Prometric 2015 DR - Kadeeb Vol1.0. Jan2015 Solved
Prometric 2015 DR - Kadeeb Vol1.0. Jan2015 Solved
Prometric 2015 DR - Kadeeb Vol1.0. Jan2015 Solved
Periodontitis affect
A.alveolar bone B.alveolarbone and gingiva
C.periodontal membrane
??????? A,C.
4 zno eugenic
5 1+3 Zn polycarboxylate and Gic
Relining of denture:
A- Remove all or part of fitting surface of the denture and add acrylic.
B- Add acrylic to the base of the denture to increase vertical
A is rebasing..
12/1 dha q
Gingival retraction is done:
a. To temporarily expose the finish margin of a preparation.
b. To accurately record the finish margin of a portion of uncut tooth
surface apical to the margin in the final impression.
c. Even in the presence of a gingival inflammation.
d. By various methods but the most common one is the use of
retraction cord.
e. a and b. f. a, b and c. g. a, b and d.
Y we use caoh between visits in rct?
A.antibacterial B.formation of hard tissue
C.primary seal D.resorption pathology
12/1 dha q
78. The occlusal reduction for an all metal veneer crown should:
a. Be as flat as possible to enable an easy fabrication of occlusion
b. Follow the occlusal morphology with a clearance rating from 1
to 1.5 mm. with the opposing dentition.
c. Follow the occlusal morphology with a clearance of no more than
0.5 mm with the opposing dentition.
d.Be the last step in the tooth preparation.
458 A.../////459.splint together 2 parts
The functions of cement bases are:
1- To act like a barrier against acids or thermal shocks. سد- حاجز
2- The minimal thickness, which is required, is 0.5 mm of base.
c- 1:2
d- 1:1
Ideal 1:2..minimum 1:1..optimum 2:3
The treatment of choice for vital, wide apex tooth which
shows pulp exposure is:
A. Pulpotomy. B. Pulpectomy. C. Apexification.
D. Apexogenesis. E. Indirect pulp capping
Non vital= apexification, vital = apexogenesis
Prometric recent questions 2015
female pt. Have hard painful mass in premolar region from 9 year was painless
what is differential diagnosis:-
B) zinc in amalgam
C) Gamma 1 phase
D) gamma 2 phase
Dental floss used to :
A) disrupt plaque formation
B) stimulate gingiva
Which of the following are mechanisms of growth of the naso-maxillary
A. Sutural. B. Cartilaginous.
C. Appositional. D. All of the above.
Which of the following clinical approaches would reduce the tendency to
the post extraction complication of dry socket?
A. Pre-extraction control of peri-coronitis.
B. Post-extraction socket dressing with topical tetracycline.
C. Use of a pre-operative mouth rinse of 0.2 percent chlorhexidine gluconate.
D. All of the above.
pt with mobile upper 1&6 complain of sever bleeding in probing from all
pocket ;poor oral hygiene vertical bone lose. .what is condition..
a- early periodontitis b- ANG c- le fever d- chronic gingivitis due to poor hygiene
28 yrs pt come with denture fracture for many time ,fracture beginning from
labial frenum to post dam passage from midline:-
A:thin denture B:ill fitting Denture with thick frenum …مع صوره
C:improper post dam D:…….???
parent call dentist..3month child not erupted his teeth,what should will do..
A:TAKE X-RAY B:delayed eruption
C:normal devolpment D:………….
pt with rash in all bony with red lesion in hard palate ,no hematologic problem
except slightly decrease in platelet<25000 ..he had history of epistaxis …..
A:anemia B:leukemia C:thrompocytopinia D:mononucliosis
GI over amalgam there is distance under it ,after lost of amalgam and there is
secondary caries…
A:ENAMAL absorbed fluorid
B:relese amalgam mercury
C: corrosion with time cause space
Question About you making studying of specific group this study mean
A. Cohort B. Convenience C. Longitudinal
About cholera disease
: طبعا الخيارات الي جاتي
A:cross-sectional group B:……..
C: Longitudinal …… D:convenience cohort E:non convenience cohort
Papilon le fever
A. hand and foot keratosis ,
B. Periodontitis affecting both dentitions ,
C. early teeth loss ,
D. generalized bone destruction
perforation of the disk of the condyl---------------Arhtrography
What found in horner syndrome -------------Disruption of
ophthalmic nerve
Case about patient osteomyelitis, pain and parastesia ,mouth
eaten appearance on radiograph
اللي فهمته من السؤال انه كانchronic و بعدها صارacute أو هيك شي
Child 6 year and have two bitewing radiograph from 6 month com to
rotten examination:-
-Don’t need radiograph -Do 2 bitwing radiograph -Do
X ray examination of the child
A- 2 bitwing and 1 occlosal and 4 periapical
B- 12 periapical
C- 4 bitwing and 2 periapical
1 - Leforte 1 injury
A/greater platine artery
B/infra orbital artery
10 - Hypercementosis character
1 - difficult in extraction
2- in paget disease
3 - bulbous root
4- very successful extraction by elevator
1&2&3 ****
17 - Lingual nerve:
A. part of trigeminal nerve
B. supply the submandibular gland
c. A and B ***
19 - Child 6 year have abnormal enamel dentin and pulp in A quadrant you
diagnosis is:
a. hypoplasia
B. regional odontplasia ***
c. Detogensis imperficta
d. Amelogensis imperficta
23 - Extra oral block anasthesia after needle touch pterygoid plate in which
direction should move?
27. What different between center of the growth and site of growth?
1- independent ****
2- centered 3- the center of growth is
اسم حاجة غريبة32 - ???? (starnge name )of the lower lip origin from :
A - Mandible branch of pharngial arch
B – lingual branch of pharngial arch
36 - Bacteria in pericoronitis?
Staphylococcus ** bactericide**
40 - Child came to clinic with history of injury trauma from one year and
RCT, ..Then central incisor has dark color ..The cause is
A) not complete remove of pulp ***
B) bleeding from pulp
C) contamination gutta perch
44 - The only advantage of plain (GI without additives) over (gi with
additives) is:
1- streghth
2- less contraction ***
3- shelf life
4- rapid setting
49 - Simpifil type for canal enlargement by NiTi in: or best NITI rotary file
a. Universal protaper
B. Reciprocal
c. Revers S
61 - Pathfinder survey
3- tooth fracture
4-bone fracture
71 - Epidemic disease spread in one village, there are 1900 Person the
infected person in 2007=300, in 2008=150, the growth of disease:
1. 1600\150-1900\450 ***
2. 1900\300-1600\150
3. 1600\...................
how its calculate ??????
على ما يبدو انك حتجيبي عدد االشخاص بالقرية وتطرحي منو عدد المصابين في
.أول سنة وتقسميه على عدد المصابين تاني سنة
بعدين حتجيبي عدد االشخصاص بالقرية زي ماهو وتقسميه على مجموع المصابين
78 - dentist at the end of the day want to pour alginate imp quickly how
can he do that
a.increase powder/water ratio water ***
c.slurry water
d.increase thickness ...............
14-Patient missing lower D and has high carries index and 1 premoler is to
erupt which type of space mentainer he is 5 year old
15-Childe with thumb sucking wht to do :
16-Main reason for porcelain fracture : low comprisve or low tensile ?
17-Large tourus palatinas how to remove :
blade 12 in poster… or large bur or ???
18-Asthmatic patient give : adrenalin dose
19-Tigrminal neuralgia :- max does or to give dose
20-Mean arterial supply for mandible
21-After injection in vein with … patient fails ,sever burning in site of
injection. why ?
22-Endodonticlly treated tooth which discolored we use,
23-Best Type of impression for movable (flabby) tissues :
ZnOEG or compound
24-Class 5 composite best finish with
25-Patient with very resorbed ridge and reaching inferior alveolar nerve ttt
Implant supported over denture or implant retained over denture or
26-Adrenaline in anesthesia is for
27-Tooth bud begin to appear intra utrine in : 4 or 5 or 6 or 8 week ?
28- 7 years old pt. has Apexogenesis how to know the successful of ttt :
complete formation of root or asytomatic ?
29-After orthognatic surgery for maxilla we put plate 2 ml,
the holes for this plate will be : 2 or 2.5 or 1 or 1.5 ml ?
30- What’s the ratio :
Smoker 90 10
Non smoker 40 60
a- 6
b- 2.35*********
c- 3.43
d- 13.5
Lichen planus:
(A)Reticular type is often painfull
(B)is a pre malignant lesion
(C)if painful treated by antibiotics
(D)does not effect skin
C.dentin laterally
D or B. I think B
pt come have C.D delivered from 2 month complain from TMJ pain +
some later pronouncing false ,تجاعيد في طرف الفم+ , dropping saliva
corner of mouth what the most causes of this :
a. High vertical occ
b. Low
c. Improper centric relation & centric occlusal
patient with bilateral lower fixed bridge ..what type of occlusion he
should have :
Mutual Reverse
balanced Bilateral balanced??
Female patient with continuous sever pain 1st max molar. Decides to
do rct. after enough time of anesthesia , pt won’t allow dentist to
touch tooth due to sever pain
A.give another appointment tp patient with description of
B.intrapulpal anesthesia
A as low ph decreases the time of action of LA and causes pain and on
repeated use of LA won't work due to tachyphylaxis. So its better to give
another appointment with bacteriostatic as even the pupal anesthesia
won't work on the same day
time curing for dentine:
15 sec or 20 or 30 sec?
The right corticosteroid daily dose for pemphigus vulgaris is :
a- 1 - 2 g/kg/daily.
b- 1 - 2 mg/kg/daily.
c- 10 mg/kg/daily.
d- 50 - 100 mg/kg/daily hydrocortisone
B...its either 1to 2 mg / kg body wt..or a total of 50 to 100 mg
Mandible is the 1st bone calcified in skull but clavicles start first but
in same embryological time: a. True. b. False
Mandible formed before frontal bone:
a. True.
b. False.
12/2 dha q
85. To provide maximum strength of amalgam restoration the cavo-
surface angles should:
1. Approach 75 with outer surface.
2. Approach 90 with outer surface.
3. Be supported by sound dentine.
4. Be located in area free of occlusal stress.
a) 2+3+4.
Q.Caries progress in children more than adult due to:
A.difference in ph.
B. generalized dentin sclerosing by age
C. increasing in organic content of tubular dentin by age.
Q:Most common bacteria causing caries:
a. Streptococcus mutant.????
b. Streptococcus salivarius.??????
c. Spirochaeta.
d. e-coil.