Screens and Screening
Screens and Screening
Screens and Screening
as d
Wire cloth is used for sieves, strainers and filters. since
Here are some tips on how to select it wisely. For <
John Muldoon, Newark Wire Cloth Co. ment
❑ Wire cloth is an interweaving of wires of a particular the effectiveness of a production grinder or an industrial espec
diameter to form a screen having openings of a definite screening unit, or check the state of a fluidized catalyst. a ttacl,
size. Its most common function is to separate desirable Sieves are precision tools, available in a range of the fli
material from undesirable. Wire cloth can also perform a standard sizes, that can be combined to provide multi- other
separation or sizing function when there is no undesir- ple-screen analyses simultaneously. The series of stan- surfac
able component in the process. dard testing sieves is based on the ratio of (2) 1/4 . The corro.
In a typical process plant, screens will be found per- openings of the sieves are sized in an exact progressive might
forming some, or all, of the following: ratio, so that each larger sieve has openings 1.189 times corro:
■ Size classification (also laboratory testing), or check- (linear dimensions) those of the one before it. Ref. 2 warnii
ing production quality. summarizes the U.S. specification for test sieves. Ref. 1 the fi]
■ Separating dry product by size, or breaking up also explains the differences between the U.S. Standard corros
lumps and reducing product to a uniform size. and the recommended International Standard. In d
■ Separating solids from fluids in process filtration. The sieves are usually made of stainless-steel cloth and given
■ Removing impurities from untreated water intakes, mounted in a stainless-steel frame because such steels ture, v
or pollutants from plant effluents. have the widest range of application in terms of corro- the pai
sion and abrasion resistances, and material strength. Flowra
Test sieves Depending on their projected use, sieves may also be ties cal
Test sieves are used to obtain information about the made of brass or phosphor-bronze wire cloth, and
size ranges of dry materials in a sample. Test sieving is a mounted in brass frames.
quick, reliable method of size analysis. All that is re-
quired is a set of standard sieves—the shaking can be Production screens
10 3
done by hand. But where much testing will be done, a In chemical-process-industries plants, screens can sep-
shaking machine [1] can save time and energy. arate dry materials by size in equipment using vibratory
Most specifications for solid raw materials and fin- or gyratory motion—for example pigments or pharma-
ished products stipulate the range of sizes for the materi- ceuticals must usually be of uniform size. Screens are
al, or the maximum or minimum size, in terms of the U.S. also used for deagglomeration, i.e., to break up lumps in
Standard Testing Sieve series (developed by the U.S. raw materials or finished products.
Bureau of Standards). For example, test sieves are used Test sieves are very precise, but typical production 10 2
in laboratory testing and quality control of particle size screens sacrifice accuracy for long life.
and uniformity for crystals, powders, pigments and pow- Wire cloth for production screens is available in a
dered metals. Often, laboratory tests are used to check variety of sizes to separate particulate matter ranging
from several inches to a few micrometers—and in some
cases to less than a micrometer. (One micrometer equals
0.001 mm, or 0.00003934 in.) Exactly what do these
Average sizes of common materials Table I 10
particle sizes mean? Table I lists some examples of
materials in the various size ranges.
Size range, Size range,
Typical material in. mm Process filtration
Gravel, ore 3 - 0.1 75 - 2.8 Wire cloth is used to separate solids from liquids, as in
Coarse sand 0.09 - 0.03 2.4 - 0.7 Flowrates an
dewatering. It may also be used to separate solids from a pressure di
Medium sand 0.02 - 0.01 0.6 - 0.3
gases, as in scrubbers. For such services, the wire cloth is of 2 r
Fine sand 0.009 - 0.004 0.25 - 0.1
Silt, powder 0.003 down 0.09 - 0.005 normally incorporated into strainers and filters. 0.1
Fine powder, talc 0.001 (1 ,um) In general, strainers remove solid materials by use of a
coarser mesh having larger openings than do filters.
Adapted from Karassik, Igor J., others, eds. "Pump Hand-
Filter cloth is sometimes used alone as a fine strainer, but
book", McGraw-Hill, New York, 1976. typically it acts as a support structure for filter aids. Wire-clot
Common examples are pressure or vacuum filters where for varios
10 3
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Plain-weave wire cloth Twilled weave wire cloth Plain-dutch-weave wire cloth
Intermediate-crimp wire cloth Lock crimp wire cloth Smooth-top wire cloth
Some common types of wire-cloth weaves, whose uses are described in the text Fig. 4
Table II shows typical specifications for industrial-grade Lock crimp—Extra depth is given to the crimp before
wire cloth. and after each wire crossing, thus locking the wires in
place with no chance of side movement of any wire. This
Types of weave is a good choice for heavy-duty applications.
Industrial-grade wire cloth is available in plain, square Twill weave—Each wire passes successively over two
weave (also called "double crimp"). This is the most and under two wires, with the movement offset by one
common, high-production-volume weave and, there- wire on each pass. This pattern relieves stress, and allows
fore, tends to be most economical for general use. It is the cloth to be looser than plain weave for better inter-
employed for most separation services and coarse filtra- support and strength in fine mesh.
tion. A variety of other weaves are also available, each Dutch weave—The warp wires are heavier than the
with specific uses. shute wires, allowing the latter to be driven very tightly
Some of the more common afe shown in Fig. 4. The together for a compact, firm weave. The openings tend
characteristics of each: to be wedge-shaped rather than square, which aids in the
Plain weave or double crimp—Each shute wire passes over buildup of filter cake. This is popular for filter cloths.
and under each successive warp wire. Smooth top or calendered—This weave is available as
Intermediate weave—Adds extra corrugations in the double crimp and as stranded (i.e., several wires woven
wires between points of crossing. This configuration is together). It is often selected for fine filtration. The
used with fine wire and wide mesh to assure proper finished cloth is rolled or calendered to produce a
locking of the wires. smooth surface on one or both sides. This increases the
Examples of weaves, dimensions brass and Monel. Cloths of aluminum, bronze, phos-
and hydraulic properties Table III phor-bronze, nickel, Nichrome, Hastelloys, galvanized
or tinned steel and stainless steel are readily available.
Noble, rare and refractory metals such as gold and gold-
plated metal, platinum, silver, tungsten, molybdenum,
Square Dutch Twill
325 mesh 50 X 250 80 X 700
columbium (niobium), tantalum and titanium are also
woven. Only metals lacking suitable tensile strength,
Service Water
elongation or annealing qualities cannot be woven.
Flowrate, gal/min 10 10 10
Pressure drop, psi 1 3 9
Selecting the wire-cloth material depends on process
Opening size, prn 43 55 50
needs and cost factors. In working with water, the stain-
Open area, 30 5 5 less steels are commonly used because they have the
Partial size greatest range of corrosion resistance at a practical cost.
retained, in. 0.002 0.002 0.0014 Certain concentrations of contaminants in liquids may
Partial size require a more exotic material such as a Hastelloy, Alloy
passed, in. 0.0016 0.0015 0.0008 20 or titanium. Caustics or dyes might require nickel
cloth. Sometimes, the wire cloth is given a corrosion-
Weave resistant coating such as zinc or tin, applied either to the
Square Dutch Twill wire before weaving or to the finished cloth.
100 mesh 24 X 110 450 X 2,750 A major asset of wire cloth is its excellent physical
Wire size, in. 0.0045/0.0045 0.015/0.010 0.001/0.0008 strength with relatively light weight. Of course, the
Service Oil Water Air actual weight of a length of wire cloth depends on the
Flowrate per in. 2 10 gpm 10 gpm 6 scfm specific metal or alloy, wire diameter, and mesh. figi
Pressure drop, psi 4 1 0.1 calo
Opening size, in. 0.011 0.004 0.0003 Electrolytic corrosion tior
Open area, % 30 5 1
In some applications—particularly in filtering or esti
Partial size
screening salt solutions, seawater or brackish water- ods
retained, 290 125 6
galvanic or electrolytic corrosion must be considered in dro
Partial size
passed, pm 270 100 1
selecting a wire-cloth material. Here, the material for the
cloth must be compatible with the materials of construc- doe
tion of other components in the system. As the sacrificial cok
material, wire cloth is a good selection because strainers con,
density of the wire, and improves the retention and filter- and filters are usually designed for easy, inexpensive ings
cake-release qualities of the cloth when used to support replacement of either the entire component or just the
filter aids. The smooth surface also increases the resis- cloth. (It is important to consider galvanic action when Int
tance of the wire cloth to scraping and rough handling. changing process parameters.)
Let us look at some representative applications for the an
various weaves of wire cloth. For more information set 1
The plain or twilled weaves have very high flowrates, Manufacturers of wire cloth have a wealth of informa- unsa
low pressure drops across the weave, high percentages tion, ranging from geometric and metallurgical proper- deve
of open area, and openings as small as 38 pm. ties and weaves to applications. Much of this information repro
These weaves are used as support screens for the finer is readily available in their literature. the 1
filter cloths, as test sieves, and for making basket-type Roy V. Hughson, Editor 1-1(
strainers where coarse filtration is required. for tl
Intermediate, lock, smooth-top and double-crimp References Usinl
weaves have very large openings, obtained by using 1. Perry, Robert H., and Chilton, Cecil H., "Chemical Engineers' Hand-
find 1
small-diameter wires. Openings range from Ve to more book," 5th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1973, pp. 21-44, 21-45. Th
2. Weast, Robert C., and Astle, Melvin J., "CRC Handbook of Chemistry
than 6 in. The larger-opening weaves are used in the and Physics," 60th ed. CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Fla., 1980, p. F- drop
mining industry for size separations, and on water-intake 159. (Note: This cable also appears in other editions of this handbook, six m;
as well as in the catalogs of some wire-cloth manufacturers.)
pipes to keep out small wildlife. card.
Plain-dutch weaves have good flowrates for the pres- and a
sure drops, and high strength, and are available with are al
openings ranging between 10 and 300 Plain dutch The author fits or
ohn Muldoon is a filtration engineer
weaves are easily cleaned when used in filter operations. fAve.,
orNewark Wire Cloth Co., 351 Verona
Newark NJ 07104; telephone
Twill-dutch and herringbone-dutch weaves maintain a memc
(201) 483-7700. Previously, he worked
consistent opening, and are suitable for fine filtrations of as chief engineer for Chemiquip enoug
particles ranging from 1 to 75 lun. Products, New York, a maker of porous- sary.
metal filters, as well as for C-E Lummus
Representative examples of these weaves, dimensional Co. He holds a B.S. in mechanical data s:
engineering from Manhattan College
characteristics, and hydraulic properties are given in (Bronx, N.Y.) and is a member of the the da
Table III. American Soc. of Mechanical Engineers. progrz