Fire Fighting - Technical Specifications - G04 - MEPSSPL Comments
Fire Fighting - Technical Specifications - G04 - MEPSSPL Comments
Fire Fighting - Technical Specifications - G04 - MEPSSPL Comments
S. No. Description Page No.
a. 1 No. Electric Hydrant Pump : Capacity 47.5 LPS; 2850 LPM 120 Mt head
b. 1 No. Electric Sprinkler Pump : Capacity 47.5 LPS; 2850 LPM 70 Mt head
c. 1 No. Electric Water Curtain Pump : Capacity 75 LPS; 4500 LPM 70 Mt head
d. 1 No. Diesel Engine Driven Pump : Capacity 47.5 LPS; 2850 LPM 120 Mt head
e. 1 No. Diesel Engine Driven Pump : Capacity 75 LPS; 4500 LPM 70 Mt head
f. 2 No. Jockey Pump- Hydrant/ Sprinkler : Capacity 3 LPS; 180 LPM 70/120 Mt head
g. 1 No. Jockey Pump- Curtain : Capacity 7.5 LPS; 450 LPM 70 Mt head
Upper Zone
a. 1 No. Electric Hydrant Pump : Capacity 47.5 LPS; 2850 LPM 200 Mt head
b. 1 No. Electric Sprinkler Pump : Capacity 47.5 LPS; 2850 LPM 150 Mt head
c. 1 No. Diesel Engine Driven Pump : Capacity 47.5 LPS; 2850 LPM 200 Mt head
d. 2 No. Jockey Pump- Hydrant/ Sprinkler: Capacity 3 LPS; 180 LPM 150/200 Mt head
Down Comer Pump (Terrace Level) :Capacity 900 LPM 35m Head(Each Block )
Electrical pump shall provide adequate flow for catering requirement of hydrant system.
Diesel engine driven fire pumps shall be provided for ensuring operation & performance
of the system in case of total electrical power failure. Jockey pumps shall compensate
for pressure drop and line leakage in the hydrant and sprinkler installation. Provision of
PRS/ orifice plate shall be made in sprinkler riser to restrict pressure on sprinkler
Individual suction lines shall be drawn from the fire reserve tanks at the basement level
and connected to independent fire suction header. The electric fire pumps, diesel
engine driven fire pumps and the jockey pumps shall all draw from this suction header.
Delivery lines from various pumps shall also be connected to a common header in order
to ensure that maximum standby capacity is available. The sprinkler pump shall be
isolated from the main discharge header by a non-return valve so that the hydrant pump
can also act as standby for the sprinkler system. The ring main shall remain pressurized
at all times and Jockey pumps shall make up minor line losses. Automation required to
make the system fully functional shall be provided. (Warranty period 24 month from
date of commissioning)
Elaborate automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout the Public areas
as explained above. The system shall be suitably zoned for its optimum functional
Sprinklers need not performance.
be provided in
toilets being a wet The maximum floor area on any one floor to be protected by sprinkler supplied by any
one sprinkler system riser or combined system riser shall be covered 52,000 sqft area
area and private
of each control valve, flow and tamper switches at suitable location and shall be
toilets. Reasoning / connected to control module of the fire alarm system for its monitoring and
relevant clause to annunciation in case of activation.
be kindly provided
to validate the Sprinkler type along with its bulb rating shall be selected based on the requirement of
same. the space and shall be specified accordingly.
Wet pipe sprinkler shall be provided for all habitable spaces such as Apartments,
corridors and other
Where public
ceiling is more than 800mm deep
Two layer of sprinklers at common areas like lift lobby areas, corridors etc. will be done
by developer. Pipe sizing should be done by consideration of both the levels of sprinkler
system. (Warranty period 12 month from date of commissioning)
discharge produces a flat 180° fan-shaped spray pattern. Used to produce a water
Water curtain in
curtain, they are installed on automatic deluge/solenoid valve systems including control
basements shall be wiring up to fire panel & ON/OFF arrangement and all other associated works of
designed for zones complete as required. A Deluge System is a fixed fire protection system in which the
of 1125 where pipe system is empty until the deluge valve operates to distribute pressurized water from
sprinkler grid is open nozzles or sprinklers. The deluge valve shall be activated by operation of a fire
4X3m and 750 sq. detection system installed in the same area as the sprinklers. The deluge system will be
mt. where sprinkler activated by an electric release system. But, the deluge valve itself shall be activated
hydraulically. When the detection device shall be activated, the deluge valve will be
grid is 3X3m. These
tripped and water flows into the piping system, discharging through all water curtain
zones should be nozzles. G.I.Medium class pipe shall be use after deluge valve. (Warranty period 12
identified on month from date of commissioning)
annunciation panel
for efficient
2.2.6 Clean agent fire protection system
Clean agent suppression system shall be provided for LT Panels & Transformer Rooms.
Fire drencher may be The system shall comprise of the Novac1230 gas module containing required quantity of
asked for by CFO at gas which shall be released when the actuator output is enabled by the fire alarm panel.
As per the design concentration, release of the gas shall be within 15 seconds time
refuge terraces on
elapsed from the actuation to put out the fire. The room shall be ventilated completely
each floor (although after the release of Novac1230 gas, before personnel can enter and work in the area.
not required as per
NBC). A specification
of the same should Hand held fire extinguishers
be included here. Portable fire extinguishers of water (gas pressure), Carbon-di-oxide and foam type
shall be provided as first aid fire extinguishing appliances. These extinguishers shall
Also a RO item in
be suitably distributed in the entire public as well as service areas. The following
BOQ as a provision. extinguisher shall be provided as per local Authorities (CFO). (Warranty period 12
month from date of commissioning)
a) One ABC Powder extinguisher of 5 kgs. capacity and two fire buckets filled with
clean dry fine sand should be provided for every 8 cars at each common
basement parking area and also on the setback parking area (under shelter).
b) One Co2 extinguisher of 2 kgs. capacity should be provided near the entrance to
each main switch board room, inside each lift machine room and inside each
b) One ABC Powder extinguisher of 5 kgs. capacity should be provided near the
transformer, if installed.
d) One ABC powder extinguisher of 5 kgs. capacity should be provided near the
entrance to the each D.G. Room.
e) Water type gas cartridge extinguisher of 9 Itrs capacity should be kept near each
staircase landing on every floor of each Building.
f) 4 Nos. Water type gas cartridge extinguishers, each of 9 Itrs capacity should be
kept inside each Hall. Hall, as in living room?
g) One Co2 extinguisher of 2 kgs. capacity should be provided inside each Room.
Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) form concentrate with water to generate foam,
the unit utilizes a nozzle with a venture that draws foam concentrate foam the nearby
concentrate storage tank up into the nozzle, proportions it with the water, and
discharges high quality foam onto the landing pad. To ensure foam is applied to the
entire landing pad foam one oscillating monitor/nozzle, a small portion of the water to
the unit is used to power the oscillating mechanism that sweeps the nozzle back and
forth across the landing pad automatically.
Following terrace Fire pump shall be used for helipad protection system.
The workmanship shall be best of its kind and shall conform to the specifications, as
below or Indian Standard Specifications in every respect or latest trade practices and
shall be subject to approval of the Owner’s Site Representative. All materials and/or
Workmanship which in the opinion of the Owner’s Site Representative / Architect /
Consultant is defective or unsuitable shall be removed immediately from the site and
shall be substituted with proper materials and/or workmanship forthwith.
All materials shall be best of their kind and shall conform to the latest Indian Standards.
All materials shall be of approved quality as per samples and origins approved by the
Owner’s Site Representative / Architect / Consultants.
As and when required by the Owner’s Site Representative / Consultant, the contractor
shall arrange to test the materials and/or portions of works at his own cost to prove their
soundness and efficiency. If after tests any materials, work or portions or work are found
defective or unsound by the Owner’s Site Representative / Consultant, the contractor
shall remove the defective material from the site, pull down and re-execute the works at
his own cost to the satisfaction of the Owner’s Site Representative / Consultant. To
prove that the materials used are as specified the contractor shall furnish the Owner’s
Site Representative with original vouchers on demand.
The scope of this section consists of but is not necessarily limited to supply, installation,
testing and commissioning of the fire protection system. The philosophy of the system is
as follows :
a. The Fire Suppression System shall comprise the Fire Hydrants System, the
Sprinkler System (Wet type), Hand Appliances.
b. Water from the underground 3 nos RCC Fire Water Storage Tanks, each of 200
cum capacity, shall be supplied for the uses listed below.
i. Fire Hydrant System (Pressurized) both for the external hydrants, the
internal landing valves and the hose reels at landings.
ii. Sprinkler System (Wet Type)
iii. Water Curtain System in the Basements.
c. The Hydrant System and the Sprinkler System, under normal conditions, shall be
lowest pressurized by means of the electric motor driven Jockey Pump.
d. The Hydrant System shall be provided with two pump sets, one of which will be
diesel engine driven and the other electric motor driven.
e. The Sprinkler System shall be provided with an electric motor driven pump set.
f. The Water curtain System shall be provided with an electric motor driven pump
set back up by diesel engine driven pump set.
g. The piping and valve connections shall be done so that the water from the
discharge of the Hydrant Pump sets is able to supply water, automatically to the
Sprinkler System whenever, the Sprinkler Pump is unable to maintain the
pressure or fails and not vice versa.
h. The starting and stopping of the Jockey pump shall be automatic based on the
pressure switches at preset low and high pressure.
i. The electric motor driven Hydrant Pump starts automatically at a preset pressure
by means of a pressure switch. As soon as the Hydrant Pump starts, the Jockey
Pump Stops. If for any reason the electric motor driven Hydrant Pump does not
start at the preset pressure or is unable to maintain the pressure, the diesel
engine driven Hydrant Pump starts at the preset pressure.
j. The Hydrant Pump, whether electric motor driven or the diesel engine driven
shall be stopped only manually.
k. The Sprinkler Pump shall be started automatically at a preset pressure but shall
be stopped only manually.
l. Contractor shall ensure that all false ceiling voids greater than 800 mm are
provided with sprinklers. both, upright and pendant type sprinklers
m. Contractor shall ensure Hydro Testing for the complete system.
n The Contractor shall obtain the necessary approval of the drawings and the
schemes from the local authority as called for. The contractor shall also take care
of any other requirement so that insurance cover can be obtained, if required at
minimum premium at a later date.
o. The contractor shall design and after approval of Project Manager display near
each staircase landing at floor levels, a glass covered framed floor plan clearly
showing the locations of all landing valves, hose reels, hand appliances, as well
as the DO’s and DON’T’s for the personnel and the exit direction in case of an
emergency. The dimensions of the floor plan, its scale, lettering size, colour
scheme etc shall be as directed by the Project Manager.
p. The Contractor shall provide labeling tag at each Valve.
All pipe clamps and supports shall be fabricated from MS steel sections use at site.
Welding of galvanized clamps and supports shall not be permitted.
Pipes shall be hung by means of expandable anchor fastener of approved make and
design. The hangers and clamps shall be fastened by means of galvanized nuts and
bolts. The size/diameter of the anchor fastener and the clamps shall be suitable to carry
the weight of water filled pipe and dead load normally encountered.
Hangers and supports shall be thoroughly galvanized after fabrication. The selection and
design of the hanger & support shall be capable of carrying the sum of all concurrently
acting loads. They shall be designed to provide the required supporting effects and allow
pipeline movements as necessary. All guides, anchor braces, dampener, expansion joint
and structural steel to be attached to the building/structure trenches etc. shall be
provided. Hangers and components for all piping shall be approved by the Consultants.
The piping system shall be tested for leakages at 2 times the operating pressure or 1.5
time shut-off pressure, whichever is highest including testing for water hammer effects.
Flanged joints shall be used for connections for vessels, equipment, flanged valves and
also on two straight lengths of pipelines of strategic points to facilitate erection and
subsequent maintenance work.
For pipes underground installation the pipes shall be buried at least one meter below
ground level and shall have 230 mm x 230 mm masonry or concrete supports at least
300 mm high at 3m intervals. Masonry work to have plain cement concrete foundation (1
cement: 4 coarse sand : 8 stone aggregate) of size 380x380x75 thick resting on firm
Mains below ground level shall be supported at regular intervals not exceeding 3.0
metres and shall be laid at least 2.0 metre away from the building.
Flexible Connections
Flexible connections at outlets of pumps shall be of stainless steel corrugated inner tube
and stainless steel wire braid outside the tube with flanged ends. The flexible
connectors shall be designed for excellent vibration and noise protection. Isolated
tension members shall be provided to prevent excessive elongation. The end flange
connection shall be rated at 20 kg/cm² (300 psi).
Flexible connections shall be suitable for the working fluid and for the working pressure
and temperature.
Expansion Joints
Pack-less type expansion connectors shall be used where the expansion and
contraction of the pipe is excessive or cannot be compensated for by expansion loops or
Anchors and pipe guides shall be provided and installed at the recommended locations.
All expansion connectors shall have flanged ends with working pressure corresponding
with the piping system.
Flexible pipe connections shall be installed at every structural expansion joint.
Water strainers shall be of the Y type. Strainers of 50 mm (2 inches) in diameter and
smaller shall have bronze or iron bodies with screwed connections while 65 mm (2 ½
inches) in diameter strainers and larger shall have iron bodies and flanged connections.
They shall have the same pressure rating as the piping system.
Water strainers shall comply with the requirements of the ASTM standards.
Screens shall be stainless steel with perforations as follows:-
Strainer Perforation
mm (inches) mm (inches)
Drains shall be installed to ensure easy access and convenience for maintenance and
removal of all piping, valves, fittings and equipment without undue spillage.
Drainage facilities shall be provided and suitably sized to drain expeditiously the entire
system and equipment involved.
Pressure Gauges
Pressure gauges shall be of the bourdon type, stainless steel casing, round type of 100
mm (4 inches) dial and scale range of approximately 150 per cent of the normal
operation. Pressure readings shall be in kg/cm² and psig.
A shut-off valves and snubbed with working pressure corresponding with the piping
system shall be provided for each pressure gauge.
Oil filled pressure gauges shall be installed where there is excessive vibration.
Meters shall be approved factory assembled Eagle Eye flow meters or equal approved.
Each station shall be completed with safety shut-off valves and quick connect coupling
Annubar elements shall be made of stainless steel and rated to 20 kg/cm² (300 psig) at
204°C (400°F).
The flow measuring equipment shall be the product of Annubar by Ellison Instrument
Division, Dieterich Standard Copr., or approved equivalent.
Each station shall be tagged by means of a brass tag, attached with a chain, that
indicates the station number, meter setting and m3/h (or gpm).
The flow meters shall be equipped with a built-in electronic totallizer, a square- root
extractor, and a power unit for the transmitter to the central control panel.
Pipe work and fittings shall be supported by hangers or brackets so as to permit free
expansion and contraction. Risers shall be supported at each floor with Galvanised
steel clamps.
The end of the steel rods shall be threaded and not welded to the threaded bolt.
All pipe work shall be carried out in a proper workman like manner, causing minimum
disturbance to the existing services, buildings, roads and structure. The entire piping
work shall be organized in consultation with other agencies work, so that area can be
carried out in one stretch.
Cut-outs in the floor slab for installing the various pipes area are indicated in the
drawings. Contractor shall carefully examine the cut-outs provided and clearly point
out wherever the cut-outs shown in the drawings, do not meet with the requirements.
Pipe sleeves, larger diameter than pipes, shall be provided wherever pipes pass
through walls and slab and annular space filled with fiberglass and finished with
retainer rings.
The contractor shall make sure that the clamps, brackets, saddles and hangers
provided for pipe supports are adequate or as specified / approved by Consultants.
Piping layout shall take due care for expansion and contraction in pipes and include
expansion joints where required.
All pipes shall be accurately cut to the required sizes in accordance with relevant BIS
codes and burrs removed before laying. Open ends of the piping shall be closed as
the pipe is installed to avoid entrance of foreign matter. Where reducers are to be
made in horizontal runs, eccentric reduces shall be used for the piping to drain freely.
In other locations, concentric reduces may be used.
Automatic air valves shall be provided at all high points in the piping system for
venting. All valves shall be of 15mm pipe size and shall be associated with an equal
size gate valves. Automatic air valves shall be provided on water risers.
Discharge from the air valves shall be piped through a pipe to the nearest drain or
sump. All pipes shall be pitched towards drain points.
Pressure gauges shall be provided as shown on the approved drawings. Care shall
be taken to protect pressure gauges during pressure testing.
conventional welded joints up to the 65 mm dia and for pipe 50 mm & below should be
As per fianl BOQ threaded.
and discussions in
Fabricated fittings shall not be permitted for pipes diameters 50mm and below in the
technical workshop:
common areas & basements.
40mm and below Grooved End Fittings used on pipe, Fittings shall be cast of ductile iron conforming to
threaded ASTM A-536, Grade 65-45-12. Fittings provided with an alkyd enamel finish or hot dip
galvanized to ASTM A-153. Zinc electroplated fittings and couplings conform to ASTM
B633. (Warranty period 36 month from date of commissioning)
50mm and above
2.6 Procedure For Pypkote / Coatek Application
Grooved couplers to A) Surface Preparation - The pipe surface shall be cleaned by a wire brush.
be designed for B) Application of Primer - Pypkote / Coatek primer is to be applied on pipes
risers to immediately after cleaning. This is to prevent any further accumulation of rust on
accommodate the pipe. This is a cold applied primer and is applied by brush.
thermal, sway C) Application of Pypkote / Coatek 4 mm Tape - After the primer is applied on the
movements pipe, it is allowed to dry for about 30 min. till it becomes touch dry. Before adhering
the tape to the pipe, it is advisable to gently heat the primer coated pipe by a run of
LPG torch. Remove the bottom polyethylene from the tape & then heat bottom
surface of the tape by LPG torch or any heat source & start wrapping the tape to
the pipe by heating the primer coated pipe & by removing the bottom polyethylene
from the tape before wrapping better adhesion between the tape & pipe is
obtained. Overlaps are maintained with a minimum of 12.5 mm.
D) Tape coating of weld joints - The tape is applied over the weld joints after the
necessary welding & testing methods of the joints is completed. The procedure for
application of tape shall be the same as bare pipe procedure. Overlaps on each
side of the weld joints shall be 50 mm.
E) A final coat of White wash with water based cement paint is done immediately over
the entire coated pipe.
F) “HOLIDAY” Testing must be required for the “External Piping”. The Contractor shall
be arrange all testing tools and machines for holiday testing.
2.7 Jointing
Design of the valve: The cover shall be bolted to the valve body and seated with a
flat gasket. Resilient seats shall be replaceable and provide drop tight shut off to the
full valve pressure rating. The floats shall be unconditionally guaranteed against
failure including pressure surges. Mechanical linkage shall provide sufficient
mechanical advantage so that the valve will open under full operating pressure.
Simple lever designs shall consist of a single pivot arm and a resilient orifice button.
Material: The valve body and cover shall be constructed of ASTM A126 Class B cast
iron for working pressure upto 300 psig. The higher pressure rated valves shall be
constructed of ASTM A536 Grade 65-45-12 ductile iron.
5.2 Marking
Each axe shall be clearly and permanently marked with the following information:
Manufacturer's name or trade-mark, if any;
Tested to 20 000 volts; and
Year of manufacture
1. The primary sealing surfaces are the heart of the device. A common
combination consists of a hard material, such as silicon carbide, Ceramic or
tungsten carbide, embedded in the pump casing and a softer material, such as
carbon in the rotating seal assembly. Many other materials can be used
depending on the liquid's chemical properties, pressure, and temperature.
These two rings are in intimate contact, one ring rotates with the shaft, the
other ring is stationary. These two rings are machined using a machining
process called lapping in order to obtain the necessary degree of flatness.
2. The secondary sealing surfaces (there may be a number of them) are those
other points in the seal that require a fluid barrier but are not rotating relative to
one another. Usually the secondary sealing elements are ‘O’-rings, PTFE
wedges or rubber diaphragms.
4. The primary sealing surfaces must be the only parts of the seal that are
permitted to rotate relative to one another, they must not rotate relative to the
parts of the seal that hold them in place. To maintain this non-rotation a method
of drive must be provided.
The fire brigade connection shall be fitted with four numbers of 63mm instantaneous
inlets in a glass fronted wall box at a suitable position at street level, so located as to
make the inlets accessible from the outside of the building. The size of the wall box shall
be adequate to allow hose to be connected to the inlets, even if the door cannot be
opened and the glass has to be broken. Each box shall have fall of 25mm towards the
front at its base and shall be glassed with wired glass with ”FIRE BRIGADE INLET”
painted on the inner face of the glass in 50 mm size block letter. Each such box shall be
provided with a steel hammer with chain for breaking the glass.
In addition to the emergency fire brigade connection to the storage tank, a 150mm
common connection shall be taken from the four 63mm instantaneous inlets direct to
hydrant main so that the fire brigade may pump to the hydrants in the event of the
hydrant pumps being out of commission. The connection shall be fitted with a sluice
valve and reflux valve. Location of these valve shall be as per the approval of the Project
Two way collecting head with two numbers 63 mm instantaneous type inlets shall be
connected to the sprinkler header. All other details shall be as described above.
(Warranty period 36 month from date of commissioning)
14.1 Sluice Valves
Sluice valves shall be double flanged valves with cast iron body. The spindle, wall seat
and wedge nuts shall be of bronze. They shall generally have non-rising spindle and
shall be of the particular duty and design called for.
The valves shall be supplied with suitable flanges, non- corrosive bolts and asbestos
fibre gaskets. Sluice valves shall conform to Indian Standard IS : 780-1969 and IS :
2906 . (Warranty period 36 month from date of commissioning)
All Hydrant and Sprinkler pipes shall be painted with post office red colour paint. All M S
pipes shall first be cleaned thoroughly before application of primer coat. After application
of primer coat two coats of enamel paint shall be applied. Each coat shall be given
minimum 24 hours drying time. No thinners shall be used. Wherever required all pipe
headers shall be worded indicating the direction of the pipe and its purpose such as "TO
RISER NO.1" etc.
Painting shall be expertly applied, the paint shall not over run on surfaces not requiring
painting such as walls, surfaces etc. Nuts and bolts shall be painted black, while valves
shall be painted blue. (Warranty period 24 month from date of commissioning)
Excavation for pipe lines shall be in open trenches to levels and grades shown on the
drawings or as required at site. Pipe lines shall be burried with a minimum cover of 1
meter or as shown on drawings.
Wherever required Contractor shall support all trenches or adjoining structures with
adequate timber supports, shoring and strutting.
On completion of testing in the presence of the Project Manager and pipe protection,
trenches shall be backfilled in 150 mm layers and consolidated.
Contractor shall dispose off all surplus earth as directed by the Project Manager.
reel shall be connected directly to the wet riser with an isolating valve. Hose reel
shall conform to IS:884 and shall be mounted vertically . This shall be measured
and paid for separately.
Lobby drain needs to e. Each internal hydrant hose cabinet shall be provided with a drain in the bottom
be incorporated in plate. The drain point shall be lead away to the nearest general drain.
the drawings f. Each internal hydrant hose cabinet containing items as above shall also be
provided with a nozzle spanner and a Fireman’s Axe. The cabinet shall be
recessed in the wall as directed. This shall be measured and paid for separately.
g. Each hose cabinet shall be conspicuously painted with the letters “FIRE HOSE”.
Upright style.
13 mm (½ inch) in diameter nominal orifice.
Chrome finish.
Temperature rating as specified on drawings.
68oC temperature rating or same temperature rating as of the existing sprinkler heads.
Water Curtain Nozzle distributes water in a flat curtain extending all the way to the
ground. Water Curtain Nozzle when mounted in pendent position acts as a window
spray nozzle to protect interior walls, windows and other openings of the building which
are affected by fire. The nozzles when mounted in horizontal position with flow towards
ground, a flat water curtain is produced to segregate the area which is under fire. Water
Curtain Nozzles are available in Brass and Stainless Steel construction with different
flow rate. The main pipeline strainer as per NFPA-15 is required. The distance between
two nozzles should be 2.5 meters ( maximum ) for better performance. (Warranty period
12 month from date of commissioning)
The solenoid valve shall have a two-way type with one inlet and one outlet. It is a
packless, internal pilot operated valve, suitable for use in releasing water pressure from
the priming chamber. The solenoid valve has floating diaphragm construction, which
requires a minimum pressure drop across the valve to operate properly. The valves are
available with a voltage rating of 24V DC in a normally closed or normally open
configuration, or 110/50-120/60 normally closed configuration. These solenoid valves
are for use with system control units that are listed and/or approved for releasing
service for water based fire protection systems.
The solenoid valve shall have an internal pilot operated valve with pilot and bleed
orifices utilizing line pressure for operation. Normally closed, de-energized valves open
when energized. Power is applied to the solenoid coil, causing the solenoid core to lift,
opening the pilot orifice to the outlet side of the valve. This relieves pressure on the top
side of the diaphragm and allows the line pressure to open the valve. When de-
energized, the solenoid core reseals the pilot orifice, allowing the line pressure to build
above the diaphragm, closing the valve.
ASTM C-834-00 specification for latex sealing compounds. USDA acceptance for use in
meat and poultry processing plants, ASTM C-919 standard practice per use of sealants
in acoustical applications, and ASTM E-90-09. Fire Rated System: Two-hour Fire and
Temperature Rated wall and floor joint systems up to 7" (178mm) wide and four-hour
systems up to 4" Ultra Block fire blocking material in fire-rated walls and floors.
Reference: ANSI/UL 263, ASTM E-119, NFPA No. 251. The guarantee of flow
measuring assembly shall be 18 months from the date of dispatch or 12 months from
commissioning whichever is earlier.
22.3 Measurement
Fire extinguishers shall be counted in numbers and include installation of all necessary
items required as given in the specifications.
coated. The cartridge shall be as per IS, and have 60 gm net carbon dioxide gas for
expelling. The extinguisher, body and cap shall be treated to an internal hydraulic
pressure of 25 Kg/cm2. It shall have external marking with letter A, of 2.5 cm height, in
block letters within a triangle of 5 cm each side. The extinguisher shall be upright in
operation, with the body placed on ground and discharge tube with nozzle held in one
hand to give a throw of not less than 6 mtr, and continue so for atleast 60 secs. The
extinguisher body shall be clearly marked with ISI stamp (IS 940). (Warranty period 12
month from date of commissioning)
Unless otherwise specified, the dry chemical powder shall be of mono ammonium
phosphate(MAP) base with additive to prevent caking. The units shall have at least UL
rating 6A : 10BC.
Automatic fire extinguishers shall be refillable type.
(Warranty period 12 month from date of commissioning)
The Mobile Foam and Powder Fire Extinguisher with nitrogen propellant cylinder. All
the components of form and powder fire extinguisher shall be in compliance with the
ISO 2859-1 standard.
22.10.1Component’s Constructions
The trolley structure should be made of steel sections, with rubber wheels. The foam
cylinder, the nitrogen cylinder and the accessories should be fixed by saddles on a
sturdy hand pulled trolley. The arrangement of the individual equipment should be
designed for maximum ease of handling
22.10.3Extinguisher Unit
The foam cylinder should be made of Mild steel, while the one containing the powder
is made of Mild steel, both tested at 35 kgf/cm2. A large-diameter threaded ring nut
should be welded at the top of the cylinders for easy charging and internal inspection
during periodic testing. The rear part of the trolley should be fixed with the
pressurization, control and discharge unit consisting of a nitrogen cylinder tested at
250 bars 6.8 Ltr. charged at 200 bars and having a rapid opening valve for quick
pressurization of the powder and foam cylinders. The discharge of nitrogen for the
pressurization is controlled by an intermediate pressure reducer calibrated at 12 bars,
so, as to obtain a uniform discharge at constant pressure. Two on-off valves placed
between the reducer and the cylinders can allow independent pressurization of the
two cylinders. The discharge should be controlled by means of two spray nozzles
made of light alloy/plastic with ergonomically designed handgrip for an easy and rapid
grip. The spray nozzles should be fed by two plastic hoses, each of 19mm diameter
and 5m long and should offer maximum agility and ease of handling to the operator.
The unit is charged with ABC 50% powder, compatible with the AFFF 6% film-forming
The mobile fire extinguisher is used in large fires of any class A, B, or C type, of
vertically stored goods and of inflammable liquids that can spread on the surface.
Normally it is used by first discharging the foam to knock down the high flames and
then if necessary using the powder, compatible with the foam, to immediately put out
already reduced flames
MAINTENANCE: Maintenance should be done in compliance with IS: 2190
standard (Warranty period 12 month from date of commissioning)
23.1 Scope
Work under this section shall consist of furnishing all labour, materials, equipment and
appliances necessary and required to completely install electrically operated and diesel
driven pumps and as required by drawings and specified hereinafter or given in the
schedule of rates.
a. Electrically operated pumps with motors and diesel engine driven pumps with
diesel engine, common base plates, coupling, coupling guard and accessories.
b. Automatic starting system with all accessories, wiring and connections and
pressure switches.
c. Motor control centre.
d. Annunciation system with all accessories wiring and connections.
e. Pressure gauges with isolation valves and piping, bleed and block valves.
f. Suction strainers and accessories.
g. Vibration eliminator pads and foundation bolts.
h. Leak-off drain shall be led to the nearest floor drain.
Water Bellows
23.2 General Requirements
Pumps shall be installed true to levels on suitable concrete foundations. Base plate shall
be firmly fixed by properly grouted foundation bolts.
Pumps and motors shall be truly aligned by suitably instruments. Record of such
alignment shall be furnished to the Project Manager.
All pump connections shall be standard flanged type with number of bolts as per
relevant standard requirement for the working pressure. Companion flanges shall be
provided with the pumps.
Manufacturers’ instructions regarding installation, connections and commissioning shall
be strictly followed.
Contractor shall provide necessary test certificates, type test certificates, performance
curves and NPSH curves of the pumps from the manufacturer when called for. The
contractor shall provide facilities to the Project Manager & Consultant for inspection of
equipment during manufacturing and also to witness various tests at the manufacturer’s
works without any cost to the Project Manager or Consultant.
Seismic isolation and clamping for each pump and flexible connection on the suction as
well as the discharge side shall be provided.
The contractor shall submit with this tender a list of recommended spare parts for three
years of normal operation and quote the prices for the same as a separate submittal /
The motor shall be squirrel cage A.C. induction type suitable for operation on 415 volts 3
phase 50 Hz. system. The motor shall be totally enclosed fan cooled type conforming to
protection clause IP 55. The class of insulation shall be F. The synchronous speed shall
be 1500 RPM as specified. The motor shall be rated for continuous duty and shall have
a horse power rating necessary to drive the pump at 150 per cent of its rated discharge
with at least 65 per cent rated head. The motor shall conform to I.S.325-1978.
(Warranty period 36 month from date of commissioning)
Motor Starter
The motor starter shall be as per detail in MCC. The unit shall include suitable current
transformer and ammeter of suitable range on one line to indicate the current. The
starter shall not incorporate under voltage, no voltage trip overload or SPP.
The starter assembly shall be suitably integrated in the power and control panel for the
wet riser system & sprinkler system. (Warranty period 24 month from date of
Diesel Engine
Engine Rating - The engine shall be cold starting type without the necessity of
preliminary heating of the engine cylinders or combustion chamber (for example, by
wicks, cartridge, heater, plugs etc.). The engine shall be multi cylinder/vertical 4 stroke
cycle, air-cooled, diesel engine, developing suitable HP at the operating speed specified
to drive the fire pump. Continuous capacity available for the load shall be exclusive of
the power requirement of auxiliaries of the diesel engine, and the after correction for
altitude, ambient temperature and humidity for the specified environmental conditions.
This shall be at least 20% greater than the maximum HP required to drive the pump at
its duty point. It shall also be capable of driving the pump at 150% of the rated discharge
at 65% of rated head. The engine shall be capable of continuous non-stop operation for
8 hours and major overhaul shall not be required before 3000 hours of operation. The
engine shall have 10% overload capacity for one hour in any period of 12 hours
continuous run. The engine shall accept full load within 15 seconds from the receipt of
signal to start. The diesel engine shall conform to BS 649/IS 1601/IS 10002, all
amended up to date.
a. Engine Accessories - The engine shall be complete with the following
Fly wheel dynamically balanced.
Direct coupling for pump and coupling guard.
Corrosion Resistor.
Air cleaner.
Fuel service tank support, and fuel oil filter with necessary pipe work.
Elect. starting battery (2X24 v).
Exhaust silencer with necessary pipe work.
Instrument panel housing all the gauges, including Tachometer, hour meter and
starting switch with key (for manual starting).
Necessary safety controls.
b. Fuel System - The fuel shall be gravity fed from the engine fuel tank to the
engine driven fuel pump. The engine fuel tank shall be mounted either over or
adjacent to the engine itself or suitably wall mounted on bracket. The fuel filter
shall be suitably located to permit easy servicing.
All fuel tubing to the engine shall be with copper, with flexible hose connections
where required. Plastic tubing shall not be permitted.
The fuel tank shall be of welded steel construction (3 mm. thick) and of capacity
sufficient to allow the engine to run on full load for at least 8 hours. The tank shall
be complete with necessary wall mounted supports, level indicator (protected
against mechanical injury) inlet, outlet, overflow connections and drain plug and
piping to the engine fuel tank. The outlet shall be so located as to avoid entry of
any sediments into the fuel line to the engine.
As semi rotary hand pump for filling the daily service tank together with hose pipe
5 mtr. long with a foot valve etc. shall also form part of the scope of supply.
c. Lubricating Oil System- Forced feed Lub. Oil system shall be employed for
positive lubrication. Necessary Lub. oil filters shall be provided, located suitably
for convenient servicing.
d. Starting System- The starting system shall comprise necessary batteries
(2x24v), 24 volts starter motor of adequate capacity and axle type gear to match
with the toothed ring on the fly wheel. Bi metallic relay protection to protect
starting motor from excessively long cranking runs suitably integrated with
engine protection system shall be included within the scope of the work.
The capacity of the battery shall be suitable for meeting the needs of the starting
The battery capacity shall be adequate for 10 consecutive starts without
recharging with cold engine under full compression.
The scope shall cover all cabling, terminals, initial charging etc.
e. Exhaust System - The exhaust system shall be complete with silencer suitable
for outdoor installation and silencer piping including bends and accessories
needed for a run of 15 metre from the engine manifold.(Adjustment rates for
extra lengths shall also be given). The total back pressure shall not exceed the
engine manufacture's recommendation. The exhaust piping shall be suitably
f. Engine shut down mechanism- This shall be auto/ manually operated and shall
return automatically to the starting position after use.
g. Governing System- The engine shall be provided with an adjustable governor to
control the engine speed within 5% of its rated speed under all conditions of load
up to full load. The governor shall be set to maintain rated pump speed at
maximum pump load.
h. Engine Instrumentation- Engine instrumentation shall include the following:-
i) Lub. oil pressure gauge.
23.8 Interlocking
The following inter-locking between the two main fire pumps (i.e. wet riser pump &
sprinkler pump), the jockey pump and the diesel engine driven pump.
Only one category of pumps will work at a time i.e. either jockey pump or main fire
pumps (wet riser and sprinkler, both the wet riser and sprinkler can come up at a time)
or diesel driven pump.
Diesel pump is standby iv. OFF ON ON OFF
to main pump. Both v. OFF OFF ON ON
should never operate vi. OFF OFF OFF ON
together. vii OFF ON OFF ON
23.9 Annunciation Panel
One solid state electronic annunciation panel, fully wired with visual display and audible
alarm unit shall be provided to indicate :
a. Flow condition in any flow switch indicating the area of distress and fire alarm.
b. Starting and stopping of each hydrant pump.
c. Starting and stopping of each jockey pump.
d. Starting and stopping of each sprinkler pump.
e. Failure of Hydrant / Sprinkler pump to start.
f. High level in fire water storage tank compartment.
g. Low level in fire water storage tank compartment.
h. Low level in HSD day tank of the fire pump.
The panel shall be factory fabricated, wired and tested. All details shall be submitted
with the tender.
The annunciation panel shall be located in the security office / reception on the ground
floor or as instructed by the Project Manager.
Supply and installation of Carbon Dioxide Fire Suppression System shall be made in
accordance with latest NFPA 12. All pertinent equipment must be listed by U.L. or
approved by Factory Mutual for the intended application.
CO2 system shall have a certificate from manufacturer. The contractor shall submit
this certificate for approval prior to installation.
Drawings shall be in sufficient detail to indicate the type, size, and arrangement of
component materials and devices; and the dimensions needed for installation and
correlation with other materials and equipment.
All drawings and complete calculation sheets from a U.L. listed computer program
shall be submitted for review and approval prior to installation.
The contractor shall furnish detailed brochures outlining the operation, recharge and
service of the system. Maintenance procedures for the owner shall be outlined. In
addition, the contractor shall furnish the equipment manufacturer’s recommended
spare parts lists with information regarding availability and ordering instructions.
The contractor shall utilize an equipment manufacturer that will provide a 12 month
warranty against false discharges when all conditions of the equipment manufacturer
are fulfilled for this type of warranty. Details of this warranty shall be furnished upon
CO2 fire suppression systems shall be of the engineered, permanently piped, fixed
nozzle type with all pertinent components of the same manufacturer.
The control panel shall be electronic releasing device, and consist of a solid state
control unit, capable of operating directly from the supplied power of 24V DC
emergency power of standby power capabilities.
The control panel for Carbon Dioxide shall consist of the specified input (detection).
Output (signaling) power and control circuits, all connected to function panel, shall be
equipped with the specified input and output circuit modules, and installed in one or
more specified equipment cabinets.
Power supply & control panel is consisting of a main DC power supply and automatic
battery charger. The main DC power supply shall operate on a 220V AC, 50 Hz
primary power input, and provides system operating power at 24V DC. A system fault
current shall cause power supply output to switch off standby power source is a lead-
acid dry type battery of 24-hour standby power current.
Loss of primary AC power input shall cause a system trouble warning and remote to
the engineering room and cause the system to transfer to the standby power. Upon
the restoration of the AC power, the system shall transfer back to AC-power operation
LED indicators shall be provided on the front cover to annunciate the following
Pipe material
For pipe sizes of 20mm in diameter and smaller, the pipe material shall be seamed
black steel pipe conform to ASTM53 or A106 schedule 40 grade B.
For pipe sizes of 25mm in diameter and larger, the pipe material shall be seamed
black steel pipe conform to ASTM53 or A106 schedule 80 grade B.
Fittings shall be ANSI 300 lb. class malleable iron, ASTM A-197, ANSI 300 lb. Class
ductile iron, ASTM A-395; or steel, ASTM A-234.
Agent (CO2)
CO2 agent storage containers shall be of alloy steel construction in accordance with
D.O.T. specification 49 CFR 171–190 and finished in baked red enamel paint.
Initial filling and recharge shall be done in accordance with the manufacturer’s
established procedures and shall not require replacement components for normal
Nameplates indicating manufacturer’s name and part number, agent fill weight, total
charged weight, date of fill shall be permanently bonded to each container.
Each container shall have the means to accommodate lifting devices to facilitate
weighing, removal and replacing.
Tank assembly shall have a pressure gauge and low pressure switch to facilitate
continuous supervision of tank pressure.
CO2 Actuators
Discharge Nozzles
CO2 discharge nozzles shall be of one piece aluminum or brass construction sized
to provide flow rates in accordance with system design.
Nozzles shall be permanently marked with the manufacturer’s part number, number
of orifices and orifice code. The nozzle shall be threaded directly to the discharge
piping without the use of special adapters.
Smoke Detector
Smoke detector shall be dual ionization chamber twist-lock base that compatible
with a system control equipment.
The system smoke detector shall have a flashing status-indicating LED for visual
supervision, When the detector is actuated, the flashing LED will latch on steadily at
full brilliance. The detector may be reset by actuating the control panel reset switch.
The sensitivity of the detector shall be monitored without removal of the detector
head. Metering test points shall be possible when conditions necessitate a change.
Abort Station
The digital readout countdown timer with abort switch will be provided at exit point.
The countdown time will require 0-60 second adjustability.
Abort station shall be UL listed or F.M. approved.
Manual Station
The manual station shall be of push button switch or pull handle type used in
conjunction with CO2 control panel.
Manual station shall be UL listed or F.M. approved.
Alarm Bell
Bell alarm shall not be less than 80 dBA at 24 VDC
The housing constructed with high quality die casting with a baked red finish.
Alarm bell shall be UL listed or F.M. approved.
Strobe Horn
The horn shall not be less than 96 dBA at 24 VDC
Strobe horn consume power not more than 0.75 amp at 24 VDC
Strobe horn shall be UL listed or F.M. approved.
Warning Signs
Etched aluminum warning signs shall be provided at all entrance and exits of the
protected area.
Entrance sign shall read: “WARNING - DO NOT ENTER ROOM WHEN ALARM
All rooms protected by a gas fire suppression system shall be tested to confirm the
integrity of the room structure and all penetrations.
Testing shall be undertaken only after all penetrations in the structure have been
sealed, all cable wire-ways have been sealed and all doors have been fitted.
A single door shall be removed in each room to be tested for the purpose of
installing test equipment. Sealing of all other door openings, other than through use
of the final installed door panel, is prohibited. Any sealing identified during the
testing shall be removed and the testing repeated until a satisfactory result is
Should for any reason fire barrier seals or room penetration seals be removed
following the completion of the testing, tests shall be repeated.
The carbon dioxide system installer shall obtain written confirmation from all
contractors involved in the construction of the room and associated support systems
that the room structure is sealed correctly and that no further work is to be
undertaken that will cause the integrity of the room to be compromised.
The contractor shall allow for a minimum of two full room integrity tests. Additional
costs for testing in excess of two times will be charged to the contractor identified as
responsible for not correctly sealing room penetrations.
The carbon dioxide extinguishing system shall be fully tested to confirm the correct
performance of the system.
Spare rupture valves and charged compressed air cylinders shall be provided to
allow a minimum of three complete discharge tests.
Full discharge testing shall be conducted only after completion of the room integrity
25.1 SCOPE
Automatic Novec 1230 Clean Agent Flooding System complete for electrical panels
with Linear Pneumatic Heat Sensing tube, cylinder, valves, integration with Main Fire
Alarm Control Panel for status monitoring etc. The work to be executed by
experienced and specialized company dealing in Clean agent Linear Pneumatic Heat
Sensing tube System shall cover:
Providing Direct Panel Clean Agent Gas Novec 1230 Flooding System with Linear
Pneumatic Heat Sensing tube inside the panels. Audio-visual annunciation devices
for indicating incidence of fire. Any other item required to the successful
commissioning of the system.
The electrical panel fire suppression system shall be complete with Direct Release
Clean agent storage cylinders for required capacities, extinguishing agent as
specified, Linear Pneumatic Heat Sensing tube, filling and end-of-line adaptors,
pressure switches, control equipment and all necessary accessories and push in
fittings to form a complete and working installation to protect the Electrical panel in
case of fire. The panels to be protected shall be determined as per the approval of the
engineer-in-charge. The system will have an interface with Main Fire Alarm and
Control Panel. In case of fire in the concerned Panel, indication of Linear Pneumatic
Heat Sensing System discharge status should come in Main Fire Alarm and Control
Clean Agent should be used with below mentioned properties
The Clean Agent should have Zero Ozone Depletion Potential. (ODP = 0)
The Clean Agent should be a low pressure agent.
The Clean Agent should be UL /FM approved
The Clean Agent should have Global Warming Potential of less than 1.
The Novec 1230 Clean Agent Automatic Direct System utilizes unique Linear
Pneumatic Heat Sensing flexible tubing that is attached to the top of the cylinder
valve. This Linear Pneumatic Heat Sensing tube is pressurized with dry nitrogen is
temperature sensitive and acts as a continuous linear thermal detector that ruptures
upon Flame impingement when the Temperature reaches 100 oC – 120 o C.
Once the detector tubing is ruptured forming a nozzle at the rupture point, it allows the
Clean Agent to flow through, distributing the extinguishing agent into the protected
area. Upon system actuation, the pressure switch can be used to indicate system
discharge, shutdown ventilation, shut-off electrical power etc may be required.
The Novec 1230 Clean Agent Automatic Direct System is designed and listed as an
Automatic unit. No manual or electric means is provided for simultaneous actuation of
multiple systems.
The Novec 1230 Clean Agent is stored in steel cylinders as a liquefied compressed
gas, super-pressurized with Dry Nitrogen to 13.5 Kg/cm2. The ambient operating
temperature range for all system components is (0oC to 54.4oC).
For the direct Novec 1230 Clean Agent systems, the tubing performs three functions:
Heat Detection, System Activation, and Clean Agent discharge. The tubing is installed
throughout the Electrical Panel volume, with one end connected to the top of the
Clean Agent container valve. The tubing is pressurized with Dry Nitrogen to 13.5
Kg/cm2 and maintains the system in the “OFF” position.
A pressure switch is connected at the Valve to monitor system pressure, system
actuation and/or to energize DE-energize electrically operated equipment.
Manufacturer recommends that all systems use a pressure switch coupled with some
other devices To alert personnel in the event of a system discharge
The system should have means to close the exhaust fans if installed in the panel at
the time of system activation
As desired by the engineer-in-charge the main supply of panel can be shut off with
the system.
The Detection Tubing should be red in colour, have outer diameter not less than 6
The Detection Tube should burst at Temperature of 100 o C to 120 o C
The cylinders(without valve) should be tested in accordance with IS 15683.
On completion of the installation of all pumps, piping, valves, pipe connections,
insulation etc. the Contractor shall proceed as follows:
a. Prior to start-up and hydraulic testing, the Contractor shall clean the entire
installation including all fitments and pipe work and the like after installation
and keep them in a new condition. All pumping systems shall be flushed and
drained at least once through to get rid of contaminating materials. All pipes
shall be rodded to ensure clearance of debris, cleaning and flushing shall be
carried out in sections as the installation becomes completed.
b. All strainers shall be inspected and cleaned out or replaced.
c. When the entire systems are reasonably clean, a pre-treatment chemical shall
be introduced and circulated for at least 8 hours. Warning signs shall be
provided at all outlets during pre-treatment. The pre-treatment chemical shall:
· Remove oil, grease and foreign residue from the pipe work and fittings;
· Pre-condition the metal surfaces to resist reaction with water or air.
· Establish an initial protective film;
· After pre-treatment, the system shall be drained and refilled with fresh
water and left until the system is put into operation.
· Details and procedures of the pre-treatment shall be submitted to the
Architect for approval.
d. Check all clamps, supports and hangers provided for the pipes.
e. Check all the equipment, piping and valves coming under hot water system
and operate each and every valve on the system to see if the valves are
functioning properly. Thereafter conduct & hydro test of the system as for (b)
f. Fill up pipes with water and apply hydrostatic pressure to the system as given
in the relevant section of the specification. If any leakage is found, rectify the
same and retest the pipes.
Fire Protection System
a. Check all hydrant valves by opening and closing : any valve found to be open
shall be closed.
b. Check all the piping under hydro test.
c. Check that all suction and delivery connections are properly made for all pump
d. Check rotation of each motor after decoupling and correct the same if
e. Test run each pump set.
f. All pump sets shall be run continuously for 8 hours (if required with temporary
piping back to the tank).
Commissioning and Testing
a. Pressurize the fire hydrant system by running the jockey pump and after it
attains the shutoff pressure of the pump , then
b. Open bypass valve and allow the pressure to drop in the system. Check that
the jockey pump cuts-in and cuts-out at the preset pressure. If necessary
adjust the pressure switch for the jockey pump. Close by-pass valve.
c. Open hydrant valve and allow the water to below into the fire water tank in
order to avoid wastage of water. The main fire pump shall cut-in at the preset
pressure and shall not cutout automatically on reaching the normal line
pressure. The main fire pump shall stop only by manual push button. However
the jockey pump shall cut-out as soon as the main pump starts,
d. Switch off the main fire pump and test check the diesel engine driven pump in
the same manner as the electrically driven pump,
e. When the fire pumps have been checked for satisfactory working on automatic
controls, open fire hydrant valves simultaneously and allow the hose pipes to
discharge water into the fire tank to avoid wastage.
f. Check each landing valve, male and female couplings and branch pipes, for
compatibility with each other. Any fitting which is found to be incompatible and
do not fit into the other properly shall be replace by the Contractor. Each
landing valve shall also be checked by opening and closing under pressure.
g. Check all annunciations by simulating the alarm conditions at site.
Sprinkler System
a. Start the sprinkler pump and develop the required pressure in the sprinkler
b. Open the test valve to test the automatic starting of the pump. If necessary ,
make necessary adjustments in the setting of pressure switch. The sprinkler
water gong alarm shall also operate when the test valve is open. This
operation is to be done for each and every section of the sprinkler system and
the alarm for each section (via flow switch) shall be checked for operation.
c. After satisfactory operation of the pump the Contractor shall set up mock fire
and test the system.
d. Check all annunciations by simulating the alarm conditions at site.
The Contractor shall also hand over all maintenance and operation manuals, all
certificates and all other documentation as per the terms of the contract to the Owner’s
site representative.
S.No. Details of Materials / Equipment Manufacturer’s Name
1. Fire / Sprinkler Main Pump / Jockey Wilo - Mather & Platt
2. Diesel Engine Mahindra
3. Motor ABB
Material of Construction
Pump Casing :
Impeller :
Pump Shaft :
Shaft Sleeve :
Casing Wearing Ring :
Base Plate :
Mechanical Seal :
Make of Mechanical Seal :
Wheather pumps are capable of :
discharging 150% of rated capacity at a
head not less than 65% of rated head.
Whether automatic priming arrangement :
Description of Motors
Make :
Model No. :
Type :
Frame size :
Speed (RPM) :
Rated Capacity (Power) :
Full load current :
Enclosure :
Coupling / Pulley :
Class of Insulation
Size of Foundation
For complete coupled set mounted over MS :
base frame
Material of Construction
Pump Casing :
Impeller :
Pump Shaft :
Shaft Sleeve :
Description of Engine
Make :
Model No. :
Type :
Frame size :
Speed (RPM) :
Rated Capacity (Power) :
Full load current :
Enclosure :
Coupling / Pulley :
No of Cylinder :
Fuel Pump & Water pump detail :
Engine Cooling & Oil System :
Diesel Oil tank capacity :
Fuel Oil storage shall ensure working of :
pump for number of hours
Size of Foundation
For complete coupled set mounted over MS :
base frame
Material of Construction
Pump Casing :
Impeller :
Pump Shaft :
Shaft Sleeve :
Casing Wearing Ring :
Base Plate :
Mechanical Seal :
Make of Mechanical Seal :
Description of Motor
Make :
Model No. :
Type :
Frame size :
Speed (RPM) :
Rated Capacity (Power) :
Full load current :
Enclosure :
Coupling / Pulley :
Size of Foundation
For complete coupled set mounted over MS :
base frame
Material of Construction
Pump Casing :
Impeller :
Pump Shaft :
Shaft Sleeve :
Casing Wearing Ring :
Base Plate :
Mechanical Seal :
Make of Mechanical Seal :
Description of Motor
Make :
Model No. :
Type :
Frame size :
Speed (RPM) :
Rated Capacity (Power) :
Full load current :
Enclosure :
Coupling / Pulley :
Size of Foundation
For complete coupled set mounted over MS :
base frame
15 NB TO 50 NB :
15 TO 50 NB Fittings :
65 NB TO 150 NB Pipes :
65 NB TO 150 NB Fittings :
200 NB ONWARDS Pipes :
200 NB ONWARDS Fittings :
250 NB ONWARDS Fittings :
300 NB ONWARDS Fittings :
Flanges :
Gaskets :
Material :
K Factor :
Performance test :
Type :
Diameter :
Temperature :
Make :
1.9 Extinguisher
Model :
Capacity :
Fire rating :
Average discharge time :
Diameter :
Filled weight :
Operating temperature :
Working pressure at 20 deg. C :
Maximum Service Pressure :
Test Pressure :
Make :
These special conditions are intended to amplify the General Conditions of Contract,
and shall be read in conjunction with the same. For any discrepancies between the
General Conditions and these Special Conditions, the more stringent shall apply.
The contractor shall guarantee that the Fire Fighting system as installed shall
maintain the design conditions as described under “Basis of Design” and relevant
clauses in the specifications. The guarantee shall be submitted in the proforma given
in Appendix - II.
Complete set of architectural drawings is available in the Architect/Consultant’s office
and reference may be made to same for any details or information. The contractor
shall also guarantee that the performance of various equipment individually, shall not
be less than the quoted capacity; also actual power consumption shall not exceed the
quoted rating, during testing and commissioning, handing over and guarantee period.
The Fire Fighting Drawings listed under Appendix-I, which may be issued with
tenders, are diagrammatic only and indicate arrangement of various systems and the
extent of work covered in the contract. These Drawings indicate the points of supply
and of termination of services and broadly suggest the routes to be followed. Under
no circumstances shall dimensions be scaled from these Drawings. The
architectural/interiors drawings and details shall be examined for exact location of
equipment and water supply / drainage piping etc.
The contractor shall follow the tender drawings in preparation of his shop drawings,
and for subsequent installation work. He shall check the drawings of other trades to
verify spaces in which his work will be installed.
Maximum headroom shall be maintained at all points. Where headroom appears
inadequate, the contractor shall notify the Architect/Consultant/Owner’s site
representative before proceeding with the installation. In case installation is carried
out without notifying, the work shall be rejected and contractor shall rectify the same
at his own cost.
The contractor shall examine all architectural, structural, Fire Fighting, electrical and
other services drawings and check the as-built works before starting the work, report
to the Owner’s site representative any discrepancies and obtain clarification. Any
changes found essential to coordinate installation of his work with other services and
trades, shall be made with prior approval of the Architect/Consultant/Owner’s site
representative without additional cost to the Owner. The data given in the Drawings
and Specifications is as exact as could be procured, but its accuracy is not
13.8 Within four weeks of approval of all the relevant shop drawings, the contractor shall
submit four copies of a comprehensive variation in quantity statement, and itemized
price list of recommended (by manufacturers) imported and local spare parts and
tools, covering all equipment and materials in this contract. The Project Manager shall
make recommendation to Owner for acceptance of anticipated variation in contract
amounts and also advise Owner to initiate action for procurement of spare parts and
tools at the completion of project.
13.09 The Contractor is responsible for bringing all shop drawings up to status approval in
the duration of the Contract and prior to completion of the Project. The
Contractor will update these drawings periodically to maintain an “as installed” set of
record drawings.
13.10 The Contractor shall provide the following number and type of copies of the
As Built drawings:-
All full size (i.e. A0, A1, A2, A3) paper copies of the drawings will be provided and
bound along the left-hand edge. Each set of drawings will have a cover page
containing the “The Crest Development” graphic, the project name and the discipline
of the drawings. When included in the Bills of Quantities (Preliminaries Section), the
Contractor will provide the Owner with A0 / A1 Vista-plan drawing hangers and
wheeled racks to allow one set of drawings to be retained by the Owner. The Vista
plan racks will remain the property of the Owner.
The A3 copies of the As Built drawings will be bound on the left hand edge with a
suitable binding screw bolt device
The Contractor shall verify the sufficiency of the size of the shaft openings,
clearances in cavity walls and suspended ceilings for proper installation of his piping
and other ancillaries. His failure to communicate insufficiency of any of the above,
shall constitute his acceptance of sufficiency of the same. The Contractor shall locate
all equipment which must be serviced, operated or maintained in fully accessible
positions. The exact location and size of all access panels, required for each
concealed, valve or other devices requiring attendance, shall be finalized and
communicated in sufficient time, to be provided in the normal course of work. Failing
this, the Contractor shall make all the necessary repairs and changes at his own
expense. Access panel shall be standardized for each piece of equipment / device /
accessory and shall be clearly nomenclatured / marked.
The contractor shall be responsible for getting the entire electrical installation for Fire
Fighting system duly approved by the local authorities concerned, and shall bear
expenses if any, in connection with the same.
Balancing of all water systems and all tests as called for the Specifications shall be
carried out by the contractor through a specialist group, in accordance with the
Specifications and ASPE / ASHRAE Guide lines and Standards. Performance test
shall consist of three days of 10 hour each operation of system for each season. Cost
of performance witness test of major equipment such as pumps, equipment, panels
etc. at factory with two personnel from Owners / Consultant shall be included.
The installation shall be tested again after removal of defects and shall be
commissioned only after approval by the Owner’s site representative. All tests shall
be carried out in the presence of the representatives of the Architect/Consultant and
Owner’s site representative.
Where applicable, the Contractor is responsible for the preparation of fully indexed
and cross referenced O&M Manuals from the out-set of the Contract. Refer to the
Technical Specifications for the detailed requirements for each O & M Manual.
The Contractor shall update the O&M Manuals periodically to maintain a set of
“as installed” record documents.
The Quality Manager’s duty shall include the responsibility for compiling the
O&M Manuals for each trade included in the Works incorporating all approved
documents relative to the proper operation and maintenance of the building on
completion. Refer to the Quality Control requirements (Section 15) set out in this
Volume for the information required.
The Contractor shall utilise the above information and provide a Planned
Preventative Maintenance Schedule advising the Owner how to operate and
maintain the installed plant and equipment following the issue of the Completion
Certificate in accordance with a fully indexed set of manufacturer’s instructions that
will be designed to allow the Owner to operate, service and maintain the Works whilst
observing, protecting and maintaining the warranties issued for such materials, plant
and equipment.
The Contractor shall provide three paper copies and three CDs (PDF Format) of the
O & M Manual. Electronic copies must also be published on the Expedition
System in .PDF format.
The paper copies shall be A4 size and bound into loose leaf plastic ring binders
with a front pocket. The Contractor will insert the “The Crest” graphic into the pocket,
the volume number, the discipline i.e. Architectural, Structural, MEP, other. The O &
M Manuals will contain colour copies of all manufacturers’ product and maintenance
literature. Black and white copies of these documents will not be accepted.
The manuals are to be delivered to the Engineer in new aluminium chests that will
remain the property of the Owner.
These manuals shall also include basis of design, detailed technical data for each
piece of equipment as installed, spare parts manual and recommended spares for 4
year period of maintenance of each equipment.
“Preventive Maintenance Schedule for each equipment / panel shall be
submitted along with Operation and Maintenance Manual”.
the type of service planned to be offered during Defects Liability Period and beyond.
The operation assistance proposal shall give the details of the proposed monthly
reports to the Management.
The tenderer shall include a list of other projects where such an Operation Assistance
has been provided.
Contractor may be required to carry out the operation of the Fire Fighting installation
for the defects liability period. Further, he may also be required to carry out operation
and all inclusive maintenance of the entire system for a period of three years beyond
the defects liability period.
26.1 Operation contract
i. 24 hours a day, year round.
ii. All stand-by equipment to be operated as per mutually agreed programme.
iii. Proper entry and unkeep of relevant log books.
iv. Maintain complaints register. Submit weekly report.
v. Proper housekeeping of all areas under the contract.
vi. Prepare daily consumption report and summary of operation.
26.2 Terms of payment
i. Monthly at the end of each month on pro-rata basis.
26.3 All Inclusive Maintenance Contract
a. Routine Preventive Maintenance Schedule to be submitted
i. Schedule to cover manufacturer’s recommendation and/or common
engineering practice (for all plant and machinery under contract).
ii. Plant and machinery history card giving full details of equipment and
frequency of checks and overhaul.
iii. Monthly status report.
iv. Entire Fire Protection installation to be painted in fourth year (from
commissioning) before the expiry of operation and maintenance contract.
b. Uptime during maintenance contract
i. 98% uptime of all systems under contract.
ii. Up time shall be assessed every month and in case of shortfall during any
month the contract shall be extended by a month.
iv. There shall be no reimbursement for the extended period.
iv. Break-downs shall be attended to within ten hours of reporting.
v. Spare compressor/motor assembly to be made available within seven
calendar days in case of total breakdown/burnout.
c. Manpower
i. Adequate number of persons to the satisfaction of the Owner’s site representative
shall be provided including relievers.
ii. Statutory requirements of EPF, ESIC and other applicable labour legislations to
be complied with; and monthly certification to that effect to be submitted.
iii. Duty allocation and Roaster control shall be contractor’s responsibility.
2. Performance Guarantee
4. Technical Data
5. Manufacturer’s Drawings,
Catalogues & Pamphlets &
Other Documents
6. Variation in Quantity
7. Electrical Installation
10. Appendix - II
Note: The above list is only for guide line of the contractor. The contractor shall thoroughly
check all document and submittals required as per the tender document and submit them in
time as per the requirement.