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Userspace Drivers in Linux

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User-Space Device Drivers in Linux: A First Look

Mats Liljegren
Senior Software Architect
Device drivers in Linux are traditionally run in kernel space, but can also be run in user space.
This paper will take a look at running drivers in user space, trying to answer the questions in
what degree the driver can run in user space and what can be gained from this?

In the ‘90s, user-space drivers in Linux were much about how Harder to debug
to make graphics run faster [1] by avoiding calling the kernel. Debugging is very different in kernel space. Some tools often
These drivers where commonly used by the X-windows server. used by user-space applications can be used for the kernel.
However, they represent exceptions rather than rule, where
User-space driver has become ever more important, as a blog LTTNG [3] is an example of the exception. To compensate for
post by Tedd Hoff [2] illustrates. In his case the kernel is seen as this, the kernel has a lot of debug, tracing and profiling code
the problem when trying to achieve high server connection capacity. that can be enabled at compile time.

Network interface hardware companies like Intel, Texas Instruments Bugs more fatal
and Freescale have picked up on this and are now providing A crashing or misbehaving kernel tends to have a more severe
software solutions for user-space drivers supporting their hardware. impact on the system than a crashing or misbehaving application,
which can affect robustness as well as how easy it is to debug.
Problems with kernel-space drivers
Device drivers normally run in kernel space, since handling Restrictive language choice
interrupts and mapping hardware resources require privileges The kernel space is a very different programming environment
that only the kernel space is allowed to have. However, it is not than user space. It is more restricted, for example only C language
without drawbacks. is supported. This rules out any script based prototyping.

System call overhead User-space drivers

Each call to the kernel must perform a switch from user mode If there are so many problems with having device drivers in
to supervisor mode, and then back again. This takes time, which kernel space, is it time to have all drivers in user space instead?
can become a performance bottleneck if the calls are frequent. As always, everything has its drawbacks, user-space drivers are
Furthermore, the overhead is very much non-predictable, which no exception.
has a negative performance impact on real-time applications.
Most of the issues with kernel-space drivers are solved by having
Steep learning curve the driver in user space, but the issue with interface stability is
The kernel-space API is different. For example, malloc() needs only true for very simple user-space drivers.
to be replaced by one of the several types of memory allocations
that the kernel can offer, such as kmalloc(), vmalloc(), alloc_pages() For more advanced user-space drivers, many of the interfaces
or get_zeroed_page(). There is a lot to learn before becoming available for kernel-space drivers need to be re-implemented
productive. for user-space drivers. This means that interface stability will still
be an issue.
Interface stability
The kernel-space API is less stable than user-space APIs, making
maintenance a challenge.

Enea is a global vendor of Linux and Real-time operating system solutions including middleware, tools, protocols and services. The company is a world leader in developing software
platforms for communication-driven products in multiple verticals, with extreme demands on high availability and performance. Enea’s expertise in operating systems and middleware
shortens development cycles, brings down product costs and increases system reliability. The company’s vertical solutions cover telecom handsets and infrastructure, medtech, automotive
and mil/aero. Enea has offices in Europe, North America and Asia, and is listed on NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm AB. For more information please visit enea.com or contact
us at info@enea.com.

Challenges with user-space drivers range can be used, and that the physical memory range must be
There is a fear in the Linux kernel community that user-space consecutive.
drivers are used as a tool to avoid the kernel’s GPLv2 license.
This would undermine the idea with free open source software Allocating memory that can be used for DMA transfers is
ideas that GPLv2 has. However, this is outside the scope of non-trivial for user-space drivers. However, since DMA
this paper. memory can be reused, you only need to allocate a pool of
memory to be used for DMA transfers at start-up. This means
Apart from this there are technical challenges for user-space that the kernel could help with providing such memory when
drivers. the user-space driver starts, but after that no further kernel
interactions would be needed.
Interrupt handling
Without question, interrupt handling is the biggest challenge Device interdependencies
for a user-space driver. The function handling an interrupt is Devices are often structured in a hierarchy. For example the
called in privileged execution mode, often called supervisor clock might be propagated in a tree-like fashion using different
mode. User-space drivers have no permission to execute in dividers for different devices and offer the possibility to power
privileged execution mode, making it impossible for user-space off the clock signal to save power.
drivers to implement an interrupt handler.
There can be devices acting as a bridge, for example a PCI host
There are two ways to deal with this problem: Either you do not bridge. In this case you need to setup the bridge in order to
use interrupts, which means that you have to poll instead. have access to any device connected on the other side of
Or have a small kernel-space driver handling only the interrupt. the bridge.
In the latter case you can inform the user-space driver of an
interrupt either by a blocking call, which unblocks when In kernel space there are frameworks helping a device driver
an interrupt occurs, or using POSIX signal to preempt the programmer to solve these problems, but those frameworks
user-space driver. are not available in user space.

Polling is beneficial if interrupts are frequent, since there is Since it is usually only the startup and shutdown phases that
considerable overhead associated with each interrupt, due to affect other devices, the device interdependencies can be
the switch from user mode to supervisor mode and back that solved by a kernel-space driver, while the user-space driver
it causes. Each poll attempt on the other hand is usually only can handle the actual operation of the device.
a check for a value on a specific memory address.
Kernel services
When interrupts become scarcer, polling will instead do a lot Network device drivers normally interfaces the kernel network
of work just to determine that there was no work to do. This is stack, just like block device drivers normally interfaces the kernel
bad for power saving. file system framework.

To get power saving when using user-space drivers with polling, User-space drivers have no direct access to such kernel services,
you can change the CPU clock frequency, or the number of and must re-implement them.
CPUs used, depending on work load. Both alternatives will
introduce ramp-up latency when there is a work load spike. Client interface
The kernel has mechanisms for handling multiple clients
DMA accessing the same resource, and for blocking threads waiting
Many drivers use hardware dedicated to copying memory for events or data from the device. These mechanisms are
areas managed by the CPU to or from memory areas managed available using standard interfaces like file descriptors, sockets,
by hardware devices. Such dedicated hardware is called direct or pipes.
memory access, or DMA. DMA relieves the CPU of such
memory copying. To avoid using the kernel, the user-space driver needs to invent
its own interface.
There are some restrictions on the memory area used for
DMA. These restrictions are unique for each DMA device.
Common restrictions are that only a certain physical memory

Implementing user-space drivers

While this package of libraries focuses on forwarding applications,
you can implement server applications as well. For server DPDK
applications you need to implement your own network stack
and accept a DPDK specific interface for accessing the network.

Much effort has been put in memory handling, since this is often
critical for reaching the best possible performance. There are
special allocation and deallocation functions that try to minimize
TLB [10] misses, use the most local memory for NUMA [11]
systems and ensure even spread on multi-channel memory
architectures [12]

User-space Data Plane Acceleration Architecture, USDPAA [7] , is
The picture above shows how a user-space driver might be a solution from Freescale for the same use case as DPDK but
designed. The application interfaces the user-space part of the designed for their QorIQ architecture (PowerPC and ARM.
driver. The user-space part handles the hardware, but uses its The big difference is that QorIQ uses hardware for allocating,
kernel-space part for startup, shutdown, and receiving interrupts. de-allocating and queuing network packet buffers. This makes
memory management easier for the application.
There are several frameworks and software solutions available
to help designing a user-space driver. TransportNetLib
TransportNetLib [8] is a solution from Texas Instruments. It
UIO is similar to USDPAA but for the Keystone architecture (ARM).
There is a framework in the kernel called UIO [5] [4] which facilitate
writing a kernel-space part of the user-space driver. UIO has Open DataPlane
mechanisms for providing memory mapped I/O accessible for Open DataPlane, ODP [9] , is a solution initiated by Linaro to do
the user-space part of the driver. the same as DPDK, USDPAA and TransportNetLib, but with
vendor generic interfaces.
The allocated memory regions are presented using a device
file, typically called /dev/uioX, where X is a sequence number Trying out DPDK
for the device. The user-space part will then open the file and To get the feeling for the potential performance gain from having
perform mmap() on it. After that, the user-space part has direct a user mode network device driver, a DPDK benchmark application
access to its device. was designed and executed.

By reading from the same file being opened for mmap(), the
user-space part will block until an interrupt occurs. The content
read will be the number of interrupts that has occurred. You can
use select() on the opened file to wait for other events as well.

For user-space network drivers there are specialized solutions

specific for certain hardware.

Data Plane Development Kit, DPDK [6] , is a solution from Intel
for user-space network drivers using Intel (x86) hardware. DPDK
defines an execution environment which contains user-space
network drivers. This execution environment defines a thread
for each CPU, called lcore in DPDK. For maximum throughput
you should not have any other thread running on that CPU.

The design of the application can be seen in the picture above. The theoretical throughput maximum is the sum of the send
It executes as four instances each running on its own CPU, or and receives speed for the network interface. In this case this
lcore, as DPDK calls them. is 1000 Mbps in each direction, giving a theoretical maximum
of 2000 Mbps. The throughput includes packet headers and
Each instance is dedicated to its own Ethernet device sending padding.
and receiving network packets. The packets sent has a magic
word used for validating the packets and a timestamp used for User-space driver achieved a throughput boost of about four
measuring transport latency. times over kernel-space driver.

The instances are then paired using loopback cables. To be able Latency was calculated by comparing the timestamp value found
to compare user-space driver with kernel-space driver, one in the network packet with the current clock when packet was
pair accesses the hardware directly using the driver available in received. The latency for user-space driver was slightly less than
DPDK, and the other pair uses the pcap [13] interface. All four for kernel-space driver.
Ethernet devices are on the same PCI network card.
Four threads, each continuously running netperf TCP streaming
There is a fifth lcore (not shown in the picture above) which test against loop-back interface, were used as a stress while
periodically collects statistics and displays it to the screen. running the DPDK benchmark application. This had no noticeable
impact on the measurements.
The hardware used was as follows:
 Supermicro A1SAi-2750F mother board using Intel Atom Conclusion
C2750 CPU. This CPU has 8 cores with no hyperthreading. Implementing a user-space driver requires some work
 16GB of memory. and knowledge. The major challenges are interrupts versus
polling, power management and designing interface towards
 Intel Ethernet server adapter i350-T4, 1000 Mbps. driver clients.

The table below shows the throughput and latency for user-space Support for user-space network drivers is a lot more developed
driver compared to kernel-space driver. than for other kinds of user-space drivers, especially for doing
data plane forwarding type of applications.

A user-space driver can do everything a kernel-space driver

can, except for implementing an interrupt handler.

A graph showing the throughput: Comparing a user-space network driver with a kernel-space
network driver showed about four times better throughput
for the user space driver. Latency did not show a significant

The real-time characteristics should be good for user-space

drivers since they do not invoke the kernel. This was not verified
A graph showing the latency: in this paper, though.

Enea is a global vendor of Linux and Real-time operating system solutions including middleware, tools, protocols and services. The company is a world leader in developing software
platforms for communication-driven products in multiple verticals, with extreme demands on high availability and performance. Enea’s expertise in operating systems and middleware
shortens development cycles, brings down product costs and increases system reliability. The company’s vertical solutions cover telecom handsets and infrastructure, medtech, automotive
and mil/aero. Enea has offices in Europe, North America and Asia, and is listed on NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm AB. For more information please visit enea.com or contact
us at info@enea.com.

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