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The following examples show results of Figure 2: Temperature dependent thermal conductivity of
calculations for typical thermoelectric applications. (Bi0.5Sb0.5)2Te3 [4].
The material properties for the calculations with
temperature independent values are shown in table
1. Here typical values for Bismuth-Telluride and
copper were taken from [2]. Temperature
dependent material properties were taken manually
from figure 7 in [4]. They were interpolated by
cubic splines (figure 1-3). For the copper electrodes
no temperature dependency was used.
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Figure 11: The thermocouple example consists of 21.3 14.4 14.4
two 1.5x1.5x10mm³ legs. They are contacted with copper
on a alumina substrate. The left side is kept at 0°C and
mechanically fixed. The current density J is applied at the
upper left electrode, the lower electrode is grounded.
Figure 12: The thermal expansion of the thermocouple for 1A and 2A current. The initial geometry is shown as a
black wireframe; the deformed frame is red and filled with temperature coded colors (°C). At maximum cooling near
1A, the module shrinks about 5 microns (above). At 2A, the module is thermally expanded although it is still cooling.
To solve the PDEs, the "parametric segregated for two currents, 1A above and 2A below. The
solver" in COMSOL was used. The current was original geometry is shown as a black wireframe,
varied from 0.001 - 2A. Figure 12 shows the result the displacemend by thermal expansion is indicated
by the red wireframe, filled with temperature coded
Figure 14: thermal expansion of the module in x- Figure 16: Von Mises stress in the asymetrically
strained module of figure 15.