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Fire Fighting - Technical Specifications - G04 - MEPSSPL Comments

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The Crest, Phase-V, Gurgaon

S. No. Description Page No.









The Crest, Phase-V, Gurgaon




The Fire Protection System for the project is designed keeping in view the following:

1.1 The Crest at Phase-V, Gurgaon

1.2 Requirement of adequate pressure availability of fire mains, Hydrant points
as well as sprinklers head.
1.3 Adequate storage of water in underground fire water tanks, as per the
NBC/NOC guidelines.
1.4 Provision of fire fighting appurtenance such as sprinklers, fire hydrants,
hose reel, and portable extinguishers.
The execution of works and materials used shall be as per the latest
relevant I.S. specifications.
The extension of work shall in strict compliance to the Environmental
Clearance granted by EIA, Govt. of India & NOC issued by Fire
Wherever reference has been made to Indian Standard or any other
specifications, the same shall mean to refer to the latest specification
irrespective of any particular edition of such specification being mentioned
in the specifications below or Schedule of Quantities.


The design and planning of Fire Protection System shall be done keeping in view the
following criteria:
1. National Building Codes of India – Part IV
2. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
3. Rules of Insurance Company & TAC Manual (for reference and guideline).
4. Consultation with local Chief Fire Officer.

2.1 Basis/ Concept of Design

The fire fighting arrangement shall be designed as per the requirement of local
guidelines, NBC & NFPA standard.
The entire fire safety installation shall be compliant with the most stringent codes /
standard for the entire Complex to ensure the highest safety standard and uniformity of
system. Further, before property is opened to public, the fire protection shall be fully
operated and tested under simulated conditions to demonstrate compliance with the
most stringent standards, codes and guidelines.

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2.2 System Description

2.2.1 Fire water storage

Static fire water storage tank for Fire Protection System has been provided at first
basement level of 600 cum (3No. x 200 cum) capacity and 25 cum (1 x 25 cum) fire
water storage at terrace level of each block. + Club house OHT
Fire department connection shall also be provided on the external wall of the property
near the main entrance of each block. These shall comprise of 4 Nos. 63 mm dia male
outlets capable of directly feeding the ring mains through non return valves or directly
filling the static fire storage tanks. These shall be mounted in specially identified boxes.
4 nos 63mm dia - Draw In
2.2.2 Fire pumping system 2 nos 63mm dia - Draw Out
The fire pumping system shall comprise of independent electrical pumps for hydrant and
sprinkler system, diesel engine driven pump & jockey pump for hydrant & sprinkler
system. Why difference of 50m head between
Lower Zone sprinkler and hydrant? Should be 30m max.

a. 1 No. Electric Hydrant Pump : Capacity 47.5 LPS; 2850 LPM 120 Mt head
b. 1 No. Electric Sprinkler Pump : Capacity 47.5 LPS; 2850 LPM 70 Mt head
c. 1 No. Electric Water Curtain Pump : Capacity 75 LPS; 4500 LPM 70 Mt head
d. 1 No. Diesel Engine Driven Pump : Capacity 47.5 LPS; 2850 LPM 120 Mt head
e. 1 No. Diesel Engine Driven Pump : Capacity 75 LPS; 4500 LPM 70 Mt head
f. 2 No. Jockey Pump- Hydrant/ Sprinkler : Capacity 3 LPS; 180 LPM 70/120 Mt head
g. 1 No. Jockey Pump- Curtain : Capacity 7.5 LPS; 450 LPM 70 Mt head
Upper Zone

a. 1 No. Electric Hydrant Pump : Capacity 47.5 LPS; 2850 LPM 200 Mt head
b. 1 No. Electric Sprinkler Pump : Capacity 47.5 LPS; 2850 LPM 150 Mt head
c. 1 No. Diesel Engine Driven Pump : Capacity 47.5 LPS; 2850 LPM 200 Mt head
d. 2 No. Jockey Pump- Hydrant/ Sprinkler: Capacity 3 LPS; 180 LPM 150/200 Mt head

Down Comer Pump (Terrace Level) :Capacity 900 LPM 35m Head(Each Block )

Electrical pump shall provide adequate flow for catering requirement of hydrant system.
Diesel engine driven fire pumps shall be provided for ensuring operation & performance
of the system in case of total electrical power failure. Jockey pumps shall compensate
for pressure drop and line leakage in the hydrant and sprinkler installation. Provision of
PRS/ orifice plate shall be made in sprinkler riser to restrict pressure on sprinkler
Individual suction lines shall be drawn from the fire reserve tanks at the basement level
and connected to independent fire suction header. The electric fire pumps, diesel
engine driven fire pumps and the jockey pumps shall all draw from this suction header.
Delivery lines from various pumps shall also be connected to a common header in order
to ensure that maximum standby capacity is available. The sprinkler pump shall be
isolated from the main discharge header by a non-return valve so that the hydrant pump
can also act as standby for the sprinkler system. The ring main shall remain pressurized
at all times and Jockey pumps shall make up minor line losses. Automation required to

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make the system fully functional shall be provided. (Warranty period 24 month from
date of commissioning)

2.2.3 Fire hydrant system

Internal and external standpipe fire hydrant system shall be provided with landing valve,
hose reel, first aid hose reels, complete with instantaneous pattern short gunmetal pipe
in the Complex. + 63mm dia 4 nos 15m long canvas hose reels + 5
kg fire
The internal diameter of inlet connection extinguisher
shall be at least 80/100 mm. The outlet shall
be of instant spring lock type gunmetal ferrule coupling of 63 mm dia for connecting to
hose pipe. Provision of flow switch on riser shall be made for effective zone monitoring.
The flow switch shall be wired to FAP and shall indicate water flow on hydrant of the
identified zone.
Recessed cupboard/ fire hydrant cabinet shall be strategically located for firefighting
requirement. Location of cabinets shall be accessed as per compart-mentation plan in
consultation with the Architect. Provision of fire man’s axe shall be made for internal

External hydrant shall be located within 2 m to 15 m from the building to be protected

such that they are accessible and may not be damaged by vehicle movement. A spacing
of about 45-50 m between hydrants for the complex shall be adopted. (Warranty period
36 month from date of commissioning)

2.2.4 Sprinkler system

Sprinklers shall be distributed in all blocks of the office as per the National Building
Code requirement, so as to cover 12-21 sqm area within the buildings and 9 sqm area
in basement areas from each sprinkler head.

Elaborate automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout the Public areas
as explained above. The system shall be suitably zoned for its optimum functional
Sprinklers need not performance.
be provided in
toilets being a wet The maximum floor area on any one floor to be protected by sprinkler supplied by any
one sprinkler system riser or combined system riser shall be covered 52,000 sqft area
area and private
of each control valve, flow and tamper switches at suitable location and shall be
toilets. Reasoning / connected to control module of the fire alarm system for its monitoring and
relevant clause to annunciation in case of activation.
be kindly provided
to validate the Sprinkler type along with its bulb rating shall be selected based on the requirement of
same. the space and shall be specified accordingly.

Wet pipe sprinkler shall be provided for all habitable spaces such as Apartments,
corridors and other
Where public
ceiling is more than 800mm deep
Two layer of sprinklers at common areas like lift lobby areas, corridors etc. will be done
by developer. Pipe sizing should be done by consideration of both the levels of sprinkler
system. (Warranty period 12 month from date of commissioning)

2.2.5 Water Curtain Sprinkler system

Water Curtain Nozzle distributes water in a flat curtain extending all the way to the
ground. The nozzles mounted in horizontal position with flow towards ground, a flat
water curtain is produced to segregate the area which is under fire. The directional

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discharge produces a flat 180° fan-shaped spray pattern. Used to produce a water
Water curtain in
curtain, they are installed on automatic deluge/solenoid valve systems including control
basements shall be wiring up to fire panel & ON/OFF arrangement and all other associated works of
designed for zones complete as required. A Deluge System is a fixed fire protection system in which the
of 1125 sq.mt. where pipe system is empty until the deluge valve operates to distribute pressurized water from
sprinkler grid is open nozzles or sprinklers. The deluge valve shall be activated by operation of a fire
4X3m and 750 sq. detection system installed in the same area as the sprinklers. The deluge system will be
mt. where sprinkler activated by an electric release system. But, the deluge valve itself shall be activated
hydraulically. When the detection device shall be activated, the deluge valve will be
grid is 3X3m. These
tripped and water flows into the piping system, discharging through all water curtain
zones should be nozzles. G.I.Medium class pipe shall be use after deluge valve. (Warranty period 12
identified on month from date of commissioning)
annunciation panel
for efficient
2.2.6 Clean agent fire protection system
Clean agent suppression system shall be provided for LT Panels & Transformer Rooms.
Fire drencher may be The system shall comprise of the Novac1230 gas module containing required quantity of
asked for by CFO at gas which shall be released when the actuator output is enabled by the fire alarm panel.
As per the design concentration, release of the gas shall be within 15 seconds time
refuge terraces on
elapsed from the actuation to put out the fire. The room shall be ventilated completely
each floor (although after the release of Novac1230 gas, before personnel can enter and work in the area.
not required as per
NBC). A specification
of the same should Hand held fire extinguishers
be included here. Portable fire extinguishers of water (gas pressure), Carbon-di-oxide and foam type
shall be provided as first aid fire extinguishing appliances. These extinguishers shall
Also a RO item in
be suitably distributed in the entire public as well as service areas. The following
BOQ as a provision. extinguisher shall be provided as per local Authorities (CFO). (Warranty period 12
month from date of commissioning)

a) One ABC Powder extinguisher of 5 kgs. capacity and two fire buckets filled with
clean dry fine sand should be provided for every 8 cars at each common
basement parking area and also on the setback parking area (under shelter).
b) One Co2 extinguisher of 2 kgs. capacity should be provided near the entrance to
each main switch board room, inside each lift machine room and inside each

b) One ABC Powder extinguisher of 5 kgs. capacity should be provided near the
transformer, if installed.

d) One ABC powder extinguisher of 5 kgs. capacity should be provided near the
entrance to the each D.G. Room.

e) Water type gas cartridge extinguisher of 9 Itrs capacity should be kept near each
staircase landing on every floor of each Building.

f) 4 Nos. Water type gas cartridge extinguishers, each of 9 Itrs capacity should be
kept inside each Hall. Hall, as in living room?

g) One Co2 extinguisher of 2 kgs. capacity should be provided inside each Room.

h) Scale of suitable extinguishers for Office area shall be collected before

approaching the department for final clearance after finalizing the utility of each

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2.2.8 Hand held fire extinguishers Helipad

Helipad foam protection shall utilize that water supply by inserting a tee in the
standpipe, attaching a 100mm electrical deluge valve to control the flow of water, and
extending 100mm line form that valve to the foam producing equipment outside near
the helipad.

Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) form concentrate with water to generate foam,
the unit utilizes a nozzle with a venture that draws foam concentrate foam the nearby
concentrate storage tank up into the nozzle, proportions it with the water, and
discharges high quality foam onto the landing pad. To ensure foam is applied to the
entire landing pad foam one oscillating monitor/nozzle, a small portion of the water to
the unit is used to power the oscillating mechanism that sweeps the nozzle back and
forth across the landing pad automatically.

Following terrace Fire pump shall be used for helipad protection system.

1 No. Terrace fire Pump- Hydrant Capacity 15 LPS; 70 Mt head

The workmanship shall be best of its kind and shall conform to the specifications, as
below or Indian Standard Specifications in every respect or latest trade practices and
shall be subject to approval of the Owner’s Site Representative. All materials and/or
Workmanship which in the opinion of the Owner’s Site Representative / Architect /
Consultant is defective or unsuitable shall be removed immediately from the site and
shall be substituted with proper materials and/or workmanship forthwith.

All materials shall be best of their kind and shall conform to the latest Indian Standards.
All materials shall be of approved quality as per samples and origins approved by the
Owner’s Site Representative / Architect / Consultants.

As and when required by the Owner’s Site Representative / Consultant, the contractor
shall arrange to test the materials and/or portions of works at his own cost to prove their
soundness and efficiency. If after tests any materials, work or portions or work are found
defective or unsound by the Owner’s Site Representative / Consultant, the contractor
shall remove the defective material from the site, pull down and re-execute the works at
his own cost to the satisfaction of the Owner’s Site Representative / Consultant. To
prove that the materials used are as specified the contractor shall furnish the Owner’s
Site Representative with original vouchers on demand.

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The scope of this section consists of but is not necessarily limited to supply, installation,
testing and commissioning of the fire protection system. The philosophy of the system is
as follows :

a. The Fire Suppression System shall comprise the Fire Hydrants System, the
Sprinkler System (Wet type), Hand Appliances.
b. Water from the underground 3 nos RCC Fire Water Storage Tanks, each of 200
cum capacity, shall be supplied for the uses listed below.
i. Fire Hydrant System (Pressurized) both for the external hydrants, the
internal landing valves and the hose reels at landings.
ii. Sprinkler System (Wet Type)
iii. Water Curtain System in the Basements.
c. The Hydrant System and the Sprinkler System, under normal conditions, shall be
lowest pressurized by means of the electric motor driven Jockey Pump.
d. The Hydrant System shall be provided with two pump sets, one of which will be
diesel engine driven and the other electric motor driven.
e. The Sprinkler System shall be provided with an electric motor driven pump set.
f. The Water curtain System shall be provided with an electric motor driven pump
set back up by diesel engine driven pump set.
g. The piping and valve connections shall be done so that the water from the
discharge of the Hydrant Pump sets is able to supply water, automatically to the
Sprinkler System whenever, the Sprinkler Pump is unable to maintain the
pressure or fails and not vice versa.
h. The starting and stopping of the Jockey pump shall be automatic based on the
pressure switches at preset low and high pressure.
i. The electric motor driven Hydrant Pump starts automatically at a preset pressure
by means of a pressure switch. As soon as the Hydrant Pump starts, the Jockey
Pump Stops. If for any reason the electric motor driven Hydrant Pump does not
start at the preset pressure or is unable to maintain the pressure, the diesel
engine driven Hydrant Pump starts at the preset pressure.
j. The Hydrant Pump, whether electric motor driven or the diesel engine driven
shall be stopped only manually.
k. The Sprinkler Pump shall be started automatically at a preset pressure but shall
be stopped only manually.
l. Contractor shall ensure that all false ceiling voids greater than 800 mm are
provided with sprinklers. both, upright and pendant type sprinklers
m. Contractor shall ensure Hydro Testing for the complete system.
n The Contractor shall obtain the necessary approval of the drawings and the
schemes from the local authority as called for. The contractor shall also take care
of any other requirement so that insurance cover can be obtained, if required at
minimum premium at a later date.
o. The contractor shall design and after approval of Project Manager display near
each staircase landing at floor levels, a glass covered framed floor plan clearly
showing the locations of all landing valves, hose reels, hand appliances, as well
as the DO’s and DON’T’s for the personnel and the exit direction in case of an
emergency. The dimensions of the floor plan, its scale, lettering size, colour
scheme etc shall be as directed by the Project Manager.
p. The Contractor shall provide labeling tag at each Valve.

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2.1 General Requirements

All materials shall be of the best quality conforming to the specifications and subject to
the approval of the Consultants.
Pipes shall be fixed in a manner as to provide easy accessibility for repair and
maintenance and shall not cause obstruction in shafts, passages etc.
Pipes shall be securely fixed to walls and ceilings by suitable clamps and M.S. supports
at intervals specified. Only approved type of anchor fasteners shall be used for RCC
slabs and walls / floors etc.
Valves and other appurtenances shall be so located that they are easily accessible for
operations, repairs and maintenance.
Pipes and fittings shall be fixed truly vertical, horizontal or in slopes as required in a neat
workman like manner.
Pipe accessories such as gauges, meters, control devices, etc. shall have the same
working pressure rating as the associated pipe work. All pipe work shall be free from
burrs, rust and scale and shall be cleaned before installation. All personnel engaged on
welding operations must possess a certificate of competence issued by an acceptable /
recognized authority.
2.2 Piping
Pipes of following types are to be used:
Mild Steel pipelines upto 150 mm dia shall be as per IS: 1239, Part-II (heavy grade)
while pipelines above 150 mm dia shall be as per I.S.:3589. M.S. pipes buried below
ground shall also be suitably be lagged with layer of 400 micron polythene sheet over 2
coats of bitumen. Final BOQ mentions MS pipes for hydrant risers while Spec
mentions GI. Which one is final?
Galvanize Steel pipelines Shall be used only for Hydrant-Riser system (inside the
building)upto 150 mm dia shall be as per IS: 1239, Part-I (Medium grade) while
pipelines above 150 mm dia shall be as per I.S.:3589. G.I.Medium class pipe shall be
use after deluge valve.

All pipe clamps and supports shall be fabricated from MS steel sections use at site.
Welding of galvanized clamps and supports shall not be permitted.
Pipes shall be hung by means of expandable anchor fastener of approved make and
design. The hangers and clamps shall be fastened by means of galvanized nuts and
bolts. The size/diameter of the anchor fastener and the clamps shall be suitable to carry
the weight of water filled pipe and dead load normally encountered.
Hangers and supports shall be thoroughly galvanized after fabrication. The selection and
design of the hanger & support shall be capable of carrying the sum of all concurrently
acting loads. They shall be designed to provide the required supporting effects and allow
pipeline movements as necessary. All guides, anchor braces, dampener, expansion joint
and structural steel to be attached to the building/structure trenches etc. shall be
provided. Hangers and components for all piping shall be approved by the Consultants.
The piping system shall be tested for leakages at 2 times the operating pressure or 1.5
time shut-off pressure, whichever is highest including testing for water hammer effects.
Flanged joints shall be used for connections for vessels, equipment, flanged valves and
also on two straight lengths of pipelines of strategic points to facilitate erection and
subsequent maintenance work.
For pipes underground installation the pipes shall be buried at least one meter below
ground level and shall have 230 mm x 230 mm masonry or concrete supports at least
300 mm high at 3m intervals. Masonry work to have plain cement concrete foundation (1

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cement: 4 coarse sand : 8 stone aggregate) of size 380x380x75 thick resting on firm
Mains below ground level shall be supported at regular intervals not exceeding 3.0
metres and shall be laid at least 2.0 metre away from the building.
Flexible Connections
Flexible connections at outlets of pumps shall be of stainless steel corrugated inner tube
and stainless steel wire braid outside the tube with flanged ends. The flexible
connectors shall be designed for excellent vibration and noise protection. Isolated
tension members shall be provided to prevent excessive elongation. The end flange
connection shall be rated at 20 kg/cm² (300 psi).
Flexible connections shall be suitable for the working fluid and for the working pressure
and temperature.
Expansion Joints
Pack-less type expansion connectors shall be used where the expansion and
contraction of the pipe is excessive or cannot be compensated for by expansion loops or
Anchors and pipe guides shall be provided and installed at the recommended locations.
All expansion connectors shall have flanged ends with working pressure corresponding
with the piping system.
Flexible pipe connections shall be installed at every structural expansion joint.
Water strainers shall be of the Y type. Strainers of 50 mm (2 inches) in diameter and
smaller shall have bronze or iron bodies with screwed connections while 65 mm (2 ½
inches) in diameter strainers and larger shall have iron bodies and flanged connections.
They shall have the same pressure rating as the piping system.
Water strainers shall comply with the requirements of the ASTM standards.
Screens shall be stainless steel with perforations as follows:-

Strainer Perforation
mm (inches) mm (inches)

20 (¾) to 50 (2) 0.76 (0.03)

65 (2 ½) to 150 (6) 1.52 (0.06)
200 (8) to 300 (12) 3.05 (0.12)
Over 300 (12) 6.10 (0.24)
The free area of each screen shall be not less than three times the area of the strainers
of 65 mm (2 ½ inches) in diameter and larger shall be provided with 15 mm (½ inch)
diameter valve drains. The outlet shall be piped to the nearest drain.
Air Vent and Drain
Manual air vent shall be furnished as required for purging air or other gases from the
water circuit during filling. The outlet shall be piped to the nearest drain.
Automatic air vents, conforming to ASA standards, shall be furnished at the top of main
A shut-off valve shall be provided at the inlet of each automatic air vent. The outlet of
each vent shall be piped to the nearest drain.
A plug-type drain cock shall be provided at all low points of pipework systems.

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Drains shall be installed to ensure easy access and convenience for maintenance and
removal of all piping, valves, fittings and equipment without undue spillage.
Drainage facilities shall be provided and suitably sized to drain expeditiously the entire
system and equipment involved.

Pressure Gauges
Pressure gauges shall be of the bourdon type, stainless steel casing, round type of 100
mm (4 inches) dial and scale range of approximately 150 per cent of the normal
operation. Pressure readings shall be in kg/cm² and psig.
A shut-off valves and snubbed with working pressure corresponding with the piping
system shall be provided for each pressure gauge.
Oil filled pressure gauges shall be installed where there is excessive vibration.

Flow Measuring Equipment

Flow measuring devices shall be annubar flow measuring stations and a portable meter
set complete with master chart for direct conversion of meter readings to m³/h (or gpm),
carrying case, two 4-m hoses, equalizer manifold, check seal, installation and operating
instructions. Meters shall become the property of the Employer/Owner.

Meters shall be approved factory assembled Eagle Eye flow meters or equal approved.
Each station shall be completed with safety shut-off valves and quick connect coupling

Annubar elements shall be made of stainless steel and rated to 20 kg/cm² (300 psig) at
204°C (400°F).

The flow measuring equipment shall be the product of Annubar by Ellison Instrument
Division, Dieterich Standard Copr., or approved equivalent.

Each station shall be tagged by means of a brass tag, attached with a chain, that
indicates the station number, meter setting and m3/h (or gpm).

Welding sockets shall be supplied by the flow meter manufacturer.

The flow meters shall be equipped with a built-in electronic totallizer, a square- root
extractor, and a power unit for the transmitter to the central control panel.

2.4 Piping Installation & Support

Tender drawings indicate schematically the size and location of pipes. The
Contractor, on the award of the work, shall prepare detailed working drawings,
showing the cross-sections, longitudinal sections, details of fittings, locations of
isolating and control valves, drain and air valves, and all pipe supports. He must keep
in view the specific openings in buildings and other structure through which pipes are
designed to pass.

Piping shall be properly supported on , or suspended from , on stands, clamps,

hangers as specified and as required. The Contractor shall adequately design all the
brackets, saddles, anchor, clamps and hangers, and be responsible for their structural

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Pipe work and fittings shall be supported by hangers or brackets so as to permit free
expansion and contraction. Risers shall be supported at each floor with Galvanised
steel clamps.

Pipe hangers shall be provided at the following maximum spacings:

Pipe Dia Hanger Rod Dia Spacing between Supports
(mm) (mm) (m)
Up to 25 6 2
32 to 50 6 2.5
65 to 80 8 2.5
80 to 100 10 2.5
125 to 150 10 3.0
200 to 300 12 3.5

The end of the steel rods shall be threaded and not welded to the threaded bolt.
All pipe work shall be carried out in a proper workman like manner, causing minimum
disturbance to the existing services, buildings, roads and structure. The entire piping
work shall be organized in consultation with other agencies work, so that area can be
carried out in one stretch.
Cut-outs in the floor slab for installing the various pipes area are indicated in the
drawings. Contractor shall carefully examine the cut-outs provided and clearly point
out wherever the cut-outs shown in the drawings, do not meet with the requirements.
Pipe sleeves, larger diameter than pipes, shall be provided wherever pipes pass
through walls and slab and annular space filled with fiberglass and finished with
retainer rings.
The contractor shall make sure that the clamps, brackets, saddles and hangers
provided for pipe supports are adequate or as specified / approved by Consultants.
Piping layout shall take due care for expansion and contraction in pipes and include
expansion joints where required.
All pipes shall be accurately cut to the required sizes in accordance with relevant BIS
codes and burrs removed before laying. Open ends of the piping shall be closed as
the pipe is installed to avoid entrance of foreign matter. Where reducers are to be
made in horizontal runs, eccentric reduces shall be used for the piping to drain freely.
In other locations, concentric reduces may be used.
Automatic air valves shall be provided at all high points in the piping system for
venting. All valves shall be of 15mm pipe size and shall be associated with an equal
size gate valves. Automatic air valves shall be provided on water risers.
Discharge from the air valves shall be piped through a pipe to the nearest drain or
sump. All pipes shall be pitched towards drain points.
Pressure gauges shall be provided as shown on the approved drawings. Care shall
be taken to protect pressure gauges during pressure testing.

2.5 Pipe Fittings

Pipe fittings mean tees, elbows, couplings, unions, flanges, reducers etc and all such
connecting devices that are needed to complete the piping work in its totality.
Ductile Iron mechanical coupling (Victaulic) type grooved fitting should be used for pipe
with in the apartment. In all common area shafts & basements should have the

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conventional welded joints up to the 65 mm dia and for pipe 50 mm & below should be
As per fianl BOQ threaded.
and discussions in
Fabricated fittings shall not be permitted for pipes diameters 50mm and below in the
technical workshop:
common areas & basements.

40mm and below Grooved End Fittings used on pipe, Fittings shall be cast of ductile iron conforming to
threaded ASTM A-536, Grade 65-45-12. Fittings provided with an alkyd enamel finish or hot dip
galvanized to ASTM A-153. Zinc electroplated fittings and couplings conform to ASTM
B633. (Warranty period 36 month from date of commissioning)
50mm and above
2.6 Procedure For Pypkote / Coatek Application
Grooved couplers to A) Surface Preparation - The pipe surface shall be cleaned by a wire brush.
be designed for B) Application of Primer - Pypkote / Coatek primer is to be applied on pipes
risers to immediately after cleaning. This is to prevent any further accumulation of rust on
accommodate the pipe. This is a cold applied primer and is applied by brush.
thermal, sway C) Application of Pypkote / Coatek 4 mm Tape - After the primer is applied on the
movements pipe, it is allowed to dry for about 30 min. till it becomes touch dry. Before adhering
the tape to the pipe, it is advisable to gently heat the primer coated pipe by a run of
LPG torch. Remove the bottom polyethylene from the tape & then heat bottom
surface of the tape by LPG torch or any heat source & start wrapping the tape to
the pipe by heating the primer coated pipe & by removing the bottom polyethylene
from the tape before wrapping better adhesion between the tape & pipe is
obtained. Overlaps are maintained with a minimum of 12.5 mm.
D) Tape coating of weld joints - The tape is applied over the weld joints after the
necessary welding & testing methods of the joints is completed. The procedure for
application of tape shall be the same as bare pipe procedure. Overlaps on each
side of the weld joints shall be 50 mm.
E) A final coat of White wash with water based cement paint is done immediately over
the entire coated pipe.
F) “HOLIDAY” Testing must be required for the “External Piping”. The Contractor shall
be arrange all testing tools and machines for holiday testing.

(Warranty period 24 month from date of commissioning)

2.7 Jointing

2.7.1 Mechanical Coupling

Mechanical coupling shall be UL listed or FM Global approved for fire protection
service, ductile or iron housing, rust inhibiting no-lead painted coating, zinc
electroplated heat treated bolts and heavy hex carbon steel nuts meeting ASTM F-
The grooved pipe shall be prepared with a roll groove.
Hangers and pipe supports shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s
After the completion of the installation, contractor shall be responsible for arranging an
inspection by the technical staff of the supplier of the purchased mechanical couplings
and requesting the inspection report from the supplier and submitting to the supervisor
for approval. (Warranty period 36 month from date of commissioning

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2.7.2 Welded Joints :

Joints between pipes and fittings shall be made with the pipes and fittings having “V”
groove and welded with electrical resistance welding in an approved manner. But
welding without “V” groove shall not be permitted.2-3% welding shall be radio-
graphically tested or satisfaction of Project engineer.
All joints in the pipe line with screwed fittings shall be seal welded after testing and the
weld plus the adjoining portion shall be given two coats of zinc rich primer. (Warranty
period 36 month from date of commissioning
2.7.3 Flanged joints ( 65 mm dia and above)
Flanged joints with flanges conforming to IS: 6392 shall be provided on
a. Straight runs at intervals not exceeding 25-30m on pipe lines of 50 mm dia and above
and as directed by the Project Manager.
b. For jointing all types of valves, appurtenances, pumps, connections with other type of
pipes, to water tanks and other places necessary and as required for good engineering
practice and as shown/noted on the drawings.
c. Flanges shall be with GI bolts and nuts and 3mm insertion gasket of natural
rubber conforming to IS: 11149. (Warranty period 36 month from date of


Rosette plate should be double recessed escutcheons. It should be selected as per
the size i.e., 1/2" or 3/4"fire sprinkler. It should be chrome plated.
(Warranty period 12 month from date of commissioning)


Air release valve should be suitable for clean or raw water service with pressure up to
740 PSIG (5100 kPa). Air release valve shall be automatic float operated valves
designed to release accumulated air from a piping system while the system is in
operation and under pressure. The capacity and pressure rating of the valve is
dependent on the diameter on the diameter of the precision orifice in the cover. A
large inlet connection is required for proper air and water exchange. The valve body
shall be threaded with NPT inlets and outlets. The body inlet connection shall be
hexagonal for a wrench connection. The valve shall have two additional NPT
connections for the addition of gauges, testing and draining.

Design of the valve: The cover shall be bolted to the valve body and seated with a
flat gasket. Resilient seats shall be replaceable and provide drop tight shut off to the
full valve pressure rating. The floats shall be unconditionally guaranteed against
failure including pressure surges. Mechanical linkage shall provide sufficient
mechanical advantage so that the valve will open under full operating pressure.
Simple lever designs shall consist of a single pivot arm and a resilient orifice button.

Material: The valve body and cover shall be constructed of ASTM A126 Class B cast
iron for working pressure upto 300 psig. The higher pressure rated valves shall be
constructed of ASTM A536 Grade 65-45-12 ductile iron.

Certification: Valves shall be manufactured and tested in accordance with American

Water Works Association Standard C512. The valves shall be UL listed. (Warranty
period 12 month from date of commissioning)

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It is an important equipment to be maintained in every fire stations. Its primary use is
for breaking down doors and windows and cut electrical wires in case of emergency.
Fireman Axe shall comply IS: 926-1985. Through the fireman axe is to be tested to
20000 volts, their use should be limited to 1000 or 2000 volts with precautions. The
fireman axe should be provided with insulated steel handle. The Steel used in the
forging of axe head shall comply with IS: 1977-1975. The insulated handle shall be of
vulcanized rubber (non-slippery).
Construction: The shape and dimensions of fireman's axe shall be as per standard,
duly approved by consultant. The axe head shall be soundly forged to shape and the
steel handle shall be welded to the head. The pick and the blade shall be well and
evenly hardened and tempered to a DPN of 500 to 575 which shall be measured with
in a distance of 3 mm from the cutting edge according to the method laid down in IS:
1501·1968. The Handle grip shall be of non-slippery type that is, provided with a
knurled surface.

5.1 Workmanship and finish

The forging shall be free from seams, cracks and surface defects. The edges shall
be well-shaped and finished smooth. The metal surfaces of axe shall be bright

5.2 Marking
Each axe shall be clearly and permanently marked with the following information:
 Manufacturer's name or trade-mark, if any;
 Tested to 20 000 volts; and
 Year of manufacture


The material used for exhaust pipe including all the fixing accessories and hardware
shall be Mild steel (Class-‘C’). The exhaust pipes shall be insulated with 75 mm thick
mineral wool (density 100 kg/m3) insulation wrapped in chicken mesh and clad with
26 gauge aluminum sheet including all hot dip galvanized support structural.
Adequate sized pipes and fittings shall be installed to carry away the exhaust
discharge into the atmosphere at a height as indicated in the drawings & as per the
requirement of Center / State Pollution Control Board or Pollution Control Committee
as the case may be. The galvanized M.S. structural support and vibration arrestors to
specify along with drawing for statutory clearance.
Exhaust pipe to be coated with yellow oxide to prevent corrossion
A mechanical seal must contain four functional components, primary sealing surfaces,
secondary sealing surfaces, a means of actuation, and a means of drive:

1. The primary sealing surfaces are the heart of the device. A common
combination consists of a hard material, such as silicon carbide, Ceramic or
tungsten carbide, embedded in the pump casing and a softer material, such as
carbon in the rotating seal assembly. Many other materials can be used
depending on the liquid's chemical properties, pressure, and temperature.
These two rings are in intimate contact, one ring rotates with the shaft, the
other ring is stationary. These two rings are machined using a machining
process called lapping in order to obtain the necessary degree of flatness.

2. The secondary sealing surfaces (there may be a number of them) are those
other points in the seal that require a fluid barrier but are not rotating relative to

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one another. Usually the secondary sealing elements are ‘O’-rings, PTFE
wedges or rubber diaphragms.

3. In order to keep the two primary sealing surfaces in intimate contact, an

actuation force is required and is commonly provided by a spring. In conjunction
with the spring, it may also be provided by the pressure of the sealed fluid.

4. The primary sealing surfaces must be the only parts of the seal that are
permitted to rotate relative to one another, they must not rotate relative to the
parts of the seal that hold them in place. To maintain this non-rotation a method
of drive must be provided.


Water Level Controller should automatically START the pump set as soon as the
water level falls below the predetermined level and shall SWITCH OFF the pump set
as soon as tank is full or water level in the lower tank is at below minimum level. The
level controller should provide the flexibility to the user to decide the water levels for
operations of pump set in upper/lower tanks. The built in indications for showing full,
empty levels in Upper Tank and Lower Tank Empty Indication. The manual operation
switch for special operations like- watering the plants from pump set. The water level
controller should ensure no overflows or dry running of pump there by saves
electricity and water low AC voltage sensing circuit to avoid polarization of electrodes
in water (requires very rare cleaning of electrode ends). The level controllers shall be
provided with special stainless steel conductive electrodes. It should consume very
little energy and should be ideal for continuous operation. The rated supply voltage
should be 220V AC, 50Hz.


The air vessel shall be provided to compensate for slight loss of pressure in the system
and to provide an air cushion for counter-acting pressure, surges, whenever the
pumping sets come into operation. Air vessel shall conform to IS:3844. It shall be
normally half full of water, when the system is in normal operation. Air vessel shall be
fabricated with 8 mm thick M.S. plate with dished ends and suitable supporting legs. It
shall be provided with one 100 mm dia flanged connection from pump, one 25 mm drain
with valve, one water level gauge and 25 mm sockets for pressure switches. The air
vessel shall be tested to pressure for 12 hours at 2 times the operating pressure or 1.5
times the shut-off. (Warranty period 12 month from date of commissioning)
What is the role of Air Cushion Tank? Is it to arrest water
10.0 AIR CUSHION TANK hammer? Pressure Vessel in pump room can suffice.
Every wet riser shall be provided with an air cushion tank at its top most point. The air
cushion shall be provided with an automatic air release cock, 20 mm dia drain pipe,
drain valve and shut off valve. (Warranty period 12 month from date of


The storage tank shall be provided with a 150 mm fire brigade pumping connection to
discharge at least 2275 liters / minute into it. This connection shall not be taken directly
into the side of the storage tank, but arranged to discharge not less than 150 mm above
the top edge of the tank such that the water flow can be seen. The connection shall be
fitted with stop valve in a position approved by the Project Manager. An overflow
connection discharging to a drain point shall be provided from the storage tank.

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The fire brigade connection shall be fitted with four numbers of 63mm instantaneous
inlets in a glass fronted wall box at a suitable position at street level, so located as to
make the inlets accessible from the outside of the building. The size of the wall box shall
be adequate to allow hose to be connected to the inlets, even if the door cannot be
opened and the glass has to be broken. Each box shall have fall of 25mm towards the
front at its base and shall be glassed with wired glass with ”FIRE BRIGADE INLET”
painted on the inner face of the glass in 50 mm size block letter. Each such box shall be
provided with a steel hammer with chain for breaking the glass.
In addition to the emergency fire brigade connection to the storage tank, a 150mm
common connection shall be taken from the four 63mm instantaneous inlets direct to
hydrant main so that the fire brigade may pump to the hydrants in the event of the
hydrant pumps being out of commission. The connection shall be fitted with a sluice
valve and reflux valve. Location of these valve shall be as per the approval of the Project
Two way collecting head with two numbers 63 mm instantaneous type inlets shall be
connected to the sprinkler header. All other details shall be as described above.
(Warranty period 36 month from date of commissioning)


The system shall be provided with suitable drainage arrangement with drain valves
complete with all accessories. (Warranty period 36 month from date of


Provision of suitable brick masonry chambers in cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement : 5 coarse
sand) on cement concrete foundations 150 mm thick 1:5:10 mix (1 cement:5 fine sand :
10 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size ) with 15 mm thick cement plaster
inside and outside finished with a plaster inside and outside finished with a floated coat
of neat cement inside with cast iron surface box approved by fire brigade including
excavation, back-filling complete shall be made. (Warranty period 36 month from date
of commissioning)

14.1 Sluice Valves
Sluice valves shall be double flanged valves with cast iron body. The spindle, wall seat
and wedge nuts shall be of bronze. They shall generally have non-rising spindle and
shall be of the particular duty and design called for.
The valves shall be supplied with suitable flanges, non- corrosive bolts and asbestos
fibre gaskets. Sluice valves shall conform to Indian Standard IS : 780-1969 and IS :
2906 . (Warranty period 36 month from date of commissioning)

14.2 Butterfly Valve

The butterfly valve shall be suitable for waterworks and rated for 300 P.S.I
The body shall be of cast iron to IS:210 in circular shape and of high strength to take the water
pressure. The disc shall be heavy duty cast iron with anti-corrosive epoxy or nickel coating.
The valve seat shall be of high grade elastomer or nitrile rubber. The valve is closed
position shall have complete contact between the seat and the disc throughout the
perimeter. The elastomer rubber shall have a long life and shall not give away on
continuous applied water pressure . The shaft shall be EN 8 grade carbon steel.
The valve shall be fitted between two flanges on either side of pipe flanges. The valve
edge rubber shall be projected outside such that they are wedged within the pipe flanges
to prevent leakages. (Warranty period 36 month from date of commissioning)

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14.3 Ball Valve

The ball valve shall be made forged brass and suitable for test pressure of pipe line.
The valve shall be internally threaded to receive pipe connections.
The ball shall be made from brass and machined to perfect round shape and
subsequently chrome plated. The seat of the valve body-bonnet gasket and gland
packing shall be of Teflon.
The handle shall be provided with PVC jacket. The handle shall also indicate the
direction of ‘open’ and ‘closed’ situations. The gap between the ball and the Teflon
packing shall be sealed to prevent water seeping.
The handle shall also be provided with a lug to keep the movement of the ball valve
within 90°. The lever shall be operated smoothly and without application of any
unnecessary force. (Warranty period 24 month from date of commissioning)

14.4 Gate Valve

The Gate valve ANSI Class 1500, Conforming to API 600, RTJ flanged ends, solid
wedge disc; BODY AND BONNET – ASTM A216 WCB cast carbon steel; STEM, DISC,
AND SEATS - ASTM A182 F6, 11.5 to 13.5% chromium steel; PACKING - flexible
graphite with braided carbon/graphite end rings; Bevel gear operator 150 DN and above,
bolted bonnet, OS&Y - rising stem, full port.
• The gate closure system will not be damaged by the hydrostatic test pressure when
the valve is closed.
• The pressure-containing components are designed in accordance with ASME B31.3
• The seats were tested in accordance with API standard 598, Valve Inspection and
a) The manufacturer shall guarantee that the body and weld ends of gate valves have
the required corrosion allowances.
c) Gate valves shall meet the high-pressure closure test requirements of API Standard
598. (Warranty period 24 month from date of commissioning)
14.5 Gun Metal Valves
Gun metal Valves shall be used for smaller dia pipes, and for threaded connections. The
Valves shall bear certification as per IS:778
The body and bonnet shall be of gun metal to IS:318. The stem gland and gland nut
shall be of forged brass to IS:6912. The hand wheel shall be of cast iron to IS:210.
The Hand wheel shall be of high quality finish to avoid hand abrasions. Movement shall
also be easy. The spindle shall be non-rising type. (Warranty period 36 month from
date of commissioning)

14.6 Non-Return Valve

Non-Return valves shall be cast iron double flanged with cast iron body and gunmetal
internal parts conforming to IS:5312. (Warranty period 12 month from date of

14.7 Pressure Relief Valve

Each System shall be provided with a Pressure Relief Valves. The Valve shall be spring
actuated and set to operate as per field requirement. The Valve shall be constructed of
bronze and provided with an open discharge orifice for releasing the water. The Valve
shall be open lift type. (Warranty period 12 month from date of commissioning)

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14.8 “Y”- Strainer, Basket Strainer

Cast Iron Top Flange open-able Filter Element can be replaced without Disconnecting
Pipe Line, Filter Element Stainless Steel – SS-304/Brass/Bronze, A permanent magnet
is also provided on demand. Pressure rating 10 kg/cm2 to 21 kg/cm2.
Vertical piping, frequently found at pump inlets, necessitates the use of a Y strainer or a
tee type basket strainer. Most basket strainers are intended for horizontal or slightly
inclined piping. Special attention must be given to the orientation of the debris collection
chamber and drain (blowdown) connection of the strainer. The strainer must be installed
such that it is located at the lowest possible position. A Y-strainer in vertical piping must
be placed with its screen in the downward position to trap the sediment in the debris
collection chamber and Y-strainer body and cover conforming to ASTM A126.
(Warranty period 12 month from date of commissioning)


The pressure switches shall be employed for starting and shutting down operation of
pumps automatically, dictated by line pressure. The Pressure Switch shall be diaphragm
type. The housing shall be die cast aluminum, with SS 316 movement, pressure element
and socket. The set pressure shall be adjustable.
The Switch shall be suitable for consistent and repeated operations without change in
values. It shall be provided with IP:55 water and environment protection. (Warranty
period 12 month from date of commissioning)


Pressure gauge shall be provided near all individual connections of the hydrant system
with isolation valves and near each flow switch assembly of the sprinkler system.
Pressure gauge shall be 50 mm dia gunmetal bourdon type with gunmetal isolation ball
valve, tapping and connecting pipe and nipple. The gauge shall be installed at
appropriate height for easy readability. (Warranty period 12 month from date of

All Hydrant and Sprinkler pipes shall be painted with post office red colour paint. All M S
pipes shall first be cleaned thoroughly before application of primer coat. After application
of primer coat two coats of enamel paint shall be applied. Each coat shall be given
minimum 24 hours drying time. No thinners shall be used. Wherever required all pipe
headers shall be worded indicating the direction of the pipe and its purpose such as "TO
RISER NO.1" etc.
Painting shall be expertly applied, the paint shall not over run on surfaces not requiring
painting such as walls, surfaces etc. Nuts and bolts shall be painted black, while valves
shall be painted blue. (Warranty period 24 month from date of commissioning)

Excavation for pipe lines shall be in open trenches to levels and grades shown on the
drawings or as required at site. Pipe lines shall be burried with a minimum cover of 1
meter or as shown on drawings.
Wherever required Contractor shall support all trenches or adjoining structures with
adequate timber supports, shoring and strutting.

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On completion of testing in the presence of the Project Manager and pipe protection,
trenches shall be backfilled in 150 mm layers and consolidated.
Contractor shall dispose off all surplus earth as directed by the Project Manager.


Contractor shall provide suitably designed anchor blocks in cement concrete/steel
support to cater to the excess thrust due to work hammer and high pressure.
Thrust blocks shall be provided at all bends, tees and such other location as determined
by the Project Manager.
Exact location, design, size and mix of the concrete blocks/steel support shall be as
shown on the drawings or as directed by the Project Manager prior to execution of work.


20.1 External Hydrants

a. Contractor shall provide external hydrants. The hydrants shall be controlled by a
cast iron sluice valve. Hydrants shall have instantaneous type 63mm dia outlets.
The hydrants shall be single outlet conforming to IS:908 with CI duck foot bend
and flanged riser or required height to bring the hydrant to correct level above
b. Contractor shall provide for each external fire hydrant two numbers of 63mm dia.
15 m long controlled percolation(RRL)hose pipe with stainless steel male and
female instantaneous type couplings machine wound with GI wire (hose to
IS:636 type certification) , stainless steel branch pipe with nozzle to IS:903. This
shall be measured and paid for separately.
c. Each external hydrant hose cabinet shall be provided with a drain in the bottom
d. Each external hydrant hose cabinet containing items as above shall also be
provided with a nozzle spanner and a Fireman’s Axe. This shall be measured
and paid for separately.
e. Each hose cabinet shall be conspicuously painted with the letters “FIRE HOSE”.
Axe not required at every yard hydrant. Only near
20.2 Internal Hydrants entrances/door openings
a. Contractor shall provide on each landing and other locations as shown on the
drawings double headed stainless steel landing valve with 100 mm dia inlet as
per IS:5290, with shut off valves having cast iron wheels as shown on the
drawings. Landing valve shall have flanged inlet and instantaneous type outlets
as shown on the drawings.
b. Instantaneous outlets for fire hydrants shall be standard pattern and suitable for
fire hoses.
c. Contractor shall provide for each internal fire hydrant station four numbers of 63
mm dia. 15 m long rubberized fabric lined(RRL)hose pipes with gunmetal male
and female instantaneous type coupling machine would with GI wire (hose to
IS:636 type 2 and couplings to IS:903 with IS certification), fire hose reel,
stainless steel branch pipe with nozzle to IS:903. This shall be measured and
paid for separately.
d. Contractor shall provide standard fire hose reels of 25mm dia high pressure
rubber hose 36.5 m long with stainless steel nozzle, all mounted on a circular
hose reel of heavy duty mild steel construction having cast iron brackets. Hose

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reel shall be connected directly to the wet riser with an isolating valve. Hose reel
shall conform to IS:884 and shall be mounted vertically . This shall be measured
and paid for separately.
Lobby drain needs to e. Each internal hydrant hose cabinet shall be provided with a drain in the bottom
be incorporated in plate. The drain point shall be lead away to the nearest general drain.
the drawings f. Each internal hydrant hose cabinet containing items as above shall also be
provided with a nozzle spanner and a Fireman’s Axe. The cabinet shall be
recessed in the wall as directed. This shall be measured and paid for separately.
g. Each hose cabinet shall be conspicuously painted with the letters “FIRE HOSE”.

20.3 Hose Reel

Hose reel shall conform to IS : 884, heavy duty, 25 mm dia length shall be 36.5 meter
long fitted with stainless steel chromium plated nozzle, mild steel pressed reel drum
which can swing up-to 170 degree with wall brackets of cast iron finished with red and
black enamel complete. (Warranty period 24 month from date of commissioning)

20.4 Fire Hose

All hose pipes shall be of 63 mm diameter RRL/ CP as required, conforming to IS : 636
or IS : 8423. The hose shall be provided with stainless steel delivery coupling. The hose
shall be capable of withstanding a bursting pressure of 35.7 Kg/Sq.cm without undue
leakage or sweating. Hose shall be provided with instantaneous spring-lock, type
couplings. (Warranty period 24 month from date of commissioning)

20.5 Branch Pipe, Nozzle

Branch pipes shall be of stainless steel with loaded tin bronze ring at the discharge and
to receive the nozzle and provided at the other with a leaded tin bronze ring to fit into the
instantaneous coupling. Nozzle shall be of spray type of diameter of not less than 16
mm and not more than 25 mm. Nozzle shall be of loaded tin bronze branch pipe and
nozzle shall be of instantaneous pattern conforming to Indian Standard - 903. (Warranty
period 36 month from date of commissioning)

20.6 Hose Cabinet

Hose cabinet shall be provided for all internal and external fire hydrants. Hose cabinets
shall be fabricated from 16 gauge MS powder coated sheet of fully welded construction
with hinged double front door partially glazed (3 mm glass panel) with locking
arrangement, stove enameled fire red paint (shade No. 536 of IS:5) with “FIRE HOSE”
written on it prominently (size as given in the schedule of quantities). Cabinet surfaces in
contact with the walls shall not be powder coated but instead given two coats of anti-
corrosive bitumastic paint. (Warranty period 24 month from date of commissioning)

20.7 Internal Hose Cabinet

Hose cabinet shall be of glass fronted with hinged door & lock. The cabinet shall be
made of 16 gauge thick MS sheet and spray painted to shade No. 536 of IS:5. The hose
cabinet shall be of size to accommodate the following:
i. Landing Valves (Single/double headed)
ii. Hose pipe vi. Hydrant and sprinkler risers
iii. Hose reel (36.5 mtr.) vii. Sprinkler Drain and lobby drain
iv. Branch pipes, nozzles (2 sets)
viii. Fire extinguisher (5kg)
v. Fire man's axe and hand appliances

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20.8 External Hose Cabinet

The hose cabinet shall be of size to accommodate the following:
i. Single/Double headed yard hydrant valve
ii. Hose pipe (2 length of 15 m)
iii. Branch pipes, nozzles (2 sets)
(Warranty period 24 month from date of commissioning)


21.1 General Specification

The scope of work shall include supply, commissioning, testing of the system as a
whole. The sprinkler heads are to be fixed into heavy Grade quality black steel pipes,
conforming to IS 1239 or any other approved specification. The size of pipe will vary
from 20 mm to 150mm to suit the hydraulics of the system. The System shall conform to
CFO Rules for the installation of sprinkler systems in general for 'Low Hazard' category-
in respect of design, density and spacing of sprinkler heads.
Two layer or Both type of sprinklers at common areas like lift lobby areas, corridors etc.
will be done by developer. Pipe sizing should be done by consideration of both the levels
of sprinkler system.
Reduction in pipe sizes shall not be made by use of bushings. All piping shall be done
by means of welding, screwed & flanged jointing as per codes.
Due care shall be taken that sprinklers are not applied with paint at the time of
applying paint to piping and fittings.
All control, drain, test and alarm valves shall be provided with signs to identify their
purposes, functions, direction of flow the satisfaction of the Consultants.

21.2 Quartzoid Bulb Automatic Sprinkler

Sprinkler heads shall be made of brass/quartzoid bulb sufficiently strong, in compression
to withstand any pressure, surge or hammer likely to occur in the system. The yoke &
body shall be made of high quality gun metal brass with arms streamlined to ensure
minimum interference with the spread of water. The deflector of suitable design shall be
fitted to give even distribution of water over the area commanded by the sprinkler.
The bulb shall contain a liquid having a freezing point below any natural climatic figure
and a high coefficient of expansion. The temperature rating of the sprinkler shall be
stamped on the deflector & the colour of the liquid filled in the bulb shall be according to
the temperature rating as per NFPA standard. The sprinkler heads shall be of type &
quality approved by the local fire brigade authority. The inlet shall be screwed.
The sprinklers shall have 15mm nominal size of the orifice for ordinary hazard.
The orifice size shall be marked on the body or the deflector of the sprinkler.
Metal guards for protection of sprinkler against accidental or mechanical damage shall
be provided as desired by the Project Manager.
Contractor shall submit detailed submittal and discharge spray pattern for the Sprinkler
for the approval of consultant.

21.2.1 Upright Sprinkler Head

Applicable for ceiling spaces, storage areas, plant rooms, and as specified on the
Frangible bulb type.

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Upright style.
13 mm (½ inch) in diameter nominal orifice.
Chrome finish.
Temperature rating as specified on drawings.
68oC temperature rating or same temperature rating as of the existing sprinkler heads.

21.2.2 Pendent Sprinkler Head

Ceiling sprinkler heads shall be of the semi-recessed type.
Frangible bulb type.
Pendant style.
13 mm (½ inch) in diameter nominal orifice.
Chrome-plated escutcheon around ceiling penetration.
Temperature rating as specified on drawings.
68oC temperature rating or same temperature rating as of the existing sprinkler heads.

21.2.3 Sidewall Sprinkler Head

Applicable for ramp areas and the like where ceiling sprinklers cannot be used.
Frangible bulb type.
14 mm (17/32 inch) in diameter nominal orifice.
Chrome finished.
68oC temperature rating or same temperature rating as of the existing sprinkler heads.
Water distribution at pressure 2.1 kg/cm² (30 psi) not less than 6 m (20 ft) length and 4.5
m (15 ft) width.
Extended coverage sidewall sprinkler water distribution at pressure 2.1 kg/cm² (30 psi)
not less than 7.3 m (24 ft) length and 4.5 m (15 ft) width.

21.2.4 Concealed Pendent Sprinkler Head

Applicable for lift lobbies & corridors with in the apartments. Concealed pendent
sprinkler heads shall be of the sprinkler heads designed for installation on concealed
type system with an aesthetic ceiling appearance. The contractor shall submit colour of
the decorative finished plate to approval from the supervisor.
They shall, furthermore, have the following features:-
Pendant style.
Quick response type.
Nominal K-factor shall be 5.6 gpm/(psi)1/2 or 8.1 dm3/min/(kPa)1/2 with 15 mm (1/2 inch
NPT) thread size.
Recessed brass sprinkler cup and brass cover plate with Listed cover plate finish.
Fusible link type or Glass bulb type, 68oC – 74oC Sprinkler head temperature rating and
68oC Cover plate temperature rating.
The contractor shall not apply any other paint on the concealed sprinkler cover plate.

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21.2.5 Concealed Side Wall Sprinkler Head

Applicable for bed rooms & living room with in the apartments. Concealed side wall
sprinkler heads shall be of the sprinkler heads designed for installation on concealed
type system with an aesthetic ceiling appearance. The contractor shall submit colour of
the decorative finished plate to approval from the supervisor.
They shall, furthermore, have the following features:-
Quick response type.
14 mm (17/32 inch) in diameter nominal orifice.
Fusible link type or Glass bulb type, 68oC – 74oC Sprinkler head temperature rating and
57oC Cover plate temperature rating
Water distribution at pressure 2.1 kg/cm² (30 psi) not less than 6 m (20 ft) length and 4.5
m (15 ft) width.
Extended coverage sidewall sprinkler water distribution at pressure 2.1 kg/cm² (30 psi)
not less than 7.3 m (24 ft) length and 4.5 m (15 ft) width.
Recessed brass sprinkler cup and brass cover plate with Listed cover plate finish.
The contractor shall not apply any other paint on the concealed sprinkler cover plate.

21.2.6 Spare Sprinkler Heads

Spare sprinkler heads with wrench and cabinet shall be provided in accordance with
NFPA 13 and other documents.
The stock of spare sprinklers shall include all types and ratings installed and shall be as
For systems having less than 300 sprinklers, not fewer than six sprinklers
For systems with 300 to 1,000 sprinklers, not fewer than 12 sprinklers
For systems with over 1,000 sprinklers, not fewer than 24 sprinklers

21.2.7 Sprinkler Installation

Sprinkler heads shall be located in positions shown on the drawings. While slight
relocation may result from building construction features or interference from other
services, the maximum spacing between sprinkler heads and coverage area shall not
exceed those stipulated in the TAC regulations and the NFPA 13-1994 Rules.
Allowance shall be made for such relocations within a radius of 1500 mm of the
indicated positions without additional cost. The Fire Protection Services Trade shall
co-ordinate with the ceiling Trade to set out the sprinkler locations to suit the site
location of the unit grid. In general, all sprinklers shall be located at the centre of the
ceiling unit and a provision of about 10% more sprinklers and pipe work than required
in TAC and NFPA Rules shall be included in this sub-contract. Chrome plated wire
mesh guards shall be used to protect the sprinkler heads which are liable to
accidental or mechanical (at no extra cost) damage.
(Warranty period 24 month from date of commissioning)

21.3 Nozzle / Open Spray Nozzle

Water Curtain Nozzle distributes water in a flat curtain extending all the way to the
ground. Water Curtain Nozzle when mounted in pendent position acts as a window
spray nozzle to protect interior walls, windows and other openings of the building which
are affected by fire. The nozzles when mounted in horizontal position with flow towards
ground, a flat water curtain is produced to segregate the area which is under fire. Water

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Curtain Nozzles are available in Brass and Stainless Steel construction with different
flow rate. The main pipeline strainer as per NFPA-15 is required. The distance between
two nozzles should be 2.5 meters ( maximum ) for better performance. (Warranty period
12 month from date of commissioning)

21.4 Operating Temperature

The Operating temperature at which the quartzoid bulb of the sprinkler head shall
actuate, shall be 68 degree C or as specifically mentioned.

21.5 Flow Requirements

The flow requirement for sprinkler heads shall be specifically approved for the
designated area of installation.

21.6 Orifice Plates

For restricting pressure at lower levels in the sprinkler system, orifice plates of
appropriate sizes shall be fitted at different floor levels, at the branching points from
Riser Main.
The Diameter of such orifice shall not be less than 50% of the dia of pipe into which it is
to be fitted, which shall not be less than 50mm dia. These orifice plates must be of
stainless steel with plain central hole without burrs, and the thickness shall be 3mm for
pipe size up to 80 mm, 6 mm for pipes from 80 to 125 mm dia and 9 mm for pipes
greater than 125 mm dia. Such orifice plate must have a projecting identification tag.
The orifice plate shall fitted not less than two pipe internal diameters down-stream of the
outlet from any elbow or brand.
Contractor shall submit the design and identify location on drawing before installation.
And the design of orifice size should be as per the building height.

21.5 Installation Control Valves

Each installation shall be provided with a set of installation control valves comprising:-
a. An Alarm Valve.
b. A Water Motor Alarm & Gong.
c. Installation valves shall be installed on the sprinkler circuits as shown on the
d. Contractor shall submit detailed shop drawings showing the exact location,
details of installation of the valves/alarm in all respects.
e. Installation valve shall comprise of a cast iron body with gunmetal trim, and
double seated clapper check valves, pressure gauges, test valve and orifice
assembly and drain valve with pressure gauges, turbine water gong including all
accessories necessary and required and as supplied by original equipment
manufacturer and required for full and satisfactory performance of the system. A
cast iron isolation valve with lock and chain at the inlet of the installation valve
shall be provided. (Warranty period 12 month from date of commissioning)

21.6 Inspection And Test Valve Assembly

Inspection and testing of the automatic starting of the sprinkler system shall be done by
providing an assembly consisting of gunmetal valves, gunmetal sight glass, bye-pass
valve and orifice assembly as per approved drawing.

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21.7 Flow Switch

Flow switch shall have a paddle made of flexible and sturdy material of the width to fit
within the pipe bore. The terminal box shall be mounted over the paddle/ pipe through a
connecting socket. The Switch shall be potential free in either N O or N C position as
required. The switch shall be able to trip and make / break contact on the operation of a
single sprinkler head. The terminal box shall have connections for wiring to the
Annunciation Panel. The flow switch shall have connections for wiring the seat shall be
of S.S to the Annunciation Panel. The flow switch shall have IP: 55 protection.
The flow switch work at a triggering threshold bandwidth (flow rate) of 4 to 10 GPM.
Further, it shall have a ‘Retard’ to compensate for line leakage or intermitted flows.
(Warranty period 12 month from date of commissioning)

21.8 Deluge Valve

A Deluge System shall have a fixed fire protection system in which the pipe system is
empty until the deluge valve operates to distribute pressurized water from open nozzles
or sprinklers. Deluge systems are more complex than wet pipe and dry systems
because they contain more components and equipment. The deluge valve is activated
by operation of a fire detection system installed in the same area as the sprinklers.
Various types of detection systems may be used, including smoke, heat, ultraviolet
(UV), or infrared (IR) detection. The Viking deluge system can be activated by a
hydraulic, pneumatic, electric, or manual release system or any combination of these
release systems. But, in all cases, the deluge valve itself is activated hydraulically.
When the detection device is activated, the deluge valve is tripped and water flows into
the piping system, discharging through all spray nozzles or sprinklers simultaneously.
There are a number of arrangements that can be used for operating the deluge system.
The simplest of these is to use sprinklers in a pilot line under system water pressure.
The pilot line is piped from the priming chamber to the area protected with connections
to the PORV and emergency release. When a pilot head operates, pressure in the
priming chamber is relieved faster than it can be replenished through the restricted
orifice. Supply pressure overcomes the clapper differential, forcing the clapper off its
seat, allowing water to flow to the system outlets and sound the water flow
alarm.G.I.Medium class pipe shall be use after deluge valve.

21.9 Solenoid Valve

The solenoid valve shall have a two-way type with one inlet and one outlet. It is a
packless, internal pilot operated valve, suitable for use in releasing water pressure from
the priming chamber. The solenoid valve has floating diaphragm construction, which
requires a minimum pressure drop across the valve to operate properly. The valves are
available with a voltage rating of 24V DC in a normally closed or normally open
configuration, or 110/50-120/60 normally closed configuration. These solenoid valves
are for use with system control units that are listed and/or approved for releasing
service for water based fire protection systems.

The solenoid valve shall have an internal pilot operated valve with pilot and bleed
orifices utilizing line pressure for operation. Normally closed, de-energized valves open
when energized. Power is applied to the solenoid coil, causing the solenoid core to lift,
opening the pilot orifice to the outlet side of the valve. This relieves pressure on the top
side of the diaphragm and allows the line pressure to open the valve. When de-
energized, the solenoid core reseals the pilot orifice, allowing the line pressure to build
above the diaphragm, closing the valve.

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21.10 Fire Sealant

ASTM C-834-00 specification for latex sealing compounds. USDA acceptance for use in
meat and poultry processing plants, ASTM C-919 standard practice per use of sealants
in acoustical applications, and ASTM E-90-09. Fire Rated System: Two-hour Fire and
Temperature Rated wall and floor joint systems up to 7" (178mm) wide and four-hour
systems up to 4" Ultra Block fire blocking material in fire-rated walls and floors.
Reference: ANSI/UL 263, ASTM E-119, NFPA No. 251. The guarantee of flow
measuring assembly shall be 18 months from the date of dispatch or 12 months from
commissioning whichever is earlier.

21.11 Flow Meter

Flow meters shall be primarily used for measuring instantaneous flow rate and volume
of water or similar liquids passed through the meter. Measurements shall be done in
both flow directions, with high measurement accuracy over a wide range of flow rates
0.1 to 10 m/s. The minimum required conductivity of the measured medium is 20μS/cm.
The measurement evaluation electronic unit includes a two-line alphanumeric display to
show the measured values where various operational parameters of the meter can be
selected by means of an associated keyboard. The Flow Meters and the accessories
shall be suitable for continuous operation under an ambient temperature of 0-55°C and
Relative Humidity of 0-95% unless specified otherwise in volume IIB Section-B or
Section-C. All accessories required for mounting/erection of these instruments shall be
furnished as necessary for completeness of the system. The guarantee of flow
measuring assembly shall be 18 months from the date of dispatch or 12 months from
commissioning whichever is earlier.

21.12 The Main Stop Valve

These shall be of cast iron body of requisite size. When closed, these will shut off supply
of water to the installation.
A location plate must be fixed on the outside or an external wall, as near to the main
stop valve as possible, bearing the following words on raised letters or other approved
type letter.
i Sprinkler Stop Valve Inside : The word `sprinkler stop valve' shall be in letters
of at least 35mm and the word "INSIDE" at least25mm in height. The words shall
be painted white on black back ground.
ii All stop valves shall be right handed i.e. they shall be so constructed that in order
to shut the valve the spindle shall turn from left to right. There shall be an
indicator which will show whether the valve is open or shut.

21.13 Pipes For Drainage

Sprinkler pipes shall be so installed that the system can be thoroughly drained. As far as
possible all pipes shall be arranged to drain to the installation drain valve as shown in
the drawing for ordinary hazard system.
In the case of basement & other areas where sprinkler pipe-work is below the installation
drain valve & in other trapped points in the system, auxiliary valves of the following sizes
shall be provided.
-20 mm valves for pipes upto 50mm dia.
-25 mm valves for 80mm dia pipe.
-50 mm valves for pipes larger than 80mm dia.

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21.14 System Design

The entire sprinkler installation shall be designed to make it a hydraulically balanced
system. The pressure requirement at typical floors shall be designed between 2.5 bar
and 3.5 bar.

21.15 Supervisory Switch (Monitor Switch)

Supervisory switch or monitor switch are designed for mounting to most Outside Screw
and Yoke (O.S. & Y) gate valves. The monitor switch are intended to be used for the
supervision of the open position of O.S. & Y gate valves which control water supplies to
automatic sprinkler or stand pipe fire protection system.
Supervision of the open position of a main control valve is required to indicate a
condition closing of the valve, that could prevent the required operation of the fire
protection system.
Supervision switches or monitor switches are operated by movement of the trip rod or by
removal of the cover. The trip rod is spring loaded and double action, consequently,
lateral movement of the trip rod, in either direction from its normally installed position will
result in operation of the switching components.
The monitor switch has one single pole, double throw snap-action switch.
The switching components shall be enclosed in NEMA type 1 general purpose-indoor
rated housing. The electrical switch contacts are rated at 220 VAC, 15 A.
The monitor switches shall be used in conjunction with proprietary and central station
alarm systems to provide a supervisory signal indicating unauthorized closing of the
O.S. & Y gate valve, as well as removal of the monitor switch from the gate valve. A
supervisory signal shall also be initiated by the unauthorized removal of a monitor switch
cover, due to the release of the cover tamper tab which is linked to the switching
components and normally held depressed by the cover.


22.1 Hand Appliances

22.1.1 Scope
Work under this section shall consist of furnishing all labour, materials, appliances and
equipment necessary and required to install fire extinguishing hand appliances as per
relevant specification of various authorities.
Without restricting to the generality of the foregoing, the work shall consists of the
Installation of fully charged and tested fire extinguishing hand appliances of A B C
powder type as required and specified in the drawings and schedule of rates. (Warranty
period 12 month from date of commissioning)

22.2 General Requirements

Hand appliances shall be installed in easily accessible locations with the brackets fixed
to the wall by suitable anchor fasteners.
Each appliance shall be provided with an inspection card indicating the date of
inspection, testing, change of charge and other relevant data.
All appliances shall be fixed in a true workmanlike manner truly vertical and at correct
Distribution / installation of fire extinguisher to be in accordance to IS:2190.

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22.3 Measurement
Fire extinguishers shall be counted in numbers and include installation of all necessary
items required as given in the specifications.

22.4 ABC Type Dry Powder Extinguisher

The Extinguisher shall be filled with ABC grade 40, Mono Ammonium Phosphate 40%
from any approved manufacturer.
The capacity of the extinguisher when filled with Dry Chemical Powder (First filling) as
per IS 4308, Part II, shall be 5 Kg +/-2% or 10 Kg +/- 3%.
The distribution of fire extinguishers to be as per IS 2190 – 1992.
It shall be operated upright, with a squeeze grip valve to control discharge. The plunger
neck shall have a safety clip, fitted with a pin, to prevent accidental discharge. It shall be
pressurized with Dry Nitrogen, as expellant. The Nitrogen to be charged at a pressure of
15 Kg/cm2
Body shall be of mild steel conforming to relevant IS Standards. The neck ring shall be
also mild steel and welded to the body. The discharge valve body, shall be forged brass
or leaded bronze, while the spindle, spring and siphon tube shall be of brass. The nozzle
shall be of brass, while the hose shall be braided nylon. The body shall be cylindrical in
shape, with the dish and dome welded to it. Sufficient space for Nitrogen gas shall be
provided inside the body, above the powder filling.
The Neck Ring shall be externally threaded - the threading portion being 1.6 cm. The
filler opening in the neck ring shall not less than 50 mm. Discharge nozzle shall be
screwed to the hose. The design of the nozzle shall meet the performance requirement,
so as to discharge at least 85% of contents upto a throw of 4 mtrs, continuously, at least
for 15 seconds. The hose, forming part of discharge nozzle, shall be 500 mm long, with
10 mm dia internally for 5 Kg capacity and 12 mm for 10 Kg capacity. It shall have a
pressure gauge fitted to the valve assembly or the cylinder to indicate pressure available
inside. The extinguisher shall be treated with anti-corrosive paint, and it shall be labelled
with words ABC 2.5 cm long, within a triangle of 5 cm on each face. The extinguisher
body and valve assembly shall withstand internal pressure of 30 Kg/cm 2 for a minimum
period of 2 minutes. The pressure gauge shall be imported and suited for the purpose.
(Warranty period 12 month from date of commissioning)

22.5 Water Type Extinguisher (Gas Pressure Type)

The Extinguishing medium shall be primarily water stored under normal pressure, the
discharge being affected by release of Carbon Dioxide Gas from a 120 gms cylinder.
The capacity of Extinguisher, when filled upto the indicated level, shall be 9 ltr +/- 5%
The skin thickness of the Cylinder shall be minimum 4.0 mm, fabricated from Mild Steel
sheet, welded as required, with dish and dome, being of same thickness, and of size not
exceeding the diameter of body. The diameter of body to be not less than 150 mm and
not exceeding 200 mm. The neck shall be externally threaded upto a minimum depth of
16 mm, and leaded tin bronze.
The cap shall be of leaded tin bronze, and screwed on the body upto a minimum of 1.6
cm depth, with parallel screw thread to match the neck ring. The siphon tube to be of
brass or G.I. and the strainer of Brass. The cartridge holder, knob, discharge fittings and
plunger to be of Brass/Leaded tin bronze, and plunger of stainless steel, spring of
stainless steel. The cap to have handle fixed to it. The discharge hose shall be braided
nylon, of 10 mm dia and 600 mm long, with a nozzle of brass fitted at end.
The extinguisher shall be treated for anti-corrosion internally and externally, and
externally painted with Fire Red paint. The paint shall be stove enamelled/powder

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coated. The cartridge shall be as per IS, and have 60 gm net carbon dioxide gas for
expelling. The extinguisher, body and cap shall be treated to an internal hydraulic
pressure of 25 Kg/cm2. It shall have external marking with letter A, of 2.5 cm height, in
block letters within a triangle of 5 cm each side. The extinguisher shall be upright in
operation, with the body placed on ground and discharge tube with nozzle held in one
hand to give a throw of not less than 6 mtr, and continue so for atleast 60 secs. The
extinguisher body shall be clearly marked with ISI stamp (IS 940). (Warranty period 12
month from date of commissioning)

22.6 Carbon Dioxide Extinguisher

The Carbon Dioxide Extinguisher shall be as per IS: 2878
The body shall be constructed of seamless tube conforming to IS:7285 and having a
convex dome and flat base. Its dia shall be maximum 140 mm, and the overall height
shall not exceed 720 mm.
The discharge mechanism shall be through a control valve conforming to IS:3224. The
internal syphon tube shall be of copper aluminium conforming to relevant specifications.
Hose Pipe shall be high pressure braided Rubber hose with a minimum burst pressure
of 140 Kg/cm2 and shall be approximately 1.0 meter in length having internal dia of 10
mm. The discharge horn shall be of high quality unbreakable plastic with gradually
expanding shape, to convert liquid carbon dioxide into gas form. The hand grip of
Discharge horn shall be insulated with Rubber of appropriate thickness.
The gas shall be conforming to IS:307 and shall be stored at about 85 Kg/cm2. The
expansion ratio between stored liquid carbon dioxide to expanded gas shall be 1:9 times
and the total discharge time (effective) shall be minimum 10 secs and maximum 25
The extinguisher shall fulfill the following test pressures:
Cylinder: 236 Kg/cm2
Control Valve: 125 Kg/cm2
Burst Pressure of Hose: 140 Kg/cm2 minimum
It shall be an Upright type. The cylinder, including the control valve and high pressure
Discharge Hose must comply with relevant Statutory Regulations, and be approved by
Chief Controller of Explosives, Nagpur and also bear IS marking.
The Extinguisher including components shall be IS marked. (Warranty period 12
month from date of commissioning)

22.7 Ceiling Type Automatic Fire Extinguisher

Ceiling type automatic fire extinguishers shall be suitable for use in electrical
Ceiling type automatic fire extinguishers shall consist of an automatic chemical release
nozzle installed at ceiling level and connected to the chemical storage vessel installed
Chemical release nozzle shall be frangible glass bulb type, with the temperature rating
of 68°C.
Automatic fire extinguishers shall be ABC multi-purpose dry chemical fire extinguishers
with 6.0 kg capacity. The body shall be constructed of low carbon steel, coated with
primer and finished with stove baked enamel red paint. The extinguisher vessel shall be
pressure tested to withstand a hydrostatic test pressure of 28 bars. Nitrogen gas shall be
used as expellant. Visible pressure gauges and brackets shall be provided.

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Unless otherwise specified, the dry chemical powder shall be of mono ammonium
phosphate(MAP) base with additive to prevent caking. The units shall have at least UL
rating 6A : 10BC.
Automatic fire extinguishers shall be refillable type.
(Warranty period 12 month from date of commissioning)

22.8 Kitchen Portable Fire Extinguishers

Kitchen portable fire extinguisher shall be provided and installed in the kitchen that has
fryers, griddles, range tops, char broilers or woks. The agent shall be aqueous solution
of inorganic salts that can put out fires that involve combustible cooking vegetable or
animal fats in commercial cooking equipment or class K fire.
The extinguisher body shall be constructed of stainless steel. The unit shall have
stainless steel bourdon tube pressure gauge and bar code name plate. The
extinguishers shall comply to the latest NFPA 10 or have at least UL rating 2A : K.
(Warranty period 12 month from date of commissioning)


Mechanical foam fire extinguisher shall be provided and installed in the DG &
Transformer room, plant room & in the basement, that is suitable for Class A & Class
B fire. In addition to this, these mechanical foam type fire extinguishers offered by us
are known to extinguish wood, paper, cloth, textile, stationery & very special blanket
effect on flammable & volatile liquids like oil, petrol, kerosene, solvent & chemical,
wax, resins and allied.

22.9.1 These products are suitably utilized for:

 Flammable and volatile liquid

 Petrol
 Paints

Specifications 9 ltrs 50 Ltrs

Body MS IS 513 MS IS 1079
Neck-ring Seamless MS Seamless MS
Cap Brass Gun Metal
Cap-washer Rubber Rubber
Nozzle Plastic Plastic
Hose Braided PVC Braided PVC
Snifter Valve Brass Brass
Safety Clip Steel Steel
Cartridge 60 Gms MS IS 4947 300 Gms MS IS 4947
Test Pressure 30 kgf/cm3 30 kgf/cm3
Anti-Corrosive Epoxy Polyester Coating 50 Epoxy Polyester Coating 50
Treatment micron (min) micron (min)

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Specifications 9 ltrs 50 Ltrs

Thickness 1.6mm 3.15 mm
Diameter 175mm 300 mm
Height 585mm 1130mm
Gross Weight (approx) 14.3 kgs 86 kgs
Fire Openings 58 mm 75 mm
Thread Length 16 mm 28 mm
Discharge Time 25-60 sec 60-180 sec
Discharge % 90 90
Jet Length 6m 10 m
(Warranty period 12 month from date of commissioning)


The Mobile Foam and Powder Fire Extinguisher with nitrogen propellant cylinder. All
the components of form and powder fire extinguisher shall be in compliance with the
ISO 2859-1 standard.

22.10.1Component’s Constructions


The trolley structure should be made of steel sections, with rubber wheels. The foam
cylinder, the nitrogen cylinder and the accessories should be fixed by saddles on a
sturdy hand pulled trolley. The arrangement of the individual equipment should be
designed for maximum ease of handling

22.10.3Extinguisher Unit
The foam cylinder should be made of Mild steel, while the one containing the powder
is made of Mild steel, both tested at 35 kgf/cm2. A large-diameter threaded ring nut
should be welded at the top of the cylinders for easy charging and internal inspection
during periodic testing. The rear part of the trolley should be fixed with the
pressurization, control and discharge unit consisting of a nitrogen cylinder tested at
250 bars 6.8 Ltr. charged at 200 bars and having a rapid opening valve for quick
pressurization of the powder and foam cylinders. The discharge of nitrogen for the
pressurization is controlled by an intermediate pressure reducer calibrated at 12 bars,
so, as to obtain a uniform discharge at constant pressure. Two on-off valves placed
between the reducer and the cylinders can allow independent pressurization of the
two cylinders. The discharge should be controlled by means of two spray nozzles
made of light alloy/plastic with ergonomically designed handgrip for an easy and rapid
grip. The spray nozzles should be fed by two plastic hoses, each of 19mm diameter

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and 5m long and should offer maximum agility and ease of handling to the operator.
The unit is charged with ABC 50% powder, compatible with the AFFF 6% film-forming

The mobile fire extinguisher is used in large fires of any class A, B, or C type, of
vertically stored goods and of inflammable liquids that can spread on the surface.
Normally it is used by first discharging the foam to knock down the high flames and
then if necessary using the powder, compatible with the foam, to immediately put out
already reduced flames
MAINTENANCE: Maintenance should be done in compliance with IS: 2190
standard (Warranty period 12 month from date of commissioning)


23.1 Scope
Work under this section shall consist of furnishing all labour, materials, equipment and
appliances necessary and required to completely install electrically operated and diesel
driven pumps and as required by drawings and specified hereinafter or given in the
schedule of rates.
a. Electrically operated pumps with motors and diesel engine driven pumps with
diesel engine, common base plates, coupling, coupling guard and accessories.
b. Automatic starting system with all accessories, wiring and connections and
pressure switches.
c. Motor control centre.
d. Annunciation system with all accessories wiring and connections.
e. Pressure gauges with isolation valves and piping, bleed and block valves.
f. Suction strainers and accessories.
g. Vibration eliminator pads and foundation bolts.
h. Leak-off drain shall be led to the nearest floor drain.
Water Bellows
23.2 General Requirements
Pumps shall be installed true to levels on suitable concrete foundations. Base plate shall
be firmly fixed by properly grouted foundation bolts.
Pumps and motors shall be truly aligned by suitably instruments. Record of such
alignment shall be furnished to the Project Manager.
All pump connections shall be standard flanged type with number of bolts as per
relevant standard requirement for the working pressure. Companion flanges shall be
provided with the pumps.
Manufacturers’ instructions regarding installation, connections and commissioning shall
be strictly followed.
Contractor shall provide necessary test certificates, type test certificates, performance
curves and NPSH curves of the pumps from the manufacturer when called for. The
contractor shall provide facilities to the Project Manager & Consultant for inspection of
equipment during manufacturing and also to witness various tests at the manufacturer’s
works without any cost to the Project Manager or Consultant.
Seismic isolation and clamping for each pump and flexible connection on the suction as
well as the discharge side shall be provided.

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The contractor shall submit with this tender a list of recommended spare parts for three
years of normal operation and quote the prices for the same as a separate submittal /

23.3 Electric Fire Pump

The electric fire pump shall be suitable for automatic operation complete with necessary
electric motor and automatic starting gear, suitable for operation on 415 volts, 3 phase,
50 Hz. A.C. system. Both the motor and the pump shall be assembled on a common
base plate, fabricated M.S. channel type or cast iron type.
The pump shall be direct driven by means of a flexible coupling. Coupling guard shall
also be provided.

23.4 Fire Pump

The fire pump shall be horizontally mounted Split Casing centrifugal type. It shall have
a capacity to deliver 2850 lpm as specified, and developing adequate head so as to
ensure a minimum pressure of 3.5 Kg/Sq.cm at the highest and the farthest outlet.
The pump shall be capable of giving a discharge of not less than 150 per cent of the
rated discharge, at a head of not less than 65 per cent of the rated head. The shut off
head shall be within 120 per cent of the rated head.
The pump casing shall be of cast iron to grade FG 200 to IS: 210 and parts like impeller,
shaft sleeve, wearing ring etc. shall be of non-corrosive metal like bronze/brass/gun
metal. The shaft shall be of stainless steel (SS 410). Provision of factory fitted
mechanical seal shall also be made.
Bearings of the pump shall be effectively sealed to prevent loss of lubricant or entry of
dust or water. The pump shall be provided with a plate indicating the suction lift, delivery
head, discharge, speed and number of stages. The pump casing shall be designed to
withstand 1.5 times the working pressure.
Provision of Jockey Pump for low and high zone shall be made. The pump shall be
vertical SS type and of detail as in schedule of quantity. Contractor shall verify that the
capacity of the Jockey pump shall not be less than 3% (Minimum 180 LPM) and not
more than 10% of the installed pump capacity. (Warranty period 60 month from date
of commissioning)

The motor shall be squirrel cage A.C. induction type suitable for operation on 415 volts 3
phase 50 Hz. system. The motor shall be totally enclosed fan cooled type conforming to
protection clause IP 55. The class of insulation shall be F. The synchronous speed shall
be 1500 RPM as specified. The motor shall be rated for continuous duty and shall have
a horse power rating necessary to drive the pump at 150 per cent of its rated discharge
with at least 65 per cent rated head. The motor shall conform to I.S.325-1978.
(Warranty period 36 month from date of commissioning)

Motor Starter
The motor starter shall be as per detail in MCC. The unit shall include suitable current
transformer and ammeter of suitable range on one line to indicate the current. The
starter shall not incorporate under voltage, no voltage trip overload or SPP.

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The starter assembly shall be suitably integrated in the power and control panel for the
wet riser system & sprinkler system. (Warranty period 24 month from date of

23.5 Diesel Fire Pump

The diesel pump set shall be suitable for automatic operation complete with necessary
automatic starting gear, for starting on wet battery system and shall be complete with all
accessories. Both engine and pump shall be assembled on a common base plate.
The pump shall be only direct driven by means of a flexible coupling. Coupling guard
shall also be provided. The speed shall be 1500 RPM as specified.
Fire Pump
The fire pump shall be horizontally mounted Split Casing centrifugal type. It shall have a
capacity to deliver 2850 lpm as specified, and developing adequate head so as to
ensure a minimum pressure of 3.5 Kg/Sq.cm at the highest and the farthest outlet.
The pump shall be capable of giving a discharge of not less than 150 per cent of the
rated discharge, at a head of not less than 65 per cent of the rated head. The shut off
head shall be within 120 per cent of the rated head.
The pump casing shall be of cast iron to grade FG 200 to IS: 210 and parts like impeller,
shaft sleeve, wearing ring etc. shall be of non-corrosive metal like bronze/brass/gun
metal. The shaft shall be of stainless steel (SS 410). Provision of factory fitted
mechanical seal shall also be made.
Bearings of the pump shall be effectively sealed to prevent loss of lubricant or entry of
dust or water. The pump shall be provided with a plate indicating the suction lift, delivery
head, discharge, speed and number of stages. The pump casing shall be designed to
withstand 1.5 times the working pressure. (Warranty period 60 month from date of

Diesel Engine
Engine Rating - The engine shall be cold starting type without the necessity of
preliminary heating of the engine cylinders or combustion chamber (for example, by
wicks, cartridge, heater, plugs etc.). The engine shall be multi cylinder/vertical 4 stroke
cycle, air-cooled, diesel engine, developing suitable HP at the operating speed specified
to drive the fire pump. Continuous capacity available for the load shall be exclusive of
the power requirement of auxiliaries of the diesel engine, and the after correction for
altitude, ambient temperature and humidity for the specified environmental conditions.
This shall be at least 20% greater than the maximum HP required to drive the pump at
its duty point. It shall also be capable of driving the pump at 150% of the rated discharge
at 65% of rated head. The engine shall be capable of continuous non-stop operation for
8 hours and major overhaul shall not be required before 3000 hours of operation. The
engine shall have 10% overload capacity for one hour in any period of 12 hours
continuous run. The engine shall accept full load within 15 seconds from the receipt of
signal to start. The diesel engine shall conform to BS 649/IS 1601/IS 10002, all
amended up to date.
a. Engine Accessories - The engine shall be complete with the following
Fly wheel dynamically balanced.
Direct coupling for pump and coupling guard.
Corrosion Resistor.

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Air cleaner.
Fuel service tank support, and fuel oil filter with necessary pipe work.
Elect. starting battery (2X24 v).
Exhaust silencer with necessary pipe work.
Instrument panel housing all the gauges, including Tachometer, hour meter and
starting switch with key (for manual starting).
Necessary safety controls.
b. Fuel System - The fuel shall be gravity fed from the engine fuel tank to the
engine driven fuel pump. The engine fuel tank shall be mounted either over or
adjacent to the engine itself or suitably wall mounted on bracket. The fuel filter
shall be suitably located to permit easy servicing.
All fuel tubing to the engine shall be with copper, with flexible hose connections
where required. Plastic tubing shall not be permitted.
The fuel tank shall be of welded steel construction (3 mm. thick) and of capacity
sufficient to allow the engine to run on full load for at least 8 hours. The tank shall
be complete with necessary wall mounted supports, level indicator (protected
against mechanical injury) inlet, outlet, overflow connections and drain plug and
piping to the engine fuel tank. The outlet shall be so located as to avoid entry of
any sediments into the fuel line to the engine.
As semi rotary hand pump for filling the daily service tank together with hose pipe
5 mtr. long with a foot valve etc. shall also form part of the scope of supply.
c. Lubricating Oil System- Forced feed Lub. Oil system shall be employed for
positive lubrication. Necessary Lub. oil filters shall be provided, located suitably
for convenient servicing.
d. Starting System- The starting system shall comprise necessary batteries
(2x24v), 24 volts starter motor of adequate capacity and axle type gear to match
with the toothed ring on the fly wheel. Bi metallic relay protection to protect
starting motor from excessively long cranking runs suitably integrated with
engine protection system shall be included within the scope of the work.
The capacity of the battery shall be suitable for meeting the needs of the starting
The battery capacity shall be adequate for 10 consecutive starts without
recharging with cold engine under full compression.
The scope shall cover all cabling, terminals, initial charging etc.
e. Exhaust System - The exhaust system shall be complete with silencer suitable
for outdoor installation and silencer piping including bends and accessories
needed for a run of 15 metre from the engine manifold.(Adjustment rates for
extra lengths shall also be given). The total back pressure shall not exceed the
engine manufacture's recommendation. The exhaust piping shall be suitably
f. Engine shut down mechanism- This shall be auto/ manually operated and shall
return automatically to the starting position after use.
g. Governing System- The engine shall be provided with an adjustable governor to
control the engine speed within 5% of its rated speed under all conditions of load
up to full load. The governor shall be set to maintain rated pump speed at
maximum pump load.
h. Engine Instrumentation- Engine instrumentation shall include the following:-
i) Lub. oil pressure gauge.

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ii) Lub. oil temperature gauge.

iii) Water pressure gauge.
iv) Water temperature gauge.
v) Tachometer.
vi) Hour meter.

The instrumentation panel shall be suitably resident mounted on the engine.

Engine Protection Devices- Following engine protection and automatic shut-
down facilities shall be provided:-
i) Low lub.oil pressure.
ii) High cooling water temp.
iii) High lub.oil temperature.
iv) Over speed shut down.
i. Pipe Work - All pipe lines with fittings and accessories required shall be provided
for fuel oil, lub.oil and exhaust systems, copper piping of adequate sizes, shall be
used for Lub.oil and fuel oil. M.S. piping will be permitted for exhaust.
j. Anti-Vibration Mounting- Suitable vibration mounting duly approved by Project
Manager shall be employed for mounting the unit so as to minimize transmission
of vibration to the structure. The isolation efficiency achievable shall be clearly
k. Battery Charger-Necessary float and boost charger shall be incorporated in the
control section of the power and control panel, to keep the battery in trim
condition. Voltmeter to indicate the state of charge of the batteries shall be

23.6 Pump Sets Assembly

On the main fire sprinkler and hydrant headers near pump sets a 150 mm dia by-pass
valve located in an accessible location shall be provided along with a rate of flow Rota
meter calibrated in 1 pm and able to read 200% of the rated pump capacity. The delivery
shall be connected to the fire tank.
Each and every pump set assembly shall be provided with suction valve (only for
positive suction head), discharge valve, non-return valve and 150 mm dia Bourdon type
pressure gauge with isolation valve.

23.7 Flexible Connectors

On all suction and delivery lines double flanged reinforced neoprene flexible pipe
connectors shall be provided control unit assemblies shall also be provided for additional
safety factor, minimizing possible failure of the expansion joint or damage to the
equipment. The flexible connectors shall be designed for excellent vibration and noise
protection. Isolated tension members shall be provided to prevent excessive elongation.
The end flange connection shall be rated at 20 kg/cm² (300 psi). Connectors should be
suitable for maximum working pressure of each pipe line on which it is mounted and
tested to a test pressure of 1:5 time the operating pressure. Length of the connector
shall be as per manufacturers standard. (Warranty period 12 month from date of

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23.8 Interlocking
The following inter-locking between the two main fire pumps (i.e. wet riser pump &
sprinkler pump), the jockey pump and the diesel engine driven pump.
Only one category of pumps will work at a time i.e. either jockey pump or main fire
pumps (wet riser and sprinkler, both the wet riser and sprinkler can come up at a time)
or diesel driven pump.
Diesel pump is standby iv. OFF ON ON OFF
to main pump. Both v. OFF OFF ON ON
should never operate vi. OFF OFF OFF ON
together. vii OFF ON OFF ON
23.9 Annunciation Panel
One solid state electronic annunciation panel, fully wired with visual display and audible
alarm unit shall be provided to indicate :
a. Flow condition in any flow switch indicating the area of distress and fire alarm.
b. Starting and stopping of each hydrant pump.
c. Starting and stopping of each jockey pump.
d. Starting and stopping of each sprinkler pump.
e. Failure of Hydrant / Sprinkler pump to start.
f. High level in fire water storage tank compartment.
g. Low level in fire water storage tank compartment.
h. Low level in HSD day tank of the fire pump.
The panel shall be factory fabricated, wired and tested. All details shall be submitted
with the tender.
The annunciation panel shall be located in the security office / reception on the ground
floor or as instructed by the Project Manager.

23.10 Vibration Isolation

The pump-set shall be mounted on rolled steel channels and 150 mm thick inertia block
spring and ribbed neoprene vibration isolation mounting shall support the inertia block
onto a 100 mm thick concrete plinths. The spring mountings shall have a maximum
deflection of15 mm. Reference shall be made to the section on “Nose and Vibration” for
further technical requirements.


Supply and installation of Carbon Dioxide Fire Suppression System shall be made in
accordance with latest NFPA 12. All pertinent equipment must be listed by U.L. or
approved by Factory Mutual for the intended application.
CO2 system shall have a certificate from manufacturer. The contractor shall submit
this certificate for approval prior to installation.

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Drawings shall be in sufficient detail to indicate the type, size, and arrangement of
component materials and devices; and the dimensions needed for installation and
correlation with other materials and equipment.
All drawings and complete calculation sheets from a U.L. listed computer program
shall be submitted for review and approval prior to installation.
The contractor shall furnish detailed brochures outlining the operation, recharge and
service of the system. Maintenance procedures for the owner shall be outlined. In
addition, the contractor shall furnish the equipment manufacturer’s recommended
spare parts lists with information regarding availability and ordering instructions.
The contractor shall utilize an equipment manufacturer that will provide a 12 month
warranty against false discharges when all conditions of the equipment manufacturer
are fulfilled for this type of warranty. Details of this warranty shall be furnished upon
CO2 fire suppression systems shall be of the engineered, permanently piped, fixed
nozzle type with all pertinent components of the same manufacturer.

All agent storage containers shall be centrally located as vertical, free-standing

cylinders with wall mounted retaining brackets.
System shall be operated with a restorable electric actuator and incorporate a manual
override actuator.
Detection system shall be of the engineered type, suitable for direct interface with the
CO2 fire suppression system. All pertinent components shall be of the same
manufacturer or approved for use with the control/release panel.
Detection network shall be cross-zones or verified detection for positive and accurate
response to fire conditions.
The system shall be designed of the total flooding and based upon the enclosure
being sufficiently tight against agent leakage with all ventilation shut down and/or fire
dampered to provide for static air condition upon discharge.
The system shall be designed to discharge the calculated agent quantity with the
design concentration of no less than 34 percent and adding a factor of 20 percent to
the minimum effective concentration.
Nozzle spacing shall be in accordance with the listed or approved coverage for each
nozzle type. In all cases, the need for additional nozzles shall be considered based
upon site conditions and manufacturer’s recommendations.
All materials and equipment furnished by the contractor shall be of new, unused, and
undamaged condition in strict accordance with the requirements of this specification.

24.1 Equipment and Material

24.1.1 Carbon Dioxide Control Panel
The control panel is an electric automatic control releasing device for actuating a fire
suppression system upon receipt of detection input signal. It shall be capable of
handling one or more hazards with cross-zoned detection or verified detection. The
device is fully supervised and has zone modules for interfacing with the lowest
voltage (24V DC).

The control panel shall be electronic releasing device, and consist of a solid state
control unit, capable of operating directly from the supplied power of 24V DC
emergency power of standby power capabilities.

The control panel for Carbon Dioxide shall consist of the specified input (detection).
Output (signaling) power and control circuits, all connected to function panel, shall be

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equipped with the specified input and output circuit modules, and installed in one or
more specified equipment cabinets.

Power supply & control panel is consisting of a main DC power supply and automatic
battery charger. The main DC power supply shall operate on a 220V AC, 50 Hz
primary power input, and provides system operating power at 24V DC. A system fault
current shall cause power supply output to switch off standby power source is a lead-
acid dry type battery of 24-hour standby power current.

Loss of primary AC power input shall cause a system trouble warning and remote to
the engineering room and cause the system to transfer to the standby power. Upon
the restoration of the AC power, the system shall transfer back to AC-power operation

LED indicators shall be provided on the front cover to annunciate the following


Control panel shall be UL listed or FM approved.

Pipe material

For pipe sizes of 20mm in diameter and smaller, the pipe material shall be seamed
black steel pipe conform to ASTM53 or A106 schedule 40 grade B.

For pipe sizes of 25mm in diameter and larger, the pipe material shall be seamed
black steel pipe conform to ASTM53 or A106 schedule 80 grade B.

Fittings shall be ANSI 300 lb. class malleable iron, ASTM A-197, ANSI 300 lb. Class
ductile iron, ASTM A-395; or steel, ASTM A-234.

Agent (CO2)

The extinguishing agent shall be carbon dioxide (CO2)

Agent Storage Container

CO2 agent storage containers shall be of alloy steel construction in accordance with
D.O.T. specification 49 CFR 171–190 and finished in baked red enamel paint.

Initial filling and recharge shall be done in accordance with the manufacturer’s
established procedures and shall not require replacement components for normal

Container assemblies shall be vertical, free standing modules employing suitable

wall mounted retaining brackets.

Nameplates indicating manufacturer’s name and part number, agent fill weight, total
charged weight, date of fill shall be permanently bonded to each container.

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Each container shall have the means to accommodate lifting devices to facilitate
weighing, removal and replacing.

Tank assembly shall have a pressure gauge and low pressure switch to facilitate
continuous supervision of tank pressure.

Agent storage tank assemblies shall be U.L. Listed or F.M. approved.

CO2 Actuators

Discharge of CO2 agent shall be released by rupture disc or solenoid valve

actuators that mounts directly on the container head which operated by both electric
or manual.

All actuators shall be U.L. listed or F.M. approved.

Discharge Nozzles

CO2 discharge nozzles shall be of one piece aluminum or brass construction sized
to provide flow rates in accordance with system design.

Orifice(s) shall be machined in the nozzle body to provide a horizontal discharge in

360 patterns based upon the approved coverage arrangements.

Nozzles shall be permanently marked with the manufacturer’s part number, number
of orifices and orifice code. The nozzle shall be threaded directly to the discharge
piping without the use of special adapters.

Nozzles shall be U.L. listed or F.M. approved

Smoke Detector

Smoke detector shall be dual ionization chamber twist-lock base that compatible
with a system control equipment.

The system smoke detector shall have a flashing status-indicating LED for visual
supervision, When the detector is actuated, the flashing LED will latch on steadily at
full brilliance. The detector may be reset by actuating the control panel reset switch.

The sensitivity of the detector shall be monitored without removal of the detector
head. Metering test points shall be possible when conditions necessitate a change.

Smoke detector shall be UL listed or F.M. approved.

Abort Station
The digital readout countdown timer with abort switch will be provided at exit point.
The countdown time will require 0-60 second adjustability.
Abort station shall be UL listed or F.M. approved.
Manual Station
The manual station shall be of push button switch or pull handle type used in
conjunction with CO2 control panel.
Manual station shall be UL listed or F.M. approved.

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Alarm Bell
Bell alarm shall not be less than 80 dBA at 24 VDC
The housing constructed with high quality die casting with a baked red finish.
Alarm bell shall be UL listed or F.M. approved.
Strobe Horn
The horn shall not be less than 96 dBA at 24 VDC
Strobe horn consume power not more than 0.75 amp at 24 VDC
Strobe horn shall be UL listed or F.M. approved.
Warning Signs
Etched aluminum warning signs shall be provided at all entrance and exits of the
protected area.
Entrance sign shall read: “WARNING - DO NOT ENTER ROOM WHEN ALARM

24.2 Testing & Commissioning

Room Integrity Testing

All rooms protected by a gas fire suppression system shall be tested to confirm the
integrity of the room structure and all penetrations.

Testing shall be undertaken only after all penetrations in the structure have been
sealed, all cable wire-ways have been sealed and all doors have been fitted.

A single door shall be removed in each room to be tested for the purpose of
installing test equipment. Sealing of all other door openings, other than through use
of the final installed door panel, is prohibited. Any sealing identified during the
testing shall be removed and the testing repeated until a satisfactory result is

Should for any reason fire barrier seals or room penetration seals be removed
following the completion of the testing, tests shall be repeated.

The carbon dioxide system installer shall obtain written confirmation from all
contractors involved in the construction of the room and associated support systems
that the room structure is sealed correctly and that no further work is to be
undertaken that will cause the integrity of the room to be compromised.

Evidence of this written confirmation shall be issued to the supervisor prior to

commencing any testing.

The contractor shall allow for a minimum of two full room integrity tests. Additional
costs for testing in excess of two times will be charged to the contractor identified as
responsible for not correctly sealing room penetrations.

Functional Discharge Tests

The carbon dioxide extinguishing system shall be fully tested to confirm the correct
performance of the system.

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Tests shall include a full discharge test utilising compressed air.

Spare rupture valves and charged compressed air cylinders shall be provided to
allow a minimum of three complete discharge tests.

Full discharge testing shall be conducted only after completion of the room integrity


25.1 SCOPE
Automatic Novec 1230 Clean Agent Flooding System complete for electrical panels
with Linear Pneumatic Heat Sensing tube, cylinder, valves, integration with Main Fire
Alarm Control Panel for status monitoring etc. The work to be executed by
experienced and specialized company dealing in Clean agent Linear Pneumatic Heat
Sensing tube System shall cover:

Providing Direct Panel Clean Agent Gas Novec 1230 Flooding System with Linear
Pneumatic Heat Sensing tube inside the panels. Audio-visual annunciation devices
for indicating incidence of fire. Any other item required to the successful
commissioning of the system.

The electrical panel fire suppression system shall be complete with Direct Release
Clean agent storage cylinders for required capacities, extinguishing agent as
specified, Linear Pneumatic Heat Sensing tube, filling and end-of-line adaptors,
pressure switches, control equipment and all necessary accessories and push in
fittings to form a complete and working installation to protect the Electrical panel in
case of fire. The panels to be protected shall be determined as per the approval of the
engineer-in-charge. The system will have an interface with Main Fire Alarm and
Control Panel. In case of fire in the concerned Panel, indication of Linear Pneumatic
Heat Sensing System discharge status should come in Main Fire Alarm and Control
Clean Agent should be used with below mentioned properties
The Clean Agent should have Zero Ozone Depletion Potential. (ODP = 0)
The Clean Agent should be a low pressure agent.
The Clean Agent should be UL /FM approved
The Clean Agent should have Global Warming Potential of less than 1.


Each Novec 1230 Clean Agent extinguishing unit, when installed, is a self-contained
system, meaning that it is equipped with its own automatic (non-electric) detection
system, which when actuated, automatically releases the suppression agent into the
Electric panel.
The Novec 1230 Clean Agent Automatic Direct System consists of the following
major components:
Clean Agent Cylinder/Valve Assembly.
Cylinder Mounting Bracket.
Linear Pneumatic Heat Detector, Actuation and Discharge Tubing and Fittings (Red
Colour, 6 mm OD, 4mm ID).
Pressure Switch

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End of Line Adapter with Pressure Gauge.

Push in Tube Fittings.
Audio Visual Alarm

The Novec 1230 Clean Agent Automatic Direct System utilizes unique Linear
Pneumatic Heat Sensing flexible tubing that is attached to the top of the cylinder
valve. This Linear Pneumatic Heat Sensing tube is pressurized with dry nitrogen is
temperature sensitive and acts as a continuous linear thermal detector that ruptures
upon Flame impingement when the Temperature reaches 100 oC – 120 o C.
Once the detector tubing is ruptured forming a nozzle at the rupture point, it allows the
Clean Agent to flow through, distributing the extinguishing agent into the protected
area. Upon system actuation, the pressure switch can be used to indicate system
discharge, shutdown ventilation, shut-off electrical power etc may be required.

The Novec 1230 Clean Agent Automatic Direct System is designed and listed as an
Automatic unit. No manual or electric means is provided for simultaneous actuation of
multiple systems.

The Novec 1230 Clean Agent is stored in steel cylinders as a liquefied compressed
gas, super-pressurized with Dry Nitrogen to 13.5 Kg/cm2. The ambient operating
temperature range for all system components is (0oC to 54.4oC).

Each container is equipped with a Stainless Steel / nickel–plated brass valve, a

pressure gauge to monitor container pressure, and a quarter-turn ball valve that
interfaces with the Linear Pneumatic Heat Sensing tube. The ball valve must be kept
closed at all times when the container is not in service.

A wall-mounted painted steel bracket is used to mount the container/valve assembly

in a vertical (upright) position.

For the direct Novec 1230 Clean Agent systems, the tubing performs three functions:
Heat Detection, System Activation, and Clean Agent discharge. The tubing is installed
throughout the Electrical Panel volume, with one end connected to the top of the
Clean Agent container valve. The tubing is pressurized with Dry Nitrogen to 13.5
Kg/cm2 and maintains the system in the “OFF” position.
A pressure switch is connected at the Valve to monitor system pressure, system
actuation and/or to energize DE-energize electrically operated equipment.
Manufacturer recommends that all systems use a pressure switch coupled with some
other devices To alert personnel in the event of a system discharge
The system should have means to close the exhaust fans if installed in the panel at
the time of system activation
As desired by the engineer-in-charge the main supply of panel can be shut off with
the system.
The Detection Tubing should be red in colour, have outer diameter not less than 6
The Detection Tube should burst at Temperature of 100 o C to 120 o C
The cylinders(without valve) should be tested in accordance with IS 15683.

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The Contractor is required to submit detailed system commissioning programmes
to the Engineer with copy to the Owner’s Representative prior to the
commencement of the commissioning of the MEP plant and equipment. These
programmers are to be supported by an overall commissioning strategy
supplemented by detailed system commissioning method statements.
The commissioning regime shall be based on a “cause and effect” strategy.
Within the commissioning programme the Contractor is to include a series of staff
training and demonstration activities for the benefit of the Owner’s Facilities Manager.
The Staff Training is to be incorporated in the Works prior completion.
The Contractor shall issue a detailed training schedule prior to the completion date to
the Engineer and Owner’s Facilities Manager in conjunction with the commissioning
programme for the Works.
There shall be a minimum of 4No training sessions for each Leading or group of
training activities split as follows:-
2Nos. Training Session for Management and Supervision
2Nos. Training Session for facilities operations.
The Staff Training shall cover the general operation and maintenance of the
materials, plant and equipment.
The Contractor is to allow the Owner’s Facilities Manager to attend the
commissioning, testing, calibration and handover sequences for the plant and
equipment to permit familiarisation of the operation, servicing and maintenance
of the plant and equipment installed during the commissioning of the Works
Work under this section shall be executed without any additional cost. The rates
quoted in this tender shall be inclusive of the works given in this section.
Contractor shall provide all tools, equipment, metering and testing devices required
for the purpose.
On award of work, Contractor shall submit a detailed proposal giving methods of
testing and gauging the performance of the equipment to be supplied and installed
under this contract.
All tests shall be made in the presence of the Architect or his representative or any
inspecting authority. At least five working days’ notice in writing shall be given to the
inspecting parties before performing any test.
Water flow rates of all equipment and in pipe lines through valves shall be adjusted to
design conditions. Complete results of adjustments shall be recorded and submitted.
Contractor shall ensure proper balancing of the hydraulic system and for the pipes /
valves installed in his scope of work by regulating the flow rates in the pipe line by
valve operation. The contractor shall also provide permanent Tee connection (with
plug) in water supply lines for ease of installing pressure gauge, temperature gauge &
rota meters. Contractor shall also supply all required pressure gauge, temperature
gauge & rotameter for system commissioning and balancing. The balancing shall be
to the satisfaction of Consultant / Project Manager.
Three copies of all test results shall be submitted to the Engineer in A4 size sheet
paper within two weeks after completion of the tests.

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On completion of the installation of all pumps, piping, valves, pipe connections,
insulation etc. the Contractor shall proceed as follows:
a. Prior to start-up and hydraulic testing, the Contractor shall clean the entire
installation including all fitments and pipe work and the like after installation
and keep them in a new condition. All pumping systems shall be flushed and
drained at least once through to get rid of contaminating materials. All pipes
shall be rodded to ensure clearance of debris, cleaning and flushing shall be
carried out in sections as the installation becomes completed.
b. All strainers shall be inspected and cleaned out or replaced.
c. When the entire systems are reasonably clean, a pre-treatment chemical shall
be introduced and circulated for at least 8 hours. Warning signs shall be
provided at all outlets during pre-treatment. The pre-treatment chemical shall:
· Remove oil, grease and foreign residue from the pipe work and fittings;
· Pre-condition the metal surfaces to resist reaction with water or air.
· Establish an initial protective film;
· After pre-treatment, the system shall be drained and refilled with fresh
water and left until the system is put into operation.
· Details and procedures of the pre-treatment shall be submitted to the
Architect for approval.
d. Check all clamps, supports and hangers provided for the pipes.
e. Check all the equipment, piping and valves coming under hot water system
and operate each and every valve on the system to see if the valves are
functioning properly. Thereafter conduct & hydro test of the system as for (b)
f. Fill up pipes with water and apply hydrostatic pressure to the system as given
in the relevant section of the specification. If any leakage is found, rectify the
same and retest the pipes.
Fire Protection System
a. Check all hydrant valves by opening and closing : any valve found to be open
shall be closed.
b. Check all the piping under hydro test.
c. Check that all suction and delivery connections are properly made for all pump
d. Check rotation of each motor after decoupling and correct the same if
e. Test run each pump set.
f. All pump sets shall be run continuously for 8 hours (if required with temporary
piping back to the tank).
Commissioning and Testing
a. Pressurize the fire hydrant system by running the jockey pump and after it
attains the shutoff pressure of the pump , then
b. Open bypass valve and allow the pressure to drop in the system. Check that
the jockey pump cuts-in and cuts-out at the preset pressure. If necessary
adjust the pressure switch for the jockey pump. Close by-pass valve.
c. Open hydrant valve and allow the water to below into the fire water tank in
order to avoid wastage of water. The main fire pump shall cut-in at the preset

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pressure and shall not cutout automatically on reaching the normal line
pressure. The main fire pump shall stop only by manual push button. However
the jockey pump shall cut-out as soon as the main pump starts,
d. Switch off the main fire pump and test check the diesel engine driven pump in
the same manner as the electrically driven pump,
e. When the fire pumps have been checked for satisfactory working on automatic
controls, open fire hydrant valves simultaneously and allow the hose pipes to
discharge water into the fire tank to avoid wastage.
f. Check each landing valve, male and female couplings and branch pipes, for
compatibility with each other. Any fitting which is found to be incompatible and
do not fit into the other properly shall be replace by the Contractor. Each
landing valve shall also be checked by opening and closing under pressure.
g. Check all annunciations by simulating the alarm conditions at site.
Sprinkler System
a. Start the sprinkler pump and develop the required pressure in the sprinkler
b. Open the test valve to test the automatic starting of the pump. If necessary ,
make necessary adjustments in the setting of pressure switch. The sprinkler
water gong alarm shall also operate when the test valve is open. This
operation is to be done for each and every section of the sprinkler system and
the alarm for each section (via flow switch) shall be checked for operation.
c. After satisfactory operation of the pump the Contractor shall set up mock fire
and test the system.
d. Check all annunciations by simulating the alarm conditions at site.


As and when notified in writing or instructed by the Architect, the Contractor shall
submit shop drawing and attend all tests and inspections carried out by Local Fire
Authorities, Water Authority and other Statutory Authorities, and shall forthwith
execute free of charge any rectification work ordered by the Architect as a result of
such tests and inspections where these indicate non-compliance with Statutory
Regulations. Some of these tests may take place after the issue of Practical
Completion of the Main Contract and the Contractor shall make all allowances in this
The Contractor shall be responsible for the submission of all necessary forms and
shop drawings to the Statutory Authorities which shall conform in layout to the latest
architectural plans submitted to and kept by these Authorities.
The submission shall comply with the requirements set forth in the current Codes of
Practice and circular letters of the Statutory Authorities. The shop drawings to be
submitted shall be forwarded to the Architect for checking before submission.
The Contractor shall allow for at least two submissions of complete sets of shop
drawings to the Authorities, one to be made within six months after the award of the
Contract but not less than six weeks before the inspection. The Architect may at his
discretion instruct the Contractor for additional submissions to the Local Authorities
whenever necessary.
The Contractor shall notify the Architect at least seven days in advance of his
application for local Authority tests and inspections. On receipt of a confirmed date for
test and inspection the Contractor shall inform the Architect without delay.

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Following commissioning and inspection of the entire installation, and prior to issue of
the Completion Certificate, the Contractor shall carry out final acceptance tests in
accordance with a programme to be agreed with the Architect.
Should the results of the acceptance tests show that plant, systems and/or equipment
fail to perform to the efficiencies or other performance figures as given in this
Specification, the Contractor shall adjust, modify and if necessary replace the
equipment without further payment in order that the required performance is obtained.
Where acceptance tests are required by the relevant Authorities having jurisdiction,
these tests shall be carried out by the Contractor prior to the issue of Completion
Certificate to the acceptance of the Authorities.


Any item of plant or system or component which fails to comply with the requirements
of this Specification in any respect whatsoever at any stage of manufacture, test,
erection or on completion at site may be rejected by the Architect either in whole or in
part as he considers necessary/appropriate. Adjustment and/or modification work as
required by the Architect so as to comply with the Authority's requirements and the
intent of the Specification shall be carried out by the Contractor at his own expense
and to the satisfaction of the Authority/Architect.
After works have been accepted, the Contractor may be required to carry out assist in
carrying out additional performance tests as reasonably required by the


The Contractor shall warrant that all plant, materials and equipment supplied and all
workmanship performed by him to be free from defects of whatsoever nature before
handover to the Owner.


All testing and commissioning shall be done by the Contractor to the entire satisfaction
of the Owner’s site representative and all testing and commissioning documents shall be
handed over to the Owner’s site representative.

The Contractor shall also hand over all maintenance and operation manuals, all
certificates and all other documentation as per the terms of the contract to the Owner’s
site representative.

Volume-II, Section-3.2 Page-46

The Crest, Phase-V, Gurgaon


Ground / Base First Second

S. No. Pipe Lines
Colour Colour Band Colour Band
1 Cooling Water Sea Green French Blue
2 Boiler feed Sea Green Gulf Red
3 Condensate Sea Green Light Brown
4 Drinking Water (All cold Sea Green French Blue Single Red
water lines after filter)
5 Treated Water (Soft Water) Sea Green Light Orange
6 Domestic Hot Water Sea Green Light Grey
7 Compressed air upto Sky Blue
8 Steam Silver Grey
9 Drainage (Storm Water) Black
10 Drainage (Sewage Water) Brown
11 Gas Canary Yellow
12 Fire System Post Office Red

Volume-II, Section-3.2 Page-47

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A) Fire Protection System

1) Check all hydrant & other valves by opening and closing. Any valve found to be open
shall be closed.
2) Check all clamps, supports and hangers provided for the pipes.
3) All the pump sets shall be run continuously for 30 minutes (with temporary piping
back to tank from the nearest hydrant, using canvas hose pipes).
4) Fire Hydrant System - Pressurize the fire hydrant system by running the jockey pump
and after it attains the shutoff pressure of the pump, then
Open bypass valve and allow the pressure to drop in the system. Check that the jockey
pump cuts-in and cuts-out at the preset pressure. If necessary adjust the pressure switch
for the jockey pump. Close by-pass valve.
Open hydrant valve and allow the water to flow into the fire water tank in order to avoid
wastage of water. The main fire pump shall cut-in at the preset pressure and shall not
cutout automatically on reaching the normal line pressure. The main fire pump shall stop
only by manual push button. However the jockey pump shall cut-out as soon as the main
pump starts,.
Operate booster pump continuously for 30 minutes with piping back to underground tanks
from the hydrant nearest to plant room.
Check each landing valve, male and female couplings and branch pipes, for compatibility
with each other. Any fitting which is found to be incompatible and do not fit into the other
properly shall be replaced by the Contractor. Each landing valve shall also be checked by
opening and closing under pressure.
Check air cushion tanks on the terrace for proper functioning.

Volume-II, Section-3.2 Page-48

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S.No. Details of Materials / Equipment Manufacturer’s Name
1. Fire / Sprinkler Main Pump / Jockey Wilo - Mather & Platt
2. Diesel Engine Mahindra
3. Motor ABB

4. G.I. / M.S. Pipes (IS : 1239 / IS : Jindal Hissar

3589) Tata Steel
Prakash Surya
5. Standard M.S. Fittings Seamless Fittings
6. DI / CI / Forged Steel Fittings Victaulic
Kartar Pipe and fittings
Jainsons Industries
7. C.I. (Class L.A.) Pipes NECO
Electro Steel Culcutta
8. RCC Pipe KK
Local & Approved Pranali
9. MH Cover & Frame Kartar Pipe and fittings
Raj Iron Foundry, Agra

10. Paints Asian Paints


11. Double / Single Headed Landing Padmini

Valve Safex

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S.No. Details of Materials / Equipment Manufacturer’s Name

12. Fire Hose Tyco
13. First Aid Hose Reel (LPCB Tyco
Approved) Safex
14. Gun Metal Brach Pipe Tyco
15. Fireman Axe Tyco
16. Installation Control Valve Viking
17. Sprinkler Heads Viking
18. Fire Extinguishers CeaseFire
19. Water Flow Switch Honeywell
Rapid Control
20. Pipe Protection Wrapping IWL - Pypkote
Rustech - Coatek
21 Pipe clamp & supports Mupro
22. GM / Forged Brass Valves Tiemme Itely
23. Sluice Valves Indian Valve Company
24. Butterfly Valve Audco
25. Check Valve – Wafer Type Advance

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S.No. Details of Materials / Equipment Manufacturer’s Name

26. Check Valve – Dual Plate Mueller

27. Pressure Reducing Valve (Listed) Tyco

Tiemme Itely

28. Air Release Valve Fouress


29 Ball Float Valve Esseti


30. Y Strainer Tiemme Itely


31. Mechanical Seal Burgmann


32. Couplings Victaulic

Shur Joint
Kanwal Industrial Corporation

33. Anti-Vibration Mounting & Flexible Mupro

Connections Kanwal Industrial Corporation

34. Pressure Gauge Emerald

H Guru
35. Level Controller & Indicator (Water) Auto Pump
Cirrus Engineering
36. Paints Asian Paints
37. Welding Rods ADOR

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S.No. Details of Materials / Equipment Manufacturer’s Name

38. Fastner Fisher
39. Fire Sealant Hilti
Birla 3 M
Stanvac - Firex
40. 2-4 Way Fire Brigade breeching Safex
Inlet Connection Eversafe

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1.1.1 Electrical Driven Main Fire & Sprinkler
(Please submit separate data sheet for
each type of pump)
Make / Manufacturer :
Quantity :
Liquid Handed :
Liquid Temp deg.C :
Special Gravity of Liquid :
Suction :
Rated Discharge at Low Zone Head :
Rated Discharge at High Zone Head :
Actual Discharge at Low Zone Head :
Actual Discharge at High Zone Head :
Model :
Horizontal / Design :
Speed / No. of Stages :
Impeller Dia (Maximum) :
Suction / Delivery Size :
Efficiency at Rated Capacity & Head :
KW required at rated capacity & head :
Shut Off Head :

Material of Construction
Pump Casing :
Impeller :
Pump Shaft :
Shaft Sleeve :
Casing Wearing Ring :
Base Plate :
Mechanical Seal :
Make of Mechanical Seal :
Wheather pumps are capable of :
discharging 150% of rated capacity at a
head not less than 65% of rated head.
Whether automatic priming arrangement :

Volume-II, Section-3.2 Page-53

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Description of Motors
Make :
Model No. :
Type :
Frame size :
Speed (RPM) :
Rated Capacity (Power) :
Full load current :
Enclosure :
Coupling / Pulley :
Class of Insulation

Size of Foundation
For complete coupled set mounted over MS :
base frame

1.1.2 Diesel Engine Driven Pump

(Please submit separate data sheet for
each type of pump)
Make / Manufacturer :
Quantity :
Liquid Handed :
Liquid Temp deg.C :
Special Gravity of Liquid :
Suction :
Rated Discharge at Low Zone Head :
Rated Discharge at High Zone Head :
Actual Discharge at Low Zone Head :
Actual Discharge at High Zone Head :
Model :
Horizontal / Design :
Speed / No. of Stages :
Impeller Dia (Maximum) :
Suction / Delivery Size :
Efficiency at Rated Capacity & Head :
KW required at rated capacity & head :
Shut Off Head :

Material of Construction
Pump Casing :
Impeller :
Pump Shaft :
Shaft Sleeve :

Volume-II, Section-3.2 Page-54

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Casing Wearing Ring :

Base Plate :
Mechanical Seal :
Make of Mechanical Seal :
Weather pumps are capable of discharging :
150% of rated capacity at a head not less
than 65% of rated head.
Whether automatic priming arrangement :

Description of Engine
Make :
Model No. :
Type :
Frame size :
Speed (RPM) :
Rated Capacity (Power) :
Full load current :
Enclosure :
Coupling / Pulley :
No of Cylinder :
Fuel Pump & Water pump detail :
Engine Cooling & Oil System :
Diesel Oil tank capacity :
Fuel Oil storage shall ensure working of :
pump for number of hours

Size of Foundation
For complete coupled set mounted over MS :
base frame

1.1.3 Jockey Pump

(Please submit separate data sheet for
each type of pump)
Liquid Handed :
Liquid Temp deg.C :
Special Gravity of Liquid :
Suction :
Rated Discharge at Low Zone Head :
Rated Discharge at High Zone Head :
Actual Discharge at Low Zone Head :
Actual Discharge at High Zone Head :
Model :
Horizontal / Design :

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Speed / No. of Stages :

Impeller Dia (Maximum) :
Suction / Delivery Size :
Efficiency at Rated Capacity & Head :
KW required at rated capacity & head :
Shut Off Head :

Material of Construction
Pump Casing :
Impeller :
Pump Shaft :
Shaft Sleeve :
Casing Wearing Ring :
Base Plate :
Mechanical Seal :
Make of Mechanical Seal :

Description of Motor
Make :
Model No. :
Type :
Frame size :
Speed (RPM) :
Rated Capacity (Power) :
Full load current :
Enclosure :
Coupling / Pulley :

Size of Foundation
For complete coupled set mounted over MS :
base frame

1.1.4 Down Comer Pump (Terrace Booster

(Please submit separate data sheet for
each type of pump)
Liquid Handed :
Liquid Temp deg.C :
Special Gravity of Liquid :
Suction :
Rated Discharge at Head :
Model :
Horizontal / Design :

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Speed / No. of Stages :

Impeller Dia (Maximum) :
Suction / Delivery Size :
Efficiency at Rated Capacity & Head :
KW required at rated capacity & head :
Shut Off Head :

Material of Construction
Pump Casing :
Impeller :
Pump Shaft :
Shaft Sleeve :
Casing Wearing Ring :
Base Plate :
Mechanical Seal :
Make of Mechanical Seal :

Description of Motor
Make :
Model No. :
Type :
Frame size :
Speed (RPM) :
Rated Capacity (Power) :
Full load current :
Enclosure :
Coupling / Pulley :

Size of Foundation
For complete coupled set mounted over MS :
base frame

15 NB TO 50 NB :
15 TO 50 NB Fittings :
65 NB TO 150 NB Pipes :
65 NB TO 150 NB Fittings :
200 NB ONWARDS Pipes :
200 NB ONWARDS Fittings :
250 NB ONWARDS Fittings :
300 NB ONWARDS Fittings :
Flanges :
Gaskets :

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1.3.1 Technical Specifications :
Item :
Working Pressure :
Code for Design Mft. :

1.3.2 Construction Features

Type of Stem
Type of Inlet
Type of Outlet
Flange Drilling

1.3.3 Material of Construction

Body and Bonnet :
Stop Valve, Valve Seat :
Check nut & gland nut :


1.4.1 Technical Specifications :
Working Pressure :
Code for Design Mft. :
Scale range :

1.4.2 Construction Features

Case :
Pointer :
Dial Size :
Dial Lettering :
Process Connection :

1.4.3 Material of Construction

Case :
Movement :
Block :


1.5.1 Technical Specifications :
Item :
Working Pressure :
Scale range :

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1.5.2 Construction Features

Protection :
Cable Entry :
Process Connection :
Repeatability :
Type :
No. of contacts :
Contact Rating :

1.5.3 Material of Construction

Enclosure :
Pressure element :
Wetted Parts :

1.6 Pressure Reducing Valve

Body :
Cover :
Membrane :
Seal :
Seat and filter :
Max pressure upstream :
Downstream pressure setting range :
Factory setting :
Max. working temperature :
Pressure gauge scale : :
Medium :
Certification :
Connections :
Pressure gauge connection :
Make :
1.7 Sprinkler

Material :
K Factor :
Performance test :
Type :
Diameter :
Temperature :
Make :

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1.8 Flow Switch

Static pressure rating :

Maximum Surge :
Triggering threshold bandwidth (Flow rate) :
Conduit Entrances :
Contact Rating :
Compatible pipe :
Operating Temperature Range :
Enclosure rating :
Cover tamper switch :
Service use :
Make :

1.9 Extinguisher

Model :
Capacity :
Fire rating :
Average discharge time :
Diameter :
Filled weight :
Operating temperature :
Working pressure at 20 deg. C :
Maximum Service Pressure :
Test Pressure :
Make :

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These special conditions are intended to amplify the General Conditions of Contract,
and shall be read in conjunction with the same. For any discrepancies between the
General Conditions and these Special Conditions, the more stringent shall apply.


This specification covers the supply and installation of the Fire Protection systems
and equipment at The Crest, DLF City, Gurgaon, Haryana. The project consists of 6
residential towers ( 3 x 38 storey and 3 x 29 storey) constructed over a common 4
level basement. The basement includes car parking and all central plant shared by
the 6 towers.

The systems to be provided will include, but not be limited to:

- Automatic sprinkler systems
- Fire Hydrant and Hose reel Systems
- Water Curtain Systems
- Helipad Fire Extinguishing Foam System
- Portable fire extinguishers
- Carbon dioxide flooding systems
- Novec 1230 flooding system


Following civil works associated with Fire Fighting installation are excluded from the
scope of this contract. These shall be executed by other agencies in accordance with
approved shop drawings of, and under direct supervision of the Fire Fighting
i. RCC foundation for machines, pumps & large equipment with angle iron frame
work at the edges to protect these from damage.
ii. RCC work for water tanks
iii. PCC foundation blocks with angle iron frame work edging for all motor control
iv. Water proofing of floors.
v. Masonry drains channels and sumps in plant room.


4.1 All associated Electrical Works listed below are excluded from the scope of this
contract. These shall be installed by other agencies in accordance with approved
shop drawings of, and under direct supervision of the Fire Fighting contractor.
i. Providing power supply with earthling at the incoming of control panel in plant

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The scope of Fire Fighting Contractor shall include the following for the interface to
Building Automation System and no additional cost shall be paid for providing the
interface feasibility.
i. Stop/Manual/ Auto switches along with potential free contacts for monitoring the
manual operation status, to be provided for those equipment whose start / stop is
controlled by Building Automation System.
ii. Potential free ‘NO’ contacts for monitoring ‘Run’ status of equipment wherever
iii. Necessary contactor with potential free contacts and Stop/Manual/ Auto switches
to be provided for all 1-phase equipment wherever the starter is not provided and
which requires starting / stopping through Building Automation System.
iv. Sockets /Nipples including shut-off valve for mounting sensors/transmitters on
pipe lines.
v. The space provision in all the equipment panel ( MCC) for mounting Current/
Potential transformers & transducers and power supply to the transducer shall be
provided by the Fire Fighting contractor. Separate current transformers shall be
provided by Fire Fighting contractor for monitoring current / KWH (wherever
required) through BAS.
vi. The installation of current transformer & Transducer along with wiring between
Current Transformer & Transducer up to the terminal block shall be provided by
the Fire Fighting contractor. All transducers shall be supplied by BAS contractor.
vii. The low voltage BAS Cables shall be brought upto the electric panel by BAS
contractor and all terminations into the electrical panels shall be made by Fire
Fighting contractor after satisfying himself of the wiring system. It is to be clearly
understood that the final responsibility for the sufficiency, adequacy and
conformity to the contract requirements, of the Fire Fighting system, lies solely
with the contractor.
viii. All necessary Hardware/ Software shall be made available by the Fire Fighting
Contractor on the Microprocessor based panel for the integration of such panel to
Building Automation System for remote monitoring / controlling of marking /
equipment thru BAS.


The successful tenderer shall submit upon award the following to facilitate the Owner
in their application for concessional duty for equipment/material proposed to be
directly purchased and imported by them.
a. Four copies of proforma invoice from Manufacturer/Supplier drawn in the
name of Owner identifying FOB price from the country of origin and Freight
cum Insurance upto site.
b. Four sets of Technical .Literature, high lighting model number and all technical
details of the actual equipment/material offered by them.
c. Successful bidder shall indicate packing specification for imported equipment /
d. Successful bidder shall furnish undertaking from local agents for all imported
equipment that they will provide all technical data & engineering information
on the product through their principles, all back-up services during detailed
engineering testing and commissioning and service during and after the
defects liability period.

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The Contractor shall ensure that senior planning and erection personnel from his
organization are assigned exclusively for this project. They shall have minimum 10
years’ experience in this type of installation. The Contractor shall appoint one Project
Director holding senior management position in the organization. He shall be assisted
on full time basis by a minimum of two erection engineers & three senior supervisors.
The entire staff shall be posted at site on full time basis.
The project management shall be through modern technique. The Contractor’s office
at site shall be fully equipped with fax, modem, computers, plotter and photocopier.
Erection engineer and supervisors shall be provided with mobile communication
system so that they can always be reached.
For quality control & monitoring of workmanship, contractor shall assign at least one
full-time engineer who would be exclusively responsible for ensuring strict quality
control, adherence to specifications and ensuring top class workmanship for the
The Contractor shall arrange to have mechanized & modern facilities of transporting
material to place of installation for speedy execution of work.


The contractor shall carry out the work in accordance with the Drawings,
Specifications, Schedule of Quantities and other documents forming part of the
The contractor shall be fully responsible for the performance of the selected
equipment (installed by him) at the specified parameters and for the efficiency of the
installation to deliver the required end result.

The contractor shall guarantee that the Fire Fighting system as installed shall
maintain the design conditions as described under “Basis of Design” and relevant
clauses in the specifications. The guarantee shall be submitted in the proforma given
in Appendix - II.
Complete set of architectural drawings is available in the Architect/Consultant’s office
and reference may be made to same for any details or information. The contractor
shall also guarantee that the performance of various equipment individually, shall not
be less than the quoted capacity; also actual power consumption shall not exceed the
quoted rating, during testing and commissioning, handing over and guarantee period.


The installation shall be in conformity with the Bye-laws, Regulations and Standards
of the local authorities concerned, in so far as these become applicable to the
installation. But if these Specifications and Drawings call for a higher standard of
materials and / or workmanship than those required by any of the above regulations
and standards, then these Specifications and Drawings shall take precedence over
the said regulations and standards. However, if the Drawings and specifications
require something which violates the Bye-laws and Regulations, then the Bye-laws
and Regulations shall govern the requirement of this installation.


The contractor shall obtain all permits/ licenses and pay for any and all fees required
for the inspection, approval and commissioning of their installation.

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The Fire Fighting Drawings listed under Appendix-I, which may be issued with
tenders, are diagrammatic only and indicate arrangement of various systems and the
extent of work covered in the contract. These Drawings indicate the points of supply
and of termination of services and broadly suggest the routes to be followed. Under
no circumstances shall dimensions be scaled from these Drawings. The
architectural/interiors drawings and details shall be examined for exact location of
equipment and water supply / drainage piping etc.
The contractor shall follow the tender drawings in preparation of his shop drawings,
and for subsequent installation work. He shall check the drawings of other trades to
verify spaces in which his work will be installed.
Maximum headroom shall be maintained at all points. Where headroom appears
inadequate, the contractor shall notify the Architect/Consultant/Owner’s site
representative before proceeding with the installation. In case installation is carried
out without notifying, the work shall be rejected and contractor shall rectify the same
at his own cost.
The contractor shall examine all architectural, structural, Fire Fighting, electrical and
other services drawings and check the as-built works before starting the work, report
to the Owner’s site representative any discrepancies and obtain clarification. Any
changes found essential to coordinate installation of his work with other services and
trades, shall be made with prior approval of the Architect/Consultant/Owner’s site
representative without additional cost to the Owner. The data given in the Drawings
and Specifications is as exact as could be procured, but its accuracy is not


Each tenderer shall submit along with his tender, the technical data for all items listed
in Appendix-IV in the indicated format. Failure to furnish complete technical data with
tenders may result in summary rejection of the tender.


13.1 All the shop drawings shall be prepared on computer through AutoCAD System
based on Architectural Drawings, site measurements and Interior Designer’s
Drawings. Within four weeks of the award of the contract, contractor shall furnish, for
the approval of the Architect/Consultant, two sets of detailed shop drawings of all
equipment and materials including layouts for Plant room, Pump room, Typical toilets
drawings showing exact location of supports, flanges, bends, tee connections,
reducers, detailed piping drawings showing exact location and type of supports,
valves, fittings etc; external insulation details for pipe insulation etc; electrical panels
inside/outside views, power and control wiring schematics, cable trays, supports and
terminations. These shop drawings shall contain all information required to complete
the Project as per specifications and as required by the Architect/Consultant/Owner’s
site representative. These Drawings shall contain details of construction, size,
arrangement, operating clearances, performance characteristics and capacity of all
items of equipment, also the details of all related items of work by other contractors.
Each shop drawing shall contain tabulation of all measurable items of
equipment/materials/works and progressive cumulative totals from other related
drawings to arrive at a variation-in-quantity statement at the completion of all shop
drawings. Minimum 12 sets of drawings shall be submitted after final approval along
with floppy / CD.

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Each item of equipment/material proposed shall be a standard catalogue product of

an established manufacturer strictly from the manufacturers listed in Appendix-III and
quoted by the tenderer in technical data part of Appendix - IV.
When the Architect/Consultant makes any amendments in the above drawings, the
contractor shall supply two fresh sets of drawings with the amendments duly
incorporated along with check prints, for approval. The contractor shall submit further
twelve sets of shop drawings to the Owner’s site representative for the exclusive use
by the Owner’s site representative and all other agencies. No material or equipment
may be delivered or installed at the job site until the contractor has in his possession,
the approved shop drawing for the particular material/equipment/ installation.
13.2 Shop drawings shall be submitted for approval four weeks in advance of planned
delivery and installation of any material to allow Architect/Consultant ample time for
scrutiny. No claims for extension of time shall be entertained because of any delay in
the work due to his failure to produce shop drawings at the right time, in accordance
with the approved programme.
13.3 Manufacturers drawings, catalogues, pamphlets and other documents submitted for
approval shall be in four sets. Each item in each set shall be properly labelled,
indicating the specific services for which material or equipment is to be used, giving
reference to the governing section and clause number and clearly identifying in ink
the items and the operating characteristics. Data of general nature shall not be
13.4 Samples of all materials like valves, pipes, insulation, control wires etc shall be
submitted to the Owner’s site representative prior to procurement. These will be
submitted in two sets for approval and retention by Owner’s site representative and
shall be kept in their site office for reference and verification till the completion of the
Project. Wherever directed a mockup or sample installation shall be carried out for
approval before proceeding for further installation.

13.5 Approval of shop drawings shall not be considered as a guarantee of measurements

or of building dimensions. Where drawings are approved, said approval does not
mean that the drawings supersede the contract requirements, nor does it in any way
relieve the contractor of the responsibility or requirement to furnish material and
perform work as required by the contract.
13.6 Where the contractor proposes to use an item of equipment, other than that specified
or detailed on the drawings, which requires any redesign of the structure, partitions,
foundation, piping, wiring or any other part of the mechanical, electrical or
architectural layouts; all such re-design, and all new drawings and detailing required
therefore, shall be prepared by the contractor at his own expense and gotten
approved by the Architect/Consultant/ Owner’s site representative. Any delay on
such account shall be at the cost of and consequence of the Contractor.
13.7 Fire Fighting Contractor shall prepare coordinated services shop drawings based on
the drawings prepared by Fire Fighting, Electrical, HVAC & Low Voltage Contractors
to ensure adequate clearances are available for installation of services for each trade.
Where the work of the contractor has to be installed in close proximity to, or will
interfere with work of other trades, he shall assist in working out space conditions to
make a satisfactory adjustment. If so directed by the Owner’s site representative, the
contractor shall prepare composite working drawings and sections at a suitable scale,
not less than 1:50, clearly showing how his work is to be installed in relation to the
work of other trades. If the Contractor installs his work before coordinating with other
trades, or so as to cause any interference with work of other trades, he shall make all
the necessary changes without extra cost to the Owner.

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13.8 Within four weeks of approval of all the relevant shop drawings, the contractor shall
submit four copies of a comprehensive variation in quantity statement, and itemized
price list of recommended (by manufacturers) imported and local spare parts and
tools, covering all equipment and materials in this contract. The Project Manager shall
make recommendation to Owner for acceptance of anticipated variation in contract
amounts and also advise Owner to initiate action for procurement of spare parts and
tools at the completion of project.
13.09 The Contractor is responsible for bringing all shop drawings up to status approval in
the duration of the Contract and prior to completion of the Project. The
Contractor will update these drawings periodically to maintain an “as installed” set of
record drawings.

13.10 The Contractor shall provide the following number and type of copies of the
As Built drawings:-


- 3 No full size bound paper copies

- 3 No A3 bound paper copies.
- 3 No CD electronic copies


- 2 No full size bound paper copies

- 2 No A3 bound paper copies
- 2 No CD electronic copies

All full size (i.e. A0, A1, A2, A3) paper copies of the drawings will be provided and
bound along the left-hand edge. Each set of drawings will have a cover page
containing the “The Crest Development” graphic, the project name and the discipline
of the drawings. When included in the Bills of Quantities (Preliminaries Section), the
Contractor will provide the Owner with A0 / A1 Vista-plan drawing hangers and
wheeled racks to allow one set of drawings to be retained by the Owner. The Vista
plan racks will remain the property of the Owner.

The A3 copies of the As Built drawings will be bound on the left hand edge with a
suitable binding screw bolt device

The electronic copies will be provided in CD formatted in AutoCAD 2010 or

suitable version as approved by the Owner along with pdf versions of the same.
Where drawings have not been drawn in AutoCAD 2010 the Contractor shall
electronically scan these drawings and insert them as PDF files. PDF and
DWF/DWG files should also be published in the relevant folder on the Expedition
System. The electronic information is to be logically filed on separate CD’s to provide:

 Consultants Architectural Drawings.

 Consultants Structural Drawings.
 Consultants MEP Drawings.
 Contractors Shop Drawings.
 Sub-Contractors Shop Drawings.
 DHBVN / Authority Approval Drawings.

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All equipment shall operate under all conditions of load without any sound or vibration
which is objectionable in the opinion of the Owner’s site representative. In case of
rotating machinery sound or vibration noticeable outside the room in which it is
installed, or annoyingly noticeable inside its own room, shall be considered
objectionable. Such conditions shall be corrected by the Contractor at his own
expense. The contractor shall guarantee that the equipment installed shall maintain
the desired NC levels.

The Contractor shall verify the sufficiency of the size of the shaft openings,
clearances in cavity walls and suspended ceilings for proper installation of his piping
and other ancillaries. His failure to communicate insufficiency of any of the above,
shall constitute his acceptance of sufficiency of the same. The Contractor shall locate
all equipment which must be serviced, operated or maintained in fully accessible
positions. The exact location and size of all access panels, required for each
concealed, valve or other devices requiring attendance, shall be finalized and
communicated in sufficient time, to be provided in the normal course of work. Failing
this, the Contractor shall make all the necessary repairs and changes at his own
expense. Access panel shall be standardized for each piece of equipment / device /
accessory and shall be clearly nomenclatured / marked.


All materials and equipment shall conform to the relevant Indian Standards and shall
be of the approved make and design. Makes shall be strictly in conformity with list of
approved manufacturers as per Appendix - III.


Where manufacturer has furnished specific instructions, relating to the material and
equipment used in this project, covering points not specifically mentioned in these
documents, such instructions shall be followed in all cases.


The electrical work related to Fire Fighting services, shall be carried out in full
knowledge of, and with the complete coordination of the contractor. The electrical
installation shall be in total conformity with the control wiring drawings prepared by the
contractor and approved by the Architect/Consultant. All equipment shall be
connected and tested in the presence of an authorized representative of the
The Fire Fighting system shall be commissioned only after the contractor has certified
in writing that the electrical installation work for Fire Fighting services has been
thoroughly checked, tested and found to be totally satisfactory and in full conformity
with the contract Drawings, Specifications and manufacturer’s instructions. It is to be
clearly understood that the final responsibility for the sufficiency, adequacy and
conformity to the contract requirements, of the electrical installation work for Fire
Fighting services, lies solely with the contractor.


On completion of the Electrical installation for Fire Fighting, a certificate shall be
furnished by the contractor, counter signed by the licensed supervisor, under whose
direct supervision the installation was carried out. This certificate shall be in the
prescribed form as required by the local authority.

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The contractor shall be responsible for getting the entire electrical installation for Fire
Fighting system duly approved by the local authorities concerned, and shall bear
expenses if any, in connection with the same.
Balancing of all water systems and all tests as called for the Specifications shall be
carried out by the contractor through a specialist group, in accordance with the
Specifications and ASPE / ASHRAE Guide lines and Standards. Performance test
shall consist of three days of 10 hour each operation of system for each season. Cost
of performance witness test of major equipment such as pumps, equipment, panels
etc. at factory with two personnel from Owners / Consultant shall be included.
The installation shall be tested again after removal of defects and shall be
commissioned only after approval by the Owner’s site representative. All tests shall
be carried out in the presence of the representatives of the Architect/Consultant and
Owner’s site representative.


Contractor shall periodically submit completion drawings as and when work in all
respects is completed in a particular area. These drawings shall be submitted in the
form of two sets of floppies / CD’s and four portfolios (300 x 450 mm) each containing
complete set of drawings on approved scale indicating the work as - installed. These
drawings shall clearly indicate complete plant room layouts, piping layouts, location
of wiring and sequencing of automatic controls, location of all concealed piping,
valves, controls, wiring and other services. Each portfolio shall also contain
consolidated control diagrams and technical literature on all controls. The contractor
shall frame under glass, in the plant room, one set of these consolidated control

Where applicable, the Contractor is responsible for the preparation of fully indexed
and cross referenced O&M Manuals from the out-set of the Contract. Refer to the
Technical Specifications for the detailed requirements for each O & M Manual.

The Contractor shall update the O&M Manuals periodically to maintain a set of
“as installed” record documents.

The Quality Manager’s duty shall include the responsibility for compiling the
O&M Manuals for each trade included in the Works incorporating all approved
documents relative to the proper operation and maintenance of the building on
completion. Refer to the Quality Control requirements (Section 15) set out in this
Volume for the information required.

The Contractor shall utilise the above information and provide a Planned
Preventative Maintenance Schedule advising the Owner how to operate and
maintain the installed plant and equipment following the issue of the Completion
Certificate in accordance with a fully indexed set of manufacturer’s instructions that
will be designed to allow the Owner to operate, service and maintain the Works whilst
observing, protecting and maintaining the warranties issued for such materials, plant
and equipment.

The Contractor shall provide three paper copies and three CDs (PDF Format) of the
O & M Manual. Electronic copies must also be published on the Expedition
System in .PDF format.

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The paper copies shall be A4 size and bound into loose leaf plastic ring binders
with a front pocket. The Contractor will insert the “The Crest” graphic into the pocket,
the volume number, the discipline i.e. Architectural, Structural, MEP, other. The O &
M Manuals will contain colour copies of all manufacturers’ product and maintenance
literature. Black and white copies of these documents will not be accepted.

The manuals are to be delivered to the Engineer in new aluminium chests that will
remain the property of the Owner.
These manuals shall also include basis of design, detailed technical data for each
piece of equipment as installed, spare parts manual and recommended spares for 4
year period of maintenance of each equipment.
“Preventive Maintenance Schedule for each equipment / panel shall be
submitted along with Operation and Maintenance Manual”.


Upon completion of all work and all tests, the Contractor shall furnish necessary
operators, labour and helpers for operating the entire installation for a period of fifteen
(15) working days of ten (10) hours each, to enable the Owner’s staff to get
acquainted with the operation of the system. During this period, the contractor shall
train the Owner’s personnel in the operation, adjustment and maintenance of all
equipment installed.


24.1 Complaints
The Contractor shall receive calls for any and all problems experienced in the
operation of the system under this contract, attend to these within 10 hours of
receiving the complaints and shall take steps to immediately correct any deficiencies
that may exist.
24.2 Repairs
All equipment that requires repairing shall be immediately serviced and repaired.
Since the period of Mechanical Maintenance runs concurrently with the defects
liability period, all replacement parts and labour shall be supplied promptly free-of-
charge to the Owner.
All equipment that requires repairing shall be immediately serviced and repaired.
Since the period of Mechanical Maintenance runs concurrently with the defects
liability period, all replacement parts and labour shall be supplied promptly free-of-
charge to the Owner.
The contractor shall guarantee for the installed system an uptime of 98%. In case of
shortfall in any month during the defects liability period, the Defects Liability period
shall get extended by a month for every month having shortfall. In case of shortfall
beyond the defects liability period, the contract for Operation and Maintenance shall
get extended by a month for every month having the shortfall and no reimbursement
shall be made for the extended period.
The Contractor shall provide log in the form of diskettes and bound printed
comprehensive log book containing tables for daily record of all pressures, power
consumption. Starting and stopping times for various equipment daily services
rendered for the system alarms, maintenance and record of unusual observations etc.
Contractor shall also submit preventive maintenance schedule.
Each tenderer shall submit along with the tender, a detailed operation assistance
proposal for the Owner’s site representatives/Consultant’s review. This shall include

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the type of service planned to be offered during Defects Liability Period and beyond.
The operation assistance proposal shall give the details of the proposed monthly
reports to the Management.
The tenderer shall include a list of other projects where such an Operation Assistance
has been provided.
Contractor may be required to carry out the operation of the Fire Fighting installation
for the defects liability period. Further, he may also be required to carry out operation
and all inclusive maintenance of the entire system for a period of three years beyond
the defects liability period.
26.1 Operation contract
i. 24 hours a day, year round.
ii. All stand-by equipment to be operated as per mutually agreed programme.
iii. Proper entry and unkeep of relevant log books.
iv. Maintain complaints register. Submit weekly report.
v. Proper housekeeping of all areas under the contract.
vi. Prepare daily consumption report and summary of operation.
26.2 Terms of payment
i. Monthly at the end of each month on pro-rata basis.
26.3 All Inclusive Maintenance Contract
a. Routine Preventive Maintenance Schedule to be submitted
i. Schedule to cover manufacturer’s recommendation and/or common
engineering practice (for all plant and machinery under contract).
ii. Plant and machinery history card giving full details of equipment and
frequency of checks and overhaul.
iii. Monthly status report.
iv. Entire Fire Protection installation to be painted in fourth year (from
commissioning) before the expiry of operation and maintenance contract.
b. Uptime during maintenance contract
i. 98% uptime of all systems under contract.
ii. Up time shall be assessed every month and in case of shortfall during any
month the contract shall be extended by a month.
iv. There shall be no reimbursement for the extended period.
iv. Break-downs shall be attended to within ten hours of reporting.
v. Spare compressor/motor assembly to be made available within seven
calendar days in case of total breakdown/burnout.
c. Manpower
i. Adequate number of persons to the satisfaction of the Owner’s site representative
shall be provided including relievers.
ii. Statutory requirements of EPF, ESIC and other applicable labour legislations to
be complied with; and monthly certification to that effect to be submitted.
iii. Duty allocation and Roaster control shall be contractor’s responsibility.

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iv. No overtime shall be payable by Owner for any reason whatsoever.

d. Shut Downs
i. Routine shut downs shall be permitted only during winter season.
ii. Contractor shall be at liberty to carry out routine maintenance as and when
required but with prior permission of the Owner.
e. Payment Terms
i. Quarterly payment at the beginning of each quarter on pro-rata basis.


Owner through the Architect/Consultant/ Owner’s site representative reserves the
right to order equipment and material from any and all alternates, and /or to order high
side and /or low side equipment and materials or parts thereof from one or more

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S. No. Items Clause No. Remarks

1. 4-Copies of Proforma Invoice

4- sets of Technical Literature
Packing Specifications

2. Performance Guarantee

3. All Permits / Licenses

4. Technical Data

5. Manufacturer’s Drawings,
Catalogues & Pamphlets &
Other Documents

6. Variation in Quantity

7. Electrical Installation

8. Operating Instructions &

Maintenance Manual

9. Soft water & Power


10. Appendix - II

11. Testing, Adjusting and


Note: The above list is only for guide line of the contractor. The contractor shall thoroughly
check all document and submittals required as per the tender document and submit them in
time as per the requirement.

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