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NO. ___________



In accordance with the pertinent provisions of Republic Act No. 7722,

otherwise known as the “Higher Education Act of 1994,” and with Executive
Order No. 330 (EO330) entitled “Adopting the Expanded Tertiary Education
Equivalency and Accreditation Program (ETEEAP) as an Integral Part of the
Educational System and Designating the Commission on Higher Education
(CHED) as the Authority Responsible for its Implementation, Republic Act No.
10647 entitled “An Act Strengthening the Ladderized Interface Between
Technical-Vocational Education and Training and Higher Education”,
Republic Act No. 10650 entitled “An Act Expanding Access to Educational
Services by Institutionalizing Open Distance Learning in Levels of Tertiary
Education and Appropriating Funds Therefor,” and by virtue of Commission
en Banc (CEB) Resolution No. ________, the Commission hereby issues
these revised policies, standards and guidelines on equivalency and
accreditation amending certain provisions of CHED Memorandum Order
(CMO) No. 28, series of 2013 entitled "Policies, Standards and Guidelines for
the Implementation of the ETEEAP” for the guidance and strict compliance of
all concerned:

Article I
Statement of Policies and Principles

1. It is the declared policy of the State to recognize, expand and strengthen

through the CHED, the system of academic equivalency and accreditation
of learning acquired by individuals from relevant highly valued body of work
and life experiences as well as high-level, non-formal and informal training,
and to grant individuals, qualified through the aforementioned systems,
equivalency credits and/or appropriate academic degree with all the rights,
privileges and appurtenances due those formal higher education degrees.

2. The CHED shall deputize higher education institutions (HEIs) which shall
implement the ETEEAP in accordance with their policies, processes and
procedures, as accepted by the CHED, for the accreditation and
equivalency of learning from the world of work, non-formal and informal

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systems, and the awarding of appropriate academic degrees to qualified
individuals, as intended and envisioned by EO 330. For implementing this
purpose, ETEEAP shall adhere to creative and innovative means of
obtaining the necessary competencies borne out of outcomes-based
learning processes not necessarily bound by strict concurrency rule
between theory and practice, pursuant to the Philippine Qualifications
Framework (PQF) or Executive Order No.83 (EO 83), Republic Act
No.10647, or the Ladderized Education Act of 2014 and Republic Act
No.10650, or the Open Distance Learning Act.

3. The CHED shall support the development and maintenance of pathways

and equivalencies which provide access to qualifications and assist people
to move easily and readily between the different education and training
sectors and between these sectors and the labor market.

4. The CHED shall ensure and safeguard the integrity, quality and standards
of the ETEEAP implemented by the deputized HEIs.

Article II

The ETEEAP aims to achieve the following objectives to ensure the

fulfillment of the intent and substance of EO 330:

General Objective:
To develop fully the system of equivalency and accreditation in higher
education as a bridging mechanism for the flexible entry and exchange
among the formal, non-formal and informal systems.

Specific Objectives:
1. To establish a mechanism for assessment and accreditation of prior formal,
non-formal and informal learning of individuals toward the granting of
certificates and awards in higher education; and

2. To establish guidelines for the award of undergraduate academic degrees

to deserving individuals;

3. Incorporate the developments of K-12, the new General Education

curriculum (CMO No.20, s. 2013), the Philippine commitments to
international/multilateral agreements in education and the consequent
PQF (EO 83), the Ladderized Education Act of 2014 and the Open
Distance Learning Act;

4. Enrich the academic faculty of HEIs by creating the conditions that will
encourage industry experts to share their expertise in the academe;

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5. Establish standards and guidelines for education, accreditation and
equivalency in the undergraduate level to ensure harmony in their

6. Strengthen the system of credit transfer from the formal, informal and non-
formal education system.

Article III
Definition of Terms

For purposes of this CMO, the terms herein shall be operationalized as


1. Accreditation is the process of identifying, assessing, validating and

recognizing learning obtained by the individual through formal, non-formal
and informal training or experiences.

It is also the process of self-regulation which focuses on the

evaluation and the continuing improvement of educational quality
undertaken by the authorized external entities. This process results to a
recognition which may be given by national, regional and international
accrediting agencies.

2. Alternative Learning System is the system of non-formal and informal

education from the pre-elementary to higher education. A system of
equivalency and accreditation at every level is established to effect the
flexible entry between the alternative learning system and the formal

3. Assessment is the process of collecting evidence and making judgments

as to whether the individual has achieved the competency desired at a
level specified in the competency standards, curriculum or learning
outcomes for a particular course for which accreditation and equivalency
of learning is sought.

4. Internal assessors refer to a body or group of competent curriculum

experts within the institution while external assessors refer to a body or
group of competent industry practitioners and professionals who
undertake the assessment of candidates or applicants to determine the
extent and levels of an ETEEAP applicant’s competencies.

5. Assessment criteria are descriptions of what the individual is expected to

do in order to demonstrate that learning has been achieved. These are
set at a threshold level of achievement and are so defined to establish
clear standards of achievement in a specific learning outcome.

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6. Center of Excellence/Center of Development is an HEI that has
attained a certain level of quality or level of standards in a given field of
instruction, research and extension as identified by CHED.

7. Consortium refers to the combination of educational institutions for the

purpose of carrying out academic undertakings. Specifically under
ETEEAP, it refers to the practice of an HEI in a certain locality entering into
an agreement with an ETEEAP-deputized HEI whereby the former will
offer ETEEAP in the locality using the deputization of the latter as authority
to offer the same that is NOT allowed under this CMO.

8. Credit unit is the quantified means of expressing equivalence of learning

and awarded to an individual in recognition of demonstrated learning after
assessment at a specified level of competency.

9. Credit transfer refers to credit conversion established to promote student

mobility by ensuring that units earned from different modalities are
credited by the institutions.

10. Deputized higher education institution is an HEI authorized by the

CHED to implement the ETEEAP.

11.Equivalency refers to a process that involves assigning equivalent

academic credits to the competencies demonstrated by a student through:
a) assessment tests and, b) demonstration of competencies or actual
workplace performance, thereby providing entry points to the next higher
level qualification, the purpose of which is to provide opportunities to the
student to continue to learn and to re-enter the educational program at a
higher level without having to unnecessarily re-take courses in which a
student has already demonstrated competence and knowledge.

12. Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation Program

(ETEEAP) is a comprehensive program of identifying, assessing,
validating, and assigning equivalent undergraduate level of prior learning
from formal, non-formal and informal training and relevant work
experiences and completion of competency enrichment and other program
requirement/s toward the final granting of appropriate undergraduate
academic degrees.

13. Formal learning refers to the hierarchically structured and chronologically

graded learning organized and provided by the formal school system and
for which certification is required in order for the learner to progress
through the grades or move to higher levels.

14. Industry experts are successful industry practitioners who have exhibited
or demonstrated the highest level of proficiency and competence in their
respective professions.

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15. Informal education refers to non-structured and non-directed learning
obtained from experiences at home, place of work, community, civil
society, the church, mass media and other incidental sources.

16. Learning outcome is a statement of what an individual should know and

be able to demonstrate after completion of a process of learning. The
learning outcomes specified for a learning experience must be
assessable, i.e., it must have appropriate assessment criteria for judging
whether or not the specified learning outcomes have been achieved. The
academic standard is met when all the learning outcomes and associated
assessment criteria have been satisfied.

17. Life experiences refer to the compendium of knowledge and practical

wisdom gained from what a learner has observed, encountered, or

18. Non-formal education refers to any structured short-term learning

program usually for the purpose of supplementing basic education and
training, and offered for learning very specific concepts or skills.

19. Non-formal learning is intentional and gained by the individual through

participation in organized workplace-based training, non-credit courses
and workshops the completion of which does not lead to receiving formal

20. Off-shore / off-base is a modifier describing an institution or branch

remotely situated from an ETEEAP-deputized HEI offering ETEEAP
without the location-specific authority to offer ETEEAP.

21. Pathways refers to mechanisms or access ramps which provide access to

qualifications and assist people to move easily and readily between the
different education and training sectors and between these sectors and
the labor market.

22. Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) is the current testing

program being implemented by the Department of Education (DepEd),
which provides accreditation and equivalency for basic education level and
determines the "placement" of the individual in the basic education
continuum from pre-elementary to first year in the tertiary level.

23. Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF) is a national policy that

describes the levels of educational qualifications and sets the standards
for qualification outcomes. It is a quality-assured national system for the
development, recognition and award of qualifications based on standards
of knowledge, skills and values acquired in different ways and methods by
learners and workers.

The PQF was institutionalized through Executive Order No.83,

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issued by former President Benigno S. Aquino III on October 1, 2012.

24. Prior learning refers to all formal, informal or non-formal learning of an

individual prior to the current status as candidate for a baccalaureate from
a higher education institution.

25. Regular program refers to an undergraduate college degree program in

the conventional mode of gaining access to or completing the required
study to obtain the educational qualifications.

Article IV
Standards of Practice for Deputized Higher Education Institutions

The following standards of practice for deputized higher education

institutions shall be broadly acceptable to all individuals, employers/industry,
education/training providers, professional regulatory boards, and professional

1. Accessibility and respect of clientele. The ETEEAP services must be

accessible to Filipinos regardless of their places of residence, cultural or
demographic characteristics, faith, ethnic origin and/or socio-economic
circumstances. The program shall be sensitive to and respectful of the
different interests, cultural traits and value orientations of its clientele.

2. Accreditation of demonstrated learning. Validated evidence such as

certificates, product, test results, documents and others must be presented
to establish that the individual possesses such learning. Only the
demonstrated learning, gained through the activities performed or
conducted by the individual, must be accredited.

3. Awarding of credit. All demonstrated learning that have been accredited

and granted equivalencies must have the competence requirements
equivalent and consistent with those required by CHED in the formal
degree program.

4. Judgments based on criteria. Judgments on the claims for accreditation

and equivalency shall be based on explicit criteria as contained within the
specifications of degree programs and statements of learning outcomes.
Statements of professional competencies as required by the professional
regulatory boards should be used as appropriate.

5. Transparency, fairness, objectivity and consistency of processes.

The process of decision-making, range, forms and criteria to assess a
claim for accreditation and equivalency should be transparent, fair,
objective, and consistently applied. All information about them should be
accessible and/or available in printed documents.

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6. Transferability of credits. The outcomes of accreditation and
equivalency and credit gained through the ETEEAP shall be transferable
between institutions.

7. Credibility of Assessment. To ensure the credibility of assessment, only

experts in the field/discipline to be assessed shall constitute the Panel of
Internal and External Assessors to be composed of dean/s, faculty/s,
professional associations and/or business and industry representatives.

8. Availability of services and support to applicants. The services and

support to individuals seeking accreditation and equivalency, e.g.,
professional advice, assistance in preparing for the assessment, career
counseling, etc., should be available to all applicants to enhance their
successful completion of the program.

9. Well-defined staff roles and responsibilities. All staff, internal and

external, involved in the accreditation and equivalency processes should
have well-defined roles and responsibilities and should have the
necessary training in accreditation and equivalency of non-formal and
informal learning.

10. Monitoring and evaluation for efficiency, effectiveness and quality

assurance. The policies, processes and procedures for accreditation
and equivalency should be regularly monitored and reviewed in accord
with clearly established institutional procedures. They should be open to
monitoring, evaluation and review by the CHED to ensure effective and
efficient implementation and quality of program offering in the institution.

11. Availability of all information. All information on policies, procedures

and practices of equivalency and accreditation should be provided and/or
made available to applicants, academic staff, assessors or examiners,
and stakeholders.

12. Documentation and record keeping of all assessment results. All

proceedings of assessment of prior learning, enrichment courses and
evaluation thereof shall be documented and maintained in the ETEEAP
Center/Registrar's Office of the deputized HEI.

Article V
Implementing Guidelines

1. Qualification for Deputization and Validity Period of Authority.

1.1 The HEI is eligible to apply for deputization if any of the following
criteria is met:

a) The HEI is a Center of Excellence (COE) or Center of

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Development in the program/discipline to be offered through the

b) The undergraduate program/discipline offered in the ETEEAP

mode has a formal accredited status equivalent to Level III from
any of the accrediting agencies recognized by CHED.

Note: For SUCs, a Certificate of Program Compliance (COPC) will be


1.2 The authority of the deputized HEI shall be valid for a period of five (5)
years beginning at the date of approval by the Commission en banc,
renewable on the 4th year of operation by re-application and after
evaluation and upon recommendation by the TP-ETEEAP.

1.3 The deputized HEI shall conduct/implement the ETEEAP only where
the institution is located. As such, the deputized HEI shall have no off-
campus delivery such as lectures, seminars, classes, enrichment
activities, thesis defense and similar activities. However, the
assessment visit to validate claimed competencies may be undertaken
in the applicant’s workplace.

1.4 After the lapse of three (3) years from deputization and the institution
has not implemented the ETEEAP, the CHED shall officially notify the
HEI of the withdrawal of its deputization. The HEI may also express,
through an official communication, to voluntarily terminate the
implementation of ETEEAP expressing the cause/reason thereof.

1.5 All higher education institutions granted deputization in the year 1999
and onward and whose validity period was not stated in their
Certificate of Authorization, shall be evaluated for the purpose of re-
certification or cancellation of deputization.

1.6 Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, CHED may deputize

HEIs/specialized academic program in a region where there is no
ETEEAP deputized institution/academic program subject to the
recommendation of the Technical Panel for ETEEAP (TP-ETEEAP),
the Technical Panel/Committee of the concerned program and with
the approval of the Commission en Banc.

2. Procedure for Deputization of Higher Education Institution Programs.

2.1 The HEI interested to be deputized for a specific program shall apply
to the Office of Programs and Standards Development (OPSD) in the
Central Office through the CHED Regional Office (CHEDRO) with a
letter of application and commitment together with all document
requirements on institutional management and support and program
capability (“Appendix A”);

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2.2 The CHEDRO acknowledges and pre-evaluates the HEI’s
documentary compliance and if found to be complete, recommends
to the OPSD the appropriate action on the application;

2.3 The OPSD acknowledges the HEI’s application, analyzes the

submitted documents and if found to be complete, includes it in the
agenda for the TP-ETEEAP meeting;

2.4 An Evaluation Team composed of two (2) members of the TP-

ETEEAP and a member of the Technical Panel/Committee of the
program intended to be offered through the ETEEAP shall be formed
to conduct evaluation visit to determine and validate the readiness of
the institution and its program for deputization;

2.5 If the applying HEI and the program intended to be offered through the
ETEEAP satisfies all the requirements for deputization, the OPSD
prepares the Technical Panel (TP) Resolution to be signed by the TP-
ETEEAP recommending approval of said application; otherwise, the
applying HEI shall be informed of the noted deficiencies for
compliance through the CHEDRO;

2.6 The OPSD prepares complete staff work (CSW) on the application,
with the following details, to be submitted to the CHED Management
Committee and Commission en banc through the Executive Office for
decision: a) action requested; b) rationale/background information; c)
supporting documents, i.e., copies of the evaluation report and the
signed TP Resolution; d) proposed Resolution for CEB action; e)
recommending approval by the OPSD Director;

2.7 Deputization shall be granted upon approval by the Commission en


3. Qualification of the Individual Applying for Equivalency and


3.1 Completion of secondary school program as evidenced by a high

school diploma, or the PEPT result stating “qualified to enter first year

3.2 Employment for an aggregate of at least five (5) years in the industry
related to the academic degree program or discipline where
equivalency of learning is sought; and

3.3 At least twenty five (25) years old as supported by an NSO

authenticated birth certificate.

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4. Application for Grant of Second Degree through ETEEAP.

A bachelor’s degree holder may apply for equivalency and

accreditation of prior and work-based learning towards the grant of up to
the second degree only; provided however, that such sources of learning
are related to the second degree being sought under the ETEEAP.

5. Procedure for Application and Assessment of Learning.

The procedure for application and assessment of learning should

consist, at a minimum, of the following:

5.1 The individual applicant secures the application form from any
deputized HEI, or download the form from the CHED website,
www.ched.gov.ph, submits the accomplished form, along with the
supporting evidences that establish his/her qualifications for the
program, and pays appropriate application fees to a deputized HEI of
his/her choice.

5.2 The accepting HEI reviews the application, interviews the applicant
and informs him/her in writing of the results of the review and

5.3 Upon approval of the application, the deputized HEI requires the
applicant (candidate) to prepare and submit his/her portfolio with the
assistance of the institution's career counselor/adviser within an
agreed period of time. This portfolio should include descriptions of
prior experiences in the context of learning outcomes. The employer
concerned should certify all experiences cited by the candidate as
having been completed while in employment.

5.4 Upon receipt of the portfolio, the HEI convenes a panel of assessors to
conduct the evaluation. Tests or other forms and instruments of
assessments, e.g., interviews, actual demonstration of claimed
knowledge and skills, written examination, and others that are
appropriate to the candidate's needs may be used as needed.

5.5 After completing the evaluation, the panel of assessors determines the
amount of equivalent credit that will be awarded to the candidate by
matching the demonstrated training, and learning from prior work
experiences of the candidate with the learning outcomes and
standards of the subject or course for which the candidate seeks
accreditation and equivalency. A rubric or a similar tool shall be
developed for the purpose.

5.6 A candidate assessed to be deficient in one or more competency units

will be required to pursue further learning, with the assistance of a
career coordinator or adviser. In this case, a learning contract that

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defines the learning program is executed between the deputized HEI
and the candidate. Further, assessment is conducted after the
completion of the learning program to determine the learning progress
of the candidate toward meeting the learning outcomes and standards
specified in the said program.

5.7 The accomplished rubric or any situation or any similar instrument that
documents the learning of the candidates from prior work experiences
should be maintained as active official record for at least your (4)
years in the office of the registrar and a copy should be forwarded to
the OPSD.

5.8 After satisfying all the learning outcomes and appropriate assessment
criteria for the course, and having complied with the requirements
prescribed by CHED and the institution for completion of the course,
the candidate is awarded the appropriate equivalency credit for an
academic degree.

5.9 Graduates of the ETEEAP programs are qualified to take

the appropriate licensure examinations, unless otherwise provided by

6. System of Assessment. The deputized HEI should have an established

system of assessment with the required Operations Manual, evaluation
instruments, workplace visitation checklist or instrument, pool of internal
and external assessors, office and staff complement, etc. The HEI should
develop on a continuing basis and with the assistance of competent
authorities, standards, creative methodologies and criteria for a diversified
mode of assessing competencies and learning outcomes which should
include, but not limited to portfolio assessment, written and oral
examinations, skills and competencies demonstrations and worksite
visitation, among others.

7. Selection and Certification of the Panel/Pool of Assessors. There shall

be a panel/pool of assessors to be constituted by the deputized HEI, whose
qualifications shall be subject to the evaluation and certification by the
CHED through the TP-ETEEAP.

8. Qualification of Assessors. The Panel of Assessors must come from

those teaching in the relevant undergraduate programs and may be
complemented by appropriate and relevant industry experience.

9. Consortium, Off-base and Off-shore Agreements. Consortium, off-base

and off-shore delivery under the ETEEAP are NOT allowed. The deputized
HEI shall have NO off-campus delivery such as lectures, seminars,
classes, enrichment activities, thesis defense, etc.

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11. Issuance of Authorization to Operate. Authorization shall be by
program and shall be valid for a period of five (5) years unless sooner
revoked for due cause.

Article VI
Powers and Functions of the CHED

The CHED shall exercise the powers and functions provided in EO 330,
including, but not limited to:

1. Granting authority to HEIs to implement the ETEEAP in the

undergraduate degree program subject to established criteria,
procedure and document requirements to ensure its integrity, quality
and successful implementation;
2. Determining and approving the undergraduate degree programs to be
opened for ETEEAP;
3. Monitoring and evaluation of deputized HEIs;
4. Canceling and revoking of authority of deputized HEIs for due cause;
5. Issuance of authorization to operate.

Article VII
Functions of the Deputized HEIs

The HEI that has been deputized by CHED to implement ETEEAP shall
exercise full responsibility and accountability for the quality of ETEEAP
implementation. It shall have the following functions:

1. Develop and implement clear and explicit institutional processes,

policies and procedures that insure the integrity and quality of the
accreditation and equivalency program;

2. Develop and establish in accord with CHED the competency standards

for the degree program against which judgment on accreditation and
equivalency of formal, non-formal and informal learning will be made;

3. Develop and provide assessment menus to evaluate and determine

credit for competencies acquired from work and life experiences, and

4. Develop and provide the necessary competency enrichment programs

to ensure that the desired learning competencies and other
requirements of the degree program are achieved;

5. Assign and commit an office and competent/trained staff including a

director/focal person, program assessors or examiners with their
respective roles and responsibilities clearly defined to support the

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ETEEAP in the following areas, among others: career testing and
counseling, assessment of learning, development of alternative
learning program for enhancing competencies, program advising,

6. Establish a development plan and budget support to sustain the

ETEEAP, including provision for specialized training for staff involved
in accreditation and equivalency processes and procedures;

7. Ensure that support services to applicants and candidates including

technology equipment, library and other facilities are provided;

8. Establish a mechanism of ETEEAP in-house monitoring, review and


9. Conduct research on efficiency and effectiveness of Program


10. Award appropriate equivalency credit for an undergraduate academic

degree to successful candidates;

11.Provide a schedule of reasonable and applicable fees/charges for

equivalency and accreditation services; and

12.Submit to the CHEDROs and the ETEEAP Secretariat all necessary

reports (annual statistical reports, annual reports and process checks
of the deputized HEI) pertaining to the implementation of the Program.

Article VIII
Functions of the CHED Regional Offices (CHEDROs)

The CHEDROs shall perform the following functions:

1. Receive the application and review the completeness of documents of an

HEI applying for deputization, conduct initial evaluation thereof and if
application is in order, recommend to the ETEEAP Secretariat in the
CHED Central Office, the application for appropriate action;

2. Be responsible for monitoring the Program implementation in the deputized

HEIs in their respective regions;

3. Encourage the deputized HEIs within the region to initiate and undertake
projects and activities, such as research, assessors’ and staff training at
least once a year and to submit a report to the OPSD;

4. Ensure that the deputized HEIs submit regularly their reports and data on
ETEEAP implementation to the OPSD; and

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1. Designate a focal person/coordinator with specific functions and
responsibilities for the monitoring/evaluation of the ETEEAP within the

Article IX
Promotion / Announcement / Advertisement on ETEEAP by an HEI

Any promotion, announcement or advertisement of deputization or

authority to offer programs via the ETEEAP shall be done only after the HEI
shall have obtained the Certificate of Authorization from the CHED. It shall be
unlawful for any HEI to promote, announce, advertise, personally campaign,
cause the publication of any promotion, advertisement, and/or accept anyone
for enrolment to the ETEEAP before the deputization or authorization is
granted to that HEI.

Article X

Any HEI found guilty of violating the provisions of applicable CMOs as

well as other pertinent rules and regulations implementing the ETEEAP shall
be subjected to the appropriate administrative and legal proceedings,
including the imposition of sanctions as provided in Sections 64 and 65,
Article XII of CMO No.40, series of 2008 or the Manual of Regulations for
Private Higher Education (MORPHE), and other pertinent rules and

Article XI

All types of HEIs - State Universities and Colleges (SUCs), Local

Universities and Colleges (LUCs) and Private Higher Education Institutions
(PHEIs) - are covered by the provisions of this CMO.

Article XII
Transitory Provision

HEIs that are currently deputized for the undergraduate degree

programs shall comply with the provisions of this CMO. Upon issuance of this
CMO, the CHED, through the TP-ETEEAP and the Technical
Panel/Committee of the concerned program(s), shall conduct an assessment
of all existing deputized HEIs for re-certification or withdrawal of authorization
to offer undergraduate degree programs through the ETEEAP.

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Article XIII
Separability Clause

If any part or provision of this CMO shall be held invalid, other

provisions hereof which are not affected shall continue to be in force and

Should any of the provisions of this CMO be declared invalid, illegal or

unconstitutional, all the other provisions not so declared, shall remain valid
and in full force.

Article XIV
Repealing Clause

This CMO supersedes CHED Memorandum Orders No. 21, Series of

1997, No. 08, Series of 2009 and No.28, Series of 2013.

Article XV

This CMO shall take effect fifteen (15) days after publication in the Official
Gazette or in a newspaper of wide circulation.

Approved this _____ day of ________________ , Quezon City,


For the Commission:



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Requirements for Application for Deputization/Offering Additional


A. Basic Documents
1. Photocopy of the Official Receipt for Payment of Application for
ETEEAP Deputization/per additional ETEEAP program (CHED
Administrative Order (CAO) No.4, Series of 2014)
2. Letter of Application
3. Institutional and Program Profile
4. Certificate/s of Program Accreditation
5. Certificate of Award (COE/COD)
6. Board Performance of the Program to be offered through ETEEAP – 3
years prior to application (if applicable)
7. Mission and Vision of the Institution and Program valuing and
recognizing alternative learning
8. Board Resolution endorsing the application for deputization/offering
additional programs (for SUC applicants)
9. CHED Regional Office indorsement

B. Institutional Management and Support

1. Annual Budget Plan indicating funding for ETEEAP
2. Marketing and Promotions Plan
3. Institutional development plan for ETEEAP
4. Organizational structure of the ETEEAP within the institution
5. Schedule of fees (for the program being applied for offering via

C. Program Capability
1. Compliance with the policies, standards and guidelines (PSGs) for
specific program/s
2. Curriculum of the resident program to be offered through the ETEEAP
3. Matrix of competencies where credit will be awarded (based on
Competency Standards)
4. Assessment instruments
5. List of internal and external assessors, their qualification and
subject/competency assignment in the ETEEAP
6. Criteria and procedure for selection of internal and external assessors
7. Assessment procedures with timelines
8. Competency enhancement program package to be provided
9. Provision for research as a requirement for graduation

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