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Password Lock Circuit

Micro- Project in:

Diploma III Semester
DTE (22320)

Submitted By:
Raj Jamnik - 13
Rushikesh Matre - 17
Moeez Rajjan - 09

Submitted To:
Mrs. Anita Ray Choudhary


Dr. D.Y Patil, School of Polytechnic, Vidyanagar,
Sec-7, Nerul, Navi Mumbai 400 706.


Sector – 7, Nerul, Navi Mumbai-400 706

This is to certify that

Mr. /Miss. / Mrs. __________________________________________

Class______________________________ Roll no. ______________

has completed the microproject work satisfactorily in the course of

prescribed by the Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education in
the academic year 2019-2020 in the program of

_________________________________________________ of the

Date ______________

Teacher__________ In charge Dep. __________Principal__________


I take this opportunity to express deep sense of gratitude and sincere thanks for
the invaluable guidance that I have received at the worthy hands of Mrs. Anita
Ray Choudhary.

I express my sincere thanks to our H.O.D. Prof. Umesh Patil for permitting me to
do this project and also to the entire staff member who have helped me directly
or indirectly.

I also express my thanks to my friends for their underlying support shown during
the preparation of this project.


DYPP, Nerul.


Dr. D.Y Patil, School of Polytechnic, Vidyanagar,

Sec-7, Nerul, Navi Mumbai 400 706

Title: Password Lock circuit

Aim of the Micro-Project: Circuit for LED Bar Display Of Alphabets.

Course Outcomes Addressed:

• Use number system and codes for interpreting working of digital
• Use Boolean expressions to realize logic circuits.
• Build simple combinational circuits.
• Build simple sequential circuits.
• Test data converters and PLDs in digital electronics systems

Proposed Methodology:
Circuit Diagram:

Action Plan:

Sr Details of activity Plan Plan Name of

no. started on finished team
on members
1 Searching topic for Rushikesh ,
micro-project Moeez , Raj

2 Took the topic for Rushikesh ,

micro-project Moeez , Raj
3 Discussed the topic Rushikesh,
with the group Moeez
members and teachers.
4 Collect the required Rushikesh,
materials. Raj , Moeez
5 Confirming materials Rushikesh,
with faculty. Moeez.

6 Made required changes Rushikesh,

under guidance of Moeez, Raj
7 Planned the outline of Raj,
the micro-project. Rushikesh

8 Working and Rushikesh,

finalization of the Moeez, Raj

Resource Required:

Sr.no Name of Specification Quantity


1 IC 4511(IC) 1
2 Soldering iron EGO Sl-31 Soldering Iron 1

3 Resistors R1(100KΩ) 1(each)

4 Capacitor C1(1µF) 1

5 PCB(printed circuit 4x6 cm Double Sided 1

board) Universal PCB Prototype

6 Connecting wires Single strand 0.6mm Teflon _

7 Battery 9Volts 1

8. LED bar display Common cathode display 1

Name of the Team members with roll no's.

• Raj Jamnik - 13
• Rushikesh Matre - 17
• Moeez Rajjan - 09

Sr. no. Content Page no.

1. Rationale of the micro project

2. Aim of micro project

3. Literature Review

4. Output of the project

5. Course Outcomes achieved

6. Conclusion

7. References

8. Weekly report

9. Evaluation Sheet A

10. Evaluation Sheet B

Rationale Of The Micro-Project:

We are making a circuit on Password Electronic Lock.
By using IC 4017 i.e. a CMOS IC and other components we are building a circuit
in which when the correct password is entered the light starts Glowing.

Aim Of The Micro-Project:

Circuit For Password Lock.

Course Outcomes Addressed:

a. Use number system and codes for interpreting working of digital system.
b. Use Boolean expressions to realize logic circuits.
c. Build simple combinational circuits.
d. Build simple sequential circuits.
e. Test data converters and PLDs in digital electronics systems.

Literature Review:

1.Book Name: Digital Techniques

Author: J.S.Khatre
Publication Year: 2019
About the book:
This book is an exclusive material for Maharashtra State Board Technical
Education’s Polytechnic Subjects. The book is written by eminent authors of
TechKnowledge Publications with more than 20 year experience in the field of
book writing

2. Book name : Morden Digital Electronics

Author: R.P.Jain
Publication Year : 2009
About the Book :
Modern Digital Electronics introduces digital systems and techniques through a
bottom-up approach that allows users to start out with the basics of integrated
circuits/circuit design and delve into topics such as digital design, flip flops, A/D
and D/A. The book then moves on to explore elements of complex digital circuits
with material like FPGAs, PLDs, PLAs, and more.

Actual Methodology Followed:

LED Display (light-emitting diode display) is a screen display technology that uses
a panel of LEDs as the light source. ... Modern electronic devices such as mobile
phones, TVs, tablets, computer monitors, laptops screens, etc., use a LED display
to display their output.
A light-emitting diode is a two-lead semiconductor light source. It is a p–n
junction diode that emits light when activated. When a suitable voltage is applied
to the leads, electrons are able to recombine with electron holes within the device,
releasing energy in the form of photons.
An LED screen is actually an LCD screen, but instead of having a normal CCFL
backlight, it uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as a source of light behind the
screen. An LED is more energy efficient and a lot smaller than a CCFL, enabling a
thinner television screen.
Resources Used:

Sr. Name of Specification Qty.

No. Resources/Material

1. IC CD4017 CMOS IC 1

2. Soldering iron EGO Sl-31 Soldering Iron 1

3. Resistor R1(100k Ω) 7
R2(220e Ω)
4. Diode 1N4007 4

5. Battery 9 Volts 1

6. IC Base 16 pin 1

7. Push Buttons Normal Buttons 9

8. LED light Common cathode display 1

9. 2 pin connector Normal connector 1

10. Zero PCB 4 x 6 Board 1

Outputs of the Micro-Project:

On entering wrong password:

On entering correct password:

Skill Developed:

1.We use different components to get the output.

2.Identify and design the circuit.
3.Use basic parts to complete the actual circuit.
4.Display the the output in an organized way.
Micro-Project Evalution Sheet (Part-A)

Name of student: Enrollment No:

Name of programme: Computer Engineering Semester: III
Course Title: DTE Code: 22320
Title of the Micro-Project: Password Lock Circuit
Course outcomes Achieved:
a) Use number system and codes for interpreting working of digital system.
b) Use Boolean expressions to realize logic circuits.
c) Build simple combinational circuits.
d) Build simple sequential circuits.
e) Test data converts and PLDs in digital electronics systems.

Evaluation as per suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro Project

Sr.no. Characteristic to be Poor Average Good (Marks 9-
assessed (Marks 1-3) (Marks 4-5) (Marks 6-8) 10)
Relevance to the course
Literature survey/
2. Information collection

Project proposal
Completion of the Target
4. as per project proposal
Analysis of data and
5. representation
Quality of prototype/
6. Model
Report preparation

9. Defence
Name and Signature of Faculty

Micro Project Evalution Sheet (Part-B)

(A) (B) Total marks

Process an Product Assessment Individual Presentation/Viva (10)

(6 marks) (4 marks)

Comments/Suggestion about team work/leadership/inter-personal communication (if any)


Any other Comment:

Name of the teacher: Mrs. Anita Ray Choudhary

Signature: ……………………………………………………….

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