3rd Time Capsule PDF
3rd Time Capsule PDF
3rd Time Capsule PDF
the capsule thirty years ago. It had a lot of old stuff in it, so we could see what life was like
back then.”
After breakfast, Anna went to her dad's workbench in the garage. She looked around
and found an old coffee can filled with nuts and bolts. She dumped them out so she could use
it as her time capsule. She scratched her head. What should she put in the can?
With her kitten following close behind, Anna browsed through her things. She grabbed
her favorite book, her yo-yo and some photos. She packed them in the can. She pulled off her
“What else should I put in here?” she asked Kitty. “The newspaper? So people will know
what happened today?” Anna ran downstairs and brought back the newspaper. She folded it
Anna put the top on and sealed the can with tape.
After a few minutes, Anna sighed. What should she do next? She couldn’t yo-yo. Or read
her favorite book. She’d buried those. Now, she missed them.
She scratched her head, then paused. She missed the sound of her bracelet clinking too.
“Do you miss your ball?” Anna asked. “Don’t worry. I’ll get it for you.”
And Anna pulled on her bracelet and read her book while yo-yoing under a tree in the
a. a memory box
b. a machine for telling time
c. a machine for traveling in time
d. a Thanksgiving play
4. How long had the time capsule at Anna's school been buried?
In the story, “The Time Capsule” you read about a girl who places items in a
time capsule and buries it in her backyard garden.
Imagine you were going to create a time capsule and bury it in your yard.
Write a paragraph in which you list four things you would put in your time
capsule. Give a reason for choosing each item.
a. a memory box
b. a machine for telling time
c. a machine for traveling in time
d. a Thanksgiving play
her favorite book, her yo-yo, photos, a newspaper, her charm bracelet
and Kitty's ball
in the garden
4. How long had the time capsule at Anna's school been buried? c
1. principal 1. principal
2. capsule 2. capsule
3. coff ee 3. coffee
4. bracelet 4. bracelet
5. burial 5. burial
6. marker 6. marker
7. pounced 7. pounced