Keeping in view the above facts,this research work entitled “studies on correlation and direct
,indirect effect on chickpea”[Cicer arietinum L] were carried out conducted during rabi season
2019 at kargwa ji research farm. Institute of agriculture science ,Bundelkhand University
,jhansi . To fulfill the following objectives :
1. To study the correlation coefficient and path analysis of chikpea .
2. To identify the yield component through character association and path analysis.
3. To study the heredity genetic advance yield attributing among the various character.
Character association
Sidramappa et al.(2008) reported that seed yield had a high positive correlation with pods per
plant (0.779), plant height (0.637), number of branches (0.538), 100 seed weight (0.345),
reproductive period (0.342) and days to maturity (0.327).
Borate et al.(2010) recorded high heritability coupled with high genetic advance for grain
yield, plant height, dry matter, days to first flowering and days to maturity indicated high
additive gene effects.
Tiwari et al.(2016) observed that genotypic correlation coefficients were higher than
phenotypic correlation coefficients in most of the traits. Harvest index, 100-seed weight, seeds
per pod, number of effective pods per plant, total number of pods per plant, number of primary
branches per plant and plant height were the most important characters, which possessed
positive association with seed yield per plant.
Asterekiet al.(2017) indicated thatsignificant and positive correlations between seed yield and
number of pods per plant and harvest index in two years.
Agrawal et al.(2018) revealed that grain yield per plant was significantly and positively
correlated with number of primary branches, number of secondary branches, biological yield,
harvest index, 100 seed weight and days tomaturity, under normal sown condition. Under late
sown condition,grain yield per plant showed positive and significant association with
chlorophyll index,number of primary branches, total number of pods per plant, effective
podsper plant, biological yield, harvest index and 100 seed weight.
1. 9.
2. 10.
3. 11.
4. 12.
5. 13.
6. 14.
7. 15.
8. 16.
R1 R2 R3
SN. R1 R2 R3
1 V3 V5 V8
2 V6 V7 V12
3 V8 V11 V4
4 V2 V9 V1
5 V10 V16 V13
6 V4 V14 V5
7 V1 V4 V7
8 V11 V6 V11
9 V14 V2 V3
10 V9 V12 V16
11 V15 V1 V2
12 V12 V8 V10
13 V7 V15 V9
14 V13 V3 V14
15 V16 V10 V6
16 V5 V13 V15
Length-34.5 m
Width-7 m
No. Of replication each plot- 03
No.of genotype each plot- 16
Observations Recorded :
Days to 50 per cent flowering -
Number of days from sowing to the date when 50
per cent plants in each plot flowered was recorded and the
average number of days for 50 per cent flowering was
Days of maturity -
The total numbers of days recorded from showing to maturity when 80% of the plants per plot
turned yellow and started drying at physiological maturity.
Number of pods per plant -
The total number of pods was counted from five randomly selected plants at maturity and
average was worked out.
Number of primary branches per plant -
Number of fruiting branches arising from the main shoot was counted at the time of harvest.
100 seed weight -
After threshing and cleaning the seed random sample of 100 seed were drawn from the seed
lot and weighted in grams.
Plant height (cm) –
Plant height was measured from the ground level to the tip of the shoot and expressed in
centimeters at the time of maturity.
Pod length(cm) -
Pod lengths of the randomly selected plant were averaged to workout the pod length.
Number of nodules per plant -
All the randomly selected plants were uprooted with almost care to maintain maximum root
zone nodules present on the root were counted and averaged for recording the observation.
Number of secondary branches per plant -
Fruiting branches arising from primarybranches were recorded as secondary branches at the
time of harvest
Number of pods per plant -
.Total number of seed bearing pods per plant was counted at the time of harvest
Number of seeds per pod -
Number of seeds in pod was counted at random from each plant randomly selected plant and
was averaged
Harvest index ( % ) -
The biological yield (total dry matter after harvesting and sun drying ) and seed yield of each
plant was recorded in grams and the harvest index was calculated as:
Seed yield per plant (g)
Harvest index (%) = X 100
Biological yield per plant (g)
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