C A R T: Auditing Problems
C A R T: Auditing Problems
C A R T: Auditing Problems
ES T A B L I S H E D 2003
2ndFlr.,ManangoBldg., City Road., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines; Mobile No.: 09108298588
Jimmy I. Peru, MBM, MICB, CPA
“Stockholders’ Equity”
1. 510,000 shares were issued for cash in July 1, As of June 30,2012, BEBE CO.’s retained earnings
2010, at P31 per share. account had a balance of P4,140,000. For the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2013, BEBE CO. reported net
2. On July 24, 2010, 30,000 shares were
income of P240,000
exchanged for a plot of land which cost the seller
P420,000 in 2004 and had an estimated market Required:
value of P1,320,000 on July 24,2010.
Compute the adjusted balances of the following as of
3. 120,000 shares were issued on March 1, 2011, June 30,2013:
for P42 per share.
During the 2012-2013 fiscal year, the following
transactions regarding ordinary shares took place: PFRS 9, paragraph 5.3, provides that an entity shall
reclassify financial assets only when it changes its
November 30,2012 - BEBE CO. purchases 12,000 of business model for managing the financial assets.
its own shares on the open market at P39 per share
Investment in equity securities
December 15,2012 - BEBE CO. declared a 5% share
Under the Application Guidance B5.5 of PFRS 9, all
dividend for shareholders of record on January15,
investments in equity instruments and contracts on
2013, to be issued on January 31, 2013. BEBE CO. those instruments must be measured at fair value
was having a liquidity problem and could not afford a
cash dividend at the time. BEBE CO.’s ordinary However, in limited circumstances, cost may be an
shares were selling at P53 per share on December appropriate estimate of fair value.
15, 2012.
When to recognized dividends as income
June 20,2013 - BEBE CO. sold 3,000 of its own
PAS 18, paragraph 29, provides that “dividends”
ordinary shares that it had purchased on N shall be recognized as revenue when the
November 30, 2012, for P126,000. shareholder’s right to receive payment is established
BEBE CO. issued 240,000 preference shares at P44 In certain circumstances, an entity may purchase
per share on July 1, 2011. enough share of another entity in order to exert
significant influence or control over the financial and
operating policies of the investee entity
Cash Dividends
* Significance influence is the power to participate
BEBE CO. has followed a schedule of declaring cash in the financial and operating policy decisions of the
dividends in December and June, with payment investee but not control or joint control over those
being made to shareholders of record in the following policies
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The assessment of significant influence is a matter of Amortization of premium or discount
judgment. However, PAS 28 provides a practical
guidance to assist management in making such PFRS 9 requires that investment in bonds shall be
assessment. measure at amortized cost. This means that any
premium or discount on the acquisition of long term
Equity method investment in bonds must be amortized.
PAS 28 in conjunction with PAS 36 on “impairment of > On account – Invoice price less discount whether
assets” requires that an impairment loss shall be taken or not
recognized “whenever the carrying amount of the > On installment – Cash price or PV of future
investment in associate exceeds its recoverable payments
amount”. > Issuance of shares – FV of assets, FV of shares or
par value of shares
Investee with preference share > Issuance of bonds payable – FV of bonds payable,
FV of asset or face value of bonds payable
When an associate has outstanding cumulative > Exchange with commercial substance – FV of asset
preference share, the investor shall compute its given plus cash payment on the part of payor or
share of earnings or losses after deducting the minus cash received on the part of recipient
preference dividends, whether or not such dividends > Exchange without commercial substance –
are declared. Carrying amount of asset given plus cash payment
or minus cash received. No gain or loss on exchange
When an associate has outstanding non cumulative is recognized
preference share, the investor shall compute its
share of earning or losses after deducting the Multiple Choices:
preference dividends only when declared.
1. On January 1, 2013, John Company purchased
Other comprehensive income of associate equity securities held for trading. The cost and
market value on December 31, 2013 were:
PAS 28, paragraph 19A, provides that if an investor
losses significant influence, the investor shall Cost Market
account for all amounts recognized in other Security A 1,000,000 1,200,000
comprehensive income by the associate on the same Security B 2,000,000 1,500,000
basis as would be required if the associate had Security C 3,000,000 3,100,000
directly disposed of the related assets.
On July 1, 2014 the entity sold Security A for
1,800,000. What amount should be reported as loss
Dividends from preacquisition retained earnings on sale of trading securities in the 2014 income
This provision is now amended. There is no longer a. 800,000
distinction between preacquisition dividends and b. 600,000
postacquisition dividends c. 0
d. 400,000
Investment in associate achieved in stages
2. Crack Company acquired a financial asset for
The investment in associate achieved in stages is not 5,000,000. Broker fees of 500,000 were incurred in
covered by PAS 28. The principles for business relation to the purchase. What amount should
combinations achieved in stages must be applied. initially be recognized for the financial asset,
respectively if it is classified as at FVTPL and as
PFRS 3, paragraph 42, provides that in a business FVTOCI?
combination achieved in stages, the acquirer shall a. 5,000,000 and 5,500,000
remeasure the previously held equity interest at fair b. 5,500,000 and 5,000,000
value and recognize the resulting gain or loss in c. 5,500,000 and 5,500,000
profit or loss. d. 5,000,000 and 5,000,000
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investment is designated as measured at FVTOCI 8. Myra Company owned 50,000 shares of another
(PFRS 9)? entity. These 50,000 shares were originally
a. 1,000,000 purchased for 100 per share. On October 1, 2013,
b. 2,700,000 the investee distributed 50,000 right to the entity.
c. 1,700,000 The entity was entitled to buy one new share for 140
d. 0 and five of these rights. On October 1, 2013, each
4. On January 1, 2013, Shiela Company purchased share had a market value of P 150 and each right
bonds with face value of 5,000,000 for 6,000,000. had a market value of 10.On December 31, 2013,
The bonds were acquired for the purpose of selling in the entity exercised all rights. The stock rights are
the short term in order to realize fair value changes. accounted separately and measured initially at fair
On December 31, 2013, the entity changed the value. What total cost should be recorded for the
business model in managing the bonds from realizing new shares that are acquired by exercising the
short term gains to collecting cash flows that are rights?
solely payments of principal and interest. On such a. 1,400,000
date, the fair value of the bonds is 5,700,000. What b. 1,900,000
is the initial carrying amount of the trading securities c. 1,650,000
on December 31, 2013? d. 1,000,000
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value, except for equipment for which the fair value investment. What total amount of income should be
was 2,000,000 greater than carrying amount and reported for 2013?
inventory whose fair value was 1,000,000 greater a. 850,000
than cost. The equipment has a remaining life of 5 b. 790,000
years and the inventory was all sold during 2013. c. 950,000
The investee reported net income of 6,000,000 for d. 890,000
2013 and paid no dividends. What is the maximum
amount which could be included in income before tax 17. Princess Company purchased an investment
to reflect the investor’s equity in earnings of the property on January 1, 2011 at a cost of 2,200,000.
investee for 2013? The property had a useful life of 40 years and on
a. 2,400,000 December 31, 2013 had a fair value of 3,000,000.
b. 2,240,000 On December 31, 2013 the property was sold for net
c. 2,040,000 proceeds of 2,900,000. The entity used the cost
d. 1,840,000 model to account for investment property. What is
the gain or loss to be recognized for 2013 regarding
13. On January 1, 2013, Cathy Company acquired a the disposal of the property?
10% interest in an investee for 3,000,000. The a. 865,000 gain
investment was accounted for at fair value through b. 810,000 gain
OCI. The fair value of the investment was 3,500,000 c. 100,000 loss
on December 31, 2013. On January 1, 2014, the d. 700,000 loss
entity acquired a further 15% interest in the investee
for 8,500,000. On such date, the carrying amount of 18. Jean Company and its subsidiaries provided the
the net assets of the investee was 36,000,000. The following properties owned by the group.
fair value of the net asset of the investee is equal to
carrying amount except for equipment whose fair Land held for undetermined 1,000,000
value was 4,000,000 greater than carrying amount. future use
The equipment had a remaining life of 5 years. The Vacant building to be leased out
investee reported net income of 8,000,000 for 2014 under an operating lease 2,000,000
and paid dividend of 5,000,000 on December 31, Property held for use in production 4,000,000
2014. No dividend was paid in 2013 by the investee. Property held by a subsidiary, a real
estate firm, in the ordinary course
A. Under the “fair value approach”, what is the of business 3,000,000
goodwill on January 1, 2014? Building owned by subsidiary and for
a. 3,000,000 which the subsidiary provides security
b. 2,000,000 and maintenance services to the lessee 2,500,000
c. 2,500,000 Land leased to a subsidiary under an
d. 0 operating lease 1,500,000
Equipment leased to an unrelated party
B. What is the carrying amount of the investment in under an operating lease 500,000
associate on December 31, 2014? Building under construction for use as
a. 12,550,000 investment property 3,500,000
b. 10,550,000
c. 11,950,000 In the consolidated statement of financial position of
d. 12,750,000 the parent and its subsidiaries, what total amount
should be reported as investment property?
14. On July 1, 2013, Claire Company pad 1,198,000 a. 6,000,000
for 10% bonds with a face amount of 1,000,000 to b. 5,500,000
be held to maturity. Interest is paid on June 30 and c. 8,000,000
December 31. The bonds were purchased to yield d. 9,000,000
8%. The entity used effective interest method to
recognized interest income from this investment. 19. Lovely Company commenced operations at the
What is the carrying amount of the bond investment beginning of the current year. The following costs
on December 31, 2013? are incurred by the entity:
a. 1,207,900
b. 1,198,000 * Payment of land and an old building which is to be
c. 1,195,920 demolished - 1,000,000
d. 1,193,050 * Payment of property taxes in arrears - 130,000
* Title search and insurance – 50,000
15. On July 1, 2013, Jeza Company purchased as a * Option paid for an alternative land which was not
long term investment 1,000,000 face value 8% acquired – 30,000
bonds for 946,000 including accrued interest of * Cost of relocating squatters – 10,000
40,000. The bonds were purchased to yield 10% * Special assessment for city improvements on
interest. The bonds pay interest annually on water and sewer system – 150,000
December 31. The effective interest method of * Demolition of old building, net of salvage value of
amortization is used. What is the carrying amount of 10,000 – 100,000
the investment in bonds on December 31, 2013? * Survey before construction of new building –
a. 911,300 60,000
b. 916,600 * Contract price for factory building – 5,000,000
c. 953,300 * Architect fee – 230,000
d. 960,600 * Building permit or payment to city hall for
approval of building construction – 120,000
16. On January 1, 2013, Alyssa Company purchased * Excavation before new construction – 110,000
12% bonds with face amount of 5,000,000 for * Liability insurance during construction – 55,000
5,500,000 including transaction cost of 100,000. The * Safety fence around construction site – 35,000
bonds provide an effective yield of 10%. The bonds * Removal of safety fence after completion of
are dated January 1, 2013, mature on January 1, factory building – 20,000
2018 and pay interest annually on December 31 of * New fence surrounding the factory – 80,000
each year. The bonds are quoted at 115 on * Driveways, parking bays and safety lighting –
December 31, 2013. The entity has irrevocably 550,000
elected to use the fair value option for the bond * Cost of trees, shrubs and other landscaping –
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What amount should be reported respectively as
initial measurement of the land and building?
a. 1,500,000 and 5,600,000
b. 1,440,000 and 5,660,000
c. 1,610,000 and 5,490,000
d. 2,380,000 and 5,600,000
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