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Network 2020 The Broadcasting Opportunity

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Network 2020:

The 4G Broadcasting
About the GSMA Network 2020
The GSMA represents the interests of mobile operators The GSMA’s Network 2020 Programme is designed to help
worldwide, uniting nearly 800 operators with almost 300 operators and the wider mobile industry to deliver all-IP
companies in the broader mobile ecosystem, including handset networks so that everyone benefits regardless of where their
and device makers, software companies, equipment providers starting point might be on the journey.
and internet companies, as well as organisations in adjacent
industry sectors. The GSMA also produces industry-leading The programme has three key work-streams focused on: The
events such as Mobile World Congress, Mobile World Congress development and deployment of IP services, The evolution of the
Shanghai, Mobile World Congress Americas and the Mobile 360 4G networks in widespread use today The 5G Journey, developing
Series of conferences. the next generation of mobile technologies and service.

For more information, please visit the GSMA corporate website For more information, please visit the Network 2020 website
at www.gsma.com. Follow the GSMA on Twitter: @GSMA. at: www.gsma.com/network2020 Follow the Network 2020
on Twitter: #Network2020.

With thanks to contributors:

DISH Network Corporation
EE Limited
Gemalto NV
Huawei Technologies Co Ltd
KDDI Corporation
KT Corporation
NEC Corporation
Qualcomm Incorporated
SK Telecom Co., Ltd.
Telecom Italia SpA
TeliaSonera Finland Oyj
Telstra Corporation Limited
United States Cellular Corporation
Verizon Wireless
Vodafone GmbH

1 Introduction 3 4 Services using broadcasting 19
1.1 Overview 4 4.1 Overview 20
1.2 Definitions 4 4.2 Localised live broadcast 20
1.3 Abbreviations 4 4.3 Live TV streaming 21
1.4 References 5 4.4 Audio Streaming 21
4.5 Software update 21
2 Business value of LTE-Broadcast 7
4.6 Content pre-positioning 22
2.1 Considerations 8
4.7 Broadcasting for automotive industry 22
2.2 Cost savings 8
4.7.1 Introduction 22
2.3 New revenues 10
4.8 Location specific broadcasting 24
2.4 New spectrum: Supplemental Downlink 10
4.9 Non-critical notifications 24
in 470-694 MHz

3 Technology status 11
3.1 Infrastructure 12
3.1.1 MBSFN hierarchical structure 12
3.1.2 Single Cell Point to Multipoint 13
3.1.3 eMBMS architecture 13
3.1.4 Advanced capabilities of eMBMS 14
3.1.5 3GPP Enhancements for TV Service 15
3.2 Broadcasting API 16
3.2.1 Session Management 17
3.3 Devices 17
3.3.1 Device middleware 18




1.1 Overview 1.2 Definitions

The deployment of LTE and widespread adoption of Term Description
smartphones have opened up new opportunities in Head Content Head content refers to media that is
consumed, not necessarily simultaneously,
mobile communications for operators to consider. In by a large number of users. This popular
addition to the traditional business model of providing content is positioned in the head of a
mobile broadband data access and communication statistical distribution ranking the content by
services on the move, Mobile Network Operators
(MNOs) can extend the portfolio of services offered Long Tail Long Tail refers to the content (or more
generically products) that are not highly
by leveraging the enhanced broadcasting capabilities popular but are consumed in large numbers.
of LTE networks. 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Long tail content forms the tail of a
statistical distribution ranking the content by
Project) has already standardised eMBMS (evolved
Multicast Broadcast Multimedia Service) also referred
to as LTE-Broadcast (LTE B).
1.3 Abbreviations
Broadcasting has been conventionally confined to Term Description
real-time delivery of media content (e.g., mobile TV), 3GPP Third Generation Partnership Project
however, streaming of video is not the only use case API Application Programming Interface
eMBMS can fulfil. This paper will illustrate, for example, ARP Allocation and Retention Priority
the use of eMBMS for non-delay-sensitive applications,
BM-SC Broadcast Multicast Service Centre
such as content pre-positioning and software updates,
CDN Content Delivery Network
broadcasting of content relevant only in specific
CoMP Coordinated Multiple Point transmission
locations and other use cases that together form a
compelling business opportunity. CP Content Providers
DASH Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP
This document will also provide a technical overview DTT Digital Terrestrial Television
of eMBMS for operators considering to deploy the
eMBMS Enhanced Multimedia Broadcast and
technology including network APIs and the status of Multicast Service
readiness of devices. eNB eNodeB
EPC Evolved Packet Core
EPS Evolved Packet System
E-UTRAN Evolved-Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
FTA Free to Air
FTV Free to View
GBR Guaranteed Bit Rate
GUI Graphic User Interface
ICN Information Centric Network
LTE-B Long Term Evolution Broadcast
MBB Mobile Broadband
MBMS Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service
MBSFN Multicast-Broadcast Single Frequency
MCE Multi-cell/multicast Coordination Entity
MEC Mobile Edge Computing
MNO Mobile Network Operator
MooD Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service on
NDN Named Data Network
OTT Over the Top
PLMN Public Land Mobile Network


RNIS Radio Network Information Services

RNTI Radio Network Temporary Identity
RSPG Radio Spectrum Policy Group
SC-PTM Single Cell Point to Multipoint
TMGI Temporary Mobile Group Identity
SDL Supplemental Downlink
UE User Equipment
UHD Ultra-High Definition
UHF Ultra High Frequency
UMTS Universal Mobile Terrestrial System
V2I Vehicle to Infrastructure
V2P Vehicle to Pedestrian
V2V Vehicle to Vehicle
V2X Vehicle to X
VR Virtual Reality

1.4 References
Ref Title
[1] “Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
Requirement Levels”, S. Bradner, March 1997.
Available at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt
[2] Cisco Visual Networking Index: Global Mobile
Data Traffic Forecast Update, 2015–2020
[3] “The Economic Benefit of Broadcast Offload
in Mobile Data Delivery”, a study from Rise
Conseil & TDF
[4] “Evaluating the LTE Broadcast Opportunity”.
Available at http://gsacom.com/download.
[5] “Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service
(MBMS); Extensions and profiling”



Business value of


2.1 Considerations As far as the revenue generating business case is

While broadcasting technology has been included in concerned, LTE-B enablement in the operator’s network
the 3GPP specifications for the third generation mobile can be justified through a cost-driven business case
system (UMTS) this capability failed to gain market alone. As Telstra claims, shifting of <1% of busy hour
traction as the focus of 3G was to provide mobile unicast traffic to LTE-B can justify the capital expenditure
broadband. The specification of an evolved version of required for enabling broadcast in the network. While
the Mobile Broadcast and Multicast system (eMBMS) it is fair to recognise that there is no “killer application”
as part of 4G specifications, greatly improved both for mobile broadcast, this paper shows that there exist a
the performance and the features set making the number of applications and services that cannot be easily
provision of broadcast services over mobile networks replicated with technologies other than broadcast and
more feasible. As of the end of 2016 a number of that permit a more efficient use of the network resources.
network operators have developed commercial It is believed that their combination creates a positive
services and several trials have been conducted in business model across the value chain and that operators
a large number of countries. The main obstacle to a can claim a significant share of the generated value.
widespread adoption of eMBMS can be attributed to
This paper also shows that other stakeholders benefit
the upfront cost of deployment, device dependency,
from enabling broadcasting in mobile networks.
and more importantly the need for a targeted revenue
In the remainder of this section the business value
generating business case rather than maturity of the
of eMBMS for a mobile operator will be assessed
solution. As eMBMS specifications reach their fifth
according to cost savings that can be realised and
release (the first being Release 9) it can be safely
new revenue opportunities.
assumed that the technology is stable and proven.

Regarding the costs of deployment those can be 2.2 Cost savings

broken down in core network costs and radio network Cost savings can be realised thanks to a more efficient
costs. As it will be discussed in section 3 the eMBMS use of the resources that translates in reducing the
core network infrastructure is overlaid on the existing requirement on infrastructure and spectrum to provide
4G core network (Evolved Packet Core) and consists the same level of service.
of a few new functional elements that are offered by
all the main suppliers of infrastructure equipment. In
Source: Cisco VNI [3]
the radio access network eMBMS can be enabled in
the radio network simply via software upgrade. The
Figure 1: Mobile video is set to
reason for high initial investment is the complexity of
synchronising the radio network required to reap the take a dominant share of the
benefits of the Multicast Broadcast Single Frequency mobile data traffic
Networks as this is a not an insignificant task. However
the advantages of deploying a synchronized network 53% CAGR 2015–2020
go beyond eMBMS. For example, inter eNodeB 35
synchronisation allows an operator to improve the
signal quality by means of the Coordinated Multiple 30
Exabytes per month

Point transmission and reception (CoMP) technology.

If looking for a technology aspect that could have
hindered the potential of eMBMS, this is the support
of eMBMS in devices (see section 3.3). And yet, the 15
delay in introducing support of eMBMS in devices
has often been ascribed to the lack of value in 10
mobile broadcasting rather than the maturity of the
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Mobile File Sharing Mobile Audio

(1%,2%) (8%,6%)
Mobile Web/Data/VoIP Mobile Video
(36%, 17%) (55%, 75%)


Video has experienced an explosive growth in the Although the LTE access network can support many
past few years, Cisco estimates that in 2015 mobile simultaneous high data rate streams in each cell,
video traffic accounted for 55 percent of total mobile delivering highly popular content using unicast (point
data traffic and it is expected to be 75% of the to point) transmission is not very efficient and an
overall mobile data traffic by year 2020 [3]. A large opportunity exists to optimise the use of the network
proportion of this traffic is consumed (not necessarily by deploying eMBMS.
simultaneously) by a large number of subscribers:
this popular content is sometimes referred to as head Given that a single transmission of content via eMBMS
content in contrast with the content long tail indicating can be received by all the users in a given broadcast
the more numerous but less popular content1 (see area, three beneficial effects occur:
Figure 2). Examples of head content include live • Radio resources for delivering head content
TV, time-shifted TV, on demand video and YouTube are used more effectively since a single eMBMS
videos. Software updates, especially operating system transmission can replace a multitude of unicast
updates can also be categorised as head content. transmission. In fact it can be demonstrated that
the efficiency gain takes effect even when a small
number of unicast transmissions are replaced

Figure 2: Example of statistical • The radio resources saved can be redeployed to

provide higher throughput to individual users or
distribution of content popularity simply to reduce energy consumption thus relieving
illustrating the head content and the pressure on spectrum resources
the long tail • By delivering the content only once to the eNodeB that
is selected for broadcasting it, eMBMS considerably
Popularity reduces the strain on the transport network.

“The Economic Benefit of Broadcast Offload in

Mobile Data Delivery”, a study from Rise Conseil &
TDF published in 2015 [4] argues that just by making
fairly conservative assumptions on the adoption
‘Head’ content of eMBMS and availability of devices in France, the
cumulative saving in the period 2016 – 2025 could
amount to €10bn.

A further costs saving directly linked to the better use of

Long tail
the network capacity that eMBMS allows can be found
in the lower number of eNodeBs potentially required
to serve an area where traffic is shifted from unicast to
– multicast/broadcast. This could be significant especially
Content in densely populated areas where eMBMS performs
at its best and where it is potentially expensive to
Few very popular
acquire new sites. For example, KT in South Korea has
Many less popular successfully demonstrated commercial deployment and
efficiency of LTE-B for delivery to densely populated
areas (http://telecoms.com/217182/koreas-kt-launches-

See for example https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_tail


2.3 New revenues 2.4 New spectrum: Supplemental Downlink in

As discussed in section 4, eMBMS will enable the 470-694 MHz
provision of new types of services (e.g. multi-camera The concept of Supplemental Downlink (SDL) in the
views of a sport event, group communications), that context of UHF flexibility consists of allowing Mobile
may not be feasible to deliver using unicast, as well as Broadband (MBB) use of available spectrum resources
an efficient means for delivering existing services (e.g. where not used by Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT)
maintenance of digital signage, software update of IoT for additional downlink capacity provided that such
devices, electronic newspaper). eMBMS also opens up use does not constrain existing and future DTT
new ways for content providers and advertisers to reach deployments and DTT installations.
mobile users (e.g. access via mobile of premium content,
advertising during tourist information carousel). While in the European Radio Spectrum Policy Group
(RSPG) opinion on the long-term strategy of UHF
It is reasonable to assume therefore that new value will conventional DTT distribution is protected until 2030,
be created and mobile operators can access a large a flexibility option is also proposed. Frequency gaps in
part of it. the UHF2 band not required for DTT distribution can
be filled with LTE downlink based on LTE-Advanced
A further indirect source of revenue that can derive carrier aggregation of such downlink resources with
from deploying eMBMS is the potential of reselling the standard mobile operator bands such as the 800 or
bandwidth that is freed up thanks to the efficiency and 900 MHz bands.
scalability of eMBMS.
Supplemental Downlink usage could be envisaged as
LTE-B will sustain the technology relevancy and early as around 2020, in a possible converged scenario,
business model as LTE evolves to 5G. Introduction LTE Broadcast (LTE-B) provides access of mobile
of 5G does not invalidate how LTE-B is deployed or terminals for broadcast services over LTE networks.
commercialised, rather would support it from the start There are on-going evolutions in 3GPP to facilitate
and take it to a new level by enabling a broad range such service cooperation (see section 3.1.5)
of IoT, V2X and VR applications using this capability.
Improved latency and reliability of 5G compared to However, LTE-B complements LTE networks and
today’s networks will ensure that LTE-B efficiently provides an option to enhance the MBB service in the
distributes content, software and security updates to direction where additional capacity is most needed.
millions of connected devices. Frequency segmentation The SDL of LTE-B would provide large extra bandwidth
along with low latency in a specific frequency (i.e. in mobile broadband networks for unicast audio-visual
network slices) in 5G means that LTE-Broadcast could content in the downlink direction such as VoD and
become a network slice for distribution of videos, Replay of TV programs
live streaming, software/firmware updates to mobile
devices and connected cars, and 360°/Virtual Reality SDL with LTE-B has the potential to provide a win-win
content and applications. for broadcast and mobile broadband: broadcast would
gain the delivery path and required capacity to mobile
devices in mobile environments, even in difficult to reach
locations such as underground public transport. At
the same time, mobile broadband would gain valuable
spectrum for additional capacity some of which will be
needed for unicast of on-demand TV programs3.

See Digital Europe white paper on supplemental downlink in the UHF band:




3.1 Infrastructure • MBSFN Area: An MBSFN Area consists of a group

LTE Broadcasting is provided by eMBMS (evolved of cells within an MBSFN Synchronisation Area of
Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service), a a network, which are co-ordinated to achieve an
technology standardised by 3GPP. While traditional MBSFN Transmission (i.e. a technique whereby
cellular communications provides point-to-point identical waveforms are transmitted at the same
communication via dedicated bearer serving the time from multiple cells – which is seen by the UE as
two end points, eMBMS enables point-to-multipoint a single transmission). All cells within a MBSFN Area
communication via shared bearers allowing the same (apart from reserved cells) contribute to the MBSFN
transmission to reach multiple users. eMBMS, enabling Transmission and advertise its availability
EPS (Evolved Packet System) to provide MBMS bearer • MBSFN Area Reserved Cell: A cell within a MBSFN
services over both UTRAN (UMTS Terrestrial Radio Area that does not contribute to the MBSFN
Network) and E-UTRAN (Evolved-UTRAN), has the Transmission. The cell may be allowed to transmit
following advantages for mobile operators. other services.
• eMBMS utilises existing LTE infrastructure and
spectrum and provides capability for UE to switch
Source: 3GPP, recreated by GSMA
between unicast and multicast
• eMBMS offloads identical content, live content and Figure 3: eMBMS hierarchical
software updates from unicast and thus enhances
network efficiency when several UEs in the same
cell receive the same content simultaneously
• eMBMS allows scalability of broadcasting services MBSFN
as a virtually unlimited number of users or UEs can Service Area
access the same content.

3.1.1 MBSFN hierarchical structure

When the Multicast-Broadcast Single Frequency MBSFN Area
Network (MBSFN) is used to deliver eMBMS service,
different cells of a network are subdivided into the
following logical areas as shown in Figure 3:
• MBMS Service Area: The area within which data of a
specific MBMS session are sent
• MBSFN Synchronisation Area: An area of the
network where all eNBs (eNodeB) can be
synchronised and perform MBSFN transmissions. MBSFN Area Reserved Cell
MBSFN Synchronisation Areas are capable of
supporting one or more MBSFN Areas. On a
given frequency layer, an eNB can only belong Therefore, apart from MBSFN Area Reserved Cells,
to one MBSFN Synchronisation Area. MBSFN all cells in MBSFN areas that serve the MBMS service
Synchronisation Areas are independent from the area will broadcast/multicast the data provided by the
definition of MBMS Service Areas service on the particular frequency block.


3.1.2 Single Cell Point to Multipoint MCE. When operating using MBSFN, the MCE serves
3GPP Release 13 introduced a new mechanism for one or more eNodeBs and performs:
delivery of eMBMS in order to improve the efficiency • The admission control and the allocation of the
of use of radio resources and flexible deployment of radio resources used by all eNodeBs in the MBSFN
numerous applications: Single Cell Point to Multipoint area for multi-cell MBMS
(SP-PTM). SC-PTM make use of the eMBMS system
• Counting and acquisition of counting results for
architecture used for MBSFN, but follows a different
MBMS service(s)
approach in the allocation of radio resources aimed at
improving the radio efficiency as well as to reducing • Resumption/suspension of MBMS session(s) within
the latency. The granularity of the broadcast/multicast MBSFN area(s) based on e.g. ARP (Allocation and
services is down to a single cell so that the broadcast/ Retention Priority) and/or the counting results for
multicast area can be dynamically adjusted cell by the corresponding MBMS service(s).
cell according to the distribution of users. The SC- MBMS-GW. The MBMS-GW sends/broadcasts MBMS
PTM transmission is carried over LTE downlink shared packets to each eNodeB transmitting the service. It
channel scheduled using a common Radio Network uses IP Multicast as the means of forwarding MBMS
Temporary Identity (RNTI) for a group of users making user data to the eNodeBs.
it agile in utilising the radio resources dynamically in
time and frequency. BM-SC. The BM-SC provides functions for eMBMS
user service provisioning and delivery of eMBMS
3.1.3 eMBMS architecture transmissions. It may also serve as an entry point
The hierarchical structure of eMBMS service is enabled into PLMN (Public Land Mobile Network) for content
by the architecture of eMBMS as shown in Figure 4. It provider’s broadcast content eMBMS transmissions.
is worthwhile noting that eMBMS re-uses the Evolve In short, BM-SC is the gateway that interacts with the
Packet Core (EPC) introducing only a few additional contents provider and controls the service overall, the
entities to function: MCE (Multi-cell/multicast MBMS-GW provides the gateway function between
Coordination Entity), MBMS-GW (MBMS Gateway) and the radio and service networks and separates the
BM-SC (Broadcast Multicast Service Centre). The role service layer functions from the core network while
of these functions is briefly discussed below. the MCE works with eNodeB in radio-related tasks
necessary for MBMS service.

Figure 4: eMBMS Architecture

Works with eNB in

radio-related tasks necessary
for MBMS service

Interacts with the contents

provider and controls the
MCE MME eMBMS service overall

MBMS Content
GW Provider

In charge of distributing
the traffic to eNBs and
coordinating MBMS session
control signalling

Existing LTE elements eMBMS elements External element Media traffic Signalling


With the eMBMS specific entities implemented in the 3.1.4 Advanced capabilities of eMBMS
network, the network provides broadcast/multicast In addition to the functionalities described in the
service to eMBMS-enabled UEs. In both cases, the previous sections, eMBMS provides advanced
service is announced by the network where interested capabilities such as mobility based Service Continuity
UEs join the announced service for multicast and UEs (Unicast fallback and Switching for DASH-over-MBMS
with local service activation are listening to the service 3GPP 26.346 release 12) and Release 12 MooD (MBMS
for broadcast. The actual data transfer can start when operation on Demand). MooD enables dynamic
MBMS session starts and the subscribed/activated UEs switching between Unicast and Broadcast over LTE,
receive data anytime during the session. The above based on configured triggers. The trigger may be
procedures are visualised in the following figure. demand driven (i.e. through user service consumption
or when there is an urgent alert to be broadcasted)
or pre-scheduled based on events. MooD leverages
Figure 5: eMBMS high-level call flow the Service Continuity procedures mentioned above
to achieve seamless transition unicast-broadcast and
vice versa.
UE Network eMBMS uses DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming
over HTTP), a media format that slices live streams
1. UE subscribers to service (can be done any time) into a sequence of media segments which are then
delivered over FLUTE as HTTP independent files. This
2. Networks starts announcement of the service
technology is standardized in MPEG and in 3GPP and
3. UE joins the service (can be done any time) therefore is widely accepted in the industry. This makes
NOTE 1 it attractive since players are natively supporting both
4. Networks starts the first session unicast and broadcast media delivery, whilst at the
same time CDNs are required to only serve a single
5. Network transfers data for session #1 media format thus reducing operating costs and
Session #1

(may be more than one time) maximizing infrastructure usage.

Most LTE Broadcast deployments to date use FLUTE

Service Announcement

(File Delivery over Unidirectional Transport) over

6. Network stops the second session UDP both for live media (DASH) and file download
(e.g. on device pre-positioning of content). Latency
experiments have been undertaken in MPEG and
techniques to reduce DASH latency for LTE Broadcast
7. Network starts the second session have been researched. Recently (early 2016) Advanced
Television Systems Committee (ATSC) 3.0 developed
an additional broadcast transport method targeted
Session #2

8. Network transfers data for session #2

at enhanced TV services targeting reduced latency
(may be more than one time)
named Real-time Object Delivery over Unidirectional
Transport (ROUTE)/DASH transported over MPEG
9. Network stops the second session media transport (MMT).

10. Network stops announcement of the service

11. UE leaves the service (can be done any time)

NOTE 1: In case of broadcast, step 3 is not applicable

and UE activates/deactivates local service in steps 1
and 11 respectively


3.1.5 3GPP Enhancements for TV Service as “TV transport services”, to support distribution of
In March 2016, 3GPP issued a technical report on TV programs. TV transport services can support the
3GPP enhancements for TV service (TR 22.816). three types of TV services – Free-to-air (FTA), Free-
This technical report describes use cases, proposes to-view (FTV), and Subscribed services. Each type
assumptions and potential requirements and analyses of TV service has different requirements in order to
the gap in order to enhance 3GPP system for TV meet regulatory obligations and public service and
service support. The supported TV service includes commercial broadcaster’s requirements regarding
linear TV, Live, Video on Demand, smart TV, and Over content distribution, hence many requirements are
the Top (OTT) content. optional to implement depending on the type of TV
transport services a MNO chooses to offer.
3GPP is now engaged in Technical Specifications for
Release 14 (TS 22.101), including 3GPP enhancement This work now impacts several 3GPP workgroups as
for TV service support, whereby 3GPP networks can summarized in the following figure:
provide unicast and broadcast transport, referred to

Figure 6: 3GPP groups working on TV enhancements

Project Co-ordination Group (PCG)

Radio Access Network Service & Systems Core Network &
Aspects Terminals
Cyclic Prefix RAN WG1 SA WG1 CT WG1
100% eMBMS Radio Layer 1 spec Services MM/CC/SM (lu)
Radio Layer 2 spec Architecture Interworking with
Radio Layer 3 RR spec external networks
lub spec, lur spec, Security MAP/GTP/BCH/SS
lu spec FTA, Receive-only,
UTRAN O&M Standalone Network
RAN WG4 SA WG4 CT WG6 Transport
Radio Performance Codec Smart Card service layer
Protocol aspects Application Aspects
Service Layer for
Mobile Terminal Telecom TV Services:
Conformance Testing Management • transport
• integrated
Legacy RAN radio Mission-critical
and protocol applications


3.2 Broadcasting API

3GPP Rel.14 26.346 has introduced a new reference
point xMB (Broadcasting API) between the Content
Provider and the BM-SC.

Figure 7: The xMB reference model

Content Receiver Content Provider/

(APP) Multicast Broadcast
MBMS Client
Content via BM-SC



Content via
Unicast Delivery

The xMB reference point provides the ability for the The xMB reference point provides the ability for the
content provider to: BM-SC to:
• authenticate and authorize BM-SC(s). • authenticate and authorize a content provider.
• create, modify and terminate a service. • notify the content provider of the status of an MBMS
• create, modify and terminate a session. user service usage.
• query information. • retrieve content from the content provider
• deliver content to the BM-SC(s)
The xMB reference point also includes a security
function for confidentiality protection for both control
plane and user plane.


3.2.1 Session Management State description of the BM-SC for a session. The
The API enables session management procedures BM-SC may reject state transitions when mandatory
to allow the content provider to create, modify and parameters are missing. The BM-SC may send error
terminate sessions. Each session is “time bound” (i.e. notifications to the content provider.
has a start and stop time) and is associated with a • Session Idle: The Session is under preparation.
target broadcast area (which can be used to derive the Typically, the content provider needs multiple
MBMS Service Area). The stop time may be absent in session updates in order to configure all session
the case of 24/7 sessions. parameters and retrieve the needed information for
content provider user-plane entities
The MBMS Bearer is active between the start and
stop time of the session independently of whether • Session Announced: The session parameters are
the content provider is sending data. The BM-SC announced and MBMS Client may become aware
automatically terminates the MBMS bearer at stop that the session is about to start
time. The content provider may proactively terminate • Session Active: The session is active according to
the session before the stop time. the Session Schedule.

The Session State diagram is shown in Figure 8. The

BM-SC may only allow state transition, when the
mandatory session properties according to the service
type is configured. The BM-SC may reject modification
of properties depending on the session state.

Figure 8: Session State Diagram

Session Destroy Manual early Session Termination

Session Idle Session Announced Session Active

Session Create Automatic Automatic Automatic
or manual or manual on stop time

Session Update Session Update Session Update

Table 1: Devices supporting eMBMS

3.3 Devices
In December 2016, approximately 20 commercially available devices support eMBMS

HTC One M9 LG G Vista Samsung Galaxy S5

HTC Desire 626 LG K4 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge
LG G5 Motorola Droid Turbo 2 Samsung Galaxy Note 4
LG G4 Motorola Droid Maxx 2 Samsung Galaxy Note 3
LG G3 Motorola Droid Turbo Samsung A7
LG V10 Samsung Galaxy S7 Samsung A5


All these devices make use of Qualcomm®

Snapdragon™ chipset and eMBMS can be enabled
via an over the air software upgrade. At present, all
devices use the Android operating system.

Additional eMBMS compatible devices area listed

in Annex A of the Evaluating the LTE Broadcast
Opportunity [4] whitepaper.

3.3.1 Device middleware

The middleware layer plays an important role in
delivering eMBMS services. It is required so that
developers do not need to understand eMBMS
technology in order to develop applications. Relevant
APIs are available for application and client developer
through middleware.

The main functions of the eMBMS Middleware are:

• Control and interface with the Modem to access
eMBMS streams
• Receive and process eMBMS Metadata
• Provide relevant Metadata to the application
• Receive File Download service
• Receive DASH Live services
• Provide a DASH Server API to the application for
playing the streams
• Perform File Repair
• Perform Reception Reporting.

The middleware layer is currently not standardised and

based on the requirements defined in TR 26.852 [5]
specification work is ongoing in 3GPP to standardise
the service APIs. The middleware capabilities are
evolving and will needed to be updated to support
newer features such as broadcast unicast
handover and MooD (MBMS operation on demand).


Services using


4.1 Overview Some of the services and their specific requirements

Broadcasting capabilities enable operators to provide are discussed in the rest of this section.
business models that would have been inefficient if
provided by traditional networks. This section will list 4.2 Localised live broadcast
seven key examples to illustrate the business potential Localised live broadcast refers to broadcasting live events
of LTE broadcasting. (e.g., sport events and concerts) at the live event venue
Figure 9 attempts to categorise services that utilise to provide better sight and additional information that
the broadcasting capabilities across three different audiences can enjoy. An example would be broadcasting
dimension: how frequently the content is provided an up-close shot of athletes for audiences in a sports
(horizontal axis), how wide the broadcast area is stadium, instant replay from one of the cameras,
(vertical axis) and how many users are likely to related statistics of the athletes, audio broadcast from
require the content simultaneously (colour coded). the commentators and other relevant information.
Broadcasting can also be used to inform users of
venue layout, security announcements and so on.

Figure 9: examples of services using broadcast

High density
+ National alert Live TV
Medium density
Network Software Content
update News
wide Pre-positioning Low density
Digital signage

Traffic information

Region Regional
Flood alert

Tourist info
Traffic accident Sport event Concert

Rare Recurrent Permanent
– + Frequency


On Air icon source: securitycast.net 4.3 Live TV streaming

Live TV streaming refers to the use of broadcast
Figure 10: Localised live broadcast technology for streaming of live TV (e.g., news programs).
Real-Time In terms of the business model, live TV streaming
can be offered as a subscription service or pay per
view, which is by charging for individual events.
Video Other business models, for example a revenue
Monitor Smartphone sharing agreement between the mobile operator
and broadcaster, can also be envisaged.

Access to live TV could also be offered as a

differentiating factor.
Stage (Concert Audience in the
hall/stadium) local venue
4.4 Audio Streaming
Audio streaming could be best described with
traditional FM/AM radio channels. LTE Broadcast offers
Given the very high density of users, unicast transmission an opportunity for replacing these radio channels
would present a difficult challenge particularly if the while providing higher quality audio with new types
video is in high definition or even UHD. Also using IEEE of multimedia content. LTE Broadcast also enables
802.11ac standards could result problematic especially operators to broadcast these high quality multimedia
for guaranteeing a sufficient quality of service. contents even in crowded areas, which would have been
A technology that may be used to complement technically challenging with existing unicast technology.
broadcasting to provide an optimal user experience in Furthermore, LTE Broadcast provides capabilities to
these circumstances is Mobile Edge Computing (MEC). setup both national and local stations as it leverages
As the broadcasted content needs to be streamed LTE networks which are typically deployed nationwide.
and formatted with the appropriate codec, in order to Instead of replacing existing FM/AM radio channels,
provide a quasi-real time video it is beneficial that the operators can also choose to operate their own audio
processing takes place in situ: a MEC server connected to streaming channel. Operators will be able to monetise
all the eNodeB’s of the stadium/event area can fulfil this audio streaming by pursuing three business models:
requirement. Furthermore, utilising MEC it is possible to • Monthly subscription fee per channel(s) paid
fine tune the usage of the eNodeB resources and adapt by listeners
the content quality based on the local radio conditions. • Transmission fee from radio channel providers
This also ensures that sufficient capacity for unicast • Fee for broadcasting advertisement.
traffic such as voice calls and messaging is available.

Depending on the capability of the device, it may also be 4.5 Software update
possible to provide the user with a multiscreen experience. Scheduled software updates refers to updates of
software/firmware that are scheduled rather than
On Air icon source: securitycast.net downloaded at the time of request. This allows
operators, for example, to perform non-time critical
Figure 11: Live TV streaming broadcasting (e.g. distribution of a software update)
during off-peak times when more resources can be
allocated to eMBMS without negatively affecting
Live streaming
unicast traffic.
Smartphone UE One crucial point on LTE-B software update is that it
has to align with the typical software update workflow.
In the Android or iOS application update scenarios,
Tablet UE the LTE-B software update has to work with Google
Playstore and Apple Appstore workflow, having the
apps authenticated and the app update initiated by
Monitor UE the end-user.


Update icon source: rstinstruments.com Media icon source: simpleicon.com

Figure 12: Scheduled software Figure 13: Content pre-positioning


Smartphone UE
Scheduled Peak Time
Time No broadcasting UE
Update for
of target contents
User Devices
Smartphone UE Network

Target media
contents broadcasted
Network loT UE
Update for
loT Devices
loT UE
Network UE

4.6 Content pre-positioning 4.7 Broadcasting for automotive industry

Content pre-positioning refers to the use of broadcast 4.7.1 Introduction
technology to download popular media contents There are a number of connected car use cases where
on device before it is consumed. This need is closely LTE-B can play a role. Other than software/app update in
associated with the trend of binge viewing (e.g., the vehicle, broadcasting can be used for network-aware
downloading contents on devices for future viewing in deterministic live streaming, as well as opportunistic
places such as public transport). push of files such as video, navigation, advertisements
etc. In the first use case based on network condition
This capability proactively and intelligently pushes and mobility, a higher quality network stream tailored
to mobile devices (i.e. pre-positions) popular videos to the cells along car’s path is delivered. In the second
using LTE-broadcast, instead of the current unicast use case, network micro-troughs are predicted to
pull approach. With pre-positioning, video content push entertainment content, points of interest, maps,
of interest to the user is delivered to a device using advertisements and promotions.
LTE-Broadcast and stored on the device that can make
the content available to the user when required. Pre-
positioning provides high-impact viewing experience for
consumers, while ensuring optimised delivery in a cost-
effective manner. Rationale for content providers are:
• More reliable delivery than customer prompted at
lower cost
• Resonate with consumers – content promotion and
increased user engagement
• Seamless personalised experience – hyper-targeted
guaranteed quality viewing
• Unconstrained rich media quality – network offline
usage with lower cost
• The data downloaded in broadcast mode does not
reduce the subscriber’s data allowance.


Figure 14: Deterministic Figure 16: Example of linear

network-aware streaming streaming to a vehicle
Predictive, Mobility,
and What-If Engine Consumption

Content Source Delivery Content Network
Live streaming Predictive Adaptive Management Delivery
Bitrate Streaming Consumption Linear Streaming LTE-Broadcast
LTE-B Enables
Wi-Fi Hotspot

Broadcasting for automotive industry refers to the

Figure 15: Opportunistic content use of broadcast technology to deliver vehicular
delivery information (e.g. driving assistance and autonomous
driving relevant information) to vehicles in Intelligent
Network Transportation System. This includes V2V (vehicle-
to-vehicle), V2I/N (vehicle-to-infrastructure/network)
Predictive, Mobility,
and What-If Engine and V2P (vehicle-to-pedestrian). Depending on the
scenarios (e.g. urban, freeway), the infrastructure/
network may be serving vehicular information to
Content Opportunistic several hundreds of vehicles at a time.
Management Delivery
Entertainment, Micro-trough
Maps, Ads detection for push Recommendation
and Consumption

Another use case of interest could be linear streaming

to an LTE-B enabled Wi-Fi hotspot in the vehicle and
extend the streaming to connected non-LTE-B devices.
It needs to ensure seamless LTE-B/Wi-Fi hand-off
and viewing experience, as consumption occurs from
mobile, tablet and car screen.


Figure 17: Broadcasting for

automotive industry (V2V)

ITS Server

Uplink Downlink

4.8 Location specific broadcasting

Localised broadcasting is where information from
local shops/venue is broadcast to devices in proximity.
Local shops could broadcast shopping information
and offers (i.e. coupons) to the people nearby which
could provide an extra push for those people to walk
into the shop. Tourist attractions could also leverage
LTE broadcasting by sending a short audio/multimedia
tour or a short text describing its value. The operators
could monetise this use case by:
• Revenue share with a coupon company or local
shops/tourist attractions
• Offer of multimedia tours of attractions to visitors
• Distribution fee from local shops/tourist attractions.

4.9 Non-critical notifications

Non-critical notifications are types of information
that more conveniently provide services that are also
accessible via different means but that are pushed to
the device rather than having to be pulled. Examples
include news alerts, gate/platform announcements for
public transport (e.g., rail and intercity bus), changes
in various financial indices (e.g. exchange rate, stock
market and interest rates) and weather alerts. The
operators could monetise this use case by:
• Subscription fee from the end-user to the
notification services
• Transmission fee from the service providers.

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