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Session 6: Combinatorics 2
compiled by Carl Joshua Quines
October 7, 2016

Random variable
1. Count: 10 has {6, 3, 1} , {6, 2, 2} , {5, 4, 1} , {5, 3, 2} , {4, 4, 2} , {4, 3, 3}, multiplying by the number of
27 1
permutations gives 27. There are 63 tuples, so = .
216 8
2. Consider all 63 tuples of dice rolls. There are 33 = 27 with numbers from 1 to 3, but of these, 23 = 8
have no threes, leaving 27 − 8 = 19 with the greatest being 3. Thus the probability is .
3. Sherlock wins if and only if the sequence is TTT, with probability , and cannot win otherwise. Since
the game must terminate, Mycroft wins with probability , and thus Mycroft has a higher probability
of winning.
4. Let the probability of obtaining F be f . The probability of obtaining the side opposite F is thus − f .
1 1 1 29
So getting a sum of 13 has probability 2f − f + 10 · · = ; solving the quadratic equation
6 12 12 384
1 7 1 7
gives f = , . Since f > , then the probability is .
48 48 12 48

Random selection
1. Each of the 26 − 1 = 63 possible subsets of six colors are equally likely, and only 1 uses only her favorite
color; the probability is .
2. There is one cube with no red sides, 6 cubes with one red side, 12 cubes with two red sides and 8 cubes
1 6 1 12 1 8 1 1
with three. A cube with one red side has probability, etc., so the probability is · + + = .
6 27 6 27 3 27 2 3
3. Modulo 2, the tuples (a, b, c) = (0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (1, 0, 0) and (1, 1, 1) work. Since there is an equal
4 1
probability of being either odd or even, then the probability is 3 = .
2 2
4. The probability of getting a different color and a different number is , since among the 14 chips left
8 3
10 are of different colors but 2 have the same number. So the probability is 1 − = .
14 7
5. We count the number that does not contain any 2s. Replace 5000 with 0000. The thousands digit can be
anything from 0 to 4, the hundreds to ones digit can be 0 to 9, except 2. This gives 4 × 9 × 9 × 9 = 2916,
2916 729
so the probability is = .
5000 1250
6. Use casework, or be witty: equivalent to Josh just picking two chips from all together without replacement.
This is because, suppose we permute the six chips in a row, with the first three going to urn 1, and
the second three going to urn 2, and Josh picked the first and fourth chips, which is equivalent. The
4 3 2
probability both are red is · = .
6 5 5
2 compiled by Carl Joshua Quines

3 2 1 1
7. The first draw must not all be red or not all be green. It is all red with probability · · = ,
6 5 4 20
and by symmetry all green with probability . The first draw is not all red and not all green with
1 1 9
probability 1 − − = .
20 20 10
The bag now has one of one color, two of the other color, and three white, so the probability they are
1·2·3 3 27
all different in the second draw is 6
 = . The product is .
10 100

8. There are 23

3 = 1771 ways to pick three non-adjacent people in a row of 25, subtract the 21 ways in
which the front and back people are placed, for a total of 1750 ways. There are 25

3 = 2300 ways to
1750 11
pick three people randomly, so the probability is 1 − = .
2300 46
1 2 2
9. Induction on k. Base case is 1 − − = , as wanted. Suppose k = n − 1 is true, then there are two
3 3 3
cases: when the sum to n − 1 is even and when the sum to n − 1 is odd.
1 1
For the former, the probability this happens is + by inductive hypothesis; for the whole sum
2 2 · 3n−1
to be even, an bn has to be even too, with probability . The whole probability for this case is thus
2 1 1
+ .
3 2 2 · 3n−1
1 1 1
Similarly, the probability for the other case is − . Taking their sum and simplifying
3 2 2 · 3n−1
yields the expression we want.

Geometric probability
AP r`
1. Suppose the AB has length `. Then < r so AP < . The segment of success has length
` − AP r+1
r` r
divided by the whole segment with length `, giving the probability .
r+1 r+1
2. Scale by 1/5000. Let the prices of the gifts be x, y pesos. Then the region of the plane is the square with
0 ≤ x, y ≤ 5 and we must have x + y ≤ 9. The failure region is x + y > 9, which intersects the square
at the triangle with vertices (4, 5), (5, 5) and (5, 4). Its area is . The whole area of consideration is 25,
2 49
so the probability is 1 − = .
25 50
3. Factoring, x2 − 3xy + 2y 2 > 0 if x > y or x < 2y. Intersecting with the square 0 ≤ x, y ≤ 1 produces a
3 3
region with area ; since the area of the square is 1, the probability is .
4 4
4. The intervals where the sum is 5 are when the first number is (0.5, 1), (1.5, 2), (2.5, 3) and (3.5, 4). Each
4 · 0.5 4
interval has length 0.5 and the whole interval has length 4.5, so the probability is = .
4.5 9

Existence combinatorics
1. By PHP two of them are the same modulo 6 and thus have a difference that is zero, so probability 1.
2. Modulo 2 the points are (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0) or (1, 1), by PHP two points are the same modulo 2 and
thus have a midpoint with integer coordinates, so probability 1.
3. For the former, consider a regular pentagon: by PHP three of them are the same color and form an
isosceles triangle. For the latter, color half the circle red and the other half blue, no such equilateral
triangle exists.
3 compiled by Carl Joshua Quines

4. Modulo 3, the number of blue, red, and yellow chips cycles (1, 2, 0) → (0, 1, 2) → (2, 0, 1) → (1, 2, 0).
All the chips being the same color is (2, 2, 2), which is impossible.
5. For n = 1005 the sequence 0, 1, 2, . . . , 1004 trivially does not have two whose sum or difference is
divisible by 2009. For n = 1006, consider modulo 2009, if no two have a difference that is 0 then they
must all be distinct, but by PHP one of {0} , {−1, 1} , {−2, 2} , . . . , {−1004, 1004} has two, which then
have a sum divisible by 2009.
6. The sequence 1 to 2011
 has at least 2012 numbers since 17489 < 20112011 . Then all numbers
2011 2011
from 2011 + 1 ! + 2 to 2011 + 1 ! + 2011 + 1 are composite. Now move the left endpoint
one upward and the right endpoint one upward: either the number of primes is increased by 1, decreased
by 1, or stays the same. Since it starts from ≥ 2012 and eventually becomes 0, it will hit 2011 some

7. Let A be the set {1, 2, . . . , n} and B be the set {n + 1, . . . , 2n}. Since the numbers are arranged on a
circle, there are two adjacent points from opposite sets, join them with a chord. Remove them from
the circle and keep connecting points with chords in this manner, you end up with n non-intersecting
chords. The sum is the sum of all the elements in set B minus the sum of all the elements in set A,
which is n2 .

8. Consider a matrix with 120 rows and 10 columns, and write a 1 on each entry if the student corresponding
to the row does not follow the celebrity for that column. Suppose that the hypothesis is not true, that
is, each pair of students has at least one celebrity that both do not follow. This translates to each pair
of rows having a column where both are 1.
We count the number of pairs of 1s in each  column. Vertically, since each 120
column has at most
120 − 85 = 35 ones, the sum is at most 10 35

2 = 5950. Horizontally, each of the 2 pairs of rows has
at least one pair of 1s, so the sum is at least 7140. Contradiction.

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