, and the
relationship isn’t righteous. We’ve been sleeping together for
six months. I know it’s wrong and I know that it’s sin.” She
admitted and blushed slightly.
“Well, you also know that God isn’t about to have me
pray deliverance just so your illicit sex life can improve. You
already know what you need to do about your relationship,
don’t you?” She again nodded in agreement and repentance.
Turning to John, I explained, “John, I don’t think you can
fully appreciate what I have to tell you about Jesus as long as
you are high. If you are serious and if you decide that you do
sincerely want to hear about salvation, I will see you again at
any time. But a relationship with God is too important to try to
grasp under the influence of drugs."
John has never called.
Deliverance is not to be taken lightly, and neither is the
freedom that is granted through deliverance. One must not
only learn to walk in freedom, but to maintain it. (For suggested
methods, see the Personal Ministry Teaching section titled
“Keeping Your Deliverance” in Section Six).
Violence in a State Park
Another case where problems arose as a result of thinking
deliverance was a joking matter involved a group of teenagers.
Once again, the problems were incurred as a consequence of
people playing with deliverance as if it were a game. This case
is quite similar to that of the seven sons of Sceva who
attempted to cast out demons in the name of Jesus, without
having a right to the use of that name:
“ And there were seven sons of one Sceva, a Jew, and chief of the
priests, which did so.
“ And the evil spirit answered and said, ‘Jesus I know, and Paul I
know; but who are ye?’
“ And the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, and
overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out
of that house naked and wounded.”
Acts 19:13-16
Why did it take two and a half hours to set this boy free?
Why do some deliverances take so long?
Looking back, we have come to realize that in the early
days of our ministry, some deliverances took hours, and were
violent. Today, however, they are normally quicker and less
violent. Why?
I think that the Lord has revealed to us some of the
In the preceding case, the boy did not come properly
prepared for deliverance. As we will later see in the Personal
Ministry Teaching Section, there are several steps one should
take in preparing for deliverance. This young man had missed
Rev. 12:11
The second category came as a surprise to us. We first
discovered it when we were asked to pray with a woman who
was having the skin rash symptoms that she had experienced
while taking birth control medication about ten years before.
She related that the doctor had taken her off the medication
due to her reaction, and she hadn’t taken it since. However, she
had sought prayer the previous evening for healing of her
allergy to the drug, because she had been advised by a
physician that he might again wish to have her take it.
We prayed for her healing, and as we did, we came against
the spirit of reaction to the drug by its name, and commanded
it to come out of her. (For example, if the name had been
“aspirin” we would have said, “I command you spirit of
reaction to aspirin, to come out of her in Jesus’ name.”) I was
astounded a moment later when the astonished young woman
said, “I rubbed the areas on my arms while you were praying,
and now look… the rash and the scaling are all gone!”
To our amazement, when we looked, the areas she had
shown us before praying that had been red and scaly were now
identical with the rest of her clean skin. Two things had taken
place — a deliverance and a miracle of healing — when we had
taken authority over the spirit causing the reaction. Or, one
could argue that perhaps the spirit had simply taken its
symptoms with it when cast out.
The third category of drug problem also surprised us.
This turned out to be dependence upon a drug. The incident
that pinpointed it involved a friend who had sought prayer a
few years before for a heart condition, and had been totally
healed. When he came this time for ministry, he said, “I know
my heart trouble was healed several years ago when I was
prayed for. However, I still have a problem: if I don’t take my
heart medication every day, I will fall asleep by 3 or 4 o’clock in
the afternoon. I feel the problem is a spirit, since I’ve prayed
about this for more than a year without relief.”
We commanded the spirit of dependence upon the drug,
by its name, to come out of him and to leave him forever. His
testimony today, more than ten years later, is that he has had
no recurrence of the sleepiness, even though the medication
was terminated prior to the time we prayed.
9 More truth concerning addictions to food substances, and how to deal with them
will be found in the next book in this series, Power for Deliverance:
Deliverance from Fat & Eating Disorders. Available at
Crippling Overcome by Forgiveness
Sharon entered the meeting room in the hospital aided by
two friends; they were half-dragging, half supporting her, one
holding her under either arm. As they brought her in, her
ankles dragged on the floor and her head flopped from side to
side, but they finally managed to get her into a chair. My
brother, who at that time worked as a director for the hospital,
whispered, “Isn’t that a tragic case. She must be an MS
(multiple sclerosis) patient or have a genetic disease.”
I mentally agreed. However, I was distracted from my
analysis of her condition almost immediately. I realized that I
was being introduced by a local judge who had been healed of
emphysema when we had prayed in a similar service the
previous year.
He completed the introduction, and asked me to share my
testimony. I related the story of my miraculous healing from
terminal cancer,10 gave an altar call for salvation and then
invited those who were sick or in pain to move forward so that
we might pray for them. I told those coming forward that, as
was our custom, we would not pray on a first-come, first-
served basis, but rather we would trust the Holy Spirit to give
us the proper sequence in which to pray for those in need.
We prayed for several people with back pain, injured
vertebrae, dislocated discs, and the like. I was reminded of the
first time we had been invited to speak and conduct a healing
service in this hospital. I thought of the young nun who, after
an automobile accident, had five vertebrae surgically fused and
was unable to stoop or bend to pick up her prayer books
unaided. She had told us before we prayed, “I haven’t been
able to genuflect for five years.” She had been beautifully
healed. We had watched her kneel afterwards and stoop freely,
bending and picking things up from the floor without any pain
or difficulty.
As the service progressed and after a number of back
problems had been healed, I noticed that the two friends were
attempting to pull Sharon, the young woman I’d observed
earlier, to her feet. I motioned for them to stop and wait.
Sensing that she wasn’t yet ready, I said, “Let’s let her see a
few more people healed before you bring her up.”
About twenty minutes later, I felt it was time that she
should come for prayer. When she was seated in the “prayer
chair,” I asked what she wanted Jesus to do for her.11
She replied, “I want to be healed, and to be able to walk
like I used to.”
I attempted to conceal my surprise, for I would never have
suspected that she had ever been able to walk. And so I asked,
“What happened to you? What is it that you need to be healed
She responded, “I was in an automobile accident about
three years ago.”
I felt led to ask her, “Have you forgiven the people who
caused that accident?”
Her immediate answer without hesitation was, “Hell, no!”
When I didn’t respond but merely continued to smile at
her, she continued, now tearfully, “Would you forgive someone
who did something like this to you? And besides,” she said as
if it settled the matter, once and for all, “they haven’t asked to
be forgiven!”
When I finished explaining forgiveness to her, I asked,
“Are you ready now to make the decision to forgive
“Nope!” She said firmly. “Besides, everybody has prayed
for me,” the young girl stated almost proudly. “Even big-names
like _____ and _____” (she mentioned several names well
known in the ministry of healing) “…and nothing has
happened, so I don’t expect much from you either.” She said
this with finality, as if to prepare me for the inevitable failure
that would occur when I prayed for her.
“How did the accident happen?” I inquired, trying a new
“I was riding in the back seat of a car with my date.
Another fellow was driving, in the front seat with his date.
They were all drunk but me. My date tried to rape me. I put up
such a fight, created such a ruckus that the driver turned
around to see what was happening and he ran head-on into an
oncoming car. Both cars were totaled. All the drunks walked
away without a scratch, and I was torn to pieces. They’ve
already done five operations on me, but this is the best they
can do. I still can’t even walk!”
“Will you forgive them now?” I pressed again.
“I will, if you will guarantee me that I will walk out of here
tonight. If not, I won’t,” she stated flatly.
My reply surprised me, both with its firmness and its
wisdom. “No, I can’t guarantee you that you will walk out of
here tonight, if you do forgive them; but I can pretty well
assure you that if you don’t, you won’t!”
She reaffirmed her decision by shaking her head with her
lips pinched tightly shut. So I told her to think it over, until she
was ready to forgive them. We continued with the meeting and
ministered to about a dozen more individuals who were healed.
When we were out of candidates for prayer, I turned back to
my stubborn friend, and asked once again, “Now are you ready
to forgive them?”
She finally succumbed, nodding her head in agreement,
and said softly, “I’ll try.”
I led her in an audible prayer, forgiving the one who
attempted to rape her, the ones who were drunk and didn’t help
her, the driver, the doctors who had been unable to really help
her, and even God — whom she had blamed for letting it all
happen. Then I proceeded to hold her feet 12 and prayed for her
healing, at the same time breaking the hold of unforgiveness
and bitterness and commanding those spirits to leave. When I
finished I had her repeat, “Thank you, Lord Jesus, for healing
When she had done so, I took her by the arm and said,
“Let’s take a little walk.” I walked her once around the circle
within the chairs (a distance of about 15-20 feet). She then
asked, her voice trembling with excitement, “Am I walking, or
are you walking me?”
I responded truthfully, “I am just lightly holding your
elbow to steady you. You can try it alone.”
She did: one lap around the circle, gaining confidence
with every step in what God had done for her. She then started
toward a narrow aisle between the rows of folding chairs.
I laughed and asked, “Are you going to try an obstacle
She replied, “Nope. I’m going home! Get my purse,
Juanita, I’m going home!”
She walked out of that hospital; a walking testimonial not
only to the power of our God to heal, but also to the
tremendous power of forgiveness.
Even the doctors had been unable with five operations to
help one who had bitterness and unforgiveness festering
within her.
Sharon’s healing was a tremendous faith-builder for all
those who saw her walk out of that hospital.
As powerful and full of truth as Sharon’s story was, God
still had more to show us concerning the power of forgiveness.
10 Read Alive Again! by the same author. Available at
11 Note: It is a good practice to have the candidate for healing specifically ask Jesus
to heal them. It causes them to make a decision as to what they really want,
puts them in the position of asking for themselves, and minimizes the role of
the one praying for them.
Eph. 4:32
2. A truce is signed, or
3. The enemy gives up on one front.
1. God’s Forgiveness of Us
Isa. 43:25
“ For I will forgive their iniquity, and I’ll remember their sin no
Jer. 31:34
“ He will have compassion upon us and will cast all their sins
into the depths of the sea.”
Mic. 7:19
Isa. 1:18
Nothing is too difficult for God. He can, and desires to,
forgive all your sins if you will repent, and turn to Him.
“ And when you stand praying forgive, if you have ought against
any, that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you
your trespasses.”
Mk. 11:25
Col. 3:13
Eph. 4:32
Step 1.
Confess the unforgiveness, bitterness, or hatred as sin,
because that is how God views it.
Step 2.
Renounce the unforgiveness, bitterness, or hatred.
Make the decision to break fully with the unforgiveness.
We must make the decision not to walk in agreement with Satan
or any of his works, or any other works of darkness — and to
sever ourselves from any and all ties with him. Thus we must
fall out of agreement with the unforgiveness.
Step 3.
Make the decision with your mind, and confess it with your
mouth, to forgive that person, or persons who have hurt or
wronged you.
3. Forgiving Ourselves
In addition to the forgiveness that we ourselves receive
from God, and the forgiving that we must do of others, there is
also the matter of forgiving ourselves. Once again, rather than
giving you my opinion on the subject, let me share with you
this truth just the way the Lord taught it to me.
This truth came the first time the Lord ever gave me a
“prophecy.” As is so often the case, if God does something in
a way that is new or unfamiliar to us we immediately assume
“That can’t be God.” That’s what I assumed. I was preparing
my notes one afternoon for a teaching I was to give that same
evening on forgiveness, and I received a prophecy concerning
When the prophecy came into my mind, I immediately
thought, “Wow, this must be God because I know that I
couldn’t have come up with a beautiful thought like that, a
thought phrased like that, and, besides, it certainly sounds like
something that God would say. So true, and so beautifully
It was obvious to me that the message was clearly beyond
my wisdom, but still it didn’t come to me in the way that I had
heard prophecy should come. I’d always heard that if someone
was supposed to give a message in prophecy that they would
either hear an audible voice, or they would shake all over, or
their skin would tingle, or that something equally out of the
ordinary would occur. Somehow the person would be informed
that they were to speak out the word, and it would happen
right on the spot, not hours beforehand.
Because none of these phenomena attended my series of
thoughts I concluded that it must not be a “real” prophecy.
Still, it was so good that I told the Lord prayerfully that since it
didn’t come to me in the manner I felt it should have, that I
would put it in my notes anyway with a box around it, and
when I got to the point in my teaching where I felt it should
have fit in, I would wait for the “anointing” which I considered
necessary to confirm the prophecy’s validity for me, and then I
would give it to the group. If, however, the anointing did not
come, then I would conclude that I had misinterpreted His
intentions, and would pass over it.
That evening I finally reached the point in my notes where
the box appeared, and I paused awaiting the anticipated
anointing… and nothing happened. No unusual feelings at all,
so I passed over the “prophecy” and continued my teaching
on the subject of forgiveness. When the meeting was over and
most of the people had left the room, one young man came
over to me and said in low tones, “I really appreciated the
things you had to say tonight about God’s forgiveness, I
needed to hear them. But my problem isn’t so much with God
forgiving me, as it is with me forgiving myself. I did things
while in college that I still haven’t been able to tell my wife
about to this day, and I cannot forgive myself!”
I interrupted him at that point and said, “Wait a minute,
Brother, I have missed the Lord tonight, because I had a
prophecy for you that I didn’t give. It speaks exactly to what
you’ve just said, let me get it and I’ll read it to you.” I then read
him the prophecy which went something like this:
“There are those here tonight who have asked Me to
forgive their sins. Yet you are still going around bowed under
the weight of your sins. You have asked Me to forgive you of
your sins: I have forgiven you. I have taken your sins from
you. You can stop asking Me. They aren’t your sins anymore:
you have given them to Me: they are Mine! Now you get your
hands off My sins!”
The young man’s eyes filled with tears, and he said,
“Wow! That word was directly for me. That describes my
situation perfectly. Thank you.”
The next week I belatedly shared the prophecy with the
entire group. Again, several people came up afterward with the
same kind of reactions. They came with tears of joy, to thank
me for sharing the words, as they had spoken directly to their
hearts as well. There has been such an anointing upon this
prophecy, or truth, that every time I’ve been led to relate this
story as I’ve traveled and taught around the country, the
reaction has been almost identical. People invariably come
forward to tell me that they really needed to hear those words,
and that God had touched their hearts, and brought relief and
release with His message.
God so desires to minister to His people, and to bless
them, that he will even use a “doubting-prophet.”
Earlier in this section, Ruth’s story and the healing of her
frozen shoulder illustrated beautifully another truth: that
healing and deliverance can be integrally related and are often
interdependent. Both healing and deliverance are
manifestations of the love and sovereignty of God.
There are truths that tend to build our faith in God to
perform the supernatural in response to our prayers, or to seek
Him boldly for supernatural solutions to our problems. My own
faith has been given a tremendous boost by the cases we have
already considered. The following cases illustrate powerfully
the supernatural aspect of God’s ministry, timing, and
provision, and especially His omnipotence, omnipresence, and
Joe in Trouble
NOTE : For a detailed explanation of the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and its
importance to the deliverance process, please refer to the Appendix.
1. Samantha came the Tuesday before I went to Sedalia. She could have
come the week after, she could have gone anywhere else, but she
came the Tuesday before.
4. Jim and I just happened to get the last room in Sedalia, enabling us
to stay over.
5. The women from the prison just happened to be at the Full Gospel
Meeting on a pass, and one happened to get healed at the meeting
where I was the guest speaker.
9. The woman healed the night before just happened to run into Kathy
outside the chapel and to bring her in.
10. Kathy just happened to still be in the room after the speaker finished,
and she asked me for prayer.
11. The Lord just happened to have me ask her name, etc.
The Omnipresence Of God “Is this the man who was healed of
cancer and wrote a book about it?” The voice on the phone
inquired. “I’m calling from a local radio station. We just
received a call from a woman in New Zealand who has cancer
and wants to talk with you. She had called Washington
University and asked someone there if they knew you. The
person didn’t and so referred her for some reason to us. If it’s
okay with you I’ll give her your number when she calls back
at 11:00 a.m.”
“ Man’s goings are of the Lord; how can a man then understand
his own way?”
Pr. 20:24
3. Determine to Be Free
Gal. 4:3-5
“ If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”
John 8:36
Make a definite decision to get your deliverance! Don’t be
put off. Satan will attempt to discourage you, to distract you,
and to make it inconvenient to get the deliverance. Deliverance
begins, as do all blessings received from God, with a decision.
Determine that you want to be free, and then, having made that
decision, don’t let anything prevent you from obtaining it.
The decision to be free incorporates the decision to
submit oneself to God and the decision to resist the Devil.
James 4:7,8a
Be Honest
“ That we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and
honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our
1 Tim. 2:2b-3
Be Teachable
Remember that none of us has all the truth. It is therefore
important to be open to God to correct or adjust our theology if
it’s necessary.
Be Humble
“ And many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their
Acts 19:18
“ I will pray with the Spirit, and I will pray with the
understanding also…”
1 Cor. 14:15
Determine like Paul to pray with the Spirit and with your
understanding (in your native language) also. Each day one
must make the decision to pray in English or one won’t pray in
English; the same decision must be made to pray in the Spirit.
The blessings and benefits of each can only flow when prayer
is utilized. As you pray, ask God to reveal to you any areas of
darkness that remain within you that need to be dealt with.
Mk. 16:17
Deliverance Must Be Maintained. What follows are seven
important keys.
Having held weekly healing services for more than 30
years, a certain characteristic of human nature has become
obvious to us. People tend “to want what they want, when
they want it,” and once they have what they want from God,
the vast majority are content to return to their old way of life.
God’s prophet, Isaiah, said that there would be a great
forsaking of God by His people, but that there would be a
faithful remnant of 10%. God’s figure of 10% is pretty accurate
in so far as the thousands we’ve prayed for go: few seem to
want more of God than just what’s needed to have their
immediate needs met. The desire of the majority is not
sufficient to cause them to continue seeking God after the
immediate need is met.
Many have come, received great blessings of healing,
salvation, baptism in the Holy Spirit, or deliverance from the
hand of the Lord and then we never see them again. They go
back to their dead churches, or some slightly more alive
fellowships, and we don’t see them until a new need arises.
There are certain people whom we know have a sickness or
need in the family, if they show up at our meetings.
When sick or in need they return: when they don’t, they
don’t. The same principle holds true to a certain degree with
regard to deliverance, there are several very important steps to
maintaining deliverance.
These comments are not intended to in any way lift up our
meetings as spiritually superior to any other, but rather to
sound a warning. We’ve seen that unless delivered individuals
seek like-minded fellowship and Bible teaching, the kind that
can stimulate them, all too often they cease both to grow and
to go on with God.
Keep Going with God
We can only reasonably expect our car’s battery to remain
charged if we run the car to charge it. By the same token, we
need to continue seeking God in order to keep our spiritual
batteries charged. Stay close to your Source; for where your
heart is, there your treasure will be also. The blessings of God
are to be found with God.
Keep seeking God: remain open to Him. Never make the
fatal assumption that you “have arrived,” “have it all,” or don’t
need more. If one mistakenly believes that, then there is an
automatic cessation of seeking God for more. No man, with the
exception of Jesus, has ever even come close to receiving all
that God has for him.
Practice Prayer and Praise
People often ask me, as a former terminal cancer patient, if
I see my doctor regularly. I reply, “No, but I stay in daily
contact with the One who healed me!” God has healed or
delivered you for a purpose, to have fellowship with Him and
to share Him with others. He desires a relationship with you. A
Christian is a (Spiritual) tree of the Lord’s planting (Isa. 61:3)
and definitely needs a life of prayer and praise just as a natural
tree needs water and sunlight to prosper.
Stay in Fellowship with Like-Minded Believers
If one doesn’t associate with believers who are at least as
mature or as advanced as he is, and preferably some who are
even more mature, he won’t grow. If an adult associates only
with children, he is living but he isn’t intellectually stimulated.
So it is with those who are past the milk stage in their walk,
and are in need of spiritual meat. If one chooses to remain in a
spiritual kindergarten with babes, one will remain a child. One
must feed himself with the Word and with mature spiritual
It is important to use and share what you have received.
James states this Scriptural principle of getting and giving
when he tells us to “pray one for another that we may be
healed.” It holds true with healing and it holds true of
deliverance and spiritual health. We need like-minded
fellowship for growth, encouragement, and ministry.
Study to Become Armed with,
and Grounded in, the Word
Endeavor to read the word daily, and especially familiarize
yourself with the whole armor of God as described in
Ephesians. The Lord gave me a revelation years ago
concerning the whole armor:
It was reveled to me that the whole armor of God is Jesus!
Eph. 6:10–18
What is the whole armor of God? Permit me to show you
with a series of questions.
“ The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off
the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. But
put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ and make not provision for the
flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof.”
Walk Out Your Deliverance
Continue to make the decision daily, until it ceases to be
necessary, to not fall back into the area of temptation. Recall
that although demons can be cast out by believers, believers
are also instructed that the flesh must be crucified.
I normally tell people who have been delivered, “God has
done the supernatural part of this deliverance. Now you must
do the natural part: you must make the decision not to go back
into your old patterns of sinning.”
An important related area that is often overlooked in the
deliverance process is that of habits.
The old habits, fleshly appetites, lusts and desires, have
to go. We may find it necessary to discipline ourselves to
cease indulging our flesh, but such self-discipline will yield
good fruit.
If you were delivered from alcoholism, you must recognize
that although God has sovereignly delivered you (that is, He
has broken the supernatural bondage to alcohol), there may
still be habit patterns to be broken. If, for example, it was your
custom every afternoon at 3:00 to meet your friends at the local
bar, then you will have to make the decision not to go to the
bar at 3:00 p.m. - or anytime for that matter. God will not make
that decision for you, or else you would merely be His robot.
You still have freewill even after you’ve been delivered. You
can go to the tavern or not go, but if you do go you will
probably wind up soon forfeiting your deliverance.
Another situation where habits come into play involves
harlotry or adultery. If you have been set free from this kind of
lust, then you will need to avoid any pornography in movies,
television, the Internet, and other types of media. It requires an
active role on your part. Likewise, any individual who would
draw you back into that type of sin becomes the worst enemy
of your soul, and your spiritual freedom as well as your life is at
God is not a conditional giver. He will not take back what
He’s given to you (“For the gifts and calling of God are without
recall” - Rom. 11:29), but the enemy is no gentleman and he will
steal your deliverance if given half a chance. If you go back to
the bar, you are going back onto his turf. He will probably have
someone bait you with an argument like, “If you’re really free,
you should be able to go in there and witness to your old
friends, or at least be able to turn down a drink — if you’re
really free.” This is the same kind of ploy that he used
unsuccessfully on Jesus in the wilderness, “If you are the Son
of God “then test it, or prove it by…”
Satan is a liar, a robber, and a thief. He will gladly give the
illusion of having stolen your deliverance if you let him. In fact,
Satan and all the demons in Hell aren’t powerful enough to take
away from you what Jesus Christ has given to you. This is as
true of the baptism in the Holy Spirit and the prayer language
that comes with it as it is of deliverance, healing, etc. We can
only lose what God has given us by a.) refusing to believe that
He has done it for us, or b.) by surrendering to Satan through
choosing to return to our old ways and by not “going on with
Change Your Attitudes
On the surface this may seem impossible, but God is in the
business of changing man for the better. We cooperate with
Him, by making the decision to obey.
Crucify the Flesh and Commit
the Self Totally to Christ
If a temptation reoccurs, resist it immediately. If an attempt
to return is made by a spirit, cast it out immediately. Do not
entertain an unwanted guest: cast it out yourself, or get
assistance from other believers. Some, who have been deeply
bound, find that daily deliverance will be required until you’re
totally free.
God’s Message for this Hour
In this hour God is telling His Body, the church, that she
must grow up. She must become mature and prepared for
spiritual warfare!
Mt. 10:16
2 Cor. 11:13–15
Matt. 10:16
Acts 1:4-5
Matt. 12:43-45
Mark 7:26-27
John answered them all, “ I baptize you with water. But one who
is more powerful than I will come, the straps of whose sandals I
am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit
and fire.”
Luke 3:16
If you are going through the process of deliverance, it is
highly recommended that you pursue the baptism in the Holy
Spirit. Being set free from demonic spirits, and walking in that
newfound freedom, requires a deeper and closer walk with the
Spirit of God. This walk requires you to be “clothed with power
from on high” to resist the urges, the old habit patterns, the
self-destructive mental thoughts, those things the enemy has
used to keep you in torment and bondage. In other words, you
need a partner in the process of walking out your deliverance.
This is one of the reasons that we always pray for
deliverance candidates to receive the baptism in the Holy
Spirit. Consider it a blessing at the end of a difficult trial. The
Lord comes in, sets you free from years of torment, and leaves
you with a gift – an empowerment to bring heaven to earth
within your post-deliverance walk with the Lord.
Not only is the baptism in the Holy Spirit a blessing to
you, but others around you get blessed as well. You become a
fully functional, ambassador for Jesus. The mere presence of
the anointing of the Holy Spirit in you will affect the situations
and the lives with which you interact. Quite often, you won’t
even have to say a word. The anointing will just be there, with
The baptism in the Holy Spirit is very much like the
anointing or mantle that would descend onto the prophets and
priests of the Old Testament. Ordinary men would do
extraordinary things after receiving this mantle.
“ Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock
and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks
receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the
door will be opened.”
Matt. 7:7-8
Take this beautiful thought to heart:
“ If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts
to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give
good gifts to those who ask him!”
Matt. 7:11
James 4:7
As we have said, there are some decisions to be made in
order to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit. I think we can
boil them down to three.
Removing Obstacles
to the Baptism
Think for one moment. The entire Church through the
centuries owes its existence to the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Were it not for this event, the 120 gathered in the upper room
following Jesus’ ascension would never have left the confines
of their fear-filled room. Instead, because of this very baptism,
they became a force that reached the furthest corners of the
earth with the good news of Jesus and the healing and
delivering power of His Word.
Despite the crucial role this baptism has had in the
ministry of the early Church, there may be a number of
theological questions holding you back from receiving what
was offered in the last section (Appendix A). This second
Appendix offers some answers to anyone still holding back
from receiving this special touch from the Lord.
You might be wondering, “I thought I received the Holy
Spirit at my salvation?” And you are right! You did. The Holy
Spirit is the force that makes a new creation out of old, a
birthing agent into the Kingdom of God. Theologically,
therefore, you are absolutely correct – the Holy Spirit arrived at
the time of salvation. So then, what then happens at the
baptism in the Holy Spirit?
The best way to explain this is to compare water and
steam. Jesus Himself uses the analogy of water to describe
John 7:38.
For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform
signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
Mk 13:22
1 Cor. 14:27
Why all this talk about tongues? Because at the key
instances where the baptism of the Holy Spirit takes place in
Scripture, the evidence of the baptism is a gift of new tongues.
When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one
place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came
from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.
They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and
came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the
Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit
enabled them.
Acts 2:1-4
Acts 20:46
“ Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” They
answered, “ No, we have not even heard that there is a Holy
Spirit.” So Paul asked, “ Then what baptism did you receive?”
Rom. 11:29
Since Satan and his minions know these two truths even
better than we do, and since they also know how much power
is generated when a Christian prays in the Spirit, they are going
to do everything in their power to try to keep you and me from
praying in the Spirit. The chief weapon that they will attempt to
use against you is the doubt we just mentioned. It is going to
whisper lies of fear and stress into your ear. These lies will
sound something like:
“That couldn’t have been the baptism in the Holy
Spirit because it didn’t feel like it!”
You may never have heard tongues in your life, but Satan
will instantly make you an expert on tongues! “That doesn’t
sound like tongues to me!” Or, “those sounds you are uttering
aren’t tongues!” Or, “that can’t be tongues because it doesn’t
feel like tongues!” Or, “it’s not tongues - it’s baby talk,
gibberish!” Or, “you are just being emotional! It’s from the
devil!” Or, “it’s just nonsense syllables! You’re making it up!”
Or, “You’re repeating sounds that you’ve heard someone else
say! It isn’t really a language!”
There you have some of the chief types of doubts that
Satan may throw at people who have received the baptism.
When doubt sets in, arm yourself with the Word of God and
pray that God will increase your faith in the area of tongues. He
will answer!
Now before you go, if you did not pray the prayer in the
last section (Appendix A), reconsider. Now is the time to be
baptized in the Holy Spirit.
If you did pray for the baptism, then thank the Lord in the
new language that He has given you. You will start yourself
now, just as you did before: just take a deep breath, and tell
Jesus that you love Him... but don’t say it in English!
Abimelech 25, 27
Addictions 47
Bestiality 61
Bitterness 95, 96, 99, 100, 108, 113, 116, 117, 130, 147
Blues 86
Cancer 149, 150
Childlessness 24
Cigar smoking 74
Cocaine 85, 86
Colic 37
Compulsions 47
Dependence on Drugs 89
Disobedience 86
Downers 86
Dumbness 51
Fear 64, 71, 73
Fear of demons 58
Fear of Starvation 34
Foolishness 22
Gluttony 34, 36
Harlotry 22, 182
Hashish 86
Hate 106, 118, 129
Heroin 86
Inability to pray 51
Incest 60, 62
It Spirit 29
Marijuana 79, 80, 82, 85, 86, 88
Occult-power spirit 143
Perversion 61, 66
Pot 86
Reaction to Drugs 88
Rebellion 86
Rejection-causing spirit 42
Self-rejection 33
Sleeplessness 155
Sterility 23
Temper 126
Terror 58
Transvestite 68
Tumor 150
Unforgiveness 95, 96, 99, 100, 101, 108, 110, 167
Uppers 86
Violence 57, 126
Witchcraft 52, 143