Ring Laser Gyro
Ring Laser Gyro
Ring Laser Gyro
Le gyrometre laser
SUMMARY : In this review paper, we recall the basic principles RESUME : Dans cet article de revuenous rappelons les principes
and advantages of the ring laser gyro (RLG) which is the most et les avantages du gyrometre laser en anneau (RLG) qui, parmi
widely developed of all optical gyroscopes based on the Sagnac tous les gyrometres optiques fondes sur I’effet Sagnac, fait I’objet
effect. de developpements et d’applications importants.
The main error sources which can affect RLG performances are Les principaux phtnomenes physiques qui peuvent limiter les
discussed, and among them gas flows in the active medium and performances du RLG sont exposes: notamment, les ecoulements
frequency synchronisation of counterpropagating waves or “lock- de fluides dans le milieuamplificateuret les couplagesentre
in”. ondes qui conduisent a la << zone aveugle n :
Particularattention is given to lockingphenomenon : the Uneattention
donnee au
phenomene de
predominantinfluence of mirrorsbackscattering is emphasized couplageentreondes : I’influence prtdominantedesretrodiffu-
and means devised to overcome this problem are explained. sionsdesmiroirsformant la caviteestmise en evidenceet les
Some important design rules used in the RLG construction are differents moyens mis en Oeuvre pour surmonter ce probleme sont
defined.Tworepresentativeexamples of RLGfordifferent abordes.
applications are described including the triaxial RLG in a single En fonction des
opticalblock. quelques regles de conception technologique sont definies. Deux
exemplesdeRLGsontdecritsdont le gyrometrelasertriaxial
((monobloc n.
a without
maintenance :
thousands of hours,
- asmall size and mass,
The ideal sensor for inertial rotation would have - a low cost.. .
different characteristics like : For alongtimeallcommercialinertial rotation
- anoutput giving angleincrementswith high sensorshavebeen mechanicalgyroscopes. These
resolutionand accuracy(forinstance 1 arcsec. gyroscopes which use theinertiaproperties of a
resolution), spinningmass,suffer inherent limitationssuchas
- a well definedandstableinput axis (better accelerationsensitivityandanalogoutput,even if
rad), than theyhavereachedremarkableperformances.In
- insensitivity to acceleration effects and to en- some very sophisticated design, like the electrically
vironmental conditions such as temperature, with a suspendedgyroscopes,themesuredangularrate
stability betterthan 5 lo-’ rad/s or10-20/h(for sensitivity is 10- degreeperhour(aboutonearc
gyroscope performances rotation rate unit is usually second for one day).
degrees per hour instead of radians per second), The first optical
gyroscope was described by
- linearitywithangularrotationrate,over a Sagnac [l] in 1913, under the
form of ring
wide range up to hundreds of ‘ i s , interferometer.
J.J. ROLAND J . Optics (Paris), 1988,
vol. 19, I'1" 3
To be considered as an alternative to mechanical The optical path difference A L , between the two
sensors, optical gyroscopes had to wait fifty years for waves is :
the development of lasers or optical fibers.
Beforeadescription of ringlasergyroscopes,a AL=cAt=4An/c.
brief exposure of the operating principle - the so
called Sagnac effect - is given. It
equationthat Sagnac
interferometer is not a very sensitive device :
(51 000 m ) single mode optical fiber.
Even,for highly developedsystems [4],optical
fibergyroscopes are presently limited to the 0,l"ih
performance range : this performance is convenient
WAVE for attitude reference but not for inertial navigation
CW and CCW waves interfere to produce afringe
pattern which shifts if a rotation rate is applied along
an axis perpendicular to the planeof the beam path.
The twoCWandCCWexperience arelative
This effect is based on thefact that, with respect to
inertialspace,the twocounter-propagatinglight
waves take different times to complete a trip around
a rotating closed path.
Ageneralapproach valid foranarbitraryinter- WAVE
ferometershape [ 2 ] leads to time
a difference
At proportional to 0 :
At = 4 A 0 /c2
FIG. 2 - Schematic view of a ring laser gyroscope. When
where A is the area enclosed by the light path, and c R # 0 the frequency difference A f of the two CW and CCW laser
the velocity of light beams is detected.
J . Optics (Paris), 1988,
vol. 19, no 3 M. FAUCHEUX,D. FAYOUX,J. J. ROLAND 103
9 : instantaneous
difference of the
(L/2 .TT : outputbeatfrequency A f .
TheLamb coefficients arewrittenassumsand
differences for example :
U = 1 / 2 ( ~+
1 ~ 2 )AU
, = 1 / 2 ( a 2- c l )
a i: linear net gain p i : self saturation FIG. 5 - Typical arrangement to compensate for gas flow effects.
ei, : cross saturation u i : mode pulling
p i : mode pushing T ~ ,: crosspushing
Nevertheless this theory is incomplete and can not misalignement which leads to a different beam path
explain thevariation of sensitivity to the gas flow through the discharges is then a source of null shift
with the discharge currentasshown in figure 7. variations.These misalignements can bedueto
FollowingLeiby and Oskam [16, 171, the effect of thermal bending of the block, mirror tilt (in particu-
and lar the mirror used for the path length control), non-
chargedparticleshas to be considered in the total planar beam path in the case of square gyros.
discharge tube. This effect produces a gas flow in the
Applied magnetic fields : Observations have
center of the tube from the cathode to the anode.In
shownthattheapplication of externalmagnetic
fact the gas flow velocity results from a combination
fields leads to a null shift. The detailed mechanism is
on the above two opposite flows, depending on the
not yet completely understood. This seems to result
discharge current [18]. Thus, a sensitivity near zero
from Faraday effect in the plasma which exhibits a
can be obtained with a specific discharge current as
non negligible Verdet constant (6 radicm. O e
shown in figure 7.
[21]). In order to produce a phase shift between the
counterpropagating waves through Faraday effect in
the active medium, a non linear polarization must be
sensitivity ( " / h / m A )
4T assumed.Someellipticpolarizationsshouldresult
from small mirror birefringence [22] due to residual
strengths in the mirrors occurring at the time of the
thin film deposition.
By farthe most limitingfactor in theRLG
performance is the dependance of the scale factor K
FIG. 7 - Sensitivity of gas flow (induced by discharge effect) to the
ontherotationrate f2. It arisesfromlock-in or
discharge current (It = laser threshold current) obtained with a
33 cm perimeter laser gyro. frequency synchronisation of the counterpropagating
waves at low rotation rates [ l l ] .This phenomenon
common to alloscillators has been well studied in
thedomain of radio physics [23]. Whenthebeat
frequency A f is belowacriticalvalue,mutual
coupling of the two waves locks them together and
11. - 2. b) Gas flow induced by thermal effect causes themto oscillate atthesamefrequency,
making A f = 0. The RLG response curve takes the
A thermal gradient along the tube walls generates formshown in figure 4 ( d ) . Underthethreshold
a gas flow [19]. Indeed, during their collisions with rotation rate f l L , the RLG is insensitive, which may
the walls the particles are C thermalized >> and leave be described as a scale factor K ( f2 ) = 0, if f2 -= f2L .
the walls withmore or less momentum depending The coupling between the
upontheir impingingdirection.There is anunba- waves arises mainly frombackscatteringproduced
lance of the net rate of momentum transfer inside a by mirrors or intracavity optical
elements. The
sheath of about one mean free path,which produces backscattering of each mirror is characterized by an
a gas flow inside the sheath from the hot point to the amplitudecoefficient ri andanadditionalphase
cold point, and by reaction a gas flow at the centerof angle (cf : section 111). A theoretical analysis
the tube from the coldpoint to the hot point. shows that, by using some simplifying assumptions,
The bulkvelocity at the center of the tube can thethree self-consistent equations may bewritten
reach 0,02 c d s for a gradient of 1"icm and a tube as :
diameter of 3 mm, leading to null shift of the order
of 0,02"lh. I = c / L [+
~ (p + e ) z ] + W l z COS 0 COS (8)
M2 M3
Lock-in rate (O/h)
0 4 l
0 50 100 150 200 250
Mirror PZT Voltage (0,36 microns = 55 volts)
3 or 4 mirrors
Biasing the RLG
2 + 2 waves RLG
+ TEM 10
3 or 4 mirrors
+ 4 waves RLG
4 mirrors
Circular Dolarization
l I
h (P-polarization)
= yrd I 1- activity
l I
p+lpq ’
and out of phase, to create an alternative Doppler This RLG concept presents many obvious advan-
shift between the twowaves, which reduces the lock- tages :
in threshold [26]. - the constant bias effect Afo is cancelled, avoid-
ing the need for high bias stability,
111. - 2. b) Four-wave RLG - the scale factor of the four-wave RLG is twice
that of a two-wave RLG with the same geometry,
Another concept of RLG uses the combination of - the RLG has no moving parts,
twoconstantbias, one reciprocaland one non- - the ZLAG configuration with out-of-plane
reciprocal, toenablethe oscillation of four waves cavity and Zeeman effect has no intracavity optical
well separated in frequency,avoidingthelock-in elements.
phenomenon [27].
The reciprocal bias is used to split the frequency of The disadvantages of the four-wave RLG are the
corotating modes of differentcircularpolarizations following :
(oneleftcircularpolarization - LCP - and one - themirrors must beisotropic to maintaina
right circularpolarization-RCP).Thiscanbedone circularpolarization,anappropriateout-of-plane
either by an opticallyactivematerialintroduced in configuration may reduce the anisotropy effect [28],
the beam path or by an out-of-plane cavity configur- - the output seems sensitive to cavity length and
ations.The cavity must have an evennumber of magnetic fluctuations [27].
mirrors to allow for simultaneousoscillation of Until
many years of efforts to
differently polarized waves. developfour-wave RLG, theapplication of the
Thenon-reciprocal bias splits thefrequency of DILAG concept toactual systemsseems tobe
countertravelling modes of the same polarization. It problematic.
is achieved by Faraday effect in a cell located inside
the cavity (DILAG - Differential Laser Gyro) or 111. - 2. c) 2 + 2 - waveRLG
Zeeman effect on the gain medium itself (ZLAG).
The frequencydiagram of afour-wave RLG is A novel RLG concept has been introduced [29] to
presented in figure 14. The cavity contains a pair of eliminate the lock-in problem by using the oscillation
two-wave RLG(RLG 1 and RLG 2) with their of two weak TEMolmodes.The twoadditional
respective outputs obtained by mixing countertravel- modes create non-linear coupling with the main two
ling modes of equal polarization : TEMoo modes, thus keeping them fromlocking as in
the two-wave RLG (this principle is sometimes
Afl = Afo + K O , interpretedasan“opticaldithering”).Thetheory
Afz = Afo - K O . and experiments have not been so much investigated
in thiscase [30]. A self induced bias with a sign
Afo : frequencysplitinduced by thenon-recip- dependent of the direction of rotation was observed
rocal bias (Hz), butnot fairly understood.
R : input
(radis). Nevertheless this RLG concept remains interesting
because it would lead to a simple plane cavity design
which does not require new optical elements, moving
parts, or magneticfields.
1.,“ -
A f l = Afo + KR
Non reciprocal bias
Reciprocal bias
111. - 3. Alternating bias (two-wave RLG)
The effect of the alternating bias is the introduc-
tion of a new term W , cos (w d t ) in theRLG
Eq. (lo), with W , = 2 TKO,.
LCP modes RCP modes R, and W d are the amplitude and pulsation (both
in radis),respectively, of the oscillating bias (or
Laser frequency dither).
The new equation can be analytically solved [30],
FIG.14 - Frequency diagram o f a four-wave RLG (not to scale).
resulting in a RLG beat note very close to the ideal
responseexceptfornarrowbandslocated around
multiples of w d and described by Bessel functions of
argument ( w m / w d ) . Figure15 shows the behaviour
The electronicdifference of the two readout of thealternatingbiased RLG with non-linearities
signals gives the output of the four-wave RLG : around zero rotation rate and harmonics of ad.
Around the zero rotation rate, the new (dynamic)
Afl-Afz=2KO. lock-inthreshold is proportionalto Jo( w , / w ~ ) .
J . Optics (Paris), 1988, vol. 19, no 3 D. FAYOUX,J. J. ROLAND
IV. - APPLICATIONS AND TECHNOLOGICAL Our description here will be limited to two rep-
DESCRIPTION OF THE RLG resentativeexamplesdesignedfordifferentappli-
cations :
IV. - 1. Applications 1. the "standard" body dithered RLG with trian-
gular cavity
The RLG has become a competitive candidate for 2 . aparticulartriaxial RLG in a single optical
most applications in inertial navigation and guidance block.
systems. Sensors adapted to awide range of perform-
anceshave been developped. IV. - 2. a) Body dithered RLG with triangular
For a given quality of components and construc- cavity :
tion, the performance of the RLG is related to its
size : (seeschematic view of figure 16 andthephoto-
Sensitivity and accuracy (long term stability of the graph of figure 17 showingatypicalexample of a
beal signal, in "/h) are primarily determined by the 33 cm perimeterRLGdesignedforinertial navi-
size of the optical cavity. gation systems).
RLG with stabilities down to 10-40/h and perime- The basic structure is acarefullymachined solid
ters up to 60 cm can be used for high performance block.A glass ceramicmaterialwitha very low
navigationsystems(forinstance in ships). coefficient of thermal expansion is used. The three
Small missiles guidance systems use RLG sensors mirrors forming a triangular cavity are mounted to
having stabilities in the range of 10"ih with perime- the block by optical contact. This provides stability
ters as smallasa few cm. and ruggedness.
Navigation for
aircrafts, the most The multidielectric coated mirrors have very high
important application of RLG, requires stabilities in reflectivity. Absorption is less than (100 ppm)
neighbourhood of 10- 2"/hto achieve the and total scattering close to 10 ppm.
traditionalonenautical mile perhour system per- This corresponds to a substrate roughness of 1 or
formance. 2 A rms, and to specific high quality coatings needed
The perimeter of the cavity (square or triangular to reduce backscattering and lock-in.
form) is close to 30 cm. An example is shown in the One of themirrors is sphericalforstabilityand
photograph of figure 17. optimization of the cavity. The cavity perimeter is
adjusted by means of apiezoelectrictransducer
IV. - 2. Description of the RLG attached to a mirror ; its position is controlled with a
servo loop designed so that the laser oscillates at its
Manyvariations in theconstruction of RLG are maximum power for a given discharge current : this
observed depending on the method to prevent lock- allows foranearconstantopticalfrequencyand
in (body dithered RLG, magnetic mirror, DILAG... scale factor of the RLG.
as discussed in section 111) and on particular design The amplifyingmedium is a 10:1 mixture of He
choices of eachconstruction, influenced by appli- and Ne excited by a dc discharge. The transition is
cations(size,shape,materials, electronicscircuits, generally the 0.633 pm line of Ne. Equal mixture of
packaging.. .). two isotopes 20Ne and 22Neis necessary to avoid gain
However, in view of the previousdiscussion of induced mode competition of the oppositely directed
possible error sources: some important design rules laser beams.
are common to all realizations : The solid block provides a vacuum sealed reservoir
- define a very stable cavity construction, for the gain medium.Capillaries are drilled in the
- minimize the number of intracavity elements, blockalong thebeampath.Thedc discharges
- use very high quality optical components (mir- through these capillaries are symetricbetween two
rors), anodes and one cathode. Currents are regulated to
- reduce the perturbations arising from the gain avoid gas flow inducedeffects.
medium (optical, thermal, electrical., .). The design of the RLG, for a lifetime more than
This explains the systematic use of a He-Ne medium, 10 000 hourstakesaccount of plasmaaction on
mirrors, purity of gas andcurrent density onthe
- avoid non-reciprocal effects, providing symetry
and isotropy of all elements with respect to the two RLGreadout andmechanicaldithering ofthe
contrarotating laserbeams(in all environmental whole optical block have been described before.
- suppress reflexions of output beams back into IV. - 2. b) Triaxial RLG in a single optical block.
the cavity and oscillation of transverse modes,
- reduceexternalperturbationsandtheir vari- Forsome
ations such as : thermal gradients, magnetic sources, systems for tactical missiles, small size and mass of
mechanical constraints on the optical block.. . the system are required.
J . Optics (Paris), 1988, vol. 19, no 3 M. FAUCHEUX,D. FAYOUX,J. J. ROLAND 113
FIG. 16 - Schematic top view of a ring laser gyroscope with its various components.
FIG. 17 -A 33 cm perimeter body dithered Ring Laser GFro (SFENA Company product f;)r inertial navigation system).
114 M. FAUCHEUX,D. FAYOUX,J . J . ROLAND J . Optics (Paris), 1988, vol. 19, no 3
Since the accuracy of the RLG is size dependent, A particular arrangement using only one cathode
the design of suchsystems with three singleaxis andthreeanodes, allows forthecompensation of
sensors is rather difficult. Langmuir flow effects in the gas discharges as shown
The construction o f atriaxial RLG in a single in figure 186.
optical block leads to a better compromise between The manufacturing of the glass ceramic block
accuracyandsmallsize. includes mainly :
An interestingconfiguration of suchatriaxial - drilling 12 capillaries for theoptical beam
optical block [33j, is presented in figure 28a : three path,
square form optical cavities with orthogonal axis can - machining 6 flat surfaces for positionning the
be defined with only six mirrors (instead of nine for mirrors.
threetriangular singleaxis RLG). Eachmirror is
Some advantages and drawbacks of this design are
used with perpendicular planes of incidence, for two
straightforward :
The three square optical beam path determine a - size,volumeand mass of theoptical compo-
regular octahedral geometrical form. nents are reduced. Compared to three independent
optical cavities of the same size, the volume of the
triaxial optical blocs is reduced by a factor of two.
- The angularstabilitybetween theorthogonal
sensitive axis of the sensors is improved, due to the
high mechanical rigidity of the triaxial block.
- Onlyone mechanicalsystem is neededfor
dithering the wholeopticalassembly.
- The reduction of number of electrodes leads to
simplifiedelectric currentcontrol circuitand less
power consumption.
- Thecost, associated tothe minimization of
components number is reduced.
Since each mirror is used for two optical cavities,
the simultaneous adjustment of cavitiesresonances
is more difficult andrequires specialtoolingand
- Scattering of mirrors could
interaction of beamsfromdifferentcavitiesand
This kind of coupling is not observed, at least for compared to single axis RLG, is a good example of
mediumrangeperformancesystems.. the state of the art RLG technology required for the
Thisparticulartriaxial RLG design,withsize, adaptation of opticalrotationsensorstoinertial
mass,volume and costsreduced by afactor of 2 systems.
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