Software Requirements Specification For: COMSATS University Islamabad, Park Road, Chak Shahzad, Islamabad Pakistan
Software Requirements Specification For: COMSATS University Islamabad, Park Road, Chak Shahzad, Islamabad Pakistan
Software Requirements Specification For: COMSATS University Islamabad, Park Road, Chak Shahzad, Islamabad Pakistan
Footy Arena
Version 1.0
Daniyal Afzal Janjua CU/FA15-BCS-103/ISB
Moazzam Abbas CIIT/FA15-BCS-107/ISB
Ms. Saneeha Amir
Table of Contents
Revision History ........................................................................................................................... iv
1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Scope ........................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Overall description...................................................................................................................1
2.1 Product perspective ..................................................................................................................... 1
2.2 Operating environment ................................................................................................................ 1
2.3 Design and implementation constraints ....................................................................................... 2
3. Requirement identifying technique ........................................................................................2
3.1 Use case diagram ......................................................................................................................... 2
3.2 Use case description .................................................................................................................... 4
4. Functional Requirements ......................................................................................................24
4.1 Sign-Up...................................................................................................................................... 24
4.2 Log-In ........................................................................................................................................ 25
4.3 Sign-Up With Facebook ............................................................................................................ 25
4.4 Sign-Up With Gmail.................................................................................................................. 26
4.5 Sign-In With Facebook.............................................................................................................. 26
4.6 Sign-In With Gmail ................................................................................................................... 26
4.7 Edit Profile................................................................................................................................. 27
4.8 Player Rating ............................................................................................................................. 27
4.9 Send Message ............................................................................................................................ 27
4.10 Upload Match (Ground Manager) ............................................................................................. 28
4.11 Upload Match (Player) .............................................................................................................. 28
4.12 Join Match ................................................................................................................................. 29
4.13 Create Tournament .................................................................................................................... 29
4.14 Send Request ............................................................................................................................. 29
4.15 Accept Request .......................................................................................................................... 30
4.16 Reject Request ........................................................................................................................... 30
4.17 Book Ground ............................................................................................................................. 30
4.18 Create Team............................................................................................................................... 31
4.19 Create Match ............................................................................................................................. 31
4.20 Payment ..................................................................................................................................... 32
4.21 View Newsfeed ......................................................................................................................... 32
4.22 Ground Rating ........................................................................................................................... 33
4.23 Player Feedback......................................................................................................................... 33
4.24 Ground Feedback....................................................................................................................... 33
4.25 Delete Match ............................................................................................................................. 34
4.26 Leave Match .............................................................................................................................. 34
4.27 Show Ground Location.............................................................................................................. 34
4.28 Report Player ............................................................................................................................. 35
4.29 Report Ground Management ..................................................................................................... 35
4.30 Fetch Leagues Data ................................................................................................................... 36
4.31 Get Location from Google API ................................................................................................. 36
4.32 Gmail Authentication for Sign-Up/Login via Passport ............................................................. 36
4.33 Facebook Authentication for Sign-Up/Login ............................................................................ 37
4.34 Check Account Information ...................................................................................................... 37
4.35 Logout........................................................................................................................................ 38
5. Non Functional Requirements ..............................................................................................38
5.1 Usability .................................................................................................................................... 38
5.2 Security ...................................................................................................................................... 38
5.3 Reliability .................................................................................................................................. 38
6. References ...............................................................................................................................39
Software Requirements Specification for Footy Arena Page iii
Software Requirements Specification for Footy Arena Page iv
Revision History
Name Date Reason for changes Version
Software Requirements Specification for Footy Arena Page v
Supervised by
Ms Saneeha Amir
Software Requirements Specification for Footy Arena Page 1
1. Introduction
The following document states the system requirements for Footy Arena, an online web portal and
Android application that will be the new medium for gathering football enthusiasts keep up to date
with the latest news of local Football. This document defines the functionality, design constraints,
scope and the overview of the project.
1.1 Purpose
Footy Arena, a social platform (comprising of a web portal and a mobile application) that enables
local football players and enthusiasts to discover, organize, and join football games. This platform
will provide its user to make their football profile, add friends, create team with friends and create
matches or tournaments. As users will be able to post their matches location, time and slots
availability, in this way every other user will be updated regarding football activities and events
going around the area. In this way Footy Arena will bring all football lovers closer.
1.2 Scope
A separate platform only for football players where they can create, discover and join football
events near them. A place where total football entertainment is just a swipe away. No need to be
part of dozen Facebook groups or WhatsApp groups. Keep track of all the football activities around
your area and become part of them. Due to this platform players will keep track of their
performances, their team’s performances and showcase their profile to the world. Player’s profile
will be proof of their skills.
2. Overall description
2.1 Product perspective
Football is the most followed sport in the world and it is gaining ground in Pakistan by the day.
Footy Arena is the first of its kind in Pakistan. Similar systems are working in England and Italy
will not only give football lovers in Pakistan the opportunity to keep track of football activities but
also to be updated with global football news as well. Users will be provide with scores, news,
transfers and match schedules of their favorite Professional clubs too. The application will allow
users to stay connected with football, football community and grow their football social circle.
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Microsoft Edge
Internet Explorer
1. Player will get registered into the system after successful
2. They will finally have an account on the system.
Normal Flow: 1. Player clicks the sign-up button.
2. Player enters username they want to use for this system.
3. Player enters an email id. (Validity check applied)
4. The system prompts to enter valid password (Validity check applied)
5. Player enters mobile number.
6. Player enters date of birth.
7. Player uploads the picture.(optional)
8. Player checks the box to agree to terms and conditions.
9. After authentication, player is notified that the request of account
creation has been successfully created.
Alternative Flows:
Business Rules
Assumptions: 1. Player enters valid credentials.
1. Player is signed in and directed to home screen.
Normal Flow: • Player clicks the Facebook sign-up button.
• Player enters their email id used on Facebook.
• Player enters their mobile phone.
• Player enters a valid password.
• After authentication, player is notified that the request of
account creation has been successfully created.
Assumptions: -
Exceptions: -
Business Rules -
Assumptions: 1. Player has a sound knowledge of football for better selection of
Software Requirements Specification for Footy Arena Page 11
Exceptions: -
Business Rules -
Assumptions: 1. Player has a sound knowledge of football for better selection of
Alternative Flows: -
Business Rules -
Assumptions: Player want to add the other player for entertaining football.
Business Rules -
Software Requirements Specification for Footy Arena Page 15
Assumptions: Player want to add the other player for entertaining football.
Business Rules -
Assumptions: Player doesn’t want to add other player.
Business Rules -
Assumptions: Player wants to enjoy football in spare time.
Software Requirements Specification for Footy Arena Page 16
Business Rules -
Assumptions: Player wants to enjoy football in spare time.
Business Rules -
Assumptions: Player/Team doesn’t want to engage in football.
football leagues.
Trigger:Player visit the Newsfeed screen.
Preconditions: 1. Player is logged in.
2. Player had choosed the teams about which he wants to see news
Postconditions: 1. Player will be able to see news about their selected teams
Normal Flow: 1. Player clicks on Newsfeed.
2. Player will select on particular news to see its detail
Alternative Flows: -
Business Rules -
Alternative Flows: -
Business Rules -
Alternative Flows: -
Business Rules -
Alternative Flows: -
Exceptions: •
Business Rules -
Use Case Upload Ground Detail
Actors: Ground Manager
Description: Ground Manager will be to upload his/her ground details
Trigger: Ground Manager clicks the upload ground button.
Preconditions: 1. Ground Manager is logged in and has privileges to add details.
2. Ground Manager owns or manages a playing field
Postconditions: 1. Ground Manager will be able to upload ground detail
Normal Flow: 1. Ground Manager clicks on upload ground detail button.
2. Ground Manager enters ground name.
3. Ground Manager enters ground location.
4. Ground Manager enters games format that can be played on the
field i.e. 5 vs 5 or 6 vs 6
5. Ground Manager enters ground booking fee structure
6. Ground Manager enters little description about his playing field
Alternative Flows: -
Business Rules -
Assumptions: 1. Ground Manager has a ground and he wants to upload his/her
ground schedule so free slots can be used for booking purposes.
Alternative Flows: -
Business Rules -
Assumptions: 1. Player is communicating with other user.
Exceptions: -
Business Rules -
Assumptions: 1. Player is deleting previous messages history.
Exceptions: -
Business Rules -
Assumptions: 1. Player is rating other player/team.
Exceptions: -
Business Rules -
Assumptions: 1. Player is giving reviews to other player/team/team.
4. Functional Requirements
4.1 Sign-Up
Identifier FR-001
Title Sign-up
Requirement The players shall be able to create their account on the system.
Software Requirements Specification for Footy Arena Page 25
Source Supervisor
Rationale Players can join the football community for updates and also start their
football career.
Business Rule (if Same email id cannot be used for multiple users and thus this minimizes
required) duplication.
Dependencies Nil
Priority High
4.2 Log-In
Identifier FR-002
Title Log-In
Requirement The system requires the player to login by providing correct credentials.
Source Supervisor
Rationale Players can join the football community for updates and also start their
football career.
Business Rule (if Player/Ground Manager enters correct email and password which ensures
required) security.
Dependencies FR-001
Priority High
Source Supervisor
Rationale This helps improved communication between players and ground
Business Rule (if
Dependencies FR-002
Priority Medium
Priority High
4.20 Payment
Identifier FR-020
Title Payment
Requirement System allows players and ground managers to carry out transactions.
Source Supervisor
Rationale This functionality enables players to pay ground managers for playing in
their grounds.
Business Rule (if Need to have an account and registered for an e-wallet as well.
Dependencies FR-002
Priority High
Requirement The system shows ground location in which the match is going to be
Source Supervisor
Rationale Players will easily get information of venue of the map using google
maps. It will help them reach ground locations and save time.
Business Rule (if
Dependencies FR-002
Priority High
Business Rule (if
Dependencies FR-002
Priority High
4.35 Logout
Identifier FR-035
Title Logout
Requirement The system allows the player/ground manager to logout of the system.
Source Supervisor
Rationale This ensures system security and credibility. Someone might misuse
account if not logged out.
Business Rule (if
Dependencies FR-002
Priority High
5.2 Security
User information shall be kept secure using REST architecture and two-way authentication. System
shall prevent SQL-injection because of the architecture and coding standards used.
5.3 Reliability
By using good exception handling techniques users will be able to use a robust application.
Software Requirements Specification for Footy Arena Page 39
6. References