Competency Based Training Programme: Dnb-Neonatology
Competency Based Training Programme: Dnb-Neonatology
Competency Based Training Programme: Dnb-Neonatology
7. Self-Leadership and Practice Management – The ability of the resident to
exhibit self leadership skills.
8. Communication and Interpersonal Skills – The ability of the resident to
effectively communicate with patients, families, other health care
9. Health Advocacy and Children’s Rights – The ability of the resident to
respond to individual patient health needs and issues as part of patient
care; and to understand how to provide effective health care in local
10. Professionalism – The ability of a resident to display professional
attributes and professional actions; and to practice as an expert in his
11. Assessment, Diagnostic, Procedural and Therapeutic Skills – The ability of
a resident to demonstrate skill in a number of assessment and diagnostic
tests; to be able to interpret certain routine laboratory tests and to be
aware of age specific ranges for those tests; to be able to interpret routine
pediatric imaging and other tests.
12. Medical Knowledge of Patient Care – The ability of a resident to show
proficiency in taking an appropriate history and physical examination of
children across the developmental spectrum from birth through the
transition into young adulthood; to be able to form a differential diagnosis
and provide appropriate management options.
These specialists will be capable of providing care of the highest order to the
newborn infants in the community as well as clinical tertiary care centers.
They would subsequently serve as teachers, trainers, researchers and leaders in
the field of Neonatology.
They shall recognize the health needs of the community and carry out
professional obligations ethically and in keeping with the objectives of the
National Health Policy.
After completing the DNB Neonatology course the student will be able to
recognize the importance of Neonatology in the context of health needs of the
community & the national priorities in the health sector. Thus the trainee will be
able to:
1. Provide primary, secondary, and tertiary care to all newborn infants including
intensive care of the highest standard to the critically sick neonates and very
low birth weight infants using advanced therapeutic and supportive
modalities and skills. Effectively plan therapeutic, rehabilitative, preventive &
promotive measures or strategies.
4. Implement a comprehensive follow up and early intervention program for the
“At risk” newborn infants, and plan, counsel and advise rehabilitation of the
neurodevelopmentally and physically challenged infants.
6. Use and maintain the essential neonatal equipment and keep abreast with
advances in neonatal care technology.
7. Teach newborn care to medical and nursing students as well as grass root
health functionaries and develop learning resource materials for them.
8. Plan and carry out research in neonatal health in clinical, community and
laboratory settings. Seek analyze new literature and information on
Neonatology, update the concepts, and practice evidence based
Neonatology. Demonstrate adequate managerial skills.
9. Have the ability to set up level II and level III Neonatal units independently.
10. Participate in the community programs and at the secondary level of health
system endplay the assigned role in the national programmes aimed at the
health of mothers and their infants. These super specialists would work as a
productive member of the interdisciplinary team consisting of obstetricians,
neonatologists, pediatric surgeons, other doctors, nurses and grassroots
functionaries providing care to the pregnant mother, the fetus and newborn
in any setting of health care system & function as an effective leader of a
“Health Team” engaged in Health Care of mothers and their infants.
The rounds should include bedside sessions, file rounds & documentation of
case history and examination, progress notes, round discussions, investigations
and management plan) interesting and difficult case unit discussions.
The training program would focus on knowledge, skills and attitudes (behavior),
all essential components of education. It is being divided into theoretical, clinical
and practical in all aspects of the delivery of the rehabilitative care, including
methodology of research and teaching.
through discussions, journal clubs, symposia and seminars. The students are
exposed to recent advances through discussions in journal clubs. These are
considered necessary in view of an inadequate exposure to the subject in the
undergraduate curriculum.
Symposia: Trainees would be required to present a minimum of 20 topics based
on the curriculum in a period of three years to the combined class of teachers
and students. A free discussion would be encouraged in these symposia. The
topics of the symposia would be given to the trainees with the dates for
Research: The student would carry out the research project and write a thesis/
dissertation in accordance with NBE guidelines. He/ she would also be given
exposure to partake in the research projects going on in the departments to learn
their planning, methodology and execution so as to learn various aspects of
research. It needs to be highlighted here that the NBE is very serious about the
research done by candidates. Th e research work done gets assessed by the
experts in the field and if not found up to the mark it is rejected and the
candidates are/ required to redo it as per the suggestions given by the experts
and un;\ess the thesis has been approved by the experts the candidate is not
allowed to appear in the exam/ the result is withheld till the research work is
cleared by the experts.
Since the students are trained with the aim of practicing as independent
specialists, this course content will be mainly a guideline. They have to manage
all types of cases and situations and seek and provide consultation. The
emphasis shall therefore be on the practical management of the problem of the
individual cases and the community within the available resources.
Basic Sciences
• Basic genetics
• Feto-placental physiology
• Fetal growth
• Neonatal adaptation
• Electrolyte balance
• Development pharmacology
• Mechanism of disease
1. Mendelian inheritance
• Autosomal dominant
• Autosomal recessive
• X-linked recessive
• X-linked with incomplete penetrance
• X-linked dominant
2. Multifactorial inheritance
3. Mitochondrial inheritance genetic diagnosis
• Chorionic villus sampling
• Amniocentesis
• Prenatal umbilical blood sampling
(a) Noninvasive
• Ultrasonography
• Maternal blood screening
1. Postnatal
(a) Karyotyping
(b) Fluorescent in situ hybridization
(c) Comparative genomic hybridization
(d) Molecular analysis
(e) Metabolic analysis
(f) Newborn screening
A. Chromosomes abnormalities
1. Autosomal
(a) Trisomy
(b) Deletions
(c) Translocations
(d) Duplications
(e) Inversions
(f) Contiguous gene syndromes
2. Sex chromosomes
B. Genetic abnormalities
1. Short stature
2. Overgrowth syndromes
3. Neuromuscular disorders
4. Facial and limb abnormalities
5. Osteochondrodysplasia
6. Craniosynostosis
7. Storage disorders
8. Connective tissue disorders
9. Hamartoses
C. Miscellaneous
1. Pharmacogenetics
2. Trinucleotide expansion
3. Imprinting
4. Anticipation
5. Associations
6. Sequences
7. Genetic counseling
8. Embryonic basis of malformation
9. Environmental factors in fetal development
10. Ethical and social implications of genetic testing
• Fetal monitoring
• Genetic counseling
• Fetal intervention
A. Fetus
1. Intrauterine growth and role of placenta
2. Fetal assessment
3. Fetal diagnostics
4. Fetal therapy
5. Prevention of fetal disease
6. Gestational age determination
B. Mother
1. Maternal screening
2. Effects of maternal systemic disease on fetus and newborn
3. Oligohydramnios and polyhydramnios
4. Impact of maternal medications on fetus and newborn
5. Impact of maternal substance use and abuse on fetus and newborn
6. Aspects of pregnancy, labor and delivery that affect the newborn
7. Risk determinants for preterm delivery (maternal and fetal)
8. Impact of multiple gestations
9. Impact of reproductive technologies (including ethical issues)
C. Normal newborn infants
(b) Screening
1) General
2) Glucose
3) Hematocrit
4) Serologic test for syphilis
5) Expanded metabolic screening
a. Thyroid function
b. Phenylketonuria
6) Hearing
(c) Umbilical cord care
(d) Physiologic events
1) Stool
2) Urination
3) Vital signs
4) Spitting vs vomiting
5) Jaundice
1. General
2. Resuscitation
(a) Ventilation
(b) Suctioning
(c) Perfusion
3. Major patterns of malformations
4. Neonatal birth injuries and trauma
5. Very-low-birth-weight infant
6. Conditions, diseases
(a) Hypoxia, ischemia, asphyxia
(b) Polycythemia, hyperviscosity
(c) Neonatal jaundice
(d) Intracranial hemorrhage
(e) Respiratory distress
1) General
2) Respiratory distress syndrome
3) Pneumothorax
4) Meconium aspiration syndrome
5) Congenital pneumonia
6) Transient tachypnea of the newborn
(f) Persistent fetal circulation (pulmonary hypertension)
(g) Cyanosis (nonrespiratory)
(h) Bronchopulmonary dysplasia/chronic lung disease
(i) Sepsis (including meningitis
(j) TORCH infections, including HIV
(k) Recognition and stabilization of surgical emergencies
(l) Necrotizing enterocolitis
(m)Intestinal obstruction
(n) Tracheoesophageal fistula
(o) Abdominal-intestinal wall defect
(p) Infants affected by maternal disorders (eg, diabetes, systemic
lupus erythematous)
(q) Anemia (hemolytic anemia including blood group incompatibility)
(r) Multiple congenital anomalies
(s) Apnea
(t) Deformations (amniotic bands, positional deformations)
1) Congenital/acquired hydrocephalus
2) Congenital hip dislocation/dysplasia
3) Ambiguous genitalia
4) Abnormal skin findings (rashes, nevi, vascular
(u) Retinopathy of prematurity
(v) Hypothermia and cold injury
(w) Hypoglycemia (including refractory hypoglycemia)
(x) Acute respiratory failure including ventilatory support
(y) Neonatal transport and pre transport stabilization
• Neonatal resuscitation
• Thermoregulation
• Neonatal transport
• Neonatal ventilation
• Neonatal assessment
Respiratory system
• Pulmonary diseases: hyaline membrane disease, transient tachypnea,
aspiration Pneumonia, pulmonary air leak syndromes, pulmonary
hemorrhage, developmental defects
• Pulmonary infections
A. General
1. History
2. Physical Examination
3. Interpretation of laboratory results
4. Therapeutic approaches
D. Lower airway
1. Vascular anomalies
2. Congenital malformations
3. Bronchiolitis
4. Aspiration syndromes
5. Bronchiectasis
6. Tracheomalacia
7. Tracheitis
8. Foreign body aspiration
9. Pulmonary syndromes related to disorders such as sickle cell disease
E. Infectious disorders
1. Tuberculosis
2. Pertussis
3. Others (eg, bronchitis, tracheitis, epiglottitis)
F. Parenchymal
1. Pneumonias
2. Trauma
3. Drowning, near drowning, acute respiratory distress syndrome
4. Hypoplastic lung
5. Malformations of lung
6. Lung abscess
7. Hydatid cyst
8. Pulmonary eosinophilia (Loeffler’s syndrome)
G. Newborn infants
1. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (chronic lung disease of infancy)
2. Diaphragmatic hernia
3. Respiratory distress syndrome
4. Tetralogy of Fallot
5. Pulmonary maladaption
H. Cystic fibrosis
I. Primary ciliary dyskinesia (dysmotile cilia syndrome)
J. Extrapulmonary
1. Pleural fluid/empyema
2. Pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum
3. Thoracic deformities
4. Mediastinal masses including lymph nodes
1. History
2. Physical Examination
3. Interpretation of laboratory
4. Immune deficiency
E. HIV infection
F. Auto-immune disorders
G. General
1. History
2. Physical Examination
3. Interpretation of laboratory results
4. Therapeutic approaches
Cardiovascular system
• Rhythm disturbances
• Hypertension in neonates
A. General
1. History
2. Physical examination
3. Interpretation of laboratory results
4. Therapeutic approaches
B. General issues
1. Diagnosis
2. Management
1. General
2. Cyanotic disease
(a) Diagnosis
(b) Management
3. Acyanotic disease
(a) Diagnosis
(b) Management
5. Antenatal management
3. Rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease
4. Myocarditis
5. Pericarditis/pericardial effusion
6. Post-cardiac surgery disorders
7. Kawasaki disease
• Bilirubin metabolism
• Congenital malformations
• Necrotising enterocolitis
A. General
1. History
2. Physical examination
3. Interpretation of laboratory results
4. Therapeutic approaches
B. Abdominal pain
1. Acute
(a) General
(b) Appendicitis
(c) Cholecystitis, cholelithiasis
(d) Pancreatitis
(e) Intussusception, volvulus, malrotation
(f) Trauma
(g) Obstruction
2. Chronic
(a) Functional
(b) Irritable bowel syndrome
(c) Peptic disorder
(d) Helicobacter pylori
D. Vomiting/esophageal disorders
1. Gastrointestinal and non-gastrointestinal causes of vomiting
2. Vomiting from infectious and noninfectious causes
3. Structural causes of vomiting
4. Disorders associated with chronic vomiting
5. Motility disorders (including trauma)
6. Caustic ingestion, foreign body
7. Gastroesophageal reflux
8. Eosinophilic esophagitis
E. Diarrhea
G. Jaundice and liver diseases
1. Neonates and infants
(a) Bilirubin metabolism
(b) Breast-milk jaundice
(c) Infectious and noninfectious causes of jaundice
H. Gastrointestinal bleeding
1. General
2. Mucosal disease (celiac disease)
3. Pancreatic insufficiency (cystic fibrosis, Shwachman syndrome)
4. Enzyme deficiency (lactase, sucra/se-isomaltase)
5. Short-gut syndrome, including bacterial overgrowth
6. Fat malabsorption and chronic liver disease (biliary atresia, cystic
• Neonatal seizures
• Intracranial hemorrhage
• Brain imaging
• Neuro-muscular disorder
• Degenerative diseases
• CNS malformation
Renal system
• Development disorders
• Renal functions
A. General
1. History
2. Physical examination
3. Interpretation of laboratory results
4. Therapeutic approaches
2. Hematuria
(a) Persistent microscopic hematuria
(b) Causes of gross and microscopic hematuria
(c) Nonhematogenous etiology of red urine
3. Dysuria
4. Voiding problems
(a) Nocturnal
(b) Organic
(c) Functional, daytime incontinence
(d) Voiding dysfunction
1. Renal dysplasia
(a) Unilateral multicystic dysplastic kidney
(b) Autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease
(c) Autosomal-recessive polycystic kidney disease
(d) Renal agenesis
2. Structural abnormalities
(a) General
(b) Hydronephrosis
(c) Hydroureter and megaureter
(d) Ureterocele
(e) Vesicoureteral reflux
4. Hereditary nephropathy (eg, familial nephritis, autosomal-dominant
polycystic kidney disease, autosomal-recessive polycystic kidney
F. Nephrotic syndrome
G. Other renal conditions
1. Renal failure
(a) Acute renal failure
(b) Intrinsic renal failure
2. Chronic kidney disease (chronic renal failure)
3. End-stage kidney disease and transplantation (including renal
replacement therapy)
4. Trauma
(a) Renal injuries
(b) Urethral injury
5. Toxins
6. Urinary tract stones
7. Renal tubular disorders
8. Nephrogenic diabetes insipius
9. Renal rickets
H. Blood pressure/hypertension
1. Normal vs abnormal blood pressure
(a) Complications of blood pressure measurement (eg, “White
(b) Definition of hypertension in children and adolescents
2. Evaluation of elevated blood pressure in childhood
3. Primary/secondary hypertension
4. Therapy of hypertension
5. End-organ effects of hypertension
C. Male
1. Congenital abnormalities
(a) Hypospadias
(b) Cryptorchidism
(c) Micropenis
(d) Phimosis
(e) Undescended testes
2. Acquired abnormalities
(a) Testicular torsion
(b) Infection
1) Orchitis
2) Epididymitis
3) Urethritis
(c) Trauma
(d) Testicular masses
(e) Varicocele
(f) Urethral valve
D. Female
1. Congenital abnormalities
(a) Imperforate hymen
(b) Labial adhesions
2. Acquired abnormalities
(a) Ovarian torsion
(b) Ovarian cyst
(c) Vulvovaginitis
• Calcium disorders
• Magnesium disorders
• Thyroid disorders
• Adernal disorders
• Ambiguous genitalia
• Physiology
• Anemia
• Polycythemia
• Rh hemolytic disease
A. General
1. History
2. Physical examination
3. Interpretation of laboratory results
4. Therapeutic approaches
B. Erythrocyte disorders
1. Nutritional anemias
(a) Iron deficiency
(b) Vitamin B12, folic acid deficiency
2. Hemolytic anemias
(a) Membrane disorders
(b) Enzyme abnormalities
(c) Hemoglobinopathies
(d) Immune-mediated anemias
C. Leukocyte disorders
1. Quantitative leukocyte disorders
(a) Congenital and immune-mediated neutropenia
(b) Acquired, nonimmune neutropenia
1) Sepsis
2) Drugs
D. Platelet disorder
1. Thrombocytopenia
2. Thrombocytosis
E. Pancytopenia
1. Decreased production
(a) Congenital (Fanconi anemia)
(b) Acquired aplastic anemia
2. Increased destruction
F. Coagulation disorders
1. Congenital and acquired bleeding and thrombotic disorders
2. Thrombophilias
G. Transfusion medicine (including component therapy)
D. Infant feeding
1. Breast-feeding
2. Formula-feeding
3. Introduction of solid food
G. Nutritional problems associated with specific diseases, conditions
1. Gastrointestinal disorders
2. Renal disease
3. Hepatic disease
4. Cardiac disease
5. Cystic fibrosis
6. Hematologic-oncologic disease
7. Neurologically handicapped children
8. Burns
9. Allergies
10. Athletes
11. Vegetarians
12. Failure to thrive (management of moderate to severe malnutrition)
Fetal nutrition
• Physiology of lactation
• Lactation management
• Parenteral nutrition
A. General
1. History
2. Physical Examination
3. Interpretation of laboratory results
4. Therapeutic approaches
1. Prevention
2. Management
3. Nutrition
4. Immune deficiency
G. HIV infection
H. Auto-immune disorders
• Neonatal anesthesia
• Orthopedic problems
Neonatal infections
• Intrauterine infections
• Superficial infections
• Diarrhea
• Septicemia
• Meningitis
• Pneumonias
• Perinatal HIV
Neonatal ophthalmology
• Development aspects
• Retinopathy of prematurity
A. General
1. History
2. Physical examination
3. Interpretation of laboratory results
4. Therapeutic approaches
(b) Nystagmus
2. Conjunctivitis
3. Orbital and periorbital (preseptal) cellulitis
4. Stye, chalazion
5. Nasolacrimal duct obstruction
6. Ptosis
D. Intraocular
1. Childhood glaucoma
2. The white pupil (retinoblastoma)
3. Cataracts
4. Papilledema, papillitis
5. Retinopathy of prematurity
6. Optic neuritis
7. Hemorrhagic problems
E. Miscellaneous
1. Amblyopia
2. Foreign bodies
3. Corneal abrasions
4. Trauma to the eye
5. Be able to evaluate trauma to the eye; including hyphema
6. Recognize the clinical signs of a blow-out fracture of the orbit
7. Tumor or hemangioma affecting vision
8. Disorders of refraction (including myopia and hypermetropia)
9. Blindness and visual defects
10. Uveal tract disorders
Ocular manifestations of systemic disorder
Community neonatology
• Vital statistics
• Health system
(k) Poliovirus vaccine
(l) Hemophilus influenzae type b vaccine
(m)Varicella vaccine
(n) human papillomavirus (HPV)
(o) rotavirus
(p) Specific endemic diseases and schedules (eg, recombinant
Calmette-Guerin bacillus (BCG)
4. Catch-up immunizations
5. Live versus killed vaccines
6. Travel indications and needs
A. Screening
Neonatal Dermatology
▪ Community neonatology
▪ Vital statistics, health system;
▪ Causes of neonatal, perinatal death
▪ Neonatal care priorities
▪ Care at secondary level of care
▪ Care at primary health centre
▪ Role of different health functionaries
▪ National Programmes
▪ National Neonatology Forum
Neonatal Imaging
• Neonatal imaging
• X-rays, ultrasound, MRI, CT Scan etc.
• Developmental aspects
• Neonatal dermatology
• Transport of Neonates.
• Neonatal Procedures
• Community neonatology
• Developmental assessment and follow up
• Adoption
• Recent Advances
• Laboratory Medicine
• Neonatal procedures
• Therapeutic agents
General Topics
• Research methodology
• Teaching methodology
• Biostatistics
• Epidemiology
• Health economics
• Health Information System
• Medical education
List of Skills
1. Clinical
• Developmental assessment
• Neonatal resuscitation
• Monitoring
2. Invasive, non-invasive
• Lactation management
• Parenteral nutrition
• Endotracheal Intubation
• Exchange transfusion
• Interdepartmental communication
3. Education / Training
• Teaching skills
• Learning skills
• Preparing learning resource material
4. Self-Directed Learning
Training program :
There will be structured training program. The students are expected to learn in
phasic manner starting with basic care progressing to advanced care
First year: Neonatal resuscitation protocol Care of normal newborn, low birth
weight, preterm & sick neonates Neonatal ventilation Communication skills
Research methodology
Second year: All of above plus Neonatal surgery Total parenteral nutrition High
frequency ventilation Neonatal autopsy Neonatal radiology including imaging
techniques Perinatology Community neonatology Teaching methodology
Analytical & managerial skills
Third year: All of above plus Recent advances Fetal medicine National
programs Rotation Total period of DNB course is 36 months.
Of this, at least 27 – 30 months will be spent in the newborn services, 3 - 6
months will be meant for essential rotations in related specialties and the rest
up to three months will be for either optional rotations, extramural rotation or for
the new born services as deemed necessary.
Essential rotation:
The candidates are required to submit a thesis at the end of three years of
training as per the rules and regulations of NBE.
The protocol for a research proposal (including thesis) is a study plan, designed
to describe the background, research question, aim and objectives, and detailed
methodology of the study. In other words, the protocol is the ‘operating manual’
to refer to while conducting a particular study.
The candidate should refer to the NBE Guidelines for preparation and
submission of Thesis Protocol before the writing phase commences. The
minimum writing requirements are that the language should be clear, concise,
precise and consistent without excessive adjectives or adverbs and long
sentences. There should not be any redundancy in the presentation.
The development or preparation of the Thesis Protocol by the candidate will help
her/him in understanding the ongoing activities in the proposed area of research.
Further it helps in creating practical exposure to research and hence it bridges
the connectivity between clinical practice and biomedical research. Such
research exposure will be helpful in improving problem solving capacity, getting
updated with ongoing research and implementing these findings in clinical
Research Ethics: Ethical conduct during the conduct and publication of research
is an essential requirement for all candidates and guides, with the primary
responsibility of ensuring such conduct being on the thesis guide. Issues like
Plagiarism, not maintaining the confidentiality of data, or any other distortion of
the research process will be viewed seriously. The readers may refer to standard
documents for the purpose.
The NBE reserves the right to check the submitted protocol for plagiarism, and
will reject those having substantial duplication with published literature.
1. All of the following will have to be entered in the online template. The
thesis protocol should be restricted to the following word limits.
3. Since most of the difficulties faced by the residents relate to the work in
clinical subject or clinically-oriented laboratory subjects, the following
steps are suggested:
a. The number of cases should be such that adequate material,
judged from the hospital attendance/records, will be available and
the candidate will be able to collect case material within the period
of data collection, i.e., around 6-12 months so that he/she is in a
position to complete the work within the stipulated time.
b. The aim and objectives of the study should be well defined.
c. As far as possible, only clinical/laboratory data of investigations of
patients or such other material easily accessible in the existing
facilities should be used for the study.
d. Technical assistance, wherever necessary, may be provided by the
department concerned. The resident of one specialty taking up
some problem related to some other specialty should have some
basic knowledge about the subject and he/she should be able to
perform the investigations independently, wherever some
specialized laboratory investigations are required a co-guide may
be co-opted from the concerned investigative department, the
quantum of laboratory work to be carried out by the candidate
should be decided by the guide & co-guide by mutual consultation.
• Title- A good title should be brief, clear, and focus on the central theme of
the topic; it should avoid abbreviations. The Title should effectively
summarize the proposed research and should contain the PICO elements.
• Introduction- It should be focused on the research question and should
be directly relevant to the objectives of your study.
• Aim and Objectives - The ‘Aim’ refers to what would be broadly achieved
by this study or how this study would address a bigger question / issue.
The ‘Objectives’ of the research stem from the research question
formulated and should at least include participants, intervention,
evaluation, design.
Thesis Protocol Submission to NBE
1. DNB candidates are required to submit their thesis protocol within 90 days
of their joining DNB training.
1. As per NBE norms, writing a thesis is essential for all DNB candidates
towards partial fulfillment of eligibility for award of DNB degree.
2. DNB candidates are required to submit the thesis before the cut-off date
which shall be 30th June of the same year for candidates appearing for
their scheduled December final theory examination. Similarly, candidates
who are appearing in their scheduled June DNB final examination shall be
required to submit their thesis by 31st December of preceding year.
3. Candidates who fail to submit their thesis by the prescribed cutoff date
shall NOT be allowed to appear in DNB final examination.
4. Fee to be submitted for assessment (In INR): 3500/-
5. Fee can be deposited ONLY through pay-in-slip/challan at any of the
Indian bank branch across India. The challan can be downloaded from
NBE website
6. Thesis should be bound and the front cover page should be printed in the
standard format. A bound thesis should be accompanied with:
a. A Synopsis of thesis.
b. Form for submission of thesis, duly completed
c. NBE copy of challan (in original) towards payment of fee as may be
d. Soft copy of thesis in a CD duly labeled.
e. Copy of letter of registration with NBE.
This log book shall be made available to the board of examiners for their perusal
at the time of the final examination.
The log book should show evidence that the before mentioned subjects were
covered (with dates and the name of teacher(s) The candidate will maintain the
record of all academic activities undertaken by him/her in log book .
Leave Rules
1. DNB Trainees are entitled to leave during the course of DNB training as per the
Leave Rules prescribed by NBE.
2. A DNB candidate can avail a maximum of 20 days of leave in a year excluding
regular duty off/ Gazetted holidays as per hospital/institute calendar/policy.
a. Afemale candidate is permitted a maternity leave of 90 days once during
the entire duration of DNB course.
b. The expected date of delivery (EDD) should fall within the duration of
maternity leave.
c. Extension of maternity leave is permissible only for genuine medical
reasons and after prior approval of NBE. The supporting medical
documents have to be certified by the Head of the Institute/hospital where
the candidate is undergoing DNB training. NBE reserves its rights to take
a final decision in such matters.
d. The training of the candidate shall be extended accordingly in case of any
extension of maternity leave being granted to the candidate.
e. Candidate shall be paid stipend during the period of maternity leave. No
stipend shall be paid for the period of extension of leave.
4. Male DNB candidates are entitled for paternity leave of maximum of one week
during the entire period of DNB training.
5. No kind of study leave is permissible to DNB candidates. However, candidates
may be allowed an academic leave as under across the entire duration of training
program to attend the conferences/CMEs/Academic programs/Examination
DNB 3 years Course (Broad & Super Specialty) 14 Days
DNB 2 years Course (Post Diploma) 10 Days
DNB Direct 6 years Course 28 days
6. Under normal circumstances leave of one year should not be carried
forward to the next year. However, in exceptional cases such as
prolonged illness the leave across the DNB training program may be
clubbed together with prior approval of NBE.
7. Any other leave which is beyond the above stated leave is not permissible
and shall lead to extension/cancellation of DNB course.
8. Any extension of DNB training for more than 2 months beyond the
scheduled completion date of training is permissible only under extra-
ordinary circumstances with prior approval of NBE. Such extension is
neither automatic nor shall be granted as a matter of routine. NBE shall
consider such requests on merit provided the seat is not carried over and
compromise with training of existing trainees in the Department.
9. Unauthorized absence from DNB training for more than 7 days may lead
to cancellation of registration and discontinuation of the DNB training and
rejoining shall not be permitted.
10. Medical Leave
a. Leave on medical grounds is permissible only for genuine medical
reasons and NBE should be informed by the concerned
institute/hospital about the same immediately after the candidate
proceeds on leave on medical grounds.
b. The supporting medical documents have to be certified by the Head
of the Institute/hospital where the candidate is undergoing DNB
training and have to be sent to NBE.
c. The medical treatment should be taken from the institute/ hospital
where the candidate is undergoing DNB training. Any deviation
from this shall be supported with valid grounds and documentation.
d. In case of medical treatment being sought from some other
institute/hospital, the medical documents have to be certified by the
Head of the institute/hospital where the candidate is undergoing
DNB training.
e. NBE reserves its rights to verify the authenticity of the documents
furnished by the candidate and the institute/hospital regarding
Medical illness of the candidate and to take a final decision in such
a. Total leave period which can be availed by DNB candidates is
120+28 = 148 days for 6 years course, 60+14=74 days for 3 years
course and 40+10 = 50 days for 2 years course. This includes all
kinds of eligible leave including academic leave. Maternity /
Paternity leave can be availed separately by eligible candidates.
Any kind of leave including medical leave exceeding the
aforementioned limit shall lead to extension of DNB training. It is
clarified that prior approval of NBE is necessary for availing any
such leave.
b. The eligibility for DNB Final Examination shall be determined strictly
in accordance with the criteria prescribed in the respective
information bulletin.
The performance of the resident during the training period should be monitored
throughout the course and duly recorded in the log books as evidence of the
ability and daily work of the student
1. Personal attributes:
• Behavior and Emotional Stability: Dependable, disciplined, dedicated,
stable in emergency situations, shows positive approach.
• Motivation and Initiative: Takes on responsibility, innovative,
enterprising, does not shirk duties or leave any work pending.
• Honesty and Integrity: Truthful, admits mistakes, does not cook up
information, has ethical conduct, exhibits good moral values, loyal to the
• Interpersonal Skills and Leadership Quality: Has compassionate
attitude towards patients and attendants, gets on well with colleagues and
paramedical staff, is respectful to seniors, has good communication skills.
2. Clinical Work:
The summative assessment of competence will be done in the form of DNB Final
Examination leading to the award of the degree of Diplomate of National Board in
Emergency Medicine. The DNB final is a two-stage examination comprising the
theory and practical part. An eligible candidate who has qualified the theory exam
is permitted to appear in the practical examination.
Theory Examination
1. The theory examination comprises of Three/ Four papers, maximum
marks 100 each.
2. There are 10 short notes of 10 marks each, in each of the papers. The
number of short notes and their respective marks weightage may vary in
some subjects/some papers.
3. Maximum time permitted is 3 hours.
4. Candidate must score at least 50% in the aggregate of Three/ Four
papers to qualify the theory examination.
5. Candidates who have qualified the theory examination are permitted to
take up the practical examination.
6. The paper wise distribution of the Theory Examination shall be as follows:
Paper I:
Paper II:
Paper III:
• Pharmacology
• Beyond the nursery
• Recent advances and Investigations
a) Practical Examination:
6. Second and Third attempt in practical examination shall be permitted out
of the next three sessions of practical examinations placed alongwith the
next three successive theory examination sessions; after payment of full
examination fees as may be prescribed by NBE.
7. Absentation from Practical Examination is counted as an attempt.
8. Appearance in first practical examination is compulsory;
9. Requests for Change in center of examination are not entertained, as the
same is not permissible.
10. Candidates are required not to canvass with NBE for above.
List of Books
17. The Clinical Recognition of Congenital Heart Disease Joseph K.
18. Pediatric Cardiology Myung Park
19. Pediatric Hematology Nathan , Oski
20. Medical disorders In Obstetric Practice Michel Deswite
21. Neonatal drug formulary
22. Textbook of Preventive & Social Medicine Park
List of Journals