Citizenship Workshop Flyer Oct 26 English
Citizenship Workshop Flyer Oct 26 English
Citizenship Workshop Flyer Oct 26 English
You will need to bring the following
Alhambra High School Dream information and documents:
Center and IRCSGV Your green card, social security card and
any passports you have been issued since
you have had your green card
WHEN Family information, including child(ren)
Saturday, October 26, 2019 and/or spouse (current and former)
If you have ever been arrested,
Time certificates of disposition for all arrests or
9am-1pm court records
Money order for $725 payable to the “US
WHERE Department of Homeland Security”
Alhambra High School Dream Your address and job history for the last 5
Center- C122
2018 Income Tax or Proof of Public
To Qualify for Citizenship You Benefits
Be at least 18 years old
Be a lawful permanent resident for 5 years or 3
years if you are married to a US citizen
Have lived in the us at least 30 months in the past 5
Be of “good moral character”
LIST OF HOME ADDRESSES. Where have you lived in the last five years? Begin with where you live now.
Dates (mm/dd/yyyy)
Street Number and Name, Apartment, City, State, Zip Code and Country To
LIST OF EMPLOYMENT & SCHOOL. Where have you worked or studied in the last 5 years?
Employer or Employer or School Address Dates (mm/dd/yyyy)
Your Occupation
School Name (Street, City and State) From To
LIST OF TRIPS OUTSIDE OF USA. List all trips of 24 hours or more that you have taken outside of the
U.S. since becoming a Lawful Permanent Resident. (Begin with the most recent trip).
Date Returned to Did the Trip Last Countries to Which You
Date Left USA Total Days Out of USA
USA 6 Months or More? Traveled
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No