Wear Test
Wear Test
Wear Test
(54) WEAR RESISTANT COATING FOR PISTON 5,126,104 A 6/1992 Anand et al. ................. 419/12
RINGS 5,547,203 A 8/1996 Binford ...................... 277/224
5,592,927 A 1/1997 Zaluzec et al. ............. 123/668
(75) Inventors: Thomas C. Stong, Kent City, MI (US);
Peter J. Einberger, Muskegon, MI
2 - 12
A 139. E. et al. ..................
CICIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5,713,129 A 2/1998 Rastegar et al. ......... 29/888.04
(US); Thomas J. Smith, Muskegon, MI 5,713,324. A 2/1998 Frame et al. ............ 123/193.6
(US) 5,756,150 A 5/1998 Mori et al. ................. 427/197
5,763,106 A 6/1998 Blanchard et al. .......... 428/570
(73) Assignee: Dana Corporation, Toledo, OH (US) 5,773,734. A 6/1998 Young ......................... 75/243
5,863,618 A 1/1999 Jarosinski et al. .......... 427/450
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 5,906,896 A 5/1999 Jackson et al. ............. 428/621
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 20 days. OTHER PUBLICATIONS
Dana Perfect Circle Division Material Specification, No.
(21) Appl. No.: 09/757,891 PCF-284, Issued Jul. 8, 1999.
Dana Perfect Circle Division Material Specification, No.
(22) Filed: Jan. 10, 2001 PCHP-2, Issued Jan. 10, 2000.
(51) Int. Cl." ......................... CBS'
B32B 15/16; B23P 15/08
Primary Examiner John J. Zimmerman
ASSistant Examiner Jason Savage
(52) U.S. Cl. ....................... 428/546; 428/569; 428/660; (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Rader, Fishman & Grauer
428/663; 428/666; 29/888.074 PLC
(58) Field of Search ................................. 428/546, 569,
428/660, 663, 666; 29/888.074 (57) ABSTRACT
A wear resistant coating for protecting Surfaces undergoing
(56) References Cited Sliding contact is disclosed. The wear resistant coating is
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS applied by high velocity oxygen-fuel (HVOF) deposition of
a powdered blend of the coating constituents. The powdered
3,556,747 A 1/1971 Hyde et al. ................... 29/198 blend includes a nickel-chromium alloy, chromium carbide,
CE. A.
420ss45 A
E. N.O.E. and molybdenum. The disclosed coating should find use as
6/1980 Sharpe ........................ 51/290
a bearing Surface on piston rings, cylinder liners, and other
4,334,927 A 6/1982 Hyde et al. ................... 75/240 components of a power cylinder assembly of an internal
4,592.964. A 6/1986 Buran et al. ...... ... 428/610 combustion engine.
4,612.256 A 9/1986 Neuhauser et al. ......... 428/547
4,756.841 A 7/1988 Buran et al. .................. 252/26 10 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent May 13, 2003 Sheet 1 of 3 US 6,562,480 B1
FIG. 1
U.S. Patent May 13, 2003 Sheet 2 of 3 US 6,562,480 B1
FIG. 2
U.S. Patent May 13, 2003 Sheet 3 of 3 US 6,562,480 B1
US 6,562.480 B1
1 2
WEAR RESISTANT COATING FOR PSTON to about 43 wt.% of a nickel-chromium alloy, about 25 wt.
RINGS % to about 64 wt.% chromium carbide, and about 15 wt.%
to about 50 wt.% molybdenum.
A third aspect of the present invention provides a method
of protecting Surfaces in Sliding contact. The method
1. Field of the Invention includes applying a wear resistant coating to one or both
The present invention relates to materials and methods for Surfaces by high Velocity oxygen-fuel deposition of a pow
protecting Surfaces Subject to frictional forces, heat, and der. The powder comprises a blend of about 13 wt.% to
corrosion, and more particularly, to wear-resistant coatings about 43 wt.% of a nickel-chromium alloy, about 25 wt.%
that can be applied to piston rings and cylinder liners of to about 64 wt.% chromium carbide, and about 15 wt.% to
internal combustion engines. about 50 wt.% molybdenum.
A power cylinder assembly of an internal combustion
engine generally comprises a reciprocating piston disposed 15 FIG. 1 shows a partial cross-sectional view of a piston
within a cylindrical cavity of an engine block. One end of the ring having a wear resistant coating.
cylindrical cavity is closed while another end of the cylin FIG. 2 is a photomicrograph of a croSS Section of an
drical cavity is open. The closed end of the cylindrical cavity HVOF spray coating described in Example 1, which is
and an upper portion or crown of the piston, define a viewed with backscattered electrons at 500 times magnifi
combustion chamber. The open end of the cylindrical cavity cation.
permits oscillatory movement of a connecting rod, which FIG. 3 is a photomicrograph of a croSS Section of a plasma
joins a lower portion of the piston to a crankshaft, which is torch Spray coating described in Example 2, which is viewed
partially Submersed in an oil Sump. The crankshaft converts with backScattered electrons at 500 times magnification.
linear motion of the piston-resulting from combustion of FIG. 4 is a photomicrograph of a croSS Section of a plasma
fuel in the combustion chamber-into rotational motion. 25
torch Spray coating described in Example 3, which is viewed
The power cylinder assembly typically includes one or with backScattered electrons at 500 times magnification.
more piston rings and a cylindrical sleeve or cylinder liner,
which is disposed within the engine block and forms the Side DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
walls of the cylindrical cavity. The piston rings are disposed PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS
in grooves formed in the lateral walls of the piston, and FIG. 1 shows a cross-sectional side view of a portion of
extend outward from the piston into an annular space a power cylinder assembly 10 of an internal combustion
delineated by the piston wall and the cylinder liner. During engine. The power cylinder assembly 10 includes a piston
movement of the piston within the cylindrical cavity, the 12, which can move linearly within a cylindrical cavity 14
piston rings bear against the cylinder liner. The piston rings that is defined by an inner wall 16 of a cylinder liner 18 or
have two main functions. First, they inhibit gas flow from cylindrical sleeve. The cylinder liner 18 is disposed within
the combustion chamber into the oil Sump through the a cylindrical bore 20 formed in an engine block 22. The
annular Space between the piston and the cylinder liner. power cylinder assembly 10 includes a combustion chamber
Second, they minimize oil flow from the oil sump into the 24, which is defined by an upper portion 26 of the cylinder
combustion chamber.
40 liner 18 and a top portion or crown 28 of the piston 12.
To improve their durability, wear and Scuff resistance, the During engine operation, fuel combustion in the combustion
piston rings, and in Some cases the cylinder liner, are coated chamber 28 generates gas preSSure that pushes against the
with relatively hard materials. Such as chromium hard plate crown 28 of the piston 12, driving the piston 12 downward.
and alloys containing chromium carbide. Although Such In addition to the crown 28, the piston 12 includes first 30,
coatings have met with considerable Success, they have been 45 second 32, and third 34 grooves formed in a lateral wall 36
found inadequate for newer engine technologies, including of the piston 12. Each of the grooves 30, 32, 34 are sized to
diesel engines employing exhaust gas recirculation (EGR). accept, respectively, first 38 and second 40 piston
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION (compression) rings, and an oil ring assembly 42. The oil
ring assembly 42 includes a pair of rails 44, 46, and a
The present invention provides coatings that offer 50 sinusoidal expander 48, which pushes the rails 44, 46
improved wear and Scuff resistance for demanding applica outward from the lateral wall 36 of the piston 12. The
tions Such as piston rings and cylinder liners of internal expander 48 also includes a drain slot 50 (shown by hidden
combustion engines. lines) that channels oil away from the inner wall 16 of the
One aspect of the present invention provides a wear cylinder liner 18 to an oil Sump via a conduit (not shown)
resistant coating for protecting a Surface undergoing sliding 55 within the piston 12. As can be seen in FIG. 1, first 52,
contact with another Surface, as found, for example, in a second 54, and third 56 lands separate each of the grooves
power cylinder assembly of an internal combustion engine. 30, 32,34 and help retain the pistons rings 38, 40 and the oil
The wear resistant coating is applied by high Velocity ring assembly 42 in their respective grooves 30, 32, 34. The
oxygen-fuel deposition of a powder, which comprises a piston 12 also includes a lower skirt 58, which reduces
blend of about 13 wt.% to about 43 wt.% of a nickel 60 lateral movement of the piston 12 during the combustion
chromium alloy, about 25 wt.% to about 64 wt.% chromium cycle.
carbide, and about 15 wt.% to about 50 wt.% molybdenum. As shown in FIG. 1, the first 38 and second 40 piston
Another aspect of the present invention provides a piston rings, and the rails 44, 46 of the oil ring assembly 42, contact
ring comprising an annular body having an Outer radial the inner wall 16 of the cylinder liner 18. The rings 38, 40
periphery protected by a wear resistant coating. The wear 65 and rails 44, 46 act as sliding seals that prevent fluid flow
resistant coating is applied by high Velocity oxygen-fuel through an annular region 60 formed by the lateral wall 36
Spraying of a powder comprising a blend of about 13 wt.% of the piston 12 and the inner wall 16 of the cylinder liner
US 6,562.480 B1
3 4
18. Thus, the first piston ring 38, and to some extent the nickel-chrome alloy contains about equal amounts (by
Second piston ring 40 and the oil ring assembly 42 rails 44, weight) of nickel and chromium. The pre-alloyed mixture
46, reduce gas flow from the combustion chamber 24 to the has a maximum particle size less than about 53 microns. For
oil Sump region of the engine. Similarly, the rails 44, 46 of a description of liquid atomization, see U.S. Pat. No. 5,863,
the oil ring assembly 42 and the Second 40 piston ring (and 618, “Method for Producing a Chromium Carbide-Nickel
to less extent the first 38 piston ring), help prevent oil in the Chromium Atomized Powder,” which is herein incorporated
Sump from leaking into the combustion chamber 24. by reference.
In the embodiment shown in FIG. 1, a coating 62 is In addition to the base metal and the hard ceramic
disposed on a radial periphery 64 of the first piston ring 38 component, the coating 62 also includes molybdenum,
to improve durability, wear resistance and Scuff resistance of which imparts Scuff resistance. Here, Scuffing refers to
the first piston ring 38 and the cylinder liner 18. As can be binding or grabbing that may occur when two Surfaces, Such
seen in FIG. 1, the radial periphery 64 of the first piston ring as the piston rings 38, 40 and the cylinder liner 18, are in
38 includes a radial groove 66, which improves the adhesion Sliding contact. In extreme cases of Scuffing, the intense heat
of the coating to the first piston ring 38. The coating 62 can generated by friction may cause the two Surfaces to Weld
also be applied to other Surfaces of the power cylinder 15
together. The molybdenum component of the coating 62
assembly 10 that are subject to frictional forces (bearing may include a few weight percent impurities, Such as metal
Surfaces), heat, or corrosion. Such Surfaces include, but are oxides, and generally ranges in particle size from about 105
not limited to, the inner wall 16 of the cylinder liner 18, and microns to less than about 45 microns. For power cylinder
radial peripheries 68, 70, 72 of the second piston ring 40 and applications, molybdenum should comprise between about
the rails 44, 46 of the oil ring assembly 42. 15 wt.% and 50 wt.% of the coating 62-molybdenum
levels less than about 15 wt.% result in coatings 62 having
The coating 62 comprises an alloy of one or more base inadequate Scuff resistance, and molybdenum levels greater
metals, a hard ceramic material, and molybdenum. The base than about 50 wt.% result in coatingS 62 having inadequate
metal Serves as a binder for the hard ceramic material. wear resistance. A particularly useful coating 62 comprises
Suitable base metals include nickel, chromium, and, about 30 wt.% molybdenum.
preferably, mixtures of nickel and chromium. A useful base 25 Prior to application, the powders that comprise the coat
metal is a nickel-chromium alloy containing from about 40 ing 62-base metal, hard ceramic component,
wt.% to about 60 wt.% nickel. The base metal generally molybdenum-are mixed in a dry State using a V-cone
comprises about 13 wt.% to about 43 wt.% of the coating blender, a ball mill, and the like. Once blended, the coating
62, and more particularly, about 18 wt.% to about 35 wt.% 62 constituents are applied to the first piston ring 38,
of the coating 62. A preferred coating 62 includes at least 7.2 cylinder liner 18, or other bearing surfaces of the power
wt.% of chromium from the nickel-chromium alloy. An cylinder 10 using a thermal Spraying method. Suitable
especially useful coating 62 includes about 28 wt.% of a thermal Spraying methods include plasma torch Spraying,
nickel-chromium alloy containing about 50 wt.% nickel. detonation gun deposition, and preferably, high Velocity
The hard ceramic material, which imparts wear resistance, oxygen-fuel (HVOF) deposition. HVOF deposition gener
ordinarily should remain Substantially Solid throughout 35
ally comprises combusting an oxygen/fuel gas mixture,
application of the coating 62. Examples of hard ceramic accelerating the resulting gas Stream through a nozzle, and
materials include chromium carbide, Vanadium carbide, and
injecting the coating 62 constituents into the high Velocity
tungsten carbide. Of these, chromium carbide is especially (SuperSonic) gas Stream. The gas stream heats the coating 62
constituents to near their melting point, and propels the
useful. The hard ceramic materials are available as finely coating 62 constituents against the coating Surface. Plasma
divided powders ranging in Size from about 200 microns to 40 torch Spraying is a similar method, but uses electrical energy
less than about 45 microns. Useful forms of chromium to generate a high temperature plasma that entrains the
carbide include Cr-C, Cr,C, and Cr-C, among others, coating 62 constituents. For a discussion of various thermal
and a mixture of Cr-C, and CraC is particularly advan Spraying techniques, including detonation gun deposition,
tageous. The hard ceramic material generally comprises see U.S. Pat. No. 5,906,896, “Rotary Seal Member Coated
about 25 wt.% to about 64 wt.% of the coating 62, and more 45 with a Chromium Carbide-Age Hardenable Nickel Base
particularly, about 35 wt.% to about 53 wt.% of the coating Alloy,” which is herein incorporated by reference.
62. When the chromium carbide level is less than about 25 To efficiently coat a piston ring's radial periphery, a group
wt.%, the abrasion or wear resistance of the coating 62 is of piston rings are Stacked on an arbor having a controllable
inadequate for power cylinder applications, and when the rotation rate. A thermal spray nozzle, which propels the
chromium carbide level is greater than about 64 wt., the 50 coating 62 constituents against the outer periphery of each of
coating 62 is too brittle. A particularly useful coating 62 the rings, is mounted on a translation Stage, which can
comprises about 42 wt. % chromium carbide, which control the position of the nozzle relative to the Stack of
includes about 50 wt.% Cr,C and about 50 wt.% Cr-C. piston rings. Prior to coating, the translation Stage adjusts the
Although the base metal and the hard ceramic component Standoff distance from the thermal Spray nozzle tip to the
of the coating 62 can be dry-blended, it is advantageous to 55 Stack of piston rings. To coat the rings, the arbor rotates the
pre-alloy the components prior to application. Suitable piston rings at a desired angular Velocity while the transla
alloying techniques include liquid and gas atomization, tion Stage moves the nozzle between the ends of the Stack
which generate particles having Substantially uniform con along the arbor's axis at a desired Speed. For a given powder
feed rate, one can adjust the coating thickness by adjusting
centrations of the base metal and the hard ceramic compo the angular Velocity of the arbor and the translation Speed of
nent. For example, a pre-alloyed mixture of chromium 60 the nozzle. Preferably, one can adjust the coating thickness
carbide and nickel-chrome, which is produced by by changing the number of nozzle translations over the
atomization, is available under the trade designation CRC arbor. Following application of the coating 62, the Stack of
291 from Praxair Inc. The pre-alloyed mixture comprises piston rings are Separated and finished by grinding.
about 60 wt.% chromium carbide, primarily as Cr,C and EXAMPLES
Cr-C, and about 40 wt.% of a nickel-chrome alloy. The 65
chromium carbide portion of the mixture contains about The following examples are intended as illustrative and
equal amounts (by weight) of Cr,C and Cr-C, and the non-limiting, and represent specific embodiments of the
US 6,562.480 B1
S 6
present invention. The examples show that the disclosed % molybdenum, and 0.6 wt.% boron was dry-blended and
coatings have consistently better wear resistance in engine applied to the radial periphery of piston rings using plasma
testing than competing coating formulations. In addition, the torch Spraying. FIG. 4 is a photomicrograph of a croSS
examples demonstrate that using HVOF deposition to apply section of the plasma torch spray coating 130 viewed with
the disclosed coatings results in Significant and unexpected backscattered electrons at 500 times magnification. In FIG.
improvement in wear resistance based on engine testing. 4, light areas 132 correspond to nickel alloy, darker areas
Example 1 134 correspond to chromium carbide, and black areas 136
represent porosity.
A pre-alloyed powder containing 60 wt.% chromium
carbide, primarily as Cr,C and Cr-C, and 40 wt. % 1O Example 4
nickel-chrome alloy was dry-blended with molybdenum
powder to produce a powder mixture comprised of 30 wt.% For comparison purposes, a coating powder containing 65
molybdenum. The pre-alloyed powder was obtained from wt.% molybdenum, 27 wt.% nickel-chromium alloy, and 8
Praxair Inc. The chromium carbide portion of the blend wt.% chromium carbide was dry-blended and applied to the
contained about equal amounts (by weight) of Cr,C and 15 radial periphery of piston rings using plasma torch Spraying.
Cr2C, and the nickel-chrome alloy contained about equal The wear resistance of the piston rings was evaluated in
amounts (by weight) of nickel and chromium. The pre engine tests described below.
alloyed mixture had a maximum particle size less than about
53 microns. The molybdenum powder, which was obtained Example 5
from CSM Inc., contained less than 1.5 wt.% impurities and
had a maximum particle Size less than 105 microns. For comparison purposes, the radial periphery of piston
The blended powder, which contained 42 wt.% chro rings were coated with a Sulfate hard chrome plate using a
mium carbide, 28 wt. 76 nickel-chrome, and 30 wt. 76 method an electrodeposition technique, which is described
molybdenum, was applied to the radial periphery of a Stack in U.S. Pat. No. 4,039,399, “Method of Making a Bearing
of piston rings using a Praxair/Tafa JP5000 HP/HVOF (high 25 Surface,” which is herein incorporated by reference. The
pressure/high Velocity oxygen fuel) thermal sprayer. Oper wear resistance of the piston rings was evaluated in engine
ating parameters for the HVOF system are listed in Table 1. tests described below.
TABLE 1. Example 6
HVOF Operating Parameters The piston ring coatings prepared in Example 1 and
Parameter Setting or Measured Value
Example 3 were evaluated in a 12.0 liter displacement Mack
E7 diesel truck engine using an accelerated Wear test
Oxygen Flow Rate 1750-1850 sch method, ASTM D6483-99. The pistons were installed in the
Fuel Flow Rate
Carrier Gas Pressure
5.5-6.5 gallons/hour
48-52 psi
35 engine, which was operated in accordance with the test
Carrier Gas Flow 23-27 scfh method for 500 hours. Table 2 lists changes in the piston ring
Powder Feed Rate 78-82 grams/minute diameter and cylinder liner following the test. Smaller
Surface Speed' 1200 inches/minute minimum values in Table 2 represent better wear resistance.
Barrel Length 8 inches
Standoff Distance 14-16 inches 40 Example 7
(Piston ring circumference times arbor rotation rate The piston ring coatings prepared in Example 1 and
Example 3 were evaluated in a 12.0 liter displacement Mack
FIG. 2 is a photomicrograph of a croSS Section of an E7 diesel truck engine using an accelerated wear test method
HVOF spray coating 62" viewed with backscattered elec 45 similar to the method of Example 5, but modified for exhaust
trons at 500 times magnification. In FIG. 2, the largest light gas recirculation. The pistons were installed in the engine,
gray areas 90 correspond to the molybdenum component, which was operated for 300 hours. Table 2 lists changes in
the Smaller light gray areas 92 correspond to the nickel the piston ring diameter and cylinder liner following the test.
chrome component, and the dark gray areas 94 correspond
to chrome carbide. Black areas 96 represent porosity. 50 Example 8
Example 2 The piston ring coatings prepared in Example 1, Example
For comparison purposes, a coating powder was prepared 3, and Example 5 were evaluated in a 12.7 liter displacement
as described in Example 1, but was applied to the radial Detroit Diesel Series 60 diesel truck engine using a truck
periphery of piston rings using plasma torch spraying 55 Simulation cycle. The pistons were installed in the engine,
instead of HVOF deposition. FIG. 3 is a photomicrograph of which was operated for 400 hours. Table 2 lists changes in
a croSS Section of the plasma torch Spray coating 62" viewed the piston ring diameter and cylinder liner following the test.
with backscattered electrons at 500 times magnification. In
FIG. 3, light areas 110 correspond to the molybdenum Example 9
component, gray areas 112 correspond to the chromium 60
carbide/nickel-chrome components, elongated black areas The piston ring coatings prepared in Example 1-Example
114 corresponds to oxides, and oval-shaped black areas 116 4 were evaluated in a 7.3 liter International diesel truck
represent porosity. engine using an accelerated wear test method Similar to the
Example 3 method of Example 5, but modified for exhaust gas recir
65 culation. The pistons were installed in the engine, which was
For comparison purposes, a coating powder containing 72 operated for 240 hours. Table 2 lists changes in the piston
wt.% chromium, 10 wt.% carbon, 10 wt.% nickel, 6 wt. ring diameter and cylinder liner following the test
US 6,562.480 B1
7 8
3. The wear resistant coating of claim 1, wherein the
TABLE 2 powder comprises a pre-alloyed blend of nickel-chromium
Diesel Engine Wear Test Results
alloy and chromium carbide.
4. The wear resistant coating of claim 1, wherein the
Ring" Cylinder Liner' chromium carbide component of the powder comprises
Engine Test Coating (microns) (microns) Cr-7Cs and Cr2Cs.
Example 6 Example 1 3.0 5.0 5. A piston ring comprising an annular body having an
Example 6 Example 3 6.O 32.O outer radial periphery, the outer radial periphery having a
Example 7 Example 1 7.6 1.7 wear resistant coating applied by high Velocity oxygen-fuel
Example 7 Example 3 11.4 31.2
Example 8 Example 1 6.3 11.6 deposition of a powder, the powder comprising a blend of:
Example 8 Example 3 9.1 40.6 about 18 wt.% to about 35 wt.% of a nickel-chromium
Example 8 Example 5 10.9 11.7 alloy;
Example 9 Example 1 9.4 11.2
Example 9 Example 2 12.2 31.3 about 35 wt.% to about 53 wt.% chromium carbide; and
Example 9 Example 3 11.1 20.8 15 about 15 wt.% to about 50 wt.% molybdenum,
Example 9 Example 4 24.0 21.9
wherein chromium from the nickel-chromium alloy is at
Notes: least 7.2 wt.% of the blend.
Average of four or eight measurements around ring or liner periphery 6. The piston ring of claim 5, wherein the powder com
It is to be understood that the above description is prises a blend of:
intended to be illustrative and not limiting. Many embodi about 28 wt.% of the nickel-chromium alloy;
ments will be apparent to those of Skill in the art upon about 42 wt.% chromium carbide; and
reading the above description. Therefore, the Scope of the about 30 wt.% molybdenum.
invention should be determined, not with reference to the 7. The piston ring of claim 5, wherein the powder com
above description, but instead with reference to the 25 prises a pre-alloyed blend of nickel-chromium alloy and
appended claims, along with the full Scope of equivalents to chromium carbide.
which Such claims are entitled. The disclosures of all
patents, articles and references, including patent applica 8. The piston ring of claim 5, wherein the chromium
tions and publications, are incorporated herein by reference carbide component of the powder comprises Cr,C and
in their entirety and for all purposes. Cr23Cs.
What is claimed is: 9. A wear resistant coating for protecting a Surface, the
1. A wear resistant coating for protecting a Surface, the wear resistant coating applied by high Velocity oxygen-fuel
wear resistant coating applied by high Velocity oxygen-fuel deposition of a powder, the powder comprising a blend of:
deposition of a powder, the powder comprising a blend of: about 28 wt.% of a nickel-chromium alloy;
about 18 wt.% to about 35 wt.% of a nickel-chromium about 42 wt.% chromium carbide; and
alloy; about 30 wt.% molybdenum.
about 35 wt.% to about 53 wt.% chromium carbide; and 10. A piston ring comprising an annular body having an
about 15 wt.% to about 50 wt.% molybdenum, outer radial periphery, the outer radial periphery having a
wherein chromium from the nickel-chromium alloy is at wear resistant coating applied by high Velocity oxygen-fuel
least 7.2 wt.% of the blend. 40
deposition of a powder, the powder comprising a blend of:
2. The wear resistant coating of claim 1, wherein the about 28 wt.% of a nickel-chromium alloy;
powder comprises a blend of: about 42 wt.% chromium carbide; and
about 28 wt.% of the nickel-chromium alloy; about 30 wt.% molybdenum.
about 42 wt.% chromium carbide; and
about 30 wt.% molybdenum. k k k k k