Moot Court Ettiqutes
Moot Court Ettiqutes
Moot Court Ettiqutes
The Document is just for reference and to guide 2nd year B.A.LL.B(Hons).
Students regarding how to present Moot Court Memorial Don’t use it else
After the judges says yes, say much obliged and begin with the case :-
'My Lord/ Your Lordship or Ladyship , I am Mr. S.R. (your name), counsel appearing on
behalf of the Plaintiff/Defendant Mr. Sam/Turner.
“For Plaintiff” discuss statement of jurisdiction saying “ the Plaintiff has approached this
Hon’ble court under sec. __ of this act.” Explain the sec and establish this is the right court to
approach in the present case.
“For Defendant” if you want to challenge the jurisdiction challenge it but in present case just
tell “the Plaintiff has approached the present case under sec __ (whatever court and sec you
have mentioned in your memorial) and the defendant submits his case to this hon’ble
Ask the judges- “Would your Lordship like a brief summary of the facts of this case?”
If yes say much obliged and proceed with the facts of the case in brief.
After presenting the facts of the case ask the judge “If your Lordship is well versed with the
facts of the case and have no further queries shall the counsel proceed with the issues raised
If yes say much obliged if no, he will ask question say much obliged and answer them.
Issue no. 2 states that whether the revocation of contract done by the Defendant was valid ?
Issue no. 3 states that whether there was breach of contract on part of Defendant ?
After that ask the judge :- “With the prior permission of your Lordship the counsel would
like to begin with issue no.1
Say much obliged, repeat issue no.1 again “issue no.1 states that……..”
Now to answer the issue start with “ The Counsel states that the offer and acceptance in the
present case was valid or not valid as per sec. 2 of The Indian contract act.” Explain your
argument and also refer to the citied cases.
While referring to the cases you have to say ex. “ it was held in the case of xyz vs. abc (with
citation) that whenever the offer and acceptance is communicated and it fulfills the
essential requisites under The Indian Contract Act they are vaild.”
After completing the arguments of Issue no.1 ask the judge, “If your Lordship is well versed
with arguments advanced in the present issue and has no further queries should the
counsel proceed with the next issue.”
If yes, say much obliged and proceed with the 2 nd issue repeating the same statements like
earlier proceed. (repeat issue no 2 and proceed with arguments)
The same statements for issue no. 3 (repeat issue no,3 than arguments.).
After completing 3 issue say : “If your lordship is well versed with the issues raised and
arguments advanced on behalf of the plaintiff/defendant should counsel proceed with the
If yes start with the prayer and kindly don’t read it “ Wherefore in the light of issues
raised, arguments advanced and authorities cited….”
After prayer ends at last say “ The counsel for the Plaintiff/Defendant rests.”
Few Suggestions :-
Be a polite as you can.
Never be aggressive
Be in proper and tidy uniform
Always address the judge as “your Honour” or “your Lordship” and not sir and maam
Address lady judge as your ladyship
Address yourself as “Counsel”
If you made a mistake, then state “the counsel apologizes your honour/lordship”
If you want to say thankyou say “Much Obliged”
Never use the term “my client” but use the Plaintiff ot the Defendant.
Always ask for permission before proceeding further with the issue or prayer etc.
If you don’t know the answer then do not bluff and humbly state “ the counsel is unaware
of the answer”
Never read the prayer
If you want the judge to repeat the question say “The counsel begs your pardon your
lordship can you please clarify the question or repeat the question.