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M.A. Manan, Sertifikat Wakaf Tunai, (Jakarta: CIBER Bekerjasama Dengan PKTTI-UI, 2001) Hlm. 30

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A. Background of the study

Nowadays, there is a thought to move the wheels of economy through the
addition of funds from outside the state system by developing waqf productively. waqf
is a form of empowering community economic assets contained in waqf assets.
Therefore, waqf assets must be managed productively in order to produce
opportunities for opening profitable strategic sectors, such as opening new jobs, and
managing public services that alleviate the economic burden of the community.
A productive waqf is a form of developing waqf paradigm. Productive Waqf
is done in at least two ways, namely waqf money, and shares. Cash waqf has been
known since the time of the Ottoman and Mamalik dynasties. According to Prof. M.A.
Manan, a waqf management designer, in the form of a cash waqf certificate scheme
that has been developed by SIBL (Social Investments Bank, Ltd), cash waqf is
innovation of Islamic public finance. Cash waqf opens opportunities for investment
creation in the fields of religion, education and social services. Savings from the
community can be utilized through the exchange of Cash Waqf Certificates, while the
income earned from managing the money can be spent on the variety of needs, such
as maintaining existing waqf assets. Besides, cash waqf also functions as a strategic
investment to eradicate poverty and to deal with underdevelopment in the fields of
economics, education, health, and scientific1.
As one of the productive waqf instruments, cash waqf is a new thing in
Indonesia. Waqf that has been understood by the people is the only waqf of property
owned based on Government Regulations No 28 Th 1997 about the waqf of property.
The chance for cash waqf existed after the Indonesian Ulema Council issued a fatwa

1 M.A. Manan, Sertifikat Wakaf Tunai, ( Jakarta: CIBER bekerjasama dengan PKTTI-UI, 2001) hlm. 30.
on the permissibility of cash waqf in 2002. 2 Greater opportunities have emerged
lately, with the passing the Waqf Draft into Waqf Law No. 41 of 2004 concerning
As an important instrument for the implementation of productive waqf, the
waqf law regulates various matters that are important for the empowerment and
development of waqf assets in order to remain productive. Endowments in this law
are not only limited to immovable property, but also movable assets, such as money,
precious metals, securities, vehicles, intellectual property rights, lease rights, and other
movable assets in accordance with sharia.
Cash waqf management has unique characteristics. The concept is different
from the management of sadaqah, or donation from a western perspective. Waqf has
the principle of immortality which makes it different from sadaqah or other donations.
M.A Manan stated, that based on transactions, waqf is similar to Sadaqah. The
difference between them lies in the transfer of assets to those in need. Sadaqah assets
and their benefits must be given directly to the eight Asnaf that have been set by Allah
SWT. Whereas in waqf the transfer only occurs in benefits and results, without
reducing the principal.4
The principle of waqf management, states that the waqf must continue to flow
its benefits, in accordance with the hadith of the Prophet "In Syi'ta habasta aslahā wa
tashadaqta bihā" which means holding the subject and shadaqoh the results ". this
means that the management of waqf in the from of money must be in a productive.
Waqf should always involve the process of assets growth and value addition. In other

2 Nurul Huda, M. Heykal, Lembaga Keuangan Islam, ( Jakarta: Kencana,2010),hlm.314

3 UU Wakaf NO 41 Tahun 2004.
4 Rozalinda, Manajemen Wakaf Produktif, ( Jakarta: RajaGrafindo,2016), hlm. 7
words, waqf assets must be able to produce something of economic value so that the
benefits can be channeled without reducing the existing assets.5
According to that allows cash waqf, money can be represented by preserving
the material form, namely by replacing the material form of money represented, either
used or invested, the form should be the same. So that the form of waqf property is
maintained. This is intentioned shows the principle of eternity of wealth in cash waqf.
Whereas in the opinion of those who prohibits cash waqf, the waqf requirement
is that it can be utilized and guaranteed its permanence. Therefore, it is not permissible
to distribute waqf assets that do not guarantee immortality, such as money. because
waqf is holding back the principal and issuing the results, in the cash waqf according
to this opinion money is the principal and result, if issued means the same as using
the principal asset.

Zaim saidi said that transactions using money especially paper are vanity
transactions. there are two arguments put forward, namely paper money can basically
be seen as an asset or as a debt.6

Another problem that arises, regarding the use of paper money as waqf assets,
there is a fluctuating nature in the currency.

If someone borrows a certain amount of money for a specified period. Then

when returning money, the value of the currency has decreased, compared to when
borrowing in the first time. And borrower returns the same amount, it will harm the
lender, but if returning more than the amount borrowed will lead to the practice of riba

5Ahmad Furqon, Praktek Perwakafan Uang di LKS-PWU Bank Syari’ah Mandiri Pusat,( Semarang: IAIN
Walisongo,2010), hlm 13

6 Ibid, hlm 16.

The obligation for cash waqf in Indonesia with rupiah money, even waqf from
non-rupiahs must be converted to rupiah giving rise to their own potential. because the
rupiah currency is highly variate in inflation. The waqf law has not provided a
guarantee that the value of the waqf must be recorded in accordance with the
purchasing pwer value at all times. Islamic Financial Institutions receiving cash waqf
(LKS-PWU) only has the obligation to record according to the nominal value when

From this explanation, it can be concluded that the actual use of paper money as
a currency is not free from controversy, because of its fluctuating nature, and this
creates a problem if paper money is used as an asset of waqf. The use of dinars and
dirhams whose properties remain as assets of waqf are also not spared from the pros
and cons of salaf scholars, moreover the use of paper money as waqf assets.

Majma’ al-Fiqh al-Islamy based in Jeddah issued a fatwa for the permitted of
cash waqf. The contents of the fatwa are as follows :

1) Cash waqf law is permissible based on syara arguments, because the purpose of
the waqf is to hold back the principal and disburse benefits and results, and this is
fulfilled in cash waqf. The principle of eternity in cash waqf is still realized even
though wakif money is used up for investment but there is another money that
replaces it.
2) Cash waqf can be used as a loan or direct investment or a combination of money
from several Wakif for an investment project or by using shares of paper as an effort
to encourage community participation to represent together7.

7 Ibid, hlm 18-19

To avoid inflation, the waqf value of rupiah should be converted into the value
of gold or dinars and dirhams. Which has no impact on inflation money. Another way
that can be taken is money from waqf used for investment.

Besides getting profits, investment is also shown to reduce inflation so that

wealth owned does not decline in value. Basically, investment is closely related to
banking and the capital markets. Generally, investments are categorized into two types,
namely consisting of real assets, such as buildings, vehicles. while financial assets,
namely investments made in financial aspects, such as deposits, bonds, mutual funds,
and capital markets.

Thus, in the investment process the most important thing to do maintaining the
principal capital that can produce in value. But the first time required was to maintain
the assets invested, this method was in line with the principles of waqf management8.

Referring to the explanation, the writer found a problem that is how to anticipate
fluctuations in currency values, which affect the principal assets of waqf. It is necessary
to provide reserve money or termed the appropriation. in the form of the amount of
money prepared by a foundation, company, or cash waqf management bank to deal
with the possibility of possible currency fluctuations in the future.9

Based on the background that the writer describes, then the write is interested in
discussing more about “The Urgency Of Securing Cash Waqf To Anticipate The
Decline In Asset Value”
A. Research Questions
Based on the explanation above, the writer can formulate two problems that
require answers to this reasearch.

8 Rozalinda, Manajemen Wakaf Produktif, ( Jakarta: RajaGrafindo,2016), hlm. 141

9Ahmad Furqon, Praktek Perwakafan Uang di LKS-PWU Bank Syari’ah Mandiri Pusat,( Semarang: IAIN
Walisongo,2010), hlm 22.
1. What is the urgency of securing cash waqf from decreasing asset value?
2. How to secure cash waqf from decreasing asset value?
B. Objectives and Significances of the study
1. To find out, what is the important about securing cash waqf from decreasing
assets value.
2. To find out, how to secure cash waqf assets from decreasing assets values.
By using this research, there are two significances. They are Theoretical
Significance and Practical Significance which the research expects that the findings
may be useful for the following parties:
1. Theoretical benefits.
a. Can add insight to the life of the community regarding the concept of the
importance of securing cash waqf assets to anticipate the decline in asset
b. Can be used as a basis or reference for further research.
2. Practical Benefis
a. Can provide scientific contributions to waqf development institutions
especially cash waqf.
b. Can provide understanding and insight to the community and the
development of cash waqf regarding the importance of securing the value of
cash waqf assets.
c. Can provide scientific contributions to academic practitioners and academics
especially Islamic Familly law in the field of waqf.
C. Literature Review
The literature review is intended to provide information to the writer as a
comparison material, so the writer can avoid plagiarism. In order to support the
authenticity of scientific work, the writer will present several literature reviews related
to the theme of this research. About the cash waqf, several previous studies have been
conducted in the form of journal, thesis, articles and other scientific works, but the
position about the concept of securing cash waqf in anticipating the decline in the value
of these assets has not been found in previous studies. This literature review can be in
the form of research results that have been recorded, among others :

Sudirman hasan with the title “ cash waqf and its implementation in Indonesia”10
,in the articles describes, cash waqf which can be used as a religious investment, in
education and social services. In this effort, a full and integrated understanding of waqf
law is needed both in the fiqh perspective and in positive law, along with
implementation, especially in Indonesia.

Uswatun Hasanah “the urgency of supervision in managing productive waqf”11

in the journal explained waqf is an Islamic socio-economic institution that has a very
important role in the development of Indonesia society. However, the potential of Waqf
has not been fully explored and developed. Some of the causes are: the weak
understanding of the community about the importance of recording waqf, Nazhir’s
limited professionalism and supervision and management of waqf are still weak.
Therefore, supervision becomes an absolute thing, especially for productive waqf.

Haura A, Baga LM, Tanjung, “Analysis of money waqf management in sharia

financial services cooperatives” 12 , in the journal describes the process of sharia
financial services cooperatives, as a Nazhir cash waqf, analyze the priorities of related
internal and external factors.

Intan Wijaya thesis entitled “ management of waqf reporting funds at waqf

institutions in Indonesia (case study at the Sultan Agung Foundation Waqf agency

10Sudirman Hasan,” Wakaf Uang dan implementasinya di Indonesia”, jurnal de jure Fakultas Hukum dan Syari’ah
Uin Maulana Malik Ibrahim,( Malang: 2010)
11Uswatun Hasanah, “Urgensi pengawasam dam pengolahan wakaf produktif”, Jurnal ahkam Fakultas Syariah
dan Hukum Uin Walisongo, ( Semarang: 2012)
Haura A, Baga LM, Tanjung,” Analisis pengelolaan wakaf uang pada koperasi jasa keuangan syariah” jurnal
Muzara’ah Fakultas Ekonomi dan manajemen (bogor: 2015)
Studi)” 13 with the conclusion that there is no accounting system that specifically
regulates waqf, this was evidenced by informants who struggled in finance. However,
this does not become a barrier for waqf institutions apply an accounting system based
on PSAK 45 Regarding financial reporting of non-profits entities that approaches
accounting system for waqf.

Niswatin Ma’rifah thesis entitled “Management of cash waqf processing in global

waqf Foundations” 14
with the conclusion that there are two methods in the
management of cash waqf collection, namely religious approaches and socio-economic
approaches. The mechanism of cash waqf pledges is written method, there are 4
programs namely food waqf, health, education and economic waqf including retail
markets, securities, and property.

Among the many writings and studies that discuss cash waqf. That previous
research is different from pressent. The difference, is that previous studies discussed
more about strategy of management. Compiled at this time, examines the importance
of securing cash waqf to anticipate the decline in asset value. Thus it can be ascertained
that, there is no attempt at plagiarism and repitition of research.

D. Research Method
The research method is a method of working to be able to understand objects
and subject to the relevant knowledge. Methods are guidelines for the way a scientist
learns and understands environments.15

13intan Wijaya, “ Pengelolaan dan pelaporan Aset Wakaf Pada Lembaga Wakaf Di Indonesia (Studi Kasus Pada
Yayasan Badan Wakaf Sultan Agung), Skripsi, Universitas Diponegoro ( Semarang: 2015)

14 Niswatin Ma’rifah,” Manajemen Pengolahan Wakaf Tuna di Yayasan Wakaf Global” Fakultas Ekonomi dan
Bisnis Islam, Universitas Islam Negri Walisongo,( Semarang: 2018).
15 Soerjono Soekamto, Pengantar Penelitian Hukum, (Jakarta: UI Press, 1986), hlm. 67.
Research in the context of carrying out document collection, must determine
the sources of documents and locations where the source of the document is found and
examined. In contrast to the field research, the location for collecting documents for
library research is far wider and even knows no boundaries and space. Research settings
are the limits to where the location is carried out. Before mentioning the location of the
research, it is a good idea to mention the specific points of library research with other
studies such as in the field research.
Library research has several special features, among others: firstly, this research
is directly dealing with text or document and number, not by field research or
eyewitness. secondly, the document is ready to use, meaning that researchers do not go
anywhere, except only dealing directly with the source already in the library. Thirdly,
documents in the library are generally secondary document sources, meaning that the
researcher obtains documents from the second hand not original from the first hand in
the field research. And fourthly, a condition of the documents in the library not divided
by space and time.16
Based on the above characteristics, this research is carried out in a library that
collects documents regarding cash waqf. The means to conduct research was centered
in the library of UIN Walisongo Semarang and the Central Java Provincial library. In
addition, data is also found in bookstores and the internet. From various places, the
library is the richies places for finding documents.
1. Research Design
Based on the background conveyed by the researcher, this research is focused
on the field of law. The research uses the type of normative or library research, that
is, first step, by recording all findings regarding the security of cash waqf in general
at each discussion obtained in the literature and other sources, or the latest findings
regarding the security of cash. After noting the data, second step is combining all
findings, both theories found in securing cash waqf. Third, analyze all findings

Mestika Zed, Metode Penelitian Kepustakaan (Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 2004).
from various readings related to the shortcomings and strengths of each source or
each other's relationships to the discourse discussed therein. The last is to give
ideas, in research results to previous discourses by presenting new findings in
collaborating with different thoughts. so according to Ammirudin,17 this research
is also called doctrinal legal research.
Doctrinal research: research which provides a systematic exposition of the
rules governing a particular legal category, analyses the relationship between
rules, explain areas of difficulty and, perhaps, predict future development.18
Doctrinal research, is a research that provides a systematic exposition of
regulations that regulate certain legal categories, analyze the relationships between
regulations, explain the direction those experience obstacles, and predicts future
Library research will face data sources in the form of books that are very large
in number so that it requires an adequate method. For this reason, in library
research, collecting books must be done gradually, unless it will be difficult.To get
all the needs mentioned above, it can be produced through libraries, research
centers, and internet networks by accessing information and information on
securing cash waqf to anticipate the decline in asset values.

the material used consists of secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials.
These documents are collected by documentation techniques, that is by reading,
studying, and recording the literature that is related to the problems discussed in the

2. Source of the data

17 Amiruddin, Pengantar Metode Penelitian Hukum, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2004), hlm. 118.
18 Peter Mahmud Marzuki, Penelitian hukum, ( Jakarta: Kencana, 2005),hlm. 32.
Abdulkadir Muhammad, Hukum dan Penelitian Hukum, (Bandung: PT. Citra Aditya Bakti, 2004), Cet.1,
hlm. 52.
Because in the library research, we only use secondary and tertiary documents
sources, as we know the researcher obtained data document second hand rather than
directly from the first hand in the field. And the following secondary and tertiary
documents sources:
a. UU Waqf No 41 Thn 2004
b. Government regulations No 42 Thn 2006 about implementing waqf.
c. Cash waqf management guidelines, published by the Directorate of Waqf
Empowerment, Directorate General of Guidance for Islamic Communities
d. Islamic Cash Wakaf Certificate, author Prof. Dr. M.A Manan, an innovation in
Islamic financial instrument.
e. Productive Waqf Management, author Dr. Rozalinda M.ag, Alloyed of productive
waqf assets.
f. Islamic Financial Institutions, by Nurul Huda and Muhammad Heykal.
g. Fiqh and Financial Analysis, by Adiwarman.
h. Practices of cash waqf in the Bank Mandiri Pusat LKS-PWU, by Ahmad Furqon.
i. Legal Dictionary
j. National and International Journals related to cash waqf
3. Technique of Data Collection
Document collection techniques, in this case, the writer will identify discourse
from books, papers or articles, journals, web (internet), or other information related to
the above theme to look for a study of the importance of securing cash waqf in
anticipation the decline of asset value. Then the first, steps is to collect good documents
through books, documents, internet magazines, the Second is to analyz the documents
so that researchers can conclude about the problem under study.
In essence, there is no specific reference in collecting document on this method,
but not just the documents collected are the result of research, because the human mind
provides job guidance systematically and in accordance with the object of study.
Therefore certain techniques are needed, so the results of the study are systematic and
Secondary and tertiary legal materials are collected based on the topic of the
problem formulated based on the documentary system 20, which allows researchers to
explore the materials obtained and classified according to sources and hierarchies for
a comprehensive review. Hence the researcher collects the materials or the literature
by visiting to various libraries. The researcher collected the following documents:21
a. Accumulation.
This stage is the beginning of the research, the researcher will collect legal
materials that are relevant to the research being faced.
b. Editing
After the researcher collects legal materials that are used as references,
researcher rechecks all legal materials obtained, especially the completeness, the
clarity of the meaning, of their suitability and their relevance.
c. Clasification.
In this stage, the researcher chooses to compile and classify the material
obtained into certain problem patterns to facilitate discussion.
d. Analysis
This stage is the core of research, where researchers analyze or review legal
materials that have been obtained, so they can understand the essence of
e. Conclusion
Finally, after the researcher analyzes or reviews the legal material, the researcher
concludes some conclusions which are the answers to the problem statement.
4. Technique of Data Analysis.
A set of legal materials obtained in this library research study, which comes
from statutory rules and articles will be presented and connected in such a way that

20Jhon W. Creswell, Research Design: Pendekatan Kualitatif, Kuantitatif, dan Mixed, terj. Achmad Fawaid,
(Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2010), hlm. 269.
21 Ibid, hlm 269 -270
they can be presented in more systematic research to answer the problems that have
been formulated.22 Then the legal materials obtained, both secondary and tertiary legal
materials will be analyz descriptively. The researcher has collected legal materials that
are then analyzed to get conclusions. The material obtained was then analyzed by the
descriptive method as follow23:
a. Grouping materials according to their types, namely secondary and tertiary legal
b. Analyze materials according to the problem.
c. Drawing a conclusion
E. Writing Systema.
To facilitate this research, systematic writing is needed, which is systematically
described in the five chapters as explained below :


In this chapter, the writer will explain the background of the problem,
the formulation of the problem, the literature reviews, the methods used
in writing this thesis and systematic.


In this chapter contains theories that writer use in conducting research.

The theory used is the general concept of cash waqf.


That is to explain the implementation of cash waqf security in order to

maintain the value of waqf assets.

22 Ibid., hlm. 270.

23 Ibid, hlm. 271

That is an analysis of cash waqf, Then an analysis of the implementation

of cash waqf securing related to anticipation of decline in asset value.


In this chapter consists of three subs, namely conclusions from the

results of the research as well as suggestions regarding the results of
research and do not forget the closing. This chapter is a series of closures
from research.

Furqon, Ahmad. 2010. Praktek Perwakafan Uang di LKS-PWU Bank Syari’ah Mandiri
Pusat. Semarang: IAIN Walisongo.

Huda, Nurul dan Heykal, M. 2010. Lembaga Keuangan Islam. Jakarta: Kencana.

Manan, M.A. 2001. Sertifikat Wakaf Tunai. Jakarta: CIBER bekerjasama dengan

Rozalinda. 2016. Manajemen Wakaf Produktif. Jakarta: RajaGrafindo.

Zed, Mustika. 2004. Metode Penelitian Kepustakaan. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor


Nasution. 1988. Metode Penulisan Naturalistik Kualitatif. Bandung: Tarsito.

Hasan, sudirman. 2010. Wakaf Uang dan implementasinya di Indonesia.Malang: jurnal

de jure Fakultas Hukum dan Syari’ah Uin Maulana Malik Ibrahim.

Hasanah, Uswatun. 2012. Urgensi pengawasam dam pengolahan wakaf produktif.

Semarang: Jurnal ahkam Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum Uin Walisongo.

Tanjung, Haura A, Baga LM, Tanjung. 2015. Analisis pengelolaan wakaf uang pada
koperasi jasa keuangan syariah. Bogor: jurnal Muzara’ah Fakultas Ekonomi
dan manajemen.
Wijaya, Intan. 2015. Pengelolaan dan pelaporan Aset Wakaf Pada Lembaga Wakaf Di
Indonesia (Studi Kasus Pada Yayasan Badan Wakaf Sultan Agung).
Semarang: Skripsi, Universitas Diponegoro.

Marifah, Niswatin. 2018. Manajemen Pengolahan Wakaf Tunai di Yayasan Global.

Semarang: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, Universitas Islam Negri

Soekamto, Soerjono. 1986. Pengantar Penelitian Hukum. Jakarta: UI Press.

Amiruddin. 2004. Pengantar Metode Penelitian Hukum. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo

Muhammad, Abdulkadir. 2004. Hukum dan Penelitian Hukum. Bandung : PT. Citra
Aditya Bakti

Creswell, Jhon W. 2010. Pendekatan Kualitatif, Kuantitatif dan Mixed,terj. Achmad

Fawaid. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

Marzuki, Mahmud Peter. 2005. Penelitian Hukum. Jakarta: Kencana


( Thesis Proposal )

Study Program in Islamic Family Law

Oviestha Ersa Ratna Dewi





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