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1. The American How precast The highlight of this article the use of Descriptive study is Precast concrete The American The American Cement
Cement concrete precast concrete in the designing the used to identify what used as a façade of Cement Building is a Building is relevant to the
Building , incorporated building, the precast concrete used to precast concrete can the building and sample of combining proposed coliseum for
in the design buff the heat radiation coming inside contribute to the also structural aesthetic and conceptualizing of the
(http://architectuu of the the building. And the office most building design and support of the structural element of design and structural
l.com/architecture building? striking feature is the enormous structural element. interior part of the the building. The element of the building.
latticework of 450 precast concrete building. precast concrete is
/american-cement “X” , this design of the façade is not well used because it
-building) just a aesthetic it also serve as a has two roles in the
structural element of the building, it building.
provide external support for the
structural system so the building’s
interior can be free of columns

2.Fitness Center What is the Unlike other gyms the project is Descriptive study is In this early work The good The building that will be
Altetico best feature of presented as an open space covered by used to identify the the architect begins implementation of used can be a basis in
the building? a large concrete horizontal platform. concept behind the to use what would projected elements , conceptualizing on how
The key architectural qualities in large canopy to let the be his main Harmony with other to integrate natural
How it is made Mendes da Rocha’s design were the natural light enter resources and buildings and resources within the
that makes it a small contact points of the large inside the building characteristics existing vegetation, building by applying the
quitectura.com/bu good example
ilding/fitness-cent in concrete structures with the floor, the and the used of the throughout his good visuals and concept of this study.
some slenderness of the canopy that allows cable as a structural career as the plastic composition
er-club-atletico-p building?
aulistano/) light to penetrate the gym and the lack element of the structural approach and a simple
of threshold between interior / building. and the layout of structure, precise and

exterior. the building. well defined.

The building is distinguished by a
great structural clarity, a reinforced
concrete ring with prestressed cables
from which a circular steel metallic
roof is suspended in the center,
allowing the entrance of natural light.
Its general form conveys a sense of
lightness and transparency.

3.Arena Zagreb How does Resembling a giant rib cage around Descriptive study for Developing spatial The building itself is Arena Zagreb is relevant
architectural the building, 86 large pre-stressed, the identification of and functional a multi-functioned to the study because one
(https://www.arch relate to th city pre-fabricated concrete curved flexibility inside the characteristics to building. It caters the of the highlight of the
daily.com/80556/ image? columns form the main façade, building. enable maximum needs of end user by building is being flexible.
arena-zagreb-upi- connected by a flexibility of the hosting different The study also designed
2m) What will be semi-translucent polycarbonate envel venue was vital activities. The to be iconic building due
the design of ope that allows for various light during the building also adapts to its characteristic as it
the building to effects. schematic design the characteristics of portrays the city
make it an stage. the City. The character.
Iconic Multi-functionality is achieved by building also is a
building? many elements such as the flexibility The unique shape sample of iconic
of the grandstand with its lower rows of this building is building because the
of retractable seats and curtain strongly inspired unique design of the
partitions, possibility of dividing the by its significance building.
whole building in smaller mutually in the city context,
independent spatial zones and by and has been
covering the needs of all types of achieved by

users and events. synergy between

its architecture and

4.Mall of Asia What are the The Mall of Asia Arena is equipped The study is a The Accessibility In designing a For us to have accessible
Arena technologies with state-of-the-art technology and descriptive research inside the building. building one’s must design for the users of the
Is applicable world-class facilities. The Mall of design in order for us Designing for the consider the needs of building, incorporating
(hhtps://en.m.wik in the design? Asia Arena’s eye-shaped exterior to know how the comfortability of the end user for them technologies now a days
ipedia.org/wiki/M seeks to channel the message that building design will end users for them to have a accessible is a consideration to have
all_of_Asia_Aren every single event to be held in its be an accessible for to relax and enjoy building for all and a accessible facilities and
a) premises will surely be a “feast for the all the spectators and being inside the for them to have a comfortability within the
eye”. employees. building. comfortable stay building.
within the building.
The Mall of Asia Arena is designed
with 16 comfortable smoking lounges.
For ease-of-access, there are 10
elevators available in the premises. 34
units of escalators are also employed,
with 8 units in each of the floors. To
add, special access lanes for PWDs
are also provided for.

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