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Immanuel Kant: Name - Raj Maru ID NO. - 2017B5PS0947P Course Title - Applied Philosophy

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ID NO.– 2017B5PS0947P

Immanuel Kant (1724 – 1804) was a German philosopher, a central figure in modern
philosophy and an opponent of utilitarianism. Kantian ethics is an example of deontological
moral theory which states that ‘any position in ethics which claims that the rightness or
wrongness of actions depends on whether they correspond to our duty or not’. the word
derives from Greek word for duty, deon. It does not depend upon the consequences of our
Kant believed in moral law and supreme principle of morality. He regarded this form of
moral law to be categorical imperative, an unconditional command which determines our
moral duty.

Per Kantian ethics, a person is morally good if he performs morally good deeds, with a good
heart filled with morally good intentions. An intention is morally good if the motive is duty
itself meaning respect for the moral law.
Kant argues that person is good or bad is dependent upon reason of motivation for their
actions and not the consequences of those actions. A person is considered morally good if
he works with intention and motivated by sense of duty not by intention of bringing out
happiness or emotions or desire to do something.
For example,
 imagine that during joy of giving week, I decide donate some of my saving just
because it would make me feel good and happy to help someone in need. Per kant, I
am not a morally good person because the motive of my actions was selfish, a
pursuit of joy and sense of good feeling. A good person is someone who always does
their duty because it is their duty. We can enjoy our actions, but even if we don’t we
should do it as dutiful person, irrespective of the consequences caused by those
A person is morally good on basis of sense of duty, not the consequences of actions
performed with same sense of duty. Two persons with same sense of duty and motivation
can have both devastating and brilliant outcomes of their actions. Kant says that
consequences are not in our hand but actions are, so we should execute them with dutiful

Immanuel Kant argued that supreme principle of morality is a standard of rationality that he
named the “categorical imperative”.
Kant characterized the categorical imperative as an objective, rationally necessary and
unconditional principle that we must always follow despite any natural desire or inclinations
such as intuitions, desires, emotions we may have otherwise.
It is a voice emerging from yours own inside, an unconditional command which we must
follow. It is a moral law which we are abide to, which we know is right and as rational
human being shoulder upon even if we are not happy with it. This means that all immoral
actions are irrational because they violate categorical imperative.
The categorical imperative has two different formulations: first formulation and second

“Act only according to maxim by which you can at the same time will that it
should be a universal law”
A maxim is the rule or principle on which an individual act, it is a subjective principle action.
First, we need to formulate a maxim, a rule to justify the reason for my actions. Then recast
the maxim to be a universal law, a law of nature everyone can follow in similar situations I
did. Then consider rationally if we could allow that action. If we can then our maxim is morally
For example,
 If A lies to B, then A should accept that B can lie to A.
 If you expect other people to keep their promises, then first you need to keep your
own promises.

“So, act that you treat humanity whether in your own person or in the person of
any other, always as an end and never merely as a means”
To use some person as a mere means is to take advantage of them for some other reason or
your own benefit or to end some work without their full consent. To treat someone as an
end, we require not to treat him or her as a means. An end is a motive to use means, it is a
closure or action to finish a task.
In a general society, we always work together, we use one another, help each other and
that is fine but we should not use others as a means for our ends. We should not use
ourselves as means to our ends.
For example, in case of promise breaking, deception, fraud and coercion.
 Imagine A and B work for multinational company. During promotion A uses B as
means to reach the end, means he jeopardize B career by deceiving the boss with
false information regarding B, just to get the promotion he long wished for.
 Sometimes a person compromises his or her own self-respect for sake of some end
in life, means achieving success by losing self-respect.

Rational human being is an ideal character who judge every situation impartially, unbiased
with only values and sense of duty in his or her mind.

 Kantian ethics is an abstract thought process.

 Individual is the judge separated from attachments of socio-cultural traditions or ties
of community.
 A moral person appears to be free from intuitions, desires or emotions.
Kantian ethics is an abstract thought process, we can’t imagine every human being to be
perfectly rational. Rather being a rational is very difficult and many social and
communitarian factors affect the ideal thought process with only sense of duty and free of
all distractions and inclinations such as feelings, intuition or biased behaviour.
Kantian therefore rely upon individual rational being and not have objectively universal law.

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