Mancom Minutes
Mancom Minutes
Mancom Minutes
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del Norte
Claver, Surigao del Norte
3 Mr. Edgar Cuario of Claver NHS and Acknowledged the presence of the Schools Division
Mrs. Kristine Bernadette Gepulla of Superintendent, Asst. Schools Division Superintendent,
Cabugo ES promotional staff and guests.
4 Claver NHS teachers Sang the Philippine National Anthem.
5 Select Students of Claver NHS Performed doxology choreographed by Teodolo Najial
Jr, Teacher 1, Claver NHS.
6 Dance Presentation Hayanggabon ES Teachers Performed “Cowboy Modern Dance”.
7 Claver NHS Select Students Performed “Sayaw sa Nayon”.
8 Mrs. Alicia N. Mainit Led the “Panunumpa ng Katapatan sa Watawat ng
Principal III Pilipinas”.
Taganito ES
9 Dr. Adela C. Cabuga Led the “Panunumpa ng Kawani ng Gobyerno”.
Secondary School Principal II
Claver NHS
10 Welcome greetings Dr. Elena M. Navallo Welcomed the administrators and guests in attendance.
Public Schools District Supervisor
Claver District
11 Presentation of Participants Mrs. Marisol C. Moleta-Galido Headed the presentation of participants per district
Secondary School Principal II through songs offered for women in the celebration of
Taganito NHS Women’s Month.
12 Honouring of Birthday Dr. Nenita Rebecca Y. Casten Facilitated the honouring of the birthday celebrators
Celebrators EPS 1-Sec. Filipino who received flowers and gifts from the Schools Division
13 Birthday Celebrantors Offered a song which depicted the essence
corresponding to each month’s birthday celebration.
14 Benediction Mr. Epimaco P. Lapaz Led the benediction for the birthday celebrators with
Division Coordinator in Sports emphasis on God’s message from the book of Proverbs
and Songs of Solomon remembering the Law of God.
15 All participants Sang a happy birthday song to the celebrators.
16 Message Dr. Fidela M. Rosas, CESO V Delivered an inspirational message which included
Schools Division Superintendent appreciation on the different presentations. She
acknowledged as well the birthday celebrators.
Talked about her recent reassignment to Surigao del
Norte Division and eventually mentioned the guidelines
and preparations for the graduation rites on March 26-
27, 2015.
Encouraged bravery and emphasized that each
administrator and teacher has to learn to face the fear
of failures; that each one has to adopt change gradually..
Acknowledged the arrival of the Municipal Mayor, Hon.
Eddie Patan Gokiangkee, and company.
17 Hon. Eddie Patan Gokiangkee Congratulated the District Supervisor, Mrs. Elena M.
Municipal Mayor Navallo for accepting the challenge as host district for
Municipality of Claver the 1st Regular Division MANCOM Conference 2015.
Also announced and congratulated the Bureau of Fire
Protection in the Municipality of Claver as a National
Awardee and also PNP for having captured two drug
users and pushers for the month of March 2015.
Acknowledged the local government unit officials,
principals/heads, supervisors, superintendent and asst.
Talked about road widening; the 1 million peso budget
school building for Taganaan, and mentioned about the
five thousand Christmas bonus for every teacher in
Addressed the teachers as regards the implementation
of quality education and acknowledged his support for
the different scholastic contests.
18 Reading of the previous minutes Dr. Alicia L. Amalia Presented and requested everybody to read the minutes
Public Schools District Supervisor of the meeting of the previous Division Regular
19 Approval of the previous minutes Dr. Fidela M. Rosas, CESO V Addendum to the previous minutes was given by the
Schools Division Superintendent Schools Division Superintendent including GNSHI as
champion for a particular event.
The previous minutes was approved as corrected.
20 Giving certificates of recognition Mrs. Maria Teresa M. Real Handed over the Certificates of Recognition to the
Asst. Schools Division Municipal Mayor, the Vice Mayor and the Sangguniang
Superintendent Bayan Members.
21 Superintendent’s time Dr. Fidela M. Rosas, CESO V Presented the agenda of the MANCOM and the different
Schools Division Superintendent updates.
Revisited SIP and its implementation as basis for APP
and AIP.
Read the guidelines for disbursing the MOOE
Emphasized that the plan for procurement should be
based upon APP crafted by the school and not by the
district supervisor and it is the secretary who does the
recording and not the book keeper.
Gave reminders to the coordinators for the different
activities this summer including the mass training for
grade 4 and grade 10 teachers.
Emphasized that the teachers must be available on
Division mandated programs over and above other
activities with no proxy.
Said that the RPMS are still in the first phase for SY 2015-
Talked about the issues on commencements exercises
such as withholding of clearance, report card etc. of
students are not affected due to lack of project and any
other conditions.
Encouraged that every school should have a rooftop
painted green and that the school name & ID should be
printed at the rooftop of the classrooms situated in front
of the school gate.
Discussed that all actions of the DepEd employees must
be known by the department especially for activities
conducted outside the division and region.
Explained RA 3713 which guided school administrators
not to commit debts from their subordinates.
Informed that graduation should not be extravagant but
solemn, and that there should be no collection of
graduation fees. She further emphasized that
Graduation be termed as Graduation Rites.
Discussed the following:
The points/grading system; the difference
between certificate of commendation and
appreciation; the training of teachers must be
approved by their immediate supervisor; eg.
District trainings must be approved by their
district supervisor; school-based training must
be approved by the principal/head.
Stated that the renewal of designations in school
is good for one year only therefore one should
renew his designation with the recommendation
from the school head.
Gave points to remember such as; expanded
program of immunization which aims in the year
2016-2017 to all grade 1 and grade 7 students
which will be immunized of measles, DPT and on
the targeted year, all grade 3 would be
immunized with HPV vaccine and teachers
should be immunized with anti-cervical vaccine.
Reminded also on medical/dental clearance of
school year 2015-2016. (dental, urinalysis, chest
x-ray and with pap smear for married women
aged 35 and above.
Added that the ranking of points for Honor
Pupils/ Students for the academic should be
multiplied by 7; for co-curricular should be
multiplied by 3. Previous grades should not be
considered in the ranking of honor
pupil/student. Regarding transferees, those who
enrolled from June 1 to June 14 should not be
considered as transferees but only those who
transferred as of July. Final rating should be in
three decimal places. Besides, special class must
have a separate honors.
Reminded that the school diploma must have a
school logo on the upper left portion and the
DepEd logo on the upper right. And that in the
diploma, there should be an English translation
of the tagalog text. The signatories should be
the Secondary School Principal on the lower left
and the Asst. Schools Division Superintendent on
the lower right and at the center is the Schools
Division Superintendent for Secondary. And for
the Elementary, the school principal at the left,
district supervisor at the right and the Schools
Division Superintendent at the center.
Stressed that the Honor Students/Pupils should
consist of the top ten students/pupils of the
22 Assistant Schools Division Mrs. Maria Teresa M. Real Tackled about the Selection of Honors based on DepEd
Superintendent’s time Memorandum 18 series 2015.
Congratulated the 16 DOST passers out of 42 who took
the exam and the 15 TOSS awardees.
Announced the principal’s test that would be conducted
on June 21, 2015 per DepEd advisory on March 19, 2015
that the deadline was extended on March 20, 2015 to
march 31, 2015 in the division office and on April 6, 2015
in the regional office.
Added the schedules for demonstration teaching and
interview for Teacher 1 applicants. She presented the
new guidelines for Teacher 1 applicants..
Answered a question raised about the transfer of an
employee from one division to another division, where it
was made clear that an employee from one division
cannot bring an item to another division. Furthermore, a
request for transfer of teachers from one school or
division to another should not be included in the ranking
of Teacher 1 applicants.
23 PRESENTATION OF Plaque OF Dr. Fidela M. Rosas,CESO V Presented the Plaque of Appreciation for LGU and
Appreciation for LGU Officials Schools Division Superintendent School Administrators of Claver.
and School Administrators.
24 UPDATES Mr. Oscar O. Masuhay Shared about the conduct of Principal’s test and changes
on Principals Exam EPS-1 Research & Evaluation in the guidelines
and Pointed out that one is qualified to take the exam if 5
Ranking of Honor Pupils/Students years of experience as Teacher III, 1 year as Head Teacher,
2 years as Teacher-Incharge regardless of the position (eg
T-I to T-3) and 2 years as Master Teacher.
Highlighted the following requirements.
Service rating for the past two years
Certification of No Pending Case
Examination fee
Two ID pictures
Documents on work experience and training
Added that the ranking of honor students of grade 4 and
fourth year should be based on the old curriculum per
DepEd order 92 series of 2009. And for k-12 curriculum
should be based on DepEd order no. 74 series of 2012. The
candidates for honor should not have a final grade of
lower than 80 %.
25 UPDATES Mr. Gregorio B. Caňeda Announced the 2015 Gawad Kalasag Award for
EPS-1 Secondary Makabayan & outstanding implementors of DRRM-CCA.
Physical Facilities Talked about Wood Badge Course for Troop Leaders
hosted by Surigao BSP Council at Ipil NHS, Surigao City
on April 17-25, 2015 with a registration fee of P 5,
Tackled also the Child Protection Policy Orientation
probably to be held in April or May, 2015.
26 Dr. Nenita Rebecca Y. Casten Read the list of schools which submitted the Post test
EPS-I Secondary Filipino Results in Filipino namely: Bacuag National Agro-
industrial School,Alegria NHS.
Lakandula NHS,Pananay-an NHS, Timamana
NHS,Cawilan NHS,Talavera NHS, Matin-ao NHS,Dakung
Patag NHS, Tubod NHS, Magpayang NHS, Balite NHS,
Mayag NHS, Gigaquit NHS and Campo NHS.
Read the District Consolidated Oral Reading Profile (
Post Test ) 2015 of the following:
Anao-aon District, Malimono District, Taganaan District,
Alegria District and Bacuag District.
27 Mr. Gersim S. Lumintac Reported the active participation of the School Heads of
EPS-I , Secondary Science SNNHS, Alegria NHS, Placer NHS, Claver CES, Malimono
CES and Mainit NHS together with EPS Gregorio Caneda,
DRRM Coordinator & EPS Gersim S. Lumintac on the
Regional Seminar-Workshop on School Safety Plan and
Risk Reduction Management held on March 11-13,2015
at Luisiana Hotel,Butuan City. Also announced that the
Echo Training on School Safety Plan and Risk Reduction
Management for the School/District Administrators and
DRRM Coordinators will be done on April, 2015.
Presented the awards garnered by the Surigao del Norte
Division during the 5th Cyber International Genius
Inventor Fair 2014 Semi Gold Trophy and Specials
Awards at Chung Mu Art Hall Seoul, South Korea; the
Gold and Merit Trophy Winners of 2014 World Inventors
Award Festival at Seoul Garden Hotel, Seoul, South
Korea with the following winners, Christian James L.
Caṅeda, Ronben M. Baute, Dana O. Morales for student
Category coached by Mrs. Edylyn L. Noguerra and Mr.
Aurelio J. Deguito, SSP II of SNNHS and for Teachers
Category, Mr. Teresito B. Jamero Sr., Mrs. Glorlita A.
Endico, Mrs Lilia L. Lincuna with the support of Dr.
Estelita G. Galido, SSP III of Matin- ao National High
Announced the victory as 3rd Placer out of 500 SIP
entries during the Taiwan International Science Fair at
National Taiwan Science Education Center , Taipei
Taiwan. The team includes Charlynne Marie R. Oval,
researcher, Mrs. Queen Ann M. Navallo Coach /Adviser,
Jose Gil L. Escabal, SSP II, Gersim S. Lumintac, EPS- I Sec.
Science, and Dr. Evelyn R. Fetalvero, CESO VI, Schools
Division Superintendent.
Presented the list of 16 Secondary Students who
qualified for the 2015 DOST Scholarship Program
Announced that 12 TOSS Awardees out of 15 came
from Surigao del Norte Division.
Presented the winners of the 12th National Science
Quest held on February 6-8, 2015 at Pasig Central
Elementary School, Pasig City.
28 Mrs. Juanita G. Espinosa Presented the names of the third place winners of the
EPS-I Secondary Mathematics Metrobank- MTAP DepEd Math Challenge Regional
Finals Grade 6 Regional Competition and the Winners of
the National Science Quest Mathematics both in
Elementary and Secondary Levels.
29 Mrs. Mercedes B. Miasco Presented the Winners of the Regional Press Conference
EPS-I Secondary English 2014.
30 Mr. Epimaco P. Lapaz Presented the winners of the 18th Caraga Regional
Division Sports Coordinator Athletic Meet held at Tandag City.
31 Administrative Concerns Mr. Joel B. Rosales Discussed about the need for the renewal of the
Administrative Officer IV designation of teachers who are designated as property
custodians/coordinators and that designations shall be
recognized by the Division Office.
32 ADJOURNMENT Dr. Fidela M. Rosas, CESO V Extended her thanks to everyone.
Schools Division Superintendent Assigned the venue for the next Mancom.
Requested that a closing prayer be led by Dr. Zosimo B.
Galido Jr, SSP –IV of Matin-ao NHS.
Declared the 1st Regular MANCOM Conference 2015
closed at G-Ann’s Diner, Claver, Surigao del Norte.
Secondary School Principal II, Taganito NHS
Reviewed by:
Approved by:
Schools Division Superintendent