Clinic Flier For Parents
Clinic Flier For Parents
Clinic Flier For Parents
Tips for Parents from birth to eighteen years of age to help establish
a positive development.
• Try to remember to stay calm during the periods of • Encourage children to “use their words”
crying and shouting instead of using physical expressions
• Always be receptive and sensitive to your babies • Have a from of routine for the child
• Respond positively to newly learned
• Try to often express love and warmth. skills.
• Model appropriate ways to deal with • Be a supportive listener when they want
negative emotions to share about their worries.
• Express to them what your expectations are • Remember moodiness is NORMAL. Even
for appropriate behavior if it does drive you crazy.
• Try to discuss emotions of characters in • Let them express understanding of how
readings. other people feel through volunteer
Late Adolescence