01 B Ed First Semester PDF
01 B Ed First Semester PDF
01 B Ed First Semester PDF
Syllabus for
Two year
Essential Readings
of Developmental Psychology.
Advanced readings
Kakkar, S. (1978). Indian Childhood: Cultural Ideas, And Social Reality. New
Delhi: Oxford.
Nambissan, G. (2010). Exclusion and Discrimination in Schools: Experiences of
Dalit Children; Working paper series Volume 01, Number 01, Indian Institute of
Dalit Studies and UNICEF.
Kakkar S. (1991). The Inner World: A Psycho-analytic study of childhood and
society in India. Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Sandra, L. Bem (1987). Gender Schema Theory and its Implications for Child
Development: raising gender a schematic children in a gender schematic society,
in M.R. Walsh, (ed). The Psychology of Women. Harvard University Press
Cambridge, 206-226.
Weiner, M. (1991). The State and the Child in India: Child Labour and Education
Policy in Comparative Perspective. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
BED-102 Education in India- Status, Problems and Issues
To develop perception of the role and functions of a teacher as envisaged
in the NPE 1986 and to familiarize the Student Teacher with the different
projects and schemes at Secondary level in M.P.
To develop an understanding of the brief historical background of Indian
Education with special reference to Secondary Education.
To develop an understanding of the objectives and scope of Secondary
Education. To develop an awareness of the professional ethics.
Prepare and execute a plan for making at least two children and one
adult literate from the community.
Plan and organize a field trip/excursion to a nearby area of
educational important and submit a report.
Visit to block or district and divisional educational offices and study their
educational management pattern and submit the report.
Prepare one project for institutional planning.
Critically Study the working of the one of the parent teacher association
in any two secondary schools.
A critical survey of co-curricular activities in secondary schools.
Anand C. L. et al., (1993) Teacher and Education in the emerging Indian society
NCERT New Delhi.
Coombs Philips H (1985) The World Crisis in Education. New York. Oxford University
Press, New York
Delors, Jaeques (1996) Learning the Treasure within Report to UNESCO of the Internal
Commission on Education for Twenty First Century UNESCO.
Dewey I (1952) Experience in Education, Collier Macmillan.
Dewey S (1956) Democracy in Education New York: Macmillan.
Gandhi M. K. (1956) Basic Education, Ahmedabad Nalijiban.
Government of India (1952) Report of the Secondary Education Commission, New
Delhi:- Ministry of Education.
Government of India (1966) Report of Education Commission Ministry of Education,
New Delhi.
Government of India MHRD (1986) (Revised 1992) National Policy of Education. New
Government of India (1992) Report of Core Group on Value Orientation of Education
Planning Commission.
Kneller G. F. (1978) Foundation of Education. New York: Johri Willy and Sons.
Kneller George (1978) Introduction to Philosophy of Education, New York: John Willey
and Sons INC.
Mani R S. (1964) Educational Ideas and Ideals of Gandhi and Tagore, New Book
Society, New Delhi.
Mathur S.S. (1988) A Sociological Approach to Indian Education, Agra. Vindo
Mookherjee K.K. (1972) Some Great Educators of the World. Fas Gupta & Ce Put Ltd.
Mukherjee S. N. (1966) History of Education in India, Baroda. Acharya Book Depot.
Naik J. P. and Syed N (1974) A Student’s History of Education in India, New Delhi.
Macmillan Co.
Naik J. P. (1975) Equality, Quality & Quantity: The Elusiue Tringle of Indian Education
Bombay : Allied Publishers.
NCTE (1988) Gandhi on Education , New Delhi
Salamaliha(1979) Education in Social Context. New Delhi. NCERT.
BED-103 Language across the curriculum Part 1
Aim of the Course Language is the medium for comprehending ideas, for
reflection and thinking, as well as for expression and communication.
Enhancing one's facility in the language of instruction is thus a vital need of
student- teachers, irrespective of the subject areas that they are going to teach.
This course is visualized as a range of primarily text-based language activities,
Course outline
Suggested Activities
Reading to extract overall meaning, information, subject knowledge (guided
reading in pairs and simple note making)
Identifying major concepts and ideas involved and making notes on these in
some schematic form flow diagram, tree diagram, mind map, etc. (guided
working in pairs)
Explaining the gist of the text/topic to others (in the larger subject group)
Attending the writing style, subject-specific vocabulary and 'perspective' or
'reference frame' in which different topics are presented this will vary across
subjects and texts, and requires some interpretative skills for 'placing' the context
of each text (group discussion and sharing)
Writing a review or a summary of the text, with comments and opinions
(individual task)
Suggested Activities
Using reading strategies, such as scanning, skimming and reading for extracting
information as appropriate for initial reading of articles (guided individual task)
Analysis of structure of the article, identifying sub-headings, key words,
sequencing of ideas, use of concrete details, illustrations and/or statistical
representations, etc. (guided working in pairs)
Critical reading for attending 'framing' of the article, point(s) of view presented,
possible biases or slants (small group discussion)
Researching and writing articles on topics of local interest (working to produce a
local interest magazine).
References :
Suggested Reading:
Baruah, T.C. 1984, The English Teachers Handbook, New Delhi, Sterling Publishers.
Bansal, R.K. and Harrison, J.B., 1972: Spoken English in India, Madras,
Orient Longman
Brown, J.D. 1996: Testing in Language Programmes, Upper Saddle River, NJ,
Prentice HallRegents
Chomsky, N. 1986. Knowledge of Language, New York ,Praeger
Ellis, R. 1992, The Study of Second Acquisition, Oxford, Oxford University Press
Lewis.M. 1993, The Lexical Approach: The State of ELT and a way Forward,
Hove: LanguageTeaching Publications.
Lock, G. 1996. Functional English Grammar, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Curriculum Construction, Curriculum Development and Curriculum Designing:
Concepts and differences. Determinants and motives of Curriculum
Development. Different Curriculum Models-open university, Open School, etc.
Steps of Designing different Curriculum. Selection, Gradation and Organisation
of Curriculum. Development and Implementation of Curriculum. Enrichment of
Evaluation of B.Ed. Curriculum
Kelly, A.V.: The Curriculum Theory and Practices. Harper and Row
Publishers, London, 1982.
Kerr, J.E. (Ed.): Changing the Curriculum. University of London Press Ltd.,
London, 1970.
Lawton, D.: Class, Culture and the Curriculum. Rouletdge and Kegan Paul Ltd.,
London, 1975.
Lowy, A. (Ed.): Handbook of Curriculum Evaluation. International
Institute for Educational Planning, New York, 1977.
Lowy, A.: The International Encyclopaedia of Curriculum. New York:
Pergamum Press, 1991.
Mamidi, M.R. and Ravishankar: Curriculum Development and Educational
Technology, Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1983.
Nichols, S.H. and Nichols, A.: Developing Curriculum. George Allen and
Unwin, Boston, London, 1976.
Oriosky, D.E. and Smith, B.D.: Curriculum Development Issues and
Insights. Rand McNally College Publishing Company, USA, 1976.
Prasad, Janardan & Kaushik, V.K. Advanced Curriculum Construction. New
Delhi: Kanishka Publishers, 1997.
Richmond, K.W.: The School Curriculum. Methuen and Co. Ltd., London.
Saylor, J.G. and Alexander, W.H.: Curriculum, Planning for Modern
Schools. London: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1966.
Wiles, Jon. & Bondi, Joseph C.: Curriculum Development A Guide to
Practice. London: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co., 1984.
Mode of Transaction
productive skills of English.
Essential Readings
3. Morgan, J. & Rinvolucri, M. (1983). Once upon a time: Using stories in the
language classroom. Cambridge:. Cambridge University Press.
4. Wright, A. (1989). Pictures for Language Learning. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Advanced Readings