L T P/S SW No. of PSDA Total Credit Units::: Three
L T P/S SW No. of PSDA Total Credit Units::: Three
L T P/S SW No. of PSDA Total Credit Units::: Three
Course Code : MKTG 711 CREDIT
Credit Units : Three UNITS
Level : PG
3 0 0 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
In congruence with the aim of marketing to convert a commodity into an identifiable product and to a subsequent brand, the course involves the objective of
imparting comprehensive understanding of the process of product strategy and the fundamentals of building, measuring, and managing a brand. The course will
provide students with a knowledge and insight into managing product-markets and building brand equity involving managing brands within the context of other
brands, as well as managing brands over multiple categories, over time, and across multiple market segments.
The student opting for this course should have successfully completed the foundation courses in Marketing. The student is expected to combine the learning
across specialization courses including Marketing Communication & Market Research. Some work experience, whether in a family owned business or with a
medium-to-large organization is desirable but not necessary.
Module Weightage
30% NA 70%
Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment End Term Examination