Code Design
Code Design
Code Design
From industrial automation to medical devices, and add-in requirements such as touch-screen navigation,
from home appliances to automotive infotainment, dynamic content and web access and it is clear that
well-designed and functioning embedded systems proper user interface design) is now a critical element
play a critical role to the performance and functionality in a creation of an embedded system.
of a growing number of modern products. Meanwhile, As we have all grown accustomed to the ease use
in a world where expectations are drastically getting of mobile phones and tablets, even the most basic
higher and almost every company is looking for a non-consumer design is expected to offer a GUI that
flashy and ‘cool-looking’ UI, embedded systems is intuitive, unambiguous, informative, responsive and
designers are under pressure to meet ever-growing reliable. This puts pressure on the project development
usability requirements consistently while delivering team, not only because GUI development can become
stunning user experience. Although coding is clearly more complex at the coding level – suitable ‘building
a critical element to building the interface for an blocks’ are not readily available for many embedded
embedded design, good coding alone is no longer operating systems and, while attractive graphics can
satisfactory – one needs to understand the user and be displayed by any system with a good display and
choose the right development tools first. enough processing power, creating interactive and
dynamic GUIs can be very demanding without the right
tools. However, even with the right tools developing
Evolution of User Interfaces for the best GUIs may require additional design skills
that aren’t always readily available in a software
Embedded Systems
engineering team.
components along with classes and modules that creation of graphical elements, for example, drag-
abstract common functionality in operating systems, and-drop UI creation in addition to writing the code.
ideally, beyond just GUI creation. For example, by High performance text rendering as well as pre-
also providing classes for XML, networking, inter- rendered fonts help to reduce processing overhead
process communication (IPC), 2D and 3D graphics while, beyond the graphics, special web tools meet
with hardware acceleration, threading, data bases, connectivity requirements by allowing designers
internationalization and multimedia the engineer to build advanced user interfaces that incorporate
effectively has access to a whole application real-time web content and services. For global
framework. This advances implementation of key deployments a dedicated linguist tool enables
functionality while allowing developers to focus on engineers to translate and adjust applications to
core competencies that add competitive advantage to different world languages, including support for Asian
Used by over 1,000,000 developers worldwide, Qt is a full framework that enables the development of powerful,
interactive and platform-independent applications. Qt applications run native on desktop, embedded and mobile
host systems, enabling them to deliver performance that is far superior to other cross-platform application
development frameworks. Qt’s support for multiple platforms and operating systems allows developers to save
significant time related to porting to other devices.
Qt is created by developers for developers where making developers’ lives easier is top priority. It provides an
incomparable developer experience with the tools necessary to create amazing user experiences. Qt is platform
agnostic and believes in making sure that all developers are able to target multiple platforms with one framework
by simply reusing code. Qt gives freedom to the developer. Code less. Create more. Deploy everywhere.
The Qt Company is responsible for all Qt activities including product development, commercial and open source
licensing together with the Qt Project under the open governance model. Together with our licensing, support and
services capabilities, we operate with the mission to work closely with developers to ensure that their Qt projects
are deployed on time, within budget and with a competitive advantage.
The Qt Company’s goal is to provide desktop, embedded, and mobile developers and companies with the
most powerful cross- platform UI and application framework. Together with its licensing, support and services
capabilities, The Qt Company operates with the mission to work closely with developers to ensure that the projects
are deployed on time, within budget and with a competitive advantage.
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South Korea | Taiwan | United States