Conceptual Framework and Review of Related Literature
Conceptual Framework and Review of Related Literature
Conceptual Framework and Review of Related Literature
This chapter presents the related literature and studies to conceptual framework and
theoretical framework.
Figure 1
Show the concepts involved in the study. It illustrate the time management of working students
to manage their academic task and job related task. The data in this research will help in making
Goals assist us to properly focus and work towards achieving the things that are
important to us. The Goal-setting theory advanced by Locke can be used to effectively manage a
person's time. Personal goal setting enables a person to plan and therefore live life in their own
way. Personal goal setting enables a person to plan and therefore live life in their own way. By
setting goals that are both challenging and achievable, a person will have a clear idea of what
needs to be done and will be motivated to work towards the set goals. A person will therefore
avoid wasting time on activities that do not assist in the fulfillment of the desirable goals (Pynes,
This theory involves placing the activities that need our attention on a grid. The grid then
reveals how each activity is being categorized based on how soon it needs to be done. The grid
consists of 4 quadrants and each quadrant has a different priority level. The first grid which is
quadrant one has tasks that have the highest importance and bear urgency and therefore should
be done immediately. The second grid has important activities that are not as urgency refers to
the activities in this quadrant as “quality time” which means that while the activities are of
importance to the success of a company, they do not require to be done immediately. The third
grid consists of activities that bear urgency but are of no importance. This grid is therefore also
known as the distraction grid since the activities contained therein do not bear much importance
to helping one achieve goals. The forth grid contains activities that are neither urgent nor
Bucket of rocks is which offers insight into the order in which a person should work on
his activities. To properly manage time, one needs to know the level of importance that each
activity holds. The Bucket of Rocks theory (also referred to as the Pickle Jar Theory) offers
insight into the order in which a person should work on his activities (Mancini 2013).
Related Studies
Time management has been described using many different terms including spontaneity,
balance, flexibility, and having control over time. Time management has also been characterized
as a habit developed only through determination and practice and as setting priorities and
scheduling tasks. Time management can also be considered as the process by which an
Time management involves determining that one should do by setting goals, deciding
which events are the most important and realizing that other activities will have to be scheduled
around them (prioritizing), making decisions about how much time to allow to certain task (time
estimation), adjusting to the unexpected (problem solving), reconsidering goals and priorities on
a regular basis (evaluation), and observing patterns and trends in behavior. The term “time
management” is misleading since time cannot be managed and controlled. Time is constant. So
managing yourself in such a way that you achieve better results in the time available. The
purpose of this problem will not lie with the actual number of hours available. Rather the
students working performance and achievements. Each and every students should have time to
management the ability which include setting goals and priorities using time management
mechanism and being organized in using time here time management is possible through self-
ability which includes setting goals & priorities, using time management mechanism and being
organized in using time. Senior high students are less prepared for senior high level work than
their predecessors. Once they get to college, they tend to spend fewer hours studying while
and weaknesses. Students' study skills were examined as a function of age, gender, year in
college, academic achievement, study time, and employment status. Students responded
positively to only 53.0% of the statements measuring study skills, with study skill weaknesses
being identified in the areas of note-taking, reading skills, and time management. Additionally,
study skills were related positively to age, GPA, and the number of hours spent studying each
week and related negatively to the number of hours spent working each week. A series of
discriminant analyses led to the identification of specific study behaviors that discriminated
various subgroups. Implications for intervention programs are discussed. This study will help to
gaining soft skills, such as communication and problem-solving skills. Some of the negative
effects are higher risk of dropping out, delayed graduation rates, and negative effects on
academic performance.
Profile of the Working Students and How They Manage Their Time
Working students face many challenges: they must balance work, school, extracurricular
activities and personal life. In addition to offering financial independence and satisfaction, a job
provides both training and experience and helps students develop time- management and
confidence skills. Working students are those students who work outside the school and having a
school responsibility too. Students have so many reasons to work outside at home. Others want
to work because they feel bored at home and by means of working they will able to amuse
Theoretical Framework
Goals assist us to properly focus and work towards achieving the things that are
important to us. The Goal-setting theory advanced by Locke can be used to effectively manage a
person's time. Personal goal setting enables a person to plan and therefore live life in their own
Bucket of rocks is which offers insight into the order in which a person should work on
his activities. To properly manage time, one needs to know the level of importance that each
activity holds. The Bucket of Rocks theory (also referred to as the Pickle Jar Theory) offers
insight into the order in which a person should work on his activities.
This theory involves placing the activities that need our attention on a grid. The grid then
reveals how each activity is being categorized based on how soon it needs to be done. The grid
consists of 4 quadrants and each quadrant has a different priority level. The first grid which is
quadrant one has tasks that have the highest importance and bear urgency and therefore should
be done immediately. The second grid has important activities that are not as urgency refers to
the activities in this quadrant as “quality time” which means that while the activities are of
importance to the success of a company, they do not require to be done immediately. The third
grid consists of activities that bear urgency but are of no importance. This grid is therefore also
known as the distraction grid since the activities contained therein do not bear much importance
to helping one achieve goals. The forth grid contains activities that are neither urgent nor
Why time is the most important resource. In fact, the reason money is some important is
because it allows you more conveniences, which, you guessed it, free up more time. It's so
important that you have the time to do all the things you want to do, and spend time doing things
that aren't work-related. Time Management is the thinking skill that helps students to prioritize
tasks and accurately judge the amount of time needed to complete them. It helps them complete