Oracle Database
Oracle Database
Oracle Database
Questions Answered
1 W
hy is there only one Oracle Database 5 Can I take exam 1Z0-082 before taking
Administrator Certification credential exam 1Z0-083?
now rather than Associate (OCA) and
Professional (OCP) levels? 6 How do I upgrade from an earlier version
of Database Administrator Certified
2 W
ill there no longer be an Oracle Certified Professional?
Associate (OCA) credential awarded for
passing the Admin I exam? 7 W
hy should I get certified on Oracle
3 W
ill passing a SQL exam still be a
requirement? 8 W
hy should I upgrade to Oracle Database
Administration 2019 Certified Professional?
4 Is attendance in an Oracle University How will this differentiate me from DBA
hands-on course a requirement to earn the OCPs on other versions?
OCP certification credential?
9 W
hat certification preparation materials are
Oracle Certified Associate (OCA) and Oracle Certified to complete the Database Administrator Certification
Professional (OCP) are not two distinct disciplines. journey by continuing on to gain the full skill set of
OCA is not a complete skill set. The skills presented a Professional Database Administrator by passing the
through both Administration I and Administration II Administration II exam.
exams are required in order to be an Oracle Database
The Administration II exam and associated recom-
Administrator Certified Professional. Only OCP has a
mended training assume knowledge of the features
complete core DBA skill set.
covered in the Admin I exam and goes on to test on
The Administration I exam and recommended training advanced topics such as multi-tenancy, backup and
focus on fundamental Database Administration top- recovery, deploying, patching, and upgrading.
ics such as understanding the database architecture,
Certification is a culmination of training, practice, ex-
managing database instances, managing users, roles
perience, and the ability to pass the exam. Paring down
and privileges, and managing storage that lay the
the certification to a single Database Administrator
foundation for a Database Administrator entry-level
certification at the Professional level really aligns more
job role. Stopping here does not provide the full skills
closely with what is required in the job role of an expe-
and knowledge required of a Database Administrator.
rienced Database Administrator.
Now that there is no longer a stopping point at the OCA
level of certification, we hope to encourage candidates
Will there no longer be an Oracle Certified Associate (OCA) credential
awarded for passing the Admin I exam?
There is no longer an OCA credential awarded for The Oracle Database Administration I exam builds
Oracle Database Administrator as we are now only a strong foundation for moving on to the Oracle
recognizing the full skill set worthy of the OCP label. Database Administration II exam. Preparing for and
This skill set it is too large to fit into one exam. The passing both exams gives DBAs a full set of skills to
skills tested in the second exam assume knowledge of perform successfully in their jobs.
SQL and the skills tested in the in the first exam.
3 Will passing a SQL exam still SQL skills are required in order to earn the Oracle
Database Administration 2019 Certified Professional
be a requirement? certification, but SQL skills relevant to a Database
Administrator are now covered in the Administration
I exam and recommended training. A separate SQL
exam is not required in order to earn this certification.
No. The requirement for a new candidate to earn Recommended courses to prepare for Oracle
the Oracle Database Administration 2019 Certified Database Administration I | 1Z0-082 are:
Professional is to pass the exams Oracle Database
Administration I | 1Z0-082 and Oracle Database • Oracle Database: Administration Workshop
Administration II | 1Z0-083. • Oracle Database: Introduction to SQL
The exams can be taken in any order, but it will ben- Admin II exam assumes skills and knowledge tested in
efit you the most to prepare for and take the Oracle the Admin I exam. We strongly recommend taking the
Database Administration I | 1Z0-082 before taking exams in order (1Z0-082 first, then 1Z0-083).
Oracle Database Administration II | 1Z0-083. The
How do I upgrade from an earlier Take a look at the table below to find your path to Oracle
6 Database Administration 2019 Certified Professional
version of Database Administrator from your specific starting point, as well as recom-
Certified Professional? mended training:
Upgrading 10g, 11g, 12c, or 12c R2 OCA or OCP Database • Oracle Database: Managing Multitenant
Administrator certification Architecture
• Oracle Database: Backup and Recovery
The exams can be taken in any order, but it will ben-
efit you the most to prepare for and take the Oracle
Database Administration I | 1Z0-082 before taking • Oracle Database: Deploy, Patch and Upgrade
Oracle Database Administration II | 1Z0-083. The Workshop
Admin II exam assumes skills and knowledge tested in • Oracle Database Administration: Workshop
the Admin I exam. We strongly recommend taking the
exams in order (1Z0-082 first, then 1Z0-083). *If you do not take the three recommended training courses
above, you will need to add Oracle Database 18c: New Features for
Even though there is no pre-requisite to take the exam, Administrators in addition to the New Features courses listed below
we recommend these courses for everyone preparing in order to be fully prepared for the 2019 exam and job role.
for the Oracle Database Administration II exam.
If you want your expertise to be at the forefront of • Confidently recommend to your management the
Oracle Database technology, keeping your certification best solutions for new requirements.
current is key. A current certification allows you to: • Be more confident knowing that “you have what it
takes” to manage your systems properly with the
• Keep current with features and functions even if
latest Oracle database architecture.
they are not used in your current systems.
• Let customers know that you are current with
Oracle database technology.