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Rubber Crumb Industries Pty Ltd

3, 2 Tube Street
Sunshine North, VIC 3020
: (03) 9311 1221


Issued: October 2015

UN No: N/R
PRODUCT NAME: ESBR (Entyre Styrene Butadiene Rubber) 1- 4 mm
Dangerous Goods Class: N/R
OTHER NAMES: Coloured recycled rubber granules Packing Group: N/R
Hazchem Code: N/R
USES: Recycled rubber safety floor surfacing Poisons Schedule: None
Subsidiary Risk: None

Hazardous Nature: ESBR is not classified hazardous according to Worksafe Australia criteria.

Physical Description & Properties

Appearance: Coloured, Solid Rubber Granules

Melting Point: N/A

Boiling Point: N/A

Vapour Pressure: N/A

(Kpa @ 20 degrees Celsius)
Specific Gravity: N/A
(20 degrees Celsius)
Flash Point: > 61

Flammability: N/A

Chemical Stability: Stable at room temperature

Reactivity: Solvents, Resin based solutions and extreme heat

Solubility: Insoluble

Product Ingredients:

Ingredient CAS Number Proportion (w/v %)

Recycled Rubber SBR Various <100

Carbon Black Generic Types 40

Organic Materials Generic Types 15

Colourants Various >10

Date of Issue: October 2015 Entyre Styrene Butadiene Rubber - MSDS
First Aid Measures- For advice, contact Poisons Information Centre (phone Australia: 13 1126)
Ingestion May Cause Vomiting and headache – Seek medical attention
Eye Contact May Cause a mild irritation – Seek medical attention
Skin Contact May cause Seek medical attention for skin irritations
Inhaled Adverse health effects due in inhalation are unlikely due to the low vapour
pressure of product. In confined areas inhalation may cause some irritability to
respiratory system, if this occurs seek medical attention

Medical Assistance Treat according to symptoms

Exposure Controls: PPE
National Exposure Standards
The time weighted average concentration (TWA) for this product is not applicable – highest allowable exposure
concentration in an 8 hour day for a 5 day working week. The short term exposure limit (STEL) is not applicable –
maximum allowable exposure concentration at any time. Replacing a TWA or STEL value for some products is a peak
limitation value: none applies in this case. In addition to the exposure concentrations may be a subsidiary caution in
such cases where the product is a skin sensitiser, where none applies in this case.

Biological Limit Values (BLV)

None Established

Engineering Controls
The use of local exhaust ventilation is recommended to control process emissions near the source. Laboratory
samples should be handled in a fume hood. Provide mechanical ventilation of confined spaces.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Respiratory Protection: Where concentrations in air may approach or exceed the limits described in national
exposure standards, it is recommended to use a half-face filter mask to protect from over exposure by inhalation.

Eye Protection: Use safety glasses or a face shield when handling product.

Skin/ Body Protection: Always wear long sleeved, long trousers and enclosed footwear or safety boots. It is
recommended that chemical resistant gloves be worn when handling this product.

Fire Fighting Measures

Trained personnel to attend a fire in progress, provide this document to fire fighters. Prevent extinguishing media
from escaping into drains and waterways.
Suitable Extinguishing Media

 Water Spray
 Carbon Dioxide
 Dry Powder
 Chemical Foam

Hazards from combustion products

 Irritant Fumes
 Carbon Dioxide
 Carbon Monoxide

Date of Issue: October 2015 Entyre Styrene Butadiene Rubber - MSDS
Precautions for fire fighters and special Protective equipment

 Full protective clothing and self-contained breathing Apparatus

Accidental Release Measures

Emergency Procedures
Prevent product from escaping to drains and waterways and ensure drain valves are closed at all times. Utilise a
containment drum to contain leaking packaging. Prevent fumes, vapours and/or dusts from building up in confined
areas. Clean up and report spills immediately.

Methods and materials for containment

Land Spills

 Eliminate sources of Ignition

 Warn occupants of downward areas of possible fire and explosion hazards
 Keep the public away from area
 Prevent product from entering sewers, water courses and low-lying areas
 Shut of the source of the spill if safe to do so
 Advise authorities if substance has entered water ways, sewers or has contaminated soil or vegetation
 Consult expert on disposal of recovered materials to ensure conformity to local disposal regulations

Water Spills

 Eliminate any sources of ignition

 Warn occupants of downward areas of possible fire and explosion hazards
 Notify the port or relevant authority and secure area from public
 Shut off and confine the source of the spill if it is safe to do so
 Remove the product from the surface by skimming or with absorbent material
 Consult expert on disposal of recovered materials to ensure conformity to local disposal regulations

Handling and Storage

Precautions for safe handling
Product will not burn unless deliberately lit. ESBR will furl a fire if already in progress. Avoid contact with extreme
heat and naked flames. Use appropriate PPE and industrial hygiene practices

Conditions for safe storage

Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight

Disposal Considerations
Disposal Methods
Empty packaging should be taken for recycling, recovery or disposal through a suitably qualified or licensed
contractor. Care should be taken to ensure compliance with national and local authorities. Packaging may still
contain product residue that may be harmful. Ensure empty packaging is managed in accordance with dangerous
goods regulations.

Special Precautions
This product is not suitable for disposal by either landfill or via municipal sewers, drains, natural streams or rivers.
This product should be treated and disposed through chemical waste treatment, or considered for use in recycling.

Transport Information
Store and transport product in sealed bags. ESBP is not classified as Dangerous Goods for Transport by road and rail.

Date of Issue: October 2015 Entyre Styrene Butadiene Rubber - MSDS

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