Improvements of Calcium Oxide Based Sorbents For Multiple CO2 Capture Cycles
Improvements of Calcium Oxide Based Sorbents For Multiple CO2 Capture Cycles
Improvements of Calcium Oxide Based Sorbents For Multiple CO2 Capture Cycles
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne, Centre SPIN, Laboratoire des
Procédés en Milieux Granulaires (LPMG UMR 5148), 158 Cours Fauriel, 42023 SAINT-
ETIENNE Cedex 2, France
This study presents the development of a novel calcium-oxide sorbent for carbon dioxide
capture. In this work, CaO sorbent was impregnated with different molar percentage of
titanium ethoxide. The sorbent prepared with 50 % of titanium ethoxide resulted in the best
uptake characteristics for CO2. Compared to others, a higher BET surface area and a larger
pore volume were observed. An excellent stability during extended carbonation-
decarbonation cycles was also demonstrated. The high titanium content limits the sintering of
particles and thus stabilizes the microstructure of CaO.
During the carbonation cycle, CO2 uptake increases, reaching the highest value at the end of
the cycle. The carbonation is characterized by the reaction of gaseous CO2 with solid CaO to
yield CaCO3, which can reciprocally be thermally regenerated to CaO and CO2 by heating the
carbonate beyond its decomposition temperature (about 850°C).
Some researchers reported13 that, for the carbonation reaction, after a rapid chemically
controlled initial period, a slower product layer stage diffusion follows. The transition
between the fast and slow reaction stages was attributed to the formation of a CaCO3 product
layer, which limits the carbonation conversions13. The curve in figure 1 confirms that the
performance deteriorates with time (number of cycles). After the reaction of CaO with CO2,
the reaction product CaCO3 must undergo a calcination process in order to regenerate CaO to
be used repeatedly. In the process of calcination, some pores are produced inside the CaO
particle. At the same time, CaO sintering may occur during high-temperature calcination. The
decline of CO2 absorption capacity and cyclic stability with the increasing
carbonation/calcination cycles can be attributed to changes in the particle structure during
calcination. When small CaO particles are heated to certain temperatures high enough but
below the melting point, CaO coalesces and sinters, and the surface area of nascent CaO
decreases with the increase of residence time. Surface area and porosity are very important for
the reaction of CaO with CO2, but sintering reduces surface area and porosity sharply, which
in turn affects the reaction rates and conversion of CaO with CO2.14,15 Abanades et al.13
attributed the decay of CaO conversion to a certain loss of small pores and an increase of
large pores. They carried out observations with SEM, which revealed that the pore
distribution of the calcines was continuously changing with number of cycles; more and
bigger macro-pores were being formed under the condition that micropores decreased.
Natural limestone provided by Tamuin quarries (Mexico) was used. CaO was prepared by
calcination of natural limestone at 850°C under nitrogen for 3 hours. Then, CaO powder was
impregnated with predefined quantities of titanium ethoxide (Aldrich), corresponding to
molar percentage of 0.1, 1, 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50. After the impregnation, the material was
dried at 100°C overnight then calcinated at 300°C under air for 12 hours. In fact, the additive
is decomposed under 250°C22. The final product will be noted CaTi-x with x corresponding to
the doping level of titanium ethoxide.
The calculated conversion rate corresponds to the molar number of absorbed CO2 divided by
the molar number of theorical CaO.
X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements were employed for the identification of phases of the
synthesized CaO-based sorbents. The XRD analyses were conducted on a Siemens D500
powder X-ray diffractometer with a Cu Kα radiation source (wavelength = 1.5406 Å).
BET surface area measurements were performed using nitrogen adsorption and desorption
isotherms at -196°C on a Micromeritics ASAP 2000 volumetric adsorption analyzer. The CaO
sorbents were degassed at 150°C for a night in the degassing port of the apparatus before the
measurements. The adsorption isotherms of nitrogen for BET measurements were collected at
-196°C by using ten values of pressure ranging from about 40 to 240 mmHg.
The porosity was measured by mercury intrusion porosimeter Autopore IV (Micrometrics)
which allows the determination of the pore size distribution.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) measurements were performed on selected sorbents to
obtain information on morphology using a JEOL 6500F field-emission scanning electron
microscope. The samples were prepared by placing CaO sorbents on double-sided carbon tape
mounted on the sample holder. Then a gold metallization was realized to improve image
Volume-weighted particle size distributions of CaO-based sorbents powders were determined
by laser scattering using a Scirocco cell (Mastersizer 2000, Malvern).
Decarbonation-Carbonation. Decarbonation/Carbonation experiments were conducted with
a Setaram 92 thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA). All steps of the carbonation and
decarbonation experiments, heating of the sample, cooling of the sample, and shifting gases
between CO2 (99.995 %) and nitrogen (99.999 %) were programmable. A small amount of
sorbent was placed in an alumina crucible and heated to the decarbonation temperature
(850°C) at a ramp rate of 10°C/min under nitrogen. When the decarbonation process had been
completed, the temperature was decreased to 650°C at a ramp rate of 10°C/min, a mixed of
2/3 of CO2 and 1/3 of nitrogen was automatically switched into the system to replace
nitrogen. When the carbonation process finished, the temperature was increased at 10°C/min
to the decarbonation temperature. A new decarbonation/carbonation cycle began when the
decarbonation temperature was achieved. In this work, the typical carbonation time was set at
120 min to achieve a relatively high uptake capacity of CO2, and the decarbonation time was
set at 60 min to allow the sorbent to be decarbonated completely. During the entire process,
the sorbent weight and the temperature were continuously recorded.
In figure 1, the performance results of the natural limestone Tamuin was presented. The curve
confirms that the performance deteriorates with time (number of cycles). After the reaction of
CaO with CO2, the reaction product CaCO3 must undergo a calcination process in order to
regenerate CaO to be used repeatedly. In the process of calcination, some pores are produced
inside the CaO particle. At the same time, CaO sintering may occur during high-temperature
calcination. The decline of CO2 absorption capacity and cyclic stability with the increasing
carbonation/calcination cycles can be attributed to changes in the particle structure during
calcination. When small CaO particles are heated to certain temperatures high enough but
below the melting point, CaO coalesces and sinters, and the surface area of nascent CaO
decreases with the increase of residence time. Surface area and porosity are very important for
the reaction of CaO with CO2, but sintering reduces surface area and porosity sharply, which
in turn affects the reaction rates and conversion of CaO with CO2.14,15 In our study, the
surface area of CaO decreases to 7.2 m²g-1 before calcination to 0.4 m²g-1 after five cycles of
calcination-carbonation. The porosity is closed and it is difficult to CO2 to diffuse inside the
material, its reactivity towards CO2 decreases.
In order to find an appropriate high-temperature CO2 absorbent, we doped pristine CaO with
titanium ethoxide. Different ratios of additive were added. Their cyclic reaction characteristics
are observed and recorded as shown in Figure 2. The calculated conversion rate corresponds
to the molar number of absorbed CO2 divided by the molar number of theorical CaO. The
conversion rate increases with the molar percentage of additive. It can be seen from figure 2
that at weak doping level (0.1 and 1 %), the additive does not impact the absorption of CO2 by
the material. The shape of the curve changes when the rate of titanium is higher than 20 %.
The cyclic reaction capacity of CaTi-40 and CaTi-50 with CO2 are almost the same and very
stable. It decreases slowly with the increase of cycles. Particularly, no significant changes
with number of cycles suggests that these samples are promising CO2 absorbents. No molar
fraction of titanium ethoxide higher than 0.5 was tested because the reactivity toward CO2 is
the same for CaTi-40 and CaTi-50, a maximum conversion rate seems to be attained.
CO2 should interact chemically with CaO rather than with TiO2 because CO2 and TiO2 are
acidic oxides. Some studies show that only CO is adsorbed at the surface of TiO223 or CO2 is
converted to CO when it is adsorbed at the TiO2 surface24,25.
The BET surface specific area values of titanium ethoxide doped sorbents are presented in
table 1. All measurements were made twice.
All of the surface areas are higher than for pristine CaO. CaTi-40 and CaTi-50 exhibit the
highest surface areas and porosities among the various sorbents investigated in this study.
Sorption capacity depends on the degree of microporosity development, high surface area and
high pore volume facilitate the diffusion of CO2 inside these materials.
Figure 1 : Carbonation of the limestone in 66 vol % CO2 gas stream and completely
regenerated in nitrogen
Figure 3 : XRD patterns of CaTi-20, CaTi-30, CaO (starting material) (on left) and CaTi-40,
CaTi-50, CaO (starting material) (on right) (CaCO3 : jcpds number, 00-047-1743; Ca(OH)2 :
jcpds number, 00-044-1481; TiO2, jcpds number, 00-004-0477)
CaO (obtained after calcination of CaCO3) CaO (obtained after calcination of CaCO3)
20 % 20 %
30 % 30 %
40 % 40 %
50 % 50 %
Figure 4 : SEM images of CaCO3, CaO and CaO doped with titanium ethoxide
A study of aging was done on the best absorbent (CaTi-50), under 30 cycles of carbonation-
calcination. After 30 cycles, its reactivity towards CO2 is clearly superior to that of pure
limestone Tamuin (see figure 5).
Figure 5 : Carbonation-decarbonation cycles of CaTi-50 : □ and limestone Tamuin : ●
CaTi-40 and CaTi-50 were identified as promising sorbents for CO2 capture, they exhibit very
high CO2-capture capacity and a strong stability during the course of multicyclic carbonation-
decarbonation testing. The high titanium content limits the sintering of particles and stabilizes
the microstructure of CaO.
We are grateful to the ADEME (Agency of environment and energy management) for
financial support. We would also like to thank the different partners of CARGESE project:
IFP new energy and ATANOR.
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