Name: Lyndee May S. Carnacer Grade & Section: 11 - Elisha: "Pride and Shame"
Name: Lyndee May S. Carnacer Grade & Section: 11 - Elisha: "Pride and Shame"
Name: Lyndee May S. Carnacer Grade & Section: 11 - Elisha: "Pride and Shame"
Not to be extra early for work, But instead of giving birth to an exquisite
But to prepare breakfast for my family
It gave birth to bloody war
6 a.m.
A war that has made oceans and seas believe
I have washed away the toxins of our society
That they were never, the color, blue to begin
That have polluted by exterior being
Hearing the cries of the acquitted souls that have Thousands nationwide swore to fulfill the same
been included in a war they had no involvement duty
An enemy to be scorned
An enemy to be ridiculed
An enemy to be feared