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WEB Record

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Department of Information Science and Engineering


Laboratory Record
Bangalore Institute of Technology
K R Road, V. V. Puram, Bengaluru- 560004

Department of Information Science and Engineering


This is to certify that Ms. /Mr. …………………………………………………bearing

USN…………...……….. of VII semester Information Science & Engineering
branch has satisfactoril y completed the practical ’s of
………………………………… laboratory prescribed by the Visvesvaraya
Technological Universit y for the year 20__ -20__.

Signature of the staff Student signature Signature of the HOD

In-charge f or the bat ch


To Establish and Develop the Institute as a Center of
Higher Learning ever abreast with the Expanding horizon
of knowledge in the field of Engineering and Technology,
with entrepreneurial thinking, leadership excellence for
life-long success and solve societal problems.


 Provide high quality education in the Engineering

disciplines from the undergraduate through doctoral levels
with creative academic and professional programs.
 Develop the Institute as a leader in Science, Engineering,
Technology, Management and Research and apply
knowledge for the benefit of society.
 Establish mutual beneficial partnerships with Industry,
Alumni, Local, State and Central Governments by Public
Service Assistance and Collaborative Research.
 Inculcate personality development through sports, cultural
and extracurricular activities and engage in the social,
economic and professional challenges.
Bangalore Institute of Technology
K R Road, VV Puram, Bangalore- 560004
Department of Information Science and Engineering

Empower every student to be innovative, creative and productive in the field of
Information Technology by imparting quality technical education, developing
skills and inculcating human values.


 To evolve continually as a centre of excellence in offering quality

Information Technology Education.
 To nurture the students to meet the global competency in industry for
 To promote collaboration with industry and academia for constructive
interaction to empower Entrepreneurship.
 To provide reliable, contemporary and integrated technology to support and
facilitate Teaching, Learning, Research and Service


 Uplift the students through Information Technology Education.

 Provide exposure to emerging technologies and train them to Employable

in Multi-disciplinary industries.

 Motivate them to become good professional Engineers and Entrepreneur.

 Inspire them to prepare for Higher Learning and Research.


 To provide our graduates with Core Competence in Information

Processing and Management.

 To provide our graduates with higher learning in Computing Skills.


Engineering Graduates will be able to:

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics,

science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to
the solution of complex engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and
analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated
conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and
engineering sciences.
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex
engineering problems a n d design system components or processes that
meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public
health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based
knowledge and research methods including design of experiments,
analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to
provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques,
resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and
modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the
6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual
knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and
the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering
7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the
professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts,
and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and
responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as
a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering
activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such
as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design
documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear
11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of t h e engineering and management principles and apply
these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage
projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and
ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest
context of technological.
Bangalore Institute of Technology
K R Road, VV Puram, Bangalore 560004
Department of Information Science and Engineering


 Knowledge on internet and its applications.

 Basic of client server programming.

Course objectives
This course will enable students to

 Design and develop static and dynamic web pages.

 Design client-side programs using JavaScript and server-side programs using PHP.
 Learn Database Connectivity to web applications.

Course Outcomes

After studying this course, students will be able to

CO1- Understand web page development, Internet access techniques and sever content
access techniques.
CO2- Apply HTML, Cascading style sheet, JavaScript and PHP for the design of web
CO3- Analyze HTML elements, Cascading style sheet, Java Script frameworks to
develop dynamic web pages.
CO4- Design and Develop web applications as part of the mini project.
Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project(15CSL77)

COs PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

CO1 3 2 2

CO2 3 2 3 2

CO3 3 3 2 2

CO4 3 3 3 2 2 2

CO-PSO Mapping


CO1 3 2

CO2 2 2

CO3 3 2

CO4 2 2
Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project

Subject Code: 15CSL77 I.A. Marks : 20

Hours/Week: 03 Exam Hours: 03
Total Hours: 40 Exam Marks: 80
List of Programs
Name of Experiment
Write a JavaScript to design a simple calculator to perform the following operations:
Write a JavaScript that calculates the squares and cubes of the numbers from 0 to 10 and
outputs HTML text that displays the resulting values in an HTML table format.
Write a JavaScript code that displays text “TEXT-GROWING” with increasing font size in

3 the interval of 100ms in RED COLOR, when the font size reaches 50pt it displays “TEXT-
SHRINKING” in BLUE color. Then the font size decreases to 5pt.
Develop and demonstrate a HTML5 file that includes JavaScript script that uses functions
for the following problems:
a. Parameter: A string
b. Output: The position in the string of the left-most vowel
c. Parameter: A number
d. Output: The number with its digits in the reverse order.
Design an XML document to store information about a student in an engineering College
affiliated to VTU. The information must include USN, Name, and Name of the College,
Branch, Year of Joining, and email id. Make up sample data for 3 Students. Create a CSS
style sheet and use it to display the document.
Write a PHP program to keep track of the number of visitors visiting the web page and to
display this count of visitors, with proper headings.

7 Write a PHP program to display a digital clock which displays the current time of the server.
Sl. Name of Experiment
Write the PHP Programs to do the following
a) Implement simple calculator operations.
b) Transpose of a matrix
c) Addition of matrix and multiplication of two matrices.
Write a PHP program named states.py that declares some variable states with the value
"Mississippi Alabama Texas Massachusetts Kansas".
Write a php program that does the following:
a) Search for a word in variable states that ends in xas. Store this word in element
0 of a list named states List.
b) Search for a word in states that begins with k and ends in s. Perform a case
insensitive comparison. [Note: Passing re.Ias a second parameter to method compile
performs a case- insensitive comparison.] Store this word in element 1 of states List.
c) Search for a word in states that begins with M and ends in s. Store this element in 2 of
the list.
d) Search for a word in states that ends in a. Store this word in element 3 of the list.
Write a PHP program to sort the student records which are stored in the database using
selection sort.
Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project
Evaluation Rubrics

Subject Code: 15CSL77 I.A. Marks : 20

Hours/Week: 03 Exam Hours: 03
Total Hours: 40 Exam Marks: 80

Lab Write-up and Execution rubrics

Daily conduction (5 Marks)
Good Average Marks
Program Write up Able to write and analyze the Average knowledge of
and Analysis given problem Efficiently. requirements to solve the
a. CO1,CO3 given problem.

( 3+3)=(6 Marks) (3) (1)

Implementation Program is implemented Program is executed for
CO2 and executed with valid some inputs.
b. inputs.
(4 Marks) (4) (2)
Total = Total Marks / 2

Test Conduction (7 Marks)

Good Average Marks
Program Write up Able to write and analyze the Average knowledge of
a. and Analysis given problem Efficiently. requirements to solve the
CO1,CO3 given problem.

( 3 +3) =(6 Marks) (3) (1)

Implementation Program is implemented Program is executed for some
b. CO2 and executed with valid inputs.
(4 Marks) (4) (2)
Viva Excellent Knowledge on Adequate Knowledge on
c. CO1 Web Technology concepts Web Technology concepts
and application. and application
(4 Marks) (4) (2)
Total = Total Marks / 2
Mini Project (8 Marks)
Sl.No. Content COs Marks
Objective CO1 10
Problem Statement
2. CO3 10
3. Methodology CO4 10
4. Implementation CO2 10
5. Testing CO3 10

6. Conclusion CO4 10

7. Report Generation CO4 10

Group Activity \ PO9,
8. 10
Presentation PO10
Average Marks=(80/10)
Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project

Subject Code: 15CSL77 I.A. Marks : 20

Hours/Week: 03 Exam Hours: 03
Total Hours: 40 Exam Marks: 80

Lesson Planning / Schedule of Experiments

Sl. To be
Name of Experiment
No completed

1 Introduction to HTML,XHTML,XML,Javascript,PHP Week 1

Write a JavaScript to design a simple calculator to perform the

2 following operations: SUM, PRODUCT, DIFFERENCE and Week 2
Write a JavaScript that calculates the squares and cubes of the
3 numbers from 0 to 10 and outputs HTML text that displays the Week 3
resulting values in an HTML table format.
Write a JavaScript code that displays text “TEXT-GROWING” with
4 increasing font size in the interval of 100ms in RED COLOR, when Week 4
the font size reaches 50pt it
Develop and demonstrate a HTML5 file that includes JavaScript
script that uses functions for the following problems:
a. Parameter: A string
5 Week 5
b. Output: The position in the string of the left-most vowel
c. Parameter: A number
d. Output: The number with its digits in the reverse order.
Design an XML document to store information about a
student in an engineering college affiliated to VTU. The
6 information must include USN, Name and Name of the Week 6
college Branch ,Year of joining and Email -id. Make up
sample data for 3 student. create a CSS st yle sheet and
use it to display the document.

7 LAB TEST - I Week 7

Write a PHP program to keep track of the number of visitors

visiting the web page And to display this count of visitors, with
8 Week 8
proper headings.
Write a PHP program to display a digital clock which displays the
current time of the server.
9 Note: The JavaScript function (client side) renders the time stamp Week 9
of the local system. Whereas php (server side program) renders
the time stamp from the server.
Write the PHP Programs to do the following
a) Implement simple calculator operations.
10 Week 10
b) Transpose of a matrix
c) Addition of matrix and multiplication of two matrices.
Write a PHP program named states.py that declares some variable
states with the value "Mississippi Alabama Texas Massachusetts
Write a php program that does the following:
a) Search for a word in variable states that ends in xas. Store this
word in element 0 of a list named statesList.
b) Search for a word in states that begins with k and ends in s.
11 perform a case insensitive comparison. [Note: Passing re.Ias a Week 11
second parameter to method compile performs a case-
insensitive comparison.] Store this word in element 1 of
c) Search for a word in states that begins with M and ends in s.
Store this element in 2 of the list.
d) Search for a word in states that ends in a. Store this word in
element 3 of the list.
Write a PHP program to sort the student records which are stored in Week 12
12 the database using selection sort.
13 LAB TEST - II Week 13
14 Mini Project Week 14
15 Revision Week 15
This lab is intended to give the students a sound knowledge in the Web side programming.
Before going in to the details of the lab, the pre-requisites are the basic knowledge in HTML,
XHTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript, PHP and MySql. Let‟s look at some of these topics in brief
Basics of HTML: -
Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is a markup language developed by the W3C people.
This can be used as an interface for working our programs. We submit all our requests in the
HTML form. It is basically a markup language which describes how the documents are to be
HTML has two basic entities, the “Tags” (Formatting commands) and the strings within the
tags called as the “Directives”. Most of the tags have the following syntax: - <something> that
indicates the beginning of the tag and a </something> that indicates the end of the tag.
 Tags can either be in lower case or upper case, i.e. there is no difference between
<html> and <HTML>
 The order in which parameters of the tag are given is not significant since each of these
parameters is named.
HTML Essentials
An HTML file should be written in the following format and should be saved with .html file
<title> New Page </title>
The “New Page” title comes on the top of the Browser Window.
Basic HTML Tags: -
 To create a text box
<input type=text name=T1 size=20>
 To create a Normal Button
<input type=button name=B4 value=GO>
 To create a Submit Button
<input type=submit name=B1 size=20>
 To create a Reset Button
<input type=reset name=T1 size=20>
 To create a Radio Button
<input type=radio value=V1 checked name=R1>
 To create a Check box
<input type=checkbox name=C1 value=ON >
 To create a Form
<form method=[GET/POST] action=[url]>
<input type=submit value=Submit name=B1>
<input type=reset value=Reset name="B2">
 To create a Text Area
<textarea rows=2 name=S1 cols=20></textarea>
 To create a Drop down Menu
<select size=1 name=D1></select>
 To create a Hyper Link
<a href=http://localhost: 8080/a.html>BACK </a>
 To create a Marquee (The Marquee tag ensures that the text scrolls horizontally
across the screen. It is usually used by advertisement sites to catch the user‟s attention)
<marquee align=middle>Type your text here</marquee>
 To give Background color
<body bgcolor=green>…</body>
(The basics colors can be given literally here. For a more elaborate set if colors,Hex
code of the colors can be given. Refer to the possible ranges of the Hex codes in the
Text Book)

More Miscellaneous Tags: -

 <h#>……..</h#> - where „#‟ is a number ranging from 1-6. This is used
to set the text size.
 <pre> - Preformatted text, ensures that the text appears exactly the way
it appears in the HTML code thereby preserving the white spaces as well.
 <br> - Inserts a “New line” character (similar to „\n‟).
 To Draw a Horizontal Line (Horizontal Ruler):
<hr size=4 width=”50 %”>
 < b > - Bold, < I > - Italics, <u>-Underline
 Tables:
<caption> Your Caption here </caption> [Optional Tag]
<th> Row 1, Col 1 </th> [th implies Table Header]
<th> Row 2, Col 2 </th>
<td> Table Definition here </td>
<td> …………………….. </td>
 Comments:
< ! - - Your Comments here - - >
 Background Images:
<body background = “pathname/abc.gif”>
How does the Web work?
The Web is usually accessed through a browser. When the user types in a URL say, www.bit-
bangalore.edu.in the address bar of the browser, the browser makes a socket (Network)
connection to the server www.bit-bangalore.edu.in. This name is mapped to an IP address
which is of the form by making use of a DNS Server. The browser connects to this
server using a logical port 80, the port that the server OS opens for internet connections. This
is a standard port number.
Based on the client request, the server delivers information. The type of data that the server
sends back to the client could be a simple plain text (HTML), images, Java Applets etc. this
data can be obtained and delivered in three ways.
 Serving Static Data – The server does not do any kind of the processing. It merely
obtains the data present on its local hard disk and sends it back to the client.
 Serving Dynamic Data – The Server does some processing in this case like executing
a program and then outputs the result of the program back to the client as a response.

Serving Content with Embedded HTML – Here, an executable code is present with the
HTML file. It‟s not quite static or dynamic.
Basics of MySQL: -
MySQL is an Open source Standard Query Language (SQL) database that is fast, reliable,
easy to use and suitable for applications of any size. MySQL can be integrated into Perl
programs by using the Perl DBI (Database Independent Interface) module. DBI is an API that
allows Perl to connect and query a number of SQL Databases such as MYSQL, Oracle,
Sybase etc.
For some of the programs in the Lab course, the MySQL database is to be used. For that, the
MySQL Server is to be started. The following steps are to be performed in the same sequence
on the Linux shell to start the server and create the database along with the table.

To Start MySQL Server:

# mysql –u root –p root
mysql> create database ise;
mysql> show databases;
mysql> use ise;
mysql> create table student (name varchar(25),age int);
mysql> insert into student values (“e1”,21);
mysql> insert into student values (“e2”,22);
mysql> exit;
About PHP:
PHP is a server-side scripting language. The concept of php is very similar to the JavaScipts or
VBScipts. PHP server-side scripting language is similar to JavaScript in many ways, as they
both allow you to embed little programs (scripts) into the HTML of a Web page.

The key difference between JavaScript and PHP:

The key difference between JavaScript and PHP is that, while the Web browser interprets
JavaScript once the Web page containing the script has been downloaded, server-side scripting
languages like PHP are interpreted by the Web server before the page is even sent to the
browser. Once interpreted, the PHP code is replaced in the Web page by the results of the
script, so all the browser sees is a standard HTML file. The script processed entirely by the
server. Thus the designation: server-side scripting language.


Let‟s look at the example today.php shown below.
<head><title>Today's date</title></head>
<p>Today's date (according to this web server) is
Echo( date("l, f ds y.") );
The above program shows the PHP code embeded in the HTML. Lines between
<?php and ?> indicates the php code.
 <?php means “begin php code”.
 ?> means “end php code”.
The Web server is asked to interpret everything between these two delimiters (<?php and ?>)
and convert it to regular HTML code before sending the Web page to a browser that requests
it. The browser is presented with something like this:
<head><title>Today's date</title></head>
<p>today's date (according to this web server) is
Wednesday, june 7th 2000.</p>
Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project
Subject Code: 15CSL77 I.A. Marks : 20
Hours/Week: 03 Exam Hours: 03
Total Hours: 40 Exam Marks: 80
P ro g ra m Wr i t e up &
Ana l y s i s Total
Sl. Contents Page Date of Date of Implementation Staff
Wr i te - up A na l y s i s Mar ks
No No. Execution Submission (4 Marks) Signature
(3 M a rk s ) (3 M a rks ) (1 0 Mar ks)
CO 1 CO 3 CO2
Simple calculator using
1 javascript
Squares and cubes of
2 the numbers
Text growing
3 & shrinking
Searching leftmost
vowel in string &
4 Reversal of Integer
Student Information
Number of visitors
6 visiting the web page

Digi tal Clock

Simple calculator
&Transpose of
Matrix using PHP

Pa ttern Matching
Student Record
10 Database
Average Marks=(Total Marks/10)
P rog r a m Wr i te up & Ana l y s i s Viva
Implementation Total Marks
Write up Analysis ( 4 Marks )
( 4 Marks ) (14/2)
TEST-1 ( 3 Marks ) ( 3 Marks )

P rog r a m Wr i te up & Ana l y s i s Viva

TEST-2 Implementation Total Marks
Write up Analysis ( 4 Marks )
( 4 Marks ) (14/2)
( 3 Marks ) ( 3 Marks )

Average Marks=(T1+T2)/2

Mini Project ( 08 Marks)

Sl.No. Content COs Marks Total Marks
Objective CO1 10
Problem Statement
2. CO3 10
3. Methodology CO4 10
4. Implementation CO2 10
5. Testing CO3 10

6. Conclusion CO4 10

7. Report Generation CO4 10

Group Activity \ PO9,
8. 10
Presentation PO10
Average Marks=(80/10)
Daily Conduction Max-05

Lab Internal Marks Max-07

Mini Project Max-08
TOTAL Max-20
Signature of the faculty
15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project

Program: 1 Date:

Write a JavaScript a design a simple calculator to perform the following operations sum,
product, difference and quotient.


Dept of ISE, BIT Page 1

15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project


Dept of ISE, BIT Page 2

15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project


Program: 1
Daily conduction (5 Marks)
Good Average Marks
Program Write up Able to write and analyze the Average knowledge of
and Analysis given problem Efficiently. requirements to solve the
a. CO1,CO3 given problem.

( 3+3)=(6 Marks) (3) (1)

Implementation Program is implemented Program is executed for
CO2 and executed with valid some inputs.
b. inputs.
(4 Marks) (4) (2)
Total = Total Marks / 2

Dept of ISE, BIT Page 3

15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project

Program: 2 Date:

Write a JavaScript that calculates the squares and cubes of the numbers 0 to 10 and
outputs HTML text that displays the resulting values in an HTML tab format.


Dept of ISE, BIT Page 4

15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project


Dept of ISE, BIT Page 5

15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project


Program: 2
Daily conduction (5 Marks)
Good Average Marks
Program Write up Able to write and analyze the Average knowledge of
and Analysis given problem Efficiently. requirements to solve the
a. CO1,CO3 given problem.

( 3+3)=(6 Marks) (3) (1)

Implementation Program is implemented Program is executed for
CO2 and executed with valid some inputs.
b. inputs.
(4 Marks) (4) (2)
Total = Total Marks / 2

Dept of ISE, BIT Page 6

15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project

Program: 3 Date:

Write a JavaScript code that displays text “TEXT-GROWING” with increasing font size
in the interval of 100ms in RED COLOR, when the font size reaches 50pt it displays
“TEXT-SHRINKING” in blue color. Then the font size decreases to5pt.


Dept of ISE, BIT Page 7

15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project


Dept of ISE, BIT Page 8

15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project


Program: 3
Daily conduction (5 Marks)
Good Average Marks
Program Write up Able to write and analyze the Average knowledge of
and Analysis given problem Efficiently. requirements to solve the
a. CO1,CO3 given problem.

( 3+3)=(6 Marks) (3) (1)

Implementation Program is implemented Program is executed for
CO2 and executed with valid some inputs.
b. inputs.
(4 Marks) (4) (2)
Total = Total Marks / 2

Dept of ISE, BIT Page 9

15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project

Program: 4 Date:

Develop and Demonstrate a HTML5 File that includes JavaScript that uses functions for
the following problems:
a. Parameter: A string
b. Output: The position in the string of the left-most vowel
c. Parameter: A number
d. Output: The number with its digit in the reverse order.


Dept of ISE, BIT Page 10

15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project


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15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project


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15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project


Dept of ISE, BIT Page 13

15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project


Program: 4
Daily conduction (5 Marks)
Good Average Marks
Program Write up Able to write and analyze the Average knowledge of
and Analysis given problem Efficiently. requirements to solve the
a. CO1,CO3 given problem.

( 3+3)=(6 Marks) (3) (1)

Implementation Program is implemented Program is executed for
CO2 and executed with valid some inputs.
b. inputs.
(4 Marks) (4) (2)
Total = Total Marks / 2

Dept of ISE, BIT Page 14

15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project

Program: 5 Date:

Design an XML document to store information about a student in an engineering college

affiliated to VTU. The information must include USN, Name, and Name of college,
Branch, Year of Joining and email. Make up sample data for 3 students. Create a CSS
style sheet and use it to display the document.


Dept of ISE, BIT Page 15

15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project


Dept of ISE, BIT Page 16

15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project


Program: 5
Daily conduction (5 Marks)
Good Average Marks
Program Write up Able to write and analyze the Average knowledge of
and Analysis given problem Efficiently. requirements to solve the
a. CO1,CO3 given problem.

( 3+3)=(6 Marks) (3) (1)

Implementation Program is implemented Program is executed for
CO2 and executed with valid some inputs.
b. inputs.
(4 Marks) (4) (2)
Total = Total Marks / 2

Dept of ISE, BIT Page 17

15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project

Program: 6 Date:

Write a PHP program to keep track of the number of visitors visiting the web page
and to display this count of visitors with proper headings.


Dept of ISE, BIT Page 18

15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project


Program: 6
Daily conduction (5 Marks)
Good Average Marks
Program Write up Able to write and analyze the Average knowledge of
and Analysis given problem Efficiently. requirements to solve the
a. CO1,CO3 given problem.

( 3+3)=(6 Marks) (3) (1)

Implementation Program is implemented Program is executed for
CO2 and executed with valid some inputs.
b. inputs.
(4 Marks) (4) (2)
Total = Total Marks / 2

Dept of ISE, BIT Page 19

15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project

Program: 7 Date:

Write a PHP program to display a digital clock which displays the current time of the


Dept of ISE, BIT Page 20

15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project


Program: 7
Daily conduction (5 Marks)
Good Average Marks
Program Write up Able to write and analyze the Average knowledge of
and Analysis given problem Efficiently. requirements to solve the
a. CO1,CO3 given problem.

( 3+3)=(6 Marks) (3) (1)

Implementation Program is implemented Program is executed for
CO2 and executed with valid some inputs.
b. inputs.
(4 Marks) (4) (2)
Total = Total Marks / 2

Dept of ISE, BIT Page 21

15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project

Program: 8 Date:

Write the PHP programs to do the following:

a. Implement simple calculator operations
b. Find the transpose of a matrix
c. Multiplication of two matrix
d. Addition of two matrices.


Dept of ISE, BIT Page 22

15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project


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15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project


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15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project


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15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project


Dept of ISE, BIT Page 26

15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project


Program: 8
Daily conduction (5 Marks)
Good Average Marks
Program Write up Able to write and analyze the Average knowledge of
and Analysis given problem Efficiently. requirements to solve the
a. CO1,CO3 given problem.

( 3+3)=(6 Marks) (3) (1)

Implementation Program is implemented Program is executed for
CO2 and executed with valid some inputs.
b. inputs.
(4 Marks) (4) (2)
Total = Total Marks / 2

Dept of ISE, BIT Page 27

15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project

Program: 9 Date:

Write a PHP program named states.py that declares some variable states with the value
"Mississippi Alabama Texas Massachusetts Kansas".


Dept of ISE, BIT Page 28

15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project


Dept of ISE, BIT Page 29

15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project


Program: 9
Daily conduction (5 Marks)
Good Average Marks
Program Write up Able to write and analyze the Average knowledge of
and Analysis given problem Efficiently. requirements to solve the
a. CO1,CO3 given problem.

( 3+3)=(6 Marks) (3) (1)

Implementation Program is implemented Program is executed for
CO2 and executed with valid some inputs.
b. inputs.
(4 Marks) (4) (2)
Total = Total Marks / 2

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15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project

Program: 10 Date:

Write a PHP program to sort the student records which are stored in the database using
selection sort.


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15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project


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15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project


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15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project


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15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project


Program: 10
Daily conduction (5 Marks)
Good Average Marks
Program Write up Able to write and analyze the Average knowledge of
and Analysis given problem Efficiently. requirements to solve the
a. CO1,CO3 given problem.

( 3+3)=(6 Marks) (3) (1)

Implementation Program is implemented Program is executed for
CO2 and executed with valid some inputs.
b. inputs.
(4 Marks) (4) (2)
Total = Total Marks / 2

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15CSL77 Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project

Viva Questions

1. What type of language is HTML?

2. How many heading styles are there in HTML?
3. Links in HTML are defined with what tag?
4. What is the use of attributes used in HTML?
5. What are the basic text formatting tags used in HTML?
6. How many types of lists are available in HTML?
7. How images are displayed on web pages in HTML?
8. Explain <form> element used in HTML?
9. What does styles do in Style sheets ?
10. What is Javascript?
11. What was the original name of Javascript?
12. What is the difference between java and JavaScript?
13. Explain window object and its properties.
14. Explain the 3 dialogue boxes that can be executed using JavaScript.
15. Describe 3 major uses of JavaScript on the client side.
16. Explain the importance of XML?
17. What is a document entity?
18. What is the difference between XML and HTML?
19. What is XML tree?
20. What is the purpose of XML DTD?
21. How does an XSLT processor use an XSLT style sheet with an XML
22. What are the variables in php
23. Explain foreach statement with an example.
24. What is PHP?
25. What is the difference between sessions and cookies.
26. What is the current version of Apache
27. What is a session?
28. Explain 3 different ways of sending information from form to the database.
29. Explain the php functions used to connect to the database.
30. Explain all the MYSQL-PHP functions

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