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Group Number & Title ________________________________ Strand & Section __________________

Teacher _____________________________________________


Exceeding Standards Meeting Standards Approaching Standards Below Standards

Criteria SCORE
(20-19) (18-16) (15-13) (12)

The script and the film are Content is connected and The content leaves the The content lacks a
parallel. The content centers in one story, but reader with a vague central concept and
includes a clear concept with little diversions. Script is impression of the concept storyline. The script is not
and story. Script is very well well written and includes and storyline. The script is well written and is rushed.
written and includes all most of the dialogues, somehow well written, but A great amount of
Script dialogue, stage directions, stage directions, scene/set lacks significant amount of dialogue, stage
scene/set descriptions, and descriptions, and dialogue, stage directions, directions, scene/set
technical notes which are technical notes which are scene/set descriptions, descriptions, and/or
all exhibited in the film. exhibited in the film. and/or technical notes. technical notes are not
seen in the script and the
The film exhibited all the The film exhibited most of The film exhibited some The film lacks most of the
necessary and appropriate the spectacle needed to necessary spectacles, but spectacles needed to
spectacle to improve and make it realistic. Shot did not pay too much make it believable. Shots
make the film realistic. Shot composition is sometimes attention in presenting it. and angles are boring.
composition is carefully crafted to the mood and Some clever and creative Dialogue is difficult to
crafted to the mood and purpose of each scene. shots and angles are used. understand for the
purpose of each scene. Clever and creative shots Dialogue is overpowered majority of the film. Music
Spectacle Clever and creative shots and angles are used for by background noise or or sound effects were little
(Cinematography, and angles are used the majority of the film. audio buzz. Music and or rarely used. Props and
Lighting, Audio, Props throughout the film. All Most of the dialogues sound effects are in the film costumes are poorly
and Costumes) dialogues sound clear and sound clear and crisp. but do not necessarily help chosen.
crisp. Music and sound Music and sound effects in telling the story. Little
effects suit the suit the cinematography, attention was paid to
cinematography, character, and mood for planning costumes and
character, and mood. the majority of the film. props, but the end result
Props and costumes are Most costumes and props isn't too bad.
appropriate and make are appropriate and make
each scene realistic. scenes realistic.
Plot has clear beginning, Plot has mostly clear Plot is difficult to follow, Actions do not seem to be
Plot/ Dramatic middle, and end. Dramatic beginning, middle, and and lacks either a clear tied by one central plot or
Structure structure builds to climax, end. Dramatic structure is beginning, middle, or end. story line.
then ends with falling generally followed, but Dramatic structure is only
action. Plot is original and somewhat wanders in somewhat followed, and
interesting. places. Plot is interesting actions seem random.
All characters are as Most characters are as Some characters are No real character
thoroughly fleshed-out as thoroughly fleshed-out as developed, but at least development to speak of.
the story requires. Clear the story requires. Main half are just people on the Everyone who appears on
Character protagonist and antagonist. characters are clear, but screen. Actors portrayed screen is immediately
Development and Actors show great sensibility their roles in the story may their characters properly, forgettable. Actors did
Characterization and depth in portraying not be. Actors portrayed but portrayal somehow not give justice to their
their characters. their characters lacks depth and justice. characters mainly
appropriately. because of the poor
character development.
Short film is submitted in Short film is submitted on Short film is submitted a Film is submitted two to
time. The entire story runs for time and runs for about 5- day after the deadline. three days after the
about 5-15 minutes long. It 15 minutes. It includes a Film includes some of the deadline. Film includes
includes the film title in the title and credits. Content is required components. few of the required
Required Components beginning and credits at mostly appropriate and components.
the end. Content is suitable for the audience.
appropriate and is suitable Medium used is English.
to the audience. Medium
used is English.


Retrieved February 5, 2018 from https://www.rcampus.com/rubricshowc.cfm?code=CXXW254&sp=yes

Retrieved February 5, 2018 from http://digitalmediaacademy.wikispaces.com/file/view/StudentFilmRubric.pdf

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