Ihsanullah2019 PDF
Ihsanullah2019 PDF
Ihsanullah2019 PDF
Ihsan Ullah
PII: S1383-5866(18)31243-7
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2018.07.043
Reference: SEPPUR 14774
Please cite this article as: I. Ullah, Carbon nanotube membranes for water purification: Developments, challenges,
and prospects for the future, Separation and Purification Technology (2018), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.
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Carbon nanotube membranes for water purification: Developments,
challenges, and prospects for the future
Center for Environment and Water, Research Institute, King Fahd University of Petroleum &
Minerals, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have recently attracted considerable attention for the synthesis of
novel membranes with attractive features for water purification. This paper critically reviews the
recent progress on the synthesis and applications of carbon nanotube (CNT) based membranes in
water treatment. Various synthesis techniques for the preparation of CNT based membranes are
discussed. Furthermore, the effect of incorporating CNTs in the matrix on the membrane
properties has deliberated in detail. The key issues associated with the synthesis of CNT based
membranes for actual applications are highlighted. Finally, research directions are given to
ensure the fabrication and application of CNT membranes in a more effective manner. This
paper may provide an insight for the development of CNT based membranes for water
purification in future. With their tremendous separation performance, low biofouling potential
and ultra-high water flux, CNT membranes have the potential to be a leading technology in water
Keywords: Carbon nanotube; membranes; water treatment; mixed matrix membranes; bucky-
paper; desalination; nanocomposite membranes
1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………..3
2. Basics of carbon nanotubes………………………………………………………..5
3. Types of CNT membranes………………………………………………………...8
4. Vertically aligned carbon nanotube (VA-CNT) membranes…………………..10
4.1. Applications of VA-CNT membranes in water treatment………………….....14
5. Bucky paper CNT membranes…………………………………………………..20
5.1. Applications of Bucky paper CNT membranes in water treatment…………...21
6. Mixed (nanocomposite) CNT Membranes………………………………………27
6.1. Synthesis techniques of mixed (nanocomposite) CNT Membranes…………...27
6.1.1. Phase inversion…………………………………………………………………27
6.1.2. Interfacial polymerization…………………………………………………….28
6.1.3. Solution mixing…………………………………………………………...…….30
6.1.4. Spray-assisted layer-by-layer…………………………………………………31
6.1.5. Polymer grafting………………………………………………………….…….32
6.1.6. In-situ polymerization…………………………………………………………..33
6.1.7. In-situ colloidal precipitation…………………………………….………..….34
6.2. Effects of CNTs addition on the nanocomposite membrane properties…………35
6.2.1. Effect on the antifouling and antimicrobial properties…………………..…35
6.2.2. Effect of CNTs on salt rejection…………………………………………..……41
6.2.3. Effect on the surface hydrophilicity and flux………………………..………46
6.2.4. Effect on the mechanical and thermal properties…………………..…….....49
6.3. Electrically conducive CNT membranes………………………………………………53
6.4. Anti-fouling mechanisms of mixed (nanocomposite) CNT membranes……………55
7. Potential of CNT membranes in desalination………………………………………82
8. Current challenges and need for further research ………..………………….……83
9. Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………85
1. Introduction
Fresh water is not only important to human health but also serves as a crucial feedstock for
several industries. As per a report from the United Nations (UN), by 2025, two-thirds of the
world population could be under water stress conditions and 1800 million people will be facing
absolute water scarcity [1–3]. According to the alarming projections by United Nation, the
number of people that will suffer from water scarcity will be 7 billion in 60 countries by 2050
Intensive efforts are underway throughout the world to avert this looming crisis. The reuse,
recycling and recovery of water has proven to be fruitful in creating a new and reliable water
supply while not compromising public health. Membrane filtration is considered to be among the
most promising and widely used processes for the purification of wastewater, seawater and
brackish water [2,5]. Membranes are classified into different categories based on their
configurations and their molecular weight cut-off (MWCO). Membrane processes such as
pervaporation (PV) and membrane distillation (MD) are widely employed in water purification.
Membranes are mostly manufactured from polymeric, ceramic or hybrid materials [3]. Polymeric
membranes are usually used in water purification and desalination, owing to their high selectivity
and excellent mechanical strength. Ceramic membranes, on the other hand, are typically
employed for challenging water purification processes due to their good thermal and chemical
and stabilities. However, both these types of membranes still have limitations and there exists
sufficient space of improvement [3]. For example, the polymeric membranes are less chemically
stable and low fouling-resistant than ceramic membranes, in many water treatment
applications [6]. Ceramic membranes, on the other hand, are typically recommended for small-
Recent years have observed remarkable revolutions toward application of various nanomaterials
such as zeolites, metal/metal-oxide nanoparticles, dendrimers and carbon nanomaterials for water
purification [1,6–8]. However, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have gained considerable attention
owing to their unique mechanical, thermal, electrical and chemical properties. CNTs have been
extensively used for the elimination of numerous impurities from aqueous media [9–14].
Recently, CNTs have gained significant consideration for the synthesis of innovative membranes
for water decontamination [15–34]. The significant features that make CNTs an emerging
nanomaterial in water purification and desalination devices are their large surface area, ease of
functionalization, high aspect ratio and fast water transport [35]. CNTs can be used either as
direct filters or as a filler to improve the membrane performance. CNTs have proven to be
disinfection, rejection and permeability. The flux through CNTs has been estimated to be 3–4
This paper reviews the various approaches for devising CNT membranes and evaluates their
potential applications in water treatment. Various synthesis techniques for the preparation of
CNT based membranes are discussed. Furthermore, the effect of incorporating CNTs in the
matrix on the membrane properties has deliberated in detail. The prospect of using CNT
2. Basics of carbon nanotubes
Carbon exists in many molecular forms, known as allotropes of carbon. CNTs are allotropes of
carbon that are composed of cylindrical graphite sheets rolled up in a tube-like structure [38].
CNTs that are composed of a single graphene sheet are termed as single-walled carbon
SWCNTs are depicted in Fig. 1 [39], while Fig. 2 represents several SWCNT structures based on
the way graphene sheets are rolled [40]. Comparison of SWCNTs and MWCNTs is presented in
Table 1.
In 1991, Sumio Ijima at the NEC Laboratory in Tsukuba, Japan, discovered CNTs using the arc-
discharge technique. These CNTs were then characterized using a high-resolution transmission
electron microscope (HRTEM) [44]. Chemical bonding in nanotubes is composed entirely of sp2
bonds, which are stronger than the sp3 bonds found in alkanes and provide nanotubes with
unique strength [45]. The most common techniques for the synthesis of CNTs are laser ablation,
arc-discharge and chemical vapor deposition (CVD) [46]. CNTs have been extensively employed
for the remediation of various pollutants from aqueous solutions [9–14,47]. Recently, CNTs have
gained significant consideration for the synthesis of innovative membranes for water
decontamination [15,16,27–30].
Fig. 1. Structure representations of (a) MWCNT and (b) SWCNT. Reproduced with permission
from [39]. Copyright (2009) American Chemical Society
Fig. 2. Three different structures of CNTs. Reproduced with permission from [40]. Copyright
(2004) John Wiley and Sons
CNTs have emerged at the forefront of nanotechnology research and advancement. However,
there has been a great concern on the potential environmental impacts of CNTs [48]. Release of
CNTs into the environment can lead to serious environmental problems. CNTs can pose an
which can have several adverse effects. This not only harms the treatment plant but can also
affect the aquatic life if CNTs enter into the environment. CNTs have been observed to induce
However, the toxicity of CNTs depends upon the type of CNTs, physical state (i.e., dispersed or
agglomerated), synthesis technique, presence of impurities, and dimensions. In general, the well-
dispersed CNTs are less toxic as compared to the agglomerated CNTs. Likewise, the soluble
CNTs did not have a substantial toxic effect on cell viability [51–53].
Carbon nanotube membranes can be classified into different categories according to the
fabrication methods, however, the two broad classes are; (1) freestanding CNT membranes, and
(2) mixed (nanocomposite) CNT membranes. Two main types of freestanding CNT membranes,
typically used in desalination and water treatment applications are vertically aligned CNT (VA-
CNT) membranes and bucky-paper membranes [54,55]. In the VA-CNT membranes, CNTs are
aligned as cylindrical pores that forces the fluid to pass only through the hollow CNT interior or
between the CNTs bundles. Bucky-paper CNT membranes, on the other hand, is random
arrangement of CNTs in an extremely large porous 3D network with high specific surface area
membranes, where the top layer is mixed with CNT and a polymer. Representative images of
VA-CNT and mixed (nanocomposite) CNT membranes are displayed in Fig. 3 [56]. The features
of VA-CNT membranes and mixed (nanocomposite) CNT membranes are summarized in Table
2. Both types of membranes have their own pros and cons. For example, the VA-CNT
membranes have the advantage of high water flux due to the compact nanotube forest and short
nano-channel length. However, the complex fabrication techniques are a big hurdle in fabrication
of these membranes for large-scale applications. On the other hand, the mixed (nanocomposite)
CNT membranes has the advantages of simple synthesis procedures, however, the flux through
these membranes is not comparable with one predicted for the VA-CNT membranes.
Fig. 3. Representative images of (a) Vertically aligned (VA-CNT) membranes, and (b) mixed
(nanocomposite) CNT membranes. Reproduced with permission from [56]. Copyright
(2012) The Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry & Elsevier B.V.
CNTs are mixed with polymeric materials CNTs are aligned vertically
Simple fabrication process Complicated fabrication process
Moderately fast water flux Drastically fast water flux
Require simple operating system Special operating system may be required
The CNT based membranes have the potential to replace or improve the performance of RO, NF,
UF, MF and forward osmosis (FO) membranes in water treatment. The hydrophobic hollow
tubes of CNTs facilitates the fast transport of polar water molecules. This enables the CNT
membranes to replace both RO and UF membranes with little or no consumption of energy. The
three main categories of CNT membranes i.e., VACNT membrane, Bucky-paper CNT
membranes and mixed (nanocomposite) CNT membranes are discussed separately below.
Hinds’s research group proposed the aligned multiwalled carbon nanotube membranes for the
first time in 2004 [29]. CNTs were generated using CVD process and CNTs arrays are produced
with polystyrene (PS) embedded between the CNTs. However, the concept of single carbon
nanotube membranes was introduced back in 2000, when Sun et al. [57] reported the mass
transport through carbon nanotubes. The single carbon nanotubes were mounted on a
macroscopic metal wire and then embedded in epoxy matrix. The transport rates of PS probe
particles through the single-pore membrane were reported. Hummer et al. [58] reported the
conduction of water molecules through a single carbon nanotubes by using the molecular
dynamics simulations. Jopesh et al (2003) predicted the transport of certain molecules through
functionalized CNTs using molecular dynamics simulation [59]. Holt et al. (2004) fabricated
VA-CNT membranes with inorganic filler (silicon nitride, Si3N4) among the CNTs arrays and
reported that water flux was >3-fold greater than calculated from the Hagen–Poiseuille equation
[60]. It was also reported that the fluid through the CNT pores and selectivity of CNTs can be
Some other simulation studies showed that water molecules can be conducted fast thorough the
inner core of CNTs [58,62]. The water transport through CNTs depends mainly on the diameter
and uniformity of CNTs [63,64]. Water transport and salt rejection is sensitive to change in
diameter of the nanotubes [65]. The potential of size based separation though CNT membranes
was predicted by various researchers [56,66]. Specific diameter of CNTs can be used to allow
water molecules to pass though while rejects ions like sodium and chloride [56,66]. Verweij et
al. [67] suggested some new models to predict the fast flow of gas and water through CNT
Although molecular dynamic simulation is frequently used to present the flow of various
molecules through CNTs, only few experimental studies are available on the applications of
these CNT membranes in water treatment. Majumder et al. (2005) confirmed experimentally that
the water flow rates through the aligned CNTs arrays with a PS embedded between the CNTs is
4- to 5-fold higher than the value estimated from the Hagen–Poiseuille equation [68]. Baek et al.
[69] synthesized vertically aligned carbon nanotubes using epoxy resin as filler between the
CNTs bundles as shown in Fig 4. The produced membranes have a pore density of 6.8 × 1010
pores/cm2 and 4.8 nm of pore diameter. The membrane performance in term of biofouling,
rejection and flux was compared with the typical ultrafiltration (UF) membrane. The flux
through the membrane was determined for different solvents. It was concluded that the flux
through a CNT membrane was 3 times higher than that of typical UF membranes. Polyethylene
oxide (PEO, molecular weight: 100 kDa) was used to predict the rejection rate of the CNT
The membrane biofouling tendency was analyzed by using an initial concertation of 1×107
CFU/mL of a model bacterial strain (Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 GFP). The CNT membrane
showed bacteria attachment reduction of almost 2 log scale and flux drop of approximately 15%
Fig. 4. Schematic of the manufacturing of the VA-CNT membrane; (a) transfer of VA CNTs to
the tape, (b) infiltration of epoxy into the vacant areas of VA-CNTs utilizing the cast, and (c)
fabrication of the VA-CNT membrane utilizing microtome. Reproduced with permission from
[69]. Copyright (2014) Elsevier B.V.
Yu et al. [70] presented a method for the preparation of high-density VA-CNT membranes. The
CVD method was used to prepare the CNT arrays with an average space of ∼3 nm between the
CNTs. The gas molecules were permeated through both interstitial pores and CNTs. The gas
permeation values were 450 times of those predicted for Knudsen diffusion and 4-7 orders of
magnitude higher than reported in the literature. These membranes separated a larger molecule
(triisopropyl orthoformate (TIPO)) from a smaller molecule (nhexane) possibly due to
preferential adsorption.
Lee et al. [71] developed a novel filter with both superoleophilic and superhydrophobic
mesh with micro-scale pores as shown in Fig. 5. The nanotube filter was able to separate diesel
and water layers. Majumder et al. [72] reported the transport properties through an aligned
(∼109-10 tubes/cm2), with ∼7 nm pore diameter. The liquid flow through the noninteracting
hydrophobic CNT cores was found to be 1000-10,000 times faster than liquid transport from
Fig. 5. (a) SEM image of the stainless steel mesh with a size of 400. (b) Optical images of the
mesh before and after the synthesis of nano-tubes. (c) Top view of the synthesized nano-tubes on
the mesh (SEM). (d) Top view of the nano-tubes with an average length of about 100 lm. (e)
Magnified, tilted view of the tip of nano-tubes. (f) Cross-sectional image of the VA-MWNT
filter. (g, h) Magnified SEM images. Reproduced with permission from [71]. Copyright
(2010) Elsevier Ltd.
4.1. Applications of VA-CNT membranes in water treatment
Beside the higher flow rate, the VA-CNT membranes exhibited strong antibacterial
characteristics and an excellent removal performance for various salts. Brady-Estevez et al. [73]
proposed a SWNT filter for the removal of microbial pathogens from water. It was found that
the SWNT filter exhibited high antibacterial activity for Escherichia coli K12 (E. coli). Lee et al.
[74] prepared millimeter-thick ultrafiltration membrane with extremely high water permeability.
The antibiofouling potential of the membranes was determined using Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
PA01 as a model bacterium. The CNT membranes were found to resist the biofilm formation and
Du et al. [75] reported a simple method for the synthesis of superlong vertically aligned carbon
nanotubes (SLVA-CNT) and epoxy composite membranes. The prepared membrane exhibited a
significantly high flow rate for numerous liquids including dodecane, hexane and water. A
magnetic coil was used to generate magnetic field to attract and remove iron nanoparticles to and
from the membrane and to block and open the CNT membrane by applying currents. Based on
the SEM and AFM images, the hole packing density of the CNT membrane was estimated to be
around 2.4 × 1010/cm2. Fig. 6a shows a typical optical microscopic image for the SLVA-
CNT/epoxy composite membrane [75]. Fig. 6b and c, respectively, show pores homogeneously
distributed over the whole membrane surface with an average pore size of about 10 nm. The
results of this study were also confirmed by molecular dynamics simulations [75].
Fig. 6. SLVA-CNT and epoxy membranes: (a) digital photograph of the 2 cm x 2 cm membrane;
(b, c) AFM and SEM images of the SLVA-CNT and epoxy membrane surface under different
magnifications. Reproduced with permission from [75]. Copyright (2011) American Chemical
Chan et al. [76] predicted through simulation studies that zwitterion functional groups at the ends
of CNTs exhibited rejection of essentially all ions and allow a high flux of water. Simulations
reveal that the ion rejection ratio is nearly 100%, when two zwitterions are attached to each end
of CNTs having diameters of about 15 Å. The increase in ion rejection for the zwitterion
functionalized CNTs is due to a combination of steric hindrance from the functional groups
partially blocking the tube ends and electrostatic repulsion between functional groups and ions,
with steric effects dominating. A typical simulation cell for single-walled CNT membranes is
presented in Fig. 7.
Fig. 7. View of the section for simulation cell containing a membrane composed of four CNTs
embedded between two graphene sheets with saltwater on either side of the membrane. Each end
of each tube is functionalized with two zwitterionic groups. The carbons of the CNTs and
graphene sheets are shown as cyan lines. Water molecules are shown as red and white sticks, Cl –
and Na+ ions are shown as green and blue spheres, respectively, and the atoms of the zwitterions
are shown as space filling models, cyan for C, red for O, white for H, and magenta for N.
Reproduced with permission from [76]. Copyright (2013) American Chemical Society.
Li et al. [16] reported a novel concept for the synthesis of ultra-filtration membrane with high-
flux comprising polyethersulfone (PES) and a pre-aligned MWCNT array. The membrane was
prepared through a simple drop-casting and phase inversion process. As shown in Fig. 8, the
vertically aligned CNTs were uniformly distributed inside a PES matrix [16]. Results
demonstrated that the water speed through the prepared membranes was more than 10 times
higher than that of a pure PES membrane and about 3 times higher than that of a simply mixed
Fig 8. Illustration of possible pathways for water transportation in a CNT/polymer blend membrane
due to (1) hydrophobic effect enhanced transport, (2) nano-confinement enhanced flux, (3) ultrafast
transport through the CNT pores, and (4) direct transport through the membrane matrix. Reproduced
with permission from [16]. Copyright (2014) Royal Society of Chemistry.
Kim et al. [77] prepared VA-CNT/polymer composite films via a novel in-situ bulk
polymerization method. A VA-CNT array was infiltrated with styrene monomer with a certain
of PS-b–PB copolymer into the matrix have improved the elongation at break of the CNT/PS
composite film, as confirmed by the micro-indentation measurements. It was found that the
water and gas permeability through the prepared CNTs/polymer composite was higher than for
Park et al. [78] reported the synthesis of a VA-CNT membrane by the CVD method. The
prepared VA-CNT membranes had a high water permeability but showed rapid irreversible
fouling due to hydrophobic interactions between the membrane surface and foulants. The
rejection capability of the VA-CNT membranes was similar to commercial polymeric UF
membranes. The rejection of nanoparticles larger than 10 nm was very high. However, the
surface modification by the graft polymerization of methacrylic acid (MA) was effective to
change the characteristics of VA-CNT and UF membranes. The contact angle of the membranes
was reduced after the introduction of carboxylic groups. The modified CNT membrane showed
an increased BSA (bovine serum albumin) rejection and a lower fouling propensity. The carbon
nanotube walls of the membrane are observed to resist biofilm formation and impede bacterial
Li et al. [79] developed a simple method to deposit MWCNT forest-like films from
was used as the shell flow to generate vertically aligned tree-like structures at mesoscopic scale
(~10-5 m) on silicon, aluminum, and fiber membrane substrates. These forest-like structures
assembled from highly conductive core-shell polymer/MWCNT particles with diameter of about
1 mm. The prepared films have potential applications in various areas such as conductive filters
and flexible electronics, owing to their high electrical conductivity and porous structure. Hinds
[80] reported that the major mechanisms of mass transport through CNTs are ionic diffusion and
gatekeeper activity. The term ‘gatekeeper’ is referred to a chemical layer only at the pore
entrance that selectively allows chemicals to pass into and through the pores of the membrane.
Srivastava et al. [81] reported the fabrication of freestanding monolithic uniform macroscopic
hollow cylindrical membranes filters via spray pyrolysis of ferrocene/benzene, as shown in Fig.
9 [81]. These filters were efficient in the separation of heavy hydrocarbon and the removal of
bacteria. Fig. 10 shows the experimental setup for the removal of bacteria using nanotube filter
[81]. The water permeability and salt removal efficiency of vertically aligned double-walled
carbon nanotube array membrane were lower than the values reported in the literature [82]. The
authors suggested that Hagen-Poiseuille might not be suitable to calculate the flux through
VACNT membranes.
(a) (b)
Fig. 9. (a) SEM image of the aligned tubes with radial symmetry resulting in hollow cylindrical
structure (scale 1 mm), (b) SEM image of the cylindrical macrostructure assembly showing the
wall of the bulk tube consisting of aligned MWNTs. Reproduced with permission from [81].
Copyright (2004) Springer Nature.
Fig. 10. (a) The unfiltered water containing E. coli bacteria, (b) The colonies of E. coli
bacteria (marked by arrows) grown by the culture of the polluted water, (c) The assembly for
the filtration experiment, (d) The water filtered through nanotube filter. Reproduced with
permission from [81]. Copyright (2004) Springer Nature.
It is worth mentioning that despite the tremendous fluid transport properties of VA-CNTs, the
alignment control of CNTs in the membrane matrix and agglomeration control of CNTs is still a
huge challenge.
Bucky paper membranes are composed of randomly arranged CNTs in the form of a thin mat
held together by van der Waals interactions. Van der Waals interactions are responsible for the
strong aggregation of CNTs forming the cohesive bucky-paper structure. This type of CNT
membranes has the advantage of a high specific surface area and large porous 3D network.
Different methods such as vacuum assisted filtration, electrospinning and layer-by-layer (LBL)
deposition have been reported for the synthesis of bucky paper CNT membranes.
One of the most important steps in the preparation of bucky-paper CNT membranes is the
impurities. However, these purification treatments can also damage and shorten the CNTs.
However this process leads to functionalize the CNTs with carboxyl and hydroxyl groups
rendering them hydrophilic, which can be advantageous for CNT dispersion into polar solvents
Dumée et al. [83] synthesized bucky paper CNT membranes by using chemically modified
CNTs by UV/ozone treatment and reacting with alkoxysilane based groups. These membranes
were reported to have a high hydrophobicity and an enhanced durability. Fig. 11 represents a
typical process for the manufacturing of bucky paper CNT membranes [61].
Fig. 11. (a) Process for manufacturing Bucky-papers, (b) SEM image showing the Bucky-
paper surface and (c) Bucky-paper origami aeroplane demonstrating their flexibility
mechanical robustness. Reproduced with permission from [61]. Copyright (2010) MDPI
(Basel, Switzerland)
Dumée et al. [84] reported the preparation of bucky paper CNT membranes and assessed their
potential and performance in direct contact membrane distillation (DCMD). The bucky paper
CNT membranes were found to have a high thermal conductivity, and they are highly porous and
highly hydrophobic. It was demonstrated that Bucky-Paper CNT membranes have an excellent
potential to be used for desalination in DCMD. About 99% salt was rejected, with a water flux of
∼12 kg/m2.h and water vapour partial pressure difference of 22.7 kPa.
A bucky-paper CNT membrane produced by using a polymeric support was also effectively
employed for desalination of seawater via DCMD [85]. The composite CNT membranes gave an
average salt rejection of 95% with permeabilities as high as 3.3 × 10-12 kg/(m.s.Pa) and a lifespan
Bucky-paper CNT membranes also demonstrated strong anti-bacterial properties [73,87]. Brady-
Esétvez et al. reported that a SWNT Bucky-paper exhibited high removal of the model virus
MS2 bacteriophage (27 nm diameter) due to depth filtration and was also effective in completely
retaining E. coli cells (2 μm size) due to size exclusion. Moreover, the Bucky-paper was
effective in damaging the cell membrane and inactivate the E. coli cells [73,87].
Ihsanullah et al. [5] prepared CNT membranes using a novel approach. The binder free
membranes comprising of CNT impregnated with silver have been synthesized using a powder
metallurgy route. The silver nanoparticles were impregnated on the surface of the CNTs by a wet
impregnation method. CNTs impregnated with silver particles were uniaxially pressed at
200 MPa in a tool steel die with 27-mm diameter. Compaction yielded disks of φ 27 mm × 3 mm
(thickness) containing 1, 10 or 20 wt.% silver by mass. The disks were then sintered in a
horizontal tube furnace with a programmable temperature controller. Sintering was performed at
a temperature of 800 °C for 5 h with a heating rate of 10 °C/min. A schematic overview of the
membrane synthesis process is presented in Fig. 12. The affinity of membranes to biofouling was
studied using Escherichia coli bacteria. The membranes exhibited excellent anti-bacterial
characteristics. The same authors also reported the synthesis of iron oxide impregnated CNT
membranes with excellent antifouling potential for sodium alginate (SA) [3,88]. The aluminum
oxide CNT membrane prepared via a similar route were efficient in removing cadmium ions
Fig. 12. Schematic of silver doped CNTs membrane synthesis process. Reproduced with
permission from [5]. Copyright (2015) Elsevier B.V.
Table 3 highlights the synthesis techniques, applications and performance of various VA-CNT
and Bucky paper CNT membranes in water treatment.
Table 3 Synthesis techniques, applications and performance of various VA-CNT and Bucky paper CNT membrane
VA-CNT CNT/PES CVD UF The water transportation speed for the membrane contains [16]
membrane vertically aligned CNTs (∼ 100 L/m2.h at 60 Psi) was about 3
times higher than the simply mixed CNT/PES membrane with
random orientation and more than 10 times higher than the pure
PES membrane under the same pressure load.
VA-CNT CNT/PS CVD - Transport of two different sized molecules (ruthenium bipyridine [68]
membrane [Ru-(bipy)32+] and methyl viologen [MV2+]).
The flux of Ru-(bipy)32+ and MV2+ molecules through CNT-dye
membrane was 9.57 (±0.91) and 21.05 (±2.32) nmol/h,
VA-CNT CNT/PS/Epoxy resin CVD UF The VA CNT membrane showed water flux that was about three [69]
membrane times faster (1100±130 L/m2.h.bar) than the commercial UF
membrane (477±60 L/m2.h.bar).
The VA CNT membrane showed better biofouling resistance
with approximately 15% less permeate flux reduction and 2 log
less bacterial attachment than the UF membrane.
VA-CNT CNT/Stainless steel CVD - The nanotube filter was able to separate diesel and water layers. [71]
membrane mesh The flux for diesel was 4692 kg/m2.h.Pa at 400 Pa and
8415 kg/m2. h. Pa at 800 Pa while the flux for water was zero.
The flux for water was 85.6 kg/m2. h. Pa which could be obtained
at a significantly higher pressure (1820 Pa).
VA-CNT CNT/PS CVD - Water flow through the noninteracting hydrophobic CNT cores [72]
membrane was ∼1000-10,000 times faster than predictions of liquid
transport from conventional no-slip hydrodynamic predictions.
SWCNT filter CNT/Poly-Vinyl Di- Vacuum MF The water permeability was 13,800 L/m2.h.bar and 6500 [73]
Fluoride (PVDF) filtration L/m2.h.bar at SWNT loading of 0.3 mg/cm2 and 0.8 mg/cm2,
Results indicated that only 6% of E. coli cells remained
metabolically active after retention by the SWNT filter, in
comparison to over 70% metabolically active cells on the control
VA-CNT CNT/Polytetrafluoroe CVD UF The water permeability through carbon nanotubes millimetre- [74]
membrane thylene/Si substrate thick ultrafiltration membrane was 30,000 L/m2.h.bar, compared
with the best water permeability of 2,400 L/m2.h.bar reported for
carbon nanotube membranes.
The carbon nanotube walls of the membrane were observed to
resist the biofilm formation and impede bacterial adhesion.
VA-CNT Superlong vertically CVD - Water flow rates for the noncompressed (2 cm × 2 cm) and half- [75]
membrane aligned carbon compressed (2 cm × 1 cm) SLVA-CNT/epoxy composite
nanotubes (SLVA- membranes were found to be 6.75 × 10-2 and 1.21 × 10-1
CNT)/Epoxy mL/cm2.min, respectively.
composite Significantly high flow rate for numerous other liquids including
dodecane and hexane.
VA-CNT CNT/Syrene In-situ bulk - CNTs/polymer composite membranes showed high gas (∼3-16 [77]
membrane monomer/ polymerization mm3.µm/cm2.s.atm) and water permeability (∼8
Polystyrene– mm3.µm/cm2.s.atm) comparable to the other VACNT composite
polybutadiene (PS– membranes.
PB) copolymer The calculated elastic modulus of the CNT/PS/PS-b–PB
membrane ranges between 470 and 980 MPa.
VA-CNT CNT/Fe/Al2O3/Si CVD UF The pure water permeabilities for the VA-CNT membrane and [78]
membrane substrate UF membrane were 1000 ± 100 L/m2.h.bar and
400 ± 10 L/m .h.bar, respectively.
The BSA rejection increased from 71% to 90% (at pH 7.4)
because of the modification by graft-polymerization of
methacrylic acid (MA).
VA-CNT CNT/PAN Coaxial Conductive The fabricated MWCNT films possess a porous structure and a [79]
membrane electrospray filters high electrical conductivity.
Radially CNT Spray - The values for the Young’s modulus of the CNT macrotube was [81]
aligned CNT pyrolysis ∼50 MPa and the tensile strength was ∼2.2 MPa.
membrane The CNT macrotube exhibited efficient separation of heavy
hydrocarbon and removal of bacteria.
VA double- CNT/Silicon wafer CVD - The water flux through the membrane was 1.31 × 10-3 - 6.57 × [82]
walled CNT substrate 10-2 L/cm2.day.MPa.
array The rejection of salt (NaCl) was 41.4 %.
Bucky paper CNT CVD followed DCMD Water vapour flux across the membranes in DCMD after ozone [83]
CNT by UV/ozone treatment (1hr) was 4.5 ± 0.1 × 1012 kg/m.s.Pa.
membrane treatment of The salt rejection was >95%.
CNTs and
reacting with
based groups
Bucky paper CNT Vacuum DCMD The membranes exhibited contact angle of 113°, porosity (90%), [84]
CNT filtration and thermal conductivity of 2.7 kW/m2.h.
membrane The membranes showed 99% salt rejection and a flux rate of
∼12 kg/m2.h at a water vapour partial pressure difference of
22.7 kPa in DCMD setup.
Bucky paper CNT/Poly-propylene Filtration DCMD The best composite CNT membranes gave permeabilities as high [85]
CNT (PP)/Poly-ether- as 3.3 × 10-12 kg/(m.s.Pa) with an average salt rejection of 95%
membrane sulfone (PES)/Poly- and lifespan of up to 39 h of continuous testing in DCMD setup.
Styrene (PS)/PVDF
6. Mixed (nanocomposite) CNT Membranes
The mixed (nanocomposite) CNT membrane has the main aim to improve the performance of
existing membranes (mainly polymeric) with the addition of CNTs. CNTs offer several attractive
features including surface hydrophilicity, thermal and mechanical stability, antimicrobial and
CNTs tends to agglomerate due to van der Waals interactions, which limits their applications in
some cases [87,90]. However, acid treated CNTs showed improved dispersion in the polymer
matrix as compared to pristine CNTs [91]. CNTs are incorporated in a polymer matrix in several
ways. The most common techniques are phase inversion [30,91–100], interfacial polymerization
common methods are phase inversion [91,94,95], interfacial polymerization [8,101], solution
Choi et al. [91] prepared MWCNTs/PSf blend membranes via the phase inversion process, using
pyrrolidone (NMP) and blended with PSf solution. Wu et al. [93] prepared novel
methyl-2-pyrrolidinone (NMP) as the solvent and water as the coagulant. The BPPO was
dissolved in NMP and a given amount of the tri- ethanolamine (TEOA) and in N- methyl-2-
pyrrolidone (NMP) solution was added to the polymer solution. MWCNTs were then added to
the solution followed by stirring and sonication. The resultant casting solution was cast onto a
clean glass plate. Subsequently, the glass plate was horizontally immersed into deionized (DI)
water at a temperature of 30◦ C for at least 24h to remove the solvent and solidify the membrane
structure. Finally, the membranes were washed with DI water repeatedly and stored in wet
Fig. 13. Schematic of the MWCNTs/BPPOqua membrane synthesis. Reproduced with permission
from [93]. Copyright (2010) Elsevier B.V.
Kim et al. [8] synthesized polyamide (PA) RO membranes with carbon nanotubes (CNTs) via
functionalized CNTs and trimesoyl chloride (TMC) solutions in n-hexane. The polysulfone
support membrane was pretreated with isopropyl alcohol (IPA) to enlarge pores and was then
placed in the water bath for 3 h to stabilize the pores. A specific amount of TMC and n-hexane
was added into a round-bottom flask equipped with a magnetic stirring bar in a glovebox filled
with argon gas and the solution was stirred at room temperature. The PSf membrane was taken
out of the bath and air bubbles and droplets of aqueous solution formed on the membrane surface
were removed by rolling a rubber roller. The membrane was fixed on the acryl flat board with
rubber mold. The TMC solution was poured on the membrane saturated with the aqueous
solution. After that the membrane was placed in an oven at 100 °C for 5 min to induce cross-
linking as well as further polymerization and remove the excess of organic solution. The
Shen et al. [101] prepared film nanocomposite (TFN) functionalized multiwalled carbon
TFN membranes were produced by immersing the PSF substrates in a piperazine (PIP) solution.
A solution of PMMA–MWNTs and trimesoyl chloride (TMC) in toluene was then gently poured
onto the PIP-soaked membrane substrate. As a result, an ultra-thin PA rejection layer was formed
on the PSF substrates due to the reaction of TMC and PIP at the interface. The resultant
membranes were dried in air after pouring off the toluene solution. The fresh PA TFN membrane
was placed in an oven at 80oC in air at ambient pressure. Finally, the TFN membranes were
Figure 14. Schematic view of the TFN membrane synthesis. Reproduced with permission from
[101]. Copyright (2013) Elsevier B.V.
with N-cyclohexyl-2-pyrrolidone (CHP). Later, the CHP-SWNT solution was added to CHP-
PVK solution. The mixture was centrifuged and the pellet of PVK-SWCNT was washed with DI
water and resuspended by ultrasonication to yield a 97:3 weight ratio of well- dispersed PVK-
SWCNT mixture. Nitrocellulose membrane filters were dip-coated with PVK, SWCNT and
membranes. A blend of PVDF and SBS was prepared by dissolving two polymers (1:1) in
wt%) were added to the as-prepared blend while stirring for 24 h. This blend solution was casted
assisted layer-by-layer technique. The F-MWCNTs were added to ethanol aqueous solution and
ultrasonicated; then, a poly (sodium 4-styrenesulfonate) (PSS) aqueous solution was mixed with
MWCNTs solution to form a homogeneous PSS solution with MWCNTs content with the aid of
The PES substrates were soaked in 25 oC DI water for 24 h to fully remove the wetting agent of
the membrane. The pretreated PES membrane was mounted on a holder so that only one side of
the PES membrane contacted with the spraying solution. A schematic view of the fabrication of
Compressed air (20 psi) was used from a spray pistol. The process was repeated for n cycles, that
is, n bilayers of PSS/MWCNTs-PDDA thin film were formed on the PES membrane. Spraying
was initiated by PSS/MWCNTs on the PES substrate through hydrogen bonding, hydrogen-
hydrogen, and hydrophobic interactions, the positively charged PDDA interact with
Fig. 15. Schematic view of the fabrication of polyelectrolyte multilayer membrane via spray-
assisted technique. Reproduced with permission from [114]. Copyright (2013) Informa UK
was used as the initiator leading to the formation of free-radicals on both PA and MWCNTs.
For the preparation of MWCNT-PA composite membranes, MWCNTs were dispersed in DMAc
via ultrasonication. Then, benzoyl peroxide (BPO) was added with the aim to enhance the
dispersion and form a more homogeneous MWCNTs-PA mixture. The mixture was then heated
with stirring for 3 h at 80 °C followed by continuous stirring for 24 h. The solution was casted
onto a dried clean glass Petri dish to form a uniform thin film with thickness of 200 μm. The film
was immediately placed in an oven at 90 °C for 30 min to evaporate the solvent. Finally, the
Petri dish with the membrane was cooled and immersed in a DI water bath for at least 15 h at
room temperature.
incorporation of In-situ polymerization. In the first step, a MWCNTs/PANI complex was formed
synthesized by the phase inversion method. Schematic of both steps is show in in Fig. 16 [122].
In the first step, MWCNTs were dispersed in N-methyl-2- pyrrolidone (NMP) solution by
sonication. Three substances (i.e., MWCNTs, APS and aniline) were mixed in a glass vessel and
stirred at 4 oC for 48 h. MWCNTs/PANI complex was dispersed in NMP. A casting solution was
prepared by mixing the PES with NMP and then blending with the MWCNTs/PANI composite.
The resultant solution was cast on a glass plate and immersed in the pure water bath, which
allows the polymer to be transformed from a liquid to solid state by phase inversion. The
membranes were stored in a DI water bath for one day to remove residual solvents.
Fig. 16. Synthesis of (a) MWCNTs/PANI nanocomposite (b) fabrication procedure of
MWCNTs/PANI/PES composite membrane. Reproduced with permission from [122]. Copyright
(2016) Elsevier B.V.
(GO)/PVDF membrane via in-situ colloidal precipitation. A membrane polymer solution was
The membrane polymer solution was kept idle overnight at room temperature in order to remove
the air bubbles. The prepared membrane polymer solution was spread on a flat nonwoven
polyester membrane support mounted on a glass plate using film applicator. The glass plate with
membrane polymer solution film was then immersed into a coagulation bath and left for a day.
This will ensure the complete removal of residual solvent. Lastly, the membranes were stored in
ultrapure water. For the incorporation of the GO and OMWCNTs into the membrane matrix, the
membranes solution layers were immersed into the coagulation bath with GO and OMWCNTs
6.2. Effects of CNTs addition on the membrane properties
6.2.1. Effect on the antifouling and antimicrobial properties
CNTs addition has also shown a remarkable enhancement in the antifouling characteristics of the
traditional polymer membranes [95,124–126]. The addition of CNTs has improved the resistance
against BSA, protein and bacteria fouling. Fig. 17a indicate results for fouling test for various
membranes PES, PES with pure CNT, PES with polycitricacid (PCA) modified MWCNTs and
PES with acrylamide (AAm) modified MWCNTs [125]. This test comprises 60 min pure water
passing though the membranes, then whey solution filtration for 90 min and subsequently after-
washing water flux test again for 60 min. No significant change in water flux was observed for
In other words, PCA-CNT membrane exhibited the lowest irreversible fouling tendency and
superior ability of membrane surface to be cleaned by simple rinsing with water after getting
fouled by whey protein. A similar trend was reported by Vatanpour et. al [127] by measuring
water flux of the pristine PES and modified MWCNT/PES nanofiltration membranes after
fouling by BSA solution as presented in Fig. 17b. It is obvious that the flux recovery percentage
of the MWCNT embedded membranes was higher than that of the pristine membrane. The
pristine PES membrane exhibited poor anti-biofouling properties and showed a flux recovery
value of only 29.7%. In contrast , membrane with 0.04 wt% MWCNT content exhibited flux
recovery percentage of 87.7% [127]. The best antifouling properties of 0.04 wt% membrane can
be attributed to lower roughness of the membrane surface. The membrane with 0.2 wt%
MWCNT content showed more decline in flux recovery owing to their higher surface roughness.
It can be concluded that a membrane with higher surface roughness has low antifouling abilities,
Fig. 17. (a) Initial pure water flux, whey solution flux and after-washing flux for all prepared
membranes. Reproduced with permission from [125]. Copyright (2013) Elsevier B.V., (b) Flux
versus time for functionalized MWCNT blended PES membranes at 4 bar during three steps:
water flux for 120 min, BSA solution (150 ppm, pH = 7 ± 0.1) flux for 120 min, and water flux
for 120 min after 20 min washing with distilled water. Reproduced with permission from [127].
Copyright (2011) Elsevier B.V.
Yin et. al. [98] reported the water flux profiles of MWCNTs/polysulfone (PSU) (15 and 18 wt%
of PSU) membranes during BSA fouling tests as shown in Fig. 18 [98]. The ratios of final flux to
their initial values are also presented as percentage. After feeding with BSA solution, water
fluxes decreased gradually with time for all membranes. All other membrane samples containing
OMWCNTs showed a higher initial water flux than their respective pristine membranes
[98]. The lower flux decline for membranes containing OMWCNTs indicated that the mixed
matrix membranes had an improved antifouling property for BSA. This could be due to the
Fig. 18. Fouling behavior of MWCNTs/PSU (a)15 wt% of PSU) (b) 18 wt% of PSU with
filtration of BSA. Reproduced with permission from [98]. Copyright (2013) Elsevier B.V.
fouling resistances, total fouling resistance and flux recovery were quantified during filtration
experiments with BSA solution by Khalid et. al. [99] as described in Fig. 19. It was observed
that a membrane with 0.5 wt.% dodecylamine functionalized MWNTs (DDA-MWNTs) loading
and pristine PSf membrane showed a total fouling membrane resistance (Rt) of 29 % and 51%,
The value of Rt during filtration of BSA solutions decreased from 51% for the pristine PSf
membrane to 29% for the nanocomposite membrane, with 0.5 wt.% DDA-MWNTs loading.
However, at lower DDA-MWNTs loading of 0.1–0.25 wt.%, values of total flux losses were
approximately similar. The flux recovery ratio of all PSf/DDA-MWNTs membranes was higher
than for the pristine PSf membrane. The membrane with 0.5 wt.% DDA-MWNTs loading
displayed the lowest total flux loss (29%) with reduced irreversible resistance (17%) and the
highest flux recovery (83%). The fouling resistances of the membrane with 1.0 wt.% DDA-
MWNTs content were higher compared with the membrane of 0.5 wt.% DDA-MWNTs content.
Fig. 19. Fouling resistances and flux recovery of nanocomposite membranes (%). Reproduced
with permission from [99]. Copyright (2015) Elsevier B.V.
Vatanpour et al. [127] also reported that the flux recovery percentage of the MWCNT/PES
membrane is higher than that of the pristine membrane [127]. Fig. 20 shows the irreversible
fouling ratio (Rir), reversible fouling ratio (Rr), and total fouling ratio (Rt), which were calculated
from the water flux before and after BSA fouling [127]. It was observed that the pristine PES
membrane had a high irreversible fouling ratio (70%, more than 77% of total fouling) due to its
lower hydrophilicity and surface charge. A membrane with 0.2 wt% MWCNT content exhibited
the highest irreversible fouling, which can be attributed to its higher roughness. An
MWCNT/PES membrane with 0.04 wt% had the lowest irreversible fouling ratio of 12% and the
Fig. 20. Fouling resistance ratio of MWCNT blended PES membranes. Reproduced with
permission from [127]. Copyright (2011) Elsevier B.V.
Zhao et. al. [128] reported the protein adsorption capability on the surface of
PVDF/MWNTHPAE nanocomposite membranes. As observed from Fig. 21a, PVDF exhibits the
highest protein adsorption as a result of its high hydrophobicity, while the adsorbed amount of
BSA decreased dramatically with an increase of MWNT HPAE content in the casting solution
[128]. These results indicated that the hydrophilicity of membrane surface was improved after
the incorporation of MWNTHPAE. When the ―OH groups of the membrane surface stretched into
the surrounding aqueous environment, hydrogen bonds formed between hydrophilic HPAE
groups and water molecules, inducing the formation of hydration layer and the effect of steric
Fig. 21. (a) The amount of BSA adsorbed on PVDF/MWNTHPAE nanocomposite membranes.
Reproduced with permission from [128]. Copyright (2012) Elsevier B.V., (b) BSA protein
rejection of MWCNT/PES membranes. Reproduced with permission from [129]. Copyright
(2011) Elsevier B.V.
A similar trend was reported by Vatanpour et. al [130] for the BSA adsorption on PES/amine
functionalized MWCNTs mixed matrix membranes. The bare PES membrane exhibited the
highest protein adsorption, while the adsorbed amount of BSA declined significantly with an
increase of NH2-MWCNTs content. This behavior was due to the high hydrophobicity of the
bare PES membrane. It was confirmed that the incorporation of NH2-MWCNTs improved the
hydrophilicity of the membrane surface [130]. However, Rahimpour et. al. [129] reported that
the BSA rejection of MWCNT/PES increased slightly by the addition of amine functionalized F-
MWCNTs in the casting solution as indicated in Fig. 21b. The electric potential also influences
the membrane performance and fouling resistance [131]. Carbon nanotube–polyvinyl alcohol
composite membranes exhibit a good fouling resistance during emulsified oily wastewater
The addition of CNTs has an influence not only on the water flux but it also affects the salt
rejection of the membranes. Zarrabi et. al. [107] studied the effect of CNTs on the flux and salt
shown in Fig. 22. The water flux increased with increasing concentration of NH 2-MWCNT. The
rejection of Na2SO4 initially decreased with the addition of low amount of the NH2-MWCNT
rejection can be attributed to the “trade-off” between the salt rejection and permeability. At low
concentration of NH2-MWCNT, the flux was improved. However, at higher concentration, the
surface charge increased and the repulsion between the solute and the membrane surface is
increased (Donnan effect) and therefore, the salt rejection was improved. The maximum NaCl
and Na2SO4 rejection values were about 36.7 and 95.7%, respectively.
Fig. 22. Salt rejection and saline aqueous flux of the prepared NF membranes with different
amounts of NH2-MWCNT. Reproduced with permission from [107]. Copyright (2016) Elsevier
Park et al. [113] measured the permeate flux and salt rejection of functionalized MWCNTs-
multilayers using a lab-made RO test system. The effect of the number of MWCNT-PAA/PAH
layers on the flux and salt rejection as a function of operating time is presented in Fig. 23. All the
membranes contained 1 wt % of MWCNTs with the 10, 15, and 20 bilayers. It was observed that
as the number of layers was increased from 10 to 20, the salt rejection increased from 90.4% to
91.2% [113].
was also studied. The membranes were immersed in 3,000 ppm sodium hypochloride (NaOCl)
solution for 4 h, and then the salt rejections were compared. The salt rejection of PA RO
membranes before and after treating with NaOCl solution is presented in Fig. 24 [113]. The salt
rejection of PA membrane was observed to decrease from 98.3% to 76.5% upon chlorination.
The (MWCNT-PAA/PAH)n multilayers also led to a reduction in salt rejection and the values
were affected by the number of layers. As the number of layers was increased, the percentage
reduction was decreased. A maximum reduction of by 16.2% (from 90.4% to 74.2%) was
PAA/PAH)n multilayers have a better chlorine resistance than the PA membranes. Furthermore,
an increase in the number of bilayers leads to a lower decrease in the salt rejection after
chlorination, i.e., the better chlorine resistance [113]. The same authors also reported in a
separate study [103] that the addition of MWCNTs to the conventional PA RO membrane has
increased its stability against chlorine resistance. Some other studies also suggested that adding
Fig. 23. Plot of salt rejection and permeate flux as a function of operation time for (a) (MWCNT-
PAA/PAH)10, (b) (MWCNTPAA/PAH)15, and (c) (MWCNT-PAA/PAH)20 multilayer.
Reproduced with permission from [113]. Copyright (2010) Informa UK Limited.
Fig. 24. Plot of salt rejection for PA membrane, (MWCNT- PAA/PAH)10, (MWCNT-
PAA/PAH)15, (MWCNT-PAA/PAH)20 multilayers before and after treatment with 3,000 ppm
NaOCl solutions. Reproduced with permission from [113]. Copyright (2010) Informa UK
Shawky et. al. [119] reported that the addition of MWCNTs in an aromatic PA membrane
increases the NaCl rejection from 24 to 76%. Likewise, an increase in MWCNTs loading from 0
to 10 mg/g has increased the humic acid (HA) removal from 54 to 90%, as described in Fig. 25
Fig. 25. Removal efficiency of HA (initial concentration = 20 ppm, UV254 = 0.499) by different
MWCNT-PA nanocomposite membranes at 40 bar. Reproduced with permission from [119].
Copyright (2010) Elsevier B.V.
In another study, Park et. al [103] reported that increasing the MWCNTs loading from 0.1, 0.5,
from 93.4% to 92.5%. This is presumably caused by an increasing number of pores in the RO
membranes with MWCNT loadings that can allow the solution to permeate easily. When the
MWCNTs loading was increased to 5%, the salt rejection was reduced to 46%. This means that
the presence of a large amount of MWCNTs leads to the formation of large pores in the
The surface hydrophilicity of the polymeric membranes has been reported to be influenced by
the addition of MWCNTs. The contact angle of PAN ultrafiltration membranes was observed to
decrease with an increase in MWCNTs loading (Fig. 26) [91]. This decrease in contact angle is
an indication of the improved surface hydrophilicity and enhanced flux through the membrane
As demonstrated in Fig. 27a, the water flux values for the PAN with various loading of
MWCNTs. PAN nanocomposite membranes PAN0, PAN0.5, PAN1 and PAN2 represent loading
of MWCNTs [91]. The water flux of PAN nanocomposite membranes was observed to increase
with increase in MWCNTs loading until 0.5 wt%. However, the flux decreased for membranes
with loadings of MWCNTs above 0.5 wt%. The water flux of membrane with of 0.5 wt%
MWCNTs was 63% higher compared to neat membranes. The flux of PAN2 membranes,
although smaller than membrane PAN0.5, was still 28% higher compared to the pure PAN
The nature of CNTs in the polymeric matrix also affects the flux through the membrane.
(PPSU) blend membranes were synthesized via the phase-inversion method. In Fig 27b, the pure
water flux of three different membranes is presented with respect to pressure [30]. The addition
of 0.5 wt% MWCNT to PPSU enhances the flux from 7.9 to 46.6 L/m2. h. However, a higher
flux was observed for PPSU/FMWCNT blend membranes in comparison with PPSU/MWCNT
membranes. The higher flux of PPSU membrane with FMWCNT was due to the addition of
Fig. 26. Surface contact angles of PAN nanocomposite membrane as a function of MWCNTs loading.
Reproduced with permission from [91]. Copyright (2012) Elsevier B.V.
Fig. 27. (a) Water flux of PAN nanocomposite membranes as function of transmembrane
pressure ΔP. Reproduced with permission from [91]. Copyright (2012) Elsevier B.V. (b) Effect
of pressure on PPSU, PPSU/MWCNT and PPSU/FMWCNT membranes. Reproduced with
permission from [30]. Copyright (2012) Springer Nature.
The addition of CNTs also affects the mechanical and thermal properties of the polymeric
membranes. The tensile strength, Young's modulus and elongation at break of the various mixed
CNT nanocomposite membranes was found to be influenced after incorporating CNTs in the
matrix [18,95,118,121,134–136]. Majeed et. al. [95] reported that the tensile strength at break of
the PAN increases with MWCNTs addition, as shown in Fig. 28 (a). The tensile strength
increased over 97% as the loading of MWCNTs the increased from 0 to 2 wt.% [95]. This was
due to the good interactions of MWCNTs in the matrix and the decreased porosity of the
Likewise, an increase in N-CNT loadings from 0 to 0.04 wt.% in the PES membrane increased
the modulus from 114 to 135MPa, elongation at break (%) from 22 to 18.2 and the ultimate
tensile strength from 3.8 to 4.5 MPa [135]. Increasing the PEG-g-MWCNTs amount from 0.5
wt.% to 2.0 wt.% increased the tensile strength of MWCNTs/PES membranes from 3.51 to 5.08
[136]. Similarly, the tensile strength of the PS and PA nanocomposite membranes was increased
significantly with the MWCNTs content [118,119]. These improvements are attributed to the
excellent mechanical properties of CNTs and strong interaction (hydrogen bonding) between the
The tensile strength of PVDF membrane was increased from 0.84 ± 0.18 MPa to 0.87 ± 0.09
with the addition of 0.2 wt.% oxidized MWCNTs and afterwards declined from 0.87 MPa to
0.66 MPa as the oxidized MWCNT concentration was further increased. However, the
MWCNT content [134]. The decrease in performance might be due to the aggregation of
MWCNT at higher loadings and weak interface compatibility between hydrophilic oxidized
in PSU nanocomposite membranes decreased the tensile strength and the modulus of the
membranes until a specific loading (0–0.25 wt.% PEG-CNTs); beyond this loading the
mechanical properties increased dramatically, as shown in Fig. 28 (b) [137]. The prepared
nanocomposite membranes have a much higher tensile strength in comparison with other
reported UF membranes. The tensile strength of iron oxide impregnated CNT membrane was
increased with iron oxide loading up to 20% and decreased with a further increase of iron oxide
beyond 20%. This decrease was due to the agglomeration of iron oxide particles in the matrix,
The addition of CNTs has also a significant effect on the thermal stability of polymeric
membranes. The thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA) of the PSf membrane is presented in Fig.
29 [97]. The degradation of blend membranes occurs at higher temperatures compared to pure
PSf membranes, as the concentration of CNTs increases from 0–1 wt%. The degradation of a
CNT/PSf blended membrane with 1.0 wt% amide and oxidized MWCNTs content starts at
369 °C and 374 °C, while in PSf membrane without MWCNTs the degradation starts at 312 °C.
This behavior was due to the high heat and mechanical resistance of CNTs, which offers an
increased heat tolerance. A similar behavior of the TGA of pure PMMA and PMMA–CNTs was
reported by Shen et al. [101]. The addition of CNTs shifts the degradation temperature of
PMMA to a higher value than that of pure PMMA [101]. In conclusion, CNTs enhance the
Fig. 28. (a)Tensile strength at break as a function of MWCNTs loading (wt%). Reproduced with
permission from [91]. Copyright (2012) Elsevier B.V. (b) Mechanical properties off the PEG-
CNTs nanocomposite PSU membranes with different loading of PEG-CNTs (M1(0%), M2
(0.1%), M3(0.25%), M4(0.5%), M5(1%). Reproduced with permission from [137].
Copyright (2017) Elsevier B.V.
Fig. 29. TGA data composite PSf membranes with different percentages of amide functionalized
MWCNTs. Reproduced with permission from [97]. Copyright (2013) Elsevier B.V.
Table 4 highlights the types, synthesis techniques, application and performance of various mixed
matrix membranes in water treatment.
The electric potential also influences the membrane performance and fouling resistance
desalination performance of the membrane, as shown in Fig. 30. A thin conductive composite
layer was formed via sequential spray coating of CNTs and poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) on a
was applied to enable Joule heating. For the self-heating membrane, the surface temperature
was high because of Joule heating, leading to an increase in the thermal driving force for self-
Ho et. al [131] fabricated electrically conductive membranes using MWCNTs and GO for
enhanced fouling mitigation using POME as a feed. It was observed that GO/MWCNTs
nanocomposite membranes exhibited a lower fouling tendency due to the stronger electrostatic
repulsion between the negatively charged colloidal particles and negatively charged membrane
surface. Tankus et al. [20] reported that hydrophobic CNT mats can be converted to an efficient
hydrophilic membrane via electrooxidation for facile oil−water separations. Carbon nanotube–
polyvinyl alcohol composite membranes have a good fouling resistance during emulsified oily
Fig. 30. Self-heating membranes for thermal desalination via CNT Joule heating [138] .
Reproduced with permission from [138]. Copyright (2018) Springer Nature.
The incorporation of CNTs into mixed nanocomposite membranes also influences the antifouling
properties of the membrane. Various reports suggest that CNT based nanocomposite membranes
showed improved resistance against BSA, protein and bacteria fouling [95,124,125].
Zhang et. al. [141] studied the fouling mechanisms of BSA on pristine membranes and
GO/OMWCNTs/PVDF membranes; this is presented in Fig. 31 [141]. It seems that, the higher
the adhesion force of the membrane−foulant, the more compact the corresponding structure's
cake layer and the lower pure water flux and antifouling performance. On the contrary, a lower
adhesion force of membrane−foulant will result in a looser cake layer and a higher pure water
flux and antifouling performance. Results revealed that the membrane−foulant adhesion force
should be a good indicator of pure water flux and cake layer structure of the membranes [141].
Fig. 31. Schematic illustration of antifouling mechanisms of (a) pristine membranes and (b)
modified membranes. Reproduced with permission from [141]. Copyright (2013) Elsevier B.V.
Ahmed et al. [117] prepared antimicrobial PVK/SWCNTs and reported a high bacterial
inactivation (∼80–90%) for Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and virus (MS2
bacteriophage) removal efficiency (∼2.5 logs) on the filter surface. The high bacterial removal
was due to the combined effect of cell retention and inactivation by SWCNT while passing
through the membranes. Bacterial cell membrane damage was considered a possible mechanism
of cellular inactivation. The mechanism of virus removal was reported to be by depth filtration.
Lee et. al [142] reported the removal mechanism of natural organic matter (NOM) by the
MWCNTs/PANI/PES membrane. The two dominant factors describing the HA (model of NOM)
removal was adsorption capacity and size exclusion. The narrow pore size distribution of the
membrane would be one of the key factors for the high removal of HA. Furthermore,
electrostatic and π–π interactions between the negatively charged groups of HA and positively
The fouling mechanism HA vary with the concentrations. Rabbani et al. [143] reported that the
mechanisms for membrane fouling at 2 ppm HA and 700 ppm HA were different for
dynamically trapped in the membrane pores, while at 700 ppm the HA can form micelles which
were too large to penetrate the pores and deposited on the membrane surface. The fouling with
700 ppm HA was reversible and membrane surface can be cleaned easily by washing. The
reversible fouling of 700 ppm HA might also be due to electrostatic repulsion between the
negatively charged surface of the membrane and negative charge of the HA molecules.
Ho et. al [131] fabricated electrically conductive membranes using MWCNTs and GO for
enhanced fouling mitigation using palm oil mill effluent (POME) as a feed. It was observed that
stronger electrostatic repulsion between the negatively-charged colloidal particles and the
likewise negatively-charged membrane surface. The surface roughness also affects the fouling
tendency on the membrane surface. A smooth surface is effective in repelling the foulants
deposited on the surface with the aid of an electric field. However, in case of a rough membrane
surface, the foulants are deposited and trapped in valleys and cannot be repealed easily. This
Fig. 32. Schematic illustrations of foulant repulsion from (a) smooth and (b) rough membrane
surface. Reproduced with permission from [131]. Copyright (2018) Elsevier B.V.
Table 4 Properties of some of the common CNT based mixed matrix membranes
Membrane type CNT amount Synthesis CNT Application Membrane performance Reference
(wt%) technique Properties
CNT/PA 0.2 g Interfacial Diameter: 10– RO The pure water flux of PA [8]
polymerization 20 nm membrane was increased from
~ 37 to 44 L/m2.h at 15.5 bar of
Length= 10– feed pressure with addition of
20 µm 2 wt.% MWCNTs.
The water flux of PA-CNT
membraned decreases by only
18.40%, while the flux of PA
membrane decreased by 32.80%
after 48 h.
Salt rejection of >95% for 2000
ppm NaCl solution.
MWCNTs/PPSU 0.5 Phase inversion - UF The pure water flux of PPSU [30]
membrane was increased from
7.91 to 56.91 L/m2.h at 345 kPa
with addition of 0.5 wt.% F-
The rejection percentage of
PPSU membrane for pepsin and
trypsin reduced from 97 and 90
% to ~ 90 and 84 % with
addition of 0.5 wt.% F-
Zwitterion functionalized 0-20 Interfacial Diameter = - The flux of water was found to [76]
CNTs/PA nanocomposite polymerization 15.6 Å increase by more than a factor
membranes of 4, from 6.8 to 28.7 GFD
(gallons per square foot per
day), as the fraction of CNTs
was increased from 0 to 20 wt.
MWNCTs/PSf 0–4 Phase inversion Outer UF Membrane with 1.5 wt.% [91]
diameter: 10– MWCNTs showed the highest
20 nm pure water flux (~21 m3/m2.day
at 4 bar).
Length= 10– Membrane with 4 wt.%
50 µm MWCNTs showed the lowest
pure water flux (~16 m3/m2.day
Purity =>95%
at 4 bar).
The contact angle of PSf
membrane was reduced from ~72
to 55 with addition of 4 wt.%
Membrane with 4 wt.%
MWCNTs showed 100%
rejection for 1000 ppm PEO at 1
MWCNT/PSf (C/P) 0-4 Phase inversion - UF The amount of foulant on bare [92]
PES membranes was 63% higher
than the C/P blend membrane for
2% MWCNTs content.
The highest waterer flux (~ 90
L/m2.h at 60 Psi) was obtained
for C/P blend membrane for 2%
MWCNTs content.
MWCNTs/ 0 -7 Phase inversion Outer UF The pure water flux of BPPOqua [93]
BPPO/Triethanolamine diameter < membrane was increased from
(TEOA) 8nm 197 to 487 L/m2.h at 0.2 MPa
with addition of 5 wt.%
Length= 10– MWCNTs.
30 µm The MWCNTs (5
Purity =>95% wt.%)/BPPOqua membrane
maintained 94% rejection rate to
egg albumin.
MWCNTs/PSf 4 Phase inversion Outer UF The water flux increased from [94]
diameter: 10– 24.6 ± 12.6 to 28 ± 10.7 L/m2. h.
40 nm The surface roughness increased
by 80%.
Length= 50µm
The elongation to failure
Number of deceased by 73%.
walls= 7–16 No improvement in antibacterial
properties of the membrane.
Purity = 98%
MWCNTs/PAN 0.5-2 Phase inversion Length= 15– UF The contact angle of PAN [95]
20 µm nanocomposite membrane was
reduced from ~50 to 42 with
addition of 2 wt.% MWCNTs.
The pure water flux was
increased from ~ 41 to 53
L/m2.h at 2 bar.
The tensile strength at break
increases over 97% (from 7.6 to
15 MPa) with addition of
2 wt.% MWCNTs.
SWCNT-/PA/PSf 10 mg Phase inversion Diameter = UF/RO Membrane with SWCNT [96]
0.8 ±0.1 nm exhibited enhanced bacterial
cytotoxicity (60%/h) for E. coli
Purity =>90% cells.
MWCNTs/PSf hallow fiber 0-1 Phase inversion Diameter = UF The water flux of HFM15 [98]
membrane (HFM) 10-20 nm increased from 36.1±4.0 to
70.7±1.8 L/m2.h and then
Length = 5-15 decreased to 38.6±1.0 L/m2.h
µm when MWCNTs concentration
increased from 0% to 0.1% and
Purity =>95%
to 1.0%.
Improved fouling resistance to
protein (BSA). The ratio of final
flux to initial flux for HFM15
with 0.1 % MWCNTs was higher
(63.6%) than pristine membrane
Improved surface hydrophilicity.
DDA-MWNTs/PSf 0.1–1 Phase inversion Outer UF The pure water flux of PSf [99]
diameter = 10- membrane with 0.25% DDA-
20 nm MWNTs was ~ 12 L/m2.h at 1
Length = 10- Total fouling membrane
30 µm resistance (Rt) during filtration of
BSA solutions decreased from
Purity > 95 % 51% for the pristine PSf
membrane to 29% for the
nanocomposite membrane with
0.5 wt.% DDA-MWNTs loading.
Purity = 98 %
MWNTs/PMMA 0- 4.00 g/L Interfacial Outer NF The pure water flux through [101]
PMMA– polymerization diameter = 20- PMMA–MWNTs (0.67 wt%)/PA
MWNTs in 30 nm (PIP/TMC) membrane was
toluene ∼1.94×10−3 cm3.cm−2.s−1.
Length <50
The rejection of Na2SO4 was
high (99%).
Purity =>95% Greater antifouling activity
against whey proteins.
MWCNTs/Polyester TFN 0-2.0 mg/mL Interfacial Outer NF The pure water flux of the [102]
membrane polymerization diameter < 8 membranes (without MWNTs)
nm increases from 10.8 L/m2.h to
21.2 L/m2.h when MWNTs
Length = 10- concentration in aqueous phase is
30 µm 0.5 mg/mL.
Purity > 95%
MWCNTs/Polyester TFN 0.05 Interfacial Outer NF The water flux through TFN [104]
membrane polymerization diameter < 8 membrane with 0.05% (w/v)
nm MWNTs) was 4.7 L/m2. h.
Presence of MWNT in the
Length = 10- composite membrane enhance
30 µm the salt separation property.
Purity > 95%
Amine functionalized 0.01–0.1 Interfacial Outer FO The water flux through [105]
MWCNT/PA/PSf polymerization diameter = 5 TFN membrane with 0.1 wt% F-
nm MWCNTs was 95.7 L/m2.h
nearly 160% higher than thin-
Length = 50 film composite (TFC)
NH2 functionalized MWCNT/ 0-0.01 Interfacial Diameter =5- NF The NF membrane modified [107]
PA polymerization 20 nm with 0.005 wt% NH2-MWCNT
rejected 36.71 and 95.72% of
Length = 1-10 Na2SO4 and NaCl salts,
µm respectively.
The average permeation flux of
bare NF membrane was 48.6
and 48.1 L/m2.h for NaCl and
Na2SO4 solutions, respectively.
With addition of 0.001 wt%
NH2-MWCNT, the permeation
flux reached to about 61.7 and
60.8 L/m2. h.
Functionalized MWCNT/ 0.01-0.06 Interfacial Outer NF For the solute/dye, brilliant blue [108]
Polypropylene (PP) or PES polymerization diameter ∼30 R (826 Da), solute rejections
nm upwards of 91% were achieved
in PES support-based
Length membrane in methanol solution;
(regular) = 10- for aqueous solution the
30 µm rejection was >96%.
Length (short)
= 0.5-2 µm
MWNT/PA 0.005 – 0.2 Interfacial Purity=95% RO For 2000 ppm NaCl, the water [109]
polymerization permeability increases from 26
L/m2.h without MWNTs to 71
L/m2.h at the acidified MWNTs
loading of 0.1% (w/v).
For 200 ppm purified
terephthalic acid (PTA)
solution, the pure water flux
increases from 19 L/m2.h up to
49 L/m2 .h, while PTA rejection
is all higher than 98%.
Sulfonated 0–0.02 Interfacial Outer NF/UF TFN-0.01% membrane showed [110]
MWCNTs/Poly(piperazine polymerization diameter < 8 high water flux of
amide) nm 13.2 L/m .h.bar, 1.6 times more
than the pristine TFC
Length = 0.5-2 membrane, maintaining
µm reasonably high rejection of
96.8% to Na2SO4.
Purity > 95%
TFN-0.01% membrane
exhibited better antifouling
ability to BSA with water flux
recovery ratio as high as 91.2%,
even after two “fouling-
washing” cycles, compared to
82.0% for TFC membrane.
MWCNTs/Aromatic PA 15.5 Interfacial Diameter = RO The permeate flow (3.5 wt.% [111]
polymerization 80-100 nm NaCl solution) of MWCNT/PA
at 5MPa (1.7m3/m2. day) was
Length = 10- more than double when
20 µm compared to the pure PA
membrane (0.65m3/m2.day).
PMMA modified MWNTs/PA 0.67-2.0 g/L Interfacial Diameter = NF Membrane with 0.67g/L [112]
polymerization 20-30 nm PMMA-MWNTs exhibited
Na2SO4 rejection above 98%
Purity > 95% and water flux up to 150%
higher than the TFC membrane.
PES/F-MWCNTs membrane 1 Spray-assisted - UF The pure water flux of bare PES [114]
layer-by-layer membrane was reduced with
more bilayer deposition of
The irreversible fouling ratio of
BSA for bare PES membrane
was reduced from 49.3± 0.5 to
12.3± 2.9 after 6.5 bilayer
deposition of
Polycaprolactone modified 0-3 Solution-casting - - The pure water flux enhanced [116]
MWCNTs (PCL- from 28 L/m2.h (the unmodified
MWCNTs)/PES membrane) to 61 L/m2.h (the
modified membrane including
3 w/v% PCL-MWCNTs).
The Cd ions rejection (%)
increases from 8.7% to 27%
with addition of 3 w/v% PCL-
PVK/ SWCNTs 3 Solution mixing Outer - Cytotoxic for Gram-positive and [117]
diameter = 1-2 Gram-negative bacteria (~80–
nm 90%).
Removed MS2
Length =5-30 bacteriophage virus (~2.5 logs).
Purity =>90%
Oxidized MWCNTs 0.001-0.1 g/L In-situ colloidal Diameter = UF The water permeability through [120]
(OMWCNTs)/GO/PVDF GO/OMWCNTs precipitation 12-15 nm membranes with carbon
membrane with different nanomaterials concertation of
Length = 3-15 0.1, 0.001 and 0.01 g/L were
ratio (0-10) of
µm 43.99 L/m2·h·bar,
52.62 L/m2·h·bar, and
Purity > 97%
43.38 L/m2·h·bar, respectively
Membrane with carbon
nanomaterials concertation of
0.1 g/L exhibited improved
rejection of TDS, phosphorus,
hardness, COD, chlorine,
turbidity, color, and TSS with
maximum rejection percentage
of 1.51%, 6.55%, 21.79%,
75.5%, 76%, 81.94%, 86.3%,
and 100%, respectively.
SBS/Thiocyanate and silver- 0.01-0.1 Solution blending - NF Tensile strength of PVDF/SBS- [121]
modified MWCNTs MWCNTs-SCN 0.01–1
nanocomposite series increased
from 10.2 to 13.9 MPa, while
Ag 0.01–1 had values in the
range of 12.6–20.1 MPa.
revealed maximum
decomposition temperature
around 550–580 °C, while
Ag had T max of 567–599 °C.
TiO2 coated MWCNTs/PES 0.1 -1 Phase inversion Diameter: 5– NF The pure water flux of PES [124]
induced by 20 nm membrane was increased from
immersion ~3.71 to5.66 kg/m2.h at 5 bar of
precipitation Length= 1–10 feed pressure with addition of
µm 1 wt.% TiO2 coated MWCNTs.
The total fouling resistance of
Number of
walls= 3–15 the PES membrane was
decreased from 46.9% 21.6 %
with addition of 1 wt.% TiO2
coated MWCNTs.
Polymers (Citric acid (CA), 0.1 Phase inversion Length= 1–10 - The water flux through PCA- [125]
acrylic acid (AA) and precipitation µm CNT membrane was highest
acrylamide (AAm)) modified (~30 kg/m2.h after 1 h)
MWCNTs/PES Number of compared to bare PES
walls= 3–15 membrane (~10 kg/m2.h after 1
The flux recovery ratio (FR)
after passing whey solution was
higher (95%) for PCA-CNT
membrane as compared to PES
Smooth and hydrophilic
membrane surface.
Oxidized MWCNTs / 0.04-0.4 Phase inversion Diameter = NF The pure water flux of PES [127]
PES induced by 10-30 nm membrane was increased from ~
immersion 5.5 to 9 kg/m2.h at 4 bar with
precipitation Purity = 95 % addition of 0.2 wt.% MWCNTs.
The rejection capability of the
membrane for the rejection of
Na2SO4 increased with the
addition of 0.04 wt.% MWCNTs.
Hyperbranched-polymer multi- 0 –2 Phase inversion Diameter = UF The pure water flux was at [128]
walled carbon nanotubes 10-20 nm maximum when the
Length = 30 1.5%; beyond 1.5%, the flux
µm gradually decreased.
The flux recovery increased
Purity > 95 %
from around 82% for PVDF to
95.7% for
The PVDF exhibits the highest
protein adsorption (~70
mg/cm ), while the adsorbed
amount of BSA decreased
dramatically (~20 mg/cm2) with
the addition of 2%
MWNTHPAE content in casting
Amine functionalized 0 -2 Phase inversion Outer UF A maximum value of pure water [129]
MWCNTs (F-MWCNTs)/PES induced by diameter = 5 flux (184 L/m2.h at 3 bar) was
immersion nm observed for membrane
precipitation. prepared with 1 wt.% F-
Length = 50 MWCNTs.
Rejection of BSA increased
from 81 to 88% with addition of
2% F-MWCNTs in PES
Amine-functionalized 0-0.06 Phase inversion Diameter = 5- NF Increasing the nanotube dosages [130]
MWCNTs (NH2- 20 nm from 0 wt% to 0.045 wt% led to
MWCNTs)/PES increase of pure water flux from
Length = 1-10 13.6 to 23.7 L/m2. h.
µm The salt retention sequence for
0.045 wt% NH2-MWCNT
Number of embedded membrane was
walls= 3–15 Na2SO4 (65%)>MgSO4 (45%)>
NaCl (20%) after 180 min
PVDF/GO/ MWCNTs 1 Phase inversion Diameter = UF The pure water flux of modified [141]
10-50 nm membrane
(GO/OMWCNTs=5:5) was
Length = 1-30 251.73% higher compared with
µm that of pristine PVDF
membranes (116.5 L/ m2.h at
0.1 MPa).
MWCNTs/Nano-TiO2/ PSf 0-1 Phase inversion Outer UF The pure water flux of PES [143]
diameter = 13 membrane was increased from
nm 10 (L/m2.h) to 210 (L/m2.h) by
addition of 1% MWCNT.
Length = 0.2-1 The rejection of HA increased
µm from 6% for pure PSF to 56%
for the PSF 0.5/0.5 (0.5% TiO2–
0.5% MWCNT) membrane.
MWCNTs/PVA 0-20 Pressure filtering Radius < 8 nm UF Membranes formed with 20 min [139]
deposition cross-linking curing times and 20
Length = 10- w/% CNT concentration showed
30 µm electrical conductivities as high
as 3.6×103 S/m) and pure water
flux of 1440 L/m2. h at 550 kPa.
Membranes with 5w/% CNT
concentration showed over 90%
rejection of 100 kDa PEO.
Carbon nanotube/PSf 3.2 Immersion SWCNTs UF The water permeability was [144]
precipitation found to be same (~ 23-30
Diameter = 1- L/m2.h) in all the nanocomposite
2 nm membranes compared to pure
PSf membrane.
Membranes with impregnation of
Diameter single walled CNTs possess
(Type-1) = 7- better antibiofouling behaviour
15 nm as compared to pure PSf as well
as PSf membrane embedded with
Diameter multi walled CNTs.
(Type-2) =
110-170 nm
MWCNT/PSf 0-1 Phase inversion Diameter = UF Enhanced thermal stability. The [145]
110-170 nm thermal degradation of
membrane starts at 374 °C and
Length = 5-9 312 °C for oxidized MWNTs and
unblended PSf membranes,
µm respectively.
Amide functionalized CNT/PSf
composite membranes gave
94.2% removal for Cr(VI) and
78.2% removal for Cd(II) at pH
MWCNTs/PVDF/ 0.05 Deposition/coating Outer MF The pure water flux for [146]
Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) diameter = 10- membrane coated with 2 wt.%
30 nm PDMS was ~38 kg/m2.h at 4 bar.
The flux recovery ratio for
Purity = 95 % membrane coated with 5 wt.%
PDMS was 82%.
Rejection of Na2SO4 was ~ 80%
by membrane coated with 5 wt.%
PDMS at pH 7.
Functionalized carbon 0-0.5 Phase inversion Diameter = UF The pure water flux of the blend [148]
nanotube/PSf 20-40 nm membranes increased from ~ 46
L/m2.h to 175 L/m2.h at 100 kPa
Purity = 95 % with the content of
functionalized MWNTs, up to
0.19%, and then gradually
CNTs content suppressed the
adsorption of protein .
Carbon nanotube/PES (C/P) 0-4 Phase inversion Length = 1-3.5 UF The pure water flux for [149]
µm CNT/PES (C/P) composite
membrane with 0.5% CNT was
the highest (93 L/m2.h).
The amount of BSA adsorbed at
pH 3 was reduced from ~ 210 to
~75 g/cm2 with addition of 4%
Functionalized 0–0.02 Solution blending Outer PV The swelling degree of the [155]
MWNTs/Chitosan diameter = 20- functionalized MWNTs
40 nm incorporated chitosan
membranes in ethanol/water
Purity = 95% mixtures was 6 times that of the
pristine chitosan membrane.
The addition of MWNTs
content in the membrane matrix
has decreased the Arrhenius
activation parameters for the
total permeation from 28.15 to
12.91 kJ/mol.
Acid modified MWNTs/ 0–5 Phase inversion Diameter = 5- UF MWNTs at 5.0 wt.% in the [156]
Nanosilver (nAg)/PSf and interfacial 10 nm support layer and nAg particles
polymerization at 10 wt.% in the thin-film layer
Length = 10- enhanced the pure water
30 µm permeability of the n-TFN
membrane by 23% and 20%,
respectively, compared to
0 wt.% of these components in
their respective layers.
MWCNTs/PA and 5 and 10 Phase inversion Diameter = 5- MF/UF PSU membrane with MWCNTs [159]
MWCNTs/PSf and Interfacial 10 nm showed higher permeate flux
polymerization (18.4 L/m2.h at 2.1 bar)
Length = 10- compared to membrane without
30 µm MWCNTs (16.4 L/m2.h at 2.3
PAA modified MWCNTs 0-0.1 Phase inversion Length = 1-10 NF The PAA grafted [160]
(PAA-g-MWCNT)/PES µm nanocomposite membrane
exhibited high water flux
Number of (40 kg/m2.h at 0.4 MPa),
walls = 3-15 superior antifouling properties
and more efficient salt rejection.
F-MWCNTs/PES 0-0.5 Phase inversion - UF The pure water flux increased [161]
from 24.28 L/m2.h to
53.91 L/m .h on addition of
0.5 wt.% of F-MWCNTs to
Hydrophilic property of PES/f-
MWCNTs, identified by the
contact angle measurement, was
improved by 18.7% more than
that of neat PES membrane.
PES/F-MWCNTs membrane
exhibited 27–30% rejection,
much higher than that of neat
PES membrane.
Nitrogen doped 0-0.5 Modified phase Outer - The addition of 0.02 and 0.04 [135]
CNT(NCNT)/PES inversion diameter = 30- wt% N-CNTs to PES membrane
45 nm enhanced the flux from 260 to
375 and 450 L/m2.h,
The increase in N-CNT
loadings from 0 to 0.04 wt% in
the PES membrane increased
the modulus from 114 to 135
MPa and the UTS from 3.8 to
4.5 MPa.
F-MWCNTs/ 0-0.5 Phase inversion Diameter = 10 UF Compared to the pristine PES [162]
Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)/ nm membrane, the antifouling ability
PES of the PES membrane
Length = 12 incorporated with F-
µm MWCNT/PVP membrane is
greater, recording 81.7% flux
Purity > 98%
recovery and 80.2% total
resistance (>76% were reversible
The modified membrane was able
to reject 93.4%, 74.7%, 59.4%
and 28.5% for bovine serum
albumin (66 kDa), pepsin (34.6
kDa), trypsin (20 kDa) and (14.6
kDa), respectively.
Oxidized MWCNTs / 0.2 Phase inversion Diameter = 8- UF Permeation flux (for oil/water [163]
15 nm emulsion) of MWCNT containing
TFNC membranes was about 10-
Length = 10- times higher than those of
50 µm commercial PAN10 (Sepro) UF
membrane, while still maintaining
Purity = 95%
a rejection ratio of ∼99.5%.
PES/Poly (citric acid)-grafted- 0.01 Phase inversion Outer UF/Hemodialysis The incorporation of 0.1 wt.% [164]
MWCNTs (PCA-g-MWCNTs) diameter =6- of PCA-g-MWCNTs increased
membrane 13 nm the permeability of neat PES
membrane from 22.57 to
Length = 2.5– 149.67 L/m2/h/bar.
20 µm
Purity > 98%
PES mixed matrix NF 0-1 Non-solvent Diameter = 5- NF The pure water flux was [165]
membrane/ZnO coated induced phase 20 nm maximum (16.7 kg/m2.h) for
MWCNTs inversion method. membrane with 0.5 wt% of
Length = 1-10 ZnO/MWCNTs.
µm The Direct Red 16 rejection
performance of all the prepared
Number of
membranes was > 90%.
walls= 3–15
Mixed isotactic polypropylene 4 Melt mixing and Diameter = - The water permeability of [166]
(i-PP) membrane/MWCNTs/ melt pressing 15-35 nm composite membrane with
functionalized PP-chain grafted 4 wt% MWCNT-g-PP
MWCNTs (MWCNT-g-PP) Length ~ 3-5 concentration increases by a
µm factor ∼ 35 compared to the
pure i-PP membranes.
PA/MWCNTs RO membrane 0-0.01 Interfacial Diameter =20- RO The saline solution fluxes were [168]
polymerization 30 nm reached from 20.3 to 25.9 in the
raw and 28.9 L/m2.h in the
Length = 10- oxidized MWCNTs embedded
30 µm membranes.
Salt (NaCl) rejection did not
Purity = 95% changed remarkably by
embedding MWCNTs and was
>96% for all concentrations.
The membranes with all
concentrations of raw or
oxidized MWCNTs had better
antifouling performance for
BSA/salt solution rather than
the unfilled membrane.
MWCNTs/PES membranes 0-3 Phase inversion Diameter < 8 UF With PEG-g-MWCNTs from 0 [136]
method nm to 1.5 wt%, contact angle of
hybrid membranes declined
Length = 10- from 82.3o to 53.9o, water flux
30 µm enhanced from 5.18 L/m2.h to
71.26 L/m2.h, flux recovery
ratio improved from 41.6% to
94.1% and the adsorption
amount of BSA decreased from
58.96 µg/cm2 to 41.63 µg/cm2.
The tensile strength increased
from 3.51 to 5.08 MPa with the
increase of PEG-g-MWCNTs
content from 0.5 wt% to 2.0 wt%.
PVA/Carboxylated multi- 0.01 Sequential Diameter =13- UF The PVA–CNT–COOH modified [169]
walled carbon nanotubes deposition and 18 nm membranes demonstrated lower
(PVA–CNT–COOH) cross-linking fouling rates compared to
method Length = 3-30 standard PS-35 supports in high
µm concentrations of alginic acid
(AA) solutions as well as AA
Purity > 99% solution in synthetic wastewater.
Piperazine–PA/ MWCNTs 0.001-0.01 Non-solvent Outer NF Water flux was maximum for [170]
nanocomposite NF membranes induced phase diameter =20- membrane with 0.005 wt. %
inversion 30 nm oxidized MWCNTs.
technique The salt rejection performance
Length = 10– exhibited that by embedding of
30 µm the raw and oxidized
Purity = 95% MWCNTs, improvement in
rejecting of Na2SO4 salt can be
MWCNTs -titania 0.01–0.05 Solution mixing Outer RO The highest water permeability [171]
nanotube/PSf TFN membrane diameter =16- was achieved at 1.13 L/m2.h.bar
20 nm when nanoparticles loading of
0.03% was incorporated into the
PA layer and PS support treated
at 1.5 M H2SO4 for 48 h.
The NaCl rejection of all the
synthesized membranes was
found to be above 96%.
7. Potential of CNT membranes in desalination
Although the performance of VA-CNT membranes in desalination has not been studied
practically yet, the potential performance of these membranes in desalination can be roughly
evaluated. The major factor that affects the separation of ions is the size of the nanotubes.
Molecular simulations studies revealed that increasing the diameter of the tube has an adverse
effect on the removal of salts [56,65,172]. In general, for the VA-CNT membranes to have
the inner diameter of nanotubes should be ~ 0.6 nm [56]. However, with the currently available
technologies, it is not practical yet to produce nanotubes with this small diameter. It is worth
mentioning that size is not the only factor that affect the desalination performance of the
membrane. Rather, other factors such as the pH of the solution and electrostatic interactions also
play a significant rule. The salt rejection efficiency of VA-CNT membrane can also be improved
by functionalization of CNT surface with various groups. The CNT membrane has the advantage
of a low fouling potential compared to the traditional RO and NF membranes and this require
less maintenance. The inactivation of bacterial cells by CNTs make them ideal candidates for
future desalination technology. Another unique feature of CNT membrane is the low energy
consumption during the flow of molecules through the tubes. The flow of molecules through
smooth and hydrophobic inner walls of CNTs does not require a high-pressure pump.
Mixed (nanocomposite) CNT membranes and Bucky paper CNT membranes were found to have
[85,99,107,168,170]. A more detailed exploration is, however, necessary to fill the gaps between
vision and reality, with the fast-technological transfer from academic to industries.
8. Current challenges and need for further research
The CNT membranes have an excellent potential to be the future membrane technology for water
purification. However, the synthesis of these membranes and applications in water treatment is
still at premature stage and numerous critical issues are yet to be effectively addressed.
Commercial readiness, improving manufacturing scalability, cutting down the CNTs cost, and
assessment of potential toxic effects of CNTs are the potential challenges that are on the way
The synthesis of CNTs on large scale with suitable pore size and distribution is still a key
obstacle in the applications of CNTs on commercial scale. Researchers must investigate and
explore new methods for the economical production of CNTs on large scale. Another hurdle that
limits the applications of CNTs in large-scale operation is the cost of CNTs, especially
SWCNTs. Although researches are in quest of developing an economical process for the mass
production of CNTs, the current cost does not suggest the applications of CNTs on large scale.
However, it is expected that the due to increase in commercial production of CNTs, their price
Furthermore, the potential hazardous effects of CNTs on the on human health and environment
put serious questions to be answered. It is generally believed that raw CNTs are more toxic as
compared to chemical functionalized CNTs. This may be due to presence of metal catalyst in raw
CNTs. The potential toxic effects of CNTs on human health and environment need to be
Another obstacle is the difficulties in CNT growth with proper alignment in VA-CNT
membranes. The irregular alignment affects the membrane properties such as salt rejection and
flux. Further research is essential to effectively address this issue to enhance the membrane
performance. Effective methods to functionalize the tip of CNTs without compromising the CNT
Besides, there is a need to standardize the terminology for assessing the performance of various
dimension and experimental operating conditions [173]. Furthermore, since most of the CNT
based membranes are currently assembled on a ceramic or polymeric membrane that may
affect/weaken the CNT properties. Hence, there is a need of more focus on fabrication of
freestanding membrane to fully utilize the extraordinary features of CNTs. As most of the
current applications of CNT based membrane is limited to enhance the performance of pressure
driven membrane, extensive research is needed to explore the other possible applications of CNT
based membranes such as membrane distillation and capacitive deionization. Most of the current
studies of VA-CNT based membranes are focused on the simulation and modeling. The
experimental proof of this approach is essential to assess the CNT membrane performance at
viable scale. The mechanism of separations of various pollutants by CNT bases membranes
needs to be investigated in detail. More efforts on developing fabrication technique and scaling
up the fabrication process to pilot plant from laboratory-scale experiment are required to advance
9. Conclusion
The carbon nanotube membranes are ideal candidates for water purification in the future
membrane. Although there are still various challenges, the current research trends suggest that
many improvements in the synthesis techniques and applications of CNT membranes is expected
in near future. For the CNT membranes to be pioneer in membrane technology for water
purification, further research is essential to overcome the current hurdles. There is no suspicion
that CNTs-based membranes have a bright future in water purification and desalination
The author gratefully acknowledges the support provided by King Fahd University of Petroleum
and Minerals (KFUPM), Saudi Arabia. The author would also like to acknowledge the support of
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VA-CNT membranes