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Ashes of The Motor City

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Ashes of the Motor City 

A chronicle-setting for ​Princess: The Hopeful, Second Edition

By TheKingsRaven, Super_Dave, and numerous other Detroiters

Welcome to the killing fields (You’ll try)

Where thorns infest the ground that pain yields
Where the bones of triumph show (You’ll fail)
The beast they feed on the dying flesh of old
But the sun on this land has set (You won’t)
The day of redemption is close at hand
Roll up the sleeves with bended knees (Kill me)
This plain will see life again

This one's for the warriors

The torch and spade warriors

― Flatfoot 56, “​Warriors​”

Welcome to the post-apocalypse. The world ended—not in fire, not in ice, but in the whimper of economic
decline. Detroit has fallen. The manufacturing jobs have gone overseas and the wealthier residents have
fled to suburbs or to other, safer cities. The houses that once held the workers for automobile plants
now lie in ruin, and Mother Nature herself returns to claim the land. Monsters prey upon the people
left behind, like vultures feasting upon a carcass.
Detroit wasn’t always like this. Once the motor city was the symbol of the American dream. To
the working man Detroit promised union jobs that propelled blue collar families into the ranks of the
middle classes. To African Americans newly freed from slavery it was a chance to leave the lands of their
bondage and settle in a city where, despite racism, a black man could make something of himself. Later,
when white flight turned Detroit into America’s most black city Detroit was a chance to show the world
that African Americans were ready to govern their own affairs and build their own society. To the world
at large Detroit represented the promises of technology, as new and innovative manufacturing methods
turned luxury items owned only by the rich into consumer goods available to all.
In Detroit the present reality collides with with historical glories. Tourists and scavengers pick over
the bones of factories and Darkspawn prowl the streets where Martin Luther King once marched for
freedom. While outsiders may look at Detroit and see rust and ruin, when Detroiters look upon their
city they see a history, and even now they still see the dream, for despite everything Detroit still endures
and the dream of Detroit may yet rise from the ashes. It is incomprehensible to outsiders, but Detroit’s
people love their city, and from that love Detroit’s Nobility draw their strength. They are determined
to save this city, the place that gave birth to the American Dream, but they can’t do it alone. And they
don’t have to. The sheer magnitude of Detroit’s Taint attracts Noblees from all over the United States
and the World, determined to fight back the Darkness.

Table of Contents
Chapter 0: Introduction: Rust and Ruin
The purpose of this book, as well as themes and moods; new and modified rules; and recommended
reading, music, and films.

Chapter 1: Bones of the City

The history of Detroit, from its days as a frontier outpost to an industrial megalopolis, and the long
decline which followed, right up to the present day.

Chapter 2: Lay of the Land

Geography, landmarks, and key locations of Detroit, Michigan and its environs (including Windsor,

Chapter 3: Pillars of the Community

Descriptions of the various factions (Radiant, mortal, and otherwise) which fight for Detroit, and the
territories they claim for their own.

Chapter 4: Nobles and Knaves

Write ups for important characters and generic NPCs, and plot hooks.

Introduction: Rust
and Ruin
Of Detroit’s many barriers to self-improvement, the lock that old fears and traditions�good and bad�have
on the collective mind-set could well be the most significant, and potentially the most lethal. As is the
delusion that what once was can be again. Because it cannot. Detroit’s industrial past will never roar
back to life; the national and global economies have undergone too drastic a transformation for it to be
—Scott Martelle, Detroit: A Biography, Chapter 18: “When the Jobs Go Away”

Once it was the wealthiest city per capita in the the downtrodden, the illiterate- all could come,
United States, and one of the largest by both square work hard, and actually have a shot at a prosperous
mileage and population. Its name was spoken as life with modern comforts and wealth unheard of by
the city of tomorrow, where industry and integrity one’s parents. Today Detroit rattles in the shell of
joined together to make modernity. It was a place its former greatness; its name is a joke, slang for a
spoken of as a promised land, where the immigrant, hell-on-earth pit of despair and crime.

The Motor City now contains enough
uninhabited land to more than equal the entire Theme: It Will Rise
area of the city of Boston, and barely half of
its streetlights are operational. More than two- From The Ashes
thirds of its homicides go unsolved and 9-1-1
callers frequently wait thirty minutes for police Modern-day Detroit is nothing more than the
or firefighters to arrive, if they show up at all. smoldering ashes of a once-great city. Its streets are
The city’s arson-gutted remains contain more than Tainted and its leaders firmly in the pocket of the
100,000 abandoned homes and empty lots. An Darkness. The citizens struggle just to remain as
average of fourteen acts of arson are committed in they are, even those who see and fight back against
Detroit each day, and firefighters lack basic safety the Darkness do so simply to survive another day.
equipment to combat these blazes. Paramedics The sensible thing to do would be to save
routinely arrive on-scene with nothing more than the people and leave the Darkspawn to fight each
a defibrillator and a dirty blanket because the city other over empty buildings. But the Radiant were
can’t even afford first aid kits. Corruption is deeply never ones for cold pragmatism. The Nobility
entrenched at every level, and local government is of Detroit believe in their city and they love
rife with bribes, incompetence, crooked books, and it more than ever because it needs their love
juicy no-bid contracts for work that may or may more than ever. Princesses from all over the
not actually get done. Even the school system has country flock to Detroit, for they know how badly
rotted- computers donated by wealthy corporations they’re needed; they arrive determined to show that
to the impoverished district are quickly snatched even in the darkest hour, victory can come from
up and sold on internet auction sites, student uncompromised Light.
enrollment is inflated by the school board to acquire
more Federal dollars to line the board’s pockets,
historic schools are closed down without notice Theme: The Sins of
and their supplies left on the shelves, and all the
while the kids are left to suffer while the school
board dithers and collects a paycheck. For a city
our Fathers
which prided itself on being the birthplace of the
Detroit rose to prominence on the backs of the
middle class, the very embodiment of the American
American worker, but even in its heyday it was
Dream, the last five decades have been a series of
a city divided. Wealthy whites rode streetcars
rude awakenings from that dream.
as beautiful as those in San Francisco to work
The Police Department is holding on by a
and lived in townhomes as luxurious as those in
thread. Overworked police officers patrol the
Boston or New York, while their black neighbors
streets in aging, damaged vehicles. Their evidence
were forced to walk the streets, stuck living in
lockers are overflowing with weapons and drugs
the ghettos where they would be fortunate to get
confiscated from the streets. They work daily to
work bussing tables or, God willing, on the floor
protect and serve in the face of budget cuts and
of a factory. There might not have been water
daily violence.
cannons, attack dogs, or lynchings but racism was
That is the Detroit of our world.
as prevalent as in the American South. Even the
You are not in that Detroit. This is a cockeyed
well-to-do African American communities who’d
distortion, a slanderous falsehood, the punchline
made it past the barriers and into the middle classes
of a tasteless, cynical joke. This is the Detroit of
were not spared the sting of oppression. When
the World of Darkness, where every cop is crooked,
Detroit’s economy collapsed like a house of cards
every abandoned home hides a dark secret, and the
the whites had the means to flee to the suburbs
mere possibility of hope is a resource that’s worth
while the blacks were left behind with the ashes
killing for.
of the city all around them, no money or industry
Great wheels have been set in motion, and none
with which to rebuild, and then blamed for all the
know where they may take us.
political corruption and crime that followed.
“Welcome to Detroit, motherfucker.”
For the longest time each side, each generation,
was divided into their own narrative. You were a
Suburbanite who thought the blacks ran Detroit
into the ground, or a Detroiter who blamed the
whites for packing up and running when the going
got tough. With the return of the Radiant, the
divide must be bridged to defeat the Darkness. But

even the Nobles, who carry the wisdom of past
lives unchained by prejudice, struggle to overcome
this segregation. Detroit marks every Princess. It
Though once one of the most populous cities
listens to her accent. It notices her social class. It
in America, the number of residents has fallen
even sees the color of her skin. And Detroit puts
since the turn of the millennium. Detroit is
that Princess on a side no matter how hard she
home to about 689,000 people, with 82% of its
protests. The Radiant struggle to help Detroit rise
populace identifying as Black, and 10% as white.
above the sins of the past but they must do so, for
Detroit’s unemployment rate is around 10% of the
as a great man once said, “no one is free until we
population. However, the greater Metro Detroit
are all free.”
area is home to about 4 million people, of which
70% are white and 22% are black, and with an
unemployment rate around 5%. It’s also home to
one of America’s largest communities of Middle-
Mood: Open Eastern people and a growing number of Latin
Darkspawn prowl through the abandoned buildings
and urban prairie of a dying city. Civilian Climate
deaths are common, clashes between armed
bands of mortals and the Darkness are a Summers in Detroit can be surprisingly hot and
nightly occurrence. The work of decades humid for such a northerly city. Autumn colors in
of mismanagement, corruption, and municipal Detroit are renowned as some of the best in the
sabotage are complete. Even if a Grace were to country. Winter is almost always a gloomy season,
sit in the mayor’s office tomorrow, the city would with skies that are overcast for months and heavy
still be torn down by monsters’ claws. The only snowfall; the freezing, melting, and refreezing of
way to save the city is to clean it out, street by snowfall causes damage to sidewalks, roads, and
street, Darkspawn by Darkspawn, Taint by Taint, buildings. Potholes during the winter can be large
and build something better atop the ashes of the enough to cause structural damage to vehicles if not
monsters. And so the Radiant walk the night and carefully avoided. Early spring is cold with lots of
the day, their scepters blazing with the conviction wetness and leftover slush, but gradually warms to
of a clear duty. a balmy temperature.

Mundane Detroit Economy

In this section you will find facts and figures about Detroit’s economy is a remnant of what it was in
the city of Detroit. These statistics represent its heyday, but slightly better than it was even
Detroit in the real world and should be adapted five or ten years ago. Most automaking jobs
to make Detroit fit the darker world of Princess: have been outsourced to the suburbs or overseas,
the Hopeful. and/or eliminated through automation and general
When adapting Detroit we recommend belt-tightening; only one of the Big Three still
emphasising violence, corruption, poverty and maintains a headquarters within the city. Jobs
prejudice, both racial and otherwise. However are scarce, especially legal ones, and those that
voluntary groups and professions that work directly are available require either an advanced education
to build a future for Detroit such as Teachers, or personal connections- the sorts of things only
medical professionals, and clergymen should be the wealthier suburbanites have. The top three
portrayed idealistically. Ashes of the Motor City employers within the city limits are, in order, the
is a story about fighting for Detroit’s future, it Detroit Medical Center Hospitals (11,500), the City
requires idealistic characters to be those fighters. of Detroit (9,500), and Quicken Loans Mortgage
That said the Darkness’ servants are an intelligent Company (9,100). Many Detroiters earn extra
and devious force of evil, and will be sure to put income from unauthorized/illegal metal-salvage,
effort into corrupting such upstanding citizens, and known as “scrapping”. Others resort to dealing
it has supernatural means of doing so. drugs or prostitution.

Government Police work is a dangerous career path with at
least one officer dying in the line of duty every year.
Detroit has nine elected councilors who govern 225 Detroit Police Officers have been killed since
alongside the mayor. However, when the the Department’s foundation in 1878, 149 of them
city declared bankruptcy in 2013 the Governor by gunfire.
of Michigan appointed an Emergency Financial Physical assaults occur at roughly 5 times the
Manager (or EFM) to take control of Detroit’s national average. About 900 arson fires occur every
finances and ensure the city’s future economic year, many of them on October 30th- Devil’s Night.
viability. Although Detroiters despised having In 2009, 119 fires were set on that one night- down
their elected leaders overruled by a state-appointed from 700 in 1991.
bureaucrat, there was no mechanism in place to About 50 mailmen are attacked by wild dogs
impeach or replace the EFM until the Bankruptcy within the city every year while on their routes.
court ruled the process complete. The EFM has Reported rapes stand at about 100 cases per
resigned and the city mayor had all their powers year- a crime that is definitely under-reported. The
returned but the threat of a new EFM being city was embroiled in scandal in 2009 when 11,341
appointed by the Governor remains. Detroiters see untested rape kits were discovered in an evidence
the city council as doing the best they can with closet within a Detroit Police Department storage
what they have: a dying city, ageing infrastructure, warehouse. The oldest dated back to 1984. All
no tax base, and no help coming from the suburbs were simply left there with justice for the victims
or Lansing to stave off the economic collapse. never pursued. It took years to test all of the DNA
Suburbanites have nothing but praise for the EFM evidence and match them to known criminals, and
and contempt for what they see as a corrupt city the process was only just finished in 2017.
council living in Grosse Pointes mansions, driving Burglaries and car thefts create a black market
Detroit to ruin while living off the taxpayers, that feeds suburbanite customers as well as
hoping for other Michigan cities to bail them out. Detroiters. Thieves prowl the unprotected parking
Regardless of where the truth lies, the argument is lots around Wayne State University, looking for
an example of the continuing divide between the laptop bags left in the back seats of cars- easy
city and the suburbs. pickings for smash and grab thefts that can be
pawned or sold online. Gangs have been known to
stake out railroad crossings, waiting for cars to stop
Crime and Justice for the safety barricades before carjacking vehicles
and driving them to chop shops. Parts are then
American popular culture treats Detroit as nothing
sold for scrap or as “used parts” in shady repair
better than a city given over completely to anarchy
and bloody crime. Real world Detroiters detest
Most of the city’s prostitutes cater to suburban
this association and it should be noted that the
Johns within old motel rooms and answer to Detroit
crime statistics have been drastically improving
pimps. Michigan (and Detroit in particular) is
since 2012. But it is regularly listed as one of the
recognized by the Federal Government as a hotbed
most dangerous cities in America - which makes it
of international human trafficking for prostitution.
doubly dangerous within the World of Darkness.
Narcotics and drugs can be found in most
The following are statistics provided by the FBI as
neighbourhoods, usually laced with dangerous
recently as 2015, and so should be inflated by the
substances if you need a hit on the cheap. Dealers
Storyteller to emphasize the dangers of the Motor
make good money selling weed to suburban high
City within the World of Darkness.
schoolers. Hard drugs like cocaine and meth are
Murder numbers vary from year to year, but
pushed on Detroiters and suburbanites alike. Drug
recently the body count was at its lowest level in 40
raids on a single grow op in an abandoned home
years - and was still 10 times the national average.
can lead to hundreds of marijuana plants being
80% of homicides in Detroit involved the use of
confiscated and destroyed.
a firearm. It’s easy for dedicated killers- be they
Organized crime is found throughout the
gangbangers, mafia men, Darkened, or Slashers-
Detroit area engaging in labor racketeering,
to get away with the crime if the police are never
loansharking, and extortion. The FBI estimates
called and the body is dumped someplace where
the most prominent gang, the Italian Detroit
it won’t be found. Corpses have been discovered
Partnership, currently has around 50 “made men.”
in overgrown fields picked at by wild dogs and
The open secret of where they really make their
coyotes, or down abandoned elevator shafts, frozen
money is the suburbs. Many of the sanitation
and degraded from rain runoff and winter’s cold
companies that haul trash are in the pockets of

the mafia, making money from their lucrative city
contracts and using their companies for money
Media and Sports
laundering purposes. The suburbs turn a blind eye Although Detroit retains two major newspapers,
because these companies offer cutthroat prices and The Detroit News (Conservative) and The Detroit
do engage in efficient trash collection. It’s when the Free Press (Liberal), more than half of the urban
garbage starts to pile up and constituents complain adult population is functionally illiterate. As
that the city mayor might make a call to his friends a result, most Detroiters get their news from
in Detroit’s FBI field office, as happened to one of TV, mainly Fox 2 Detroit and Channel 7 Action
the larger companies in 2017. News. Several talk radio stations broadcast
The Detroit Detention Center is the city’s main local news and traffic alongside nationwide talk
prison facility and opened in 2013. It has holding programs. Most FM music stations broadcast
space for 200 inmates. The nearest Federal Prison modern country, classic rock, or hip-hop and rap.
is FCI Milan, 45 miles west of Detroit. It has Canadian Radio station broadcasts reach across
enough cells to hold 1,600 inmates. the Detroit river, using the international border
to get away with airing raunchier material than
the conservative American FCC would ever allow.
Detroit boasts four professional sports teams: the
Culture Tigers (baseball), the Lions (football), the Pistons
(basketball), and the Red Wings (hockey).
The Detroit Institute of Arts houses an enormous
collection of priceless objets d’art, including
paintings by Monet and Picasso, artifacts of ancient Transportation
civilizations, and a sizable African art collection.
From jazz and Motown to rock, techno, and hip- Privately owned vehicles provide most of Detroit’s
hop, Detroit’s music scene has always been vibrant, transportation needs, but rental cars and taxis are
even a little dangerous: its underground hip-hop also readily available. Public transport is notably
scene has given rise to such controversial figures absent, as General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler
as Eminem, Kid Rock, and the Insane Clown (“the Big Three”) wished to avoid the competition
Posse. Detroit cuisine is considered the creme de in their home city. An aging fleet of 300 public
la creme of working class diner fare in America buses services the entire city, transporting one-
(by Detroiters, at least), and is best experienced in-eight Detroiters daily. Uber and Lyft both
in one of the dozens of small Coney Island diners operate within city and suburban limits, competing
throughout the Metro area. This fast-food culture ferociously with Detroit’s cab drivers. Detroit has
is exemplified by the ubiquitous Coney Dog: a begun to rediscover the bicycle, adding bike lanes to
single beef hot dog placed inside of a steamed many of its streets. A single 3.3 mile long light rail
bun, topped with chili sauce, ground up hamburger commuter train, the QLINE, began operation in
meat, then more chili sauce, diced onion, and liberal 2016, providing service from Campus Martius park
amounts of mustard (never ketchup). Tourists try to Grand Boulevard street- about half the distance
to eat it with their hands. it would need to affect any economic change outside
of Downtown Detroit.

The Michigan Accent New and Modified

While the Southern Drawl and New Yorka’ accents
get pronounced in popular media, the people of
Detroit and Michigan have a pronounced accent all Abandoned Structures
their own. Generally speaking, if a word has more
than one syllable, the speaker will cut off a vowel The vast number of abandoned buildings in Detroit
to shorten the word, usually (though not always) (more than 70,000 of them) means that a place
found in the word’s center. “Frederick” becomes to hide is never far away, and that you can
“Fred’rick,” “can” becomes “c’n” (pronounced like almost always find a building to suit your purposes.
“kin”), and “Elizabeth” becomes “‘Lizabeth” or Whether you’re looking for somewhere to stage a
“Liz’beth”. Academia and Big Three Executives drug drop, treat a friend’s wounds, dispose of a
try to get out of this habit, but to everyone else it’s body, or build a meth lab, you can probably find
an ingrained way of speaking. the perfect place without too much effort or a dice

roll. Most are abandoned bungalows or businesses. Availability * 3) - Streetwise. For the Have-Nots,
Some, like the Vanity Ballroom Building, are iconic grifting and knowing a guy aren’t specialist skills,
historical structures fit to be a palace if they they’re the basics of survival. A Have-Not may also
were properly renovated. However, there is no opt to automatically succeed on any Socialize roll
guarantee that the structure will be conveniently to acquire Equipment (within reason) by taking the
located, structurally sound, or not already claimed Leveraged Condition. Social support networks are
by someone (or something) else. A Streetwise roll, a matter of life or death in Detroit’s ghettos, and if
or perhaps even an Occult roll, may be required to you need something you’ll likely get it, but if you
check if a building is as empty as it seems, while a have a little extra money stored under the mattress,
Science roll is advisable before doing anything that you can expect someone to come knocking at your
will test a building’s structural integrity. door.

Crumbling (Environmental Tilt) Wildcraft on the Urban

This building is old and neglected, and could come
down at any moment. Effect: By itself this Tilt Prairie
does little, even a crumbling building isn’t going Approximately one-third of Detroit’s land has gone
to collapse when someone knocks on the door. unused and un-maintained for so long that it has
However any Exceptional Success or Dramatic reverted from brownfield to “urban prairie”. These
Failure involving moving about or combat could open green spaces are home to a surprising variety
cause something to collapse. Causing the Tilt: of wildlife, including raccoons, red-tailed hawks,
Time, neglect, and potent magic are the most peregrine falcons, foxes, ducks, Canada geese,
common causes of this Tilt. Ending the Tilt: squirrels, snakes, groundhogs, pheasants, rabbits,
Only extensive renovations or potent magic can end white-tailed deer, coyotes, wild dogs, beavers, and
this Tilt. even the occasional bear. On the urban prairie,
players can substitute their dots in Survival for
dots in Streetwise in most dice pools, for actions
Literacy such as hiding or moving unseen, moving silently,
The Detroit Public Schools are some of the most finding shelter, or hunting. Furthermore, urban
dysfunctional in the United States: only 65% of prairie counts as a natural setting for the purposes
Detroit high school students earn their diplomas, of nature-dependent Charms, Invocations, etc.
and the majority of those who do are functionally
illiterate. Characters who grew up in Detroit may
take Illiterate as a Persistent Condition. Regardless New Merits
of background. Few of Detroit’s Nobility have
problems with the written word, with so many
literate past lives behind them most start to Crowd Management (••)
remember their old aptitude for reading not too
long after regaining their power. Prerequisite: Presence (•••)

The public nature of the battle between Detroit’s

Money in Detroit champions and the Darkness means that mortals
are frequently exposed to the crossfire. Your
Jobs are scarce in the 313 (Detroit’s telephone character is trained in managing the panicking
area code number), and jobs which are both masses and getting them to safety. By spending
stable and legal are even scarcer: one-third of a Willpower you can give +3 dice to every non-
Detroit’s populace lives below the poverty line. combatant NPCs in earshot on their next roll. They
To represent this division, the Resources merit can only use the bonus if their next roll is part of
is governed by two separate mechanics, and the an attempt to get to safety.
division between them is as stark and cruel as
the divide between haves and have-nots. Even
Detroit has its millionaire enclaves, and Princesses Disaster Coordination
arriving from prosperous cities aren’t hurting for (• - ••••)
money, and so the “Haves” use the Resources Merit
as normal. Meanwhile, the “Have-Nots” treat Prerequisite: Wits •••, Presence •••
all items as having an Availability of (its regular

Your character is trained in coordinating groups of Drawback: Turf is claimed by creating obvious
professionals during disasters. When making an marks of ownership, most commonly graffiti
Extended Action to perform Disaster Relief up to (“tags”). Anyone with a dot of Streetwise can
(Dots in this Merit -1) Secondary Actors (who must recognize Turf without a roll. Any local with a
be nominated before rolling) add their successes Streetwize speciality in Street Gangs will probably
directly to the final result rather than the primary know exactly which gang is in charge. Without
actor’s dice pool. a Speciality Turf merely grants a +2 bonus to
Only one character may coordinate disaster Streetwise rolls to recognise who’s in charge.
relief at a time, but a particularly large disaster Claiming Turf in the wrong place can attract
may require multiple teams, each with their own unwanted attention from the police or worse, and
leader. your gang will likely be a suspect if anything illegal
or suspicious happens on your Turf.

Fire And Motion (•)

Your character has been trained to shoot from a New Conditions
moving vehicle and reduces all penalties for doing
so by Drive. While common among professional
militaries, in Detroit these techniques are most
Cop-Killer (Persistent)
commonly practiced by the Hunters of United You were responsible for the death of a
Automobile Workers, Local 911. police officer, or incorrectly believed to be
responsible; whether or not there were extenuating
circumstances is irrelevant. Police treat you as if
Instinctual Arsonist you had the Notoriety Condition and will actively
(• - •••) hunt you down and attempt to apprehend you,
even when off-duty (and perhaps even beyond the
You are instinctively gifted at starting fires, despite bounds of legal apprehension).
your lack of formal knowledge on the subject. You Resolution: You gain at least two dots in
may roll Intelligence + Wits to start a fire instead the “New Identity” Merit and abandon your old
of the normal Intelligence + Science roll. You also identity, or you conclusively prove in a court of law
add your dots in this merit as a bonus to your dice that you were in no way responsible for the officer’s
pool, also increasing your maximum rolls by that death. Moving to a new city may be sufficient to
amount. remove this Condition, as long as your case was not
very heavily publicized.
Beat: The police cause you a significant hardship
Turf (• - •••) as a result of this Condition.
You’re a member of a street gang that controls some
territory, and on your streets your word is law. Debtor (Persistent)
The size of your Turf depends in the dots
invested. At one dot you have a single street or Like most Detroiters, you are up to your eyeballs
apartment building. At two dots it extends to a in debt. Unfortunately, you went into debt with
small neighbourhood or a collection of buildings (or your debt was sold to) the kind of people
like “the projects”. At three dots you own an who don’t take “broke” for an answer. Creditors
entire town or metropolitan district. Such large are constantly hounding you for payment, forcing
Turfs are rare and require a significant breakdown you to live off-the-grid or on the fringes of society
in social order. It requires not just a failing of to avoid their notice. While you possess this
legitimate government, but also a reason why a Condition, you cannot gain or possess any dots
street gang hasn’t been muscled out or evolved into in Resources; you cannot legally own, rent, or
an organized crime syndicate that creates at least purchase any form of shelter, or any vehicle
the illusion of normalcy to better attract money. more expensive than a used bicycle; you cannot
While within your territory you add a single purchase anything on credit; nor can you apply for
automatic success to any Streetwise rolls and gain most (legal) forms of employment. All of which,
8-again on Intimidation rolls. In addition, any ironically, makes it extremely difficult for you to
violence inflicted upon trespassers is considered pay back your creditors.
justified by default by the criminal underworld. Resolution: Either you pay off your debt in full,
someone else pays it off on your behalf, or you begin

working for your creditor(s), which may confer a improving your life (e.g., being denied a job or
new Condition, such as Notoriety. an apartment, losing custody of your children) or
Beat: You are unable to afford some vital piece of causes you to lose face or endure humiliation.
equipment or adequately provide for someone under
your care (such as a child or other dependent).
Illiterate (Persistent)
The Detroit Public Schools are some of the most
Diabetic (Persistent) dysfunctional in the United States: only 65% of
You suffer from Type 2 Diabetes, likely (though not Detroit high school students earn their diplomas,
necessarily) because you are overweight and/or lead and the majority of those who do are functionally
a sedentary lifestyle and have an unhealthy diet. illiterate; your character is/was one of these
If you go more than roughly 4 to 6 hours without students. Any attempt to read in a stressful
food you begin to take one Bashing damage an hour or time-critical situation, or any attempt to read
and cannot heal until you have eaten. Diabetes a confusing document (like tricky legalese) will
decreases resistance to disease (-1 on Stamina rolls automatically fail. When an Extended action
to resist infection or disease), causes numbness in requires reading documents, halve the number of
the feet (-1 to Athletics rolls involving the legs or rolls.
feet, -1 against frostbite), and may result a loss of Resolution: You learn to read (remember that
sexual performance for both sexes. learning to read is extremely difficult, and requires
Resolution: While diabetes can be treated and its years of training and daily practice). However it
symptoms kept at bay with good diet and regular is easier for Princesses, who tend to acquire new
exercise, modern medicine cannot yet completely abilities quickly and those who were first born
eliminate it. The Charm “Regenerate” (Restore after the Kingdom’s fall can often draw on the
••••) can cure diabetes, but a lifestyle which experiences of a past life (even if their past life
caused diabetes once will likely do so again. read, say, Swahili, they still have experiences to
Beat: Your diabetes causes you to sustain adapt to a new language). The Charm “Mercury’s
an injury or to fail an important (though not Blessing” (Connect •, Acqua •) can temporarily
necessarily physical) task. bestow literacy.
Beat: You encounter a hardship which could have
been prevented if you knew how to read.
Felon (Persistent)
You have been convicted of a felony offence (e.g. Obese (Persistent)
murder, arson, rape, grand theft, and some types
of assault) in a court of law- whether or not you More than a third of your body weight comes from
did the crime. You may be required to serve jail fat. You find it difficult to engage in strenuous
time, pay a hefty fine, or wear a location-monitoring activity (-2 to all actions which requires extensive
device (which will likely not function in the Dark physical exertion, such as running, fighting, etc.),
World or on any other planes of existence). Few and you temporarily take the “Winded” Condition
legitimate employers will hire you, and you can be after doing so. You also move more slowly than
denied loans and access to housing on this basis normal: your Speed is reduced by 2. Resolution:
alone. You are legally barred from owning or You lose a significant amount of weight through
possessing any firearm and most forms of weaponry, persistent adherence to a healthy diet and regular
though you are allowed to carry tools of your trade exercise (which may require an extended Resolve
(if you have one), such as hammers, nail guns, and + Stamina roll during downtime), undergo gastric
wrenches. If you are on parole, you must meet bypass surgery, or powerful body-altering and/or
with your parole officer on a weekly basis, and you healing magic.
may be required to do community service or attend Beat: You fail (or are unable to attempt) an
anger management classes. important task due to your physical limitations.
Resolution: You are exonerated or proven
innocent. If you were convicted while you possessed Winded
the “Legal Minor” Condition, then a judge may
decide to have your criminal record sealed or Whether you’ve run a marathon or tried to haul
expunged when you turn 18, at his or her discretion your out-of-shape body down the street, you’ve
and pending your good behaviour. pushed yourself and now you’re paying the toll.
Beat: Your criminal record prevents you from You take -3 to all Physical rolls and -1 to all other

rolls until you’ve had a chance to catch your breath. you have the Instinctual Arsonist Merit the penalty
In a dire emergency you can forgo the penalty is equal to your Wits instead.
(you’ll be amazed how quickly your energy returns
when there’s a hungry monster chasing you) but Burning (Environmental Tilt)
you take one point of bashing damage per roll when
the adrenaline wears off. This damage will not roll The building is burning. Flames reach out to
over into Lethal damage. consume and thick smoke fills the air and the lungs
Beat: You suffer some significant hardship because of anyone unlucky enough to be caught inside.
you are incapacitated. Effect: Everyone within the inferno must roll
Resolution: The Condition vanishes at the end of Stamina + Athletics once a turn and take (6 -
the scene, this does not award a beat. Successes) lethal damage. If the fire is especially
hot (for example it is in a fuel depot), then the base
damage may increase by 1 to 3 points. Characters
Motor City Is who avoid the fire itself may still have to contend
with Tilts that affect nearby areas like Extreme
Burning Heat, Crumbling, or Airless.
The building itself will take the base Damage
Fires are so common in Detroit that arson - Durability in Structure damage every minute.
has devolved into a form of revenge, and even If it reaches half Structure apply the Crumbling
entertainment. It’s not uncommon for long- Condition. Ending the Tilt: Any fire large enough
simmering feuds to end when one party tosses a to consume the building will take a skilled team
Molotov cocktail through the other’s front window of firefighters or potent magic to extinguish it. If
in the dead of night. Detroiters no longer find neither of those are present the fire will end after it
this shocking, it’s just something that people do has consumed all that it can.
when they’re angry with each other. Some derive
pleasure from taunting the fire department by Airless (Environmental Tilt)
lighting repeated blazes in the same house on
Effect: Every character who needs to breathe and
consecutive nights, or lighting several nearby fires
has no personal oxygen source must roll Resolve +
in quick succession. More noble souls burn down
Stamina. After ten turns per success a character
Tainted buildings, purging monsters and sealing
will fall unconscious. If they are not provided with
others away in the Dark World. Some truly
oxygen soon, they will die.
sick souls derive pleasure from tricking firefighters,
Causing the Tilt: A blazing inferno, a smallish
telling them that there are vagrants or children
air-tight container or magic can create the Tilt.
trapped in a burning structure, only to laugh
Ending the Tilt: The Tilt ends automatically
as the honor-bound firefighters brave death and
when it’s cause is removed.
horrendous injury to save nonexistent people.

Arson Firefighting
Mundane firefighting is an extended action. The
Extended Action: Intelligence + Science - target number is based on the building’s Structure.
Durability of the most common material in the If the fire has spread to half the building then
building. Requires successes equal the building’s extinguishing it requires a number of successes
Size. equal to half the building’s Structure. Each
Common Modifiers: Accelerants (+1 to +5, firefighter rolls a single dice pool every minute that
depending on their effectiveness and quantity). best represents their current efforts. However the
Dry conditions (+2). Windy conditions (+1 to - required Successes grows by six to nine successes a
1, depending on intensity). Flammable building roll, depending on the flammability of the building.
materials (+1 to +3). Wet conditions (-1 to -5). The remaining number of of Successes represents
Dramatic Failure: Not only do you fail to start the size of the fire. If the number is shrinking, then
a fire, but it becomes immediately obvious that the fire is retreating, but if it is growing then the
arson was attempted (scorch marks, burnt smell, fire is spreading and may even ignite neighboring
etc.). Any Wits- or Investigation-based rolls on the buildings.
nature of the attempted arson become exceptional The most common dice pools for firefighting are:
successes on 3 successes instead of 5.
Exceptional Success: Attempts to fight the fire • Intelligence + Science to determine type of
take your Intelligence as a penalty on all rolls. If fire and develop firefighting plans.

• Dexterity + Stamina to aim giant hoses at Almost everything in scrapping, from the tools
the correct areas. to the trucks, is jury-rigged. Virtually all scrappers
are amateurs who know next to nothing about
• Strength + Athletics to force down doors and power tools, electrical work, or structural integrity.
other obstacles. As such, most don’t even consider taking basic
safety precautions like wearing goggles, earplugs,
• Intelligence + Expression or Persuasion
or hardhats. Given that they handle sharp, heavy,
to use comms in order to coordinate
and awkwardly-shaped pieces of metal for a living,
diverse firefighting efforts and other logistics
injuries and infections are very common among
• Composure + Socialize when reacting to An Intelligence + Streetwise roll may be
unforeseen catastrophes during firefighting in necessary to locate a job-site, especially if you want
order to maintain the group’s calm, refocus to find one that’s not occupied by someone you
them and avoid losing progress. don’t want to meet, and a Dexterity + Larceny
roll may be needed to get inside. The Storyteller
Firefighters who wish to rescue trapped civilians may choose to make the first roll in secret on the
or perform similar deeds of heroism cannot player’s behalf.
contribute to the main extended action, though Before work commences the scrapper(s) must
they can join in later once they are free to do so. survey the building and roll Intelligence + Science,
While it requires potent magic to affect and any penalties for inclement weather, poor
something as large as an entire building, the right lighting, and picked-over sites. If the roll succeeds
supernatural ability makes firefighting a lot quicker they have surveyed the building well enough to
and safer. The most effective Charm is “Breath of avoid unpleasant surprises. If they fail then they
Boreas” (Shape ••••, Acqua •••) which can only think they have.
blanket entire neighbourhoods in rain or ice, easily Then, the scrapper(s) makes a Strength +
quelling the harshest mundane fires. The Heart Stamina roll, adding successes from the first roll to
of the Flames (Shape •••, Fuoco ••) Charm this dice pool as bonus dice, to determine how much
can command fires to extinguish themselves, as metal he is able to remove from the building in
the Charm is an Extended Action a Princess thirty to sixty minutes of work. Each success on the
(with enough Wisps) may be able to command an roll nets the scrapper(s) one single-use dot of the
building’s worth of fire to quell itself. Resources merit, and deals one point of Structure
damage to the building.
If the scrappers failed the Streetwise roll, or
Working for did not achieve enough success when surveying
the building the Storyteller should introduce
Scraps some complication: a Darkspawn nesting in the
basement, a meth lab or homeless family squatting
in the building, or the building is far more
Amateur salvage operations, or “scrapping”, is
structurally unsound than anyone expected and
an extremely common (and extremely dangerous)
cannot take the strain. The average modern
occupation for the poor and underprivileged of
building will lose about 1d10 Structure points per
Detroit. In a city where regular and legal jobs
year of abandonment, assuming no other forces
are few and far between, and access to reliable
(such as arsonists or scrappers) act upon it. When
transportation (either a car or a bus line that
a building has lost half of its Structure points
runs on schedule) is rarer still, scrapping is one
it begins to collapse, halving the Speed of all
of the most in-demand and profitable occupations,
those inside and imposing a -3 to all Physical
and it carries a slightly smaller criminal penalty
dice pools. When the building has taken its
than most extra-legal jobs. It’s important to
full Structure in damage (or when scrappers score
note, however, that scrapping is not always illegal.
either a dramatic failure or an exceptional success
Most scrappers operate entirely within the law
on a Strength + Stamina roll after the building has
(though their businesses are often unregistered and
partially collapsed), it collapses entirely, dealing
unofficial), picking up stray bits of metal from
[Size] dice of bashing damage to everyone inside it
places where they have every right to be, and doing
and burying them alive, which may begin to cause
what anyone has a right to do: picking up trash and
suffocation after a few minutes (either roll 2d10 for
turning it into money. Illegal scrappers garner the
randomness, or use Storyteller’s discretion).
most media attention because their actions do the
Although iron and steel are the easiest to find
most damage.

and obtain, thanks to their magnetic properties, issues of race and class in Detroit, while
nonferrous metals (aluminum, tin, brass, etc) managing to avoid the blame-slinging which
are the most valuable to scrapyards. Copper is continues to stifle meaningful dialogue.
especially profitable, but many scrappers are killed
after unknowingly cutting into wires which they • Detroit City Is the Place to Be, by Mark
didn’t realize were live, or being electrocuted when Binelli – A rare optimistic look at some of the
water spilling from old pipes completes a circuit things about Detroit that are actually getting
with a nearby socket. better. It might be cliché, but when you’ve
To save themselves the effort of manually got nothing left to lose, it really does give you
removing tons of paint, plastic coating, and the freedom to try anything you want.
incriminating decals from their findings, scrappers • Legends of le Détroit, by Marie Caroline
typically toss it all into the basket of a shopping Watson Hamlin – This large collection of
cart, light a bonfire underneath it, and wait Detroit folklore from the seventeenth through
for everything but the metal to burn or melt nineteenth centuries can be a valuable source
away. This process often releases choking black of real-world legends and a cool prop for
smoke and invisible fumes (Toxicity 3), but it players to “discover” in the course of doing
does dramatically cut down on time- and energy- research. Contains several local legends
expenditure. Some scrappers apply this technique about lutins, loup-garou, ghosts, demons, and
before they collect the metal: they simply pick a the earliest-known written reference to Le
building, set it ablaze, wait for the fire department Nain Rouge. The author’s casual, patronizing
to put it out, then walk through the burned- racism towards Native Americans can be a
out hulk and pick bits of metal out of the ashes. tad off-putting at times, though.
Mechanically, this removes the need to survey
the building but invites the firefighters and later
an Arson investigator to look for evidence of Film
• 8 Mile – This 2002 Eminem vehicle features
plenty of gritty scenery, shot mainly in
Detroit and its northern suburb Warren
Inspirational (Slim Shady’s real-life hometown). The main
character’s climactic discovery of his own
Materials musical voice could be seen as a Blossoming
of sorts, and his struggle to keep his family
At more than three hundred years old, Detroit has and economic situations from disintegrating
played host to its share of dramatic and historic will sound familiar to many Detroiters.
events, and has been the setting or subject of
many films, songs, and stories. Below you’ll find • Attack the Block – Though set in a South
an assortment of fact and fiction which can lend London tower block (a bastion of prosperity
verisimilitude to any Detroit chronicle. and stability compared to Detroit) this film
is still worth watching for its ability to
present the viewer with faceless thugs and
Books then gradually humanise them over the course
of the movie.
• Detroit: An American Autopsy, by Charlie
LeDuff – A firsthand account of just how • The Crow – It’s easy to see Eric Draven
fucked-up Detroit really is, told by a native a Sin-Eater with an animalistic Geist, but
son who cares enough about his city to get his burning desire to retaliate against the
pissed off about it. A must-read for any gangbangers who murdered him and his
player or Storytellers who plan to interact fiancée could make him a Prince of Storms, an
with Detroit firefighters, law enforcement, or Ambassador to Death, or even a particularly
city politics. lucid Goalenu. Sergeant Albrecht is a
great example of how quickly things can get
• Detroit: A Biography, by Scott Martelle really weird for any cop who teams up with
– This succinct history traces Detroit’s supernaturals.
rise from frontier trading-post to major
manufacturing center, and the long, painful • Dan Rather Reports - A National Disgrace -
decline which followed. The author gives An in depth look at the Detroit Public School
much insightful commentary on the twin system by one of America’s most revered

reporters. Any player looking to play a Noble
from the inner-city schools should give this a
cursory watch just to see what the learning • Angel Haze – A Detroit native of mixed
conditions are actually like. African-American and Cherokee ancestry,
• Deforce – An eye-opening look at 20th this powerful female rapper never shies
century Detroit history, and just how badly away from sensitive and controversial topics,
the city has declined since the 1950s. Includes including her unorthodox gender-expression
many examples of the spectacular corruption and the sexual abuse which she suffered as
which crippled the Motor City and continues a child. Great inspiration for Princesses who
to hamper its efforts to heal and rebuild. want to rise above their grim backstories.

• Detroit – A truly horrifying film, made all • Detroit Techno – Detroit is considered
the more unsettling by its truth. The riot by many to be the birthplace of techno
scenes could provide useful ideas for what music, and for many years it has been
happens if and when the people of Detroit get a haven and playground to purist DJs
angry enough, while the gut-wrenching police who resent corporate-engineered attempts to
brutality (which borders on the psychotic) commercialize electronica. Great places to
could explain why so many Detroiters don’t start listening include Juan Atkins, Kevin
trust cops. The racist, murderous Officer Saunderson and Derrick May (”the Belleville
Krauss would make a terrifying antagonist for Three”), and the Detroit Techno Militia
any nakama, whether they work outside the collective.
law or within it.
• Eminem – Even when he’s not rapping about
• Detroit 1-8-7 – A police procedural following
the 313, Slim Shady’s lyrics open a window
the homicide division of the Detroit Police
into the lives of the urban poor: what it’s like
Department. Notable for its ethnically- and
to have a drug-addict mother and an absent
gender-diverse cast, on-location filming, and
father, what it’s like being a single parent in
cases inspired by actual Detroit headlines.
the ghetto, what it’s like to have your life-
• It Follows – After losing her virginity, savings stolen out from under your mattress
a teenage girl from Detroit’s suburbs is and not even having enough money left to
relentlessly followed by a murderous, slow- replace the broken lock on your door.
moving, shape-changing, gender-switching
thing. Whatever “it” is, the 8-bit soundtrack • Motown – There are still young people in
by Disasterpeace will scare the bejeezus out Detroit, and in spite of everything, they
of you. still fall in (and out of) love. For older
Princesses, Motown artists – such as Smokey
• Robocop – Even back in the ‘80s, the idea Robinson and the Miracles, Stevie Wonder,
that an automated force of killing-machines The Supremes, The Jackson 5, and many
would be the only way to clean up Detroit others – were likely the soundtrack for their
didn’t seem too terribly far-fetched. The formative years, and a potent reminder of
2014 remake asks some interesting questions brighter, happier days.
about free will and the nature of heroism, and
adds a strained family dynamic with which an
overworked Princess might easily identify.
Glossary of Terms
• Gran Torino – Clint Eastwood’s 2008 film
about an elderly, white, racist Korean • 313 (“Three-One-Three”): Slang
War veteran factory-worker living out his expression for Detroit; the area code for
retirement amidst Detroit’s blight, this film Detroit phone numbers.
shows the life of those white workers
left behind from the White Flight to the • The D: Slang for “Detroit”.
suburbs. Eastwood’s character could provide
inspiration for an aging Prince of Storms, or a • The Big Three: The three American
low-Belief Noble who has enough idealism left Automotive companies. Ford Motor
in him for one last fight. Also sheds light on Company, General Motors, Fiat-Chrysler
how gangs “recruit” (i.e., force) young men of America (still referred to as Chrysler by
into joining them within the city. locals).

• Coney: A common fast food dish in Detroit, encompassing a different area.
the Coney dog. Beef hot dog on a bun, topped
with chili sauce, diced onions and mustard. • “Mile” Roads: every mile north of Campus
Martius, there lies an east-west “Mile” road
• Devil’s Night/Angel’s Night: October (starting with 7 Mile Rd and continuing
30th. A night of heightened arsons. Mass up through 37 Mile Rd). Most businesses
volunteer patrols are organized under the and private residences in Metro Detroit give
banner of “Angel’s Night” to assist police and their locations in relation to the nearest Mile
fire departments in reporting and responding road(s). Detroit’s northern border runs down
to arsons. the middle of 8 Mile Road, making the street
a synecdoche Detroit’s borders generally, or
• Metro Detroit: The Detroit metropolitan for the city itself.
area including both the city of Detroit and
the surrounding suburbs. There are several • Urban Detroit: The city of Detroit,
different definitions of Metro Detroit, each excluding the surrounding suburbs.

Chapter 1: Bones of
the City
“Since its founding, Detroit has been a place of perpetual flames. Three times the city has suffered race
riots and three times the city has burned to the ground. The city’s flag acknowledges as much.
Speramus Meliora; Resurget Cineribus: We hope for better things; it shall rise from the ashes.”
—Charlie LeDuff, Detroit: An American Autopsy

French and British settlers, siding with the French
Michi Gami in the Seven Years War.
After the American Revolution the Kickapoo
Prior to the arrival of Europeans, Michigan were forced to sign a series of treaties with the
was primarily inhabited by Algonquian-speaking United States, each one holding less and less weight
peoples who led a semi-settled agricultural lifestyle. with the Americans while requiring the Kickapoo
After contact was established, European diseases to give up more of their land. When the Native
tore through the Indigenous populations, resulting American Tecumseh launched his rebellion against
in large-scale upheaval and sociopolitical chaos. the United States in 1811, the Kickapoo warriors
The introduction of European knives and guns, as joined his army. Even after he was defeated,
well as their insatiable demand for both animal furs the Kickapoo warriors fought on the side of the
and Indian scalps, quickly transformed the tribes British in the War of 1812. Because the British
of the Great Lakes into semi-nomadic hunters and decided to negotiate a treaty to end the war rather
warriors. than continue the fighting, the Kickapoo warriors,
outnumbered and outgunned, were forced to finally
give up the last of their land to the United States
The Ojibwe (Chippewa) and live on government reservations in Kansas,
The Ojibwe were a sedentary culture who practiced Oklahoma, and Mexico.
agriculture, supplemented by hunting and fishing.
They developed a form of pictorial writing on
birch bark scrolls which preserved mathematical The Meskwaki (Fox) and
and historical knowledge. These histories tell
that the Ojibwe migrated west from the Atlantic
coast in advance of Europeans. For a time the The Sauk and Meskwaki peoples were notable
Ojibwe thrived, developing trade routes across the exceptions to their neighbors in one important fact:
continent and with the French. In exchange for Where the Kickapoo and Ojibwe developed close
furs the Ojibwe acquired European goods and guns, relations with the French Traders that came to the
which allowed them to dominate their enemies and Great Lakes Region, these allied tribes distrusted
take vast territories including present-day Detroit. and fought against the French colonists from the
But their fortunes were not to last. The Ojibwe very beginning.
fought and faced defeat alongside their French The Meskwaki were settled along the shores of
allies in the Seven Years’ War. When the British the Ontario Bay, but the Sauk lived to the north
took over France’s eastern colonial territories, and of modern Detroit in Saginaw Bay. The two had
subsequently ceded them to the newly independent been historically close allies before the French had
United States, the Ojibwe faced settler intrusions ever set foot in the Americas.
into their land. In the War of 1812 the Ojibwe The Meskwaki people refused to make any trade
fought with the British, hoping a British victory concessions with French trappers and fought two
would provide protection against American settlers. wars to maintain control of their homelands, but
The stalemate that followed provided little, and the without any guns or steel from the fur trade they
Ojibwe were forced to move further westward as the had little chance of prevailing against the French
settlers advanced. and their allies. Still, their resistance was so fierce
Today few Ojibwe remain in Michigan, though and bloody that King Louis XIV signed a royal
they can be found by sailing north into Canada. decree authorizing the extermination of the entire
However their ties to Les Voyageurs and the tribe- a royally sanctioned genocide. The 1500
Midewiwin means that any Hunter in Detroit may survivors from the Second Fox War attempted to
encounter their legacy when digging into the occult. cross overland to British territory in Illinois in hope
of escaping the French colonists. The majority of
The Kickapoos the people in this exodus were either massacred by
the French or sold into slavery to their allied tribes.
When French explorers reached the great lakes The survivors of this genocide and slavery found
it was the Meskwaki and Kickapoo nations who refuge with the Sauk, their old allies. The French
greeted them. The Kickapoo were a nomadic demanded the survivors be turned over to face the
people whose range covered southern Michigan and King’s “justice” or the Sauk would face war. The
northwest Ohio, but were primarily found in the Sauk, already suffering attacks from French traders,
modern state of Indiana. Like the Ojibwe, the would not surrender their Meskwaki brothers and
Kickapoo tribe engaged in fur trading with the sisters. Instead they left Michigan altogether.

Their people moved west into what is today Illinois in Black Hawk’s War against the United States in
and Wisconsin, with many heading further into Illinois but would never again return to Michigan
Iowa and Kansas. They would later lead the fight as a unified nation.

The Mound-Builders Midewiwin

The Midewiwin (“Grand Medicine Society”), was
Before it belonged to the tribes who were present at a secretive organization which drew members from
the time of first contact with Europeans, the Great several tribes throughout the Great Lakes region,
Lakes region was populated by a people known as including the Ojibwe (Chippewa), whose territory
the Mound Builders. But by the time Europeans included what is now Detroit. Much information
reached the Midwest, even the local tribes had little about the Midewiwin has been lost to history and
knowledge of the Mound Builders. A handful of most of what survives was compiled by Europeans,
offhanded mentions in European Hunters’ journals making it heavily biased at best.
suggest that indigenous Hunters were conducting Princesses have discovered Midewiwin artifacts
archaeological investigations into certain mounds. at the epicenters of several particularly virulent
However if those mounds ever had occult power it Darkspawn outbreaks. This has lead to speculation
had either faded or been hidden by the time modern that the duties of the Midew included purifying
Princesses tried to uncover it through their own Taint, but there is no hard evidence to confirm or
magical abilities. disprove that Great Medicine Society sealed those

Darkspawn away. A few surviving journals record could never be entirely destroyed. Les Voyageurs
some limited exchanges of information between the lasted until the end of the world to which they
Midewiwin and French Hunters in the earliest days belonged. In time urbanization came to the Great
of European settlement. These journals are scanty Lakes and the monsters of the wilderness either
on details, and thus far no concrete information retreated, died, or adapted. With no purpose Les
about the relationship between European Hunters Voyageurs faded into the annals of history.
and the Midewiwin has come to light. The Les Voyageurs were never rich, and had
exact fate of the Midewiwin is unknown. Most few occult resources beyond calling favours from
Princesses assume that the devastation of First whichever personal allies a member might be on
Nations cultures during European colonization is good terms with, but a few Hunters’ journals
responsible for the society’s downfall. survive to this day. Detroit’s Nobility have far too
many pressing problems to spend time studying
obscure history, but as the urban prairie grows
Fort across Detroit, who knows what strange creatures
from the past might return to their old hunting
grounds. With so few First Nations records
Pontchartrain du remaining the fragmented records of Les Voyageurs
may in many cases contain the only surviving lore
Détroit regarding a given type of monster.

Though the Great Lakes have been inhabited for

millennia, most histories of Detroit begin with Le Nain Rouge
its founding by Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac
in 1701. Cadillac sought to protect French fur- Legend says that before he left Montreal to found
trading interests in the Great Lakes against English his new city, an old fortune-teller warned Cadillac
encroachment, and the narrow strait (“le détroit” in that he should “appease the Nain Rouge (Red
French) was the ideal location to mount a defense Dwarf). Beware of offending him. Should you be
of this vital waterway. Erecting a wooden palisade thus unfortunate not a vestige of your inheritance
and christening the settlement “Fort Pontchartrain will be given to your heirs.” Six years later, during a
du Détroit” after his patron, Cadillac invited Native particularly joyous May Day celebration, Cadillac
Americans to resettle around the fort, offering was accosted by “the uncouth figure of a dwarf, very
favorable trading deals and the protection of the red in the face, with a bright, glistening eye… [and
French crown. This was the first of Detroit’s many a] grinning mouth displaying sharp, pointed teeth”.
waves of employment-oriented migration. Surprised and alarmed, Cadillac lashed out with his
cane at the creature, which vanished into the night
with a fiendish laugh. A few days later, nearly every
Les Voyageurs structure in the mostly-wooden settlement burned
to the ground. Cadillac returned to Montreal
The massive changes wrought by the fur trade to beg for funds to rebuild, but was imprisoned
led to new dangers for both Europeans and First by his enemies and forced to sell his lordship to
Nations alike. Les Voyageurs was the natural pay for his trial. Although the government of
consequence: a loose web of alliances and contacts Nouvelle France awarded him the governorship of
through which traders, trappers, and woodsmen the Louisiana, Cadillac would never again set eyes
could share information and resources. Les on the city he founded. Throughout the years which
Voyageurs were never unified in structure or cause. followed, the Dwarf would be seen before every
At its loosest, the compact a way to share warnings major catastrophe which struck Detroit, including
about strange monsters in the wilderness; at its invasion, pestilence, riots, and fires.
most unified, they worked together to rid the
wilderness of monsters (or at least send them a clear
message that humans were off the menu). Most of Fort Detroit
the time they fell somewhere in the middle, coming
together to deal with a threat or hunt a lucrative During the French and Indian Wars, France ceded
quarry before returning their gaze to simpler prey. Fort Pontchartrain to the British, who renamed
With membership drawn from several nations it “Fort Detroit”. The British did not cultivate
(both European and indigenous) Les Voyageurs had good relations with the First Nations. The
a turbulent history. Yet its loose nature meant British focused their efforts on restraining colonial
that while the compact could easily fracture, it settlement rather than offering concessions to the

Native Americans. The First Peoples soon revolted
against these new colonial invaders under the Rise and Fall of the
leadership of Chief Pontiac. Though Pontiac’s
Rebellion besieged the fort for several months, he Motor City
was ultimately repulsed and murdered by his own
warriors for his failure to drive the British out.
Detroit’s rise as an industrial powerhouse was no
The fort would change hands several times between
accident. The city was perfectly located with large
the British and Americans before the border was
deposits of iron and coal nearby and easy access by
settled. When the British surrendered Fort Detroit
both land and water. In the early 20th century over
for the final time, many loyalists fled across the
125 car manufacturers were present in Detroit, but
river and founded the town of Windsor, Ontario.
it would take just one to transform the city forever:
The Ford Motor Company.
Work on Ford’s production lines was hard
and turnover was high. In order to endow
his company with a stable and loyal workforce
Henry Ford sent recruiters around the world and
announced the five dollar day, more than doubling
Fire and Ashes his workers’ standard wages. Skilled artisans
came from England and Scotland, while blue collar
On June 12, 1805, the newly-appointed Judge workers arrived from the Midwest, Mexico, and
Augustus B. Woodward arrived in Detroit to begin the American South as African Americans travelled
his term as territorial judge. Instead of a grand north in the Great Migration. Italian and Polish
welcome, he was greeted by the blank-faced stares immigrants arriving in New York’s Ellis Island from
of homeless refugees. Just one day before his Europe were told stories of honest work and good
arrival, a fire had broken out in the early hours living in the city of industry. While Ford enticed
of the morning and quickly consumed virtually workers with the promise of the five-dollar day,
every structure in the mostly-wooden city. By that prestigious wage was only granted to those
nightfall every physical trace of the city’s century employees who lived strict, moral lives according to
of history had been reduced to ash. In the wake codes set by Ford himself, and these company laws
of this catastrophe, Father Gabriel Richard coined were enforced by an army of private investigators.
a Latin phrase which would eventually become the These corporate muscle men were also used to
city’s motto: Speramus meliora; resurget cineribus engage in Union busting - assaulting any workers
(Latin: “We hope for better things; it will arise who attempted to strike or make attempts to
from the ashes”) organize while off the clock.
Judge Woodward quickly took charge of the At the mid twentieth century, Detroit was at
rebuilding effort and instituted a cohesive plan its apex. One in every six working Americans
for the new city to ensure its safety and future contributed in some way to the auto industry
growth. Woodward borrowed his fellow Freemason and the “Big Three” (General Motors, Ford, and
Pierre Charles L’Enfant’s layout for Washington Chrysler) were all based in Detroit. Surrounding
D.C., which consisted mainly of a hexagonal array the automobile factories was an entire supporting
of broad avenues radiating from a central park. industry: steel and glassworks, later joined by
Woodward named the park Campus Martius, Latin plastics. Smaller factories making everything
for “the field of Mars,” where Roman heroes walked. from spark plugs to hood ornaments sprang up.
This Enlightenment-inspired city plan ultimately The entire Midwest was bound together in one
proved impractical, and a grid-based street plan enormous manufacturing economy.
was later imposed atop Judge Woodward’s designs. As the ranks of factory workers grew so did
Under his watch, Detroit became known for its their power, and after bloody battles between the
timber and furniture industries. workers and the Big Three in the 1930s, wages and
Judge Woodward is said to have based his plans benefits once again grew. When Japan attacked
for the city upon his “vast knowledge of the celestial Pearl Harbor the already busy factories became
system”. Some of the Nobility have theorized that roaring war machines churning out tanks, bombers,
the radiating avenues might be designed to channel planes and rifles while being flooded with federal
the power of ambient ley-lines, or even to act as cash to pay for the material needs of the war
a city-sized solar calendar. If that is the case, effort. With the city awash in dollars, autoworkers
then the question remains: is it marking time since could become suburban homeowners, send their
something happened, or until it happens? children to college, and take vacations in resort

towns throughout Michigan. Detroit had reached
the top of industrial life... and as they say, once NAFTA and Detroit
you reach the top the only place to go is down.
Though Japan and Germany’s auto companies The North American Free Trade Agreement
are often blamed for Detroit’s decline, it actually was enacted on January 4th, 1994. Much
began decades before their rise, around 1950- and like December 7th will be known as a Day
at the hands of the US Government. The Arsenal of of Infamy in American history, January 4th
Democracy was no longer receiving a massive influx is looked at with nothing but hatred by blue
of government cash to churn out military supplies. collar Detroiters.
Though Detroit may have done more than any Economists and CEOs continue to argue
other city to win the Second World War, American the merits of the trade deal, but it
dollars now were needed to help rebuild the cannot be denied that after NAFTA was
Japanese and German nations as bulwarks against passed many of the automotive plants
Communism. Which meant rebuilding Japanese within the American Midwest shifted
and German industry as fast as possible. Federal production to Mexico leaving behind only
dollars soon flooded West Germany, Japan, France, a token American workforce to oversee new
and other nations devastated by the war. Detroit’s automated production lines. Investors,
factories had to balance their books without the CEOs, and middle management within the
government’s thumb on their side of the scales, and Automotive Industry reaped the rewards
they found themselves returning to the free market in stock prices and earnings reports while
at a time when foreign competition was never former line workers either retired in a
fiercer. Concurrently with these developments Union Buyout or were forced to take work
a second Great Migration of African Americans elsewhere for less pay - if they could find a
brought new citizens to Detroit just as the well job at all.
paying jobs they were promised started vanishing. Whether or not preventing NAFTA
Their disappointment, poor housing options, and would have saved the American worker,
competition with white workers for increasingly NAFTA has become a target for politicians
scarce jobs grew into racial tensions. (both liberal and conservative) and union
With increasing competition between each other bosses to mobilize their power base, either
and the rest of the globe, the Big Three had to sincerely hoping to organize for a better
“get fit” in order to stay afloat. Corporate policies Agreement or just looking to score easy
like “planned obsolescence” and rushed production points and votes from Detroit’s embittered
disasters like the Ford Pinto (a vehicle with a blue collar workers. Their anger at
minor design oversight- its gas tank was prone the Arrangement and the politicians who
to explode if rear-ended, making it the source introduced it cannot be overstated. Any
of the Hollywood “exploding car” trope in every Noble would be well advised to avoid saying
action movie) did little to endear people to the a kind word about NAFTA in public, those
American manufacturers. Where once industrial that consider it report feeling the sort of
titans like Henry Ford had owned the entire instinctual aversion you’d usually only feel
chain of production- with every nut, bolt, and around an aggressive bear.
tire produced in company owned steel plants and
rubber plantations, then assembled in company
factories- the boards of directors found it would
be cheaper and easier to outsource production The Sons of St. Casimir
to smaller mom and pop factories throughout
Polish immigrants began to trickle into Detroit in
Michigan and the Midwest, and simply assemble
the late 1800s, and by the first decade of the 20th
the finished products in the company plants. These
century their numbers had swollen dramatically as
factories were built in Detroit at first, but then
new factories promised higher wages and better
sprang up in cheaper land far north of the city and
lives. From the dark forests and misty mountains
in the neighboring states of Ohio, Wisconsin, and
of their native land they brought with them two
Indiana. Employees laid off from the Big Three
seemingly-incompatible things: Catholicism, and a
took jobs in these factories, sold their city homes
sizable body of heathen folk-magic. Remembering
and moved to the budding suburbs. Detroit would
their grandmothers’ tales of witches, vampires,
never again be the same.
and rusalkas, the Poles of Detroit were well-
equipped to notice and understand the reality of the
supernatural threats which faced their community.

The Sons (and occasionally Daughters) of St. to see both violent action and the violent backlash
Casimir began to organize in the late 1800s, and it would provoke.
by the onset of WWII virtually every type of The tipping point came in 1959 as the
supernatural creature in Detroit knew better than neighbourhood of Black Bottom was demolished to
to enter a Polish neighbourhood or attack anyone make way for the Chrysler Freeway. The Geers
with connections to the Polish community. found themselves swept away by a wave of fresh
For all their power in battle the Sons of St. anger. C.O.R.D.’s leadership body was sidelined in
Casimir were as helpless as any other detroiter in all but name by a new “members committee” and
the face of economic decline and cultural change. a campaign of intimidation and violence against
As Detroit deteriorated, all who could afford developers began. Over the next eight years
to leave did so, and Poles were no exception: C.O.R.D. began to bleed dry as moderate members
their neighbourhoods might have been safe from left and militant activists were caught by the police;
supernatural meddling but they still had families many wouldn’t live to see a jail cell. As the
to feed and so they followed the jobs to the decade progressed and both factions of activists
suburbs. Polish neighbourhoods emptied, Polish dwindled in number the Darkness solidified it’s
families assimilated into the American melting pot, influence over C.O.R.D. One by one the remaining
the influence of fraternal and cultural societies members pledged themselves to the Darkness and
weakened, and Hunters grew rusty and died. The it’s promises of power and vengeance.
last living Son of St. Casimir was hit by a car and Only luck saved C.O.R.D. from walking this self
killed in 1974 while walking to church one Sunday destructive path to its final conclusion. The chaos
morning. of the 1967 rebellion provided ample opportunities
Although the Sons of St. Casimir are gone, for a servant of the Darkness. As Detroit
a handful of Polish churches still stand within burned, C.O.R.D. slipped through the smoke and
Detroit’s borders, and some of these may yet shadows in search of victims. As they moved
contain potent saintly relics. Less-orthodox relics they gathered civilians with nothing left to lose,
of the pagan variety might be discovered in impressing them with secret displays of dark magic
old steamer-trunks pulled from babcia’s attic or and promises of power and vengeance; those who
decoded from dziadzio’s secret journals. refused to join became yet more victims. Five
days latter C.O.R.D. emerged from the chaos, their
membership swollen with new recruits and the
The Rise of C.O.R.D. ranks of veterans thinned by deaths and betrayals
amongst the chaos. It was a new C.O.R.D. that
emerged from the riot. A larger, stronger C.O.R.D.
On November 18th, 1948 twelve well to do members
but one divided and confused by its own rapid
of the black community met in an loft above
Edward and Rosa’ Geers office and dedicated
Thomas Cotton found them a few days later,
themselves to a single mission: To ensure fair
having tracked down the largest source of the
access to housing for all Detroit’s citizens. Almost
new Taints staining Detroit. He saw in C.O.R.D.
from its inception the newly formed Community
exactly what he needed, a group with power,
Organisation to Reform Detroit found itself on
resources, and a reputation - even if tarnished -
the back foot. Instead of organising to unlock
as champions of the community, but also malleable
new opportunities for their community C.O.R.D.
in the right hands. Thomas signed the membership
found itself fighting “urban renewal”, a polite term
rolls and began to speak to the organisation one by
for knocking down ageing black neighbourhoods to
one over the coming weeks, recruiting them to his
build houses for white families.
vision of a newer, patient and cunning C.O.R.D.
Early victories in getting court injunctions
When he’d spoken to everyone he’d judged worthy
to delay demolitions grew C.O.R.D.s reputation
and open to recruitment Thomas gave the word,
and the membership swelled with supporters and
a routine meeting turned into a bloodbath as the
activists, but when the court cases concluded
membership was culled, the bodies dumped in a
in favour of the developers C.O.R.D.’s successes
closed up mine shaft in the Detroit Salt Works, and
turned to ash. The anger felt by members
just like that C.O.R.D. belonged to Thomas.
facing eviction turned into demands for militant
The rest is history.
action, leaving C.O.R.D. all but paralysed in three
way conflict between members who supported the
existing strategies, members who felt they had
nothing to lose, and a third faction emboldened by
a hidden power: The Outer Darkness. They wanted

was now 80% African American, 10% White.
White Flight
The Talented Tenth
On June 29, 1956, Dwight D. Eisenhower signed
the Federal Aid Highway Act. The bill was Depending on how you look at it, the Talented
meant to establish a national network of highways Tenth are either one Compact or several Compacts
to link the Continental United States for the who form a lineage stretching back over a hundred
purpose of emergency travel and movement of years. In its earliest incarnation, the Tenth was
defense assets in the face of foreign attack or an militant arm of the Underground Railroad.
invasion. While the feared Soviet attack never Monsters have been preying upon humanity for as
came, the freeways still changed Detroit forever. long as there were humans, and the opportunity to
Whole neighbourhoods (often poor and black) do so with the full support of human authorities
were bulldozed to make room for the enormous tempted many to antebellum America.
construction projects that would soon financially When the Underground Railroad found
gut their home city. Detroit’s white residents, themselves harassed by some inhuman monster
lacking the subways and rail systems of New York determined to recover or prevent the loss of
City and Chicago, suddenly had quick, reliable, “its property” they called upon the Talented
safe transit to the cheap land and cookie-cutter Tenth. Its members were a motley mix of freed
housing developments springing up in the suburbs slaves, abolitionists, and agents of older Hunter
of Warren, Saint Clair Shores, and Troy- all within organizations who used the Railroad’s name to
close proximity to new mom and pop factories being strike at their inhuman enemies beneath the notice
built to supply the Big Three. The effect of this of mortal authorities.
transit system was immediate and devastating. Following the abolition of slavery the
The Greatest Generation began leaving the city conductors of the Underground Railroad went
for the suburbs, commuting to work with their their own way. Most of the Compact’s African
cars, leaving Detroit behind while raising their Americans followed the great migration north
2.5 kids behind white picket fences with their and settled in cities like New York, Chicago, and
housewives. Detroit’s African American residents, Detroit.
meanwhile, were denied such housing through The conductors of the Tenth who settled in
predatory “redlining” practices among banks and Detroit found that their occult lore and skills were
mortgage companies - if a black family entered a in high demand. Race relations were meant that
real estate agent’s office with cash in hand for a even Hunters rarely crossed the borders between
home, it didn’t matter - all of a sudden the bustling the African American and white communities. It
white suburbs were full up. While the enormous was the knowledge and experience The Talented
ditches and soaring bridges for the interstates were Tenth learned while conducting the Underground
built through their neighbourhoods, their white Railroad that allowed African American hunters
landlords continued to charge exorbitant rent rates to protect their community with a fraction of
for paltry housing options. When the 12th Street the resources and freedoms granted to their white
Riots happened, most of the damage was done not counterparts.
to property the black residents owned, but property The Tenth lasted longer in Detroit than they
they rented. They were mad as hell about being ever did as part of the Railroad. At first they
taken advantage of, and they weren’t going to take took the guise of a labor union, and then, as the
it anymore. civil rights movement picked up steam, the Tenth
The white residents who hadn’t left for the reorganized themselves around their churches,
suburbs either ignored or didn’t care about coalescing into a group dedicated to protecting
this fact. They saw their black neighbors African American community, to promoting civil
burning majority black neighbourhoods - and this rights, and to their unique interpretation of
confirmed their worst assumptions about their scripture that blended Protestantism with their
fellow Detroiters. If White Flight was a fire, personal experiences of the supernatural.
the riot simply poured more gas on the flames. It was in this guise that the Talented Tenth
Any white person with means packed up and met their greatest foe. C.O.R.D. The Tenth’s
fled during the next few years. The effects on doctrine of Christian compassion and skilled
Detroit’s demographics were extraordinary. In hunters faced against C.O.R.D.’s doctrine of hate
1950, Detroit’s population was roughly 80-20 and its monsters, and it was found wanting. As the
White/African American. By the coming of the Hunter’s who lived closest to C.O.R.D. the Tenth
New Millennium, it had completely flipped- Detroit were the first to oppose the new hidden threat

stalking Detroit but they were also the first to Talented Tenth is its retired Hunters. While the
realize that the monsters were going to win. In exodus took the Tenth to safe communities with
response they made their final, Biblical, play: a few monsters the social network used to organize
great Exodus. Over the course of a year the Tenth the exodus has only grown. Should a Princess take
called upon contacts across all fifty states and it upon herself to track down and recruit former
organized the resettlement of thousands of families members of the Talented Tenth, they could bring
from their churches to safer communities. On the a lot of friends with them when they return to
last busses the Hunters followed, their heads held Detroit.
high after a century of fighting the good fight.
Former members of the Tenth can be found
among The Radiant Campaign, Local 911, and even The Powderkeg
The Lost Boys. They also left behind a number of
Blessed Places, many of which are fiercely protected Blows
by The Lost Boys. However the true legacy of the

The summer of 1967 was a hot one in terms attendance. The cops decided to arrest everyone
of both temperature and political climate. War present at the establishment and called for backup
raged in Vietnam and protests flourished across while an angry crowd gathered outside. The officers
the country. With nearly all of Detroit’s 140,000 left after the onlookers began throwing bottles and
African-American residents crammed into a few bricks at them, but the crowd, too agitated and
square miles around the remnants of Black Bottom angry to disperse, began looting nearby stores. The
and Paradise Valley, Detroit was more heavily mayor dispatched squads of police to arrest the
segregated than many cities of the Deep South. looters and restore order, but since much of the
It’s been called many things since it happened frustration which caused the riot stemmed from the
50 years ago. Academics call it the 12th Street Riot rioters’ poor treatment at the hands of the police
for its starting location. Detroiters call it “the 1967 this only served to exacerbate the situation.
Rebellion.” Whites call it “the Detroit Riot” or “the Forty-eight hours of rioting later, Michigan
Riot.” Governor George Romney declared a state of
It began in the early-morning hours of July 23, emergency and called in both the National Guard
1967. Detroit police raided a birthday party for and the 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions. While
two black soldiers recently returned from Vietnam the Airborne Divisions protected the wealthy
at a “blind pig” - an illegal bar. Unaware of the Pointes neighbourhoods, the Guardsmen were sent
party, police arrived to make a few arrests for illegal to quell the riots with basic bootcamp training
liquor sales but found more than eighty people in and devastating military equipment. Concentrated

rifle barrages and tank support were called in
on residences at the mere suggestion of snipers Coleman Young
taking shots at first responders- but these “snipers”
often never existed. The Guardsmen, jumpy and “I don’t know of any other city
panicked, mistook military rifle fire from their in the nation where there’s such
fellows several streets away as gunfire from innocent a preoccupation in the suburbs for
civilians hiding from the carnage of the riots. control. The same people who left
Even with United States soldiers on the streets the city for racial reasons still want to
it still took days to stop the rioting and looting. control what they’ve left.”
For almost a week, life in one of the largest cities in — Hard Stuff: The Autobiography Of
America ground to a complete halt. Forty-three Mayor Coleman Young, by Coleman A.
people were killed, more than a thousand were Young and Lonnie Wheeler (1994)
injured, over seven thousand were arrested, and
No history of Detroit would be complete
1,400 buildings were burned.
without mentioning its longest-serving, most
Rather than confronting the issue of racial
controversial, and first African American mayor:
inequality within Detroit, many of its white
Coleman Young.
residents chose to flee for the safety of the suburbs.
Coleman Young was elected in 1974 after
Much of the original damage from the riots remains
running on a platform of integrating the police
untouched, even to this day.
force and ending police brutality against the
predominantly African American citizens of
Detroit; a topical issue with the 1967 riot still
fresh in memory. During office Mayor Young
would build partnerships with industry to try
and retain Detroit’s economic base and opened up
Prohibition in the employment opportunities at city hall to African
Americans. Years later Coleman would call police
Motor City reform his greatest accomplishment.
To understand what Mayor Young meant to
Not everyone in America was reduced Detroit you have to first understand that what
to drinking bathtub gin and moonshine divides his supporters from his opponents is not
during the Roaring 20s. Gangsters and what he did or what he said, but the motivations
crime syndicates could count on the Fresh they perceive behind his actions. The facts are
Stuff being funneled from Canada, shipped complicated and occasionally contradictory (as
straight through the Motor City and on twenty years worth of political office is sure to be)
to the more lucrative cities of Chicago but the perceptions of Mayor Young tend to one of
and New York. When the ice on the two polarized opposites: Either he was an African
Great Lakes froze, bootleggers could load up American who was unfairly vilified for standing
their vehicles in Windsor and drive across up for his fellow African Americans in an era of
the frozen river into Detroit, then begin institutionalised racism, or he was a demagogue
the process of distribution throughout the who encouraged African American anger and used
Midwest. white citizens as a scapegoat to hold onto power
Secret Speakeasies and Mob warehouses and distract people from Detroit’s ailing economy.
were built into businesses that were This division can be seen as early as Coleman’s
shuttered long ago, their walls painted in inaugural speech in which he told criminals “It is
wrathful blood from mob warfare, their time to leave Detroit. Hit Eight Mile Road. And
foundations steeped in the gluttony and lust I don’t give a damn if they are black or white, if
of their patrons. These nests of Darkness they wear Superfly suits or blue uniforms with silver
have been forgotten by mortals, but the badges.” His supporters heard a promise to crack
Darkness remembers. Without the magic down on crime and police brutality. His mostly-
to find the hidden lairs the police never suburbanite detractors heard in the words “Eight
could, monster hunters have had to wage Mile Road” (the border between Detroit and the
vicious wars of attrition against waves of northern suburbs) a coded invitation for criminals
Darkspawn emerging from a hidden nest or to invade the suburbs.
burn down building after building until they Regardless of what was going on in the privacy
found the right one. of Coleman Young’s own head, Detroit’s decline
continued during the twenty years in which he

occupied the mayor’s office. Detroit’s longest- between black and white, city and suburb, haves
serving mayor presided over a period of economic and have-nots. The legacy of the Coleman Young
decline, growing crime, and ever-widening divisions era looms large over Detroit today.

and sometimes convince a resident to let them use
Modern their house as a supply cache or safehouse. The
homemade fortifications surrounding the properties
Homesteading make a good foundation to lair magical defences
American mythology enshrines the rugged
individualist, the pull yourself up by your
bootstraps image of self reliance and determination. The Return of the
Your success or failure is the result of your own
efforts and no one else’s. If that was the story Radiant
of the average American, the story of the average
Detroiter became one of rugged survival in the face When the moon landing shattered the Darkness’
of borderline societal collapse. You lived or died trap in the Dreamlands, the souls of the Radiant
based on your own efforts. rushed back to the real world, and were quickly
Detroiters who owned their homes and refused reborn in mortal bodies. Those who emerged in
to leave (or who could not afford to) in the face Detroit would grow up amidst the fallout from one
of declining municipal services and employment of the worst riots in United States history. Racial
prospects began fortifying themselves against the tensions had always been strong in Detroit, but for
coming societal storm. Bars and boards covered many the riots were a tipping point. White families
windows, doors were fixed with industrial strength who could afford to flee did so, and soon wealthy
locks, wealth was hidden in banks or (for the black families followed. Those left behind faced a
elderly who lived through the Great Depression) rising tide of poverty and drugs, while hampered
their mattresses. Everyone who stayed knew to arm with reduced tax revenues and broken communities.
themselves. For decades after the Return, only a tiny
Drugs, gang wars, arson, murder, prostitution, handful of Radiant were able to Blossom in Detroit:
hunger, police corruption. Everything they The unseen hand of C.O.R.D. pointed the Darkness
expected came in a wave that swept the entire city. to young Beacons before they could Blossom
The worse things got, the more determined modern and buried their deaths among statistics of drug
homesteaders became to survive, as invested effort overdoses and gang violence. Many who survived
became a reason all unto itself. A man’s home is left for greener pastures after the city rebuffed their
his castle and if a castle has been held by his family attempts to build alliances across the walls built
for generations? The rest of the neighbourhood by prejudice or fell when they tried to face the
can burn before he will abandon that much family Darkness alone. Those were dark days in Detroit,
history. and it seemed that for every Princess who joined
To this day there are entire city blocks of the cause, another fell to the Darkness or swore
abandoned homes or urban prairie where only one herself to the Twilight Queens. Hope was hard to
inhabited structure remains. The cost of providing come by, and cynicism was rampant even among
public services to a nearly empty block is painful the Nobility. Many allied themselves with the
for a city with a budget as red as Detroit’s, so Queen of Storms, as they abandoned any Calling
the city’s functioning bureaucrats will regularly other than ridding Detroit of its problems, one
send solicitors with offers to purchase their land, monster at a time.
demolish their home, and relinquish that block from Until relatively recently the Nobility of Detroit
municipal services so the resources can be devoted operated mostly underground, forced to fight only
to other areas. And these solicitors are regularly the symptoms of Taint without addressing the root
turned away empty handed by the residents who causes within the community, for whenever they
fiercely hold onto their property and look down on would make progress C.O.R.D. would ensure that
newcomers who buy cheap land without fighting for soon things were worse than ever before. The
it. Radiant hid from the Darkness’ prying eyes, and
These elderly survivors are in need of although their Seekers searched high and low for
hope and help. Too often, they’re isolated their adversaries,C.O.R.D. has remained one step
islands of humanity within the urban prairies. ahead, and the Radiant remained hidden. Many
Many are canny survivors who’ve avoided or residents were afraid to even mow their lawns or
defended themselves from the creatures that repair their homes, since their remaining neighbors
prowl in the night, and the rest are just damn might take such upkeep as a sign of wealth or extra
lucky. The Radiant have a respect for the money and be all too glad to relieve them of it.
homesteaders’ emotional attachment to their homes The years wore on and the long war of

attrition took its toll. But just when the fight
seemed truly hopeless, the Radiant’s fortunes consider the bankruptcy as a fresh start
turned: On July 18, 2013, Detroit filed for and a chance for Detroit to rebuild without
the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history decades of debt and corruption hanging
(the total debt was estimated at $18–20 billion). like a millstone around her neck. Others
The bankruptcy and it’s effects remain a highly object to their elected representatives being
contentious and politically charged topic, but it’s replaced with bureaucrats, and others have
effects on the supernatural side of Detroit are less suffered personally.
controversial. A city hall firmly under C.O.R.D.’s Many of the city’s public workers are
thumb found itself beholden to outsiders from members of unions, and those unions
Lansing and Washington D.C. Those officials who invested most of their retirement pensions
weren’t replaced were quickly put under intense within Detroit’s Municipal Bonds, assuming
scrutiny while the bankruptcy courts poured that the city would never be completely
through the city’s balance books, uncovering dirty destroyed, so they would retain value. In
secrets, bribes, and misappropriation of funds. the climactic hearing of the bankruptcy
Detroit’s Mayoral office became a hotbed of court, the judge ruled that these retirement
FBI investigation and the entire bureaucracy was pensions and Bonds would be liquidated as
unprepared to deal with the fallout of turning over part of the process, the retirees receiving
the spreadsheets. In a headline-grabbing trial, the literal pennies on the dollar. With one bang
FBI sent the city’s Mayor to jail, not eligible for of a gavel, an entire generation has seen its
parole until 2037. plans for living their golden years crumble
While C.O.R.D. was distracted by mortal into dust and poverty.
politics the Radiant’s intuition guided them to
strike. Without C.O.R.D. to provide leadership the
Darkspawn acted like, and were slaughtered like,
animals. Suddenly it became a real possibility that
Detroit’s future might someday be brighter than its
The Opioid Crisis
present (or at least less grim). A feeling of renewed
If crack is the drug of choice for African
hope filled the air, and the Hopeful rode that feeling
Americans within Detroit city limits then opioids
for all it was worth. Freed from the need for secrecy,
and painkillers serve the same purpose north of the
they sent out a call to Princesses around the world:
I-696 freeway. In the 90s pharmaceutical companies
if they could turn back the Darkness in Detroit, it
pushed to increase the provision and potency
could be turned back anywhere. Immigrants, locals,
of painkillers. This combined with insurance
and strangers alike heeded the call, and together
companies reluctance to pay for expensive physical
they vowed that the Motor City would rise again
therapies when a cheap pill is on offer resulted in an
from its own ashes.
epidemic of addictions; the government responded
by cracking down on corrupt doctors, which forced
addicts to turn to dealers, and often theft, to feed
their habits.
The Opioid Crisis’ origins in pharmacies and
doctor’s offices meant that prescription drugs -
The Bankruptcy’s no less addictive or destructive than powder sold
on the street corner - began to spread to a
Victims part of Detroit that had remained mostly clean
The Radiant don’t know that it was of narcotics: the middle class suburbs. The
C.O.R.D. specifically who were weakened by economic woes, stress, and fraying social fabric
the bankruptcy, but they know something that can lead a man to drugs did not respect the
happened to the Darkness once the EFM boundary between city and suburb; while a doctor’s
moved into city hall. Nevertheless Nobles prescription allowed opioids to travel freely through
would be wise to show empathy and the police checkpoints along 11 Mile Road and
restraint when expressing gratitude to gave the suburban addict a justification to maintain
bankruptcy, and the out of town officials his self proclaimed superiority to addicts on street
who put the screws to C.O.R.D. While drugs.
many citizens of Detroit and it’s suburbs The taint created by addiction and the gangs
that fed it festered into a vicious battle between
monsters and the Neighbourhood Watch Alliance.

Strength in battle cannot fix the underlying socio- with EMTs regularly wheeling overdose victims out
economic causes making the war a delaying action the front doors of perfectly kept brick ranch homes
at best. Whole neighbourhoods such as Fraser and while the neighbors look on in horror.
Roseville have been abandoned by civic minded Even as the economy recovered from the great
hunters (and civic minded civilians) leaving them crash of 2008 and jobs returned to the suburbs
as little more than narco states awash with crystal the drugs remained, a source of fear and misery
meth labs, opioid pushers, and crooked cops while that Detroit’s suburbanites once believed could not
other neighbourhoods like Warren and Eastpoint touch them.
remain the epicenter of a slow war of attrition,

Chapter 2: Lay of
the Land
“Most of the blight in Detroit is just that, blight. Away from the skyscrapers and the unbelievably vast
industrial structures, back down at eye level, the quotidian monotony of the blasted and empty
storefronts quickly becomes numbing, even though the scale can be unmooring. Some buildings have been
picked clean as skulls by thieves, others left gaping and ravaged in a way that made you feel as if you
were violating someone’s privacy by peering inside, somehow committing an act of voyeuristic sin, like
a Peeping Tom catching a glimpse up a skirt.”
—Mark Binelli, Detroit City Is the Place to Be

Detroit is located in the southeastern corner of km2] , making it large enough to contain all of
the “mitten” of Michigan’s lower peninsula, on the Boston, San Francisco, and Manhattan at once.
shores of the Detroit River, which connects Lake St. Detroit completely envelops the twin enclaves of
Clair and Lake Erie. Detroit is the seat of Wayne Highland Park and Hamtramck. The first is so poor
County, and encompasses 138.7 square miles [360 that Detroit refuses incorporate it into the larger

city, the second is so affluent that it resists similar
efforts for fear of being dragged down by Detroit’s Detroit
financial problems and corruption.
The Detroit River acts as the city’s southern Neighbourhoods
border and major artery of trade, helping to ferry
ships from Wisconsin and Chicago to the Atlantic Detroiters usually describe themselves in terms of
Ocean and back again. In past centuries, several which side of Woodward Avenue they live or grew
of the numerous small islands which dot the river up on. East Siders and West Siders both religiously
were used for dueling, cockfighting, and as hideouts avoid crossing Woodward if they can help it, saying
for smugglers, but most are now public parkland that “those motherfuckers are crazy over there”.
(especially Belle Isle, the largest island park in the The East Side was the first part of the city to
United States). be settled, by French habitants in the early 1700s.
Detroit’s terrain is mostly flatlands near the As a result, the streets of the East Side tend to be
river, which fades gradually into rolling hills as you narrower and change direction haphazardly, like an
go further inland. Most freeways in the city are Old World city. The West Side was incorporated
sunken, so it’s easy to drive all the way from the much later, and its streets tend to be wider,
suburbs to downtown and back without actually straighter, and conform more closely to the grid-
seeing a single blighted building. While this does system beloved by city planners. The East Side
help encourage tourism, it also makes it easy for tends to be less well-off than the West, though
politicians to pretend that the city is doing much it is home to more historic buildings and major
better than it actually is. landmarks.

• Downtown – The heart of the city, and its levels of blight and poverty. This city
main business district. Filled with Art Deco regularly requests to be legally dissolved and
skyscrapers, movie-palaces of the Roaring incorporated into Detroit City. Detroit’s
Twenties, and the majority of the city’s functioning bureaucrats, in perhaps their
oldest structures (including a few churches only internal victory over C.O.R.D., have
which served as stops on the Underground been unwilling to absorb this enclave
Railroad). for fear of taking responsibility for even
more desperately-poor people and blighted
• Greektown – A part of Downtown, and neighbourhoods than it already has.
a popular restaurant-and-entertainment
district. Few Greeks live there anymore, but • Midtown/New Center – The world’s first
many of the restaurants are still owned by “edge city” is home to several major bastions
old Greek families. The district is home to of culture: the Detroit Institute of Arts,
several casinos, the product of a brief attempt the Detroit Public Library, the Museum
to turn Detroit into a Vegas of the Midwest. of African American History, and Wayne
The venture failed. Most of the patrons who State University’s main campus The city’s
visit the casinos are elderly retirees gambling most advanced medical facility, Henry Ford
away their social security checks. Hospital, is also found here.
• East Side – Detroit’s older half often suffers • Cass Corridor – Home to numerous addicts,
from aging infrastructure and poor urban winos, and vagrants, but also (thanks to
planning, but it also contains the city’s most the low cost of housing) most of the city’s
well-to-do waterfront properties and historic bohemian artists and musicians.
• Mexicantown – known for colourful
• West Side – Since it was settled later than
buildings, murals, and a thriving hospitality
the East Side, the streets here are wider
industry. This southwestern Detroit
and more gridlike. Much of the most severe
neighbourhood has been the centre of
depopulation has happened here: in some
Detroit’s Hispanic community (it is no
neighbourhoods, you can count the (intact)
longer specifically Mexican) since 1920
houses on two hands.
when immigrants arrived seeking factory
• Hamtramck – Formerly nicknamed jobs and refuge from the Mexican
“Poletown,” this enclave within the City Revolution. Ambassador Bridge starts in
of Detroit is now America’s first Muslim- the neighbourhood; making Mexicantown the
majority city. Most storefronts and first port of call for many arriving Nobles.
billboards (and even some of the street
signs) are written in Arabic script. The • Corktown – Being founded in 1840 by Irish
neighbourhood is experiencing a small rebirth immigrants fleeing the potato famine makes
and is resisting political pressure to be folded Corktown Detroit’s oldest neighbourhood.
into Detroit, a move the locals believe would Though it was heavily damged by urban
wipe out their hard-earned gains in property renewal in the 1960s it has undergone a
value and public image. renewal in the 2000s. Corktown has not been
a specifically Irish district since the 1890s. It
• Highland Park – Sometimes called “the is also the home of Detroit’s iconic Michigan
Detroit of Detroit,” because of its spectacular Central Station.

The Ossian Sweet House
Doctor Ossian Sweet was a well-to-do black man, educated in Medicine at Howard University in
Washington D.C. He moved to Detroit during the Great Migration and initially was forced to
live in the ghetto of Black Bottom. He operated a modest practice and built up some wealth,
but grew dissatisfied with the high rent and poor living conditions in the ghetto. Doctor Sweet
decided he wanted his own piece of the American Dream like any citizen would- he bought a
home in a white neighbourhood and arranged for nine other friends and family members to help
him with the moving process and provide some security. On moving day only insults and threats
were traded between the white mob that gathered and the Sweets- until stones were thrown by
local kids. Fearing the mob was attacking, the Sweets responded with gunfire, killing one of the
white onlookers. The mob dispersed and everyone inside the home was arrested and charged with
The resulting trial would have been cut and dry- 10 black men being tried by all white juries.
Nothing more than a formal lynching. But Attorney Clarence Darrow, fresh from his legal defeat
(but publicity victory) in the Scopes Monkey Trial, came to Doctor Sweet’s defense. He argued
that Sweet was simply a man defending his home, that he was entitled to his own safety, and that
the mob had no business being there in the first place. Together with the NAACP’s legal team,
Darrow did the impossible. Every single black man was exonerated by their all white juries.
That should have been the happy ending Doctor Sweet deserved, but his fortunes deteriorated
rapidly from there. His wife passed away from tuberculosis. His brother Henry, who likely saved
Ossian’s life from the mob, soon followed her. Sweet was saddled with debts from the mortgage
company and, when he made his last payment on the property in 1950, he sold the building
and moved into a makeshift apartment above his medical practice. Doctor Ossian Sweet died on
March 20th, 1960 of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

these things to Detroiters- and more. One of the

Key Locations, few truly beautiful places remaining in Detroit, the
largest island park in the United States is home to a
Detroit famous rose-garden, a greenhouse of exotic plants,
and the Belle Isle Aquarium. At 982 acres, it is
Ambassador Bridge – The busiest international officially larger than New York City’s Central Park
border crossing in North America in terms of trade and is only accessible by boat to a small Marina,
volume, and it’s only four lanes wide; backups can or by car via a single bridge.
last for hours. All crossings in either direction Campus Martius Park – The literal center
require a valid passport or a special Enhanced of the city of Detroit, just recently rediscovered in
Driver’s License for Michigan residents. The bridge old architect sketches. All the east-west running
is literally a privately owned structure, feeding the “mile” roads (8 Mile, 9 Mile, etc) are named for
pockets of a single billionaire family through its their distance from this point, situated at the center
toll crossings. Both the United States and Canada of the city’s main hub, almost on the same location
have been fighting this monopoly for years, with as the original Fort Pontchartrain. The “park”
the Billionaire Manuel “Manny” Moroun holding is barely larger than an acre, resembling nothing
the bridge in a death grip and using his wealth to of the sort. Its name in Latin means “Field of
prevent any competing structures from being built. Mars”, where Roman heroes walked. Today it is
Belle Isle – An old pig farm for the French, host to bureaucrats and office analysts that eat
providing them with food to prevent starvation. their lunches at its tables and benches, while the
The personal estate of one of the United States’ few homeless sleep here at night.
victorious generals in the War of 1812. A home for Comerica Park (Tiger Stadium) – If there’s
wildlife with nowhere else to go as the modern world one thing that all Detroiters can agree on, it’s their
devoured the forests around Detroit. A Marine shared love of baseball in general and the Tigers
training ground to prepare American soldiers for in particular. Despite the fact the team hasn’t
Pacific Island invasions. Belle Isle has been all of

won a World Series since 1984, Opening Day is shoes). Somewhat unpopular with its neighbors,
greeted with universal fanfare by every member who consider it an eyesore and an attractive
of the Metro Area. The current stadium was nuisance; several of the installations have recently
built by Comerica Bank before they moved their been targeted by arsonists.
corporate headquarters from Detroit to Dallas, John K. King Used & Rare Books – With
Texas. Comerica Park’s high walls offer the tens of thousands of linear feet of shelving which
mostly suburban patrons a lovely view of the city’s spans four warehouse-sized floors, this is one of
skyscrapers while blocking them from ever present the largest and oldest used bookstores in America
blight and crime. Ticket scalpers and beggars line (and remains steadfastly uncomputerized). The
the walkways leading up to the gates every game rare book room contains numerous titles which may
day while police patrol the parking lots to prevent appeal to clients with more esoteric tastes.
auto thefts. Manoogian Mansion – The official residence
Detroit Institute of Arts – A beacon of of the Mayor of Detroit. Marred by associations
culture and beauty for well over a century. Much with a party thrown there in 2002 by then Mayor
of its collection (including priceless works by Monet Kwame Kilpatrick during which his wife attacked
and Picasso) is currently being sized-up for the several exotic dancers, one of whom was later
auction block, to help pay off the city’s staggering found murdered with a .40 calibre Glock pistol
debts. The DIA contains not just paintings, but (the standard-issue weapon of the Detroit Police
ancient artifacts purchased and donated when the Department). The Mayor’s office claimed there
city was a wealthier place. A dragon from the was no evidence of a party ever taking place, but
Babylonian Gates of Ishtar, one of only a tiny Internal Affairs of the DPD swore to its existence
handful left in the world, is on display here, and and several EMTs came forward to also offer
many other artifacts are held behind closed doors. testimony under oath that they treated the dancers
Detroit Salt Mine – Though it runs more Kwame’s wife assaulted. Despite this testimony,
than a thousand feet beneath the city streets, the official investigation by the Michigan State
the mine now covers more than 1,500 acres. It’s Police was cut short. Mayor Kilpatrick was later
said that if a serious earthquake ever hit Detroit, charged on eight felony counts unrelated to the
a sizable chunk of Dearborn would simply be party and murder, including (but not limited to)
swallowed by the earth along with the mine’s closest perjury, official misconduct, and obstruction of
neighbor: a major railway depot which services the justice. He plead guilty and will be eligible for
Ford Rouge Plant. parole on August 1st, 2037.
Detroit-Windsor Tunnel – This long, dimly- Masonic Temple – The cornerstone of this
lit tunnel, which runs for almost a mile beneath building, the largest Masonic temple in the world,
the Detroit River, is the second busiest crossing was laid on Thanksgiving Day in 1926, using
between the United States and Canada. Try not the same trowel that George Washington used
to think about the cold water flowing just above to lay the cornerstone of the National Capitol.
and around you while you’re driving through it. Or Constructed in the Gothic style, rather than the
what would happen if the ventilation system gave typical Greek or Egyptian.
out. Just like the bridge, all crossings in either Michigan Central Station – Once the tallest
direction require a valid passport. train station in the world, now a festering and
Fort Wayne – A colonial-era fort built on highly-public symbol of the loss of Detroit’s
the site of several Indian burial mounds (yes, greatness and a constant focus of efforts to restore
really). The fort’s shape, that of a squared, four- the blighted structure to its former splendour (or
pointed star, may have been selected to enhance the at least prevent its demolition). In it’s heyday this
site’s occult resonance or because it was the most station saw 200 trains leave its platforms every day
effective defensive design of its day; a Princess could while over 3,000 individuals worked in the attached
ask the many ghosts which is true. Most of the walls office tower. The station remained in operation
have fallen into disrepair and the old barracks are until 1988 when Amtrak deemed its passenger lines
crumbling into ruin. Supernatural creatures could obsolete. Freight cars will still roll through on the
easily find hundreds of secure locations to hide until lines, but no locomotive stops here. City officials
dusk. never got around to demolishing the building, nor
Heidelberg Project – Artist Tyree Guyton’s could they ever dream of renovation. It was left to
multi-decade experimental art project, in which rot on its own, hopefully to collapse under its own
he turns abandoned houses into public works of weight. The station has been given a proverbial
art using only whimsical paint-jobs (e.g., polka- reprieve from the governor now that Hollywood
dots) and found objects (stuffed animals, old has discovered that it makes a perfect ”Generic

Urban Ruin” set. Now that Hollywood has largely Washington eventually came to GM’s rescue, but
packed up and left, the Ford Motor Company has the city is now aware that they’ve put almost all
purchased the office building with the intention of their tax revenue into this one basket...
renovating it into a modern office suite. It remains Rouge Plant – Henry Ford’s original
to be seen if the structure is sound enough to handle automobile assembly complex. At its peak, it
anything more than the occasional film crew. employed more than 10,000 workers every day,
Packard Automotive Plant – Perhaps the in three shifts. Today most of its workers are
most famous symbol of Detroit’s decay. Built with robots and technicians responsible for their upkeep.
cutting edge techniques and materials (by early Only the Ford F-150 truck is still produced here.
1910s standards) this complex could employ 30,000 Now the plant is treated as a tourist attraction,
workers in the production of luxury automobiles. where visitors can come and see a facade of
After it closed in the Fifties several different tenants America’s Industrial Might amidst the ruin of what
attempted to make use of the Packard Plant. In it has actually turned into. Zug Island – This
1999 the City forced the tenants out with the goal heavily industrialized human-made island is the
of demolishing the ageing structure. While legal most polluted ZIP code in Michigan, according
battles raged in court over the property’s ownership to the EPA. Zug Island is home to “sizeable
the plant stood empty, defenseless against the and sometimes troublesome” populations of rats,
scrappers who ravaged the entire structure within seagulls, and feral cats. Nearby residents are
a few short years. Today it’s used as a haunting plagued by strange emanations from the island:
ground for urban explorers, a set for Hollywood unidentified smells which are strong enough to
movies and music videos, and a backdrop for cause dry heaves; unusually high rates of asthma
wedding photographs for suburban rich-kid brides and cancer; and a sparkly, omnipresent dust which
and grooms. settles over every surface. In 2011, the island was
Renaissance Centre – Although this “riot- identified by Canadian scientists as the source of
proof” complex was intended to reinvigorate mysterious subterranean vibrations – known as
Detroit’s urban centre, General Motors’ five- “the Windsor Hum” – that have been felt up to
towered headquarters amounts to a walled city- 50 miles (80 km) away. Despite numerous requests
within-a-city. Contains its own small police station by Canadian scientists to examine the site, Zug
(with a full sized one about a hundred yards down Island remains closed to the public by order of the
the street), a pharmacy, a four-star hotel, multi Department of Homeland Security.
screen movie theater, a small shopping mall, and
luxury restaurants on the top floor overlooking the
Detroit River. When GM nearly folded in 2009, The Urban Prairie
Detroiters were sent into a panic that this last
bastion of private investment would fold with them.

Approximately one-third of Detroit’s land has
gone unused and un-maintained for so long that Demographics
it has reverted from brownfield to “urban prairie”.
These open green spaces are home to a surprising Detroit is the poster child for white flight. In
variety of wildlife, including raccoons, red-tailed the city of Detroit over 81% of the population are
hawks, peregrine falcons, foxes, ducks, Canada African American with just over 10% being white.
geese, groundhogs, snakes, pheasants, white-tailed The Hispanic community is almost as large as the
deer, coyotes, beavers, and even the occasional White community at 6.8%; with the remaining
bear. population being Asian, Middle Eastern, or Native
On the urban prairie, characters with knowledge American. Only 2.2% of Detroit’s city responded
of wildcraft and Legno Charms get a chance to as being mixed race.
shine, whether they’re hunting food for the family In contrast Metro Detroit – a loose term which
table, hiding from the law, or tracking down includes the suburbs and surrounding cities close
Darkspawn. Players can use dots in Survival for enough for people to make a daily commute to
actions such as hiding or moving unseen, moving Detroit – is predominantly White at 70.1%, with
silently, finding shelter, or hunting. Furthermore, African Americans comprising only 22.8%. Asians
the presence of urban prairie provides more uses for make up 3.3%, a significant increase over 1.1% in
the Animal Ken skill and Legno Charms than one Detroit. The only group to comprise a similar
might normally find in an urban environment. percentage in both the city of Detroit and Metro
Detroit are Hispanics, who comprise 6.2% of Metro
Today Detroit remains a deeply segregated city.

The Detroit Metro area contains two major
The Urban Sprawl rivers and their associated watersheds: the Rouge
and the Ecorse. It also includes seven “ghost
Detroit is the poster child of white flight: many waters” (waterways which have been partially or
newcomers are stunned at how abruptly the sprawl entirely buried under man-made infrastructure, but
ends and the ghetto begins once you cross 8 Mile which continue to flow underground), including
Road. It has been compared with crossing the Baby Creek in Delray, May Creek beneath
border between the United States and Mexico, only Corktown, Bloody Run Creek under the Near East
in this case the southern side of the border is eerily Side, and Savoyard Creek which winds beneath
empty, the only sounds heard being the barking of Downtown’s skyscrapers and Cobo Hall.
wild dogs, the occasional passing car, and gunfire.

Detroit's Innocents
For all the struggle that Detroit’s adults are forced to go through in their daily lives, their children
have it no better - unlike adults, they have far less agency to decide their own daily lives and
fates. The following are anecdotal facts from an ER Nurse at Detroit Children’s Hospital. They
have not been embellished for the sake of making the setting better fit the World of Darkness.
“We regularly see kids come in as victims of gang-related drive by shootings - not daily or
weekly, but it happens a lot. They aren’t the targets but are related to the target in some way-
usually the hit’s brother or sister playing in the living room when the other gang rolls up. Detroit
schools are horrible at educating but they provide better food and air conditioning or heat than
most of the students will get at home.
“Most of the chronic diseases we treat are related to diabetes and obesity- people here can’t
afford fresh fruit, vegetables, or protein. They live off of empty calories- potato chips, Hostess
cakes and candy bought from the closest liquor store. A two-liter of Pepsi costs $1.30, so parents
give them that instead of bottled water, juice or milk which can cost three times as much. You
can fill your belly for less than three bucks, but it kills you by inches. Urban farms are starting

to spring up to fill this nutrition gap, but not enough of ‘em and not fast enough.
“Drug abuse and signs of sexual abuse are especially prevalent among homeless LGBT youth.
We’ve got a macho working class culture and conservative Catholic and Baptist congregations in
the city, so coming out in any way often means you’ll be thrown out by your family. Religious
homeless shelters can be even worse for the kid than home life if they can’t pass as straight. This
doesn’t happen as much in the suburbs, but those hospitals deal with suicide attempts by LGBT
kids rather than the effects of homelessness. There’s stigma associated with throwing out your
kid there, but there’s also stigma about ‘what the neighbors will think’ if your son or daughter is
in the gay community. They’re in limbo: physically safe but socially ostracized.”

legitimate businesses are mom-and-pop stores that

Major Suburbs are perpetually on the verge of closure, and the few
major automotive supply factories still operating
Dearborn/Dearborn Heights – Home to the within city limits are becoming fortified enclaves
world’s largest Arabic population outside of the behind spiked iron fences, guard shacks, and barbed
Middle East, the headquarters of the Ford wire.
Motor Company, and the Henry Ford Museum The Grosse Pointes – Detroit’s wealthy
of American Innovation and Greenfield Village eastern suburbs, largely untouched by blight.
(the largest indoor-outdoor museum complex in CEOs and other bigwigs have built their lakefront
the United States). Probably the only place homes here for three generations. While all of
in the United States where the Mosques equal Detroit was touched by the 12th Street Riot,
or outnumber the churches. Many immigrants the Pointes were protected by Governor George
from the Middle East settle along the border Romney when he deployed members of the 82nd
with Detroit knowing that the city is in such and 101st Airborne divisions, battle hardened from
desperate shape, if only because they are relatively their time in Vietnam, to keep the wealthy residents
safe from racism and Islamophobia in Dearborn safe. Anyone trying to cross the border in a vehicle
(besides, when you leave the most dangerous areas more than three years old will promptly be pulled
of the Middle East, even Detroit might look good over for a Driving While Black, or a busted tail light
by comparison). Iraqi Christians and Muslims, if they happen to be white. C.O.R.D. members
Lebanese fleeing conflicts with Israel, and now with a taste for luxury often settle here.
Syrian refugees fleeing Civil War and I.S.I.S. have Inkster – Because black workers in Henry
made up more recent arrivals. Many of the Arabic Ford’s factories were legally barred from living in
communities know that there would be severe Detroit, many of them chose to settle here, just
consequences if any sort of armed, organized Arabic outside city limits. As a result, today Inkster is
group appeared on the news, and for this reason one of the few Detroit suburbs whose population is
they rely on Radiant for protection rather than majority African-American.
forming their own Hunter cells. River Rouge – Formerly a Native American
Downriver – “Crap floats, and always burial ground. Home of Henry Ford’s Rouge Plant,
downriver.” This unofficial conglomeration of more which at its peak employed more than 10,000
than a dozen smaller cities and townships south workers each day. Today it is more of a tourist
of Detroit along the western shore of the Detroit destination, where visitors can see the ghost of
River is known for abandoned industrial spaces, America’s manufacturing industry for themselves.
its state of general disrepair, the crassness of Roseville - The suburb of Fraser may be on
its populace, and for its obnoxious “white trash” the downward spiral to blight, but its residents
teenagers (many of whom identify as thugs or still have some money to their name- because they
Juggalos). push their narcotics on the residents of Roseville.
Fraser - A small blue collar suburb just east Once a thriving city filled with small auto part
of Warren, Fraser is rapidly becoming a blight to factories, NAFTA has ensured that every one of
rival Detroit north of I-696. The city has been those businesses has been shuttered and closed.
completely overtaken by the opioid epidemic, its EMTs are always busy removing victims of overdose
police department trying and failing to prevent it and suicide from the homes here. And while
from becoming a miniature Narco-state, employing Fraser’s police are trying to tamp down on the
more and more harsh tactics to shut down the drug trade, Roseville’s seem to have given in to the
pill mills and meth labs. Most of the remaining corruption, cutting deals on the side and turning

blind eyes. queers” by their Blue Collar coworkers if they do
Royal Oak – An upbeat, gentrified northern anything more than drive through it on their way
suburb. Home of the Detroit Zoo and the tech- to Royal Oak. Lost Boys living life on the down
startups that don’t want to deal with Detroit’s low will refrain from fighting here for fear of being
real estate issues. Known for its liberal policies outed. Even the Neighbourhood Watch who make
and atmosphere, most young people in the Metro their homes in Ferndale are at arm’s length from the
Detroit area realize Royal Oak is the closest they’ll wider Compact. Only the Radiant and C.O.R.D.
come to experiencing more trendy places like have a significant local presence. The Radiant came
Seattle or New York City. Royal Oak’s downtown to protect Ferndale because nobody else would, and
area hosts feminist friendly sex shops, hipster they relate to the young and optimistic community.
record stores, suburban Yoga studios, and fad- C.O.R.D.’s agents in Ferndale stay in deep cover.
diet-of-the-year restaurants. Well-to-do without Hidden behind rainbow flags they take advantage
having the oppressive property values of the Grosse of Detroit’s treatment of the LGBT community to
Pointes, most homeowners are doctors or lawyers. manipulate the relationship between Ferndale and
Only a few private schools in the state can rival Detroit, but as of yet Tainting Ferndale is not a
Royal Oak’s public schools in terms of quality. priority.
Ferndale – Due to rising property values, those Warren – Eminem’s hometown isn’t as bad as
who can’t afford to set up a home or business in it looked in 8 Mile. It mainly consists of urban
Royal Oak are heading south to the neighboring sprawl, single-story ranch homes, and strip malls.
small city of Ferndale - the beating heart of Simply put, Warren is notorious for being a bland
Detroit’s LGBT community. A place once known imitation of your Standard American Suburbia.
as a safe oasis for this marginalized group is being Nothing really goes wrong here, but that’s because
gentrified with craft breweries, modern mead halls, nothing happens here. There is no downtown, no
and tech startups; while the locals respect the nightlife aside from a few blue collar bars, and no
newcomers for continuing the city’s tradition of fun to be had. It’s an almost farcical depiction
being gay-friendly with proudly displayed rainbow of what Detroit could be if nothing had ever gone
flags in shop windows, there are still rising tensions wrong. The area malls were once the heart of the
that come with every gentrification project. Any city but those are closing down with the advent
LGBTQ+ Nobles, or their friends, will be familiar of Internet shopping. Warren is the traditional
with the Affirmations community center- a location home to Blue Collar/middle manager families just
that offers counseling, free HIV testing, group starting out, and retirees living out their golden
therapy, transition assistance, a youth center for years. You’re either raised in Warren or you die in
kids in schools where they might be vulnerable to Warren. The main draws to this place are the many
violence, and networking events for Metro Detroit’s automotive plants, a US Army Tank Production
LGBT community. Local 911 Members steer clear facility, and the GM Tech Center- an unofficial
of Ferndale, fearing they’ll be tarred as “one of the headquarters for the company.

Windsor, Ontario Windsor at a Glance
Caesars Windsor Casino and the lower drinking age
(19) pull in a lot of teens and young adults from
Michigan and Ohio, but “the City of Roses” retains
When Fort Detroit was ceded to the Americans a small-town feel. Many Windsorites commute
after the end of the American Revolution, the town daily across the Ambassador Bridge, to jobs in
of Windsor sprang up across the river, composed of Detroit (or, more often, its suburbs). Much of
French and English subjects who wished to remain Windsor’s tourism industry involves Americans
under British rule. The city expanded rapidly in seeking to purchase what they cannot legally obtain
the mid-1850s, its new growth fueled by rail- and in the States, such as Cuban cigars and rum, cheap
river-trade. prescription drugs, and absinthe.
Modern-day Windsor is much smaller than
Detroit, with fewer than 211,000 residents.
Windsor’s population is, on average, about ten
years older than Detroit’s, but its’ bar scene Windsor is divided into ten wards, each represented
averages about ten years younger, thanks largely by a councillor. Windsor is virtually free of
to American teenagers sneaking across the river for violent crime, in part because many weapons
underage drinking and gambling. Some of these are prohibited from entering Canada, including
teens say that Windsor is like Detroit’s “fun uncle” (but not limited to) all firearms, most tasers,
who invites all the local kids to his lake house for pepper spray, switchblades, brass knuckles, most
crazy parties on the weekend; but as you get older, crossbows, nunchaku, shuriken, spiked wristbands,
you realize that having wild parties and getting blowguns, butterfly knives, morningstars, and
wasted is all he ever does. many other forms of weaponry.

Population: EDDE’s Graffiti Alley – This huge
installation of surreal and vivid imagery amounts to
210,890 in 2011, almost one-fifth of whom were born a massive, constantly-evolving, multi-artist mural.
outside of Canada, and speak languages such as Sometimes, the people and animals depicted in
Québécois French, Arabic, and Italian. In contrast the murals seem to move, or to whisper terrible,
to Detroit Windsor is a majority white city, with impossible secrets, or simply watch unblinkingly as
72% of the population identifying as white. Arabs you go by. And who can tell what those graffiti
make up Windsor’s largest minority group at 7.4%. tags are supposed to say?
Only 4.9% of Windsor are black, ahead of the Mackenzie Hall – This former courthouse and
4.4% from a south Asian background and 3.4% of prison, the site of many contentious trials and
Chinese citizens. executions, is like many sites of executions it is
said to be haunted. Market Square – This indoor
Media and Culture: farmers’ market and flea mart is has fallen on hard
Most Windsorites get their news from The Windsor times in the last ten years: most of the vendors are
Star, The Windsor Independent, or CBC Radio bored or surly, and most of the food (which never
2. The city boasts several well-maintained parks tastes very good) is flown in from afar despite being
and numerous historic buildings, as well as the close to some of the richest farmland in Canada.
University of Windsor. Each summer, Windsor and Odette Sculpture Park – This riverfront
Detroit honor Canada Day and the Fourth of July sculpture park, nearly three miles in length, helps
with a joint fireworks display launched from a barge keep Detroit’s Taint from bleeding across the
in the middle of the Detroit River. river, like a metaphysical bulwark against despair,
countering Detroit’s bad energy with whimsy and
good feng shui (so to speak).
Key Locations, Willistead Manor – Built in 1906 by the heir
to Hiram Walker’s distilling fortune and named
Windsor after the owner’s dead son, this 36-room mansion
is situated amidst a 15-acre park. The house,
especially the basement, is said to be haunted.
Art Gallery of Windsor – As one of Ontario’s
Windsor International Airport – Since
most significant collections of Canadian art and one
Windsor is a safe location for a newly arriving
of the top galleries in the entire Detroit-Windsor
Radiant to meet a local guide, to say nothing
corridor, this stately modern museum houses art
of WIA being closer to Detroit than the much
and artifacts from all across Canadian territory and
larger Detroit Metro Airport to the west, this small
airstrip is the main point-of-entry for Princesses
Assumption Church – Originally established
arriving in the region.
as ”The Mission of Our Lady of the Assumption
among the Hurons in Detroit” in 1728 by the
Jesuits, this ornate cathedral has been closed since
2014, due to its badly deteriorated condition – The Duchy of
though the diocese says it has plans to reopen the
cathedral “soon”. The diocese has never been able Windsor
to satisfactorily explain the flickering lights which
appear inside the locked and boarded-up church As a city of 200,000 souls, with a far lower
every year at Candlemas. mortality rate, Windsor naturally has a Noble
Caesars Windsor – When your grandma goes population of its own. Much of the Radiant
to Canada to buy her cheaper prescriptions, she’ll population in the city is found in the University of
likely spend the money she saved at the craps Windsor, and is currently led by Princess Victoria
table here. While Detroit’s casinos were still under Jones of Diamonds and Princess Courtney Chen of
construction/renovation, this location settled into Spades: Victoria is a tenured professor researching
its niche where it continues to thrive. pharmaceuticals and helps Noble students balance
Capitol Theatre – This Art Deco grande their studies with their other activities. Courtney
dame of Ontarian screen- and stagecraft is has no official position, mundane or Noble, but she
the beating heart of Windsor’s arts community. knows everyone and everyone knows she hosts the
Though the ornate theatre is showing its age, it best parties. She’ll also be graduating this year, the
still plays host to both the Windsor Symphony competition to replace her is fierce but friendly.
Orchestra and the Windsor International Film The Radiant Campaign has been recruiting
Festival. from Windsor since the beginning. A fair number

of Detroit’s Nobility commute from across the
river — either by taking Ambassador bridge Storytelling
or by flying, walking or swimming across the
river, swimming is not recommended for mortals Windsor
— or just tell their parents they’re students in
Windsor. Windsor also has more Menders than Like all cities in the Chronicles of Darkness,
the Champion-heavy population of Detroit, making Windsor has its fair share of monsters and tragedy,
trips to the university the Radiant Campaign’s but at heart Windsor is a functioning city: its
equivalent of cheap Canadian pharmacies. The government is stable, its economy provides enough
safe and friendly environment is also popular with jobs for everyone, and its monsters are kept in check
Princesses taking a short break to recharge their by Hunters, Princesses, and self-policing. It is, both
Wisps and Willpower, though this habit is not literally and metaphorically, a different country
always popular with Detroiters, who doubt the from Detroit.
commitment of anyone who wants to leave the city Storytellers should downplay the extent to
every time things get tough. which the Windsor of the World of Darkness
is worse than reality in order to emphasise this
contrast. When players are in Windsor, play up its
feeling of warmth and comfort, but also emphasize
how little the citizens of Windsor know, or want to
know, about what happens just across the river.

Chapter 3: Pillars
of the Community
“Economic and racial inequality constrain individual and family choices. They set the limits of human
agency. Within the bounds of the possible, individuals and families resist, adapt, or succumb.”
—Thomas J. Sugrue, The Origins of the Urban Crisis: Race and Inequality in Postwar Detroit

the Campaign was officially founded), The Radiant

The Radiant Campaign is the youngest group fighting the Light’s
cause in Detroit. Despite this they are the most
Campaign powerful, for the obvious reason that many of their
members have potent and diverse magic at their
At only a few months old (though some members
have been fighting for Detroit since long before
fingertips and a cause worth fighting for. recover then all of Detroit will see it, and see hope.
Since their arrival, the Campaign has acquired Today only Operation: Automatic Heartland
influence and membership at a phenomenal can match the Radiant in influence and combat
rate, recruiting supporters and informants in power, and only when it pulls in out of town
activist groups, charitable institutions, municipal resources for an operation. After absorbing many
government, law enforcement, and other relevant of their allies into the Campaign, the groups who
institutions and entirely absorbing several groups remain independent tend to dislike the Radiant.
of Hunters. Their Noble membership draws from
volunteers from all across the United States and Stereotypes
beyond. While the Campaign has no official
political positions other than fighting the Darkness • Automatic Heartland: I don’t care about
heavy recruitment from charities combined with the your jurisdiction. The government had
the Nobility’s youth has given the Campaign a left decades to help and did nothing. Now we’re
wing and progressive slant. going to try our way.
As a bold opening move the Campaign
launched coordinated attacks on Tainted locations • The Neighbourhood Watch Alliance:
in and around the city’s schools, slaughtering the You’re really selfish, and if you wont help
Darkspawn with overwhelming magical power, and others there won’t be anyone left to help you.
showing the city’s most vulnerable inhabitants they • Local 911: I’ll fight monsters with you. But
had new protectors; it was a promise that things we can’t fight to bring the factories back. It’s
will change now that the Campaign’s banner had not going to happen. Fight with us for a new
been raised. With this done the campaign began Detroit.
to spread across Detroit as Princesses from across
America teamed up with their local peers and • The Lost Boys: No you don’t need to sell
settled into their new friends’ neighbourhood. drugs to survive. There is always a better
This paring system exists to ease culture shock. way, let us help you.
A Noble from San Francisco, Tokyo, or New York
would know how to fight the Darkness but few • C.O.R.D.: There’s something important
would grasp the sheer magnitude of how Detroit’s hiding beneath everyone’s notice. I can feel
socio-economic issues strengthened the Taint and it.
how those issues would hinder their attempts to
recruit supporters. The shock was especially bad
for Princesses who arrived to volunteer in the city’s Operation:
philanthropic institutions; the collapse of social
services and government created an environment Automatic
completely alien to everyone without experience in
developing nations. Princesses expecting to provide
advanced medical care when mortal medicine
wasn’t up to the task found themselves dealing with
An American city at risk of destruction. Ordinary
more basic issues like nutrition and family planning,
American citizens being attacked by monsters,
and those working on medical triage, emergency
that’s something that concerns Uncle Sam. And
surgeries, and immediate first aid had to improvise
while Sam might not be much of a magician, he
magical solutions to medicine shortages and poor
has centuries of experience in dealing with Taint
and Darkness. After all, he’s created enough in
If the Campaign has a weakness it’s the way
his day. In Detroit, spikes in various crimes and
it’s members are dispersed across Detroit. As in
economic figures tripped automatic red flags in
most Campaigns that focus on battle with the
secret government computer systems, the wheels of
Darkness, membership in the Radiant Campaign
bureaucracy began to spin, and old Sam launched
skews towards Champions and the Court of Swords.
Operation Automatic Heartland as the official
Nobles who find helping people in immediate need
government response to the Darkness looming over
more natural than following a long term plan. A
trend that goes all the way to the top. However
By any measure - manpower, funding, available
a plurality of the Campaign has united to focus on
equipment- the Operation is woefully inadequate.
downtown Detroit (close to support from Princesses
To understand what went wrong one has to
in Windsor) and are working tirelessly to cleanse
understand that the top secret monster hunters
the district block by block. If even one district can
embedded deep in the American military machine

are a rapid response force. They were never fake emergency to evacuate Detroit, quarantine any
intended to fight a war of attrition. Every soldier or Darkened and let the population disperse. While
weapon in Detroit systematically eliminating minor the plan does call for a systematic destruction of
Darkspawn or Taint is a soldier who isn’t dealing Taint through controlled demolitions once no one is
with an every-minute-counts emergency in another left to create new Taint, the bureaucrats only need
state. to look to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina to
Operation: Automatic Heartland itself isn’t see what the exercise will look like in practice. No
even a combat team, it’s run by military one has any illusions; the evacuation will be less
intelligence. Most of the staff are analysts or than thorough and the clean-up will be placed at
computer technicians with a few fireteams of the bottom of the priority pile - and remain there.
soldiers creamed from the Delta Corps elite for good Those politicians who are aware of the plan
measure. Their job is to monitor the situation are providing the bulk of resistance, unwilling
and write lots and lots and lots of reports to be or unable to determine what will be done with
passed up the chain of command to be read by a a metropolis of unemployed, homeless, desperate
brass that doesn’t have the resources to respond people. This operation will go into effect as soon
appropriately. Of course, if those reports contain as there’s a large enough supply of free manpower
high priority targets that pose an immediate threat and a plan in place to shield the requisite politicians
then they can provoke a rapid reaction: Additional from public outcry, which puts the Radiant on a
manpower and equipment is flown in and the threat deadline to save Detroit. But no one can say when
dealt with, then withdrawn just as quickly. But that deadline is.
with every cry of “Darkspawn!” the response is
“Again?” and help is slower to arrive. Stereotypes
All together this means that Heartland is highly
effective at dealing with big problems, their brutal • The Radiant: If you want to abandon the
response against the largest Tainted places and plan next time you hear a civilian scream, get
monsters are a good part of the reason why your own people killed.
Detroit is still standing, but every year the reports
• The Neighbourhood Watch Alliance &
mention a higher baseline for Dark activity and
Local 911: Let’s not beat around the bush.
there’s nothing they can do about it. There’s
Things are bad and no one can blame law-
always another more immediate emergency in
abiding citizens for protecting themselves. So
another state. Political will in Washington favors
long as they stay law-abiding we’ll slip them
quick, sure victories over long-term struggles with
a little something.
uncertain outcomes. So in typical D.C. fashion, the
government has approved doing more than nothing • The Lost Boys: Just common criminals.
and less than enough. Their crimes are half the reason we have
The top brass aren’t stupid, and they do monster incursions. But they’re not under
read the reports. It’s why they’ve taken a page our jurisdiction.
out of their Iraq playbook and given a quiet
nod allowing Automatic Heartland to provide • C.O.R.D.: Intelligent extranormal entities
information, tactics, and the occasional piece of usually like to take over leadership, even
equipment to local groups. But it’s also why there grassroots community leadership. C.O.R.D.
is serious consideration being given to planning a are just puppets. Find the puppet-master

Weapon Laws in Michigan
Possession of a firearm within Detroit could mean the difference between life and death for a
civilian - even without the creatures of the World of Darkness waiting in the shadows to strike.
Most people in the city possess a handgun of some kind, either legally or illegally purchased.
Gangs and organized criminals have been known to use fully automatic Kalashnikovs but only
when that kind of heavy firepower is needed - or a particularly loud “don’t fuck with us” message
is being sent.
All pistols are required to be registered with local law enforcement throughout the state of
Michigan. “Long” guns like hunting rifles, AR-15 semi-automatics, and shotguns are not subject
to this requirement. Open Carrying of a pistol or rifle is permitted within the state but is only
ever really done as a political statement; this type of activity usually results in scared onlookers
calling the police, and it is absolutely illegal to Open Carry a weapon while one is within a motor
vehicle. It is illegal to discharge a firearm in neighbourhoods except in cases of self-defense.
Individuals who fire a weapon to scare off an intruder but do not kill or harm said intruder have
been charged with felonies, though this is usually only applied to African Americans within the
city limits. Background checks are required for handguns in private sales, but not for private
sales of long guns.
Suburbanites would be able to purchase handguns, shotguns, and hunting rifles from one of
the many sporting goods stores in their neighbourhoods. Michigan is a concealed carry state, so
any civilian without a felony conviction can apply with the State for the ability to always carry a
hidden handgun on their person. The felony requirement means many of Detroit’s urban citizens
would never qualify for this license - though the city can barely enforce it except after an arrest
has already been made. Rifles are very common in the suburbs. Opening Day of Deer Season is
an unofficial holiday in the ‘burbs, when dad heads up into the wilderness of Northern Michigan
with his friends and coworkers to spend time at a cottage. Few people actually try to kill a
deer - the cleanup is an expensive affair; a license is required, paperwork must be filed with the
Department of Natural Resources, and a butcher procured to process the meat. Most “hunters”
just buy the gun for show then disappear into a heated hunting blind to relax for a weekend away
from the wife and kids.
The Neighbourhood Watch Alliance and Local 911 get their weapons legally, as do the Radiant
Campaign’s mortal members. The Lost Boys get their weaponry on the black market, likely
purchased from Indiana with its famously lax gun laws. Operation: Automatic Heartland are
of course supplied military grade equipment directly from Uncle Sam; though discretion usually
prevents them taking anything more noticeable than a machine gun or flamethrower.

just the right spot to wake up one or two frozen

The Neighbourhood Darkspawn; who’ll go on a small rampage before
somebody puts them down. Just another tragedy
Watch Alliance in the World of Darkness.
Things are different around Detroit. The
Most of the suburbs that surround Detroit remain Darkspawn that fester beneath Detroit’s Tainted
nice, even safe places to live despite the Darkness places are numerous and violently competitive.
and Taint just a few miles down the road. Which is Packs and lone wolves who can’t compete
not to say they’re unaffected. Even the most boring frequently set off across the frozen Dark World in
middle class neighbourhood generate the occasional search of Tainted Places to raid or colonize. Even a
Taint when long-term abuse is hidden behind a small suburban Taint could suddenly erupt with a
white picket fence, normally it cleans itself up in feral pack of Darkspawn whose activities will lead to
time. A new family moves in and their wholesome more Taint and perhaps more Darkspawn trekking
behaviour cancels out the Taint. At worst the Taint across the frozen wastes. Without constant
will create a Darkened or the new Nightscape be in vigilance the slightest Taint could rapidly spread

Detroit’s contagion to any bordering suburb. culture reflects that.
The Neighbourhood Watch Alliance grew
slowly, as the danger did. In fact many of the Stereotypes
original members were Stormwracked, but as the
Darkness grew, even regular people began joining • The Radiant: I can’t risk my life trying to
together in Darkspawn-hunting cells. These cells clean up Detroit. I got a family to protect.
grew their own support networks, residents who
• Automatic Heartland: I pay my taxes and
couldn’t or wouldn’t fight but wouldn’t stick their
I expect the government to provide more help
heads in the sand either. In the end it just made
than this, but I don’t blame the soldiers. It’s
sense for the cells to link up to share information,
not GI Joe’s fault he’s underfunded.
resources and tactics.
Today the Watch is a well-organized web of • Local 911: If you want the taxpayers to help
mutual support that stretches across Detroit’s you out of that hole, maybe you should stop
suburbs. The base building block of the alliance digging.
is the household, usually consisting of one nuclear
family (or rather its adults, and sometimes • The Lost Boys: It was bad enough when I
teenagers) who are trained to fight together couldn’t go downtown, but now I have to live
in defence of home and hearth. Above the in fear of monsters because of those thugs.
household is the neighbourhood, everywhere within It’s too much!
fifteen minutes’ drive from a household. If an
• C.O.R.D.: Who? Never heard of ‘em.
attack is reported in a household’s neighbourhood,
they are expected to send one hunter to help.
Large households might be expected to send two
hunters, while single-parent families (especially if United Automobile
the missing parent died on duty) are exempt.
After the neighbourhood comes the suburb, Workers, Local 911
which conforms to actual state-recognized cities
surrounding Detroit. Whereas a neighbourhood is When a man is in danger, he bands together with
the area where households are expected to defend those closest to him for the safety and strength
against attacks in progress, the suburb is where the of numbers, fighting off the saber tooth tiger and
households of the Neighbourhood Watch Alliance building fires against the cold. But in the modern
are expected to join in on attacks against Tainted world danger can come from further than a spear’s
Places and help prevent Detroit’s contagion from length away and those closest to you might not be
spreading to the suburbs. Fundraising, canvassing, the people who grew up in your neighbourhood.
combat training, and information gathering are also For decades Detroit’s lifeblood was the
organized at the suburb scale. automobile industry. Any threat to manufacturing
Finally above the suburb is the Alliance itself. was a threat to a worker’s home and the food he
As of yet no combat operations have been run at supplied to his family. So the workers formed
this scale, but there is a small elected assembly who powerful unions in opposition to unchecked greed
handle diplomacy and specialist teams who travel and corporatism from politicians and the Big
where needed. Some of these teams are trained in Three. In their own way they have been defending
purifying taint and the others are trained to use Detroit from danger since long before the rise of
the small amount of heavy weaponry bequeathed C.O.R.D.
by Automatic Heartland. When monsters became a serious concern for
Reputation is everything in the Alliance. The the average line worker, union members who
more you help others the more help others owe decided they could no longer stick their heads in
you. If you’ve charged blindly into someone’s the sand turned to their established networks of
house after they’ve sounded the alarm others are support. First they formed cells to protect their
expected to show you that same loyalty, but if most vulnerable members - the Third Shift workers
you contribute less it’s acceptable for your allies who ran the lines during the night, and the families
to wait for backup before putting themselves into waiting for them at home - then a network of cells.
danger. The Neighbourhood Watch won’t turn a It was at this point that the name “Local 911”
blind eye as monsters eat their neighbors (after all, began to sound in union meetings. No one would
it’s best to stop the monsters before they create have to say “monster” or “supernatural” out loud
Taint), but ultimately the Watch exists to help and fear being called a loon, they’d just call it “a
its members protect their families and its internal problem for Local 911”.

Since Local 911 covers a large geographical area • C.O.R.D.: I don’t want to be a slave to
and multiple factories, their tactics favour mobility. welfare. I want an honest job with honest
They roam the night in souped-up cars waiting for pay.
the dispatcher to call in a problem, and there are a
lot more people who know the emergency number
than there are people who are prepared to admit it. The Lost Boys
In return the people Local 911 help are expected to
contribute to the union’s coffers, or better yet, take
It should surprise no one that a city as Tainted
up a gun and join the cause. When they aren’t busyas Detroit had its share of problems before the
reacting, Local 911 pool resources to build members
monsters moved in. Drugs and gang warfare were
panic rooms and convert abandoned buildings into rife in the 80s, and much of the oldest Taint in the
safehouses so people can last that little bit longer
center of Detroit traces its origins back to crime.
until help arrives As crime created Taint, it was the
The compact is a powerful force, but they criminals who first felt it’s corrupting touch.
focus on protecting their people (and ever since Darkened, Darkspawn, Mnemosyne, and of course
NAFTA was enacted regular union activism has Stormwracked all grew out of the gangs. Despite
begun to consume more of their member’s time). the ample material it had to work with, the
The servants of the Darkness have not defeated Darkness faced significant disadvantages in trying
Local 911 but they have mostly contained them to take control of the gangs. For every gangbanger
and keep them busy, while waiting for factory turned Mnemosyne plotting to mould the gangs
closures and downsizing to destroy their enemy. with Taint, there were five Darkened or Darkspawn
Every year more members pack up to move to twisted into inhuman forms by Umbrae. Say what
other states and cities to find work. Local 911 you will about judging a book by a cover, but with
only rarely go on the offense, but when they do the Darkness a monstrous face shows a monstrous
they turn up in overwhelming numbers, sweeping corruption.
an entire neighbourhood for monsters and Taint to Despite the Darkness’ best efforts many of the
keep a factory or a community of dues paying uniongangs united against a common threat, viciously
members clear of attacks. turning on any Darkspawn and even Darkened.
Of all the local groups trying to clean up Competition for turf and avenging old grudges
Detroit’s Taint, Local 911 are the most political,continued but the unspoken code of fighting the
which is to say that while Local 911 itself does little
Darkness trumped those priorities. If their callous
with mundane politics, but most of it’s members treatment of their own infected created more Taint,
are also members of United Automobile Workers another building could always be boarded up or
Union and they take that membership seriously. burned down. The wizer Mnemosyne left, the rest
They are fighting a war on two fronts - one against
found themselves exposed when the Stormwracked
the Darkness, and one against outsourcing and came.
globalization. Today the Lost Boys rule an increasingly
depopulated ghetto with an iron fist, running the
Stereotypes drug trade in cocaine and heroin while managing
a network of pimps and prostitutes that cater
• The Radiant: There’s no one I’d rather
to suburban Johns. Their drug factories and
have watching my six in a fight than someone
fuck motels are bristling with hidden Kalashnikovs
who can make me bulletproof. Too bad they
and molotovs to drive off the Darkness. Gang
can’t fix the economy with a wave of a wand.
safehouses stand side by side with Tainted places
• Automatic Heartland: The government and deadly clashes between Darkspawn and
should’ve sent help twenty years ago. If gangbangers are a regular occurrence. Members
they’d sent jobs then, they wouldn’t need to frequently turn Stormwracked and with so many
send drones now. enemies around, those that do are usually found
dead atop a pile of Darkspawn corpses the next day.
• The Neighbourhood Watch Alliance: Despite the Lost Boys’ practical understanding
They work side-by-side with us in the plant, of Taint, many members are Darkened and face
but then they go home to the suburbs and summary execution the moment Umbrae reveal
act like they can just ignore Detroit. Those their nature, their bodies left for the wild dogs on
suburbs won’t last if the jobs disappear. the urban prairie.
Relations between the Lost Boys and other
• The Lost Boys: I don’t go to that part of
monster hunters are almost non-existent. The
town. It’s too violent over there.

Lost Boys feel, quite justifiably, that the outside more bureaucrats to provide input. C.O.R.D. seem
world has abandoned them to face the monsters to be an organization spinning its own wheels, going
by themselves. When they’re offered an alliance nowhere quick.
or assistance their first thought is to assume that But look beneath the surface and you’ll see the
someone is trying to use them as pawns against the truth: C.O.R.D. all but rules Detroit. The public
monsters, or worse. officials who visit open meetings aren’t visitors,
they’re unofficial members. So are the ambassadors
Stereotypes for other activist groups and charities, and the
managers forging links between business and the
• The Radiant: Don’t come onto my turf community. City Hall, the Police, and all manner
dressed like a little kid and tell me what to of mucipucial institutions are full of people who got
do! their start in politics as a member of C.O.R.D. only
• Automatic Heartland: It’s all part of to mysteriously vanish from the member list and
Whitey’s Plan. They let the monsters into reappear as an occasional visiting guest after being
the ghetto then they burn it all down with us given a leg up into office. Those decisions that don’t
inside and call it “collateral damage.” Not if get made in meetings, everyone who matters know
I got anything to say ‘bout it! exactly which decision wasn’t made and diligently
implements it.
• The Neighbourhood Watch Alliance: You can get by in Detroit without being part of
This is your fault. You didn’t give a fuck C.O.R.D. but only if they aren’t interested in you.
until it was your necks on the line! Stick your head up and start making real change
and they’ll use their enormous social influence to
• Local 911: You better take yo’ ass back to drive you from Detroit. Or if they think you’re
the big house, Uncle Tom! worth the risk, they’ll start inviting members of
• C.O.R.D.: They don’t speak for me, and I’m your organisation to the meetings where your future
sick of everybody acting like they do! is decided, and they won’t send them back until
they’re Darkened and subservient.
For that’s the deepest and most sinister secret
Community about C.O.R.D. After every meeting everyone
covers the lights and official and unofficial members
Organization to pray to the Darkness. C.O.R.D. is a Dark
Cult. They teach that the Darkness is a force of
Reform Detroit freedom and justified hatred. Through embracing
it’s hatred and spite the Black community will
(C.O.R.D.) gain the power needed to cast down the white
man and the civilisation he built on a legacy of
Even in the World of Darkness, cities just don’t colonial oppression. C.O.R.D. firebrands go door to
get Tainted as badly as Detroit without some door stoking racial resentment to bring unwitting
special circumstance. C.O.R.D. is that special victims to their meetings; there skilled orators work
circumstance. to stoke anger and twist it from an energy that
C.O.R.D. are community activists working could create positive change into into an endless
toward a better future, or so they say to the public. cycle of spite, bitterness, racial resentment, and
Unlike legitimate organizations, they rarely hold above all, hopelessness. Most visitors don’t come
demonstrations or gather petitions They don’t send back, community activism isn’t for everyone, but
talking heads go on the local news programs to they leave with a seed of Taint in their hearts.
speak of their good work, or get awarded lucrative Those who do return are watched to see if they
no-bid contracts from the city to make changes. are worthy of learning C.O.R.D.’s occult secrets,
In fact they don’t seem to do much of anything and perhaps worthy of a political office to run in
at all: The endless series of strategy meetings, service of their new master.
lunchtime discussions, and town hall debates for Once C.O.R.D. was just another Dark Cult who
members are always well attended with at least were lucky to be born in the right place at the right
one member of Detroit’s municipal government as a time, but under the leadership of Thomas Cotton
guest attendee. The speeches are filled with passion they have become something more. Every time the
and anger about the oppression holding down “our politicians in Washington, the global economy, or
community” but no concrete plans are ever made, Detroit’s own citizens created an issue C.O.R.D.
other than agreeing to hold another meeting with was there pushing for an ineffective or counter-

productive response. Detroit has been driven into and lack of support from mortal hunter groups
rot and ruin and in the end, C.O.R.D. won. Now is a secondary stronghold. Clinics, youth hostels,
they’re just enjoying the spoils of their victory: and other voluntary organisations all over Detroit
Spreading Taint, corrupting citizens, and of course are members or associated with the Campaign.
making sure nobody can cleanse the city. Radiant Champions will go wherever they believe
they are needed, though some of them try to
Stereotypes respect the Lost Boys’ turf for diplomatic reasons.
While other groups often complain about Radiants
• The Radiant: Kill them! Kill them all! But entering their territory, especially if they don’t “fit
do it carefully. the neighbourhood’s character”, few are willing to
say it to a Champion’s face.
• Automatic Heartland: The government’s
Automatic Heartland doesn’t claim any
paltry response only proves everything we
territory and doesn’t respect any civilian’s right
ever said.
to tell them where they can and cannot go. Most
• The Neighbourhood Watch Alliance: of Automatic Heartland is run from an office with
They fled to the suburbs and sabotaged the a very boring name hidden inside US Army Tank
city so we couldn’t follow them. But we don’t Automotive Command, north of Detroit in the
want to follow them. We want to kill them. suburb of Warren. The scouts who travel into
the city are spread throughout a variety of safe
• Local 911: You’re fighting to work in houses when not on missions- most are repurposed
whitey’s factory for crumbs off his table. residential buildings outside city limits. Their
You’re going to be a slave forever boy! missions take them to all parts of Detroit, though
most commonly to the inner city. The Lost Boys
• The Lost Boys: They’ll join us or destroy
give them a wide berth, but they keep better tabs
themselves. It’s only a matter of time.
on Heartland than the feds realize.
Initiation The Neighbourhood Watch Alliance claims all
the suburbs north of the I-696 divide and directly
Members of C.O.R.D. gain the following benefits adjacent to Detroit, except for Dearborn and
from the Mystery Cult Initiation Merit: Southfield which they share with Local 911. Their
influence extends into Detroit but declines quickly
• Politics speciality: Detroit as you move further inwards. However, prejudice
between city and suburbs means that everyone acts
•• Free dot in Allies (Detroit city like the Detroit city limits are a hard boundary
government) against their influence.
Local 911 doesn’t take territory seriously. They
••• Vice-ridden (Corrupt)
don’t claim their own and will drive through others’
•••• Second free dot in Allies (Detroit city turf to get where their protectees need them (they
government), Fixer avoid parking in Lost Boy turf though); however
they’re mostly called to the western and northern
••••• Evil Influence Caligo parts of Detroit adjacent to the suburbs, the
rougher, Blue Collar neighbourhoods, and that’s
generally understood to be their turf. Along
Turf with Dearborn (the HQ of Ford Motor Company),
Roseville, and Southfield, where the local cells of
The borders between Detroit’s hunters and the Neighbourhood Watch Alliance have looser ties
monsters aren’t drawn on any map and are to wider Compacts, they maintain a few repurposed
often overlapping. However everyone fighting the Union Halls within the Detroit city limits as
Darkness knows roughly where the boundaries are. mustering grounds.
The Radiant Campaign tend to congregate The Lost Boys claim ownership of the centre
downtown, close to the border with Canada and of Detroit, including Highland Park but not
their allies in the Duchy of Windsor. Belle Isle is Hamtramck. However their control is not uniform;
the unofficial Headquarters and mustering ground some neighbourhoods are fiercely guarded against
of the Radiant Campaign. Only one land-bridge the Darkspawn, some are home to gangs that
allows access to the island and the whole park remain independent, and others are abandoned and
is enchanted with magical defences. The suburb inhabited only by monsters and the truly desperate.
of Ferndale with its young, optimistic population The Lost Boys take turf far more seriously than

any other group and are quick to challenge any control they are free do whatever they wish without
trespasser. They’ll turn a blind eye if someone regards for anyone’s else’s territory. C.O.R.D.’s
burns down some Taint in their backyard, mostly members and pawns live all over Detroit and
because anyone doing so is likely to be Automatic its suburbs, the higher ranks are often hidden
Heartland or a Radiant Champion, and the Lost away from any obvious manifestation of Taint
Boys don’t pick fights with stronger foes unless or Darkspawn. If they need to they’ll simply
there’s a good reason to. use Caligines to create Taint and call Darkspawn
C.O.R.D. are not on their foes’ radar, and wherever they are required.
with the municipal government firmly under their

Chapter 4: Nobles
and Knaves
“Most people, they wanna save Detroit. You can’t save Detroit; you gotta be Detroit.”
—Antonio “Shades” Agee, graffiti artist (quoted in “Taking Back Detroit” by Susan Ager, writing for
National Geographic Magazine)

be fought and beaten.”

Princess Zari of
Zari, Princess of Swords, was born Breanna
Swords, The Spirit Harris, to her mother Lashawna and father Leon.
Her parents married and opened a Coney Island
of Detroit restaurant in the 90s when Leon’s job as a line
manager at a plant was cut. Their small diner
“It’s not enough to fight evil. You need to be seen barely kept above profitable selling cheap burgers
to fight evil, because people need to see that evil can

and coney dogs, and employing Breanna’s friends as Courts, a Princess. She told Breanna that this
waiters and waitresses. The 24 hour establishment fight against the Darkness was not something she
was rarely the target of armed robberies… until the would have to do alone. There were others fighting
Darkness came calling and Breanna found herself this war and Mashika could help them meet the
Blossoming into her power. others. Mashika assumed Breanna would need time
The assailants were showing what Breanna to consider her options, whether this fight was
thought were serious withdrawal symptoms from something she was ready for- but Breanna joined
hard drugs, twitching and making paranoid claims the Radiant Campaign then and there. On her first
about a silent alarm going off, and the Lights visit to the Dreamlands as a Princess, The Queen of
being too bright even though half the lights Swords recognized the fire and passion in Breanna’s
inside were dead fluorescents, and the restaurant soul as that of a Hero. She welcomed Breanna
couldn’t afford a silent alarm. Breanna could into the her Court, answered every question the
tell immediately that these three were trouble. young Princess had, and in return she asked only
The busboy, Andrei, emptied the register of its one thing.
eighty-six dollars for them, but the thieves were “Burn brightly, be the light in a dark city.”
unsatisfied and demanded to know where the safe The Queen gave Breanna her blessing,
was. Their customers, five dead tired third-shift expressing her approval of the name Breanna had
factory workers, were effectively hostages. Only chosen for herself- Zari. For several years now,
Breanna, and her friends/coworkers Andrei and Zari has been the tip of the spear in the Radiant’s
Lucja were in a position to help. Andrei tried campaign. When time is of the essence, Zari has
to explain there was no safe, no silent alarm, no been known to drop everything to stop Cataphract
problem with the lights while Lucja offered her tip from overcoming a neighbourhood, or rescuing the
money for the thieves. newly Blossomed from the Darkness
Which was when the assailants gave in to the
Darkness and the bullets started flying.
Breanna found herself endowed with power Appearance
beyond her wildest imaginings. At her father’s
insistence she’d taken some martial arts classes for Princess Zari is a classical beauty, with African
personal protection, but with this kind of power, features and a body alike to a Greco-Roman statue
she felt like she could could take on an army. brought to life. She looks older than she is, in her
While her friends helped the customers head for late twenties and wears a pleated skirt in the style
the exits Zari proceeded to beat the Darkened to of a Roman legionary and a breastplate that shows
bloody pulps with the butts of their own guns. One off her powerful muscles and ebony skin that always
managed to escape and flee for their hangout down heals without scars. A red cape, sandals, and
the block, only for Zari to give chase. What she bracers complete her Heraldry. Notably, whenever
found in the boarded up crackhouse was a taint and Zari conjures fire it manifests as bright orange with
filth that sent shivers of revulsion straight through black streaks.
skin that barely bruised from gunfire, a filthy lair When she is not transformed Zari looks like a
where the thieves had been sleeping on rubbish less extraordinary version of herself. She’s above
and broken needles between armed robberies and average for a woman in height, but not six foot tall.
assaults. The basement, where the survivor fled, She looks way more muscular and athletic than a
was home to a powerful Darkspawn. Without girl from Detroit’s inner city should be, but not like
hesitation Zari charged at her new opponent, her an Olympian goddess. Zari favours bulky padded
magical weapon forming in her hands. As Zari clothes to appear more normal.
battled her first monster the last thief watched and
ranted about how there were hundreds just like it
hiding in the deep dark places of the city, that Storytelling Hints
it would be best for her to flee now, give up her
Zari is one of the two leaders of the Radiant
calling as a Princes, and forsake this city. Which
Campaign, of the two she takes far more of the
was about when Zari used her powers to kick over
spotlight and does far less organizing. Like most
a support beam and bring half the house down on
Princesses of Swords, Zari doesn’t so much govern
the creature.
as lead by example. She is the first into battle
Three days later, after giving a statement to
and rarely needs to retreat. Zari’s followers in the
the DPD, Breanna was approached by Princess
Campaign are often literal, they follow her around
Mashika, explaining what exactly she was: A
the city knowing that when she flushes out some
Radiant soul, a reincarnated member of the Royal
Tainted building the Darkspawn will be isolated

and exposed – perfect prey for Men-at-Arms to a self propelled orb surrounded by a ring of spikes
finish the job. (Spread 2, Quaking), You Might Hurt Yourself,
Although Zari has a lot of anger in her heart for Contest of Champions, Consecrate, Rousing Song
the Darkness it’s outweighed by the love she feels of Heroism, Love’s Beacon, Weight of Memory
for Detroit. She loves the people and the history, (Tainted), Barrier Jacket (Adamant 2), Celestial
when her ancestors were freed from bondage they Grace (Danmaku Dance, Leap of Faith), Valiant
came to seek a better life, Zari still feels that hope Mind, Fireproof, Only a Flesh Wound, Outrace the
echoing through the city when she walks the streets Sun
at night and hates the thought of it ever being in Calling: Champion
vain. That love is what drives her and it’s what she Queen: Swords
tries to share with any new Princess who joins the Inner Light: 5
campaign, especially if they’re from out of town. Belief: 5
While many of the Champions in the campaign Invocations: Fuccio 5, Terra 2, Acqua 1,
like to focus their efforts on the area around their Tempesta 1
community (or adopted community for out of
town Princesses) Zari tends to roam depending on
wherever she’s been asked to help, wherever there’s Princess Mashika of
been reports of unusual Darkspawn activity, or just
wherever feels right today. While she tries to make
sure any local Princesses have some warning before
Clubs, The Mother of
she arrives so they can prepare for the hornet’s
nests she’s kicked Zari has been known to change
targets at the 11th hour, leaving Princesses and
“We know how to live in cities and in the
Squires scrambling to prepare for the Darkspawn
countryside but there’s never been an environment
fleeing Zari’s flames. Few in the Campaign mind,
like Detroit before. That’s what the kids and I are
most of them are in the Court of Swords too, they
doing, we’re all learning how to live in a post-urban
know they’d to the same in Zari’s position.
Attributes: Intelligence 3, Wits 3, Resolve
Mashika was born as Shalontae, the middle child
3, Strength 4(6), Dexterity 3(5), Stamina 4(5),
of three to an unemployed mother and one of
Presence 3(5), Manipulation 3, Composure 3.
several potential fathers. Given the circumstances
Skills: Academics 1, Computer 1, Investigation
Shalontae’s early life went remarkably well. Like all
2, Occult 2, Politics 1, Athletics 5 (6), Brawl 2
reincarnated Princesses she had an open heart and
(4), Drive 2, Firearms 1 (7), Survival 1, Weaponry
made friends easily. From a young age she began
1, Empathy 4 (5), Expression 3, Intimidation 3,
to travel freely, asserting control over a chaotic
Persuasion 2, Socialize 2, Streetwise 2.
home life by staying with friends or relations as
Merits: Danger Sense 2, Fast Reflexes 1, Inspiring
she pleased. As she got older and more aware of
3, Resources 2 (Detroit Have Not), Small Unit
the problems around her she began to sleep more
Tactics 2, Status 5, Radiant Campaign, Striking
and more, seeking solace in the Dreamlands. It
Looks 1 (powerful), Circle 2, Bequest 4 (A
was during these dreams that she first developed
ring which turns into a serrated knife containing
her love of nature.
When she was eleven Detroit took its dues
Transformed Merits: Seizing the Edge 2, Allies
from her family. Shalontae awoke from a long
5 (Radiant Campaign), Allies 2 (Local 911),
trip through the Dreamlands to discover her older
Allies 1 (Neighbourhood Watch Alliance), Allies
brother was on the run from the police. Fresh with
1 (Automatic Heartland), Fame 2 (Detroit urban
overconfidence from her dreams Shalontae slipped
legend), Inspiring 3, Striking Looks 2 (powerful).
out of her house at the very first opportunity
Virtues: Honest - Zari is a Sword’s Sword. She
and went looking for her brother in the dead
says what she believes, often at the top of her lungs.
of night. The tricks of stealth and survival she
Righteous - as a Hero through and through Zari is
remembered from her dreams were impressive for
committed to battling evil.
an eleven year old, and quite insufficient for the
Vice: Hasty - Zari thinks with her gut, and acts
real world. Shortly after entering the bad part of
like she’s invincible when she’s merely bulletproof.
town Shalontae caught the eye of a roving pack of
Charms: Light the Way, We Rely On You (Engine
Heart, Count No Cost), Light’s Aegis. Kensai -
She ran for the nearest humans she could find, a
razor sharp lacquered nails (Burning), Levinbolt -
group of Lost Boys relaxing on the corner outside a

safehouse. The gangsters took one look at what Appearance
was stalking her and barricaded themselves and
Shalontae inside. Guided by an unseen intelligence Mashika is a pretty woman, in a girl-next-door
the Darkspawn simply watched and waited for more way. She appears to be somewhere between 18
of their number to turn up. and 25, and like most Princesses she looks like she
And so the girl who would escape to dreams is in perfect health. She keeps her hair braided
found herself spending a sleepless night trying and tied back with a simple bandanna and her
to raise morale as the monsters crowded outside. heraldry takes the form of a simple calfskin dress
A Lost Boys relief force was repelled, and the and boots. However her most striking feature is
defenders in turn repelled an attack on the her arms: Though Mashika’s skin is ebony she has
safehouse. It was then that Shalontae met her golden brown skin from her elbows down and in
mentor and discovered her own power. splotches on her upper arm. Her lower arms are
Attracted by the gunfire Princess Thulisile of also covered in intricate tattoos of nature scenes
Swords arrived and quickly routed the Darkspawn and much of her magic is focused through these
through the simple fact that she could fly, and pictures. For example, when she wishes to speak
they could not. Relations between the Radiant to an animal a tattoo of an animal will emerge and
and the Lost Boys were as tense back then as talk for her.
they are now, but they were never tense enough to In her mundane self Shalontae is a regular
prevent an eleven-year-old seeking comfort from her twenty year old. She is slightly overweight from
shining savior. Thulisile’s intuition told her that a poor diet and excessive sleeping throughout her
Shalontae was ready to Blossom but was being kept childhood, and keeps her mundane hair cut short
from her power by her habit of hiding. There and as it tends to get in the way. Shalontae is usually
then Thulisisle pushed Shalontae into Blossoming found in practical, if cheap, outdoor-wear.
with nothing more than a stern lecture on taking
responsibility for the trouble she’d attracted.
Together the two Princesses began a long career Storytelling Hints
fighting for Detroit and its people, starting with
Mashika is one of the two leaders of the Radiant
tracking down Shalontae/Mashika’s brother and
Campaign. Her role is to ensure that community
convincing him to turn himself in. For two years
links remain open and communication channels
Mashika fought the Darkness and rediscovered the
with other hunters are maintained; and that
skills of her past lives until Thulisisle fell while
the information coming through those channels is
trying to purify a bloated stain of Taint. After
properly understood and distributed. Zari may
that Mashika lost her will to fight and began living
lead the battle against the Darkness, but Mashika
entirely as Shalontae for a while; playing the role of
ensures there is a plan to prevent the Darkness from
peacemaker and diplomat between her family and
taking root again after each victory is won.
Like most of the Radiant Campaign community
It was during this time that Shalontae noticed
outreach is loosely organised with each Nakama
many of her neighbors suffering from diabetes,
having operational freedom, but no Noble in the
dying because they could not afford the expensive
Metro area knows as many people willing to help
insulin required to live. She decided that idleness
as Mashika does. She spends as much time on
and poor diet were both large sources of trouble in
the ground with regular Detroiters as she does
Detroit’s community. Adopting the role of Mashika
organising her subordinate Princesses. To maintain
once again she Charmed the urban wilderness near
public relations Mashika goes to the heart and soul
her into producing bountiful harvests, then with a
of Detroit’s communities: The mothers. For every
careful application of persuasion and browbeating
deadbeat parent abandoning their child, there are
she began organizing and teaching the unemployed
a dozen more with the will to make a better life
youth of her neighbourhood how to take care of
for their kids, but lacking the means and resources
it. Soon the empty parks and lots of dead brush
to do so. They regularly “volunteer” their youths
in her neighbourhood were producing raspberries,
to work on Mashika’s farms to keep them out of
potatoes, lettuce and onions- ingredients that were
trouble and teach them a work ethic that might
more precious than gold in Detroit and essential for
land them a legitimate job when the opportunity
the health of the body.
for one comes along. So long as the youths are
With her fighting spirit partially restored
bringing home fresh produce and are kept out of
Mashika returned to the Radiant and offered her
trouble, Mashika will never be unwelcome where
services as a reservist and an outreach officer. She
mothers gather and gossip.
was, of course, welcomed back like the prodigal son.
C.O.R.D. has responded with organized “drug

raids” via corrupt police officers on some of the
indoor gardens, and with targeted Darkspawn Frederick Freeman,
attacks on outdoor locations. Defending against
the latter requires vigilant Nobles, but the Local 911 President
former requires skilled contacts in government, law
enforcement, media, and government agencies that
“I only want three things: a stable job, a good
have escaped C.O.R.D.’s grip.
community at my side, and to walk the streets
Those who do not know her personally would
without fear. Tell me that’s not too much to ask
be surprised to learn that Mashika doesn’t want to
transform Detroit into an agricultural economy. In
truth, she doesn’t believe that hand farming could
Frederick Freeman—Fred to his friends, Prez to
ever compete with mechanised Midwestern farms
Local 911—was a Hunter since before the founding
and she sees nothing wrong if her farms require
of Local 911. His first hunt has become the stuff
a little magic from herself or her or her Sworn
of legends, filled with high speed car chases, battles
to keep everything running smoothly. Today the
against impossible odds, grit, determination, and
people of Detroit need dignified work and good
all-American spirit.
food. Tomorrow… things always change.
The truth is of course much more mundane.
When Frederick was a younger man his United
Attributes: Intelligence 4, Wits 3 (4), Resolve 3
Automobile Local President, a man named William
(5), Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4, Presence
Fosswell, was considered to be a man past his
3, Manipulation 3 (4), Composure 3 (5).
prime. Frederick was nominated as the unfortunate
Skills: Crafts 4 (Farming), Politics 2, Science 2
soul to gently suggest retirement for the good of the
(Horticultural), Athletics 3, Firearms 0 (3) Survival
2, Animal Ken 2 (5), Empathy 5 (7), Expression 2,
And so one one day Fredrick found himself
Persuasion 4, Socialize 3, Streetwise 2, Surberfuge
with a stowaway while driving home from an
unproductive dinner. During a brief moment when
Merits: Holistic Awareness 1, Meditative Mind 1,
the hosts were away, William’s son Lucas begged
Patient 1, Hardy 2, Allies 5 (Radiant Campaign),
Fredrick to take him away, for his parents had
Allies 4 (Local parents), Allies 4 (Local Youths),
been replaced by monsters. If Lucas had said
Allies 1(Local 911), Allies 1 (Neighbourhood Watch
child abuse Frederick would have rounded up some
Alliance), Allies 1 (Automatic Heartland), Allies
friends and “dealt” with the problem, but Lucas
1 (Lost Boys), Contacts 5 (Farmers, Parents,
had said monsters and so Fredrick drove them to
Education System, Youth Workers, Youths),
his church to seek reassurance that monsters were
Resources 2, Staff 2 (Crafts, Socialize), Circle 4.
not real.
Transformed Merits: Fame 2
To Fredrick’s surprise Father Clancey did not
Virtues: Trustworthy - Parents wouldn’t trust
join him in denying monsters. Instead he dug
their kids to just anyone after all. Humble - Despite
through church newsletters until he had what he
being a powerful supernatural entity Mashika is
needed to devise a plan. The next Saturday when
happiest as a farmer.
Clancey shook William’s hand he was wearing a
Vice: Indecisive - Mashika has a habit of looking
jade ring and Frederick was standing right next
at every issue from all points of view before taking
to him, the two men saw Fosswell’s reaction and
a decision, this requires spending a long time
exchanged a silent agreement.
Using a stolen car fresh from the production
Calling: Grace
line, Fredrick and Clancey collected Lucas on his
Queen: Clubs
way home from school and drove him to a priest
Charms: We Rely on You (Steady Resolve,
Clancey knew and trusted in Indiana. Along the
Sea-Foam’s Touch, Beginner’s Luck), Tranquil
way they dodged both police and an AMBER alert.
Glade, Drawn by the Moon, Oaken Fortitude, Fair
There were no car chases and only one small gun
Welcome, Helping Hand (Enduring), Laying Down
fight with a couple of lone highway patrol officers,
the Line, Small Providence, Better Together, Beast
the only injury was to Clancey’s arm.
Speaker, Javelot (Spread, Revealing), Tangling
With Lucas safe and Clancey in a hospital in
Vine, Consecrate, Barrier Jacket, Celestial Grace
Indiana, Fredrick returned alone. He burned the
(Danmaku Dance)
stolen car on the outskirts of Detroit in a moment
Inner Light: 5
he describes as his rebirth. With the heat of the
Belief: 6
burning car, the sun rising behind the city, and
Invocations: Legno 4, Terra 3, Acqua 2, Aria 1
sleep deprivation, Frederick saw Detroit on fire. For

a long while Lucas considered leaving the burning on a small group while leaving everyone else with
city, before he marched into hell with nothing but broad orders and little oversight.
the clothes on his back, a gun, and half a clip of Outside of the hunt Fredrick is a great believer
bullets with the Devil’s name on them. in the politics of respectability: he believes that
Detroit is in too deep a hole to climb out on its own,
and that it will need the suburbs’ help (or at least
Appearance their non-interference) if it’s ever going to recover.
This makes him unpopular with some Detroiters,
Fredrick is an African-American man in his mid- who accuse him of appeasing the suburbanites and
thirties, with a lanky build and close-cropped businessmen who abandoned Detroit in the first
hair that’s beginning to show a touch of gray. place; some go so far as to call him an “Uncle
Because of his position within Local 911, he is more Tom,” though never within earshot if they’re wise.
fastidious about his appearance than the average
mechanic: his chin is always shaven and his hair Attributes: Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Resolve 3,
is always trimmed, although he’s not afraid to Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3, Presence 4,
get his hands dirty in an engine-block. When Manipulation 2, Composure 2.
working, he wears a blue jumpsuit with his name Skills: Crafts 3 (Vehicles, Safe houses),
stitched on the left breast and he has a second Investigation 1, Occult 1, Politics 2 (Labour
larger set that he wears on top of store bought activism), Science 1 (Automotive engineering),
body armor when he’s hunting. When representing Athletics 2, Drive 5 (Combat driving), Firearms
either United Automobile Workers or Local 911 he 3 (While driving), Survival 1, Weaponry 2 (Tools),
always makes sure to clean up; scrubbing away the Empathy 2, Expression 2 (Activism), Intimidation
oil and grime under his fingernails and adopting 2, Persuasion 3, Socialize 1, Streetwise 1
respectable attire. He favors dark suits with a Merits: Direction Sense 1, Professional Training 3
single pale accent, such as a white pocket-square (Labourer, Athletics, Crafts, Expression), Crack
or a light-blue tie. Though it sometimes raises Driver 3, Stunt Driver 4, Contacts 3 (Labour
eyebrows, he never goes anywhere without his unions, Automotive Industry, Construction
“lucky” jade ring. Industry), Resources 2, Safe Place 3 (a panic room
at home), Status 5 (Local 911), Status 3 (United
Automotive Workers), Fire and Motion 1.
Storytelling Hints Virtue: Charity - Frederick is skilled a skilled,
experienced and well connected worker with good
As the leader of Local 911 Frederick brings one
leadership skills. He could leave Detroit and start
part combat skill, one part leadership, and two
a garage anywhere, he stays to help his city.
parts dependability. He’s a skilled listener with
Vice: Pride - The world has looked down on
a knack for hearing what the person asking for
Frederick, both for the colour of his skin and the
help has already decided to do, then instructing
colour of his collar. His need to prove the world
them to do just that in a calm authoritative tone.
wrong has lead to his share of mistakes.
Like a lot of Detroit’s citizens the Hunters of
Local 911 are adept at finding creative solutions to
problems, whether it’s a shortage of ammunition or Phoebe
a strange new monster. They don’t need Frederick
to micromanage, just to make sure everyone’s head Phoebe is Fredrick’s pride and a monster of
stays in the game. Detroit’s streets. She was born as a humble Ford
In combat Frederick likes to stay behind the Super Duty F-550 with an attached camper van,
wheel and he likes to keep his cell safe inside their then she was stripped down by hand and rebuilt as
mobile fortress when he can. He’s a good shot and the flagship of Local 911’s fleet.
knows how to swing a wrench, but so are most The body was removed and replaced with
of Local 911’s Hunters. Frederick’s true talent is armour and bulletproof glass and the engine was
driving. When his adrenaline starts pumping he replaced with two monstrous diesel engines to
can squeeze near miraculous feats out of anything compensate for the extra weight. The camper
on wheels. If he has a weakness in battle it’s big van was stripped until it was just an armoured
picture tactics, Frederick is far from incapable but box then fitted with stabilized firing platforms
he finds it hard to keep track of too many things at for an entire cell. As well as the usual stashes
any given time. If he’s leading his Cell he’ll make of medical supplies, weapons, and ammunition
great snap decisions but when he’s in charge of a Phoebe contains both a mobile phone signal
larger group he’ll develop tunnel vision and focus booster and a radio base station. While she has

no externally mounted guns, there is an industrial leaders of the Lost Boys came to understand Jerome
strength pump attached to the auxiliary fuel tanks was in charge. Pride is a dangerous thing, and
with a long enough hose to be used from any of the few of the Lost Boy’s leaders would accept being
firing platforms; and there’s plenty of flair guns in publicly challenged by Jerome. The smart ones
the equipment caches. make sure they’ve got their instructions before they
As a favour from the Radiant, Phoebe speak publicly. In Detroit the dumb ones never
even has supernatural enhancements: she’s been survive for long.
permanently Consecrated and enchanted with the
Ofuda and Warded Conditions.
Automatic Heartland have been known to Appearance
comment that Phoebe is superior to their urban
resonance vehicles, the trick is that a black ops The first thing that anyone notices about Jerome
vehicle needs to blend in and survive an inspectionis that he’s shockingly young to be one of the most
while Phoebe is allowed to look like an armoured powerful men in Detroit, he’s only fourteen years
beast that’s barely this side of legal. At least, old. The second thing they notice is that he really
unless someone looks inside or under the tarp on does not look threatening at all, but then he has
the roof where Fredrick keeps the enormous ram plenty of people make threats for him.
when he can’t get away with mounting it on the Jerome is a slightly pudgy African American
front. youth with close cropped hair. He usually dresses
in warm clothing due to poor circulation, and
Dice Modifier: -3 Size: 18 Durability: 4 favours designer waterproof coats, thick trousers
Structure: 22 Speed: 90 High Acceleration and practical boots instead of designer sneakers.
Firing platforms: Passengers get +2 to firearms Being very short sighted he wears thick glasses
Armoured Ram: +1 Durability from the front, (his old nickname “four-eyes” became four as his
crashes against soft targets never harm Phoebie or respect grew), but has been known to leave them off
her passengers, anyone struck by the ram suffers when he wants to make an impression of strength.
Lethal, not Bashing, Damage. Looks terrifying: Jerome’s most prominent statement is a large
+4 to intimidation when driving at someone. diamond earring in his right ear. At least, he claims
it’s a real diamond stolen from an expensive jeweler.
Nobody around him knows how to check for sure.

Jerome “Four”
Storytelling Hints
Lucas, Lost Boy
In the midst of violence, decay, and chaos Jerome
Consigliere sticks out like a sore thumb. He is calm, analytical,
and rarely orders violence unless there’s a practical
“Politicians don’t care about us, they just want the benefit. He may not be book smart, but he can
ghetto to go away. They don’t care if we get out or read a room and manipulate egos like the savviest
get killed. But we got no way out, we got no money, politician. However he is also cynical, he’d consider
we ain’t even got much food, but we got Lost Boy offers of resources that would help the Lost Boys
pride. We ain’t going down without a fight.” survive but is unlikely to accept anything that
requires him to trust an outsider or believe things
Life in the ghettos of Detroit is hard, and often can get better.
short. For years the leadership of the Lost Nobody, not even Jerome, is aware that he is
Boys changed constantly. Charismatic leaders and in fact suffering from clinical depression. This is
strong warlords rose to the top, each in turn fell to entirely environmental, a product of poor diet and
the monsters, to rival Lost Boys, or were corrupted a life surrounded by violence, death and misery. As
by Taint. Through all the years of instability a consequence Jerome doesn’t believe that things
Jerome was at the leader’s side doing what needed can actually get better and makes no attempt to
to be done. Allocating food and beds, keeping track improve life for the Lost Boys beyond finding a
of the latest no-go areas and safehouses, organising more comfortable safe-house or better food. His
scavenging teams to seek out money and supplies long term plan is to turn his inner city turf into a
and raiding teams to burn out Taints and monster fortress to make a last stand in, and die killing as
nests that threatened the residential areas. many of the Darkspawn as possible.
As leaders came and went their influence waned With that said, it is questionable what he could
while Jerome’s star rose. In time even the nominal actually do if he tried. Leading a street gang does

not provide the resources needed for urban renewal
and no matter how well the Lost Boys manage their
Rachel Ruth,
drug dens and pimps to prevent Taint from building
up; those industries don’t need a supernatural force Neighbourhood
to blight a neighbourhood or ruin their employees’
chances for a stable and prosperous life.
Watch Bartender
The ironic thing is that Jerome could quite
easily escape Detroit. His grandmother, Jerome’s
“My family were Detroit back when it was a fort.
last surviving relative, left in the Talented Tenth’s
Coleman Young forced us across 8 Mile, but we’re
exodus and is currently living happily in a small
not giving another inch.”
Ohio church-town. Her old church is currently used
by the Lost Boys as an infirmary – it’s a Blessed
Rachel is a second generation hunter, six years ago
Place, if barely. Jerome avoids it because being
her father went out to rescue a neighbour who
within the church makes him feel hope, and that’s
was cornered by Darkspawn and never came home.
scary but deep down he knows he could find the
Almost overnight Rachel became a different person.
Tenth’s old records and hotwire a car to take him
She threw away her boy band posters, deleted her
to his grandmother. If he believed it was possible
social media, dropped out of school and followed her
for life to be better he would have left already, and
father’s footsteps into the Neighbourhood Watch
without him the Lost Boys would not last for long.
Even before she joined Rachel was known and
Attributes: Intelligence 4, Wits 4, Resolve 4,
liked by the Watch, as she waitressed for her
Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2, Presence 3,
parents bar, J. Edgar’s which doubled as a Watch
Manipulation 4, Composure 3.
meeting house. This combined with a reckless
Skills: Academics 1, Computer 1, Investigation 2,
willingness to risk her life for others soon earned
Occult 2 (Taint), Politics 1 (Detroit), Athletics 1,
Rachel status and acclaim from her comrades.
Brawl 1, Drive 1, Firearms 2, Larceny 2, Stealth
The suburbs of Detroit share a common ideal
3, Survival 2 (Urban), Weaponry 1, Empathy
among their blue collar workers: when a man
2, Expression 1, Intimidation 1, Persuasion 3
punches out of the clock, he should have a cold
(Lost Boys), Socialize 2 (Lost Boys), Streetwise
one with his brothers and sisters who work the line
5 (Gangs, The Darkness, Hunters), Subterfuge 3
with him. Turns out, those same workers tend to
(Underestimate Me).
talk more openly about the troubles they’ve seen in
Merits: Common Sense 3, Danger Sense 2,
and around their neighbourhood when their blood-
Direction Sense 1, Investigative Aid 1 (Streetwise),
alcohol-level is higher than 0. Rachel and her father
Tolerance for Biology 1, Anonymity 3, Fixer 2,
used their bar to follow up on tips and rumors from
Resources 5 (Detroit Have-Not), Staff 5 (Brawl,
the neighbourhood locals at first. If one spoke of a
Firearms, Survival, Intimidation, Streetwise),
beast that drinks the blood of the innocent, ignore
Status 5 (Lost Boys), Turf 3 (vast tracts of inner-
it. If three share the same story? Follow up, ASAP.
city Detroit).
A bar is also the perfect place to host late-night
Virtue: Generous. Jerome remains standing at
meetups for NWA cells. They’re warm, spacious,
the head of the Lost Boys because he isn’t in it
and well stocked with liquid courage.
for power, perks, or to prove he’s stronger than the
Rachel’s first test (and challenge) to her
other guy. His leadership is for the good of the
leadership came when the Radiant launched
an offensive into Roseville. Under ordinary
Vice: Pessimistic. Because he suffers from
circumstances Watchmen don’t charge into battle
depression, and because the bottom line is that he’s
far from home and risk leaving their families
right to be, Jerome doesn’t have much optimism in
unprotected; but the Alliance was still hurting
his soul.
from losing Roseville to factory closures, drugs, and
Taint. When a large group of young Watchmen,
including members of her own cell, announced their
intent to join the effort and could not be dissuaded
Rachel used her status to convince hesitant Hunters
to come along and make sure their comrades got
safely home - the loss of so many hunters could
permanently weaken the alliance.
It turned out to be a moot point.
During the battle Rachel was shocked to see

that the Watchmen who first decided to attend Storytelling Hints
showed more loyalty to the so-called Nobility than
they did to their own Cells, and after the battle
Time and the camaraderie of fighting alongside the
the confrontation resulted in over a dozen hunters
Watch has allowed Rachel to somewhat heal from
defecting to the Radiant. To say the Watch were
the wounds of her father’s passing, and now she
shocked was an understatement. The turncoats
spends more time organising and keeping abreast
may have been on the young side, but they were
of developments in the watch as she does actually
sons and daughters known to have sensible heads;
fighting. She also spends more time working in
several were already starting families of their own.
her real job; having replaced her late father as the
Rachel remembered the lessons her father
owner and operator of the family bar, J. Edgar’s;
taught before his passing, the Watch’s unofficial
much like its’ namesake, the establishment is much
credo. You trust the actions of the men beside you,
more of an information gathering front than an
not sweet words from the foreman standing above.
entertainment venue. Still, that doesn’t stop one
The fact that these children were able to ensnare
from having a good time if they come looking to
her NWA brothers and sisters with a few uplifting
unwind after a long shift.
words showed that they were dangerous.
Among the Watch Rachel has no formal
It was not the Alliance’s way to start an
leadership position (no such positions exist) but
offensive war, and the returning watchmen had
having fought alongside an impressive number of
seen the terrifying power of a Radiant Champion
watchmen and served drinks to even more, Rachel
first hand. But concerned parents pushed hard
is given respect whenever she speaks and always
for the Watch to cross the I-696 bridges and wage
knows the right person to speak to. Watchmen
war to get their kids back. Through deft political
come to Rachel when they need help getting a
maneuvering (and more than one round of her dad’s
word out or organising something bigger than their
‘Third Shift Special’ cocktails) Rachel was able to
neighbourhood, and a Radiant could do the same.
keep the NWA focused on its mission of defending
In person Rachel is personable and gregarious
the suburbs without fracturing the membership.
if she likes you, and warm and hospitable in a
But she knows the wounds haven’t healed. The
practiced way if she doesn’t. Despite her strong
defectors still live in the same suburbs, still mow
political views she’s good at keeping her opinions to
their lawns on Saturday mornings, still shop at the
herself but anyone with the social skills of a Princess
same grocery stores- and none has been convinced
will likely notice she blames urban Detroiters for
to leave these “Radiant” beings. Their every word
the death of her father and still harbours a lot of
and action is being watched and scrutinized for
malign supernatural influence. They are living
reminders of the growing divide within the Watch.
Attributes: Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Resolve 4,
For now the Alliance has tightened their borders
Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3, Presence 4,
and pushed the Radiant to arm’s length; but no
Manipulation 4, Composure 4.
matter how many warnings the most respected
Skills: Crafts 1, Investigation 2, Medicine 2 (First
members give, the Radiant still tempt their younger
Aid), Occult 1 (Taint), Politics 3, Athletics 3,
or more idealistic members. One day the NWA, and
Brawl 1, Drive 1, Firearms 3 (Shotgun), Empathy
Rachel Ruth, will have to make a decision about
3, Intimidation 1, Persuasion 3, Socialize 4 (bars),
whether that freeway corridor should be crossed or
Streetwise 1 (Suburbs), Subterfuge 3
Merits: Professional Training (Socialite - Politics,
Persuasion) 2, Barfly 2, Contacts 2 (Sport shooters,
Bar staff), Fame 1, Fixer 2, Iron Will 2,
Allies 3 (Automatic Heartland), Allies 1 (Radiant
Campaign) Resources 2, Safe Place 4 (her bar has
Appearance a fortified basement), Status 5 (Neighbourhood
Watch Alliance), Striking Looks 1 (Powerful), Close
Rachel could be the blond all-American sweetheart Quarters Combat 2, Firefight 2.
if it weren’t for large claw-scars on her right cheek; Virtue: Loyal. Rachel truly believes in community
which she is rather proud of and has chosen to keep and is willing to go the extra mile to help her friends
despite a couple of Radiant diplomats offering to and neighbours, or just to make sure she remains
heal it. When around the bar she favors loose- in touch.
fitting shirts and jeans to help with a long day on Vice: Prejudiced. Rachel blames the culture of
her feet in a warm crowded pub. When hunting urban Detroit for creating the Darkspawn that
monsters she favors store-bought protective gear. killed her father.

action can be formed when “appropriate resources
Colonel Alexander are available”. While his wife and daughter live in
a Royal Oak condo and believe he’s pushing paper,
Hill, Automatic Alexander is making life and death decisions that
may save or doom an entire American city.
Heartlands Field He has been given extraordinary operational
freedom - a common occurrence in black ops
Commander missions. However Alexander has little to work
with, less time to work with it, and a mission that
might save some politician’s career but not the city.
“No matter where you’re deployed, it’s the same
Today, Alex has a shifting opinion of the
job: cleaning up some Washington Chickenhawk’s
different groups in and around Detroit. Each is a
potential ally or enemy. The Radiant Campaign
is what keeps this man up at night the most.
Alexander comes from as old a military family as
They are clearly “supernatural” in origin and some
an African American can. His ancestors fought
are clearly politically ambitious. Per standing
for the Union in the American Civil War, with
government orders, they should be wiped out.
the Harlem Hellfighters against the Kaiser in the
Democracy cannot survive when one person can
First World War, and then against the Japanese in
swing entire states to their purpose with a single
the Second, served on the U.S.S. Biddle during the
speech; the days of dictators, fascists and madmen
Cuban Missile Crisis. They probably were part of
always appear on the horizon according to the cable
some impressive battles back in Africa too. And
news channels, and if any of them had supernatural
then, as Alexander often says, after kicking the ass
powers? America would be fucked. These “Nobles”
of Confederates, Emperors, and Commies, the Hills
have already enticed two of his front line personnel
found themselves lining the pockets of “oilocrats”
to go AWOL and join their ranks - something
in Afghanistan and Iraq.
blackmail from foreign intelligence agencies and
Fighting through Bush’s misadventures as they
brutal torture at enemy hands couldn’t get them
destabilised the Middle East, then watching Obama
to do. But they’ve also had an overwhelmingly
“chicken out” of fighting ISIL left Alexander unsure
positive effect on the city. His staff have observed
of who he was within the military. He was an
them using their powers to turn urban prairie into
American soldier and a man who inherited a legacy
urban farms, closing known hotbeds of crime and
of fighting for liberty and justice. Never before had
corruption, and battling the entrenched monsters
those two traits been in conflict. After a lot of soul
to protect normal humans. Most importantly, he’s
searching, prayer, and conversations with his wife,
seen them fight and witnessed first hand just how
Alexander decided the only thing to do was to find
powerful a Princess can be if stirred to wrath.
a new battle, one worth fighting, and he knew just
Following government policy could open a war on
where to look. It was an open secret among his
a second front when Alex barely has the resources
blood family that Alexander’s uncle Kenneth had
he needs to fight on just one.
fought monsters in the jungles of Vietnam and come
This choice between alliance and war doesn’t
back… not quite right from the experience. The
need to be made now. His higher-ups are currently
VA chalked it up to “Agent Orange” and PTSD.
embroiled in political squabbling over staff changes
The grizzly trophies Kenneth kept in his northern
and budgets and legalities, but when the chaos in
Wisconsin lodge, and his regular correspondence
Washington dies down, it will need to be made.
with government agencies, belied the truth.
And soon.
A whispered word to one of his uncle’s old
commands in the Pentagon, some paperwork was
filed, and soon Alexander was dispatched to U.S.
Army Tank Command in the suburb of Warren, Appearance
Michigan to head up a small, clandestine unit
operating on American soil. Alexander has taken Alexander is a soldier and dresses appropriately.
to his new assignment like a salmon to water - His hair is close shaved and his moustache is
swimming upstream while bears swipe at him from regulation neat. Though only in his early forties
the rocks, never feeling more alive. He is outgunned the stress of active duty has turned his hair salt
(barely), perpetually outnumbered, and always and pepper. For clothing Alexander naturally
outplanned. His mission statement is simple: wears combat fatigues on duty, off duty he wears
Monitor “subversive supernatural elements within impeccably creased jeans with a shirt and jacket.
the Detroit Metropolitan Area” so that a plan of Physically he has a powerful muscular body.

Storytelling Hints Vice: Rigid. there are three ways to accomplish
any task. The right way, the wrong way, and the
army way. Alexander thinks in very rigid ways,
Alexander joined the military because he believed
part of the reason he finds it difficult to work
it stood for something, but the days of villains to
with the improvising hunters and the emotional and
be toppled on the battlefield look like a long lost
intuitive radiant.
past to his eyes. Even while fighting monsters that
embody evil on American soil all he can see is good
men risking their lives cleaning up after Washington
politicians. No matter how many monsters he hunts Thomas Cotton, The
down it won’t solve Detroit’s economic and cultural
issues or convince folks back in Washington to take Tyrant of Detroit
better care of their citizens. All he can do is
complete his mission and try to prevent the Taint “Look at them. Begging for someone to pay their
spreading beyond the city line. way out the pit they dug for themselves. The law
Alexander isn’t sure what he wants to do says they’re free, but in their hearts they’re still
once his tour of duty is over. Sometimes he slaves. They will always be slaves. They deserve to
thinks he’ll enter politics and run for office on be slaves!”
his veteran background, other times he plans to
buy a lodge in the Rocky Mountains with his Thomas Cotton has been around for a very long
wife and child and shun society, living off his time: born in the tail end of the 18th century to a
pension as a modern day hermit. Until then, he black butler and a comfort slave, Thomas was given
plans to run Automatic Heartland with military a life that was better than many poor white families
professionalism and scrupulous cataloguing of data in his day. In his youth Thomas was a house slave
and supernatural phenomena. He’s not a fan of the but as he grew older his duties increased until he
other Hunters in Detroit, seeing them as talented was single handedly running the plantation while
but slapdash amateurs and the Radiant as having his master gambled and entertained.
way too much power for people so emotional and Yet neither power nor comfort could make
without democratic oversight, but he also feels a Thomas satisfied in life. It was not just the
sense of kinship as they’re all just trying to do the inherent evil of slavery that any man might detest
best they can in the mess politicians dumped them on principal. It was the insult to his intelligence,
in. Thomas hated having to play the fool in public,
he hated that society would never acknowledge the
Attributes: Intelligence 2, Wits 4, Resolve 5, plantation’s success as his doing. In time his hatred
Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4, Presence 3, broadened into a general hate for all white people,
Manipulation 2, Composure 4. and an absolute loathing for black people; who
Skills: Academics 2 (military history), he came to see as embodying every dehumanizing
Investigation 2, Medicine 2 (field medicine) Occult stereotype and slur, and worse, dragging him down
1 , Politics 2 (military), Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Drive by association.
2, Firearms 4 (rifles), Stealth 4, Survival 2 (Middle The Civil War brought great changes to
East), Weaponry 2, Animal Ken 1, Empathy 3 (my Thomas’ life, and some would say it also ended it.
boys), Expression 2, Intimidation 2, Persuasion 2, After the North won Thomas followed many of his
Socialize 2 (Soldiers), Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 2. fellow freemen north, settling in Detroit. Despite
Merits: Danger Sense 2, Good Time Management his skills and intellect Thomas was an old man and
1, Library 2 (Occult), Library 3 (Investigation), settled in his ways. He had trouble adapting and
Library 3 (Streetwise), Professional Training 5 the loss of stability did what decades of routine evil
(Soldier - Firearms, Survival, Expression), Hardy could not, the last vestiges of Thomas’ Integrity fell
1, Quick Draw 1, Allies 4 (united states military), away and he became a Mnemosyne.
Allies 3 (Neighbourhood Watch Alliance), Allies No longer having any reason to suppress his
2 (Local 911), Allies 2 (Radiant Campaign), hatred Thomas turned his back upon mankind.
Resources 3, Small Unit Tactics 3, Status 3 (United He settled into a comfortable Nightscape and
States Army), Staff 5 (Computer, Investigation, spent decades refining his abilities and sending
Occult, Firearms, Stealth), Close Quarters Combat Darkspawn on petty, but very well planned, attacks
1, Firefight 2, Marksmanship 3. against whoever caught his attention.
Virtue: Loyal. To his boys, and to the ideals of It was the 1967 riots that lured Thomas
the United States. That’s why he’s so upset with back out of the Shadows, or rather, C.O.R.D.s’
the disappointments in Washington. exploitation of the anger and confusion left in the

Riot’s wake made a mark upon the Dark World says only what is necessary, but speaks with an
which intrigued Thomas. He joined the ranks unmistakable finality. On rare occasions, when
of fresh Darkened swelling C.O.R.D.s membership the mood strikes, Thomas will pause and share his
and began clawing his way to the top. Before inner feelings. He phrases it differently every time,
long he was the absolute unquestioned leader of but the theme remains constant: C.O.R.D.’s victory
C.O.R.D. and he began transforming it from yet proves the existence of some moral flaw in Detroit’s
another Dark Cult consumed with and doomed by citizenry, which in turn means they deserved every
it’s own vices into the monster it has become. cruelty C.O.R.D. inflicted. Speaking this way
about Detroit’s predominantly African American
citizens may contradict C.O.R.D.’s official doctrine
Appearance of blaming white people, but Thomas doesn’t give
a damn and neither will any member of C.O.R.D.
Thomas is an old African-American man with high up enough to hear Thomas speak privately.
bushy white hair, sideburns, and eyebrows. He Killing Thomas will not be enough to save
can create a flawless mask of warmth, kindness Detroit. It took someone of his exceptional
and laughter, but when he shows his true face his ability to mastermind C.O.R.D.’s rise to power,
features are almost always arranged into a scowl, but whoever ends up replacing him will have
and he glares out at the world through piercing enough skill to competently rule over an established
brown eyes encircled with bags and wrinkles. He cult. Even destroying C.O.R.D. utterly wouldn’t
is slightly pot-bellied, but apart from a limp he save Detroit without fixing the broken economy
is relatively fit for his (apparent) age. He carries and political climate, though removing C.O.R.D.’s
a walking-stick at all times and tends to dress in grip is a necessary step to accomplishing either.
conservative clothing: no bright colors, and nothing However Thomas’ death will paralyse C.O.R.D. in
that would draw undue attention to himself. a power struggle, creating the perfect opportunity
for the Light to press the attack, and with a less
brilliant leader Thomas’ death could mark the
Storytelling Hints beginning of C.O.R.D.’s decline.
It seems a cruel irony that a slave who once
Attributes: Intelligence 5, Wits 4, Resolve 3,
hated being the unacknowledged power behind the
Strength 1, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2, Presence 4,
throne could become the ruler of the city and still
Manipulation 5, Composure 3.
find himself the unacknowledged power behind the
Skills: Academics 2 (Race relations), Investigation
throne, but for his own safety Thomas still hides.
2, Occult 3 (The Darkness), Politics 5 (Detroit)
In C.O.R.D.s meetings Thomas arrives early,
Science 1, Drive 1, Stealth 2, Survival 2, Animal
takes a front row seat then nods in agreement
Ken 2, Empathy 3, Expression 2, Intimidation
to anyone speaking with a big fake senile smile
5 (African Americans), Persuasion 3, Socialize 1,
upon his face. If he places his right hand on his
Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 5 (Fake Senility, Fake
cane it means he agrees with the speaker, his left
hand indicates disagreement, no hands mean he has
Merits: Danger Sense 2, Eidetic Memory 2, Good
no comment, while both hands means the speaker
Time Management 1, Indomitable 2, Language 1
should see him privately later. Through these
(French), Tolerance For Biology 1, Vice Ridden
simple means Thomas maintains absolute control
2, Allies 5 (Detroit Government), Anonymity 1,
over C.O.R.D. decisions.
Closed Book 5, Mystery Cult Initiation (C.O.R.D.)
Outside of C.O.R.D. events Thomas can usually
5, Retainer 3 (many Cottonpickers), Safe Place 5
be found in his local McDonald’s where the men of
(an extremely well-fortified home in a Nightscape
his neighbourhood socialize. He sits in a corner
near his apartment), Status 5 (C.O.R.D.), Staff
laughing, nodding, and smiling, as mostly mortal
5 (Investigation, Politics, Firearms, Intimidation,
neighbors drop in and out. All the while he
Persuasion), Table Turner 1, Takes One to Know
imagines lurid tortures and deaths for each of them,
One 1, Untouchable 1.
some of which come true. Occasionally a member
Virtue: Just. Once when he was young Thomas
of C.O.R.D. comes in under the pretext of getting
burned with anger at the injustice of the world.
food and is “attracted by the warmth and laughter”.
Now that he is old, bitter, and Tainted, he sees
They never address Thomas directly, but his cane
the world differently. The world is just after all,
is always by his side.
prejudice and suffering exist because the victims
It is only in private, usually in the Dark World,
deserve it.
where one sees the real Thomas. Quiet, thoughtful,
Vices: Arrogant. Thomas is certainly smarter
and possessed of an absolute air of malice. He

than most people, he’s a certifiable genius both
intellectually and socially. But for Thomas simply crimes of the past, Princesses may emerge
putting his gifts to as good a use as possible within with new strength and knowledge to face the
the limits of his background is not enough, the problems of the present.
world has to see him do it, the world has to know
that he’s better than them.
Hatred. Thomas hates everyone. He hates
white people for enslaving him and thinking they’re
superior because of the colour of their skin. He
hates black people even more because they “allowed
themselves to be enslaved” and dragged him down
by association. He hates every other ethnic group
just because he’s too full of hate not to. (Thomas Cottonpickers
gains no benefit from the third dot Initiation into
C.O.R.D. because he was already Vice Ridden long
When the brutal evils of plantation slavery have
before C.O.R.D. existed)
literally dehumanized a person, Cottonpickers are
Caligines: Face in the Crowd 4, Scapegoat
the usual result. Their backs are permanently
2, Gathering Shadows 4, I Am Your Master 4,
hunched by their labours and covered in scars from
Open Hellmouth 1, Nowhere Untouched 2, Dark
the whip. Bone dry cotton plants grow from their
Ascension 4, Serpent’s Tongue 1, Evil Influence 2.
arms with bristles like thorns and the cotton itself
Persistent Tilt: Leg Wrack - though Thomas no
looks more like mould on rotten fruit than anything
longer ages he is frozen as an arthritic old man and
you could make clothing from. When they are
can barely walk without a cane.
injured the hideous poisonous fibres in their blood
escape to infect their attackers.
Naturally most Cottonpickers are found in the
American South, but there are Sugarpickers in
the Caribbean, Rubbermen in Congo, and similar
Darkspawn anywhere else agricultural slavery rears
Sweetriver its ugly head. Thomas Cotton has brought several
with him to serve as bodyguards, though “meat-
Plantation shields” might be a more accurate description.
The plantation where Thomas grew up is
Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 2, Resolve 1,
deserted and has fallen into ruin, but it
Strength 4, Dexterity 2, Stamina 5, Presence 2,
is still there. A blighted stain of Taint
Manipulation 1, Composure 2
upon beautiful Southern countryside. Even
Skills: Crafts 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 2 (defensive),
the monsters have left in search of better
Stealth 1, Survival 1, Weaponry 2, Intimidation 1
hunting elsewhere.
Health: 10
However the Nigtscape still echoes the
Willpower: 3
plantation’s most active days, and a visitor
Vice: Pessimistic – Given what they’ve gone
might see Thomas’ face within. This
through, can you blame them?
information is unlikely to be useful to a
Virtue: Cautious – They would never have
Princess who hasn’t already seen Thomas
survived otherwise.
around Detroit, but with the prophetic
Umbrae: Corruption of Blood, Faceless in the
abilities available to the Nobility it is not
Crowd, Loathsome Weapon (hands and arms are
much of a stretch to imagine the right
covered in thorny cotton plants), Roteater.
Princess finding herself guided to Sweetriver
Caligos: Avoid All Eyes, Flesh of My Flesh 3, I
Plantation by a visionary dream so that
Have You Now My Pretty 2, Voidblade 3, Zombie’s
they might find the truth about Thomas
Flesh 3
Merits: Fast Reflexes 3
Thematically a visit to Sweetriver
Plantation is a visit to the roots of Detroit’s
A common variant of Cottonpickers have Miasma
trouble, the shameful and disgusting history
of Madness Umbra that inflicts the Beaten Down
of slavery that still looms large over modern
Tilt through cotton spores. Thomas keeps a set of
times. Through confronting the very worst
these elite Cottonpickers but rarely lets them out
in public due to the attention they attract.

Detroit because it’s the easier target, and it was
Jenni August, The the easier target even before C.O.R.D. began taking
over Detoit’s civic institutions. But that doesn’t
Voice of Ferndale mean C.O.R.D. ignores the suburbs.
Like most of C.O.R.D. suburban agents Jenni
“Ok, I need to clear something up. I have nothing is not an official member of C.O.R.D., or an
against African-Americans, my issue is with the unofficial member for that matter, and has not been
culture of urban Detroit. It’s anti-intellectual, inducted into the cult’s worship. C.O.R.D. uses
homophobic, transphobic, and... I’m going to say spite and resentment against white suburbanites
it: It’s racist!” to recruit and motivate it’s pawns so it would
be hard to explain why a guest invitation was
Before she became a Mnemosyne Jenni was an given to a white woman who built her career
ordinary teenager, and her fall into evil starts with on criticising Detroit’s predominantly African
a tale sadly too often told for a trans woman American community. However Jenni takes her
in Detroit. After coming out to her parents in orders from the same puppet masters who sit in
her mid-teens Jenni found herself faced with the the highest ranks of C.O.R.D.
choice of going back into the closet or fleeing to Her orders are simple. Jenni works with other
the streets; Jenni chose the streets and bounced suburban agents of the Darkness to ensure the
between homeless shelters until a sympathetic suburbs are distant and dismissive of the problems
social worker told her where she could find real facing Detroit’s black population. Her influence is
help. A charity organisation run by “good citizens strongest in her home of Ferndale. In other suburbs
who got into politics through community activism her background alienates many potential viewers
before shifting focus to LGBT issues”. but even there she has become an underground
Jenni’s sponsors saw great potential in her and figure, one who is popular with queer youth who
supported her transition with a trip to Thailand, hear Jenni publicly saying the things they cannot;
all expenses provided by C.O.R.D. embezzling from this gives her a measure of influence.
City Hall; for what relevance do human gender By design Jenni’s critiques are hard to
identities have to a force of fundamental evil? But distinguish from legitimate progressive activism,
in exchange they taught Jenni to embrace her and most of the social media personalities she
resentment and channel it into destroying the city collaborates are perfectly honest in their beliefs
and culture that abandoned her. By the time and their desire to make a positive change. Her
Jenni had proven herself enough to learn that her role isn’t to spread corruption, just keep would-
sponsors had helped C.O.R.D. create that very be suburban friends, or foes, of Detroit’s African-
culture, she was too far gone to care. American community from doing anything that
would rock the boat C.O.R.D. built.
When activists from the suburbs try to
Appearance campaign to send welfare and aid for struggling
families south of the 8-mile road Jenni paints
Jenni looks like the All-American Sweetheart, she them as an educated ivory tower elite whose
has blond hair (dyed), angelic blue eyes (contacts), policies are designed to feed their own egos and
and passes perfectly. None of this is a secret and will push African Americans into welfare traps.
natural Jenni vs dyed Jenni is a perennial debate When community leaders from Detroit try to build
wherever her followers gather on social media. For bridges Jenni stands as a gatekeeper, telling her
apparel she favours slightly revealing clothing, often followers that no talks should take place until
in the vein of the little black dress. Whether she’s the ambassadors renounce their community for its
using her looks to attract viewers or exalting in attitude towards LGBT issues. Whenever someone
having the correct body is another unending online tries to bridge the divide between city and suburb
argument. Jenni is sure to have a defensible reason why
her followers should oppose it while still believing
they are the ones fighting for progress. After all,
Storytelling Hints pointing out flaws is easy, the hard thing is building
bridges despite those flaws.
C.O.R.D. wins because C.O.R.D. is playing every
But perhaps Jenni’s most important task is
side. Despite the promises of vengeance made to
simply to be friendly. She is on good terms with
the lower ranks the leaders of C.O.R.D. don’t really
key leaders in a whole new generation of politically-
care who they hurt, so long as they’re hurting
active suburbanites. Should the balance of power
somebody. They focus their schemes on urban

ever shift northwards Jenni will have no trouble like homes, begging them to step outside, to meet
getting the leaders alone, and from there it’s easy their neighbors, to form bonds and to take action
to ship them off to a Tainted Place. Abandoning together. Many ignore the calls. Some have
control of a city and starting from scratch is a heeded them and rebuilt their streets into bastions
drastic step, but it never hurts to have an exit against the Darkness. A handful of the elderly even
plan. If the need arises Jenni and her counterparts recognize the origin of the voice.
will Taint a whole new generation of leaders No man holds as much respect and mystery
before C.O.R.D.’s leaders put their cult, with it’s in the hearts of the working men of Detroit
theology and all its adherents onto the sidelines and than James Riddle Hoffa. Robert Kennedy once
repackage the same policies of municipal decline acknowledged him as the second most powerful
under a different brand. man in America after his brother John F. Kennedy.
He commanded the political power to wield the
Attributes: Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Resolve 3, American Teamsters Union, 2,000,000 voters at
Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2, Presence 3, its height, to great effect. He used these voters
Manipulation 4, Composure 3. as a bargaining chip to increase the power of
Skills: Computer 2, Investigation 1, Medicine the American worker while railing against the
1 (Transsexual health), Occult 2 (The Darkness) corruption of big business. Numerous political
Politics 2 (Detroit), Athletics 1, Drive 1, Stealth 1, investigations tried to taint him as a communist
Survival 2, Animal Ken 1, Empathy 2, Expression sympathizer. All of them failed. Senators and
3 (Social media), Persuasion 2, Streetwise 2, Presidents came to his office to court those votes.
Subterfuge 2 (Online). And Hoffa was undoubtedly corrupted by this much
Merits: Interdisciplinary Specialty (Social media) power, serving time in jail for bribery of a grand
1, Library 2 (Politics), Allies 1 (Detroit city juror and fraud, working within the mafia machine
government), Allies 3 (Detroit online activist of Detroit to further both his own power and the
community), Allies 5 (Suburban C.O.R.D. agents), power of organized labor nationwide.
Contacts (Detroit suburbs), Fame 1, Hobbyist This mafia connection is what tied his ghost to
Clique (Expression), Mentor 4 (her handler this earthly plane. Jimmy’s death was never solved,
from C.O.R.D.) Striking Looks 1 (All-American but it most definitely came at the hands of Detroit’s
sweetheart), Resources 1 (Detroit Have). organized criminals. Nothing else about his death is
Virtue: Loyal. C.O.R.D. helped Jenni out when known, no one has ever discovered where or how he
she was in a bad place, for that she shows as was killed, and only Jimmy knows at whose hands
much loyalty as a Creature of The Darkness can. he died. This has led the location of Hoffa’s corpse
With her warped Mnemosyne mindset she doesn’t to become a source of urban legends throughout the
think C.O.R.D. did anything wrong for feeding the United States- buried everywhere from the endzone
transphobia that put her into that situation in the of Giants Stadium in New Jersey (disproven after
first place. its demolition in 2010) or sealed in an oil barrel and
Vices: Competitive. In the dog-eat-dog world of compressed in a junkyard before being shipped as
online celebrities, if people aren’t talking about you so much scrap metal to Japan. The mystery of his
you’re falling behind. Jenni is always fighting for ultimate killers and the location of his remains are
the spotlight. the Anchors which bind him to Detroit. Until these
Corrupt: Jenni has no formal status, but she mysteries are solved, Jimmy continues to manifest.
does have influence, and she uses it for her own
gain and to further C.O.R.D.’s evil agenda.
Caligines: Walk in Darkness 3, Evil Influence 2

The Ghost of Jimmy
James Hoffa’s ghostly appearance is that which he
Hoffa held at the height of his power- a few inches shorter
than the average adult man, broad shouldered, with
“I do to others what they do to me, only worse.” a fashionable (for the ‘50s) haircut covering his
balding hair. When confronted with the fact that
Once a year, on the sweltering hot night of he is most definitely dead, his body begins to decay
July 30th, a ghostly power manifests deep in the into a more skeletal husk and stops his passionate
neighbourhoods of Detroit. This presence calls advocacy, instead giving in to his corrupt nature
out to the people hidden within their fortress- and becoming a destructive entity.

Storytelling Hints was self-defense), waiting for the requisite bribes
and threats to reach DPD headquarters to secure
his release. Tony’s dad did share the location of
Jimmy Hoffa’s ghost has become a pawn in
Hoffa’s body with his son before he died of cancer
the struggle between the Radiant Campaign and
in 2002, and Tony likes to taunt his cohorts with
C.O.R.D. His supernatural essence retains an
promises that he’ll take them where the corpse
invisible influence over Detroit, an echo of the
is someday. But if Jimmy’s little mystery cult
more mundane influence he once held in life.
isn’t able to reach a made man, Hoffa will settle
When Jimmy stands for something he believes in,
for Tony’s bastard cousin Martina Fernandez, an
Detroit’s citizens stand with their back a little bit
ordinary and defenceless student attending Wayne
straighter for weeks after his appearance. But
State University.
Jimmy’s power to inspire and rally the people of
the city is matched only by his susceptibility to
Rank: 2 Attributes: Power 5, Finesse, 4,
corruption. “The ends justify the means” is the
Resistance, 4 Manifestations: Discorporate,
mantra of a villain, and Jimmy was all about the
Image Numina: Emotional Aura, Left Handed
ends. Should Hoffa fall to temptation corruption
Spanner, Omen Trance, Sign
will sink its roots deeper into Detroit.
Ban: Hoffa’s power to inspire groups and his
Every year his manifestation begins a three
susceptibility to corruption cannot be overstated.
way battle between the Radiant, Local 911, and
He cannot perform an action within the sight of
C.O.R.D. to harness his power. The Teamsters
mortals that would disgrace him in the eyes of a
Union halls where Jimmy once spoke become
blue collar worker.
fortresses and the site of pitched battles and sieges
Bane: Metal from a 1975 Mercury Marquis
as each side tries to ensure that when Hoffa appears
Brougham, the model of car he was last seen riding
they are there to speak to him. For the Radiant and
in with mafia muscle the night he “disappeared”
Local 911 it is also a time of delicate diplomacy as
they divide the halls between them, for each group
has their own political agenda they want Hoffa to
endorse. Local 911 sees Hoffa as a mystical savior
with the power to return Detroit to manufacturing
greatness. The Radiant have no formal political
positions other than fighting the Darkness, but the
youth of Detroit’s Nobility (and the fact many of
Louie the Fish
them are from out of town) means they usually
push for progressive issues and a future of new As Detroit sinks into ruins, horrors and monsters
rather than old industries. Thus far diplomacy from its past return to haunt its present. Louie
prevails because both parties agree the other is far the Fish dates back over a century, in life he was
better than giving the Darkness access to Jimmy a bootlegger. A nobody two-bit gangster who
and the power he presents. smuggled alcohol and fought against rival firms for
A Grace or Troubadour that reaches Jimmy the notorious Purple Gang.
before the Darkness could learn invaluable skills Louie’s fall (if you do not consider a vicious
about how to push Mortal humans to decisive amoral gangster to have already fallen) took place
action for good. But little does anyone realize, after the Purple Gang decided to “teach a lesson”
the brightness of the Radiant and the temptation to one of their rivals in the wrong safehouse. The
of the Darkness are simply distractions to Hoffa. resulting Taint freed a vicious pack of Darkspawn.
The Ghost has a goal all his own. He seeks The Fish was in the wrong place at the wrong
neither redemption for the city nor power over it, time and found himself attached to the team
but vengeance. When he is not compelled by the of experienced old hands sent to clean out the
anniversary of his disappearance he is scouring the Darkspawn before the usual “consultant” could
city for relations to the Mafia men who killed him deal with the Taint.
in 1975, to deliver the same fate to them with the The shock of being attacked by supernatural
aid of a small mystery cult dedicated to his service; monsters damaged his Integrity and Darkened his
including some hunters of Local 911. soul. He became obsessed with the Darkness,
Most of the men responsible for his death are a force that could appear anywhere, command
long gone themselves, but their relations live on. monsters, and was taking it’s cut from all the gangs.
This year, Hoffa has two targets in his sights. That sounded like the winning team, and with his
Tony Gerando is currently in lockup in the city Integrity shot to hell by a lifetime of crime he was
jail for manslaughter (he swears the whole thing practically a Mnemosyne already.

Appearance Contacts 3 (Mnemosyne, Arms Dealers, Criminal),
Resources 2, Professional Training 3 (Criminal,
In his first life Louie dressed like an actual gangster, Larceny, Streetwise, Drive) Striking Looks 1
with a typical 1920s men’s suit and trilby hat. (Gangster), Cheap Shot 2, Street Fighting 3
Today it’s all about the branding. Gangsters and Virtue: Honest. With no courts or lawyers in
bootleggers like to blend in; immortal bootleggers the occult arms business you’ve got to have a
don’t need to interact with the public but reputation for honesty and keeping your word.
they do need to impress clients with a high Vices: Greedy. Jimmy doesn’t have much use for
tolerance for weird, and immortal bootleggers money or enjoy blowing it on wine and parties. But
don’t spend money on rent leaving more cash the thrill of chasing the next score, that consumes
for their wardrobe. Louie’s new look is more him.
inspired by Hollywood gangsters than the real Cowardly. Jimmy survives because he always
deal, with pinstripe suits, a fancier trilby, and gets out while the going is good.
silk handkerchief in the pocket. All worn over an Caligines: Nowhere Untouched 2, Walk in
athletic Italian body frozen in the prime of life, Darkness 3, Dark Ascension 4, Shadow Step 5, Face
before the criminal vocation took its toll. in the Crowd 4

Storytelling Hints Citizens of Detroit

Despite his name, Louie does not have any natural
affinity to water. What he has is a knack (and Detroit is full of weirdos, freaks, artists, druggies,
Caligines) for navigating the Dark World and firefighters, crooks, arsonists, cops, gangbangers,
Contacts all over the United States. He has no serial rapists, and regular folks just trying to
friends or loyalty beyond the Darkness itself, but keep their heads down and stay out of trouble.
his connections are impressive and spread beyond The following are simplified stats for NPCs whom
other Creatures of the Darkness and mortals. Most players may encounter.
of the time The Fish works as a middle man and
brokers deals and transportation for rare illegal
goods. In Detroit C.O.R.D.’s control over municipal
money and the municipality make them a reliable “Don’t panic, I’m here to help!”
customer and if the Radiant spot C.O.R.D. using
some strange power alien to the Darkness it’s Firefighting requires exceptional bravery, physical
probably something they acquired through Jimmy. strength, and stamina, as well as extensive training
In exchange, Jimmy gets the opportunity to indulge and certification. Few are left in Detroit who are
his vice or hard cash. willing to risk their lives on a daily basis to save
Jimmy is as slippery as a fish and this makes a dying city, so most Detroit firefighters are either
him a hard target to take on. Players will likely grizzled old-timers or probies who won’t last long
have a better chance if they can open a channel of before burning out.
information out of C.O.R.D. and ambush Jimmy
when he’s making a delivery than they would if
they simply tried to track him down. The Fish has
absolutely no loyalty to C.O.R.D. so if he feels he Usually male, rarely older than middle-age, always
is in danger or that the Radiant are starting to get in excellent physical condition. Working in a city
the upper hand he won’t hesitate to leave town for that seems to be hell-bent on consuming itself,
good. Detroit’s firefighters are often hollow-eyed and
unshaven, and can be seen clutching a cigarette in
Attributes: Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Resolve 2, one hand and a styrofoam cup of coffee in the other.
Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3, Presence 3,
Manipulation 3, Composure 3.
Storytelling Hints
Skills: Crafts 1, Investigation 1, Occult 1,
Athletics 3, Brawl 2 (Dirty Moves), Drive 4 Detroit’s firefighters are legendary in their field for
(Car Chases), Larceny 3, Stealth 3, Survival enduring a brutal workload, a civilian population
2, Weaponry 2, Expression 1, Intimidation 3, with an ingrained culture of arson, extensive
Persuasion 2 (Negotiations), Socialize 2, Streetwise government corruption and meddling, criminally
(Outdated knowledge) 3 low pay, ancient and degraded equipment, and
Merits: Crack Driver 2, Fleet of Foot 3, Hardy 1, generally deplorable working conditions. Many

are disillusioned and bitter, and all are exhausted. tech-savvy, though this is far from a rule. Both
Players may find themselves helping firefighters are characterized by insatiable curiosity, and a
with an ordinary fire or when they are ambushed by burning desire to find the truth, to discover “the
criminals or monsters. Firefighters may be called real story”. Justice and Honesty are common
to stop the players from burning down Tainted Virtues for journalists and bloggers, while their
structures. burning need to discover and expose the truth (even
if doing so harms one of their informants) makes
Firefighting (dice pool 6) — Working day in and them prone to sometimes-foolhardy Curiosity.
and out means Detroit’s firefighters have gotten
good at their work. Interview (dice pool 3) — People love talking
Fireaxe (dice pool 5) — Fire axes are supposed about themselves, and will sometimes let useful
to be used to break into a burning building, information slip (or fall tellingly silent) with just
unfortunately in Detroit they are occasionally a few simple questions.
used in self-defence. While fire is used as a Investigate (dice pool 5) — Journalism requires
weapon against Darkspawn, not by Darkspawn, extensive fact-finding, which often involves sifting
firefighters trying to save a Tainted building can through piles of documents and mountains of data.
find themselves face to face with the monsters Subterfuge (dice pool 4) — Journalists are often
someone tried to burn. Elsewhere Darkened aware, whether from training or experience, when
mortals, or just regular but sadistic mortals, might they are being lied to, or when key information is
try to ambush a firefighter for one reason or being left out.
Situational Awareness (dice pool 4) — A sad
fact of Detroit is that sometimes people set Juggalo/Juggalette
ambushes for firefighters.
“I’m down with the clown ‘til I’m dead in the
ground, muhfucker! Whoop whoop!”
Fans of the Detroit-based horrorcore rap duo
“That’s very interesting. Could you elaborate?” “I.C.P.” (Insane Clown Posse) are known for their
rowdy (and often senselessly violent) behavior;
Journalists are professional reporters employed their total lack of respect for authority, laws,
by news agencies who investigate stories, verify and private property; their prodigious appetite for
facts, interview witnesses and persons-of-interest, drugs of all types; their almost superhuman energy-
and compose informative articles for public levels; and their complete and unquestioning
consumption. Bloggers are often amateurs, though devotion to all other members of their extended
some are popular enough to support themselves “family” of Juggalos.
partially or entirely with ad-revenue from their
blogs or websites. Appearance
Juggalos are mostly young Caucasian males, and
tend to either be rail-thin or very overweight.
Most professional journalists have graduated from They often dress in outlandish and colorful clothing
college with a degree in writing or journalism, (especially wifebeaters, cargo pants with numerous
so they’re generally not younger than their mid- chains, and/or enormous, baggy T-shirts), wear
twenties. Bloggers can be any age, though teen their hair in the “spider-legs” style, and drape
bloggers find it difficult to be taken seriously and themselves in hatchetman logos/paraphernalia.
often have issues with transportation and gaining Females (known as “Juggalettes”) are encouraged
access to “adults-only” locations. to dress provocatively. Many ICP fans of both
genders sport extensive tattooing.
Storytelling Hints
Storytelling Hints
Many journalists are chain-smokers and/or heavy
drinkers (when they’re not on duty). Television Juggalos are primarily motivated by hedonism,
journalists covering a story in Detroit usually though they will to go extreme lengths to protect
travel in large vans and are accompanied by a members of their “family,” even those they’ve
driver/technician, makeup assistant, and security never met before. Reasoning with them is next to
personnel. Bloggers tend to be younger and more impossible, unless one knows their “Dark Carnival”

theology well enough to make an argument that always requires skill and training.
Shaggy 2 Dope and Violent J would want them to Empathy (dice pool 4) — With resources
do (or not do) whatever it is you’re asking of them. shortages sometimes the only help a nurse can offer
Juggalos particularly despise racists, bigots, child is a sympathetic ear.
molesters, and perpetrators of domestic violence: Drive (dice pool 3) — Homecare nurses spend a
they frequently use such allegations as justification lot of time behind the wheel getting to where they
for delivering a round of vigilante justice. are needed.

Carousing (dice pool 4) — Juggalos are experts

at consuming drugs and alcohol. Priest
Brawling (Specialty: Mosh Pit) 3 — Juggalo
“Tell me, my child: what troubles you this night?”
parties are messy affairs.
Priests (also known as imams, pastors, presbyters,
Nurse, Homecare and rabbis) are religious leaders who conduct
worship services, administer religious education,
“Look, I’d love to tell you more about what I saw, care for their place of worship and sacred texts, act
but I’ve got two more patients to see tonight, on as pillars of their communities, and provide ethical
opposite sides of the city, and I’d really like to get and emotional counselling to their congregants (and
home before the crazies come out.” sometimes non-believers). In parts of Detroit there
is less social stigma about seeing a priest than a
Homecare nurses are trained medical professionals therapist, and some priests have become trained
(either RNs or LPNs) who make house-calls to therapists to better serve their community. Priests
administer healthcare. In a dangerous city like are usually male, though this varies with religion
Detroit, homecare nurses are often the only care and denomination.
available to the elderly and homebound, and are
sometimes their only link with the outside world. Appearance
Priests dress in holy vestments while acting in
their official capacity, but many are allowed to
Homecare nurses are usually female, and often wear ordinary street clothes in their day-to-day
harried-looking. Detroit is an enormous city, and lives (though some are required by their vows
many drive more than a hundred miles each day to to wear badges of their faith, such as a white
attend all of their patients. collar, a yarmulke, or a taqiyah). Priests can have
nearly any appearance or physical build, though
most priests are not young, and their somewhat
Storytelling Hints
sedentary lifestyle inclines them towards stoutness.
Most nurses are too overworked to get involved with
a Princess’ extra-curricular activities. However
Storytelling Hints
having contact with many vulnerable and isolated
patients, the sort of people the supernatural likes
Being a priest requires empathy, good public
to prey upon, means that many have second hand speaking, and strong faith. Priests can be soft-
knowledge of the supernatural. Unlucky nurses spoken and kindly old father-figures, or exciting
might find themselves ambushed by monsters young firebrands who whip their congregations into
when driving through deserted neighbourhoods. ecstatic frenzies; detached ascetics who favor the
Some nurses have associated themselves with the spirit and eternity over the flesh and the present, or
Radiant Campaign in order to get support with crusaders for social justice and government reform.
both supernatural and natural problems. Others Whatever they do and however they operate, they
are getting support from charity groups that are ado it with conviction.
secret front for C.O.R.D. Few priests in Detroit fight the Darkness in
Jesus’ name. It used to be different but the
Diagnosis (dice pool 4) — While not doctors, int Talented Tenth decided it would be more virtuous
Detroit’s overstretched medical service sometimes to evacuate their congregations to safety than die
they are required to diagnose patients without fighting a loosing battle against C.O.R.D., the
support from a doctor. priests who knew how to use a gun left on the
Treatment (dice pool 4) — While much of a last buses. Exceptions are typically aligned with
homecare nurses work is routine, medical practice the Neighbourhood Watch Alliance (the Talented

Tenth were an urban organisation). However Firestarter (dice pool 4) — Pyromaniacs are fairly
priests are often the first port of call when a terrified good at setting fires (duh).
member of the congregation starts talking about Larceny (dice pool 3) — Pyromaniacs can pick
“demons” or monsters and make a point of knowing up tricks for breaking and entering from online
who they should pass the information on to. message boards, as well as avoiding or disabling
simple security systems.
Empathy (dice pool 5) — As moral leaders in their Stealth (dice pool 4) — Since they want to remain
communities, congregants often turn to their priests close enough to watch their handiwork but not get
for advice, guidance, and consolation in times of caught when the cops show up, hiding is usually a
stress and uncertainty. pyromaniac’s only option.
Theology (dice pool 5) — Priests undergo years
of training and testing in the theology and history
of their faith. Scrapper
Exorcism (dice pool 4) — While the average
“[grunting] Turn it to the left! No, my left! [loud
priest is not equipped to banish ghosts, demons,
crash, followed by cursing]”
or other supernatural entities, most have sufficient
theological training and Integrity to make a decent
Scrappers are people (usually unemployed men)
attempt at exorcism, if a trained professional is not
who make a living finding and reselling scrap metal
to junkyards. Some work carefully within the law,
while others are less scrupulous.
So… fucking… beautiful… [grunting and heavy
breathing] Scrappers dress in hard-wearing, functional
clothing, including steel-toed boots, denim overalls,
Pyromaniacs are usually young males, often heavy jackets, and leather gloves. Smart scrappers
unemployed. For many, setting fires begins as a wear hardhats, as well as eye- and ear-protection.
way to reduce boredom or relieve stress, which
quickly escalates out of control. Pyromaniacs often Storytelling Hints
exhibit poor impulse control, and may show signs
of obsession with firefighting and its paraphernalia; Most scrappers just want to keep their head
some like to hang around firehouses and ask the down, stay safe, and make a buck. In Detroit
firefighters annoying questions, even going so far as not all abandoned buildings are as empty as
to set false alarms (or set real ones) just to get a they appear and so most scrappers will encounter
chance to see or talk to firefighters in action. the occult during their career. Some are willing
to sell information they uncover, or trade it
(perhaps with a portion of their earnings) to one
Appearance of Detroit’s factions for protection. Others are
fiercely independent and opposed to “taxation”.
Though though they all take steps to cover their Either way, most scrappers will avoid getting in
trails, they will sometimes show signs that they deep enough with any group to attract the ire of
have recently been near a fire: they might have its enemies.
soot or ash on their shoes or under their fingernails,
there might be a lingering scent of smoke in their Awareness (dice pool 2) — While scrappers spend
clothing or hair, or burn marks on their clothing. a lot of time out in the world, they’re usually
focused on their work, which tends to be in places
Storytelling Hints where few other people are nearby.
Scrapping (dice pool 4) — Scrappers make their
Unlike garden-variety arsonists who use fire as living (or at least their side-hustle) by removing
means to an end (usually revenge, insurance fraud, large, unwieldy chunks of metal from wherever they
or entertainment), pyromaniacs are obsessed with can find it.
the beauty and power of fire. For some, known Street Smarts (Dice pool 4) — It wouldn’t do to
as pyrophiliacs, there is a sexual or erotic element walk into a gang’s safehouse or a monster’s nest,
to starting fires or watching flames consume a so scrappers learn how to look for signs before they
building. As a rule, pyromaniacs always watch their wander into somewhere dangerous. Even working
own handiwork, in person if possible. near a Tainted Place can be dangerous these days,

as monsters have become comfortable hunting in Seduction (dice pool 4) — Sex workers are trained
broad daylight and scrapping can make a lot of to seduce, and do it well.
loud noise. Scrappers who have protection from Knife-fighting (dice pool 1) — Knives are cheaper
one of Detroit’s factions typically work in their and easier to conceal than guns, and quieter.
territory. Scrappers without protection might do Unfortunately, most sex workers are not very
the same, judging it better to risk the ire of humans strong or athletic, and rarely trained in combat
than monsters, or they may keep an ear out for techniques.
recent battles where the Darkness was defeated
and work the unclaimed neighbourhoods before
the monsters return. Without some strategy for Union Representative
avoiding Darkspawn a Scrapper rarely lasts long.
“I’m sorry you feel that way, but my compatriots
made their demands very clear. I’ll go and tell ‘em
to put down their tools; as of this moment, we are
Sex Worker on strike.”
“Y’all lookin’ for a good time?”
A union rep (a.k.a. “union steward” or “shop
Usually from the poorest backgrounds, though steward”) is a rank-and-file worker who is elected
many are kidnapped from their homes, forcibly by his or her peers to represent them in
addicted to drugs, and compelled and to enter the negotiations and defend their interests. He or she
trade to feed their new habit. Most sex workers are typically acts as liaison between union leadership
female, and often young; they almost always enter and membership, passing information in both
the trade at a young age (frequently well below the directions.
age of consent), and few survive for more than a
few years in such a dangerous occupation. While Appearance
high-class call girls can live the good life, these
Union reps can have almost any appearance,
traits represent a less fortunate sex-worker.
though it’s easier for old-timers to get elected,
since everybody in the shop knows them by
name. In dress and mannerisms, they tend to be
Appearance indistinguishable from their peers.

Streetwalkers tend to dress in provocative clothing,

often garish and extremely revealing. Storytelling Hints
Detroit’s Unions have fallen far from the day when
Storytelling Hints presidents came to court their vote, but old union
loyalties remain strong. Union reps have status
Sex workers are among the lowest of the low in and prestige in Detroit which makes them useful
society’s eyes. Despised by moralists, dehumanized allies in organising the public. Most union reps are
by those who engage their services, and routinely on good terms with at least one hunter from Local
abused by their employers and pimps, sex workers 911, and they might also be one of those hunters,
lead grim, painful lives with little hope of especially if they represent the United Automobile
improvement or rescue. Many turn to drugs for Workers.
escape and comfort, which often accelerates their
demise. Blue Collar Community (dice pool 4) — Unions
Many sex-workers work for the Lost Boys, those do more than just negotiate for higher wages. They
who do tend to work in brothels rather than the are pillars of the blue collar community and were
street and are kept safe from monster attacks. This once the heart of left wing political activism. Union
does not mean they have a good time. Elsewhere reps have knowledge have connections and influence
they rely on their wits and street smarts to know in their community.
which streets are safe: Safe from the cops, safe from Expression (dice pool 4) — Union leaders are
the monsters, safe from the wrong sort of client. forces of personality all unto themselves- able to
threaten, comfort, and cajole both management
Awareness (dice pool 4) — Sex workers need to and members into action.
keep their wits sharp and constantly be on the Politics (dice pool 3) - A union is only as powerful
lookout for danger, since they can’t call the police as its ability to affect change. Like it or not,
for help. this means they have become intertwined with

local politics. Any union rep worth their salt flee at the first sign of danger.
knows which representative to call and put pressure
on, which news outlets to leak stories to, all for
maximum effect.
Merits: Inspiring 3, Dice Pool 4
Freemen of Detroit
In the World of Darkness powerful supernatural
Urbexer beings like the Radiant are a minority of
supernatural phenomena. More commonly you find
“These empty spaces are so beautiful! They’re people or objects whose capabilities blur the lines
practically sacred.” between the mundane and the occult. Below are
generic NPCs who straddle that line, each group
Typically from the college town of Ann Arbor or is tied into Detroit’s culture or the unique socio-
the suburbs of Detroit, self-styled “urban explorers” economic pressures of living in a dying city and so,
tend to be well-off white kids who enjoy the thrill while far far rarer than ordinary mortals, there are
of entering abandoned and condemned structures. enough of each that it would not be unusual for a
Many are amateur historians or photographers, Princess to encounter them if she moves in the right
who come to see and document the forgotten places circles.
from Detroit’s past (but not to help the people still
struggling to live there).
Alley Men
Appearance He stares at you blankly before walking on.
Experienced and competent urbexers wear
practical clothing while pursuing their hobby: Detroit has seen entire communities and
sturdy jeans and hoodies or jackets in dark colors neighbourhoods dwindle until only ruined buildings
are the norm, especially paired with steel-toed and urban prairie remains. Sometimes the old
boots. Inexperienced urbexers often show up in inhabitants found new communities and jobs far
their street clothes and sneakers. away, and sometimes they slipped between the
cracks in the system.
Storytelling Hints Alley Men come from the ranks of scrappers,
Generally speaking, urbexers are young white modern homesteaders, homeless, and others who
suburbanites; play up how out-of-touch they are live on their wits by digging through Detroit’s
with the daily struggles of actual Detroiters. forgotten corners. Sometimes, without social ties to
Urbexers almost always carry camera equipment keep them solid, these lonely souls find themselves
(well-off urbexers might bring headcams or slipping through the cracks in the city to move
quadcopter drones), and smart ones carry cell about unseen and find lost things that help them
phones, walkie-talkies, and emergency whistles. survive even as they drift further away from
For many, their enthusiasm and curiosity outstrip humanity.
their better judgement, leading them to become
injured (by falling, electrocution, or sharp bits of Appearance
metal) or trapped (by collapsing infrastructure,
guard dogs, hostile squatters, or of course Not all Alley Men are homeless but all are isolated,
Darkspawn). their appearance tends to reflect that and even
those with appropriate facilities show little regard
Academics (dice pool 4) — Many urbexers are for how others might perceive them. While
currently—or were recently—attending college. typically found in urban Detroit many Alley Men
Athletics (dice pool 4) — Urbexers’ very physical are white, left behind when their communities fled
hobby requires the ability to run, jump, and climb the city, younger Alley Men tend to be black. Most
fairly well. Alley Men are in fact men as the greater social
Larceny (dice pool 1) — Seasoned urbexers support available to women can prevent women
become experienced at breaking and entering, from developing the Alley Men’s occult abilities.
as well as avoiding or disabling simple security As the opioid crisis devastates communities
systems. Alley Men have started to appear in suburbs
Running Away (dice pool 5) — Urbexers are like Fraser. Their appearance reflects suburban
emphatically not combatants, and will attempt to fashions and demographics, but despite that they

maintain the same shabby appearance as their in general) and few like the Lost Boys though their
urban counterparts. abilities tend to result in an instinctual deference to
the local gang whenever they set foot on gang turf
Storytelling Hints which means the Lost Boys are willing to accept
their presence, if perhaps after taking tribute. But
Most Alley Men don’t consider what they do to be mostly they use their abilities to stay far away from
supernatural. They think of themselves as ordinary Darkspawn and are content with that.
folk just trying to survive who’re lucky enough
to be really good at getting around the city and Cracks in the City (dice pool 8, rote action) —
scavenging for supplies or goods to sell. If on Without social connections to keep them solid Alley
occasion they goes through a door that doesn’t Men slip through the cracks of the city, allowing
exist and find themselves in a building that the them to get around supernaturally easily and see
vultures haven’t picked clean, how would they know what others don’t expect them to see.
it’s unnatural? The door and the building look Face in the Crowd (dice pool 5) — While not
normal. A few work in pairs to handle tougher particularly good at sneaking, Alley Men tend to
jobs like scrapping and some Alley Men wistfully blend into the background.
dream of once again being part of a community, Running Away (dice pool 4) — Alley Men are
but either circumstances or their own issues makes not fighters and usually run from danger, however
that unlikely — if it was easy they’d have done it they’re often not in great physical shape.
already. If an Alley Man ever came in from the Poor Social Skills (dice pool 2) — Alley Men
cold he would loose his supernatural abilities. usually don’t have more social contact than buying
While Alley Men have no connection to any something at the corner store or selling scrap metal.
of the factions in Detroit, they often know about Their social skills have atrophied and some have
them and might come to the Radiant or Local 911 seen their mental health decline as a consequence
with a tip off if doing so would benefit them. They of isolation.
usually avoid Heartland (and government officials

Cracks in the City

Alley Men are a minor template and can be found in every urban environment. They are most
commonly found in places with high rates of homelessness or places which have seen communities
collapse, such as Detroit.
Alley Men gain a free Streetwise Speciality tied to a specific area, two free dots of Anonymity,
and benefit from the following supernatural advantages:
• Mundane Streetwise rolls become a Rote Action.
• Alley Men have a single dot of Potency, but only to resist supernatural effects which find
their location, history, or personal details.
• When travelling divide the time taken by Streetwise as your character takes hidden short
cuts, times bus routes perfectly, and otherwise exploits their knowledge of the street to move
• By spending a point of Willpower your character can find a desired item by rolling Streetwise
- Availability. A safe place to crash for the night is Availability two. Your characters can
only do this when not being watched, though if he turns a corner in the middle of a footrace
he could vanish before his perusers get their eyes back on him. A quick escape is treated as
Availability 3.

Dramatic Failure: Your character finds themselves face to face with one of the other creatures
that exists between the cracks or is trapped in the strange interstitial space their powers let
them access. Neither survival or remaining human can be assured.
Failure: Nothing special happens.
Success: Your character finds a seemingly ordinary door, narrow alleyway, or other passage
that doesn’t actually exist. Or for a brief moment a real passage leads somewhere it shouldn’t.
The passage leads to a forgotten place, an abandoned building or a structure that never made
it past the planning phases. Whatever the character is looking for can be found inside.
Exceptional Success: As above, and the point of Willpower is refunded.

Being an Alley Man has it’s disadvantages too. All Alley Men are attached to a specific urban area
(the one defined by their Streetwise Speciality) and have the Phobia Condition; they fear leaving
those familiar environs. If they do leave they cannot use any of their supernatural benefits until
they return. In addition Alley Men are forbidden from having any Social Merit except Anonymity,
Resources, or Safe Place, and they find it hard to acquire Resources.
If an Alley Man reconnects with society they loose their supernatural nature. Most don’t
mind. Most never realised they had one.

text messages from dead relatives. Many dispose

Excavators of these objects as soon as they realise what they
“Hands off! I found that.” have, others keep them and make use of them.
Excavators are more specific. To Excavators
You can find all sorts of things when digging finding supernatural objects is more important than
through a city’s bones for scraps to sell. Old having supernatural objects. For some it’s a source
family albums full of treasured memories. War of hope, like buying a lottery ticket. Next time
trophies from Afghanistan or Vietnam. And in they’ll find the big prize, the one item with enough
the world of Darkness you can find weirder things power to let them retire into the good life. For
too. Excavators found something and it changed others it’s an almost spiritual quest that gives
them. It’s not supernatural transformation (if that meaning to days struggling to survive. The items
happens these stats won’t fit), but in finding a hint they find are special. They’re Detroit. And one
of a secret world the Excavator sees something more day when the city is rebuilt they’ll sit in a museum
than the daily grind for survival. They find hope and keep the new Detroit connected to it’s history;
and meaning hidden in the crumbing foundations with a tasteful plaque about the man who found
of a dying city and they want more. them next to the display.
While far too disorganised to form into
Mystery Cult and lacking any actual mythology or
theology (most Excavators practice a mainstream
Excavators can be blue collar contractors with a religion), Excavators often know of each other and
steady pay-check who found something while on occasionally meet to trade finds (the items they
the job, or unemployed scavengers who made their uncover tend to be more useful as a symbolic
discovery while looking for anything they could sell treasure than practically useful) or discuss their
or tearing a building apart for scrap metal. Their unique spiritualism. Like regular scrappers
general appearance and attire reflects their origins some trade with one of the factions in Detroit
and affluence, though most favour tough workmen’s for protection, but their paranoia around their
clothing even when at home. Their ability to dig discoveries mean they are more likely to remain
through Detroit has become a core part of their self unaffiliated and rely of street smarts to stay away
image. from roaming monsters. Many keep an ear to
the grapevine and show up in the aftermath of
Storytelling Hints any major battle against Darkspawn to search
untapped buildings before the monsters return. If
In the World of Darkness anyone might find an Excavator found a serviceable magical weapon
themselves in the possession of a simple they may take it as a sign that they’re called to
supernatural object, a simple lucky coin that join the war against the Darkness, if they’re smart
actually works or a phone that occasionally gets

about it they’ll likely align with the Radiant as the prairie as modern day wild men. Some even
an Excavators’ sense of purpose fits well with the commute down from the Suburbs weekly or even
hope driving the Campaign. If they’re not smart from further afield. There’s a couple of students
they may try to wage a one man war against the from Ann Arbor who tell tales to classmates they
Darkness, few magical items are powerful enough trust that are far grander than anything they can
for that to work and those relics are unlikely to be accomplish.
lying in a Detroit basement.
Deconstruction (dice pool 5) — Whether a
professional construction worker or a scrapper, To identify a Prairie Shaman don’t look for ritual
Excavators know how to take a building apart. items or Native American paraphernalia, look for
Either for money, to get at a supernatural object, the person who seems ordinary but shows an
or both at once. ability to navigate the wilderness that defies a
Street Smarts (dice pool 5) — Excavators search city upbringing. Shaman from Detroit tend to be
through abandoned buildings for occult objects, the African American and usually wear ordinary street
likely sites tend to be the more dangerous ones. clothing with a healthy dusting of soil on it, shaman
Knowing when to back away is a life saving skill. from further afield tend to be white and often look
Occult Investigations (dice pool 4) — dressed for the outdoors.
Excavators may not have any formal knowledge Many Prairie Shaman will have a discrete
or secret lore but they do have a knack for finding amulet they made to provide some basic protection
an occasional occult object now and again. Finding from hostile Spirits, but only a few actually present
anything with actual power is very rare, but themselves to brag about their occult abilities. The
that’s still an impressive track record. Some have ones who do are usually kept at distance by other
developed an ability to sense occult items through Prairie Shaman, who worry they’re going to bite of
their dedication. more than they can chew.
Paranoia (dice pool 4) — Excavators need to keep
their wits about them in case the abandoned objects Storytelling Hints
they seek turn out to be owned by someone or
something after all. Once they have the prize they Prairie Shaman are not the kind of shaman who can
often take excessive precautions to keep it safe. bargain for the Spirits for rain to water the crops
Merits — Eye for the Strange (••). One dot or thunderbolts to smite the shaman’s enemies.
in any Supernatural Merit representing their most Though some would dearly like to be; that kind
potent object, or a one Dot Relic from WoD of power requires substantial training and access to
Reliquary. Some have Unseen Sense (Supernatural lore that’s beyond the reach of most people in the
objects, ••). World of Darkness. What Prairie Shaman have is a
connection to spirits that helps them navigate the
urban wilderness. They have an instinct for what
Prairie Shaman will anger the Spirits and what will not, which helps
them make the most of the opportunities presented
“Mother nature is coming back, we must embrace by the urban prairie. If the price is an occasional
her.” demand or disturbing message from the Spirits then
so be it.
As Detroit’s buildings give way to the urban prairie Prairie Shaman from Detroit are usually after
citizens come looking to forage for food, to hide practical things. They want food or even natural
from cops, or just to get some fresh air and sunlight. medicine, and they try to avoid diving too deeply
Some of them find a sense of belonging that they into the occult least doing so might alienate them
could never find in the crumbling city and others from their community and the support network it
never realised what they were missing until they offers. Most can be found foraging or performing
found it. small rituals to thank nature for it’s bounty while
Whether it’s because of a quirk of genetics or they’re in the prairie, though they might track
because the Spirits chose them, the involuntary down a Radiant to impart a demand or message
nature of membership makes Prairie Shaman a from the Spirits. Those from further afield usually
very diverse (if small) group with few common don’t need the resources the prairie provides but
goals. Some swing through the prairie on their choose to come here, and that means they want to
way home from a regular job and make offerings to get close to the spirits. They can often be found
the spirits in exchange for finding some vegetables studying occult books (the publicly available stuff)
to supplement tonight’s dinner. Some live on

or performing favours from the Spirits in hope of Detroit’s infamously large amount of arsonists
tuition. and pyrophiliacs means that despite the rarity
None of the factions has specific ties to the of developing psychic abilities there are several
shaman, though Mashika did seek them out to see psychokenetics burning down buildings with their
if they could learn to adapt Legno Charms for their mind alone. They tend to be considered weird
own use (they couldn’t) and some might seek her and obsessed even by other pyrophiliacs. As a
out if they need help or to pass on the location of consequence they’re most likely unemployed.
Tainted Places in the Prairie they’ve discovered.
As it requires humans to form Taint once a part of Appearance
the Prairie is cleared out it tends to remain clear
and the shaman tend to congregate in known safe Usually young males, often unemployed. Some like
places. Their skills are usually enough to keep them to dye their hair red or orange. At the extreme
safe from any monsters roaming far from home. On they might wear gaudy fire themed outfits inspired
occasion Prairie Shaman have helped the Campaign by comics or mythology to flaunt their assumed
as medics but this is far from a regular occurrence, superiority over other men.
a skilled and experienced Shaman could rival any
modern doctor, but a self taught Prairie Shaman Storytelling Hints
either goes to that modern doctor or forages for
herbal medicine because they, or someone they Most psychokenetics have no interest or connection
know, can’t afford a trip to the hospital. As a rule to the wider occult world, and given their rarity few
they don’t have much spare time or supplies. are aware that there are others of their kind. With
no employment they spend their time struggling
Wild-craft (dice pool 8) — Though most Prairie to survive or committing arson. Even if they
Shaman were raised in the city or suburbs, they find looked for a way to make legitimate money from
that their natural connection to the spirits gives their powers few could manage the routine and
them a supernatural edge when it comes to nature. requirements of a real job, and would be employers
Some are uniquely limited to Detroit’s urban prairie usually want to avoid anything supernatural. Some
but others thrive in any wilderness. psychokenetics work as scrappers, burning down
Spiritual Wisdom (dice pool 4) — Spirits in buildings without fuel expenses to get at the metals
the World of Darkness are, as a rule, not wise. within. Others use their powers for petty crime
They’re ambitious and hungry creatures, which is and hope the police will creatively loose paperwork
why a shaman who deals with them has to be wise. rather than confront anyone with supernatural
That wisdom can in turn be used to help their abilities.
community. While fire is dangerous and can be a potent
Herbal Remedies (dice pool 5) — Prairie weapon under human command it cannot match
Shaman are not the kind of occult healer who can a good firearm for speed or ease of use. A
conjure up miracle cures. They’re the friendly pyrokinetic without combat experience can be a
neighbour who’s good with herbs and won’t ruin deadly threat to an unsuspecting fireman, vagrant,
your credit rating for life. or ex-girlfriend, but they have little chance against
Occult Lore (dice pool 5) — It’s hard for an a prepared Hunter, and virtually none against a
amateur oculist to separate the wheat from the Princess.
chaff, but Prairie Shaman do study to learn about
themselves and their abilities. They usually know Pyrokinesis (dice pool 6) — Controlling fire is
the basics, such as to be careful around Spirits. their identity and their obsession.
Merits Holistic Awareness (•), Medium (•••) Mythology of Fire (dice pool 2) — Their research
is rarely more than a quick wikipedia search for a
cool quotation or two they might use.
Psychokinetic Merits: Psychokinesis (••• or •••••)

“I control fire itself! I’m fucking Prometheus,
Hunters of Detroit
In Detroit the war between the Light and the
Darkness is spilling out of the shadows and onto
At this point neither science nor occult studies
the streets at night, and even the day. Those
can say for sure what grants some people psychic
who fight that war are a diverse lot, from Radiant
powers, but clearly a... focused mind doesn’t hurt.

Princesses blazing with light to the angry and the Empathy (dice pool 9) — Radiant magic is
disaffected manipulated by C.O.R.D. into serving powered by emotions, so Radiant Champions are
the Darkness. good at understanding both their own and other
people’s emotions.
Following their gut (dice pool 6) — Their
Radiant Champion instincts are as magical as they are, but doing
“If you love something, you protect it even if it kills the right thing isn’t always the same as doing the
you. I’ve died before; it wasn’t so bad.” sensible thing.
Inspirational Figure (dice pool 8) — Just being
Radiant Champions have come to Detroit from all in a room with a Princess of Swords can feel
over America. Those born in Detroit often have amazing.
a hard edge from life in a broken city, but even Levinbolt / Kensai (dice pool 15) — A
those born with a silver spoon in their mouths have Champion’s skill in battle is outright superhuman.
willingly walked into dark places and have the scars Organizing Civilians (dice pool 8) — They’re
to prove it. Most Radiant Champions follow the idealistic and want to protect people more than
Queen of Swords. they want to fight monsters. If necessary they can
take charge in a crisis.
Merits — Fame (•) though not publicly
Appearance acknowledged Champions are subjects of rumours
Each Champion has a unique and distinctive and urban legends, Inspiring (•••), five dots of
appearance. Most of them are young and fighting Merits.
attractive, if sometimes in a very unconventional
way. Their outfits frequently ignore social
conventions and sometimes the laws of physics.
Radiant Squire
“Magic is real. The afterlife is real. I’ve seen proof,
Storytelling Hints so I know, you gotta do the right thing. It matters.”
They might be young, open-hearted, idealistic, Most of the mortals who fight with the Radiant
and have a tendency to run with their emotions, Campaign are Detroiters born and bred. Many
but they’ve not naive or ineffectual. Radiant are veterans from Hunter organizations that fell to
Champions are by far the most powerful C.O.R.D. and others were social workers, health
combatants in Detroit. Most travel individually workers, or in a similar field where Princesses
or with mortals for support, and that is more than tend to congregate and thus they learned of the
enough firepower to deal with anything but the Campaign. It takes a significant investment of
most infested Tainted Place or a carefully planned magic to make a Sworn, and plenty of Detroit’s
C.O.R.D. ambush. Nobility are far from their friends and family so
While there are many Champions in Detroit the they chose the best to become Squires.
Storyteller should avoid using them as disposable
NPCs. Even if they have no role in the larger plot,
each Champion should have a name and unique Appearance
appearance. This is especially true if the player’s The Squires are a diverse lot, while nearly all are
are playing mortal characters, a Champion’s arrival Detroit born and bred the Radiant’s aggressive
(or her getting into trouble) should signal a turning recruitment means squires come from both the
point in the scene. The Storyteller may consider relative stability and prosperity of the suburbs and
giving the Inspired Condition to everyone present come inner cities bearing the signs of stress and
when she makes her dramatic entrance or Shaken poor health. But no matter where they come from
if she gets into trouble. Though remember that what squires have in common is eyes that shine
hunter groups outside the Campaign usually have with the light of true belief. While the majority
an ideological or political reason to keep that of Squires are male there is a higher proportion of
separation and may be less easily impressed. women among their ranks than any other hunter
group save the Neighbourhood Watch.
Athletics (dice pool 13) — Detroit’s Princesses As the Campaign is located in Urban Detroit
skew towards the Court of Swords so flight is a the racial balance skews heavily towards African
rare ability among Detroit’s nobility. It can be easy Americans, but Asians and Hispanics are more
to forget that when you watch them run and leap common than Detroit’s raw demographic numbers
across the city. would suggest as those groups are under supported

by mortal hunter organisations. Whites are make Squires, having served in charitable institutions or
the second largest group after African Americans, other Hunter organizations before encountering the
their numbers are bolstered by recruits from the Radiant.
suburbs. For attire Squires favour practical store
bought equipment. They often adorn themselves Appearance
with homemade icons memorialising fallen monster
hunter compacts, symbolising ideals, or recreating Men-at-Arms look similar to Squires in most
icons from Princesses they respect; a more low key regards, and have the same demographics. Though
adaptation of the Nobility’s own heraldry. many favour larger coats as unlike magical Bequests
a gun is best kept concealed. Men-at-Arms are
often younger, fresher, or just all round more
Storytelling Hints
healthy than squires; as lacking magic their time
For many Squires, the Radiant Campaign is in less demand.
represents a second chance after watching their
former compact fall to C.O.R.D. or their voluntary Storytelling Hints
organisation gradually collapse under shrinking
budgets and increasing demand. And they have Being pure humans in a compact led by the
seized it with a grim determination that contrasts supernatural doesn’t bother Men-at-Arms. If
the idealism of most Radiant. When the need arises anything they lean to the opposite direction, but
Radiant Squires gladly work and fight alongside the the veterans try to temper anyone veering towards
Champions, but most of the time the Squires are blind faith. In battle Men-at-Arms tend to be less
leading mortals rather than trying to keep up with experienced and trained than hunters from other
Princesses. groups, an inevitable consequence of the Radiant’s
superior ability to recruit civilians, but they make
Levinbolt / Kensai (dice pool 10) — They were up for it with moral, team spirit, and magical
good fighters even before they got magical weapons. blessings.
Something useful from the old days (dice pool
4) — Whether they were a Hunter, a social worker, Rifle (dice pool 5) — Without magic Men-at-
or a famous figure on Detroit’s streets before the Arms must rely on conventional weapons, and as
Campaign, many Squires retain useful knowledge most fight in support roles to the magic users
or contacts from their past; and with few Graces in necessity hasn’t taught them the same skills as their
Detroit they often use what they have to serve as counterparts in other factions.
the Campaign’s interface with Detroit. Something useful from the old days (dice
Organizing Civilians (dice pool 4) — Like pool 3) — Like the Squires the Men-at-Arms were
the Princesses they serve mortals in the Radiant working for Detroit before they joined the Radiant
Campaign are expected to be able to manage and bring an eclectic but useful mix of skills with
civilians and keep them safe in a crisis. As cell them.
leaders that job falls onto the Squires. Organizing Civilians (dice pool 2) — Empathy
Merits: Crowd Management (••), Small Unit is endemic to the Nobility, and even though crisis
Tactics (••) management is usually handled by a higher rank
most Men-at-Arms have learned something by
watching and supporting their officer.
Radiant Man-at-Arms
“The magic isn’t important. What matters is Local 911 Union Rep
believing in something. Doctor King believed in “We’re fifteen minutes out. Can you get to the
God, I guess I just needed someone a little more panic room?”
physical to show me the way.”
Most “part time” Union Reps work in the remaining
Not every person who volunteers at the Radiant automobile jobs. Those who don’t are often
Campaign is bestowed with magical power. The “retirees”, called “full timers” that live off their
resources required for that are beyond Detroit’s Union pensions and benefits. After the ’08 crash hit
Nobility, or indeed the Nobility of any city. Detroit like a ten ton truck full of bricks, the UAW
Those who do not have the raw potential or a and Big 3 negotiated early retirements to cut labor
unique talent must serve Detroit through mundane costs and prevent a full collapse of the industry.
means. The men and women who serve as Men- Now many of the Blue Collar workers who took
at-Arms come from similar backgrounds to the

that deal are still not quite old enough to retire, and Combat Driving (dice pool 7) — They’re the
many with service records from Vietnam and Gulf designated driver because they’re very good at
War 1, have a choice between wiling away their pre- what they do.
retirement years working as a Wal-Mart greeter, or Pistol (dice pool 4) — Rifles and shotguns have
picking up a rifle and fighting the Darkness. many advantages. Being practical weapons for
single handed use is not one of them.
Appearance Merits: Crack Driver (••), Stunt Driver (•••)

Typically early middle aged and male, with

Local 911 Cell Leader
calloused hands from factory work. They wear
worker’s overalls with pride, often underneath While not as strict as the military, Local 911 still
store-bought body armour. Like Detroit itself, operates a chain of command. Each cell has a leader
most Union Reps are African-American, but the who gains the following extra benefits. (The Leader
relative affluence of their recruiting pool means that may also be the Designated Driver).
this disposition isn’t as strong as in other parts of Combat Tactics (dice pool 4) — Local 911 are not
Detroit. a military unit, but experience and self education
has taught them basic reliable tactics.
Storytelling Hints Communications Equipment (dice pool 2) —
The vehicle centric hunting style of Local 911
“Union Reps” are the front line soldiers of Local makes it possible to bring their own private
911. They’re well-armed and well-trained for communication network.
private citizens, and can be more professional than Organizing Civilians (dice pool 3) — Local 911’s
Detroit’s cops. Reps prefer to fight outdoors where mission is protecting the civilians in its charge, it’s
they can take full advantage of their vehicles, but representatives know how to speak to panicking
will not hesitate to enter buildings if lives are at civilians in an clear authoritative tone.
stake. Merits: Marksmanship (•)

Combat Driving (dice pool 2) — In an emergency

whoever is closest to the wheel is the driver, every Automatic Heartland
union rep has at least some training in driving
under combat conditions. Analyst
Heavy Blunt Objects (dice pool 3) — Like most
“The abandoned housing project just burned down;
modern day humans Local 911 believe that guns
let me plug that into the model. Hey, anyone know
are better than swords, especially if your opponent
if the fire was green or red?”
fights with claws and there’s a nice long stretch of
open ground between you. However in a pinch a
Some of them were recruited from technical courses
Union Rep knows how to bludgeon their opponent
in respectable universities. Others came from
with a gun or hand tool.
working class backgrounds and joined the military
Manual Labor (dice pool 4) — Whether they’re
to escape declining job prospects or uphold a family
building a safe house, adding armour and firing
tradition. A few were even tempted or conscripted
platforms to a stock van, or doing their day job
from occult societies. Once they entered the force
in the factory, Local 911’s hunters can build as well
someone with a few chevrons thought they’d do
as bust heads.
more good behind a computer screen than behind
Rifle or Shotgun (dice pool 6) — Union Reps
a gun.
are limited to civilian issue weaponry but they can
afford high quality if basic equipment. They favour
accurate and long ranged weapons, to better fight Appearance
from the safety of an armoured vehicle. As military staff most of them are men. They’re
Merits: Fire and Motion (•) in good shape, if not as good as the people who
actually fight. While on duty they wear uniform,
Local 911 Driver and while off duty they dress more formally
than your average computer programmer but more
In every team of Union Reps one representative casually than, say, a banker.
will be the designated driver and gain the following
additional advantages:

Storytelling Hints Appearance
Heartland’s analysts are non-combatants and rarely The scouts are professional military and they look
go into Detroit themselves. Instead they stay it. They’re in peak physical condition, save perhaps
safe and sound feeding the latest reports from for some old combat wounds, and though the
the front line into computers. Characters from scouts absolutely don’t wear uniforms, years of
outside of Heartland are unlikely to encounter an military discipline has resulted in perfect posture
analyst unless they intentionally track one down, and clothing which, while brought from the same
but everyone who knows of Heartland knows they stores as Detroit’s citizens, is often just a little
will have a back office staff. After all anyone who too neat or too intentional in it’s dirt to blend in.
knows anything about the American military knows While Heartland recruits both African Americans
it will. and Caucasians they assign Scouts to the suburbs
or Detroit depending on their race to help them
Analytics (dice pool 6) — Officially Heartland’s blend in.
job is to make sure the brass and Washington stay When they fight in more populated areas,
well informed about the current state of Detroit. the scouts dress in biohazard suits and typically
The analysts take what the field teams report and tell people they’re decontaminating condemned
turn it into a big picture of Detroit’s situation and buildings full of toxic molds or asbestos. Most
specific key insights (like predicting the location of scouts have memorised enough Latin names and
new Taint). trivia to bore away bystanders. In reality the
Backdoors in Consumer Technology (dice pool suits just hide military grade body armour designed
4) — Is someone in City Hall possibly infected specifically to counter Darkspawn and their bulky
by the Darkness? Why not read his emails and decontamination equipment are just boxes full
see if his private persona is sadistic rather than of munitions. When on the urban prairies and
incompetent? Think a building is Tainted? Turn depopulated city blocks, they dress in full camo and
on any cell phone camera that walks by and maybe carry their gear in sturdy civilian backpacks, often
you’ll see something. resembling well armed urban explorers.
Government Databases (dice pool 6) — Off all
the Hunters in Detroit Automatic Heartland are Storytelling Hints
the only one comprised almost entirely of outsiders.
But a lack of community links isn’t an issue when The scouts are frustrated. They know that
the feds have everyone’s everything on file. Detroit is getting worse and that they can’t
Need-to-know (dice pool 2) — Analysts are fairly do much about it. Knowing there’s a sensible
low down the totem pole, but sometimes they reason that the government doesn’t flood Detroit
needed to know, and sometimes they wrote that with reinforcements does little to take the sting
report before it was classified. away. Despite flagging morale they maintain strict
Pistols (dice pool 4) — They are military military discipline and professionalism.
personnel, but few have ever been in a real fight. Most of the time scouts will be doing
Tactical and Strategic Planning (dice pool 7) recconosence work, and while they take great
— Heartland rarely goes into battle without a plan, pains to stay out of the 5 o’clock news they’re
contingencies, and an exit route. less concerned about being spotted by their fellow
monster hunters who, mortal or Radiant, are
unlikely to report to the press. When they go
Automatic Heartland on the offensive they favour precision strikes. Get
in, take out the target or plant the charges, then
Scout get out.
“I’ve fought monsters in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria,
and this place is as bad as any of them.” Government ID (dice pool 4) — In the World
of Darkness, the Patriot Act stretches even further
The scouts are experienced veterans who’ve proved than in the real world. The scouts need to maintain
themselves many times against human opponents plausible deniability, but if necessary they can
before being transferred into an altogether different intimidate people and bypass red tape with a small
kind of war. Officially Automatic Heartland is a piece of plastic.
surveillance operation, so most of the scouts served Need-To-Know (dice pool 1) — The scouts are
in one recon unit or another. low ranked and only given top secret information
on a need-to-know basis.
Reconnaissance (dice pool 7) — Whether they’re

in the deserts of Iraq or the city of Detroit, the made them the best at exploiting a Darkspawn’s
scouts can move unseen and observe their enemies. animalistic nature.
Rifle (dice pool 9) — As professional soldiers the
scouts are well trained in rifles, both assault rifles Arson (dice pool 4) — There’s too much Taint in
and sniper rifles. the inner city to burn it all down, but when a place
Tactical Weaponry (dice pool 4) — There’s a gets too infested or Taint appears inside a defensive
balance to strike between plausible deniability and perimeter, you do what you gotta do.
using heavy weaponry in an urban environment, Ambush (dice pool 5) — Darkspawn are
even one such as Detroit, but when the balance predictable in their way, and the Lost Boys know
swings the right way Automatic Heartland has big exactly how to exploit that.
guns ready and waiting. Brawl (dice pool 4) — The Lost Boys learned from
Trained Monster Hunter (dice pool 2) — Uncle the school of hard knocks.
Sam might not be as versed in occult lore as older Pistol (dice pool 3) — The Lost Boys lack training,
players in the occult game but you cannot fight and rely on numbers instead.
monsters without learning a thing or two about Word on the Street (dice pool 7) — These
what hurts them. are the Lost Boys’ streets, little happens on them
Merits: Danger Sense (••), Firefight (••), without reaching their ears.
Marksman (••) Merits: Street Fighting (•••), Turf (•••)

Lost Boy Neighbourhood

“You on our turf, bitch!” Watchman
Nobody becomes a Lost Boy by choice. They join “Looks like you’re on the wrong side of 8 Mile.”
because they were born or thrust into a life of
poverty with few other options, and while flipping Most members come from a blue collar background
burgers might pay better McDonald’s won’t keep (if you take into account unemployment then the
your home safe from Darkspawn or criminals. This suburbs are more blue collar than Detroit itself)
background leaves the Lost Boys with little in but the watch identify themselves as suburban as
the way of formal education, but creates hardened much if not more than they identify themselves as
practical survivors. working class.

Appearance Appearance

Usually young, male, African American, and The stereotypical Neighbourhood Watchman is
marked by a life of stress and poor diet. Lost white, male, middle aged, with well made store
Boys wear designer clothing and gaudy jewelry, bought equipment and noticeably less battle scars
much of it stolen. Older members are rare and than Detroit’s other Hunters. Exceptions are
either joined the Lost Boys after a sudden fall from plentiful, as the Watch has a large complement of
grace or survived a long time on dangerous monster women and (more controversially) teenagers. With
infested streets. Watch how the others treat him, if monsters prowling around some parents feel safer
he’s getting respect he’s a canny survivor and very knowing their kids can defend themselves.
Storytelling Hints
Storytelling Hints They’re affluent by Detroit standards. They’re
Being young and poor, even by Detroit’s standards, living in a safe suburb, and above all else they want
means that the Lost Boys are ill-equipped and to keep it that way. While less experienced than
lack the formal training offered by the other other hunters they’re no less dedicated. Watchmen,
Hunter groups in Detroit. To compensate they not unreasonably, believe that the government’s
use raw numbers and ingenuity. They rule responsibility to deal with monsters threatening
neighbourhoods where years of living side-by-side citizens and aren’t shy about telling any Princess
with Taint and Darkspawn has blurred the line who comes asking for volunteers to take it up
between civilian and Hunter, allowing the Lost with Washington. However they’re pragmatic and
Boys to call upon more Hunters than anyone else in realistic, and will listen to any quid-pro-quo deal
Detroit. Meanwhile familiarity and experience has that helps them keep their families safe until the

crisis blows over. Those Watchmen who have not trying to recreate their greatest “victory” over
been convicted of a felony would be eligible to the Darkness when they burned hundreds of
receive a Concealed Carry license from the State homes- Tainted and innocent alike. C.O.R.D., the
of Michigan- they may carry a pistol-sized firearm Radiant, and other mortal factions have put a
at all times so long as they also carry the requisite stop to the most destructive elements: the Radiant
permit. preventing innocent life and property coming to
harm, C.O.R.D. out of self preservation, and
Shotgun (dice pool 6) — The Neighbourhood mortals to prevent anarchy and chaos.
Watch’s training focuses on indoors combat at close But so long as there is Darkness there will
quarters. Consequently they favour shotguns over always be Stormwracked.
Manual Labor (dice pool 4) — In Detroit even Stormwracked can come from any background, pick
the relatively affluent suburbs are fueled by factory any of the mortal character templates above and
jobs. Most Watchmen have a blue collar trade, and add the following advantages:
use what they know to fortify their homes. Combat Acumen — Add +3 dice to their
Crisis Planning (dice pool 3) — While other primary combat skill or add Pistol with a dice pool
Hunters take the battle to the Darkness the of 3.
Neighbourhood Watch focus on keeping themselves Visionary Dreams (dice pool 6) — The Queen
and their own safe. Most have plans and of Storms sends her followers information about
preparations for when trouble arrives at their targets.
Community Networks (dice pool 4) — The
social networks of the suburbs aren’t as all C.O.R.D. Agitator
encompassing as those of the inner cities, but it’s “I agree! Judge a man by his actions. And what
there all the same and Watchmen are usually active are the white man’s actions? He lives in a country
in their neighbourhood. founded on racism. He inherits the wealth his
Merits: Safe Place (••), Close Quarters Combat ancestors stole from Africa, and tells himself it’s
(•), Firefight (••) ok because he took one day out of his life to march.
When you look at the white man, that anger isn’t
Stormwracked prejudice. That’s you recognising the truth!”

“My Queen’s testament is written on the walls, C.O.R.D. Agitators are Detroit born and bred, they
it is spoken on every corner, it echoes in every grew up surrounded by economic decline, failing
gunshot. How can you not hear it? Detroit and schools, gang violence, and Detroit’s history of
all its monsters must burn before the city can be less-than-stellar treatment of African Americans.
reborn.” This upbringing led to feelings of disaffection which
C.O.R.D. hijacked into serving the Darkness.
Detroit has far less Stormwracked than it should.
Normally a city as Tainted as Detroit would Appearance
see exponential growth in Stormwracked as the
monster’s victims rise up to scour every trace of While C.O.R.D. has pawns of all ethnicities
their tormentors from the streets. The Court of only African Americans are officially welcome as
Storms might not save cities, but they ensure that members. Since they are nominally a community
if humans can’t have it the Darkness can’t either. activism group agitators have no uniform and wear
C.O.R.D.’s leadership prevented that, culling typical street clothing within their budgets. Gang
Stormwracked before they could organise, and now colours and other signs of criminal involvement are
it’s too late. There are so many Darkspawn and prohibited as are visible Umbrae or anything that
Tainted Places that anyone who joins the armies would imply they represent C.O.R.D. at a level
of Storms is likely to be found dead by the next beyond being a dues paying member.
morning atop a pile of dead monsters. Larger
groups are almost unheard off, and when they Storytelling Hints
do form Detroit’s police, for all their flaws, are
remarkably proactive and brutal at dealing with Agitators are Darkened, not Mnemosyne, which
“domestic terrorists”. means the Darkness hasn’t destroyed their
Stormwracked activity often declines in late humanity yet. They delight in, and are sometimes
October as Stormwracked prepare for Devil’s Night, addicted to, the rush they get from righteous anger

(C.O.R.D. selects it’s agitators from Darkened with Proselytizing (dice pool 4) — C.O.R.D. agitators
appropriate Vices to keep them under control have no shortage of passion and dedication, and
and on message) but they still have morality what they lack in formal education about debate
and attachments to friends, family, and their they make up for with stooges, partisan crowds,
community. This is why they need a justification, and other tricks. They work to ensure fresh recruits
an explanation as to why spreading hatred will help attend C.O.R.D. meetings in Tainted Places or just
their community. C.O.R.D.’s political platform to keep Detroit angry and easy to manipulate by
provides that justification. C.O.R.D. controlled politicians.
Agitators have only been inducted into the Partisan History (dice pool 2) — Detroit’s failing
shallowest mysteries of C.O.R.D.’s worship. They public school system hasn’t given it’s citizens much
worship the Darkness and embrace their anger but knowledge of history, and C.O.R.D.’s supplemental
they believe that C.O.R.D. is trying to save Detroit, training is little more than lists of quotable facts
not destroy it. Spite and resentment channel Dark and sayings devoid of context and understanding.
power and that power gives C.O.R.D. influence on Merits: Allies - Detroit city government (•),
a municipal scale, enough to resist “the oppressors Mystery Cult Initiation (•or ••)
destroying our great city” but not enough to stop
them; unless the agitators do their work well. If
enough people join C.O.R.D. in worship the balance C.O.R.D. Facilitator
of power will flip and C.O.R.D. will save Detroit. “We are here to put together a plan of action to
Like most cults C.O.R.D. offers little hope of help City Hall protect marginalized residents from
advancement to it’s lower ranks. Most agitators Whitey gentrifying their homes and communities.
will remain agitators for the entirety of their But first we have some preliminary business, we
time with C.O.R.D. and never find out what have a new member with a dairy allergy and need
their organisation is really up to. Those who do to re-design the menu for tomorrow’s lunchtime
learn the truth are considered for advancement, meeting. We will open to the floor for suggestions.”
since their ability to penetrate C.O.R.D.’s secrecy
demonstrates potential. If they don’t make the cut Facilitators require lots of patience and competent
they vanish into the statistics of crime and random social skills, many were community activists or
Darkspawn attacks. In the past agitators were clergy before C.O.R.D. subverted them while others
aloud to leave if they were careful and didn’t make were recruited from the kids smart enough to wring
a lot of noise on the way out, but with the return an education out of Detroit’s failing schools but
of the Radiant C.O.R.D. has made operational unable or unwilling to flee the crumbling city. All
security a much higher priority. of them are angry, but it’s a more educated anger
Debating with a C.O.R.D. agitator is a delivered through oration rather than yelling and
frustrating experience for the Radiant. Most ranting.
Princesses will have the raw social acumen or life
experience (even if only past-life experience) to
talk circles around any agitator, which will make Appearance
the Darkened fanatic retreat into closed-minded Facilitators tend to be middle aged and dressed in a
sloganeering, especially if they’re surrounded by more conservative style, men wear their hair short
allies. With time a Radiant can convince an and women strike for a balance between natural
agitator to mend their ways, but under C.O.R.D.’s African American hair and a more PR friendly
reign time is what the Radiant don’t have. Caucasian look. The first impression they usually
Most Agitators are free of Umbrae. Their give is one of being rather dull, which fits with the
actions don’t typically lead to Breaking Points and fact they tend to spend much of their time in very
with C.O.R.D. firmly in charge they have ample dull meetings. All this makes it more surprising
opportunities to safely indulge in their Vices and when some casual racism slips off their tongues.
clear guidelines for doing so. Those who end up
with Umbrae anyway are moved to different duties,
Storytelling Hints
or just put somewhere where they can regress into a
Darkspawn without causing C.O.R.D. any trouble. Running a city takes a lot of work, even when
your goal is to run it into the ground. C.O.R.D.
Indoctrinated (dice pool 4) — C.O.R.D. is a Dark facilitators serve as something between middle
Cult. It’s religious rites may be a secret from management and a civil service. A facilitator
outsiders, but members like the agitators worship will be given a topic, like public transportation
the Darkness and can be as stubborn as any zealot. or education, and come up with a plan to drive

it further into the ground. Then they will primary job is to develop new schemes to drive
join a meeting and discuss their plan with other Detroit further into the ground.
facilitators, who each have their own competing Indoctrinated (dice pool 6) — C.O.R.D.
plan. One the surface it seems like the discussion facilitators have been initiated into deeper
goes round in circles until the time runs out, but mysteries of C.O.R.D.’s theology and are harder to
as ideas circulate and are refined a senior member sway from their dark path.
of C.O.R.D. will secretly signal which conclusions Public Debate (dice pool 5) — On occasion a
they agree with. The visiting officials from City facilitator will fill in as a talking head on the
Hall and other guests know what their orders are. evening news or be a guest invitee to a meeting
A Radiant is more likely to meet a C.O.R.D. outside of C.O.R.D. there they will attempt to
facilitator when they are out for one of the argue down any good ideas; usually through the
few occasions C.O.R.D. actually does something perfect solution fallacy.
resembling effective activism. In these situations Merits: Allies - Detroit city government (•or
C.O.R.D.’s party line tends to embody the maxim ••), Mystery Cult Initiation (••• or ••••).
that “perfect is the enemy of good”. A facilitator At four dots of Initiation Facilitators gain the Fixer
in public is usually arguing against some sensible Merit.
compromise, ensuring that resources will continue
to be overstretched and ineffective.
While deeply immersed in C.O.R.D.’s ideology Story Hooks
facilitators are Darkened and still have morals.
They typically believe, and need to believe,
that their work will help the black community; The Thin Red Bus Line
though many will be happy “getting justice” by
“The transmission is being held up with Hector’s
wasting public money on something that hurts the
boyfriend’s leather belt, and Orunmila needs a
suburbs. In practice this means facilitators follow a
tetanus shot after she went digging in the scrapyard
theological justification for their work: Destroying
for a new strut. But it’ll get Mrs. Sanders, Mr.
the city of Detroit is destroying the legacy of
Malcolm, and Angie to their shifts on time for the
prejudice and oppression that holds the people of
rest of the month. Totally. Worth it.” — Vickie
Detroit back. Once they are free of the past the
Fraser, Sworn of Diamonds, Third Shift Mechanic
community, using the Darkness’ supernatural gifts,
will at long last be able to build a better future.
Detroit has no mass transit aside from that
While they are trying to destroy the city facilitators
provided by the internal combustion engine. If you
often use their influence to help individual citizens,
can’t afford a car, then your only other option for
this is considered a perk of the job and the funds
getting around is the aging bus system- and if that
to do so are given as rewards for loyal and effective
bus system disappears, you can expect nothing less
service. After all doing favours for friends and
than a short, impoverished life. The Detroit bus
family with public money is textbook corruption
system has 35 routes which are served by a fleet
and The Darkness encourages all vices
300 aging vehicles. One out of eight Detroiters uses
The most dedicated facilitators have begun
the system daily to get to and from work, to the
to turn their efforts from targeting the city to
suburban grocery stores that provide fresh food,
targeting their fellow inner city Detroiters; they
and to schools of choice in the suburbs. C.O.R.D.
see “Uncle Toms” or “spies for the ‘burbs” hiding
has recognized that attacking the transit system
in every corner who must be rooted out if Detroit
is an effective method to cripple the city. Every
is ever to be free of “Whitey’s chains”. These
month they’re ensuring more and more of the city’s
facilitators tend to be upwardly mobile, they are
budget is being drained from this essential service
initiated into the deepest mysteries of C.O.R.D.’s
and funneled into useless “community upkeep”
worship of the Darkness and marked for transfer
projects that never seem to get anything done. And
to an influential institution or C.O.R.D’s upper
the papers show their greatest victory over this vital
management, just as soon as they can get over that
part of Detroit is on the horizon: By city ordinance,
last bit of loyalty to their community.
once a bus has been flagged as inoperable, it must
be scrapped for “safety reasons” and the money
Boring meetings (dice pool 10) — They spend a
from the sale of materials is used to pay for other
lot of time in meetings and are very very good at
“essential” services instead of being spent on a new
making sure outsiders see them as ineffectual time-
vehicle or spare parts.
It’s only a matter of time before the bus fleet is
Evil Scheming (dice pool 4) — A facilitator’s
reduced to so much scrap for pennies on the dollar.

Despite the best efforts of C.O.R.D. to strangle up everything from Jeeps to unattended tow
this transit system, the fleet is kept afloat via trucks. A few months back the Lost Boys
the unpaid overtime and community spirit of its were muscled out, and the new operators are
employees, many of whom are associated with the suspiciously well equipped. If the Radiant
Radiant Campaign, and who know just how much could shut down this operation and seize the
Detroit needs them. The employees operate after contraband parts, the Red Line would have
hours, sneaking through the barbed wire fences enough material to continue operating for
surrounding the bus fleet service center to save months.
vehicles that might otherwise be destined for the
scrapyard, never to be replaced. • The city ordinance ordering the inoperable
buses be sold off is a waste to both the city
and the riders. The Radiant know how hard
Engines, Engines Everywhere, and it is to get city hall to reverse a bad decision-
Not a One to Use after all C.O.R.D. makes them deliberately.
But even with with the Emergency Financial
Under normal circumstances, the Thin Red Line
Manager no longer in power, there might
would be at its wits end to keep the fleet running
be a chance. Because the EFM was from
and with C.O.R.D. things are even worse The
out of town, they were more concerned with
transportation ordinance is a shot across the bow.
balancing the books than maintaining quality
A city inspector comes at 6 A.M. every morning
services. The Radiant have few contacts in
to certify the vehicles as service-worthy. The
Lansing, but a small open and shut case
company is so overloaded with work, racing to beat
to pull resources from foundering initiatives
this deadline, they have had to surrender a dozen
could be the first step and buy the bus
vehicles in the past week just to save a hundred
lines some vital breathing room. Of course,
more. It’s a war of attrition they’re losing and
C.O.R.D. has no doubt dispatched agents
they’re considering desperate measures. Measures
to the state capital as well, especially after
that might be outside the competence of bus drivers
the EFM did such grievous damage to their
and benefit from the assistance of Nobles who want
infrastructure with only a calculator and a
to keep Detroit’s people safe and employed.
mandate from the Governor.
• There’s an obvious solution: Use magic to fix
• The Queens of Diamonds and Clubs suggests
the busses. Of course a bus is rather large and
a more scientific, long-term approach. These
the fleet has three hundred of them. That
buses keep the city moving, yes, but even
takes a lot of magic, and few of Detroit’s
these desperate measures are only delaying
Champions know Charms for scouring rust
the inevitable. Detroit is the Motor City,
or reversing metal fatigue. But just across
after all, and electric vehicles are the hot new
the river in Windsor is a university full of
thing. If the Nobles can get to any of the Big
Menders. They might not be up for fighting
Three, they might be able to convince the
monsters but if enough of them could be
bigwigs to provide newer, more sturdy and
convinced to take a trip and kept safe they
eco-friendly vehicles to keep the city moving.
could have the fleet back to factory condition
The Darkness is a friend to greed, however,
with no time. Hopefully by the time they
and even a single advanced vehicle would cost
start wearing out again C.O.R.D. will be
thousands of dollars. Even more challenging,
gone and their replacement will have sensible
the Big Three are publicly traded companies-
policies and a reasonable budget.
there is more than one person who would
• The Black Market of Detroit is a source of need to sign off on any philanthropic plan, no
constant conflict between city and suburb. matter how small it may be. If a whole fleet
The city’s thieves sell stolen cars to chop were donated and the company took a million
shops to make a quick buck, and those parts dollar hit it could ill afford, the PR effect of
are then used by suburbanites to keep their replacing 300 buses would be minimal outside
vehicles running. A bold Nakama might Detroit. This path has the highest reward
decide to enact a little Sword and Spade for the steepest challenge- for the enemy here
justice on this vicious cycle. According to one can’t be blasted away with a magic wand,
of the Lost Boys friendly with the Radiant only vanquished with passionate argument
on the DL, there’s an almost industrial- and careful appeals.
sized operation running from a scrapyard
warehouse on the city’s east side, chopping

The Fire Brigade will tempt the Queen herself to manifest and finish
what was started. The night is notorious among the
“Fire is a natural part of nature’s cycle of rebirth. Supernatural denizens as the night the city most
When too much junk and trash and debris builds resembles a war zone- a fire on every block and
up on the forest floor, everything in the ecosystem sirens ringing throughout the air. The Radiant
starts to choke and die. It dries up and turns to work until the dawn hours to keep the innocent
kindling. Then a single lightning strike sends the from harm while the city’s Hunters, police, and
whole thing up in a blaze. Animals die. People too. Darkened all engage in a battle royale against the
But eventually it’ll regrow free from all that trash.” Stormwracked. Mortal arsonists and pyromaniacs
— Princess Brigit of Storms acting independently of any organisation or plan
only add to the chaos.
Detroiters remember October 30th, 1984, as the
worst Mischief Night ever recorded in the city. Over Fighting Fire
800 fires burned unchecked throughout the city
with the fire department unable to keep up with The Fire Brigade are a small fish in a big
how quickly they were set. Humans called the mass pond. With Detroit firmly under C.O.R.D.’s thumb
arson and chaos Devil’s Night. Stormwracked rarely last long, often no longer than
Detroit’s Nobles remember this as the night the a single night, and don’t get the chance to form
Queen of Storms sent her lieutenants to the city of up into larger groups. Only the Brigade hold
Detroit. It was the night Princess Brigit defected out because of their Princess, not only is Brigit a
to the Court of Storms. peerless monster in battle she’s one of the few Furies
While the Goalenu did not stay to destroy who are in control of, rather than controlled by,
the entire city, Brigit and her Sworn saw the their rage. She keeps her brigade in check, making
destruction as a perverse sign of hope. Brigit had sure they never bite off more than they can chew,
been fighting with her firefighter Sworn since the and fire can chew on a lot.
first Blossomings after the Release. Never in the In raw numbers the Fire Brigade are a small
history of Detroit had so much damage been done fish, but they’re not to be overlooked. Two
to the forces of Darkness than on that one night. Champions and a dozen Men-At-Arms have been
She knew in her heart the war would not- could hospitalized or worse by fights with the Brigade and
not- be won in a block-by-block fight. Taking time countless innocents have been left homeless or dead
to sort out Tainted homes from un-Tainted homes from their attacks. A Champion would be advised
would only speed up the victory of the Darkness. It not to confront Brigit alone, especially not if she’s
all had to come down, whether “innocent” people with her brigade. Unfortunately opportunities to
lived in that home or not. gather allies are few, Brigit is also a master at
If these people were truly innocent, they would hiding between battles, and when she does appear
have left Detroit a long time ago. she enters combat alongside a band of heavily
The Brigade prepares for battle each week from armored Stormwracked, swinging fire axes and
one of the city’s dozens of shuttered fire stations, spraying flames from crude flamethrowers.
mounting up in their heavily modified truck, its
• The Queen of Spades hints that there is a very
water tanks filled with gasoline. They torch houses,
particular tool that humans use when fighting
businesses, parks and warehouses that have begun
fires: a Fire Rake. Its purpose is to rip up
to manifest Taint and then kill anything that comes
the earth ahead of the blaze, preventing it
out screaming, swinging bloody fireman’s axes into
from spreading elsewhere. Why expend time
the necks of those survivors wreathed in flames.
and effort tracking down Brigit when she will
Rinse and repeat until the Darkness is gone, or the
reappear? Her terror continues because she
Fire Brigade is wiped out. Arsonists, pyromaniacs,
can escape the scene of her attacks. The
and Stormwracked all flock to the Fire Brigade’s
Queen of Thieves advises that you instead
arms to indulge in their own destructive urges.
wait for Brigit’s next attack- and work to
Brigit’s experience and relative mental stability
prevent this escape. Close the roads, patrol
have allowed them to survive in Detroit where the
the roofs, prepare a network of defenses, and
Darkness is in control and organised on a city wide
corner her where she may blaze brightly,
extinguishing herself against your bulwarks.
While the Brigade is always active, they are at
their most powerful on the night of October 30th. • Brigit is good at hiding but The Queen of
Every year, they try to match the blaze ignited by Diamonds has every confidence that her court
the Queen of Storms’ Goalenu, hoping their carnage can be smarter than this troublemaker. The

danger of the Fire Brigade comes from their youth if you can’t pass as straight- a practice
deadly weapons and preparedness, but no that is illegal but tacitly supported thanks to
matter how good Brigit is at concealing her fanatical members of the Michigan legislature.
whereabouts, you can’t build flamethrowers Gang violence in Detroit targets these young people
without leaving some kind of trail. Find the in a disproportionate way. Drug abuse creates
Stormwracked buying (or stealing) enough death spirals. Human trafficking in Detroit is
gasoline to move that enormous truck they a disgustingly lucrative business- people can be
ride into battle. Follow them back to the lair. pushed into prostitution or even be killed and have
And descend on it before the Stormwracked their organs sold on the black market. Either
know what hit them! way, they’ll be dead or Darkened long before
“the authorities” lift a finger to help. C.O.R.D.’s
• The Queen of Swords and the Queen of Hearts leadership are of course happy to see Detroit
are in agreement on this. The scourge of treating its own so cruelly, but until the Radiant
Devil’s Night is bigger than one Princess arrived in force they were also the biggest source
and her band of followers. Brigit’s tarnished of LGBT charities and support organisations; and
Nobility attracts attention, but the hundreds they were always willing to give a tormented youth
of mortals starting mundane fires and ruining access to the Dark power they needed to strike back.
lives are the bigger issue. Deal with the Enter Ruth’s Friends: Mikaela, Danni, and
mortals first and the Brigade’s lonely fire will Destiny.
be easy to spot and unable to hide. This trio of Beacons have been defending the
Ruth Ellis Shelter in Detroit- the oldest homeless
Ruth’s Friends shelter in the city that explicitly opens its doors for
Queer youth, and a respectable Blessed Place in its
Listen to me- listen to me! I’m like you. My name own right. They make it their mission to safeguard
is Mikaela, but it used to be Andrew. And I’m the queer population from the destructive whims
here to tell you it’s gonna be okay. What they did, of the city, to do what they can to bring them to
tossing you out- it was wrong. It was wicked, and safety, keep them from succumbing to the Darkness
evil, and just plain wrong, and I understand you’re or taking their own lives. It’s an endless battle, but
hurting. You deserve to be happy. But if you stay not a thankless one. The shelter’s Blessings make it
here, you’re going to have worse than muggers and a magnet for reincarnated Nobles seeking safety or
cops to worry about. Let’s get you someplace warm a place they can do some good. There have already
and talk about where you can get help with HRT. been several Blossomings from the volunteers and
— Mikaela, Beacon residents. One of them is a Onceborn. And the
Darkness can’t abide by that.
Detroit has one of the largest populations of
homeless LGBT youth in America. While A Rainbow Coalition
small Michigan cities like Ferndale and Ann
Arbor are welcoming places, a combination of C.O.R.D. assumed that they could wait for
a macho working man’s tradition mixed with Detroit’s citizens to destroy the Ruth Ellis Shelter
traditional Catholic and Baptist faiths have created for them. That plan backfired. Fighting off
a borderline toxic culture when it comes to being inordinate lawsuits only grew the Shelter’s profile
an Out and proud individual in Detroit. Many and introduced its defenders to allies across the
young people who out themselves are tossed country. The social media outcry ensured that
unceremoniously into the night, never to be seen or Radiant, both within and Beyond Detroit, knew
heard from again, already dead in the eyes of their of the shelter and when the Campaign arrived they
parents. In the suburbs the abuse of young people were sure to reach out. Today Ruth Ellis is firmly
is less overt but no less damaging. Trans kids affiliated with the campaign. But C.O.R.D are
are denied access to hormone replacement therapy nothing if not cunning, there are other ways to
because their parents are too concerned with what conquer a fortress- and a siege is one of them.
the neighbors will think. Lesbian daughters are C.O.R.D. has succeeded in purchasing the
written off as “going through a phase” and gay sons Center’s surrounding real estate and have begun
are pushed to the brink of suicide by bullying and taking the Ellis Center to court over property
“no son of mine” lectures. disputes. They’re painting the shelter as a den of
Most homeless shelters in Detroit are run by sin and crime rather than a safe haven. The Ruth
churches and associated charities, so a warm bed Ellis center has called in several non-profit lawyers
and a good night’s sleep aren’t offered to queer to defend them and are likely to prevail, but it’s

still a drain on resources and a source of stress on even one Champion dies rescuing the kids,
the mortal workforce. When the shelter’s residents C.O.R.D. got good value for its resources
move on (as they inevitably must, to give time and and has every incentive to repeat the plan.
space to new arrivals) C.O.R.D.’s agents offer them To succeed the Radiant need to remove
a bed at the newly built White Home for Troubled C.O.R.D.’s ability to create such shelters,
Youth, set up inside a newly renovated (and secure) by taking down this one not with fists or
boarding school on the city’s West Side. magic, but with truth. Go undercover, get
Of course, the word has already reached Ruth’s inside the White Home and expose it to
Friends about the living conditions inside the the world. C.O.R.D.’s money comes from
building. Poor food. Isolation cells. Electroshock Detroit’s municipal government. Enough
therapy. Brainwashing classrooms. Worse: All the social pressure could draw the attention of
guards reek of the Darkness. But the building is set State bureaucrats in Lansing, prompting a
up like a fortress with fences, watch dogs and guard new EFM to come in and investigate a misuse
stations. Several of the Home’s residents have been of funds. This plan requires more time
corrupted and now spread all manner of lies and to work but it will ensure that not only
slander about the Ruth Ellis shelter to a city all are the youths freed and prevent C.O.R.D.
too eager to believe them. from repeating this scheme; exposing how
Ruth’s Friends are at their limit helping keep C.O.R.D. moves it’s money could also hamper
the Ellis Center open and saving everyone they their projects all over Detroit.
can from a life on the streets. A dozen vulnerable
youth have been taken into the White Home and
not heard from since, and that sort of evil cannot The League of
be allowed to stand.
• The Brightly Burning One, the Queen of
Swords, doesn’t need to say anything. Her
Heroes know exactly what she would say. Cry “I understand that you’ve lived here for thirty
havoc and smash through the walls. Don’t years, but your home is in violation of no less
leave its prisoners suffering another moment! than seven Visual Standards Codes approved by the
Barbed wire and chain-link fences will not neighbourhood council last week. You have seven
stop a Champion. What’s more, the White days to get this addressed or your property will be
Home doesn’t appear in any public records. seized and repurposed into a new free-range-organic
It’s literally off the grid, and that isolation juicery.” — Alan Camden, Mortal
makes it vulnerable to a direct supernatural
attack. The Lady of Clear Water, Queen of To say that the city of Detroit needs help to restore
Diamonds, urges caution. C.O.R.D. know itself is no understatement. The Radiant Campaign
how Princesses think, a reckless assault is makes no bones about this fact and is proud to
exactly what they’d be expecting. Perhaps admit it’s members come from all over America. If
a carefully planned assault would be better. Detroit could have restored itself with no outside
help the hardy residents would have done so long
• C.O.R.D. targets LGBT youth because they
ago. To that end, Mashika welcomes the new
are vulnerable, and they are vulnerable
hipster enclaves that are springing up in the city
because of Detroit’s culture. No culture
limits as sources of stability and hope, even while
changes overnight, but the Queen of Clubs
longtime residents look on with suspicion and even
suggests this could be a starting point. Ruth’s
friends have inside knowledge, while Detroit’s
But, Mashika is quick to say, there are two types
Hunters have skills and equipment. If the
of gentrifiers in this world.
Radiant could bring them together rather
The first understands that they are inheriting
than solve this themselves it would present an
a legacy when they buy land and put down their
interesting opportunity. In a city as Tainted
roots, and that there is more to a neighbourhood
as Detroit Hunters have status and influence.
than property values and clean appearances. They
The seeds sown by fighting side by side to save
work with local governments to protect their
the most vulnerable could take root and one
neighbors from rising rent costs, ensure that there is
day blossom into lasting change.
no police favouritism toward the well-to-do, and use
• The Queens of Hearts and Spades agree their wealth and privilege to lift their neighbours
more often than one might suspect. If out of poverty. Like a new tree springing from

a forest’s floor, they exist in harmony with their rob Detroit of some of its most loyal citizens.
surroundings, taking up space but not displacing However while C.O.R.D. has funnelled money into
any other trees around them. the League, both to hurt long term residents and
The second kind of gentrifier does none of these to bring fresh victims into Detroit, they have
things. limited oversight or control leaving the Radiant the
opportunity to strike back.
Playing the Market • The Queen of Diamonds balances her own
The Radiant Campaign is hearing about a new national budget and designed the skyscraper
initiative springing up in the urban prairies of the she lives in. She would advise any Noble to
city, buying up properties - not in empty blocks take care to inspect these buildings and how
as “expanding city services to new areas would put structurally sound they actually are. This
an unreasonable burden on the taxpayer”, but in is a political attack made through catspaws
almost empty blocks - establishing Neighbourhood and shell companies, not the foundation
Councils, and evicting long-time neighbours who of a lasting real estate venture. There’s
can’t completely renovate their ancient homes to bound to be some corners cut or questionable
meet the new neighbourhood “look”. In comes the loopholes exploited to get these buildings
bulldozer, down comes the house, and up goes a put up this fast. If the entire operation
generic hipster cereal cafe or vinyl record store, or could be exposed as a sham, the property
worse, a trendy future home that sends property prices would plummet back to their original
values up by double-digit percentage points. Never values and could potentially save lives of
mind that no one ever seems to live in these anyone who actually does move into the new
expensive eye sores. buildings. The Queen of Hearts agrees that
The organization calls themselves “The League this venture is vulnerable. If the backroom
of Extraordinary Gentrifiers.” A new property deals making this all possible were exposed
development initiative straight out of the most and the League forced to go through the
perverse think tanks of Silicon Valley. Their proper channels, then C.O.R.D.’s dirty money
website is slick, their ad campaigns top tier, their could be captured. Either the project would
appearances are all man-buns and cutting-edge have to be redesigned to work for everyone or
Bohemian fashion trends. They’ve been established it would be abandoned entirely.
with secret backing from C.O.R.D. as a new urban • The Queen of Clubs thinks the best way to
renewal initiative for the 21st Century and are overcome the crisis is to turn the weapons of
being hailed as a success from unlikely corners. the Darkness against itself. Local 911 and
Unlike many of C.O.R.D.’s other operations the NWA see these building projects as the
in the city that radiate Darkness and could lead restoration of Detroit. Perhaps they could be.
to cooperation between the Radiant and other C.O.R.D. wants to bring in rootless hipsters
factions, almost every faction of monster hunters with no loyalty to Detroit while evicting long
sees no problem with these projects. Local 911 time residents. But how well does it know
factory workers are happy to see their fellow blue West Coast college students? With a little
collar workers in construction are being employed peek at the League’s internal operations and
to put the structures up, the NWA sees these a flight West to coach prospective residents
enclaves as a renaissance of Detroit, and Automatic C.O.R.D. could end up inadvertently paying
Heartland hasn’t noticed anything supernatural to bring civic minded taxpayers into Detroit;
about the neighbourhoods so they don’t care one tax-payers who’ll eagerly protest against
way or another. Only the Lost Boys resist these evicting residents. Bringing old residents and
projects as it’s often their families getting evicted, new immigrants into a harmonious whole is
so the League has made healthy contributions to exactly what the Court of Clubs is about.
the Detroit Police Department to ensure there’s
ample security in the areas they buy up. Any
attempt at driving whitey out of the neighbourhood Sanctuary
by the Lost Boys will be met with nothing less than
“If you are receiving this message, your
SWAT level force.
organization has harbored two individuals wanted
Mashika has taken great pains help more well-
for desertion by the United States Army. A bunch
meaning gentrifiers and long-time residents learn
of little girls like yourselves may not understand
to co-exist, but this is a new threat. C.O.R.D.
the gravity of the situation, but let me lay it out for
has found a way to isolate the Campaign and
you in terms you can understand. If they are not

returned to the United States Tank Command in indestructible, Zari doesn’t want to spend the rest
Warren, Michigan by midnight tomorrow, your of her campaign watching over her shoulder for an
little ‘Campaign’ will learn the real difference anti-material rifle.
between what it means to play at war and what The most troubling thing, though, is that
it means to go to war.” — Anonymous cellphone Alice and Timothy have not responded to any
message communication attempts after these calls were
placed. When Mashika hurried to their home, she
One morning two individuals approached the found it ransacked and reeking of the Darkness.
campaign. Alice Harrison and Tim Nguyen came The two were somehow ambushed and likely taken
forward with no weapons, little money, but a lot captive. They need to be found before midnight or
of training. They identified themselves as members the entire Campaign could be in danger.
of the United States Military, a secret government
project that was operating within the city of • The Queen of Hearts believes in the rule
Detroit, and explained in suitably vague terms that, of law. Under normal military law, she
the organization’s mission statement was one of understands imprisonment might be the fate
passive observation and not active intervention, but of these two. But she points out that this
Alice and Tim were done with passive observation. is a black ops unit deployed on American
They wanted to help this city, and they believed soil and its members are unlikely to get a
the Radiant were the key to the city’s future. fair trial. These two Sworn would face an
Both brought almost a decade’s worth of uncertain punishment- most likely death. An
combat and logistical experience in some of the unjust punishment for a crime is no justice.
most difficult failed states in the world along with Remind Automatic Heartland that they are
the ability to pass that information on to the a force for good in this city, and that the
budding Radiant. spirit of the constitution takes priority over
At first, Mashika and Zari saw no downside to whatever paperwork justifies their existence.
accepting help from these two, assuming it was
• The Queen of Spades says her girls should be
unofficial, under the table help. For their part,
able to outplay any stuffy soldiers at cloaks
Tim and Alice gave no indication to the truth
and daggers. Advise the contacts within
of the matter- they had deserted from Operation:
Automatic Heartland that you no longer can
Automatic Heartland, so inspired (or blinded) by
find these two renegade soldiers, and that
the brilliance and hope of the Nobles that they
the Radiant were never made aware of their
officially cut ties to devote themselves fully to the
status as deserters. In fact, you should
pleasantly offer to help track them down
The two went off the grid, securing a vacant
with Automatic Heartland. But wouldn’t you
home as a safe house and working as security guards
know it, every time you catch up to them,
for derelict Auto Plants for cash. At night, they
you hear Darkspawn attacking children, or
follow the Radiant into battle as Sworn, responsible
some hunters are in a tight corner. And
for saving countless lives and capable of destroying
hey, it looks like the deserters are headed to
Tainted nests on their own. Zari trusts them
Windsor! Heartland expects the Radiant to
implicitly, considering them as skilled as any of
be emotional and unreliable, that can be used
the Squires within the city, and most of the city’s
to convince them you’re incompetent allies
Nobles know that advice or a tip from those two is
and not helping the Sworn escape.
worth it’s weight in gold.
Which made it all the more damning to the • The Queens of Swords would never support
Campaign when the truth came out… turning Alice and Tim over to Heartland.
They might have been dishonest but once you
Gods Have Their Own Laws start thinking of people with a cold pragmatic
eye you’ve set foot on a very slippery slope.
Within the last 24 hours Zari and Mashika received However if the Sworn were willing to sacrifice
a communication from an unknown number on themselves for the good of Detroit that’s
their personal cell phones regarding Alice and Tim. different, that would be a noble act worth
The message was simple: surrender these two honouring. It has to be a free choice of course.
back to Automatic Heartland to face charges for And they don’t have to turn themselves in.
desertion, or Heartland will come and take them- Going down in a blaze of glory and taking
and mow down any Noble that stands in their way. down a large Taint could show Heartland that
A Noble is a powerful person, but they’re not their secrets are safe again while reminding

Uncle Sam how expensive a war with magical reinforcements to the I-696 freeway. A
girls could be. Champion or man-at-arms could take
advantage of the terrain as easily as any
watchman and Darkspawn aren’t disciplined
A Man's Home is his Castle fighters at the best of times; the presence
of a Princess would distract the Darkspawn
“if you in #WoodwardHeights get off the street!
causing them to focus on her rather than
Trouble going north! #Detroit” — @Devra
try to rush past the defensive line and into
the vulnerable suburb. It will only take a
Since Detroit’s fall to C.O.R.D. the I-696 freeway
few victories until C.O.R.D. stops throwing
has served as a moat between the northern suburbs
away it’s forces. One complication is that
and the Darkspawn to the south. The interstate is
the suburban police have zero tolerance for
dug into the ground with long exposed slopes on
anyone who looks like they might bring
every side; and as every military tactician knows
trouble from Detroit into the suburbs. If
you want the high ground. And that’s if you pick
the Radiant coordinate with the Watch this
the spots without large concrete walls and avoid
shouldn’t be an issue, nor will out of town
getting hit at eighty miles per hour.
Princesses with white skin and respectable
For years C.O.R.D. has tried to breach the
accents (or the magic to fake it) in civilian
moat through both political tactics and outright
garb have to worry about anything, but
assaults, and to the Neighbourhood Watch Alliance
if Princesses or their supporters rush in
the biggest injury was often to the ammunition
without laying the groundwork they could
budget. Supporters catch the noise a swarm of
find themselves held up by confrontations
Darkspawn makes on social media, or Watchmen
with the police or face a Driving While Black
who work in law enforcement would hear the news
from down south on the airwaves. The call would
go out, and the Watch would gather to turn 11-mile • The Radiant aren’t the only ones well placed
road into a death-trap. to offer their support. With C.O.R.D.
gathering Darkspawn from urban Detroit
The Moat is Down for the big push Local 911 should have an
easy few nights. And since C.O.R.D. times
Big banks in New York and London did what their attacks for when the road is closed
C.O.R.D. couldn’t achieve alone. The financial for construction (Darkspawn have a habit of
crisis lead to the opioid crisis, and suburbs like getting hit by cars or running away from the
Fraser have become tainted ruins to rival anything fight to chase them) the long empty highway
south of the I-696 freeway. The neighbouring city of is the perfect hunting ground for Local 911’s
Warren has become the Watch’s biggest stronghold jury-rigged war machines. If C.O.R.D. tries
as the danger from Darkspawn wandering over the to cross a bridge instead an armoured van
border from Fraser pushes more and more families makes a great barricade. It will take a
to enlist. But still, nobody wants to fight a war lot more than a few nights to bridge the
on two fronts. Once again C.O.R.D. is directing mutual distrust between Local 911 and the
swarms of Darkspawn to try and breach 11-mile, Watch, but negotiating a favour for a favour
this year they’re targeting Warren and coordinating could be a great start. If Local 911 won’t
the assault with packs of Darkspawn moving in step in U.S. Army Tank Command is only
from Fraser. a mile away from the freeway. Automatic
This two pronged assault not only puts the Heartland’s analysts are confident they can
Watch in a strategically vulnerable position, but let the Watch deal with this, and deploying
also in a politically vulnerable position. The whole the manpower and equipment needed to
purpose of the Watch is to keep one’s family safe, guard a freeway could cause enough political
but if you patrol the freeway some Darkspawn fallout to end someone’s career. But they
might sneak through the porous border with Fraser could be persuaded to be more generous with
and attack your kids, and if nobody patrols the the equipment they supply the Watch under
freeway the much larger horde of Darkspawn the table, and perhaps even to turn a blind
gathered from Detroit could descend upon the eye to some of their agents turning up in
suburbs. It’s a textbook prisoner’s dilemma with Watchman’s clothing while they’re off duty.
the highest stakes imaginable.
• The thing about this plan is that charging
• The simplest solution is simply to send across the 11-mile road has never been a

particularly good plan. C.O.R.D.’s leadership on why you should stick to C.O.R.D.’s master
are patient and cunning, they strike the plan. All this means that even if the Radiant
suburbs when opportunities like the opioid do nothing the Watch will likely emerge
crisis present themselves. C.O.R.D.s rank bruised but still in control of Warren, they
and file are angry, they were promised that could arrange sleepovers for civilians to free
the Darkness would give them power and they up personnel or call in help from Watchmen
want results. So every year or two when further afield. Meanwhile a lot of Tainted
the hotheads grow too loud or a ranking Places south of the I-696 freeway will be
officer lets her hatred of the suburbs get the vulnerable as the monsters who usually nest
better of her C.O.R.D. gathers up a horde of there travel north to die trying to breach
Darkspawn tells the ringleaders to take them the suburbs. Striking the neighbourhoods of
north and storm the I-696. Their failure and Northern Detroit will force C.O.R.D. to pull
the death of the loudest voices demanding back and cancel further assaults while scoring
immediate action makes a good object lesson victories for the Radiant and their allies.

The white people in meeting audiences would throng around me, asking me, after I had addressed them
somewhere, “What can a sincere white person do?”
When I say that here now, it makes me think about that little co-ed I told you about, the one who flew
from her New England college down to New York and came up to me in the Nation of Islam’s restaurant
in Harlem, and I told her that there was “nothing” she could do. I regret that I told her that.
Malcolm X - A.K.A. Detroit Red - “The Autobiography of Malcolm X”


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