Accuracy Improvements in Microwave Noise Parameter Measurements
Accuracy Improvements in Microwave Noise Parameter Measurements
Accuracy Improvements in Microwave Noise Parameter Measurements
Andrew C. Davidson
Bernard W. Leake
Eric Strid
Reprinted from
Vol. 37, No. 12, December 1989
LTHOUGH NOISE parameter measurements are
critical for low-noise microwave circuit design and
device characterization, means of gathering accurate noise
parameters have not been generally available. The result is Using Network Vector Information
that measured noise parameters are often doubted [1], FET The system shown in Fig. 1 (Cascade Microtech NPT18)
noise modeling theories remain unverified [2], and progress has been used in the present work. To more accurately
in low-noise device development is generally hampered. In determine the optimal tuning conditions, the input tuner is
this paper we examine various factors which contribute to switched between a set of predetermined impedance points
inaccuracies in noise parameter measurements, and illus- instead of searching for the optimum [4]-[6]. Measurement
trate effective solutions. speed is improved and device oscillation avoided by termi-
nating the output of the DUT in a broad-band low-noise
II. N OISE PARAMETER M EASUREMENT amplifier. Mismatch between the DUT output and the
The classic noise-parameter measurement system uses a amplifier input is calculated from DUT S parameters and
.. the input reflection coefficient of the receiver. To measure
manual or automated tuner on each end of the device
under test (DUT). The tuners are intended to simulate the the DUT S parameters, source tuner impedances. and
input and output matching networks of a low-noise ampli- other mismatches and losses of the system. a vector net-
fier stage so that the noise figure and gain can be measured work analyzer is switched into the DUT ports. Vector
directly. reflection information provides more accuracy than is
If the input tuner is set for minimum indicated noise available from scalar data.
figure, the resulting tuning condition minimizes the com- To characterize the system, the vector network analyzer
bined loss of the tuner and the noise contributions of the is first calibrated at the DUT connection planes. Then, for
DUT and the second stage. Since most tuners exhibit more all test frequencies. source impedances presented to the
loss with increasing reflection coefficient, the typical result DUT are measured for each tuner setting and for the hot
is that the apparent optimum source reflection coefficient noise source. The available gain of the two-port which
magnitude is too low [3]. The second-stage noise contribu- connects the external calibrated hot noise source to the
tion is often significant: in some cases it is possible that DUT is calculated to allow transfer of the excess noise
source tuning for minimum overall noise figure will result ratio (ENR) calibration to the DUT input. The input
in maximizing the DUT gain rather than minimizing its impedance of the second-stage receiver is also measured.
noise figure. Noise parameters of the second stage are calculated from
noise power measurements with a through-connect substi-
Manuscript received April 6, 1989: revised June 7, 1989. tuted for the DUT.
The authors are with Cascade Microtech, Inc.. 14255 S. W. Brigadoon
Court. Beaverton, OR 97005.
The calibrated noise source is the prime standard which
IEEE Log Number 8930945. determines the ultimate accuracy of &in and R,. The
Fmln = 1.5 dB
rapt = .LSLcf
P= 9 ,, +;opt,2 = 2.7
4Rn I r0’0pt - rs l2
F = Fmtn + - l
20 11 +I-opt12(1- [Ts12)
Fig. 8. Receiver F,,, versus frequency, with and without the assump-
tion that rHoT = COLD.
Two configurations: The smaller corresponds to a scale factor of coefficient cause large errors in noise figure. One possible
0.7. the larger to a scale factor of 0. way to reduce this effect would be to use an orthogonal
fitting routine [6].
A. S-Parameter Accuracy
. .
Network analyzer calibration and probe placement er-
rors [7], [8], which are known to cause S-parameter inaccu-
racies, can seriously affect computed noise parameter ac-
curacy. Modem low-noise devices are poorly matched to
the normal reference impedance, which results in high-Q
6 GHz
Fig. 1 0 . F,,, and associated gain of a HEMT from measured data. Fig. 12. A passive two-port verification. (a) Fti,, (O); maximum avail-
able gain (a). ). (b) Gamma-opt: noise (+): available gain (O).
Measurement of a passive two-port can provide some
assurance that the measurement system is working prop-
erly. The useful property of such a two-port is that F =
l/G,, and the source for minimum noise figure and that
..,. for maximum available gain are the same. This test is not
affected by noise source calibration errors, provided the
same noise source is used to obtain the second stage and
overall noise parameters, because F,/F,, = Gav in this
case. The results of a passive verification are show-n in Fig.
Fig. 11. r,, of a HEMT, 2-18 GHz: Measured l , smoothed 0. 12.
Bernard W. Leake (M'57) was born in London, Eric Strid (S'74-M'75) received the B.S.E.E. de-
England, in 1928, and received the B.Sc degree in gree from the Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
physics from London university in 1951. nology, Cambridge, in 1974 and the M.S.E.E.
Between 1957 and 1987 he worked on mi- degree from the University of California at
crowave systems and component design at Berkeley in 1975.
Raytheon Equipment Division in Massachusetts. He first worked on microwave MIC's at Fari-
For some years his interests have included mi- non Transmission Systems, San Carlos, CA. In
crowave computer-aided design and measure- 1979 he joined the GaAs research group at Tek-
ment. He is presently with Cascade Microtech, tronix. (This group evolved into TriQuint Semi-
Beaverton, OR, where he is involved in computer- conductor.) In 1983 he cofounded Cascade Mi-
controlled characterization or low-noise devices. crotech Inc., where he is now president, and
CEO. He has published various papers on power GaAs FET's, noise
measurements, analog and digital GaAs IC's, and high-frequency wafer