18.102 Introduction To Functional Analysis: Mit Opencourseware
18.102 Introduction To Functional Analysis: Mit Opencourseware
18.102 Introduction To Functional Analysis: Mit Opencourseware
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Seriously non-trivial examples such as C([0, 1]) the space of continuous func
tions on [0, 1] (say with complex values).
All these vector spaces carry norms, and that is what we want to talk about for
most of the semester.
Definition 1. A norm on a vector space V is a function
(1.4) � · � : V −→ [0, ∞)
which satisfies the three properties:
(1) �v� = 0 iff v = 0.
(2) �tv� = |t|�v� for all t ∈ K and v ∈ V.
(3) Triangle inequality. �v + w� ≤ �v� + �w� for all v, w ∈ V.
Then show that d(v, w) = �v − w� is a metric on V.
It follows that all the notions from 18.100 come into play – open sets, balls, closed
sets, convergence of sequences, compact sets, connected sets, complete metric
spaces. We will use them all!
Definition 2. A normed space which is complete with respect to the induced metric
is called a Banach space.
I then discussed the supremum norm on C([0, 1]);
(1.5) �u�∞ = sup |u(x)|.
I said, but did not prove, that it this gives a Banach space.
I also disussed the L1 norm on C([0, 1]) :
� 1
(1.6) �u�L1 = |u(x)|dx
and indicated why it is not complete. This is basically why we need to study
the Lebesgue integral.
One might ask ‘is the space of Riemann integrable functions on [0, 1] complete with
respect to the L1 norm’ – indeed someone did. The answer is that �u�L1 is
not even a norm on the space of Riemann integable functions. Namely it is
only a ‘seminorm’ – the second two conditions are fine but there are non-zero
functions with integral zero. So, the question is not quite precise, which is
why I did not talk about it. One the other hand one can fiddle with the space
(take a quotient) so that one gets a norm and then it is not complete. So the
morally correct answer is NO, it is not a Banach space and this is true for a
better (or worse) reason than it simply not being a normed space in the first
place! We will get to this.
This means writing out the proof that this is a linear space and that the three
conditions required of a norm hold.
Problem 1.2 The ‘tricky’ part in Problem 1.1 is the triangle inequality. Suppose
you knew – meaning I tell you – that for each N
⎛ ⎞ p1
⎝ |aj |p ⎠ is a norm on CN