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Clinic Flier For Parents

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Positive Emotional Development

Tips for Parents from birth to eighteen years of age to help establish
a positive development.

• Try to remember to stay calm during the periods of • Encourage children to “use their words”
crying and shouting instead of using physical expressions
• Always be receptive and sensitive to your babies • Have a from of routine for the child
• Respond positively to newly learned
• Try to often express love and warmth. skills.

• Model appropriate ways to deal with • Be a supportive listener when they want
negative emotions to share about their worries.
• Express to them what your expectations are • Remember moodiness is NORMAL. Even
for appropriate behavior if it does drive you crazy.
• Try to discuss emotions of characters in • Let them express understanding of how
readings. other people feel through volunteer

Late Adolescence

• Ask them to reflect on the

experiences of others they learn No matter the Age
• Recognize the intricacy of their No matter how old your child is, try to give them an age
personality. appropriate way to outwardly express their emotions.
• Help limit their stress levels by Whether your child is a boy or a girl. Both should be
providing support they need to encouraged to express themselves.
meet your expectations.
Parents you should also keep in mind how your child(ren)
are understanding the events that they are going through
and how it is making them feel.

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