Mating Design
Mating Design
Mating Design
Selection of parental materials and good mating designs in conventional plant breeding are the keys to the successful
plant breeding programme. However, there are several factors affecting the choices of mating designs. Mating design
refers to the procedure of producing the progenies, in plant breeding, plant breeders and geneticists, theoretically and
practically, they use different form of mating designs and arrangements for targeted purpose. The choice of a mating
design for estimating genetic variances should be dictated by the objectives of the study, time, space, cost and other
biological limitations. In all mating designs, the individuals are taken randomly and crossed to produce progenies
which are related to each other as half-sibs or full-sibs. A form of multivariate analysis or the analysis of variance can
be adopted to estimate the components of variances. Therefore, this review aimed at highlighting the most used mating
design in plant breeding and genetics studies. It provides easy and quick insight of the different form of mating designs
and some statistical components for successful plant breeding.
Keywords: mating designs, plant breeding, genetics statistics.
J. Plant Breed. Genet. 01 (03) 2013. 117-129
development of potential varieties; (3) to provide different form of mating designs and some statistical
estimates of genetic gain and (4) to provide information components for successful plant breeding; these will
for evaluating the parents used in the breeding program serve as reference to the scientists and students in the
(Acquaah, 2012). In making various crosses breeders domain of plant breeding and genetics.
have interests in discovering the answer to the following MAJOR MATING DESIGNS IN PLANT BREEDING AND
questions: how significant is genetic variation? How GENETICS
much of the variation is heritable? And what types of Mating design refers to the procedure of producing the
gene affecting that significance? However, these are progenies, in plant breeding, plant breeders and
answered by comparing the variances of the segregating geneticists, theoretically and practically, they use
and the non-segregating generations (Kearsey and different form of mating designs and arrangements for
Pooni, 1996). Another interest of the breeder is targeted purpose. However, the choice of a mating
identifying plants with superior genotypes as judged by design for estimating genetic variances should be
the performance of their progeny. Suitable inbreds or dictated by the objectives of the study, time, space, cost
lines are selected based on combining ability effects with and other biological limitations. Thus, several studies
better mean performance. Combining ability depends on (Griffing, 1956b; Kearsey and Pooni, 1996; Hallauer et
the gene action controlling the trait to be improved. al., 2010; Acquaah, 2012) described and contrasted
General combining ability (GCA) is the average different mating designs and six types of mating designs
performance of a line in hybrid combinations and is due have been described so far: (1) bi-parental progenies
to additive genes action. The estimation of GCA for a (BIP), polycross, topcross, North Carolina (I, III, III),
particular line depends upon the mating design, but Diallels (I, II, III, IV) and Line X tester design. In all
essentially, it is the deviation of its progeny mean from mating designs, the individuals are taken randomly and
the mean of all lines included in the trial (Acquaah, crossed to produce progenies which are related to each
2012). Thus, theoretically, differences between maternal other as half-sibs or full-sibs. A form of multivariate
groups measure variation in their general combining analysis or the analysis of variance can be adopted to
ability. Specific combining ability (SCA) refers to estimate the components of variances.
combinations or crosses that do relatively better or BI-PARENTAL MATING
worse than would be expected based on the average The bi-parental design is also called paired crossing
performance of the lines involved, it is therefore due to design and it is reported to be the simplest mating design
non-additive gene action (Falconer and Mackay, 1996, (Mather, 1982). In this design, the breeder selects a large
Acquaah, 2012). The information regarding the number of plants (n) at random and cross them in pairs to
estimates of combining ability and genes actions is vital produce 1/2n full-sib families (Acquaah, 2012). Their
for a successful plant breeding (Panhwar et al., 2008). progeny are tested and the observed variation partitioned
Plant breeding experiments use two types of design, (1) by straightforward analysis of variance into between and
mating and (2) experimental design which should march within families (Hill et al., 1998). Statistically, if r plants
with its statistical components analysis and per progenies family are evaluated, the variation within
interpretation. Therefore, this review provides the (w) and between (b) families may be analyzed as follows:
Table 1. Analysis of variance for BIP design.
Source of variation df MS EMS
Between families ( n)-1 MS1 2 w r 2b
Within families n(r-1) MS2 2w
Total nr-1
Source: Acquaah, 2012
Where: n and r refer to the number of parents and plants sampled within each cross respectively;
2b is the covariance of full-sibs ( b = CovFS = 1 VA 1 VD VEC 1 (MS1 MS2 ) and
2 4 r
2 w = G CovFS EW = 1 VA 3 VD VEW MS2 ; is the environmental source of variation for variance within the
2 2
2 4
crosses. When you assume that dominance effects are zero, then b = 1 VA and w = 1 VA VEW (Acquaah, 2012).
2 2
2 2
J. Plant Breed. Genet. 01 (03) 2013. 117-129
The simplicity of this design is counterbalanced by its genetic and environmental variance.
inability to yield sufficient information to estimate all POLYCROSS
parameters required by the model (Acquaah, 2012). This design is for intermating a group of cultivars by
Only two statistics are available for estimating VA, VD, natural crossing in isolated block. Term polycross was
VEW and VEC. This is because the progeny from this coined by Tysdal, Kiesselbach and Westover in 1942, to
design are either full sibs or unrelated; no other indicate progeny from seed of a line that was subject to
relationship exists among them. The estimates of the outcrossing with other selected lines growing in the
parameters can only be obtained either by simplifying same nursery (Hill et al., 1998). It is most suited to
assumptions, or if extra statistics become available (Hill species that are obligate cross-pollinaters (e.g., forage
et al., 1998). If dominance is assumed to be absent grasses and legumes, sugarcane, sweet potato), but
(VD=0), and there is no common environment (VEW=0), especially to those that can be vegetatively propagated
that is individuals from the same family do not share the crops such as sugarcane, cassava and sweet potato
same environment. Consequently, if these assumptions (Acquaah, 2012). The design provides equal opportunity
are unjustified, it will lead to an overestimate of the for each and every clone or parent to naturally cross
genetic component relative to the environmental with each other in the block such that self-pollination is
component. These difficulties can be circumvented to a prevented (Saladaga, 1989). However, to achieve this
limited extent in practice. Family plots can be dispensed objective, a proper design in the polycross block is
by randomizing individual plants over the whole critical. It provides an equal opportunity for each entry
experiment. In this way VEC becomes zero. For to be crossed with every other entry. It is critical that the
biometrical geneticist individual plant randomization is entries be equally represented and randomly arranged
a useful device for increasing the precision for estimates, in the crossing block (Falconer and Mackay, 1996). The
but for a plant breeder it may be an unaffordable luxury. Latin square experimental design was suggested to be
Nevertheless, for shrubs and trees, single tree plot used as the most appropriate design to ensure all entries
designs are frequently used. Usually, however, it may be have equal chance of random intermating with each
simpler for the breeder to estimate VEC directly from the other in the polycross nursery (Morgan, 1988).
families X replicates interaction mean square in properly Nevertheless, when the entries number is more than 10,
replicated experiment. the completely randomized block design may be used
In BIP design, extra statistic can be generated if (Acquaah, 2012). In both cases, about 20–30 replications
information on the parents is available, or by inclusion of are included in the crossing block. The ideal
the selfed progenies of parents (Kearsey, 1970). requirements are hard to meet in practice because of
However, in practice both options are of limited value; several problems, placing the system in jeopardy of
because of the problems posed by presence of deviating from random mating. If all the entries do not
genotypes-environment interaction when considering flower together, mating will not be random. To avoid
parent-offspring correlation, and introduction of this, the breeder may plant late flowering entries earlier.
additional parameters. Pollen may not be dispersed randomly, resulting in
The BIP design, though simple to execute, has obvious concentrations of common pollen in the crossing block.
limitations. Because no constraints have been imposed Half sibs are generated in a polycross because progeny
upon the mating there is a lack of relatedness among the from each entry has a common parent. The design is
resultant progeny. Consequently, unjustifiable used in breeding to produce synthetic cultivars,
assumptions many be required if estimated of the most recombining selected entries of families in recurrent
important genetic and environmental components are to selection breeding programs, or for evaluating the GCA
be obtained (Hill et al., 1998). The most limitation of this of entries (Acquaah, 2012).
design is its inability to provide the needed information The polycross design has an advantage of producing
to estimate all the parameters required by the model. synthetic cultivars, recombining selected genotypes in
The progeny from the design comprise full sibs or the recurrent selection procedure and evaluating the
unrelated individuals. There is no further relatedness general combing ability of the parent genotypes
among individuals in the progeny. The breeder must (Falconer and Mackay, 1996; Sleper and Poehlman,
make unjustifiable assumptions in order to estimate the 2006; Acquaah, 2012). The general combining ability
J. Plant Breed. Genet. 01 (03) 2013. 117-129
(GCA) can also be estimated from polycross mating performance of the parental lines and their progenies
design. such as flowering is likely to be affected (Morgan, 1988).
The general combining abilities estimated are basically In addition, the differences in performance of progeny
for maternal parents and the variations measured in a clones could arise from variations in heritability of trait
progeny can be partitioned into within and between measured (Gorz and Haskins, 1971). Consequently these
maternal parents (Falconer and Mackay, 1996) and could lead to inaccurate estimates of GCA; hence
consequently, general combining ability helps in heritability determined needs to be treated with caution.
estimating heritability. The mean performance of the In polycross, the progenies from individual plants are
progenies of any female parent in the polycross is used tested. These progenies are half-sib families. The
to determine the variance components and consequently covariance within the families is Cov( HS ) 1 F 2 A
the general combining ability (GCA). The heritability 4
calculated provides decision guidance for usefulness of where the inbreeding coefficient of the genotypes
polycross in breeding programme (Saladaga, 1989). being tested. The following ANOVA table shows the
However, since the parents are of different origin and analysis of many replications for polycross design.
the crop is sensitive to environmental changes, the
Table 1. ANOVA table of polycross design with many replicated.
Source df MS EMS Variance components
Progenies ( )
Blocks - -
error ( )( ) 2e 2
Source: Wricke and Weber, 1986
The variance component is an estimate of ; TOP CROSS DESIGN
when the parents are non-inbred, = zero. A Topcross refers to a mating between a selection, line,
comparison of the coefficients with the corresponding clone and a common pollen parent which may be a
coefficients in case of parent-offspring covariance variety, inbred line or single cross. The selected plants
indicates that the precision of the estimate of is lower are crossed with a common tester(s) of known
for the topcross or polycross than for the covariance performance, generally in open pollination. The design
between parents and offspring. The precision is was proposed by Jenkins and Brunsen in 1932 for
increased if the tested genotypes are inbred. It is testing inbred lines of maize in cross-bred combinations
convenient to use polycross design in cross-pollinated and later renamed topcross by Tysdal and Grandall in
species when evaluating a large number of genotypes 1948 (Hill et al., 1998). The tester parent should have
(Wricke and Weber, 1986). The selection is then applied well known genetic background; either narrow- or
based on half-sib progeny means. However, polycross broad-based testers (Aly et al., 2011). The purpose of
design has a number of limitation such as random using top is to increase the chance of obtaining a
mating, insufficient statistics to estimate all the desirable gene or genes from exotic or difficult materials.
parameters, the component of variance are only Exotic refers to lines from other countries which are
estimated from the maternal half sibs; information about generally poorly adapted to local conditions. Difficult
the males is lost, no control over the pollen source; material refers to varieties or lines which are tall, poor
expected genetic gains are reduced by half, the non- combiners, or dominant susceptibles, etc. i.e. lines which
randomness of mating (due to lack of synchronisation of have given poor results (progeny) from single crosses in
flowering, unequal pollen production and position previous crossing cycles. In making top crosses, only
effects in the crossing block). The polycross is ideally single cross F1's are utilized because they are uniform.
suited for identifying mother plants with superior The top cross F1's will be segregating and it is
genotypes from the performance of their progeny impossible to identify superior plants at crossing;
general combining ability (Hill et al., 1998). therefore, they are not used. The F1's are selected for
J. Plant Breed. Genet. 01 (03) 2013. 117-129
desirable agronomic characteristics or for desirable yield trials. This design is probably the simplest model of
parentage. mating design that can provide preliminary rapid
Topcross has been fairly widely used for preliminary screening of genetic stocks as it involves the lowest
evaluation of combining ability of new inbred lines crossing load and simple statistical analysis (Mosa,
(Mosa, 2010). The possible numbers of crosses are n x 1, 2010). In topcross, the progenies from individual plants
given n number of inbreds. Topcross progenies yield are tested; these progenies are half-sib families. The
only GCA information, not SCA. It is also called inbred- covariance within the families is ( )
variety cross (Sleper and Poehlman, 2006). It is a simple
where the inbreeding coefficient of the genotypes is
and efficient system of screening inbred lines for
tested. Table 3 presents the general ANOVA for topcross.
combining ability before pairing inbreds in single-cross
Table 3. Skeleton of ANOVA for half sib family test by topcross.
Source df MS EMS Variance components
( )
Blocks -
Error ( )( ) 2e 2
Source: Wrickle and Weber, 1986.
The variance component 2
prog is an estimate of criterion. As a nested design (Figure 1), each member of
a group of parents used as males is mated to a different
from V (m1 ) V (m2 ) ,
, calculated prog group of parents. NC Design I is a hierarchical design
when the parents are non-inbred, = zero (Wrickle and with non-common parents nested in common parents
Weber, 1986). However, top crosses require 5 heads per (Acquaah, 2012).
cross; this number is necessary because these crosses
will segregate in the next F1 generation and at least 80
plants to facilitate the selection of desirable plants in the
F1. The design has two shortfalls. First, a single tester
variety may not offer wide genetic background for
testing the inbred stocks. Secondly, the numbers of
crosses become large if the test inbreds are many.
North Carolina design was developed after using long
time diallel. However, the later require much labour.
Therefore, in order to obtain more information about
combining ability but without much labour comparing to
full diallel, Comstock and Robinson in 1952, introduced
the North Carolina designs I, II, and III.
North Carolina Design I: It is a very popular
Figure 1. North Carolina Design I (Source: Acquaah,
multipurpose design for both theoretical and practical
plant breeding applications (Acquaah, 2012). It is
commonly used to estimate additive and dominance The progenies include both full-sibs and half-sibs. Each
variances as well as for the evaluation of full- and half- set of families with the same father in common
sib recurrent selection. It requires sufficient seed for constitutes a half sib family group and a set of families
replicated evaluation trials, and hence is not of practical with both parents in common constitutes a full-sib
application in breeding species that are not capable of family (Kearsey and Pooni, 1996; Hallauer et al., 2010).
producing large amounts of seed. It is applicable to both The model for experiment conducted in one
self- and cross-pollinated species that meet this environment is: Where
J. Plant Breed. Genet. 01 (03) 2013. 117-129
is the mean, mi is the effect of the ith male, f ij is the (Hallauer et al., 2010). The design is commonly used to
estimate additive and dominance variances (Acquaah,
effect of the jth female mated to the ith male, rk is the 2012).
replication effects, and eijk is the experimental error
Table 2. Skeleton of general ANOVA for North Carolina design I.
Source of variation df MS Expected mean squares
Males ( ) M1 2 w r 2 mf rf 2 m
Females ( ) M2 2 w r 2 mf
Within plots ( ) M1 2w
Source: Acquaah, 2012.
The parameter w refers to the average variance
2 genetic variance. Also, NCI has been used successfully to
within the full sib families and is given as; tree breeding where mass collection of pollen from
common parents possess no practical problems (Hill et
2 w M1 12VA 3 4 VD VE
al., 1998). Further, the design is applicable to both self-
2 m (M1 M 2 ) / rf 1 4VA and cross-pollinated crops. However, this design is most
widely used in animal studies. In plants, it has been
r 2 mf (M 2 M 3 ) / r 1 VA 1 VD
4 4 extensively used in maize breeding for estimating
The translation of components of variance to covariance genetic variances (Acquaah, 2012).
of relatives permits estimation of components of genetic North Carolina Design II : In this design, each member
variances ( A and D ) and their interaction with the of a group of parents used as males is mated to each
2 2
environments. Assuming no epistasis, the estimation of member of another group of parents used as females
Design II is a factorial mating scheme (Figure 2). It is
additive genetic variance (
A) and total genetic
used to evaluate inbred lines for combining ability.
variance ( G ) are obtained from the mean squares of
The design is most adapted to plants that have multiple
the analysis of variance (Hallauer et al., 2010). flowers so that each plant can be used repeatedly as both
Dominance variance D is obtained from the
male and female.
difference between the female - within males and males Blocking is used in this design to allow all mating
components of variance. The NCI has advantage over involving a single group of males to a single group of
biparental and polycross designs, because it gives three females to be kept intact as a unit (Acquaah, 2012). The
statistics compared with only two in the polycross and design is essentially a two-way ANOVA in which the
biparental (Kearsey, 1965). variation may be partitioned into difference between
Like the polycross, the main advantage of design I is its males (m) and females (f) and their interaction.
ability to supply a test of significance for the additive
Figure 2: NC II Design (factorial design with paired rows) Source: Acquaah, 2012.
J. Plant Breed. Genet. 01 (03) 2013. 117-129
Figure 3. NC III design with conceptual, practical and modified. Source: Acquaah, 2012
However, it was made more powerful by the capable of testing non-allelic (epistatic) interactions,
modifications made by Kearsey and Jinks that add a which the other designs cannot, and also capable of
third tester not just the two inbreds (Acquaah, 2012). estimating additive and dominance variance (Acquaah,
The two parental lines act as testers against which F2 are 2012). According to Hill et al, 1998, it is also called triple
assessed. The parents being progenitors of the F2, are test cross because of inclusion of the third tester. This
very special testers because F2 is segregating at all loci inclusion increase the power of this design considerably,
for which the testers differ but for no other loci (Kearsey because it provides a sensitive and unambiguous test for
and Pooni, 1996). The F2 population is reference non-allelic interactions, a capability which none of the
population for mating NCIII (Hallauer et al., 2010). designs described so far, not even design 3 in its original
The modification is called the triple testcross and is form possess. Moreover, both in its original and
J. Plant Breed. Genet. 01 (03) 2013. 117-129
extended form design 3 has a general utility for second assesses the significance, and provides estimates
investigating any population, irrespective of gene of the additive and dominance components of variation.
frequency or mating system (Hill et al., 1998). In triple The NCIII is a special case of NCII, therefore the ANOVA
test cross a random sample of n individuals from the is similar to that of the NCII although it differs in one
population under investigation is crossed to the same special feature; the two testers are not a random sample
three testers, L1, L2 and L3 to give 3n progeny families. from any population but are two very particular lines,
The analysis of this design may be divided into two the progenitor of the F2.
parts, the first part supplies a test for epistasis, and the
Table 7. Skeleton of NC III ANOVA.
Source of variation df MS Expected mean squares
Testers, p 1 M4 2 r 2 mp rmK 2 p
Males (F2), m m 1 M3 2 2r 2 m
Testers x parents m 1 M2 2 r 2 mp
Within FS families/error r 12m 1 M1 2
Total 2mr 1
Source: Hallauer et al., 2010
Where; r and m are number of replications and male triple test cross is without doubt the most powerful of
plants, respectively. Although this design had many the available mating designs. But for the plant breeder
advantages, there are some pitfalls which should be this design may be off-piste (Hill et al., 1998).
avoided if its full potential is to be realized. If interest DIALLEL DESIGN
centres on determining whether dominance is present in A complete diallel mating design is one that allows the
particular population, virtually any pair of inbred lines parents to be crossed in all possible combinations
will suffice testers. But if we wish to estimate the total (Schlegel, 2010), including selfs and reciprocals. This is
dominance variation, L1 and L2 should differ at all those the kind of mating scheme required to achieve Hardy–
loci which are segregating in the population. The same Weinberg equilibrium in a population (Acquaah, 2012).
criterion also applies if an unbiased estimate of the The diallel is the most used and abused of all mating
additive component is required. Generally speaking designs in obtaining various genetic information
therefore, L1 and L2 should be high and low selections (Hallauer et al., 2010). Much of its abuse could probably
from the population, when additive and dominance be due to the presence of two models for diallel analysis;
components will be estimated with equal precision. But random and fixed models (Griffing, 1956b). A random
the tester must be derived from the population under model involves parents that are random members of a
investigation as the model developed for this mating random mating population. A random model is useful for
design is only valid within a population. Because L1 and estimating GCA and SCA variances. In contrast, when
L2 represent extreme selections, estimates of narrow parents are considered fixed effects, the aim is to
sense heritability can be obtained only after selection measure the GCA effect for each parent and the SCA
had taken place (Hill et al., 1998). It is reported that the effect for each pair of parents. These effects only apply to
main use of the triple test cross will be to investigate the the set of parents in the diallel. It is also widely used for
inheritance of quantitative traits in natural population developing breeding populations for recurrent selection
and relating this to natural selection and ecology (Acquaah, 2012). In addition, Johnson and King (1998),
(Kearsely and Jinks, 1968).In practice the triple test reported that diallel mating designs are deployed to
cross is viewed as a resource consuming design. provide the maximum opportunity to manage co-
Moreover, the generations required to establish this ancestry in breeding population and maximize selection
design are not those which a breeder would routinely differential. However, in practice, a diallel with selfs and
produce in a breeding programme. For the biometrical reciprocals is neither practical nor useful for several
geneticist, interest in determining the genetic reasons. Selfing does not contribute to the
architecture of a particular character and in estimating recombination of genes between parents. Furthermore,
the genetic component with maximum precision, the recombination is achieved by crossing in one direction
J. Plant Breed. Genet. 01 (03) 2013. 117-129
The table 8 presents the estimates of variances for variance components both fixed and random model.
Table 8. Skeleton of ANOVA for method I diallel design.
Expected mean squares
Source df SS MS
Model I Model II
GCA p 1 Sg Mg 1 2( p 1) 2
2 2 p( ) g 2i
2 g 2 p 2 g
p 1
SCA p p 1 / 2 Ss Ms 2 2( p 2 p 1) 2
2 Si j
p( p 1) 2 s
Reciprocal eff. p p 1 / 2 Sr 2
) ri j
2 2(
p( p 1) i j
2 2 2 r
Error m Se Me 2
Source: Griffing (1956b)
The various effects can be estimated as follows: and Var(rˆ ) 1 ˆ 2
1 2
ˆ X .., gˆ i 1 Xi. X .i 12 X .., Method II: This method includes parents and one set of
p2 2p p
F1’s without reciprocals F1’s. This design gives p(p+1)/2
xij x ji 21p X i. X .i X j. X . j p12 X .., genotypes. The mathematical models for combining
ability for fixed model is:
xij x ji (Griffing, 1956b). It is important to note 1 i, j 1,..., p,
2 Yij gi g j sij ijkl
bc k l
k 1,...,b,
these restrictions; gi 0 and
ij sii 0 for each i . l 1,...,c,
However, the variances of the effects can be estimated Where, is the population mean, gi , g j is the
using the following equations: Varˆ 1 ˆ 2 , general combining ability effect for the ith and jth parents,
sij is the specific combining ability effect of the cross
p 1 2
ˆ , Var(sˆij ) 2 p 2 2 p 2ˆ 2 , i j ,
Var( gˆ i ) between the ith and jth parents such that sij = s ji and
2p2 2p
J. Plant Breed. Genet. 01 (03) 2013. 117-129
eijkl is the experimental error due to environmental The mathematical equation for analysis of combining
ability for random model is:
effect associated with the ijklth . It is important to
1 1 1
remember that
gi 0 and sij sii 0 . Yij gi g j sij
b k
bk (bv)ijk ijkl ,
b k bc k l
i j
p 1
SCA p p 1 / 2 Ss 2 2 s
j si j 2
Ms 2
p( p 1) i
Error m Se Me' 2
Source: Griffing (1956b)
The various effects for method II can be estimated as i, j 1,..., p,
follows, 1
Yij gi g j sij rij eijkl , k 1,...;b,
ˆ X .., bc k l
p( p 1) l 1,...,c,
gˆ i
1 2
X i. xii X .., is the population mean, gi , g j is the general
p 2 p
combining ability effect for the ith and jth parents, sij
sˆij xij
X i. xii X j. x jj
( p 1)( p 2)
X .. . is the specific combining ability effect of the cross
However, the variances of the effects can be estimated between the ith and jth parents such that sij = s ji and
using the following equations: Var( ˆ ) 2
ˆ 2 , rij is the reciprocal genotypic effects such that rij =
p( p 1)
p 1 rji and, eijkl is the experimental error due to
Var( gˆ i ) ˆ 2 ,
p( p 2) environmental effect associated with the ijklth
p( p 1) observation (Griffing, 1956b). However, the following
Var( sii ) ˆ 2 and Var(sij ) p2 p 2 ˆ 2 equations help in estimating effects:
( p 1)( p 2) ( p 1)( p 2)
1 p 1
Method III: In this method, one set of F1’s and the Var( ˆ ) ˆ 2 , Var( gˆ i ) ˆ 2 ,
p( p 1) 2 p( p 2)
reciprocals are included. This mating design gives rise to
a p( p 1) different number of genotypes. As for p 3 2 (i j ) ,
Var(rˆij ) ˆ 2 (i j ) .
Var( sˆij ) ˆ
methods I and II, also it has both fixed and random effect 2( p 1) 2
models. Random model:
Fixed model:
1 1 1
Yij gi g j sij rij
b k
bk (bv)ijk
b k bc k
p( p 1) i j
Error m Se Me' 2 2
Source: Griffing (1956b)
J. Plant Breed. Genet. 01 (03) 2013. 117-129
p( p 1) 2m combining ability effect for the ith and jth parents sij
1 1
Var(ˆ r ) Mr (M e ' )2 , is the specific combining ability effect of the cross
2 2
p( p 1) 2m
between the ith and jth parents such that sij = s ji and
Var(ˆ 2 ) (M e ' )2 ,
m eijkl is the experimental error effect unique to the ijklth
2.5.4 Method IV observation (Griffing, 1956b). The variances of the
In this method, only one set of F1’s are included. It is the effects may be estimated as follows:
most common of the diallel crossing systems. There are 2 p 1
Var( ˆ ) ˆ 2 , Var( gˆ i ) ˆ 2 , and
a p( p 1) / 2 different genotypes evaluated. As for p( p 1) p( p 2)
other diallel methods, there are two models. p 3 2 (i j ) .
Var(sˆij ) ˆ
Fixed model: p 1
Table 11. Skeleton of ANOVA for Diallel method IV.
Expected mean squares
Source df SS MS
Model I Model II
GCA p 1 1 2 s ( p 2) g 2
) g
Sg Mg 2 2
2 ( p 2)( 2
p 1
SCA p p 3 / 2 Ss 2 2 s2
Ms 2 si j 2
p( p 3) i j
Error m Se Me' 2 2
J. Plant Breed. Genet. 01 (03) 2013. 117-129
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